#i hate the culture of independence
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xerospaced · 1 year ago
There's this guy, Dr Russell Barkley, he does talks on ADHD. I've come across a fair bit of his content on various platforms.
Every time I see one of his videos I end up in tears. Usually within the first few minutes.
He speaks very plainly and clearly about the function of ADHD. He presents a realistic picture of what is happening and what is required.
I came across this one:
In typical fashion, I found myself crying within a few minutes.
Because other than schooling I have never had a support system. I have never had a single person in my life really hold me accountable. I have never had anyone work with me to create some kind of structure or consistency.
Everything he said, even within the first minutes, resonated with me so deeply. Because I honestly have no idea if I can do this alone. And it scares me that I might wind up getting nowhere because I am lacking in support.
ADHD is manageable. But it is damn near impossible to manage alone.
I just don't know where to go from here.
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dykedvonte · 1 year ago
An independent Courier would actually hate being in charge or enforcing standards in New Vegas. At least in my mind.
They made Vegas independent but I feel like that playthrough/style so clearly makes it apparent it isn't for them. They are making Vegas a place where people can live freely, like how House genuinely didn't care what people did but without the behind-the-scenes Big Brother surveillance he did. Having every family, faction, and other influence group or person comes to them about alliances or rules would be draining, and boring, one note.
In an independent Vegas, The Courier is also Independent. They like getting rid of lines and borders that impede freedom, they like to help give people the tool but I don't believe they want to be the one to shape it.
#a lot of this is like how ncr started but then lost its way#the courier would like a democracy but like one that is truly run by the people like if public votes or letting people split off and embrac#their traditions instead of a universal standard like house changing the tribes caesar wiping out so many cultures and the ncr whole thing#with their money being worthless in territories they have not taken control over cause people dont want to#the courier doesnt want to be house 2.0 and i see that so often in peoples interpretations of that ending and I just dont think its the cas#like theyd stay to help it stablize for a but ultimately i think theyd leave to clean up any loose ends or just travel the mojave like#a lot of the dialouge good or evil is very much like the courier doesnt want the responsiblity to be placed on them rather they choose what#they want to take on that is not presented in sort of a scenerio where they losely rule NV cause everyone else would go to them even if the#say they arent in charge#i at least for the follower quest tell them their choices are theirs and no one elses so i see that as their outlook so im biased#cause im also good karma just for how nice I am and I like doing crazy adventure shit and its actually hard to have fun when everyone hates#you for being legion#anyway make of this what you will#fallout#fallout new vegas#fnv#the courier#courier six#courier fnv#the strip fnv#robert edwin house#caesar’s legion#new california republic#independent vegas
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thegothicviking · 10 days ago
Bring a little girl inuk greenlander ZAMMI BACK HOME
I just signed. And I urged you to do the same!
(Even without having your name being shown on the list)
This Greenlandic mother needs only a little less than 10 000 signatures now BEFORE her court hearing in April 2025! She needs at least 50 000/50k to have a chance in court!
Here is a little context;
The Danish government takes Greenlandic newborns away ("legally") from their mother's simply because the mother's fails" a DANISH "language test", as their Greenlandic language is based a lot on recognizing facial expressions.
Because of this "failed test", the DANISH government claims that the newborn children will "not be properly prepared to be a part of the Danish society."
Why/how can the Danish government do this, you may ask? Well if you didn't know already... Greeland is "owned" by Denmark/under Danish rulement. And so the Danish government are STILL FORCEFULLY (ever since they got under rulement of Denmark) separating Greenlandic newborns from their mothers, to place the babies into Danish fosterhomes. Which is just a fancier way to say that they are forcefully making the babies Danish! (Kind of like how the new comer christians in America would have Native Americans locked up in "camps" and forcefully "teach" the Native American children to speak "proper American" and to follow "proper American religion"/aka christianity).
Sadly..when speaking of Denmark and Greenland...this "danish-fication" of Greenlandic children are still ongoing TODAY!
In other words: the newborns are STILL being forced from BIRTH to be kept away from their mothers! Forced from birth to NOT be a part of their Greenlandic family, and thus also forcefully being taken away from their original Greenlandic culture and heritage! So they can all be "a part of the Danish society" instead!!
PLEASE SIGN if you would at least like this Greenlandic mother to have a chance in court to get her baby back into her arms and back into her care! ❤
Of course simply sharing petitions are also great but in this case I'd say that sharing is not enough as this mother needs at least
50 000/50k by April THIS YEAR (2025) to at least have a chance in court to regain custody of her own child!
Please sign* AND share this message!
(*If you are still hesitant to sign because you are afraid of your legal name being shown on the list of signatures, then you can tick off a box at the bottom that lets your name be invisible from the actual list. So if you are, for any reason, afraid to have your name being shown on this list/shown publically online, then you can still choose to sign anonymously/have your name hidden from the list! Your signature will still count despite your name not being visible to anyone else! So please! I hope you will still sign this petition! Even with a "hidden signature"!)
Thank you! May this mother feel her child back in her arms! 🫂
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lunarian-anarchist · 5 months ago
I can't believe that it's just now occurring to me that my mom hasn't made any real changes. She's just putting on a mask and hoping I'll stay. I feel like such a moron.
All my life; my mom has bad mouthed my eldest sister Nicole and always told me how amazing I was, how I was G-d's gift to her, how I was her last chance at being a good mom and she told me all these things when I was as young as 6 or 7. What's really interesting to me is that she rarely ever mentioned her middle child Sarah and when she did; it was usually only in conjunction with my eldest sister and how they both sucked because neither of them speak to her.
Why do I find her lack of speaking about Sarah interesting? Because according to both Sarah and Nicole; my mom repeatedly sabotaged her relationship with my middle sister even though said sister was much more forgiving and actively sought her out.
But what's really REALLY pathetic on my part is that I didn't realize that she only started to "change" once I told her that I wasn't going to speak to her once I left. This happened about 2 years ago and it happened after my step dad said something hurtful and she basically prodded me to answer whether or not I'd stay. Not what she could do to better herself or how I was in pain but "Are you lying to me? Are you lying to me until you can leave? Are you planning on leaving? Please tell me how to fix this"
But this isn't anything new because something similar happened after I was baker acted because I was suicidal. When they visited me in the hospital; I told them I was tired of being beat and I hate them. The beatings stopped after that and until last Saturday; neither of them put their hands on me.
Then going back to two years ago; I told her that I wanted her to respect me like I respected her and suddenly she was much more supportive, suddenly more loving, suddenly paying more attention, suddenly wanting to spend more time with me, suddenly respecting me.
It's like she hears "ok ok ok so THIS is what I need to do to keep her here with me"
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learningfromlosing · 9 months ago
Happy fourth of july if you're not american here's what being american is like
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eileennatural · 10 months ago
i say this w complete sincerity. i really do think that the reason so many british people are always mad at americans is bc they really do think we're still like. basically the same country. like you're mad that we pronounce words differently or eat different foods ? Of course we do. because we're different countries. hey man it's been over 200 years. its normal that our cultures have diverged somewhat, and it's okay. sorry you lost the war but it was for the best <3
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bisexual-yuri · 2 years ago
not one of my kids emailing me a MONTH before school starts asking if there will be any exams the first week of school like honey please throw your school chromebook in the east river and go to the park and play a made up game with your friends i didnt give summer homework on purpose please be a child please be free
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unopenablebox · 1 year ago
yuletide discord server is really not succeeding at feeding me [social writing activity emotion that leads me to write] and i am instead wasting hours on [nonendorsed fic community server/archives] and it is making me irritable and also causing me to write using weird syntax as displayed here and i had like six hours to write my evil yuletide fic and didn't >:(
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faggling · 2 years ago
realized that as far as I know my abuse primarily started after 9/11...much to think about
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thatgeekwiththeclipons · 1 day ago
Happy 62nd Birthday to 2x Academy Award Winning, 2x BAFTA Winning, 3x Golden Globe Winning, Emmy Nominated screenwriter, filmmaker Quentin Tarantino! ^__^
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littleapocalypsekitten · 1 year ago
Look up "Project 2025" for sheer pants-wetting terror. For a little taste of the American Evangelical Christian extremism in regards to all things Israel.... Well, here's a Youtuber who covers it covering megachurch pastor Greg Locke. And John Hagee, who used to televise an actual television way back in the '90s and I think he still does somewhere. Warning: The guy has some disgusting Antisemitism that he thinks is actually pro-Jewish as well as disgusting anti-Arab sentiment. This is mainstream stuff for Evangelicals. (Not so much Catholics, Anglicans, Methodists, etc.), but this is the dominant "American political church sentiment" and, thus, dominates over the Republican party. (In the early 2000s, I went to a Baptist church. Back then, they didn't tell you how to vote, unlike today, not outright - the pastor was not allowed to. However, fellow churchgoers in common pre and post-service conversation would say "God wants you to vote Republican." This typically tied back to pro-life views, conservative views on sexuality and views on "earning one's keep" in terms of economics. The grooming by the prominent people have been going on for years). Foreign policy just came along with it both as a "Republicans Good! Democrats Bad!" thing and a "Israel are God's Special Little Guys." Guy doing commentary plays video games and makes jokes so you aren't left without guardrails. Bonus Content: (Although it doesn't have anything to do with current foreign policy) - Behind the Bastards start of a 3 part on the worst of American political Christianity.
(Posted in response to someone reblogging and tagging that they didn't know enough about the issue I addressed). And even though it's "a Republican issue" it leaks HEAVY into the Democrats, too. It's just where we are in life.
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stankhead · 4 months ago
Mesoamerica having one of the four recognized independent inventions of writing and Europe having 0 🤭 you have to laugh
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cesium-sheep · 1 year ago
apparently when he was given baseball tickets for whichever gift holiday (I think it was for his birthday from his mom) he was given two tickets. which, if it's from his mom, like. I know that game girl. I see that. but it's not my circus so like whatever, I still get to see baseball and I don't have to be more than distantly polite to you either.
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bouquetface · 8 months ago
Astro Observations 3
Accuracy influenced by ENTIRE natal chart.
Mars Aspect Asc.
- Acting independently. Respecting independence in others. Dislike copycat & weak behaviours.
- Entrepreneurship indicator. Leadership positions in work and relationships. You take charge.
- Having more enemies than friends. People have strong reactions to you. Lust or Hate. You bring out competition in others.
- You have to fight throughout your life. People sub consciously want to fight/challenge you.
- Strong body. Athletic body. A fire in you. Passionate and driven person.
- Be cautious of relationships where people want to tame you. People want submission from you. They both like and dislike your independent fiery nature. Be cautious of violent partners. mars ascendant conjunctions may deal with violent or aggressive partners.
- Competitive person. May enjoy physical hobbies. May actually enjoy verbal altercations. Fan of watching a ports or likes playing sports. MMA fan.
- Prone to acne. Prone to accidents - cuts, burning self, etc. May have to go through a surgery. Cosmetic or needed. Mars can cause “cuts” to your body.
Accuracy influenced by houses & signs.
Venus Aspect Asc.
- Dimples. Pleasant person. Enjoy taking care of yourself (shower routines, self care routines, skincare routines, etc.)
- Will lie to keep peace and appear polite. Fake smile. Fake “thank you”. Fake “Good luck”.
- It’s not talked about enough but you can be very envious of others. Wondering why someone else got the compliment and you didn’t. Fake “happy for you”. You can be envious of other’s beauty without seeing your own.
- And others can be envious of you. People just assume you only got things because of your appearance.
- Having admirers. Yet, if afflicted in natal, you probably don’t get approached. For ex: Strong Mars or Scorpio placement aspects makes you appear intimidating. Perception of you changes drastically to stuck up bitch instead of cute girl.
- Two types of venus asc people: Fashion loving or Comfort loving. Depends on entire chart.
- Often, love specific brands. Have an eye for style. Appreciate good marketing.
- Hiding true feelings behind a smile. Feeling the need to hide negative feelings to keep the peace.
- Generally popular. Charming. Polite. Good at making others feel comfortable.
Accuracy influenced by house & sign.
Uranus Aspect Mars.
- Unpredictable anger. Quick & easily angered. Irresponsible and reckless when angry. Quick to act on anger. The kind of person to reveal the truth when angry. Uncontrolled anger.
- Have to fight for freedom. Rebellious.
- If you don’t have scorpio placements, you likely dislike merging with groups and partners. You maintain independence and individuality. Trendsetter not a follower.
- Initial response to commitment is to run. May be due to bad experiences in witnessing or being in relationships.
- May have grown up in an unstable environment and/or unpredictable parents. Constant change is your normal.
Accuracy influenced by houses & sign.
Venus Aspect Jupiter.
- Good fortune. Wealth indicator. However, overindulgence can be a problem. Generally, always have money when needed despite spending carelessly.
- Good humour. Social. Popular. Love of life.
- Finding yourself very lucky throughout life. House & sign can tell you more. If opposition or square, this can be people perceiving you as lucky. People refusing to see/understand your hardships.
- Having to go through many relationships before finding the right one. May love love.
- Having strong beliefs toward love/relationships. Strong beliefs in spirituality or religion.
- Exotic looks. Attracted to exotic looks. Attracted to learning about foreign cultures or religions. Attracted to foreign people, places and travel.
- Partners tend to have something big amount them. Ex: Physically a tall or big person, big families, big social circles, big in business, etc.
- You or partner can have unfair expectations. “It’s okay when i do ___ but you can’t do that”
- Possible problem: lazy when it comes to anything that is not self serving. Enjoy comfort and luxury.
Accuracy influenced be entire house and sign.
Moon Aspect Asc.
- Very reactive to your environment. Sensitive. Moodiness.
- At an older age, often develop a routine. They become very attached to their routine. Feeling out of control when things don’t go according the plan/routine.
- However, depending on signs and house, you may be very adaptable. Easy-going.
- People may see you as gullible/naive. May encounter people who try to take advantage of your perceived innocence. Especially in youth.
- Youthful appearance. Full cheeks. Full lips. Big watery eyes. Expressive features - difficulty hiding the feelings.
- Difficulty being vulnerable. Fear of being seen in a negative way. Deeply affected by outsider opinions.
- Protective of loved ones (siblings, parents, lovers, friends). If harshly aspected, people may feel suffocated.
- You make people comfortable. Big sister energy. Animal lover.
- You look so much like your mom. Your Mom deeply affects how you feel about yourself. Your mom can be controlling. Your mom is a big part of your life or she wishes to be. If negatively aspected, your mom sub consciously wants to live through you.
Accuracy influenced by house and sign.
Mercury Aspect Venus
- Appreciation for literature. May like to collect things like novels.
- Your words put people at ease. You can phrase harsh truths in a pleasant way. If not afflicted, you may dislike arguments and debate. Lying or staying silent to avoid a fight.
- If not afflicted, a nice voice - singing or speaking. Nice handwriting too.
Accuracy influenced by house and sign.
Sun Aspect Pluto
- Psychoanalyzing yourself and others.
- Will experience traumatic situations. High chance of encountering narcissistic personalities (in friends, romance or family)
- People will view you as the villain in their stories. You may identify with villains in stories. Female rage. Questioning whether you are the villain. Feeling gaslit by the lovers, family, etc.
- Gravitate towards dark experiences and people. A conscious effort must be made to avoid the dangers & darker side of life.
- Powerful people. Gain or are born with power/status. This intimidates others. Your presence provokes negative reaction.
Accuracy influenced by house and signs.
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titleknown · 1 year ago
While I really hate the narrative of "tech bros" because of how it conflates shitty CEOs with non-shitty base-level programmers, and how it conflates Dunning-Kruger-y early adopters with people who Know Their Shit about computers...
...On the AI art issue, I will say, there is probably a legit a culture clash between people who primarily specialize in programming and people who primarily specialize in art.
Because, like, while in the experience of modern working illustrators a free commons has ended up representing a Hobbseyan experience of "a war of all against all" that's a constant threat to making a living, in software from what I can tell it's kinda been the reverse.
IE, freedom of access to shared code/information has kinda been seen as A Vital Thing wrt people's abilities to do their job at a core level. So, naturally, there's going to be some very different reactions to the morality of scraped data online.
And, it's probably the same reason that a lot of the creative commons movement came from the free software movement.
And while I agree a lot with the core principles of these movements, it's also probably unfortunately why they so often come off as tone-deaf and haven't really made that proper breakthrough wrt fighting against copyright bloat.
It also really doesn't help that, in terms of treatment by capital, for most of our lives programmers have been Mother's Special Little Boy whereas artists (especially online independent artists post '08 crash) have been treated as The Ratboy We Keep In The Basement And Throw Scraps To.
So, it make sense the latter would have resentment wrt the former...
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aangelinakii · 1 month ago
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note : so basically the batboys and what romance movie / love interest character they would are !!!!
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CAPTAIN VON TRAPP ( the sound of music )
no i'm being so fr when i first watched this a few months ago i was so contemplating writing a fic or series of this exact scenario,, like reader is a nanny or something for bruce wayne's kids and they fall in love
take away nazi germany and it's LITERALLY a bruce wayne love story
him and his many kids
he would be slow to warm up at first, because at that time i imagine him to be very robert pattinson, very emo very lonely, very lego batman as in falsely independent
but then he realises he's in love with the person right in front of him, whom his kids adore, and he would do anything for them
JOHNNY MARTIN ( penelope )
if you haven't seen penelope this is your sign to go watch it because james mcavoy plays THEEE most dreamy man i have ever seen
he falls in love with who you are, not what you could be or what other people say you are,, he makes his own judgements and sticks to them, even everything you hate about yourself he sees the beauty in it all
literally ready to give up everything for That person
he may make a silly mistake like johnny did in the filmb, but you gotta realise dick grayson is not the man you want to let get away GO CHASE YOUR MAN GET HIM BACK
anf also the ending scene where johnny and penelope kiss HELLO he is literally putting his whole james mcavussy into that kiss and we all know dick grayson wouldn't half ass anything for the one he's most in love with ;(
PATRICK VERONA ( 10 things i hate about you )
you can't tell me the whole bad boy and miscommunication thing wouldn't happen because it just WOULD
like say after everything's happened, jason too is a little bit emo and is this brooding "bad" kid who smokes in the corner of the library or something and hangs out at bars after school
he wants to make a little extra cash just to be extra rebel (he just doesn't want to ask bruce for money because he's going through a phase) and he doesn't reallllyyy care about the person he's being paid to take out
but then it hits and every time he looks at them angels start singing and they glow like they've been kissed by the gods
JESSE WALLACE ( before sunrise )
okay forgive me if i get anything wrong here it's been a very long time since i last watched this movie but
tim has that cheekiness when he's in love that jesse has, maybe not exactly as cheesy (i can't watch the kissing scenes becquse they're so sloppy lol), but he falls and he falls hard
when he likes / loves someone they literally take up every fibre of his being and morph him into a lighter, happier person
he notices the little things, like the scene of wanting to tuck celine's hair behind her ear but being too shy because she already did it ???? that's SO tim because it's like he wants to be this suave macho guy, but he's just a little bit shy at the same time at initiating things
but he's in a european country getting all cultured and he's met this amazing person and he can't just let them get away
MR DARCEY ( pride & prejudice )
LOLLL yes i did it i could so totally see damian as like this awkward little thing but he shows he cares with the little things, like noting you prefer to walk so he asks to accompany you as opposed to taking public transport or driving ????
and also the hand thing
is so freaking damian
like he'd be a bit withdrawn, definitely awkward and he doesn't know how to act but he wants you BADDD sooo what daddy wants daddy gets
technically he is royalty right ?? i don't think mr darcey was royal but he definitely held a lot of prestige, so he'll be respected, have the manners he was taught to have growing up and struggle to talk to you any other way than to refer to you as if you were a blessing to walk this earth (but you're his blessing so it's okay)
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