#i find the most lit stuff fr fr
forhappysake · 9 days
Fluffy Surprise
Author's Note: Not proofread and the first fic I've written in like six months so read if you dareeee
Summary: Reader decides to give Spencer a present when he returns to their new home.
Warnings: People with cat allergies, beware! (?) Fluff ofc.
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You moved into the new house two weeks ago.  Technically, you moved all your stuff into the new house two weeks ago. In boxes. Lots and lots of heavy boxes.
Spencer had come up with a system, labeling each box with the room it would go into at the new house. You had worked together to pack everything, label each box, and unload the boxes into your new home. 
And it seemed like the moment he set the last box down and you were ready to start setting the place up, his phone rang. 
Spencer had been gone for one week. 
The case was halfway across the country, somewhere in Santa Fe. You couldn’t exactly be mad at him for being gone, but unpacking and trying to organize everything without his input was a nightmare. You were finishing the last box in your shared bedroom, carefully placing his clothes on wooden hangers and organizing them in the closet, when your phone rang. 
Spencer’s name lit up the screen. You answered quickly. 
“Hi, Spence,” you said, plopping down on the freshly made bed.
You could tell how tired he was from the long pause he took before responding. “Hey, honey. How’s the unpacking?” he asked with a small sigh. 
You frowned to yourself, worried about how tired he sounded. “Oh, it’s alright. I’d like you to look through all the rooms when you get home, just to make sure everything is where it should be.” You let out a soft laugh, “I also had a hard time hanging up all the pictures and paintings without you, so we may have to straighten some of them up when you get back.” 
Another pause followed, though this time you could envision him nodding to himself. “We can do that,” he said. “I’m sorry you had to do it all by yourself. I promise I’ll find a way to make it up to you.” 
You rolled your eyes. “It was fine, Spencer. Besides, I’m pretty sure chasing a serial killer or something gives you an excuse.” 
He sighed on the other end of the line. “That’s what I wanted to talk about. We caught the unsub this evening. I’m hoping to be home late this evening, but it probably won’t be until after you go to bed.”
You smiled, content with the thought of him coming home to your freshly decorated home. “Oh, I’ll be staying up. I want to see your reaction to the place.”
“Alright,” he said, clearly too tired to urge you to go to bed instead with a list of facts about the health benefits of a good night’s sleep. 
You sighed. “As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I’ve got about fifteen more boxes to go.” 
“I understand. I should probably get some work done, too. Files, reports, you know how it is,” his voice was barely a whisper now, the exhaustion beginning to get the better of him. 
“Don’t work too hard, Spence,” you cautioned. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. I love you.”
“I won’t. I love you too,” he answered. The end of his line promptly went dead.
You looked around the bedroom, discarding your phone on the bed. You couldn’t help but wonder if there was something you could do to make Spencer’s return home a bit more special. 
You sat up and leaned over, furrowing your brow and resting your head in the palm of your hand as you tried to think of things Spencer liked. Of course, Spencer liked a lot of things. He liked sweet coffee, puzzles, and a classic novel in some foreign language you couldn’t comprehend. 
None of those things were overly special, in your mind. As you sat and wracked your brain, a thought finally came to you. 
One month ago, walking by a local cat cafe, Spencer spotted the most beautiful calico. She had fluffy hair, one black ear, one orange. Her little paws were white and she was so well mannered. Spencer and yourself had gone in immediately and he had spent your time inside doting on the calico, whose name, you learned, was Calypso. 
You bolted up from the bed and out into the living room, finding your purse sitting among the unpacked boxes. You shot out to the car, and without a second thought, drove the ten minutes to the cat cafe. 
You said a silent prayer that the cat was still available as you pulled into a parking space across the street. As if on cue, you looked up to see the same cat lounging lazily in the window sill, green eyes poised on you. 
The adoption process was quick, quicker than you anticipated. Fifty dollars later, you were on the road with Calypso in the passenger seat, sitting demurely in the carrier the shelter had provided you with to take her home in. 
On the way home you had to stop at PetSmart to pick up a litter box, a few toys, and a scratching post with the hope that your new furry friend would not decimate your new furniture. Calypso remained in the carrier, watching quietly from the shopping cart as you agonized over which treats to get. 
Soon enough, you were on your way home. The moment you walked through the front door, you set the carrier down and allowed Calypso to wander free. She was tentative at first, gently sniffing the floor and getting the feel for her new surroundings. However, after ten minutes, she perched herself on the kitchen counter, looking quite like the queen of her own castle. 
You took this chance to open her new toys and scatter them about the house, as well as find a secluded corner for her litterbox.
For the rest of the day, the cat watched you unpack boxes. Beady green eyes noting your movements until you disappeared from her sight. Occasionally, if you left the room for too long, you would turn to find that she had followed you. In these moments, you would stop to offer her a gentle petting and giggle as she flopped down on the floor, furry belly up to the sky. 
It was six hours after his phone call that Spencer arrived at home. 
2:19 a.m. was the time on your watch when you heard the lock turn and rose to greet him at the door. Calypso, seated in the corner of the room on a side table, perked her ears up at the new noise coming from the entrance. 
Spencer locked the door behind him and turned to face you, reaching out and pulling you in for a long hug. 
You rubbed your hands up and down his back. “Are you happy to be home?” you asked, your voice muffled by his shoulder. 
“You have no idea,” he said. He pulled away only to examine the living room. Spencer nodded in approval. “It looks really good in here. You did a great job.”
You smiled warmly, nerves settling in your stomach as you realized he’d not yet noticed the cat in the corner of the room, who was still watching him with suspicious eyes. 
“Spencer, I have to tell you something,” you said, wanting to explain yourself for doing something as impulsive as adopting a cat while he was away. 
His face suddenly became very serious. “What is it? Did something happen while I was gone? Are you alright?” 
The questions came quickly and you shook your head to reassure him. “No, Spencer, it’s nothing bad. Here, come look.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him forward until the two of you were standing behind your couch in the middle of the living room. 
“Look around,” you said. 
Spencer’s tired eyes traversed the room. You watched as they landed on paintings, the television, the clock, and nearly everything but the cat who sat entirely still in the corner. 
“I don’t understand,” he said, brow furrowed. “Did you make some major change I don’t know about? If you did, I’m sure that it’s f-”
At that moment Calypso jumped off the side table. The soft thump that accompanied her landing on the floor was enough to stop Spencer in his tracks. Finally, you watched as the feline caught his eye. 
“You didn’t,” Spencer said, his voice barely above a whisper. His reaction wasn’t telling you much, and you were afraid that he was not pleased. 
You started trying to explain yourself. “Well, I knew that you had a long week. I wanted to do something special. I know how much you enjoyed spending time with her at the cafe and now that we have the space I figured…”
You trailed off. In the time you had spoken, Calypso had crossed the room, climbed the couch, and began butting her head up against Spencer’s hand. Panic was setting in. Why wasn’t he reacting? 
Just when you were about to push him to say something, you looked up to see a large grin plastered on his face. Spencer gently wrapped his arms around the cat and picked her up, holding her close and petting in between her ears. 
“This is the most thoughtful present ever. I love her,” he said. His excitement reminded you of a little child and pulled at your heartstrings in a way that could have made you cry. 
You sighed in relief. “I’m so glad.” 
With Calypso still draped over one arm, Spencer reached out for you, pulling you to his side. He planted a soft kiss on the top of your head. “Thank you so much. I love her. I love you,” he said, smile still evident on his face. 
“I love you too,” you said, turning to face Calypso, who looked all too content to be wrapped up in Spencer’s arms. 
“I think she’s trying to steal my man,” you joked, nudging Spencer on the side. 
Spencer laughed. “I don’t think you have to worry too much about that. My heart has room for two lovely ladies.”
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whowantslovergirl · 1 year
My kind of woman
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Cedric Diggory x muggle! reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: pure fluff, ^this means start the song 💋
harry potter masterlist
Summary: Y/N being the girl of Cedric’s dreams
posted: September 4,2023
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Voted best couple for three years in a row. Y/N and Cedric. Everyone either wanted to be Cedric or Y/N. And Y/N is the girl of everyone’s dreams especially Cedric’s. ^
Oh, baby
Oh, man
You're makin' me crazy
Really drivin' me mad
Y/N looked so beautiful today. Her hair is in a beautiful up do. The way she did her uniform. Everything about her looked beautiful. Cedric saw her and his eyes lit up.
“Hi Cedric.” She said with a soft spoken voice. “Hi beautiful. You look amazing.”
“I wear the same thing every day Cedric.” She said while smiling. “Then you look amazing every day.” He leaned in for a kiss. And she returned it with a smile on her face.
That's alright with me
It's really no fuss
As long as you're next to me
Just the two of us
Cedric was going crazy. He couldn’t find you. He asked everyone and no one knew. Then he asked your friends and they said you’re in your dorm.
He never ran so fast.
“Darling!” You jumped at Cedric bursting in your room. “Cedric?! What the f-!.” You hit cut off by a hug and a kiss. “I missed you and I couldn’t find you anywhere!” He exclaimed.
“I just want you next to me darling.”
You're my, my, my, my kind of woman
My, oh my, what a girl
You're my, my, my, my kind of woman
“You are my dream girl.” Cedric and Y/N were cuddling in the common room. In complete silence but comfortable silence. Well before he broke it. “Oh am I?” You said giggling. You love how Cedric is not afraid to tell you what he feels. It makes you feel all giddy inside.
“Yeah you’re my kind of woman.”
And I'm down on my hands and knees
Beggin' you please, baby
Show me your world
“But Cedric you already know what muggles are like!”
“But I don’t what your muggles are like!”
Cedric really wanted to meet your parents. Well in your house.
He met them but at Hogwarts. He wants to see what your room looks like, what your kitchen and living room looks like. Just the whole layout, he wants to know where and how you live.
“Are you embarrassed? Cause if you are we don’t have to darling.” He had a concerned look on his face. The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. “No Cedric! It’s just you know I am insecure about being a muggle.”
“You have nothing to be insecure about. Just show me your world darling.”
Oh, brother
I'm feelin' so tired
Really fallin' apart
And it just don't make sense to me
Cedric was at odds. He didn’t know why you liked him so much. Do you like him for his looks? Or his personality? He just doesn’t know what is so special about him.
I really don't know
Why you stick right next to me
Wherever I go
“Why do you like me?” You were sitting in the courtyard with your friends. You quickly get up and pulled him away from everyone. “What?!” You were so flabbergasted. Where is this random burst of emotion coming from?
“I just don’t know why you stick with me.”
“You wanna know why I love you Cedric?” He nodded eagerly.
“Well do you want specifics?”
“Just internal stuff like nothing on my looks.” You just nodded and told him everything you loved about him. And when you were done he just smiled.
I love you Y/N.”
I love you more Cedric.”
“I love you most.”
You're my, my, my, my kind of woman
My, oh my, what a girl
You're my, my, my, my kind of woman
And I'm down on my hands and knees
Beggin' you please, baby
Cedric loves you so much. He would do absolutely anything for you. Die for you, kill for you, even lie for you.
You’re his kind of woman.
Show me your world
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An: THATS ITTTTT hate to be tht bitch but I HATE MEN bf of 5 months cheated like ugh ik thts not a lot but cheating is so annoying like JUST BREAK UP WITH ME BRO IF YOU SAW THE TANGLED REFERENCE YOU THE BEST FR but yea thts it until i post again my lovers 🤍 *hint: Nate Jacobs x reader*
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incesthemes · 23 days
happy (late) wincest wednesday!! what do you think sam and dean's favourite books are? which books do you think they would have inexplicable (or explicable) beef with?
i'm sure after moving around twice a month for fifteen years and having to read the same books over and over again gave them a few rivalries, lol! -lizzy :)
omg happy wincest wednesday thursday!!!! thank you, this is such an awesome prompt.
ok i think they've both probably read a lot of classic lit and stuff from the literary canon because it's the kind of thing you can find anywhere, right? it's always available in some form or another, at school or in libraries or even just as movie adaptions.
based on vibes i really want to say dean's favorite book would be on the road, both for the metatextual nod to mister eric kripke and because i think dean would relate to it (well, obviously)—and the main character is dean too :) it's cute :) i also think he'd be really into westerns; the one i've read the most of is the titus bass series by terry c. johnston so while it's not quite what i imagine dean's tastes to be (too historically accurate, too little heroism) i'll go with that one. rough, gun-slinging action and lawless heroes are right up dean's alley. the trashier, the better.
on the other end of the spectrum, i see sam being quite into gothic literature. it's relatable to his feelings of exclusion and otherness, and like any child trapped inside a horrific queer narrative i think he would relate heavily to the monsters haunting the protagonists. i can see him really liking frankenstein especially, and i also definitely think he'd have a thing for kafka. it's horrible of me, but i also think he'd be drawn to rosemary's baby, imagining (subconsciously or not) his own mother as rosemary.
importantly, i think they'd both be most drawn to narratives they see themselves in, and i think they'd be rather disinterested in stories they can't directly relate back to their lives. as a result, they probably have a LOT of overlap in the books they enjoy, but the differences are marked and striking to an almost concerning degree. nevertheless i do think they've read through a great deal of the literary canon even if they don't personally love it, simply because it's what they can get their hands on. i can definitely see dean enjoying long, heroic epics like the iliad or beowulf, while sam has certainly read dante's divine comedy cover to cover (and of course, then they switch and read the other's pick, now hundreds of miles away from the library they stole the books from).
i really want them to have some kind of ongoing discourse about east of eden in particular, just because of HOW many similarities there are between cal/dean and aron/sam. i'm trying to figure out how to articulate the nature of that discourse (dean thinks it's just like them fr fr and sam insists it's not? the other way around, perhaps—though i can't see that as clearly. perhaps a simple debate as to whether it applies to them, or which generation they see themselves in most) but i really need to see something like that.
i think sam would definitely have petty beef with supernatural stories when they get the monster lore wrong. "we already KNOW what they do, how can you be THIS wrong about it???? open a book, dumbass," and the like. dean just thinks it's awesome no matter what (as long as the monsters are the bad guys) and they definitely bicker about it incessantly. on the flip side, dean would probably turn up his nose at gothic lit quite a bunch when the monsters are portrayed sympathetically (hello again frankenstein) and would, with his best Big Brother Voice, talk down to sam about the shit propaganda he's reading. sam in turn calls him an idiot in his best Little Brother Voice and doubles down on whatever he's reading. (naturally, the conflict here is that sam sees himself as the monster and therefore sympathizes with it, whereas dean sees "sympathetic monster" and shuts down entirely via john's unquestionable training. i can't imagine dean as a kid being able to comprehend the idea of sam viewing himself as wrong or bad in any way, so the thought of sam relating to the monster simply doesn't compute.)
anyway yeah THANK YOU for this ask, i LOVE well-read and self-educated winchesters so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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byuqi · 1 year
i loved ur nct dream post!! could u do how they plan to confess to u/how it goes pls? thank u 💗
EI’S NOTES: hihi tysm for enjoying it!! yes ofc :)
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pairing: nctdream x gn!reader, genre: fluff, warnings: reader gets called pretty, thats all!
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마크 MARK LEE — lil’ picnic date
— he would be so slick with it honestly
— plan everything out with your friends and stuff, you wouldn’t even KNOW what was happening
— mans would literally pull out all his receipts of what you told him you liked, ect
— you were going on about your day and your friends asked go to the beach at like 5pm
— you were like??? but still went
— arrived there and immediately ran on the sand thinking your friends were behind you but no
— you get to the main beach area and all you see is mark, standing there with flowers next to a lit up tent with blankets and pillows and stuff
— he was nervous as ever i wont lie but didnt look like it
— you would jus stand there like 😧😧😧😧
— he would find it so cute and pull you closer to him
— he would then confess to you about how much he likes you,, and luckily you like him too!
— the rest of the night is spent cuddling and laughing about memories you have with each other
런쥔 HUANG RENJUN — while cuddling in bed
— starting off, you two were childhood bsfs and you two were really close so cuddling was something normal between you too
— but it was extra cold this specific night so you were lying super tight against renjun
— his cheeks were red because of it and thats kinda when he realises he should confess tonight
— he had liked you ever since 4th grade but didnt know when to tell you honestly
— as you two are watching whatever was on the tv, renjun turns to you to look at you and he’s honestly so mesmerised by you
— you catch him staring and ask him “what?” while smiling and he kinda loses it there
— he thinks you’re literally so pretty cuddled against him that he literally cant stop looking at you
— “yn” he would call out while looking at you
— you would turn to him and smile with a little “mhm”
— and he would confess right there
— and to his luck the smile on your face doesn’t get smaller, but instead bigger
— once he finishes you kiss his cheek and tell him you like him too
— he feels like the luckiest man on earth knowing you’re his
제노 LEE JENO — while baking
— so wholesome omfg
— you two are like bsfs right?
— and hes spending the night over bc thats what you two always did on a friday
— tonight was different tho cus you both could feel like a tension
— so to get rid of it, you suggest that you two bake muffins
— everything goes well until jeno throws you with flour making your hair full of the white powder
— after that you two basically have a mini food fight which ends up with jeno chasing you around the house
— once he catches you he lifts you in the air and spins you around while youre laughing
— its like the most happy you two had been in a while too bc you both were smiling and laughing the whole time
— once he puts you down he spins you so that you face him
— you hold onto his shoulders for balance but soon realise how close you both are
— thats when he just confesses to you
— youre like “😧” and then you go “🤭” bc you like him sm
— after his confession you lean up to kiss him, which then leaves him stunned, and make a run for it
— best believe he will catch you and tickle you to death
해찬 LEE HAECHAN — after being away from you
— my man fr guys😍
— hes on tour living his idol life and youre at home lowk just waiting for him to come back
— its no secret to the boys that he likes you and is always teasing him about it
— you both are also used to him leaving for periods of time but this time was just too long
— he was gone for about 2 months this time which was the longest he had ever been away from you
— and it started to hit him real hard
— although the facetiming worked in the beginning, now it was just getting frustrating for the both of you
— by the end of the trip, haechan was so ready to just get out of there and be in your arms
— once he landed in korea, he quickly bought you a lil something and rushed to your house
— you knew he was coming today, but only later as he told you they were waiting for their managers to pick them up
— so you were super confused when you heard the bell ring
— when you opened the door you were met with haechan himself
— you stood there for a minute before actually realising it was him
— the moment he saw you, he knew he was home and he couldn’t wait any more to tell you how he really feels
— as you guys stopped hugging, he immediately leaned in to capture your lips
— you gladly accepted the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck to kiss him deeper
— after that you both literally went to sleep while cuddling bc he jus missed you sm🥹
재민 NA JAEMIN — you confess to him
— see what i did here?😭😭😭
— honestly he would try to confess first to you but in your opinion he was taking too long so you too matters into your own hands
— you two were hanging out at the mall
— and when he would see something he thinks would look good on you, he would make you try it on and he would lowk spoil you
— once you both were done, you went to eat a little something
— this is when he decides hes gonna confess bc he cant help but feel some type of way when the guys at the mall look at you
— as you guys are waiting for the food to arrive you two would make small talk but you knew you had to say something before the day had ended
— so as you two are walking out the mall, finished shopping and eating, you decide to go get ice-cream
— as youre waiting for him, you sit on the bench gathering all your thoughts
— once he sits down beside you, you confess to him
— he sits there with his mouth wide open because he wanted to confess to you first
— so he looks at you with a pout and says how he wanted to confess to you first
— but nonetheless hes happy you confessed bc he confessed to you too
— and when you two were walking home, you were holding hands
천러 ZHONG CHENLE — in the heat of an argument
— okay so senario, you guys were arguing about you being super close with one of the other nct boys and chenle didnt like it
— basically you were hanging with the whole nct group right?
— and the whole nct dream group knew chenle had a thing for you but the others didnt
— so you were sitting next to chenle and jungwoo
— and you and jungwoo were having a good conversation and jungwoo then suddenly placed his hand around your shoulder
— and chenle saw this and started getting angry but didnt wanna show it yk?
— but then you sudden leaned into jungwoo while laughing at something he said
— thats really set him off and he suddenly stood up and walked outside
— you took notice of this and decided to go after him because you really did care for him
— once you get outside you decide to sit next to him
— “you alright?” you would ask and he would suddenly blow up in your face
— and you would be so shocked bc what tf??
— thats when you both start arguing about the whole thing and youre just trying to understand where hes coming from and stuff
— thats when he says “bc i like you! i like you so much and seeing you with him breaks my heart” and you could see how much it hurt him
— before he walks away you pull him closer to you and leave a little peck in his lips before saying “thats crazy cause i like you too wierdo” and smile at him
— he just looks at you for a moment before smiling and leaning back to you for another kiss
지성 PARK JISUNG — over the phone
— hes so cute mann
— he would be too scared to do it in person, so the boys told him to do it over the phone instead since they knew he wouldn’t do it in person
— so hes like okay
— and one night while you guys were texting
— he asks to phone you and you say yes
— as you two are sitting on the phone theres like an awkward silence between you two
— and youre kinda confused and ask jisung if hes okay and he says yes
— a moment later you decide to say bye and end the call bc it was late and you wanted to sleep but jisung was like “no! not yet uh- i want to tell you something”
— so youre like okay….? that’s wierd
— and youre sitting there he takes a deep breath and just started confessing everything to you
— and youre sitting there with a blush on your face waiting for him to finish so that you can tell him you like him too
— and once he finishes he lets out a breath
— theres another silence before he says “you know what ignore that im sorry goodnight yn!” and before he puts off you call his name again
— “jisung wait! i like you too, alot”
— his ear would turn so red omfg and his cheeks would too
— “o-oh okay, so are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now?” he would ask softly
— you would laugh and say yes and then say goodnight to him
— “goodnight girlfriend” he would say excitedly
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perm taglist — @ixomiyu @jencthy @kynrki @love-4-keum @coalalalinha @viagumi @enhastolemyheart @strwberrydinosaur @w3bqrl @zuyairus
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laylawatermelon · 8 months
The K-Drama Of It All
Hello! My hyper fixation has (very unhealthily) latched onto this show so I'm gonna be analyzing.
First of all, I am a veteran in these spaces.
Very shy in real life I am an avid observer in all my fandoms but TRUST I know what's up at all times because of it.
This first analysis will be of the phenomenon of how they playing in my face with the classic K-Drama tropes and cinematic choices.
Let us begin.
Now we all agree that The Bear is a cinematic masterpiece right? Right.
I have been consuming media across all mediums since I was a kid.
I quite literally spent most of my life watching behind the scenes, in front of the scenes, and in between the scenes.
I'm also an aspiring filmmaker and screenwriter. As such I analyze stuff I like more.
I try to understand why they are the way they are.
Now that we got all the fluff out of the way let's get down to the nitty gritty.
*stands on soapbox*
Page 1 of 10000 ehem
In this this essay I will -!
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Fr tho. Let's look at this from a K-Drama perspective.
I've spent about 10-12/13 years watching them. And luckily got into it during the golden era.
I literally watched She Was Pretty air (among others). Ex, Strong Woman, Descendants of the Sun (never watched; controversy+ bad attention span), School 2013.
So you know I'm (somewhat) of an og.
I'm those shows it's very formulaic.
This can extend to other Asian dramas but I'm going to try to stick to K-Dramas.
For example, the 10 ep rule. Must have a kiss or kiss in that episode. (Before is fine)
Now they're getting a little willy nilly and getting down in the first EP but I can argue they was down bad back then as well. Just more angsty longing looks.
(which tbf Sydcarm does all the time but it's 99% Carm though)
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In KDramas there's something common in the cinematography that I'd call the halo of light. Almost all the time there are some form of beauty shots with them beautifully lit where they're together, the way they look at each other etc.
Which ironically they do with these two a lot on the show.
I know the show is gorgeous but you can't just explain away some of the choices.
I have watched and read a lot of discussions so this will be influenced by a lot of people. I will mention when I got the help from (if i can find it).
Now I just want to say I think this.
These following trope have been here since the dawn of K-Drama time.
Enjoy my infodump.
Firstly let's discuss this here:
1. The Meet Cute/Halo Effect
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We've all been screaming to the void about the classic meet cute that happens with Carmy's life and him being constantly bombarded with noise and chaos.
Stylistically this wouldn't be a typical formula for K-Dramas as it leans more into Kmovie style (which valid The Bear was originally a movie) I think it's as textbook as it comes.
Now the original script (which I have read) had a story of different tone. Very Chicago and chaotic but still...
In this iteration of the script idk what the actors were on but JAW looked at the script and chemistry test and was like hmm yes.
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A dramatic romcom. I see.
For her she's an ambitious woman who has (maybe a tiny crush) admiration for him cause like he's literally who she wants to be.
Young, talented and successful. He's made a name in their industry so of course she wants to work under him.
But he he's playing the male lead in an early K-Drama with the classic *she enters* and it's like the second coming out Christ being lit from behind her.
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The classic 'I can't believe I never noticed how beautiful she is' in all dramas (and romcoms honestly).
You can also compare it to the corny slightly funny moments in slow motion when they miss each other/do the angsty look.
Like this.
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Good old kdrama tropes.
What's interesting is that in their scene they do the opposite of what a K-Drama would usually do. They cut the music and let it become calm.
You get to breathe and relax and so does he. He feels at peace.
In K-Dramas, osts are a kind of a life line so they would most likely blare it when he has that realization.
And then at every other romantic moment after.
Another way that it could be is by using very like calm music (still the ost but still).
They do use this with having mostly romantic music in their scenes but it's usually quiet and a bit hard to hear or understand (unless you're analyzing like many of the wonderful people on this app).
Now you can argue her warm lighting in each scene from the finale and introduction represents his hope/life/good change being given back to him in the form of her (but if that's not the most romantic thing I ever heard).
Now for the flashback in the panic attack scene you could argue the blue tone he sees her in, as it usually represents some kind of sadness/distance/professionalism in this show, it can also represent his piercing blue eyes remembering her in the only shade they know how.
Good God that color grading is nuts. His eyes *ARE* the color Blue.
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Now I want to talk a bit more about shot composition, color grading and color choices.
In a few interviews I've seen and read the editors, directors and others were quite serious about the shots and music they used were very much on purpose.
I mean come on.
Also Announcement from a novel/screenwriter:
The most telling scenes is the beginning of omlette and the end of the episode before it.
The director had chose to show her tattoo that represents loss in a deep blue lighting which was actually in a similar lighting that Carmy and Claire were bathed in afterwards.
The quora search says it means pain, heartbreak, and emotional turmoil.
It also lines up with the rest of the shots with him preparing dinner with Claire and her being alone.
I believe this kind of represents the emotional cheating (?) going on between them as he practically abandoned her (and their child, The Bear).
(which is a wild choice for platonic coworkers)
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As I've said before blue lighting is usually representative of sadness, coldness etc.
In the scene personally even without connecting it to shipping or everything the message came clear to me.
He was quite literally being suffocated as in the last scene her body was on his as he stared in the distance blankly.
Honestly that shot was kind of heartbreaking because it feels like coercion in a warped way.
He feels like he should be happy, he should participate in these acts, he should be doing well.
He's fulfilling his family's wish.
So why isn't he happy?
That's my writer kicking in but that's what I got from it.
🥲 (gimme a sec i gotta cry)
But the same blue tone was used in his panic attack as the camera zoomed in.
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Now the ironic part was that they used warm lighting for the scenes with Claire, but it's not that unusual.
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Warm lighting has always been used to also represent a time period in the past in addition to good/warm times.
What's ironic is what's literally colored in what should represent good times isn't working.
He's remembering his family in those same tones. The past isn't helping.
But the future does.
Enter Sydney in blue.
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Now blue usually represents sadness (or calm) but it's also used in futuristic scenes.
*They benefit from the cold clinical look i guess🤷🏾‍♀️*
Then he becomes calm.
I can also say that their kitchen scenes in early season 2 are blue coded but it has a calm feeling not a distant feeling. It ironically feel warm and calming despite the cool tone.
This appears in a couple other scenes in the show when he's showing her the work done in the early season.
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But color wise it's usually warm tones with them as the color kind of transitions in that scene. It's half half.
His view is warm because he thinks she's good with what he did and hers is cold because he ditched her so yeah.
Now shot wise let's discuss because it's a bit obvious.
The staff head mentioned loving close ups to show the characters emotion but also to convey a sense of what's not being said.
An example of his uncertainty with Claire is the car scene. In most of his shots it's extremely close to her and gives off an awkward vibe.
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But when you go to her perspective, she's more open and his shots show background and more of his character, also reflecting their relationship with each other,
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This persists with the kitchen scene as well.
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When I rewatch it it has that same quality. It's a bit more pulled out (obviously as they literally spent the night together so anyone would feel closer) but there's still an awkward/dreamlike feel like when its on her like she's not quite based in reality.
Or in Carmy's self sabotaging view, too good to be true.
In comparison to Sydney, the shots with her are almost always wide and open.
We see it with them as early in season one with the outside scene where he's staring her down and gets her to open up.
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You can argue that almost all of their shots are as equals, or in the same frame with an openness that have/represents when they're communicating with each other. (I'm def writing about their communication)
Sydney's character is ironically what a male lead would be like and Carmy would be more of the female archetype.
Which I really appreciate now that I think about it.
The male lead is usually very successful/good at what they do, hesitant to share but when they do you feel it and know it's sincere. They're usually more bumbly with expressing when they're emotional but when they do its like a huge release. And when they love it's very obvious and excessive at times.
In comparison, Carmy is very expressive, sensitive and aware. He's devoted (Claire sorry but you don't quite count) to things he's passionate about, willing to communicate and has traits of sensitivity.
His eyes and body tells what he's feeling almost immediately. (Also JAW is just an incredible actor)
In Kdrama land their roles would be switched. Hell I can argue some American dramas as well.
Back on topic though.
The Halo Effect is there. Like all the time.
To my next point-
2. The She Looks Away, I Look At Her
Now you may argue this is very Disney Rapunzel, all that coded.
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You will also be correct.
I am a Disney (more Nick honestly) kid.
This too applies to the K-Drama world nay I would say it originated there (it did not).
Do you know how many shows I can name where the male lead is just hopelessly in awe as he stared at the female lead because she just insulted him and he wants to tell her he loves her in every way.
Ring ring.
I heard The Bear calling. Yeah imma need you to clock out on this gaslighting.
time to fangirl
Look at the gif sets!
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But honestly, it's a common way to show that the character cares and wants a person without outright saying it.
You understand the vibes almost instantly.
He likes her. He wants more.
She likes him. She wants more.
3. Matching Clothes
This one is a simple one but we all know how common it is in K-Dramas to have a matching something.
A good example of a recent show is Extraordinary Attorney Woo, and how they almost always matched even if he was in casual clothing and she was in office clothes.
You're supposed to get a telepathy feel from them. Like they're on the same wavelength.
In ships/shows they usually subconsciously brainwash you into details of a relationship by having them wear or have something that reminds you of them.
In wardrobe, clothing is meticulously planned to match characters financial situation and express their personality. The clothes tell the story.
And the story usually is we go together. Real bad.
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So yeah, sure in this scene/episode they were more in tune and tandem and as time went on they became more disjointed.
Granted they do work in a place with uniforms but I digress.
And lastly my third point part II-
Same But Different
If this were a kdrama there'd be like 0.00% chance that they WOULDN'T happen.
First they're the main leads so duh, and second the way that they parallel each other is insane.
There are many edits and examples of them directly mirroring each other in certain situations.
Scrubbing the floors when feeling lonely seemingly in the exact same spot, stressing in the freezer, saying stuff at the same time and their weird telepathy and answering each other's - sandwiches (that's what I was gonna say).
And if any of you say work wife I will rage cause let me catch my man laying under a table like that!!!
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But for real, yes there's intimacy and friendship and all that but I ain't everr look at my friends of either gender like that.
If did I probably had feelings and just kept em in. And did the Carmy puppy eyes (TM).
And yes we are aware Carmy is emotionally constipated like a coke bottle filled with mentos with a tight cap on and his lack of a social life coupled with his (many) different mental illnesses/difficulties.
So he probably doesn't even recognize or even want to recognize them as such and honestly as a 4 lifer
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I'm really sad but I don't think he'll confess in the next season.
I'm making a post about it but I'm also uncertain about it lasting more than three seasons as thematically and the way it was intended to be a movie I feel kind of uncertain.
It can extend to 4 but it was intended and the way it's narratively been flowing its exactly like a 3 act structure just spread out (like butter).
The next season is after the dark of night aka main character loses everything.
This season was fun and games - quite literally him having amusement and such. (Training Arc!!) It ended with his demise I'd say.
Now there's no where to go but up.
I'm not saying that it's impossible, but a 4th season would likely be more aimed toward getting a star or maintaining a star etc and family ties and such.
That'd be most likely when, if any, outwardly romantic contact should happen.
But they might surprise me.
Butt honestly in KDrama land there's no way the set up isn't romantic even if it was just a chef or professional focused show.
I'd say it'd be standard honestly for ones focused on career with a dash of romance.
Ex. Miss Hammurabi (best example)
The Good Doctor (Japanese Version)
There's probably more but I exclusively watch romance so 🤷🏾‍♀️.
In Conclusion,
Yes. They are end game.
I also wanna say how odd it is that this ship is attacked by fans of the show and non fans alike because I've literally grew up in the age of Rise of The Brave Tangled Guardians.
There's nothing more random than that time period.
They all dated each other!
Like my guy there's a Tony the Tiger x Grinch fic and don't even get me started on the Onceler selfcest as different flavors of himself (/j i love stuff like this)!
My point is it's not that unusual for the two leads to be shipped. Same gender or not.
I also have years of teenage brain rot developed from eating movies for breakfast so I know more than you! (/hj) I'm obviously right!
I will be discussing some more of this in length at a later date.
But I rest my case.
I will retreat into my cave until next time.
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willowser · 2 years
My dummy thicc brain considering adult nerd bakugou fr bc we keep our interests into adulthood u know? We dont toss em out as we age (generally) he's got a typical office job that pays decently well, has his routine and friends both old and new and coworkers who he hates (relatable). But his apartment has y'know playstation and xbox consoles, maybe even one of those custom lit entertainment centers. All the games in alphabetical order. LE posters or art framed with a bookshelf with video game and TTRPG art books and manuals plus collectors edition statues and figures. He has 30 year old settled down man money he can swing it.
But unless you ask he just does not bring up shit about himself like that shhh in Denki's streams he really is just A Guy (honestly reminds me of WRTVS where most of the friends are streamers but half never show their face and they all use aliases and shit) so the moment he sends a Discord friend request you're like "wtf how tho???" And one day maybe you're playing a scary game just for the hell of it set up a stream bc maybe it wont be as spooky with a chat but u got like one viewer 😂😭 and u know discord integrates with twitch so mr. Explodo sees you're in game and surprise your discord is the same as your twitch so catch yourself trying not to sound amazed through the mic when he pops into your chat like "scared yet?" 💀 ~ Trashy
YES OMG EXACTLY !! we keep our interests in adulthood !! and we get that adult nerd money !! 😭✨️ this is exactly how i picture him 🥺 and his house and his setup 🥺 his house is so modern and clean and taken care of, but it's all just a bunch of video game and fantasy/sci-fi movie stuff 😭 i love that for him !! 😭 adult nerd bakugou i want to hold you closely !! and can you imagine the shit his coworkers probably give him 💀 like bro you're 30 and living like that and don't have a partner STOP HE'S SHFHWJDBAJA 🥺
this is so cute tho like. besides the fact that it would be scary as hell to have his deep ass voice coming through the mic out of nowhere 💀 it's just you two 🥺 and he's just watching and not really saying a whole lot bc it's probably a little weird but you maybe haven't played this game before so he's telling you like, "no, you have to find the missing piece before you can fix it. 'm not telling you where 'cause you should'a paid attention," LOL what a bully. and when you get scared, it makes him laugh — not like a lot, but just a little, though it's your reaction to him that has him smiling, really. all "it's not funny 🥺 i almost had a heart attack 🥺" and he's like, "calm down you're fine 😒😏" ajdhshaja !!
and before you know it, it's been a few hours and way past his bedtime and you're both trying to find a way to say goodbye, but 🥺 you don't really want to 🥺
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bitchybylershipper · 5 months
grief is quite strange in my opinion. it never looks the same for every person. there are many things grief can look like. some people have outbursts. some people get physically sick. some people have shutdowns. it all depends on the person.
there are many ways that people grieve. i grieve by remembering. sometimes i grieve by regretting, but that is usually a gateway from remembering. sometimes the memories make me really sad. sometimes the memories make me happy. it all depends on context.
id like to tell a few stories about the particular person im remembering right now.
id like to start off with the fact that before he died he said he wanted us to put his ashes in a folgers coffee can. i feel like thats all you need to know about him already lmao. my aunt vetoed that one real quick. his urn ended up being a slender porcelain white vase-looking container. it is quite pretty. this is not a memory i get to share very often but it is one of my favorites.
he love, love, loveddd anything and everything spicy. like i am being so fr this guy carried a bottle of hot sauce in his pocket everyday. i am not kidding. i remember the birthday party we threw for him when he was undergoing treatment. i remember that we made him a gift basket with the spiciest shit we could find since it was pretty much the only thing he could still taste.
to add to that last part, he also really liked just eating straight up salt. my grandpa did too actually. (ah, you say. so thats where you get it from) i witnessed him eat a helluva lot of salt before he died. BUT. the funny thing is: when he died, his sodium levels were low. which always kinda makes me laugh when i think about it even thought its really not very funny. i think i just like the irony.
he loved fireworks. when i still believed in god and blamed myself for his death because i didnt pray enough, i told myself that everytime it rained and thundered, each lightning strike was him finding some fireworks and getting into trouble in heaven with my grandpa. each lightning strike was him telling us, its okay up here. youll be okay down there too. im still looking out for you.
to add to his love for fireworks: when i say that, i mean he loved fireworks. like the illegal shit that is banned in some states (including my own; he used to drive out of state to get fireworks for a good fucking show) one year, he lit one and it fell over before it went off. when it went off, it went straight into the neighbors house. (not like inside but like it hit their house) fortunately, it didnt escalate past that. to this day its me and my cousins favorite story to tell.
when they had to take him in for check ups and stuff, he always asked us to bring him original-flavor hubba bubba gum.
one of my most prominent memories of him is the time he drove me and my cousin home from basketball practice and sang alone at the top of his lungs to meet in the middle by diamond rio. he was so much fun to be around.
tonight im remembering by chewing grossly over sweetened bubblegum and listening to a specific playlist of country music that i made myself with songs that i associate with him. i miss him like hell. i really really miss him like hell.
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˚.⋆ ✶ 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨 ! ✶₊⊹
⊹ ࣪ ˖ he/him, 17 (bday in jan) ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
.𖥔 closed|OPEN to more RP partners ꩜.ᐟ
ᯓ★ ┆ semi-lit/lit, historical + fandom RP ✮⋆˙
⊹ ࣪ ˖ CARRD ⊹ ࣪ ˖
HAS MOVED TO @writingatthedisco
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- ᴘʀɪᴍᴀʀɪʟʏ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍʟᴇss ʜɪsᴛᴏʀɪᴄᴀʟ ʀᴘ: victorian, wild west and regency period the most. medieval eras and greek/slavic/general mythology not so much, but still.
- ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ʀᴘ: night at a museum, bridgerton, red dead redemption 2, percy jackson, frankenstein (only the novel), marauders era
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- 𝗥𝗗𝗥𝟮 specific, i have a rough idea for a 18 y.o. golden retriever type cowboy who gets seperated and lost from his usual cowboy group during a cattle round up across America, and decides to stay back so his group can get him on the trail back, in the meanwhile getting accidentally involved with crime and getting sucked into the Van Der Linde gang for means of staying alive and getting money as he waits through the months.
- 𝗙𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗞𝗘𝗡𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗜𝗡 specific, currently i am in the process of working out a Victor x Henry plot (with me playing Victor) (either during the era when Victor is nursed back to healthy by Henry, orthe summer before Victor leaves to study and Henry stays with his family at lake Como)—if you are into the book ship (i am not interested in any other Frankenstien fandom) and love the AO3 fandom surrounding it—reach out! i'm obsessed 😭
(currently: i am looking for answers on only these two ideas- sorry, folks!)
...but ofcourse i am very open to plotting together, if you have any of yourown ideas that fit these settings i wanna hear them!! just please try to be as involved with the plotting as i so we can bounce off eachothers ideas <3
- old ADs: (Bridgerton ServantxServant) (Percy Jackson Museum Quest)
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𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐱𝐌, 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐎𝐂 𝐱 𝐎𝐂
- this is because i don't really enjoy playing preexisting characters, however occasionally i do find the muse for a pre-existing character and ship—mostly then it is only CCxCC and it happens very rarely
- VERY open to making more ocs if you have ideas for settings and plots, i love writing especially when collaborating HHWJSHWHE
- side characters who are canon being played occasionally for scenes and stuff is completely fine by me btw, as long was we both play them from time to time when needed- not just one of us!
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slow burn, friends to lovers, found family, misfit/outsider, mutual pinning (those the MOST like all my rps had at LEAST one (but all were slow burn and misfit) (ill be fr i only do slow burn and misfit...)) enemies to lovers, various academies/schools, past trauma, forbidden love, abusive/no parents, hurt/comfort, i also dont take my rp too seriously- i include a lot of humor!
- i also love my RP to be plot heavyy, not like... JUST romance, yk? and come to me with plot ideas, not just tropes
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- semi-lit/lit, i stay around a three to six paragraphs depending on how much needs to be said, my starters are usually longer as in pushing on 6 paragraphs however i don't worry about length, ofc the lengths will depend on the scene, as long as it gives enough to work with and fits whats happening, i just mirror the other person in terms of it all!
- i rp and reply mostly or at least once daily (unless ofcourse i/you notify the other that you cannot that you are busy or sick or anything) this means i at least want to know you are alive once daily, be it in the form of a OOC DM if busy or a RP reply, and you can reply whenever—don't feel pressured to rush replies out quickly, timing is not important to me! i myself mostly reply around once or twice daily in RP (i write slow, lol), while OOC it depends.
- NO smut
- English is my second language, although i've been speaking and writing in it most of my life, i still may make some slight mistakes
- i roleplay in private discord servers using tupperbox, but tupperbox is not must, though!
- we will also most likely exchange writing/RP samples- it's just the easiest way to see if our RP styles click and if we are both looking for the samw thing in RP!
lot of communication and plotting out OOC is required! im autistic and prefer everything to be cleared up like that 😭
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𝐢𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐃𝐌 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞/𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚! <𝟑
AND come with whatever specifically caught your eye, your character/an additional idea or whatever, and/or bit about yourself as a roleplayer (lit level/para count, activity, age, whatever you feel is important)! (just gimme smth to work with with the first DM so we can get rolling for the love of god 😭)
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tddyhyck · 6 months
gahhhhh u’re lit so sweet u make me so giddy i’m gonna cRY. i’ve been okay, just rlly tired 😩 i finally got to listen to the full new album and i absolutely loved it 🥺 how did u find it?! (smoothie’s first frame with jaem. twirls hair.)
idk why but i find ur jeno problems so cute u’re so funny when u talk about him 😭😭 u r so real for wanting to bite him. BLSS what u said about jaemin,, i’m not okay 😭 am i messed up for imagining his reaction to you doing it all over his face? 😭😭😭😭😭 HELLO WHAT U SAID ABOUT JENOOOO……… unwell screeching into a pillow. renjun is so cute but i have not been the same since a wild day in 2022 (sorry that’s so specific, i love being dramatic) when i thought of sweet but strict dom renjun with a silly dumb s/o. what sort of fucked up fantasies do u think he has 🤩 (dw u don’t have to elaborate if there r none, just making ✨light conversation✨ w u 🫶) but u calling him soft has me 🥺🥺🥺 cus i looooove soft,, same with u saying hyuck is “gentle and sticky sweet” eeeeek. cute embarrassed closeted freak jisung 🥰
WHAT U SAID ABOUT THE CHENLEEEEE FIC AWMYGOD pls get carried away as much as u want because that one paragraph ended me with all its sweetness i am fr ready to cry 😭❤️ it’s /so/ soft i love it.
i enjoy chatting with u too 🥺🥺🥰💖💕❤️✨ u toooo! i hope u’ve been well 🫶 
awww bestie u are precious 🥺 ,, i am so obsessed with the ep/mini idk what it’s called what’s your fav song?? i really love all of them like it’s hard for me to choose bc different vibes for each tune u know and the styling this era is immaculate also the fansigns i am EATING it up ,,, u are so real about jaemin i have to rewind every performance for his intro 🤤
jeno just makes me feel so feral but also so idk loved ?? like i just know he would be a good partner and it makes me delulu ., i feeL like jaem and would be into it but he would have to coax you making he’s on his knees under you and your standing partially over him and your knees are shaking but he’s rubbing you thighs and being all sweet and praising u ,,,, he’s very yes to me
i need to know about the wild day in 2022 … renjun the man that u are his hair this comeback is sooo cute the purple suits him 😭😭
him being soft and strict with a dumb s/o is SO REAL,, i think he def would be thinking nasty stuff but didn’t want to freak his partner out so he would keep it in but maybe one day they spill about something he’s been dying to do and he’s all giddy and can’t wait ,,
i could see him being into rope play ,, hear me out he’s an artistic lil guy and he wants to make pretty shapes and patterns on your skin he’d pick rope that like perfectly complements his partners skin tone and tie the most beautiful knots ,,, maybe just leave you for a bit while he admires his work ,, even rigging a vibrator up to keep against your clit and your crying and begging to cum and he’s just taunting and teasing and ,,, yes
also think he would be a dom that would use spanking as a punishment and he’s bending you over his knee but he would be so soft despite the slaps ,,, caressing your skin touching you everywhere
also collars and any sort of possessive item like not those ppl that wear hardcore collars around 24/7 but a more subtle piece of jewelry that would be a symbol of ownership
ok i got carried away
jisung is such a freak it’s always the quiet ones u know ,,
chenle would pull them out and they’re still messy and sticky and tell you you’re being too loud before he shoves them in your mouth,,
i’ve been pretty good !! thank u for being so sweet and letting me talk too much 🤭🤭
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cadaverjuices · 1 year
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hi!! my name is prisonjuice, u can call me that or variations or. anything else i dont really care, i use it/its pronouns, im an adult, and a writer/aritsts
im not particularly interested in being too out n about about my specific identity, but i will say that im an aroace-spec, nonbinary/trans, autistic/mentally ill, and disabled artist.
i mostly do oc stuff!! i have really complicated oc lore im always working on, but sometimes i might post fandom stuff- never anything serious though, god will strike me dead before i ever finish a second fanart!
silly oc comics
silly fandom comics....
and when its serious work. my favourite things,
shark teeth snake teeth and little cat like nails
bright eye hurting neons like some sort of whore
sorry jesus [size difference in me ocs]
naked blood covered cannibalistic nonbinaries [they r just like me fr!!]
uuum. boobs
my artwork will obv be tagged for anything bad i can think of while tagging it! if i missed something please tell me and ill edit the post.
artwork will also all be tagged with oil spill [general content tag] & rainbow works [visual media specific tag] from now on! along with the name of the universe + ocs in it :)
ill um.... make a masterlist of what each universe has goin' on eventually but dont expect me to add all of my ocs in that masterlist <- 500 ocs last i counted
no fandom stuff. probably never will, im just not interested
all of my ocs are autistic. sorry
all of my ocs are trans too. oopsie mistake
all of them are furthermore generally mentally ill and very queer. whoops
sorry lesbians, i like men a lot and im nonbinary so i mostly write men and nonbinary ocs
hurt/sometimes comfort. heavy emphasis on the hurt though [<- whump writer]
horror/fantasy/dystopia are my three weed smorking girlfriends out of trad lit genres
because of the 3 [whump, horror, dystopia] reasons above. my work will have EXTENSIVE CWs, please read them and take care when interacting with my writing! it is genuinely not for the faint of heart, and thats ok!!
my most common tropes when writing are...
equally abusive relationships 😋
unequally abusive relationships 😱
religious symbolism
lotsa rot/grossness/bugs [inside people too!]
symbolism in general is like. my favourite thing
writing will also all be tagged with oil spill [general content tag] & crime record [writing specific tag]! along with the name of the universe + ocs in it :)
ill um.... make a masterlist of what each universe has goin' on eventually but dont expect me to add all of my ocs in that masterlist <- 500 ocs last i counted
aka PLEASE interact if ur an adult who also likes these things. i wont post abt em much but i would love 2 talk abt em
genshin impact
honkai star rail
boku no hero academia
cookie run [kindom, trying 2 get into ovenbreak tho]
bungou stray dogs
fear and hunger
silent hill
chainsaw man
obey me
vocaloid [i especially love abu-se ken, syudou, and nilfruits]
dungeons and dragons
warrior cats
jujutsu kaisen
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fateology · 2 years
4. what sections of a bookstore do you browse?
Mostly just lit/drama/poetry/fantasy/trending sometimes and if it’s like a secondhand one with not a lot of organisation I just enjoy digging about it looking for something I might like, it scratches a specific itch in my brain - though I rarely read new stuff by browsing cause I go by rec or pre-decision to look for a book
10. do you have a guilty fav?
Like previous post it’s gotta be the foxhole court/all for the game series. I read a lot of shit YA back in the day when I was a preteen enough that shadowhunters did something to the wiring of my brain. I’ll love Magnus Bane forever
also I have in fact read and enjoyed red white and royal blue. Not because it was good but I think because they wrote emails to each other, it was years ago I don’t remember . One thing I do remember is the guy trying to get his sister off his back tells her “go curate your Instagram feed” and that line has stuck with me since, every time I colour match a picture to the rest of my account before I post it comes to mind with a quiet she’s just like me fr. Anyway don’t actually read rwrb it’s ass
19. most disliked popular books?
Erm I alr said rwrb so i can’t say it again but let’s go with the other book One Last Stop by that author the wlw one i didn’t finish it so I cant pass a complete judgment but I always dislike the premise of “white main character has to save hot love interest of colour from some situation of sort” and the first few chapters I read of it didn’t do much to redeem the white girl main character in my eyes I didn’t find her compelling enough to give it a shot though theoretically “girls resolve time travel technicalities and fall in love ft. Asian love interest” would have me just a bit sold. I was actually excited for it when it was first announced
Another one that I actually liked at the outset was the Road by Cormac McCarthy because his style is interesting and the super bleak and disturbing setting intrigued me but how’d the kid develop a moral compass and aversion to cannibalism etc in a ruined world with a father who’s jaded and stoic to that kind of stuff. And wtf was “the cold autistic dark”
Anyway speedrun of the typical: captive prince illuminae coho whatever
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shop-korea · 1 year
Slurping Korean Ramen at 30,000 Feet! Asiana Airlines Business Class KOR...
MIAMI FL 33130
TENT - SO - 6A - GOT - STUFF 2
CAFE - 9TH ST - 7A/7P - DAILY 2
COFFEE - $8.45 - FREE - WAS
4 - BIANCA - 2 - GIVE - ME JOB
IN - NOV - 2023 - NEW - TRUE
NO - SNOW - BUT - I - WANT - 2
LOUD - SAFER - 4 - ME - 2 KEEP
M - F - FREE - FOOD - 4P/6P
BUS 2 - WALK - 4 MIN
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roobgumball95 · 2 years
hey, can you recommend me your fave skts fics? preferably the ones that you feel the characterization is flawless like wow this author GETS THEM. thank you!!
of course i can!!! you came to the exact right place sweetheart <3
i’ll just give you my top ten….. for now….
INFO: all fics linked have been personally read and approved by me, and are completed works. i wouldn’t do yall like that. they are in no particular order (#9 is my personal favorite)
10: Tale as old as time by lettersinpetals (14k)
don’t think there are any sexy scenes, but there are vaguely triggering mentions of OCD symptoms so if those are going to bother or if you’re a hypochondriac, maybe not the best fic to read!!!! characterization is on point for sure. PLOT: essentially it’s the story of two messes falling in love and figuring out how to make room for each other
9: Mechanical Hearts by buttonstuck (112k)
ummmm yes there is like one sexy time and it is Weird As Fuck because robot sex but don’t let that turn you off, it’s a beautiful piece with an introspective thought process on the humanization of artificial intelligence….. and of course the classic sakuatsu dynamic. WARNING: a certain amount of gore is involved, personally i did not find it too triggering, but one person does get shot (twice?) and i think someone gets killed. it’s been a while. PLOT: android sakusa on the run. atsumu the guy in the way. what could go wrong?
8: more cock, fewer roaches. please. by Gray_Herring (30k)
despite the title, there are only REFERENCED sexy times. i don’t think there are any triggering moments except for one minor freak out of sakusa’s. the freak out is due to a fear of bugs, though, not any disturbing psychotic breakdown. loved the development of this one! PLOT: sakusa is getting his house fumigated for bugs. atsumu has a spare room. you can see where this is going
7: i look for you when i’m lost (so i don’t go insane) by martialartist816 (37k)
I KNOW you’ve been waiting for the smut-heavy fics, so here you fucking go. several sexy scenes! like, if you read this you’re going to get sexy scenes! it’s an intrinsic part of the fic! also possibly triggering mentions of the pandemic/quarantine. possibly dubious consent in the first sexy time, but i didn’t find it troubling and it was immediately cleared up in the next chapter. PLOT: sakusa is rooming with atsumu when MSBY is quarantining together, and proceeds to have a sexuality crisis. as he does
6: again, like this by noodletastic (55k)
again, this is rather smut-heavy. but it’s also very sweet, especially their progression from fwb to lovers (which is my favorite trope of all time). no trigger warnings from me! PLOT: sakusa and atsumu hookup after nationals don’t go like they planned. and it keeps happening.
5: Clean™️ by Kiyoomi by sifuhotman (3k)
no sexy times, no trigger warnings! PLOT: sakusa got sponsored by Mr Clean, and suddenly he’s giving atsumu all sorts of merch. stupidity follows.
4: just as much by Sapphirine (16k)
no sexy times, no trigger warnings, just gay crises! PLOT: atsumu doesn’t love anything more than volleyball (right?)
3: Clipped to You by littleboat (8k)
no sexy times, no trigger warnings, just jealous atsumu!!!! PLOT: natsu gives sakusa some hair clips for his bangs…. it all devolves from there.
2: Under Pressure by ghostystarr (8k)
no sexy times, no trigger warnings, just MSBY crack!!!! PLOT: bokuto and hinata teach sakusa how to flirt with atsumu. it goes about as well as you can imagine.
1: i’m begging for you to take my hand by comfortcharacters (3k)
no sexy times, no trigger warnings!!!! PLOT: atsumu doesn’t know why he loves sakusa’s attention (spoiler alert: theyre fucking idiots)
Whew, that’s all for now! remember to always get in my inbox if you want more recs/more specific recs!!!
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miraeluc · 4 years
you’re suffering alone
prompt: “kageyama knows you as his little ray of sunshine, but what does he do when he finds out how you really feel?”
pairing: kageyama x female! reader 
word count: 3k
warnings: MAJOR tw!!! depression, again major tw self harm, reader cries a lot when kageyama finds out, reader’s mom is dead lol i went all out 
genre: fluff, angst
you were always their little ray of sunshine
when you first joined the school a year ago and introduced yourself all excitedly
hinata ran to tanaka after that class
“we need to convince her to be our manager!!!!”
tanaka was down lol
it didn’t take long to convince you, you were looking for extracurricular activities to engage in anyway 
the conversation went a bit like this
“y/n-san! do you want to be karasuno’s volleyball team manager?”
“we swear it- did you just say yes?”
cue tanaka and hinata screaming 
after you became their manager it didn’t take you and kageyama too long to fall in love either 
he adored the good vibes you brought with in any room you stepped in and you enjoyed the calmness that came with him (except when hinata’s around to annoy him, pretty boy radiates ᵃⁿᵍʸ energy then lol)
poor boy didn’t know that what he felt towards you until he had the whole team screaming at him to ask you out 
so he did 
and so you ended up here, 10 months into dating kageyama and 12 months into being karasuno’s manager along with kiyoko and hitoka 
everyone found it a little weird that you were always the one to stay the longest out of everyone, but everyone assumed it was just because you genuinely enjoyed being there
which you did, don’t get me wrong
that just wasn’t the only reason.
no one actually knew why you had changed schools in the middle of the year
every time someone asked you pushed it off, claiming your old school just wasn’t working out and started babbling about how much you love being at this school and how glad you are to have found real friends like them
“time for a break, i brought food!!”
you held the bags of food up, getting tackled in a gross sweaty hug by nishinoya 
“it’s like you heard my stomach calling out for you, y/n!!! you’re my saviour!!!”
you immediately laughed 
“i know, noya, now get off, you’re sweaty” you cringed a little and he got off, a little offended but he quickly forgot about it and snatched the bags 
you were all sat on the ground, everyone eating quietly when hinata started complaining about his mother nagging him to focus a little more on studying 
that’s how everyone started talking about their mothers, somehow everyone having a little to complain about 
“what ‘bout you, y/n? you have nothing to remark about your mom like our little crybabies here?” daichi looked at you
everyone whined at that,, “we’re not babies!!”
you tensed up at the question before relaxing and smiling 
“nope! my mom is perfect.” you giggled
“woah, i wish!! you need to introduce me to your mom, y/n!!” 
noya was very invested in your mom being perfect, lol
you see
kageyama here is very observant, whether it be on the court or just, well, people in general
he saw you tense up for that split-second, not pressing it further 
he knows you most likely aren’t ready to talk about it 
now that he thinks about it, you never talk about your family
he’d love to know but he understands that you’ll come to him when you’re ready to tell him and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by nagging you about it
“i’ll introduce you to her, noya” you giggled
his face lit up and he nodded before the topic changed again and you could now also speak to them about how annoying and hard math class is
fr tho i hate math 
after they were done eating no one could move anymore, let alone practice
hinata tried
keyword tried 
he threw up....
no one else even wanted to practice after that - opting to clean up and end practice for today instead
“kageyama, ill head out a bit early today, i’ve got some stuff to do” you said
you startled the shit out of him because he was just bringing the last volleyball to the cart
“HO- oh.” he stopped himself from screaming and turned to you 
“alright, just take care..” he mumbled, ruffling your hair which made you whine and fix it 
you hate when he does that 
he thinks your reaction is adorable
you scoffed and pulled him down to your height to plant a little kiss on his cheek 
he blushed, pda isnt for him
you loved his soft side so much 
nonetheless he smiled at you and straightened up again 
“call me if anything happens” he cleared his throat 
baby was a little awkward with stuff like this 
you didn’t mind though
you nodded and smiled “will do!”
and off you were lol 
hinata then popped up infront of kageyama 
“what’d you do to her!?!?!?! she never leaves early!!!!!!!”
kageyama pushed him away by the head 
“she just has stuff to do, shut up.”
“hey, mom..” you smiled lightly as you sat down 
“nishinoya is really looking forward to meeting you! the whole team asked about you today.. today was an ok day, i was pretty distracted all day so i didn’t have the time to feel sad again.”
you sighed
“but, you know, it’s been getting harder lately. it seems that getting out of bed to get to school is getting harder.. i love making everyone happy, but it’s hard being the provider and never getting something in return. sometimes, when things get hard, i just want to drop everything. i want to stop acting so bubbly and happy, but i know you wouldn’t want me to lose my smile.”
you stood up 
“i’ll get going then, i love you.”
you placed the flowers down on the grave before you, staring down at it with a sad smile before making your way home, yet again 
the next day you showed up to school as you usually did, taking your seat next to kageyama after greeting him like usual 
you were having a conversation with hinata
it was too early for kageyama to speak 
everyone was confused when you didn’t show up to practice that day
kags(。◝‿◜。) , 2:47pm: are you not coming to practice?
y/n, 2:49pm: no baby, i’m sorry :( i really can’t tODAY, im so upset over it 
kags(。◝‿◜。), 2:50pm: did something happen?
kags(。◝‿◜。), 2:53pm: y/n?
y/n, 3.26pm: nope, i just have some stuff to do at home  (╥﹏╥)
the next day you showed up like usual again, this time attending practice too
just like that the days seemed to go by in a blur for you 
day by day you felt yourself breaking more 
day by day the scars on your hips multiplied 
and day by day it got a little harder to make the room light up when you stepped inside 
it was after practice and it was only you, nishinoya and kageyama left 
“hey, y/n, can i finally meet your mom today??”
he was pressing around so much about it 
you smiled and shrugged,
“sure, i bet she doesn’t mind a visit”
“can i come too?” kageyama asked timidly and you nodded 
“of course.. it’s about time.” you smiled 
your eyes were a little glassy 
he frowned
nishinoya was too busy getting excited over meeting the first ever perfect mother to notice and he began dragging you out “let’s go then!”
he was pulling you to the direction of your place before you abruptly stopped
“ah-ah, i didn’t say i still live with her, did I?”
you had both boys confused now and you started walking into the right direction
you intertwined your fingers with kageyama’s
he squeezed your hand a little 
he knew you needed a little support 
only did he not expect you to lead them to the cemetery
nishinoya’s smile dropped when you actually entered the cemetery 
he saw it but he expected you to walk past 
you stopped in front of your mothers grave 
“there she is.” you let out a sigh 
kageyama felt his heart drop 
“wait, y/n, i’m so sorry for pressing this so mu-”
kageyama pulled you in a tight hug, shaking his head at the boy, who now went quiet 
he felt so horrible
you were trying so hard to hold your tears back, looking at noya
“don’t worry, you didn’t know.” 
you still smiled at him 
kageyama then spoke 
“it’s best if you go home, don’t you think?”
he didn’t even sound angry at this point 
nishinoya nodded and left 
he really felt so bad 
you couldn’t hold back and broke out in tears after
this was the first time you cried in front of your boyfriend 
he didn’t expect it to hurt this much 
hearing your little sobs break through you 
he could feel his own heart breaking as he tightened the hug 
neither of you said anything
he just let you cry into his chest 
he didn’t need to tell you he was there for you with words
he told you through gently patting your back as you cried
he told you through not judging you when you cried like this 
even when it started raining and the rain was slowly seeping through both of your clothes he didnt loosen his grip on you 
he let you finish crying 
however long it took 
and when you finally looked up at him, only the moon’s light illuminating your face, he felt his heart break, again, at the sight of your puffy eyes and red nose
he wanted to protect you from all bad things, forever.
“gosh, i’m sorry, it took me so long to stop crying..” 
he shook his head and pecked your forehead quickly “no. you didn’t.”
“..is this why you always avoided talking about your mother?”
you nodded, looking down at her grave, the flowers you placed there two days ago already droopy
you then looked up at him again 
“thank you, for.. supporting me..”
nishinoya apologised about 27 times when he saw you 
you kept reassuring him that it was alright but he felt so bad 
he felt so bad he couldn’t even properly play that day 
daichi sent him home early
“come back when you dont have two left legs!!!”
practice ended soon after that anyway 
you sat on a bench, filling out the last bits of your homework so you didnt have to do it at home, not even noticing that it was just you and kageyama left until he called out to you 
“hey, y/n, mind throwing me some balls? i’m not tired yet and i want to keep practicing”
you happily helped
you admired his determination to get better daily
it was refreshing, seeing him so passionate about volleyball 
how couldn’t you help when he asked like that
that’s how he was now practicing as you were talking 
“can you come over tonight?”
you furrowed your brows
“but it’s a school night?”
he shrugged “i don’t care. you haven’t been at my place for three entire weeks! i only see you at school, i miss you.” he was honest
he really missed you and he wanted to know what was up with your lame excuses every time he asked 
you then nodded 
“alright then, i’ll come.”
whilst he was busy drinking water you tried ‘passing’ the ball (at which you horribly failed)
“look, i’m a better setter than you!”
he chased you down lol 
you took him by surprise when he finally caught you, grabbing onto your hips, followed by a loud intake of breath and a wince from you
he obviously immediately let go
“y/n. what’s wrong?”
you sighed and turned towards him
“um.. i.. hit my hip earlier today..?” you trailed off and he immediately knew that you were lying 
honestly, he kind of had an idea of what it was 
he just didn’t want to think of that possibility
he might be a bit slow, but he’s not stupid 
he has a slight idea why you haven’t been coming over
he notices how the circles under your eyes have gotten darker 
he notices how you sleep in classes, which is something you never do 
and he’s so, so worried 
but he’s scared to approach you 
he’s scared to confirm his worst fears 
he shook his head at you “don’t lie.”
you sighed softly “kageyama, it’s nothing.”
you avoided his gaze and he shook his head again, now unable to hold back from speaking 
“no, y/n. you’re not okay, i know you’re not. i know that you struggle every day and i know you don’t like speaking about it, but i just can’t keep watching you suffer in silence, i do give you your space, but not when it truly concerns your well-being to the point i cant touch you or see you as often as i’d like to!” 
he stopped and took a deep breath, shaking his head 
“let’s go home first, i want to talk about this in a place i can do more for you.”
you were speechless
you never had expected him to notice anything, let alone speak up about it 
you were so lost in thought you let him drag you to his room quietly 
you snapped back to reality when he was unlocking his door, walking inside when it was open - you following 
you sat on his bed, still not knowing what to say
how the tables turn, usually its kageyama being the quiet one and you being the one to fill the silence with unnecessary babbling lol 
he looked at you, uncertainty swimming in his eyes
“can i see?”
you immediately knew what he was talking about, looking down 
you pondered over it a little before nodding
he crouched down before you, looking up at you 
“you know you can trust me, right?”
you furrowed your brows “of course”
“you don’t need to hide your feelings from me, baby, i love you through all of your emotional states, i love seeing you happy but i like comforting you when you feel sad too, you mustn’t hide your feelings.”
your eyes filled with tears at that one sentence
i love you through all of your emotional states
“thank you..” you sniffled
“i mean it. it hurts me when you hide it, it makes me feel so helpless, i don’t want to watch you crumble before my eyes, please, talk to me..”
“i just feel so hopeless, kags.. my heart feels so dull lately.”
you finally let in
“it feels like every single day repeats itself and all of my responsibilities are so hard to fulfill..it’s so hard turning up to school, bringing positive energy with me when all i feel is my sadness taking over my entire self bit by bit.”
he was listening, now sat on the floor before you, chin resting on your knee as you spoke
“but you’re not responsible for anyone’s happiness except yours. i don’t like when you prioritise others before yourself, y/n.. i don’t say it often but you’re truly so important to me and i don’t want you to lose yourself only because you try to make others happy.. it isn’t worth it, we love you for you, i can assure you, no one from our group would judge you for feeling down, we all have bad days, gosh, we all have bad weeks or even months! hiding these feelings will only worsen your pain and lead you to.. do irrational things..” he said, fingertips tracing over your hip gently
“let me see first and then we’ll talk about how we’re fixing this, ok?”
you sniffled and nodded, letting him pull the side of your pants down enough to reveal to him what he feared most 
seeing the cuts scattered on your skin broke him, truly.
he gulped and stood up, leaving to get you a pair of his shorts
“put these on, this way i can tend to them better.” he said, wanting to clean it up first before telling you his thoughts about it 
you nodded and changed into the shorts, him trying not to break down there and then as he left to get some stuff
when he came back you were patiently waiting for him and let him clean the cuts with some alcohol (not without complaining at the stings) before he bandaged them up as best as he could
he then laid down and pulled you with him, hugging you
“oh my precious y/n..” he mumbled
he was hugging your head to his chest to hide the fact that he was tearing up 
he wanted to help you so bad but he knew exactly that he couldn’t just end your suffering and it hurt him 
“but why? why do you do that to yourself?”
his voice cracked when he asked and you looked up, realisation hitting you 
you hurt him so bad by doing this.
the person you loved and cherished most 
“it felt like the only escape”
he caressed the top of your head
“pressuring you into stopping won’t help and isn’t worth it, but please, when you feel like.. doing that, call me instead. i’ll be at your place in no time and- even if you don’t want to talk i can just hug you and keep you company-”
you cut him off by pressing your lips against his
“i will, baby. i’ll call you whenever i feel down from now on”
he nodded “thank you”
he was thanking you as if he wasn’t the one helping you right now
you now hugged him back, “i’m sorry for not saying earlier..”
he hummed “lets just lay here. you’ll get better, i promise.”
he kept his promise
ever since that day, he’s been calling you morning and night, making sure you felt good waking up and going to bed 
he often called you through entire nights
he made you slowly start to understand that your purpose wasn’t to make anyone happy but yourself
he made you realise you were more than a mere person that’s always happy
and he made you understand that showing your feelings wasnt something to be embarrassed about 
(the entire team was very supportive too when they found out you were struggling! kageyama didn’t explain the details though)
so yep.
you had kageyama and a bunch of friends that were supporting you 
and for the first time, you felt hopeful for the future, your mother watching over you proudly after years of struggling and even having to move schools for a fresh start
she could now rest easily, knowing your guardian angel found his way to you and won’t ever leave you.
a/n: YALL I MADE MYSELF EMO WITH THIS ONE:( i hope you enjoyed it & please leave comments about it! 
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cherrysha · 4 years
Conversation Hearts
Big shoutout to @ramwrites fr helping me clear out my writers block!! <3 This is just self indulgent valentines Todou and i dont have an explanation for myself
Summary: Todous relentless, a bully you’ve had to deal with since your freshman year of college. Unfortunately for you, it all comes to a head when you’re paired with him for an assignment that’s worth a substantial portion of your grade
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: Yandere themes, choking, implied noncon towards the end 
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You’re early. Disastrously so. So early that you can watch the sun set in the charming little café Todou made you meet him at. It’s still winter, and the sunset isn’t too late in the day, but being early enough to watch as the sun slowly disappeared behind the tall buildings gave you the disadvantage of realizing how much time you were about to waste. Picking at the rim of the paper cup, you shake your head to try and clear the negative thoughts out, to no avail. You were about to spend an incredulous amount of time working with the person you hated the most. The person who seemed to make every class he had with you a living hell. How you ended up paired with him for this project is beyond you. One moment your partner was the girl sitting next to you in the lecture hall, the next she was gone and Todou in her place. Even though you both were in college, He was always so ruthless. As if he had made it his duty to make you feel smaller than you already did at such a large school. You don’t know why he singled you out. It had started after you’d taken an intro course with him your first year, still young and naïve enough to believe the man who sat beside you wasn't bullying you. At first it was little things, like stealing your notebook while you wrote, which turned into progressively bigger things like the time he drenched your shirt with his water bottle. A sleazy smile and an ‘oops’ that was insincere following the act. And now, you were stuck in an assignment with him that was worth half of your grade. At least the cafe was close to your apartment. It’d be easy to lose him once the work was done. Outside the wind began to howl, a bitter reminder that you could’ve spent this time cuddled up in your bed, watching a movie or something other than wasting your time with such a meathead. Part of you wanted to leave, just gather up all your school supplies and tell Todou you’d finish the project by yourself. Before you could think too deeply on that option, the door of the cafe swung open, letting in a gust of freezing air as well as the man you least wanted to interact with. Todou Aoi. A college student with muscles for brains who could laugh in the face of God himself. Even without saying anything he was always so boisterous, his presence alone just too big and loud. You hated it. “Y/n!” He called, alerting everyone in the damn place that you, unfortunately, were with him. Pulling the chair out and moving it beside your own he continues speaking “Early as usual! Y’know, that’s fine” he laughs “punctuality is a good thing! But you could’ve messaged me, and I would’ve come earlier too!” Why was he so happy all the time? It truly vexed you. Without so much as a word you got up to toss your half finished coffee away, sure if you kept it on the table the bastard would ‘accidentally’ spill it on your notes. It’s not like he hadn’t done it before. “Could we make this quick?” You sighed, scooting your chair away from his as you sat back down. “I already have a list of what you need to do. Just get it done and this’ll be painless for the both of us” Todou’s smile faltered at the end of your statement, but it quickly lit up again as you went to give him the paper. His hand shooting out to grab your wrist, a little too tight, a laugh escaping him at the way you struggled against his grip until he finally decided to let go. “Why do you always gotta do stuff like that?” you grumbled, rubbing at the dull ache that was settling into the skin of your wrist already. “Why are you always trying to run away from me?” Somehow, he made the statement seem as if it were only a joke but coupled with the aching in your wrist, it only served to piss you off further. As if you'd want to be around him, to interact with someone so dense that they couldn’t even tell when they were being a nuisance. You aimlessly rubbed at your temples, closing your eyes to try and stem off the headache that would only be exacerbated by looking at his face. Bluntly, you asked “Are we gunna work on this or not?” taking a moment to stare at the papers in front of you. You'd never get this done in one sitting, but as long as Todou understood what he had to do, you could finish the rest in the comfort of your own home. He laughs at that, something big and boisterous as his hand grabs the soft skin of your knee. It’s too comfortable, like you're an old friend and he’s enjoying the thinly veiled distaste as casual banter. “Yeah, yeah.. can I ask you something first?” his grip only tightens as you try to yank your leg away, ensuring more bruises and irritation on your part “Why the fuck not?” you say exasperatedly “What is it you wanna know Todou?” His eyes drift downwards to the work on the table, something akin to shyness ebbing through him, if it weren’t overwhelmed by the excitement that was practically buzzing through his body and burning you with a single touch to your knee. Quickly lifting his gaze up, he stares at you, sincerity in his voice as he asks “Wanna be my Valentine?” Shocked at first, you do nothing but return his stare with your own. It isn’t until he tacks on “Its not like that, I want you to be my girlfriend too, y/n… Not just for valentines! But for every day after –“ that you let out a laugh that’s louder than anything Todou has ever heard from you. After a few moments of this you quiet yourself, “Oh,” you wipe a stray tear from your eye “You're not joking?” Solemnly Todou shakes his head ‘no’ as he removes his hand from your leg. “Oh.. in that case..how do I put this delicately.” You sit for a moment before chuckling again. “No.” His stunned expression makes you laugh again as you diligently gather your things. It was obvious no work was going to be done here tonight. “Why not?” “Oh I don’t know Todou” the irritation mounting within you once again. “Maybe use that big brain of yours to figure it out for yourself.” With that, you shoulder your bag and make for the exit, still chuckling at where the night had led you.
Its still blustery as you quickly try to get back to your apartment. The weather does little to make you feel better, in fact, it seems to sour your mood even more. The first thing you'd decided to do when you got home was make a cup of tea, then after you'd email your professor and beg for a new partner. Even doing the assignment alone was preferable to seeing Todou again. The thought doesn’t last long before your being manhandled onto a side street, back hitting hard brick as Todou’s face is mere inches from yours. “You were lying right?” there’s a deep undercurrent of need flowing through him, palpable in the air around you Trying hard not to let his big frame intimidate you, you shake your head ‘no’, mouth too dry to even open as he peers down into your eyes. There’s no one on the street, no one to call you as you realize the severity of the situation. As if he expected this reaction, his hand shoots up with little hesitation as it grips your throat tightly.
“But I love you .. and you love me, right? You're just playing hard to get?” it’s a whine that leaves him as his lips press against your cheek, mumbling into the soft flesh he finds there. His grip around your throat gets tighter the longer you stay quiet “Just say it back.. say it back y/n” You couldn’t even if you tried. His hand was putting enough pressure to make dark spots form and blur your vision. Its frenzied, the way his body pins you against the wall, his free hand sliding against you. It easily trails up your dress, pressing against your stomach to keep you in place as his mouth wanders down to your neck. Before you could fully comprehend the situation, to understand where his hand was going as it traveled underneath the band of your underwear, your body goes limp. Eyes closing as Todou seeks your validation.
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rudolphsboyfriend · 3 years
ndbdbdhd i saw ur 4 picrews and u said u made headcanons for them and i’m curious so if u wouldn’t mind pls info dump ur headcanons for them on me <3
Sjdhd YES I'd be glad to!! There weren't alot at first but I'll def be adding to them as i make this post so here goes
Ok so fr ref these r the four from this adorable picrew, credits go to them
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I haven't named em so for now their names r Stars, Skull, Heart, Dots after their lil speech blurbs
They're all Japanese just cuz I associate this kinda manga-ey art style w Japan
They're chilhood besties and hang out regularly, despite their personalities being completely different.
Heart and Skull r twins but not the identical kind
He's half English
He was actually inspired by a character from Mo Dao Zu Shi named Nie Huaisang.
If u just met him on the street u'd think he was kinda harmless and unassuming but really he's very smart and calculating. He's not evil but he is,,, morally ambiguous.
He's v calm and chill unless u offend him/his friends. He'll take revenge in some unfathomably roundabout, clever way so you don't even realise he's doing it, and he'll be totes normal looking and like nothing is wrong.
His family owns a big hotel in uptown Tokyo so he's the sugar daddy of the group.
His parents r the really competitive-and-projects-on-their-child kind, so he went to a bunch of extra curriculars and is like, creepily good at everything. Sometimes he's even good at things he's never learnt.
He's the top of his class at college, where he's majoring in History with a minor in Japanese lit
The other three are pretty sure he sold his soul to be good at everything (they're right), but he's their bestie and pays for everything so they don't care
He's Pansexual and is single atm
Heart didn't go to college and is a waiter at a restaurant, but he has some other, very irregular source of income and no-one knows what it is except Skull.
It doesn't happen often, but he sometimes disappears for hours at the weirdest times.
He's actually a hired assassin, but he only kills like, rich assholes who r exploiting others, and only accepts payment if whoever's paying can actually afford to pay. If they can't, he works for free. Think Robin Hood but murder.
His family was poor so he always hated people who exploited others for money. Star's fam is a very honest and kind rich family that helped his fam out often, and he doesn't attack those kind.
He had secretly dreamed to be an assassin since he was a kid. At first it was just a kid's fantasy but as he grew he started taking it seriously. He began at 19.
He's a really fun, outgoing and bubbly guy. He's v popular, everyone likes him. And he's not the assholey kind of popular. He's just really friendly and warm to be around. Which is why noone even thinks of "assassin" being his other job
Despite his popularity, his two friends, his twin and his parents are the only people he really cares about. He's a crazy loyal, ride or die kinda guy for these five.
He's an amazing painter, but he never learnt professionally cuz he would much rather do whatever he wants on a canvas for fun. His art style is very impressionistic and Monet. Draws a lot of nature
He's trans and ace+aro
He's a Fine Arts major in college, the absolute top student. The red stuff on his face is paint i promise :) He mostly paints in classical styles like baroque.
He's bi and has a boyfriend whom he loves very much. He's planning on proposing soon!!
He's very intimidating and has "stay away from me" energy. People find it hard to believe he and Heart are related, but they're actually extremely close.
There's a rumours that Skull is a mafia gang leader, that he once killed someone, etc. None of these are true, of course.
He does help his brother plan his murders tho. He's really good with planning and organising, Heart is not. He shares the same hatred as Heart. They're a duo, always working together, Skull planning and Heart carrying it out.
His boyfriend knows all this and just reminds them to be careful.
The only people who can get him to laugh regularly are his boyfriend and Heart. The besties can too but less often.
He doesn't even genuienely smile around other people. If anyone else asks him to smile his does this rlly intimidating smile like in the picrew.
He loves his boyfriend, brother, and the two besties alot. He's not very obviously affectionate, but the others know his little subtle displays of love. He's just really bad at showing emotions.
Similarly, he's not very romantic. Not in the aromantic sense, he's just awkward. Luckily his boyfriend is very cheesy and it's helping him come out of his shell.
However, he's a sentimental drunk
He and Heart often talk about their parents like they r dead, or really far away. They all live within cycling distance of each other, but they find this funny.
He cries at happy endings, and if anyone other than these three sees they will be killed
Dots is non binary :)
They have a girlfriend. They just started dating but they're v happy!
They're like, the most normal of the four, considering one friend sold his soul, one is an assassin, and the other a criminal mastermind. Dots is just a tired college student.
They're a computer animation major with a graphic design minor. They're doing well academically, not the top but still high
Their dream is to start their own animation company.
They're not very talkative but everything they say is hilarious and they're a sassy sarcastic lil shit. Easily the funniest of the four.
Theyre actually really kind and nice, they're a lil withdrawn but polite and friendly.
They cry at sad+happy endings. They cry at bittersweet endings. They are a crier. They do not try to hide it.
Their taste in music is just. Everything. From bubblegum pop to screamo metal to alt to 70s country.
Knows every single band/artist out there.
Is a surprisingly good singer. Their parents were music teachers so knows how to play all kinds of instruments
Either stays up for 3 days straight or is passed out like a dead body. No in between
Estranged from their fam and is now roommates w Stars
Wow this got. Real long. It's also literally just me projecting intensely onto fictional ppl so yeah.i hope u liked that!!! Odkdnsk does this mean i have OCs now wow.
Thanks fr the ask this was actually really fun!!!
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