#but now im horrifically attached to the entire cast and will cry if this so called comedy series even becomes a hint emotional
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hello. um. sorry for disappearing for like two months. imagine me getting hit with a truck called “The Worst Creative Block In Your Life” and getting thrown headfirst into the gintama rabbit hole. it’s quite cozy down here. i think i need help.
anyways, have a bunch of accumulated doodles plus this terrifying kagura as apology tehe :3

#well tbh the trigun fandom kinda burned me out as well#i couldn’t really keep up so i just. didn’t lol#kinda hated drawing for a bit after that but gintama’s been really good for me in that way#while i still really really wanna draw for it and i have a ton of doodles for it#i don’t really feel the need to keep up in a sense#i can just enjoy it at my own pace#(at my own pace being binging like 10 episodes a day)#but hey i need to at least try and take it easy before college yk#but now im horrifically attached to the entire cast and will cry if this so called comedy series even becomes a hint emotional#so you know#the usual#thanks for sticking around regardless!#i know i kinda flip flop a bunch between interests#but im glad to know you guys still wanna stick with me through them all#ily <3#sakata gintoki#kagura#shimura shinpachi#yorozuya#gintama#ok bye
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Episode #1: “This cast, fuck me, fuck them.” - Rhys


Ok so my pregame thoughts. It seems like there are a lot of contenders that were threats in their original seasons just based off of placements. I’m really gonna try to use this to my advantage because in my season, I don’t think I was very threatening. Unfortunately I’ll miss the cast reveal, but I’m hoping that doesn’t put me in a bad spot. This game is gonna be tough, but I know I can do it. At least make merge. You need small goals in order to achieve bigger ones. Cast assessment coming up next :)

Y'all I am ANXIOUS! I've had a bad run recently and for the most part I never really care that much. But if I flop on this season I'll die of sadness. Okay but for real, I want to do well this season and idk what kind of people I'm going to be up against, and I couldn't even get my intro to send like i'm such a joke. Ugh y'all how can I be this stressed already.

Just roughly 2 hours before we're gonna really dive into the thick of things. There are so many things I wanna say and so many things I'm just beyond excited about. I really think this is gonna be a Top Tier Season.
I'm vowing to make the most of my stay no matter how long or short. I'm gonna try to drive the pessimist in my mind away and do my best to avoid being that early boot just because I'm a previous winner. Y'all better watch out!
This is gonna be FuCkInG LiT!!!

Getting ready for this season, I'm honored tbh. I feel like it's my first fully-legit-no-strings-attached All-Stars appearance. I was on EMBB All-Stars, but only because I was an alternate for Jake and he decided to be a host instead. Being invited back on my merits exclusively feels amazing, I just hope I can live up to my own expectations in this game and take home the win.

Hi I’m super excited to be brought back to play this game. I’m gonna play maybe a little harder but I’m hoping to keep my gameplay very similar to last season cause it did me well I just need to not freak out. I’m really looking forward to seeing who I’m playing with and I know this season will be fun.

So. This cast, fuck me, fuck them. Like they all seem so much more capable than me. Like bitch bye.
My tribe honestly idk yet. They seem cool, haven’t talked to most of them yet. So I’ll get back on that.
The only person I’m not happy is cast is Michael. Bitch hated me for no reason last season. So bitch best watch his back cause I’m bringing this hatred back this season.
Also one world can fuck off

So I am meeting everyone and honestly so far this is a nice group. A mixture of old faces like Zach and Loris and new ones like everyone else! Everybody is radical, but I am gonna try and give it a short moment before giving an assessment. Having that said, im gonna get dragged and murdered by this cast....call the police.

Hi so the game has just started and I feel like already so much has happened it has been intense. This cast? stacked. One world? intense. Me? crying.
This entire cast is so iconic and so loved I honestly don't know how to feel rn I am scared as all hell but I'm ready to fight for my fucking life. I'm also quite glad for the one world because I love the idea of being able to socialise with EVERYONE since that's such a strong point of my game for me considering I'm horrific in challenges. I just really hope I can pull things off this season and actually have someone like me and prove that I am in fact worthy of an all star title.
Being on call with people from the one world chat is honestly so fun and I can tell this is going to be a great season and we're literally only like 2.5 hours in. I really wanna make it to the end so I can experience it in it's fully glory.

amazingly, i don't think me being an admin is going to be to a problem??? i wanna thank you three beauts for giving me a wonderful tribe. i love matt, bodhi's hilarious, alyssa intimidates me but she's cute and i love allying strong women, tobi forced me to keysmash, and mo and karthik are kind of blase but its ONLY NIGHT ONE. all in all, think i can survive on this tribe. just get me to merge baby i cannot go premerge in this org if annas not gonna play then I CANT LET US DOWN

So we've officially landed in this ORG, and immediately smacked in the face with a flaccid twist that is One World. So instead of trying to balance 6 relationships I have to balance 20. I'm of course already a mess trying to keep track of it all.
Bodhi and I already have an instant F2, we'll see how that works out given we aren't even on the same tribes. Meanwhile I'm already in love with Bryce as a person and trying to possible Corral all the winners together. Obviously we need to make sure the Winners make it to merge.
I think on my tribe specifically I'm probably getting along best with Mitch, I think Rhys has a similar sense of humor as me but he went to bed too early for me to figure out more. There's a ton more sweet people on the other tribes too I just don't have time to delve into all of them, nor do I have enough substance to any of them to develop opinions anyway.

I have an idea as far as connections go for this tribe but I'm not sure yet if it is strong. Loris is sleeping though I did talk with everyone else. I have a feeling Chloe/Zach would be safest but also that Chloe/Michael might be together. Regardless I think I'll be sticking with Zach if I can help that. Drew seems nice too and Sharky seems it too. Not sure how things will go but I do have to be smart since I would be the easy choice as winner if we lose. I'm gonna be optimistic about it all though :) as for the people on other tribes I'll get to them later. This is going to be fun!
Now that I can see the actual twist (am dummy) I have to try and make some alliances between and in the tribes. I mean making one with the winners shouldn't be too hard but I am gonna want something with a few member here and there from each. I think things are about to get much difficult because I can tell lot of these people are more familiar with each other with their histories and I am just like "hi..." so I def need to wedge myself on in there some way..I've got my work cut out for me

HI ASDDASJKLASDLJK I was so nervous but like.. I feel my victory coming.. I'm pulling my weight in the challenge I think and our tribe's pretty cool!! It's all stars.. so like.. it's no surprise that I like everyone. Sharky seems to be busy so like.. if we lose that could be a good scapegoat.. ALSO?? i was on the blog and i was like wow jones' fairy drawing is so pretty.. so i hovered over it and accidentally clicked it.. and.. i found my legacy advantage again ADSALKDKLJASKLD. and anna said to make sure you search the blog to learn about people and i didnt even see that......... im so lucky :)

So this is so exciting. I’m trying to get to know everyone. Theres one person i was effy about on my tribe and that was Jared. But he’s been talking to me and been nice. But i still have my eyes 👀 on him. Its been nice catching up with Bryce. And been talking to Mitch Rhys and Kori. I hope i can get myself in a good social position where even if im not in their alliance, that im not someone they want to take out. But this time im gunna use my bonds to my advance and hopefully it gets me to the end.

Hi i don't really know what to say right now I just know I wanted to put down some thoughts. So far I'm so fucking in love with this entire cast I'm pretty sure I've spoken to every single person in one way or another which is great, I love to see people fully invested into a season they're playing. I also really love this first challenge, although scavenger hunts stress me the fuck out because i find so many items are so hard to find, I'm just hoping my tribe can pull out a win for us and I'm sure they will cause they're all so iconic and I love them all with my whole heart already.

So I've spoken more to people thusfar and like currently I'm speaking more to people I've spoken to before which like isn't great, because i hate relying on past relations. Like i am speaking to others who are new, its just a bit awkward. So lets push by that and hopefully they aint boring af.

Well so far I've gotten a few items on my list done. Progress is slow but steady. I'm a bit worried about this tribe given it seems like all of us being on at the same time might be unlikely. (That and we're halfway through and only 2 of us have added items to our list.)
I might just be too uptight though, we'll probably be fine. I haven't gotten to talk with people today as much as I wanted as a result of balancing the other ORG and this one as well as apartment hunting and scavenging. I'm beginning to think I planned poorly and have too much on my plate at the moment...

CAST ASSESSMENT TIMEEEE Let me start with Orfero Chris- So chris is someone who I think can either go really far as an UTR threat like he did his first season, or be an early boot. I think him and I have a similar playstyle, but he is much more poetic and structured. I am really looking forward to play with him again! We dominated in afvv and im glad he won, but I won't let that happen again. He's too good. ioris- Honestly I see ioris as more of a goat. Maybe that's false perception, but I could easily see him latching onto someone for the long haul and not being respected later on. As of now, I don't think I would work with ioris, but if the situation arises, I wont hesitate. Drew H- OK I LOVE DREW FIRST OF ALL. I am actually SUPER excited that we are finally playing a game together. I really want to work with him, but unfortunately I think he is too threatening to the point where he wont make it far. Michael- Ok so this was definitely a wildcard. I think Michael is someone to watch out for. I don't know how he'll fair in this game, knowing that people recognize his gameplay. He could either go mid merge or permerge, but I dont think he has a shot at winning. Sharky- Sharky is someone I'm unfamilar with, and for that reason alone, I am guessing he makes it deep by flying UTR while winning challenges. Zach- Zach is another sneaky player. I really would love to work with him after our relationship in emvv4 where I voted him out at f10. He is definitely not someone to brush under the rug though, because he is also very threating. I predict a mid merge boot for Zach. Clohie- I personally don't see Clohie as much of a threat, but I hope she proves me wrong. We have had limited discussion, but I can tell she is here to play. I predict she will make FTC this time, but only time will tell
Alignments: For Orfero, I can see Chris ioris and Zach on one side, Michael Drew H and Sharky on the other with Clohie in the middle
Tuatha Kori- I've been itching to play an org with kori too and im glad we are on the same tribe because i know how well he can perform in challenges. He is probably my closest ally right now, so I really hope he gets far. My prediction is early merge for him. Rhys- Rhys seems so sweet. We havent had much conversation due to timezone issues, but I'd love to work with Rhys. He is super charming and I think he can go far! My prediction for rise is late merge. Maynor- Maynor is probably the person most difficult to talk to. I have discussed with Kori and he says that his weakest relationships are with Maynor and Jared, so i think its telling that maynor might be an early boot. Jared- I think jared is super cool and he's been a player I have to watch VERY carefully. I do see myself working with him because our convos have been good so far, but I feel like he can be a good talker. We'll see how it turns out but i predict Jared being a premerge boot. He claimed to be a crackhead in confessionals though so we'll see :). Stephen Z- Man i really wish I had better conversations with him!! I think he is super cool, but he does not seem to remember who I am. If our convos improve like I hope they will, I could see Stephen going early merge. Bryce- I really like bryce too but he is soooo unpredictable and sketchy. I think his cast reveal intro shed bad light on him to other players too, but I know from experience. I see bryce being a premerge boot, but I hope he proves me wrong. I just dont feel like I can fully trust him.
Alignments: For Tuatha, I see myself aligning closely with Kori and Jared. I dont know what the dynamics would be, but I feel like Maynor is already on the outs.
Cyrena Mo- I LOVE MO SO MUCH. What a gem. I met him in TS Montenegro and he considered me one of his closest allies and saved me from elimination at f9 only for me to vote him out at f8. I still feel bad but im hoping we can mend our relationship and go far together. I actually do think he could make a deep run and definitely get to finale by laying low. Tobi- Tobi and I in games USUALLY don't end up on the same sides. That being said, I'd love to work with Tobi and I hope he makes merge unlike in emvvas. Matt- Matt is another mystery for me. On one hand, I know he is not only a host favorite but a fan favorite as well, but on the other I dont really know what he brings to the table. Another wildcard for me that I see going early merge. Jack- Jack and I have a history for sure LOL. It feels like we play every game together. I think Jack is a super nice person, and I'd love to work with him again. We dont really mesh on a personal level which makes it difficult, but I learned my lesson of trying to avoid Jack in emvvas (he got me out) Bodhi- I've seen bodhi around a bit, and can be the hero or the villain. He is quirky in a good way. I see bodhi as being the comical relief that goes mid merge for being too likeable. Alyssa- honestly alyssa seems kind of annoying. I dont want to speak too soon but i dont get good vibes from her. I think she might be an early boot on her tribe. but i truly hope im wrong about her. Karthik- I know karthik from em and i really think he could make a loyal ally. His win was well deserved but i dont necessarily think he is a threat. My predicition for him is still prejury because of his timezone. It's unpredictable when he has power and when he doesnt.
Alignments: For Cyrena, I see Mo Alyssa Tobi in one alliance and Matt Jack and Bodhi in another with Karthik out of the loop.
I'm excited to see how accurate my predicition are! I didnt bother including a winner because i still think its too early to tell. Game ON!

Wow a discord call this early in the game!! Strategy? Nope! It's... Alyssa explaining tarot cards to me. Gotta do what you can for social game ig (its ok now we're talking about romcoms)


iz me beech
what a gift, hi im mo. a dumb bottom who treats himself like shit so no one else does.
IM AN ALL STAR ISNT THAT INSANE. I cannot express how excited I am to be playing this game, plus I fucking love this cast. Like my tribe? Fantastic.
Alyssa - The sister I always wanted. I love her she’s so great.
Matt - New good friend and probably who I’m closest to at the moment I get happy when he gets online cus he gets me and my shit.
Jack - He can rap and he’s nice, what an icon.
Rhys - SUCH A SWEETHEART, I’m so excited to play with him again.
Karthik - Also super sweet, he seems like a genuine guy and I’m looking forward to playing with him.
Tobi - I love that I get to play with him again we haven’t talked all too much but we’ve talked a bit. (I definitely have my guard up around him just cus of something he did in Muxloe)
Bodhi - Kinda inactive unfortunately but he seems nice.
Mo - Dumb bitch.


sits. hi. so like. just like elara im gonna do a countdown to when i can play my legacy because yall CRAZY if you think im willing it to someone else... uh...WAIT.. I JUST REALISED... I THINK I COULD'VE SAVED BIG Z WITH MY LEGACY?? if only i knew he was going... sorry big z... you wont read this.. anyways. ok so. it is final 21. so. 15 (or 8 i guess...) people need to be voted out before i can play it.. i can DO IT. and this time i am not telling a SOUL about it. like. NO ONE.. and the beauty of the legacy is that people shouldn't really even suspect it exists.. heehee!
ANYWAYS! let's talk about the game. so. my tribe is a mess. i love zach and chloe... chris is a king.. i played elara with drew h and he's a babe so there's that. michael king. and sharky hasnt been on much because he's busy which is like awful timing n i feel bad especially if we lose because i think he might go? :-(
as for the other tribes.. bryce asked to be allies i said shure. i love rhys.. thats all bye
UPDATE!! i love BODHI!!!!!!!!!!!! like..... wow. hes such a king. no words at all.

Our tribe has lots of stuff done on our sheet. I hope we are able to get it done. I hope we can win immunity, first tribal will suck.
Omg. 3 minutes until sheets are locked. Im kind of nervous. I really want us to be immune.
My tribe mates- Rhys: he is amazing and i feel like we get along pretty well. We have been talking. Mitch: also very nice. Was the first person to message me and i really like him. Kori: we talked a bit. Is someone i need to talk to more. Bryce: my marmoreal f3. ❤️ Jared: amazing guy and really like talking to him. Would work with him. Stephen: the person i least have talked to but i need to talk to more.
I’m am extemely excited that we won immunity. It gives me more time to talk and bond with these people. Im really liking my tribe. I hope we can keep winning immunity. (Knocks on wood)

We won! Yas! It's unfortunate that we couldn't snatch the reward, but we came close and I think that counts for something.
Chloe and Drew definitely carried the Orfeo tribe to their reward, meanwhile Karth practically killed Cyrena himself. I'm pretty happy being that perfectly middle score on my tribe. High enough to be a contributor, low enough to like not be a threat for try-harding or something.
I'm gonna hopefully take this time to get to bond with people more. Chloe and I are getting married apparently which is cute. She's honestly pretty sweet so I'm already a hardcore stan.
Gonna enjoy the time off, and see what this idol system is about. Maybe I'll get lucky this season.

i am OVERWHELMED like ok so most the cast i feel like doesnt like me. my tribe has ppl who arent super active (this is literally marmoreal flash backs) kori is so.. much idk JKFADSHFKJ like he just is rly.. there! jared is my new fave i love that man so much we are going so far KNOW that. rhys.. an angel i LOVE him i just get him and he gets me. maynor? doesnt reply idk its off. stephen.. not here. mitch? ignores me for long time. so ya that sucks but wooh jared and rhys! also LOVE chloe, loris, zach, maybe tobi!!!

YAAAAAAAAS safety is so important right nowwwww, having safety is crucial bc I wanna keep my friends in this game and keep building bridges. I also have a little advantage to help me search for the idol and nobody needs to know about it except me so hopefully soon I’ll have an idol in my back pocket!

The first few days of this game have been fun. I always enjoy getting to know a new tribe of people. Still, all of these people are essentially new to me. I've been in VL's with Kori and Mitch, and I helped host Jared in Wakea, but playing with people is a totally different ballgame. Still these 3 are probably the relationships I'm most interested in investing time in right now.
As for people off of my tribe, I feel pretty good about my old Komnata castmates. Alyssa, Zach and Karth all worked well with me in the pre-merge and I can definitely see myself working with them here as well. Chris is also my BFF I would literally die for him. Jack is also someone I know well and I know he's a good ally, but we're also playing another ORG together at this very moment (SBBB7) and I just made a move there knowing he wouldn't approve of it, so that's something I have to keep in mind as well. I think as long as I can set myself up well on this current tribe, I could be in it for the long hall!
Looking at the challenge results, it looks really bad for my bro Karth. It's gonna suck if he goes first because we instantly connected back in Komnata, but hey, I don't think I have the clout to save him here. It's the first tribal council and there's no basement to hide in this time.
Today is gonna be a big day though. Before Cyrena goes to Tribal Council, I'm planning to reach out to Mitch and Kori about formally becoming allies. Just like my first season, I'll use the idol search as my opening statement!


SO lots to discuss. First off, we got fucking demolished in immunity. Fucking embarassing. Matt Alyssa and I showed tf up with 100+, and Mo and Bodhi weren't far behind. Tobi did not have a good showing but FUCKING. KARTHIK. TWO POINTS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? That's disgraceful this is god damn all stars you're a WINNER and you give 2 god damn 1 point submissions. Get the fuck out of my tribe. He should be the easiest first boot in history but of course everyone wants to pussyfoot around for the first 12-18 hours of tribal and not throw out a name. But there's no avoiding this. He's inactive, he has a bad timezone comparatively, and he did diddly poo in the challenge. He's. Gone.
Luckily I find myself with 2 quick alliances right out the shoot, a trio with Alyssa and Matt and a duo with Bodhi. I found myself gravitating to these 4 a lot the first couple days, Mo and Tobi are a bit quieter so I like these 3 allies for me moving forward. Sidenote, BoJack has got to be the greatest alliance name in Celestial history. I'd go back and look to compare but I'm lazy.
One World is still kicking my ass, a lot of people want to talk to me and I don't have the energy for it but damn it I guess I have no other choice, I can't just not respond to them.

Ok so fucking karthik made an alliance with Me, Mo, Matt. And spilled his heart out to us. But we left him on read and now he’s super lonely. Hopefully he doesn’t have an idol or whatever.
Also this game started!! I’m very busy with school but I have things to say. I’m close with some people from before, I really like Loris and Tobi and Alyssa. I’m feeling pretty good about my position right now.


Fuck yeah, not first boot!!! Although I would’ve loved to win as were so close, but can blame that on my tribe mates cause me and Bryce pulled through.
So right now, my closest ally I feel like would be Bryce. Primarily cause were on the same tribe and then I speak to him most on our tribe, and most of the other cast. Then would be jarred, so I want to make hopefully an alliance between them, maybe another, just to confirm my spot in the tribe.
Feel like my main goal is to make connection, as it seems like everyone else has some with other people. So like if it comes to me someone they don’t know, against someone they've player with before just looks bad for me. So I’m trying to make up with Michael, just so that’s one less target in my back.
Also I talk to Zach a lot. But don’t trust him at all. We have been “dating” since the cast reveal. But he asked Mo to be in a showmance too?! Plus Bryce said he talks to zach the most but Bryce wasn’t in who Zach talks to the most.
This sounds like Tween drama but it’s so much more.

Am I being flirted with?????????

My slow self. In regards to the other castmates- I didnt realize how much I talked to the members of Tuatha. Bryce, Rhys, Kori all are red but I've probably done most of my talking with Jared and Stephen who I really wanna get together with at some point. I've reached out to other people like Jack and Alyssa and Mo. I may be forgetting some people but I'm just gonna keep talking up a storm with everybody! If I had to pick my closest people so far, it definitely would be Jared, Stephen, Zach, and Michael.. stay tuned!
I FLOPPED at this challenge hard. Drew and Sharky I am sorry for sharing you peeps on the low for being MIA when I was here and performed worse! I am happy we won though because I like my entire tribe and honestly I see a lot of good from them! And so the game begins!
I am just putting gears in motion! I've made it clear with Stephen, Kori, and Jared I want to work with them. I want to get a cross tribe alliance going and it seems Tuatha is my in though I have to see about other people. As for Orfeo...I talked with Zach on starting a majority alliance with Chloe and Loris, we'll see how it goes and if it is legitimate but I definitely hope I can trust Michael enough to keep him. I still am gonna not get comfortable because I can see myself being targeted but yeah


So we’re going to tribal... and honestly I’m terrified bc I was one of the poorer performers in the challenge but the thing is that Karthik got a whole ass 2 in the challenge... a challenge where you get 8/9 points for drinking water... so I would think he’d be the easy vote but everyone was SUPER quiet yesterday and no one wanted to give names but today is looking a bit better but I swear if I go home over karthik.... I. will. call. out. all. of. them. Not only was his score tragic but I don’t think he’s been social at all... people from other tribes think that karthik is definitely going so maybe I’m just crazy paranoid for no reason but idk I’ll have to talk wayyyy more to everyone just to be sure

well here is my first real confessional of the game! Sorry its late been busy.
So firstly my tribe is like super cute. I'm glad i don't know everyone cause then i would be worried, plus i do genuinely like getting to know new people so that is definitely a yay moment. I am also really liking this cast, though more wahmen would be nice but this is all stars, we r not casting wahmen for the sake of it. - anna jane 2k19.
The first challenge? selfie scavenger. a classic if i have seen one. a surprisingly difficult one at that but im glad how well i performed. top scorer on my tribe so i'm really glad about that and how I will be perceived as an asset for a while at least (we will see how that pans out longer down the line). but yay go me! Unforunately, we lost though so like UGH.
During immunity i approached alyssa and jack about a trio, who could control the tribe as i knew we would be high scorers and i genuinely like the two of them. also made sense becuase i sense we are the 3 most active. Karthik, who scored only 2 in the challenge, is probs the target due to inactivity LOL. tobi and mo i also like, but bodhi remains a mystery to me. might be a timezone thing idk but still. a tad worrying that i dont know him as well as i would like.
One World does my head in but im trying to talk to everyone. i've learnt though i need to make connections on my tribe first and foremost as they r the ones who vote, not people on other tribes. god i do hate one world tho. i want to be napping, not messaging people

think im gonna be in an alliance?? on day 3? is this a joke? literally winning................... wow....

I usually make videos but today I am lazy so hello. So One World is ass because I don't want to talk to everyone but these people are crackheads so like I guess. Uhhhhh I'm in an alliance with Jack and Matt because I adore them both greatly. Mo is on my tribe which is so nice because we have played together before and he has such fun energy and is just a ray of sunshine so I'm very happy (although he makes me nervous cuz the last game we played together I killed him for no reason basically.... But I don't think he's the vengeful type). Tobi makes me nervous because I think he is a social king and I mean like... Idk I guess there are a lot of very social players which makes me nervous that I would be pushed out for maybe not being as social? Idk if that makes sense.
But anyway Karthik is also on my tribe and I was like OF COURSE. Because this is the man from my season who I cursed out via DR video for flipping on me LOL He is a sweetie though. I recently looked and saw he was rooting for me a lil in a game I was in which is really nice of him, especially seeing as I didn't vote him to win our season. I think he's going to be first boot. He was on vacation this weekend somewhere where there's no wifi (that's what he told me) and only sent in two things for the scavenger hunt, dooming us to a first tribal. I feel somewhat bad but have told people on my tribe that if not for Komnata's twist of the season he would've been out pre-merge easily because his overarching challenge performance is not great. So basically just reiterating to people that I'm not so sure that this was a fluke and overall I think it's probably just best for us to cut him.
Yeah that's it. I have so much crackhead energy from the games I've been playing as of late I feel like I majorly need to chill the fuck out. Here's to praying.

so everyone’s kinda agreed on voting out karthik due to him only scoring two points so I’m like ok cool i’m down but then karthik made an alliance chat with bodhi, matt and myself asking to be saved and

Sooo im making this last minute confessional to tell ya that I THINK im in a good spot. Im sharing my idol guesses with Stephen Z and Jared which is helping me build trust with them. I also have mutual trust with Kori. Maynor and Rhys are kind of boring tbh so hopefully they go soon. Bryce and I never seem to have good conversations so idk where his head is at. IM JUST HAPPY THAT MY CURSE OF ALWAYS GOING TO THE FIRST TRIBAL IS FINALLY LIFTED. I WONT BE FIRST BOOT YAHOO

Short and sweet, glad to be back, beast moded another selfie scavenger hunt. Got a good tribe, I think, couple of good friends, couple new people, at least one I think obvious boot should it come to that, but here's hoping it won't. Not a lot of players from my season so hopefully there won't be too much bad blood coming into this. Shoutout to Chloe Bryce and Tobi who are apparently contractually obligated to be in every fucking game I play on Facebook and associated communities for the rest of my life. 21 people is a lot to get through so I'm just hoping for merge, then we can go from there.

Well let's give confessing on my phone a try.
So far I feel like I've been making decent strides conversing with everybody. It's kinda weird how much I like everyone on this season. Its gonna make being a snake harder but I cant afford to blind myself I'll have to do whatever I'll have to do to hopefully win again.
I've made a sort of trio deal with Bryce and Chris as we're all former winners. I'd have included Kavish but we're all predicting he's more than likely the first boot alarm Tina. I'm growing closer to Zach and Clohie on the outer tribes. Also obviously still have my Bodhi connection. I'm talking with just about everyone a bit. Though I cant shake the feeling there is someone I've missed.
I am concerned not being in any sort of majority alliance on my tribe, so if we do lose that's worrisome but still not being the first boot is a huge relief for me, and hopefully there is only good for me going forward. (I say as 4 people probably plot my demise.)
Karthik is voted out 5-1-1.
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The Great City
I have spent a week exploring the expansive city, and yet I have only just begun to scratch the surface of its mysteries. The city is called Ravnica, the City of Guilds. I have climbed to the tops of the highest spires I could find, but the city continues beyond the horizon. Many of the denizens of this city are affiliated with one of ten guilds, with each group affiliated with two of the five colors of mana. Their cluestones mark the walls of Ravnica, each extending the invitation to join the ranks of the various guilds. In my search for answers, I have encountered many of these guilds.
The first guild I was unfortunate enough to encounter was the Gruul. After the street brawl, I had decided to lay low in a ruined section of the city, as my garb was markedly different than the other citizens of the city and I had no wish to be identified as a participant. I was still enwrapped in trying to understand my newfound strength. The spell I had cast during my confrontation with the ogre was far beyond anything I even thought was possible. I have never manifested a capacity to wield either black or white mana, and this overwhelming use of force was shocking for me. I was lost in thought, and I did not notice the burning bush insignia that marked my entry into Gruul territory. As I turned the corner of a ruined tower, I was met by a small group of raiders. They were a diverse group, comprised of two lizard men, known as Viashino, another ogre, and several humans. Their armor and weapons were crude, and each was adorned with their guild’s symbol, either sewn haphazardly onto their clothing or tattooed on their exposed flesh. The ogre recognized me, exclaiming, “Oye! That's the bastard who killed my cousin! Let’s pick ‘im clean and the stick his body on a pike!” I could not see the family resemblance, but there was no time to discuss this point. His comrades gave a rousing cry of agreement, and they all charged me. I felt the magic surge forward again. However, I was unwilling to risk another attempt at spellcasting, given the horrific outcome of my first attempt. Instead, I drew the silver swords that I had carried in the service of Avacyn and stood my ground. The first of the group to reach me was the ogre. He swung a broad axe in powerful wide arc, but he was slow and uncoordinated. I easily sidestepped his blow, and relieved him of his head. His companions fought in a similar brutal yet uncivilized style. I was able to dispatch them without great exertion, but I must admit I was impressed with their loyalty and bravery. however, that admiration did not inspire me to remain in this area, and I began to move back towards the more populated areas of the city.
As I reentered the more populated areas of the city, I looked for places that might hold records or other sources of information that could help me figure out how I had come to this city and the source of my newfound powers. As I wandered through the streets of Ravnica, I noticed a group of men who reminded me of the reclusive alchemists of Innistrad. They carried a blue and green sigil showing a tree bent in the shape of a cresting wave. I followed them at a distance, hoping that they would lead me to someone who could explain my situation. The group passed through a gate marked with their symbol, and I paused, unsure if I would be allowed entrance to this district, especially after the reception I received from the Gruul. As I stood wavering at the gate, one of the members of this guild approached me. He asked me, “what business do you have with the Simic? Do you seek knowledge of the ways of nature and the evolution of life?”. I replied that I sought answers regarding a change within myself, explaining the events that had brought me to Ravnica. The man invited me through the gate, promising to deliver the answers I sought after he conducted some tests. As we walked through the Simic district, I was amazed by the sheer amount of experimentation going on around me. bubbling vats steamed, macabre fusions of different creatures being examined by various guild members, and great libraries where scholars eagerly researched their projects. My guide led me through many different chambers, finally bringing me into a large open hall. There, I met a man who looked as though he had been combined with a fish. He introduced himself as Vorel, and after a short conversation with the man who had brought me before him, the fishman turned to me. He asked me to recount the events that brought me to Ravnica. After I had told him of my experiences in the void, he asked if I could demonstrate these powers I had gained. He bid an attendant bring him small tube, from which a humanlike ooze emerged. Vorel bid me use my power against this thing, assuring me that I would not do any lasting damage. He stated, “This is Experiment One. It was designed to to test all future experiments. It will easily regenerate from any woulds you might inflict on it”. I nodded, then reached within to summon the same strength. As I willingly summoned the mana I needed to cast the same spell I had cast during the street brawl, I was more aware of the influences that my change had wrought on me. I could distinctly feel the influences of both Avacyn and Griselbrand as I drew the white and black mana to me, as well as the blue mana that I had always been adept in wielding. The black mana brought temptation to destroy all that was around me, and reveling in the power of the demon who had instilled me with this power. This influence conflicted with the white mana that Avacyn had infused me with during my imprisonment in the Helvault, which urged me towards more noble use of my power, granting Avacyn’s protection to this creature. The two colors of mana both attempted to exert their will, each promoting the desires of the one who had granted me their power. I called upon a great reserve of blue mana in order to protect my own mind from these influences, finally gaining enough mental clarity to cast the spell I desired. Again the bolts of black, blue, and white mana streamed from my hands towards the experiment. Though the spell carried the same destructive potential that it had during the brawl, the experiment was able to survive this onslaught of holy and demonic power, and even resisted being banished into the void. Vorel’s face, however, betrayed a great deal of concern for the power I had shown. He asked where I had learned to wield such spells, stating, “You strike with the fury of a Boros angel, the sadism of a Rakdos demon, and the cunning of a Dimir agent. I have never seen such a spell”. His words disheartened me, and I felt as though none would be able to give me the answers that I needed. Then he paused in thought, pacing the chamber. He then turned to me and said, “I know of another mage who I have seen with your capacity for spellcraft. His name is Ral Zarek, of the Izzit. I find him and his kind to be too unsystematic and crazed in their pursuit of knowledge. You can find them on the other side of the city. Perhaps He may have stumbled across the answer you seek”. I thanked Vorel, and returned to the streets of Ravnica to follow this new lead.
I set out to find the red and blue dragon that symbolize the Izzit, among whom I hoped to find the mage Ral Zarek. In order to reach the Izzit laboratories, I had to cross the entire city, weaving my way through the territory of the other guilds. I narrowly avoided armed conflict while passing a Boros checkpoint, where my distinctive difference in appearance and dress set me apart from the average citizen. Their fanaticism outpaced even the most devout priests of Avacyn, and their quick tempers made them always ready for a fight. However, they let me passed as soon as I mentioned my service to Avacyn. It seems they are also lead by an angel, though she seems to have a far greater love of battle than the angel I had served. I hope to never face either them or their angelic leaders, for they appear to be capable warriors, and I know all too well the strength of angels from my imprisonment with Avacyn. The white mana I find myself wielding is the mark of her battle with the imprisoned demons during my time in the Helvault. I would caution any against incurring the wrath of an angel, especially if those of the Boros Legion.
I continued on through the city without further incident, reaching the gates of the Izzit Guild. My first impression of the guild was a large explosion on one of the upper floors, which sent several goblins flying out of the windows in various directions. This incident was quickly followed by a loud cheer from within the building, as though this explosion was marked some kind of success. Seconds later, there was another, even larger explosion, which was apparently not as welcome as the first. It was not followed by cheers, but by a burst of loud swearing and frenzied action. I shook my head, wondering what kind of answers I could possibly find here. I approached the nearest person that I could find, a small man with bronze plated armor covered with tubes and specked with glowing blue lights. He was so deep in thought that he did not notice me until I touched his arm. He jumped violently, and a bolt of lightning burst from a tube attached to gauntlet, Reflexively, I reached out with a burst of blue mana and counteracted the bolt before any damage could be done. Before, this counterspell would have required a great amount of concentration to cast, but now it required no more than a casual thought. My increased ability to wield mana still continues to amaze me. After a brief explanation of my reason for coming here, the man agreed to take me to see Ral Zarek. After navigating a maze of boiler rooms and laboratories and narrowly avoiding several more explosions, I entered a large laboratory which contained a several metallic spikes, each topped with a sphere. Lightning jumped between the different balls at irregular intervals, At the center of the room stood a man with a large brass cylinder on his hip that glowed as though it contained the same lightning that was sparking through the air. He reached up towards the arcing lightning, and suddenly, all of the towers emitted great bolts of energy. The mage caught the lightning in his outstretched hand, channeling the energy through a large gauntlet that was connected to the cylinder on his hip. This man was Ral Zarek, the Izzet mastermind. As soon as the lightning ceased, he turned to me and asked what he could do for me. As I recounted my adventures, Ral listened with greater and greater interest. As I finished my tale, he smiled and rose to shake my hand. He said, “Congratulations, Kerym! You are a planeswalker”. He went on to explain the complex reality of the Multiverse, and my newfound place within it as a so called “planeswalker”. He told me of many different worlds, separated by the void known as the Blind Eternities, through which I had passed on my journey to Ravnica. I sat there stunned. The immensity of the revelation was too much for me to process. Though the Izzet planeswalker had answered many of my questions, there were still many things I needed to understand. He knew nothing of the demonic and angelic influences that still haunted me. I stood silently, contemplating what I should do next. Ral waited for me to respond for some time before offering to show me what he meant. I took hold of his outstretched hand, and for the first time stepped into The Blind Eternities, and gazed around at the myriad worlds that were waiting for me to explore. Perhaps one of these planes might hold the answers I seek. An instant later, I was standing back in Ral’s laboratory, with the Izzet mage smiling broadly. He said a few more words about the finer details of moving between planes. Then he asked if I would lend him a hand in obtaining a relic from another of the guilds. It seemed that one of the Izzet initiates had bargained with the Orzhov Church in order to obtain materials needed for his research, but did not know the power of the gem he offered in trade. Ral Zarek stated that this gemstone should be able to amplify the lightning spell he was working on at least tenfold, if his calculations are to be believed. I agreed, thinking that any holy society would be amiable to repairing the actions of a young and unaware soul. I set off at once, my sights set on the towering basilica that marked the center of the Orzhov district.
As I entered the Church of Deals, as it is known, I found that I was completely mistaken. This was not holy place, but a fiendish market where anything could be bought, for a price, and all debts would be repaid. As I gazed around, I found that many were bound as slaves to their creditors, some who had long since forsaken their natural lives. Though I was grieved by the suffering I saw around me, I remained focused on my task, I approached an attendant and stated my business. He led me into a chamber where an Orzhov cleric sat behind a desk, After a short conversation, he produced the stone that I sought. He also named the price that went with it: A year’s servitude to the Orzhov. As he delineated the finer points of the contract he wished me to sign, my anger grew. How could these Heathens use the veneer of a holy order to amass power for themselves. Their selfishness stood in mockery of the Church of Avacyn that I had sacrificed so much for. I could contain my frustration no longer, and I released a silent tendril of blue mana that pulled the unsuspecting cleric into the Blind Eternities. I then picked up the stone and quickly departed, hoping that no one would discover the missing man until I was far away. However, it appears I was being watched since I had entered the Church, as a band of zombified guards rushed to detain me as I exited the side chamber. In an instant I drew my blades and began to hack through the undead forces. From various balconies around the cathedral different clerics and mages began to cast spells that exploded all around me. Their aggression and greed only further inflamed my wrath, and I felt the power of Avacyn grow within me. In a moment of blindly righteous fury, I embraced the massive influx of white mana. I rose from the cathedral floor, surrounded by a protective aura. Angelic wings sprouted from my back and burst through my armor, and my swords glowed with holy energy. The spells of the Orzhov mages disintegrated as they neared me. Non-Orzhov patrons fled the cathedral in terror at the sight of my new angelic form. I hovered in the center of the cathedral, the aura of white mana pulsating and shining brilliantly in the gloom. As I overlooked this vile farce of religion, I felt compelled to cleanse it of the evil and leave it a lifeless husk where no others might become slaves to the Orzhov. When I could contain the mana no longer, it erupted in a thousand rays of piercing light, annihilating everything it came in contact with. Nothing was left unscathed, and when the light dimmed, only I remained. I descended to the cathedral floor, drained by the massive exertion. The angelic wings faded, receding back into my shoulders. My armor still showed the place where they had burst forth. I slowly stood back up, collected the stone from the floor, and departed, quickly blending back into the bustling crowds of Ravnica as Azerious lawmages descended on the desolated church to investigate. I left behind the mutilated corpses of the Orzhov Clergy, destroyed by the holy wrath of Avacyn. However, innocents had perished as well, and they far outnumbered the wicked. The indiscriminate desolation shocked me, as I had always thought of Avacyn as a protector of the innocent, and that the power she had blessed me with would also spare those who did not deserve death. They should not have been harmed by the white mana, but they were killed alongside the Orzhov. There was obviously much I had left to learn about the powers I had gained from my time in the Helvault. I also realized that one day I would have to come to terms with the black mana of Griselbrand, and that his power also pulsed through my body. I dreaded the day that I would have to give in to the demonic influences, and yet was curious as to how it might affect me. Would I grow the wings of a demon, just as I had grown angelic wings during this great influx of white mana? I turned all these things over in my mind as I returned to Ral Zarek and completed my mission. His face lit up, and he immediately went about re-engineering his experiment, talking to himself about how this would truly be an “epic experiment”. I left him to his work, and for the first time I stepped willingly into the Blind Eternities to see what adventures lay before me.
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