lovergirl 🤍
99 posts
milene 🤍 She/her 20 INTP *request will always be open*
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whowantslovergirl · 24 days ago
guys i promise im still alive just really busy
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whowantslovergirl · 2 months ago
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whowantslovergirl · 2 months ago
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whowantslovergirl · 3 months ago
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track five of the short n sweet series
George Weasley x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: random oc, kinda suggestive
Summary: It must be a coincidence that George’s ex is showing up wherever you and George go
posted: Dec. 11, 2024
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The second I put my head on your chest
She knew, she's got a real sixth sense
Lucy was George’s ex from like a few months ago. And he moved on and started dating you. When you were in the dining hall with George and Fred and all their friends including Lucy, you put your head on his chest and Lucy’s eyebrows raised.
It was like she had a six sense.
And without her even bein' here, she's back in your life
A few weeks later you noticed that Lucy came up in a lot of conversations when you were with George. She’s not even here and she’s back in his life.
This cannot be a coincidence.
What a coincidence
It happened again. Lucy still showing up at random places. Like house parties, hangouts, even dates. You slowly starting to think George is telling her to show up.
It’s slowly starting to annoy you.
Last week, you didn't have any doubts
“Darling I’m not doubting anything.” George said trying to convince you that the surprise appearances by Lucy. “George you don’t think it’s a little weird that she shows up everywhere? And she flirts with you all the time.”
He was continuing and continuing to tell you that it’s not a big deal.
This can’t just be a coincidence.
Tryin' to turn the past into the present tense, huh
You see that Lucy and George are talking and you didn’t think anything of it until she called him ‘GW’ which is the name she called him when they were dating. It’s like she’s trying to turn the past to the present tense.
Suckin' up to all of your mutual friends
And you lost all your common sense
You went over there to diffuse the conversation because you did not feel like talking to George about it again.
Then his friends and her friends came over and she was like sucking up to all of them as if she wants to use flattery.
There has to be something going on between them.
The way you told me the truth, minus seven percent
“Darling I promise nothing absolutely nothing is going on between me and Lucy. She’s just being nice i swear.” George said.
“George if I find out you’re lying-.” He cuts you off. “I’m not. Darling i swear.”
Now you believed the half truth she actually kissed him and he didn’t exactly pull away. But he thought you didn’t need to know that.
Damn it, she looks kinda like the girl you outgrew
Least that's what you said
“I outgrew her I swear.” At least that’s he said.
She looks like you. She dressed and did her makeup just like you. You were with George in the library just talking and hanging since you both have a free time. Perks of being in your seventh year. Then Lucy came in looking just like you.
“George look!” He looked saw her and didn’t see what’s wrong. ���What?”
“You don’t see it?! Who does she remind you of?”
“I mean she looks like you.”
After that Lucy noticed that George wasn’t paying attention she went back to her regular self.
But didn’t stop her from trying.
What a coincidence
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An: i fear im eating
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whowantslovergirl · 4 months ago
Sharpest Tool
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track four of the short n sweet series
JJ Maybank x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: kinda suggestive, cursing, jackson not being the best guy
Summary: If what you and JJ have is casual then you’re an idiot
posted: Dec. 6, 2024
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I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed
We had sex, I met your best friends
Now you wouldn’t call JJ dumb but he’s definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.
You guys had sex last month and you met his friends then he acted like nothing even happened.
I don't hear a word 'til your guilt creeps in
On a Tuesday, send a soft "Hey"
As if you really don't recall the time
It was Tuesday morning and you get a text from JJ.
JJ <3
Why did he act like nothing happened?
We were going right, then you took a left
Left me with a lot of shit to second guess
Guess I'll waste another year on wondering if
If that was casual, then I'm an idiot
After that little hiccup there was another problem. Before the particular problem you and JJ were actually going right but it felt like he took a left.
You were at the chateau with all of JJ’s friends and you see that he’s getting very comfortable with this girl named Kie. Which made you second guess yourself.
He tells you he loves you then flirts with another girl right in front of you?
If that’s casual then you’re an idiot.
I'm looking for an answer in between the lines
Lying to yourself if you think we're fine
You're confused and I'm upset
But we never talk about it
“I just don’t understand JJ!” You two were arguing because of his flirting with Kie.
“I don’t understand why you’re so pressed we’re fine we’re in a good place and you wanna ruin that!”
“Is that what you’re telling yourself Jay?”
‘I’m confused!’ Which is what you wanted to say but you didn’t talk about it.
‘Well I’m upset!’ Which is what Jay wanted to say but he didn’t talk about it.
All of this would’ve been resolved if you tow just talked about it.
All the silence just makes it worse, really
'Cause it leaves you so top of mind for me
All the silence is just your strategy
After the argument you both just stayed silent when this time could’ve been used to talk it out. The silent was suffocating and the only way to breathe is to talk but it’s just silent.
You feel like it’s a tactic that JJ uses to get you to open up with him but he never does the same.
Always made sure that the phone was face down
Seems like overnight, I'm just the bitch you hate now
We never talk it through
How you guilt-tripped me to open up to you
You and JJ were watching a movie and his phone vibrated he checked it then put it down, face down.
You feel like overnight he just hates you. You do start 90% of the arguments. If you were him you would hate you too.
“It just feels like I’m doing something wrong because you don’t talk.” Here he goes again. Guilt tripping you to open up to him.
“You don’t either Jay.”
“Yea but you know why I got a lotta shit on my mind but you don’t.”
Not true but you fell it for it anyway.
We were going right, then you took a left
Left me with a lot of shit to second guess
Guess I'll waste another year on wondering if
If that was casual, then I'm an idiot
It happened again.
Even when you and JJ had problems you were still surprisedly doing right until he took a left again.
There’s no way that what you have with JJ is casual.
I'm looking for an answer in between the lines
Lying to yourself if you think we're fine
You're confused and I'm upset
But we never talk about it
“JJ can we talk?” He nodded.
“What is this?”
You should’ve never open your mouth.
“Don’t ask me dumb ass questions Y/n!” You just sighed frustratedly. “I just want to know do you think what we have is casual?! You’re confused and I’m upset but we never talk about it JJ!”
We don't talk about it, we don't talk about it
You and JJ are slowly dying out. Argument after argument takes a lot out of someone. Again it can all be solved if you just talked if both of you just talked.
Seems like overnight, I'm just the bitch you hate now
We never talk it through
JJ and Y/n are finally done. It seems like overnight you’re just a bitch he hates now. You will always love JJ and that’s the sad part.
We should’ve talked it through.
We don't talk about it
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An: it’s finally done omg 🫡🙂‍↕️ but dw guys it’s finally the weekend so ima lock in
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whowantslovergirl · 4 months ago
Good Graces
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track three of the short n sweet series
Nate Jacobs x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing, nate, y/n being a bad bitch fr
Summary: If Nate wants to stay with you he has to stay in your good graces
posted: Nov. 20, 2024
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I won't give a fuck about you
You were after Maddy and Cassie and you were nothing like Nate ever experienced. It’s not like Maddy didn’t have self respect but she still went back to him. But you, you are different. All the shit that slide with Maddy you would never let that slide.
One time you told him straight up if he mess up again you won’t give a fuck about him anymore.
But something about your confidence he was so intrigued with.
When I love you, I'm sweet like an angel
Drawin' hearts 'round our names and dreamin' of
Writing vows, rocking cradles
You and Nate have been dating for five months and you’re already in love. In every class you’ve been drawing hearts around your names.
After school you’re dreaming about vows that you would say to him and he would say to you.
Even babies crossed your mind.
Then when you were going to meet him before you guys walk to class together and you see him making this other girl laugh. He sees you and walk up to you with a smile on his face.
“Nate who was that girl?”
“Just a girl in my class.”
“I’m really trying to spare you so don’t mistake my nice for naive okay?” He nodded and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walk you to class.
I don't waste a second, I know lots of guys
You do something suspect, as cute as "bye-bye"
Yesterday Nate said bye bye and later that night the same girl who he was making laugh posted a video of her in his truck.
He really thinks you’re an idiot.
The next day you blocked him and are now talking to another guy and he’s making you laugh.
You don’t really waste a second when it comes to moving on. You know lots of guys who are just waiting for you to text them.
Like, ooh, baby, you say you really like it being mine
So let me give you some advice
Nate was in your house begging you to forgive him.
“I really like it being yours and I didn’t know she was going to do that. I’m so sorry please forgive me. And nothing happened she tried but I really was just talking her home.”
You ended up forgiving him. What can you say?
He has a good tongue.
Boy, it's not that complicated
You should stay in my good graces
Or I'll switch it up like that, so fast
'Cause no one's more amazing at turning loving into hatred
After he was done you pulled him up by his hair. “This does not mean I forgive you. If you want to be mine or whatever you have to stay in my good graces.”
He doesn’t know how fast you can turn loving into hatred.
(I won't give a fuck about you)
I'll tell the world you finish your chores prematurely
“Yea he only lasts like ten seconds.” Nate fucked up again so you’re telling everyone he finishes early.
You told him not to fuck up so that’s his fault. Not yours.
Break my heart, and I swear I'm movin' on
Nate heard about the stuff you were saying and went to confront you but you were making out with another guy by his locker.
He has no idea how you moved on that fast.
Want you every second, don't need other guys
You do something sus', kiss my cute ass bye-ye-ye
You got back with Nate because other guys were boring.
You were getting ready for a date when Nate texted you.
Nate <3
something came up sorry
kiss my ass
Boy, it's not that complicated
You should stay in my good graces
Or I'll switch it up like that, so fast
'Cause no one's more amazing at turning loving into hatred
When you told Nate to kiss your ass you were going to apologize but that was before you saw him with another girl that night.
So now you officially don’t give a fuck about this or him.
No, I won't, I won't give a fuck about you
He kept trying to make big gestures so you can forgive him but like you told him before you won’t give a fuck about him.
He didn’t actually believe that.
He never dealt with someone like you before.
No, I won't, I won't give a fuck about you
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An: im on my grind yall
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whowantslovergirl · 4 months ago
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track one of the short n sweet series 💋
John B x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: none <3
Summary: Even if Sarah took your place your taste is still on John B’s lips
posted: Nov. 19, 2024
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Oh, I leave quite an impression
Before Sarah Cameron there was you. You and John B been together for about three years on and off but that was before he went on that boat ride with Sarah and cheated but that’s another story for another day.
When Sarah find out that you were his ex she instantly became insecure. You and John B were always off and on but in like the least toxic way possible.
And to make it worse
You were his first everything.
You're wonderin' why half his clothes went missin'
My body's where they're at
“Hey John B where’s that yellow shirt you had?” Sarah said looking through John B’s closet.
“Um I don’t know I hadn’t seen it in a while.”
He knew exactly where it was and who was wearing it.
When the pogues were at the beach you were also there.
In John B’s yellow shirt.
“She has the shirt?!” Sarah asked John B. “Why didn’t you take your stuff back?!” John B can tell that Sarah was not happy. “I just didn’t I gave it to her Sarah I don’t know what you want me to say.”
You'll just have to taste me when he's kissin' you
Now you always wore this specific cherry scented tinted chapstick and it has a very distinctive taste.
So just imagine how mad Sarah was when she tasted cherries on John B’s lips.
“Since when do you wear chapstick John B?” Sarah said as she pulled away. John B frantically wiped his lips. “It was just something I ate not like anything bad.”
Sarah then had realization on her face.
“Is that Y/n’s chapstick?! She always wears that stupid cherry thing! Oh my gosh did you kiss her?!”
“What? No! Sarah I did not kiss her!”
He didn’t but your taste will always be there.
Just know you'll taste me too
He's funny, now all his jokes hit different
Guess who he learned that from?
Sarah was laughing at a joke that John B told her. He knew she liked corny jokes so he told her dad joke and she laughed.
What she didn’t know is that he learned that from you.
John B was laughing at a joke Y/n told him. She knew he liked corny jokes so she told him a dad joke and he laughed.
What she didn’t know is that he was going to tell the exact joke to another girl.
Every time you close your eyes
And feel his lips, you're feelin' mine
Sarah felt like you and John B were seeing each other behind her back. Every time she closes her eyes she sees you and John B and every time she feels his lips it feels like she’s feeling yours instead.
And every time you breathe his air
Just know I was already there
You personally knew John B would be coming back because him and Sarah remind you of you and him on and off in the least toxic way possible. Every time she breathes his air she knows you were already there.
You can have him if you like
I've been there, done that, once or twice
You were going to let her have him because you been there done that. Give or take.
Yeah, I know I've been known to share
You knew you were sharing him all your relationship even before Sarah was in the picture. It always been like that.
If you want forever, I bet you do
Just know you'll taste me too
Taste me too
No matter how long Sarah and John B last she knows that she will always have to taste your cherry chapstick.
You'll just have to taste me when he's kissin' you
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whowantslovergirl · 4 months ago
Short n Sweet 💋
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this is inspired by @princessbrunette so thanks for this idea and those stories were AMAZING
This is a variety of fics that are inspired by the short n sweet album by Sabrina Carpenter please enjoy my lovers 🤍
Taste 💋
you’ll just have to taste me when he’s kissing you
Please Please Please 💋
don’t bring me to tears when i just did my makeup so nice
Good Graces 💋
kiss my cute ass bye ye-ye!
Sharpest Tool 💋
im confused and you’re upset but we never talked about it
Coincidence 💋
tryin to turn the past to present tense
Bed Chem 💋
how you talk so sweet when you’re doing bad things
Espresso 💋
that’s that me espresso
Dumb and Poetic 💋
it’s just what i fall for i like the aesthetic
Slim Pickins 💋
and since the lord forgot my gay awakening
Juno 💋
have you ever tried this one?
Lie to Girls 💋
don’t swear on your mom that’s it’s the first drink you had in like a month
Don’t Smile 💋
it’s fallin faster than the way you love to shut me down
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whowantslovergirl · 4 months ago
Second fic to 1,000 notes! Thank you to everyone who liked, commented and reblogged 💋💋💋
hey! can i req a spencer reid dating someone that’s like ,,, taylor swift level of famous? and like maybe the team teases him whenever a romantic song that’s clearly ab him plays?
An: YESYESYES ima use Taylor swift songs and I don’t really listen to her so bare with me guys 😍 all for you my lover 🤍 and please bare with me I’m going to write the teams dynamic as best as possible and I took notes on how to write Spencer the way matthew gray gubler is my husband he just doesn’t know it yet 💋
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Dr.Spencer Reid x famous af! reader ( reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: some cursing, fluff af, and i think that’s it hope you enjoy my lovers 💖 criminal minds masterlist
Summary: The team finding out about Spencer’s kinda famous girlfriend
posted: April 6,2023
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When Spencer woke up this morning he knew that he was going to have a great day. The team had no cases. He talked to you last night to compliment your new song. And he found out that you’re coming over later tonight.
The day couldn’t be better.
Until he actually went to work.
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eyes
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
‘Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style
He heard your song blasting through the BAU. He saw Penelope singing and dancing.
He never been more confused in his life.
“Hey pretty boy!” Derek yelled since he can’t hear himself think.
“Hey Morgan! What’s going on?!”
“Garcia and her fascination with Y/N L/N!” The music paused.
“I just want it to be known that Y/N L/N has blessed your ears with her angelic voice this morning.” She saw Spencer. “Hey Reid!”
“Hey Garcia.” She continued playing the song.
“What’s going on? It’s way to early for this.” Emily said walking in with her coffee.
“Babygirl’s favorite singer released her new single.”
Her eyes lit up.
“Oh! Replay it! I want to hear it!” And she did what she was told.
Long story short everyone heard and loved his girlfriend’s new song.
“Hey guys, is it just me or the lyrics sound like Spencer?” JJ said out of nowhere.
Everyone looked at him and agreed.
“Yeah I can see that.”
“You make a good point JJ.”
“It does make sense.” Derek said while inspecting him.
“What! No it doesn’t!”
It does.
“Oh come on Spencer! You got that long hair slicked back white t shirt. That is so you!”
“Just because I have long hair does not mean she is talking about me Penelope.”
‘Besides half of the song isn’t even true.’ He mumbled hoping they didn’t hear them.
But they did.
“What did you just say pretty boy.”
“Shit. Did I say that out loud?”
Penelope gasped. “You never curse unless your hiding something or you’re frustrated! And I’m pretty sure you are not frustrated right now Spencer.”
He didn’t know what to say.
“How would you know half the song isn’t true? You don’t even listen to modern music.” Emily said with a questioning tone.
“Unless you know the song is about you!” Penelope exclaimed.
“Come on! I would not be able to get with Y/N L/N! We are in different calibers. I am a profiler and she is a pop-star with a huge- no, massive fan base. It just would never work.” Everyone looked at him surprised.
“Are you dating Y/N L/N?” Hotch walked in.
“You ramble when you’re nervous a lot.” Emily said.
“And he’s getting sweaty.” Derek said with a questioning tone as well.
“Guys I am not dating N/N!”
Penelope gasped once again. “You said her nickname!”
He once again was speechless.
He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.
You were going to be so mad at him.
“That’s hilarious!” You said laughing over the phone.
“What! No it’s not N/N.” You rolled your eyes. “So how did your team of profilers find out?”
He told her everything. And she laughed even more.
“Y/N stop laughing!” He said while his face was heating up.
It was the next day and Spencer found out that you can’t come until next week. So of course his mood is a little down.
“Why the long face pretty boy.” Derek continues. “Your N/N isn’t coming?” Spencer rolled his eyes. “I wouldn’t know because I’m not dating her.”
“Keep telling yourself that Spence.” JJ said and Emily laughed.
“Eek! Y/N is coming out with a new album!” Penelope exclaimed while walking in. “My whole life is complete. I have no more reason of living after such extraordinary news.” Everyone just laughed at her.
“ We should go out together. I need to express my gratitude for this album.”
Everyone just agreed, even Spencer.
He really missed you but at least he has his friends.
He wasn’t ready for tomorrow.
Everyone came in work at the same time and saw someone at Spencer’s desk.
“Who is that?” Penelope asked.
The person in the chair turned around and Spencer’s face lit up.
“Hey guys.” You say waving not noticing Spencer yet.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! That’s Y/N L/N! She’s here!” Penelope said hitting Morgan excitedly.
“Oh my god it is.” He said surprised.
“Have you guys seen Spencer?”
“Y/N” Spencer said surprised as well.
“Spencer!” You said running up to him and jumping into his arms.
The whole team just looked at you guys with shock in their faces.
You guys are totally oblivious at the looks that are being given.
“I thought you weren’t coming until next week.”
“It was obviously a surprise Spence now shut up and kiss me baby!” You say smiling.
You press his lips onto his and he melts in the kiss. Your hands went up to his hair and his hands rest on your hips. Hotch cleared his throat. You two broke apart.
You turn around and apologized and you saw Penelope shaking with excitement.
“You must be Penelope. I have some gifts for you.” You walked over to Spencer’s desk. “This is my new album on a disk and it even has some songs that didn’t make the cut.” You say winking. She was just staring in awe.
“And it’s also signed. I also have backstage passes to a tour that hasn’t been announced yet.” She squealed and you just laughed.
She looked at your boyfriend. “I’m never letting her go.”
Everyone laughed.
Spencer is not living this one down.
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An: AHHHHH I just want to apologize for not giving exactly want the request said this just took a mind of its own fr but I hoped you enjoyed until I post again my lovers 🤍
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whowantslovergirl · 5 months ago
ANYONE who voted for Trump or third-party unfollow me. I hope yall never find peace. Rot.
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whowantslovergirl · 7 months ago
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whowantslovergirl · 7 months ago
Please, Please, Please
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track two of the short n sweet series
Benedict Bridgerton x princess! reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing bc yk ms carpenter said a bad word 😔, Y/n knows allll abt Bennys rake behavior, not at all accurate, my best attempt at bridgerton dialogue and lady whistledown dialogue, hope you enjoy my lovers 🤍🤍, hopefully this makes sense 🧍‍��️
Summary: When the princess of France visits London to hopefully find a husband and meets Benedict Bridgerton she hopes he does not embarrass her
posted: Aug. 26, 2024
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Dearest gentle reader, it seems we have French royalty visiting us this week. King Adam and Queen Michelle and their two daughter's Y/n L/n and Liyah L/n. I have been told that that the king and queen are stepping down from the throne and their eldest daughter Y/n will be taking the crown.
And I heard she was quite a beauty. So eligible bachelors let's hope you know your manners. Put on your best garments because the princess intends to look for a husband.
And I'm not usually the nicest but good luck.... she's quite picky.
I know I have good judgment, I know I have good taste
It's funny and it's ironic that only I feel that way
You are on your way to Lady Bridgerton's ball that is a welcome to you and your family. You were reading a 'Lady Whistledown' and she called you picky.
"Liyah, do you think I'm picky when choosing a husband?"
"Yes!" Your whole family exclaimed.
" J'ai demandé à Liyah !" (I asked Liyah!)
"Mais chérie, tu es très exigeante quand il s'agit de garçons." (but sweetheart you are quite picky when it comes to boys) Your mother said. You just shook your head. "Its not my fault I want a certain type of man."
"Please tell us your basic type Y/n." Liyah said with a sarcastic tone.
"Tall with brown hair, dress nice, artistic. humorous, nice smile-."
"Et tu n'es pas difficile?" You're dad interrupted. Everyone laughed and you huffed and puffed.
I promise 'em that you're different and everyone makes mistakes
But just don't
You are at the ball, standing in the corner since your sister got asked to dance. As you were conversating with your mother Benedict came into the room slightly late. He saw you and immediately went to his sister.
"Eloise who's that girl over there?" He pointed to you and Eloise looked at him like he was stupid. "What?!"
"Thats the princess of France idiot! Lady Whistledown wrote about her. Shes looking for a husband since shes next in line for the throne."
"And she came here?" Eloise shrugged.
"Talk about her being picky. None of the men in France fit her standards which is why she is here brother." He just nodded and made his way to you. "Hello princess." He bowed in front of you.
"Oh no reason for formalities sir...."
"Benedict Bridgerton." He grabbed your hand to give it a kiss which made you giggle. Your sister widened her eyes you never giggled at a man's advances. You quickly put your hand over your mouth. "Sorry men in France never had such manners." He chuckled. "It's okay and this might be an idiotic question, but you can speak French?" You nodded.
"Yup but I only learned English not too long ago so please excuse me if I have improper grammar."
"Oh no your English is excellent since the ball is coming to an end I shall ask for a dance next time." "I'll be waiting sir Benedict Bridgerton." You both smiled each other until your father pulled you away.
"Au revoir Benoît!" You said while waving.
"Bye Y/n!"
"Father why did-."
"Je ne veux pas que tu sois près de cet homme." (I do not want you around that man." He said while pointing at you.
"Pourquoi pas?" (Why not?")
"C'est Benedict Bridgerton, il était un libertin avec un grand R et je ne sais pas ce que vous en pensez." (That is Benedict Bridgerton he used to be a capital R rake and I do not what you around that.) You rolled your eyes.
"Le mot clé était que tout le monde fait des erreurs et je sais qu'il est différent de ça et qu'il a changé." (Keyword used to be everyone makes mistakes and I know he is different than that and changed.)
Lets hope he changed.
Whatever devil's inside you, don't let him out tonight
I tell them it's just your culture and everyone rolls their eyes
Yeah, I know
All I'm asking, baby
After a few dances with Benedict you were starting to catch feelings as was he. But you can tell he didn’t change. Every time you are not with he’s with another girl and you wouldn’t know that if it weren’t for Lady Whistledown.
Dearest gentle reader,
It seems that Princess Y/n isn’t the only girl on Benedict Bridgerton’s mind. As he was out and about with other hungry girls waiting for marriage.
If I must say myself these girls don’t even compare to Y/n but poor Benedict cannot see that.
"Je te l'ai dit." (I told you) Your sister said. "Told me what exactly?"
"That he's no good." You roll your eyes.
"Just because he's entertaining other girls does not mean he's going to marry them. That's probably how they are in England." She rolled her eyes dramatically.
Please, please, please
Don't prove I'm right
And please, pleasе, please
Don't bring me to tеars when I just did my makeup so nice
You really hope that he doesn’t prove the naysayers right. You truly believe that he changed from his rake ways and is now a gentleman.
You hope he doesn’t make you cry after you did your makeup so nice for him.
Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another
I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker
Please, please, please
He better not embarrass you. You can’t go through this again. It was embarrassment after embarrassment and you will not let this motherfucker do that to you.
And we could live so happily if no one knows that you're with me
I'm just kidding, but really , really, really
Benedict led you to a hidden garden with his hand in yours intertwined. You two were giggling and trying not to get your clothes dirty. “Benedict where are you taking me?!”
“Just a little longer darling.”
This has been going on for a few months. No one knows that you two are together not married but together. There’s not really a name for it but you guys are very happy.
You guys got to the garden and he leaned in for a kiss
then you woke up.
Please, please, please
Don't prove I'm right
And please, please, please
Don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice
You did your makeup just the way Benedict likes it and you went to his place for a picnic.
“Sorry your majesty but Benedict is not here right now.” His brother Anthony said. “And why not?” Your tone indicates that you are very angry. He almost looks scared. “I don’t know princess-.”
“So he planned this and now he’s not even here?!” You stormed off with tears threatening to fall.
How dare he embarrass you when you did your makeup so nice for him. Now you’re here, crying, ruining your makeup.
Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another
I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker
Please, please, please
You were walking around the market getting sweets for yourself and the family when Benedict comes rushing towards you. You rolled your eyes at the sight of him. “Listen Y/n-.”
“Princess L/n to you.”
“Well Princess L/n I would like to apologize for not showing up to the picnic but I really wanted to be there.”
“But you were too busy being a rake at a gentlemen’s club right?” He was going to ask how you know about that. “Lady Whistledown sent me a little note about your behavior and why you wasn’t present when you planned the picnic.” You were going to leave then turned back around to get close to him. “If you wanna go and be stupid. Don't do it in front of me.”
It wasn’t about the picnic it was about him planning the picnic then doing god knows what knowing he had a previous engagement with you.
Don't make me hate you prolifically
Please, please, please
After you saw how Benedict acts you just didn’t want that. You left for Paris and he send you letter after letter but you didn’t answer any. You just didn’t want him to make you hate him but so far he’s doing a pretty good job.
This is what you get.
Please, please, please
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An: there is so many typos in this going to fix tht ASAP but girl im in school so updates are going to be VERYYYY slow but hoped you enjoy my lovers 🤍🤍
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whowantslovergirl · 8 months ago
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Can’t let my girlies down fr
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whowantslovergirl · 8 months ago
Girl, honest question: whys there no Kev Ball x f!Reader out there?? Did i miss something?? 😞😞
girl idk but if you have ideas i can def do one 🤷‍♀️
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whowantslovergirl · 8 months ago
please know what breast cancer feels and looks like this could save your life or someone else’s
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How to spot signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer 
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whowantslovergirl · 8 months ago
Female Dr. Reid
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Spencer Reid x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: pen being the cutest matchmaker, spencer has ptsd when it comes to dating, reader has a dr title, post prison spencer (he’s 37 in this), just cute shit 😍 criminal minds masterlist
Summary: When Penelope met Y/n in a coffeehouse and saw how similar her and Spencer were she just had to set them up
posted: July 29, 2024
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Penelope was on her way to work when she stopped at the local coffeehouse. She was in line when she saw you waiting for your drink she made a mental note to compliment your shoes. They were dark red pumps and she always wanted a pair.
She came over to wait for her drink and she was by you. “I love your pumps.” You look at her. “Oh thank you. I love your outfit.”
“Thank you. I’m Penelope.” She held her hand out for you to shake. You shook your head. “Oh I don’t shake hands, there is so many germs in shaking hands and fun fact it’s actually safer to kiss.” Her jaw dropped. “Oh my god! My co worker is just like that. He has this whole thing with germs and he always says that same exact fact.” She saw your tag for the college down the street from the BAU. “What do you teach?”
“Oh criminology and forensic psychology.”
“Wow I actually work with profilers.” You looked shocked. “Oh my gosh that’s so cool!” You guys talked and talked and she found out that you have three PhDs and the same exact interests.
“My co worker also has three! You guys are just alike. And one more question you look a little young to be a professor how old are you?”
You smiled. “I’m 37 and I started young I graduated high school at 12 and finished college at 16 and all the other stuff when I was 24.” Penelope was shocked at how similar you guys are. She’s big on soulmates and she thinks she just found Spencer’s.
“Oh that’s me bye Penelope here’s my card it’s my phone number so just send a text.” You smiled at her and got your coffee and left.
“Where’s Spencer?!” Derek looked at the blonde woman shaking with excitement. “Why do you need Spencer?”
“I just met his soulmate!” As she was saying this Spencer came in. “What?” She turned around. “Spencer I just met your soulmate. You have to meet her! She has three phds, loves doctor who, same age and she teaches what we do!”
“Pen you know I’m not dating anymore.” He said while walking away to get his coffee. After Maeve and Cat he can’t fall in love without something going wrong. Pen was hot on his trail. “But you would love her! And she likes her coffee the same exact way! I know I tried it and almost went into a diabetic coma.” Spencer turned around.
“I’m not interested..”
“Hey Y/n!” You and Pen were waiting for their coffees after a few conversations they considered each other friends. “Hey Pen!”
“I tried to set you up with my co worker but-.”
“What?! Pen I’m not looking for anyone right now.” Penelope nodded. “But you would love him! He is exactly your type.”
“Pen I’m not interested.”
After Pen left with her coffee. You noticed she dropped her id for the FBI. You picked it up and followed her trail. You got a visitor pass and went into the BAU. You saw an attractive tall brunette hair man. “Um hi do you know where Penelope is? She left her id.” Spencer saw you and everything around him stopped. You were absolutely gorgeous even though he had no idea who you were it didn’t matter because you are breathtaking.
“Yea she’s down the hall to the right.” You nodded and went to the room and knocked. “Come in to the dungeon my dear!” You came in. “Hey Pen you left your id.”
“Oh my thank you! I didn’t notice they just let me in. So don’t you have a class?” You shook your head. “It’s an afternoon class and I already planned for it.” You shrugged. “But you have a very attractive co worker.” Her eyes widened. “Which one they are all very attractive.”
“He’s tall, had long brown hair, facial hair, and brown eyes.” She squealed which made you jump. “That’s Spencer! I told you he’s your type!”
“That was Spencer?! I was not at all expecting him to look like that.” She grabbed your hands.
“Oh Y/n pleaseeee let me set you up. I promise you will love him. And he will love you.” After much convincing you nodded and Penelope cried with delight. “You guys are going to have attractive and smart children. Oh my god! Name one of them Penelope. He wants four kids anyway!”
What did you get yourself into?
As you were in Penelope’s office, Spencer was talking to Derek about Penelope’s friend. “She was beautiful! And she works at the college down the street because I saw her id. Y/n L/n even her name is beautiful-.” As he was ranting you came out to go to work. “Well bye everyone it was nice meeting you.” You noticed Derek. “Oh hi I’m Y/n.”
“Derek.” He held his hand out to shake. “Oh I don’t shake hands because of all the germs you know it’s actually safer to kiss.” Derek’s eyebrows raised. “Wow Spence you say the same thing!” You just smile. “Well I have to go to work.”
“Um what do you teach? I saw your id.” Spencer asked. “Criminology and forensic psychology.” His eyes widened.
“So you teach what we do.” He smiled. “Yea I guess I do.” You smile back.
“So professor L/n.” Derek added.
“Dr. L/n actually.” You corrected him. Spencer eyes widened even more. “You have a phd?”
“Three actually.” Derek smiled. “Spence also has three.”
“Yea Penelope told me when we first met.”
Then it came to him you are the person Penelope wanted to set him up with. You checked your watch. “I really have to go.”
“Yea I’ll walk you out.” Spencer said while rushing to your side. After you left Spencer darted to Penelope’s office.
“Pen! Was that the girl you want to set me up with?!”
“Yea why?”
“I’m free on Saturday so can you text her that please?” Penelope never been happier. “Yes of course!”
Her plan worked. She purposely left her id so Y/n can get and bring it. And it worked!
Soon Dr. L/n will become Dr. Reid.
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whowantslovergirl · 8 months ago
Can you write an imagine for John b based on the song golden hour by jvke?
An: YES I CANNNNNN you ask and you shall receive 💋🤍
Golden hour
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John b x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: literally nothing just cute fluffy shit outer banks masterlist
Summary: John B and Y/n being completely head over heels for each other
posted: July 28, 2024
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It was just two lovers
Sittin' in the car, listening to Blonde
Fallin' for each other
Y/n and John B were sitting in the Twinkie playing with each other’s hands just listen to the blonde album. It was the same album that was playing when they got together and had their first kiss so it always had a special place in their hearts.
“You know I love you right?” He said while looking at Y/n. “Yea I’m really in love with you Johnny.” She said while laughing.
I was all alone with the love of my life
She's got glitter for skin
Y/n was dancing with Kie smiling and laughing at the chateau. John B was admiring her. This might sound weird but John B always loved her skin. It was just so beautiful and she was always glowing. Everything about her was just perfect. She is the love of his life.
I don't need no light to see you
It's your golden hour
You slow down time
In your golden hour
“You’re so bright.” She looked at him with a confused look. “What are you saying John?”
“You just shine like I don’t know it’s like I don’t need a light to see you.”
She laughed and shook her head. “Stop being corny you know I don’t like compliments.” He just kissed her on the cheek. “Never Y/n.”
We were just two lovers
Feet up on the dash, drivin' nowhere fast
Burnin' through the summer
Radio on blast, make the moment last
Minutes feel like hours
Y/n and John were driving around. Playing with each other’s hands like they always do. Y/n’s feet are on the dash, the windows were down, and the radio was on blast so whole neighborhood can hear every single melody. It’s only been minutes but time slows down when John B and Y/n are together.
Minutes feel like hours.
Fallin' like I did?
For the love of my life
She's got glow on her face
A glorious look in her eyes
Like always John B was admiring Y/n. Even though they have been dating for years, John B will always be completely smitten for Y/n.
My angel of light
I was all alone with the love of my life
She's got glitter for skin
My radiant beam in the night
Y/n and John B were cuddling on his bed it was around midnight and they were talking and giggling to each other for almost no reason at all. “You know you have glitter for skin Y/n?”
“Why do you always say weird stuff like that.”
“Because the weird stuff is true.” She laughed which caused him to laugh.
“I love you John.”
“I love you too Y/n.”
I don't need no light to see you
It's your golden hour
You slow down time
In your golden hour
Y/n was John B’s light. His day in the night. His fire in the fog. His golden hour.
And he will forever cherish her.
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An: hope this was everything you wanted until next time lovers 🤍
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