#there’s this girl who’s flirting with me and me being on the aro spectrum idk whether I like her that way
I hate it when people don’t take aromanticism seriously. I hate it when they say “oh it’s just a phase I also thought I was aromantic but then I got a partner.” It doesn’t apply to everyone.
Respect aromanticism as you would respect any other identity
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i sent this to stick and she said i should post it so have stargate characters based on how strongly i headcanon them as on the asexual spectrum (atlantis edition)
john : 100% certain hes aro, about 80% certain hes ace. hes some flavour of queer and one simply does not make Those Faces when they're being flirted with if theyre allo
rodney : demi!rodney has a hold on my brain especially demigay like boi needs step-by-step instructions for rom relationships (cough unless its with john cough cough) that's not allo behavior
teyla : im not sure if shes aspec or not. she might just be a little too chill. idk.
ronan : melena was his moon and stars hes definitely not aro (not that aros cant have those relationships but it was definitely romantic)
aiden : not aspec but too emotionally immature for a relationship. girls still have cooties to him.
carson : i dont think hes aspec i think hes just picky. like theres demi and then theres Just Picky and he definitely falls into the latter category. the man fell for perna in 3 days and then mourned her like a soulmate (imo they were but ✨️shock value deaths✨️)
elizabeth : not aspec just loyal (to a douche like i get that she told simon to move on bc she wasnt sure if she was coming back, thats not what i fault him for. he shouldve TOLD HER THE SECOND SHE SHOWED UP instead of letting her act and think that they were still together until the last possible moment)
radek : definitely aro. boi raised pigeons.
chuck : not aspec maybe bisexual??? (more like bi himself 🥲)
lorne : definitely not aspec. whoever he dates he will treat them RIGHT
caldwell : too in love with elizabeth to be aro
ellis : not aspec but who would want him
cadman : too slutty to be aspec (affectionate)
keller : not aspec but her I Can Fix Him gene is too strong. babe hes a man not a renovation project either accept his neurodivergence or dump his ass
grodin : idk could go either way. i don't think hes upset about being single but i dont think hed say no to a date
woolsey : romantically a wet cat of a man. the most upsetting part of his divorce was that his ex took the yorkie and that speaks volumes. not sure what its saying but its Loud
just a disclaimer these are just my opinions but if you disagree with me keep it to yourself lol you wont change my mind 😜
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galaxytransman · 1 year
Ok so in order to start off pride month (and since it has been a while) let's re showcase all of my queer head cannons, with a (jokey) edit at the end.
Do be aware it is mostly copied off of my last post cause I am lazy, just there is going to be some changes.
The plain churros(Aka the cishet ones):
Scott(he/him): in this head cannon, Scott had to come out as straight because Virgil had came out, and his parents suspected the others, so they just looked at Scott and went 'You must be teaching them this,'(in a supportive way ofc)while Scott was just like 'wtf'
Parker(he/him): honestly his job keeping lady penelope safe stops him from dating, but if he wasn't, he would like to think he would have a wife
Grandma Tracy(She/her): writing this, I realised that I made the oldest 3 members of iR straight, and I promise that was a accident 😅😅😅
The cis fruit loops (Aka the cis non hetro ones):
Virgil[gay{mlm}] (he/him): as you said, flannel, cuffed jeans, docs, and rolled up sleeves. 'Nuff said. Also, because he dresses like a homophobic straight man, 1. He sewed the gay flag (the mlm one) onto the shoulders of his flannel so people know that he isn't homophobic and 2. At Tracy industry stuff, girls are always flirting with him, and he just has to look at Scott while Scott tries not to laugh
John{Aro Ace}(he/him): I just looked at him and went, yea, no he's aro ace.
Brians{demisexual and demiromatic}(he/him): he just, gives off this energy, if you know what I mean
Lady penelope{bisexual}(she/her): a member of the britsh monarchy being LGBTQ+ just seems right, so here's lady Penelope.
The Trans fruit loops (aka the non cis gender and non hetro people):
Gordon{Pansexual/genderqueer}(all pronouns): I feel like Gordon would just be like "so I date pretty people, and I am a pretty person". Yea she's as brain dead as me.
Kayo{lesbian/demi-girl}(she/they): we both thought this, so need I say more. Also, she gives off mean-when-you-first-meet-them-energy-but-once-she-gets-to-know-you-they-are-actually-really-nice energy
Alan{Achillian[Aro-Ace spectrum]/transmasc enby}(he/they/moon/star/sun): I've got a timeline Alan of the cis-to-trans pipeline that you will probably find out somehow, who am I to judge how you find out.
Now the tiney tiny edit I made
Credit to:thunderbirds are go official yet (Alan Tracy's best bits)
#will probably pin this so I don't have to keep scrolling down to see my HC #or eventually make a carrd or smth idk #anyway here we are #proper tags:
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behindthekitty · 3 years
ok heres why i think cater is aro? its kinda based on nothing but yeah
whenever cater flirts with someone its always because hes trying to gain something?
though honestly cater (and most nrc students) will not lift a finger unless theres something in it for them
but caters the only character who seems to specifically flirt and butter people up for it
it seems like he wants attention but never because itll help him get girls (or guys) or something
honestly the reason cater is so clout obssessed is kinda ambiguous
maybe it comes from his youngest sibling syndrome. maybe he was overshadowed by his sisters
idk something about cater and the way he conducts himself gives me vibes that hes aromantic
ive talked to people on the ace spectrum about their opinions on sex/sexual attraction (im also ace) and ive found that while sexual attraction is confusing to us, we do generally understand how it works
and because we have no attachment to it, it may be easier to use sexual attraction to our own advantage
if that makes any sense
i feel like thats what cater does but in a romantic sense instead
ALSO i kind of see his distaste for sweet foods as an allegory for being on the ace spectrum
like how an ace person may prefer not to see romance in shows, movies, books etc but will try to hide it to seem normal
honestly cater might be ace too and not just aro
ok thats it im done w my cater analysis
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'bout to go on a 500 or 1000-word rant that no one will read so here we go: I don't know what the fuck I want. I crave and despise connection. I have friends and they're great but sometimes I wonder to myself, if I want more? And then I feel guilty for wanting more? I've read some aro stuff, and it makes me feel... like I'm not even aro, that I'm a fraud and that I'm just faking being aro, and invaliding other aros. And what if one day, I meet that special someone and magically stop being aro? But fundamentally, i KNOW i'm not alloromantic. I might have my questionable days but I know for SURE im somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, maybe I'm greyromantic or demiromantic who knows but definitely not alloromantic. Then the whole gender thing too. Sometimes I dress more feminine, and don't get me wrong I feel nice and cute and it's great, but when I look in the mirror all I feel is disgust... Like this isn't. me. I don't wanna look like a girl, I don't wanna feel and act like one, even though biologically I am one. But then there are also days when I like being feminine, I like dressing up and taking care of myself because it just feels nice. So basically, this is a whole mindfuck and idk shit. Then I also wonder if I have a superiority complex and if I'm narcissistic, but most likely I'm not... but still there's this fear that lingers. AND on top of that, I wonder if I even had crushes in my life before, and whether they're just squishes or something more. I've had "crushes" before, but idk... I feel like I just wanted to be friends with them or closer in a way that I can't explain because intrinsically we had something in common... idk if I wanted to date them. I've also heard other aros say that they feel guilty for not being able to reciprocate romantic feelings, but I don't relate since I've never been IN, or attempted a relationship. Then there's also that thing with avoidant attachments styles and being aromantic, and it's something arophobes say quite often... but the problem is what if I'm both? Am I aro because of trauma, and is that even valid? I feel like it's not, but at the same time, it is. Trauma fundamentally CHANGES your brain... so it WILL affect the way you view and treat relationships... and I also wonder, whether I really AM aroace (and idk about the gender thing, gender confuses me) or whether its out of my disgust for social constructs, that I defy them with every fiber in my body. Ugh lmfao, I hate coming across as "i'm not like those other girls" because fuck that, fuck bringing other women down --- but I just simply do not relate with a lot of girls at all. I read this thread yesterday about OP was talking about insecurities, and the very present fact that women are devalued and sexualized, and how ageist society is... and I KNOW it's there, and it's true. It's happening everywhere, has happened and is STILL HERE PRESENT DAY... but I just do not relate. Like I have empathy, and I've probably experienced it a couple times of my life but I do. not. relate. at. all. on an intrinsic level. I think ironically enough, I was sheltered for most of my life and it was shitty in the sense that I really had no friends or an outside life at the time, but also because of that, I had no "normal" concept of things like socialization, gender, flirting and romance, crushes, etc... And I wonder if I'm aroace because of that, because of my environment. Which raises the question, is romantic and sexual orientation something that's fundamental and intrinsic? Or does it change over time? Like boom, you're out of the womb and from then on, you KNEW you were this certain orientation and stuck with it? I've heard some ppl say that from an early age they knew they xyz, but I just can't relate lol. I think the problem with being aroace is that it's hard to prove something that's NOT THERE. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK? U WANT ME TO PROVE THAT I DON'T FEEL SOMETHING? HOW???!?! asdfkjasdjfkl this reminds me of 70 memes which are like "the proof has been left as an exercise to the reader" aksdlfjasdfasdfawoeiflwakdsfsdf.
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