#i don’t know if i wanna cry
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plutonianplaything2 · 9 months ago
I am confused, emotionally exhausted, and physically hurting. Please let tomorrow be better.
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girlyteengirl16 · 8 months ago
as i get older i get sadder at the fact i wasted my time and potential being sad all my life
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 6 months ago
I hate it when people don’t take aromanticism seriously. I hate it when they say “oh it’s just a phase I also thought I was aromantic but then I got a partner.” It doesn’t apply to everyone.
Respect aromanticism as you would respect any other identity
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prickleestull · 3 months ago
For those of you who genuinely think Bruce would be a bad father, than you’ve read the wrong canon. This is BATMAN we’re talking about - you think that motherfucker hasn’t read every single parenting and child psychology book on the planet? You think that bih doesn’t FREQUENTLY bother Harley for help? You think that my mans can’t take constructive criticism to the nth degree? You think he doesn’t go to therapy? Bro PLEASe
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kitamars · 2 years ago
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hello. um. sorry for disappearing for like two months. imagine me getting hit with a truck called “The Worst Creative Block In Your Life” and getting thrown headfirst into the gintama rabbit hole. it’s quite cozy down here. i think i need help.
anyways, have a bunch of accumulated doodles plus this terrifying kagura as apology tehe :3
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it is possible to regulate your emotions themselves. when you regulate your behavior responses to your emotions, you will consequently regulate your emotions themselves. but even further than that, it is possible to rein in your emotional responses over time to be more manageable, just by asking yourself in the moment things like “Am I right to be this angry about such a small thing? Is my sadness about this situation valid or is it caused by selfishness/greed/pride?”
The people who tell you that emotions can’t be controlled and only behavior correction is possible are lying to you and constraining you to a miserable existence of always languishing & roiling beneath the surface.
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chulippi · 2 months ago
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What’s ellis singing wrong answers only
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0vergrowngraveyard · 14 days ago
this is a very hurt/no comfort fic. tws for child death, blood, grief, aftermath of a murder
this is part 2 of a collaboration with @myymi. please read part one first!! thank you!!
��I love you!”
Sonic uncurled from his spindash, his stance wide and unbalanced as he panted heavily. Wild, green eyes looked at nothing in particular as panic shook his frame.
A short laugh that would’ve sounded crazed to anyone else escaped him. They really got him this time, didn’t they? Tricked him real good. To think that he thought this whole nightmare was finally over. That it was that fucking easy. Next time he sees Infinite— which would probably be in a few minutes, maybe even a few hours depending on how long the jackal wants him to sit with the fake corpse of his little brother— he should congratulate him for upgrading that stupid ruby of his considering how horrifyingly realistic this round was.
He should also punch Infinite in the face, and finally wipe that stupid grin off of Eggman’s too while he’s at it, for giving him false hope for so long. Making him think that the war was over, that everything was okay again and his friends were alive and safe. That his brother was alive and safe. They let him get comfortable, let him learn to trust that everything was real, gave him his life and freedom back, then pulled the rug out from beneath him and made him look like an idiot.
Though, maybe he already was an idiot for daring to believe in his future in the first place.
He stood up straighter as the adrenaline slowly trickled out of him with a sharp huff. Soon he’d be sitting back in that cramped cell as the doctor and his newest lackey towered over him, laughing at his despair. He’d be starved and tortured for both their own enjoyment and to further the progression of the Eggman Empire. He’d spend his days wondering if his friends were okay. If they were alive and kicking, or if they’d been killed. Just more casualties in a war that was sure to have thousands of them.
A small cough dragged his attention to the illusion on the floor. It was still “alive”, still looking up at him with blue eyes that looked far too real. Blood pooled around him that flowed out of the gash in his chest and arm, and it was in looking closer at that wound that made dread begin to seep in.
Normally whenever Sonic injured an illusion, they didn’t bleed. Not without a flood of red pixels accompanying it, at least. The illusions of his friends didn’t have any blood, it was a cosmetic choice from Infinite to mess with the hedgehog. To stain his gloves red with the remains of those he was closest to only for it to wash away with the rest of whatever scene had just played out.
There were no red pixels in this blood, and the red substance itself looked…real. Way too real. His eyes widened as he looked at his little brother in horror.
“Big bro…?” A weak voice calls out, followed by another cough.
No, no, no, no—
“Tails…?” Sonic answered him, heart stopping in his chest when the kit’s eyes closed and his head goes limp.
“Tails,” He repeated, a lump closing off his throat as a brand new panic coursed through him. Sonic placed himself in front of Tails in a flash, eyes tearing up as he struggled to even see straight, blood soaking into his socks and staining both them and the fur on his knees crimson, “B-bud? Tails? H-hey, look at me keed. I’m- I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…didn’t
His brain felt like it was moving at a million miles per hour and shutting down at the same time. It felt heavy, his whole body felt heavy. It felt heavy and empty and as cold as the paw he held in his own. But it wasn’t cold because it wasn’t real, not this time.
Sonic’s breath hitched painfully and tears welled up in his eyes as the reality of the situation finally barreled into him hard enough to rival one of the kit’s hugs.
Hugs he would never experience again. Because Tails was gone.
He was dead.
…Sonic had killed him.
His baby brother was gone because of him, “Lit-little b-buddy?” Sonic mumbling, choking on all the emotions swelling within him. The utter despair, the rage, the desperation for this to be a stupid illusion— for once, he wanted his reality to be fake, to be a cruel joke crafted by someone who had nothing better to do than torture him— all of it strangled him as tears began to pour down his cheeks.
He hugged the small fox, pulling his limp body as close as he possibly could, mumbling incoherently, “I’m sorry…Tails— I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…I didn’t— I didn’t mean to…”
A pathetic whimper escaped him as he buried his face in the crook of Tails’s neck, his quills stiffening at the unnatural weight that rested on his own shoulder. He clutched at his soft, yellow fur as he kept him close, kept him from leaving if only for a few moments. As if keeping him in his arms would do anything to fix this.
Nothing would fix this.
A scream of pure anguish ripped out of his throat, tearing at his vocal cords as it clawed its way from deep within him as a fresh wave of tears spilled over. Six long months of suffering all released in one single moment. He bundled the fox kit up in his lap, littering his forehead with light kisses as he slowly rocked him back and forth like he would during a thunderstorm or nightmare.
Because that’s all this was, right? It was just one huge nightmare. He was going to wake up soon and when he did, he’d rush to Tails’s room and crush him in a hug. He was going to apologize for something the kit knew nothing about. He was going to spend time with him and make sure not to take him for granted ever again and work on bettering himself so this stupid, stupid mistake never comes to pass.
(Though, could it even be considered a mistake? He had struck on purpose, after all.)
It had to be a nightmare, because somewhere deep in his mind that was slowly numbing, he could hear Eggman and Infinite towering over him, laughing at his misery.
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prince-peachie · 1 year ago
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“Something in the orange tells me we’re not done”
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babymorte · 2 months ago
every time i open twitter im reminded why i never open twitter
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m0thlegs · 2 months ago
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Drops my machine herald redesign concept art at your feet and scurries away into the night (click to read my notes for more context)
I’m too tired to explain all the lore I’ve written for him rn but I’m trying to make up a version of season 2 in my head where they actually did the cool robot body horror + he isn’t like *objectively* evil because of the hexcore as a means of coping and stopping myself from crawling up my walls in hyperfixation insanity. I’m not using 3 but I am considering the others I’m putting a poll hold on
Actually shitting my pants posting this but just so you know these aren’t the final designs okay bye
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usbotthrills · 5 months ago
When he has clothes on, he is one person, but without them, he is revealed as he really is, the years of rot manifested on his skin, his own flesh advertising his past, it’s depravities and corruptions
Hanya Yanagihara - A Little Life
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graycious-tea · 11 months ago
I wanna keep Lou/Tommy so bad!!!! ABC don’t make him leave plssss I beg I luv him
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year ago
started a sourdough starter!!! It’s not even that much abt bread; I just like the idea of having a pet and this is about the max amount of responsibility I’m looking for rn
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fumifooms · 9 months ago
I think you made me start shipping Marchil
Your posts got me thinking about their dynamic then I wrote a fic that was supposed to be platonic but midway through I realized it could actually be interpreted as romantic too and now I'm just sad about how little time they'll have together
First of all, you have a lovely icon, second, I’m so honored… I finally read Not a bad way to go and it was soo so good like. My god!!! Pre-canon is underused and you did so many interesting things with it.
It sounded like a cruel joke, that the one who needed her concern the most was also the one least interested in it.
^^^ go read it go read it
Chilchuck was drunk enough that he needed to hold onto the walls not to fall, but apparently still sober enough to remember emotional vulnerability was his worst enemy, as he made sure to avert her eyes and said: “Namari made me come talk to you ” to make it clear he wasn't being nice voluntarily.
“Of course I'm scared of dying.” He scoffed. Did she really think so little of him? “But if I could choose, I would want to die doing something I love, like drinking. Or maybe fucking,”
Maybe you wish you didn’t know but my new favorite HC because of this is that Chil dies yes prematurely not of liver failure though but during coitus. Especially if marchil, the thought of him busting a nut and his heart giving out makes me laugh so hard. My god. Lmao. Oh god. Lmfao. Worst day of her life
Marcille knew Chilchuck wasn't a kid, but she often struggled to take him seriously as an adult because he was just so adorable and small. In this moment, however, she saw them exactly for what they were, even if it was just a glimpse. A sheltered, naive little girl trying to tell a tired, much more experienced man how to live the rest of his life.
Standing ovation
She tried to find an explanation to give him, but she couldn't even find one for herself. Why would she miss him? He was just Chilchuck, her coworker, Chilchuck who was cold, aloof, sometimes crass, evasive, and even outright mean. He who was level headed, reliable, trustworthy, perceptive and clever. He who had the least time left, even in a best case scenario. “I guess that despite your best efforts, there's still a lot to like about you.”
This fic goes so hard, standing ovation pt 2
“I just think it's better if we don't get too close. Don't you agree?” “I… maybe” she said, uncertain as he didn't know how to feel about that. Caring about people would only hurt her in the wrong run, she knew that, but unfortunately she couldn't help it.
I looove how they can be read to be similar on this aspect. My hand clenching around my phone as I rear up to rant about Marcille and the way she does keep people at an arm’s length subconsciously again my god my goood. Obsessed with this obsessed with this, underused for marchil. Terrified of loss through death vs rejection duo I love youuu
Brilliant ending I’m in shambles. I’m not gonna spoil it
You get marchil so much you truly do. The way they mesh, the way their views on mortality clash and both soothe & bruise… He doesn’t have much time left even in best case scenario (which Mr I won’t eat well I’ll drink and smoke a lot I’ll stress all day every day is determined to not make happen) which makes it all the more meaningful for Marcille’s arc when she learns from him to finally enjoy the present moments… It’ll only be a fraction of her life, but to him he’s giving her the rest of his life. What are some decades of love worth? Worth it, surely, if nothing else
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gojonanami · 10 months ago
I slept like shit
being a jjk fan isn’t worth it for nights like this bro
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