#i just wanted to see him slay the outfit instead
cruscribbles · 1 year
JL Unlimited - Season 1, Ep 12
okay ngl, lowkey disappointed that superman wasn't in this episode– not because he would have insta-kicked the dude's ass, but because we were straight-up ROBBED of clark "smallville, kansas farmboy, says y'all on a daily basis, awkward dork" kent and Y'ALL KNOW IT
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cursedcola · 1 month
Prompt: Couples will evidently begin to mimic their better half after some time. What traits do you steal from him, and vice versa? Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Characters: Everyone - because I want to and I’m amidst fleshing out all my Yuu/Character dynamics + designs Format: Headcannons. Masterlist: LinkedUP Parts: Heartslabyul (Here) | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia A/N: Putting all my brain rot from my notes into something cohesive. Contrary to my love for ripping your hearts out, I've come with some fluff this time around. BTW you may or may not already do things mentioned - I write my works with a specific Yuu in mind for each character so this is based on them. Just a reminder.
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Habits you steal:
Plan-Books (Inherited) : Riddle habitually carries a planner with all his tasks. A physical one, not an app in his cell phone like most students choose. You find it easier to manage and swap to paper-and-pen alternatives at his recommendation.
Tidiness (Inherited): Riddle is a nit-pickier when it comes to physical presentation. His habits of pressing his uniform, laying his clothes out every night, and dressing conservatively rub off. He has a point - ironed trousers do make a difference. Every morning he will redo your uniform tie. It's never knotted to his 'standard', and is his preferred excuse to greet you before class.
"Now, isn't that better? Surely you are more comfortable in ironed linens than those rags you'd been wearing as pajamas. You seriously found them lying in Ramshackle? Were you not given an allowance to buy basic needs? Ridiculous! The Headmaster's irresponsibility holds no bounds!" <- Utterly appalled that you've been sleeping in century-old robes. He supplies you with seven sets of pajamas, a spare uniform, and an iron + board for Ramshackle. All after reaming the Headmaster for neglect in the last dorm-head meeting - either Crowley coughed up the marks or Riddle will supply from his own bank. Seven have mercy if he chooses to become a lawyer instead of a doctor.
No Heels (Developed): Riddle has a height complex. He won't make a show of it, but you wearing heels does emasculate him. Especially if you're already taller naturally. For his sake, you choose to slay your outfits in flats.
"Are those new loafers? Oh - no, they're lovely. The embroidery is exquisite and I can see why Pomefiore's Housewarden models for their brand. I merely thought you preferred the heeled saddle-shoes we saw during the past weekend trip. I must have been mistaken. Never mind me. You look wonderful."
Playing Brain Teasers (Inherited): Riddle has this thing with memory - you don't know if he's really into preventing old-age Alzheimer's or what. He carries a book of teaser games like Sudoku, etc. for when he has downtime and you eventually get into them too.
"Oh! My Rose, would you care to join me for lunch? Trey's siblings recently mailed in a large collection of cross-words. You'll find they are both educational and entertaining - hm? I do not seem the 'type' for word-games? I assure you, even I can relax on occasion. There is no need to look so surprised." <- Riddle's been making a grand effort to do things he enjoys and become more personable. Trey's siblings did not send the collection. Riddle went into town and picked it out on his own. He also found a book on organizing excursions since he's big on quality time. He is dead-set on not being a neglectful or 'boring' partner.
Swear Jar (Developed): Tired of Riddle collaring Ace for his vulgar tongue, you suggest a Heartslabyul swear jar. When the jar gets filled, the money can be used to fund things like study materials and renovations for the dorm. Riddle liked this idea, but now implements it on anyone who sets foot in the Heartslabyul. Considering you spend most of your time there, you've had to develop a vast vocabulary beyond swearing. Oh - you also unironically use the word 'fiddlesticks' now.
Habits he steals:
Useless Expenses (Inherited): You are an enabler without a doubt. Riddle has always functioned with the bare bones - with function and efficiency being the number one priority. Ever so slowly - you've spoiled him with aesthetically pleasing stationary. At first all the needless purchases felt redundant - why buy the pillowcases with flowers when plain white is cheaper? You can invest in a higher quality this way. Yet you've ruined him with gifts that he had no choice but to use. Now he needs to buy the pens with little hedgehogs on them because studying doesn't feel the same with a plain ballpoint.
Slang Dictionary (Developed): With each passing day, all the students in Heartslabyul get more creative at bending the rules. That includes you. Riddle takes it upon himself to carry a 'little-black-book' full of all the sang words he is unfamiliar with. He does want to be a bit more 'hip' to understand you more, but at the same time he wants to bust any student being a smart-mouth. It's an ongoing battle *sigh*.
"Apologies, could you repeat that term for me? Surely it must be relevant to my lecture if you and Ace are whispering. 'Let him cook'? Do you think we are in a culinary lecture?! Have you not been listening to - ah. So it's in reference to letting me finish before interrupting...One moment. I need to make a note."
Chewing Gum (Developed): This is an ode to psychology. In short, eating is tied to a person's fight-or-flight. Instincts dictate that our bodies need to be in a calm state to eat comfortably. One day when Riddle was at his wits end, you tossed him a pack of sugarless gum and told him to chew. Disregarding Trey's unholy dental screeching, Riddle develops a gum dependence for when he's stressed out. On the bright side, his jaw has never been so sharp.
“Mimicry? You must be mistaken. Even if my influence has affected their person, surely there are only positive developments” == Riddle denies any changes if confronted. In truth, he’s well aware of how much you’ve helped him grow. It’s the opposite accusation that spikes concern. Riddle does not want others thinking you’re a mini-version of him. Rumors are not kind and neither is his current reputation. Making those amends is his burden to bare. He is flattered to see you paying attention to his mannerisms, and secretly proud that your bond is strong enough to affect the psyche.
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Habits you steal:
Whistling (Inherited): Trey whistles while working in the kitchen or doing general chores around the dorm. He's not very loud with it, so not may students are bothered. Since you laze about in his shadow the tunes he goes through do become repetitive. Now you do the same when cleaning up Ramshackle. Grim wants to knock you both out because he can't take it anymore.
"Ah -- How'd you know it was me in here? Just because I bake for the un-birthday parties doesn't mean I live in the kitchen, you know. My whistling? Huh. Never thought that would be my calling card but there are worse things, haha"
Head-Scratching (Inherited): Trey's got a habit of scratching the back of his head when he's uncomfortable or nervous. That, or rubbing at the nape of his neck while adverting eye contact. You start doing this too whenever you're being scolded or put in a tough situation.
Dental Hygiene (Inherited): By far the most obvious shared trait. Trey enforces his dental habits onto everyone- you are no exception. You now own four different kinds of floss, two toothbrushes (one being electric), and have a strict hygiene routine. Your pearly whites have never been so clean. Eventually you become somewhat of a secondary enforcer, policing anyone who sleeps over your dorm to take care of themselves before bed. All of Heartslabyul learns that there is no going back when you scold Riddle for not brushing after his teatime tart, and live to tell the tale.
"Hey - uh, weird question? Were you handing out floss to the Spelldrive Team yesterday? Seriously? I though Grim was pulling my leg - oh, no! It's not weird at all! Those guys should have a better routine for all the meat they eat when bulking. I'm just shocked you got through to them." <- Very proud. Mildly cocky. He's been itching to get those negligent jocks to floss after their banquets his entire tenure, but steered away from that conflict like the plague. Thank you for making his dreams come true. Now if you could maybe get them to stop picking their gums with toothpicks?
Habits he steals:
Overbuying Food (Developed): Being a baker's son, Trey's good with finances and money. He's also meticulous with the ingredients he purchases for his bakes. You are not. You go to Sam's shop, buy whatever is on sale, and then bring it back home to improvise. This ends poorly more often than not, and behold! Trey has two Ramshackle sluggers snooping around his kitchen for eats. This is unpredictable and therefore he now never knows what amount to buy. You've ruined him.
Phone Calls (Developed): Texting is easier. Especially since phone calls can be a commitment that Trey dislikes being wrapped up in. Whenever Cater's name pops up as the caller, Trey knows he's getting an ear full. The thing is that you never. answer. your. phone. Either the text gets lumped in with the hundreds of missed messages you have, or Grim stole your cell to play mobile games. So Trey gives up and only ever calls. Either Grim will answer or you'll pick up thinking it's the snooze of your alarm.
"Hello? Prefect, where are you? It's me, Trey. Just calling to see if you're still coming to the Un-Birthday party? Riddle's getting a bit nervous since the schedule's set for the next hour. Grim's already here with Ace and Deuce - uh, want Cater to send a double to pick you up? I have a sinking feeling that you're asleep...Call me? Please?" <- He was correct. You called back not a moment after, half-asleep and hauling ass not to be late.
Speaking in Propositions (Inherited): Trey's normally good at keeping neutrality in a conversation, but getting a clear answer out of Yuu you is like solving a rubix cube. Either it's easy and instant, or a long game. Eventually your habit of indecisiveness rubs off on him and he asks questions more than answers them. Evidently this gets his younger classmen to stop asking for favors unless they really need to.
“Aha - really? I didn’t notice at all. Okay. Okay, I picked up on a few hints. What’s so wrong with them taking after me? It’s cute, right?” == Trey is the observant sort that picks up on his influence quickly. Not just anyone carries floss in their pocket at all times - and the looks from his dorm-mates when you offer some up is enough for the realization to click. Trey’s used to playing the respectable sort, and finds it endearing that you’re taking his good notes to heart. In truth, most of Trey’s mimicry is intentional. He’s a flexible guy who doesn’t mind altering his habits to fit your needs. Easier this way, y’know?
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Habits you steal:
Speaking in Acronyms(Inherited): Now this is scary. The first time it happened, you had to take a pause and just re-evaluate your entire life. You don't use them nearly as often as Cater does, but somewhere along the line your brain must have rewired to speak in internet lingo. O-M-G you're TOTALLY twinning with him right now, period :)
Nicknames (Inherited): Again, frightening. You once swore against ever calling him Cay-Cay. It isn't very slay-slay. Yet you can only hear him use nicknames for so long until you're unconsciously calling people by them too. Especially since he's always dishing gossip. It starts in your head, which is fine. It's not like they know. Then you call Lilia 'Lils' and that old fart is just grinning behind his sleeve because ohoho~ young love <3
"Did you just- AHA! OMG DO IT AGAIN?! Wait, gotta get my camera out for this - wha? Oh, that's totes not fair! C'mon. Call me Cay-Cay. Just once! I won't even post it to Magicam, please? Lils won't believe me without proof! Pleasssssseeeee - " <- He actually doesn't want you to call him Cay-Cay all the time. Cater likes you using his given name, since it's more personal. Although the way it obviously slipped out on accident is just too cute to ignore.
Reality TV (Inherited): At first you don't like the gossip. It's cheesy, a bit annoying, and the shaky camera-work for nearly every show is headache inducing. Cater likes his dose of drama in his free-time, and Ramshackle has a tv that no one is using. It starts with him watching while you do other things around the dorm. Yet each time you pass the living area, you take longer to leave. Lingering around like one of the ghosts. Then he pulls you in with snacks and starts giving the low-down of what's going on, pulling out a bottle of tangerine shimmer polish to paint your nails. It's just one episode, watch it for him? Please? Oh no. No. No. Suddenly you're invested in who's the baby-daddy of little Ricky and what Chantel is going to do because her sister just lost the house to foreclosure.
"#KingdomOfDeadbeats - am I right? Ugh. I'm so glad we met if that's the dating scene back home...What?! I know it isn't real! Don't be a dummy, I was just joking! Ah! Stop! Don't hit me!" <- Half-hearted jokes about going on one of those talk-shows one day. You're an alien, after all - imagine the juicy drama and views his account would get from doing an interview? It's all jokes though. Cater likes spilling the tea, but hates being it. Don't ever abandon him and go out for milk though, kay? He doesn't want to pay Grim's child support. Otherwise he might have no choice smh
Habits he steals:
Phone/Web Games (Inherited): Cater's phone is mainly full of social media. He's not too into the gaming scene, it's not his peeps y'know? Alas, you download a few dress-up games and one MMO on his phone. First off - props on getting his phone. That's Cay-Cay's lifeline and not just anyone gets to play with it. Pray tell - what is this Wonderstar Planet (props if you know what is being ref.) and how can he become the most influential digital streamer on it? Congrats. He's addicted.
"Who's this Muscle Red and why's he bombing our raid - AH! He just tea-bagged me! So not cool...Prefect? STOP LAUGHING WE HAVE BETS ON THIS MATCH! There goes my collab opportunity, big fail" <- Muscle Red continues to make an appearance. Eventually he becomes Cater's official rival on stream, and Lils is all to invested in the tea cater drops during club meets. Side note. You're the one who gave 'muscle red' Cater's domain code. The lore thickens.
Internet Caution (Developed): This goes without saying, but Cater's well-known in the Magicam scene. He's very forward and knows his way around using charisma. Since you're not in the scene as much, he becomes more cautious of where and when he does streams. The change is so subtle that only the most observant people will pick up on it - but Cay-Cay doesn't want any creepos popping in if y'know what I'm saying. His sisters were the ones to instigate this change.
“Awe~ SRSLY?! That’s fresh news to my ears but good, right? Ne, are there any clips or pics? I need my evidence, y’see. Especially if my cutie is off taking notes from their one and only. C’mon, spill the tea!” == Cheeky Cater is well aware of what’s happening. He’d humor anyone out for some light teasing - after all, he isn’t by your side at all hours. His walls are probably the second most difficult in all of campus to bypass, so he’s both sweetened and nerved to see you picking up on his mannerisms. That’s proof of a strong attachment, after all.
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Habits you steal:
Knuckle Cracking (Inherited): Deuce still does this from his biker days. It could be because joint pain from past fights, or possibly air retention in his knuckles from studying. Regardless, Deuce cracks his knuckles at least once every few hours and you began to mimic him. Some people groan at the popping sounds but it really does feel good to release the tension. Let's just hope neither of you dislocate any fingers on accident.
"Stop that! G-geez, you nearly gave me a heart attack. Thought you broke a finger...your hands are stiff? That just means you're studying a lot! I think...uh, let's break? I think there's some leftovers in the kitchen." <- Deuce 100% gets needing to pop those air bubbles. His hands get stiff from studying all the time, but don't crack them too much or you might dislocate something. Side note - he shows you how to wrap your fingers with a soothing salve. He used to do it after fights, but now it's a great help after class.
Double Notes (Developed): Deuce tries. He really does. Yet the lad just isn't great when it comes to book smarts. Seeing that he is dedicated to turning over a new leaf, you make a habit of copying all your notes. He isn't allowed to share them with Ace or Grim - else all bets are off. Sometimes you leave little 'good job' stickers on the last page for him. Is he a toddler? No. Does he peel the stickers off and save them? Totally. He is a good noodle. Suck it Ace.
Sewing (Developed): He breaks things. Most of the time it's an accident. You've learned to carry a mini-sewing kit for all the rips in Deuce's uniform. Same for mini remedies for stains and other problems. It's not like he's trying to get grass stains all over his under-shirt or to split the seam in his gloves (nearly every week). It just happens, and every time he comes to you with a kicked-puppy look with a promise of it being the last time. It is never the last time.
"Uhm...hun'? It happened again. I'm so sorry for bothering you but Housewarden is going to kill me if he sees the tear in my blazer! Can you fix it?! I can't handle another collar with my exam tomorrow! I need to breathe to focus! - really!? I owe you one! Snacks are on me tonight."
Habits he steals:
Bottomless Stomach (Developed): Have leftovers from dinner? Bring them over. He'll get the tubba-ware back in 1-2 days. Coupon for buy-one-get-one at Sam's? He'll take the extra and polish it off in less than a minute. Deuce becomes a human garbage disposal and is taking the unwanted condiments off your sandwich to eat. Just pick them off and leave 'em on the corner of his lunch plate. Even if he dislikes it, he'll down it so you don't have to.
"Mm. Oh, thanks hun' - its that all you're eatin'? You don't like the steam bun? It is a bit dry, but wasting food is disrespectful to the cooks! I'll finish it for you so have my fruit instead. You still need to eat" <- 10/10 very thoughtful and not picky at all. He is grateful to eat your cooking and will gobble up all leftovers at Ramshackle, but doesn't think twice to sharing meals in the cafeteria. He will notice though if you do not eat enough. Restocks the snack cabinet if he sees it's empty. Is touched if you routinely share things you know he enjoys, like saving half your frittata on purpose.
Early Riser (Inherited): See - even if you hate the mornings, there is no choice at Night Raven College. As Ramshackle Prefect you need to be up to take care of business before class. Deuce becomes your personal alarm clock because he wants some time with you before everyone else joins in. Mind you that he lives with three other dudes who threaten to end him every morning because his alarm wakes them up too. Eventually he can wake up without it, but the time leading is unpleasant.
"W-what? Seriously? I've been trying to be more like them! They're a good person and responsible so I've been trying to follow their example. To think we've been doing the same thing this entire time...." == Why would you ever imitate him? He's been trying his damn best to become an honor student worth respecting, and has a long way to go. To think you're comfortable enough with him to mimic his mannerisms? It's a pipe dream, one he doesn't grasp until it's put right in front of his face. You don't let anyone else pick off your plate other than Grim. The next time his clothes tear, he's already handing off his tie before realizing just what's happening. When you wrap his knuckles after a six-hour lock in at the library? He can't help but feel proud at how neat the bandages are. Suddenly the dark memories of hiding bruised knuckles from his mom are pacified with healing balm. Deuce views this development as a gift, and is grateful. Very, very grateful.
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Habits you steal:
‘I owe you’ cards (Inherited): Ace's favorite social invention - the 'solid'. Nothing spells new-low like getting your friends to do stuff in exchange for a favor in the future. Most of the time Ace counts on people forgetting he owes them one, but you're not so gullible. The only difference between you both is that while Ace never fulfills his solid, you have a conscience. Give it a few more years. He'll get ya.
"I know this is the third ticket this week but - Oh! C'mon, cut a guy some slack, would you? I'm sorry for bein' late to our date. Yeah, it was shitty. I'm not trying to fight it, aright? I'm here now so let's have some fun and you can chalk three strikes on my tab. I'll even buy ya some candy - Ah! Okay! Two candies but that's where my charity ends!" <- Evidently, the 'I-owe-you' tabs cancel each other out from how often you both call in favors. It's just an excuse to do acts of service or express apologies without being too mushy. Ace is definitely keeping a track record of them though. Expect an ongoing log that dates back to the week you met, when he showed up homeless, collared, and looking to couch surf.
Profanity (Inherited): Ace swears like a sailor. Maybe not so much in his dorm because *cough* he's being policed. He holds no such reservations when you're both alone at Ramshackle. Unfortunately his potty mouth has a mind of it's own - it taints you, and you are a sham of a prefect. Ace earned a week-long collar for teaching you some Twisted-Wonderland exclusive curses. Riddle is not pleased.
Leaving the Windows Unlocked (Developed): There are only so many times he can sneak in through your window before the adrenaline-induced charm wears off. You have class in the morning, and can't be bothered to deal with him on nights he can't pass out in his dorm. Thank seven you have all of Ramshackle to yourself - because Heartslabyul sounds like a nightmare with the roommate situation. You can't leave the front door open for obvious reasons, but most nights the guest-bedroom window will be left slightly ajar in case he needs a place to crash.
"Pssst! Oi! Prefect! ...ugh, Grim! Wake them up, man! The latch is stuck. Don't go back to bed you furball! HEY! IT'S FREAKIN COLD OUT HERE SO LET ME IN ALREADY" <- Please let him in. If Ace has to spend one more night in that stinky dorm with three dudes, he'll string one of their dirty gym socks over your bed. No mercy.
Sleeping with Earplugs (Developed): Bitch Ace snores.
Habits he steals:
Notes Memo (Developed): Ace is bad with remembering things. Anniversaries? Dates? Allergies? He admits to not putting in a great amount of effort, but you can't say he doesn't try at all. He has a notes block on his phone dedicated to things like your go-to takeout orders and preferences. He even has a few alarms set days before any important events because even if you say no-gifts or plans...yeah, he's not that stupid.
Excessive Yawning (Inherited): You're always tired - it wasn't Ace's problem before but now he does feel a bit guilty. Dragging you into his messes felt different when you were just the prefect, y'know? Regardless, it's human instinct to mimic each other's demeanor so he'll openly yawn all the time - normally in succession of you.
"Hey...you're dozing off again. Am I seriously that boring to hang around? - Nah. Just messin' with you. I'd suggest taking a nap during next period but I doubt a goody-goody like you is gonna take that advice. Let's just ditch juice at lunch and go back to the dorm. Don't get mad if I forget to wake you up though"
Medications (Developed): Ace is the last person to become a human apothecary, but he's always got a pack of pain-reliever meds in his pocket with a few bandages, etc. He also attached one of those tiny capsule bottles to his keyring with some stomach meds inside. You took a spill running laps? Dang man. That sucks. Here's a band-aid for your knee. Curse you for making him the slightly-more responsible one.
"Eh..what, like it's a shock? You saying I'm a bad influence? Cause yeah, that checks. Nothin' I can do if they want to take a card outta my deck though," == Ace is entirely neutral on the topic. He is definitely smug that you're coming over to the dark side, but he doesn't need anyone to point it out. He was your first after all. Maybe the start could have been a bit better - but hey, you came around. It's not like he's hurting anyone by helping build your backbone. Although Ace will instantly deny going soft for you in any way, shape, or form.
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Margaret Lindsay (Frisco Kid, The House of the Seven Gables, Scarlet Street)—she was born in Dubuque, Iowa, then moved to England to make her stage debut. She framed herself as a British actress and moved back to America to try Hollywood, then starred with James Cagney in a bunch of movies. She was in the Ellery Queen movie series and The House of the Seven Gables. She never married (I suspect lesbian stuff) but lived with her sisters. She dated Cesar Romero and Liberace (I told you. Lesbian stuff.) Please include the pic of her in the tie [included above]
Mae West (She Done Him Wrong, I'm No Angel)—She is an absolute icon, the OG sex symbol. Every word from her mouth was an innuendo and she was proud of it. I guess one could say she slayed. She got Cary Grant his first acting role, as well. How could you NOT vote for someone who says such iconic stuff as "I do all my writing in bed; everybody knows I do my best work there" or "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." SHE COINED THE PHRASE "IS THAT A GUN IN YOUR POCKET OR ARE YOU JUST HAPPY TO SEE ME?" I LOVE HER!!!
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Margaret Lindsay:
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Mae West:
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Her voice! Her body! She was thick as hell and SO confident.
Mae West is often called the queen of the sexual pun or innuendo, she was an early sex symbol and a comedy icon. She also has a quote saying "When I am good, I am very good. But when I am bad I am better!" which is possibly the peak of hot girl energy ever. (Including the clip here)
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for an era that didn't have much wiggle room when it came to women that studios wanted in their films, it's refreshing that she was in her late 30s when she skyrocketed to movie fame. she was also curvy and witty and raunchy, an absolute icon!
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Legendary sex symbol. Like 500 vintage iconic quotes and double entendres. "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? " "When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better" / "It's not the men in your life that count, it's the life in your men" / "I feel like a million tonight. But one at a time." , "Marriage is a fine institution, but I'm not ready for an institution. " / " How tall are you without your horse? Six foot, seven inches. Never mind the six feet. Let's talk about the seven inches! " Look the pictures don't do her justice just watch a compilation and tell me that voice doesn't do it for you
She was a SEX GODDESS at a time when that was an extremely scandalous thing to be, and she worked it! She was sardonic, sarcastic, funny...and stacked! Favorite quote (from Night After Night, 1933): Random woman: Goodness! What beautiful diamonds! Mae West: Goodness had nothin' to do with it, dearie.
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i personally love this silly production number from one of her lesser known movies
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She was arrested for indecency and chose to serve 10 days in prison instead of paying the fine for the publicity, and she claimed that she refused to wear the ugly prison outfits so she wore her silk lingerie the entire time. Also one of the first historybound vintage fashion icons (although vintage for her was the Victorian era)
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oofthwoods · 8 months
'23 grid ── ˙ ̟ the echo !!
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 :: an overview of fem!driver relationship with a few drivers on the grid. just a bunch of cute headcanons that i can't get out of my head. i only added the ones i feel she would be closest with, but feel free to ask me about any other driver!
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :: recommend reading the introduction for the backstory.
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˒ ⌕ — MICK SCHUMACHER ( 47 )
more than mere teammates, mick and her have been glued to the hip ever since they met. with both of their parents being ex-formula one drivers for the same team, it was clear from the very start that they would see each other very often. as kids, wondering around the paddock, as teens, supporting each other on the track and now, as young adults, competing against each other on porsche and f1.
while mick is a sweet, introverted guy who tends to think about every word that leaves his miuth, she is the complete opposite — loud, bashful and someone who should have a bigger filter between your brain and mouth. is the epitome of orange cat × golden retriever, and fans eat it up.
while mick sometimes can calm her, it's more likely that she brings him into her shenanigans.
˒ ⌕ — MAX VERSTAPPEN ( 33 )
her and max couldn't have a more different upbringing. while he was roughly shaped into a champion by his father, she had been carefully brought into the motorsport world by yours.
they've met during her years as a red bull junior, and what started with max being a bit annoyed by her non-stop talking quickly turned into an honest friendship, where they both can say whatever they want.
it leads to max saying the most unhinged things and her being the only one who jokes along instead of feeling concerned.
˒ ⌕ — LEWIS HAMILTON ( 44 )
probably one of the cutest driver pairings in the grid. fans love to dig out old picture from the two and compare to it now.
lewis has always had a soft spot for her, ever since she was a kid roaming around in the paddock. he would show her his car, explaining all the things to her and claiming that his team was better than whatever team her dad was on.
once she came back to the paddock, now as a driver, he took one look at her and immediately took her under his wing. they both are, in their own ways, alone within the rest of the grid and he wouldn't let the media, or anyone for what matters, dim her light.
on the daily, he is always checking up on her, not in a overbearing fatherly way, but more as an older brother figure.
during her first months he managed to convince the media outlets to pair them both together for every interview, and he was always quick to shut down any stupid question sent her way.
if she annoys him for long enough, she manages to make him agree to coordinate his outfits with her.
˒ ⌕ — FERNANDO ALONSO ( 14 )
similar to lewis, she met alonso when she was very young. although he had a bad reputation during that time, she always loved to hang out with him, because she loved how cool he looked every time he won a race.
it took him some time to warm up to her, as he was never that great with kids when he was younger, but when she gifted him a drawing she had made of him winning a race, he was done for. yes, he was still seen as some sort of villain, but everyone agreed that he looked more human when she was on him arms.
he would grab her from her father's garage (with his permission, of course) and would take her to his, always waiting with her favorite flavor of pizza. it became a tradition for the both of them to eat it before a race, being his or hers.
whenever he could, he would watch her races from her garage, proudly wearing team merchandise with her name on it. when she won her f2 championship, he made sure to stand closely to the podium, and he would deny it, but he cried a bit when she raised her trophy.
such a cute duo because he tries to keep up with the things she likes, but still doesn't fully understand everything, so one day he would randomly say that her outfits is slaying and would leave with a polite smile while she stands there, confused, wondering where the hell did he learn that.
still tries to continue their pizza traditions <3
˒ ⌕ — LANDO NORRIS ( 04 )
they both barely knew each other before her debut in f1, but somehow clicked instantly. it might be because of their self depreciated tendencies, or their constant sarcasm. who knows? the only thing that matters is that when a reporter asks a stupid question, they can communicate with a single glance.
lando tries to get her intro photography but gives up once she couldn't fully understand how to correctly operate a camera. claims that she is a pretty good model to make up for it <3
somehow they know everything about everyone. it's a mix of lando knowing the drivers very well, and her knowing a lot of the mechanics of different teams. whenever something happens in the paddock, they both definitely know.
˒ ⌕ — GEORGE RUSSELL ( 63 )
met simply because she thought his pose was so funny that she had to ask him if he thought about it previously or decided to just wing it during filming. he was slightly confused that she seemed so friendly after they had just net, but quickly understood that was simply how she acted.
the most meme worthy duo. with his perfect timed actions and her dynamic facial expressions, their faces are always seen together plastered on twitter.
the butt of most of her jokes. she constantly sends him tiktoks and he claims that he is tired of it, but always sees each one and gives a little commentary.
if lewis is her caring older brother, george is her annoying one.
˒ ⌕ — OSCAR PIASTRI ( 81 )
the two of them have a long running joke because they don't know when they met. they've never competed against each other, as he was always one year above in the series, and never raced for the same team, but somehow, they feel like you've always been friends.
(they once actually sat down to try and trace back to their first meeting, but only got as far as to a gala in 2020, but they both remember already being friends during that.)
people thought they would never see them interact because of their distinct personalities and were very surprised when she pulled him into a hug after their race in bahrain.
always bantering and joking, oscar likes that she understand his sense of humor and don't take it too seriously.
˒ ⌕ — ALEX ALBON ( 23 )
met solely because she felt the need to tell him how pretty his girlfriend was. he was very confused but appreciated the compliment (even though it wasn't dedicated to him).
after that he kept getting drawn by her straight to the point comments, always failing to conceal his laughter after she says something, either during debriefing or interviews.
she pretty much became his and lily's daughter. they take her out to eat after races, lily tries to teach her how to golf and alex convinces her to die her hair if she scores at least 10 ponths.
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loveemii · 2 years
How the Kamaboko Trio would react to you wearing a mini skirt and a revealing top :)
WARNINGS: Spicy content level 30% Touching, kissing.
enjoy <3 + bonus | aged up | fem reader
you were going out for dinner with tanjiro and he was patient while you were getting ready upstairs. but damn you took almost an hour picking out what you wanted to wear, poor tanjiro was waiting for a while. (ToT)
after you finished getting ready you walked out the room and went downstairs. only for tanjiro to first look at your exposed breasts. cleavage hanging out and the mini skirt you chose didn’t make it easier for him. his eyes then narrowed down from your breasts to your thighs. your skirt was almost only covering your inner thighs.
“How do I look?”
the audacity you had asking him that.
“You look gorgeous.”
although his mind was wondering off on all the ways he wanted to have you, he was gentle nevertheless. he came off as pure and innocent, until he grabbed you by your mini skirt.
“Tanjiro? What are you doing?”
“Shh, just touch me.”
he then pulled you in closer to him by pulling you by your mini skirt. you felt really hot and your stomach was twisting, his heart was pounding but all he wanted was you.
“God your so beautiful.”
he said as he kissed your soft plump lips, you kissed him back. tanjiro then placed his head and rested it on your breasts. he reached down into your pants and was just slowly finding the right place to touch you. the night was gonna be long and slow, gentle and hot.
you wanted to have a nice walk in the city with your boyfriend, you even made him put a shirt on for once. as he waiting for you outside the estate, it was really hot in the day as well as the night since this was during summer. he waited an extra few minutes (seconds) before he went back inside the house.
“What the hell is taking you so long?”
he asked with a bit of annoyance in his tone of voice. he stopped talking as he seen you exit room with a revealing top and a mini skirt.
“Does this look ok?”
you asked him pulling the skirt a little down, he wasn’t speaking but instead he just walked up and grabbed you on your upper thighs.
is all he said before you leaned in a kissed him. it was mostly you who started intimacy with him but he would always start trouble by saying things like that. he kissed you back and there were a few smiles in between deep kisses.
“Ino? Are we still going out?”
“No, let’s stay the hell inside tonight.”
and with that it was time to take off that top and mini skirt, things we about to get hot real fast.
zen really wanted to take you out on a date since he has been busy all month with slaying demons. it was an exciting night for him cause he got to see you all dressed up for him and for the night. but what he didn’t know is that you were gonna DRESS UP.
he was waiting outside your room with a bouquet of pink flowers he picked out from the estate garden. you walked out the room and he started to blush as soon as he looked at what you were wearing. and damn he couldn’t help but look at your breasts and butt and you turned around displaying your outfit for him.
“What do you think?”
you asked him as you fixed your top and mini skirt. he was trying his hardest to look elsewhere, but his eyes always wonders off were your boobs were. you noticed this and giggled a little.
“If you wanted to touch them, you could’ve asked.”
his face lit up but was still red from blushing. his heart was beating faster than the flash. and that feeling he had in his stomach didn’t help him to approach you either.
you went closer to him and moved his hands to your waist as you bother the flowers hit the ground. his hands were wobbly and his face was a vibrant shade of pink. you leaned in a kissed his eager lips. surprisingly he kissed you back without fear, as if those feelings went away easily. his hands travels from your waist to your breasts in no time wasted. he was touching and playing with them softly.
“So soft and beautiful.”
he couldn’t help but smile in between kisses just like inosuke. but this boy was no different than a lovesick little boy.
+ bonus character!
you and nezuko were going out to a festival in a local city nearby, she was waiting for you as you changed in the room.
“I’m finished!”
you said cheerfully, she turned around from looking away, her eyes widened and her mouth made an O shape.
“Is something wrong?”
“No you look so beautiful! I’m not sure I want to go to the festival anymore.”
she said as she walked up to you and resting her face on top of your breasts, she can hear how fast your heartbeat was, and she wanted nothing more than to spend the night with you. she then kissed your soft tinted lips and you kissed hers, she began to slowly pull your mini skirt down as you untied your revealing top. she took off her clothes and you two were gonna be ending the night in the bathtub together.
thank you for reading, please ignore grammar or spelling mistakes (ToT) (if i did any)
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wonwooslibrary · 1 year
svt as boyfriends ♡ jeonghan edition
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member: yoon jeonghan genre: fluff, bullet points, established relationship word count: 668 summary: jeonghan's boyfriend things <3 warnings: none! author's note: i totally forgot to write this oops but heeeey it's done and it's jeonghan's turn! school has been a lot so i'm sorry that I haven't been posting as much </3 I'm trying to write more in my free time so we'll see :O
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I feel like Jeonghan would be the “silent boyfriend”
Jeonghan gives the perfect college boyfriend vibes and I love that for him idk
Quality Time 
Jeonghan slays so hard at quality time
As I said, Jeonghan gives college bf vibes and it’s totally because of his love of quality time! 
When you are doing work, he’d totally agree to sit with you somewhere on campus or in a local cafe to study with you and help you memorize terms for your next exam! 
If you don’t go to school, he’d totally help you with your work projects too!!!
If you don’t have work projects either, he’d just be there for you if you are having a rough day, just as someone to lean on and to listen to you talk <3 
He’s so caring I love him
He would also definitely love to go on night walks with you when it’s late! He would totally find a spot where y’all can see the stars and take you there so you can stargaze and share some snacks 
Words of Affirmation 
Jeonghan is totally a “sweetie” or “baby” kind of guy and you cannot change my mind about it at all 
I can imagine Jeonghan coming home from a long practice or something and finding you in the living room. He’d sit next to you on the couch and lean against you and be all like, “Hi baby, how was your day?” 
(I’d actually scream pls) 
He would always say sweet things to you like “I missed you, baby” or “I love spending time with you” aaaaaa 
Jeonghan is a compliment machine so never think he would keep his thoughts to himself 
“Sweetie, I love the outfit you wore the other day! It looked perfect on you” 
Physical Touch
Jeonghan obsessed with little or light touches 
Loves holding hands when you’re waiting in line for something, or resting his hand on your knee when you’re sitting together on public transport 
And of course don’t forget about the back hugs when you’re doing something like dishes, brushing your teeth or literally just standing and texting your friend back
Head pats !!! Loves just patting your head and combing through your hair slightly
Y’all would be the couple that I strive to be a part of in my dreams 
Just imagine Jeonghan being a cuddly bf :( 
Acts of Service 
Helping you brush and do your hair!!! He definitely knows how to braid so imagine all the cool stuff he could do 
And if you have short hair, don’t fear: he’s got the butterfly clips all prepared just to be silly 
Definitely helps you with chores when you are busy or need to just take a break from existing 
Likes driving you places, even if you are a better driver and also enjoy driving 
He just likes making sure you get places safely and also don’t have to stress yourself out from how bad the traffic can be 
He also just likes letting you be in control of his radio 
Gift Giving 
He would totally go to your favorite cafe or bakery in the morning and get your favorite treat and bring it back while you’re still sleeping so when you wake up, you get something amazing from him !!!
Spoils you all the time but instead of it being jewelry or something expensive, he just gets you small trinkets 
Totally buys you pins for your bag when he goes literally anywhere 
Also loves to get you little decorations for your place: including stuffed animals, one being an extremely soft lamb that you decided to name Mareep, like the Pokemon
Now, for something like holidays and your birthday, he would get something more sentimental, like matching bracelets or something!!! 
He would want to get something for the both of you that he can still wear during practice, photoshoots and when he’s filming literally anything
Even if the audience doesn’t know what it symbolizes, he would know and that's very soft boyfriend of him <3
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softiejoon · 1 year
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warnings ; mentions of food, crying and the patriarchy
a/n ; just a silly little thing for fun (extremely barbie-biased bc i have not seen oppenheimer 🤭)
.・゜-: ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ✧ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ :-゜・.
is totally down for the double feature
equally excited for both tbh
was easily persuaded into dressing on theme
you rocking all black and a leather trench coat, and chan in baby pink and denim <33
y’all slayed
lots of snacks and drinks to sustain you both throughout the night
(chan cries during barbie)
long late night conversations after the movie <33
overall an 11/10 experience with ur ken (affectionate) !!
complains about it being too much effort (he’s already bought the tickets)
will do the bare minimum in terms of dressing to theme but enjoys seeing you all excited and happy
EXTREMELY engrossed throughout barbie
wouldn’t even let you out to pee at first bc you were “disrupting a very important cinematic experience”
sits through the entire end credits
“soo did you like it?” “it was okay i guess”
drags jisung along to see it again bc he knows you’d never let him live it down
did not want to see oppenheimer at first
“it’s just stupid men being stupid and blowing stuff up” “okay but cillian murphy and florence pugh are in it”
only goes on the condition you both dress to the barbie theme
honestly he outdressed you. there’s no two ways about it
changbin kenned so hard you can’t help but respect it
“baby, you ready to go?” “…” 🙄 “..ken, you ready to go?” “yes barbie!!!”
needless to say you had trouble getting him to leave the theatre
“okay bin, time to go” “no they haven’t played barbie dreams by fifty fifty yet”
soo dramatic about the entire thing
thinks himself into a panic when deciding which one to see first
then also proceeds to have a crisis about which theme to dress to
has too many outfit ideas for both and makes you watch as he models all of his 50 options
complains if you don’t give detailed feedback on each one
“ynnie are you even looking??” “hyunjin, if looks could kill right now…”
when he finally does decide on his outfit though, it’s like walking the red carpet with him
looks hella good and he knows it
lovees the photo opps (probably the best part of the night for him smh)
babygirl is so excited to see barbie
thought it would be a feel-good film
is sorely mistaken when he sees you tearing up during the movie
next thing he knows, boom! (woops wrong movie) he’s bawling
listens so intently to you talk about the film afterwards that he surprises even himself
genuinely just wants to learn more so he does his own research
(and not just about horses, though it is included)
“really? you, mr jeogiyo noona hokshi namja–?” 😭😭😭
makes you buy him the kenough hoodie for emotional damage
you agree
he’s so excited!!!
bakes cookies for you both to sneak into the theatre
briefly considers doing a split dye just for the premiere
“lix angel we’re leaving in an hour” “fine :(”
but his pout disappears immediately when you offer to help with his makeup
“sit stilll lixie” “can’t, ‘s ticklish!”
there is pink glitter. everywhere.
bc someone insisted it was essential for the look
(he was right, it really does top it all off)
you’re also running late bc you and felix got a little distracted while finishing off his makeup
it’s not your fault his lips look so kissable with your gloss on
and it’s not felix’s fault he’s addicted to the strawberry taste on both your lips
you do eventually make it there though, just missing all the ads
safe to say there were a lot of laughs shared and tears shed <3
man this dude is the biggest pretend-hater
told you he refuses to see barbie and wants to see oppenheimer instead
you frowned and begged for him to give in but no luck
then the next thing you know you’re at the theatre and it’s two tickets for barbie
“is this some sick mind game?”
“what, you think im that twisted? maybe we should go see oppenheimer since you love evil geniuses so much”
watches you snatch the tickets from his hand and run off with a lovesick smile on his face
for the entirety of the following week, you catch moments of seungmin humming the barbie soundtrack
always stops the second you’re around though and tells you you’re hearing things
“stop gaslighting me, that’s so un-barbie of you”
but when you finally catch him singing ‘i’m just ken’ in the shower ohoho
you throw open the bathroom door “aha! i knew it!!”
“y/n what the hell??” “i knew ittt. you lovee barbie hehe”
“whatever.. but uh since you’re here…can you pass me a towel please?”
“okay :) if you sing :))”
in the end, he got his towel and you got a full rendition of the song from your red-faced boyfriend
just doesn’t really get the hype
he was fine seeing either or none of them tbh
but you convinced him with the prospect of matching outfits <33
he’s so into it that you forget he was the one who didn’t want to go at first
literally buys you matching pieces and jewellery to wear
you have no control over your outfit at this point
but it makes him happy and you know you’re in good hands so you let him have at it
ofc you both end up looking great
makes you take a bunch of pics for his ig tho 🙄
but you get a bunch of cute couple ones in too
honestly? you couldn’t really tell what he thought of the movies after
but the next day you can hear him watching tiktok in the living area
and it’s all…barbie commentary?
there’s the occasional fashion and kpop video in the mix but video after video you can hear him listening to critical analysis of the film
“baby?” “hm?” “you good?” “yeah” then after a beat “fck the patriarchy tho”
© softiejoon | send me feedback/requests | support me
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nightmaremonarch · 1 year
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here are some link redesigns!!! lmk if u wanna see any other link’s/characters redesigned as well :D!!
closeups + explanations below!!
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ohh it’s the silly. it’s him. skyward sword link!! sorry about the quality loves tumblr mobile decided it didn't want to work D: all these redesigns are kind of how id imagine they’d look post game! so. this is how i pictured him :D out of all the redesigns, i feel like he’s my least fav because i feel like i could’ve done more… but anyways! his white shirt’s now green, and i brought a lot more red into his outfit!! + the loftwing feather earring :D
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oot/mm link! i love his design… i based the outfit on the skull kid’s, cause like. aren’t the kokiri gonna be limited to the same resources as skull kids? the under outfit tho.. link got in hyrule!! eye scar is based on the fact that the hero’s shade only has one eye lit and lu time. i just think that’s neat.
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WIND WAKER SLASH PHANTOM HOURGLASS LINK!!! i love this boy to pieces. he’s so silly. his outfit’s p much the same from when we first meet him, but i like to think instead of the wack ass kokiri outfit, grandma gave him the little scarf-wrap-thing.. off-color cause like.. it’s been 100 years, yk? details fade… the vest color was a last minute decision; i set the base layer for every color as this bright blue and i got so used to it that i completely forgot i didnt color his vest! so… it’s blue!
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last but CERTAINLY not least we got tp link! his entire outfit was just based on “how can combine his ordon village outfit w his normal one” and so. this was born. honestly i love it. it slays. more protection, more connections w his home, serves cunt, etc. only change i’d make now (i designed these a while ago) is he should be hairier. he’s a wolf ! he should be giving more “wolf…” blah. Anyways.
if anyone wants to see more please let me know! i love designing characters! asks are open if u wanna ask through that too :D
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ca-suffit · 2 months
Lol literally in the pictures you put as an example of the "dress" you can see he's wearing pants...... Not sure that classifies it as a dress. When y'all were saying dress i thought it meant skirt. Do they mean his cape??? That's also always been men's fashion.... And men dressing up for community events in women's clothing IS historically accepted and a normalised part of community entertainment. Were Shakespeare actors gnc as fuck when they wore women's clothing on stage? Was that queer or was it maybe an example of something else?The king's clothes have always been very ornate for the parade, mimicking actual royalty so was Henry the 8th.....? Is it queer slay yay when a rich man overtakes a cultural phenomenon just to mock the people who participate in it every year because he wore a dress? Did it make waves for the rest of the queer daily wage workers when these 2 rich ass fucks kissed in the halls of an exclusive party and went on a mass murder spree???? Hm so slayyyyyyyyyyyyy really nola society was forever changed by that we got gay rights when lestat wore that outfit. Fuck off. Stop. man is getting the Harry styles treatment
omg, u know what. I was aware of this photo too (from carol cutshall's ig) and it didn't even register to me he's wearing pants until literally rn 💀💀 I was so used to the fandom's discussion of this as a "dress" that it rly got in my head. I mean, that still doesn't undo what carol said bts but u know. omg lol.
but yes yes yes the rest of ur ask!! the fact he's referencing marie antoinette and all that too. that cake quote might be historically inaccurate but its placement in the show is meaningful and yet that never comes up when talking about this.
ppl can hc all they want about him, but it's when every conversation is shut down to cater to that instead that's the problem. it's not homophobic or oppressing anyone to criticize these things, they're literally *there* to be criticized. it's not like he's the only one who is queer and also doing fucked up shit, that's *everyone.* he's just the most *protected* of them and it gets tiring. especially bcuz for the entirety of S1 it's rly just *him* who is the fucking problem to a lot of ppl!!
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Dream is getting comfortable again wearing his "slutty" outfits.
When he first met back up with Hob he was covered up, but he wants to get back to himself, comfortable with dressing like he used to. He asks Hob for help, they're friends, Hob should have no problem telling Dream if what he's wearing is appropriate to the current century and okay for various levels of public.
After Hob sees the first outfit - something gauzy with a deep v down Dream's chest, with only shadows giving any modesty, Hob gives himself 10 minutes until has to excuse himself to the bathroom.
Hob: is this what you normally wear to meet fae delegations? 🤔
Dream: well somewhat, Oberon & Titania are a little handsy so this is a more chaste design. ____
Hob: is this what you like to wear to lectures?
Dream: well, this about learning, so i don't want to be a distraction.
Hob being Dream’s 21st century fashion advisor is very sweet and very funny tbh. Maybe Dream figures that Hob is ALSO in his slut era. Look at that white t-shirt, it's practically see-through.
I'm imagining a mini fashion show, like the kind of thing you see in the movies (27 Dresses, four weddings and a funeral). Dream puts on his little outfits and Hob offers compliments/critiques ("I'm not sure leather trousers and just... tape over your nipples.... is necessarily what people would consider appropriate for going outside in. How about you use it for that party Lucifer invited you to at their club instead?")
Hob is quite obviously infatuated with Dream - he could come out wearing a bin bag and Hob would coo over him with hearts in his eyes. Dream even puts this to the test and shows Hob some of his,,,,,, questionable fits (the boots that come up to crotch height) and Hob is just like "slay!!!!!"
Eventually Dream is so comfortable with Hob, hes practically lounging around naked. And then it's really on a matter of time. Hob has 600 years worth of self control but he's still just a guy at the heart of it all.
And when they've finished making a mess of Hob’s sofa, Dream looks better than ever - wearing absolutely nothing but Hob’s boxers dangling precariously off his hip bones. It's his new favourite outfit.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Met Gala Thoughts
Best in "I thought you were someone else"
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(L) Sydney Sweeney as not-Billie Eilish (R) Kendall Jenner as not-Kim Kardashian
Honestly, Kendall looks more like Kim than Kim does at this point.
Best in "Live from Broadway"
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Usher, giving Phantom. I hope someone asked him about the Drake/Kendrick beef.
Best in "One Outfit, Two Looks"
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(L) Rebecca Ferguson (R) Demi Moore
Best in Technology
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Ambika Mod. It's a 3D print of a dress on top of a dress.
Best in "You Could've Done Something Really Meta"
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Nicholas Galitzine, whose character in his new film "The Idea Of You" is based on Harry Styles.
Best Rihanna 2.0
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Cardi B, who needed 9 assistants to lay out her train.
Reminds me of Rihanna's omelet dress.
Best in "New Look, Who Dis"
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Zendaya in her second outfit of the night. Very Blake Lively-ish.
Somewhere inside The Met, Jennifer Lopez was screaming at her assistant for not preparing a second look.
Best in "Couples Who Slay Together, Stay Together"
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(L) Eddie and Hannah Redmayne (C) No idea (R) Queen Latifah and Eboni Nichols
Best Cinderella
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Quannah Chasinghorse
Best in "Get These People a Career Revival"
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L-R. Jude Law, Meg Ryan, Charlie Hunnam, and Michelle Williams
Best of the Gents
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(L) Jonathan Bailey (C) Barry Keoghan (R) Colman Domingo, in a tribute to Chadwick Boseman and Andre Leon Talley.
Best in "I Don't Know What You Were Going For But I Guess It Works"
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(L) Harris Reed. No idea who that is. (R) Uma Thurman
Best in "Better From The Back"
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(L) Tommy and Dee Hilfiger (R) Mindy Kaling
Best "Where Can I Get This I NEED One Yesterday"
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A relative is obsessed with dachsunds. I would win Christmas if I got my hands on this. Or a cheat knockoff.
Best in "The More I See Them Appear Together Because They're Contractually Obligated, The Less I Want To See Their Movie"
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Cynthia Erivo (Elphaba) and Ariana Grande (Galinda), who've been joined at the hip for the last year to promote Wicked, which comes out in November so there are still six more months of this to go.
Best in "Celebs, They Get Peckish Just Like Us"
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Michael Shannon, with a Balenciaga bag. So disappointed it wasn't a party bag of chips. The Balenciaga retails for $1,850 or 115 party-size bags of Lays potato chips from Walmart.
Best in Vintage
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(L) Nicole Kidman (R) Lana Del Ray
I was so happy to see a McQueen antler dress show up.
Best in "Oh Dear God Why Are You Here Go Away"
Ben Platt
Jerry Seinfeld and Jimmy Fallon
Lea Michele
Lauren Bezos (though I didn't actually mind her dress)
My Top Looks of the Night
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L-R: Karlie Kloss, Nicole Kidman, Elle Fanning, and Gwendoline Christie.
It was an underwhelming red carpet. The Met Gala serves an incredible purpose, but they've moved too far away from fashion and costume. There are too many actors and people-famous-for-being-famous involved now that have really watered down the fashion, the themes, and the cultural significance of the event. It needs to go back to being the New York elite and High Fashion - people who know how to wear clothes instead of posing with their hands on their hips, sticking out their butts, and pouting.
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Mae West (She Done Him Wrong, I'm No Angel)— Legendary sex symbol. Like 500 vintage iconic quotes and double entendres. "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? " "When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better" / "It's not the men in your life that count, it's the life in your men" / "I feel like a million tonight. But one at a time." , "Marriage is a fine institution, but I'm not ready for an institution. " / " How tall are you without your horse? Six foot, seven inches. Never mind the six feet. Let's talk about the seven inches! " Look the pictures don't do her justice just watch a compilation and tell me that voice doesn't do it for you
Flora Robson (Fire over England, Sarabande for Dead Lovers)— It's a testament to her power that despite an extensive film career, that a single role has cemented itself firmly in my mind as one of the best. That of Elizabeth I in Five over England
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Mae West:
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Her voice! Her body! She was thick as hell and SO confident.
Mae West is often called the queen of the sexual pun or innuendo, she was an early sex symbol and a comedy icon. She also has a quote saying "When I am good, I am very good. But when I am bad I am better!" which is possibly the peak of hot girl energy ever. (Including the clip here)
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for an era that didn't have much wiggle room when it came to women that studios wanted in their films, it's refreshing that she was in her late 30s when she skyrocketed to movie fame. she was also curvy and witty and raunchy, an absolute icon!
She is an absolute icon, the OG sex symbol. Every word from her mouth was an innuendo and she was proud of it. I guess one could say she slayed. She got Cary Grant his first acting role, as well. How could you NOT vote for someone who says such iconic stuff as "I do all my writing in bed; everybody knows I do my best work there" or "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." SHE COINED THE PHRASE "IS THAT A GUN IN YOUR POCKET OR ARE YOU JUST HAPPY TO SEE ME?" I LOVE HER!!!
“I created myself and I never put up with sloppy work”-mae west
great short compilation of mae west mae westing:
She was a SEX GODDESS at a time when that was an extremely scandalous thing to be, and she worked it! She was sardonic, sarcastic, funny...and stacked! Favorite quote (from Night After Night, 1933): Random woman: Goodness! What beautiful diamonds! Mae West: Goodness had nothin' to do with it, dearie.
i personally love this silly production number from one of her lesser known movies
She was arrested for indecency and chose to serve 10 days in prison instead of paying the fine for the publicity, and she claimed that she refused to wear the ugly prison outfits so she wore her silk lingerie the entire time. Also one of the first historybound vintage fashion icons (although vintage for her was the Victorian era)
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Flora Robson:
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sword-brainrot · 1 year
Hi! This is my first time requesting so I'm kinda nervous how to word it out. Anyway, may I request romantic headcanons (separate ofc) for Chougi, Hyuuga and Monoyoshi? Ty! And take care.
So sorry that this took forever. I hope you still like it (●´ω`●)
Yamanbagiri Chougi, Monoyoshi Sadamune, and Hyuuga Masamune Romantic Headcanons
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♡ Chougi may be the most difficult for him to recognize his feelings and also be true to them.
♡ Chougi is a hardworking and dedicated sword that is all about proving himself. He is a touken danshi, not human. So many times, he thinks learning to live like a human is rather useless. He is a sword, that is all there is to it.
♡ However, that doesn't change that he does have emotions and how he is more influenced by emotions than realizes.
♡ He easily gets annoyed and angry around Manba, that is the easiest found evidence of his emotions that he simply cannot hide.
♡ There is another emotion he can't hide.... And that is when he gets praises from his favorite person, You.
♡ To be fair, you were probably not his favorite person at the start because he had no favorite person. You were simply his master and him the sword that would serve you in protecting history.
♡ Yet... You showed him special attention. You praised him after missions, you would actively talk and listen to his story. Even when he complained about Manba, you listened and didn't chide him too much. You allowed him to express his emotions.
♡ How could be not fall for you? Even if he didn't realize it.
♡ Chougi suddenly had a urge to always become MVP in battles because he knew that he would hear your praises. Suddenly he would "accidentally" run into while you were going about your daily schedule.
♡ Oh no! You are carrying a bunch of books? Suddenly Chougi is there to carry them for you because that is his job as the saniwa's sword! .... Do swords carry books now?
♡ Good luck getting him to confess first because he will not. He doesn't know what these emotions mean! He thinks he is just being the perfect sword.
♡ It is only when you confess or another sword points out how you look at Chougi, that is when the gears start turning in his head.
♡ But he can't love you. He is a sword. He is suppose to serve on the battlefield and die on the battlefield. That is his role in history.... Right?
♡ Suddenly, Chougi is no longer running into you. No longer becoming giddy when you praise him. Instead he starts to give you the cold shoulder and give small remarks of "thanks" before moving away.
♡ And it kills him every time.
♡ This man is too stubborn for his own good. He will refuse to acknowledge his feelings. Instead he will suppress and deflect.
♡ That tactic quickly fails when he sees you getting close to someone else and jealousy spikes in him. He was suppose to be your special someone. That other person isn't allowed to make you smile when he is suppose to.
♡ Once again, Chougi is working overtime to become MVP and get your attention. Randomly running into you and each time you look at him, his heart beats a bit faster.
♡ It's only then... Does he think over the words that he may harbor deeper feelings for you and realize how he doesn't want anyone else to take that place from him.
♡ Chougi is both great at words... and terrible at it when it's his own vulnerable feelings.
♡ It is one day after a mission he shined in, he requested a moment of your time. By this time, Chougi was exhausted from the mission. His outfit was more dirty than he would of liked and his hair was tussled. He had to talk to you, here and now.
♡ He took you to a quiet place in the citadel and held your hand in his gloved one. Just this action alone made him think he was going to have a heart-attack. His blue eyes refused to look at you. Instead, he focused on the mountains.
♡ "I have always aimed to be a perfect sword for my master. I am Yamanbagiri Chougi, my name comes from slaying down yamanba (mountain crone). That was my story, at least I thought it was before someone stole it from me. It doesn't matter if he really did or not, but I realize that I had emotions invested in that after all. Emotions a sword shouldn't have. I was angry that my story was stolen. Which made me realize that I don't want anything else stolen from me."
♡ He finally looks at you, "I don't want you to be stolen from me. I want to be your special someone, if you will have someone struggling with learning what emotions are."
♡ As a lover, Chougi is very doting. He leans more on physical affection over verbal. He still doesn't understand how to word things to truly convey how he feels.
♡ He still gets jealous here and there but he trusts you and doesn't control you. He knows you love him and wouldn't ever leave him.
♡ Honestly, just that makes him very confident and cocky.
♡ He is definitely the type that that will lock eyes and smirk at anyone who gets rejected by you, with his arm around your shoulder.
♡ He doesn't use pet names because he finds them a little weird still. Truthfully, he probably still refers to you as Aruji. However, there are times when he is feeling more affectionate and confident and will say your real name instead. Only in moments when you two are alone.
♡ He still has a lot to unpack about emotions and how to go about them in a healthy manner but he is much more willing to learn to live and enjoy another side of being a touken danshi if it means that he can stay by your side.
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♡ Monoyoshi is someone who loves life and actively seeks out what it means to be human. He wants to experience it all!
♡ Before his life as a Touken Danshi, Monoyoshi was a sword of Tokugawa Ieyasu and got passed along in the Ieyasu family. He saw the family strive and saw many of his masters as a child then grow into fine warriors.
♡ Being able to have the chance to live for himself is one that he would never take for granted.
♡ Monoyoshi wears his heart on his sleeve. He is always seen smiling and helping others, either by his great luck or his soothing words.
♡ Monoyoshi loves kids and normally always the first to welcome any new tantous to the citadel, or help any random kid that he sees when you take him shopping with you.
♡ A baby fussing in front of you two? Suddenly Monoyoshi starts to sing a lullaby or making silly faces at the child. Most times, the baby quiets down and looks at Monoyoshi with interest.
♡ He also shows you the same affection. You may be the saniwa but he actively tries to learn who you are as a person.
♡ Monoyoshi is very sensitive to negative emotions and is always there when he feels like something is wrong.
♡ As caring and affectionate as he is, he may not realize when his feelings turn from platonic to romantic. That is something you can't learn from observing.
♡ He was there when his previous masters got married... but when did they fall in love? He didn't know.
♡ That is an aspect in life that brings him great interest because he wants to understand it so badly. Love is clearly so powerful to the heart that he wants to understand what it feels like.
♡ He expresses these wishes to you before either of you have any feelings for one another.
♡ Queue the romcom movie nights. He will watch everyone of them and you will be there on the ride for him to ask all the questions.
♡ "Why did they suddenly fight? I thought they loved each other?" "Uh... probably for an interesting conflict in the movie but sometimes people don't see eye to eye, even if they do love each other."
♡ He is so confused by this because he thought love was the most powerful element and nothing could get in the way of that.
♡ Which starts his plan....
♡ "Aruji! I want to do all the romcom montages too! Will you help me?"
♡ He looks at you with that puppy eyes... How could you say no? Which starts your adventure of fake(?) dating and doing all the scenarios you see in romcoms.
♡ Dancing, teaching each other a skill, looking into each other eyes, watching movies, going to amusement park, taking cheesy picture... Everything
♡ It was just something to do to show a them what it was like to be in a romcom, if people actually did these things or if it was just for the screen.
♡ However, it became so much more than that.
♡ From just acting out the scenes, Monoyoshi began to realize how much he truly wanted to live these parts of his life with you. He didn't want to just do things that were in romcoms, he wanted to truly have special moments with you and make treasured memories for you.
♡ He was also terrified of messing up and causing a big endgame conflict that was always there. He never wanted to see you hurt or be the one to hurt you.
♡ It was a day that you two were suppose to have a picnic outing together, he decided to bring up his true feelings or end the montage because he didn't want to make you uncomfortable.
♡ With his amazing luck, he sat down next to you and quickly found a four leaf clover. He handed it to you with his charming smile and said:
♡ "Aruji, I am truly so lucky to have met you. You are like this four leaf clover to me. There was so many chances I would of never met you, yet I did and you made me an even luckier sword. Doing these romcom scenes with you made me realize that I want every moment to be special with you because you are special to me. Sorry if this is out of line."
♡ Not much chances after you two become official because you both have already been rather affectionate with one another. Monoyoshi LOVES complimenting you at every thing. He also loves holding your hand and giving you any gift he can find on his missions.
♡ He is such a doting partner. Just being next to you makes him shine with happiness.
♡ He also loves pet names. Loves calling you: Honey, Sweetheart, or my Clover.
♡ He still worries a bit over there being conflict between the two of you, so he is always the first that demands that the two talk it out if there is ever something that upsets the other. To not hold anything in and be considerate.
♡ Monoyoshi doesn't ever want to lose you and puts his all into the relationship to make you happy and show you all the love he has in his heart. (人´ω`*)♡
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♡ Originally, Hyuuga was created to be a sword of prayer but his first master decided to use him in battle instead. Which gives him an unique view on the world compared to some other swords.
♡ Hyuuga understands very well the emotions of people when he was a sword of prayer and he also understands why war/battles break out.
♡ He is a very understanding person and opened-minded. Which makes him more willing to try romance, even though he is a sword.
♡ Hyuuga is always the person that keeps a watchful eye out on the citadel and sees inner conflicts or someone having a bad.
♡ He goes out of his way to help in his own way. If there is a leak in the citadel and some swords are upset with getting dirty, he will go out of his way to repair it so it makes their everyday a bit easier. He doesn't need to be asked, if it helps others - he will do it.
♡ Same goes for you. You are the saniwa of the citadel and plenty of tedious task rest on your shoulders. He tries to carry even a little bit to make it easier on you.
♡ You need to deliver letters but still have paperwork to do? Hyuuga is up for the task without any hesitation. That is the type of person he is.
♡ He doesn't put others on pedestals and view them as they are: Human.
♡ His previous master had plenty of flaws of his own. Yet, Hyuuga still liked him for the man he was. He saw the good and bad of him.
♡ Which makes him so open-minded whenever he talks to other.
♡ Plenty of times he has been by your side and if he saw you troubled, he would try to help relieve it. Either by doing a task for you to help with stress or ask you what was wrong.
♡ Many probably view Hyuuga as someone who might not understand the complicated emotions of humans, but he is probably one of the swords that understand it best.
♡ He will give realistic advice. Understanding the emotional part of what is troubling others but also giving the logistical aspect to problem-solve it.
♡ Hyuuga probably offers often to serve as the attendant if he sees you struggling because he wants to help.
♡ Hyuuga is very good at math, so he probably offers to take any tasks that involve a fair share of mathematics to help out. He is quick with it and he actually really enjoys solving any math problems.
♡ You both get into a daily routine of being hunched over as each of you work on your own tasks. A peaceful silence in the room that is only broken when one of you notices the time and decides it's time for a break/meal.
♡ This routine becomes something that Hyuuga quickly falls into pace with and comes to enjoy. He truly enjoys being around you and helping you.
♡ Any thought that comes to the top of your head, he will gladly listen. Especially if it's a story of your youth. He wants to learn about you. Not as the saniwa, but as (Y/N). The human that he treasures spending time with.
♡ Hyuuga has a big sweet tooth when it comes to umeboshi. Even on days when he is on "break" from task work with you. He will find himself at your door, asking if you wanted to share some with him.
♡ It is moments like this that makes Hyuuga realize that he is no longer only a sword, but a Touken Danshi. He is able to choose what he wants to do and have freedom.
♡ In the past, he would never have the chance to ask his master if they wanted to share a sweet treat or to stand in the rain to enjoy the feeling on his skin.
♡ Being around you makes him feel alive. Truly alive.
♡ The day he asks if he can hold your hand, he holds it so gently like it is the most fragile thing.
♡ Slowly he brings it to his face, his face warms as he feels your hand on his cheek.
♡ "You make me feel alive and I don't want to ever forget."
♡ Hyuuga likes being physical affection. Either handholding, or just sitting close enough that there is small touches. He likes to show his feelings through touches, rather than words.
♡ Affection glances as well. His eyes are so full of love when he looks at you while you are doing your work. You can always catch him glancing at you with that affection gaze. Only for him to smile when you catch him and he goes back to his task at hand.
♡ If you want to hear him say those three special words, he will. However, he likes to show them so you never doubt him. He truly cherishes you and find any boring task to be fantastical when it is with you.
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shinakazami1 · 2 months
hope tsp is an option but stanley or mariella for the character ask thing !! dont know if i ever heard ur thoughts on mariella :-)
MARIELLA (ladies first)
How I feel about this character
This bestie is in just one ending and got the whole fandom do great yuri. Slay queen. Slay.
Serious though - the fact she's representing the need for normality. The way she's so caught up in judging Stanley instead of checking if he's okay. She just accepts he's dead. She CANT check. That would disturb her schedule. It would ruin the routine. She has to reinforce herself as The normal one.
She's the good one. She has the morale. Others don't understand life as much as she did. She is good. She's okay.
Doesn't that sound familiar?
Both her and Curator judge their counterpart because they need to be better. They need to be OK.
In the Bucket version, she projects her sanity onto the Bucket. It's representing order, control, good mindset. The backflip is just the way we sometimes feel when someone else's life seems worse. Yes, yours in comparisment looks better.
But the fact right before that, Stanley is stuck in a looping hallway, losing his mind, feels like that's what's happening with her, too. She has to be in control, otherwise, she spirals.
Search for order and normality.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I said so before but - romance,,, eeeh. I like Curiella, don't get me wrong, but it's not an OTP.
In my Jester AU - each of the members has fake memories of their life. Mariella had ones about being Stanley's ex wife. I wanted to make it so that the search for normality is in the wife stereotype. She doesn't love Stanley, but she doesn't understand why he doesn't love him. What she has done wrong fitting the role she was supposed to play so well. She had an image of being so perfect and she can't confront stanley about it, as anytime he comes close, he dies.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I like sometimes making her concious of 432 since she spends time with Curie. I also think her and Stanley's relation could be interesting.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Again, dunno what's unpopular. But here are some headcanons
- Mariella is stuck in a loop like others. Depending on my Aus, she either uses the time well for herself or spirals out of control outside of it.
- She knows she only resembles a human but isn't one. That's another 'normality' she searches for.
- she loves her outfit a lot. Feels proud of it.
- mentioned earlier but I headcanon she was the one who was supposed to play the role of wife, before she got scrapped to Insanity.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
Again - I love the writing in the game, it's hard to even ask for something more. She plays her role well.
How I feel about this character
Lort. A lot. Truly a lot and squoote , you're one of folks who made me respect him even more through your interpretations of him being his own. The trailers esp, bucket escape pod when he's in a cutscene, being himself. He is more than a vessel and yet, he's stuck with us. He has a mouth yet he can't scream.
Anyone having their Stanley see a version of themselves in him. I know two main ways of looking at him, either very silent bland guy, or very opposite to the Narrator.
I'm Team - inhumanity. You can see it in my writing often. I consider him as a model that knows he is not a human. That in a way, he accepts his fate. He's okay with playing his role, he lets you control him. And yet, there is a lot of anger. Resignment. Hatred. Sadness. Freedom.
I adore protagonists like him. Looking bland but having lots and lots to offer.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
NarratorxStanley and 432xStanley. But well, in my aus,,, love is an interesting thing.
With the Narrator - they are in the front. They're both seen. They both live the story the most.
With 432 - he talks to us but he used to be an employee. I like to write universes where player left and all that's left are them. I hope to write one more fic for them cus I been insinuating this relationship for a while and not long ago wrote an epilogue for a fic.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
BucketxStanley. Cus Bucket represents the Narrator. And objectum freaks. It's silly.
My unpopular opinion about this character
- he DOESN'T hate Narrator nor loves him. It fluctuates. They both do. They have to play a role, they're coworkers.
- He can form his thoughts but we can't hear them. He observes how we play as him.
- he roams around when we are not looking. It's his right to do so. People think of Not Stanley ending as the normal Stanley. I think of it as him playing his role. He is a vessel but, what happens in his mind, is his. And none of our business.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
Nothing again. Davey Wreden wrote a wonderful story and I respect it.
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starguardianniom · 11 months
The Paris Special irony
I'm gonna be real here people, the Paris Special was flooded with irony.
We basically got to see tons of stuff we wanted to see forever in it alone, many of which are also quite ironic themselves.
Akumatized Ladybug? Check. Well kamikotized or something similar. The purple Hatsune Miku look slayed.
Akumatized Chat Noir that actually sticks and isn't erased from a timeline? Check. Funny how he's still all white like Chat Blanc but also has white angel wings despite wielding the power of destruction, makes me think of Lucifer.
Evil Ladybug and Chat Noir? Check. Shadybug and Claw Noir are the new cool kids. And dang I want to have an entire series/spinoff of just them, heck I want an origin story of their first outting as villains and how they got their miraculouses cause I need answers on how that happened thank you very much.
Good Hawk Moth? Check. Still lousy parent I guess, unless Emodrien actually makes it difficult for him, like he lashes out and refuse to spend anytime with his dad and Gabriel just tries to respect his privacy and boundaries and thinks he might just need some time to grieve maybe, we only have Emodrien's side of the story, but it's probably more complicated than that, I mean if Emodrien is angry that his father seems to have moved on from his mother he might takes it as a personal betrayal and acts out in some misplaced retribution, but I have a feeling he doesn't bother explaining himself to his father like he does with Adrien, though there might still be hope for them now.
Ladybug using the Butterfly Miraculous? Check. Lady Fly is a stupid name cause it sounds she has the Fly miraculous instead of the Butterfly, but at least her outfit is ok.
Seeing the Butterfly miraculous being used to create heroes instead of villains? Check. Ubiquity my beloved.
Goth/emo/punk Marinette and Adrien? Check. And I love them for it.
Reverse love square? Mostly check with Emodrien having a crush on Emonette who has no idea that he knows she exists until the special.
Alternate Universes? Check. I wanna see more of that Mister Bug and Lady Noire universe and that Scarabella and Kitty Noire Universe, I lowkey wished to see an Aspik and Multimouse universe but oh well, at least this probably means that all the heroes and villains probably gets to wield all the different miraculouses across universes.
Emodrien was slowly dying and Good!Gabriel wasn't even aware of it, probably Emodrien didn't bother telling him and just covered it up with his makeup. Check.
Emonette actually knows Emodrien by name and sight unlike Marinette in Origins despite him never going to her school. I really found that funny.
Emonette and Emodrien having better fashion sense than the main heroes, check. Until they switched to become good guys. Still pulled a bit more effort.
Everyone else in the other universe have different designs, check. And thank god for it, they all look better than the ones we've seen in the show.
Nooroo actually being happy and treated well? Check, judging by the Gabriel opening.
PV universe actually existing and not just being a movie, check.
Identity reveal that actually sticks, check. For Shadybug and Claw Noir sure but at least it will be a lot less frustrating for them than their counterparts, thank god they'll have a break on that.
Seriously the special delivered so many nice ideas and concepts and also there was tons of stuff we wanted to see forever and we got our wishes and it's also ironic in some ways but like hell I'm gonna complain when we were all so well served.
Not gonna lie but it almost gives me hope for season 6. Almost.
Now I'm just gonna watch the show in the hopes of ever seeing the heroes Shadybug and Claw Noir again (yes I know they changed their names and I don't care it's less confusing to keep calling them their original names rather than their new names, like Shadybug, we all know you wanted to be more like Ladybug, but you didn't need to take her name when you almost copied her looks, which was also a downgrade for you sweetie).
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whoopsmorewhump · 9 months
It's okay just to say 'I'm not okay' (platonic stobin fic)
Robin and Steve feel each other’s pain more than they’ll admit, even to each other. From Whumptober day 30, “It’s okay just to say I’m not okay” bridal carry; plus, another lovely prompt from pearlravenlapis (not quoted here, as it gives too much plot away!)
Rated T; no warnings; Also on AO3.
The day had started more than okay.
This adorable girl rocked up at Scoops, with the latest issue of “UFO Reality” tucked under her arm. Robin blurted: “You read it yet? The story on alien skulls inscribed with teeny, snack-sized messages from Elvis totally slayed me dead.”
Dream-girl’s shy smile turned Robin’s knees to jello.
She introduced herself as Maud, and they chatted UFOs for the next forever. Right until a square-jawed, smug-as-hell knucklehead loped into the store, and Maud announced he was her boyfriend.
Now, Robin watched her latest unrequited crush sharing a Strawberry Sundae Extra with her excruciatingly not-worthy-of-her date.
“Seriously, Robin,” said Steve, levelling at her shoulder. “I’ve seen more electricity between a pair of squashed ants. They’re not even talking.” 
Robin wasn’t in the mood for chirpy delusion: “That’s because they’re mainlining ice-cream, Steve.”
“She’s hardly stuffing her face. She couldn’t stop blabbering with you.”
Unable to endure the sight any longer, Robin swung her attention onto him. He was chewing on… Hmmm, to be fair, that was only his first banana of the day. Unusual. He dumped half of it, uneaten, on the hatch.
“Did she even actually wanna talk to me?” wondered Robin out loud. “I honestly can’t remember if she got a word in edgeways. You know how it is, when I can’t stop talking. It’s a fault, believe me I know—"
“You were fine. You said stuff. Maud said stuff back. And it’s not a fault—your mom spouts nasty bullshit, you should accept that. My point is, that girl you like totally—”
“—hates me.” Robin sighed.
“No. She’s probably confused.” He sniffed, pushed his hair from his brow. “She should dump that moron’s ass. Who hangs out in an ice-cream joint when it's this damn cold? It’s practically snowing out there."
"It's not cold in here, Steve.”
“It’s goddamn freezing! I mean, it’s this stoopid outfit—what fascist dictator makes their staff wear shorts in winter?”
“Stopped caring. I'm too institutionalised into looking like a dweeb.” She peeped back, to where Maud spooned a cherry into that jack-ass jock’s cakehole. Argh! She wanted to scream. Instead, she mumbled: “Shit-birds, do you think Maud thinks I'm a dweeb?”
“Jesus, how many times? Look, she reads dweeby UFO mags. So do you! Beyond that, I’m not an alien mind-probe, so quit bugging me already.” She gawked at him—wtf? He skittered his fingers over his eyes, groaned. “Sorry. This stupid cold is making me cranky. I honestly reckon Maud liked you. It’s just—”
“—horribly, insanely, eternally complicated?” Her fists clenched so tight her fingernails gouged her palms. On top of it all, she’d suddenly gotten this anxious dread, churning in her gut. Huh? Go figure. “I guess I’ll just keep smiling through. See my customer service smile?”
She bared her teeth maniacally.
“Remind me to get a mask of that for Halloween.”
“That bad, huh?”
He smiled, kinda pensively. “Nah. If I was a babe into babes, I’d still be battering down your door.”
She wanted to hug him then—despite his germs, which she was kinda grateful she hadn’t caught. Yet. A bratty little mall rat clanged on the bell, Steve hurried off to serve, and Robin continued feeling really, really shit. Right up until he caught her in the backroom, dabbing runny eyeliner with her knuckles.
She turned her back on him. Habit, really.
“Hey.” His hand landed softly on her shoulder. "What's wrong?"
“Nothing new.” It’s her turn to sniffle.
“Look, I’m sorry I chewed your head off."
“You apologised already, Steve.”
“I’m apologising again. For the whole goddamn human race. I mean, I totally get your thing with UFOs, because, honestly, you deserve another planet. A better one. Worse thing is, I used to think like the dumbest dumbass in this world of crazy, till I met you, and now… Look, things will be better for you someday, because nobody deserves it more. Till then, I know it sounds cliché, but I’m here for you, and I guess… I dunno, when you have this much bullshit to put up with, it's okay just to say you’re not okay sometimes.”
She flung his arms around him and sobbed noisily into his shoulder. He patted her back, then rubbed soothing circles, and she sobbed even harder. She didn’t really know why she was crying. Yeah, what he said touched her deeply. But she’d never been a random public crier, today’s flop was nothing out of the ordinary, and she couldn’t even blame her monthly cycle… Uuuurgh.
She lifted her face, sniffed hard, grimaced. “I made your uniform all soggy.”
“No sweat. I dig your snot.” His sarcasm dropped off: “Any better?”
She shrugged. Superficially, yes, she felt less doom-y. Her catastrophic life remained just that, however, and that weird unfocussed dread loomed ever larger. 
He reached into his pocket, brought out a paper napkin. “It’s clean, honest. Although I guess the cost of that hug was probably catching my cold, so who cares, huh?”
“I care.” Ew! “And yeah, that had occurred.” She still couldn’t quite bring herself to regret the hug. However much she hated them with anybody else, she had to admit that it’d released happy chemicals. She blew her nose noisily. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Uh, you’ll probably need another for the eyeliner. There’s black goop, like, everywhere.”
She whipped out a powder compact with a mirror. Oh yeah. She’d gone for the full-on Joker look. Possibly, this was why she averted her despairing attention and started scrutinising Steve.
“Steve, are you okay? You look kinda—”
“—terminally dweeby? Or terminally dweeby and totally wrecked?” Catching his own reflection in the little mirror, he dabbed his slightly-less-buoyant-than-usual hair back into place.
“I was thinking more along the lines of a bit peaky.”
“It’s just this stupid cold. Plus, the crappy lighting in this dump. Seriously, sometimes guys need make-up too.”
She used her mirror to stare at him harder than herself now. Yeah, he looked pale, the shadows around his eyes nearly as shouty as her make-up malfunction. She snapped the mirror closed, spiralled back to face him.
“Steve, something else is wrong, isn’t it?”
“Woah! You’re, like, witchy when you do that, right?”
“Okay, maybe a bit psychic.”
“Alien brain-probe-y?”
“Yeah, that too. I mean, I figured I didn’t want to bother you, but…” He threw his hands up in surrender. “Let's just say my father has been extra cranky and disappointed in me lately, even by his short-tempered standards. That means extra shouty, and…” He rubbed his brow wearily. “Makes me feel even shitter about my life, I guess.”
“I’m sorry.” She longed to pay back that hug, though even with Steve, she was too squirmy and inexperienced to initiate one. He left then, anyway, heading back out front.
They were both uncharacteristically quiet for the rest of the day. He seemed exhausted, and smothered increasingly regular bouts of coughing. She wanted simply to get home, bypass her mom’s daily character assassination, and then sob and bitch to herself about life in general. 
When she finally sank her face into the soon-to-be disgusting and soggy pillow, that feeling of dread overwhelmed her. She simply couldn’t stop worrying about Steve, to the point she felt ill. Which was ridiculous. After all, he was at the end of a phone line, right?
She snuck out past her mom—who was howling her butt off at some screamingly homophobic sit-com—and dialled Steve’s number. When his dad answered, she gritted her teeth, forced herself to be mega polite. 
“Hi there, Mr Harrington. Sorry to disturb you. Is Steve there, please? It’s Robin.”
“Robin? Are you the latest girlfriend?”
“No,” she managed to grind out. “I’m the… friend-friend.”
“Don’t try to be cute.” Seriously, I wasn’t! “If you see him, tell him he owes me a thousand bucks.”
The line went dead. Robin dropped the phone, stared at it as it swung from its coiled wire. What just happened?
She went back to her room, sat down on the edge of her bed. If Steve wasn’t in, was he on a date? He hadn’t mentioned one. That said, given her eternal back-catalogue of disaster on the dating song-list—and her latest episode of moping—he probably didn’t want to upset her. She switched off her lamp, tried to sleep.
What his Dad said rankled, and made no sense anyhow. Why did Steve owe him a thousand bucks? That was a year's wages! Then again, Steve had mentioned something a while back about his tightwad parents charging him rent. It was probably what they’d been rowing over.
By the early hours of the morning, that sensation of dread had flourished to the point where she could no longer stand it. Sleep wasn’t happening, so she pulled on a warm coat and scarf, headed out, and grabbed her bike.
Once Henderson had gotten over the initial shock of her tapping on his window at four a.m., he considered her theory seriously enough: “You reckon his parents threw him out, and he’s sleeping rough somewhere,” he clarified, while he unlocked the wheel of his bike. “Why didn’t he tell us?”
“He can be kinda proud like that. Plus, I was having a beyond-horrible day.” She clutched her handlebars ever tighter. Steve hadn’t needed to tell her, anyhow. She’d known, and her anxieties flurried toward panic. He’d been getting up sick, right? As her clouding breath confirmed, tonight was bonkers cold.
Dustin jammed his woolly hat down over his ears. “Right. If you were sleeping rough in Hawkins, where would you go?”
They tried the bus station, the shop fronts on Main Street, even the High School outbuildings. They wound up outside the police station, debating about whether to go in. 
“Nobody will take us seriously,” pointed out Dustin. “I mean, he’s not technically missing. We don’t have any evidence that he’s not at home in his bed, comfortably snoring, while we’ve been cycling around freezing our faces off.”
“He’s not,” said Robin, and creepily—witchily? —she’d rarely been more convinced of anything in her life. “He’s in trouble. I know it.”
“Seeing as we’ve looked, basically, everywhere, I’m going to need something a bit more scientific than that.”
“We’ve barely started!” protested Robin, as a police wagon drew up beside. Chief Hopper got out, bleary eyed and with a cigarette hanging from one side of his mouth.
“God, that was a wasted call-out,” he muttered, then, belatedly absorbing who they were, said: “What the heck are you two doing here?”
“Being total idiots!” said Robin, so loudly even the Chief baulked. “It’s so obvious! Why didn’t I think of it before?”
Hopper looked crankier. Dustin gesticulated wildly with his thickly mittened hands: “What!?!”
“His car! His dad said something like, ‘Steve owes me a thousand bucks.’ That’s about the value of his car, right?”
“Steve Harrington?” asked Hopper. “Yeah. Kid’s got a nice set of wheels. Anybody gonna enlighten me what you’re doing here at this godforsaken hour?”
“Steve’s been sleeping rough,” said Robin. “In his car.”
“What? Last night?” Hopper frowned. “Temperatures have been sub-zero.” 
“Yeah, we know,” mumbled Dustin. “We also don’t actually know for sure that Steve isn’t home, and this isn’t all in her he—"
“It’s not in my head, Henderson. He’s out there. Chief, you’ve got to help us find him.”
Hopper wearily stubbed out his cigarette, swung open the passenger door. “Get in.”
Shivering hurt. His teeth hurt from chattering. As the night got colder, Steve curled up in the backseat of his car and discovered everything hurt.
He never knew cold could feel like this, like how his gran used to describe it—creeping through his veins and into the marrow of his bones. Whatever the heck that was. He was wearing, literally, all his clothes. What the hell else could he do?
He'd used the heater the previous two nights, since he’d taken off from his parents’, basically homeless. Now he was out of gas, and there was no chance of getting a refill can till next payday so…
He curled even tighter, wrapping his arms around himself. Like a hug. He recalled how he and Robin had hugged earlier, how he’d felt better after that, about… everything. Which was stupid. Because it’d solved nothing for either of them. He faintly hoped he hadn’t given Robin his germs. If they even were germs. Who needed germs, when you were this damn freezing?
At length, his fingers and toes stopped hurting and turned numb. Then, at last, he sensed some warmth. Which was weird, but then again, he felt increasingly weird—his skin kinda prickly as if he sweated, then suddenly, he was way too hot. Which was totally nuts, and confusing, but he’d take it. He shrugged off his blanket, which slid into the footwell. He might have removed his scarf, which was getting suffocating, but he was too damn tired.
He slept, shallowly, and the darkness beneath his eyelids grew pitted with white. It wasn’t like snow. Nothing was that yielding or soft. He hadn't the strength left to rub his eyes. He threw all his effort into his next, shallow, whistling breath, and… Christ! It suddenly made sense. He could see his lungs, right? Which was insane, but his fevered little mind saw it anyhow. They seemed all brittle, lined with scratchy glass, scraping and tearing with every breath, until...
An ice-toothed gale blasted him sidelong. Robin's scared face veered up in front of him. Uh, he’s definitely hallucinating, right? Nobody knew he was here; nobody should know. He needed her, though. Kinda figured he’d die here without her, and then… he was just plain scared.
He closed his eyes. Too much. Waaaay too much. And, shit, maybe that wasn’t Robin. Maybe it was her aliens, and those were lights from a spaceship—a UFO?
Somebody—some thing —slid an arm around his shoulder, another under his knees. He was scooped up, and felt the sensation of being carried. His stomach performed a feeble flip. Am I dying? Am I dead? Or am I zooming to another planet!?!
Then nothing. Until…
His lungs still felt too tight. He was lying somewhere warm and soft, however, and the air didn't burn or freeze, nor make him prickle and sweat. In fact, it was kinda soothing and sweet, though it still proved a struggle to get enough.
Somebody squeezed his hand. Somebody or thing was holding his hand! Aliens? If so, why wasn’t he freaking out? He pried his too-sleepy eyelids open. Robin! 
"Steve!" She smiled and gave him another squeeze.  There was a plastic mask over his mouth and nose, and he lifted a hand to bat it away. She stopped him, settled the mask again. “I’d leave that, it’s the oxygen. You’re okay now. You’re gonna be just fine.”
He tried to talk, though speech wasn’t happening. Just an embarrassing croak. Her make-up was smudged again. He almost forced his dry lips into a smirk. He must look worse, but with Robin, that’s okay.
A nurse turned up, checking his pulse, and the oxygen machine, fluffing the pillows. She talked, but he was too sleepy to listen. Robin bobbed up again, working her face strangely, and he couldn’t read whether she was about to laugh or cry:
"Look, Steve,” she burst out, “yeah, it's okay to not be okay. Next time, can you please be more specific about EXACTLY HOW NOT OKAY YOU ARE."
"Okay," he wheezed, and she started up talking again. Her voice soothed him, even though he was too far gone to listen. 
He isn’t okay. He feels weak and jittery and everything aches.
From this new all-time low, he can’t even start to think about what his future might hold without wanting to yell. Which he can't even do! But her, and their friendship—it’s good. Which was probably why, even now, he’s feeling her pain again, just as strong as his. He hated how she suffered every single day, keeping her hopes and dreams a secret. Jesus, whatever hurt her, hurt him, too. And he was stupidly grateful for that, which made no sense either.
Perhaps he should tell her, when he’d gotten his voice back? Before or after he’d thanked her for having somehow saved his life. Or perhaps that would sound crazy and a bit creepy. Or witchy and physic? Huh, hadn’t he accused her of that earlier?
Listening to her talking, he ebbed and sank into somewhere safer and warm.
Part of this fic series (whump, platonic stobin & steddie fic)
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