Bring a little girl inuk greenlander ZAMMI BACK HOME
I just signed. And I urged you to do the same!
(Even without having your name being shown on the list)
This Greenlandic mother needs only a little less than 10 000 signatures now BEFORE her court hearing in April 2025! She needs at least 50 000/50k to have a chance in court!
Here is a little context;
The Danish government takes Greenlandic newborns away ("legally") from their mother's simply because the mother's fails" a DANISH "language test", as their Greenlandic language is based a lot on recognizing facial expressions.
Because of this "failed test", the DANISH government claims that the newborn children will "not be properly prepared to be a part of the Danish society."
Why/how can the Danish government do this, you may ask? Well if you didn't know already... Greeland is "owned" by Denmark/under Danish rulement. And so the Danish government are STILL FORCEFULLY (ever since they got under rulement of Denmark) separating Greenlandic newborns from their mothers, to place the babies into Danish fosterhomes. Which is just a fancier way to say that they are forcefully making the babies Danish! (Kind of like how the new comer christians in America would have Native Americans locked up in "camps" and forcefully "teach" the Native American children to speak "proper American" and to follow "proper American religion"/aka christianity).
Sadly..when speaking of Denmark and Greenland...this "danish-fication" of Greenlandic children are still ongoing TODAY!
In other words: the newborns are STILL being forced from BIRTH to be kept away from their mothers! Forced from birth to NOT be a part of their Greenlandic family, and thus also forcefully being taken away from their original Greenlandic culture and heritage! So they can all be "a part of the Danish society" instead!!
PLEASE SIGN if you would at least like this Greenlandic mother to have a chance in court to get her baby back into her arms and back into her care! ❤
Of course simply sharing petitions are also great but in this case I'd say that sharing is not enough as this mother needs at least
50 000/50k by April THIS YEAR (2025) to at least have a chance in court to regain custody of her own child!
Please sign* AND share this message!
(*If you are still hesitant to sign because you are afraid of your legal name being shown on the list of signatures, then you can tick off a box at the bottom that lets your name be invisible from the actual list. So if you are, for any reason, afraid to have your name being shown on this list/shown publically online, then you can still choose to sign anonymously/have your name hidden from the list! Your signature will still count despite your name not being visible to anyone else! So please! I hope you will still sign this petition! Even with a "hidden signature"!)
Thank you! May this mother feel her child back in her arms! 🫂
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"Romeo! Oh Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeoe!"
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Have you ever looked at long rock formations/cliffs and thought to yourself..."Huh! That kinda looks like a penis!"
Well. We Norwegians have thought the same thing! And that's why we actually DO have a cliff that is officially called "Trollpikken"
"The Troll dick"!
Here shown in all it's glory in the picture above.
(unfortunately it lost some cm/inches in 2017 because someone chopped it off. Luckily the main piece was found below, unharmed. And as we Norwegians had become so fond of this magnificent rock, we raised money to have it ehem...'erected' again! And so now it still stands and tourists and locals can still climb on it do this day!)
Here you can read all about it:
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Bring a little girl inuk greenlander ZAMMI BACK HOME
I just signed. And I urged you to do the same!
(Even without having your name being shown on the list)
This Greenlandic mother needs only a little less than 10 000 signatures now BEFORE her court hearing in April 2025! She needs at least 50 000/50k to have a chance in court!
Here is a little context;
The Danish government takes Greenlandic newborns away ("legally") from their mother's simply because the mother's fails" a DANISH "language test", as their Greenlandic language is based a lot on recognizing facial expressions.
Because of this "failed test", the DANISH government claims that the newborn children will "not be properly prepared to be a part of the Danish society."
Why/how can the Danish government do this, you may ask? Well if you didn't know already... Greeland is "owned" by Denmark/under Danish rulement. And so the Danish government are STILL FORCEFULLY (ever since they got under rulement of Denmark) separating Greenlandic newborns from their mothers, to place the babies into Danish fosterhomes. Which is just a fancier way to say that they are forcefully making the babies Danish! (Kind of like how the new comer christians in America would have Native Americans locked up in "camps" and forcefully "teach" the Native American children to speak "proper American" and to follow "proper American religion"/aka christianity).
Sadly..when speaking of Denmark and Greenland...this "danish-fication" of Greenlandic children are still ongoing TODAY!
In other words: the newborns are STILL being forced from BIRTH to be kept away from their mothers! Forced from birth to NOT be a part of their Greenlandic family, and thus also forcefully being taken away from their original Greenlandic culture and heritage! So they can all be "a part of the Danish society" instead!!
PLEASE SIGN if you would at least like this Greenlandic mother to have a chance in court to get her baby back into her arms and back into her care! ❤
Of course simply sharing petitions are also great but in this case I'd say that sharing is not enough as this mother needs at least
50 000/50k by April THIS YEAR (2025) to at least have a chance in court to regain custody of her own child!
Please sign* AND share this message!
(*If you are still hesitant to sign because you are afraid of your legal name being shown on the list of signatures, then you can tick off a box at the bottom that lets your name be invisible from the actual list. So if you are, for any reason, afraid to have your name being shown on this list/shown publically online, then you can still choose to sign anonymously/have your name hidden from the list! Your signature will still count despite your name not being visible to anyone else! So please! I hope you will still sign this petition! Even with a "hidden signature"!)
Thank you! May this mother feel her child back in her arms! 🫂
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Bring a little girl inuk greenlander ZAMMI BACK HOME
I just signed. And I urged you to do the same!
(Even without having your name being shown on the list)
This Greenlandic mother needs only a little less than 10 000 signatures now BEFORE her court hearing in April 2025! She needs at least 50 000/50k to have a chance in court!
Here is a little context;
The Danish government takes Greenlandic newborns away ("legally") from their mother's simply because the mother's fails" a DANISH "language test", as their Greenlandic language is based a lot on recognizing facial expressions.
Because of this "failed test", the DANISH government claims that the newborn children will "not be properly prepared to be a part of the Danish society."
Why/how can the Danish government do this, you may ask? Well if you didn't know already... Greeland is "owned" by Denmark/under Danish rulement. And so the Danish government are STILL FORCEFULLY (ever since they got under rulement of Denmark) separating Greenlandic newborns from their mothers, to place the babies into Danish fosterhomes. Which is just a fancier way to say that they are forcefully making the babies Danish! (Kind of like how the new comer christians in America would have Native Americans locked up in "camps" and forcefully "teach" the Native American children to speak "proper American" and to follow "proper American religion"/aka christianity).
Sadly..when speaking of Denmark and Greenland...this "danish-fication" of Greenlandic children are still ongoing TODAY!
In other words: the newborns are STILL being forced from BIRTH to be kept away from their mothers! Forced from birth to NOT be a part of their Greenlandic family, and thus also forcefully being taken away from their original Greenlandic culture and heritage! So they can all be "a part of the Danish society" instead!!
PLEASE SIGN if you would at least like this Greenlandic mother to have a chance in court to get her baby back into her arms and back into her care! ❤
Of course simply sharing petitions are also great but in this case I'd say that sharing is not enough as this mother needs at least
50 000/50k by April THIS YEAR (2025) to at least have a chance in court to regain custody of her own child!
Please sign* AND share this message!
(*If you are still hesitant to sign because you are afraid of your legal name being shown on the list of signatures, then you can tick off a box at the bottom that lets your name be invisible from the actual list. So if you are, for any reason, afraid to have your name being shown on this list/shown publically online, then you can still choose to sign anonymously/have your name hidden from the list! Your signature will still count despite your name not being visible to anyone else! So please! I hope you will still sign this petition! Even with a "hidden signature"!)
Thank you! May this mother feel her child back in her arms! 🫂
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The best sentence is the
"Let your characters be themselves!"
Let..YOUR characters...
bitch...exactly! THEIR CHARACTERS!! THEY created the characters! Those characters would literally NOT have been ANYTHING...not even have been MADE if the author wouldn't have..oh gee..I dunno?..MADE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!?!?
Bitch those characters cannot "be themselves" without their author/creator because then they LITERALLY wouldn't BE/exist at all in the first place!!
not submission. I really hate the "My OC, my rules" thing. Cause like, no? Just because they are your oc doesn't mean you can do whatever you want with them. If you want to make your oc suffer and not like them get help, you deserve to lose rights over them. Especially if you only do that stuff to purposely trigger people. Once you do that, your oc no longer belongs to you. they belong to the public who will take better care of them instead
Making a comment to get this to post.
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Expanding my collection! 🥰💕
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7th bandmember of Rammstein:
Frau Lindemann! 😍
Till Lindemann : "I was an absolute fan of dressing in women’s clothes. I always thought that was cool, but it’s a dark side of me [grin!]."
(Quote from Break Out, 2004. Photo 1. Photo 2. Photo 3. Photo 4. Photo 5. Photo from Deutschland photobook)
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I totally slept in half of this makeup! 😅
Went to one of the biggest malls and just got a compliment from a random shop clerk today. AFTER the purchase/after I bought the item, she told me that I had "nice outfit" but she must have meant my makeup, my hair and my earrings as my outfit was black sweatpants and a plain black jumper. 😅
I rarely get compliments from "normal looking/non alternative looking people". Especially around these judgemental towns!! Most people really want to try and humiliate you if you dare to look different! (Especially if you try to go to a bar/pub..then random people will make snarky comments about your looks or laugh at you!
And so I usually get weird/angry stares and/or laughs/whispers.."behind my back". So it was nice of this lady to give me a compliment! 🥰
(Or maybe she just hoped I would stay longer in the shop and buy more?😂)
I have been feeling deppressed and very alone/ignored lately, so I needed that little compliment today! 💖
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Uh oh! You are now a were-animal! This means you become a human-sized animal hybrid with uncontrollable bloodlust every night!
Spin this wheel to get your species
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Please reblog this picture of my beautiful son.
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I can hear this picture :
Boys : *argue about the best way to walk*
Ollie : *mysterious silence*
Till : *sniffs and smells a donuts' smell which he decides to follow*
Boys : *keep arguing*
Richard : Till what do you think of... Till ? Eh wait!
Boys : *run after Till*
Photographer : And hop it's in the box ! Good job !
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