#i hope you all know i love you so much i feel like im going to explode sometimes
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hi quip! i really like your one piece comics and i am curious how you do them! i'm not good at comics and want to be better at drawing them! how do you learn how to make comics?
thank you!
uh oh... im afraid u have caught me at the perfect crossroad of "bored at work" and "unrelated task ive been meaning to do but keep putting off."
this is long. i hope you like reading (and grayscale progress pics). and of course!!! disclaimer before we begin that this is just how I, personally draw comics. there is no "right way."
quip's comic-making process!
Switching my typing to make this more legible...
My process can kinda be broken down into 6 steps:
Panels & Text
1. Brainstorming
My brain is a leaky sieve on a good day, so I sloppily jot down ideas in my phone notes the moment I have them. This helps me when it's time to draw too, because if I feel art blocked, I can look through old concepts and see what catches my interest.
Otherwise, I love drawing for other people's writing. :) And if worst comes to worst, doing manga/comic page redraws in my style teaches me new things every time.
Once I have my idea, I'll usually make a bulletpoint list of "plot points" or "story beats" I want. Then I plan the comic with this format that I've adapted from a tutorial I read once. I'm going to use my most recent comic (original comic post) as an example.
I start in the third column, writing notes of what I'd want to see in each panel. I also include the dialogue (in this case, I didn't have to write the dialogue! it's from the fanfic linked in the original comic post!). I usually write the whole name like [Luffy:], but at this point I've drawn so much of these guys, just the first letter works.
I like to handwrite these notes to get an idea for how much text I'm putting in a single panel.
After I describe all the panels, I go back and separate them into pages. I can't tell you how to know how many panels to a page. It's whatever works for you. I just kinda know about how big each panel will be, and so I can feel when I'm probably running out of space. (Also. You can change things later. I don't in this example, but I add/drop pages/panels all the time.)
2. Thumbnailing
Thumbnailing—as the name suggests—should be done tiny. Too tiny to accidentally get sucked into details.
This is about marking down blobs where items/characters go, and figuring out the paneling. I'll draw and redraw these a bunch of times too.
This is also the most time-consuming/brain-working part for me. If I were in a zine that did progress percentage, I'd try to finish thumbnailing around the 50% mark (but I'm also a moderately fast artist, so your mileage may vary).
I think the terrible quality makes them charming, actually. I really like how silly they look. :')))
I will add, when you draw your "page" rectangle, make sure it's the same proportions as your actual canvas for the final image. You want an accurate idea of how much space each panel will take up, especially if you have a lot of text.
3. Sketching
This is my most recent change to my usual workflow, and it's saving me a lot of time. I make my thumbnails a bit bigger (each one about half the size of the final canvas), and I sketch these basic body forms right over them.
It just helps give me placement for my actual lines!
I usually draw these in a paleish color so I can lower the opacity and not get distracted by them while lining. The random darker parts are to either help keep two forms separate (like when two characters have their limbs all over) or to better define sections that were too sloppy/poorly proportioned.
I also think this helps my poses stay looser, because I have more dramatic/wriggly shapes that aren't too bogged down by proportions yet.
Sidenote: I CANNOT show this here, but sometimes this is when I take videos. Of myself. I prop my phone camera up and shoot a video of me acting each panel. :/// It looks really dumb, but it also shows me fun body language ideas like hand gestures, expressions, weight distribution, etc. Just pretend you're an overdramatic cartoon character, and try not to worry about your roommates or mother walking in on you doing odd things. (You can also use the video for anatomy reference later, but I usually just capture the vibe and don't try to copy the actual video frame.)
4. Panels & Text
Oh, boy. So, the panels are usually just straight lines (though it's fun to make creative exceptions, like a round panel to mimic looking through a spyglass), but there are some fancy rules that I don't strictly adhere to.
I believe (I have no technical training in this. Take everything I say with a grain of salt) the vertical gaps (between two side-by-side panels) should all be a consistent width and the horizontal gaps (between two panels on top of each other) should be another. The vertical ones? Should be thinner? Because you want the eye to easily glide between them, whereas the horizontal gaps should be a visual barrier to keep you from jumping ahead. Just something I've vaguely noticed.
There are lots of fun "default layouts" you can look up. Or keep it a consistent grid. I think it's fun to sometimes have characters/objects sticking out of panels and overlapping others. This is just a matter of taste, creativity, and inspiration. (Read Witch Hat Atelier... It has some of my favorite paneling...)
You may also notice I have already done the speech bubbles. This is, to me, a crucial step. This helps me catch early if I don't have enough room for all the words. It also lets me plan the art in each panel with the speech bubbles in mind. There's nothing worse than working really hard on a panel, and then you realize there's no room for the bubbles.
I also try to lay them out in a way that guides the eye! Even without art, can people tell where to go next? Better yet, if I want people to look at panels out of order (aka not left to right, in my case), can I use the speech bubble path to make them? Here's just a vague example of what I mean.
As an added bonus, doing speech bubbles early also allows me to be lazy! :) Ignore the comic; I'm not supposed to post it yet oops,, There's a whole lot of drawing to do on each comic page, and I am not wasting my time on stuff that will be covered up. So yes, if I hide my bubbles, there are a lot of unfinished lines trailing off into nothing. (As a bonus, if there's a part of a character you're struggling with—and it won't look weird to do so—you can move speech bubbles to just hide the problem area yayyy)
Making the actual bubbles could be their own whole tutorial, tbh, but there are some general guidelines I use.
Zoom out when you choose your font size. You want to know how it will look to the average reader, so it isn't super teeny tiny or way too big. You generally want to keep the same text size for all your pages/bubbles.
When I draw bubbles, I try to size them about one vertical letter height (and some change) around the words [left side]. This isn't always the case though, because humorously large or funny shaped text bubbles can convey different feelings [right side].
On Procreate, I set my bubble lines to Reference and just drag-and-drop the white fill on a separate layer below the lines. (Remember to turn Reference back off again when you're done, or your fill bucket won't work right when you're drawing.)
To get the white outlines I use to keep the bubbles from cluttering up the art, I literally just Gaussian blur an all-white copy of the lines + fills... and then I copy and merge it 5 times until it's opaque enough. This is a terrible way to do it, but it works for me. :')
5. Lines
This is the part that I can't tell you how to do. I literally just. Draw right over my wacky sketched body forms. Boom. Comic drawn.
I'll make three suggestions:
Don't focus on making every panel perfect. Give a little extra love to big ones or ones you want people to linger on. Otherwise, know that people are typically speeding through the art. It's way more important to focus on storytelling than art technique. In my opinion, a good story that's told well will always be better than a beautiful one told poorly. (Some comics are beautiful AND well-written... Alas, I am just a hobbyist who needs to get the ideas out of my head at top speed.)
Put your background lines on a different layer. Put your foreground lines on a different layer too, if you have those. Basically, I try to keep the main part of each panel (usually a character or object) on my lines layer so I can erase background/foreground/etc lines to ensure clarity/focus.
You can make background lines lighter colors too. I have too many numbers sorry. (1) Background. The stuff that's farthest away. Lightest lines. Few details; more focused on shapes and the suggestion of a background (I'm not good at backgrounds). (2) Midground. Same distance away as the characters are. Lines can be black. (3) Also midground, and also the same distance away. But they're very detailed, so I lighten them so they aren't so distracting. (4) The characters. Black lines for focus. For people who haven't seen the comic, I swear they are just hugging. This is SFW. D:
6. Tones/Colors
Do not. Do NOT ask me. I don't understand colors. I hate working with them, but I try because I want to improve. I hate doing anything beyond the simplest grayscale shading. Please go elsewhere for your coloring/tone advice. This is how my color picker looks 95% of the time. I have pre-set "percentages" of black that I got by lowering the opacity of a black layer and just color picking it. I don't even know the exact percentages I used. Good luck out there. Be better than me.
7. Sharing
This is a bonus step that I didn't mention earlier, but it's actually the most important of all of them.
You need a friend. Or maybe a groupchat or discord. A family member or coworker if you're really close like that. I don't know.
Find SOMEWHERE you can spam wips and be cheered on. Drawing comics takes a while, especially if you're trying to tell longer stories than I'd dare to attempt. If I don't force someone to praise me for every line I draw, I shrivel up and die.
Also if and when you post online, add alt text. I'll admit I'm the first person to complain and drag my feet on this, and I literally use a screenreader myself when my eyes hurt (strong prescription glasses wearer). Comics should be accessible, because stories are fun and everyone should be able to enjoy them.
And I guess lastly, how do you learn to make comics? Two steps: 1) read them and 2) make them. This is the tragedy of creating things.
1) Reading them: I grew up reading comic strips, western serialized comics, and webcomics. I've always loved graphic novels too. Then in late middle school, I started reading manga (Death Note and Haikyuu were my first two), and now I'm trying to read more webtoons (sorry im so slow bree)!
I also... mass-consume doujinshi, thanks to proxy mailing services and bilingual friends/Google Translate/knowing some Korean. (I have an entire bookshelf of doujin, actually,,)
The thing is, it's not usually enough to just read comics. You also need to be thinking. :/ I notice paneling, comic devices, clever comedic timing, etc. as I go. It's just a lot of studying/learning while also enjoying the story.
2) Making them: You just have to start. :( Even if you think they're "bad." My first comics were actually just drawings placed randomly all over the page, connected by speech bubbles (yay... I was already practicing how to place bubbles to lead the eye around the page...). I was going to post a pic here, but I'm a coward. Backscroll my account and you can find some older ones though.
I also know my art in general improved dramatically when I did ten comics in ten weeks for my friend's fic. Don't do this. It hurt my hands/wrists. But do practice in moderation.
If you actually read all that... I hope it made even a modicum of sense. And maybe it was even helpful? Just know at the end of the day, there is literally no right way to draw a comic.
And if you aren't ready to go for it yet, you can start by just adding a couple speech bubbles to your illustrations or doodles! It's a way to add storytelling and dialogue writing to things you may already be making.
Yay. I love comics. :))))
#art tips#ask#THANK YOU FOR ASKING THIS#PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT STORYTELLING AND ART AND COMICS#i have so much more i can say but i will not because this post is already way too dense#ive been meaning to finish/post this for so long im sorry#making comics is this fun blend of THINKING REALLY HARD AND WITH PURPOSE and doing things innately and you rly dont know why#reference#art reference#i dont remember my tutorial tag#oh. was it#tutorial#I DONT REMEMBER
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better than the movies / rafe cameron
a/n: if ur seein this its my first fic on here <3 hope its good, i actually don't hate it. it's long for my first tho.
word count / 1.3k
to you, love was just something people found in the movies. it was fiction. you had given up on finding love a long time ago.
but here you were. looking at him and feeling so much love. rafe cameron. you smiled to yourself. how did you get here? how did you even know that you loved him? that you were in love with him? you just knew.
if someone had told you that you'd be here in bed, spending your early morning with rafe, you wouldn't have laughed. no, you would've looked at them like they were deranged. "are you fucking crazy?" you'd say. "never in a million years."
you hated each other. rafe was the biggest asshole ever and you were the only girl who wouldn't put up with his shit. in your eyes he was some spoiled brat who turned to drugs when things didn't go his way. you hated how everyone glorified rafe and ignored who he really was. and you were like a punching bag to him. you frustrated him immensely. he hit and hit and hit you over and over again. only you hit back. he was so used to running over people with no regard to their feelings. he had to admit, he enjoyed the fight a bit.
the first time you had seen rafe differently was at topper's party, last spring. it was hot and muggy outside. it had stopped raining a couple hours earlier, before the party started. you were out back, sitting on the edge of the pool with your best friend niya. there were people everywhere and you were starting to sweat. "i need out or im gonna die," you told niya. you got up and walked toward the house.
she shouted after you. "please don’t take your sweet time!"
you rolled your eyes and smiled.
i need to find a bathroom. i can get away from everybody in there.
you kept walking throughout the house knocking on and opening doors until you found one. finally, shit. when you opened the door all the way, you were met with an unfortunately familiar face.
"what the fuck?" he looked at you with disbelief.
"rafe?" you're kidding.
you were pissed now. you were hot and sweaty and just when you thought you had a chance to breathe you run into him.
"get out."
"gladly," you were about to turn around when you noticed something. his nose was red, his eyes watery. almost as if he’d been crying. "wait, were you crying?”
"get the fuck out, now."
"no, not until you answer my question."
he rolled his bloodshot eyes. "no, i wasn't crying."
"it's okay to have feelings rafe, i know you're not used to it."
that set him off. his tough exterior crumbled when he was around you. you never failed to get under his skin. he lunged for you, grabbing you by your arm before you could react. he dragged you inside the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind you, reaching down to lock it.
"and i know you're not used to being anything other than a fucking bitch."
while you would've fired back with some smart ass comment any other time, you weren't worried about his insults right now. no matter how rude he was to you, you were genuinely concerned. you'd never seen him show any emotion other than anger or annoyance.
"rafe, i'm serious. are you okay?" you asked softly. you and rafe stared at each other for what felt like years. he was scared now. he didn't show it but it felt like you could see right through his big, scary act. but he couldn't look away. you had him hypnotized and he could see the genuine worry in your eyes.
"what do you care?"
"im not as big of a bitch as you say i am. i have a heart."
he realized he had you against the door, your head caged between his arms. he stepped back and broke eye contact to stare at the ground.
"i just- i'm going through it right now." he dragged his hands down his face. "i dont wanna talk-" the tears were back.
you stepped towards him and wrapped your arms around his waist. the fuck? what is she doing? he stood there confused. the hug actually felt....good. so he let his arms hang and the tears fall.
"it's okay rafe, you don't even have to tell me."
he finally hugged you back. now he was sobbing, pouring his heart out into the hug. into you. you hugged him tighter. you were so sweet, he realized. he couldn't believe he spent all this time hating you, insulting you every chance he got. how could anyone hate this sweet, sweet girl? nobody had been there for him like this.
his father didn't believe in emotions. maybe that was why he was like this. he felt like he had to be an asshole. not because he wanted to but because if he didn't protect himself, who would?
rafe tucked his head into your shoulder. you smelled amazing, like strawberries and vanilla. it added to your sweetness.
"shhh it's okay." you rubbed his back. "let it all out."
so he did. and when he was done, he pulled away from you and you let him. your heart panged a little at the loss of warmth. but you were glad he let you in. it wasn't as hard as you thought because you genuinely were a good person. rafe just had it out for you for some reason. you acted how you did towards him in self defense.
"dont say shit about this to anyone." good ole rafe.
"oh im so ready to tell everyone," you deadpanned.
"i would never."
"thanks." he sniffled, glancing at you then at himself in the mirror. "really, thank you."
"anytime." you smiled that sweet smile. he hated that he actually liked it.
rafe found a hand towel then turned the sink on, wetting it. he turned it off and wiped his tears away. he looked at you one more time and actually smiled. you stepped out of the way as he reached for the door, opening it and walking out.
you hadn't talked to rafe for a couple months after that. you'd see him around but he'd make it a point not to look at you. at least not while you were looking at him.
it wasn’t until the beginning of summer that you’d heard from him again. you were lying in bed, watching the sunset out the opened doors of your balcony when he called you. how rafe got your number you couldn’t figure out (you make a mental note to ask him about it when he wakes up). but you picked up, and thank God you didn't hate him anymore or you would've hung up when you heard his voice.
thank God you didn't hate him.
he hated to admit it but, "i need you." he said. "please."
and so you ran out your room and drove over to tanneyhill without a second thought. and you were there for rafe. eventually it became routine. he would call you when he needed a shoulder to lean on.
suddenly, his hate for you was gone. maybe it had been love masked as hate.
rafe let you know that he was there for you too, of course. after being around a vunerable rafe for a while, you finally let him in.
you and rafe spent the whole summer together. at the end of everyday, you found yourself wrapped in his warm embrace. you pretty much lived at tanneyhill. being with him felt better than the all the movies you’d watched and the books you had read.
you made love. you argued. you cried in each others arms. you laughed together. and kissed. and held each other, and so much more. but most importantly, you loved each other. and looking at him now, lying on his stomach , the sunrise shining on his toned back, you realized love wasn't fiction. it was real. you had found love. or maybe it had found you.
rafe was love.
a/n: i thought my first fic would be a drabble or smth, but it kept goin and goin and goin. i have drabbles in my drafts and they'll prob turn into full on fics. hope smb see's this and loves it! i would love feed back and suggestions. i dont have a masterlist or anything yet so this is just me trying smth out, thanks @littlelamy for encouraging me. i’m dedicating this to you! <3
cute divider by @dollywons
#rafe cameron x reader#outer banks#rafe fluff#rafe angst#mean!rafe#soft!rafe#rafe x reader#drew starkey#rafe’s actually a decent human being???
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Wow 8 whole years is a long time! Are you a full time little then? 24/7? Any advice to give someone trying to commit to being a little as a lifestyle?
I would consider myself a full-time little ☺️ I still have big girl responsibilities like driving, adulting stuff, and I used to have to go in to work in the past. But even when u have to put your big girl (or big boy) pants on, there are ways to keep that little light shining inside of you! 💖 Which is especially important if that's ur main coping mechanism and identity!
Of course this will look different for every person, and depends a lot on your current living situation (which i know can be super limiting) But really think about how you spend your time each day, and think about how to do those things in ways that better validate your littlespace! And be intentional about what your dream life would look like in the future!
A couple things I can recommend:
You have to get dressed everyday, so add some littlespace flair to your outfits! There are lots of ways to do this in varying levels of discreetness. Build up your wardrobe in a way that makes you feel happy and valid! 🎀
Bringing stuffies or toys wherever you go, in the car, in your pockets, in your bag, etc. It's always comforting to bring a friend along with you 🧸
Finding a way to work or make money that doesn't completely prevent any littleness is important as a lifestyle little, because jobs take up so much time in our lives! When I was stuck in a job, I still used to play games on my break, talk to Daddy, bring cute snacks for lunch, use the quarter toy dispenser on the way out, stuff like that ^_^
Connect with other littles, and surround yourself with like-minded and supportive friends, you're so not alone! 🫶
Incorporate littlespace fun into celebrating every holiday and birthdays! (im super excited for the easter bunny to come!!) 🐰
Using little plates, bowls, cutlery, sippy cups or bottles on the regular 🍼
Make adulting cuter! Instead of a boring to-do list, make a cute chore chart! Use stickers and colorful pens in a planner, and make sure to reward yourself for doing a good job ⭐️
Implementing littlespace into morning and bedtime routines!! 🌙
Practice seeing wonder in the world through your 'littlespace' eyes at anytime! Connect with your happy inner child. Look for opportunities to play, be curious, learn new things, and be excited to be alive because life is fun! ☀️
And maybe this goes without saying, but having a life partner who actively supports/encourages your littlespace (like a caregiver) makes a big difference. It's not necessary of course, and not even something all littles want or need. I'm just saying if you end up with a partner who discourages you, it'd be impossible to be a lifestyle little! Respect your own identity and needs, and don't settle for anyone who doesn't understand you and love you in the ways you need 💖 (I just feel so bad for people stuck in vanilla relationships and having to be closeted about littlespace and diapers, better if you can avoid that situation before it happens!)
just brainstorming some stuff here, but I hope it was helpful!! I'm happy to elaborate on these ideas and give more examples if anyone’s interested ^_^
thx for the question, live your dream and keep on doing what makes you happy, life is what you make of it!! 🐞 xoxo
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Rin relationship headcanons bc i had a brainrot <3
A/N: i mighve mentioned some of the hc in the past but that just means im still as delulu as i was back then. pensive emoji
Warnings: none; established relationship, gender neutral reader. i mightve forgotten some stuff, so forgive me if its not as canon-compliant as id like it to be (but i tried) ;w;
Word count: 1,7k.

At first, Rin's a bit shy of initiating physical contact; sure, he does hold your hand and hug you, but feels a teeny tiny nervous about kissing you. Reassuring him that it's perfectly fine and you don't mind it at all (or admit you don't have much experience either) gives him some hope for the future.
If you're the one to feel insecure about your (in)experience, Rin's here to embrace it and give you the same reassurance back. He reminds you that there's no need to rush and do everything with your own pace. But hey, if you wanna practice kissing, he's all ready. A bit too much ready...
While Rin may not realize it, he's ABSOLUTELY starved for your attention and physical contact, which actually is his love language. He likes to be all over you, but not in a overbearing way; he still wants to give you the space you need, but if you let him, even the lightest touch makes him happy! Even if it's barely a kiss on the cheek when both of you pass by on the True Cross hallway, a high five (seriously he doesn't gaf), or a quick hug, he'll be satisfied.
In private though, he's absolutely glued to you, as long as you let him. Rin grew to like giving you back hugs especially; while having no clear preference himself, he just really wants you to return the hug. His tail often finds itself tangling around your limbs, depending on your current activity, rarely around your waist - not often though, as it often ends up in him falling over because you're getting up from your seat and both of you forget it's there 😭
He's so, SOOOO desperate for physical contact, again, but also so cute while doing so; while hugging you from behind, he often nuzzles his face into your neck, leaving tiny butterfly kisses, and tiny kisses here and there. He closes his eyes and lets himself enjoy the moment, the fact that you're here, that you're his, and that both of you managed to live through the hell that Satan brought.
Rin's sense of smell is definitely more sensitive and stronger than any ordinary human - perfumes more often than not irritate his poor nose, so he actually prefers your natural smell (and so does Demon!Rin - but we'll get to that...). Not only having you close makes him safer, but once his body starts remembering your smell, he's able to somewhat locate you or at least, know that you're somewhere in the area, even if he can't see you.
Rin's very supportive when it comes to your hobbies and takes them very seriously! He doesn't care if they're cringe, he'll save money for months to make sure he gets you something you like! Especially plushies or small trinkets, he notices them the most. No matter how much you worry about him potentially laughing at them, more often than not you find him snuggling with them in his bed. Rin also gives them their own space, so you can find them quickly if you want to take them home.
*imagining Rin hugging a huge cinnamoroll plushie. We'll be back shortly*
Much to Rin's surprise, Yukio finds himself starting to like some characters himself, giving you the perfect opportunity to have a bestie to talk with. (You can't convince me Yukio's favorite sanrio character isn't Keroppi. PS: Rin's favorite is Little Twin Stars, because they remind him of himself and Yukio.)
While Rin does enjoy going out for dates, he also doesn't mind staying home and doing.. well, nothing. He's content just laying on top of you and having you play with his hair - he lets out soft whimpers once in a while to let you know he isn't sleeping (yet). Usually, he also has your hands intertwined and rubs his thumb up and down soothingly on your skin.
If you want to learn how to cook, he's so, so understanding about it. He doesn't care if you burn meat to the ground 17 times, he'll explain it to you again. I mean, Mephisto's paying, so.. either way, he'll always be supportive of that part of you and willing to be the taste tester! Sometimes he writes down your favorite recipes, so when he's away, you're able to make your meals by yourself!
His notes always have some sort of kissing emojis (Meph cannot deny the influence anymore):
"good luck cooking, babe! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )"
"make sure to leave some for me ( ˘ ³˘)♥",
"don't add too much salt, it's not healthy!! (´ε` )"
If you wanna try skincare on him, he's all in! In fact, Rin has no clue about any of it, he's probably washing his face with just water - but good God, when you start washing his face with that fluffy brush, putting some masks on and massaging his face (or at least trying, he'll appreciate it too), while he has his head on your lap - he starts to drift off to heaven, probably.
Rin looks like young God next morning, sparkles around his face and all - Renzou teases him about it, until he pokes his cheek - and then immediately pestering Izumo to do the same for him (she almost slaps him with a book) 😭
Oh, he's ONE MILLION PERCENT catching feelings for you if you're his childhood friend. Especially if you weren't afraid of him in the past, that's a given. You're Rin's first ever crush, then some time passes.. and he becomes unsure of his feelings, thinking you'd be happier with Yukio anyway, I mean, he's smarter anyways, right? That's what causes him drift away from you and yes, he becomes infatuated with Shiemi, and then you come back at his ass again, and he realizes his heart never moved on from you. He does feel guilty confusing both Shiemi and you, but he just knows. Rin knows it's you. Once he feels you in his embrace after a particularly tough battle, he knows he has his whole world in his arms and confesses to you shortly after. (why do i wanna write a longer piece about this.,,,)
Rin loves, loooves when you cradle his face. He nuzzles into your arms and places his own hand against yours, but his eyes get that soft look that has you almost tearing up because of how genuine his happiness is.
He tends to forget about his tiny horns, so beware. He'll be fine with teasing, but only asks you to not put clothes hangers if they ever grow.
If Rin ever overhears you praising him or just talking about him in a good light to your friends, he's about to start crying - poor baby, his heart almost bursts. He's painfully aware most people are wary of him because of who he is or in fear of getting hurt, but hearing you defending him or gushing about him to others is possibly the most heartwrenching thing that day. This is probably one of the memories he'll never forget.
His body is so warm, even without the flames. Rin's down for cuddling anytime, but during winter, you don't even need any other kind of heating besides Rin. He pushes you against his chest when you sit in between his legs, takes your hands in his and either has his head on your shoulder while you watch a movie, or pepper your cheeks or temples in kisses.
Run away from him when it's summer tho 😭
Encouraging Rin to let Demon!Rin out once in a while leaves Rin a bit confused. At first, yeah, maybe, MAYBE if the demon part of him behaves well, he might, but what if he causes rampage? By the end of the day Rin agrees, but at first - just around you. Demon!Rin on the other hand, is a delightful nuisance - he does recognize you, but since he hasn't claimed you as his mate yet, he appears to be slightly more distant.
Actually, you have to teach him basic human behaviors - no, Rin, you can't throw a table at someone who "looked in a bad way" at you. No, Rin, you can't jump through the alleys in stores instead of walking. Some of those are so basic it's funny, but it's better than convincing him to not kill the cashier, because they had no change 😭
As you can expect, Demon!Rin is extremely possessive of you. He doesn't like anybody near you, especially at the beginning, when he's figuring out who's acceptable for him. Has probably bit Shima's head at least once. Attempted to do the same for Bon, but he slapped him with a verse. The worst out of all is Amaimon, whose new fun is riling Rin up by pretending to flirt with you, only to cause a fight between them and get almost burned to a crisp 😭 Mephisto's intervened once, only to learn Amaimon's asking for it every time, so now he cheers for Rin instead. That doesn't help, but you have free popcorn every time... I guess.
Demon!Rin appears to enjoy slightly different traits in his significant other, than the human one. He's fond of sarcasm (human!Rin doesn't mind, but he just doesn't say it back lol), he likes when you challenge him and stand your ground. Likewise, he also provokes you too, trying to find your limit - it's harmless though, he literally just wants to get on your nerves for no reason, lol.
His behavior as time goes on does get better and he's able to somewhat exists with human!Rin in peace. Usually, the demonic side lets him do most of the work and comes out when he's bored or misses his mate.
Speaking of mating, demon!Rin is definitely marking you. The bite is somewhere between your shoulder and neck, it's.. almost like a permanent bruise, because well, it's his first time. Mephisto eyes it in curiously, commenting how messy it is and then giving him subtle tips on how to do it properly. Rin just leaves the room 🚪🚶♀️
Poor human!Rin freaks the f out when he sees the bruise for the first time, cuz like WHAT IS THIS and WHERE DID IT COME FROM 😭 you have 30 seconds to reason with him before he tames the demonic part of himself probably until forever 😭
If you ever admit you have a thing for his teeth, he'll probably freeze, laugh and pass out. In reality he's fine with it, more than fine - Rin's flattered that you like his demonic features, and since your confession, he makes sure to take care of his teeth even more. Moreover, with your consent of course, he's willing to gently mark you if an opportunity comes. Ekhem. (Demon!Rin: I used to pray for times like this)
#ao no exorcist#blue exorcist#blue exorcist imagines#ao no exorcist imagine#rin okumura#rin okumura x reader#Headcanon#pure
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HI HI HI IM HERE TO EXIST IN YOUR INBOX TO CHEER YOU UP. I noticed you suggested Poe and Akutagawa were some of your favorites. So. Could I request some headcanons for Little Akutagawa and Caregiver Chuuya? :3 I like the idea of Chuuya connecting with Akutagawa after Dazai leaves
𐂯 little akutagawa & cg chuuya hcs !!!! ୨୧
i was going to go back to doing requests in order ( lie ) and then you came along . hi i hope it’s comfy in my inbox please visit whenever you’d like . but chuuyamention happy binkies i love them both aaauugh my creatures ♡
probably not the most in-character but we will ignore that right ., right .

𝜗𝒞 ;; akutagawa didn’t actually realize he regressed at first ! he mostly chalked it up to exhaustion making his brain feel a little fuzzy and his motor skills a bit worse than usual , until he was doted on a little extra after a rougher mission and he was way more aware of how he was acting / what he was acting like …
⤷ even then though he didn’t properly label it as regression — not until chuuya swooped in and began to care for him !!
☆ ;; chuuya makes sure to give akutagawa the praise he needs !!! it’s not the same as dazai’s , but the little guy always tries to be ‘ useful ’ even when bitty (,,>﹏<,,) chuuya tries to get him to relax a bit more but sometimes it’s a losing battle TT
⤷ akutagawa also tries to tell chuuya he’s regressed a bit older , maybe around 7-9 , but in reality he’s usually in the 3-5 range … he melts with just a tiny bit of pampering though ! he’s already pretty tired when little , mostly getting into his headspace involuntarily , so his resolve is quite weak ,,,
۶ৎ ;; akutagawa isn’t the biggest fan of color , and he doesn’t buy himself much for regressing — mostly because all the baby things are just too bright and overwhelming for him < / 3 he likes when everything’s coherent together , and muted colors are his best friend !!! although he has a few outliers in his little gear ( that chuuya has spoiled him with ) , namely things that remind him of the people he’s close to !
★ ;; a very very quiet , very very sedentary little . he’s not entirely nonverbal , but he doesn’t speak very much and likes to spend most of his time doing easy activities or watching chuuya do whatever ^^ however he’ll absolutely voice whenever he’s uncomfy or feeling icky !!
𝜗𐑞 ;; chuuya is sort of an in-between of a father figure and just close friend kind of caregiver (..◜ᴗ◝..) akutagawa doesn’t call him any sort of title , but he’s definitely one of if not the first people he goes to with advice for trickier stuff ( like emotions ) ! chuuya’s just glad to see his subordinate(s) doing okay , i think he’s always had that sort of protective instinct with every organization he’s been in and it just amplifies when akutagawa regresses ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
♫ ;; chuuya tries to get akutagawa out of his coat for safety reasons if he’s bitty , but a lot of the time it just freaks the tiny out more — it’s super hit-or-miss !!! if he’s regressed especially young though chuuya tends to succeed , since it can be a bit heavy / overstimulating for aku compared to some comfier clothes or pajamas ໒꒰ྀི˶˃ᆺ˂˶ ꒱ྀིა
yay ! i somewhat wrote something ! again i promise i know their characters i’m just not at my best fallign to my knees sorry this is all over the place
#period cramps are killing me uuuuugggjuu this did help though :3#✿ ⋆ ࣪˖⊹ ࣪ 𐙚 ⸝⸝ writing 。#₊˚⊹ ʚɞ ˚⋅. special petals 𖧷#sfw agere#age regressor#bsd agere#agere blog#agere community#fandom agere#agere fandom#bsd#bsd chuuya#bungo stray dogs#bsd akutagawa#bungou stray dogs akutagawa#bungo stray dogs akutagawa#bungou stray dogs chuuya#bsd nakahara chuuya#bungou stray dogs#bsd ryuunosuke akutagawa#agere headcanons#headcanons
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hi Emma! Who do you consider your friends do you have a crush on anybody?
" For crushes... "
#ITS SO SO FUNNY HOW MUCH PAIRINGS FIT MELLY? i felt like i needed to draw her as the greed talked about in the bible#AND MELLY POTENTIALLY KNOWING WENDY FOOTE BEFORE THE MANOR? omg... im so excited to see their lore#2022 me would be so sad emmamelly is not bros otp no more#NOT THAT EMMAMELLY IS BAD AND GONE heh.#swaytura on the mind though u feel#idv#identity v#emma woods#identity v gardener#survivor ask blog#idv gardener#ask emma woods#identity v ask blog#mentions:#melly plinius#wendy foote#give her like 20 seconds before she crushes again trust#a moment to talk about ships:#I dont got a defined crush/relationship for Emma! I love all her ships ^^ it's so silly to see other peoples portrayals and hcs#I started off shipping Emma and Melly because of garden scenarios and how they'd share a mutual bond through their nature expertise#Tracy and Emma are one of my OG ships too! super cute! From gears to plants they both have their own parallels to learn from eachother#when I first started this blog I used to talk to this Mun and they started sending me Emma and Naib artworks!#my goodness their excitement was contagious ^^! I hope theyre doing alright.#To that one Kurt/Servais and Emma shipper I see you! the pairings are super calming and I think itd be interesting to explore their past!#Someone posted Lucky x Emma here too and heh.. I totally get you. theyd get into such shenanigans together and they seem sweet!#Then I've been seeing alot of Norton and Emma recently on tiktok! Theres this one artist that draws them in such silly scenarios#But everytime I think about shipping them I get flashbacks to a minecraft server with nortnaib and i feel like damn... betrayal </3#how could i do that to my nortnaib besties#Then when playing with my friend on IDV I noticed they had Mary and Emma room pictures and yknow what? go queen#hcs are very much appreciated :) maybe when i open asks again i'd love to hear everyones thoughts.
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Learn from who? Learn from you? You are still a brat. What do you know? You're only three years older. Like you are any better than me. You're 21, and still a virgin. What are you proud of? I think you can't do it.
#kiseki: dear to me#kisekiedit#kdtm#kiseki dear to me#ai di x chen yi#chen yi x ai di#nat chen#chen bowen#louis chiang#chiang tien#jiang dian#userspring#uservid#userspicy#userrain#pdribs#userjjessi#*cajedit#*gif#*gestures at the caption* this is honestly the funniest argument they could possibly have idfk what to tell you. it's very ai di#meanwhile whatever's going through chen yi's head rn has recently been doused with 'the boss doesnt care abt me like that'#after watching cdy and zml at dinner. like chen yi already knows *before* ep9 & ai dis confession that cdy will never look at him#(the diff. between this scene & ep9's. is him failing in regards to the gang as well in cdy's eyes. he goes from feelings of disappointment#& irritability to complete despair and both times he drinks to cope. bc hes not enough in cdy's eyes in ANY of the ways he wants/hoped)#so honestly the crisis chen yi goes thru right here isnt unfounded at all hes literally dealing w an inadvertent rejection of his feelings#its chaos in his head and ai di is picking at him again and the wine is tilting in his blood and then- 'learn from who? learn from you?'#like what do YOU know about love ai di (WHILE CHEN YI'S PULLING HIM LIKE THAT-) so OF COURSE ai di goes for the deepest dig he can.#'i bet you cant get hard that explains how much of a coward you are'. its ridiculous the ways in which they push each other over the edge#but im ngl im kind of obsessed the way chen yi's tipsy line of thinking 'learn from you?' turned into the action 'fuck it learn from ME'#ANYWAY EVERYONE GO LISTEN TO 'LOSE CONTROL' BY TEDDY SWIMS RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. THe most chen yi song pre-ep9
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i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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It's missing my father hours rn so imma just dump a bunch of pictures here and cry
( sorry i don't know the source of anything I just had them on my phone)
(also dont read the tags i just need to let it out lol)
#I just realized I can call him dad easier than my real dad and now I understand why am I so damn attached to him#I always knew he was a parental figure for me#but now I connected the dots#How when u have an absent dad and a d34d mom a guy shows up in ur life#that tells u life advice that both of ur parents failed to do so#and makes u feel safe the first time in ur life#ofc ud become attached#i know for sure its unhealthy how much i love and miss him#he occupies most of my thoughts honestly#But how could i not cling to him so much when he was the only one who gave me hope in life#i try to keep going and even tho he is not here i keep telling myself whatever he taught me. i keep reminding myself he wants us to live an#bloom and be free#and that's what ill try to do#but you know somedays i wish i could just disappear and be wrapped in eternal happiness#its so fucking hard to pull yourself out of the slump man im so fucking tired im so so tired#somedays i wish id have the courage to off myself but i know that deep down i want to live and ive always wanted to live but i have no idea#how to live. i feel like i finally found a purpose and someone i love. but at the same time im always doubting myself and im scared of losi#g this little hope again and i know i should cherish and use it instead but each day i have this anxiety because rn i have nothing else if#lose this i seriously will lose everything atp. but ill still try bc rn its this or death so i should try im just damn tired yes anyways#sorry for being depressing some days just dont work out but thats okay#yes at the same time i want to get out of my head and try to find some friends but i cant deny that im highkey fucked up and i just cant le#go of my past and i still feel like that helpless unloved kid and idk how to form relationships this way. i dont trust myself at all so idk#how to trust others. and i feel like in order to find ppl that would love me i have to overshare abt my whole lifestory bc it still dictate#my life heavily. and since i met this band its better cuz im learning to deal w it and i want to heal from everything but yes at the same t#me who would wqnt to be friends w. someone that has like a year of life experience and 18 years of depression lol#so yes its complicated. bc i have friends but im like the funny friend. the one that is as shallow as puddle and has no problems but honest#y im genuinely sufferint qnd have been sufferinz all my life so i want to come out of my funny friend role. but that wojld mean i have to t#ll the shit i went through to all my friends but tbh it would be so random so ye. i do have a plan though. how it could work. But yes im ti#ed have been tired for 7 years now. But this time around i hope i can successfully get out of this torture cycle lol.#ok sorry this is what happens after puberty guys i could beva research case for a damn mental institute atp xdd
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having the hc that minato is ace is incredibly funny sometimes when you think about how ryoji is oh so very bi because it's like. "ah. death stole my ability to be attracted to people," in the same way that ryoji stole minato's eye color and energy level. like wow, thanks ryoji, you just keep finding things to steal from minato!
#persona 3 spoilers#minato arisato#hc and au nonsense#lizzy speaks#happy international asexuality day to my fellow aces out there i hope you know that you are loved!!! 🎊🎉🥳#i like viewing minato with the lens of him being gay / ace. esp bc it stems from my own experiences so it's fun to look at-#him from that perspective even if that's not what was intended by atlus y'know?#and im sure others have other hcs from me that are informed by their own life experiences and i think that's great ^_^#something that i found interesting while playing FES was how. stilted? minato's animations felt when hugging the girls#you could definitely go with the perspective that it's a graphical limitation or they didn't have time to polish the animations#and that's def true!! but sometimes i see the hug @ yakushima beach + the other hugs and then i compare it to the sou/yo hug in p4#and there's like... a noticeable difference to me with how intimate and close together the hugs are...#that said i do know that the animations for reload are updated and the hugs are much more natural (good on them tbh!)#the other thing is (pensive sigh). the way you couldn't reject any of the girls when doing their social links in FES#objectively speaking i'm glad that they did away with that and i like how the rejections were handled in reload. it feels naturally written#but also a part of me enjoyed looking at the “hey atlus what the FUCK” moment and thought of how to interpret it differently#specifically with the idea of minato having like.. little to no autonomy and kind of going along with the relationship#it kind of reminded me of myself tbh with like going along with the rship without considering what you want bc#it's what others want or expect out of you... LOL. i dont think atlus intended for someone to interpret it this way but#eh i think that's the fun part of hcs and looking at characters with certain lenses!#regardless of how you perceive minato i do think there's something to be said about him being the kind of guy who molds himself-#into someone that is needed. not wanted. but needed. important distinction here.#the one caveat my brain runs into when im like ���minato is ace!” is when i remember thanatos exists and i go#“you know what these ideas can exist simultaneously” GKLHFHDFHD when in doubt schrodinger's headcanons#anyway that's all i've had this thought in my brain in awhile and haven't sat down to share it properly until now 👍#have an excellent weekend everyone !!! lizzy loves you all lets all nurture our inner yippee!!! 🥺💙
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can i just be totally honest for just a sec. this past year hasnt been my favorite. it hurt a Lot and i really didnt think id be as happy as i am when the end of the year came around. it was not the best year by far for me. kinda nothing has been Great since i was like 12 honestly. But also i've learned a Lot about myself this year. I've healed, hurt, loved, laughed, everything in between, and will continue to do all that because thats life and im living (!!!!). I'm about to have a birthday that i didnt even think i was going to get to see like 4 years ago so. yeah. happy new year everyone and im really really happy im here <3 thank you all
#camera talks#sorry for getting real for a second LMAO#umhmhm#happy new year <3#im really really glad yall are around and im around#ive had a Lot of struggles this year#(from what i can remember. tbh ive blocked out So So much pain i know im forgetting stuff)#its been bad but i know its been worse. sorta. tbh this hasnt been a good year thinking about it but i dont want to think about it rn so#But i know i didnt think id reach the end of the year like this#im very happy ive gotten here. im so happy ive accomplished everything ive accomplished#and im almost okay with what im going into next year.#its scary but ive got people and support and i can make it through#i feel more loved and safe#and i hope it'll mostly just go up for me in a lot of aspects from here#okay. thx for reading if you read all the way through this :)#i love you guys <33#thank you to the mutuals and followers who have been here since my early days and who have recently showed up#you're all amazing and i wish you nothing but the best <3
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feel like im getting stabbed in the chest every time i think about him. is this even what love is supposed to feel like
#... servant's song ♪#🍊 ☆ beloved .ᐟ#i love him i do. i grieve him the same way i grieve my father if not more so. but. i dont. thisbis fucking weird#i want my memories wiped. i want everything about kamukura gone because maybe then i could just let myself be happy#why cant i just let myself be loved. why cant i love him normally. why do i have to feel a little bit of fear with every muttered i love you#am i doomed? is there no way out of here? what do i even do with myself. i want out. i want to see him again but im scared of how i'll react#does he hate the person ive become‚ now that i've remembered it all? now that it's come into clarity?#if he saw me now would he even recognize me? im scared#i just want to be able to look him in the eye and say i love you without any fear. and for him to believe it.#im scared he wont be able to trust my love and my devotion because of what kamukura did to me#that itll be seen as coerced. or that i feel like i have to just to gain his sympathy. when thats not true#i love him. so much. i wish i could show that. i wish i could watch him sleep and feel at peace. i wish i could care for him while he's sick#i wish i could do so much for him without anything in return. i dont want it to be reciprocal#i want him to love me i want him to be near me but i also wouldnt want him to love me because he feels he has to#i just. i dont know what i want!#im scared im so scared i just want to go home. is anyone even still reading this? i hope not it's kinda embarassing#im not masking enough im not being fun. i hope i don't bore hinata when im not putting on a show#urhrvhrhvghhgh thats enough whining from me i should go to bed. maybe. i want to find my plushie of him but i dont know where it is
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pretty minor thing to think about, but i find it interesting how chapter 7 is the first chapter illustration to show chizuutan as chizuru (instead of chuutan)






like, i get it’s a flashback chapter, but we hardly got to see her as chizuru in the previous few chapters thus far… maybe we’ll get to see more of her as her true self after the hiyori fight/make up? only future chapters may tell, i guess…
#there’s like 5 weeks to go till chapter 6 is released into the rest of the world and i m n o t r e a d y—#man. chapter 5 still manages to ruin my mood no matter how many times i read it… man.#i was having so much fun with renren and concon and the 3 stooges and th e n.#imagine putting on a (somewhat) perfect/cute act to hide your true self because you know you’re unlovable the way you are#but then someone else runs along and screws up every step of the way without putting on any airs and is adored for it anyway…#i imagine chapter 6 will be much worse. especially since the start of the flashback begins there…#i sincerely hope the flashback ends in chapter 7 bc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#though. considering where we are now in the series. i think there’s a chance that vol 2 will come out at the end of december#ch 8 will prolly start to drop somewhere around the later half of november so it seems about right…#b u t if there’s the preorder bonus manga for vol 2 in dec can we have santa girl chuutan in it p l s—#i think we’ll need an incredibly cute bonus feature to lift the mood from whatever the heck’s going on with vol 2’s chapters#bc. idk. im sensing some self hatred with this one chizuchan… it’s as though she can only love herself if she’s dolled up as chuutan…#like. even in her aizo self-insert delusions she’s thinking of herself as chuutan… maybe im reading too much into this. hm.#but then again she even puts on makeup when she’s at home in her own room…#w a i t a sec what if this wack behaviour only came about bc of what’s about to be revealed in the flashbacks. wait. no. w h a t if—#i hope manga chizuchan will be able to love herself properly soon… we all love you chizuchan~~~~~~~~~~#this. too. is our oshi no—#dammit why is something set in the same universe as the [redacted] anime making me feel things??? i hate itttttttttt#anyways. wh. what if one of the h10w turns out to be an anime adaptation of the chizuchan manga#and they’re just waiting on. like. the final vol to announce it.#it’d make the most sense for an anime series at this point… since chizuchan is marketable and it’s set in the same anime verse#so there’s no inconsistencies to retcon and such…#but!!!! most importantly!!!!!! we’d be able to see animated renren and concon!!!!!!!#…but something like this will only appear in my delusions huh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#mousou dake no kawaikute gomen anime#ok that’s enough thinking for the day; back to kimikawaii mv g o o d b y e~~~~#chizuutan chizpost
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I don't think I have the words to properly communicate how I feel right now. I'm grasping at the hem of my own life. I've been stumbling along my life from the sidelines recently. I genuinely didn't want to live for a not insignificant time of this year. So much shit happened all at once that I thought I wasn't gonna get through to this point.
I feel like I'm regaining myself. I can straighten out my back and walk with purpose again. I can make myself a breakfast and enjoy flavors. I can sing at the top of my lungs and cry and I can feel. I can feel so much again. I almost lost myself and I'm so happy that I'm back. I missed being alive.
#im so glad I didnt do anything stupid a few months ago when everything really was at its worst for me#i was close to doing something I was gonna regret and I'm crying now because I feel like life is worth living again. I had given up hope.#i love all my friends so much if you read this and you consider me your friend please know I've been going through a LOT the last two years#and I have missed you just as much as I have missed being alive. thank you all for being patient and understanding#thank you
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just thinking thoughts
#hmm… sappy moment rn but#y'all have given me so much over the past few years and it helped me get through so much shit#like i never would've posted or continued writing if it wasn't for all the love i got on my stuff (or maybe i would yk but i wouldn't post#any of it)#and i've had so much fun creating all these stories and characters – ruin you cmi atrw c&f etc etc#like 3 years ago i never would've thought anyone would love these silly ideas my brain comes up with so much#support them and be kind about them and also give ME as a person so much love?? ykwim? like im not used to this much affection#but i'm so thankful :') i do feel valued here… and i hope life stays gentle enough for me to be able to finish all this#like to finish cmi and all the other stuff i want to share before i leave this place… i hope the passion never fades#and that y'all stick around too <3 that whenever i do leave some day i don't regret not finishing something#but go with a content heart and with the hope that my stuff will be loved even when im away and the blog's archived#y'all are amazing :') it was easier to hold on over the years truly#sigh yeah that's it.. this got very long i know but if you read it all – ily :') <3#maybe dl?? maybe not let's see
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So idk if I can really articulate the way I'm feeling rn to translate it perfectly, but I want you guys to know how much I truly appreciate everyone who's followed me over the years, who has interacted with me in any way no matter how small, and anyone who has shown up recently. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. It's probably cheesy to say but everyone here has made my life so much brighter and I feel so unbelievably blessed to have been invited into your lives in some way, even if it's just as someone who sometimes shows up on your dash.
I decided to scroll through my tag on here and the way people have supported me over the years though everything really, deeply touched my heart this evening. The people who have drawn fanart for me, the people who have commissioned me, the people who have tagged me in things (I cringe every time bc I feel soooo bad for not seeing them until I look in my tag once in a blue moon, but know I appreciate you trying to include me), the people who tag me when asked who their art inspirations or favorite blogs are (!!!!!!!!!??????), the people who post their art saying that my art inspired them in some way, people who express their excitement when they realize I've followed them (this will never stop being wild to me, what an incredible thing!!!! I'm just me!) everyone. It's absolutely mind boggling to me and I can't stress enough how much it means.
I've had such an incredible time on this site so far and met some of my closest friends here and just.. wow. Thank you so much to all of you, from the very bottom of my heart. I cannot thank you enough for all of your support!! Every little bit of interaction is a blessing to me and I've run out of ways to express that so I'll wrap this up here but yeah!! I hope you all have a lovely evening or whatever time of day it is in your time zone. Know that you've impacted me in a way I can't express and try to give yourselves a little grace, you'll never know how much you've improved the lives of the people around you by just spending a little time in their space ♥
#i wanted to tag a bunch of my friends bc i saw a lot of people i don't interact with much anymore bc of my reclusiveness in recent years#but i was terrified of accidentally leaving people out so if you're wondering if i'm thinking about you then you're exactly who i mean#love love love love love I'm so incredibly fortunate and i can't forget that!!!!#the fact that i've been on here since 2014 and have only received one mean ask that i can think of is insane#i know i've been a bit of a downer lately but overall my hope is that i've created a positive space where people can be happy and feel safe#in some way in any way#and i hope i feel like someone people can talk to (or at.. i know im bad at replying but i do like to read sjkdlfsd)#i've been told that i may come off as intimidating but i truly don't want to be i want people to feel comfortable interacting ^^#ANYWAY gotta go to bed this is embarrassing thanks for listening byeee#dl#not art#i forgot to mention this but also people who use my art for their pfps???????? SPEECHLESS#all of the art in the world and you chose mine it makes my heart so full#also just realized i completely forgot to respond to emails today#if you see this and you're waiting on one I'll reply tomorrow but know I've gotten it!
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