#metalocalypse nathan x reader
tokiwarcube · 1 month
Whether reader is a fan or works with Dethklok in some way, if they were trying to keep a relationship a secret from the public and even the other band members (at least for a month or so) who do you think would be the best and worst member of Dethklok at sneaking around with reader? Like for secret makeout sessions and dates, or sneaking in and out of rooms at night and in the morning, etc; whose the one whose only gonna make it a couple hours cus they can't keep a pokerface with you in the same room as them vs the whole month, and everyone is actually shocked they never noticed?
This was such a blast to work on -- took this one with me to noodle at on my trip, and finished finally finished up back home! Enjoy!
+ Charles as well, because I said so <3
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1.) Charles
Charles is such an obvious choice for the number one spot here — while his eyes do get notably soft around you, there are certain… benefits to working with five, easily distracted dumbasses. If you two already work together, then really, there isn’t much to worry about.
But if you don’t? Well, that becomes a little bit harder. If they get even the inkling that you two are something more — even if its as some offhanded joke — they’re never going to let it go. They probably won’t blabber about the two of you to the media, but that’s really only because they don’t do media.
But truly, Charles’ composure is like no other: you could be perched pretty on his lap in his office, and the second he hears footsteps you’ll be back in your own seat — and no matter how frazzled you are, his calm is always enough to sway curious minds.
10/10, no notes.
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Pickles the Drummer
Pickles is a bit of a mixed bag, but overall, he’s pretty good at keeping your relationship under wraps! You two have such a good dynamic within your relationship, with such an even back and forth of playfulness that really, it’s hard for outsiders to actually distinguish it from his usual banter. He pokes so much fun at you, and vice versa, that it never really seems like you’re getting special treatment in front of the guys.
And believe me, he loves getting a bit handsy just as much as the next guy. Or… maybe a bit more. But he can keep it in his pants until you’re behind closed doors… and a casual hug here and there can easily be blamed on the alcohol. He’s pretty good at redirecting the guys when they start prodding a bit too much into what exactly you guys are to one another.
The biggest risk to y’all getting exposed, however, is his jealous streak. It doesn’t take too much to set him off, and the spiral he goes on is a bit too deep to be considered an entirely platonic reaction.
8/10, surprisingly good at the game, but falls apart quickly under certain circumstances.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
His ranking here might be controversial, but I think if you already work together, or are at least spend time together regularly, he’s capable of keeping your relationship a secret for a good while — and only partially because of his reputation.
You two were likely friends long before you entered a relationship, so from the guys’ point of view, its not unusual for him to perk up when you enter the room. And even before you started dating, he was a bit of a flirt. As such, he has a good bit of leeway in public, or even around the boys with that! I mean, he’s Skwisgaar Skwigelf — of course he’s eyefucking you at the dinner table. Of course he’s flirting with you, leaning into your space, and calling you all these pretty names. It’d be weirder if he stopped doing all of that, honestly. The biggest red flag is when he stops bringing people back, though. Now that really catches people’s attention, and makes them start second guessing what you guys really are to one another.
Being a fan complicates things a bit more, though. As I’ve said time and time again, relationships are exceedingly rare for Skwisgaar, and so having to keep the only real one he’s ever had a complete secret is really hard for him! Because as a fan, he can’t really bring you around all the time, or flirt too heavy in public without raising a few brows. This all becomes especially hard once he starts getting acclimated to your sweeter, more innocent touches. He just wants to be close to you, and he can’t really do that in public.
7/10, benefits from how slow-burn you were, but fumbles it with his newfound desire for emotional intimacy.
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William Murderface
Honestly, I think he would take a bit of offense to keeping the relationship a secret. You’ve gotta have a pretty good reason for it to keep it from hurting his feelings.
Once you get him through that, he actually has quite a bit of fun with it! But… he is painfully obvious in his affections, contrary to what he thinks. He has a lot of trouble spewing his average level of vitriol at you once he comes to terms with the depth of his affections, and there’s not a single person on earth who couldn’t pick up on that change. When you’ve built your career — and really, your life — on being a dick, even the smallest bit of softness stands out like a flare in the night. It might take people a little bit to pick apart his actual affection for you from the intermittent flattery he throws at people, but once it’s pinpointed, it’s pretty damn hard to miss.
He also lacks some situational awareness… by which I mean when you’re making out, his entire world narrows onto you. So if there’s even a microscopic chance that you could be walked in on, it’s up to you to be the aware one.
And while he can sneak you in and out of his room decently… he isn’t exactly subtle the morning after. He might as well lean back with a smoke in his hand, at this rate… no, wait— that’s exactly what he does. Like Toki, his primary saving grace falls back onto how the band and media just… refuse to take him seriously. Poor man.
5/10, but through little effort of his own.
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Toki Wartooth
Listen, Toki is about as subtle as a brick through the window. He doesn’t really get your reasoning behind the secrecy in the first place, but to his credit, he will try for your sake… however, its still painfully obvious that you’re not exactly platonic. He’s liable to let some sweet pet-names slip, and while he’s fairly touchy with friends, he absolutely clings to you more than most.
He is, however, alarmingly good at sneaking around with you. And he’s gotten damn-good at stealing kisses in the microcosm of time where you aren’t being watched — if anything, this becomes his own game to see how much he can get away with before you two get caught.
His one saving grace is that his bandmates (and the media) don’t really take him seriously. He could be planning your wedding on live TV, complete with finances and documents, and a single refutation on your end could dispel every single accusation lobbied at the two of you.
4/10, but only through sheer luck.
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Nathan Explosion
Listen: Nathan thinks he’s fantastic at hiding a relationship… but Nathan in love is a completely different person. It’s painfully obvious that he’s got something for you, and frankly, the guys were already suspicious when he was still in the crushing stage. He’s softer around you, he actually listens to your opinions and what you have to say… and once you start dating, you’ll notice how his hands trail after you a bit when you leave the room, too. He’ll deny the accusations when his bandmates start prodding, but of course, they see through him pretty damn fast. He’s down abysmal for you.
Not to mention, it’s also borderline impossible to miss him in a hallway, Mr. Frankenfeet, so sneaking in and out of his room always has to be a solo endeavor.
And well, he doesn’t really think before speaking… or punching, for that matter — so if one person starts talking shit about you, the cat will be pretty much out of the bag.
2/10, for effort.
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I watched Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar and Toki is a canonical age regressor who carrys a “Deadybear” around with him and the whole band accepts it and supports it and it’s not even a humorous focal point or anything. Pickles just says “Sorry, you know, Toki's a little sensitive these days. We think he's regressing from, you know, the whole thing.” When Toki has on outburst from being told not to something and other than him always having his comfort bear that’s the only way it’s mentioned, he is still the Toki we love.
It’s so nice to see regression presented in a legitimate way, Toki and the whole band went through hell, we see Nathan struggling with his own ptsd also. The fact that the whole band -including murderface who usually hits below the belt with his insults- just goes with it.
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transmasclittledestiny · 11 months
Can I get jealous Dethklok headcanons?
Reader x jealous Dethklok members!
Canon typical violence and substance use
Possibly ooc (I need to rewatch the series)
Gender neutral reader
He doesn't usually feel the need to be jealous, I mean he's the front of Dethklok, he shouldn't need to worry about anything interfering with the relationship right?
Yeah, no.
He's very protective of you.
He gives his bandmates a whole rundown about what not to do when you're around since they've gotten a little too close with some of his past relationships.
He didn't worry about Murderface too much though, for many reasons.
If you guys are out at a bar and someone starts flirting with you, there will probably be a bar fight, and Nathan will definitely win.
Nathan would probably have his hand around you the rest of the night.
He might not even wash the blood off his knuckles just to show anyone else not to fuck with him or his partner.
He's kinda like a big grizzly bear, don't touch his honey
(that was such a stupid fucking joke I'm sorry)
Pickles doesn't really get jealous often, but it might just be the fact his off his ass usually.
But when he does notice someone getting a little too close to you in a way he doesn't like, he's loud about it.
He would probably call them a douchebag and punch them in the face.
If he got in a bar fight, I'm honestly not sure if he would win.
Not because he isn't strong, I think he can pack a punch.
I just think he might drink too much to really stay on his feet long enough, there's a 50/50 chance he'd win, depends how much he drank beforehand.
It's very sweet though, even if he doesn't win.
If Toki gets a reason to be jealous, he won't be as upfront as the previous two with it.
He would probably make a passive aggressive remark and pull you away or something.
"Heys, leaves that douchebags, I gots to shows yous something."
He knows you love him so he doesn't need to worry about you leaving him for someone, but he can still get jealous.
Best way I can explain it is like when your dog smells another dog on you if that makes sense.
If he gets pushed far enough though, there will be blood (for reference, the scene where he beats a guy probably to death in Snakes N' Barrels ||)
I might bomb this cuz I don't rlly know how to write Skwisgaar I'm sorry in advance.
He might not seem like it, but he can get quite jealous.
You might think he doesn't care since he prides himself in his great he is, especially since he's the lead guitarist of Dethklok and all the sex he's had with no real care in the world, but he does.
And that jealousy might get pushed deep down to keep up his whole front, but it might backfire in the end and cause a bit of a breakdown.
When that little line finally snaps, he'll start to pay extra attention to you and probably always have a hand on you (in public.)
You'll definitely realize what's going and sit down with him to talk about it but he'll pretend he doesn't know what you're talking about.
You have to reassure him that you'll stay with him which might cause some emotions and he'll get mad at himself for cracking, but you'll again reassure him it's ok.
It's like dating a Cactus (joking, maybe)
Murderface would probably be the easiest to get jealous and is already pretty insecure about his love life.
So when he sees someone flirting with you, he might make a small scene.
He makes it (very) loud and clear to anyone around that you're taken, and that he's the one you're taken by.
It's a little embarrassing...
He doesn't do it to embarrass you though, he dies it purely because he thinks someone else might genuinely steal you away.
I mean, he's the bassist, they aren't exactly the most popular as shown multiple times in the show.
And he knows he's not exactly the best looking guy out there, at least not compared to his bandmates.
But you love him, and you remember to tell him that after his little moments.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Hugging Dethklok Hcs
depending on how im feeling after posting this i think i might make a second part including side characters (likely the second post will contain charles abigail and knubbler !! and maybe even some smaller characters that i feel deserve more love) anyways uhuhuh first official MTL post except it.. actually isnt, ive written for knubbler and the dethklok minute host before so yeah very nervous about this since im still trying to find my footing in how i wanna write the characters, so heads up that this might be VERY OOC and what better prompt to do than do one of my "i dont know what to write" ones written with reader as their partner vague mentions of like. sexual stuff but nothing explicit, i still wish to keep this blog as sfw as possible, really just implications of it than anything also some characters had bonus hcs of cuddling so uhuhuh
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built like a mattress, though that can mean anything since not all mattresses are made the same... hmm.. have you ever hugged/cuddled one of those tiny headed kingdom plushies? very firm but not comfortable, i think thats what nathan feels like, but perhaps just a smidge softer. but how would nathan feel? i mean hes very protective of you, and being able to hold you gives him a moment to keep you close. not very affectionate otherwise, but this is nice. definitely the type to do hugs from behind, especially if theres someone trying to flirt with you
short so theres a good chance youre around his height if not taller and he may or may not feel things about that (both negative and positive but lets save that for another post as i fully intend on keeping this sfw), i always thought pickles of being physically affectionate so him having a hand on you is a common occurrence. probably takes the opportunity to whisper something in your ear, usually something dirty or something incoherent with him being drunk or otherwise under the influence. oh yeah i can easily see him being the type to swing his limbs over his partner while he sleeps and trapping them there
maybe im cooking something doodoo, but i feel like skwisgaar may or may not struggle with non-sexual stuff, like being purely romantic and innocent with no intent to get your pants off is foreign to him. i whole heartedly believe the reason hes so sexual is due to being in dethklok and being huge, but also because of his mother constantly bringing new people home. so in the beginning he might actually be tense in giving you affection, definitely going to need to take some time. very cold, skinny people tend to be colder ive noticed so totally you shouldnt take this as an excuse to hold him closer (winks)... i DO think he would also have a hand on you a lot of the time like pickles, whether or not those hands have other motives is up in the air
make him take a shower first/j
okay jokes aside, this man is so starved for attention and affection, but he would never ever EVER say it. you guys could be 100% fully alone in bum fuck no where and he still wouldnt say it. but its definitely there in his actions and body language. i think hes warm, and his skin is a little... i mean he canonically has dry skin with eczema, and while i dont have eczema i know what having that dry scaly skin feels like... perhaps we could tie in some self care with the reader helping murderface take better care of himself? i mean it would be one hell of a fight to get him to try but i think its do-able.. tight hugger, kind of lets his arms linger before sliding them down when you eventually pull away. wish i had more but i think murderface is the type to deny affection whilst also deeply craving it
probably the easiest to hug in terms of getting him to accept it, actually i think he might be the most likely to initiate one alongside pickles. very warm, though he sometimes hugs you a little too tight and might even tug you back in if you try to pull away before hes ready. full body cuddles into you when you guys sleep/nap together, arms and legs keep you in place so... good luck trying to slip away before he wakes up. i like to think he fiddles with your hair, too, though im unsure if that fits with his character... i think that, despite still having a love for all things brutal he still likes these smaller moments of just. affection. very clingy and possessive though so keep that in mind, i think he would hold you and physically try to pull you away if someone tries to flirt with you; a lot less subtle than when nathan does it
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polyklok · 8 months
Thank you @hopedope for sending me this lovely request in a very nice manner! I’m sorry it took me like damn near a year to get it done 😅
Doing Pickles’ Makeup
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“C’mon, pleeeeaaassseeee?”
Pickles raised his eyes to you, slightly amused by your begging and more-than-slightly annoyed by your persistence. It was impressive, though. You had caught him at a particularly vulnerable moment of looking through naked lady fan mail and he was in a good mood. With your hard work and determination, you whittled down his several ‘No’s to a ‘Maybe’ and now, finally, a-
“I’ll think aboot it.”
“What’s there to think about? Just lemme take a crack at it!”
You had found an old magazine, of which Snakes ‘N Barrels headlined on. From that, a pretty close-up of Pickles’ glamor days, in which he was smothered in smokey purple eyeshadow and cherry red lipgloss. He doesn’t even know why that magazine was in Mordhaus in the first place. You somehow got it in your head that you needed to see an updated version of his dolled-up look.
He shuffled through a few more letters, no longer taking the time to admire the detailed shots of many-a titties. You leaned forward even more, keeping an eager stare. Damn your puppy-dog eyes.
“Fine. But I’m nat keepin’ it on all damn day.”
A mischievous grin spread across your face. He hated how adorable your evil ass could be.
At the very least, it was relaxing. He insisted the two of you had taken the activity to his room, he did not need anymore comments from his bandmates about how gay his makeup was. You straddled him on his bed, dipping the brush onto the makeup pallet by his head and spreading it across his closed eyelids. He shivered every time your warm breath puffed against his now-highlighted cheeks, fingers gripping harder onto your thighs he was allowed to hold as an added bonus for his troubles.
“M’gonna add shimmer,” You muttered, more so to yourself than him.
“No. Anything but the sparkles.” He said in a flat tone, mocking his earlier reluctance. Although he couldn’t see it, he swore he heard your lips spread into another smile. Maybe he’d let you do his makeup again if it made you this happy. Maybe.
His eyes felt heavier and heavier every time that brush glided against them again. He couldn’t tell if you were adding an ungodly amount of product or if he was just getting sleepy from it. His head sunk deeper into the mattress. He can’t remember why he was so reluctant in the first place. Having you on top of him while he got to practically nap rocked.
“Open your eyes,” You said, softly, ruining the comfortable moment.
“Don’t wanna,” He replied, just as soft.
“Pickles.” Oh shit. He knew not to defy that kind of tone. His eyes immediately shot open, wincing slightly at the sudden light flooding his vision. While you shuffled through your makeup bag, he admired the point of view he had, letting his hands linger up to your waist.
“Here.” You brought out a recognizable tube. Pickles grimaced. Even way back then, this was by far his least part of the process. You popped the mascara out and leaned in even closer than before, placing those little bristles right in his eye line.
He did so and immediately regretted it. It was so weird to have his eyelashes, a teensy body part he hardly ever noticed on himself, to suddenly be covered in thick goop. But he didn’t fight it, blinking thrice for each eye and pushing down the strong urge to rub it all out. You blew gently on his new lashes, drying them into a thick, heavy fan.
“Yuck,” He mumbled, trying not to let you hear. If you did, you ignored it, simply assuring him that you were almost done.
“You want red, pink, or black lips?” You asked, shimmying down his legs so he could sit up properly.
“Dealer’s choice. I trust ya.”
You chose the black, which was really more of a super dark blue with a pearly sheen. He rested his jaw in your hand, holding his mouth limp to give you the perfect canvas to spread the lipstick on. Just as you were finishing his bottom lip, savoring the intimate moment-
“PICKLES! Toki and Skw-Woah. What the hell?” Nathan kicked open the door, apparently needing to tell Pickles some absolutely essential information, only to find you sitting in his lap and applying fucking makeup to him.
“Jesus fuckin- Nate’n, I told you to start fackin knockin, man!” Pickles turned his head so violently, the black smeared across his cheek in an ugly streak. You frowned, there goes your hard work.
“Pickles is getting his fucking makeup done!” Nathan yelled down the hall.
“Ha! Dat ams so gay!”
The rest of his bandmates could be heard not too far away. Pickles groaned, “Get the HELL outta here, dood!” He grabbed an empty beer bottle from his nightstand and flung it at the doorframe, shattering it.
“What’re you trying to relive the nineties or something? Gonna go back to your old band?” Nathan was clearly digging into his irritations, playfully enjoying how pissed off Pickles was getting.
“I think he looks hot,” You said matter-of-factly, hugging his head and pressing it against your chest. Pickles went slightly red with the affection, frantically waving his hands to get Nathan to fuck off. Nathan, luckily, understood the signal and promptly shut the door right before the rest of the band could get their mockery in.
“D’ose fuckin’ guys,” Pickles mumbled against you, one again relaxing into your touch, “You really like how I look like this?”
You pulled back, examining his face. His eyeshadow primarily black, blending into a very shimmery gold color. His highlighter was a similar gold and, despite the smudge, his lips looks good enough to kiss. So you did. “You always look good. Just especially now.”
“Don’t give yerself too much credit,” He teased with a smile, dragging you down with him in a tight squeeze. Though he wouldn’t admit it, he loved being fawned over whilst the two of you cuddled into oblivion.
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gearmarke · 3 months
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Oh my gosh, I didn't realize how intimidated Nathan is by the dentist. His whole nightmare about it in Season 2 felt too grotesque to just be metal, haha.
I feel like he would need SO much negotiating in order to actually get off his ass to go and just get a normal cleaning. His s/o would probably have to sit in the office with him while the dentist is doing their work. He gets better and eventually lets the dentist actually administer numbing agents or sleeping gas for more serious visits but he'll frequently look to his s/o for confirmation that he is in fact okay lol (so long as he's conscious)
"I'm giving you this." Nathan hands his s/o an eldritch-looking blade, gothic in design and completely unnecessary. "If the dentist starts- I dunno, rippin' my teeth out or somethin' or... trying to take my dick out then... Stab him with his. Or better yet, actually, put him in a headlock and-" He drags a finger across his neck while making a squelching noise, implying decapitation.
I bet the whole time after he's all puffy-cheeked and grouchy, and later he writes a song called "bloody gun sockets" or "blood mouth". At first its the sound of sopping wet cotton pads falling out of his mouth and slapping on the floor but he forgets the lyrics he made in his head after his medicine wears off lol.
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possibly-in-mordland · 10 months
Imagine Nathan dating a mortician tho
like he needs ideas for songs
and his mortician gf is just like "sometimes when a pregnant woman dies and is far enough along the pressure from the gasses build up and she shoots the baby out like a postmortem baby bazooka"
Nathan: 💡💡💡
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livingdeadmlm · 6 months
heyyy would be willing to write something about the reader doing each dethklok member’s makeup for a show? (this idea has been living in my brain rent free ever since i finished season 1)
Nathan has to come around to it because he thinks it is more hardcore to do it himself but to have his boyfriend do it makes him kinda shy because of the closeness
Skwisgaar likes the pampering but does go in after you himself to “clean” anything up but over time he guides you and then just walks straight out on stage with it
Toki loves the idea so much of you doing his makeup before a show while the makeup in places makes it a bit more out of order. He walks around bragging that the love of his life did his make up trying to make the other guys jealous (which works)
Pickels is head over heels, you doing his makeup is so gentle on him that it makes him feel at peace you have your gentle hands apply his make up to his face. He makes sure to give you a kiss which leaves white and black smears on your face and neck. He is a romantic who gets carried away what can he say
Murderface either insists that he can do it himself or well of course you’re going to do his makeup up what else are you here for?! he makes a big show of “fixing” the makeup even though it never looked more perfect
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deadface-abominate · 1 year
Dethklok+Charles Catching You Dancing
Suggested by @strangekindaerin
Warnings: Weird song choices
Nathan is hanging out with you in your apartment
He’s eating chips on the couch, waiting for you to finish up some chores so you can watch a movie with him
He can hear a small noise coming from your kitchen. It sounds a little like your voice. He goes to investigate
He’s thinking you might’ve gone insane and started talking to yourself, but he finds that you’re actually just singing quietly to yourself, headphones on and hips swaying as you wash a few dishes
The vision of your ass shaking side to side is pretty hot, but he’s really entranced by your voice
You don’t notice him approaching, the chorus of Lose Yourself To Dance by Daft Punk flowing into your ears and out of your mouth
He taps you on the shoulder, making you jump
“Dammit, Nathan! Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“That song isn’t brutal,” he tells you, as if you asked
“Your voice is nice though…” he mumbles. You smile at him, your anger gone
“Thanks, Nate. Wait for me in the living room, I’ll be done in a minute,” he does as he’s told without a word, but he can’t get the image of you singing and dancing out of his head
When you finally join him, he’s completely lost interest in the idea of watching a movie
“Could you, um, keep singing that song?” He feels a little pathetic asking. The song wasn’t his favorite, but the sound of your voice was irresistible to him
Your eyes go a little wide. “Oh! Sure, but only if you dance with me,” you extend a hand out. He hesitates, but accepts it and stands up from the couch
The two of you sway and swing around your small living room, Nathan allowing you to expose him to this “girl music” just this once. He’ll be sure to put on something nice and heavy for the next song
Pickles stumbles back to his room after another wild night of drinking
You had been out with him, but he lost you somewhere along the way. He gave up on looking for you after awhile and decided it was time for bed
He hears some loud pop song playing in his room through the closed door. He cringes at the sound of it
He finds you behind the door, busting it down to Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado and Timbaland. You don’t seem to notice him over the music
He flashes his crooked grin. The song is awful, but seeing you drop that ass down to the floor is an amazing sight
He can’t resist grabbing your shaking ass as you’re dipping to the floor
“Pickles! Babe!” You spin around and give him a big, sloppy kiss on the lips. “Where’d ya disappear to?” 
He chuckles. “You’re the one that ran off. What’s with this terrible music?” 
He knew it wasn’t a song you would listen to sober, so you must be even more hammered than he is
“Dunno, it just kinda felt right,” you do a somersault towards the door, landing in a half split since you can’t quite stretch all the way out. You can’t do tricks like this when your sober mind reminds you that you can hurt yourself
Pickles is so impressed (and turned on) that he’s no longer bothered by the trashy music in the background
“Hey, come over here,” he sits on the side of his bed, patting his lap, clearly requesting a lap dance
You comply, moonwalking over to him and straddling his lap, grinding and thrusting into him
When the song ends, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you down as he falls back onto the bed
You rest your forehead on his for a minute, staring into each other’s eyes. He kisses you deeply and rolls you onto your back. He was planning to sleep off the booze, but he has a better idea now
The boys are supposed to meet you at a strip club this afternoon. The meeting place was, amazingly, your idea
Murderface decided to head to the club a little early. He told the band he wasn’t going to waste time with them that could be spent watching hot sluts. Truth is, he just wants to get some time with you before the others show up and hog you
The sound of 3 by Britney Spears is blasting through the club and can be heard from the outside
To his delight, when he enters, he sees the hottest slut of all twirling around the pole; you
Turns out you got the time wrong and showed up an hour early, but you made friends with the dancers and they brought you on stage for a dance lesson. The club was empty at this hour anyway, so why not have some fun?
“You gotta squeeze your thighs together reeeal tight,” one of the dancers shows you how to hang from the pole without your hands. She climbs halfway up the pole and flexes her thigh muscles into the pole, leaning back
You try the same, but it only takes a few seconds for your muscles to give out. You fall to the stage, bruising your ass
“It’s okay, sweetie. No one gets it the first try,” another dancer helps you to your feet. That’s when you see Murderface, standing in the door looking dumbfounded 
“Will! You’re early! I was just hanging out with the girls. Look what they taught me!” You snake up the pole and lock your ankles at the top, hanging upside down. You stay in place for about ten seconds before you slowly slide to the floor, hitting your head with an “oof”
“That’s fuckin’ awesome! He shouts, running up to the stage. It was only mildly awesome, but the fact that it was you doing it made it 100x more awesome
“Ready to try the next move again?” The first dancer asks
“This one’s for you, Will!” You dramatically point at him and jump up the pole, clenching your thighs with all your force and leaning back. Murderface starts throwing singles at you to help you get into the stripper mindset
It seems to help, because you make it an entire 15 seconds before dropping again
Murderface claps for you. “That was perfect, y/n! Keep practicing and you’ll be a pro stripper in no time,” you weren’t exactly planning on turning this into a regular thing, but he really wants to see you do this more often
“We were gonna give her some lap dance tips next,” a dancer says
“Right! I was gonna practice on an empty chair, but I guess I can use Will as my test dummy instead!” You grin at him and jump off the stage and onto his shoulders
His head goes foggy. There’s no way this is happening. He doesn’t get this lucky. He has to be dreaming. He’s so excited that he doesn’t hear the dancers in the back wondering if you really want to use him for your practice
Just as he’s about to park his ass on a chair, ready to live out his wildest fantasy, the rest of the band walks through the club door
His face drops. Why did these assholes have to walk in now?
“Y/n, what the hells is goings on?” Skwisgaar asks, seeing your legs locked around Murderface’s neck
“I was just practicing my dancing,” you release yourself from his body, going to greet the boys
“We’ll pick this back up later,” you whisper into his ear as you walk past him. His mood picks back up, his heart races, his palms sweat. He can’t wait to get you alone again
He might invest in getting a stripper pole put in his room
Skwisgaar is not having a good night
Once again, he got dragged to some shitty venue to deal with one of his band mate’s half baked schemes. He couldn’t even remember what the plan was or who came up with it. He just knew that this band was playing some garbage nu metal cover of Lady Gaga’s Poker Face, of all songs
The crowd was full of losers, the beer was watered down, the air was musty
Simply put, he was too good to be here
The worst part was that even though he had taken you along to keep him sane, he lost you in the crowd at some point. Now he had to wallow in misery alone
He’s about to step out for fresh air, when he finally spots your face again for the first time in almost an hour
You’re in the club’s lame excuse for a mosh pit, headbanging with some random dudes he had never seen before
He can’t believe he’s seeing you enjoying yourself here, dancing to this song. Have you officially lost your mind?
He pushes through the crowd, zeroing in on you to grab your wrist and drag you out
“Skwis, what the fuck—“ you groan as he pulls you out
“You was supposeds to be hangings out with me tonights! Why’d you runs off?” He pauses. “Hows can you be enjoyings this songs?”
“I’m not. It’s fucking awful. I can’t think of a song that needs a nu metal cover less than this one,” you glance at the stage for a second, still baffled by this no name band and their artistic choices. “But I’d rather have some fun than waste a night being miserable. And, you can’t hear the song as well when you’re in the middle of a crowd of loud assholes.”
“Stills, you shouldn’ts have lefts me,” he pouts. You hold back an eye roll. He could be so spoiled sometimes. 
“Alright, sorry. But I knew you were just gonna be hanging out in a corner looking annoyed the whole time, so I tried to make the night enjoyable for myself,” you hold a hand out to him. “Come back to the pit with me, we can still salvage some of this night”
He frowns at your hand. “I don’t wants to,” he lies. He would love to dance with you, but he’s too stubborn to admit that this evening could possibly have any good come of it
“Yes you do,” you see right through him. This time, you’re the one dragging him by the wrist, back into the sea of sweaty drunks
He stays mostly still as you dance explicitly around his body, but as long as he can watch you dirty dance all night, he can enjoy the rest of his shitty evening
Toki bought some snacks he wanted to share with you, so he headed to your apartment 
The two of you have the kind of relationship where he can show up unannounced, and he has his own key to your place
He knocks out of courtesy, but when you don’t answer, he lets himself in
“Y/n, I broughts snacks!” He calls to you as he enters your living room, but you still don’t answer. He hears music coming from your room
He opens the door to your room to find you dancing joyfully to Die Young by Ke$ha. The sound of your door opening startles you into stopping. You’re about to freak out at the intruder when you realize it’s just Toki
“Jesus, Toki! I thought someone broke in!” You scold him, but go to give him a hug. The comforting feeling of his surprisingly strong arms around you makes your heart rate go back down
“Y/n, this songs ams really bad. Buts you looks so cute whens you dance!” Toki releases you
“I know, I know. It isn’t the kind of thing you listen to, but I’ve been wanting to get better at dancing, and no offense, but Dethklok isn’t exactly danceable music,” Toki smiles at you
“You is learnings to dance?! I wants to learns with you!” This man is way too sweet. You love the idea of learning to dance alongside Toki
The two of you will meet up in your apartment twice a week to practice together. Neither of you are very good, but you both have so much fun that you don’t even care
You eventually sign up for dance classes together. The guys tease both of you over it. You brush off their comments
You even start noticing that there’s more technique to Toki’s headbanging at their concerts
He secretly starts fantasizing about the two of you getting married and blowing everyone away with how flawless your first dance is at your wedding
You’re in Charles’s room, reorganizing some stuff as you wait for him to be done with work for the day (he’s never really done, but he’s gotta sleep eventually)
He didn’t ask you to rearrange his room, but it was something you started doing to cure boredom
You turn on some music to make the tasks more fun, blasting Pallbearer’s cover of Love You to Death
At first, you just hum along with it, but you soon start swaying your hips and doing the occasional twirl as you move around the room
Charles managed to finish up a little earlier than usual. He rushed straight to his room, knowing you would be there and he could finally relax in your presence
He opens the door and finds you waltzing around. You don’t notice him, so he decides to watch for awhile
His expression lightens up, his shoulders relax, and he puts on a rare smile. No matter how stressful his day is, coming back to see you doing something stupid or weird would always lift the weight from his shoulders
He quietly closed the door behind him, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You jolt a little, but realize almost immediately it’s him
“You’re done early,” you say in a soft voice. You try to turn around to kiss him, but he keeps his grip on your waist
“Shh, keep dancing,” he whispers, leaving a kiss on the side of your neck. He lets you go so you can keep moving while he changes into more comfortable clothes
He just sits on his bed and watches you move your body to the soft song. He almost never gets to hear music this slow and soothing. The music and gentle movements of your body put him in a dreamlike state
You notice his eyelids getting heavy and turn off the music. You go to stand in front of him to rub his shoulders and give him a kiss on the top of his head
You force him to lie down and wiggle in next to him. You sling one arm over his chest and run your fingers through his hair with the other
He’s out much faster than he normally would be. You silently pledge to dance for him more often if it will help him decompress
Keep the requests coming!! I should I add I'll only write for Dethklok and Charles
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anothertransauthor · 1 year
Ok I’m antsy to write something starting out just to see what I can do. I’m going to start with the ABC sfw list first for the band + Charles. If you want to see any additional characters you can comment or ask!
ABC Headcannons (SFW) Nathan Explosion
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Summary: like I said this is Nathan’s full ABC list. I’m going to be as detailed as I possibly can for your viewing pleasure ;). I’m feeling Pickles or Murderface next.
Warning: slight angst // dipping into they’re toxic traits they’re learning to overcome
Word count: 4,410 words (oops!)
.. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Nathan is a bit apprehensive at the start of your relationship due to his rocky previous ones. He likes you, don’t get him wrong, but he’s never really gotten the chance to get so close to someone like he has with you. He’s still trying to wrap his head around how he hadn’t scared you away when he thought you were just some fan. Still you wiggled your way into his Iron Maiden heart, open for you to remove the defensive impalers he’d put up.
After he’s learned to accept the affection you bestowed upon him graciously, and patiently might I add, he uses the tactics he’s learned from you to be a better boyfriend. He asks about your day, genuinely enthralled by your voice. Nathan swears he could listen to you for hours even if you really weren’t talking about anything.
Massaging his shoulders and back was always the key to calming him down whenever he was insatiably irritated. He figured it would surely get his message across to you, who doesn’t love the intimate act of vanquishing the poisons of a stressful day with your own hands? It didn’t matter where you were, if you weren’t having a good time he’d find some way to expel the tension. Say you were backstage with the band after a show and you were overwhelmed with the lights and the noise, he’d take your hand and gently massage it thoroughly. He’d roll his thumb pads over each finger, each knuckle- no joint left aching. Even if he only held one hand, every inch of that hand would be tended to. If they were cold, clammy, and anxiously shaking, they were surely warm and quelled now. Despite Nathan’s stature, despite his large hands, and despite what his attitude had lead you to believe, he was gentle with his hands.
When all else failed, Nathan resorted to what he was best at to convey just how much he adored you. Writing was always Nathan’s go to outlet to organize the scrambled thoughts in his mind, it’s apparent in his music- brutal poems that paired with equally intense music. Racing thoughts and far away words always made more sense when he put the pen to the paper, the unmoving paragraphs further cemented everything he felt. You had started a notebook to house all of the eloquent letters he’s written for you to remind you that at the end of the day you were the one he’d return to. Your heart was home to his.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
Nathan is all about going out and doing things with people he’s particularly friendly with. Expected to go on your fair share of road trips and lots of camping. It’s all the activities he enjoyed with his dad, he considered him a friend so why wouldn’t he bring his friends along for the experience?
You never took Nathan to be a survival buff, but given his himbo nature you weren’t that surprised. He’s taught you a lot about being in the wilderness whenever he had time between records.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Oh my gods, if his arms aren’t constricted around you he will not sleep well that night. Your warmth has become so incredibly soothing to him, he falls asleep almost as soon as your head rests on his chest. Nathan is essentially a 250 pound teddy bear at the end of a rough day where all he wanted to do was wind down with you. He really enjoyed how your smaller frame slotted with his, how natural it felt to wrap his arms around you and stay like that forever.
Nathan had a 3 point plan when it came to his night time routine with you; Step one: acquire the snuggle bug (a nickname he’d drunkenly bestowed upon you when you both retired to his room after a drinking contest with pickle), Step two: profit, Step three: uhhhhh. Ok so maybe it was more of a two point plan, but his point still stands.
If the secret softie couldn’t fall asleep as fast as he’d intended, he’d watch the rhythmic rise and fall off of your chest as you slumbered peacefully against his big burly chest. His hands would slip under your shirt to rub your back, or stomach depending on how you slept that night, in idle circles. The feeling of your skin no matter if it was smooth or blemished, he never cared either way, soothed him more than he thought it could. You were real, you were here- with him! And gods did you look exhilarating in his arms, trusting him completely as you dreamed.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
There was something in Nathan that constantly made him want to impress you as your relationship grew increasingly more docile. He picked up more around the areas the two of you occupied most at Mordhaus; cleaning up the empty beer cans and putting away any stray bongs or other illicit drugs that were littered around the main room the previous night, or he’d take the time to clean his room and bathroom a tad more he usually would when it was just him. It was never about getting a deep clean, he wasn’t embarrassed to have you over when his room was messy, yet something about you made him more motivated to do more than just sit on his ass with you.
Settling down never crossed his mind until you, that was always something he’d associated with parents and old people- you settled down when you wanted to start a family and give up your career and anything that gave you substance. It was always love or hate when he thought about it. On one hand, he absolutely loved you and wanted to spend his life with you. His parents always seemed so happy with each other even after all the years they’d spent together, so maybe it couldn’t be too bad. Yet on the other hand he wouldn’t give up the band or the empire he built for you, you never wanted him to.
Who said you two had to slow down or give up to settle completely into each other? Nathan’s wanted to settle up with you, so he’d said, to never slow down or stop experiencing the fast life he was so accustomed to.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The way Nathan would break up with you depends on how deep he was into the relationship with you. He wouldn’t have any qualms about bluntly telling you to stay out of his life if he wasn’t feeling it, and he would tell you the moment the thought arose. He’s been with a few women who’d overstayed their welcome and he’s learned not to dance around it if he wanted the comforting discomfort of his loneliness back. Alternatively, if he’s been invested, gave a shit, and was receptive to you opening your soul to him, he’d be more delicate. Whether it was a fault on his end, or you had finally had enough of his baggage he could feel it. He could feel when your laugh didn’t hold the same joy in it like it used to, your eyes didn’t look at him with the enthusiasm he’s grown accustomed to anymore. When Nathan noticed the signs, it was the most brutal pain he’s ever felt, emotionally that is. He never wanted you to feel like you were trapped with him, it’s just as bad if not worse for sticking around just because he was famous in his eyes.
Much like his affection for you, the man has to put all of his feelings, all the words he has left to say to you, and his best wishes for you all on paper. It’s not a script mind you, more of a practice for how he’d approach you. He felt pitiful as he stood in front of his mirror as you slept in the bed just feet from him, mumbling tiredly as he rehearsed the best approach. Nathan didn’t want to completely break your spirits or guilt trip you, the only thing that has brought him joy was your happiness and even if you had to find it with someone else he’d be content knowing you weren’t forcing something that had died out a long time ago.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
The moment he felt like he could talk to you openly without the guard of his walls, he knew he wanted to be yours forever. Mind you this would be over the course of at least a couple of years as you grew with the band. He was a busy man and in the beginning he’d rather do anything else that sit down to have a conversation he thought he’d regret at the time.
And now here he was five years later, the best version of himself that he’s been in gods knows how long, commissioning a ring he’d deem as the perfect oath to you. He’d been planning this for the last six months, between working on the music and getting his band mates to swear on their lives that they wouldn’t fuck anything up the time has passed him by. When everything was perfect he put his plan into motion. While on some vacation he’d pull you aside, away from the band and any prying eyes and propose to you. He’d been so caught up in not crying that he definitely didn’t notice Pickle and Toki recording him while skwisgaar recovered from his preemptive cringe to see everything went surprisingly well.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
While Nathan was essentially a brick wall, he has learned to carry himself a bit lighter while he was around you. He used to be heavy handed whenever he handled you but since then he figured out how to turn the brutality meter down. Not to say he didn’t rough house with you, play fights were a guarantee.
Emotionally, it took several trials and tribulations to find that sweet spot he could handle. While he did figure out how to talk a bit easier with you there were still certain topics he’d be blunt and a little hurtful, though it’s never his intention. There’s just some things he needed to work through himself before he drug you into it.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Nathan’s arms are two heavy magnets when it comes to you. Anytime you were cooking, washing dishes, or hell just standing around, you’d come to expect Nathan to hug you from behind at any given moment.
He’d also liked to pick you up just to marvel at how light you were! He also enjoyed how you’d instinctively wrap your arms around him but don’t tell him I told you that. Any time he could have you like that he would, most often pulling you in his lap no matter where you were (it was also a tactic to scare any wandering eyes).
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Just like with the engagement, he would tell you the moment he knew he wanted to be with you for the rest of his life. It took a lot of time, you showing your love for him through your actions so you didn’t scare him off. Nathan is grateful for it and it certainly had him thinking about it. With each passing day he grew more confident that his feelings were concrete.
When he told you, it wasn’t anything special, hell if you ask him he probably wouldn’t remember what you were doing when he did. You could have been laying in bed, you humming a soft tune and he was just laying there. Whatever the case was he wanted to catch you in your most candid moment, being the you- the person he fell for, before he finally said those three magic words.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It’s Nathan fucking Explosion. You were the one thing he truly had any incentive to keep for himself and himself alone. If he so much as catches anyone glancing your way they caught his cold intimidating glare in response. He knew better than to make a scene, the first incident nearly killed you with how embarrassed you were. He definitely pulled the “do you know who I am” card and slung a few swears, very loudly might I add.
He would take every step he could to keep you close to prevent anyone from making that move. Every possible chance he could get you were in his lap, leaning against his chest, or wrapped around his arm. It was definitely something he needed to work on, but it was gonna be a bit of a bumpy road. For now you appreciate the thought behind it at the very least.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
You had actually initiated the first kiss, but when he found his footing he found it. He was breathless as he watched you crawl over him, wanting to do something but didn’t want to scare you incase you changed your mind last minute. The kiss grew fervent quickly as his lips molded to yours in his own sloppy rhythm.
Usually when he was itching for a kiss you’d catch him staring at your lips and then quickly away nonchalantly. Other times, he’d turn your face from what ever you were doing or whoever you were talking to to steal a quick one. And no matter the length or intensity he always held so much passion with each connection.
Nathan was a sucker for kissing the top of your head. Whatever shampoo you used always seemed to lull the giant into a docile state as he hugged you from behind. Pickle mentioned it as something akin to witchcraft how fast you could switch up his mood. Alternatively, when he’d lay his heavy head in your lap he’d occasionally turn his head to kiss at your thighs. No matter how small or thick they were he adored how comfortable they were to lay on.
When it came to receiving, he was fairly partial to cheek kisses. It tickled him how gentle you were with him not matter what you did, even though you knew he was the farthest thing from fragile. As unbrutal as it was, he couldn’t help but enjoy every attack you’d unleash upon him, smothering his face in peppered kisses. In addition, he liked getting neck kisses, not even in a sexual way. Lately he’d say the most metal thing was waking up to your partner grazing their lips against his throat before following it up with a proper good morning kiss.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Children were very rarely an obstacle Nathan had come across, even when he did he had at least nough common sense not to act like a complete jack ass around them. He’d goof around, tell a grey joke and generally just get along until they could be done with the whole situation.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Nathan usually slept in so you were up before him most mornings. The man almost always had an iron grip around you preventing you from moving until you, playfully, threatened to piss the bed. Then you’d earned yourself a half asleep “ick” before the heavy limb was begrudgingly removed from you.
When both of you were finally ready for the day, the first thing you did together was stuff your faces with breakfast food and down some black coffee to shake off the rest of the sleep that plagued your systems. After a brief discussion of what your respective plans were for the day you’d go on about your separate ways.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
It was never a guarantee when you’d settle down on any given night. Nathan was a busy man after all, and that included when he wasn’t doing anything music related. You couldn’t complain that’s just how the band was. Nearly constant procrastination to get stuff done was the only unchanging factor, so you were dragged around to all their adventures and shenanigans.
When you did finally retreat to the bedroom at the end of the night, the first thing on your itinerary was climbing into a shower. Lately Nathan’s skin has been breaking out from the stage makeup he wears, but fear not for you figured out a skin care routine for him. And it started with you helping him wash his face properly in the shower. Man has a 6-in-one that he uses for everything.
After showers always consisted of sitting on the bed, wrapped in towels while you talked about any and everything to procrastinate actually getting dressed and settling down. Remember how I said Nathan procrastinates everything? When you finally did get up to get dressed you very rarely went to your own closet, instead you opted just to take one of Nathan’s massive shirts so you didn’t have to sleep in pants.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It didn’t take long to realize that you weren’t going away that easily, and it took even less time for him to realize that you weren’t like a ‘normal’ fan of his. You had confided your fair share of secrets in him that he thought he wouldn’t care about. He found himself holding onto every word you said and realized that maybe he should let you in the metaphorical door. Usually it was small details or a look into how his thought process goes.
Whenever he told you something new it was seldom prompted. It was like you’d stumbled into a secret area in a video game while you were exploring, and the character you’d been trailing with suddenly drops some lore without warning. Despite how odd his patterns were it made him all the more intriguing to you, learning about him as an individual and putting the puzzle pieces together.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Patience was like a generator for him, the less stress he had plugged in metaphorically, the more patience he had. But as more and more things were piled on the battery drained faster. He tried not to be irritable around you, you never in your time with him ever gave him a reason to be mad. He didn’t want you to be in the splash zone if he snapped.
The only exception to the battery rule he had was if anything happened to you. He can remember all too vividly being at some bar full of regular jack offs with you and the band. Someone where in the background while you and the band were laughing about something Pickle had said, a bar fight had started. At first Nathan shrugged it off, it was annoying but it didn’t ruin the atmosphere. That was until one of them threw a half full bottle of Natty Light just above your head, having missed its initial target. The glass shattered and nicked your shoulder, the remaining booze that splashed didn’t do much to help the situation as you winced hardly at the stinging.
None of the band knew Nathan had hopped over the table until they heard him toss a couple of rage filled swears at the culprit.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Having always been slow to learn things, Nathan took it upon himself to keep a section of his notebook dedicated to your favorite anything. It could be as small as your favorite color or as important as an allergy you’d mentioned so he didn’t accidentally gift you something you couldn’t eat/enjoy. He would challenge himself to memorize important dates and names you’d told him in passing to surprise you when he asks about them later.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?)
The singers favorite moment in the time he’s met you would probably have to be the first time he heard you sing. As insignificant as it may seem, he did really enjoy your voice.
He was walking back to his room after having a particularly frustrating conversation with Charles. When he grew closer he could hear muffled noises that sounded like humming. Slowly, he opened the door to see you standing by the window, looking out over the rest of Mordhaus as you sang. It was a song he’s never heard but you carried it so well.
Nathan shut the door quietly and made his way over, any frustration he had faded into the back ground. His arms wrapped around your waist and he had to bite back a chuckle as you squealed. The moment was short but it was the softest he’s felt for anyone ever, and he has you to thank for that.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
Much like the jealousy segment showcased, Nathan is usually on top of everything when it comes to your protection. He’s a fuckin brick shithouse so he can handle anything physically. During the course of your relationship with him, he’s most likely hospitalized a small country worth of people who tried to make any kind of move to hurt you— being in the spot light did have its risks you know.
Security ran deeper than just what he could do physically. Having to overcome fear and rejection, he’s learned a small handful of coping mechanisms. He uses that knowledge to help you whenever he recognizes the signs of panic or in general just discomfort. Sometimes you’d have to remind him that you’re ok, that it wasn’t that serious. He just worries about you!
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Nathan’s parents were always he blueprint when it came to his perspective of love. When he got famous he never thought he’d reach it, but now that he has you he’s ecstatic to use every trick he’s observed in his youth. On dates and anniversaries expect a plethora of cliche gifts: big bouquets of roses, stuffed animals, jewelry.
He engraved each and every date that something important has happened on in his brain, and also written several times on calendars and in his notebook, so there was absolutely no chance he’d forget anything. He’s working with Charles to plan events and parties for your anniversary, the big fancy ones and not just something he’d usually throw together with the guys.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Nathan tends to shut down some days when he’d have a particularly bad dream…speaking of he’s rather private about his dreams. Any time you’d ask what was on his mind he refused to elaborate further than just “mm’bad dream..”
He was a diva in his own way, if it wasn’t perfect it wasn’t accepted. So many albums lost, green rooms wrecked, tours nearly ruined. Though it makes you uncomfortable to see him regress to tantrums sometimes, you chalked it up to the fame. These moments were small in comparison to your relationship as a whole.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Nathan takes at least some pride in his appearance, anything so he didn’t fall to Williams level. He did have an Old Spice 4-in-1: shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash. Why have so many products that all smelled different? It was a lot on his senses so he uses that so all of him was clean and smelled like…wait what did the bottle say? Congealed Liquified Corpse…it was a Dethklok x Old Spice collab. Brutal name aside, it actually made him smell earthy, piney even— it was a joke in a bottle.
Shower practice aside, he did the basics when it came to his actual appearance; he’d comb his hair, brush his teeth, wipe his ass. It did the job well enough and he was ok with how he looked.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely he would, you’d become his home. You domesticated the beast and he was forever putty in your hands. Without you, he’d feel lost. There was no hole in his heart, it was just gone— you were his heart. Any time you had to leave for some other business Charles had you doing, he’d just mope around alone in the room if he wasn’t distracting himself with the band. Even then, the party felt incomplete without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Nathan is very fluent in French, like he sounds like he grew up speaking it. He most definitely sweet talks you in French. Alternatively he would get away with saying the most outta pocket and down right filthy shit to you and no one has a clue until they see you quickly turn red.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In a partner, he really doesn’t want just some fan— he’s been burned way too many times. They’re shallow and don’t even want to know who he is as a person, it’s slimy and not to mention very one sided.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
See his thre- uhh two point plan, in the cuddle section. He won’t sleep well if he isn’t tangled up with you. In addition if you sleep with any kind of noise going on, he’d adapt and now he can’t sleep without anything going on in the background. Noticing his infatuation with the ocean lately, you introduced him to whale songs to sleep to and boy howdy is he out like a light whenever you turn it on.
Ok I got a little carried away, but I’m really proud of it! Let me know what you think of my big pushover- aha!
Keep those requests in coming! I’m loving the ideas so far. Up next is trans! Pickles x gn! Reader! What’s the plot? No body knows, babe! It it will certainly be an adventure that’s for sure!
Stay tuned, dethfans!
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thequeenofcupps · 3 months
✯My name is Marli! But I prefer Mars!
As you can tell I’m a beginner fanfic writer so I would appreciate some tips!
I am 15 yrs old so don’t send me smut requests yet
Give me a follow on TikTok! My @ is @/hispanicpanic29
Don’t be scared to ask I’ll always do requests! (Unless said otherwise)🫶
DNI: proshippers, the bad comshippers, pedophiles, trump/biden supporters, Israel supporters, zoophiles, racists, neo nazis, homophobia and transphobic assholes
(Please read before requesting!🫶)
✯and as of now I’m going to be taking requests! Also some content warning I do swear a lot so just a warning
DNI: proshippers, the bad comshippers, pedophiles, trump/biden supporters, Israel supporters, zoophiles, racists, neo nazis, homophobia and transphobic assholes
I strictly do hcs cuz I don't believe in myself to make oneshots or drabbles
I’m 15 so no smut of underaged characters that includes tmnt and part of the the outsiders or just smut at all no gore, sexual assault, zoophilia, r@pe, non-con, pedophilia, stalking, creepy ass behavior and yandere
also I don't write for males since I'm not a male and I don't think I could write for them well
fluff, I’m adding suggestive hc’s I’ll add smut when my birthday comes, hc's or drabbles are my thing so request away! I mostly write for Fem!reader or Gn!reader (sorry boys), platonic is my absolute favorite so don’t be afraid to ask! I’ll do mother figure and father figure cuz we need some in our lives!
ALSO I’LL DO UP TO 4 CHARACTERS IF YOU ASK (but I’m not doing Poly tmnt brothers cuz what the fuck) but I will write for separate character!
Invincible: Rex splode, atom eve, mark Grayson and Allen the alien
Overwatch 2 (Venture duh <3, Junkrat, brigitte, Cassidy, Hanzo, Genji, Mercy, Ashe, Lucio, LIFEWEAVER!!, Batiste, kiriko, junkerqueen, illari and Juno/space ranger
sally face (I haven't finished the game so I'm not entirely aware of some things) (Ashley, Sal fisher, and Larry I'll probably add more after I'm finished with the game)
Mutant mayhem
2012 tmnt
2003 TMNT
Bayverse TMNT
(who I write for: April O'neil except the 2012 April cuz I FUCKING HATE HER, Casey Jones, Raph, Donnie, Leo, Mikey, and Karai)
The Outsiders: Ponyboy Curtis(no suggestive stuff for him since he’s like a year younger than me), Darry Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade, Twobit, Steve randall, and Angela Shepard)
Smiling friends (Charlie, pim, Alan, Mrs bosses wife, fillmore (the teal guy from s2 e6)
Doom: just doom guy :>
Dethklok: toki, pickles, Nathan, skwisgaar, Charles (I’ll probably add murderface he’s just not my fav)
Stranger things: Steve Harrington, Johnathon Byers, argyle, Eddie Munson, Joyce Byers (platonic only), hopper(also platonic only), robin buckley,
Bnha/mha: momo yayorozu, Kirishima, denki kaminari, katsuki bakugo, izuku midoriya, ochaco, shoji, tokoyami, mina, mirio, sero, miriko, literally all of class 1-a except the grape fuck, also class 1b, any pro hero’s except endeavor m
I hope to see y'alls requests!
Also warning! I do have divorced parents and I’m writing on a laptop and the laptop is at my moms so requests might come out slow so my deepest apologies!
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tokiwarcube · 1 month
How are the boys when their s/o is away on a trip for a while? Like which ones call constantly? Which ones are calm? Any have separation anxiety?
This was fun to think about, and very well timed! +Charles as well -- Enjoy! <3
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Charles Foster Offdensen
Have fun for him, won’t you? Charles will absolutely miss you while you’re gone — with the lives you share, you don’t always have too much time to spend together, not to say that he won’t miss the time you do get — but he’s happy that you’ll be having a good time. His biggest worry is about your safety, but that’s nothing a few Klokateers can’t fix.
He looks forward to your nightly phone call more than ever — after a long day of running around, his steady voice is so nice to listen to. And you know, it’s funny — he’s already less stiff around you, but over the phone, he’s a little more willing to just be a bit silly. Especially as time goes on. Maybe it’s because of the distance that comes with a call. Maybe he just misses you.
And he’d be lying if he didn’t pay just a little bit more attention to the vibration of his phone, just in case you send him a text or a photo. He might not respond immediately, but he does look forward to hearing from you.
He does find himself thinking of you often — certain colors, trinkets, your interests… he’ll text you about them every now and then, just to let you know you’re in his thoughts.
Please send him a postcard or two, if you’re able. He likes physical items like that, especially if you scrawl a little note on the back.
10/10, he’ll be sure to take you on a nice date when you get home to make up for lost time.
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Nathan Explosion
Listen, Nathan isn’t the most talkative man on Earth. Or in the States. Or in Mordhaus. Or, anywhere, really. No, his way of showing love is through spending time together. He loves getting up in the afternoon morning with you, going through your morning routine, watching you pick out your outfits… loves to just you know, exist with you. He thought he was going to be fine while you were gone, but everyone in a 30mi radius could tell he was not.
Spoiler alert: He is not.
He’s awkward on phonecalls, and is abysmal on videocalls (can’t hold a phone straight to save his life), so while he will 100% try, he’s not… he’s not great. But you know, just keep him updated with your daily activities — send photos of your adventures, of your outfit choices in the morning, of the random shit you found in the shops… it makes him feel just a little less alone. And he’ll try to do the same, even if the photos are always weirdly out of focus. He does better at the random voice notes he’ll send to you — now those, those make you feel more at home. It’s usually just some random thing he’s been thinking of — maybe it’s a random verse he’s been noodling at, maybe it’s an idea for some new too-expensive project, maybe it’s just some random thought that won’t leave him alone. But they mean a lot.
Other than that, he does fairly decent at distracting himself — if there was any time for a good-old friender-bender, it’s now.
5/10, Pickles is doing his damndest to keep him away from the tequila.
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Pickles the Drummer
He’s been preparing for this day from the moment you put it on the calendar. He just knows he’s going to be horrific, going to spin himself in circles, going to chew his own arm off, and—
He’s actually fine. He thought he was going to be shaking like a chihuahua in your absence, but all things considered, he’s actually pretty damn okay! I mean yeah, he looks forward to your call at night, and he gets a bit sad if you ever have to miss it, but he’s not basing his entire day around the void your absence has made. Part of that comes from the photos you send throughout the day — he knows you haven’t just fucked off and abandoned him, which honestly, was his biggest worry. The other half of his nonchalance comes with his lifestyle. I wouldn’t say he’s drinking more now that you’re gone, but also… he’s bored. He’s not drinking himself to death, mind you, it’s just… Pickles.
He for sure gets a bit sappier when he’s really under the influence — he will be showing photos of your adventures to anyone who will listen. And to anyone who won’t. He’s glad you’re having a good time, genuinely.
Might as well go on a good old friender-bender while he has the time, though.
9/10, surprisingly normal, but someone should really look into his liver — how it hasn’t shut down by now is anyone’s guess.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
When its time for your trip, he thinks he’s gonna do great in your absence. Love you to death, but it’ll be nice to play guitar in the middle of the night again without having to worry about waking you up. And he can finally watch that horror movie you said he’d hate because for some reason you’re convinced that he hates them. Oh! And he can finally try his hand at drinking Nathan under the table again, and—
He has a whole list of stupid shit planned out, and he doesn’t even make it an hour before he’s smacked with a very crushing loneliness. He finds himself turning to murmur to you, only to have your usual space just… empty.
The weight of your absence is stunning, and he refuses to admit how much he misses you. But you can take a guess, with how much he draws out your midnight phonecalls. And really, its hard to keep up the dirty talk for that long without getting cliche— how about you just tell him about your day?
4/10, emotionally constipated Swedish man ends up in ER with repetitive strain injuries to the fingers and wrist, more news at 10:00.
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Toki Wartooth
Toki considers himself to be fairly adaptable. I mean sure, he misses you half to death, but he can function without you. Plus, he always has his memory boxes and scrapbooks for when he’s particularly longing, and he always has the ability to call!
By which I mean, he’s calling you almost any chance he gets. But to be fair, that’s not too much different from when you’re at home — he just likes to talk to you. He keeps you updated on all of the shenanigans at Mordhaus, so you never really feel too far from home. But now that you’re off on your own adventure, he wants to hear all about it! Please send him photos!
Genuinely, he does great at surviving without you. That is, until it comes time to sleep — he didn’t realize how good you were at keeping the nightmares at bay. Expect a slightly longer call at night — he probably won’t tell you about the nightmares, but he does get a bit whinier about you coming home.
8/10, surprisingly adaptable, but please bring him a trinket. No, it does not matter that he could buy every item in the country thrice over — he would still like a little trinket.
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William Murderface
He does not miss you, he’s just buying a casket and writing his will because it’s a fun, Tuesday activity.
Okay, he’s lying, he misses you so fucking much it’s unreal. It just feels weird to, you know, say it like that. He’d be calling you 24/7 if you weren’t out and about, living your life. So instead, he texts. There’s no obligation to respond immediately, mind you… but a few updates here and there would be deeply appreciated.
He tries his absolute best to distract himself while you’re gone — maybe Planet Piss will finally get it’s first EP down (false) — with varying success. His chief method of distraction comes to hanging out with the band… and the boys are texting you by the end of the week to please come home, because they’re having to beat him off with a stick. He’s also weirdly agitated with everyone but you, which certainly doesn’t help matters… but on the phone, he’s just as soft as could be.
3/10, he’s going to chew his own leg off at this rate. Someone save him, please.
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writersmilex · 9 months
Camera Shy
Nathan Explosion X Fem | Reader Summary: The paparazzi show up while (Y/n) and Dethklok hang out in public. (Y/n) gets upset from all the attention and cameras.
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"Maybe they have a local speciality?" (Y/n) wonders out loud, scratching her chin thoughtfully, while imagining what brutal coffee flavours they could have. (Y/n) and the band Dethklok Stroll down the street to check out a recent Duncan Hills coffee shop that has opened in this area.
"Don't get your hopes up (Y/n), most of the Duncan hills are all the fucking same." Pickles.
(Y/n) glares at Pickles and crosses her arms.
"Thanks, Pickles, you ruined my whole day." (Y/n) playfully complains and pushes the drummer's shoulder lightly. Pickles laughs in return. The group resumes their stroll from the Dethbus to the opening of a new Duncan Hills.
"how about blood-orange flavour?" (Y/n) wonders out loud. That catches Nathan's attention.
"That sounds brutal." He growls a remark. Cause (Y/n) to look at him and grin. It's one of those smiles that he didn't really mind this time.
The group arrived at the opening of the new coffee shop, and Murderface came up with the incredible idea of cutting the ribbon with a chainsaw. Well, it did cut the ribbon but Murderface lost control of the machine and it flew into the crowd, killing two people...
"see? I fuckin' told ya so. Same shit at always." Pickles says in a smug tone. Murderface shakes his head after looking at the shop's menus. "dischappointing..." He hisses dramatically. "hyuuh..." Skwisgaar adds.
(Y/n) deflates in disappointment. She has truly hoped there would be something new that Duncan Hills could offer in a new shop, "Aww that's a shame." She huffs.
" if ya got any ideas for this, maybe tell Offdensen about them," Nathan says to (Y/n). This (Y/n) causes it to perk up a bit. They turn to Nathan with an even brighter smile than before.
"yeah! Maybe I should. I had a couple of merchandise ideas that could make millions!" (Y/n) smirks as she thinks about their million-dollar ideas.
Nathan raises an eyebrow at (Y/n) in curiosity.
"Yeah? Like what?" (Y/n) is about to speak up, but they got cut off by a person outside of the group.
"There they are!!" A loud voice from outside. "What was that?" Toki asks anyone who listens.
The group walks out of the shop. Where they are immediately greeted by a horde of paparazzi and fans. "Fucks..." Skwisgaar groans in annoyance. "They found us again..." Pickles sighs, rolling his eyes. (Y/n) freezes as the loud crowd gets closer.
"Who's that woman with them?" They can hear someone from the crowd. "Do they mean (Y/n)?" Nathan wonders, taking a glance at the person in question.
Cameras start flashing, blinding (Y/n) immediately, she raises her arms to block the light hopefully. She flinches at every camera click, mixed with the inability to see properly causes her to get quite nervous. This isn't really about social anxiety, anyone would feel quite overwhelmed when hundreds of cameras are being pointed in their face, wouldn't they?
(Y/n) should have known better to be honest. If the paparazzi made her so uncomfortable, most likely shouldn't have been hanging out with these worldwide stars.
The flashing lights start to make her dizzy. She completely shields her eyes by putting her face in her hands and moving closer to the person she stands next to: Nathan.
"(Y/n)?" He calls out her name but she doesn't respond. Nathan didn't like what the paparazzi were doing to his friend. His expression sinks into an even deeper scowl than before. He steps in front of (Y/n), shielding her from the camera flashes.
One person dares to get close. "Excuse me, may I ask for your name?" an interviewer tries to reach (Y/n). "Fuck off." Nathan threatens, pushing the man back hard, causing him to stumble back.
The paparazzi look shocked and even slightly offended. "Nothing wrong with asking for her name?" he shrugs and tries to get closer to (Y/n) again. Pickles steps in as well, looking as equally annoyed as Nathan does.
"ey, ya heard 'im. Fuck off." the drummer pushes the man back also.
Pickles and Nathan glance back at (Y/n), then turn back to each other. "We gotta get her outta here." Pickles suggests and Nathan agrees with a swift nod. Without saying anything, Nathan grabs (Y/n) by her waist with both hands and hoists her over his right shoulder, causing her to yelp in surprise and then he runs away in the direction of where the dethbus is parked. the rest of the band follows right after Nathan and (Y/n). Paparazzi following quite far behind.
The group finally reach the bus and once the cameramen are in view of the klokateers, they take their rifles and shoot a few people who dare to touch the bus, then the vehicle races off and leaves a thick cloud of diesel smog in its wake.
~~At Mordhaus~~
"Ams yous okay (Y/n)?" Toki places a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder to console her. She remains seated, rubbing her temples to nurse a headache that was caused by the flashes of light from the cameras "What are you doings (Y/n)? This is nots a big deals." Skwisgaar scoffs, unable to see what the big deal is. Toki elbows the Swede in the stomach. Skwisgaar gasps then coughs in pain and holds his side where the rhythm guitarist hit him. "What's the fucks ams the matters with you." Toki sneers at Skwisgaar. The lead guitarist doesn't answer, mostly out of embarrassment and just rolls his eyes.
(Y/n) remains in her seat, silently as she regains her composure bit by bit. Skwisgaar looks at her and shakes his head slowly, while still strumming his guitar. "it's not that big ofs a deals (Y/n). Gets over yourselves." He says.
Nathan, who is sitting next to (Y/n) with his hand on her shoulder, scowls at the lead guitarist.
"(Y/n) is not used to Skwisgaar. So shut the fuck up." the singer threatens with a sharp tone. The guitarist is slightly taken aback for a moment but then huffs loudly.
"Whatevers." Skwisgaar mumbles and stands up from his seat to go to his room most likely.
"Asshole..." Nathan mutters to himself as he watches Skwisgaar leave the room in quite a hurry.
(Y/n) sighs deeply, catching Nathan's attention once again. "sorry I..." (Y/n) runs their hands through her hair.
"I'm not very fond of flashing lights and stuff..." She mumbles and continues to fidget with the strands of her hair.
The singer merely grunts in response. "still." Nathan begins. (Y/n) lifts her head from her hands, meeting the singer's forest green eyes. His gaze holds that usual sharpness, but there is something behind them that (Y/n) cannot place quite well.
"If you wanna continue to hang out with us. You gotta get used to some of these things. The world ain't no place for softies." Nathan says with honesty, and he is right. This world is harsh and will not bend backwards for anybody.
"Yeah... I know." (Y/n) sighs. "I'll work on it." She offers Nathan a determined smile. The singer smirks back.
"Good." He remarks, seemingly satisfied with (Y/n)'s answer.
Nathan was indeed right, which still manages to surprise (Y/n) to this very day. Ever since (Y/n) had hung out with Dethklok in public, she got approached on the streets by people whenever she went out to run some errands or to go for a simple walk that turned into an interview every time. The attention is interesting to put it lightly, although some people were not as respectful as others.
(Y/n) indeed got some... Unfriendly messages on social media by hardcore fans. More often than not, it was fangirls being jealous. Which (Y/n) could be understood in some way. But to tell someone to die over it? Not that much...
Luckily, Offdensen knows how much (Y/n) means to the band as a friend, and is willing to give her protection if she requests it.
(Y/n) appreciates his thoughtfulness, but she is a stubborn one and believes that she'll be fine.
"I don't understand why you guys wanna watch me do groceries." Dethklok had decided it would be fun to stalk (Y/n) while she went out to run her weekly errands and groceries. The band is closely following behind her as they look around the store...
"to get in touch with our roots. This is the uh, safest way." Nathan explains the rest of the band agrees with nods and grunts.
"Glad we don't have to do thisch schit ourschelvesch anymore, thisch isch scho lame," Murderface complains with an overdramatic sigh of boredom, causing (Y/n) to glare at him. This weekly chore is already normalized in her routine and she can't help but occasionally envy the band's wealth. "Well, it's necessary for me. I need my stuff to survive." (Y/n) argues back. taking a pack of toilet paper from the rack to put in her shopping cart.
"Cans we gets this, (Y/n)?" Toki returns to the group after being separated from them for a brief moment, holding up a bag of marshmallows that he found in the aisles of the store, doing his best puppy-dog eyes at (Y/n).
(Y/n) squints at him. "No! These are my fucking groceries. Put it back!" Toki pouts but does as he's told and walks away to put it back where he found it. "I thought yous didn't likes hanging out with us, (Y/n)?" Skwisgaar wonders out loud. "I didn't like the paparazzi, but I've gotten a little used to it by now, a bit more than before at least." (Y/n) shrugs, grabbing another article from another shelf.
"Aww..." That was all the guitarist had to say in response. Toki joined the group again once they reached the register so (Y/n) could pay for her groceries.
"I got it." Nathan steps beside (Y/n) and pays for all of her groceries. "Oh c'mon Nathan I work for a reason." (Y/n) defends once she receives the receipt. " Your income is nothing compared to mine,(Y/n)." Nathan responds and carries one of the grocery bags to help her out, (Y/n) carries two more bags. (Y/n) can't argue with his income, so just drops it. "Thanks." She replies and turns a little pink in her face. "Don't mention it," Nathan grunts in response. Pickles and Skwisgaar watch the two friends interact. Then they turn to each other and share a knowing look.
The group returns to the parking lot of the grocery store towards (Y/n)'s car. And Nathan helps them load the groceries in the car. "You're so nice today Nathan. Or is it just (Y/n) that gets special treatment." Pickles snickers, Skwisgaar and Toki follow with small chuckles, sounding like gossiping schoolgirls.
Nathan looks over his shoulder at his friend, the pink on his cheeks turning darker and the sharpening glare in his eyes that already says everything that his bandmates need to know.
Of course, (Y/n) heard that too. Not knowing how to react, she just decides to ignore the drummer's comment. She is not really in the mood to deal with that right now. "There." (Y/n) closes the trunk of the car that's now loaded up with her groceries.
"Well, it was fun with you guys but I gotta go home now." (Y/n) says while digging into her pocket for her keys.
"it'sch about time we go home too, I'm schoooo bored." Murderface suggests with a grumble, Toki nods in agreement. "Yeah, theres ams somes model I wants to finish." He adds.
"well then, I'll see you guys later." (Y/n) waves goodbye and enters her car. "see ya!" (Y/n) races off in an instant, nearly running over a small child and a mother.
"sooo, Nathan. Where are ya gonna ask her out or what?" Pickles teases Nathan and nudges him in his arms. Nathan glances at the drummer.
"I will kill you when we get home." Nathan threatens
"no you won't!" Pickles cackles.
_______________________________ I got the update on this one as well. I thought my old writing didn't make much sense of missing context. Not to mention some grammatical fixes.
Thanks for reading -Smilex
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pedropascallme · 1 year
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚Metalocalypse Masterlist
💋Smut | 🫀Fluff | 🥀 Angst | 🧠Imagine | 🪡Series | 🌷One shot | 🗣️Drabble 
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First time together 🫀💋🗣️
Braiding his hair to cheer him up 🫀🗣️
Honeymooning 🫀💋🌷
Reuniting after tour 🫀💋🗣️
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Nathan Explosion NSFW alphabet 💋🧠
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freakybongg · 4 months
Hello hope your doing well! I was wondering if you could do a Nathan explosion x non-binary reader? Who rants a lot just about everything and anything? :3
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-After shows, you'd always seem to find him and tell him about your day. He always enjoyed having you talk to him.
-He never butts in really, he just enjoys listening, but when he does its usually something nice, or funny.
-The band usually makes fun of him, and you sometimes. Usually he ignores them but if it affects you, he'll chew them out fr.
-Sometimes if you rant to him about something you want, or really enjoy, he'll tell Charles about it and Charles will usually get it for you, or tells Nathan what to get/do.
-If you ever rant about any of the band members being annoying, he'll prob laugh and join you too. But if something serious, like an argument happens between you and another dethklok member he WILL chew them tf out. Seriously.
-Nathan really loves listening to you, but at first he didn't really like it but he realized its apart of you, and he really loves you, so he grew into it!
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polyklok · 1 year
What makes them soft 🥰 VS What gets them hard 😈 (Dethklok x Reader)
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I thought of that title and it was too good to give up
Fluffy moments vs Turn-Ons headcanons for the Dethklok boys (if that wasn’t obvious enough) TW: Although not explicitly smut, this is definitely a bit spicy and has hints of kinks. Please, Minors DNI.
Nathan explosion
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What makes him soft
Being a busy guy, Nathan values a lot of comfortable silence and mutual space. When you two are just sitting together, doing completely different things, not talking, yet enjoying each other’s company nonetheless. Most of the time, he’ll be writing song lyrics, storyboarding a music video, or planning out a concert. His mind is occupied, but he’ll occasionally take the time to look over to you and appreciate just how soothing your presence is.
This guy will go weak in the knees for random little pecks. On his cheeks, nose, shoulders, hands, he’ll go absolutely crazy when you give him just small, passing kisses. He might even stop what both of you are doing just to get more. Don’t get me wrong, he loves a good make out session, but quick and fleeting kisses are definitely up there on the list.
When really focused, Nathan has the tendency to overwork himself, getting completely enamored in his goals and not focusing on much else. Similarly, being an unofficial “Band Dad”, he might be very busy trying to keep his chaotic band mates in check and on schedule. So having a darling S/O who reminds him to take breaks and take care of himself is so precious. Just little, “It’s been a while, let’s have a snack.” or “We should be heading to bed now.” Are just lovely little reminders on just how much you care for him and it seriously makes his heart ache with warmth.
What gets him hard
Nathan is…stubborn and tends to be hardheaded. He’s pretty good at keeping himself in check, but sometimes that ignorance will still slip out. But, HOO, when he has an S/O that’ll snap back. Goddamn! Get a bit angry, boss him around a little. Nothing mean, just put him in his place. He’ll certainly return the favor to you later.
While I still stand by the fact that he loves some quick affection, he still greatly appreciates lingering touches as well. Specifically, massages. He’s a big guy, a big guy who is constantly hunching down and head banging. Rub up his neck and shoulders, please! He might literally beg you, if he must. He considers a massage to be some great foreplay, aftercare, or just whenever. He just really loves it.
Whispering. I don’t know how to explain this one, I just feel like he’s the kind of fella to just go wild over some whispering in his ear. Doesn’t even have to be flirty or sexual; get real close and whisper to him your grocery list, he’ll probably be bricked up over it.
Pickles The Drummer
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What makes him soft
You know how Pickles had a completely supportive home life and a loving family? No? Not at all? Huh. That’s probably why he gets seriously emotional whenever you give him praise. Any kind at all, just a simple “Good job” might make his eyes start to water. Tries really hard to hide it too, cause if you'll notice, you might start to worry about him WHICH WILL MAKE HIM CRY EVEN MORE-
Scratching this isn’t kinky I swear- You know that feeling when someone gently drags their fingernails across your skin? Just barely enough to leave red streaks and cause goosebumps, but not nearly enough for any actual pain? Maybe I’m projecting but something tells me he’s just melt into that sensation. Bonus points if you play connect-the-dots with his freckles or something.
Pickles will regularly drink and drug himself up to oblivion, which makes absolutely brutal hangovers a very common occurrence. But he’s used to dealing with it on his own. Until you decided that wouldn’t do and started taking care of him during these tough moments. Even when he’s painfully groaning into you thighs, he really does love the fact that you’re just willing to be here with him, dealing with his pathetic habits and worse symptoms.
What gets him hard
Nothing gets him in the mood quite like seeing you dance. Seeing you bounce and sway to some music definitely puts his head deep into the gutter, especially if the song is filthy. Even better, one of Dethklok's songs. He’ll be staring at your legs, hips, and chest with a smirk for hours and he’ll definitely ask you to recreate some of those moves for him later, privately.
I think he has a thing for oversized clothes. Most of the women he surrounds himself with wear tight, revealing clothing and while that's all done and good, he really enjoys something that's loose and too big on you. Doesn't matter how big you are; buy a shirt a couple sizes up and it'll probably end up on his floor in a matter of hours. Also I think he wants to be the boyfriend to give you his clothing that's too big for you, but he's so tiny himself, it probably won't work :/
Okay, sure, it's nice to have a partner that's a little bashful or even teasing when it comes to sexytimes, someone who likes making a show out of it. But, he loves having a partner that's very casual about their sexuality. This was totally inspired by that great Momento Mori fanfic btw. When you skip to the chase of getting undressed or talk about kinks openly like it was in the morning news or simply ask for sex from him, no hesitation, he'll be so much more enthusiastic about it.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
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What makes him soft
Skwisgaar is famous, or infamous, for being a Sex God. He has slept with more people in a week than most will in their entire lives; he's probably the biggest whore in history. It's what's expected of him. If you are in a monogamous relationship with him, he's already out of his element and feeling vulnerable. This wasn't supposed to happen to him. But then you start giving him affection. Hugs and cuddles, kisses on his cheek, and little pets that don't lead to sex just make his heart flutter in a way he didn't know was possible. He's had countless women touching every part of his body, but when you do it out of sentiment and tenderness rather than because you're horny...oh gosh, he becomes addicted to that feeling.
He'd be the type of guy to pine after good ol' fashion shyness. Seeing you blush, stutter, and look away at some simple flirting quips makes him melt. He loves getting his ego stroked so he often fosters your nervousness just to make himself feel like a big man. He especially likes it if you start to use him as a crutch for your shyness, like hiding your face in his chest or something.
While he tends to come off as smug, cold and dismissive, he is really such a crybaby and has a healthy dose of anxiety as well. While it will take a while a long while for him to open up and expose his emotional side, he really values someone who can comfort him in his tough moments. He’s gonna be bratty about it the first few times, but it means so much just to have someone there and caring for him.
What gets him hard
Oh boy, double whammy! The shyness not only hits his heart, but that feeling moves down south as well. Not necessarily acting timid in the bedroom, although he does like that, but watching the shyness melt away as you really get into it. Especially if you’re a bit controlling of him. Seeing your reserved attitude give away to dominance just fucking gets to him.
This one’s weird ngl So we all know how particular Skwisgaar is. He’s a bit of a diva. I’d think he’d like to pick your clothing. Nothing super invasive, but he likes to choose what outfit you wear before the two of you go out to do something nice. He gets so much pride that from knowing you’re wearing what he picked from you and he cannot wait to tear it off. Bonus points if you get compliments on it; he’s not gonna brag in front of people, but he’s gonna tease you for it later.
If you couldn’t tell, I imagine him to be semi-possessive. So he would just love to mark you up with hickies and bruises and scratches. He’ll have the cockiest smirk on his face as others stare at the marks covering your neck or thighs. He’ll show off his own marks that you left as well, wearing low-cut shirts after a particularly rough night.
Toki Wartooth
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What makes him soft
Ahh, this boy is such a sweetheart! A lot of things you do will turn him into putty. But especially if you play into any traditional lifestyle. Toki bought a ring a month into your relationship, so saying your interested in marriage will make him so happy, he might propose right there! You want kids? So does he! How soon? As traumatizing at it was, he was raised with extremely conventional values, so seeing you cook or clean or act domestic even a little bit will push all the right buttons in his brain.
Toki never uses your name. It’s a given. Pretty much the moment you met, he’s called you by all the cheesiest pet names he can think of, even before you were dating. Some are cute; Sweetie, Darling, Prince/Princess, Kitty. But, just as much as those, he uses all the tacky ones that make everyone cringe as well; Honeybun, Num-Nums, Snookums, Baby Cakes. It gets worse. It doesn’t matter if you hate it, he thinks it’s cute!
Despite him usually waking up the earliest out of the band members, and having a cherry demeanor overall, Toki is not a morning person. He will be so pissed if he is waken up before he wants to, alarm clocks are not allowed in his room. He has very vivid and happy dreams and hates to be torn away from them. But he loves waking up with you, every single morning. Even if you snore or drool or kick in your sleep, he will be so happy to see you as you both wake up. Your tired face and messy hair and mumbling “good morning” just feels so right, really gets him in the feels.
What gets him hard
(This one is specifically for female readers) Remember when I said he definitely wants children? I wasn’t kidding. Man wants to start trying for a baby today. He hates condoms and will try to convince you to get off birth control. Almost every time you mess around, he’s gonna bring up how pretty you’ll be with his kids growing in you. Always wants to finish inside. The breeding kink is strong here.
Ok, so yes, Toki generally likes his S/O to be as sweet and loving as he is. But you know what else he is? Fucking scary. If you have some occasions where you get really pissed off, telling off some asshole or even beating them up, Toki wants you right then and there. He loves seeing the seething anger on your face not directed at him and definitely gets turned on if a little blood gets on you. Brutal.
Nudes are great, right? He definitely likes getting some dirty pictures from you now and then, especially if he’s away on tour and can’t get the real thing. But even more so than that, he loves getting teasing photos from you. Especially if you act dumb. Send him a necklace photo that just so happens to show off your cleavage or collarbone; show him something your holding with your soft thighs in the background; send him a selfie from bed where you ‘accidentally’ leave some sex toys in frame. Oh my god, he’ll go so crazy for it and pays you back double when he finally sees you again.
William Murderface
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What makes him soft
It’s so easy to make his heart melt, it’s almost sad. He definitely puts up a tough exterior, but once you’re through, he’s pretty much at his knees for anything you do. But high up on his list (he would be the type to make a list) is receiving compliments from you. He already idolizes you and is weirdly grateful that you show him as much affection as you do, so even tiny compliments are gonna have him twisted around your finger, as if he wasn’t already before. He’ll kill someone for you if you just call him prettyboy beforehand, I swear to god.
The quickest way to a man’s heart is his stomach. This is true for almost anyone, but especially Murderface. He’ll gobble up anything you cook for him so quickly, doesn’t matter what. He’s bashful about it, but eventually, he’ll show his passion for cooking for you and teaching you some recipes definitely makes for some sweet bonding time. His favorite date is cooking something together and then eat it while watching an awful movie.
As you’ve probably guessed by now; Murderface is, what some might call, a total simp for you and is completely tender for anything you do. So, if you happen to flip the script, and start building him up as something desirable and pine after him hard, ohhhh man. This extends from the compliments but- Flirt! Get handsy in public! Show him off! He is literally one of the world’s most popular cultural figure and yet his self confidence is dirt. Be grateful for your famous, angsty, bulldog-faces boyfriend and his stomach will explode in butterflies!
What gets him hard
He seems like the kind of guy to seriously get off on eye contact not me tho. Make eyes at him from across a room and don’t look away. The longer you stare just at him, the more he’ll blush and squirm. Once you do finally get some private time, he insists on maintaining eye contact with you as long as you both can manage. It’s somehow feels both romantic and fucking dirty with him.
William is pretty much addicted to your scent. If you have a signature perfume or lotion, he wants to drown in the stuff. He loves to bury his face in any article of clothing you manage to leave behind in his room. While in his afterglow, he likes to creep up behind you and smell your hair and sweat. Even body odor, he likes it if it’s yours. Yeah, he’s a weirdo, but you already snatched him up. Please let him borrow a few sprays of your perfume to wear for the day.
Seeing you handle weaponry…my god. This poor boy. Could be knives, guns, anything in between. Just you holding it is enough to make his knees wobbly and his vision blurry. If you know how to use it? Good lord, he wants to be at the end of that weapon no matter the consequences. He’d be completely okay dying that way. Seriously though, this man has a thing for weaponry and danger. He puts on the attitude of a violent, hateful man but underneath that is a softie. But under want that softie is man who CRAVES VIOLENCE-
I got more and more sleep deprived as I wrote this man
Will I ever be able to write something comprehensible and exceptional?…probably not.
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