#i feel like stella's is more of a headcanon
mcsm-r0ckz · 17 days
I love characters who act full of themselves at times but are really insecure
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vikkirosko · 8 months
hello, I would like a scenario where stolas, fizz and striker with a s/o who covers him with lipstick kisses and then gives him a shy smile
Headcanons Lipstick marks
🦉 Stolas x Reader 🎩
For a long time, you and Stolas haven't had many opportunities to spend time together. However, after he divorced Stella, you had a lot more time that you could spend together and you both tried to make up for the lost time that you could spend together
Quite often, when you were alone, you kissed. He gently hugged you around the waist, and you stroked his cheeks with your palms while you kissed. And on a quiet day that you planned to spend together, you came to his office, but before he could say anything, you kissed him. You kissed his face, and when you pulled away, he saw a shy smile on your lips
You ran away from his office, and Stolas didn't quite realize what it was until he saw his reflection in the window. There were lipstick marks on his face that you left. Now the reason for your innocent smile and the fact that you left so quickly was obvious. This caused him to laugh softly and a warmth in his chest
Stolas came to you quickly, not hiding his own smile and pulling you in for another kiss. The marks of your kisses excited him and he would like to give you as many kisses as you gave him
🐍 Striker x Reader 👢
Striker was often in various places of Hell because of his work, but every time he had no "orders" he returned to you, to your small apartment where you were always glad to see him, where you helped treat his wounds. You have been in a relationship for a long time and Striker knew that he could always come to you, even if he was stained with someone else's blood
Due to the fact that he was often absent, you tried to catch up. You spent a lot of time together, trying to stay in the house, because Striker had a lot of enemies. And he especially liked kissing you. He often kissed you when you were spending time together or when you were going about your business
In the morning, you periodically left to, for example, go to the store or do something for work, although you usually worked from home. And this morning Striker woke up to the feeling of a kiss on the cheek. He opened his eyes a little and saw you and your shy smile. You kissed him on the tip of his nose again and said you'd be back in a couple of hours and left. It was only when he got up and saw his reflection in the bathroom mirror that he understood the reason for your shy smile. There were a lot of lipstick marks on his face that you left before you left
Striker couldn't help but grin at the lipstick marks. When you returned, he managed to wash the lipstick off his face, but that didn't mean he was going to ignore your kisses. He intended to return them to you with interest, especially now that you've returned home
🎪 Fizzarolli x Reader 💟
Fizzarolli loved spending time with you and loved kissing you. His feelings for you were strong and he wasn't shy about showing them to you, to which you responded in kind. You showed your feelings for each other regardless of whether you were alone or in a public place
It's enough when Fizz applied his makeup, he could smear your face with his makeup, laughing and smiling. You also laughed, joking that now you can go on stage together, but one day you decided to respond to him in the same way that he usually did, but for Fizzarolli it was still a surprise
When he washed off his makeup, you hugged him from behind and started kissing his cheeks. Fizzarolli laughed, turning to you and pulling you in for a kiss. You were kissing, and when you pulled away, he saw a shy smile on your face. It was a little unusual, so Fizz looked at his reflection and laughed when he saw the lipstick marks of your lips on his face
Fizzarolli liked to see the marks you left on his skin and he took advantage of the opportunities to leave similar marks on your skin. It seemed to bring you closer together, and although you didn't leave similar marks on each other's faces when you had to go somewhere, it didn't mean that you erased them on other parts of your bodies
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flower-boi16 · 25 days
Whenever I point out how the narritive of HB is constantly overly woobifying Stolas and how Stella is so poorly written to be a pure evil-for-no-reason angry bitch to victimize Stolas,there's always someone saying ”You just cant accept that women can be abusive too! You're a toxic Stella stan aren't you? You just can't see the good in Stolas! You are making things up just for the hate!"
But actually I don't like Stella at all, I just feel sorry for her wasted potential and the injustice of her being used as a punching bag by viv and insane stolas fans.*deep sigh*
It's funny that Viv fans say that critics are making things up about the shows when, really, their the ones making things up about them. I talked about this before but - the fandom seems to a have a thing for actively trying to come up with headcanons to try and explain or excuse the show's many writting issues.
I've talked about examples before but I ended up finding another one - there was this one user on @arteicetb's video on the full moon who frequently replied on pretty much every popular comment on the video, and their comments were of them defending the writting of Stolas and Stolitz in not just the episode but the whole show.
The user made some insaine points but the ones I want to focus on is their point about Stolas' sudden transition of personality in Ozzie's and their take on the hallucianation sequence in Truth Seekers.
I'll first talk about the user's point about Stolas in Ozzie's. The user says that Stolas gradually became less and less lust driven over the course of Season 1 until Ozzie's, which fully shows his change. However, this isn't actually what happens within the show. Stolas NEVER underwent that gradual transition the user says he did, rather, he stayed the same throughout the whole season UNTIL Ozzie's where his personality underwent a sudden shift.
There was no "gradual transition" here, it was a sudden shift that was inconsistant with how the character was previously portayed.
Then there's the user's take on Blitz's hallucination in Truth Seekers, where the user says that sequence shows that Blitz has feelings for Stolas...even though it litteraly doesn't.
If you pay attention to the actual imagery of the hallucination - you'll see it blatantly shows Blitzo being CHAINED to Stolas - as in, that's how Blitz feels about the relationship, he feels like he's chained to Stolas and can't get out. The blush he makes in that scene looks more like a blush of embarassment rather than of any actual genuine affection.
The user is, essintially, making things up about what the story is presenting to the audience to make it sound smarter than it actually is - and so they can defend the show against critics despite there being clear things contridicting their intrepretations of the story.
People say we make things up to hate but they make things up about the show to defend, and that will never not be funny to me.
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
So a while back I saw some screenshots of Viv answering questions on her Patreon Discord (I'm guessing it was that, anyway), and apparently, Stella's original name was Sibella.
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And that got me thinking.
While Viv just liked the name for the Gentleman's Guide song, I noticed the name is derived from Sibyl from Greek myth and means "prophetess".
Imagine if they had leaned into that idea? Like Stella not only has a gift of prophecy, but also a degree of psychic knowledge? In Helluva's canon, there isn't really a grasp of how the grimoire works, but what if there was? What if Stolas didn't really have a drive to learn about it (hence him never teaching Octavia), but Stella did? And she ends up using a spell of sorts combined with their arranged marriage to have power over Stolas? So that even though Stolas is an Ars Goetia, who's incredibly powerful to most and has a full demon form, by the constraints of Stella using the grimoire's magic and studying it, he can't harm her, but she can harm him?
That route would actually make Stolas feeling threatened and caged by Stella make a lot more sense, give Stella more of a character, and give the grimoire more plot relevance and a solid understanding of how it works.
Sadly, in Viv's hands, she' isn't's a lot more one-dimensional and less likable as a villain. But if Viv had gone a route like that, she could have at least have some interesting elements to her even with Stolitz being mangled.
... You know what? Screw it. I'm taking my random AU headcanon for Stella and transposing it onto the Lady Macbeth character in my steampunk musical take on Macbeth. With a villain song inspired by this for good measure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XSTgVQzGEA
Leave it to Viv to hold yet another golden opportunity in her hands and squander it in every way imaginable.
Love your steampunk musical idea! As for me, I'm headcanoning Sibella as this gorgeous demon with psychic powers and a killer singing voice that Stella ultimately rides off into the sunset with.
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ash-asteroid · 11 months
Winx "Flower Princess" gowns redesign kinda.
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I say kinda because I struggle with dresses. And it's more practice for me. Man, I can't believe I was a winx kid that draws and can't design dresses. Probably a by-product of my "I'm not like other girl phases." Anyway gonna ramble about the designs a little.
I did the flower princess ones first because they are my least favorite gowns of the series. I think it's mainly the flowers, so I tone them down, having them being more like accents. Also forgot to design earings for most of them smh.
Bloom I had a lot of trouble. These dresses were used while they were "politicing," so I originally wanted to make Bloom look like her dress was from Domino. But I didn't like how it turned out, probably because Marion was my only reference for a dress (unless there's some background fairy in a dress from Domino. I'm too lazy to check.) So I went back to the general princess vibe instead for all of them. But if I were to redesign them again, I'd love to mix their homeworld's fashion with the typical fairytale princess look.
I have nothing really to say for Flora or Stella. But I wanted to change Flora's hair because I thought it was too casual. Wish I did something other then a bun looking back.
Skipping to Tecna for a second. I did base her dress off those "furtistic" dresses, which is just minimalism, really. And had to change Tecna's purple because if you grey scale the purple and green in the original design, it's pretty much to the same. I do like the color I chose, especially for the contrast, but I feel like it's a little too dark and messes with the vibe a little. Also gave her pants under her dress. I was just about to go on a tangent, but I'll just add it to the end.
Finally, for Musa and Aisha. Idk I felt like their hair didn't fit the vibe. I love them, but they didn't really go with the regal look, and more look like prom hairstyles. For Musa's dress, I wanted the front to be open and have her wear shorts. It just felt like a hint of masculine in a pretty feminine design. Aisha's dress really made me realize I need to look at more dresses because I was struggling with ideas. The rnd result is fine, but man, I need to work on more on gowns.
Anyway, heres me rambling about masculine Tecna. It has no real clear thought or direction and only losely ties to the redesign but whatever.
Hi to nobody, probably. If you are here you should tell me 👉👈. Anyway, I see Tecna and Musa as the most masculine. Musa is the most outloud about it, while you might not even notice how masculine Tecna is. Up until season 6, really. Tecna, for the most part, wore shorts or pants. Dress was saved for the gowns. Her skirts were usually pretty short, and something about them had masculine vibes. I can't quite explain it, but there is pretty simple I can almost think a few are shorts. Personally, I headcanon that Tecna doesn't care for dresses at all. Maybe if she has to, but that's it (maybe I'm projecting, idk. Granted irl, I'm not comfortable with dresses or skirts at all. So partial projecting.)
Basically, I think Tecna should wear suits instead of gowns. And Musa should wear something in between for that non binary energy.) But imagine a gender confused Musa going to her roomie Tecna for advice because Tecna is way more comfortable with leaning a lot more masculine.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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dragonfly0808 · 4 months
Can you do a Winx headcanon post about how Winx characters little siblings feel about their older siblings partner[I don't know if I phrased that right]
Example :Riven's little sister, Sherly's feelings towards Riven's relationship with Musa.
Kay here goes (I’ll also do Zila and Thyler though they’re older siblings)
Chimera hasn’t gotten a lot of chances to interact with Brandon one on one, but she thinks he’s cool and is low-key jealous of how much he protects and respects Stella and how he always is right at her side and hyping her up. She wants someone like that. She’s probably the only sibling to straight up be like, I want a relationship like that, when looking at her big sister
Brandon’s sisters all adore Stella and very much already see her as a sister, Brandon jokes they’d totally chose Stella over him anytime, they are very close. Brandon’s sisters all think the world of Stella and have learned a lot from her in terms of how to dress and hairstyles
Helia won over Mielle by making her magic origami and volunteering as a human step stool, Mielle loves being carried around. Mielle is still quite little so as soon as she saw how happy Helia made Flora and how he was a potential human jungle gym, she was like, yeah that’s enough for me
Shirley was hesitant of Musa at first, mostly due to past experiences and not being very used to trusting people to begin with (not to mention Riven’s past… lack of judgement) but she was slowly won over before they ever got together just by watching them together and realizing that Musa in some ways was just as guarded as Riven and that the two are really two birds of a feather and that they did each other good
Naten ADORED Timmy from the moment they met and has made it very much known that he will not accept anyone else as a brother-in-law (he totally requested relationship updates anytime he talked to Tecna in s1 and 2). Timmy takes Naten seriously when he gets curious about how Specialist weapons works and lets himself get bullied into joining in on lightning farming and from that moment Naten was like; Tecna you are marrying him
Zila thinks Timmy is the cutest and finds his crush on Tecna just very endearing, she totally has a soft spot for him and sees him as a little brother, she’s rooting for them just in a more subtle way than Naten, she always makes sure to compliment him cause she knows he doesn’t always get the praise he deserves
Thyler doesn’t really have a relationship with Tecna at all. He absolutely did not get at all what Timmy saw in her at first and just thought she was weird and that she didn’t reciprocate Timmy’s feelings. He probably tried to dissuade Timmy from his feelings in s1 and the start of s2 cause he didn’t want his brother to end up heartbroken. But, after watching them and having Tecna join them for a few family dinners, he sees that the crush is actually reciprocated and eventually his mindset changes into a; yeah she’s weird, but my bro is weird too, if being weird together will make them happy then go for it. Their relationship is more like- causal and teasing than anything, but he approves and even encourages it now, especially after seeing just how much Timmy loves her in s3, he was turned into a full supporter, even if he doesn’t always get their relationship
^picture the Bridgertons watching Francesca and John in s3, that’s Timmy’s family watching those two. Their neurotypical asses don’t get it but they’re supportive (at least post-Omega debacle)
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Prior Anon again.
Viv admitted that she didn't have any real plan for HB and that she changed Stolas' character in one of those Live Q & A panels.
The whole not having a plan for HB was in I believe 2 tweets, where she didn't know how long she planned for HB to go on and that she only had some rough outlines.
Put that all together and with how Stolas really seems so different compared to S1 to S2, among other things....yeah it's all just winging it.
There was nothing ever to suggest in S1 it was arranged, in fact as the song implies it really wasn't. The only thing people latch onto in that it was 'arranged' is when Stolas is trying to explain to Via the situation.
....But this is not realizing that these were all incomplete statements and even if they were? That doesn't nessecarily mean it was an arranged marriage, because you know....parents can fall out of love, parents can later on realize that they never really loved eachother etc.
Which you know, fits with what S1 was seeming to hint at in dialogue and song within EP 2?
Or they just assume because they are Royals so they MUST be arranged marriage...which again isn't an argument.
Just because they are Royals, doesn't mean it has to be arranged. Was it a thing? Yeah it was, but we aren't in this show, in this setting....given any reason that it's a thing. Them being Royalty isn't enough evidence. It was usually due to land, money or what have you, status and so forth. A mutual benefit of sorts between Families.
....But Stolas already has everything, he has the house, he has the servants, he has the power both figuratively and literally, he has the money. Nothing in S1(other than....her phone) is Stella's, she doesn't have claim to anything or have anything property wise. Stella doesn't even have any innate powers from what we see, if anything S1 comes across as making Stella not giving anything of value to him.
In fact given the implication of Stolas being extremely old in S1, this means he's an immortal which we know is still true, he's still an immortal. He has all the time in forever to gain his own land, to gain his own money and status. He's not going to die from old age.
The only thing of value between them is Octavia, but she's not an indication of an Arranged Marriage in S1 either, it's just as likely that they could have had her without all that nonsense. Which again fits with...
"I used to think that I was bold. I used to think love would be fun."
Why call him a cheating prick Stella? You weren't hurt by anything right? Why'd you use these specific words Stella, hrmm? You don't like him right, why does this whole thing piss you off if you like to torment him?
Why did Bryce say "She has a lot of pain inside of her" (Insta Reel with him and co-star, but unfortunately deleted)
Why did Georgina like a tweet saying she was heartbroken and doesn't think clearly?
Baffling really, when S2 tells us the complete opposite of...all this stuff.
They don't lean into the Arranged Marriage thing until S2 rolls around, which thus starts making S1 look a little weird as a whole as the episodes go on.
S1 at least from where I'm sitting, was written in such a way that...many fan theories cropped up and honestly that's where I feel things took a wrong turn.
I feel as if Viv, took a lot of the more popular fan theories and just made them Canon, so writing wouldn't have to be such a chore. So she's using fans to basically write things for her show, that she can't be bothered to actually write out other avenues to the story. She'll just pick something that is popular or something she likes and that's that.
So then fans could say "AH HA! SEE WHAT DID I TELL YOU!"
So their headcanons/fan theories can be fine, but others can't if they don't conform to what many others are saying?
Now I'm not saying writers can't take things from fans and made stuff Canon, but doing so constantly? Or writing in such a way, where you could then just 'farm' for ideas later on?
It just seems then like there isn't real creativity there. Especially when taking such ideas in the first place, but then it kinda ruins what story was already being told.
Anyway this is getting very long winded, so apologies.
No genuinely I appreciate the long windedness, I really do, because these are all valid points.
"That doesn't necessarily mean it was an arranged marriage, because you know....parents can fall out of love, parents can later on realize that they never really loved each other etc. Which you know, fits with what S1 was seeming to hint at in dialogue and song within EP 2?" You're right. This is one of those retcons where I took them at their word but you're right - the arranged marriage is a retcon. And that makes sense, because I always thought the way it operated was just bizarre. Why do royal Goetia women have 0 power/property rights and are things to be shoved into arranged marriages to make heirs when the rest of hell's society does not seem to work that way at all? It seems to mostly just be about power as in physical abilities, combined with wealth. There are plenty of female overlords and Beel's female, and the sins have massive power, being above overlords and goetias. When they revealed that the house was all Stolas' and that Stella owns nothing it always felt just extremely bizzare given the rest of the show and its women? It seems to operate mostly like an Earth society in 2024, aka women have rights even if misogynist attitudes are still a thing. Why would the Goetia women have less rights than all other women in hell and why are they still able to force arranged marriages on each other? I'm not saying that couldn't maybe be interesting, like the monarchy had exceptions written into law for themselves, but I would have liked to see that properly actually established. I'm so sick of this show's inconsistent lore and things not being shown properly. Stuff like the different rings each ruled by a different sin, those concepts are really fun and powerful. But they're so messily executed and no proper rules are really ever established, making it feel clunky and confusing. Lmao guess they wouldn't bother though since that would make it harder to go back on things all the time since they really do appear to be just winging it as they go and sweeping any "mistakes" that are no longer convenient under the rug.
Its ridiculous to me that they had no plan going into this show. I mean seriously, what a fucking joke? NOTHING? How can Viv say "Stolitz is the heart of this show" This shows heart is whatever is convenient that writing week and whatever fans gush over the most, don't lie. Unmake it the heart, because deciding thats what this shows about on the fly has been an absolute disaster, dear God. You are right about leaning too much into fan theories and appeasing fans etc... thats part of how we got into the Stolitz mess, because people liked it so much. But leaning into solely what FANDOM likes, given that fandom regularly ships anything and everything (which isn't bad however the point of fandom is to be creative not to make a coherent show) it leads to characters lore etc becoming muddied as dozens of people input different ideas that don't work coherently with each other and other plans you as the creator have etc. Imo creators should avoid theory content and stick to supporting fanartists, song makers etc only, and minimally too. In general I feel like staying a healthy distance away from fandom is best, especially as your show is ongoing, for a multitude of reasons tbh but that would be veering off topic.
Anyway, thanks for making me realize all this, seriously. Most other retcons I spotted, but this is one I didn't spot for being what it is.
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goggles-mcgee · 4 months
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I have a Winx Side Blog now if those who are interested wanna follow there too! It's @feelsl1kemagic
Here's Stella! I know I said she'd be up yesterday but it was a looooong day at work.
Design wise, I stuck to the colors of her main outfit but did add a lot more jewelry as it ties in to Solarian culture, and it is part of her power drawbacks. In total, she has five piercings, two in each ear and a nose ring only on the left side. Her earrings are of the Sun, Moon, and Stars and are an heirloom, much like the ring of Solaria. They represent the union of Solaria and Lunmōna as King Radius and Queen Luna are not the first marriage between the two kingdoms. It is tradition to give the firstborn daughter the jewelry when she leaves home.
Stella was given the set when she left to go to Alfea the first time, but her ears were pierced when she was 7. Her nose ring is also part of tradition it symbolizes her move from child to woman, and she got it when she was 16. She, of course, wears the Ring of Solaria as she is its guardian. Her necklace holds a piece of starlight that is supposed to help her in case she is anywhere without light, be it from the sun, moon, or stars, as without any kind of light, she feels weak and can fall ill. The anklet she wears actually helps regulate her gravity if she's not in Solaria or Lunmōna. Without it, if she may just float a bit or a lot or even just crumple to the ground due to the anklet regulating her gravity and gravitational pull. Without it, she could attract anything not secured, and it varies, so it could be small things like rocks or dropped pens and such. Other times, it could be cars or even people.
Her transformation, as you may have noticed, has two different versions! She has a Solar and Lunar transformation due to her power and because of her situation in Solaria. Her having the two transformations is because of her father and mother fighting, in her subconscious she can't help but view her powers as separate things thus she has two. When it is daytime she will transform into her Solar version and when it's nighttime she will transform into her Lunar version. This stops when she comes to terms with her parents divorce and stops viewing her powers as opposites.
• Her hair changes from its golden color to a more platinum blonde on a cycle as it reflects the moon cycle.
• She is very big on Astrology.
• She still has her old dolls since they were her first models for her fashion designs.
• Her full name is Stella Celeste Solevega, after her parents divorce it becomes Stella Celeste Solevega-Aylandra
• She loves Earth reality TV...like a lot.
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raayllum · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons of callum being protective/considerate/thoughtful with rayla? I'm so in love with how gentle he was with her this season.
Callum planting flowers from the Silvergrove in the castle gardens as a surprise and then convincing her to take a 'moonlit' stroll with him one night once they're ready so he can show them off
It's non traditional but he knows the main reason she hates the water is because she always feels unsteady on her feet so he gets her a grip mat for the tub so she can feel more centered
Redoing her braid for her whenever it comes undone and stitching up little tears and frayed edges in her clothing/cloaks because he knows how to sew
On that note: getting her a new cloak because her old one is tattered and doing up the clasp for her / tugging her in close by the hood for nose and mouth kisses if he's not smiling too much
Him and Ezran collecting a whole bunch of things during the timeskip to save up to give to her so that the castle can feel like home
So many forehead kisses and just gentle hand squeezes. Three squeezes means "I love you" and he'll trace the words onto her back or side sometimes when they're just laying together
He definitely talked privately to Opeli (and probably the guards) after the 5x01 throne room debacle and gave them a piece of his mind / new protocol to follow when it comes to them being concerned about Rayla's actions (ficlet here)
For that matter: absolute death glares to anyone who gives her a hard time at the castle / any diplomatic function (and probably almost causes a political incident or two over it)
Him murmuring the sappy love poetry he's read in her ear even when she rolls he eyes and can't quite hide her smile, working up his nerve to write personal poems of his own for her
Little things he did this season like being the one to handle the reigns of their mount the bulk of the time as soon as they started sharing because he knows she's not a morning person and is a light sleeper, so she holds onto his middle and he lets her doze for most of the day whenever he can
Requesting mints at inns they stay in that don't have any already / using magic to carve the soap into little shapes if they aren't that way to begin with and leaving them, once again, as little surprises for her to discover
If/when Rayla wants or needs time away from Stella (sparring perhaps) the cuddlemonkey is almost always with Callum and he makes sure she's cared for too. She's fussy about getting brushed and hard to pin down thanks to the six hands, so he'll usually help get her sitting still while Rayla does the actual grooming
Him using cooling spells for her when it's hot on summer nights (like in 4x07) and heating his hands to lay on her tummy when she gets period cramps
Normally he'd never throw his weight around as a prince, but he absolutely will on her behalf, whether it's getting something she wants from a servant tea/food wise or making sure they are treated well / have a nice place to stay while travelling
"It's none of your concern--" "It very much is her concern, and watch your tone."
Giving her his scarf whenever it's cold, of course
Making sure she's not overworking her bad wrist and giving little massages to that and her ankles when she's been doing a lot of jumps/movements that day, especially as they get older
His sketchbook is equally hers (even if she uses it far less often of course) and there's a few pages near the back designated for her to leave notes or doodles or whatever she wants when she's bored and/or he's not using it (he's very proud of how her drawing has improved)
Getting heavy duty enchanted blinds from Lux Aurea for her room so it can keep the sun out so she can sleep in / can give her room more of a twilight light quality so it can remind her of the Silvergrove (if she wants)
There are some meetings he can't get out of as crown prince but they're long and boring so he does his best to convince Rayla to go and spend her afternoon doing something she wants. (She usually stays for at least the first half anyway to support him and Ez)
Drawing memories and stories she tells him about her family and then giving her the pages so she can hold onto / remember them
Rayla still having a hard time articulating how she's feeling sometimes and getting upset/angry/embarrassed when it comes out wrong, so he takes her hand and gets her to take a steadying breath and start over with a gentle "Try again. What are you meaning to say?" if she says something obtuse/that comes out wrong
Ofc taking care of her when she's sick no matter how disgruntled or snotty she gets and reading to her quietly/stroking her hair until she falls asleep
Taking her to his favourite places in the castle/kingdom/Pentarchy for dates and private times to hang out alone, insisting on carrying their picnic basket because he's a Prince, Rayla, and chivalry isn't dead
Callum working very hard to learn traditional Moonshadow elf (no matter how much she teases him for his pronunciation) so he can use it to propose to her
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deliriumbubbles · 3 months
After all the discourse about who was "more" wrong, It's exciting to see Apology Tour put the foot down and remind us that this is Blitzo's story. It's about how he changes and grows. It's not about just letting it go because we know he hates himself. You actually have to take steps toward improvement, and that's really fucking hard to do.
Are there psychiatrists in Hell? Cognative Behavioral Therapy?
So first off, anyone who was dying for Blitzo to be the one sending tons of text messages and coming back trying to talk to Stolas, congrats because he's definitely doing that. And annoying the crap out of Stolas and just hurting him more every time he talks to him because he keeps trying to make them revert their relationship BACK to "I'm just here as part of a transactional fucking." The big problem between them, that he can't believe that Stolas would like him even though Stolas has told him multiple times by now, remains because it's not something he can just hear once and get over.
Moreover, this is his story, so he's just going to say more hurtful things, but Stolas at least, this time, manages to use his own words (likely bc he's not triggered at that point and has some defenses up), and is able to tell Blitzo that his words are hurtful. Instead of magicking him out. Because Blitzo would just pop back over the wall.
So we get a brief, humorous montage of Blitzo going around and apologizing to everyone and not meaning it and he ends up at the Fuck Blitzo party and by degrees, and after Stolas singing a song that suggests that he still kind of blames himself for being foolish and thinking Blitzo cared, it does start to sink in and they talk a bit.
Interesting that this is the first time Blitzo has SEEN Stolas knocking it back because we the audience know he does this kinda regularly. Along with his own damn meds. Geez, these guys.
I also like that they didn't have to villainize Verosika in their conversation. She got hurt because it seems like their relationship was going pretty well until she let an ilu slip and that just sets Blitzo off because he can never believe that. It's like being compliment shy to a million degrees. And so he turned on her, he hurt her, on purpose, and she's angry because of what he did but also because he acts like it's her fault.
IS this party a monument to pettiness? Oh fuck yeah, it is. Maybe people should just learn to let go. I dont' think that's her entire career, but now whenever they're near each other, they both snipe at each other because she was hurt and doesn't feel like forgiving him when he's not sorry. But it was a good conversation between them. Blitzo hit another milestone, admitting out loud that he doesn't want to have to be like this forever. He does it deliberately, and it doesn't excuse it, but he's seeking change. He had to get here before moving forward.
So. Now he's had "a fucking minute" to process what Stolas said, has said, keeps on saying. He's heard that Stolas craves someone to love and want him. It's out there that Blitzo stopped Striker the first time. Unspoken things are moving forward.
I heard people fussing about this being their make up episode, but given the next ep (which probably will be in October), Blitzo needs to be at a low before he starts turning things around. It's his show and more than anything, the arc with Stolas is highlighting how he can't accept good things happening to him.
Stolas still has things he needs to work on as well. Highlighted in this episode is getting a more realistic sense of what romance is kind of like because he's basically a babygay rn. He doesn't have to have another full on relationship to realize that other people could want him. It could happen, but it's not necessary. He just has to recognize that he's not unlovable. That's not the problem with Blitzo. And for him to heal from his father and Stella he does need a little more experience.
Headcanon for me: Stolas and Verosika are gonna be besties after this until I'm proven otherwise.
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dot-png · 3 months
bryce Hfj Nd Headcanons u Say... ? Share them Pretty Pleas? wuld Love 2 Hear ur Thoughts Bout that Guy..
i see him having anxiety, clinical depression, c-ptsd and autism
the depression part is kinda obvious as to why if you pay attention to his character but ill elaborate later
the anxiety part is actually technically canon, since he has thalassophobia, which is an anxiety disorder (plus the fact i dont think airy would just randomly add a fun fact to their extra sections - a phobia caused by an actual disorder differs from just an irrational fear so yeah (also caney has epilepsy listed in his extra sections which is a disorder)) i'd like to incorporate that along with the cptsd part since it causes anxiety obviously
as for autism its more of a headcanon for fun rather than with factual basis but ill elaborate on it also
my reasoning for him having c-ptsd is not because of the competition but his childhood, his mom's behavior was so bad that stella had to out of her way to keep bryce away from her
i say complex ptsd specifically because of how he asks if she's having "another one" so we can assume it happened consistently. he also didn't have any way to escape (aside from stella distracting him) considering it was domestic. i dont really think his mom abused him in some way ? but the consequences had to be destructive enough for stella to assume their own home was unsafe for a small child. we don't see much about bryce's relationship with his mom (or his parents in general) but that 100% carried on to his adult self - especially if it happened frequently, and it was super early too because i dont think he was any older than like 7 in that flashback
another factor for this is stella's death ofc, we know how much their relationship mattered to him and how losing her affected him so i dont think i need to overexplain it
as for the way its shown in the show: compared to everyone else, his startled response feels more severe for me, like he always goes on fight or flight mode rather than just freaking out a little. i want to point out one 10 specially
liam shows up at bryces door after 7 months and just stays there for an entire night, during all that time liam just rambles about one and his mere presence is a reminder of one for bryce. one was a traumatizing experience for everyone, but bryce processes it differently, being reminded of that just sents him into shock:
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he can't think of how to react until 10 hours later. the way liam reacts at first suggest he thinks bryce is just being rude and purposefully ignoring him, he thinks bryce shouldn't avoid talking to him because he thinks he didn't go through the same amount of pain he [liam] did on the plane and he shouldn't act like he did; but he isn't aware of how anything that remotely reminds him of a bad experience can send him spiraling back to that place, he may not have stayed as long and not have suffered as much (or worse) as liam, but he's been living with this mindset for so long that it's just an automatic reaction. he can panic at anything:
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(and i wanna point out how on the first one the shot focuses specifically on him)
and that may seem obvious like, yeah of course he would panic in one 10 of course he was trying to process seeing liam out of nowhere after almost a year but i only went on this tangent and brought that up bc i wanna link it to another thing ....
in one 13 bryce says how "his life was miserable before the competition" and "now that its over he has an incentive to do something with his life". kylie also says that after bryce came back she feels like "he's taking his job more seriously". what i wanna touch on is how the way they put it seems like bryce is trying to like find a purpose in his life, but not exactly find peace ? i don't know exactly how to put it. like he says he was pretty miserable and demotivated he had a stupid chungus life whatever. it feels like he was trying to get his life in order and get more done, rather than facing what was holding him back in the first place and try to make peace with that. he felt unproductive when that's not really the main cause of his misery. which brings me to..
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his whole thing with the waiting room. he didn't have any panic reaction, but he was definitely clinging to the past, in this case his childhood and the moments he got to feel safe with stella
now i know the waiting room is designed to make you want to go to whatever's calling you no matter what, but metaphors exist ok . so im gonna consider it a metaphor for his cptsd in bryce's case
he spends the entire episode clinging to the manifestation of stella, but liam stops him from actually going w her because he wants them to solve the whole airy thing first. by the end of it, bryce stops seeing the suburbs as well as stella. when liam and bryce finally get to rest, he says:
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he didn't realize that his tendency to ignore his suffering in the past doesn't prepare him for when it pops up again. it send him into terror, he can't help but go back to reliving it, this cycle just kept making him feel worse but he insisted in doing better instead of reconciling with himself
his childhood and one were two different traumatic experiences, but accepting he can't just live what he went through in that competition behind makes him realize he doesn't need to be scared of his past so often. he had to realize he can't just constantly try to repress what happened and move on without reflecting on the way what happened scarred him and continues to affect him; even if he supresses it, it will come back one point and make him go through all that all over again (which is another reason for me to think that people saying bryce dislikes liam is stupid but thats not the point !🙄)
as for his depression season 1 implies it a lot, specially with the flashback sequence in one 7 i can see him having executive dysfunction and it being one of the reasons as to why he tried changing so much after one he also has problems with sleep, and the irritability that comes with experiencing depression in general. also stella's death once again contributes to it
i see him being autistic mainly because he's this trope basically:
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(sorry this image is the only way i could put it . you have to understand . ) kylie says how he's not very expressive, and we see how he really isn't. monotonicity is very characteristic of asd, in his case it feels specially like a symptom considering how, in most cases, people don't mean to be as monotone as they are. we know bryce isn't exactly the most chill person in the world he just has a hard time managing and expressing his emotions
bringing up executive dysfunction again, its also a common trait in asd
another thing is his hypersensitivity (which i already talked about a lot), overstimulation can lead to panic attacks you get what i mean. i think he fits as being sensory avoidant
the way he handles most social situations in the show (specially on the plane and with liam on season 2) i can see him being oblivious to social cues
not exactly factual basis just a little analysis, i interpret him being low empathy but high compassion. i think the low empathy would be more related to his irritability
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vikkirosko · 11 months
Hi can I get this with helluva boss characters, fizz, Ozzie, Stella, and stolas? Thank you! ❤️
Headcanons Traumatic mutism
🦉 Stolas x Reader 🎩
Stolas rarely interacted with sinners. He was an aristocrat and he rarely had the opportunity to communicate with them until he met you. You were a quiet and calm person and during the whole time of your acquaintance you didn't say a word. At first it seemed unusual to him, he even thought that you were mute, and only after a while he found out that you didn't talk for a reason
You went through a lot of traumatic events when you were still alive, and since then you have been very emotionally traumatized. Even after your death, you remained silent. Stolas was very worried about this, but it wasn't something he could change with magic. It was up to you whether you would speak again or not
You saw each other often and Stolas always treated you with warmth and care. You supported him by communicating through notes and it meant a lot to him. When he came to visit you again, he saw that you looked worried. Stolas was afraid that the reason for this was that something had happened to you, but to his question you only shook your head negatively and took his hand. After that, he heard a voice. A slightly hoarse voice that hesitantly told him about love. Your voice
Stolas did not immediately understand what exactly you said, but when this realization came to him, he hugged you tightly, smiling radiantly. He was sincerely glad that you spoke, although it was obvious that it was difficult for you. He was willing to wait as long as he wanted until you said something again
🦉 Stella x Reader 👑
Initially, you met Stella because you seemed curious to her. You were an ordinary sinner, but something about you seemed interesting to her. However, during the whole time of your acquaintance, you have never uttered a word. It annoyed her for a long time, because she did not understand why you were silent, not even guessing about the true reason for this
She found out from one of the servants that everyone you talked to claimed that you never said a word. She didn't know what was going on in your head and why you were silent, but at some point it stopped being a big problem for her. It seemed like something she sometimes used for herself
Stella often brought you to the house where she lived after the divorce process with her husband began. She felt calmer around you, especially after telling you for a long time how much she hated Stolas. On one of those days, you approached her, trying to stay calm. She frowned, waiting for another note, but instead she heard a hoarse voice belonging to you and telling her about love
She was surprised that you spoke at all. She started to think you were dumb, but you weren't. However, Stella was even more surprised by your words. It was the first time someone had said words of love to her with such sincerity. She understood that you wouldn't get anything if you told her about your feelings and you knew it too, so she was sure of the sincerity of your words, and this made her soul feel warmer
🎪 Fizzarolli x Reader 💟
Fizzarolli and you met when he went to town for a rare time. You were surprisingly silent, despite the noise of the city, and even when people tried to talk to you, you used notes to communicate. Despite that, you were nice and friendly, even though some people were repelled by what you didn't say. However, he was not one of those people who would be afraid of this, so he was glad to meet you and start communicating
A few months later, he found out that you didn't talk because of the events of the past. It happened even before you died, even then you stopped talking, and it stayed with you even after death. Even in Hell, you couldn't bring yourself to talk. Fizzarolli knew perfectly well that there were things that left deep scars not only on the body, but also in the soul, so he tried to support you morally, showing that you were not alone, and next to him you could not worry about anything
You spent a lot of time together and during one of your joint movie screenings, he noticed that you were very worried about something. He didn't understand the reason, but he paused the movie to find out what happened. First you looked at the floor, then you took a deep breath, exhaled and looked at him. He was expecting a note, but instead you spoke. Your voice was hoarse and quiet, but you still spoke, you said words of love
It took him a few seconds to understand what you said, realize it and hug you tightly. He was delighted and sincerely glad that you spoke. Fizzarolli was glad that you started taking steps towards recovery. It was important to you and his support helped you a lot
🐓 Asmodeus x Reader 💕
Your communication with Asmodeus began at one of the parties he hosted. Your friend brought you there, but you were uncomfortable. You ran into Asmodeus and he was surprised when instead of the usual words you communicated using notes. You were able to talk a little and he invited you to meet again. That's how your relationship began
Few of his acquaintances understood why you were communicating. For all the time you didn't say a word and you were very different from Asmodeus, but none of them knew that you were an interesting conversationalist and that it was really nice for him to communicate with you. A few months later, you told him that the reason why you were silent were the events that led to your death. These events are so strongly imprinted in your memory that you still have not found the strength to speak again
He tried to create a comfortable atmosphere for you when you came to him. Quite often you sat together in his office. He was busy working when you came up to him and pulled his sleeve uncertainly. He looked at you and smiled gently. He was waiting for a note, but instead you spoke. It's the first time you've spoken since you were in Hell
You quietly said words of love to him. It was obviously unusual for you to speak after such a long time, but Asmodeus hugged you tightly, smiling. He was glad that you felt quite comfortable and safe next to him, since you decided to talk. He quietly told you that he was glad that you were gradually starting to talk, because it really was an important step for you
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lunar-and-ardent · 1 month
Relationship goals
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I'm shipping these two in a very bisexual way. This headcanon of them being thriving bisexuals, being totally comfortable with each other and not feeling like they have to prove anything, just sits right with me.
Brandon and Stella are definitely characters that I've always liked, but at the same time I wasn't paying much attention to them as a kid. There are certain aspects of their relationship I started appreciating more as an adult, and there's something so sweet about them being just so loving and mature at the same time. Cause maturity doesn't mean you cannot have fun or be playful. We don't talk about the whole Mitzie drama from S4 though, it was stupid and out of character for Stella. I could excuse a one-episode thing, not such a long arc. Brandon and Stella literally competed who will get flirted with by more people in S2, how could she even think Brandon would look at someone else, let alone Mitzie, especially when he never gave her a reason to think otherwise.
I can easily imagine them having heated discussion over who is hotter in a romantic movie - the female lead or her male love interest. They choose differently and both have very strong opinions on this matter, stopping the movie just to argue why their choice is better, and then finish at "agree to disagree", kiss each other for a good minute and continue watching the movie.
There's just something so satisfying about how they aren't scared of showing their love for each other, both in private and in public, and yet have this mature vibe about them.
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myrxellabaratheon · 24 days
My problem(s) with Stolas working for IMP
This is such a popular headcanon/theory which I’m seeing more and more going around and while I love the fanarts and fanfics which have been created on this theme, I honestly HOPE that’s not the line they are going for in the series because personally I think it’ll destroy the little happiness Stolas still has in his life.
First of all, while he might be unaware of many social differences between him and Blitzø he’s aware of the different economical positions they are in. Working for IMP and taking money from Blitzø will make him feel guilty (especially if he considers his situation temporary), and, at the same time Blitzø would insist to pay him so no, things won’t work out smoothly.
The only thing which Stolas doesn’t enjoy about his Royal situation is Stella. He’s genuinely happy to know which is his position within the Ars Goetia (as we see in the Circus), he’s extremely magically skilled and genuinely loves the study of the sky and stars (we see it multiple times both with Via and in his entire aesthetic). Losing this won’t do anything but send him spiraling down worse than he is.
He’s not fitted for “normal” people’s life. He’s been living in a golden cage for 30+ years. Losing his status will kill him (sure there’s some character development space here, but not so abruptly, not in the mental place where he is now).
It wouldn’t solve anything between him and Blitzø if not shift the situation in Blitzø’s favor but like making it even worse (Stolas wouldn’t have taken the book back if Blitzø didn’t accept the agreement. In Murder Family is clear IMP has been using the book for a while and Blitzø agrees to it without thinking about the implications either ways, he just wants to get out of Martha’s grasp and Stolas called him in the worse moment as possible). BLITZØ ALWAYS HAD THE POWER TO REFUSE! This wouldn’t happen if Stolas was to find himself in desperate need for a roof over his head - the other option here is either Vassago or Asmodeous but we don’t know Vassago yet and I have a feeling if it’ll end with Stolas losing his powers Ozzie wouldn’t be in a much better situation).
On the other hand, Stolas keeping his power, title and riches BUT helping out IMP with paper work and stuff just to use it as an opportunity to spend more time with Blitzø&co?! *makes grabby hand* GIMME, GIMME, GIMME!
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chaifootsteps · 13 days
Brandon Rogers said that it can be scary as a fan to not know where all the characters will end up by the end. But the fact it’s all planned out and that they as writers know everyone’s “resting place”, makes it a bit less scary and more comforting. (I think he said “all the characters are where they need to be” and implied what they actually need is different than what they thought they needed.) he said knowing their fate is less stressful.
But not to me really? I’d be a lot more comforted if I felt like the stories could still evolve and change at least partially based on the feedback from the audience. I guess that’s the thing with animation taking so long, the story is set in stone and we can only watch and react too late. Viv is completely in her own head when she’s writing this stolitz stuff, and nobody close is brave enough to tell her straight that this is abusive, it isn’t romantic whatsoever just because people ship it. At some point we have to admit the point of shipping is playing with dolls in an idealised way we prefer, it doesn’t reflect the reality of the actual story and the dynamic of characters.
As it is, the statement above comes off as them harshly doubling down on whatever they have planned. And it’s starting to get to me a little that whenever they ‘talk’ to the fandom, it feels like they’re only talking to just stolitz shippers as if they’re the whole fandom, when they actually aren’t. And I mean really, not one person saw what went down with Circus and said “Viv, I know the kiddy shipping fanart is cute, but please don’t undo years of work and the story of an entire season, by retconning the writing around the whole series” Like she did when she ditched the pilot for making stolas look too mean, despite the heart and soul put into its art, and how fun and uplifting it was not because of but despite stolas.
She wrote s2 when LooLoo land was airing, I feel like she should have waited a bit to see the responses and how it comes across on screen. And maybe pay better attention to Stella. Especially with the ash-tray blitz scenes and the infamous chain scene. That’s why I feel like The Circus is nothing like the actual ongoing canonical story, it’s just a grandiose piece of stolitz fanart. Please medrano, don’t do that again.
The fact that it's Brandon Rogers saying this, and that he said the characters end up where they need to be, gives me a hairline amount of hope. Not much though, since it's obvious Viv's running the show and her idea of "where the characters need to be" is fellating each other and leaving the logistics of whether it all makes sense for her fandom to slap headcanons on.
It's true though, and I'll never understand this crew's obsession with spoiling as much of their plots as possible. I don't want to know that it all ends up okay, I want to bite my nails wondering whether these characters will make it to the final credits alive or not.
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sordidmusings · 1 month
hey :) may i humbly request that you write something for kidd?
Sure thing sweet anon❣️ if you wouldn’t mind giving a little more info so I can make sure it’s something you’d like? What sex and gender would you like the reader to be? And nsfw or sfw?
Below I’ll give some ideas/headcanons I’ve had in case any peak your interest!
Tbh I’ve had alpha Kid stuck in my brain cuz I’m on a perpetual abo kick but I know that ain’t for everyone! First off, there’s this DELICIOUS edit I saw of him with big canines and the creator was right; he’s fucking LETHAL with them 😩 it comes to haunt me quite frequently because what the fUCK ITS TOO GOOD 😭fangs in general are just chefs kiss and they fit him perfectly. The animal I have him as in my hybrid au ain’t got fangs but Fuck It he’s gonna get them anyway I will play God for that
There’s a few ways you could play a violent, selfish, and imposing man like him as an alpha but I think these are my favorite angles for him:
Weak for reader from the start and he hates it. He doesn’t want anyone making him soft, making him worry. He didn’t want attachments other than his crew and definitely not any outside the platonic realm. They were messy and pathetic and a waste of his time. He didn’t owe you shit - how dare you come into his life and fuck everything up, leave with his attention, his thoughts, his desires? He tries to berate you, shrug you off, ignore you but all fail miserably the moment you’re actually in his presence. The best he can do is watch you against his will and try and be as neutral as possible when you approach or he seeks to be closer (also against his will). He tried to shove you away once but the moment he lays hands on you they unlearn their cruelty. Truly you are dangerous for him and he should keep you far far away.
Plays favorites with reader and doesn’t give a fuck about it. You are his enabled little accomplice, allowed to get whatever you want and get away with anything and everything. He loves when you throw your weight around - hell he loves when you throw his weight around, preening every time you threaten someone with how strong and vicious your alpha is. He’s barely sure how this whole thing came together, a blur of you asking for one thing, then more and more and more, and most especially more of him. He doesn’t give a fuck that he’s tightly wrapped around your finger, he’s just as proud that he’s yours as you are his and loves rubbing in everyone’s face that he’s snagged the best catch out there.
The other thing I’ve been thinking of is Kid being a negative(?) influence on a restrained and bottled up reader and getting them to let loose with things like their anger and learning to take what they want from others and from life. Much more serious and angsty in tone than the spoiled rotten partner headcanon lol more him badgering you into letting out your aggression and becoming a menace worthy of his crew, a menace he’d be proud to have as his partner.
I’ve also had these songs stuck in my head as songs that could work for x Kid for a while now and could do something with one of them! Tried to give some pop and some rock 🤷🏼‍♀️
Last one especially amuses me cuz (ignoring any suppositions of the original intent of the song) it reads well as Kid trying to convince himself he hates being around you and “I miss the comfort in being sad” meaning he misses the ‘negative’ feelings he gets around reader OR (to be closer to the original meaning) having feelings for reader is new territory and he’s much more comfortable in the charted territory of his violent and vicious emotions.
Sonic Youth and Nirvana additions partially because of a talk with @feral-artistry about the rock vibes of Kid and Killer! She’s just Right in her thoughts as always. Also check out her Kid art!! Reblogging it soon - writing down a few thoughts first 🤡
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