#i dont know why im posting this like 5 minutes before i go to sleep but ok
junk-culture · 1 year
ive been vaguely wondering if im autistic for like the past year or more but now that i have a job i feel even less motivation to go and get a diagnosis bc whatevers up with me if anything is obviously not something that prevents me from like working and stuff so i dont critically Need to know. so like whatever i guess. neither confirming nor unconfirming the allegations but an ambiguous third thing.
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icarusredwings · 2 months
The Master does things in 4s.
A headcanon.
Oh, I will.
Tapping, knocking, steps, snacks, kisses, etc.
He's spent the last thousands of years with this beat in his head so subconsciously He's picked up some bad habits that revolve around it.
In this essay I will be-
I can argue that Simm is the worst off and that the poor guy is constantly having fits about things not being in 4s. The prime minister demands that all of his meals be in 4s. Theres only three pieces of chicken? No. He wants 4.
He doesn't sleep unless it's 4,8, or 12 hours, no in between, and gets upset if woken up at 6 or 10 hours. We already know about the tapping, but it's how he knocks on doors, how many steps he takes at a time, how he eats his snacks in rations of 4 8 12 16.
You can give him 16 chicken nuggets, but dont you DARE give him 17. He's actively flipped tables before because of this, and if he really is tired or masking, he will only eat the even number and throw the odd one at someone.
Dhawan snaps and claps in sets of 4. He humms it sometimes on beat to self soothe. His hands flap when he can't have something in 4s and religiously gives everyone 4 ice cubes in their tea. The tea gets steeped for 4 minutes or 8 minutes. He'll explode if you ask yours to be steeped for 5 6 or 7. He also has 4 books on the bedside and 8 by his desk.
Missy likes to hear her heels click 4 times as she walks and will purposly take smaller steps just so she can land on a multiple of 4. 4 tea sandwitches, 4 types of lip stick, 4 pieces of jewlery.
She even swings her umbrella 4 times when bored. Hers is a lot more tamer compared to the boys because women with these disorders often are less "hyperactive" and less likely to make a scene than men are. (Statistically)
Hell, even Sax subconsciously has an issue with it while living with 14. He applies his eyeliner twice on each eye to make 4. He forces 14 to kiss him in sets of 4, he constantly is arranging the pillows on the bed to only he 4 of them, and well- theres something else with 14 but im going to keep this post PG 13.
Now he can have 2 of things instead of 4, but some things (that don't hurt anyone) are still allowed to be 4s OR more. For example, the pillows on the bed, kisses, and ice cubes in his tea. He can now handle there being 6 pillows instead of 4, receiving a multiple of 2 kisses (10/16) instead of 4s(8/12). You have to have it on an even number, though, or he'll force another.
He doesn't know why. He just DOES. And he won't tell you "because of the beating" because to him, it's all done unconsiously-
"There needs to be 4 pillows."
"I- Look, I don't know, okay!? There just needs to be 4 pillows!"
But anyone with half of a brain cell (who knows about the drums) does. 14 knows and is slowly trying to get him away from emotional disregulation because of it by working towards sets of 2s instead. It's a lot more socially acceptable for sets of 2s to be done than 4s. Even regular humans want packs of 2 or dishes that comes with 2 of something, so it's a lot easier and less stressful for both the Master and everyone around him.
Now he doesn't cause a scene at McDonald's if there's a ton of ice cubes in his drink instead of 4. Thank god he doesn't count his food much anymore, either. It's why he's been able to put on a bit of weight. But still, if you give him 17 nuggets, you're getting one thrown at your head. (So 14 goes out of his way to give him an 18th)
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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ataraxixx · 10 months
my piece on why i really like echo. i have ruminated a lot of these thoughts in my brain for awhile but i realized ive never actually made a public post abt it .. echoheads lets discuss extensively
see. i think we can all agree about the most common echo characterization. at least the one i usually see in fics? and generally most fan content. hes a happy-go-lucky guy whos a bit child-like or naive, very innocent and mostly just glad to be here and full of wonder and whimsy and etc. and also really loves zane and is very kind and sweet and etc.
i am not saying this is an incorrect characterization by any means . obviously. because hes literally got like 5 minutes of screentime and most of that is spent not talking so its really up to whoevers writing him how they want to take his character. but i also think that making him just. Fine with everything is a very underwhelming way to take his character. because he could be so much more than just. zane's brother who is innocent and silly. he can be innocent and silly and still have complicated feelings about his situation and existence yk.
i enjoy villain/antag echo bc it gives him a role in which to explore those complicated feelings as Himself. not as second fiddle to whatever zane is doing, but as a story of his own to come into his identity. because often times when hes included in fan content hes there just to be zanes brother and nothing else. which is so sad for him. because in canon thats all he ever was and all he'll ever be to his father. to zane. to the ninja. he's just the copy. the lesser version. he can never be his own self he will always be a derivative of zane.
like how is that not an interesting thing to explore. and how could we not think about the complicated feelings he would have about that. echo isnt stupid. he isnt incapable of having those kinds of feelings about his identity or role in the world because he is Literally Zane. he is programmed to be identical and he is in every facet of his personality and mannerisms a reflection of how zane was before he met wu/the ninja. when he was just a bit clueless about the world but not Stupid. just unknowledgable. and he was still capable of complicated feelings about himself because we see as early as episode 2 of season 1 he is wondering about himself and his role in the team and how he feels about the world. he isnt just content every day of his life to simply be there; he questions things and thinks about them deeply. why do fan creators often rob echo of this same capability and dumb him down to simply being child-like or incapable of complicated thought?
i always see him just. Fine with everything. and i dont think he needs to be a villain or evil or even violent to make him an interesting character. but i also think that anger and violence is a natural progression of the situation he has been put in by the doctor and by extension the ninja. they too do not regard him as his own individual, only as an extension of zane. which is literally crazy. because he is a whole ass person. they disregard his identity because its the same exact one as a person they already know; but he has no control over that. he didnt ask to be made as a copy of someone else, and now he exists, and he is forced to live knowing he was never his own person, even though he Is. Because he is Himself and he Exists and yet he isnt because his face doesnt belong to him and his voice doesnt belong to him and his name doesnt belong to him. the world decided he is someone else and he cant be who he actually is because someone else is Already him. like christ man. why are we sleeping on this and just making him like yayyy:3 im so happy i love everything or whatever. bro should be questioning his existence!
because i do think joining the SoG gives him such an excellent entry into both formulating his own identity while also paralleling harumi in an interesting way; for both characters in their attempts to create their own identities opposing the ones theyve been forced into, they end up only relating themselves to that identity anyway. in echos attempts to separate himself from zane he ends up relegating himself to hating zane because zane took something from him, an acknowledgement that he is a copy in the first place. their scrapped fight dialogue is so interesting guys. a discarded replica an experiment left to rust. should he not be upset that despite not asking to be made, much less in the image of someone else, he was left abandoned? that he was created solely to be hated by his creator for not being Someone Else? And now he is stuck always chasing after the shadow of that person because he was never meant to be his own person. only zane's copy. never as good as the original. and he has to live with that. its so devastating and good characterization and so interesting that i cannot pass up on it for simply having him be Guy Who is Happy and Innocent.
He is not stupid. He would definitely have less anger in his heart if the ninja got to him before Harumi did, but i think its so impossible that he can simply look at zane and feel nothing. that he can see the person who has cursed his existence into meaninglessness and just be like omg brother:3 because he is doomed to constantly be relegated to Zane's Brother and he will never be Echo to these people that call him a friend. He cant even use his own name he has to be Echo. because its someone elses name and not his even though it Is His its the name his father gave him. but hes not allowed to use it because hes not the original. and he is lesser. and he will always just be zanes brother and he will never be zane. and he will never even be echo. isnt that so fucked.
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baby--b4t · 5 months
hey pookster i’m just leaving this here because I know you’d do justice if you ever made it into a minific :3
kaveh absolutely LOVES horror/creepy things, especially when regressed, but alhaitham can’t do it. like CANNOT.
sincerely, 🐠fishie anon :3
OH MY GODS ANON YOURE SAVING MY WRITERS BLOCK RN (º̩̩́⌣º̩̩̀ʃƪ) im gonna try and write a quick minific in hopes that itll make me wanna post more and work on my bots. ALSO TY FOR THINKING SO HIGHLY OF ME- i feel like my writing is mid but ill try my best for this silly idea (its super late as of replying to this so sorry if its a bit jumbled or doesnt make sense-)
(fic under cut)
Kaveh was supposed to be in bed hours ago. 5 hours and 38 minutes, to be persice. Alhaitham had been counting. He did everything he though would work to get Kaveh to finally lay down, close his eyes, and rest, but nothing was working. Warm bottle, bedtime stories (he had read 7 different stories at this point), and even trying different stuffed animals and pajamas. Nothing. Alhaitham was exhausted.
“Hayi? Do da tree birdies sleep? Wha’ about… Oh! Wha’ about da creepy crawlies in da kitchen?” Kaveh had been asking nonsense questions like these all night, part of the reason he was still awake at nearly 4 in the morning.
“I dont know, Kaveh. What I do know-… Wait, whats in the kitchen?” Alhaitham began to answer before he registered what kaveh had said. He sat up in the bed a little bit and looked down at Kaveh. “What did you just say is in the kitchen?”
“Da creepy crawlies!” Kaveh excitedly exclaimed, a wide smile forming behind his pacifier. “Dey have 6 leg, 3 eye- BIG eyes, and are really teeny tiny. Dey walk around in da dark and eat da bread! Dats why it has all da holes.” Kaveh started giggling, his tiredness clearly showing in his speech.
Alhaitham felt puzzeled. More than when he was trying to figure out why Kaveh wasnt sleeping yet. But what was getting to him the most was the though of some spider-like creatures crawling around in his food while he didnt look. He shuddered, the thought of bugs in general making him feel gross. He rubbed up and down his arms for a moment, trying to get rid of his goosebumps, before pressing further into this. Surely it was Kaveh just being silly… Right?
“How do you know this? Who told you about these… ‘Creepy crawlers’?” Alhaitham asked as he tried to fight the tiredness in his mind. This whole talk took a turn that was not helping his already fatigued state of mind.
“Dey told me! I got mad ‘cause my sandwich had holes, and I asked and dey told me.” Kaveh explained trough slurred giggles and mumbles. “Dey very small, so is easy to make holes. I scolded dem like you always do for da holes…” The more Kaveh explained, the more Alhaitham imagined a ton of ant-sized abominations crawling around their pantry. He shook his head and tried not to gag.
“Kaveh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the ‘creepy crawlers’ arent real. You probably dreamt about them at some point.” Alhaitham tried to explain to Kaveh, but Kaveh didnt seem to want to believe it.
“What?!” He sat up in the bed with Alhaitham, jaw dropping and his pacifier almost falling out. “But.. But dat were so cute-“ He felt himself tearing up over the fact that the little creatures he thought were so adorable werent actually real. Alhaitham sighed, realizing that now he had to deal with a meltdown.
“How about you go to sleep so you can dream about them? Does that sound like a good idea?” He suggested as he tried to coax Kaveh into laying down again. The poor baby was so tired at this point he didnt realize that Alhaitham was moving him. It did seem to stop his oncoming waterworks, however.
Kaveh gave a small nod and snuggled back up with Alhaitham. It seemed like as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was in a deep sleep. That baffled Alhaitham. How in the world would Kaveh be so willing to dream about thousands- No, millions of little spiders in his food? If Alhaitham saw them, he would already have a match in hand to burn the house down.
However, Kavehs great big imagination never failed to impress Alhaitham. He just seemed to show it so much more whenever he regressed. A soft sigh came from Alhaitham, just accepting it. His little Kaveh would just have that sort of creepy imagination and he couldnt stop it… But he would still be checking the entire house for bugs when they woke up. No ‘creepy crawlers’ get to live rent free.
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cluelylikesporn · 10 months
okay exam update cuz im actually really pissed off.
so im autistic + adhd, and only been diagnosed relatively recently, so i havent really been getting assistance until now. (autism diagnosis last year, adhd 2 years ago.)
my last exam was (still is) this period, and im going home once i finish it. one of my other exams i was sent to special ed (it’s called different things in australia and other schools but i dont wanna get doxxed) and the chick helping me (we’ll call her charlie) told me she couldnt even read the questions out to me… like i legit get more help in my normal exam conditions.
she told me WHILE HAVING A PANIC ATTACK “i think i know why your so upset, because you know you dont listen in class and just sleep and draw on your hand.” cunt, what..?
i literally have spent my whole life wondering why i cant listen in class and hearing “just reread it.” or “your not listening hard enough.” is so fucking tiring. maybe explain it? she refused to help me because i “wasnt approved” to have a helper
the school knows im autistic so why do i have to be approved to get the help i need? like you dont have to make up all these forms and files. you have teachers who can help me literally in the building who could help me but you refuse.
okok i got rlly off topic but tldr on what happened today:
my teacher sent me to the special ed area to do my exam (last time he did they told me to go back) also shout out to my english teacher hes a legend. he gave me my sheet, i took a ritalin, said bye to the people i liked and left. (i used to take ritalin daily but now i jst take it to focus better in exams and shit)
i went to se and saw a couple kids i knew. one i hated and didnt know why he was there, one who has some mental problems so i understood why he was there. hes a sweetie. and some chick i knew who broke her wrist and had to write on a laptop.
so one by one they were assigned a teacher who would sit with them and help them/ read out questions and then the lady said “oh chloe your not supposed to be here, you have to go back to class.”
are you fucking kidding me.
i completely understand its not her or my teachers fault im not meant to be there, but im allowed to be a little frustrated. i asked why i kept getting sent here and why i couldn’t get help.
same shit about documents and boring stuff.
keep in mind i get ndis funding so i thought that would impact my education experience but nope, literally nothing. i also understand there could be things my mum hasnt done and that’s completely ok she has her own life, but also THE SCHOOL KNOWS IM AUTISTIC. that should be enough. its like i only get the help if i start ditching class and become an eshay or some shit like i shouldnt have to become a troubled kid to get help.
so the lady said my only benefit i even got from the school is like 5 minutes extra time. and she told me i could either go back to class or do my exam here( which means i could get no help/ questions read to me.)
ngl this was dumb of me but i said ok bc i didnt want to go back to class after saying bye to everyone😭
so i sat there with one airpod in, a pen that didnt fucking work, the only help i could get was eavesdropping on what the assistant teachers were saying but they were so quiet. i did manage to write some stuff but it was pretty fucking stressful. i couldnt stop thinking about what charlie said (the lady helping me with my maths the week before.)
this may sound super dumb but i saw a crow fly onto a table outside and i felt like it was watching over me. like it was looking right at me. it made me feel a bit better and i got some work done.
it wouldve been fine if those fucking assistant teachers didnt keep giving me pitiful looks like bro. i know im fucked.
anyway i finished my exam (barely) and went to the bathroom to tell my friend ab what happened, caught a bus home and am about to play dbd 😾
sorry for the long post im jst so pissed😭 but ily guys and ill post i swear🙏
song of the day:
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baby-yaga · 6 months
yesterday, post burial, on our way back to the church to grab a plant, my mom told me, "love him for who he was, dont hate him for who he wasnt. thats the best way to go through life without baggage." and i get where she was coming from, but i dont think thats right.
sometimes people say that the opposite of love isnt hate, its indifference. i did love my dad. i also hated him. they never cancelled each other out. i can love him for his warmth, his humor, his intelligence, his gregariousness, and still hate him for his absence, the abuse, the neglect, how he gave so much of himself to everyone else but his 3 children.
im haunted by my mom telling me that my dad once told her, "if i knew then what i know now, we never wouldve gotten divorced." i cant even picture what that wouldve been like. there was a brief period after my dad left his late wife, where he was living with us again. my parents werent together, it was basically a roommates situation, and in all honesty it was the best part of my teen years.
we had all been through a lot. his late wife was abusive to pretty much everyone in her life, except when she was passed out on oxy. i was deeply resentful of my dad remaining married to her despite how horribly she treated my brother and i, and also him. when she passed away, we were all having dinner with my sister, and when my dad told trey and i what happened, i think it was really shocking to him that we looked at each other, and replied, "good."
but when he lived with us again, it was weird, but it wasnt bad. i liked having him around all the time. i liked getting to spend time with him for real. he picked me up from school, we ate dinner together, watched movies, i started going to the gym with him. we were living together when i went on my first date ever. we were living together when i came out to him. we were living together when i tried to kill myself.
but it didnt last forever. he moved in with a new girlfriend eventually. he kept it a secret, so when he moved in without telling me before hand, i was so mad. i wouldnt go over to their place, a duplex that was less than 5 minutes from our house. i wouldnt meet his girlfriend. i think i was hurt beyond words that he was breaking up our family again, but i didnt realize that until just now.
he tried to force it one night, wanted to ground me if i didnt come. we got into a tug of war match over my laptop in the entry way. i was so frustrated, hurt, i felt so un-heard, i screamed, "i hate you! i never want to see you again!"
he looked surprised. then, he looked devastated. he put down my laptop gently on the entryway table, and left without a word.
he called that night, and explained himself. he said something like, "a friends son passed away recently. i just dont want to lose our relationship."
i said, "im sorry that happened, dad. but i wish you wouldnt try to make me feel bad just because you feel bad."
he replied, "so im just supposed to feel miserable by myself?"
i dont remember what i said exactly. it was something to the effect of, "fine! keep making everyone around you miserable, until you have no one around but yourself!" i slammed the phone down. this was in like, 2008 or so, so we still had a landline, lol.
we didnt speak for 2 weeks. he picked up my brother to come sleep at his place, didnt speak to me, and then would leave. i didnt know that what i wanted was for him to move back in for good. it wasnt reasonable, really. he wanted to date, i think he felt weird about it while living with my mother, and also he didnt have his own room, he was sleeping in a bunk bed with my brother. so i understand now why him moving out happened. but at the time i was so upset hed kept it a secret from me. i still think that was the wrong move. if hed been open about it, given me some time to adjust without springing it on me, it mightve gone a little smoother.
anyway, the night i spoke to him again. he was coming over to pick up trey again. i started crying and threw myself at him. i said i was sorry over and over. i missed him so much. i loved him so much. i just wanted him to be my dad again.
he just held me, and rocked me back and forth. he kissed the top of my head and said, "its ok, its ok." we stood like that for a long time, until i stopped crying. i met his new girlfriend that night. they showed me the room theyd prepared, a bed and everything, for my brother and i to share. it was the first time id ever had a place to stay at his house. before, i was sleeping on the couch, or, when my step-brother was in basic training, i got to sleep on his futon. it meant so much to me.
i miss him. ive missed him my whole life, it seems. missing him isnt new. but this is different. it feels like theres an empty pit inside of me that i was positive was bottomless, but its somehow gotten deeper.
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birthday-of-music · 1 year
1-12 FOR THE WRITING ASKS !!! hi :3333
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
uhm. i uh. write on the notes app. sometimes on word though and i just use calibri bc default
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
GOD NO I COULD NOT.. fun fact i never fixed my bad pencil grip when i was really young so i hold pens weird as shit and it hurts after a little while. english exam had me dying every five minutes shaking my wrist out and that was only like 600-700 words i think
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
another fun story i used to write about a hundred words every night on my old ipod that i kept in my room before sleeping. said ipod was kind of halfway to exploding. like uh. that one “pillow” post with the dangerous battery. iwdont do that anymore though and i threw out the ipod everything is fine
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
I DONT KNOW UM. in general i have a notebook full of pretty words (ethereal, golden, eternity, that kind of like. overly fancy and poetic shit)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
uh. i dont think so im kind of basic
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
i guess that when i post something people will hate it? like. outright hate it and say its bad and stuff?
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
i suppose the opposite of the above but also sometimes ill look back at my writing from a year ago that isnt like. in my mind anymore and ill be able to read it and enjoy it as not something i wrote? bc ill forget i wrote it and then i get to enjoy stuff that is extremely catered to me lmao
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
oh dialogue definitely theres something kind of fun about writing stuff without dialogue idk what it just. is.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
uh. nope not really
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
UM. same as you all the bright places. also the fault in our stars. very clear what types of books i like isnt it. also this fic which is saying a lot because i dont care about genshin anymore but every time i think about it it hurts.
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
uh. i like hurting my faves but only if there is comfort otherwise i die inside. every time i write hurt no comfort i lose a bit more of my sanity
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
i always wish for more wishes but lorem ipsum i could never… three wishes uh. one that every time i write a character i can characterise them right. two that when i proofread i never miss any typos. and three um.. the ability to have continuous motivation to write a multichaptered fic
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mildew-spirits · 1 year
As stated before in our first post, read with caution. I can not say if it is or isn't programming but incase it is triggering still in anyway please take care of yourself.
Ever since I made the first post I feel so disconnected. I can't sleep. I'm scared to sleep. Why? I dont know. I keep checking the post every 5 minutes and really want to delete it. I stare at it and reread it and I just think I'm fucking going insane. I hate when we can't remember or recall things. I keep hearing him say "God loves you" FUCK YOU. I can't even remember the location all we remember is that voice saying that. That's all. I'm so convinced it's fake. But it keeps playing. When we first heard it we repeated it over and over. I hate myself for doing that. There's this one alter who has been fronting more, who seems like she knows more then she's letting on but I don't fucking know. She's apart of the new area we discovered along with the two number names and the one alter who did the countdown. I'm just waiting for someone to come along and say I'm faking it, that I'm just letting our paranoid delusions get the best of us. This feels so much different and I hate it. We've been more jumpy, getting less sleep, and feeling more sick. I want to do more research but everytime we try to we either forget what we were doing, dissociate to hell and back, rapid switch, or get distracted. There's no way right... our ex friend, looking back at it now showed signs of programming too... I'm digging too deep aren't I? I feel absurd. I feel like im digging for answers so far down that there's no way. But it won't stop. Looking back at how our system works is weird too... we didn't have traditional roles and it almost felt like parts were missing. Our system is so divided into layers, subsystems, layers in layers and we hardly get to interact with each other. It's hard. And it almost felt like there were some parts who didn't want us to interact. That's so weird. I don't-. Our system felt too perfect. And not perfect as in "oh we had no issues". I mean perfect as in it seemed like every layer and space was made to be that way. It was created specifically for them. Our system has gone through many shut downs, where instead of dealing with something, it'll start over, new people, new areas, more newly complicated areas. But still organized. Still feeling like everything was carefully made there. I can't sleep. I'm not tired. I'm scared. I'm terrified. I'm ashamed. I want someone to tell me I'm delusional because I think that's better then facing the possibility that this happened to us. I want to cry. I want to scream. I want someone to tell me I'm making this up, I want them to tell me that I should stop digging when there's nothing. But I don't want that. This feeling won't stop. It won't. Things are flashing in our head that feel familiar that we are only just now seeing. We had came to the suspicion a while back that we did have trauma we had not yet covered. Please not this. God I don't want it to be this. I feel dirty. There are people out there who actually went through this shit meanwhile I'm here panicking on what ifs. I'm shit scared. I really am.
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coridallasmultipass · 4 months
Vent personal medical long post
Im so fucking sick of being in such bad back pain, nothing is going right for me
I was ready to go to the store for groceries bright and early, but I have to wait for a medication delivery which usually comes between 10-12. This means I have to be sitting downstairs the entire time, since I physically cannot reach the door fast enough if im in my upstairs room. (Even when I'm not injured, its been a problem!)
My mom, grandpa, and I all need the store. But I can't go, even if we take two trips (mom takes grandpa, comes back and takes me), because in the past when we had to do this, granpda decided to go hang out in the garage and not notice the delivery. So i HAVE to be home and ready until it arrives.
Its fucking bullshit that the online pharmacy REQUIRES signature for delivery (they didnt for my first couple shipments, ive been on this med for a while now). Its an ability issue because the delivery people dont wait around more than like 30 seconds. Its a convenience issue because then I have to block out my whole day just in case they come late. (I took a chance and made a phone appointment for 240pm).
So i wait all fucking day. 240 rolls around (my mom downstairs said shed listen for the delivery) and id been waiting in the only place i Know gets cell reception in my room and i dont get the call. 15 minutes later, I get a voicemail notif. Fucking great. I never got the call because i live in a fucking deadzone. I have to get up and lean over my counter and plants to get mildly better reception by the window (i am injured and this was extremely painful for my back). Appointment finished thankfully, but i didnt tell the psych how bad i am rn, because i did not have the energy to stand at the window longer than needed to get refills.
Still no delivery. My mom takes grandpa to the store. My back is all aggravated from sitting on the hard/no back support chairs downstairs all day (i cant go to the couch because its too hard to get up from while im hurting/its hard even when im not hurting because its got the footstool added onto it so its like as long as a bed)
So i sit downstairs more while crying because the pain is getting worse, but no one else was home so i had to. They return and my mom is like 'okay lemme take you now' uh, no!! Grandpa isnt gonna sit around for it. And also. Im hurting way too much, i physically cannot go to a grocery store at this point after sitting with no back support all day and twisting over my plants for the phone.
Mom says shell listen for the door again bc i cannot sit downstairs any more. I get maybe 5 minutes and my back starts to relax a little and my mom comes and goes 'i gotta go get gas so i cant listen for the door'
FUCK, MAN. WHY DIDNT YOU DO IT WHILE YOU GOT GROCERIES?! To top it off, she pushed in the chair i was sitting in (its extremely painful to twist! So pulling it out to sit is super hard for me!) I sit there and its unfuckingbearable i see a ups truck drive around our private street and leave, so theyre probably not coming today, and im in excruciating pain so i go back to my room crying and shaking lmao
My mom gets annoyed with me for complaining about the chair (AGAIN!) And rolls her eyes when i say she shouldve got gas before, like
Fuck off man i am in such bad pain i should be in the fucking er right now
If id known id be downstairs all day i wouldve taken a pain killer but its too fucking late in the day for me to take one now because i gotta take 2 different sleeping meds to get any sleep at all and i dont want them to interact
I fucking hate everything about this man
Oh, and i was gonna contact verizon support about being in a deadzone but it was like "lets fix dropped calls. We recommend: Call us now!" DID YOU NOT SEE THE PART ABOUT DROPPED CALLS. The only other option was to instant message and i dont have the spoons for that right now, i just wanted to send like an email ticket or something
Im supposed to be in a 5g area but its literally a deadzone in my whole house and property, no bars of reception at all, and this isnt a mountainous part of town! Ughhhh
I hate not having the ability to do all of this normally, having an injury is making everything Nightmare Mode difficulty. Having tmj treatment (teeth aligners and mouth guard) is making eating a Nightmare Mode task. Even chewing soft ramen was excruciating. I cant physically cook because of my back and im out of easy food (see: planned grocery trip for today which never happened) so its like. Okay. Guess im not having dinner. Especially not after how badly my back got aggravated today.
And guess what. Im gonna have to do it all again tomorrow now since the delivery isnt gonna happen today. Ill take a painkiller tomorrow, but the uncomfortable chairs is a fact of life i will not be able to escape, since i HAVE to be able to reach the door in like 30 seconds.
All of this couldve been prevented if theyd just let me get a no signature delivery. Its a private street no one comes all the way up to our house, like the only mail theft we had was at the mailboxes on the main street (before we got a locked one).
I COULD call the pharmacy next time to ask, but then were back to the issue of trying to make a phonecall from this house! I had issues last month where i couldnt log in to order my rx because they wanted 2fa and because i live in a dead zone i couldnt get the confirmation texts or calls! It SUCKS. (And i cant do wifi calling because our internet is shit and has like a 5 second lag)
Life has been so fucking miserable for me for like the past 2 months and the last 2 weeks have been even worse because of my back going out and its not getting better.
I cant get into physical therapy because the local place isnt accepting new patients! So like. Thats great. Dunno what i can do about that since i cant go out of town.
Im seeing the chiro but i couldnt get in today because i had the rx delivery and phone appointment lmao (also i was really hurting after the last visit)
Guess im just supposed to suffer lmao
This shit is fucking ridiculous and im so sick of it
The sad thing is that it could be worse. Its been a few months since my last endo flare up and i havent been able to stop worrying about that looming spectre either
That really would be the fucking cherry on top lmao
But the back injury situation is sadder because its something that CAN be treated, its just that treatment is unattainable for me due to living in a small rural town and not having a car. I dunno if i even could drive in this much pain tbh its hard enough being a passenger
So thats my vent. Things really fucking suck for me rn. I just want today to be over. Im in too much pain.
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kawa-kir · 8 months
It currently a little over 1:40 AM right now, wrote my thoughts about yesterday. Mostly my anxieties.
I've had a spur of productivity and made a few drawings and some new projects.
Polished a whole minute and a half of animationi that was meant to be just 8 frames.
I still dont know how these "5 minute adventure" projects end up becoming week long polishing-and-revising-and-polishing-again things.
I see animations that are, like, maybe 4 pictures if you count the one with a hastly edited cut out stock image hand, and then i try to make something similar, but it becomes this behemoth of a project every time. Smoothing out every movement, always animating on ones, that single pixel that appears for less than 0.1 seconds looks wack, better restart the whole 20 seconds.
I have so many of them too.
Gyros animation i've been working since june of last year, Maya, Otto, Charles, Abe, Bell and Polū drawings, fanart that i never finished, stories that i never ended, animations without frames, songs without melodies, tunes without purpose and its just...
Too much.
The anxieties of not making something good enough to show the world gnaw at my core while i repeat to myself in vain that it doesnt matter how good it is.
My attention keeps jumping from one topic the other, making maybe a frame or two before stopping completelly to switch a song from my playlist but oh wait there is a message about a youtube video on why some ants start walking in circles and that reminds me of a lemon demon song called Spiral of Ants and then i go to listen to his album only to see a meme and then i scroll down for half and hour and... what was i doing again?
Progress was being made.
Frame by frame.
Block by block.
At least im glad i finished one, i am still smiling about it now, even made a bit tune to go with it.
Maybe i'll start an album of bit tunes for my animations and drawings.
Already thought of a name.
All Planes.
Gonna make the cover art after some sleep.
Think im gonna start making drawings of my characters and just putting some lore in them.
I told myself i was gonna post everyday and stopped at week 2 out of 56.
But the year isnt over yet.
Gonna start making more pixel art stuff too. Not animations, just still images.
My brain works better with motion than with drawings, so i tend to make evem the smallest of projects an animation, even if it wouldnt fit.
Also funguary, said i was gonna do it and i will.
Pulling all the courage to tackle a beast greater than my inability to draw the same design twice: Digital drawings.
Last time i used it for real was i think in halloween 2022.
Rusty is an euphemism, so im gonna start slow.
Mushroom men await my pen and paper.
But first bed.
Thanks for reading.
0 notes
Karma AT it's absolute finest was served on the very FIRST DAY OF 2024 too for a certain person I know. Today was Veda's 7th birthday, but this certain someone decided he had wanted to celebrate his way. All of my tires are now slashed, so as a result of that and not having the funds bc of back to back December birthdays and Christmas, I couldn't purchase tires, we couldn't take Veda out to celebrate her special day. She woke up to cops having to be called. My friends tires were also slashed, also this person stole my friend's debit card and car keys. I could go on and on but 6 charges currently, most definitely 7 when he is seen by a judge tomorrow or Wednesday. He admitted to cops he knew it was Veda's birthday, and that was how he chose to celebrate With trauma and memories I know she will never forget. I did my best to make her day that much more special, but my mommy heart can't stop aching for her. This person was also hiding in my laundry room outside for many hours before he was caught. This person also, yet again, violated the restraining order I have on him. I think this is the 5th time now. The system fails me and my children time and time again, he gets away with everything, all the time. And will continue to do so because he knows there will be no true consequences for it. This event was by far the most malicious and I am even more afraid now than I already was. Some may say that me posting this will make him retaliate. Yea...he mostly likely will. But I've been silent for 4 years, no communication with the person and he "retaliates"regardless. And since the court system won't serve justice, I'm talking it upon myself to reach out for help/advice. I've asked for guidance from Victims assistance, cops, and unfortunately something like my life has to be taken in order for anyone to take any REAL action. I can't afford a lawyer, it's not possible or ideal for me to move. This has been our family home for 15 years. Is there anyone, or even anyone who knows ANYONE, who can help me keep my children and I safe from this violent person? How, other than him talking my life, do I go about finding someone that will hold him accountable? Why is domestic violence treated like a minor issue that's not worth handling. He gets a slap on the wrist and a free pass to go back out into the world, basically allowing him another chance to "get me" again. This has been going on for years. Plz don't send negativity my way, and plz no judgement for my decision to take it to FB...just know bringing it here was truly my last resort.
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Tonight we ended our night with pizza and ice cream and presents.. and even when we sung happy birthday to her, my whole heart was just breaking for her. She deserves the world. She is one of the sweetest souls I know. Please send me in any direction that will help us.
Karma was he got arrested within 5 minutes, whereas most times, he runs away and GETS away. Leaving us terrified to even sleep at night.
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effervescentdragon · 3 years
Finwean descendants as things me and my friends have said at one point or another
(Idk if this has already been done, but here, and its a bit long.)
Celebrimbor: I will either write out the whole of liver compensation mechanism or drown my liver in methanol, there is no middle ground.
Maedhros: He's like, sexy and scary. Sexy when he's in his doctors coat. Scary when he starts talking about post-mortem dissections like he's talking about winning a bag of gold. Whic is also kinda sexy. Also, I may not be as straight as I thought I was.
Aredhel, probs about Galadriel: Her imagined suffering makes my girl-parts tingle. What are you suffering from, bitch, your parents paid for you to spend a month in fucking Tuscany?!
Fëanor: If I figure out a way to intravenously give myself caffeine I will be a God. In fact- *starts muttering calculations*
Turgon: *grabs my chair and turns me around to start examining my neurological reflexes* *ignores me, then mutters* I think you may be dead.
Celegorm: *takes a baseball bat, climbes on a table and breaks a bird in cage chirping thing we bought for laughs* THE FUCKING BIRD WOULDNT SHUT UP SO I SHUT IT UP PERMANENTLY!!
Finrod: I will NOT tell you where I've hidden that abomination of a curtain! You all are peasants and have NO STYLE, IT LOOKED LIKE IT WAS MADE OUT OF VOMITED KIDNEY STONES!
Finarfin: *wakes from an impromptu nap on a textbook* OH MY GOD I FORGOT TO FEED THE FROG! *goes back to sleep* (he has no frog)
Galadriel: Not to be a bitch, but-
Aegnor: Every time you say that, we know you're definitely being a bitch.
Angrod: The BIGGEST bitch, in fact.
Fingon: I will let you put glitter in my hair and beard only if you promise to bring me the biggest bottle of your grandmas homemade shampoo there is, and an even bigger bottle of your grandpas schnapz.
Elrond: So you mean to tell me you're gonna choose? Why? Just bang them both, non-monogamy is a thing. The best thing ever to be honest.
Caranthir: Nope, I'm not playing cards with you assholes anymore. You *points to Curufin* keep cheating, you *points to Maedhros* are drunk, and you *points to Maglor* dont even know the rules of the game!
Curufin: Do you think if I tweak my stethoscope a little I can overhear their strategy through the door?
Idril: And then I told him "I dont need you to have this baby, it's my fucking baby, and I have inheritance, and a LOT of it!"
Maeglin: I am going off to fucking Russia and everything there will be fucking amazing and I will finally be appreciated as I should be! (when he came back after a year, spoilers - it wasn't)
Amras: You know what? Fuck this printer, and fuck all of you *takes the printer and throws it through a window, where it smashes on the ground*
Amrad: Well I aint cleaning that shit, brother. Also, I'm your ride home, and im going in 10 minutes, so chop-chop. *sips coffee*
Fingolfin: Ever since we got the third kid, I legit have no time for pop-culture anymore. The last thing I watched was 5 mintes of Guardians of the Galaxy porn parody, and then the baby started crying and I lost my will to live.
Lalwen: Is that the one you sent me over email?
Anaire: Yup :)
Lalwen: Damn that was good.
Anaire: *whispers* I'm sending you the Captain America one I found tonight. That one's even better.
Findis: Gods I'm just? So pretty?
Nerdanel: Could you please stop looking at yourself in the mirror and hold this fucking pipe so I can fix it before it bursts?
Gil-Galad: As the president of this club-
Celebrimbor: We're a commune.
Galadriel: Also who voted for you? I sure as fuck didn't. I voted for me.
Elrond: I love you, honey, but sit down. We're a democracy.
Celebrian: None of you understand. If I don't go and get drunk tonight, I won't be able to fake an illness tomorrow, and my mother wants me to meet the son of her friends so we can "hang out", and I have the ORL exam on Tuesday, and I dont care how much money that dude has, I'm not dating someone my mother thinks is appropriate! So fucking drink, I didnt bring this gin for you to look at it!
Maglor: You may think you're good at this. You aren't. I, on the other hand, am amazing at this. *deepthroats an icecream* No gag reflex, bitch. OH FUCK, BRAIN FREEZE!
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The Class Group Chat: Part 2
(sorry for not posting yesterday. i forget date .-.)
20 03 Thursday
Alya: i need help
Alix: hey alya. sup?
Alya: anyone know how to solve question 5 on the math homework?
Alya: -_-
Max: @Alya You need to use the Pythagoras theory to solve for c before finding the area and then using it to find the area of the rectangle.
Alya: ohhhh, thats what i do?
Alya: pg 103 of our textbook, numbers 1-10
Alix: 10 questions?!
Alya: and they have kids
Alix: what??
Max: She means they have sub-questions.
Lila: actually, she's MADEMOISELLE Moulin now. She got divorced a few days ago.
Max: Are you sure Lila?
Lila: at least, thats what i heard from aurore
Adrien: Hey guys! what are we talking about?
Adrien: Oh, it's a quote from the extract on line 5 of the first paragraph
Alix: what extract???
Alya: Adrien, its 5.4 litres
Adrien: oh, you meant for the math homework
Adrien: I thought you meant the literature homework
Max: You didn't? I did.
Lila: oh, i did too but my rare illness needed a surgery so i was unable to do the homework
Adrien: oh the lit homework isnt that long Lila. im sure youll be able to finish it if u start now
Lila: ... thanks adrien
Adrien: anytime 😇
Marinette: why are all of you chatting so late 😑
Marinette: um, i dont remember. pg 18 i think?
Lila: @Marinette actually marinette, its page 27.
Marinette: i dont remember being the one who asked
Lila: wow mari u dont have to be so mean
Alix: Wait, so what page is it???
Adrien: actually Lila, marinettes right. its page 18. u should check ur sources before giving Alix the wrong info. just some friendly advice :)
Lila: ...
Lila: oh, thank you babe
Lila: oh, i didnt tell u. adrien and i are dating
Adrien: no were not
Lila: yes we are
Adrien: no were not
Lila: yes we are
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Marinette: oh, well bi is sandstone while bii is convergent
Alix: ??????
Max: She means for the geography homework.
Adrien: wait, we had geography homework?!
Lila: oh, i knew about that one too, but i like i said, my surgery took a lot of time so i couldnt do it
Alya: why dont u stop texting and start writing then???
Lila: ...
Alya: u know what, why am i even online?!
Alya: Marinette, whats the geo homework?!
Marinette: page 54, numbers 1 to 15
Marinette: Mr. Lavigne gave us this last week. why have none of u done it -_-
Rose: wait! whats all this about homework???
Kim: wait, we had homework? 😨
Juleka: has anyone else done the biology homework?
Alya: MERCI LE DIEU. something ive done
Marinette: yeah, its an essay on the alimentary canal
Alix: Marinette im freaking pissed right now so quit speaking chinese and tell us the homework in english
Marinette: -_- that was english dummy
Alix: MAX!
Max: Write a 200 word essay on the digestive system.
Alix: Lord have mercy
Lila: oh, i couldnt do that one either because of my surgery
Alya: WAIT, IT WAS 200 WORDS?!
Alya: I THOUGHT IT WAS 50!!!
Nino: why the heck are you all still awake
Alya: Nino you better not tell us we have more homework
Nino: more homework?
Nino: oh, u mean the ones due tomorrow?
Alix: TOMORROW??!!!!
Rose: please tell us whats due Nino!
Nino: wait a sec, im reading the chat
Nino: oh, well, all the ones you've mentioned actually
Nino: due tomorrow
Ms. Bustier: I just saw the notifications from the chat and decided that you students need a reminder. Please remember your Literature, Mathematics, Geography, Biology and Physics homework are due tomorrow.
Juleka: oh no. im not done with my physics
Marinette: wait, physics was the diagram right?
Marinette: i totally forgot! im not done!!!
Adrien: 🙀
Rose: @Juleka im coming to ur house. we arent sleeping tonight
Nino: @Alix sure but hurry up, im locking my door a few minutes after alya gets here
Kim: @Nino can i come too????
Nino: @Kim sure, just hurry
Max: Nino, if I may, may I attend this impromptu event? My assistance may be needed.
Nino: yes please
Adrien: @Marinette can i come to ur house? pwease??
Marinette: sure but ya better hurry up
Lila: wait, why is adrien going to marinettes house
Lila: hello?
Lila: does no one think thats suspicious?
Lila: guys?
Ms. Bustier: Lila, you've done all your homework?
Lila: actually ms bustier, due to my surgery, i was unable to do any of my assignments. its very disappointing and im incredibly sorry. i wish there was more time for me to get it done.
Ms. Bustier: Oh, it's okay Lila. Just send a scanned copy of your discharge papers to my email and I'll take care of the rest.
Lila: my what?
Ms. Bustier: The papers that tell me you've been discharged from the hospital. I'll send you my email if you need it.
Ms. Bustier: Lila?
Ms. Bustier: Are you still there?
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nikrangdan · 4 years
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pairing: photographystudent!ni-ki x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: every time you went to the park you noticed a mysterious boy who would take pictures of the scenery on his cute little camera. you liked to see what he’d take pictures of from afar but one day you noticed his camera pointing straight at.. you
for ni-ki’s bday!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE <33 sorry i posted a day late but i hope u all enjoy!
you groan before getting out of your bed at 10am
it was a saturday why was your mom yelling at u ..
you walked into the kitchen all sluggishly and rubbed your eyes
“you need to start taking suki on walks to the park. you need the exercise too.” your mom doesn’t even spare u a glance before walking out the door to run some errands
u forgot u were taking care of ur cousins dog while he was out of town... her name was suki
shes a little shiba inu AND SHES THE CUTEST THING EVER!!!!
u dont even have a choice anymore
u got somewhat ready before heading out with suki in your arms
shes so soft and fluffy
though u dont like to admit it, u kinda agreed with ur mom about u needing to exercise and get out the house
you’ve been cooped up in your room for days with no social or nature interaction
the park was about a 10 minute drive from ur house
and it was actually a really pretty park...
there was a lake and really pretty flowers everywhere and alot of gazebos and benches
and a nice open field of greenery
it basically looked like a park out of a movie
so you weren’t suprised that there was a decent amount of people there
but not too much thankfully.. or else you would’ve driven to another park with less people
you got out the car with suki and put her on the leash
let the walking begin!!!!
it was a really nice day out... the sun was shining but it wasnt too hot or cold
you led her onto the sidewalk and she began sniffing at the grass around her
whenever a few people would pass they would coo at how adorable she was
it wasnt until 5 minutes later that ur eyes locked onto a figure infront of the lake
you were just walking with suki in silence.. admiring the scenery
until u caught sight of a boy
u could only see his back but u noticed the camera over his shoulder
he was standing in one of those photographer poses where like one leg is bent and kind of out while his back is hunched to get that perfect angle of a shot
he was infront of the sidewalk railings where the lake begins and he was taking photos of the scenery across from it
it was a beautiful sight honestly
there was another sidewalk but behind it was colorful trees and blossoming flowers and bushes
u understood why he’d take pictures of it
you didnt see his face but u kind of acknowledged the boy before walking past him with suki
basically thinking he was just another passerby that you noticed making a single appearance in your life and never expecting to see him again
the next time you see him is 3 days later at the same park
you were walking suki again but this time at 7pm after dinner
the sun was almost done setting so the sky was getting darker but there was still a hint of the orange circle peeking from below
this time you walked further down the sidewalk path towards the scattered gazebos
and you noticed the same boy again
this time he was sat in one of the gazebos with his tiny camera in his hands
his back was hunched over again and he was looking closely at the pictures he had taken
‘oh its him again’ u thought
and that was it
u just acknowledged him in ur head AGAIN before u thought nothing of it and continued ur walk with suki
so the NEXT time u saw him was another 2 days later at 7pm again
you wanted to take suki on a quick walk
but you got tired after like 10 minutes so you sat down on a blanket u brought
suki was just laying next to u while u were on ur phone
it wasnt fully dark out yet and there was still a few people in the park
the fairy lights that were placed around were lit up already
it was super pretty and the weather was nice
after staring at ur phone for a few mins u looked up just to look around
and u saw Him again
why do u keep seeing him !?!?!
his back was faced towards u like always
and he was like 40 feet away from u so he looked so tiny
but u could tell it was him because of his blond hair and black coat he always wore
you kind of zoned out and unfortunately ur eyes were trained on his back without u even noticing
and he
for the first time EVER!!!!
its like he sensed someone staring at him
but yes he turned around with his camera in his hand
the first thing u noticed was that he got a new camera
it was a larger black one
definitely more expensive
Awe good for him!!!!!
and then u glanced up to see his face
and u made EYE CONTACT
u looked away so fast
He was SO CUTE.............
u awkwardly started looking to your left and tried turning ur face away from him
‘oh look at those beautiful um... birds.. yeah’
hopefully he didnt notice
*nervously sweats*
u didnt dare look back in that direction so u spent the rest of your evening in the park on ur phone or playing with suki
eventually it reached 8pm so u packed up ur stuff and went home
U were still kind of thinking about that boy....
so u were like
i need to go back
and u did Lol
u went back the next day at 6pm this time with suki
it was lighter out and the sky was beautiful
perfect for a certain boy to be taking photos
*evil laugh*
u were walking for like 15 minutes and u didnt see him anywhere :((((
the one time u go there for HIM
u settled down under a tree
suki immediately went on the blanket when u sat down too
you played tug of war with her and fed her some treats while playing
playing with her for 10 minutes straight definitely tired u out so u laid down and just stared at the sky
it was a faded blue turning into orange and pink
U were kinda bored so u sat up and started petting suki
you would occasionally glance up at the strangers walking past u
let me tell u what Happened..
u looked up at another lady walking her dog and went like
‘aweee that dog is so cute’ in ur head
and u took ur eyes off the dog and glanced to ur right
idk bc u felt like it
and it WAS POINTED AT U ??!?!
as soon as u looked in his direction he jumped and put his hands down
he like
Blushed????? and awkwardly smiled u know rubbing the neck and all that
he was embarrassed
ur cheeks were turning so red
was kind of weird.... stalkerish but um
he cleared that up BECAUSE
He started walking over to u
he was wearing black jeans that were ripped on the knees with black high top converse
and a gray sweater with a black coat over it
ur were like OMg []£{€]%[#{%€]£{
n he just Plop
he stood right infront of u basically towering bc u were sitting under the tree
suki noticed the boy and tilted her head like hmmmm???
u had the SMALLEST smile on ur face bc u wanted to seem friendly but not TOO friendly
he had his camera strap over his arm while he held it and his other hand was rubbing the name of his neck
“uh... sorry about that.. i didn’t mean to seem weird or anything!” he waved his hands infront of him to deny it
u just sat there while he talked like ❤️_❤️
“im uh taking photos for my class and i thought u looked nice so i took some pictures.. im really sorry i should’ve asked first now i seem weird or something im really-,”
u cut him off so he didnt ramble any longer
“no its okay! i get it” you gave him a warm smile and pet suki while she drifted to your side and kept her eyes on him
u both just stared at eachother for a few seconds before you spoke
“um.. would you like to sit?” you scooted over and made room for him in the blanket
“uh sure” he set his camera down and sat beside u
“this is suki.. shes my cousins dog” u said when she climbed into his lap and started sniffing him
he grinned and pet her before looking up at you
“im ni-ki by the way” his cheeks turned a bit pink which u thought was cute
“y/n” you smiled
“suki seems to like you” u laughed
“so how long have you been working on this project or whatever?”
“oh um i started last week... i just have to make a portfolio of photos i take and turn it in” he said while keeping his eyes trained on suki
u noticed he didnt make eye contact with u often but u knew it was probably because he was nervous because u do that too
“can i see the pictures...?” u hesitantly ask him
his eyes light up when u say that
he picks up his camera next to him and clicks a few buttons
“oh by the way... ive noticed u at the park before! you’re always with the camera” you laugh
“ah yeah, this park is where most of my project photos are taken.”
he leans over and shows you the pictures on the device
“woah” you let out a gasp
he showed u the picture he took of you first
How does a picture look better than real life...
you’ve never really been into photography but now that you’ve seen his work u might just have to start getting into it
“this isnt even done yet, i still have to edit it so it’ll look even more perfect” he shyly says
“this is amazing what the heck” your jaw is Dropped
“i need to see the final result” u said because it was such a nice picture
“um.. if you give me your number i can show you it” he sent you a cheeky grin
he was so AGGGHGGHG ur kind of obsessed
you two exchange numbers and talk about random things for a whole hour until he says he has to go
“it was really nice meeting you.. i had fun” he tells you as he starts standing up
suki is sleeping so he tries not to wake her up
“i had fun too” you smile
“would you like me to walk you to your car?”
A GENTLEMAN !!?!?!?!
“oh yeah, thanks”
you two spend another 2 minutes together as you walk side by side with suki in your arms and he held your blanket and bag for you
you reached your car and thanked him
“ill see you soon, dont forget to text me! and good luck on the project, i know you’ll do great”
“thank you..”
ni-ki’s cheeks turn pink once more before he turns around and starts walking away with a smile on his face
he is just the cutest thing ever
you definitely need to see him again
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staycult · 4 years
highschool!hyunjin as your boyfriend
pairing — gender neutral reader x hyunjin
genre — fluff / bullet scenario
word count — idk maybe 600-700
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ok so
u both met bcs of the same class
since u were a new student, he got assigned to tour you around the campus
bcs he's a goody two shoes
"hyunjin, by the way." he said as he gave u a light smile,
you being a shy bean u are, just gave him a nod
he took the hint and started to walk with you following him behind
he opened a big door for you and motioned u to go inside
the smell of old books and the sound of typing devoured your senses
"this is the library, quite old but still does it's job" he said while looking around
you love libraries a lot
"it's nice" you finally spoke, fiddling w/ ur fingers a bit
"[y/n], sorry i didnt answer you earlier"
he smiled at your sudden burst of bubble
"so that's basically it for the facilities" he said while stopping infront of you
the bell rang and a whole lot of students went out of their rooms
"hey you should go with us for lunch" he said half confidently
"if you want to, that's what i meant" he added.
since you dont have that much friends, you decided to go along
you entered the cafeteria and was greeted with hyunjin's friends
7 other boys greeted you with a smile as well as 5 other girls. you have grown close with them in a matter of minutes especially the girls. as it was to go home, hyunjin offered to walk you home. the awkward tension between you two disappeared. it became a routine for the both of you to walk home together since he lives a block away from you.
finals came in and you were cramming your eyes off in the library
as you were looking for the book you needed, you stumbled upon yeji and hyunjin
who were facing each other while studying
not gonna lie it was an eye sore to see
yeji is one of your closest friends so you shrugged it off because they had always been close
but this time, it felt different
like you were hurt?
you picked up your book and turned around to find your own seat
"pst! hey [y/n]!" a familiar voice called out
"come sit with us!" yeji whisper-shouted
so u did
it felt awkward for some reason and you rlly didnt know why
you guys had always been close, why now?
yeji had this smirk on her face
while hyunjin was side eyeing her
she let out a snort "hey i have a class in 5 see you both later at lunch!" she said waving off
he cleared his throat and turned his attention towards you
"so, i found this cool coffee shop where you can write in the walls, do you want to come after finals?" he asked
you felt a butterfly run wild in your stomach
what is this feeling?
"i would love to" you smiled
both of you ordered a large smoothie each in the coffee shop and bought markers before hand. hyunjin was scribbling all over the walls. the coffee shop was full of names and quotes written by customers. you brought out your marker and wrote, [y/n] was here <3 in different colors. "jinnie, why are you drawing circles?" you chuckled.
"i-uh im making a puzzle." he said while closing his marker cap. "really? let me see!" you exlaimed. he took in a deep breath and showed you the puzzles. "all you have to do is to make a sentence out of the circled words or symbols" he explained. "words that was written by other customers you mean?" you snorted. he rolled his eyes, "just do it!"
you have gathered the a "👍🏼", "👁" and a "you"
confusion took over you as you observed the circled words. "i like you?" you asked hyunjin. "i like you too." he replied. it took you a while to realize what it meant. "for real?"
"for real." he replied seriously. a blush crept up to your face, did he really just confess? "oh god im sorry" he panicked. "it's okay if you dont like me back i shouldnt have listened to yeji let's forget this happened-"
you cut him off by giving him a hug. he went stiff at your sudden skinship but eventually hugged you back. "you silly, of course i like you too." you said as you burried your head into is chest. "for REAL real." u chuckled.
"i thought you liked yeji" you said in a low voice as you pulled away. "what? she's like my sister from another mother." he said, grossed out. "she helped me out into confessing.." he added while ruffling his hair.
"well, it worked." you claimed as he pulled you in for another hug.
boyfriend hyunjin claims that he's not clingy
well that's a lie
he's not much into pda
but he loves holding your hand whenever he has the chance
like below the tables during class
or in the library while studying
you guys are lowkey, but not a secret
coffee shop dates!
any kind of date really
he loves taking pictures of you
and posting it on his insta
back hugs and sleeping on your lap kind of love
being successful together in terms of career and school is his number 1 goal
he's very supportive!!! will literally shout whenever it's your turn in debates
"PERIOD! that's my baby!" he would clap loudly even though by now youre embarrased as hell
will give you flowers everytime u meet u go on a date
love notes!!!!!
kisses are passionate and loves to rub your back while doing so
he would get very shy after
never forgets to reassure you whenever you doubt yourself
"im here baby, always."
"i love you, i'll always will."
needless to say, he is the best boyfriend out there.
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fish-plz · 3 years
i have many thoughts about legend of zelda breath of the wild and i need to tell someone so…. lets go!!!
so a thing you need to know about me was i got to legend of zelda botw very late like a year after it came out i had only played 1 zelda game before and i couldnt even read then. i dont even know what game it was it had navi and pirate zelda in it was on my ds it was 3d (not great tho) it had a link that looked sorta looked like this
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and the bit after the cut scene was an island that had an old man that lived in a cave and im pretty sure the island fitted on the whole screen of the 3ds. i thought it was phantom hourglass for a bit but i did buy phantom hourglass but the island is different idek. If anyone knows what game that is it would be very appreciated if you could tell me.
Anyway i got side tracked i played botw for the first time and didnt even make it off the plateau and decided i didnt like it, Which i told the friend that i originally bought botw just so i could talk about it with him ( also bcs i thought you could play as zelda but that was just a mod) that now greatly embarrasses me bcs its in my top 5 games easily.
Many months later i started playing it again bcs i felt a bit like i wasted my money bcs it was very expensive and i didnt really play that much and i loved it i played it in all my free time for a couple days until i got to my first divine beast vah ruta and i got stuck but a few weeks later i went on holiday and took my switch and i spent a while and i figured it out did the boss fight and…. died in two hits.
So when i got home i grinded and actually did shrines beat waterblight ganon and then for the next few weeks I played everyday for a few hours. I had all but finished the main story. I was ready to fight ganon and kept failing bcs i didnt have the hyllian shield and i didnt know how to reflect guardian blasts but finally i defeated ganon.
By the time i had done this it was late at night i had spent my whole afternoon learning this fight and i was so excited to play the postgame tomorrow and after the zelda cutscene it threw me back out to the menu and I PANICKED i thought my saved game corrupted but it was there but the save was before the ganon fight and i had a little star next to my save.
i did some googling and found out there is no post game THERE IS NO POST GAME. This was wild to me every game i had ever played like like legend of zelda had a post game why would there be no post game it did not make sense to me i was screaming i was so angry bcs i was thinking the whole time whilst playing i cant wait for the post game i cant wait to hang out with zelda shes so fun and i cant wait to casually galavant around hyrule and maybe theyll be quests where we rebuild the castle that would be so cool to see. But there was no post game. i vowed never to play the game again it had disappointed me so much i just couldnt face it.
The next day i booted up botw and went around thinking of things i could do i finally settled on doing all the shrines. which has been a casual goal for me over the past few months picking up botw just to relax and ride my horse and slowly work at doing all the shrines.
Today i finally did it. i dont have a favourite shrine bcs most of them where pretty painful bcs i am small brain and forget about cryonis magnesis etc but my two least favourites where the shrine quest when you have to stand naked on a blood moon cause there is no way to summon a blood moon for definite and the window is only an hour in game and the fastest route i could find was 55 in game minutes which means if you fumble for five seconds irl you miss your window.
this was particularly frustrating for me bcs i kept sleeping through my blood moons and i also tped to the wrong shrine and missed the window by going a sub optimal route and had to reload an autosave that undid a couple sidequests which was annoying.
and the other one was technicallly two in duelling peaks i think where you have to copy the patterns between the two shrines. It just wasnt fun i just ended up pulling up pictures on my phone and essentially cheating bcs it was so annoying.
one thing i said id never do is all korok seeds it just seemed so depressing to even consider bcs 900 of them. i am 140 koroks in and i am finally getting to the point i wanted to talk about
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i keeping picking the wrong apple and then the tree got hit by lightening and the things take ages to respawn i just dont like it
before my closing thoughts im going to list some quick thoughts
💕Urbosa 💕
surprisingly not freaked about the zora even tho they are fish
i do hate the hinox and stalnox (its the eyes obviously) so much so that i wouldnt not fight them in the beginning i am since over that
the field around duelling peaks is my favourite place
The house is honestly a little disappointing idk i thought thered be more customisation or utility its still really nice tho
the Castle is so cool
anyway thank you for reading this incredibly long document of almost every thought i have ever had about the legend of zelda. i feel like you a deserve an award bcs i think the spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes would turn anyone who cared away
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