#i had a great time watching playthroughs tho!
I’m so sorry I may sound like a loser cuz I know a lot of people don’t like the game, but are there any votes for “This Comes From Inside”?
You are not alone anon!!! It has 5 nominations, making it one of the most nominated songs so far!
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bioshook-wynand · 1 year
Since my friend and I are playing Bioshock 1, i wanted to share some of the things that have happened so far:
- We sat and watched the plane fully sink
- "OUGH?!" < her reaction to the giant Ryan statue
- Right off the bat she didn't trust Atlas and said his wife and child aren't real
- Every security bot is named Jeff
- The wrench is also Jeff(rey Bezos)
- We spent 30 minutes trying to get to Steinman because I forgot I has to throw the bombs at the debris blocking the entrance
- We went through 4 nitro splicers before I realized something wasn't right. I do this everytime. I literally replayed Bioshock like 2 weeks ago and forgot how to do that
- I've died more times in this playthrough than I ever have in Bioshock 1
- Keeps asking me if Atlas is evil, I keep telling her no and that he's my babygirl
- I've been spoon feeding her Atlas propaganda so hopefully she'll trust him by the end
- LOVES the little sisters, terrified of big daddys. She screamed the first time we had to fight one
- I tried to get the first bouncer stuck behind the register in the Medical Bay, but absolutely shredded him before I could
- The women were too stunned to speak
- We sat under the floor of the McCracken Crab trying to kill a Rosie. I died.
- I also hid under the floor of the Fisheries and smacked Splicers that walked overhead
- I got killed by a (different) Rosie like 5 times before I finally killed her
- Also ran from the third Rosie repeatedly before I finally killed him
- She chose target dummy for our first real plasmid
- I've only ever used it when losing control of the plasmids. So I've only used it once-
- Me: God I hate Andrew Ryan
Her: Bash his brains in
Me: *Hephaestus flashbacks* Oh I'm gonna
- Spider splicer: *angry screeching*
Me: New wife for you
Her: Great, thanks
- Hates it everytime I say "Snappies"
- I spent way too long looking for the final spider splicer before realizing I could take a picture of a dead one
- She did trust Peach Wilkins though (Somehow??)
- "I've got a really bad feeling about this" intensifies
- Yelled "THIS IS YOUR MAN⁉️" When Atlas walked out and almost missed Ryan's speech and the splicers bc of it
- Predicted the sub would blow up, but was shocked when it actually did
- I think she begrudgingly trusts Atlas now, his acting is peak
- I also went on a 2 minute rant about him and she made fun or me the entire time
- *finds a crawlspace full of Atlas posters*
Me: Oh my god, this is where I live!!
Her: NO
Me: With my Atlas posters and my.. Pistol bullets??
Her: N O !!
- #1 Langford stan (she's in love with her)
- Got jumpscared by the Houdini splicer that appears behind you (We both screamed)
- I was laughing bc his shadow was looming over us, then slowly turned around and we had a staring contest before I finally shot him in the face
- I've literally never seen him just sit there before?? He always disappeared as soon as I turned around. Wild
- She compared Langford writing the code on the window to 11307 from Danganronpa (iykyk)
- Cue disappointed sighing (Not really, I laughed really hard)
- This entire playthrough has just been me aggressively hitting on Atlas and her reevaluating our friendship
- Not even the posters are safe
- "Who is Atlas?"
Me: My husband
Her: UGH
- Saying "This is for me!!" every time I see an Atlas poster
- She is genuinely considering killing me
- Made me harvest a little sister to see what would happen 😔 We reloaded tho it's okay
- I've found so many secrets in this playthrough, including a vent that goes to a meat locker in the Farmers Market
- It felt like I was getting chased by everyone in Rapture while trying to make the Lazarus Vector
- I also (somehow) shot the big daddy in Langford's office while fighting splicers
- That was terrifying
- *Enters Fort Frolic* Me: It's about to get real silly
- I've been hyping up Cohen this entire time because I knew she would like him
- Unfortunately, she does
- She gagged at the "expectant mama" line
- Got jumpscared AGAIN by the splicer in the basement of Sinclair Spirits
- I can never find the record store when I play Bioshock, this time was no different
- I gave up and went after Hector instead
- When we met Silas Cobb she yelled "KITTENS??"
- She agrees Silas is a discord mod
- We spent like 2 minutes straight trying to catch Hector and Silas
- I also got jumped by a bunch of splicers every time I tried to kill a bouncer
- She lost it at Cohen walking down the stairs
- I smacked Cohen after his speech and immediately ran
That's all so far, but we'll hopefully play some more this week!
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zeondraws · 13 days
I was wondering if you were planning a post showing the whole rig or if you knew where to find that? I've really wanted to see each of the rooms in full and where everything leads and connects and all the details, it's hard to see watching playthroughs, especially as the rig deteriorates and the player doesn't take their time to look around.
Thank you for all your time spent going through the game! I really enjoy in depth posts like yours!
Ah this is a great question anon! And thank you so much <3
Maybe in the future I will lay out some sketches how everything connects on the rig. The biggest thing is, there are only certain things loaded in, in each level. So it's always a wee bit of puzzling until I understood where things are located. Which also means I could never check the other parts of accomodation before the deterioration, most rooms aren't shown and/or doors lack the name signs.
However the coolest thing for me was, when I found where Finlay's room is located.
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You're never able to see Finlay's and Davros' room, my screenshot of the other door is hard to read, since there is barely any light coming through this part.
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They're behind this door at the right of "Campbell" room (and the door near Granstoun/Loudon on the other side). Screenshot a bit crusty but-
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Hope I don't slide offtopic too much- I just find it interesting to explore it all and hope to find some random hidden detail here and there.
I know Raffs diving bell is floating across multiple levels, but it's hollow and nothing seems to be going on with it. Up until you see mutated Raffety before Caz enters Engineering again.
I just find this all interesting, because this reminded me of some random post I saw weeks ago. A person claiming the rooms are not properly in place anymore in the late game. They probably thought the devs "disconnected" Accomodations or "weren't consistent with the level locations".
But in reality, it takes multiple walkthroughs until one properly understands how it all goes together. Same with me not realising O'Conner is hanging inside the Forward Pontoon (the one you flood later). Or me having difficulties understanding how exactly Engineering works and being confused what area I have been in already (Where was Mud Handling again?? Where is Pump Control again?? I am slowly memorising it, but still get flabbergasted).
Tho, yeah I could try to make some sort of video or drawing to showcase where everything leads to on the rig. Might take a while due to moving soon. But could be interesting
It clearly makes me realise how much research goes into a topic. At the beginning when I first watched this game, I had no idea what was where (I still remember when I was confused where Muir and Innes were standing??). My first and second playthrough I also felt clueless. But with each playthrough I discover more and more details and finally understand what is going on. Sometimes it makes me wonder why I don't apply this for other things I want to learn (with art or idk finances, I'll figure it out!). But uuuuuuuuuh, you can see I could continue rambling for hours.
It's almost 2am so I have to cut myself short sadly XD But feel free to ask me more questions if you have any (or if other folk have questions too). I shall leave you with this screenshot of questionable amounts of recordings I have
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Ain't even all, it's 315GB in total (because I record in 2560 x 1440)
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i-dont-pay-taxes · 5 months
Umurangi Generation: The last generation who has to watch the world die - quick review/analysis
Umurangi generation is a first person photography game set in a fictional cyberpunk-ish world where humanity is facing an extinction level event. We follow our voiceless MC and his group of equally voiceless (yet endlessly stylish) friends on their trip around new zealand.
The game is split into 8 different stages, consisting of classic punk street slums, restricted rooftops and military bases. Our goal is to take pictures of certain objects or people around the map within the 10 minute time limit, these tasks are called photo bounties. The game also includes bonus objectives with every mission, like collecting all hidden film canisters, taking a photo of all your friends, or finding a spot to recreate the picture of a postcard you are shown in the pause menu.
Stage 1 - The start of your photography taking spree is a small rooftop brimming with graffiti and the punk spirit. This stage acts as the tutorial of the game, containing easy to find photo bounties and collectables. The main thing of note is about this stage is just how nostalgic it makes me feel. To be honest, I've never gone onto restricted rooftops full of punk graffiti, yet the amazing art direction and colour palette make this place feel like a sanctuary of teen angst, as if I've missed countless conversations between friends which have all moved on. It invokes that same feeling as seeing years old graffiti where someone confesses their love to a person you have never met. A painful hit of nostalgic melancholy. All in all an amazing stage which sets a great starting tone for this game.
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Stage 2 - Turns out i forgot to mention that the indie punk environmentalist game has a complicated relationship with the government (the UN to be specific). The second stage is set on a UN military base which is riddled with tired soldiers and graffiti expressing anti UN sentiment ("I just wanted meaning in life yet here I am" and "My dreams of being an audio engineer are over." are some of the more notable ones). The base is a clear sign that the UN is trying to stop whatever world ending event is happening, much to the dismay of the people. The stage also contains a hint at what might be causing all this, with a sign counting the number of killed "squids" (they look like jellyfish but fine). Upon completion of every stage we get a new camera lens or picture editing option, and this stage requires smart use of the camera lens we got on the past stage to earn a bounty, teaching the player about smart positioning. At this point in my playthrough i had assumed this game had a strong anti UN sentiment, but later I found another way of looking at things, that comes later tho. Not my favorite stage, but a well done one nonetheless.
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Stage 3 - Anyone else love cyberpunk? For me it's not the futuristic technology or sci fi story that's intriguing, but the lively backstreets and (depressingly) squeezed housing. This stage is just that, with even more anti UN (and cop! how political!) messaging, so much so that the stage is a no UN allowed zone, with cops not even responding to any crisis calls. From a gameplay perspective it's a way more vertical stage, with a few bounties being hidden up high on the rooftops. Not much more to say about this one, past complimenting it's amazing design.
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Stage 4 - If the stage before was about realistic cyberpunk streets, that being dirty, cramed and depressing housing, then this stage is about the cyberpunk utopia. Bright neon signs and loud dance parties can be found above a tunnel filled with the homeless (and more dance parties!). This stage aint for me, as I dislike the bright neon colour scheme... still, it provides a fine, I'd even say amazing, set up for the next stage (remember that). An interesting thing we see are these huge UN walls blocking off all exits. While they were present in the first stage, their position was far away. This stage is, in my opinion, the worst in the game. Not that bad to be the worst stage in this masterpiece of a game tho.
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Stage 5 - The bright streets sure were relaxing, what follows them is logically a warzone. Stage 5 starts on the same UN base from stage 2 (yay, reusing assets in a smart and clever way!), but a huge battle has started between the soldiers and... a giant jellyfish squid godzilla thing? The spawn point of the stage is like a flashbang, with people in front of you fighting for their life. The contrast between this and the rest of the game is amazing, and shows how it's not afraid to make darker stages to tell it's story if need be. The stage from a gameplay perspective offers a bigger challenge, with the player having to avoid squid corpses and find their bounties in a pretty dark area. One of my favorite stages as well.
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Stage 6 - My favorite stage. A train ride after the battle that happened on the stage before. Everyone stands around in a surprisingly relaxed way, taking their time. From an outside perspective this level of stoicism (while admirable) is completely unnatural, yet when we take into account the seemingly inescapable and unstoppable ending of the world that is to come, that level of calm nihilism is only logical, even if depressing. The photography we do feels like a distraction this time, an unnecessary hassle. This game may present itself like it's about photography, but by now that's clearly not the case. It's about facing the end.
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Stage 7 - The train stopped and the last bastion of human bureaucracy is left doing things that bureaucracy does. People stand in line waiting to get let through a UN checkpoint. We don't see anyone actually moving, or really doing anything, we just see people waiting, not even annoyed as it doesn't matter if they are let through or not. Some people are dancing, not even bothering to step in line, deciding a death embraced is the best way to go. We take our pictures as usual and continue, as there is nothing our camera can do to help.
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Stage 8 - Back where it all started, back on that same restricted rooftop. It's nostalgic melancholy is finally realised as we watch the giant godzilla jellyfish squid thing threaten humanity. Humans arent really meant to face death, you know? Our friends stand around, some sit and look, some dance, we take pictures, but really none of us know what a proper response would be. The UN built a big fuck off robot thing to fight the damn godzilla, i mean that just aint the action of someone who's accepted death. And so we wait, our destruction ensured, taking out final batch of photos. I can't call that nihilism, I think it's not a lack of hope, but an acceptance that hope won't help.
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One final photo - We are transported to a beach, no context is needed. We are dead. Humanity is dead. As we look up we see the thing that caused our doom, and our last action is clear.
After pulling out our camera, a click can be heard, following which are the credits. At the very end it says: "Umurangi Generation: The last generation who has to watch the world die".
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My own interpretation of the story - At first, as I've said before, I thought this game had a straightforward anti UN message... and to be honest, it somewhat does. Still, I believe this is moreso a story about what being a generation that has to face the death of humanity is like. We are destroying the planet, to say the least. We are watching our world die, and the generation after us will also have to do the same, so to be the last generation who has to watch the world die is something both overwhelmingly scary, but also indescribably easing. The ending of a book is always somewhat relaxing, no matter if good or bad.
I don't think I need to point out the obvious connection between global warming and the story of this game, but i'll just add that one of your friends is a penguin, and I chuckled when i got the irony of being in the same position as the penguin, losing my life to something i can not stop.
The anti UN sentiment this game provides is a direct response to the mishandling of major national crises in the year of 2020, from my personal reading this game isn't so much against the UN as it's against the damaging of local citizens and cultures by the UN's mismanagement.
Conclusion - The game is fucking good go buy it already!
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just-a-carrot · 9 months
Given how apparently I’m immune to playing OW games without recording them now, you’ll audibly hear my thoughts within the next few weeks (I’m posting tomorrow because I’m an absolute maniac), BUT I WANNA SAY THINGS HERE BECAUSE APPRECIATION CAN’T WAIT THAT LONG!
Also Merry Christmas! It’s midnight when I’m writing this, so ‘tis the day of caroling and festivities and woah. Or happy holidays if you don’t celebrate!
Back to the Our Cinderella topic, I have only played Genzou’s route as of now (I’m sure that’s hardly surprising, he is my fav), but the others are next. Their time is coming. They cannot escape. SO SPOILERS FOR GENZOU’S ROUTE!
First off, I saw you included the little dancing in front of TV Iggy pose and the joy I felt seeing it was off the charts. I kept bringing it up, I was very happy. And seeing Iggy moving about was really cool in general, even without the novelty of seeing a suggestion I made exist in the game.
NEXT UP! Genzou drunk singing is an image I didn’t know I needed, thank you for the visual and the brain food. BUT ALSO I HAVE BEEN CONNECTING JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR SONGS TO OW FOR SO LONG AND HEARING THE MUSICAL BE MENTIONED BY GENZOU THREW ME FOR A LOOP. Great musical, very nice. Last Supper reminds me of Genzou and Orlam. Judas’s voice in general reminds me of Orlam. Musicals and OW can further connect in my brain hobby drawer.
The text interactions in general were really funny, actually. I liked the absolute chaos that was Iggy and Genzou’s text conversations, I was laughing while trying to read a lot of the time. I remember the aforementioned drunk singing conversation and the puddle one both got me pretty good while I was reading, and it was overall fun to see more lighthearted conversations from the characters, even if it’s in a different universe from the main canon.
To end things off, ‘cause again 1) I haven’t finished all the game’s routes yet, and 2) you’ll be able to hear my thoughts in the moment if you choose in future anyways, I wanna mention the version of Cinderella Bucks tells at the end? I can’t get it out of my head. When I was thinking about the game after having just played it, my mind kept flashing back to CinderJesus. It absolutely decimated my brain function, but in a very fun way. More slice-of-life Bucks, please, she’s peak comedy.
Very fun game, 10/10, very sad I couldn’t buy the Kirby in the first playthrough but it’s on my to-do list, aaaand yeah! Thank you for making this! I loved every minute of it, and I’m really excited to play the remaining routes once my irl festivities are over.
sob this is so sweet! 😭💕 i'm excited to watch your playthrough too -- things are a bit overwhelming in general for me right now as i'm still with my family and doing a bunch of things, but even if i'm unable to find time this week i will for sure watch once i'm back home next week. i'm really happy that you're enjoying it so much already tho ahhhh and that you're finding it so entertaining 🥺
i'm glad you liked the poses i had so much fun with them and also using some of the suggestions to add more! and LMAO JCS is a musical i grew up watching (my parents used to play the original album in the house lol) so i get the songs stuck in my head a lot, hence why it randomly worked its way into this (among many other random silly little references or inspirations from my own life hahaha). that is extremely funny to me 🤣
i'm glad you liked the convos they were the epitome of silly. and also bucks's part hahaha. i was half-worried it would end up being too ridiculous and random for people because it just got so weird in places hahaha
thank you so much for this lovely message and all of your thoughts and for playing the game! 🥺💕 i look forward to watching the playthrough so i can see all of your reactions in real-time lakjdfs
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zeico · 11 months
Long post request: how do you feel about BG3?
I didn't realize a new patch came out on final fantasy for about a week because Baldur Gate o Baldur Gate
currently in act 3 and trying to stock up on shit since I recently cleared out the bank. I'm TRYING to hold myself to not starting a new character until I finish this one but I see so many monk items and i want themmmmm (I have a half elf monk open in character creator right now)
Since I played a lotttt of dragon age origins, parts of the structure of bg3 felt very familiar to me like the camp itself and like how u interact with the companions. Like coming home in a way.
I'm also playing 5e a lot so that part of the structure of it was very easy to adapt to. I do still have trouble with like certain interface things like oh man gotta select the version of the spells BEFORE TARGETTING NO GALE WHY ARE YOU RUNNING TO THEM GET BACK HERE WHY ARE YOU HITTING THEM WITH YOUR 8 STRENGTH BACKED STICK
But its great and I do like the changes made to better facilitate it being a VIDEO GAME. Like I'm a Divination Wizard. My main Thing is portent dice. (There's also detect thoughtsing my way through all social encounters which is SO GREAT honestly scratches an itch I've always wanted to do but it would be such a pain in the ass for tabletop. Like first first ever dnd character I cooked up was an illiterate mind reading sorcerer that like got by through just that. But that would be so annoying to do with like.... PEOPLE AT THE TABLE of like 'so im just constantly getting ur surface thoughts...... i can't entirely control this... i'm sorry....' )
ANYWAY portent dice!!!!! in bg3 they have it at level 6 you fulfill little prophecies to get ur dice back to make the big boss miss their BIG attack or make SURE you hit (or my favorite, make the rogue crit on a sneak attack) instead of having it that when u cast a divination spell u get a spell slot back. since theres so few divination spells especially like using IN COMBAT so I understand the change.
I also like the variety of shit you can do. like my partner is one to summon 9 creatures btw the whole party so theres a small army of creatures following their main party. (also several buffed with mage armor and everyone has a higher level aid cast on them so they also have a decent amount of health its really funni to watch) I like wrote off the summon guys moves because I just dont like to have extra guys usually.
Something I wish I did on my first playthrough tho was simply long resting more I think I fucked myself out of a lot of social link scenes in act 1 bc I straight up didn't rest enough. The game is like 'oh no time is ticking' but things aren't REALLY like that (cept for like... 2 instances I can think of) bc its a videogame and thats fine.
It WANTS you to use all your abilities and not be dum like me and just cantrip my way through most the first act 'just in case i need my slots later' why am i like this. both short and lone rest more and just use all your moves its FINE
speaking of social links and companions theyre all great. I love them all. I DO wish some things weren't like... romance locked it feels??? well more like you HAVE to reject them???? idk I had a scene with gale when he's like 'but we're not THAT close tho' and i felt bad bc like... I want to be wizard friends with you. I'm SORRY I'm so weak to both vampires and elves.
heard some shit about astarion having like so much content compared to all the other companions and man imma feel so spoiled on my playthroughs where i dont smooch the vampire. I do wish everyone else had more scenes too its a shame.
something about bg3 thats HILARIOUS to me personally is that its all like 'recruit allies against the cult' and in another irl campaign im in thats been in hiatus for years but I still hope to come back its REALLY similiar. Oh no a huge looming death cult threat to the city. oh no the city has its own fuckmess of bullshit to deal with. OH NO a shapeshifting killer. Anytime theres strong parallels to that campaign it sparks joy.
A few technical problems I've had tho were around switching characters in and out of the party. like in a building and I wanna run back to camp to tag in someone. Wait why are they on the roof????
Or I tag in someone and WHY ARE YOU CLIPPING THROUGH THE FLOOR? Tbh the game is so enjoyable I just sigh and say "Video. Game." out loud and load a save. Like the last time that was REALLY frustrating is when it just would NOT let me out of a restricted area like please I persuaded u 3 times let me go I was on my way OUT.
Also why do all these 8 strength men have abs. This is Wrong. I'm bad with figuring out the technical shit of modding but holy shit I need them to not have abs.
Anyway I had this and the character creator open for like 2 hours now so Imma start that now.
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artastic-friend · 1 year
RUIN SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Not art) my reaction to some stuff as I watch the Dawko playthrough
Spoilers After the cut, don’t look unless you watched/played it yourself!
I will continue to update this as I continue to watch.
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Also idk what happened to these guys but omg the bunny ears are so cute what a little freak
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Any time I see anything really big and shapely I immediately have a moment of “OMG IS THAT DJ!?!” Only to be immediately disappointed after realizing it’s not💀💀💀
Ok also how the hell do they have PORTAL technology in this world!!?! Like- HELLO???
Is that normal!?!??
Everything in the V.A.N.N.I. Mask mode is super crazy to me bc like- how tf does that work!?! I have so many questions about this universe. /neu
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His foot says Prototype!!!?!! HUH? Is this the same Freddy from base game??? Was he a prototype all along??? I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS
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Man. Poor feddy… this is homophobic 😭 /j
The little pitter patter of MMM’s feet XD
THAT IS NOT GREGORY HEAR HOW THE VOICE IS LIKE- CHOPPY?? It’s like something using clips of his voice to say things
We already know from the start of the game that these things can take your voice and use it- this has just been super Sus the whole time CASSIE WHY DO YOU TRUST THIS!?!
Ok it’s getting to feel really late in the game now- and still no DJMM at all- only one word mention of him. THEY BETTER NOT LEAVE HIM OUT ISTG I HAVE BEEN AT THE EDGE OF MY SEAT THIS WHOLE TIME😭😭😭
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I missed candy cadet 🥺
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Same, Dawko, same /pos
Ok the mimic thing was really cool and all-
And Gregory‘s betrayal was brutal.
WHERE THE FUCK IS DJ!!!?!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
On a different note, since I decided to start this post after the eclipse section had already ended,
Eclipse’s voice is so sweet!! Like, after they are rebooted and stuff!!?
Kellen did such a great job Omg
I love them so much-
Makes me feel like I can better imagine how they might have been when they were fully functional and everything was normal😭😭
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mythicamagic · 2 years
Otomes I played in 2022
I thought I'd do some quickie reviews of otomes I've played recently such as: Hakuoki, Cupid Parasite, Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, Sweet Fuse, Taisho Alice, Variable Barricade, Theory of Fear, Diabolik Lovers HDB and MB, Birushana, Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Sengoku.
Whew, I played more than I thought XD remember all this ranting is just my personal opinion.
Aight so Hakuoki:
For the most part I didn't mesh well with this one. The months in game felt pretty drawn out and slow-paced, and I didn't latch onto any of the characters except for the demons. I'm not entirely sure why. I think I just didn't feel like mc belonged there- and that she was way more invested in the Shinsengumi than they were bothered about her. I did enjoy seeing some historical events play out in Hijikata's route, and I liked seeing Kazama show up to wreck shit. Kazama was great, Kazama gave me a few months of brain rot. I did LOVE the music in this game though, dayme it was beautiful, and it goes without saying but the art style of the CGs were gorgeous. I'm glad I played this one because it's seen as a classic but I didn't personally get the hype sadly. I actually watched a playthrough of a fan-translated spin-off game (SSL) and actually PREFERRED it, despite it being just a comedy game. Whats wrong with me?
Best boy: Kazama
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Cupid Parasite
I remember having mixed feelings about this one, it was a mixed bag. Pretty ok! I really liked Allan's route and the voice acting was solid. Art style was interesting but it hurt my eyes after a while XD I think for me I just didn't find much of a 'replayability' factor. I enjoyed it fine, but it won't stay with me as one of the special otomes I love, capisce? I just couldn't stand Gil or Ryuki. Raul was fine and Shelby was fine, so overall it was just 'ok' for me.
Best boy: Allan. Really enjoyed Jupiters voice acting tho (from Yangs VA hehe)
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Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
I remember while playing this game my friend hated its art style but man I LOVED playing this one. It felt really unique in terms of atmosphere, with mystery/suspense elements. It took me back to the earlier days of visual novels because I didn't look up a walkthrough for a bunch of this and it led to a lot of frustration and dead ends, but even that was kind of fun to figure out. Loved its twists and turns and bittersweet moments. I also loved having a voiced heroine with Beniyuri (which was one of my first experiences with the feature) and wish more heroines were voiced. Also this one had a BANGING OP, whooo! Reminded me of early 2000's nostalgia cheese, love it.
Best boy: Hikage and Yamato
Sweet Fuse: At your side
Hi um WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS OTOME? Yeah I think its a bit of a lost gem but if you have a PS Vita, I totally rec buying this one. It's such a fun ride, and with a great MC to boot. The Love interests in this game were all very unusual and not typical otome pretty boyz but I really enjoyed the way they were written. The groups chemistry was great as well. The age gap thing might bother some people though so keep that in mind before playing. Anyway, the setting and plot reminded me a little of Danganronpa 2 and I had a real fun time with it.
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Best boy: Mitarashi
Taisho x Alice
Hooo boy people were excited for this on the otome subreddit. I sat down to try it and...
Well, I didnt think it was possible for an MC to ruin my game experience but here we are. I couldn't stand this game's heroine. Yes I understand why she was written that way, yes I enjoyed some of the guys and the end reveal was unique and impressive- but was it worth suffering through Yurika? Mn...possibly not. She seems to be somewhat divisive though and if you can stomach her 'memeing' and 'I'm not like OTHER GURLS' energy as she twirls, winks with both eyes and shouts to the world that she's SOOOO Quirky guyz- maybe you'll like this game. Thing is, even putting all...that, aside, I didn't like her attitude with Red by invading his personal space, and a certain thing she did in the last route made me incredibly uncomfortable but of course it was brushed aside bc she's the HEROINE GUYS.
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Best boy: Ryoushi and lil gremlin man Alice- actually while I'm here, if you can stomach the MC, Alice's VA had probably the best performance I've heard in an otome. He was hilarious- and had super great range
Variable Barricade
Boy I was super hyped for this one, it was probably my most anticipated game of the year. Great art style, great common route, great voice acting...and then the routes went on. I've noticed people seem to share the same sentiment that they usually enjoy the boys routes but then shit hits the fan and the boy is insensitive, the main heroine is too harsh or dumb- the boy LEAVES, the guy is manipulative- point is, something sours the routes and they're hard to recover from. I really liked Hibari as a heroine at first but as the routes went on I was actively wanting her to NOT be in a relationship, as she demonstrated time and again that she just wasn't ready for one. I ended up selling this game as soon as I was done with it, which I feel sad about, because I really wanted to like VB.
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Best boy: Taiga
Theory of Fear
I don't know why I played this game. XD I actually played a couple of 'indie' otomes like Trapped with Jester, Blooming Panic and Boyfriend to Death (the latter I wouldn't uh...call an otome...plus it awakened unpleasant revelations that I might be into some disturbing tropes so THANKS for that game. Never have I been more uncomfortable with being asked if I'd prefer a Hammer or Drill)
Anywho, Theory of Fear isn't discussed much. It's this awkward lil game with Russian voice acting you can find on Steam. Very 'this is someone's first fanfic' vibes, rife with sexual assault around every corner. Every time Yuki showed up I was like - oh boy here we go again. I found Sadaos route quite interesting in some ways though due to his way of 'fear exposure' and quite literally exposing the mc to her worst fears and mingling that with pleasure. I dunno, a twisted concept that made my brain itch in a good way. The game is bad no doubt about it and I don't rec it but I at least took something away from it. I really enjoyed Blooming Panic though and would totally rec that any day.
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Best boy: Sadao- look don't you JUDGE ME
Diabolik Lovers HDB and MB
In keeping with this trend of dark romance stuff that shouldn't make my brain go brrr but does is Diabolik Lovers. It's not English Translated but with the first two games in the series now on Switch, I used fan translations to play through the games and had a grand ole time. This franchise is only for people who like trash men ok. These boys are awful in every way and quite frankly you can't defend any of their abuse or actions BUT... it's fiction. And if you enjoy your fav VAs whispering degrading things in your ear, moaning and blood-sucking noises (wear headphones for these games oml) then you'll lurve this series like I do. I found myself enjoying Reiji more than I thought I would and Shuu a little less than anticipated, considering I used to love him in my earlier fandom days. Subaru remains the undisputed champ though.
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Best boy: Subaru
Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei
This game was aight! Better than Hakuoki in my opinion but I know people will come for my head by saying that lmao. It wasn't a perfect game and holy hell did some battles drag on (hi Benkais route) but it really introduced some unique elements plus the best Rivals/ Enemies to lovers trope I've seen so far in otome with Noritsunes route. I recommend this game just for his route, to be honest. I thought Tomomori would be my favourite but he fell a little short for me.
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Best boy: Noritsune and Shigehira
Ongoing- Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Vampire and Ikemen Sengoku
I haven't finished all the routes in these mobile game otomes but yup they're my latest addiction. I'm obsessed.
I think Ikesen is my favourite of the three (I'm not touching Ikerev sorry) because of its writing being stronger in terms of just how fun and lively the world feels. Mc helps in a big way with that, and her chemistry with most of the guys is great to witness. Ikesen's menu layout is defo the worst though and could do with an update.
Ikevamp is aight, I didn't enjoy Comtes route like I thought I would and Leo made me sad but I'm loving Arthurs route, what a good boy. I have no gripes with the layout and the music is cute. I've spent the least amount of money on Ikevamp but still had a great time, which I feel is important if you want to be a free to play player. Also Faust route localisation WHEN?!
Ikepri's layout is the best no contest, everything looks super clean and stylish and the gacha systems are dangerous bc holy hell the cards look so good and pretty. Ikepri has hurt my wallet the most though and I defo feel the most pushed out of all of them to spend money. I think the writing is fine for Ikepri but oddly I enjoy the Events more the Routes themselves?? anyone else feel that way? I like it though, I just need to be stricter on myself not to get sucked into gambling because of it loll
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Best girl and light of my life: Ikesen's MC Mai Mizusaki.
Best ikevamp boy: Faust
Ikesen: Mitsuhide or Motonari
Ikepri: Chevalier
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kiddphel · 1 year
do you have any recs for miguel comics??? ive been meaning to get into his comics n usually id just go chronologically, but i think youd have good recs for his comics :D
Chronologically actually works pretty well I think, cuz I do like a lot of his comics! I mean sure some of them suck but like. They're charming. And also there are like, 3 or 4 times where his universe/timeline just gets hard reset so just. Take a lot of that with a grain of salt.
His original run from 1992 is of course recommended, even despite a lot of the shitty writing at times. The art is phenomenal I love Rick Leonardi's work. And I do love the foundation for Miguel's personality and story that's built upon. He's very different to Peter Parker and it shows and it's shown in an interesting way that makes him an enjoyable character (just wish the writing wasn't so fucking overly mean to him for no reason sometimes).
There are some 2099 (World of Tomorrow) comics that show not just Miguel but the other 2099 versions of heroes but I'll be honest I haven't read those yet. I heard they were confusing. And also I think Punisher 2099 sets up a villain for Miguel's comic but god it's. Messy. I realized you asked me what's the best to read and I'm trying to give the comprehensive timeline KJDSHGJDS sorry autism moment
Going back to what I do recommend and like, it's a one shot but the Spider-Man 2099 meets Spider-Man is fun I love that one a lot. This is not at all required reading but he does join the Exiles in the 2001 run at around Issue 75 and ngl I skipped there cuz I really do like the Miguel bits in this one. He's not the main character but I think what he adds is fun :) It's a different canon from the main timeline Miguel but it's fun. Captain Marvel (1999) issues 27-30 also bring Miguel back and I think like, set up for future stuff but tbh you don't have to read this and I haven't yet so idk if it's good.
From here it gets. Messy cuz there's the 2014 run but that requires previous reading in The Superior Spider-Man but you can also technically just, skip that and start the 2014 run cuz they do kinda catch you up, but if you want backstory his stuff starts there. I did like his stuff in Superior Spider-man tho. ANYWAYS I like the 2014 run a lot. Then there's Secret War 2099. I cannot remember if I read that DSLJGHSLDJ. But from there is the 2015 run which again you can just kinda jump into and they catch you up. I like it! I think it's fun. Hate once he gets his white suit but hey. He's still cute in this run.
There is a 2019 oneshot that's... Fine. It's fine. I don't really like it but it's a hard reboot of Miguel's timeline and universe again. But not necessary reading. You can read it if you like! But I didn't care much KJLDSFHGHKF
After that there's Spider-Man 2099 Exodus which I DO really like! 2099 Exodus Alpha is actually really good and has one of my favorite covers. And then the latest run he had was 2099 Dark Genesis which I REALLY LIKE. There's Carnage 2099 and I fuckin love this one I actually own all 5 issues.
This got long sorry however I'm not done. Not a comic but if you ever wanna watch smth he's in, the video game Edge of Time is Very good and has Great Miguel characterization and dialogue. There are full playthroughs on Youtube and I really do love this game.
Ok now I'm done sorry for the TED Talk enjoy comics
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p-receh · 1 year
For an April fool's game, they have no right to make this good...but they still did it.
Where do I start? Okay, history-ish lesson time.
This is not the first time that Sonic's PR team make a game specifically for an april fool's joke. During Aaron's era, there was an infamous website game titled 'Big's Big Adventure 3'. And as the name suggests, it tells a story of how Big showed up in random places like you might/might not see him as a cameo during the SA2 event.
Same format as TMoSTH, a visual novel style game with uh....flappy bird-inspired game, and of course the fishing segment as sub content.
And that's it. I like the story not gonna lie. I enjoy playing it. Full of meme content. But the existence of the game itself was huge in 2016. It may not be the best thing to re-live it in this era in my opinion.
I bet the website is down now but you can still watch some playthroughs from youtube though.
And after seven years, the new Sonic PR team create a game for another april fool's joke. But this time....I don't think this is not full of memes to be laughing by the community. It's...unexpectedly something else.
Sure the highlight of the trailer first and foremost: "Sonic is dead" was a real deal. It was all over the internet even though you were not active on sonic at that time.
I personally didn't watch the trailer yet I knew that highlight. So I play it blindly without any knowledge of what the hell happened before this existed.
But as I open the game, I was shocked. It starts with deep and slow music like typical mystery games you played, great art designs, and a nice choice of colors that encapsulated the title itself. Simple, yet the qualities that represent are almost like it was not made for such a free game, even as a joke for that day.
I have yet to start the game but it left me with such an impression.
I love everything about this game. They nailed every. single. one! Even with each traits that were being misrepresented by fandom, somehow corrected to their very core! What is this? What in the world am living right now??
And this is one of the stories that I want to read in fan fiction. Just a group comes together creating unexpected events or just doing their normal life. Whether Eggman got in the way or not is up to you. It has silly and quirky moments freely.
The jokes landed perfectly without making them OOC. In fact, I got a bunch of new headcanon from that game. It has so many memorable scenes that you might already see most of them on the internet.
For the protagonist, yes I can confidently say I related to Barry that much. Even at some point, I felt I was inside the train surrounded by these extravagant abnormal people. I truly thought every response that Barry had was exactly like mine if I was in that scenario. (looking at you Tails)
For a mystery game, I kinda think how they summarize the whole case cooouuld have been better. The sub-ones did a great job to wrapped up the messes. I don't hate the whole problem tho. I actually adore it. Hmm, I might need to replay it again soon and see if it could change my mind about it.
Mini-games! It might be my personal bias so apologize for my taste. If I want to, they should add an additional setting to adjust Sonic's position. I struggled A LOT during mini-games. God why Tails had to toss every thinking section to me, please stop T_T.
For Music... wow I didn't prepare how well thought out this music has. The ost of this game is uniquely true to its theme and It still stuck in my head for days. The theme song and the interrogation section are my favorites. Some mini-game section is also catchy and upbeat!
Artstyle! Oh I loooove the design throughout the game. Each character got well design clothes that are creative and also stay true to their character with a bonus to the lore of the story! Deegeemin has my list as one of fav sonic artists.
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please play the game
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tallulademetriou · 1 year
now that i’ve watched a complete ass playthrough of FF16, some (jumbled) thoughts under the cut, though mostly about the story:
full spoilers ahead as well!!!!!!!!!!!
i didn’t have high hopes for the story since i played through heavensward and that was... an Expansion for sure, and i expected to have the same nitpicks about FF16 as i did with HW. it still surprised me though lol
maehiro cannot write complex women to save his life. period.
but strangely enough this isn’t even maehiro at his best so i wonder what actually got cut during development.
the world-building is immaculate as always and for once i actually want a dlc to explore more of it.
also this game’s cutscenes oozes with fucking money cbu3 is insane. what was your budget yoshi-p!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the way benedikta was easily one of the most interesting eikons in this line-up and yet she was done dirty by being killed off so early in the game.
even jill felt shallow at times and while the romance was pretty cute i will not lie, she just sort of fell flat for me at the end parts. maehiro i am in your walls.
i did love her mini-arc though and i wish there were more moments like that.
there’s a point near the end of the game where the gang encounters barnabas and i kept hoping jill would be playable but no... she was not.
cid is really well done though. like i LOVE him.
joshua/jill/clive could have been my all-time trio but they didn’t have the time to marinate well.
clive grew on me as well, thanks to ben’s performance (partly) but i was not expecting how lovely he is a protag... 
something about him being raised in a lonely castle by an abusive mother then growing up into a shy, traumatized shell of a man who just wants to atone for his sins and protect what he couldn’t protect, but realizing soon that there’s more to his life than sorrow. i love you clivefinalfantasy.
the side characters are also fucking great it’s so unexpected.
i also enjoyed dion and barnabas for what they were worth. everyone expected dion to be a traitor or evil and for barnabas to be a complex and tortured king but it turned out to be the complete opposite.
barnabas you are fucking crazy. i can respect that.
political intrigue as the pretty backdrop to an evil alien overlord/creator is nothing new but it’s just so fucking funny they went that way. the most classic of all FF move.
ultima as an end boss does nothing for me personally but i always love a good punch your god in the face so it actually did end up as a +1 on the scoreboard for me.
the pacing could be jarring at times with some strange choices story-wise. really wish they’d done less awkward sex scenes that didn’t really give us anything and gave us more time to explore the eikons and their dynamic with their respective dominants.
the jill/clive naked moment can stay tho that was precious. 
though now that i think about it, i do wonder if they were going for the shb route but ultimately changed it so it wouldn’t be too similar. the fallen is just Too similar to what we get for the Ancients, with ultima trying to save his planet from the blight this time around, except he was a selfish god at the end trying to preserve legacy and not life.
and yep i fucking cried at the end LMAO. i cried so hard my eyes were fucking swollen the next day it was actually unbelievable?????
clive holding joshua’s dead body while he has flashbacks of joshua holding hands with clive as children, then the moment when his brother bestowed the phoenix’s blessing, to joshua as a baby had me fucking bawling lmao fuck this game actually.
most of my complaints err on the narrative side of the game. the gameplay looks fun and from what i’ve played in the demo i always knew i was gonna love it, but gonna add any remarks here once i’m actually done with that.
it can be as easy as not cycling through multiple eikons but once you sit down a bit with it, it’s complexity shines with how well you can string together combos and maximizing each eikon’s moveset... it’s really fun and as a previous black mage main....... big numbers go boom.
the sidequests can be abysmal design-wise but as someone who has played ff14, it didn’t really faze me so it can be a YMMV thing. 
i need a fucking dlc because we didn’t see Leviathan... my fucking queen WHERE IS SHE
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seanofbeankeep · 29 days
DMing Waterdeep Dragonheist
Do not read if
- you want to play or currently playing this campaign. Spoilers. First playthrough is best done not knowing. Only read if you’re the DM.
- if you are my players (Tomas, Thro, Sylvan, Leto) as even in past chapters you played. I will talk about future plans for our game.
First time DMing that’s not a one-shot.
Chapter 1 what I did etc
So we’re not doing the Alexandrian remix. I like the repeatability of this game with different villains. Plus one player won’t care for the cassalanters dilemma and one player that story would be a red line. Too many plot lines or villains will over complicate it.
I’m doing my own mix based around the players backstory and my own ideas. But sticking to the chapter beats as is.
I have a rough outline of plot but leaving room for players actions to add story points or changes.
I’m doing an autumn/winter setting. So we have two villains. Fun one where I hope some harmless pranks or they may team up. one who’ll be way more sinister late game. Nice contrasts of ‘gah that guy! to oh no this other guy is f’ evil’. I’m going to have the chase scene (I hope) start off with the autumn villain gang before winter ones gang intervenes dramatically. Light villain chase turns into darker one.
Tho hard since Xanathar guild is in the first chapter so much players want to know more and I’m trying to balance how deep they go into this one.
Theme is: most players are entertainers so I added more of this to the story. Choices, with different warring factions I want to give the players a chance to pick a side or be double agents for factions. Or go for this themselves. The treasure is a prize but so is winning popularity in the city.
I’m playing up there being two different Zhents the new (new one will be like awful pyramid scheme) and the old zhoonts. And no one has quite realised that yet. The players will get hints over time there’s more than one guild. Im thinking of having some more of the ‘clones’ turn up end game. Character backstory
Chapter 1
Theme this chapter was learning/tutorial level. Their characters, the game mechanics, story hook basics etc.
As we’re all rusty and new to the game I started with adding prompts to get the players thinking about how to role play.
So on the way to the yawning portal I gave prompts;
E.g. ‘as you walk through the city your character sees one of the cities large statues. It’s of a knight holding a shield. Tell me a memory this sight triggers about why x befriended the other party members on the road’ etc
Each player had their own ‘memory trigger’ scene. It was great! They all came up with a story on the spot. One was hilarious and created a character trait that they are obsessed with bbq that’s become a running gag. Some players had very thin backstory and this is helping them add to it.
At yawning portal they met with their friendly faces. I was going to do a quiz or have some mini games so they could practise rolling or using their characters skills. Aka tutorial level. At first it was going to be ‘find red ribbons to get a free drink’ like Durnan had created a game. But it was too complicated or would’ve taken up the whole session.
I settled for Durnan testing the morals of our rogue by pick pocketing Jalestar (made it into a prank they play on each other) lol the rogue failed sleight of hand. It joined up with their backstory they’re escaping the night masks and wanting to be less evil. Durnan turned it into a ‘lesson, don’t do what your told if its not good balance’ since he’s watching this player as a potential harper recruit. Later in this chapter the player was reminded ‘aren’t you trying to be good like Durban told you’ by another player.
The first combat was fun. You had the brawl followed by the monster attack. The players started off well but everyone including Jalestar had nightmare rolls and almost died.
I was kind and let them throw bottles as a bonus action esp since they kept missing.
The players agreed to help Volo and bullied him to sign over his image rights (something they have not taken advantage of yet. I was hoping they’d open a Volo themed tavern. I might get Volo to push this one lmao)
They played the rest standardly well. I won’t do a play for play but I can post session notes I made if people find this interesting.
I added some more tutorial prompts for helping them improve their combat or think about game mechanics
‘As you walk you rummage in your inventory and find a disguise kit. Tell me a memory where this helped your character in the past’
Or ‘ask you walk to the warehouse you flex your arms muscles and think about how strong you are. How has your climbing skills helped you in past combat’
Once again it fleshed out their back story. We had some great moments and they do keep using the skills promoted. One player is now obsessed with looking out for footprints with their investigation skills.
As one player is a rogue. I created different factions thieves can’t codes for them to code break. Print off fun. Xants and the zhents. Because they’re a former night mask I made sure their cants are close to the zhent ones (similar bosses). It half worked was a fun mechanic.
The disguise kit prompt I made worked for one area. While they tried to use it in another where there was a mind flayer… they were not fooled. They’ve been nervous using it since.
They rescued Floon!
Overall it went well. The adds I made were good. I learned how long sessions would take. So I’m getting better at knowing ‘x area will be two sessions’ etc
I worry lack of combat sessions are boring but turns out these are the most fun for us. Players having more fun debating the mystery and coming up with character story moments.
I used DnD beyond for keeping track of maps but we drew them for the players. They like minis. The encounter builder in DnD beyond has been really handy for managing turns and monster stats faster. Tho the difficulty from book to this app feels uneven.
I honestly over prepared for most sessions. Had way too many notes and pre notes that I never used.
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robotslenderman · 3 months
6, 7, 8 and 9 :D
6. Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have?
My Rook is my Lavellan, Liriel. Liriel was not the Inquisitor in my playthrough - Sable Trevelyan was - but she, along with two other Lavellans (Lahariel and Mahanon, who belong to @orodrethsgeek), were headcanon companions instead.
Liriel had a Solavellan "romance" which was very different to the canon romance and was more like enemies with benefits, tho by the end of the game there was genuine fondness between them. (Stronger on Solas's side, due to Liriel's passion for knowledge; Liriel knew better than to get too attached to someone who looked down on her.) Liriel figured out who Solas was but didn't tell anyone other than Lahariel and Mahanon until Trespasser. At first she wanted to kill Solas, but Cole speaking up for him plus her softening over time means that by DA4 she's willing to hear him out, and possibly aid him if it means not killing innocents in the process. But if he goes ahead with it, yeah, she's gonna fuck him up.
She is convinced the Evanuris are the Archdemons.
DA4 actually perfectly lines up with my headcanon post-DAI for her - after meeting Mythal Liriel was bitterly disillusioned and set out on a quest to uncover the secrets of Arlath'an that Solas was keeping from her. The Veiljumpers fit her perfectly bc of that. I think she'd already be great friends with Bellara.
She did have a kid with Solas. Celysel will be around ten by DA4. She knows she "comes from" Solas but doesn't consider him her father at all; she considers Lahariel and Mahanon her dads and is a bit confused that people expect her to be upset that she never knew Solas. She doesn't know he's the Dread Wolf, but she may be told during DA4.
7. Which character from the previous games or other media are you most hoping will make an appearance in DAV?
So Fenris hasn't been Liriel's dad in eight years since I made her Liriel instead of Leandra, but it's still gonna fuck her up if he shows up lmao. (If he does I'm just going to headcanon that her actual dad is tagging along, since their backstories are still p much the same and they'd get along really well). I'm also hoping for Dorian and Leliana, our Divine.
8. What faction are you most excited to learn more about?
Veiljumpers, for obvious reasons!
9. Which romance, if any, do you plan to pursue first?
Liriel won't be pursuing any romances because she has husbands at home.
Altho if Bioware smiles upon me and makes it possible to romance the egg woof again I'd absolutely love to see how that goes purely bc I miss watching Solas and Liriel argue and I'd honestly love to see how the whole "yeah you're an omnicidal maniac" angle overshadows it. It'd be JUICY
also if Liriel brought Solas home it'd be hilarious to picture Mahanon's reaction of "yay! Solas is back!" contrasted with Lahariel's "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BRING THIS ASSHOLE HERE I THOUGHT WE GOT RID OF HIM"
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icharchivist · 5 months
You lamented the loss of Aerith in your party btw and I feel that too
I remember playing the second The World Ends With You game and a character from the first game joins your party early on and his stats are so good, he definitely carries you hard. It makes sense within the lore that he'd be good, but he was also just really good
Also he's hot, so that was great, I had a lovely time
But then after the first week, like a third or so into the game homeboy just up and leaves to do his own thing and I was heartbroken and also fucking struggling without my resident muscle, how could you do this to me, man
Oh my god 😭😭
The classic "this character was overpowered to carry me and now i miss them" moment. How could they.
In my ff7r playthrough im struggling with that yeah, and the OG is even worse because let's say, to stay vague, that every characters have very specific built, and... there is a Major Character Death mid game from a character from your party that had a very unique role that no one else can fill. And it's linked to the theme of really showing loss and how you can't replace the people you loved. So it hurts :^)
But my funniest story about that is actually from Dragon Age 2, i need to share.
So in da2, you encounter different characters from different class, and once they become members of your party, you're the one who decide everything about their stats or their skillset. You unlock everything with love and care to make them as strong as possible.
And then, midgame, you have a quest where you have to go into the realm of dreams, where demons roam to tempt you, to save someone. And you decide who to take with you on this trip. If incidents happen no one would die, they'd just wake up and leave you alone in the dreamworld tho.
And so i decide to bring my boyfriend Fenris, the two handed sword warrior elf with ghost abilities to rip people's heart from their chest (💖💖💖 he's so dreamy), whom i have lovingly leveled up so he was the strongest most healthy character of my party.
And during that quest, we run into a demon. Who makes Fenris a proposition. And Fenris is like. Damn actually sounds good. And then he turns on you. I had to watch my fucking boyfriend i had lovingly leveled up have a gigantic health bar as he's one shotting me because /I/ MADE HIM OP AS FUCK. WHY.
And then i have to kill him to wake him up. And you have to continue this quest without your warrior. And the remaining of your party is still susceptible to turn on you. So you can reach the big boss of this section with only one party member and it's likely not going to be any of your tank/heavy hitter.
Your name is Hawke and your life is a fucking nightmare.
Gaming is cruel 💔
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imsorryithurts · 4 years
How come nobody told me there's whump in The W/itcher 2's beginning.
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soras-noodle-arms · 6 years
softly, but with feeling: 
every day, i imagine a future where i can be with you...
in my hand, is a pen that will write a poem of me and you...
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