blueraineshadows · 3 months
A Kiss Between Friends
Sebastian Sallow x You ♥️
A one shot fic based on this artwork here by @rhewart As soon as I saw it, I was inspired ✨️
4.5k words. Tags: first kiss / teen romance / fluff / friends to sweethearts
“Are you going to ask Violet to Hogsmeade this weekend?” You asked, looking up from the book that lay open before you on your spread out robe. 
The sun was warm on your head, and Sebastian had to shield his eyes against the rays as he turned his head to look towards you from where he lay on his back, his own robe shrugged off and spread out beneath him on the grass. His face was a riot of freckles from the early summer sun, and his unruly hair was beginning to show hints of coppery gold through the brunette. His brow furrowed slightly as he glanced your way, his fingers pinching at his lower lip as he considered your question.
“And, why would I do that?” He asked.
“Because you fancy her,” you smirked, one hand propping up your chin whilst the other flipped the page in your book.
“I do not,” he scowled, a pink blush spreading across his cheeks as he feigned interest in a blade of grass he had plucked, twisting it between his fingers. “Whatever gave you that idea?”
“You stare at her in class, and at the dinner table. I’ve seen you,” you said, your smirk widening into a grin. “You should ask her to Hogsmeade. You might even get a snog.”
Sebastian blew air through his lips in a huff of amusement. “I do not stare at her, and how would you know?” His eyes swung back to her, narrowing slyly. “Does that mean you have been staring at me?”
You felt your own cheeks flood with colour. “Absolutely not. There are far more attractive boys to drool over than you, Sallow.”
He slapped a hand to his chest dramatically and groaned. “Oh, you wound me, sweetheart. Such cruelty from your lips. Who do you drool over, then? Please, don’t tell me it’s Weasley or Prewett. I’m surprised I managed to lure you away from them this afternoon as it is, I shall go mad if you start snogging one of them.”
Your laughter spilled from your lips as you sat up straighter, reaching across to shove your Slytherin friend on his shoulder. “You’re not jealous are you? At least one of us would be getting some action if I managed to get a snog with one of them. I feel like I am the last girl in my dorm to even hold hands with a boy, let alone kiss one.”
Sebastian rolled onto his side, his lips twisted into a smirk as he caught your hand in his, his long fingers grazing gently along your palm as he grasped you more firmly. “I’ll hold your hand. I can’t have you feeling left out.”
Looking down at your joined hands, you uttered a little sigh, appreciating his efforts to be playful with you. The banter was not unusual between you both, you had been best friends for quite a while now, shared many adventures and secrets. Whilst chatting with the girls after lights out in the dorms was always fun, especially when it came to snogging, you appreciated the fact that you could also talk to Sebastian about such things. You knew he would never judge you, and he always had your back.
“Maybe I do feel left out,” you said quietly, your gaze dipping shyly. “I really am the last girl to kiss anyone in my dorm. Sometimes, I wonder if there is something odd about me.”
Sebastian immediately sat up. “There is nothing wrong with you at all. Just because you are waiting for someone worth kissing, it doesn’t mean you are odd. I think it’s actually quite lovely. I mean, I’ve never kissed anyone either.”
Your lips parted in surprise, your eyes meeting with his. “Really?”
His lopsided smile was unbelievably adorable, his blush spreading quickly as he shrugged his shoulders. He let go of your hand and brushed strands of hair from his forehead. “I’ve just never really had the opportunity to, I suppose.”
“If you ask Violet to Hogsmeade you will,” you suggested brightly.
Sebastian pulled his knees up, wrapping his arms about his legs as he frowned. “I hear you, however, I’m not sure it’s such a good idea. Violet has definitely kissed someone before, and I would rather not make an idiot of myself.”
You raised an eyebrow as you looked at him. “Sebastian Sallow, top duellist and currently top of the 7th year academic table, is scared of kissing a girl. What would your fan club say?”
“Oh, shut up,” he muttered, shaking his head. He poked his tongue out at you before throwing his blade of grass into your lap. “You are supposed to be a brave Gryffindor, and yet you haven’t dared to kiss anyone either. I guess that makes us both scaredy cats.”
“We could always practise on each other,” you joked, hoping to take the frown off his face. It worked. He turned stunned eyes your way, his mouth agape.
For some reason your pulse fluttered, heat flooding your cheeks at the stupid suggestion. “I…I was joking, of course. Don’t look so horrified.”
His face deepened into thought as he sat up straighter, his fingers pinching at his lower lip again. “Hang on, though. You might be onto something there,” he said slowly.
His eyes met yours, the depths gleaming with the excitement of an idea. You knew that look and swallowed hard. “If we kiss, it would break that pressure of the first time for both of us. A little bit of practice between two friends who trust each other, without all the expectation that comes along with impressing someone. It’s perfect!”
“Merlin…you’re seriously considering it!” You gasped.
“Think of it as unsanctioned research,” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.
You stared at him, stunned, your eyes drifting down to gaze upon the shape of his mouth, and you actually began to wonder what it would feel like to press your own lips against the pink softness. Heat flooded your cheeks and you pressed your hands to them. “Wouldn’t…wouldn’t it be weird? I mean, we’re friends…”
“I guess there is only one way to find out.”
“Now?” You gasped, glancing hurriedly around you to see if anyone was nearby. There wasn’t. The pair of you had chosen a well secluded spot to sit and read during a free afternoon. The only sounds were the gentle waters of the nearby Black Lake, and the buzzing of summer insects.
“Why not?” He grinned and leant towards you, puckering up his lips with a teasing glint in his eyes.
Suddenly, your lungs felt rather tight, and your pulse throbbed with panic and anticipation. This was not how you had envisioned your afternoon with Sebastian panning out. Half of you was tempted to shove him away, scolding words on your tongue about him being indecent and a scoundrel. The other half of you was licking your lips and fighting the urge to lean in closer, to jump off the ledge into exploration, just to see what all the fuss over a snog was about.
Was Sebastian right? What harm could it do? You were friends. You trusted him.
“Okay,” you said quickly, summoning that Gryffindor courage.
Sebastian’s eyes widened and he stilled, sucking in a shaky breath. “Alright,” he said, a little nervously, perhaps not expecting you to agree.
But, you were all in now. 
Staring at him, you shuffled a little closer, your robe scrunching up beneath your legs. You were sure you were breathing too quickly, too loudly, and tried to steady the rush and flutter of nerves in your stomach as you wiped a sweaty palm against your knee. “One kiss on the lips, agreed?”
Sebastian nodded, his hair bouncing, his eyes fixed firmly on yours. Your breath was shaking as you leaned your head towards him, closer and closer, his scent filling your nose. It was familiar and comforting. He had hugged you before, many times, but you had never been this close to his face. You were sure you could see each defined freckle, the pores of his skin over his nose, long enviable lashes that framed wide, expectant eyes. You could pick out flecks of hazel and gold in the brown of his irises, the pupils enlarging as you came within inches of his face. As his lips parted with a soft breath, your gaze dipped to the slope and curve of his mouth. Bloody hell, you were going to kiss him!
Nerves squeezed you, a shaky breath quickly becoming a giggle that burst from your mouth, your cheeks flaming as you brought your fingers to your lips. Sebastian looked mortified. “I’m so sorry,” you gasped, more giggles spilling from you. “I’m sorry. I’m nervous…”
Sebastian flinched and pulled back, his own cheeks flooding with colour. “We don’t have to, you know,” he said awkwardly, pushing a hand through his hair. “Not if you don’t want to.”
“I’m sorry,” you said again, reaching out to put your hand over his. “My nerves got the better of me. Perhaps I am more shy than I thought. Maybe…maybe if you closed your eyes or something, so that you aren’t looking at me. It might be easier.”
Sebastian’s brow furrowed with uncertainty as he shifted, but then he nodded. “Alright,” he said, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. “Try again. I’ll close my eyes this time.”
You watched as his eyes closed, his lashes fanning out across the tops of his freckled cheeks as he tilted his face expectantly towards you. Taking a deep breath, you leant forwards again, nerves making your heart thunder in your ears.
Aiming for his mouth, you closed your eyes and pressed your lips to his in a quick kiss that made a smacker of a sound in the quiet surroundings. The soft warmth of his mouth was a shock against yours. Bloody hell, you had just kissed a boy!
Leaning back, your heart in your mouth, you opened your eyes to see his reaction. You were almost rigid with nerves, expecting him to have hated it. Sebastian’s eyes were still closed, his lips slightly parted, and his cheeks crimson.
“Again,” he said, his voice hoarse. “Properly this time.”
Speechless, you stared at him, but his eyes remained closed. Eyes fixed on his mouth, you brushed the tip of your finger over your lips, taking a deep breath before leaning forwards again. Now that you had done it once, you felt bolder, and you took your time as you pressed your mouth against his in a soft kiss. Lingering against the warmth, your pulse flickering like a dancing flame, you felt his lips apply pressure to yours in a return kiss.
Oh my…
All of a sudden, one kiss became two kisses, soft and tentative touches that made your lips tingle, and your stomach felt like liquid warmth. Three kisses…four…
Each press of lips became longer as you relaxed into the feel of it, your body feeling so hot and flustered, and yet, you also wanted to melt against him. Who knew that kissing could feel so…nice?
Sebastian’s lips were soft, and they slotted so perfectly against yours that it was so easy to keep doing it. As he tilted his head, the tip of his nose brushing against your cheek as he pressed a longer, harder kiss against your mouth at a different angle, a thrill of searing heat spiralled up through your core. It was shocking, exciting, but also overwhelming. Gasping softly, you pulled back, your eyes opening to meet the deep, warm brown of Sebastian’s.
“Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” He said, his habitual smirk on his mouth.
No, it really wasn’t. In fact, you were at a loss for words as you looked at him. Managing a shy smile, you shifted backwards, biting your lip as they burned with the feel of his kisses. It was hard to ignore the rush of heat, the flutter of every nerve ending as you thought about it. The sneaking suspicion was already creeping over you that you had enjoyed kissing him a little too much, and that could make this very awkward.
“I guess that breaks the kissing barrier now,” you said, tucking strands of hair behind your ear. “There is nothing to stop you asking out Violet anymore.”
“Perhaps,” Sebastian said, adjusting his trousers and fiddling with his tie as he looked out over the lake, his cheeks still flushed. “I’ll think about it.”
Closing your book with a soft thump, you slid another glance his way, a strange, crushing disappointment beginning to snake up through your stomach at the realisation that he might actually ask Violet out this weekend. It was a rather startling and unnerving realisation that you didn’t want him to.
Touching your fingertips to your lips, you wondered if you had just made a huge mistake kissing Sebastian, because now it was all you could think about.
The Great Hall was bustling with students having dinner, the ceiling mirroring the soft summer sky outside filling the room with a warm, evening glow. You sat at the Gryffindor table, poking at the food on your plate as you replayed, yet again, the soft kisses you had shared with Sebastian near the lake this afternoon. Your head was consumed with the memory, your fingers straying to your mouth to touch where his lips had pressed so softly against yours. It left you breathless to remember the tingles and flare of warmth that had awoken within you, leaving you confused as to what this meant now. 
What had been a playful suggestion of experimentation between friends was now a suggestive promise of something new and enticing. Even now, sitting at the table, surrounded by your fellow housemates, your gaze was drawn towards the Slytherin table where Sebastian was sitting with Ominis.
Keeping your eyelids slightly lowered, you watched Sebastian through your lashes, noticing the way his hands moved when he spoke, the little tilt of his mouth when he was amused. How had you not noticed how handsome he was before? Was it simply that he had been right in front of you, so close that you hadn’t taken a moment to really study him? Was it because you were so comfortable within your bubble of friendship that you had not thought to seek anything more from him?
The touch of his kiss had changed all that, and you were staring at your Slytherin friend through new eyes.
“You have been poking at that potato for a good five minutes, and I’ve not seen you eat a mouthful yet,” Garreth said, leaning towards you. Looking up at him, you could see the glimmer of concern in the depths of his green eyes. “Is everything alright? Are you not hungry?”
Looking down at the dinner you had been pushing around your plate with an awkward smirk, you put down your fork with a sigh. “Not really, but I’m alright,” you said, managing a small smile for him. “I was just miles away.”
“Somewhere nice I hope,” he smiled, lifting his juice goblet. 
Your gaze drifted back towards the Slytherin table. Somewhere very nice.
Sebastian was smiling, leaning across the table as he spoke to someone, and you realised it was Violet. Perhaps he had plucked up the courage to ask her out after all. The dreamy look on your face froze, your eyes dropping down towards your uneaten dinner. Sickened at the sight, you pushed the plate away and moved to stand. Pausing as Garreth spoke your name with a look of concern, you waved him off with a strained smile. “I’m fine, honestly. I think I just need some air.”
Avoiding any more glances Sebastian’s way lest you see something you didn’t wish to, you swiftly left the Great Hall, wishing you could turn the clock back a few hours and get that comforting feeling of friendship to return that you feared you had lost.
The sun was setting when you returned to the castle, lights beginning to appear in the windows as you walked slowly through the huge doors and into the coolness of the corridors. Walking around the lake hadn’t really done much in the way of easing your troubled thoughts. Worried that you had damaged your friendship, you debated bringing it all up with Sebastian, worried that doing so would just hammer in a whole new level of separation between you. 
Unwittingly, your feet took you towards the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower, the soft tap of your boots on the marble echoing down the halls as you headed towards the Undercroft. Checking over your shoulder, you slipped behind the staircase and entered through the clock, making your way down into the depths of the secret chamber. Laughter reached your ears, and as the iron grate lifted to grant you access, you could see Sebastian and Ominis sitting on a rug playing Exploding Snap. 
You smiled as Sebastian turned at the sound of your entrance, his gaze lingering on you, making you wonder if you were imagining the look in his eyes as they wandered downwards as you approached. Of course you were imagining it, he wanted to ask Violet out after all, you were just his practice kiss. Heart squeezing, you turned your attention towards Ominis, his head tilted as he listened to your steps, his lips curving into a slight smile.
“Good evening, little lion,” he said softly. “Would you like to join us?”
Glancing at Sebastian, you nodded and moved to sit down, choosing to situate yourself next to Ominis. The move didn’t go unnoticed, your gaze meeting with Sebastian’s as warmth flooded your face, the look between you lingering as he reshuffled the cards.
Pushing away any tempting thoughts about staring at his mouth, you focused on the game, feeling some of the tension relax from your shoulders as you laughed along with your two favourite Slytherins. Ominis was as sharp as ever, still managing to win two out of three games you played, his haughty smug pride making you chuckle as your gaze met with Sebastian’s yet again. Each look felt loaded with something heavier this evening, his eyes seemingly drawn to you and lingering for longer, your own gaze seeking him out and noticing more things that just hadn’t occurred to you before. 
His shirt sleeves were rolled up exposing his forearms, and this wasn’t something you hadn’t seen before, and yet now you noticed the defined lines of his muscle, the graceful way he held his hands. How had you not noticed how his long fingers splayed out in a way that made you wonder how it would feel to have them against your skin. His shirt collar was loosened, a tempting glimpse of collar bone peeking through the gap above where his tie was hanging scruffily about his neck, and your eyes were drawn to it against every effort not to stare at him. 
The angle of his jaw, the slope of his nose, the way his hair flicked around his ears, the dusting of freckles on his arms that had you wondering if he had them elsewhere on his body. His laughter sounded richer, his smiles more beautiful, and the wicked gleam in his eyes when he teased was now fanning the new flames that were igniting swiftly inside of you.
Godric’s balls. You were getting a crush on Sebastian. 
After a night of restless dozing, any sleep filled with dreams of smothering heat and soft lips, you struggled to keep focus in potions the next morning. The lack of concentration led to a rather impressive failure that rivalled anything Garreth could have caused, much to Sharp’s disgruntled disapproval. Feeling like a failure, and utterly baffled by the way your body was betraying you, it was with a resigned smile that you left potions as Garreth gave you a conspiratorial pat on the shoulder. 
Wandering along the corridor on the way to lunch, you wondered how long this apparent crush was going to cripple you, making you stare longingly across the classroom at Sebastian’s gorgeous face, only to blush furiously and dip your gaze when his eyes shifted your way in return. It was all rather foolish really, and he was going to wonder what on earth was wrong with you if you kept this up for too long.
“There you are,” a deep voice sounded in your ear, making you jump. Clutching your bag tighter against you, a blush staining your cheeks, you looked up at familiar brown eyes. His hand ghosted at the small of your back, invoking a shiver that you immediately tried to suppress, but he was already taking hold of your elbow. “Come on, I need to talk to you.”
Pulse quickening, you let him hurry you along, your other hand nervously tucking hair behind your ear. “Where are we going?”
Sebastian merely smirked and turned corners, marching along until he came to a door set amongst portraits in a quiet corridor, a swift unlocking charm had him dragging you inside and the door closed behind you both with a soft click. It was a cupboard stuffed full of all manner of oddities, your eyes glancing around in confusion.
“Did you just drag me into a cupboard?” You asked, incredulous, turning to look at him.
Sebastian blushed furiously, his hand scratching at the back of his neck. “I did,” he said, biting his lower lip. “I er…well, I was wondering...I was hoping…”
He groaned and closed his eyes, turning to pace up and down, tugging at his collar.
You frowned and began to fiddle nervously on the hem of your sleeve. “What is it?”
“Yesterday…” He paused, his look sheepish as he stepped closer. “Our unsanctioned research by the lake…”
Heat flooded your own cheeks and you shifted awkwardly. “Oh no, it’s going to be weird between us, isn’t it,” you said, your voice wobbling slightly.
“Oh, no, no,” he said quickly, his eyes widening as he held his hands up. “I don’t want it to be weird, not at all! You know me, I rather enjoy research, particularly the unsanctioned kind, and especially with you.”
You stilled, staring at him, your heart beginning to thump a beat harder.
His lips twitched with a hopeful smile. “I was wondering…maybe we should try a proper kiss, just in case…”
A gasp left your lips as you stared, your blood now fizzing madly with your racing pulse. You could see the hope and fear in his eyes, knowing him well enough to see that this had taken some courage to drag you in here and ask this of you. A glimmer of hope bloomed in your chest that maybe, just maybe, he had been thinking similar thoughts as you after yesterday.
As on edge as he looked, it was just too tempting to taunt the poor boy further, and you let a slow smirk spread across your face.
“Are you suggesting that yesterday, I did not kiss you properly, Sebastian?”
His mouth worked as a slight wince creased his brow, and your smirk widened. Then, his eyes narrowed, and his stance shifted into something much more like his usual bold, confidence. “I wouldn’t say that you didn’t kiss me properly, it’s more a case of I don’t think we gathered enough evidence to make a definitive conclusion.”
You raised one eyebrow and folded your arms. “Oh really?”
The smirk that lifted his lips made you swallow hard, threatening the demeanour of control that you were aiming for. How had you not noticed how utterly gorgeous he was before? It was borderline shameful how you had missed it. 
Sebastian stepped even closer. “Absolutely, and therefore, I recommend a second experiment. A more thorough experiment, if you’re willing.”
Dropping your bag to the floor, you stepped forward to meet him, tilting your head just so in order to look up into his eyes. Staring into their depths, you couldn’t even begin to question how right this felt. Apart from one little niggle.
“Did you ask Violet to accompany you to Hogsmeade?” You asked, holding your breath.
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “How could I when I’m already going with someone else?”
Your brow furrowed. “Who?”
He leaned in, his mouth dangerously close to yours, his eyes blazing like a glorious sunset. “You, of course,” he said softly.
It was his turn to make the first move this time, pressing his mouth against yours in a firm kiss that made your eyelids flutter closed, your hands sliding up the front of his green plaid waistcoat. You had no idea how good it would feel to have his fingers glide along your jawline and sink deeply into your hair, pushing loose any pins you had used to try and make yourself look respectable this morning.
This had never been the plan when you had talked about this yesterday, you had only been meaning to prepare yourselves for kissing someone else, but your head was empty of anything but his kisses and touch in the low light of the storage room. It felt so right to cup his face, holding him in place as he kissed you with a slow thoroughness that made you part your lips in a soft gasp. But, he wasn’t done yet…
Taking advantage of your parted lips, he swiped a deliciously slow slide of his tongue along your lower lip, your heart racing as he tentatively pushed it into your mouth. You had read about kisses such as this, the very thought of it invoking day dreams that filled you with longing. The real thing stole your very breath, your mouth welcoming the silky, soft warmth of him with a low moan. His quickened breaths filled your ears as he kissed you deeply, the taste of him making your head spin as his hand moved to grasp your waist.
Sliding your hands up the back of his neck, your fingers explored the soft strands of his hair, your back arching as he urged you closer against him. He was solid and warm, he was everything you found comforting and familiar, and yet his mouth and hands were waking something new and so very exciting inside of you. 
It probably wasn’t skilled, or refined, your hands and mouths carefully exploring with daring and curiosity, but it felt so good. Sebastian felt so good. Why didn’t you see it before? How could it be anyone else but him?
Pausing, his lips damp and his breaths quick and hot against your cheek as he pressed his forehead to yours, you gazed up at him with your hands still curled into his hair.
“What’s the conclusion?” You asked. 
His hand caressed your cheek, his smile warm and soft as he brushed back your hair and traced the curve of your ear. “We need to keep practising,” he whispered, his thumb tracing the curve under your lower lip. “I reckon, in time, we could be rather good at this.”
“Well, don’t stop now,” you said, returning his smile. 
“So, I’m worth all the waiting then, am I?” He asked, that teasing gleam in his eyes.
“Easy now, Sallow,” you chuckled, a grin curving your mouth. “It’s going to take a few more practice sessions before I could possibly comment on that.”
“That can most definitely be arranged,” he murmured, before claiming your mouth once more in a bone melting kiss.
As always, huge love and thanks to my Discord girls for keeping me inspired. 💜✨️
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rypnami · 3 months
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
awww, thanks, this is so sweet! 🥺
honestly one of the few fics i still have public is potions tutor, although i think my writing has improved a lot since july, i still adore how sweet this one is so i’ve left it up. it’s silly and there’s not much in the way of plot, but who cares about plot when you could have fluff 💞
and i may or may not be actually plotting a part 2 as i type this 😄
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animasola86 · 6 months
Spicy Oneshots Recommendations
A list of smutty oneshots I recommend you to read while I'm on my holiday break! (Links go to their respective tumblr posts, unless stated otherwise! Please also check out their other works, I would link all of them but the list would never end!)
Fair warning: There's spice below, read at your own risk (but do yourself a favor and do read those amazing oneshots)!
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For the Seb lovers:
(f!mc/reader edition)
The Mess by @sunnyrealist
Tethered by @morelikeravenbore
Memory Lane by @cuffmeinblack
Fever In The Morning by @happyaccidentsonly
The Solution by @applinsandoranges
Free Use by @writeslikeanaria
Dolled Up / Scribner's desk by @frenziedfireworks
Where we belong by @just-another-fanfiction-writer
I'm going to fucking ruin you / Louder, I want them to hear you / "Shut your mouth!" - "Make me!" by @little-emerald-snake
It’s my thigh or nothing by @slytherinsallows
Fissured Composure by @anto-pops
When it rains / A different kind of key by @sebastianswallows
Five Minutes by @sebswebs
Slytherin Green by @thenerdykneazle
My Sleep Remedy by @festivalsofmargot
(m!mc/reader edition)
Hufflesmut / Risky Business / Locker Room by @terminallybrainrot / @parselmouthedmelinae
Perfect Places by @remus-levioso
Slythersmut (unnamed oneshot) by @remus-levioso
For the Seb + Garreth sandwich lovers:
(f!mc/reader edition)
where there's smoke, there's firewhiskey (AO3) by @shadowtriovibes
Let's take turns (AO3) by @blueraineshadows
Dare-aoke Night (AO3) by @pheexblack
For the Garreth lovers:
A Halloween party... and after (AO3) by @amberlide
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I could have listed so many more, but for now these are all I could think of (and find in my favs and reading lists, and there are still so many that I haven't read yet, I'm so sorry! I shall use my break to read all the fics I saved for later!).
So: Please check out their other works as well!
And while we're at it: if you have recommendations, please feel free to leave a comment and share it with us! Thank you!
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legacygirlingreen · 3 months
There’s been so much negativity lately I truly am sick of it. I have been feeling so drained. So instead of posting about it, I wanted to talk about some of the great things I’ve seen or experienced lately.
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First I want to shout out @eternalremorse for being the most supportive person I’d argue in the fandom. Forever reblogging everyone’s content, commenting, etc. you truly are such a welcoming and lovely friend
@localravenclaw for also being someone who supports almost every post with the tag Hogwarts legacy!
@writing-intheundercroft I adore our convos and your writing. I know you are such a talented and fun person and it’s so wonderful to have someone in the fandom who’s in a similar place as I am. You get how I feel about the current group and it’s so refreshing to not feel alone.
@animasola86 for being so absolutely sweet about their work, screenshots, and all around so kind! I am so excited to finish up this one shot and share the screenshots you did! You write some of the best spicy content for the fandom and are CRIMINALLY under rated!
@silverxstardust @darch7995 for our fun collabs we have done over the past year! You both are so sweet and the rocker AU will continue to live on (still working on part 3) !
@heyitszev for being a champion for enriching the content in this fandom and speaking out to gain some more diversity and inclusion. Thank you for your brilliant mind and your dedication to making a space that is authentically YOURS
@cuffmeinblack @blueraineshadows for continuing to upload again and again all your stories and sharing your talent with us! You both have continued to push this fandom to over ride their easily formed opinions on characters like Leander and push for more enrichment with ones like Andrew Larson!
@tamayula-hl @rednite-dork for being my personal favorite artists in the fandom! Your works - especially with aged up Sebastian continue to make my heart soar!
@kaylasallow @redd-jayy @ilovewritingfics @charisdoesntcare @finalgirllx @jeniffler @opalmoony @minmns and so many others for continually being blogs I see liking, commenting, and reposting my work! Having a steady flow of those who appreciate what I do helps me continue to find the energy to post 💚
I know there’s so many people I likely forgot but I just wanted to thank those in the Hogwarts Legacy Fandom for continuing to keep this a fun, expressive and lovely place. You ALL rock! Feel free to keep the chain of love going if you so please and I know I forgot people!
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At Home - S. Sallow
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AO3 Link
Word Count: 5,311
Rating: E (Smut, Oral and Vaginal Sex, slight breeding kink, NSFW, MDNI)
Summary: Sebastian drags you out of bed on a Saturday to look at a possible new home.
A/N: Two things: one, I'm now two for two on fics featuring a sink sex scene. Two, I put Sebastian through enough angst in my long fic that I need to write him happy and domestic in another universe. Enjoy!
Taglist: @legacygirlingreen @kaylasallow @eternalremorse @happyaccidentsonly @sallowslady @legendoftortor @sissyisawitch @rainychocofroggy @blueraineshadows @moonstruckmoony @beezlub @loving-him-was-red13
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“I don’t know if I like the lighting here.” You frown, looking out the small kitchen window. It’s minuscule, and you’re looking straight out into a brick alleyway. “I think a kitchen should be bright, shouldn’t it?”
Sebastian leans against the door frame, his hand on his face. “Pet, you’re killing me here.” he says, a tortured look on his face. “This is the eleventh house we’ve looked at. At this rate, we’ve turned down half the available housing in London.” 
“I know, I know.” You fuss, crossing your arms. “But it needs to be just right.  I don’t want to lease just any house, you know.”
“I do know, but we’re going to burst out of my place any day now,” Sebastian grumbles. 
That was the truth–your belongings had overtaken the space, and there was not a free spot in his bachelor pad for anything else. One night, you argued over all the books Sebastian had accumulated, while he griped about your ever growing wand handle collection taking over the dresser. Sebastian had tripped mid-argument, causing a fit of laughter on your end while you patched up his sprained ankle.
Only after you’d kissed it better did Sebastian declare that it was time to find a new place.
“But it makes no sense,” Sebastian whines. “You still have your flat, and you never sleep there.”
“Who’s fault is that?” You raise an eyebrow. “ Someone isn’t comfortable sleeping there. You know, it’s just a bed.”
Sebastian shifts uncomfortably in the doorway. He’s refused to sleep at your place ever since he found out your ex-fiance purchased your bed frame and mattress for you. “I won’t sleep in some other man’s bed.” he says firmly. 
You roll your eyes, walking towards him. “It’s not another man’s bed, it’s my bed. You really won’t, not even if I want you to?” You pout, drumming your fingers against his chest.
The brunette gulps. “No.” he says, and that’s that.
Your fingers curl around his suspenders. “Then, we need to find a house with proper lighting.” you announce. “And a good kitchen.  This one is rubbish.”
Sebastian rolls his eyes. “Add that to the list of requirements then,” he drawls. “We’ll be looking for houses for the next five years.”
The two of you leave the house hand in hand.  After having settled into your new day shift at the hospital, you finally felt comfortable taking more vacation days. You must admit, Sebastian forcing you to take more time off has been good for your mental health.  Your brain has never felt clearer, and for once in your life, you’re planning more than a month ahead. Summer is rapidly approaching, and Sebastian has suggested a few places for the two of you to go away on a proper adult holiday. The last time you were together, you could hardly spare two galleons outside of your rent between the two of you.  Now that you’re grown with successful careers and your own bank accounts, Sebastian is planning your first vacation as a couple.
As a couple.  Those words sound sweet in your head.
It’s been nearly eight months since the two of you reunited, three since Sebastian was promoted at the department of magical law enforcement.  It honestly feels like things can’t possibly get any better for the two of you. Nothing’s changed, not really . You still have your own life, your friends, your job–just now, you have Sebastian again. Every day you wake up beside him, you pinch yourself, thanking the gods it's still your reality. 
Until you trip over Sebastian’s boots, which are littered all over the bedroom floor. 
“It’s impossible to find a nice house in London,” you complain.  “Either they’re too small, not enough storage, terrible lighting.  Surely we make enough money between the two of us to afford a nicer place.”
“Well, location is a tricky bit.” Sebastian admits. “Somewhere close enough to the ministry for me, but close enough to St. Mungo’s for you. And while we do have a fair bit of galleons, I would like to save them for something more important.” 
“More important?” you tilt your head in confusion.
“You’ll see,” Sebastian smiles devilishly. “Shall we get lunch?”
He runs his thumb over your hand as he swings it back and forth, guiding you through the bustling streets of London.  You made a mental note to pester him about what he was talking about later, but for now, lunch sounds good.
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It’s Saturday, and you have the entire weekend off for once.  You were looking forward to sleeping in, but Sebastian decided to make a racket, tugging your ankle from beneath the sheets.
“Seb, please.” you whine. “I just want to sleep.”
“But I have a house I want you to see,” Sebastian says impatiently. 
You groan. “Seb, it’s Saturday.  Can’t you see it without me?” you grumble. 
Sebastian shakes his head insistently. “No, you have to come.  You’ll want to, I promise.”
Sebastian is tapping his foot the entire time you dress; you opt for a simple blue day dress, scandalously forgoing your corset for comfort.  Your messy hair is left down and wavy, tying up a bow at the crown to keep the unruly pieces from flying into your face.  Your impatient boyfriend all but drags you to the fireplace as he mumbles out the name of your intended location, tucking you into his arms.
You open your eyes to bright sunlight.  Blinking, you realize you’re no longer in London–in fact, you’re somewhere that looks awfully familiar from your school days.
“Where are we?” you breathe, taking in the fresh air.  Tall grass sways in the wind around the two of you, and Sebastian is walking up towards a house, turning back with his hand outstretched. You take his hand, and he helps you hop over a small stream.
“Marunweem,” Sebastian yells over the wind, smiling back at you. “Plenty of real estate around here–they’ve rebranded it as an up and coming village.”
You recall memories of exploring Marunweem Lake with Sebastian in your school years; it had always been rather desolate, considering neither of you were licensed to apparate and the only path to the hamlet was through a goblin mine.  But the two of you had always had the time of your lives traversing the southern coast.  You can picture your younger selves in the air, zipping around on borrowed school brooms together.  
“Ominis found the listing,” Sebastian continues, beckoning you forward. “The Ministry has done quite a bit to rehabilitate the area.” Sebastian guides you up the hill, unlatching a well worn gate.  The stone cottage is teeming with ivy, crawling up the walls. The storybook tiles on the roof make the house look like it’s straight out of a muggle fairytale. 
You take a deep breath as you wave your wand, unlocking the door.  The wooden floors creak beneath your feet, but otherwise, the place is in good condition.  The walls have been replastered, the fireplace cleaned and sparkling. The only furniture is an old looking settee and a bear skin rug (a tad gauche for your taste). You make your way through the living room to the kitchen.  Its positively bathed in light, a large bay window over the sink looks over an enormous yard.  You practically run up to the sink edge, admiring the view.
“So much light,�� you gasp. “Seb, it’s perfect.”
“You are,” Sebastian suddenly appears behind you, pressing himself against your back.  You can feel his breath tickling your ear as he wraps his arms around your body. “The perfect view to watch our children play in the yard, don’t you think?” he murmurs into your ear.
Your breath catches as he stretches out his hand, his palm flat against the lower plane of your stomach.  He presses it; almost wishfully.  Your heart flutters at the idea of growing his child inside of you.
The two of you haven’t gotten around to talking about children yet. You both were far too young to even think about parenthood when you first got together, and even when you broke up. You had talked about raising children with your former fiance, and it had always been part of the ten year plan. You explained that you had wanted to wait until you were older, more stable in your career.  Eric had always found that answer unsatisfying, but now you knew the true reason for your hesitance.  
You hadn’t been talking about parenthood with the right person.
“Children, you say?” The word sounds so foreign coming out of your mouth.
You can practically feel the way Sebastian’s cheeks burn. “Only if you want,” he shrugs, but you know he’s serious.  The way he’s pressing his hand against your womb is very much serious.  
You look back out into the yard, picturing toddlers with unruly brunette hair giggling and running about.  You can even picture Sebastian chasing them, whirling them in the air as you prepare an afternoon tea. Building snowmen in the backyard, teaching them to fly on toy brooms.  Growing old with Sebastian at your side, with the family you’ve built together.
It's sickeningly domestic, but it feels right.
“I would,” you whisper. 
Sebastian wastes no time spinning you around, a big goofy grin on his face. “Really?” he asks, completely lighting up.  He plants his hands firmly on your waist, fingers digging into your skin. His eyes flit down to your waist when he realizes you’re not wearing a corset, squeezing you through your dress.
You laugh, placing your hands on his chest. “Really.”  
Sebastian pulls you away from the kitchen. “Good, because there are plenty of rooms in the house,” he announces, moving towards the stairs. “There’s three rooms on the second floor, and the master bedroom is here on the main.” he explains, tugging your arm to show you around the house.  The bedrooms first; they’re decently sized, enough for twin beds and toys.  The main bedroom has enough space for several wardrobes, which you’ll be needing for all your clothes. The bathroom has a giant clawfoot tub, and you can envision the two of you wrestling a toddler for a bath in it.
“I was thinking, we could use a spare bedroom as my office for now.” Sebastian says as you two walk back into the kitchen.  He’s clearly been thinking about this a lot longer than you’d realized. “The baby will sleep in our room for the first couple of months–”
“The baby?” you raise your eyebrow. “For months?”
“Of course,” Sebastian huffs. “Jorkins sent me this article about babies, said it’s best for their brain and magic development to stay close to us–”
“Sebastian,” you choke out, “have you been telling your coworkers that you’d like to have a baby?” 
Sebastian pauses, turning bright red. “Too much?” he asks, running a hand through his hair.  His hair is slightly messy, a few pieces sticking up in the back.  He usually did his hair quite tidy for work, but you loved when he left it undone on the weekends.  It reminded you of him as a teenager; you’d always flatten down his cowlicks for him.
It’s your turn to blush. “No, I just–I just didn’t realize you were ready.”
“Pet, I’ll be ready when you’re ready.  You'll be the one doing all the hard work anyways, the least I can do is a bit of research.” he says, grabbing your hands.  He pulls your palm to his warm cheek. “I just want to prepare myself, that’s all.  You know I don’t have my parents around to ask these questions, so I’ve been asking a few of the dads at the office how they’ve managed–”
Sebastian doesn’t have enough time to finish; you’ve properly launched yourself onto him, breathlessly kissing him.  He’s mad, you think, to start preparing for your pregnancy before even presenting the idea to you.  But at the same time, it's incredibly alluring.  Sebastian already dotes on you, and the thought of him worshiping you as you grow a human is tempting.
In short, the idea of Sebastian as a father is sexy.
“I was hoping you’d react this way.” Sebastian says, a shit eating grin gracing his freckled face as he embraces you.  You gasp as his hips roll against yours.
Sebastian is blatantly hard in the middle of an empty house.  You can feel his erection digging into your hip, turned on by all the talk of you possibly getting pregnant.  While you had been peeved that morning at him for dragging you out of bed, you’re thankful to have seen the house.  And considering you’ll be purchasing the home with him, you think what’s about to happen next is excusable.  The house had to be christened at some point.
(Perhaps Sebastian’s attitude is rubbing off on you.)
Sebastian’s eyes are burning into you as you start unbuttoning his jacket.  He licks his lips excitedly as you shuck it to the ground, going slack jawed as you start working off his suspenders. Stepping back, you put your hands on your hips, cocking an eyebrow at the normally shameless man in front of you.
“Am I going to do all the work then?” you tease.
Sebastian wastes no time–he never does.  He rushes forward towards you, pulling you in for a hot, searing kiss.  You let out a wanton moan as his tongue starts tracing circles on your neck, tugging at the buttons of your dress.  He all but tears it off, leaving wisps of blue fabric in his path of destruction.  
“Can’t wait–need you now,” he wheezes, tugging your undergarments down. You can hear the buttons snapping as he tears off his shirt. You laugh, which turns into a gasp as his fingers circle against your core, dipping into your wet center.  He’s nudging your legs apart, fingers writhing inside of you as he runs his tongue over your bare nipple. 
“Sebastian!” you scold him, but you know it's in vain.  He knows your every desire, the spots that make you shake, and your head lolls to the side as he kneels before you, pulling  your legs apart further. His big brown eyes are looking up at you, pupils blown with pleasure as he places his mouth directly over your clit, sucking hard. 
“So fucking beautiful,” Sebastian murmurs against your sex. “Mmph, I can’t wait to be inside of you.” 
His fingers are pumping in and out of you, tongue flicking at your clit with desperation. Sebastian wants–no, he needs you to come on his face. You grab a fistful of his messy brown hair and the tugging only encourages him to press his face deeper against you. You can feel the way his fingers grip your bottom, palming them as he fucks you with his hand. Your knees buckle as his fingers curl against that spot inside of you, the lewd sound of Sebastian lapping at your soaking wet cunt filling the room.
“You dragged me out here to have your way with me,” you stutter between moans. 
Sebastian pulls his face from you, smiling up at you.  His devious look and the glistening slick on his chin is enough to make you fold right then and there. “And so what if I did?” he asks, voice low.
You raise an eyebrow. “Are you trying to impregnate me right now?”
Sebastian licks his lips as he stands, unbuttoning his pants. You feel like prey as his eyes rove over your shaking, naked form. Stepping out of his pants and undergarments in one smooth move, you bite your bottom lip as you watch him pump his thick cock in his hand. 
“I brought you here with the purest intentions,” Sebastian murmurs.  Your back is pressed against the sink, and he turns you around roughly to face the yard again.
“Somehow, I doubt that.” you sigh.
He laughs, but his voice is raspy from pleasure. “I wanted to show you our future home,” he whispers.  His length twitches against your back and you shiver. “But you look so beautiful–and I just couldn’t stop thinking about how I’m going to take you on every single surface in this house.”
“Oh really?” you whimper.
Sebastian nods, pressing a kiss against your neck, guiding you to lean over the edge of the sink.  He nudges your legs apart again, pressing the tip of his length against your bare arse. 
“Really.  When we properly move in, I’m going to make you fall apart in every room.  Fill you with my seed over and over again until it takes.” he says through gritted teeth.  His hand falls to your stomach again, pressing tightly.
Your breath catches as you feel the crown of his cock slip against your dripping core. You’ve never heard him speak like this before–Sebastian had been your first sexual experience, and because you’d broken up when you were still rather young, the two of you had been rather vanilla.  The past few months have certainly pushed the boundaries, exposing you to new experiences with one another.  There have been some discoveries, but the sound of desperation in his voice is revealing a new kink for Sebastian. 
You’re certainly not complaining–the thought of him coming inside of you repeatedly with the full intention of seeing you swell with his child is doing something to you.  
Sebastian bites into your shoulder as he slowly slips his length into you.  You lean over the sink further, arms flying out to anything that will steady you as the brunette spears himself into you, slowly and intentionally. Sebastian palms your breasts with one hand, lurching over your back as he grinds his hips against your bottom.
“I want you to think about this moment, every time you’re standing over the sink.” Sebastian grunts, his other hand still pressed firmly against your belly. The cadence of his thrusts remain even and slow, entirely deliberate. “Want you to remember how good I fucked you here.”
You whine, arms reaching back to grip your lover’s hair. “ Fuck, Sebastian.”
Sebastian laughs breathily against your ear as he fucks into you. “So good for me, my beautiful girl.  Fuck, I’ve thought about this for months,” he admits. 
“About fucking me against a sink?” you joke.
“No,” you can practically envision him rolling his eyes. “Well, yes, that’s one of my fantasies. Mmph –specifically, about you, pregnant with my—our child.”
You let out an obscene sound. “You’ve been thinking about it for months?” The end of your question is punctuated with a sweet cry as Sebastian snaps his hips forward again.
“Since the moment we got back together,” Sebastian confesses. His arms tighten around you like a boa constrictor; you’re not sure how he’s still standing on two legs as he thrusts against you.  You break free from his clutches to lean forward, standing on the tips of your toes.  The move only makes him reach deeper within your cunt, both of you moaning in unison at the shift in angle.
“I’ve known–known since that moment it’s going to be you,” Sebastian pants. “ Fuck, I could do this all day. I could never have enough of you, pet.”
You whine, pushing back against him. Sebastian stumbles a few feet back, a shocked look on his face. Too much, the pleading eyes ask. 
Not enough.
You surge towards him, a blue wisp as you push him to the ground (your ancient magic somehow padding the two of you as you land on the creaky floorboards).  Sebastian’s eyes are wide open as you straddle him, placing kisses on his face. 
“I want you to see me,” you whisper, straddling him and positioning yourself atop his cock. Sebastian lets out a throaty groan as you sink onto him, inch by inch, until you’re fully seated on his lap.  You lean forward, pressing another kiss to his lips. “I want to look at you when you fill me.”
“Fuck, my love,” Sebastian whines. “You’re going to be so damn beautiful–gods, I can picture it now, watching you carry my baby,” he grits his teeth as you bounce up and down on his length. “I can’t wait to fuck you over and over again– ugh –until you’re properly full of me.” He starts pushing his hips up; you know how much he loves it when you’re on top of him, but he hates relinquishing control. He continues his loud praise, his voice cracking as he holds his hand lovingly over your stomach.
You can feel the coil of pleasure in your belly tighten, furrowing your eyebrows as your climax nears. Nearly there–almost–
You look down at Sebastian.  You half expect him to have his eyes shut in pleasure, nose wrinkling as he focuses on his finish.  Instead, you see adoring eyes roving up and down your body, a dreamy smile on his face.  He looks proud, you think, as his thumbs ghost over your waist and stomach. The look of pure devotion on his face as you grind against him sets you off, wailing as you climax on top of him.
Sebastian wastes no time once you’ve lost control.  He flips you over onto your back, his thrusts stuttering as he chases his own orgasm.  Sebastian presses a searing kiss against your lips as you feel him spill inside of you.  He bucks his hip against you a few times, gasping as he slumps against your body.  He’s still inside of you, but you can feel the hot release dripping from your cunt.
Sebastian lifts his face, giving you a sheepish smile as he rests his chin on your breasts. 
“Not exactly how I’d thought our Saturday would go, but I’m quite happy with it.”
You laugh, rolling your eyes. “Oh, don’t lie. You’re such a scoundrel.”
Sebastian nuzzles his face into your breasts, still sheathed inside of you. “Oh, but I’m your scoundrel.” he smiles proudly, pressing his lips against your chest.
The two of you are silent for a few moments, until you clear your throat. “You really do want to have a baby with me?” you ask, your voice a tad timid.
Sebastian gives you an honest, pure smile.  That was a quality you loved about him so much–he wore his emotions on his face, and you always knew when he was being truthful. 
“I want to have a family with you, pet.  I want us to have everything we’ve ever wanted, together.” he admits.
“Babies aren’t easy,” you warn him.  “It’ll be a lot of work, a lot of sleepless nights.”
“I never asked for easy,” Sebastian reminds you. “I’ve only ever asked for you.”
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“I’m not going to stop working.” You warn Sebastian, pulling a blanket up higher over your chest.
“I would never ask you to,” Sebastian stokes the fire before settling back down next to you.  
It’s now late at night; the two of you have been at it all day.  Starved, you let Sebastian leave the house to search for provisions.  He ran down to the closest tavern, buying the two of you a feast to snack on throughout your impromptu stay. Meanwhile, you’d worked on the fire, conjuring some cushions and blankets from a small stash of moonstone you’d kept in your bag for emergencies. 
It’s dark, the rural sky filled with twinkling stars.  You’d missed the way the sky looked in the highlands, no city lights to pollute the view. The two of you are sitting naked in front of the fire, stuffing your faces with bread and cheese, washing it down with a local mead.  Given your spirited activities throughout the day, you decide it’s time to be adults and talk logistics.
“Someone will need to watch the baby.” you remind him, passing a knife so he can slather some compote on the bread.
“We could ask Anne?” Sebastian suggests, taking a big bite. “I’m sure she’d love to.  She always loved babysitting the children in Feldcroft when we were younger. She sure likes to pretend she raised me—y’know, on second thought, maybe not Anne then…”
“Do you think Ominis would mind? I think he’d be nervous around a child.  Besides, there’s no way Anne would apparate here daily just to watch the baby.” You lean back on your elbows, biting back a smile.  You never thought you’d be having this conversation with Sebastian, but it feels right; the most natural progression for your relationship.
“Well, I was planning on fixing up a floo connection in the fireplace.” Sebastian shrugs. “So we could get to work, and so Anne and Ominis can visit.”
“You really have thought of everything,” you say coyly. “Except to pack clothes for tonight.”
“To be fair, I hadn’t been planning on shagging you in broad daylight in the kitchen.” Sebastian snorts. “But I can’t keep my hands off you, pet.”
“I’m sure you’ll be singing a different tune when I’m the size of a graphorn.” you wrinkle your nose. Your hands ghost over your naked stomach, drawing circles over where a child may grow someday.
“Don’t say that,” Sebastian scolds. “You are going to be the most gorgeous mother. Merlin, I’m going to get hard just thinking about it again.” He sighs dramatically.
You roll your eyes, smacking his shoulder.  Sebastian winks at you, a slight blush growing on his face.  He pulls a cushion onto his lap, and you cannot believe the stamina on this man.
“At least let me finish my meal first,” you tease. 
Sebastian rolls onto his stomach, playing with the tassels on the blanket.  You resist the urge to slap his freckled bottom, instead trying to focus on the serious, adult conversation you were trying to have.
“So, we’re buying the house then.” You state, taking a bite of cheese.
“We’re buying the house.” Sebastian echoes. “When I saw the picture, I just knew.  Remember how we used to race our brooms here?  I couldn’t stop picturing us teaching our kids how to fly here, just like we did.”
You nod. “I always loved Marunweem.”  It’s the perfect place to settle down, you think.  Now it makes sense why none of the houses in London were quite right for the two of you.  No light, no yard, no room to grow.  Living in the highlands, you have fresh air, water nearby, and plenty of space for your future family.  You haven’t flown on a broom in a long time; you can’t wait to see how long it’ll take you to get to Hogsmeade from here. With a floo connection in your fireplace, getting to work won’t be so bad. 
Your hand absentmindedly flutters down to your stomach again. Everything will change with a baby in your life.  You’ve just gotten back into the groove with Sebastian, are you sure you want to change everything now?
“What are you thinking, pet?” Sebastian murmurs.
You lick your lips. “That everything will change once we have a baby.” you admit. “Are we ready?”
Sebastian scoots towards you, his fingers catching under your chin. “I’m ready when you are.” he whispers. “If you don’t want this right now, I’m completely fine with that. You say the word, we’ll go to the apothecary tomorrow and get the necessary potions.  I want you to want this for you, not just for me.”
Your sweet, thoughtful, loving boyfriend.  Sebastian is the perfect gentleman. You nod your head shyly; who knows, it could take ages for you to get pregnant. You don’t want to start getting too far ahead of yourself.
“So, I’ll send an owl to the seller when we get back to London.” Sebastian says, tangling his fingers in yours. “We should start packing.  We’re throwing away your bed, by the way.”
“Only if we throw away yours too.” You remind him. 
Sebastian laughs. “Buying a new bed—duly noted.”
“Is that why you were saving your money?” you ask, looking into the fire.  You remember the conversation the two of you had when you left the house tour last week.  “For a house?”
Sebastian laughs again, this time sounding a bit shy himself. “Oh no, surprisingly, the house was dirt cheap. It was for something else.”  He rubs the back of his neck nervously.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “What for?”
Sebastian is as naked as the day he was born, but he rolls onto his knees to rummage through his jacket, which has been long discarded on the floor.  Your eyes widen as he pulls something small out of the inner pocket.
“Was going to ask after you agreed on the house, but we got side tracked.” Sebastian bites down on his lower lip, holding up the diamond ring. It sparkles in the light of the fireplace. “Will you marry me?”
You blink down at him, mouth slightly ajar.  
“I know it’s probably not as big as your last ring,” Sebastian admits, the tips of his ears red. “But I saw it in the shop and it made me think of you. And I thought, why are we waiting?  We’ve been apart for so long, and even though it’s really only been eight months, I know it’s you–it’s always been you–I know I want you to be my wife, I’ve always wanted to marry you–” he shakes his brown mane, rambling on. “If it’s too soon for you, I understand, I just want you to consider it; you don’t have to say yes right away—“
Your lips crash against his.  It’s so utterly on brand for Sebastian; forgoing the tradition of bending down on one knee, he’s stark naked next to you, rolling on the floor with a diamond ring in hand. 
“You arse, Sebastian Sallow.” you mumble against his lips.
Sebastian holds you tight; you can feel his closed fist on your back, holding the ring. “Can I be yours?  For the rest of our lives?” he whispers.
You laugh, pulling away to brush away a tear. “Of course,” you say breathlessly. “Of course I’ll marry you, you silly man.”
Sebastian’s smile is beaming from ear to ear as he slips the diamond ring onto your finger.  You slide back against his chest, holding your hand out to admire it.  He’s done well–a sparkling diamond set in gold.  The feeling is so unlike your previous engagement; then, you’d wanted to hide it from everyone, but now you simply can’t wait to shout from the rooftops that you’re the future Mrs. Sallow.  
You’d marry him tomorrow if possible, you think. As his hand brushes against your stomach, you think you might have to soon. The thought doesn’t bother you; it’s been blatantly obvious who you belong to since you saved him eight months ago.
“What a day it’s been,” Sebastian sighs, nuzzling your neck. “Bought a house, got engaged.  I can’t wait to tell Anne and Ominis; they’ll kill me when I tell them how I did it.” he chuckles.
“We’ll tell them first thing tomorrow,” you announce, curling up in his arms. “I just want to remember this, just the two of us.”
“Hopefully not for long,” Sebastian whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple.   
Sebastian is babbling about his renovation plans for the house, things he wants to tweak and change to make it just right for the two of you. You watch the fire crackle in front of you, nodding absentmindedly. This is the first memory in your new home, you think.  You’ll raise your children in this house, celebrate birthdays and holidays in front of this old fireplace. And one day, you’ll tell your children that you got engaged here.  A far more appropriate version of the story of course, when they’re older and able to understand.
Mum and Dad got engaged at home.  It sounds right. 
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eternalremorse · 5 months
Hogwarts Legacy: "One Year Later" Discord Collab
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For the one year anniversary of Hogwarts Legacy, we decided to do a creative collaboration with our lovely friends in our Discord server, posting whatever their hearts desired, with the theme centred around just that - one year later!
✨ Fic: "A Year In Love" by @grandeoatmilklatte
✨ Fic: "Falling Back Into Step" by @applinsandoranges
✨ Audio: Sebastian x F!MC by @slytherin-paramour
✨ Fic: "One Year Later" by @blueraineshadows
✨ Fic: "Reset" by @skittish1807
✨ Fic: "One Year Later" by @daydreamsonacloudyday
✨ Fic: "When You Know, You Know" by @writing-intheundercroft
✨ Audio: Garreth and Sebastian by @newbienewness
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Fancy joining our community on Discord? The Three Broomsticks welcomes you! Please send an owl to myself, @blueraineshadows or @slytherin-paramour 🦉
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localravenclaw · 9 months
I'm doing this for us @finalgirllx 🤭💕
You lovelies wanna play? ♡
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I'll go first ♡
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Tagging all my lovely mutuals! Please don't hesistate join if you want to. I can't tag everyone but I know a few of you who would love to do this ♡
@esolean @valyrra @shanaraharlyah @underthenightskydreamsneverdie @hotcinnam0nspicy @junie-00 @ars-slytherin @seabass-swallows @expectodragons @eternalremorse @slytherin-paramour @blueraineshadows @eleanorstaghart @ellivenollivander @serpensortiaandchill @sebastianswallows @spaceyaceface @queen-of-stoneharts @polly-sly @potionclass @animasola86 @imaslytherpuff @feisty-hufflepuff
Also, consider this as my response to the adorable Favourite Mutuals tag ♡
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newbienewness · 5 months
For Leander girls out there (I can't believe I did this, thank @blueraineshadows )
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shanaraharlyah · 3 months
WIP Folder game!
I was tagged by @snowfolly and @valyrra join. Thank you so much for the tag, sweetie! :3
How to Play:
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or (a sneak peek for art) tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I'll categorize them by fandom. They're in varying degrees of completeness and anywhere from a few paragraphs to 27 pages. XD
Dragon Age
Redcliffe Chantry
DAO Redcliffe
DAO The Ritual
DAO Epilogue
DAO Kissing in the Rain
To Rainesfere
DAI Redcliffe
DAI Trespasser
Hogwarts Legacy
HL A Life Together
Original Fiction
An Elven Tale
Elven Tale: Shackled
Elven Tale Courage Coming Out
I'm not sure if I have this many to tag, but if you see this and want to join, please do! Tagging @wingedwartigers @sillyliterature @anto-pops @fantasy-art-room @oxygenforthewicked @blueraineshadows @just-another-fanfiction-writer @queen-of-stoneharts @kittynomsdeplume @tessa1972 No pressure!
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ravenbronze · 21 days
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Blood Bound
Completed commission for @blueraineshadows of Leander, MC and Seb from her current fic!
Firstly, if you haven’t read ‘Blood Bound’ yet, then stop what you’re doing right now and go catch up! It’s such a fab story, told from the perspectives of Leander, Seb and MC, and is filled with twists and turns and I can’t wait to see where it’s going to go next! The amount of research Raine is putting into the story is insane and it is such a rewarding read!
It was a lot of fun working out what the piece was going to look like and using elements from the story to try and capture the feel of it! I particularly enjoyed playing with the lighting and colour in this one!
Thanks again for commissioning me! ❤️
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blueraineshadows · 5 months
One Year Later
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To celebrate the first anniversary of the release of Hogwarts Legacy on the 10th February, a group of us on Discord decided to create fan work with the theme of One Year Later.
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC
Tags: NSFW, angst, depression, fluff, smut
7.5k words.
Just before returning to Hogwarts for 6th year, MC decides to pay a visit to the boy who opened her eyes to the darkness and fire of magic.
Darkness had fallen over the Highlands, the faintest strip of colour still clinging to the horizon as MC glided across the countryside on her broom. The late August air still held a lingering warmth, the breeze pleasant against her cheeks as she dipped lower, aiming for the cosy lights of the little hamlet spread out below.
There was a charm to Feldrcroft. Quaint cottages and beautiful scenery combined with the small community of magical folk made for a warm and pleasant feel. However, MC had memories of this place that still made her spine tingle with apprehension. She felt the tightness of anxiety claiming her chest as her booted feet touched down to the ground, the trees and grass that still had their lush, green foliage looked dark and hulking in the swallowing night. 
With her gaze fixed on one cottage in particular, she wondered if the occupant would be pleased to see her. She had not forewarned him, no letter or laid plans to come and see him. She had not thought to arrange it, thinking he wouldn't want her nearby to remind him of events that took place last spring. The time apart over summer break had been the space needed to try and come to terms with it all, but she had come to realise that she had missed him. 
She missed the boy who had urged her feet onto a path that had been dubiously dark but utterly thrilling. She had not looked for such things, and yet they had to come to her. Pain and suffering had come with it, secrets and darkness that still plagued her. But at the end of it all, she had found people who shared magical abilities. Her people. This was where she belonged. 
The pull of Sebastian Sallow had not weakened since parting ways with him at the end of fifth year. Despite everything, she was unable to forget him. His smile, his eyes, the way he would tease her, his intelligence, and yes, his darkness. If anything, it was the troubled streak that split through him that lured her in the most. There was a thrill about it, a curiosity. It kept her on the edge, but it had kept her alive, too. If she was truly honest about it, she had a dark and troubled streak of her own, and it recognised his, called to it even. A kindred spirit as he had once put it.
So, here she was, standing outside of his small, country home with her palm pressed against the aged wood of his door with her heart in her mouth. Thoughts raced through her head, tumbling together to heighten the tension in her chest. Would he shut the door in her face? Would he push her away, hating the reminder that her face would bring to him? Maybe he wasn't alone inside there, and she would be intruding. The thought made her stomach twist with something cold and slippery. 
She didn't turn away, though. It's better now than on September 1st when school was back in. She wanted to see his face. She needed to know how it would be when face to face with him, without the distraction of everyone else. 
Foolish or brave, she lifted her hand from the door, made a fist, and rapped firmly. The knock sounded loud and final in the quiet dark. Her feet twitched in her boots, tingling with the sudden urge to flee. He won't want her here. This was a mistake. 
The seconds stretched as she stared at the door, fixated on the grain in the wood as her ears strained for the sound of movement behind it. She swallowed, clenching and unclenching her hands until the sound of the latch came. The door opened a crack, and the shadow of a figure appeared against a warm, low light. 
Brown eyes peered curiously through the gap, a tumble of wild brunette locks framing a freckled face that had lost its roundness in their two months apart. His cheekbones were more prominent, shadows had darkened under his eyes, and there was a grim set to his jaw that made him look harder, older. 
His hand gripped his wand, aiming it subtly through the gap as his gaze took her in, his mouth parting softly in surprise as his eyebrows lifted. “MC.”
“Hello, Sebastian,” she said, managing a nervous smile. 
His gaze darted behind her, scanning the hamlet quickly before he returned his eyes to her, adjusting his wand slightly. He was on edge, and she was quick to reassure him.
“It's just me,” she said, holding up a hand. “I… I thought I would surprise you. A little visit before school begins again, but I can leave if you would prefer that. I don't want to intrude.” 
He lowered his wand, eyes still a little wary as he opened the door a bit wider. His dark blue shirt was open at the throat, and the sleeves rolled back. He wore no waistcoat, but braces held up his dark trousers, his shoulders broad, and his hips slim. Her eyes devoured the sight of him, catching up on missed time as he pushed a hand through his messy locks and stepped back, pushing the door fully open before gesturing for her to step inside. 
“Not at all, please, come on in,” he said. His gaze also took her in from head to toe, his eyes almost disbelieving as he moved to close the door behind her. “You will have to excuse the mess, I'm afraid. I was not expecting company.” 
She smiled, her eyes taking in the untidy cottage quickly, noting the cosy fire and huge pile of books stacked haphazardly by the chair. 
“I probably should have sent an owl first,” she said, fiddling with the cuffs of her jacket. “I'm sorry. It was an impulsive idea to come.”
“But a welcome one,” he said softly.
Their eyes met, his lips curving softly as warmth slowly entered his eyes. He looked tired, the boyish look of him long gone, torn away by hardships that nobody should have to endure. But, he looked like he had been eating, his clothes were clean. He had not fallen into a pit of darkness as Ominis had feared. 
Sebastian's eyes, now filled with warmth as he looked upon her, were no longer wary, sparkling with that special something that kept her at his side. It was him, still in there, no sign of any eerie glow of forbidden magic, none of the madness or fury that haunted her secret memories. Just Sebastian. 
“It's good to see you,” she whispered. 
His gaze dipped, shadows flitting across his face as pink coloured his cheeks. He fussed with his hair again and cleared his throat. 
“Let me get you something to drink. I have tea if you would like?” He moved towards the kitchen area, looking for clean cups. 
“Tea sounds perfect,” she said. 
The sound of his own laughter filled his ears, a sound that had become unfamiliar lately, and yet he welcomed it as he gazed across at the girl sitting cross-legged on the rug before his fire. Strands of her hair had slipped from her braid, framing a face that had haunted his thoughts all summer long. 
Fear as chilling as mountain ice had lingered as he imagined her not being able to bear the sight of him. Despite her hug at the end of last term, her goodbye that had stayed with him for days afterwards, he had been convinced that time apart would lead her to abandon him. As the weeks of summer break had passed, he had convinced himself that he had chased her away, that she would glare coldly at him across the classroom when they returned, or worse, she would ignore him completely.
After all, he was a murderer. He had tempted her into darker and more dangerous acts, led her astray, and shamefully coveted her power for his own selfish wants. Who would want to stay near someone like that? 
Even now, sitting here with her in his own home, her laughter warming that ice from the back of his neck, her eyes pulling at him like gravity that kept him grounded on the wooden floorboards. Even now, he could scarcely believe that she had turned up here. Uninvited, but so very welcome. 
They had not mentioned any of the terrible darkness that had torn through them in the spring. She was chatting about lighter things, funny stories, and urging him to smile and laugh with an ease that was stealing his breath. 
He had not realised just how lonely this summer had been until now. How he craved this interaction and connection. He could not stop staring at her, and his cheeks flamed whenever she caught his gaze lingering too long. He could not be inappropriate and chase her away. Not now that she was here and smiling at him. 
A glance at the clock revealed the hours slipping towards lateness. Soon, she would be gone. He counted himself lucky she was still here at all, flicking through the pages of a book as they discussed what might be in store this school year. He didn't want her to go. He had a feeling this new and welcome warmth would leave with her. 
Going back to Hogwarts tugged at the anxiety in his chest. Another year started with no Anne by his side, his friendship with Ominis strained and distant, his heart almost hollow and shadowed at the thought of being always alone. Dare he hope that MC would remain at his side. Was he asking too much of her again? 
Lost in his thoughts, he jumped when he felt her hand on the exposed skin of his forearm, her fingertips grazing softly over the hairs there. He almost shivered under the touch. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt the touch of another person, and he stared at the delicate shape of her hand. 
“Hey, it will be alright, you know,” she said softly. “We will be alright.” 
Slowly, he lifted his eyes to hers, fearing what he would find in their depths as the shadow of memories began to cluster at the edges of his mind. She was trying to hide her own pain, but he could see it. How could he not when he had shared so much of it? Been the cause of some of it?
“I am so sorry,” he said, shaking his head. His throat tightened, and the backs of his eyes burned. “How do you not hate me?” 
Her eyes widened, and she shifted closer towards him on the rug, her hand lifting to grasp his shoulder. “I don't hate you, Sebastian. Not at all.” 
It was hard to hold her gaze. Such beauty and warmth radiated from her face it made him dip his head, his own eyelids closing as staggering memory began to invade. Those lovely eyes had shone with horror, lit with the flash of spells cast to inflict pain and injury. She had watched him bring down his own uncle, murder a member of his own family in a whirlwind of rage and frustration that replayed over and over in his dreams, taunting him. His evil tendencies could have gotten her killed, too. The very thought made him shudder right there beside the fire. 
Shame coloured his cheeks, his flesh burning with it as guilt clawed at his insides. 
She should go. She deserved better. What kind of friend was he to her? The worst kind, that's what. 
“I wouldn't blame you if you did,” he rasped, pushing his hand through his hair, his fingers gripping at the tumbled strands. “I've done some terrible things.”
“As have I,” she said firmly. Her hand cupped his jaw, and he met her gaze, her fingers cool against his flushed skin. He swallowed hard. Her face was so close, so close it made his heart thunder. “We both did awful things, and it's impossible to change that now. But, we also did good things. We helped people, too. And we kept each other alive when it came down to it. You kept me alive with your tutoring and help. I could never regret that, Sebastian. I wouldn't be here if I did.” 
He stared at her, licking his lips and blinking as a tear slipped free from the corner of his eye. “Why did you come?” 
Her eyes, glittering with unshed tears of her own, were deep pools of warmth. He thought he could lose himself and drown in her eyes. He had found them fascinating from day one, felt such a thrill when they would seek him out across the classroom. He couldn't help but stare into them now, wanting to believe with his whole soul that she wasn't going to leave him.
“I missed you,” she whispered, her thumb sliding against the skin of his cheek. She blushed, blinking back her tears. “I wanted to see you before returning to school. Before everything, and everyone became a distraction. Nobody else will ever understand what happened, only you. I just… I needed to see you, I needed to know that you were alright, that we were alright. Does that make sense?” 
He nodded. “I missed you, too.” 
Her arms encased him, and he found himself held against her, his face pressed against her chest as her chin came to rest on the top of his head. Her scent filled his nose, soft floral elements and apples, and he inhaled deeply, his mind spinning as her hands slid through his hair and down his back. He shivered, closing his eyes against the ache of tears. 
“It will be alright,” she whispered again. 
He couldn't stop it. It was like a dam being released. Scalding tears leaked from his eyes and slid wildly down his cheeks, soaking into the softness of her blouse and darkening the fabric. He sucked in a stuttering breath, his fingers clutching at her blouse against her back and wincing as a hoarse sob escaped his mouth. 
“Fuck,” he said, his voice thick and strangled as he thought to pull away, but her arms only held him tighter. 
She was so temptingly soft, so warm, and yet the solidity of her body held against his felt like a life raft in a tossing sea. The fight seeped from him as her warmth began to spread through him. He shamelessly clung to her as sob after sob tore from his throat, and his tears soaked her blouse. She soothed him, held him, her hands gently roaming over him in a touch that he could feel deep in his bones. 
How was he ever going to be able to release his grip on her? To let go would be like being cast adrift. It was terrifying, and he thought he might never be able to breathe properly ever again. He wanted her to stay right here and never leave. No, he needed her to stay. 
“I will, don't worry. I can stay as long as you need,” she said, stroking his hair with gentle fingers. 
Had he said that out loud?
He stilled, fighting to get control of his emotions as her words slowly began to sink through his mind. He swiped a hand over his face and lifted his head to look at her. He saw the flicker of pain, her sadness, and a flash of pity as she stared at him. He must look like an awful sight, red eyed and pathetic, a sad little boy. 
Her fingers ghosted over his face, gently wiping away his tears. His skin craved her touch, and he yearned for it, already missing the warmth of her chest against his face where her heart had thudded so reassuringly near his ear. 
“You'll really stay?” His voice was raw and utterly vulnerable, and he felt so very exposed.
There was no judgement in her eyes as she nodded. “Of course.” 
It was quiet. So very quiet. The soft sounds of Sebastian's sleeping breaths on the other side of the curtain should have soothed her, but she lay on her back and stared up through the darkness waiting for sleep to come and claim her.
He had made up the bed with clean sheets, his eyes drawn to her constantly as he gave her a shirt to sleep in and tidied up before bed, almost as though he feared she would disappear. Her blouse hung on the dressing screen, the fabric soaked from his tears. Oh, how her heart had broken to hear him like that, the sharp pull of his grip on her clothes revealing the pain he held tight within himself. 
Her own torment had risen up and stuck in her throat as she had comforted him. 
She should have come sooner. She shouldn't have left him alone so long. 
The strange creaks and groans of an unfamiliar house had her wide awake, her thoughts spinning over the last year. She turned her head towards the faded curtain that separated her from Sebastian and realised that in a few days, she would have known him a full year. 
Her life had changed since last September. 
From a well-behaved, decent girl to an ancient magic wielding witch who could deliver death with a flick of her wrist. Here she was, laying in a bed wearing nothing but a man's shirt and her underwear, that same man sleeping in the next bed over with nothing but a flimsy curtain to separate them. Unchaperoned and barely dressed, she thought of the expanse of Sebastian's naked back she had glimpsed when he had readied for bed. He had freckles everywhere, the sight of his shifting muscles bringing a rising heat to her skin as she had skipped her eyes guiltily away. 
The matron of the children's home would have taken the belt to her legs for daring to be so brazen, and yet she stared at the curtain beside her and wished that she could see through it. 
Blushing furiously at the thought of Sebastian's bare skin, she turned in the bed to face the stone wall, her breaths quick and uneven as a fierce ache gathered between her thighs. She squirmed and closed her eyes, trying to think of anything else but him, but his scent was everywhere, and she could still remember the hard heat of his body as she had held him earlier on.
Fighting the fire in her blood and the dark memories in her head, she fell into a fitful sleep, tossing and turning until she was twisted in the sheets. 
Movement woke her, and she blinked against morning sunlight streaming around the thin curtain, taking a moment to remember where she was. Her hair was tumbled about her face, and she reached to brush strands aside, her heart leaping behind her ribs as Sebastian peered around the curtain with a cheeky smile. 
“Good morning, sleepy head,” he said, his eyes drawn to her bare legs that hung out from the twisted sheets. 
Blushing, she tugged the blanket over them, drawing them up closer towards her as that glowing heat in her abdomen nudged awake. 
“Morning,” she mumbled. 
Sebastian held out a steaming cup. “I thought you might like a cup of tea. I'm going to make you breakfast as well. It's the least I can do after you put up with me blubbering all over you last night.”
MC sat up, noting the flush of embarrassment on his cheeks as she arranged the blankets respectfully over her waist. She smiled and held her hand out for the tea. 
“That is very sweet of you, Seb,” she said, taking the cup from him. He was dressed in clean clothes, the fresh scent of soap wafting from his skin. Her gaze lingered over him, and she found herself patting the side of the bed. Fuck propriety. “Sit with me for a moment.” 
His eyes widened slightly, but he sat, turning to face her as she wrapped her hands around her cup. “Everything alright?” 
She smiled. “Let's do something today, something fun. Maybe you could take me exploring around your old childhood haunts. What do you think?” 
A smile twitched his lips, and he fluffed his hair. “There are chores to be done,” he said ruefully. “The wood doesn't chop itself, you know.”
She laughed and gave him a look that suggested she wasn't buying it. They both knew that a simple charm would have the axe swinging all by itself. He grinned at her as she sipped her tea. 
“It doesn't hurt to do things by hand sometimes. It's grounding. It reminds us that we are human after all,” he said. He huffed a laugh and shook his head. “Merlin, I sound like my parents. How very boring.” 
“Then I will help you around the house, we can pack a lunch, and then we can go exploring. Is that grounding enough for you, Mr Sallow?” 
He bit his lower lip, the old sparkle she loved appearing in his eyes. “You've got yourself a deal.” 
With the fresh sea breeze tugging at his hair and filling his lungs, Sebastian felt the foggy, dull ache around his eyes begin to recede. His eyes still felt scratchy and his throat raw after his emotional outburst yesterday, and he couldn't help but feel rather foolish for doing it in front of MC like that, but looking at her now as she searched for sea shells in the sand, he couldn't help but feel some of the heaviness lift from his shoulders and chest. 
The breeze played with her hair, her blouse rippling with it as she picked up a shell with a smile on her lips. She looked like one of those angels painted in muggle murals, the sun glinting off her hair, her cheeks delicately pink from the late summer warmth of it. 
It was so very hard not to stare at her. His gaze was drawn to her, and his whole body pulled towards her gravity, completely caught in her orbit. It stole his breath a little and made his head spin in a dizzying but delightful way. It was one thing to appreciate a pretty girl, but it was quite another to be utterly smitten with one. And he was becoming surer by the moment that he was smitten with her. 
Like the sun peeking through the darkest storm clouds, she had appeared on his doorstep and thrown back the shadows. She had danced in the same darkness as him, held his painful secrets alongside her own, and yet she had come back to him. It was more than he deserved. 
Spotting the delicate curve of a shell in the sand, he took out his wand and summoned it, letting it hover slowly over towards MC. The shell was perfectly intact, soft pink, and white curling into a graceful shape. MC’s eyes brightened as it appeared before her, those heavenly eyes swinging his way with a smile as she held out her palm. With careful precision, he let the shell sit in the cup of her hand, his gaze soft as her fingers turned it over to examine it. 
“It's beautiful!” She exclaimed as she held it up. 
He smiled, slipping his wand into his pocket as he began to walk closer towards her, his boots sinking into the soft sand. “Very beautiful,” he agreed, but he wasn't looking at the shell.  
Her eyes lifted to meet him as he approached, daring to stand rather close so he could get a closer look at her eyes. The breeze blew strands of hair across her face, and they both lifted their hands to tuck them back, their fingers grazing against each other. 
His heart thundered under his ribs at his boldness, his cheeks warming as she stared up at him, and he made to pull his hand away from her hair, but she caught his wrist to stop him. The rapid fire of his pulse made it hard to breathe as her hand slid up to link her fingers with his, their gazes locked on each other as though there was nothing else in the world to look upon. He realised that, even though he was partly terrified of what this might mean, he could quite happily stand and stare at her all day. Forever, in fact. 
She stood on tiptoes, leaning forward as she held his hand tightly, the soft sigh of her breath ghosting across his cheek before her lips pressed against the skin there in a quick kiss. 
He thought his lungs might burst and burn if he held his breath any longer, her eyes now so close he could definitely drown in them. 
“You should smile like that more often, Sebastian,” she said softly. “You have the most lovely smile, quite handsome, in fact.” 
Before she could even think about pulling away, removing herself from this perfect moment, his other hand caught her face in a gentle grip, his thumb sliding along the divine softness of her skin as he lowered his mouth to hers. It was the merest brush of lips, a soft taste in return for the one she had placed on his cheek, the tingle of it still there, along with the desire to feel more. 
“I shall save those smiles just for you,” he promised. 
He kept hold of her hand. Even when they left the beach and headed along the road back towards Feldcroft, their fingers remained laced together. She was a perfect fit, as though her hand had been made to be held by him, and it kept the shadows at bay. His own little ray of sunlight. 
After a long day of chores and wandering around in the sun, MC had been tired, her muscles aching pleasantly as she sat and ate a simple dinner with Sebastian. It hadn't taken much persuading for her to stay at the cottage another night. With only one day left until the start of term, she would have to fetch her things for returning to school, and yet here she lingered.
A second night of laying in the bed, staring up at the wooden rafters of Sebastian's house as he lay sleeping on the other side of the curtain. This time, her thoughts were on the way he had kissed her on the beach, his lips soft and warm, the touch of them delicate and tempting. There had been a fire in his gaze that called to her. Unspoken glimmers of something that felt like she was balancing on the edge of a discovery. 
He had not tried to kiss her again, but he had held her hand, his fingers grazing against her waist or her shoulder as they had prepared dinner. How many lingering looks would it take before he kissed her again? Did she dare steal a real kiss for herself? 
The very thought made her heart flutter, and her insides flare with aching flame. 
Burying her face into the soft feather pillow, she inhaled deeply and was reminded that Sebastian's scent was everywhere. He was everywhere, burying deeply into her soul until she wasn't sure where she ended and he began. She had not thought her heart could have been stolen so soon. At sixteen, she was fairly innocent in such matters, but there was something very powerful and almost frightening about the intensity with which she felt attached to Sebastian. 
Perhaps it was the trauma, the darkness of their secrets, and the power of being held in the grip of the fallout of them. Like her, he was alone in the world, and they had gravitated towards each other. His eyes had the power to weave threads around her that drew her in tighter and tighter with each lingering glance, the dark glimmer of such gazes a lure more powerful than magic. 
It's why she was here in the first place, was it not? Despite the real concern of how he had been faring, she had longed to be close to him again. 
Drifting on the tide these thoughts were carrying her on, she didn't hear the whimpers at first, the jerking shuffles of Sebastian shifting around on his bed. The sounds of distress began to filter through to her, and she sat up, tilting her head as she gazed at the thin curtain between them. 
Frowning slightly as a distressed groan sounded through the dark of the cottage, MC slipped from the bed sheets and stepped barefoot across the boards to peer around the curtain. 
Sebastian was indeed shuddering beneath his bed covers, pale moonlight filtering through a high window, illuminating him in a ghostly glow. 
“Sebastian?” She whispered, watching him twitch and whimper. 
He didn't answer. His eyes were closed, but moving rapidly beneath his lids, and as she stepped even closer towards him, she could see beads of sweat gathering on his forehead. He was dreaming, and it wasn't a good dream either by the looks of it. 
She bit her lip, sadness clouding her face as she stared down at him, knowing too well the kind of horrors that pulled you down in your sleep from her own night terrors. Worried about startling him, she hesitated before touching him, her hand trembling a little as it hovered above his shoulder. 
Then, he yelled, a shocking, harsh scream that ripped out of his mouth. MC gasped but didn't move her hand quickly enough. When he sat bolt upright in the bed, her hand hit his face, and he was lightning fast as he grabbed her. One hand clamping about her wrist, the other reaching up to fist into the front of the shirt she wore. 
He was like a cornered cat, hissing and frighteningly strong as he shook her, dragging her bodily forward before flipping her onto her back against the mattress. She yelped, her hair fanning out across the twisted sheets as he loomed above her, pinning her to the bed with an iron grip.
She stared up at his flushed face, his eyes wild and unseeing in the pale moonlight. 
“It's me!” She cried, her hands grasping at his bare arms, his muscles rigid under her touch. “Seb, it's me, please.” 
Breathing hard, he stared, his mouth a harsh grimace, his teeth bared as he gripped her. A sharp flash of fear shot through her, realising that he could hurt her if he wanted to, and her wand was beside her bed behind the curtain. She kept still, her own chest heaving with panicked breaths. 
“Sebastian,” she whispered. 
He became eerily still, his eyes subtly widening as he stared at her, really looking at her pinned beneath him. Her pulse was racing, throbbing in her ears, as he slowly came around to the reality of the situation. 
His gaze travelled over her face, moving down to where his hand had fisted the fabric of her shirt, gathering it tightly just below her collar bone. Her arm was pinned up behind her head, his fingers gripping so tightly at her wrist that she could feel her hand tingling from lack of blood flow. 
As a result of the struggle, her shirt was twisted up around her ribcage, exposing her waist and hips, his lower body pinning her to the bed in a rather compromising position. He wore nothing but a pair of undershorts, their bare legs exposed, his knees anchored against the bed. 
“What… how did you… MC,” he stuttered, confusion creasing his brow. He let go of her immediately, straightening up onto his knees as he pushed both hands through his hair with a groan of distress. “Did I hurt you?” 
His voice was strained, a pained wince on his face as he risked another look at her. He pressed his hands to his cheeks as his gaze roamed over her exposed flesh. “Oh fuck,” he whispered. 
MC hadn't moved, her arm still angled up above her head, her other hand hanging limp off the side of the bed as she fought to calm her breathing. “I'm alright,” she murmured. 
Sebastian shook his head, closing his eyes tightly as he moaned. “Oh gods, I'm so sorry.” 
He shifted his weight off her, sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. MC sat up slowly, rubbing her wrist as her gaze lingered over the moonlight reflecting off the skin of his naked back. Her fear faded, her lungs relaxing as she watched him. He wouldn't hurt her, not on purpose. She held onto that thought.  
“It's alright,” she said quietly, slowly reaching for him. Her fingers trembled as she touched them against his shoulder blade, his muscles tensing slightly as she smoothed her hand along towards the back of his neck. “I'm okay. You're okay. You didn't hurt me.”
“But I could have,” he said, his voice cracking. He turned his head to look at her, his expression so raw and open it stole her breath. “I could have hurt you. I'd never forgive myself if…” He gulped, raking his fingers through his hair again as he shook his head. “What were you doing out of bed?” 
“I came to check on you,” she said, stroking her hand over the flesh of his back in soothing movements. “You were dreaming. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
“I'm not sure I will ever be okay,” he said, his voice so lost and empty as he stared at the floor. “These thoughts in my head, I know I'm not supposed to feel them, but they always find me in the quiet of night. I try to fight them away, but I’m scared that one night they might get the better of me, that I will get what I deserve.” 
Her eyes burned, and she bit her lip, her chest tightening at the sheer depth of sadness in his tone. He looked defeated, shrunken, and nothing like the boy who had faced her in their first ever duel in Defence Against the Dark Arts on her first day at Hogwarts. 
“No,” she said firmly, shuffling closer to wrap her arms around him from behind. “That is not going to be your fate.” 
She pressed her face against the flushed skin of his back, smooth and warm against her nose. Her hands snaked around to press against his chest, a slight smattering of hair there tickling her fingertips. She held him tight, imagining all of her body heat and strength of affection for him flowing into him as she did so. She hoped that he could feel it. 
“You are going to be just fine, Sebastian. I will make sure of it.” 
“I'm not sure I deserve it,” he whispered. 
Her heart clenched, and she shook her head. No. He couldn't give up. If he gave up, then she would struggle to keep her own head above the drowning waters of everything that had happened. Together. Together, they could fight it and win, just like they always did.
Her lips pressed against his heated skin, and once she started, she couldn't stop. She needed to show him. He was wanted. He was loved. He did deserve it.  
She kissed up his spine towards his neck, moving to spread more affection with her mouth along his freckled shoulder. She felt the shift in his breathing, the subtle flex of his muscles as she moved back towards his neck and pressed kisses under his ear. 
Her name whispered through his lips, and his hands slid over hers at his chest, their fingers interlocking as he held them tight and close near his thudding heart. 
“Don't give up on me,” she pleaded. “You've got this. Sebastian Sallow never backs down from a fight, remember? And this is a fight. You have to win. Do it for me, do it for Anne, but most of all, do it for yourself.” 
This time, when he pinned her to the bed, she welcomed it, his mouth claiming hers in a kiss so demanding that it stole her breath in the best possible way. Arching her back in a delicate curve, his hands roamed over her waist, sliding up underneath her back to grasp the back of her neck as his hips rocked achingly against hers. 
It was exhilarating to feel his hands against her bare flesh, the shirt riding up to expose the tender peaks of her breasts. He moaned, his mouth moving from her neck to draw one hardening nipple between his lips, his tongue sliding hotly over it in a teasing swipe. 
She had never been kissed or touched like this before, but she wasn't scared at all, not even a flutter of nerves as his hand skimmed her hip, reaching under to squeeze longingly at the curve of her behind. 
“Stop me,” he panted, his tongue swirling against her breastbone. His hand moulded her backside, his fingers brushing underneath in a devastating caress that made her mouth open in a gasp. Heat flared dangerously. 
“No,” she whined, her hand fisting into the softness of his hair. 
His groan was feral, his mouth starved as he drew her flesh into a sharp suck that left her marked, his fingers swiping deeper under the curve of her backside against damp heat. She moaned in response, her legs widening shamelessly to welcome him. 
“Fuck, you shouldn’t make noises like that. I'm not going to be able to stop,” he said, his hips rocking against her, the nudge of his arousal widening her eyes as a shock of excitement blistered through her blood. 
Heart hammering and her breathing ragged, she tilted her pelvis, her body curious and on fire as she rubbed herself against him. He sucked air through his gritted teeth and released it as a groan, his forehead pressed between her breasts. 
“MC…” He warned, lifting his head to look at her. The blazing heat in his eyes sent another thrill through her. 
Heart in her mouth, but her head determined. She wrapped her legs around him, urging him closer, and he closed his eyes with a soft moan. He caught his lower lip with his teeth, his hips rolling against her in a slow, seductive movement that had her utterly lost. 
“Are you sure about this?” He asked breathlessly. “There's no going back from it. I don't want to take advantage of you.” 
“You're not,” she said, shaking her head. “I choose you.” 
The look in his eyes almost had her in tears, the stunned softness that made him go still, his hand caressing her face before he kissed her, slowly and thoroughly. 
It was more than just answering the burn of lust that fired their blood. Each caress, each press of lips, was an affirmation of their need to feel connected. The heat of skin against skin was soothing and arousing at once, what little clothing that formed barriers was discarded swiftly and without care, their sole focus to answer the plea in each other’s eyes. 
It was new and thrilling, each fumbled touch as they explored and discovered opened up new possibilities. The erotic and intimate nature of Sebastian's fingers delving deep into her core drew low moans from her mouth. Her body opened to receive him, her heart racing and her thoughts eager to learn the feel of being joined completely with him. 
The solemn lectures delivered by her matron at the children's home drifted through her mind, snippets about carnal sin and the proper way to behave. As her hands explored the lines of Sebastian's body, she couldn't fathom why anyone should deny themselves this intimacy. 
How could this be so terrible and wrong? The way Sebastian was looking at her, the worship he gave with hands and mouth, it made her feel alive. The bonds that had formed between them strengthened, sharpening to a burning point in her chest as he finally claimed her for his own. The stinging stretch as he filled her made her bite her lip, her fingers digging into his flesh as he began to move, his own moans of pleasure filling her ears. 
This was where she was meant to be. This was no sin. This was home.
Pressing his forehead to hers, their combined breaths mere heated gasps as their bodies found a rhythm together, MC stared into the deep, dark pools of his eyes. Lost in his shadows, utterly claimed by them as the tendrils of black curled around her essence and sealed their fate. 
“You're mine,” he breathed into her mouth, pushing even deeper into her, his grip tightening. “I'm never going to let you go.” 
“And you're mine,” she said firmly. 
His thrusts stuttered, soft sounds falling from his lips as he suddenly withdrew, the slick heat of his arousal rubbing lazily against the inside of her thigh before he came, spilling thick pools of release against her trembling flesh. She glanced down, curious and flushed as it dripped slowly to the bed sheets, his cock still firm and slick from their lust. 
Their bodies couldn't be any closer, arms and legs entwined as their flesh cooled and their breathing began to regulate. With her face pressed close to his skin, she could breathe him in, every lung full was a soothing comfort enhanced by the soft caresses of his hands. 
He was hers, and she was his. Together, they would dance with their shadows, and together they would defeat them. 
The soft glow of lamps lit up Central Hall in Hogwarts, a few Prefects were chatting in the corner and not really paying attention to the girl leaning on the balcony above them, her eyes lingering over the fountain before fixing on her destination. The library door. 
MC felt her lips curve upwards in a fond smile as she remembered arriving on this very balcony exactly a year ago, her stomach a bundle of nerves as she met the curious Slytherin boy who had no concerns about breaking school rules. She had been the new girl, desperate to impress, and yet, even then, so soon after meeting Sebastian, he had easily led her astray. 
Footsteps sounded behind her on the stairs and she turned to look over her shoulder, her smile widening at the sight of said Slytherin approaching. His gaze was curious, eyes twinkling with familiar mischief as he came right up close to her and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. 
“There you are,” he said quietly. “And what brings us here at this time of night, sweetheart?” 
MC smoothed her hands down the front of his waistcoat, her eyes playful as she looked up at him. “Do you know it's exactly one year, to the day, that you smuggled me into the library so I could snoop in the Restricted Section? I think it was the first bit of rule breaking you taught me.” 
“Is that so?” He arched an eyebrow and glanced over the balcony rail. “A whole year of teaching you how to break rules. How naughty of me. So, are you up for a little more rule breaking, then? Is that why we are here?” 
She nodded, eyes gleaming. “I thought we could sneak back down there, for old times sake, have a nose around. I have it on good authority that there are even some rather naughty books to be found if we look in the right place.” 
“Naughty books?” His smirk was positively devilish. “Do you even have to ask? Count me in.” 
Tugging her closer and kissing her again, his hand clasped hers. His handsome smile combined with the wicked gleam in his gaze was enough to send her tummy into a riot of butterflies as they pulled out their wands. With a cheeky wink, Sebastian cast his Disillusionment charm and he vanished, his faintly flickering outline tugging her towards the stairs as she cast her own charm. 
This time last year she had been shaking with nerves, her palms sweating as they outwitted old Scribner. This year, her pulse flew with anticipation as they made it through the iron gates and hurried down into the Restricted Section. The element of risk added to the excitement of being alone with Sebastian, and it wasn't long before she found herself pressed into a dark corner, his mouth on her skin and his hand under her blouse. 
Their shadows hung in the background, the darkness always there waiting for them, memories coming out to play when they least expected it. But, they had each other. They chased down the shadows with the warmth of their smiles and the heat of their embraces. 
With Sebastian at her side, she felt unstoppable, truly alive, and ready to face whatever came next. She doubted that life would ever become boring. Not with him. 
After all, they did love dark, restricted places, and they both couldn't back down from a challenge. Even when that challenge was each other. 
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legacyfics-archive · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt SFW - Volume 1
First Volume for Ominis Gaunt x MC/Reader archive, this list is all SFW works. More volumes coming soon. Not seeing your fic here? Send me an ask/message with a link so I can get it added!
A Letter to My Beloved - @damn-it-a-hogwarts-legacy-blog
A Niffler, A Blind Boy, and A Clever Witch - @cranetreegang
An Unexpected Flight - @cranetreegang
And Eyes as Cold as the Deepest Lakes - @cranetreegang
Blind Luck - @sebastianswallows
Breathe - @emptycauldron
call it what you want to - @hufflepuffwitchhh
Close Call - @cranetreegang
Clumsy Love - @tinaexe
Companion - @cuffmeinblack
Crucio - @life-at-hogwarts
-> In the shadow of the past - @life-at-hogwarts
Cruel Words - @cranetreegang
Dinner with the Gaunts - @emptycauldron
fluffy, jealous Ominis - @blueraineshadows
Flustered - @spaceyaceface
Goodbye For Now - @cranetreegang
Hand in Hand - @sebastianswallows
Handle With Care - @emptycauldron
he's so in love - @hufflepuffwitchhh
Hold me close - @cuffmeinblack
Home At Last - @cranetreegang
How could I fear any hurricane - @tinaexe
I Never Want Peace, I Thrive in Panic - @skittish1807
i'll be the one waiting - @hufflepuffwitchhh
In every version of reality - @tinaexe
It Will Happen Again - @applinsandoranges
Kindred spirits - @cuffmeinblack
Late night chess - @emptycauldron
Lessons Into the Mind - @cranetreegang
-> Delving Into the Mind - @cranetreegang
-> Save Her - @cranetreegang
Let Me Show You Something - @cranetreegang
letter left on your doorstep - @hufflepuffwitchhh
Like a Moth to a Flame, and a Lamb to the Slaughter - @cranetreegang
Like an Unquenchable Flame, I See You - @cranetreegang
Midnight Melody - @blueraineshadows
-> Midnight Melody Pt 2 - @blueraineshadows
Non-Negotiable - @emptycauldron
More than meets the eye - @hydrangeapartridge
Under 1k
22 with Ominis - @rypnami
26 with Ominis - @rypnami
A touch of sage - @cuffmeinblack
"after everything you've done, i still love you." - @spaceyaceface
Beauty Marks - @cuffmeinblack
"for years i have yearned for you in secrecy and silence." - @spaceyaceface
"i'm so very in love with you." - @spaceyaceface
"it hurts me, just how much i ache for you." - @spaceyaceface
How they fall for you - @eggymf
Ominis Gaunt - @finalgirllx
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rypnami · 2 months
SFW fic rec list
i don’t often reblog fics i like just because if i did it would clutter everyone’s dash CONSTANTLY. so i thought i’d make a lil list of a few of my favourite things i’ve read in this fandom- i tried to keep it short bc theres simply too much amazing work to list properly.
the value of kindness by @blueraineshadows
leander fluff- a little angsty but SWEET and i adore how she writes leander 🥹 just wonderful
in the shadow of her by @girl-named-matty i love this fic and matty is an exceptional writer so if you want a long slowburn and good writing read this and the other fics in the series fr
sunshine by @applinsandoranges OH i remember this one like yesterday, will always be possibly my favourite andrew fic. so sweet and cute
seek me by @cuffmeinblack i'm a real sucker for garreth fluff tbh and this one always makes me happy. romantic or platonic, he's 100% the guy who goes out of his way to help after someone has nightmares <3
amortentia by @applinsandoranges another classic by applin tbh. i can NEVER get enough and her seb in this fic is great. it's a somewhat quick read and 100% worth it, this is canon seb as far as i'm concerned.
(i will update this more as i remember favourites!)
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cuffmeinblack · 6 months
Weasley Wednesday Christmas special!
The Garreth's Groupies Discord server have put together a special collaborative series of stories and art! As a rough theme of Garreth's Christmas through the years, we have tales of his festive season from his time at Hogwarts, through adult life and on to his elder years.
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We hope you manage to read and enjoy each one!
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🎄 A Weasley Christmas by @rypnami
School years
🎄 A Brotherly Christmas by @eternalremorse
Young adult
🎄 A Christmas Diamond by @grandeoatmilklatte & accompanying artwork by @bibbysbrews
🎄 Breathe, I'm Here by @hannahlikeso741 & accompanying artwork by @pandanscart
🎄 Home for the Holidays by @fandoms-are-my-h0me
🎄 Christmas Wishes by @blueraineshadows
🎄 These Days Worth Living by @cuffmeinblack
❄️ Garreth and Oscar building a snowman by @pandanscart
❄️ Garreth's scent by @pandanscart
❄️ A Christmas proposal by @bibbysbrews
Merry Christmas!
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slytherin-paramour · 13 days
I made a little scene from @blueraineshadows amazing story, Blood Bound! If you haven't read it yet, I implore you to do so! It's a story that puts you through every emotion and makes you think about things, not to mention leaving you hanging for more! I'll link the story at the bottom :)
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eternalremorse · 3 months
✨ Do you love everything Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter and Wizarding World related? We have a Discord server just for you! ✨
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Whether it be a love of the books, movies, games, or simply the ✨ magic ✨ we've got everything covered!
A fun and safe space to post your thoughts and feelings.
Share artwork, writing, screenshots, theories - you name it!
Chat with fans of the universe from all across the globe!
Discuss your other favourite passions and interests - music, movies, tv shows, books etc.
We even have optional and casual roleplay of your MC's/OC's as well as canon characters.
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Interested? Send a DM to myself, @blueraineshadows or @slytherin-paramour (Server is 18+ only)
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