#while i still really really wanna draw for it and i have a ton of doodles for it
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kitamars · 2 years ago
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hello. um. sorry for disappearing for like two months. imagine me getting hit with a truck called “The Worst Creative Block In Your Life” and getting thrown headfirst into the gintama rabbit hole. it’s quite cozy down here. i think i need help.
anyways, have a bunch of accumulated doodles plus this terrifying kagura as apology tehe :3
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salemlinnet · 5 months ago
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hey everyone!
a few news items right before we start up chapter 5. firstly i just wanna say thanks to everyone who follows my comics, it's been a pleasure as always. i've been keeping a longer buffer on patreon than usual, mostly for my mental health. publishing takes a lot of energy and i've really felt it necessary to just focus on production for a few weeks. at this point, patrons have seen most of chapter 5, there's only one more scene and about a page to be drawn. the quiet has been nice, i've caught up on a lot of house keeping, though i'm obviously very excited to present it! and on house keeping,
to not go into the boring details (the old domain got trapped between to hosting sites in the middle of a buyout), it's not hosted at cod-domesticated.com (rip custom url you will be missed) it will instead be hosted at salemlinnet.com/domesticated (now you live at my house like you're my son why didn't i think of this sooner). if you find any errors in the pages i am so sorry i just formatted so many buttons TTuTT it would be super helpful to me if folks could report any specific buttons that don't work if it's convenient, it's been beta tested by the discord (thank you guys so much) but i'm just a dunce and i can't be trusted so there might be errors.
the simons are all wearing a little beret this chapter is my third point of business, i am losing it over the ghost beret. oh and the devil may care is up to chapter 18, will be chapter 19 within a few days. page 21 is out for patrons.
finally, to the people lurking for thistle and spade. i've wanted to say for some time, i'm really grateful that you've stuck around while i've been too sick to work on a bigger project. if you were here to see me start production for and then pull ghost #1, the story behind it is that i sort of suddenly learned i wouldn't always be as sick as i was, that i didn't have to rush anything, and that i could produce thistle and spade in chronological order with a bit of patience. that left me with no smaller project to draw and release in the mean time, except, see, i really like this game, call of duty. i was still on bed rest when i started domesticated, and with a ton of physical therapy i've been able to draw longer and longer hours. it's trained me up to be a better comic artist than i ever was before. it's grown into a sturdier project at the same pace. it's so unlike thistle and spade, whose chapters were written and edited over years and planned to every gesture and expression. i'm just winging it with domesticated, i'm usually rewriting massive swaths of dialogue as i sketch the scenes out, i just keep throwing out ideas until it's something i'm excited to draw and present as my imaginary "what happened outside of the games" day dream land. it's reminded me what i love so much about story telling and comics. it's made me excited to see thistle and spade go live again down the road. but first i have to rebuild its website too TTuTT
all right i'll see everyone pretty soon! thanks for hanging around as usual!
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frogaroundandfindout · 10 months ago
Random highly specific dick grayson fanfics I’ve been craving
An exhausted 18/19 yr old Dick finding Jason trying to steal the wheels off of Nightbird (his car) and instead of reprimanding him he just launches into a really proud rant about his car and how much work he put into her and god kid you got a good eye for parts. I just replaced the tires with ones where the rubber self heals. And none of that commercial crap either, actual self healing rubber that could get a bullet shot through it and still close up a second later. Oh and did you notice the seats? Just polished the leather on em! Go on sit, sit! Comfy, huh? You wanna get a bite to eat? Cool. I think bat burger’s hero-meal comes with a bat-mobile toy. Not as cool as my lovely lady of course, but close enough. Jason is absolutely baffled. This is Nightwing? The one all those new gangs that moved from bludhaven decided facing was worse than fighting for territory in the narrows? Fleeing unsuccessfully might be add considering Nightwing’s presence in gotham. He was so…nice? In that weird slightly off putting way that most of the real good people he knows have.
Dick and Damian both longing for the days where it was just them: Batman and Robin. The best. Dick having a whole moment where he curls around nearly completed adoption papers and sobs because Damian was his. For a year Damian was his to protect, his to guide, his to love. But now they aren’t even in the same city and barely go on patrols together let alone have movie nights cuddled up on the couch (it’s only reasonable Richard. Penguins huddle to conserve body heat). And Damian in the manor staring blankly at his drawing of gotham that Bruce hung up in his office. He didn’t make it for him. He made it for Richard. But what was he supposed to do when Father saw a piece dedicated to “dad” while Damian was flipping through his sketchbook? Tell him it was actually for his oldest son instead of him? Tell him that sometimes Damian wishes bruce never came back so that Richard didn’t have step back from them?
Dick who cooks tons of different cultural dishes within the same meal and when questioned about it he’s just like ???? That’s what my mom used to do??? We lived in so many different places it felt weird limiting our food to one culture per meal.
Dick being like Garfield Logan’s big brother long before Jason comes into the mix. Gar frequently turning into a baby elephant just because it makes dick coo over him more than any form. Even a kitten!
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rigginsstreet · 9 months ago
i beg you don't embarrass me, motherfucker
the upside of dating steve harrington was that he was hot as shit.
the downside of dating steve harrington was that he was hot as shit. and also kind of a bitch.
it's billy's fault, really. he should've known better when dating a guy nicknamed king.
the one good thing about being gay in indiana, though, is that secrecy is a requirement, which billy doesn't have a problem with. the thought of publicly displaying his affections makes his skin crawl. he's got no problem doing it with the girls he pretends to be interested in because that's all it is - pretend.
but when he really means that shit... it's a harder pill to swallow.
and none of this really bodes well with steve harrington's style of dating. billy knows from his brief overlap of being in town while harrington and wheeler were still a happy item that the guy likes to be clingy, needs constant attention and validation of his affections and he wants to put it all on display for the world to see. and billy can't give that to him.
so he goes looking for it elsewhere.
the one good thing about being gay in indiana is the secrecy, but that rule doesn't extend to billy's sister or his best friend.
heather was never supportive of billy's taste in men. warned him plenty of times that steve was a dick and a leopard doesn't change its spots. but billy had waved of all concerns by saying they weren't even in a serious relationship and that heather didn't know steve like he did. heather and steve hated each other, of course she was gonna see the worst in him.
max was supportive. at first. until dustin started coming around with stories of steve and the new girls he was picking up, gloating about him like he was some golden god of women. and max would come fuming into billy's room asking if he knew about this shit, and billy would sigh and explain to her that it was just steve keeping up appearances to throw the scent off their trail.
"oh, is that why he had his tongue down tina's throat?" max accused.
and billy would have to pretend like he wasn't embarrassed. like he was in on the joke.
the thing with billy is that he doesn't let himself fall often, because when he does it's like a ten ton boulder down the side of a steep cliff. and shame isn't a color he wears well. he's gotten enough of that for a lifetime from neil, and since he's thankfully fucked off now, billy doesn't want to face it ever again.
which is maybe why he snaps at tommy's party.
he came here with steve, but now he's currently watching him dance with some chick with ten pounds of hair and double the makeup. laughing his preppy little ass off as she gyrates her dainty little lady parts all over him.
and yeah, billy can handle a bitchy attitude and some temper tantrums. and he can even wave off vague flirtations that he only hears about secondhand.
but this shit? right in front of his face? that's where he draws a line in the sand.
so he crumples the red plastic cup in his hand, not caring that beer spills out from the top, spotting the hagans' carpet, and throws it full force at the wall beside him, causing those nearby to jump, probably wondering what the hell set him off, if there's gonna be some grand billy hargrove performance.
but no. they'll just have to make due watching his ass walk out the door.
billy's sitting on the steps outside his house the next day, smoking a cigarette, when the beemer pulls up.
it's half expected, half not. billy braces himself for a fight anyway.
"you ditched me last night," is what steve says once he's up the sidewalk, a few feet in front of billy. he doesn't sound mad really. maybe a little offended.
billy sucks on his cigarette. blows out the smoke, his eyes never leaving steve. "got hit by a sudden wave of nausea," he says. "didn't wanna ralph in front of the party. didn't think you'd notice."
"why wouldn't i notice? we came together. i was looking all over for you."
billy shrugs, taking another pull of his smoke. "you seemed preoccupied."
it looks like steve's playing a tape in his head of the previous night, trying to pinpoint what exactly the fuck billy's talking about until it must finally click. "man, are you talking about that thing with cindy?" he laughs. like billy's fucking joshing him. "that was nothing!"
billy finishes his smoke, flicking it into the grass before standing up. "yeah, well, it something to me." he turns to walk up the steps, leaving this conversation - and steve - behind, but he's stopped with a hand on his arm.
"aw, billy, c'mon-"
"don't!" billy spins around, hands shoving steve square in the chest. watches his face go from jovial to nervous in two seconds flat.
good. the prick should be fucking nervous.
"you think you can walk around doing whatever the fuck you want like you own this town, but guess what? you don't! and you sure as shit don't own me!"
steve watches him with wide eyes, clearly out of his depth. this isn't the meeting he came here for. billy doesn't really give a shit. "billy, i-"
"i stood up for you, motherfucker," billy seethes, shoving steve again with two pointed fingers. "you know how many times heather's tried getting me to leave your ass alone? how many times max has threatened to castrate you because you can't keep it in your fucking pants?"
"i haven't slept with anyone else!"
"i don't care!" billy bellows. he's making a fucking scene. he hopes the neighbors aren't home. "i'm prime fucking real estate, baby! back in cali i had guys lining up the fucking block to get a piece of this! you think i just give this up to anybody?" steve opens his mouth, but billy cuts him off. "don't answer that! i defended you, asshole. and you make me look like a fucking idiot."
"i didn't think you cared..." steve says after a moment of stunned silence.
and that stuns billy. but he recovers quickly. "of course i fucking care. i wouldn't be doing this-" he gestures between the two of them, "-if i didn't."
"well you don't exactly express feelings very well." it's mostly teasing, billy thinks, but still that undercurrent of signature harrington bitch. "but-" he takes a step closer. "-if you're serious about this, then i am, too." another step.
"i swear to god if i have to sit through an 'i told you so' speech from maxine or heather because of some shit you pull-"
"is this your way of saying you love me?" steve grins, all cocksure and obnoxious, closing the distance until he and billy are standing toe to toe.
"don't press your luck," billy breathes in the space between them. "i'm serious, steve. i don't do thi- this is new for me, alright? and, i don't know if you've noticed, but i don't really handle rejection well."
"yeah, no shit," steve chuckles. "i'll be on my best behavior from now on. scout's honor." he holds up the three finger scout salute in mockery, but billy thinks, hopes, there's a sincerity in his eyes that he can hold him to.
billy rolls his eyes, mainly at himself for wanting to kiss the idiot right now. he almost does, too, until he remembers where they are and prying eyes could be watching.
he settles for another shove, this time to steve's shoulder, before turning back towards the house. "c'mon," he says, nodding his head towards the door. "nobody's home. you can give me a proper apology."
billy hears footsteps behind him before he even gets his whole sentence out.
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c0smopolitan · 6 months ago
I only have eyes for you
A/n: this feels really rushed, but I wanna make this a small mini series full of little blurbs with James and reader, this is a blurb! lmk if you guys more of this. This is set in the Bridgerton era (regency era) and was inspired by that. Only proofread once and will be read again later today. This is all. Thanks!
Summary: James asks you to dance with him, he confesses something during the dance that leaves you reeling.
Warnings: noneeeee just fluff, Blurb!, Y/n and L/n are used, Bridgerton Au, James Potter x f!reader.
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“Would you like to dance?” You look at James in shock as he holds his hand out to you, a sweet smile gracing his face. “Sure.” You say, suddenly out of breath.
You hand James your dance card, and he scribbles his name hastily on it before grabbing your hand leading you to the dance floor.
His smile grows as his warm hands engulf your cold ones. He maneuvers you two to the middle of the dance floor before the music starts.
Your dance begins with the waltz and he suddenly tugs at your hands, pulling you against him just enough not to be considered scandalous. “You look beautiful tonight.” He whispers softly into your ear.
Your cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and he smiles at your sudden shyness. “When have you ever been shy Lady L/n?”
You scoff and roll your eyes jokingly, pink still tinting your cheeks. “Why are you deciding to be so bold all of a sudden?” You tease, deciding to ignore his previous question with another one. He looks at you sheepishly.
“I don’t know my lady. But it’s the truth.” His posture visibly straightens and he looks straight into your eyes, full of certainty.
“Now and every other time I’ve seen you, whether it had been while I was watching you in the drawing room, or while we were just having a dance. You were beautiful.” He looks at you with a look you’d never seen before. “You are beautiful.”
His answer leaves you stunned.
Before you could answer back, however, he grabs your waist and lifts you up, spinning you in circles like the other people on the dance floor currently were. You yelp at the sudden contact after being completely floored by his confession. You quickly grabbed on to his shoulder for leverage, already cringing at the dirty looks you were getting from the people of the ton.
He puts you down as the song comes to an end and faces you, giving you a small smirk before gently grabbing your hand and placing a gentle kiss on it. “My lady.” He murmured, bowing down before walking away.
You stand there flustered, continuing to stare at James as maneuvers through the sea of people beginning to shuffle out of the area for the next dance.
You feel a slight tug on your arm, snapping out of the daze James left you in. “What are you doing? A new song is about to start.” Lily scolds you, pulling you away from the dance floor and setting you off to the side. You look back to stare at James, feeling your stomach flutter as he laughs with his group of friends across the ballroom.
“What are you even staring at?” She sees you staring intently at something, following your line of sight all the way across the room she’s met with the sight of James talking animatedly to Sirius.
“Jesus.” She sighs, rolling her eyes with a small smile on her face as she sees you practically drooling at the sight of him.
“That boy is trouble you know.” She warns.
Her voice slightly startled you, bringing you back to reality as you stole one final glance at James before turning to face her. “Did you say something Lily?” She snorts and shakes her head.
“No,” she says looking at followed by the area next to you with grimace. “But Lord Burberry is about to.” Your head snaps up towards Lily’s line of sight, Lord Burberry was coming your way. “Have fun.” She says cringing slightly, making her way to Marlene, your shared friend.
You open your mouth in protest, but before you could say anything, Lord Burberry was stood right in-front of you with his hand out. “Care for a dance my Lady?”
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herebecritters · 4 months ago
So I’ve been meaning to say something about this for a while now, but due to time restraints and me trying to get stuff more established, I just haven’t been able to. Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t been posting up here much for a while now. Those of you who follow my other socials have probably also noticed that I have not been tagging anything as Htf within the last month or so and that my art there has had small design tweaks taking away some of the more iconic features that are standard for Htf (piecut eyes and pink heart noses for example). So I will be completely transparent with you all here.
Essentially, thanks to encouragement from outside friends and for the sake of my own mental health, I’m ripping my ocs and story out of Htf completely. By this point it has completely become its own thing. The concept of Death loops and anthropomorphic animals are not exclusive to Htf and even then, so much has deviated from the original formula that I hardly recognize it as that anymore. I haven’t had much desire or interest in drawing canon stuff for a while now, and it’s not a matter of me disliking it. I just have been feeling so fulfilled by this original story that we’ve been building for a few years now and I really want to dive into it and make it a real thing outside of the confines of a fandom. Being able to share this story to others on the outside of the fandom without needing that specific context has been really good for me and I feel like the art and writing I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into now has a future.
What does this mean? Well the story for the most part is the same. There’s been some redesigns such as Nergals temple, the idols, Dumuzis brother (which luckily cro-marmot did not *really* have an established character in show and my characterization of him is my own anyways), but the overall plot and world building and the way the curse works was already my own original idea so that stays the same. I will not ignore that this story is very inspired by Htf, but it’s grown so much that I think it’s time that it walked on its own. Canon Htf characters are no longer a part of the world, there is no “Happy Tree Town” ect. Certain ocs, however, are still a part of it; such as Icky, Hopps, Screwball, Kyle, ect. This is still a collaborative effort with @ickyguts and @technicoloranimalviolence since they have been a part of it for a while now and have both inspired me and have helped me a ton with writing. Their ocs are still their ocs of course and what they do with them will always be ultimately up to them so nothing will be made involving their ocs without their consent. They are part of the team for as long as they wish to be <3 And I am so proud and honored to be working with them on this project.
Now I want to make it clear that while I’m cutting this story completely out of Htf that does not mean I hate Htf or the fandom or anything. It’s done a lot for me and people for the most part have been very kind and supportive of me. I may still even draw fanart of canon characters in the future if I ever get the itch to again. I just really wanna be able to do more with this story outside of that. I haven’t felt so fired up by a project like this in so long and since I’ve made the decision to do this I have been feeling really excited and happy about creating again. There’s something really fun about working on a project that’s your own that I can’t explain. I’m still establishing and setting up a lot for it but it’s very much in motion and I have a lot of cool folks cheering me on inside and outside of this little fandom. I know I’m definitely going to be taking a hit as far as followers go now that I’m going full original content, I may even lose a lot of you here because of it, but there’s something really exciting about building from the ground up. I want to make it clear though that there is absolutely no pressure for you to stick around if me drawing Htf was what you were here for and if this news makes you lose interest in this blog. I want people to follow me because they like my work overall.
That brings me to the fate of this blog. I will still keep it up and keep up my old posts. Like I said I do not wish to try and bury the roots of this story. I’ve joked with some friends that I’m “pulling a 50 Shades of Grey with this shit”. Old art will remain, but here on out the trio and my other ocs are not a part of Htf. Be Brave is no more.
Now, they are part of a project we call Fossilized.
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ALSO I’m on bluesky now!
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You can follow me on Bluesky HERE
And Official pages and content for Fossilized will be hosted HERE (site very much still a WIP though)
So much love and thanks to those of you who have stuck with me up until this point. And for those of you who continue to stick with me, buckle up, cus it’s going to be a wild ride! 💖💖💖
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minas-linkverse · 11 months ago
i remember you mentioning before that you don't really do sketches- just get straight to the lineart. the sketching/lineart process takes way more time than everything else, for me, and i was wondering if you have any tips for doing it your way?
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Here's a visual example of what the asker means ^
The answer to how I do this might not be what you want to hear: A lot of practice. I've put a frick ton of time into learning to draw fast, because it is a skill like any other with art.
I can share some quick tips on how I practised and my thinking process though, if people still are curious and may wanna give it a shot!
One of the main ways I practiced this was by using permanent pens and markers while doodling in school. I always disliked how pencil smudged so that came kinda naturally to me, but it was a huge help anyway!
When you work directly onto a pristine white canvas with no guideline you're forced to really think about where you put each line, and get over the fear of mistakes. By doing this you can grow a natural understanding of where the next thing you're going to draw should be.
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(Sorry if the picture is not a good explanation, I've never been much a teacher. (Also for full disclosure I did use ctrl+z when drawing this example.)) Here I tried to picture how by having the face shape lined, I can use knowledge of anatomy and what looks good to place the eye of the character in. Then with the eye in I can "Unlock" more feature locations!
It also helps being familiar with the character... I've drawn the cast of this comic so many times that these boys just show up when I ask lol.
This approach has a lot of issues, like it can be very hard to keep a character design consistent. Another is that if u get too bogged down on doing the same thing that works you're going to start making some really stale looking art-- It's so important to not just draw what works but to go for ugly perspectives and weird experiments.
Still, I hope this can help someone! It's not a method that works for everyone, but it's a fun one to explore :)
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izu · 9 months ago
hey just wanna say that i LOVE your art!!! i’ve seen you on twitter and ugh just can’t get enough of it! also do you happen to have some johnshi headcannons?? cuz if you do i would like to see them all!! :3
thank you so much!!! i hope to draw more.... also get ready bc i have way too many headcanons and this'll probably be super long winded unfortunately . this isn't all of it but its most of it
- kenshi is a heavy sleeper. after moving in with johnny post-tournament he begins to unwind from his former unhealthy schedule that was supported by his yakuza lifestyle. johnny wakes up at 5 am to work out until lunch, and kenshi sleeps in til like noon or 1. johnny thinks its cute
- they either own a fuck ton of cats or ferrets. johnny seems like a ferret guy to me
- they like watching director's cuts of movies instead of actual movies because kenshi can actually understand a little more of whats happening while the directors explain certain scenes and go into depth about the composition and art direction. its a win win situation for both of them
- johnny actually reads a ton of books, but is embarrassed about it. leftovers from being a ""nerd"" in high school. kenshi thinks its adorable and he likes hearing johnny retell the book plot and express his exasperation with it unfolding as he reads
- johnny has a sweet tooth and kenshi has a more refined palette, he will try anything johnny sets in front of him though, even if he isnt much of a sweets guy
- on that same note, johnny is very good at cooking! every other night he plans a meal for them, and it's almost always a winner. lots of japanese style dishes (took some trial and error on johnny's part) because he wants to impress kenshi
- they go to red carpet events together after a couple of years of dating, but for a while they pretended (to the press, too) that kenshi was his newest bodyguard. rumors spread fast though and it ended up being a perfect time to let johnny come out publicly as bi
- kenshi's parents are actually very very supportive. i think he'd be nervous at first but his mom thinks johnny is very handsome and his father agrees its a good change for their family. kenshi has two sisters who absolutely raise hell over kenshi nabbing a sexy gaijin star and he is very embarrassed about it. much to johnny's delight
- they spend every weekend on the balcony of johnny's new loft in his jacuzzi just talking and being sappy. kenshi genuinely gets a lil upset when things come up and they miss their date nights
- everytime kenshi returns to the states after visiting home johnny makes a big scene at the airport. lunging at him, crying sobbing
- kenshi proposes first, but johnny had been nervously trying to wait for a good time to do it himself. one upped. he is still very upset about this well into their marriage as old yaois
- kenshi is the top 👍 i think we all knew this but still
- even if he doesn't need it, its sort of a ritual between them so they never stopped; johnny is still kenshi's sight dog when they go out and he doesn't feel like relying on sento.
- sento's ancestors like johnny a lot and kept being annoying about kenshi needing to get hitched already hskw7kejej
- kenshi is achillean, gay. always has been. his arrangement with suchin was. arranged. and she was his lesbian beard for a while. the two are very very close and she visits their home often. johnny is trans and bisexual, but he's only out about being bi.
- johnny tends to have a really shitty sleep cycle, light sleeper, easily thrown into insomnia, the busy street life can really fuck up his routine when hes already had a terrible day. which ends up with the both of them on the couch, talking, watching a show, kenshi with his head on johnny's shoulder. they fall asleep like that 7 times outta 10
- the older they get the sappier and grosser they get . everyone who knows them hates their gay asses . jax and sonya included
- also they both get dad bods when they get older bc of all the good eating. neither are insecure about it. its hot
- kenshi is undeniably the spoiled one. gifts, fancy dinner dates, unrelenting affection and praise. he starts believing he deserves good things, that he is loved, solely by johnny's persistence with showing him instead of telling him
- cris ends up being their friend again after a while. i just dont like the cris villainization when its contrasted with johnshi support. she had her reasons to be upset at her alcoholic, spending-addicted husband, y'all
- johnny like action/sci fi movies. kenshi likes romcoms.
- they host parties. they're awesome parties.
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msmk11 · 7 months ago
The Infamous Wings
Sirius Black x fem!reader
WC: 751
CW: Fluff
Summary: Sirius attempts to do his own eyeliner.
Day 18 of mk’s mad dash
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Sirius knows he should’ve just asked for your help, but he’s usually too stubborn and proud to do it.
In his defense, doing eyeliner seemed a lot easier than it’s turned out to be. You, at least, make it look easy, always drawing on the two thick, black lines quickly and with ease.
He’s beginning to understand that it’s only easy with a practiced hand. And for the unpracticed? Well, they probably look a lot like Sirius does now- like a raccoon.
Every attempt so far has been a failure.
His first try, he stabbed himself in the eye. And when he tried to rub away the stinging pain, he smeared the still wet eyeliner all over his eyelid.
On Sirius’ second attempt, while he didn’t stab himself, he only managed to draw two squiggles that strayed far from their designated spots by his eyelashes.
He was more successful on his third attempt, drawing a decent, but somewhat shaky, line across each eyelid. Sirius felt quite proud of himself until he attempted to add a wing to his look.
It turned out to be a mistake. With each attempt to even out the poorly drawn wing, the triangle on the side of Sirius’ eye only got bigger and bigger, leaving him to look pretty silly.
Of course, Sirius notes, this is the time you decide to return back to your dorm. Though it’s not unusual to find Sirius waiting for you in your room, the shocked expression that arises on your face when you see your boyfriend’s predicament sends you into a fit of giggles.
“Sirius, what happened to your face?”
“Shut up, don’t laugh at me,” he whines, burying his face in his hands.
Sirius can tell that you’re trying to choke back your laughter, but you’re not doing a very good job of it.
“I’m not laughing at you I’m just-“
He looks at you unimpressed.
“Okay, I am laughing at you. But only because you look very silly. I’m not laughing at you for trying makeup. It’s hard, and I applaud your efforts!”
Sirius grumbles and tosses the eyeliner onto the desk, “it’s pointless, love. I’m never gonna get it.”
You tsk at Sirius and move to stand behind him, gripping his shoulders as you look at his face in the mirror, “It’s really not that bad. Or at least the line part isn’t! And you have to remember it takes tons and tons of practice.”
“You just look so cool with eyeliner on and I wanna look cool too,” he pouts.
“Baby, I already think you look cool. But if you really wanna do eyeliner, I’m happy to help. Ya just had to ask.”
Though Sirius is shy to admit he needs the help, he thanks Merlin that you’re such a wonderful girlfriend and don’t tease him for it.
“Here, I’ll do it on you first, and then you can practice on me, okay?”
You reach out and grab the eyeliner off the desk, looking to Sirius for approval before continuing. He nods, so you make your way around the desk chair to straddle his lap.
His hands instantly gravitate towards your hips, gripping them tightly as you lean in towards his eyes.
“Okay, close your eyes and hold still,” you whisper, your breath fanning his face.
Sirius obliges you and his eyelashes flutter closed. Your fingers come to rest right above and below his eye as the thin, cold pen touches his eyelid. He naturally wants to flinch away but he holds still, squeezing your hips again to maintain his composure.
It doesn’t take you long at all before you’re telling him that you’ve finished and that he can open his eyes.
Sirius is beyond thrilled at what he finds staring back at him in the mirror. Just like when you do your own makeup, the eyeliner is perfect. The lines aren’t shaky, the wings are the perfect size, and it’s just dark enough to bring out the color of his eyes.
“You look so pretty baby,” you mumble softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I love it.”
He truly is in awe.
Not just because of your talent, but because of how good the eyeliner makes him feel in his own skin. He doesn’t think he can ever go back to not wearing it.
And, Sirius decides, even if he never perfects the art of the infamous wings, he’ll always have a pretty girl to sit atop his lap and do it for him.
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ecto-hazard · 3 months ago
I wanna make a tf2 oc so so bad but I’m terrible at drawing people. Got any pointers?
So you wanna learn how to draw humans. Good for you! Drawing humans is complicated as shit and theres a lot that goes into it. I still need to improve in some areas of anatomy, and especially with drawing shit like clothes. There's millions of good guides out there for drawing all these specific aspects, but they're going to vary in complexity, style, etc. So I've instead put together my bullshit guide for drawing humans that can apply to people of any style and skill level!!!!! Welcome to Grey's 3 steps to draw humans.
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People get bashed over the head with the advice of "just practice bro." But the realistic thing is that if you're a perfectionist, it'll make it difficult as shit to improve your art if you don't let your art be bad. This doesnt mean, oh draw poorly on purpose. This is more a mindset thing. Embrace the fact that, while your art might not be at the level you'd personally want it to be, it's still worth making. If you enjoy drawing, it shouldn't matter if its "bad." You'll draw tons and tons of "bad" stuff and eventually look back and realize you've gotten better, even subconsciously. But if you can't get over the hurdle of letting stuff you draw be "bad" sometimes, you'll probably be too frustrated to keep going.
STEP 2. Practice drawing blocky shapes BEFORE details.
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This is a skill I learned in the two art classes I took, but you can learn it on your own too. Basically humans have a lot of details going on and it can get a little overwhelming trying to capture it all. Work big to small. Focus on overall shapes first. Keep your sketches light and messy, cause itll be easier for you to overcome the hurdle to change something if you don't like it. Gradually build up to drawing the more intricate shapes like fingers, facial features, etc. If you're doing a full render, capturing the overall shapes of lights and shadows is helpful too!
When it comes to drawing your first sketch, try not to get too caught up in those tutorials that make you draw a specific type of sketch with like all the circles and cylinders and straight lines, thats all fine and good but if you're starting out its just kinda confusing and misses the point. Those are tools that'll help out when you want to hone in your ability to draw things in perspective.
STEP 3. Don't draw humans if you don't enjoy it.
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Have you tried drawing humans but just don't really like doing it? Then fucking dont baby!!!!! Don't miss out on making things you enjoy just cause these goddamn humans are in the way! Make em a furry, a mech, an object character, a disembodied gangle of nerves floating in the abyss. Hell if you don't like drawing at all, WRITE em instead! Don't feel shackled by this mortal coil! Shed that shit!!!! Draw whatever the fuck makes you happy, and you'll be on the right track.
Hope this helps!
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moralesmilesanhour · 2 years ago
Could you possibly write for Miles G for some relationship headcanons, because everyone has been writing him as an overprotective "sugar daddy" type and I'm curious about what your take on him would be after seeing your general headcanons for him 🤔
Oh sure! Granted I'm still figuring out how to write Miles G and really get into the flow of things, but here goes:
REALISTICALLY? Miles G might not be the best boyfriend 😭
Not only does he have a secret identity, but he's not even a hero, so I'd imagine he would be VERY used to lying about himself, even if it's not really necessary.
Having a dead father and a job he can't get out of will make for a very nervous and distant kid
But let's say we wanna romanticize it sjfjdkk:
Miles would do a lot to impress/show that he isn't "struggling". He makes sure to only wear his newest and cleanest outfits on dates
Doesn't talk about himself much, to avoid coming off as unstable or unreliable. But he shares bits of himself in smaller, more manageable ways.
You tell him you like his drawings, so he sketches you or takes your requests and gives you a new drawing every time you meet up
(He now has a ton of sketches of horses in his notebook)
Even if he's not at school, I can't imagine any dimension where Miles isn't a huge nerd. So maybe he's self-taught and helps you with your math homework
He takes you to Comic-con since that's a thing in his universe
You let him geek out about marvel lore
One day his mom isn't available to help in the hair department (or whoever did those braids SHEESH)
So you offer to do them for him
He realizes that you're really good at this so he now goes to you to get his hair redone
One common headcanon that I do kinda agree with? Is that this Miles can SCRAP 😭
The circumstances of his being The Prowler probably means he's more about hand-to-hand combat than 1610 Miles, who comes off as more of a gymnastics guy
He doesn't get into fights often, but he has beat someone up for trying to steal from you
In every universe Miles is a hugger
I wouldn't exactly give him the "sugar daddy" title bc he's like. 15. He's probably not rolling in dough but he's got extra money
I do think he would buy lots of gifts where he can for the reasons mentioned above
He's extremely observant so while you may only know a few things about him, he remembers every single item you've ever looked at online or at the store
And watches your favorite shows not bc he likes them per se, but so that he knows wtf you're talking about sjhfks
That's all I can come up with for now but I'm willing to do headcanons about more specific stuff...? I like how we're all just building this character from scratch lol
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alllgator-blood · 11 months ago
Have you ever wanted to draw something but you fought due to your skill level at the time you decide not to do it
OH ABSOLUTELY, I personally feel like the key to art improvement is trying new things and experimenting often. But the thing about trying new things is that they're typically out of your comfort zone, and often times you're left struggling because you've never had to move your hand in the configuration needed to depict the thing you want? So often times it feels easier to just not do that thing, but you might not improve if you give up when you fight against your own skill level.
I'm wrapping up on a comic and I almost gave up on it because for some reason, I decided "these two should be hunting while this conversation takes place" and I struggled on and off for two days because of my dedication to get this comic out. The payoff to them hunting doesn't even happen til the second page so I really didn't need to do this. I actually have experience with archery but for some reason, I just COULD NOT figure out where to put shamura's arms to make them hold that damn bow.....UNFINISHED COMIC PANELS INCOMING:
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Is it perfect? HELL no I think it looks pretty awkward cause I've only been drawing these characters for a few weeks so I'm still getting used to them, and that in combination with drawing them doing action poses after years of drawing slice of life comics is..............not ideal. I'm more used to drawing furries hitting a bong on a garbage covered couch. But that's the thing! I wanna do more fanart for this Violent Video Game, so I need to learn how to draw people holding weapons. If I give up, like half my fanart ideas will never come to fruition, so I think making flawed art is better than making no art at all.
If you're struggling with your art, just absolutely barrel through whatever it is you're struggling with and come back another time in the future to revisit it. Attempt to draw you're struggling with (even if it's like the shittiest worst sketch ever, god knows I have tons of those), save it somewhere, and when you want to give that idea another go, compare the new art to what you did last time. Honestly I wish I tried and failed more than I didn't try at all, I'd have more to show for myself if I took my own advice.
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matrixbearer2024 · 2 months ago
Wouldn't it be funny if there wasn't really much of a difference to the random amount of skills the Stan twins have between Canon and Modernity genuinely because they're just that cracked?
Like, I've seen so many HCs about Ford being good at so many random things because of his interdimensional travels and I really agree! Thing is, I don't see that changing even with both my AUs. My timelord twins AU is understandable, and frankly you'd pick up loads of weird tricks after living as long as Doc(Ford) has been. But when I look over at my modernity AU the reason for Ford's skill chameleon is just "Holy shit HI STANLEY!"
Cuz imma be so fr, in the modernity AU- you leave Ford in a library nook hobbit hole with a stupid ton of books + ample food and water HE WILL BE FINE. He would honestly just stay there and be as happy as a clam. His introverted ass would love being left alone with his books and if he got bored enough you can bet he would sooner go out exploring the forest and journaling or trekking than wherever there's clusters of humans.
Stan on the other hand is literally the life of the party. Put him anywhere boring and suddenly context matters not everybody's going to have a hell of a time and go home happy. He's that guy who you can drop anywhere and I mean anywhere and this man will walk out having made at least one friend. They couldn't be even more polar opposites.
But they're polar opposites that are hilariously joined at the hip. Where one is the other usually follows.
So when Stan does nearly anything- Ford's usually dragged into it after enough teasing or goading(Stan's smart enough to know he doesn't want to destroy his mental trying to compete academically and it's generally just not his forte no matter how hard he tries but Ford is unfortunately too competitive for his own good).
Chances are unless Stanford's really into it, he's not as good as Stanley(i.e. most contact sports) but props he still tried and kept it up for a while until he just decided it really wasn't for him. Case and point judo which they started at 12, Stan has a black belt(1st degree, and it took him only 4.5 years) and Ford only ever got up to brown(took him 5 years) before calling quits.
Stanford is dense and his fight/danger sense is painfully nonexistent compared to his twin unless said blatant danger slaps him in the FACE.
I want to say the degree I have it for them in the AU borders OOC but honestly if Ford canonically had a situationship with a dream demon he didn't realize was dangerous despite the many warnings I FEEL LIKE THIS IS ACTUALLY THE BARE MINIMUM AU WISE.
Anyway, I have plans for the random things they can do or like entertaining but I'd love to see thoughts on my random shitpost at god knows what hour LMAO
I promise I'm working on the drawings for the blog but I really wanna ramble about the insanity swirling in my brain because of these guys.
OH YEAH I HAVEN'T EXPLAINED FIDDS' STUFF YET- chat pester me about it more because I keep forgetting my brain rots too much on the two duracell blorbs in my headspace.
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roseyrays · 2 years ago
Hi can you please make a request about housewardens with mc who is like little girl aka memory from identity v. Identity v is a mobile horror game like dead by deadlight. Of course PLATONIC!! little girl! Mc loves to draw, play dolls and always calls the housewardens and the rest of the boys onii chan. She's also shy around people.
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🌻- OUR LITTLE SISTER featuring a little girl/memory!reader
dorm leaders | headcanon | platonic
warnings: includes overblot spoilers! and possibly ooc
notes: so being completely honest, i’ve never played idv before so i did my research so bare with me 🫠
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🌹- Riddle Rosehearts
a child? what is a child doing here?? he has so many questions
when he heard that crowley is gonna let you stay in NRC he’s worried
you’re a child alone with no one who can take care of you (kinda)
he noticed how shy you are when you don’t really respond to anything, you just nod at whatever he’s asking you
whenever someone is teasing you ESPECIALLY when it’s someone from his dorm it will be off with their head
after his overblot he is very scared on what you will think of him now
but you actually warmed up to him and see him as a big brother
you would always mention your hobbies with him
you mentioned that you love drawings and dolls
so he decided to give a some more dolls to play with and some paper and pens for drawing
he’s the best big brother anyone could ever ask for
🦁 - Leona Kingscholar
he saw you in person during the entrance ceremony
and he met you in the botanical garden
you were a lot shy when you first met him but you needed adult supervision so you decided to stick around him
leona dislikes children though (that’s a lie, he does care for children he just doesn’t really like them that much)
he realized how sweet you were to everyone and him
after overblot, even though he did some terrible things you were still kind to him
which surprised him
now he takes care of you and boom you have leona as a big brother now
he secretly loves it when he sees you playing with cheka
will buy you crayons and papers for you to draw with
(big brother lion we stan)
you once called him "big bro" and he was definitely trying to hide a smile
buys you dolls and drawing stuff with his money
(ruggie is fuming)
🐙 - Azul Ashengrotto
concerned that there’s child with no guardian in the school
would try to keep you away from floyd
(you actually wanna play with floyd cuz bro is great w/ kids)
makes you eat at the mostro lounge because he doesn’t like you eating cafeteria food (especially w/the long ass lines)
after his overblot he was terrified to face you because he would think that you would hate him
but ofc you don’t
you guys created a small bond and you actually got used to him
you called him cute when you saw his childhood photos
he was embarrassed
he buys you stuff that you love <3
🦦 - Kalim Al Asim
found you adorable!
he has like 30+ siblings, so he definitely loves taking care of kids
but the issue is he isn’t very good at it
jamil has to help him (like always)
anyways when you told him about your interests, he immediately buys you tons of dolls and art stuff!!
he let’s you play with his hair
wants you to meet his siblings because he found adopted a new friend sibling for them!
you also get along with jamil very well and nicely
he cooks for the both of you
after jamil’s overblot though like the others he (jamil) is scared of what you will think of him
but as expected you did not hate him which he’s very thankful for
so technically jamil is babysitting two kids
🦚 - Vil Schoenheit
why is there a child here?
rook is very delighted to see a child, he found you adorable and saw you as a sister while vil, very worried for your safety as well cause a child with no guardian?? dangerous
so he decided to take you to pomefiore dorm
he loves your cute doll
and will send rook to buy you some art supplies
during the vdc he makes you watch their practices because children easily get entertained right?
ok but like imagine a scenario when you guys meet Neige and he took one glance at you and immediately calling you “cute" and "adorable" cuz you are and once Vil sees you vibing to Neige’s song, he tries not to get jealous
after his overblot though
he finally let’s you interact with Neige for a bit jist fir a little bit
he acts like father lol
spoiling you with gifts and stuff
💀 - Idia Shroud
doesn’t really mind tbh
i mean he has ortho and he’s a little robot kid
he met you in person for the time when ortho decided to let you in the ignihyde dorm
he noticed how shy you are around people and he gets it
he himself is shy too
doesn’t really say it to you but he sees you as a sibling
pre overblot btw
when he saw you with rook and epel in styx, he was shocked
also worried for your safety cuz that is not a place for children
after his overblot
he was so nervous and sweaty on what you think of him
he was scared, he thinks he was gonna lose another sibling
but to his surprise and to no one elses
you forgave him
and called him big brother
he cried
so now you, idia and ortho are technically siblings now
they adopted you and you cannot decline that
🐉 - Malleus Draconia
he wasn’t there during the entrance ceremony or whatever you call it
but lilia was and you know he has an eye on adopting lost children
surprised to see lilia with a child in his arms
but at the same not (i think)
noticed you were a lot shy around people
so he (m.d) decided to make the dorm more lively
like adding more green fireflies and (very dark) but beautiful roses
after being settled in and being comfortable
you told him about your hobbies
asked lilia to buy dolls and drawing supplies for you
ofc lilia agreed, he loves making children happy
loves to watch you draw
he sent a letter to his grandma about you
something like “i would like to introduce you to the new addition of the draconia family"
that was after you called him big brother
he was happy :) he cried happy tears
and lilia is your father and silver & croc nut are your brothers
what a happy family
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anime-grimmy-art · 1 year ago
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It’s this time of the year again, folks. Time to wrap up the art Ive made in the last 12 months in another Year in Review! I’ve noticed that this is my fifth Year in Review in a row, so I’ll be making an extra post looking back on the progress in those last 5 years!
I've got a lot to say about this year, but purely art wise, I've gone all when it comes to comics, damn! I've kinda found a format that is messy, and therefore more time efficient, yet still looks good. I even made 2 animatics and lotsa shorts/reels! All that on top of opening coms twice, and, oh yeah, MAKING A WHOLE ASS 4MIN ANIMATION ON MY OWN.
How is my hand still alive.
2023 has been….interesting, to say the least. The first half year I was working on my thesis project, aka making an animated short all on my own (in the art department), which makes it honestly surprising how much I managed to churn out between animating. Trigun rly did have me in a choke hold.
Summer was a bit more spotty, esp. with me not being able to draw anything during August as I was writing my thesis (and doing commissions). And towards the end of the year, Kingdom Hearts tried to save me, but alas, Genshin Impact has finally sunk its teeth into me and dragged me to the bottom of the rabbit hole. It all started with me watching a story summary and lore videos while I was sick after my thesis and I was too intrigued to not dig deeper and well, first I fell in love with Kaeya and then the ships started dropping in left and right.
I’m not gonna lie, the last few months have been weird. I finished my masters in October, and have been on job hunt since, sadly without success so far. I’m existing in this weird limbo of still not grasping I’m not a student anymore after 18 years in education, not really being able to accept I’m an adult, yet desperately trying to find something so I can make a routine, cos rn Im too scared to build a rhythm as I know I’ll have a so much harder time readjusting again. It’s left me in a weird emotional state, where most of the time I feel fine, but when it counts, there’s just, nothing. No joy at getting my diploma, no anticipation to finally go to a convention again, neither any sadness hearing my grandfather died. It frustrates me that it extends to my art as well, there’s excitement over ideas and concepts, but no motivation to pick up the pencil, which makes me either not finish art at all or making so many shortcuts and just ending up with sth not satisfactory to me since it’s not the idea I sought after.
Tho, not everything is doom and gloom. I DID finish a whole ass short animation and got my masters degree, that IS sth to be proud of. Also, while Im struggling at drawing, I’ve also kinda started integrating my shortcuts into my style and some stuff I’ve thrown together actually turns out real good nowadays. Also, and this might be a bit of a weird one, I’m so fucking happy to know I can still enjoy gay ships. I’ve been a bit uncertain over the last few years because when I was around 16-18, I had a real big yaoi phase, which mostly came from the fact so much stuff came out that tickled my brain in the right way (Free, Haikyuu, etc.). But over the years, my enthusiasm died down, and I even started to resent some ships because it’s all some fandoms produced. I often found myself liking a hetero ship more than the popular gay ship, which really made me not wanna stick around because I did not care for most fanart and you can only go through a tag with art you don’t care about so long before you lose interest. I think in retrospect that it rly had nothing to do with the ships being gay ships but rather cos the fans just shoved it in your face when you didn’t care (and shipping culture nowadays also can get real scary). But I’m so happy to see I can still get obsessed with a ship and it’s all thanks to Haikaveh/Kavetham. It really just needed the right flavour for me to dig in again. And oh my god, I FINALLY like a ship with a SHIT TON of art and fanfictions, no more scrounging the crumbs from the bottom of the barrel. 
Anyways, enough lamenting. Here’s to hoping I can bite my tongue and get shit started properly in 2024, and that my brainrots may make me obsessed enough to churn out an obscene amount of fanart again.
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crushedsweets · 1 year ago
I loved the ask about ticciwork what it would be like if they were able to date! Now I was wondering what that would be like with Jack and Toby!
Though I’m not sure if they have the same chemistry as ticciwork. 😭
Btw you have forever engraved ninakate to my soul LMAO I love them so much!! ❤️
I ABSOLUTELY CAN i think theyre super cute + i have a really sweet ticcijack ask i wanna draw soon. im gonna go off on a tangent about their upbringing and how that'd impact their sexuality tho, cuz i think that'd be relevant .
this was written more like notes for a one-shot of them getting together, rather than the format i did for ticciwork
ok. so for starters, toby has a huge wall to get over. i dont really have sexuality hcs for many of the creeps (jane and kate r lesbians, lius a gay man, ninas bi are my only concrete hcs) BUT i know toby's upbringing involved his dad constantly demeaning him for being 'feminine' (anytime he did something with lyra), a pussy, calling him slurs, telling him to man up, insulting any gay man he might see on tv, etc. and toby hates his dad, so he'd have an easy time being like 'ok whatever old man like i give a shit if a guy fucks a guy' BUT he would still feel a ton of guilt and shame if he were attracted to a guy.
jack might be a little similar, not because his dad was constantly berating him, but he still grew up in a pretty traditional house and his uncles/cousins would often tease him cuz he liked to cook and bake and had a lot of empathy. but he also went to university, and while it was still in alabama, a lot of colleges and stuff are a lot more progressive so it wasn't something he dwelled on much. live and let live, basically
AND AS A RESULT, it would be MUCH harder for either of them to make a move. toby would push any feelings down so fucking fast, and jack would just shrug it off and say he doesn't have like.. the "right" to have such emotions. after all he's done.
but they've also had a ton of intimate moments. the amount of times toby's been sat in his boxers while jack has to stitch up his stomach is kinda obnoxious. the amount of times jack checks toby's temperature and scolds him for dumb shit. toby scoffing and grabbing jacks wrist to pull his hand off, but his touch lingers
jack wears his mask a lot, but toby would make a comment. "i wanna see what you look like. it cant be THAT bad." and then jacks like ? asshole. so toby backtracks and is like "ok but if it is bad, thats kinda cool" and jacks like 'dude shut up'. but then toby would try and go on about 'im serious man you're over here stitching me up every other week and im practically the only person you talk to. let me see' and jack thinks about it. maybe not that day, but eventually he would.
if toby has already kinda come to terms with liking guys, OR he's so oblivious to his own feelings, he might say something stupid like "oh shit you're hot dude why do u wear that stupid ass mask" and jack would get embarrassed. and try to put it back on, but toby would snatch it and toss it on some counter and say "ok well now i know so stop wearing it" and jacks like. ok. fuck you. fine.
and toby stares a lot. like. a lot a lot. and jack kind of knows. the echolocation and thermavision helps him know toby's head is turned his way, but he can't exactly pinpoint where toby's eyes are. but he keeps turning away
toby would eventually just ask 'you gotta know im looking at you , right?' and jack is like ...well i thought so. thanks for confirmation. and toby laughs it off but jack is getting embarrassed
jacks feelings would develop slowly and he'd recognize every single moment he feels something. tobys would develop more rapidly, but he has no fucking idea what he's feeling is romantic. he thinks jacks attractive as fuck, he likes intelligent people, he likes how jack challenges tobys toxic ass mindset (only after the fact, hates it in the moment), and jack does a lot for him. patches him up, cooks him good meals.
the ask i mentioned said something about jack touching toby's lip and toby keeps looking at jacks lips and theres crazy tension etc etc etc. i genuinely dont know who would kiss who first.
if it were jack, toby would sit there kinda stunned, and jack would pull away and fumble out an apology. then toby tells him to do it again. and again, and again.
if it were toby, jack would immediately kiss back. he's had it on his mind for a long time, but genuinely didnt think anything would come.
toby would ask what now. he wants jack to set some sort of guidelines. he hates rules but holy shit does he not know how to navigate this, not with jack. jack would shrug it off and theyd try not to talk about it. toby might not come back to see jack for a while, but end up really hurt and dragged there to get his arm popped back into place. and jack would have to ask why he stopped visiting.
toby would admit it, finally. something about 'because i fucking like you and its really fucking weird and i dont wanna ruin the whole medic patient pal thing we got going on but this entire fucking time ive been avoiding you, im thinking about you a hundred times more'. and jack would ask why he thinks its weird. and theyd talk for a while
jack would ask toby if he could kiss him again, and toby would say yes.
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