#metalocalypse x reader
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pickleskisser · 4 months ago
hii!! I really liked your pickles headcanons and the part about meeting his family was my favorite! if you have the time could I request hcs for meeting the family for the rest of the boys? if not the rest of them then just skwisgaar would be fine!
remember to drink water, eat a snack, and take plenty of breaks!
(ps can i be spade anon?)
HIIII !! Omg thank you sm I had a lot of fun with it lolz. And yeah I can so do that for you :p fair warning it's very improvised since info on these dude's parents are scarce but I hope it's enjoyable anyways ☆
Meeting the Parents HCs
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Nathan Explosion
The one you have to worry least about, his parents are sweethearts.
Though his mom will have an eye on you both the whole time.
I feel like Nathan has a record of getting entangled with people who were not so good for him, so it isn't personal or anything she's just on the fence at first.
Once she realizes you're not like that, though, and genuinely love Nathan and, in turn, treat him how he deserves, she's alllllllll over you.
She's going to want your number, your Skype, your Facebook, everything.
She'll pull out the baby pictures too. It greatly embarrasses your brutal boyfriend.
His dad would be the same, on the fence a little, but he overall trusts Nathan a little more.
He might try to plan a fishing trip, though, and Nathan is going to be all over that, so good luck getting out of that if you viscerally dislike fishing.
Overall, don't sweat it! As long as you treat their boy right, they love you, and you might as well be family now.
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Toki Wartooth
Oh boy. So I'm not sure you could ever really meet his parents?
He doesn't like talking about them. You probably didn't even learn anything about them until late in your relationship.
If you were to hypothetically meet them, well, you're only meeting his mom.
Aslaug would be dead at this point so there wouldn't be much of an option.
Anja is a cold woman with high unachievable standards. So don't take the fact she won't even speak to you too personally.
If you're religious in the Christian sense, you might have a small chance of approval… but then again, you're dating Toki Wartooth of Dethklok, and you had to learn about him somewhere. Goddamn devil music.
Don't even waste your breath. All that matters is how much you and Toki love each other.
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William Murderface
It's not willing on his part at all.
Stella is showing up unannounced, ranting and raving about not telling her he finally got hitched, and he must just want her to die or something.
He's snippy and miserable the whole time. Not miserable in the same sense Pickles was, he's more annoyed than anything.
Stella isn't the most gentle woman. She's abrasive and loud and can be partial to physical violence, but she does care a little bit about her grandson.
She really sucks at showing it, and definitely fucked him up with her parenting style (if his emotional constipation and short fuse didn't make that clear) but she did step up when his parents died instead of letting him go through the system, so.
All this to say, she's giving you a shotgun talk.
William will pry it out of her hands, of course, and curse her out for it, but it's happening !!
After that, though, don't worry, you're family now. Actually, maybe you should worry.
This means that whatever small politeness she whipped up before is long gone, you're a Murderface now, you are going to get treated like one.
Although William couldn't care less about his grandmother's opinion, he cares about yours. So, to see you embracing his family in full stride without getting scared off is more than heartwarming to him.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Again, it's fully unwilling on his end. It would honestly have to be something you want.
I think it's needless to say his relationship with his mom is weird. He truthfully wouldn't mind never seeing her again, especially after the events of fatherklok.
But again, if you really, really, want it then, yeah, he'll take you down to Sweden.
Surfetta doesn't have much of an opinion on you. What you are to her son is no concern to her.
She's most likely tipsy the whole time and disappearing for periods at a time.
The whole thing will feel like a waste of time, and Skwisgaar is stressed.
Don't worry he just needs to play his Thunderhorse for a few hours, and maybe a little bit of laying on top of you with his head on your chest listening to the sound of your heartbeat… just a little.
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tokiwarcube · 7 months ago
Whether reader is a fan or works with Dethklok in some way, if they were trying to keep a relationship a secret from the public and even the other band members (at least for a month or so) who do you think would be the best and worst member of Dethklok at sneaking around with reader? Like for secret makeout sessions and dates, or sneaking in and out of rooms at night and in the morning, etc; whose the one whose only gonna make it a couple hours cus they can't keep a pokerface with you in the same room as them vs the whole month, and everyone is actually shocked they never noticed?
This was such a blast to work on -- took this one with me to noodle at on my trip, and finished finally finished up back home! Enjoy!
+ Charles as well, because I said so <3
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1.) Charles
Charles is such an obvious choice for the number one spot here — while his eyes do get notably soft around you, there are certain… benefits to working with five, easily distracted dumbasses. If you two already work together, then really, there isn’t much to worry about.
But if you don’t? Well, that becomes a little bit harder. If they get even the inkling that you two are something more — even if its as some offhanded joke — they’re never going to let it go. They probably won’t blabber about the two of you to the media, but that’s really only because they don’t do media.
But truly, Charles’ composure is like no other: you could be perched pretty on his lap in his office, and the second he hears footsteps you’ll be back in your own seat — and no matter how frazzled you are, his calm is always enough to sway curious minds.
10/10, no notes.
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Pickles the Drummer
Pickles is a bit of a mixed bag, but overall, he’s pretty good at keeping your relationship under wraps! You two have such a good dynamic within your relationship, with such an even back and forth of playfulness that really, it’s hard for outsiders to actually distinguish it from his usual banter. He pokes so much fun at you, and vice versa, that it never really seems like you’re getting special treatment in front of the guys.
And believe me, he loves getting a bit handsy just as much as the next guy. Or… maybe a bit more. But he can keep it in his pants until you’re behind closed doors… and a casual hug here and there can easily be blamed on the alcohol. He’s pretty good at redirecting the guys when they start prodding a bit too much into what exactly you guys are to one another.
The biggest risk to y’all getting exposed, however, is his jealous streak. It doesn’t take too much to set him off, and the spiral he goes on is a bit too deep to be considered an entirely platonic reaction.
8/10, surprisingly good at the game, but falls apart quickly under certain circumstances.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
His ranking here might be controversial, but I think if you already work together, or are at least spend time together regularly, he’s capable of keeping your relationship a secret for a good while — and only partially because of his reputation.
You two were likely friends long before you entered a relationship, so from the guys’ point of view, its not unusual for him to perk up when you enter the room. And even before you started dating, he was a bit of a flirt. As such, he has a good bit of leeway in public, or even around the boys with that! I mean, he’s Skwisgaar Skwigelf — of course he’s eyefucking you at the dinner table. Of course he’s flirting with you, leaning into your space, and calling you all these pretty names. It’d be weirder if he stopped doing all of that, honestly. The biggest red flag is when he stops bringing people back, though. Now that really catches people’s attention, and makes them start second guessing what you guys really are to one another.
Being a fan complicates things a bit more, though. As I’ve said time and time again, relationships are exceedingly rare for Skwisgaar, and so having to keep the only real one he’s ever had a complete secret is really hard for him! Because as a fan, he can’t really bring you around all the time, or flirt too heavy in public without raising a few brows. This all becomes especially hard once he starts getting acclimated to your sweeter, more innocent touches. He just wants to be close to you, and he can’t really do that in public.
7/10, benefits from how slow-burn you were, but fumbles it with his newfound desire for emotional intimacy.
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William Murderface
Honestly, I think he would take a bit of offense to keeping the relationship a secret. You’ve gotta have a pretty good reason for it to keep it from hurting his feelings.
Once you get him through that, he actually has quite a bit of fun with it! But… he is painfully obvious in his affections, contrary to what he thinks. He has a lot of trouble spewing his average level of vitriol at you once he comes to terms with the depth of his affections, and there’s not a single person on earth who couldn’t pick up on that change. When you’ve built your career — and really, your life — on being a dick, even the smallest bit of softness stands out like a flare in the night. It might take people a little bit to pick apart his actual affection for you from the intermittent flattery he throws at people, but once it’s pinpointed, it’s pretty damn hard to miss.
He also lacks some situational awareness… by which I mean when you’re making out, his entire world narrows onto you. So if there’s even a microscopic chance that you could be walked in on, it’s up to you to be the aware one.
And while he can sneak you in and out of his room decently… he isn’t exactly subtle the morning after. He might as well lean back with a smoke in his hand, at this rate… no, wait— that’s exactly what he does. Like Toki, his primary saving grace falls back onto how the band and media just… refuse to take him seriously. Poor man.
5/10, but through little effort of his own.
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Toki Wartooth
Listen, Toki is about as subtle as a brick through the window. He doesn’t really get your reasoning behind the secrecy in the first place, but to his credit, he will try for your sake… however, its still painfully obvious that you’re not exactly platonic. He’s liable to let some sweet pet-names slip, and while he’s fairly touchy with friends, he absolutely clings to you more than most.
He is, however, alarmingly good at sneaking around with you. And he’s gotten damn-good at stealing kisses in the microcosm of time where you aren’t being watched — if anything, this becomes his own game to see how much he can get away with before you two get caught.
His one saving grace is that his bandmates (and the media) don’t really take him seriously. He could be planning your wedding on live TV, complete with finances and documents, and a single refutation on your end could dispel every single accusation lobbied at the two of you.
4/10, but only through sheer luck.
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Nathan Explosion
Listen: Nathan thinks he’s fantastic at hiding a relationship… but Nathan in love is a completely different person. It’s painfully obvious that he’s got something for you, and frankly, the guys were already suspicious when he was still in the crushing stage. He’s softer around you, he actually listens to your opinions and what you have to say… and once you start dating, you’ll notice how his hands trail after you a bit when you leave the room, too. He’ll deny the accusations when his bandmates start prodding, but of course, they see through him pretty damn fast. He’s down abysmal for you.
Not to mention, it’s also borderline impossible to miss him in a hallway, Mr. Frankenfeet, so sneaking in and out of his room always has to be a solo endeavor.
And well, he doesn’t really think before speaking… or punching, for that matter — so if one person starts talking shit about you, the cat will be pretty much out of the bag.
2/10, for effort.
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nastymensimp · 1 year ago
Staring straight at the man you sighed disappointedly and shook your head," I appreciate the thought but you literally cannot do that."
He gasped as if offended, like you doubted the level of skills he possesses. " I think I very much can. What's stopping me?"
" Babe we've been over this, You cannot fight my period"
Arataki Itto, Junkrat, Okuyasu, Narancia, Literally all of Dethklok, America, Prussia, Sun, FT Freddy
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mrsskwigelf · 11 days ago
i want him
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sakuralovespossums · 4 months ago
Yandere Toki Wartooth x GN Reader
Contains NSFW
I think a lot of us can easily agree that Toki would make a terrifying yandere
The man’s already a messed up individual with attachment issues who can go from cute and childlike to bloodthirsty and sadistic in a heartbeat
So imagine him having a darling to project all his intense feelings onto
Oh, and that darling is you
Let’s say you’re a fan he happens to spot amongst the sea of audience at a concert.
As soon as his eyes landed on you, it was like something awoke in him and he instantly knew you were his destined spouse, already envisioning your wedding and family life together
He easily gains all your information about where you live and work from one of the kloakateers. He then becomes a frequent visitor at your work and “pretends” to bump into you wherever you go
“Woweee! I didn’t think I’d bump into yous here! Hahahaha! Anyways, wants to go gets some ice creams?”
At first, you find Toki’s clinginess cute and charming. But then it soon becomes annoying as he keeps invading your boundaries
The breaking point is when he excitedly tells you all about your future lives together that he has planned out. You freak out as he prattles on and his grip on you grows tighter
You try to tell him to give you some space and that he’s scaring you. But before you know it, he’s already declared you as his new s/o to the whole world, making you the eye of every social media outlet, crazed fans, and the government overnight
Next thing you know, Toki is hauling you back to Mordhaus with him, your new home!
The worst part is you can’t do anything about it cuz he’s Toki Wartooth, the rhythm guitarist of Deathklok. Meaning he can get away with a lot of things while you can only do so much to avoid him
What scares you the most about Toki are the moments where he shows his darker possessive side, the depths of his obsession he keeps tucked away when in public. His sharp gaze burns into you as he interrogates you that you won’t ever leave him, right? You would never betray your love, your family, your lives together, would you? No no no no of course not! You love him, just as he loves you!
Your squirms and protests are only met with shushes as his arms further tighten around you, almost like he’s trying to absorb you. You’ve never felt more claustrophobic
Toki would never harm you, but his strength and build scare you, knowing he can easily crush your bones like sticks
Not to mention how jealous he gets of other guys, especially Skwisgaar. Anytime he sees him or anyone else get too close to you, he holds you close like a doll he doesn’t wanna share
He prefers taking the lead in your “relationship” and steers you in whichever direction he says with his usual upbeat tone
He loves seeing you wear his shirts and urges you to wear them whenever you go out
He suffers from nightmares a lot, you soon find out after spending some nights sleeping with him. He whines and cries desperately while clutching onto you, begging for you to not go. You can’t help but feel bad for him and hesitantly hold him back as he snuggles into you
Remember that scary side of Toki I mentioned earlier? Well it def comes out during sex
The way you just look so weak and helpless at his mercy awakens a dark urge within him that makes him wanna consume you
He makes you beg and plead for your pleasure as he mercilessly teases you for hours
The way he switches back and forth from whispering gentle words to ordering harsh commands keeps you on edge
He punished you if you try to disobey him in any way
If you have a uterus, he WILL try to get you pregnant, no matter how exhausted you are
Your left feeling like shit as your littered in hickies, kisses, scratches, and bruises.
He still prioritizes consent tho and has a safe word for you to use (he likes punishing you but never abusing you)
He’ll stop doing things you don’t like (he’s still gonna be rough tho no matter what)
He gives you some of the best sex you’ve ever had and is a genuinely sweet guy. You almost fall in love with him. Why did he have to be your stalker/kidnapper?
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blackenedsnow · 3 months ago
HII I was wonderin if you could write something for pickles the drummer where his s/o (gn) is possesive/protective of him?? I feel he deserves some doting I'd love to sucker punch Seth lmao
It can be a fic or hcs whatever is easiest pls and thank you 🔥🔥
pickles the drummer with a protective s/o ; headcanons
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PAIRING: Pickles the Drummer x Reader
NOTE: Hiii!! Thank you so much for this request—Pickles 1000% deserves some dotes, and Seth definitely deserves a punch or five, lol. Hope you enjoy this! Wishing you all the best!!
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Let’s start with the obvious: you get it.
Pickles has that undeniable energy—he’s reckless, impulsive, and way too good at making bad decisions seem like good ideas.
But, man, he’s your reckless little rockstar, and that’s something you make known.
Anytime someone gives him a hard time (which is a often), you’re right there to step in.
Seth, especially, seems to test your patience.
The second he starts one of his “better brother” rants, you’re practically at his throat.
Pickles doesn’t even try to stop you.
He just watches like it’s a front-row seat to the best show he’s ever seen.
When it’s not family drama, it’s usually industry people looking to exploit Pickles’ talent or his tendency to… overindulge.
You’re sharp as a knife when you see them sniffing around him.
Whether it’s shady producers or party-goers trying to push something on him he doesn’t need, you have no problem cutting them off at the pass.
You know how people joke about those people who say, “They’re taken” when someone flirts with their s/o?
That’s you, but in the most unapologetic, territorial way possible.
Someone gives Pickles that look across the bar, and you’re sliding right up next to him with a grin that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Hey, Pickles. You making friends over here?”
Nine times out of ten, the flirters back off.
The tenth time?
Well, they learn quick.
Pickles isn’t used to being looked after like this, especially since so many people in his life expect him to be a trainwreck 24/7.
It’s honestly kinda overwhelming for him, but he loves it.
He might brush it off with a joke at first (“Aw, babe, you don’t hafta scare the roadies for me!”), but you catch him sneaking little smiles at you when you’re not looking.
He LOVES how much you hype him up.
You think he’s gorgeous, talented, and worth fighting for, and he soaks that up like a sponge.
On his more vulnerable days, though, when life weighs heavy on him, that’s when your protectiveness means the most.
He’ll sit with you on the couch, his head resting on your shoulder, and you’ll remind him he’s more than what the world tries to reduce him to.
Oh, and if Seth tries to start shit again?
You’ve got a punch with his name on it.
“Man, you really do love me, huh?”
“Pickles, I would burn the world down for you.”
“Aw, babe, that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
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montimer · 6 months ago
Toki x reader
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Hes such a sensitive guy. And you being nice to him is what makes him drawn to you so much.
You don't ignore him, or make fun of the way he talks. You see him and don't forget or leave him behind. It means so much to him, its like hes being seen. Even if hes part of one of the most famous metal band, even his fans wouldn't respect him the way you do.
Speaking of, you probably moved in and didn't know who he was. You met him at a store, where the Dethklok was buyin stuff at the time. You were so sweet and helpful. Skwisgaar made fun of him, but he was too distracted to react since he was busy staring at you. He almost forgot to ask for ur number
"They were so sweets, beautifuls"
When he does get it he won't stop texting/calling you. Always wanting your attention. You listen to him talk and hes so happy.
He'll meet with you with out telling the band. Not that ur a secret, he just doesn't want them to bother the two of you.
He colours and draws with you. Shows you his guitar. Talk about cute stuff and will listen to you talk too.
He'll barely notices that he has fallen for you. He knows he likes you, just doesn't know what to say exactly.
He loves hugs. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy
He'll call you for help too. Mostly about emotional problems.
Mans got muscles so if he finds out about anyone giving you a hard time he won't be afraid to beat them up. He seems so innocent but if someone crosses a line he gets more than angry.
He'd say stuff like "I luvs yous"
He'll keep any gift you give him. Plushy,drawing, handmade gift. He'll be happy with whatever.
He tries his best to be seen cool by you. Ya just need to reassure him.
"Awws ya likes me? For reals? I likes ya too y/n!"
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megzscribbleznwordz · 4 months ago
nathan explosion x reader?
I love Nathan omg, I think him and Murderface are my top fav Dethklok members. I'm spreading my "Nathan Explosion Is secretly a big ol' softie" agenda :3<
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Nathan Explosion
Nathan is probably the first to catch a crush on you, and he’s very good at hiding it should the need arise
He’s the front-man of one of the most famous bands like, ever. He’s definitely a bit apprehensive at the start of his relationship. How’s he supposed to be able to tell his lover isn’t just some groupie trying to get in close?
Once he grows past these anxieties, however, Nathan is a surprisingly sweet guy. He remembers literally everything you mention. You like this band? He uses his connections in the industry to get you tickets. You have a favorite movie? He loves spending time watching it with you
Goes ALL OUT for anniversaries. Like, clears his schedule and plans a whole day to celebrate his relationship with you. He’s not too much of the ‘random gift’ type, but you know he buys you tons of treats and little gifts for the occasion
Nathan is very much a gesture-based lover. Holds the door for you, offers to hold and carry things for you, etc. Loves being the “big, strong man” in the relationship, it makes him feel needed and important
A bit of a traditional romantic. He loves to plan dates, nine times out of ten during his downtime he's conspiring about what the next date could be, what sorts of places you'd like to go, what restaurants you'd mentioned wanting to try, etc.
Common Pet names include: Babe, Hun, Honey, Sweetness (this one is reserved for those quiet moments alone…)
Nathan has definitely tried to write a few songs about you, which…is very cute, in an odd heavy-metal laced way. There’s something so…Nathan about hearing sweet, tender words set to the tune of death metal
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year ago
Masterlist of Masterlists
Here you can find a collection of all the Masterlists made on the blog! Note that some lists are a blend of multiple fandoms, as the first cluster of Masterlists were written long after I'd written hundreds of posts!
If any links are busted please let me know! NOTE! When requesting for something from any of the prompt alphabets, please specify which one youre talking about! There is a romantic, platonic, and angst alphabet! Any unmarked alphabet posts made prior to 6/19/2024 are likely the main fluff alphabet (non platonic)! Moving forward alphabet posts will be labeled accordingly! EDIT: as of 9/15/24, all fandoms will now get their own masterlists! old masterlists that have multiple fandoms will remain untouched
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Masterlist of Anons Vol 1
The Amazing Digital Masterlist Vol 1
The Amazing Digital Masterlist vol 2
The Amazing Digital Masterlist vol 3
The Amazing Digital Masterlist vol 4
The Amazing Digital Masterlist vol 5
The Amazing Digital Masterlist vol 6
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 1
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 2
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 3
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 4
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 5
Creepypasta Masterlist vol 6
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist vol 2
Helluva Masterlist
FNAF SB and MTL masterlist
Overwatch, ATSV, TOH, and Fran Bow masterlist
Slasher Masterlist
Slasher Masterlist Vol 2
Fran Bow and ATSV and KND Masterlist
Cult of the lamb Masterlist
Cult of the lamb Masterlist Vol 2
FNAF SB Masterlist Vol. 1
Fran Bow and Little Misfortune Masterlist
KND Masterlist
Dandys World Masterlist Vol 1
Fluff Alphabet
Platonic fluff alphabet
Trope list prompts 1-15
Trope list prompts 16-30
Angst Alphabet
Trope list prompts 31-45
Trope list prompts 46-60
Fall Prompts
Winter Prompts
2024 Flufftober
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thequeenofcupps · 8 months ago
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✯My name is Marli! But I prefer Mars!
As you can tell I’m a beginner fanfic writer so I would appreciate some tips!
Don’t be scared to ask I’ll always do requests! (Unless said otherwise)��
Yes I am 16 and doing smut requests sorry if that makes u uncomfortable but it’s my choice and I’m gonna stick with that choice
DNI: proshippers, the bad comshippers, pedophiles, trump/biden supporters, Israel supporters, zoophiles, racists, neo nazis, homophobia and transphobic assholes
(Please read before requesting!🫶)
✯and as of now I’m going to be taking requests! Also some content warning I do swear a lot so just a warning
Who I’m writing for!
ALSO I’LL DO UP TO 4 CHARACTERS IF YOU ASK (but I’m not doing Poly tmnt brothers cuz what the fuck) but I will write for separate character!
sally face!
The Outsiders!
Smiling friends
Doom: just doom guy :>
Stranger things!
Apex legends
I hope to see y'alls requests!
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Also warning! I do have divorced parents and I’m writing on a laptop and the laptop is at my moms so requests might come out slow so my deepest apologies!
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pickleskisser · 2 months ago
spade anon back again
i was wondering if you had any headcannons about what it be like to sleep with the boys (not in THAT way but like, actually sleeping) which ones cuddle? which ones would much rather not?
HIII omfg this took longer than usual cause,,, school,,, break,,, but i got it done now!!! even threw in an additional Charles section ;p
Sleeping habits with the band + Charles Offdensen
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Nathan Explosion
A cuddler. I have no proof it's just a gut feeling.
He's a diehard big spoon though. He thrives off looking down and seeing his s/o there in his arms...
Christ he's such a sap under those layers upon layers of brutal bullshit.
He's a guy who likes routine too. So, once you've slept with him enough it's a pattern he relies on your presence.
Spoiler: you better have a good reason if you're skipping out on nightly cuddles.
Overall a big teddy bear he's a cutie.
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Pickles the Drummer
This guy is all over the place. A complete mess if you will.
Your nightly routines consist of making sure he's in bed, first of all.
He has a tendency of just passing out wherever. It's not too awful but about once a week you're going to have to hunt him down and find him face down in his own vomit in a hallway.
Due to this his s/o will grow a subconscious habit of a night time self care routine? Of sorts?
Getting him decently clean before bed just kinda becomes a thing.
And yknow what. He appreciates it!
He loves being doted on.
I think he cuddles but not a big Spooner.
He likes laying on his partner's chest or vice versa.
It's nice listening to your heartbeat, it's soothing. And on the flipside having you lay on him is like having a weighted blanket.
It's the shit for him!
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Skwisgaar Swigelf
While I'm not the biggest believer of the whole Skwisgaar having like a 100 step self-care routine.
I do think he has one.
Just nothing insane. He does care on a small level. But one expensive face wash with benzol peroxide and a face mask every now and then is about it.
And you are absolutely being dragged into this. He holds his self image to a high standard and you are a part of that.
Now the actual issue is getting him to bed.
Sometimes he gets too caught up in his composing and practicing he neglects some basics to self preservation.
Just gently remind him it's good for him and to his benefit and you can get him to give in without much struggle. Mostly.
Sometimes he's adverse to touch. Nothing personal it's just a lot to him sometimes.
But he always need to be facing you in bed. If anything you need to be the last thing he sees before he shuts off his mind.
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Toki Wartooth
Do I even have to say it?
Cuddles. 10000%
He doesn't care how, just that he needs it.
He is also a man of routine but in the sense that he has rituals.
He does things a certain way, and in a certain order.
If you follow his routine with him he'll love you until the world combusts. But he also understands if you have your own thing, just don't disrupt his.
He also can't sleep without you and it deeply upsets him if you can't.
You will have to make up for it with LOTS of cuddles later.
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William Murderface
personal headcanon alert.
I think he has insomnia.
Due to a mix of paranoia and night terrors he does not get a lot of sleep.
He can have periodic naps during the day but that's it.
Though once he's dating someone, like, actually dating someone, he tries to fix his sleep schedule.
Going to bed with him always starts with a movie, he needs the background noise.
He'll keep it on a low volume if it bothers you, but you can not make him give up his diy asmr.
He likes holding his partner, and I think their weight helps him calm down enough to try and rest.
That does not mean it always works though. But he enjoys you being their and humoring him nonetheless.
If you curl up with him for a nap though, you basically have his hand in marriage.
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Charles Offdensen
His sleep schedule is garbage, but you best believe he's making sure you get your full 9 hours.
Obviously, he won't overstep. You are an adult and capable of making decisions and taking care of yourself.
But you may notice subtle nudges if you start slacking. Say you are busy with work at home, he might persuade you to take a five-minute breather. Come lay in the bed with him. No, he did not light a lavender candle, yes, the weighted blanket is necessary, of course he's going to massage his sweetheart's shoulders, don't look too deep into it.
Of course he is a massive hypocrite, and brushes all of his partners concern off when it comes to his habits.
That does not mean he is completely unable to reason with though, especially if they're wanting to go to bed with him.
When it comes to cuddling, he is neutral on it. If it's something you want, then sure.
He is a chronic back sleeper though, so spooning is rare, but he happily offers his chest as a pillow.
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tokiwarcube · 7 months ago
Hugging Dethklok is...
Just some little headcanons on what it would be like to hug the boys (+Charles) when you're having a rough time.
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Hugging Charles is…
Warm. There’s a lot of things in this world Charles can fix… and many that he can’t, loathe as he is to admit it. It’s what he does, after all. He makes things right. So when the world is crashing down upon you, it pains him beyond belief to know that he can’t just fix what ails you. But little does he know, he still lightens the burden just by being him. You’d think him stiff and unsure, but after so long of knowing you, the comfort seems to come easier. He’s good at giving advice when needed, but it’s nothing compared to the way he holds you — firm yet soothing as he runs his hand comfortingly along your upper arm, before kneading tender circles into your shoulder. Stable. Steady. Even when things look bleak, he exudes such a warm, patient presence that, even if only for the moment, makes things more bearable.
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Hugging Nathan is…
Safe. He doesn’t give hugs often, but when he does, he does a good job at making you feel protected. From the world. From yourself. From all the suffocating black clouds of fear and anxiety that threaten to choke you, and leave you dead where you stand. He doesn’t really know how to talk you through whatever it is that you’re struggling with, but that’s okay — sometimes the silence is better, anyways. Strong arms wrapped around your form like a shield against that all that plagues you, steady heartbeat beneath your head narrowing your thoughts onto that singular sound… He wishes he could make things better for you with a wave of his hand, but not all problems are so easy. Until then, this is enough.
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Hugging Pickles is…
Familiar. You’ve spent so many days and nights in each others’ embrace that when things get rough, you hardly even have to ask. There’s an odd thing that comes with grief — the constant well-wishes and special treatment, which appreciated in some respects, sometimes just makes things feel… worse. Alienating. A perpetual reminder that things aren’t what they should be, right now. But Pickles is different. You can talk about it if you want to, sure, but if you don’t? He can just hold you for now — content to simply be with you, unwavering in his place in your life. The familiarity of it helps detract a bit from the aching reminder of the unfamilar. If you want him to hold you tighter, or talk, or shut up… just say the word. He’s there for you.
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Hugging Skwisgaar is…
Feeling seen. Skwisgaar struggles with a lot of things in this realm — giving affection, receiving affection, talking about fears and pain and sadness… so frankly, he doesn’t. Not unless it’s you — by you, for you. He’s all gangly limbs and simmering insecurity, but for you, he tries. So when he pulls you to his chest, long arms curled around your middle as he rubs tender circles against your skin, you know he’s truly, truly there for you. Not out of obligation, or as a half-assed attempt at placating you — He would never push himself so far out of his comfort zone if he didn’t truly want to help lighten your burden. When he hums little affirmations, you know he’s actually listening: He may not know exactly what to say, but he makes you feel heard. Seen. He may not have all of the solutions to what you’re going through, but the simple fact that he’s here, unwavering in his love even when he doesn’t know just how to express it, is enough.
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Hugging Toki is…
Secure. Toki is no stranger to affection, but when you really need it, he pours every ounce of love he can into the gesture. Sometimes you forget how strong he is — in every sense of the word, really — until you’re pressed against him like his. Hugging Toki has always made you feel safe, but in times like this, he makes you feel secure, too. Secure in the way of knowing that the horrors of the world aren’t going to keep you down forever. Secure in the way of knowing that you’re not going to go through this alone. Do you want to talk about it? He’ll listen to every word you have to say, chiming in when he can, and placing little kisses to your temple when he can’t. His mustache presses against your skin so familiarly when he does, and it’s then that you know that you won’t have to go through this alone.
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Hugging William is…
A promise. There’s a lot of things William missed out on in life — chiefly that of comfort. So in some respects, you’d think he’d be unsure of how to give it — and perhaps that isn’t entirely inaccurate. But he dreamt often of such gestures, a sort of guilty pleasure if you will… so while he might not be certain of the perfect way to help, he doesn’t let it show. Instead, he pours every ounce of love that he can into the gesture when you need it the most. And oh, does it ever show — he drops his voice into a half-whisper as he whispers little affirmations, of how it’ll be okay, how you’re going to get through this, how you’re not alone. And anyone could say these things, sure, but from him? They sound like they really could be true — not generic nothings, but actual promises. And with how close he holds you, how warmly he speaks, how much physical warmth he seems to exude… you start to believe him.
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polyklok · 1 year ago
Thank you @hopedope for sending me this lovely request in a very nice manner! I’m sorry it took me like damn near a year to get it done 😅
Doing Pickles’ Makeup
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“C’mon, pleeeeaaassseeee?”
Pickles raised his eyes to you, slightly amused by your begging and more-than-slightly annoyed by your persistence. It was impressive, though. You had caught him at a particularly vulnerable moment of looking through naked lady fan mail and he was in a good mood. With your hard work and determination, you whittled down his several ‘No’s to a ‘Maybe’ and now, finally, a-
“I’ll think aboot it.”
“What’s there to think about? Just lemme take a crack at it!”
You had found an old magazine, of which Snakes ‘N Barrels headlined on. From that, a pretty close-up of Pickles’ glamor days, in which he was smothered in smokey purple eyeshadow and cherry red lipgloss. He doesn’t even know why that magazine was in Mordhaus in the first place. You somehow got it in your head that you needed to see an updated version of his dolled-up look.
He shuffled through a few more letters, no longer taking the time to admire the detailed shots of many-a titties. You leaned forward even more, keeping an eager stare. Damn your puppy-dog eyes.
“Fine. But I’m nat keepin’ it on all damn day.”
A mischievous grin spread across your face. He hated how adorable your evil ass could be.
At the very least, it was relaxing. He insisted the two of you had taken the activity to his room, he did not need anymore comments from his bandmates about how gay his makeup was. You straddled him on his bed, dipping the brush onto the makeup pallet by his head and spreading it across his closed eyelids. He shivered every time your warm breath puffed against his now-highlighted cheeks, fingers gripping harder onto your thighs he was allowed to hold as an added bonus for his troubles.
“M’gonna add shimmer,” You muttered, more so to yourself than him.
“No. Anything but the sparkles.” He said in a flat tone, mocking his earlier reluctance. Although he couldn’t see it, he swore he heard your lips spread into another smile. Maybe he’d let you do his makeup again if it made you this happy. Maybe.
His eyes felt heavier and heavier every time that brush glided against them again. He couldn’t tell if you were adding an ungodly amount of product or if he was just getting sleepy from it. His head sunk deeper into the mattress. He can’t remember why he was so reluctant in the first place. Having you on top of him while he got to practically nap rocked.
“Open your eyes,” You said, softly, ruining the comfortable moment.
“Don’t wanna,” He replied, just as soft.
“Pickles.” Oh shit. He knew not to defy that kind of tone. His eyes immediately shot open, wincing slightly at the sudden light flooding his vision. While you shuffled through your makeup bag, he admired the point of view he had, letting his hands linger up to your waist.
“Here.” You brought out a recognizable tube. Pickles grimaced. Even way back then, this was by far his least part of the process. You popped the mascara out and leaned in even closer than before, placing those little bristles right in his eye line.
He did so and immediately regretted it. It was so weird to have his eyelashes, a teensy body part he hardly ever noticed on himself, to suddenly be covered in thick goop. But he didn’t fight it, blinking thrice for each eye and pushing down the strong urge to rub it all out. You blew gently on his new lashes, drying them into a thick, heavy fan.
“Yuck,” He mumbled, trying not to let you hear. If you did, you ignored it, simply assuring him that you were almost done.
“You want red, pink, or black lips?” You asked, shimmying down his legs so he could sit up properly.
“Dealer’s choice. I trust ya.”
You chose the black, which was really more of a super dark blue with a pearly sheen. He rested his jaw in your hand, holding his mouth limp to give you the perfect canvas to spread the lipstick on. Just as you were finishing his bottom lip, savoring the intimate moment-
“PICKLES! Toki and Skw-Woah. What the hell?” Nathan kicked open the door, apparently needing to tell Pickles some absolutely essential information, only to find you sitting in his lap and applying fucking makeup to him.
“Jesus fuckin- Nate’n, I told you to start fackin knockin, man!” Pickles turned his head so violently, the black smeared across his cheek in an ugly streak. You frowned, there goes your hard work.
“Pickles is getting his fucking makeup done!” Nathan yelled down the hall.
“Ha! Dat ams so gay!”
The rest of his bandmates could be heard not too far away. Pickles groaned, “Get the HELL outta here, dood!” He grabbed an empty beer bottle from his nightstand and flung it at the doorframe, shattering it.
“What’re you trying to relive the nineties or something? Gonna go back to your old band?” Nathan was clearly digging into his irritations, playfully enjoying how pissed off Pickles was getting.
“I think he looks hot,” You said matter-of-factly, hugging his head and pressing it against your chest. Pickles went slightly red with the affection, frantically waving his hands to get Nathan to fuck off. Nathan, luckily, understood the signal and promptly shut the door right before the rest of the band could get their mockery in.
“D’ose fuckin’ guys,” Pickles mumbled against you, one again relaxing into your touch, “You really like how I look like this?”
You pulled back, examining his face. His eyeshadow primarily black, blending into a very shimmery gold color. His highlighter was a similar gold and, despite the smudge, his lips looks good enough to kiss. So you did. “You always look good. Just especially now.”
“Don’t give yerself too much credit,” He teased with a smile, dragging you down with him in a tight squeeze. Though he wouldn’t admit it, he loved being fawned over whilst the two of you cuddled into oblivion.
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mrsskwigelf · 23 days ago
pickle.. & vera… nghh..yumeship….
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art by steebie_p on ig! go comm her she’s literally da best eva ok.. its the best way to spend your money trust me
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sakuralovespossums · 4 months ago
Deathklok x Fem Reader with Pixie-Cut Hair
(Or the author realizing she has a neck kink)
Nathan Explosion
The image of Nathan with his long hair next to you with your short one is too cute
He finds it so adorable and loves how soft it feels whenever he pets you or brushes your hair (he’ll never admit it tho cuz it’s not brutal)
You don’t have to hear him say it tho to know how much he loves your hair. Whenever he walks past you, he affectionately ruffles your hair and you blush at how his large warm hand almost engulfs your head
Pickles the Drummer
Likes to drunkenly nibble on your exposed neck whenever you cuddle
His nickname for you is coconut-head
If he’s really drunk or high, he’ll sometimes mistaken you for a (pretty hot) guy
Really likes sniffing your hair cuz it helps him calm down
Toki Wartooth
He also finds your pixie haircut just so adorable!!
A tiny part of him is upset that he can’t make braids out of your hair since it’s too short. But his love for it overruns it
Growing up, he never saw much women with short hair like yours since, according to his family’s strict beliefs, women having short hair was seen as “whorish”. So seeing you embrace your short hair really made him happy
He can’t braid your hair, but he still decorates it with hair clips and little bows. He also loves how fluffy it feels under his calloused fingers
He really likes surprise attacking you from behind by pecking the back of your neck with little kisses. Sometimes he leaves a quick kiss when no one’s looking. Other times, he’ll just grab you from behind and pepper it with a barrage of kisses as you giggle and squirm in his grip
He just really loves how soft and vulnerable your neck looks totally not a kink of his
He needs to claim it or else how will others know you are his and his alone?!
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
He stares at you for a few seconds with his typical cold gaze before bringing his hand up to stroke your hair and plant a gentle kiss on your head
He’s internally screaming at how precious you are
Will blow onto the back of your neck, causing you to jump and look behind to see him strumming away on his guitar like nothings happened
He definitely leaves hickeys there
Just imagine him grabbing onto the back of your neck whenever your talking to another guy or you guys are being interviewed (a subtle way of showing who you belong to)
He finds it cute how your short locks curl around your face
Makes him wanna cup your face and leave kisses all over your cheeks as you whine at him to cut it out
William Murderface
He tells you that you look like a guy and that you should grow it out since he doesn’t want people to think he’s dating a dude
Meanwhile he always rubs his face against your hair every time you sleep or cuddle together
You just make a jab back at him about his own weird hair style
Murderface secretly does love your short hair and thinks it’s what really adds to your beauty. He’s just also really insecure about how others might see him and def has some internalized biphobia
If anyone else ever calls you a guy or makes fun of your hair tho, he will throw hands
You like how his mustache tickles your neck as he kisses it
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transmasclittledestiny · 1 year ago
Can I get jealous Dethklok headcanons?
Reader x jealous Dethklok members!
Canon typical violence and substance use
Possibly ooc (I need to rewatch the series)
Gender neutral reader
He doesn't usually feel the need to be jealous, I mean he's the front of Dethklok, he shouldn't need to worry about anything interfering with the relationship right?
Yeah, no.
He's very protective of you.
He gives his bandmates a whole rundown about what not to do when you're around since they've gotten a little too close with some of his past relationships.
He didn't worry about Murderface too much though, for many reasons.
If you guys are out at a bar and someone starts flirting with you, there will probably be a bar fight, and Nathan will definitely win.
Nathan would probably have his hand around you the rest of the night.
He might not even wash the blood off his knuckles just to show anyone else not to fuck with him or his partner.
He's kinda like a big grizzly bear, don't touch his honey
(that was such a stupid fucking joke I'm sorry)
Pickles doesn't really get jealous often, but it might just be the fact his off his ass usually.
But when he does notice someone getting a little too close to you in a way he doesn't like, he's loud about it.
He would probably call them a douchebag and punch them in the face.
If he got in a bar fight, I'm honestly not sure if he would win.
Not because he isn't strong, I think he can pack a punch.
I just think he might drink too much to really stay on his feet long enough, there's a 50/50 chance he'd win, depends how much he drank beforehand.
It's very sweet though, even if he doesn't win.
If Toki gets a reason to be jealous, he won't be as upfront as the previous two with it.
He would probably make a passive aggressive remark and pull you away or something.
"Heys, leaves that douchebags, I gots to shows yous something."
He knows you love him so he doesn't need to worry about you leaving him for someone, but he can still get jealous.
Best way I can explain it is like when your dog smells another dog on you if that makes sense.
If he gets pushed far enough though, there will be blood (for reference, the scene where he beats a guy probably to death in Snakes N' Barrels ||)
I might bomb this cuz I don't rlly know how to write Skwisgaar I'm sorry in advance.
He might not seem like it, but he can get quite jealous.
You might think he doesn't care since he prides himself in his great he is, especially since he's the lead guitarist of Dethklok and all the sex he's had with no real care in the world, but he does.
And that jealousy might get pushed deep down to keep up his whole front, but it might backfire in the end and cause a bit of a breakdown.
When that little line finally snaps, he'll start to pay extra attention to you and probably always have a hand on you (in public.)
You'll definitely realize what's going and sit down with him to talk about it but he'll pretend he doesn't know what you're talking about.
You have to reassure him that you'll stay with him which might cause some emotions and he'll get mad at himself for cracking, but you'll again reassure him it's ok.
It's like dating a Cactus (joking, maybe)
Murderface would probably be the easiest to get jealous and is already pretty insecure about his love life.
So when he sees someone flirting with you, he might make a small scene.
He makes it (very) loud and clear to anyone around that you're taken, and that he's the one you're taken by.
It's a little embarrassing...
He doesn't do it to embarrass you though, he dies it purely because he thinks someone else might genuinely steal you away.
I mean, he's the bassist, they aren't exactly the most popular as shown multiple times in the show.
And he knows he's not exactly the best looking guy out there, at least not compared to his bandmates.
But you love him, and you remember to tell him that after his little moments.
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