#hypnotherapy for dealing with trauma
awarenesshealing · 1 year
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luxuryandlilacs · 1 year
Brainwashing Yourself to Become Your Dream Girl: thewizardliz, part 2
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TheWizardLiz has so many gems! Here are more insights I’ve gathered from her videos:
You want your life to change, you need the change. You don’t like yourself, create another version of yourself.
Start taking steps towards your highest self.
Knowledge will get you so far in life.
You can’t always be kind to yourself. Sometimes you need a reality check.
You can’t expect help if you don’t ask.
You need to start assuming the world is designed to see you succeed.
Fall in love with the process of achieving your goals.
Don’t put the evil eye on yourself - become more private about your life. Don’t talk until it’s done.
As long as you keep moving forward, you’ll be fine.
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Being a queen is your birthright.
Work on your communication skills. Good communication skills is extremely attractive.
Listen to people, let them talk.
Pick your battles wisely.
A lot of y’all get in trouble because of your mouth.
Don’t argue in public, don’t create a scene.
Look like you love yourself. At least look clean.
Eat like you love yourself.
Practice talking to the opposite gender everyday.
Heal your traumas with hypnotherapy.
Stop giving too many chances to people, they probably wouldn’t even do the same for you. No changed behavior, then they’re not welcome back into your life.
Practice dancing. Practice your sensuality. Moving your hips is really healing for a woman.
Walk and talk like you’re the biggest blessing on Earth.
Don’t talk bad about yourself. Just hold yourself accountable, don’t be mean to yourself.
Change your environment when you’re dealing with an addiction.
Let people meet you at your level. Don’t ever lower yourself, you’ll pay the price later.
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many-but-one · 6 months
anon who asked about hypnotherapy here, thank you for the answer :) it means a lot. we have ‘proof’ of its happening to us although it’s from people who remember us telling us things that happened. we’re 17, still live with our dad (who we assume isn’t involved with the possible trafficking but he was still a bit of a dick), and currently aren’t in therapy. i have been the stupid host of the system and dug really deep and caused Various Breakdowns but i haven’t found anything solid myself outside of weird gut feelings.
i do want to get therapy to heal and understand our childhood better, as our amnesia towards our childhood is strong. we barely, and i mean barely, remember primary school, and our childhood in general.
we’re looking into trauma specialists and stuff, but it’s hard when most of the mental health system (at least in australia) is very “if you aren’t currently in a crisis (aka: about to hurt yourself or others) you don’t need a specialist”, so it’s hard, which is why i’m tempted to try hypnotherapy just to even begin to get some solid proof to prove to our team that we need a trauma specialist! it’s very tricky for us to deal with and it’s a pain.
sorry for rambling, but yeah, thanks again for answering :3
-xavier (he xe synth)
I am glad my answer was helpful! I hope that you’re eventually able to find the help you need. All I can say for the moment is keep searching, and start building skills in grounding and coping with dissociation and flashbacks. Having a solid foundation of skills like that will help a lot when you finally start learning things that are pretty scary. In another ask I just answered I put up the book “Coping with Trauma Related Dissociation” which is a good book for gaining those foundational skills. It’s geared toward non HC-DID systems so not everything may apply or work for you, but it’s still got plenty of good advice. Here’s the link for a free pdf. :)
Take care!
-Dori🌹 (she/he/they)
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hologramcowboy · 6 months
Keeping the record straight here.
One, that's not how the paranormal works. Negative entities are not drawn to "bad" people. They're drawn to vulnerable people. Is it true that maintaining negative energy can keep feeding these entities? Sure, but that's not what draws them. The non-human entities are drawn to pain and trauma. Negative spirits can be drawn to either a location, the land, or some situation happening. They don't attach to Kris Jenner because she made some mistakes as a mom. They don't haunt Amber Heard because she's a nightmare to be in any kind of relationship with. That's not how that works. There are literally hundreds of books, documentaries, and interviews with experts in the field on this subject, all available for research at any given time.
Two, do y'all not remember the haunting story Jensen told a couple of years ago when the Ackles were staying in Nola? He told the exact same story except he was on a Zoom with Jared and others. And he was the one that told the "ghost" to do it again and then reacted "cool". He also said Danneel is the one who is afraid of ghosts, she believes in them (vs when he supposedly didn't before the Nola story), and she would go to get him to deal with it if she thought a ghost was there. If he wasn't there, she'd get advice from a psychic or medium. The guy is recycling his stories and he does it for entertainment. So the story about Danneel allegedly filming said "ghost" is nothing more than bullshit and him trying to keep his fans entertained while pulling her along for the ride, switching her up to be the badass in this scenario. It's sadly what a lot of his fans want to hear and he knows it.
I participate in hypnotherapy sessions with a very powerful reiki practitioner and he was the first one to tell me that if an actor or person keeps acting out scenarios that focus on certain energies then they are bound to attract said energies because they are matching that vibration. I appreciate your point but I've read extensively on this and if you nurture bad energies and engage in dark thoughts you can draw certain thoughtforms/entities to you and they will feed off your energy. That being said, thank you for the lovely explanation and post. 🥰🥰🥰
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writtenbynath · 2 years
What hypnosis can and cannot do
On the one hand, I am inclined to reiterate that I don't have all the answers because I'm just a human being in her thirties who only has limited experience. On the other hand, I am a woman on the internet, I probably need to prove that I know what the fuck I'm talking about. So, with that in mind: I am a hypnotherapist who majored in psychology and social sciences, and I teach kinksters about hypnosis and consent.
What hypnosis can do
People often ask me what hypnosis can be used for. They know little about it, they've seen some unlikely things in the media, and they wonder how to separate facts from fiction. The first thing I like to explain is how the American hypnotherapist Dave Elman devoted his life to teaching hypnosis to doctors and dentists. Because hypnosis is a really effective anaesthetic for small procedures, Elman developed a foolproof method that any person who is not even a hypnotist could use to hypnotise a person. It's a sad story really, because despite all of his efforts his method never really caught on, despite the fact that his son continued his legacy and is still teaching hypnosis in the USA today. Medical professionals rarely use hypnosis as an anaesthetic, despite its scientifically proven efficacy. I've still taught some people self-hypnosis to help people relax and feel less pain at the dentist or the tattoo parlor.
But hypnosis can do so much more than that, it's not just about helping you relax. It's an incredible tool that can help you instantly connect ideas and feelings together, which can be used to learn or unlearn habits and behaviours, to overcome fears and to make other positive changes in your life. Hypnosis can for example be a great help for smoking cessation, something that people often struggle with for a long time. Typically, only one hypnotherapy session is needed to help a client to never touch cigarettes again. The same can be done for nail-biting or stress eating, but such things may require a few more in-depth sessions to figure out what is causing this behaviour to continue against the client's wishes and to help resolve internal conflict that may be holding the client back. A hypnotherapist who is also a qualified psychologist can help their clients overcome trauma, unlearn old coping mechanisms that are no longer useful, and learn new ways to deal with their emotions and the challenges life throws at us instead.
But here's where shit gets murky
Psychologists and hypnotherapists work with a person's mind, and we can't see the mind, we can't dissect it or make a map of it. Psychiatry and neurology has taught us many things about the effects of brain chemicals and how the brain works, but it remains difficult to predict what kind of effects a drug designed to help against psychoses or epileptic attacks will have on a patient. We may be able to scan and study the brain, but that doesn't mean we know how the human mind works. Psychologists and hypnotherapists only have models and metaphors to work with. And in my not so humble opinion, hypnotists often seem to forget that the tools we work with are just that: metaphors. The unconscious or subconscious mind? It's a metaphor that helps us understand that a person is not aware of everything that happens in their own mind, it is not a separate entity with a mind of its own. Metaphors are powerful tools when it comes to understanding the world around us. Something as simple as anthropomorphising an object we interact with has a big impact on our behaviour, for example. And another metaphor hypnotherapists often use is regression.
When you're in a hypnotic trance you can use your imagination to vividly visualise metaphors and memories, just as vividly as when you're dreaming. And it can be a helpful therapeutic experience to use this ability to vividly reimagine a moment from our past, to examine our feelings about this moment, to understand why this moment had so much impact on us. We can learn something about what is bothering us, and what we need to overcome our problems. This is why even past life regression and guided meditation journeys can be valuable, cathartic experiences: because they are an exercise in letting our imagination create a metaphor for our struggles, which in turn helps us accept ourselves and be happier. So if you thought I was going to mock people who believe in past lives, you're wrong. The problem is not with people who use hypnotic trance for more spiritual experiences, it is more nuanced.
How human memory works
Regression, like the word hypnosis itself and many other technical terms in the field of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming, is a misnomer. We don't really return to a moment in our past, we imagine it. The way memories are stored in the brain is not like a computer or a filing cabinet at all, our memories are flawed and biased by our own perceptions and feelings. Every time we recall a memory it changes a little, as if we're not actually remembering the original moment in our life, but the last time we recalled this memory instead. Yet many stories about hypnosis are about retrieving and reliving memories, even though it is simply not humanly possible to use hypnosis to "uncover what truly happened back then", let alone to remember things from our early childhood, or from the womb, or a past life.
The big problem with the dream-like experiences we can have in a hypnotic trance is that they can feel super real, and when we are hypnotised we are extra suggestible. If the person helping you regress to this "memory" tells you with the authority of a therapist this is a real memory it is incredibly believable. What is worse, research by the FBI has shown that creating a false memory is alarmingly easy with certain interrogation techniques. The frequency with which people in relationships gaslight each other also shows that no hypnosis is required to fuck with people's memories. So my point here is: it's good to be incredibly critical of hypnotists who claim to help people remember the past more clearly. Though forensic hypnosis exists, it has never been proven to actually provide accurate information. It is not an effective way to use hypnosis, and it doesn't help with the credibility of hypnosis in general.
Why I as a hypnotherapist curse so much
There are many things that fuck with the credibility of hypnosis in general. Not just people trying to use it in ways that simply don't work, like I just mentioned, but also for example fun stage shows that use hypnosis. It is real hypnosis that a stage hypnotist uses to make people come up on stage and pretend they are a chicken, just to name the most obvious example. And that example doesn't help with our academic image, does it? But you know what really, really fucks with our credibility? "Hypnotists" who never actually hypnotise people.
Two things are at play here. One is the trend where self-help gurus are only out to sell their seminars and make money, instead of actually teaching people how to help themselves. This trend motivates hypnotists to try to sell hypnosis recordings, to the point where it might start to resemble a multi-level marketing scheme, which results in people who sell their services as hypnosis but really they make you listen to a hypnotic script that they didn't even write or adjust to your situation.
The other thing is, and this is probably the reason why Dave Elman's method never caught on (although I'm pretty sure aggressive marketing of anaesthetic drugs also played a role), that in order to hypnotise a person the hypnotist must make an effort to understand how that person thinks. Many famous hypnotists and experts in neurolinguistic programming have developed techniques and models that can help a hypnotist understand how people think. And those techniques and models are often detailed in books they try to push on people because they just really want to make money, which brings us back to my previous point. Many of the techniques in those books may not actually be bullshit. The problem is, again, with the people who treat metaphors as truth, who stick to the script and neglect the fact that therapy is about making a connection with another human being, helping them deal with the struggles of life.
Fucking mesmerism
And this the part where I rail at the charlatans and misguided souls who really ruin the reputation of hypnosis. It started way back when Franz Mesmer thought he had invented energy healing. Although Mesmer's claims about how that works were debunked in the late 1800s, many people still practice mesmerism today. Yes, you read that correctly. The thing with mesmerism is that because the technique is a precursor to hypnosis, it brings the client into a relaxed and suggestible trance, which greatly increases the placebo effect. I would like to point out that I am actually a believer with some knowledge about energy healing. Having studied reiki and some pagan forms of energy manipulation, my not so humble opinion about mesmerism is that it is not only bullshit, it can also be harmful.
Practitioners of mesmerism will often half-heartedly use techniques taken from hypnosis and from energy healing to help their clients become more open and accepting, and then encourage the client to relive the memories that are still bothering them from the past, which has a high risk of retraumatising them. Mesmerists will silently watch their clients resolve the images unfolding in their mind by themselves, without offering the client any new coping mechanisms. Perhaps some people who practice mesmerism are really out to help other people, but for fuck's sake, if you really wanted to help people, do your fucking research and don't place your faith in shit that's been debunked over a hundred years ago! Go with reiki, that is well-documented, well-taught stuff! And there are awesome energy healing traditions from other corners of the world as well, you could learn those! Or here's a radical idea, you could learn how real hypnosis works! I know it's a chore to wade through the self-help gurus who just want to make money selling more NLP seminars, but if I could do it, so can you! Learn some fucking psychology and the dangers of retraumatising a person by making them think about the shit that happened to them in the past!
Ok that's enough for now
Thank you for accompanying me on this train of thought, we have now arrived at our destination. I realise that the end of the ride was a bit rough, but I hope you learned something about hypnosis in practice, and why the reputation of hypnotherapy is so shady. If you're still wondering what kind of hypnosis things I teach to kinksters, that is a topic for another time. I write a lot about hypnosis kink, but my patreon is for smut. If you enjoy hypno smut, have a look at the stories on my Patreon and consider becoming a patron. If you want to talk about what hypnosis can and cannot do, leave a comment.
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littlebabiebear · 2 years
Age Regression:
❥ Age regression therapy involves acting younger than you are, whether that is only a few years younger than your current age or returning to a child-like or infant-like state.
❥ Age regression therapy can help you handle stress and deal with the pressures of everyday life. It’s also used in hypnotherapy and psychology to help people with trauma, and mental illness.
❥ Age regression is a form of therapy that encourages you to access and relieve your memories by reverting to a younger state of mind. It can be self-induced or induced by a hypnotist or therapist. This practice can be done to explore childhood memories, relieve stress through escapism, or access hidden memories and aspects of your personality. 
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iphisesque · 1 year
my thing about therapy is i do have genuine mental issues that i want to fix (namely my chronic depersonalisation my depression-anxiety combo my focus issues and my inability to form normal attachments to others) but i also think every other person on earth has these issues and is just doing much better than me at dealing with them so im the odd one out for being unadjusted about them. also i think if i just took meds most of the issues i want to solve would be fixed and i also don't want to talk to anyone about them much less a shrink who would have me interned if he heard a fraction of my inner thoughts and who would poke around in my family history and my past trauma. i would like to do hypnotherapy though because i do want to find out why im like this. just me though without telling the shrink what i discovered.
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I won against my abuser in court recently!!! and before the court date I literally attempted sui with this whole full proof plan I’d be dead so I wouldn’t have to see my abuser, having my sui plan fail, going to the hospital and being in the psych ward for 3 weeks.
It was actually a pretty good experience in the psych ward even though I hear different, everyone was super nice (couple of really weird people but hey you know it’s a psych ward).
I learned about a lot of new therapies while in there I can utilize and when I’m done with IOP I’m starting more trauma therapies. I especially want to do EMDR, IFS, hypnotherapy, other stuff I made a list and have already done about 3 types of therapies for traumas if I’m ready to delve into triggering stuff I can do EMDR, but they warned me I may not be ready yet because the traumas are still fresh. I am doing shadow work which I started months ago but I’m getting back into it again I hear a lot of good things.
Im feeling better than ever and I’m on mood stabilizers and I’m feeling pretty on top of the world. So strange how before the psych ward I was so fucked up and dealing with the traumas and tried to kms, and now here I am and my anxiety is almost all gone. So strange the difference. I mean I still gotta deal with CPTSD and flashbacks but I learned ways to manage everything better.
Things can get better and it’s not a cliche it’s the truth to anybody reading. You’re all worth it and you’re all loved. And FVCK your abusers because you’re better than them and you’re a GOOD human being.
Hi anon,
I'm sorry to hear about your attempt, but I'm so glad to hear that you won against your abuser in court!
While there definitely are valid horror stories out there, psych wards are there to help you, and my sister has positive experiences there as well. I'm glad that you could find some coping mechanisms and other tools through your experience there.
I've heard great things about EMDR, IFS, and shadow work. I hope that your exploration of these modalities can help you further in your recovery. I'm also just happy to hear that you're feeling better than ever. Healing isn't linear and so you will have your setbacks, but it's good knowing you're at this point in your recovery.
Thank you for sharing the positive affirmations! Hope you have a wonderful evening. Please let us know if you need anything.
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matthewcahill · 10 months
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Practical Techniques Learned During Hypnotherapy Training
Instructor Backgrounds and Expertise Areas
The team of trainers at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire includes former world champion Glenn Catley, who brings his extensive knowledge of mind-body into the classroom. Additionally, ex-serving soldiers specialising in anxiety-related issues caused by trauma or military service stressors contribute their expertise to help students understand how hypnosis can be used effectively for these specific concerns.
Matthew Cahill: A renowned expert in clinical hypnosis with decades of experience as both a practitioner and instructor.
Jo Perry: A full-time practising therapist who now teaches fellow aspiring hypnotists her craft while supervising them post-graduation too.
Practical Techniques Learned During Training
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire emphasises not only theoretical knowledge but also practical techniques that students can apply directly when working with clients. Some key areas covered during the course include:
Certified Hypnotherapist skills development: To become a successful certified hypnotherapist, it's crucial to master essential skills such as conducting effective hypnosis sessions, creating customised hypnotic treatments, and understanding how hypnosis works.
Addressing specific issues: Students learn how to tackle various concerns like weight loss, pain management, anxiety relief, and stress reduction using clinical hypnosis techniques. This knowledge is invaluable when working with clients who require tailored solutions for their unique challenges.
Integrating complementary therapies: In addition to traditional hypnotic methods, students are taught how to incorporate other therapeutic modalities into their practice. By learning from experienced trainers in diverse fields at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire, aspiring practitioners can acquire a comprehensive understanding of the profession and gain the skills to excel in the highly competitive field of mind-body medicine.
By learning from experienced trainers in diverse fields at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire, aspiring practitioners can gain valuable insights into different aspects of the profession while honing practical skills that will set them apart in the competitive world of mind-body medicine.
The experienced trainers in diverse fields provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire program, ensuring that participants receive an education tailored to their individual needs. With post-training supervision and mentorship opportunities available after graduation, this training offers continued support for its graduates.
Key Takeaway: 
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire offers a comprehensive and well-rounded training program with experienced trainers from diverse backgrounds. Students learn practical techniques for addressing specific issues like weight loss, pain management, anxiety relief, and stress reduction using clinical hypnosis techniques while also integrating complementary therapies to offer a wider range of services to their clients.
Key Takeaway: 
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire offers post-graduation supervision and support to new graduates entering practice. The benefits of this ongoing mentorship include continued learning, error correction, patient outcomes, clinical case reviews, continuing education courses, networking events and access to an extensive network of alumni who are willing to offer advice and support throughout their careers.
Addressing Various Issues Through Tailored Therapy Sessions
Upon completion of their studies at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire, qualified Clinical Hypnotist graduates provide tailored therapy sessions designed specifically around individual client needs. Tailored therapy sessions are available to help with a variety of concerns, such as slimming down and sustaining a desirable physique, dealing with aches or enhancing sleep quality.
Customised Hypnotherapy for Clients
The key to effective hypnosis treatment lies in the customisation of each session according to the specific requirements and goals of the client. A hypnotherapist certified by the relevant authorities will initiate a comprehensive evaluation, collecting data on the client's background, existing issues and desired results. This allows them to develop a personalised plan that incorporates various techniques such as clinical hypnosis, mind-body medicine practices, and experimental hypnosis approaches.
Clients who have undergone customised hypnotic treatments often report significant improvements in their mental well-being as well as noticeable changes in their behaviour patterns - demonstrating just how powerful this form of therapy can be when applied correctly by skilled practitioners.
By tailoring therapy sessions to the individual, hypnotherapy can effectively address a range of issues. Moving on, let's explore how solution-focused hypnotherapy techniques work and their benefits over traditional therapeutic approaches.
Key Takeaway: 
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire offers tailored therapy sessions to address various issues, including weight loss, pain management, anxiety relief, and sleep improvement. Certified hypnotherapists customise each session according to the specific requirements and goals of the client by incorporating techniques such as clinical hypnosis and mind-body medicine practices resulting in significant improvements in mental well-being and behaviour patterns.
Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy Techniques
Practitioners at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire are well-versed in using solution-focused hypnotherapy techniques to help clients overcome various emotional challenges such as anxiety, depression, OCD/intrusive thoughts, and postnatal mental health issues. This approach is highly effective because it complements conventional therapies and medical care by offering alternative methods for addressing emotional difficulties faced during life's journey.
How Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy Works
Solution-focused hypnotherapy differs from traditional therapeutic approaches by focusing on the client's desired outcomes rather than dwelling on their problems or past experiences. During a hypnosis session, the certified hypnotherapist guides the client into a relaxed state of mind where they can access their subconscious resources more easily. The therapist then helps them visualise positive changes and develop practical strategies to achieve these goals.
Mind-body medicine: By tapping into the power of the subconscious mind, solution-focused hypnotherapists enable clients to harness their innate healing abilities and enhance overall well-being.
Clinical hypnosis: As part of this technique, therapists use clinical hypnosis to address specific issues like phobias or addiction through targeted suggestions that encourage new behaviours or thought patterns.
Experimental hypnosis: Some practitioners also incorporate experimental elements like guided imagery or metaphor work in order to facilitate deeper self-discovery and personal growth within clients.
Benefits Of Traditional Therapeutic Approaches
The advantages of incorporating solution-focused techniques into one's practice are numerous. This technique generally takes less time than conventional therapies since it centres around the client's abilities and assets rather than their issues. Additionally, clients often report feeling more empowered and motivated to make lasting changes in their lives after engaging in solution-focused hypnotic treatments.
Furthermore, hypnotherapy training at Lincolnshire equips graduates with a versatile skill set that can be applied across various settings - from private practice to group workshops or even corporate wellness programs. This flexibility allows practitioners to cater to diverse clientele seeking help for issues like weight loss, stress reduction, pain management, and much more.
In essence, solution-focused hypnotherapy techniques offer an innovative approach to mental health care that complements conventional therapies while empowering clients with practical tools for achieving positive change. By incorporating these methods into your practice as a certified hypnotherapist from Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire, you'll be well-equipped to provide effective support tailored specifically around individual needs.
Solution-focused hypnotherapy can be an effective means of aiding individuals in overcoming difficulties and effectuating lasting alterations in their lives. With group workshops and programs, you can help even more individuals reach their goals with the power of hypnosis.
Key Takeaway: 
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire provides practitioners with a versatile skill set in solution-focused hypnotherapy techniques that complement conventional therapies. This approach focuses on the client's desired outcomes and empowers them to make lasting changes, resulting in more time-efficient treatment and greater motivation for positive change. Practitioners can apply these skills across various settings, catering to a diverse clientele seeking help for issues like weight loss, stress reduction, pain management, and much more.
Group Workshops & Programs
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire recognises the power of group workshops in helping individuals make lasting changes in their lives. By offering a variety of tailored programs, hypnotherapists can address different issues and provide support to multiple clients simultaneously. These workshops combine various therapeutic approaches based on each person's unique circumstances, ensuring an effective and personalised experience.
Types of Group Workshops Offered
Weight Loss: Clients seeking assistance with weight management can benefit from group sessions that focus on healthy eating habits, exercise routines, and positive reinforcement through hypnosis for weight loss.
Anxiety Relief: Participants struggling with anxiety or stress can learn relaxation techniques, coping strategies, and other methods to reduce symptoms during these supportive group sessions.
Addiction Recovery: Hypnotherapists offer specialised workshops designed to help individuals overcome addiction by addressing underlying emotional triggers using a combination of clinical hypnosis and cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques.
Fears & Phobias: Through experimental hypnosis treatments like systematic desensitisation or exposure therapy, participants are guided towards overcoming irrational fears in a safe environment supported by fellow attendees facing similar challenges.
Success Stories from Workshop Participants
The effectiveness of these group workshops is evident in the numerous success stories shared by past participants. For example, one client who struggled with anxiety shared, "I was sceptical at first, but after attending the anxiety relief workshop, I felt a sense of calm that I hadn't experienced in years. The techniques I learned have been invaluable in managing my symptoms."
Another participant shared their experience with a weight loss workshop: "I had tried every diet out there, but nothing seemed to work. The hypnosis sessions helped me change my mindset and develop healthier habits. I've lost 20 pounds and feel more confident than ever."
These success stories demonstrate how hypnosis works effectively within group settings, providing participants with valuable tools for personal growth while fostering connections among those facing similar challenges.
FAQs in Relation to Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire
What is the best accreditation for hypnotherapy?
The best accreditation for hypnotherapy comes from reputable organisations such as the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), American Hypnosis Association (AHA), and the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR). These organisations provide professional standards, ethical guidelines, and ongoing education to ensure high-quality training and practice in the field of hypnosis.
There are four main types of hypnosis: traditional or authoritative, Ericksonian, cognitive-behavioural, and solution-focused. Traditional hypnosis uses direct suggestions; Ericksonian focuses on indirect suggestions through storytelling; cognitive-behavioural combines hypnotic techniques with CBT principles, while solution-focused utilises clients' resources to create positive change.
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High-quality Education with Full Accreditation
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tordenvejr · 1 year
Do you have any advice on working through trauma of being bullied growing up? Do you recommend somatic therapy to feel safe in your body and deal with anxiety of being rejected? (I currently work with a Hakomi practitioner and I think it helps.)
i loveeee body work!!! i'm not familiar with hakomi other than what i can gather from a quick google search, but if it works for you that's great (-: body work + hypnotherapy + practicing new thought patterns are some of my favorite methods of healing 🐌💛
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tuneford · 1 year
Plural community jargon and subculture information is honestly just very tiring. Traumagenic this, endogenic that, system roles, specific terminology for introjection, pronouns like I& and we& and language like everymany (every time I see that word I think of everypony lol), syscourse existing, inner-community drama, the deal of plural vs multiple vs system (how each overlaps and has separate definitions historically) and how too many people use them as synonyms & imply that all plural folks are systems, the whole psychiatric history behind MPD and DID and the Trauma Model vs Iatrogenic Model vs Fantasy Model vs Sociocognitive Model and hypnotherapy (medical abuse contained within), etc etc.
Link (to paper on ‘dissociation debates’): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6296396/
I know the DSM-5 and 5-TR explicitly allow nuance for spiritual practices that present similarly to being a system (the boundary between visions/guides and hearing voices can also be very nebulous) but that doesn’t stop both professionals and general society from always pathologising plurality (there also literally is a paragraph in a report about me when I was misdiagnosed with DID that talks about tulpamancy as a subculture but that acknowledgement didn’t ultimately do anything to persuade the professionals who believed my experiences as a system were psychosis - acknowledgement of non-disordered plurality by itself doesn’t do much to dismantle and reorganise oppressive systems like the Mental Health system in various countries (and the old connection to being sent away - to The Ranch, to a boarding school, to a group home, etc - as a teenager if you weren’t a ‘good child,’ where a response to an abusive environment can lead to you being consumed by the foster system, and even sometimes as an adult if people around you believed you were either a danger to yourself or society, which has connections to incarceration and a historical connection to asylums). I cannot be proud of being a system while knowing that.
There’s a tiredness connected to historical violence and people’s attempts to say that all of this is in the past (it is not).
And there’s also a tiredness connected to people trying to build community that ultimately just is a bunch of cliques because of drama, trauma responses, and incredibly hostile responses to identity that is perceived as cringe/fake (which includes people dealing with irl stalkers, doxxing, irl violence).
And I know that syscourse is a part of the second thing, where some people still trust the medical healthcare system with their full chest & say anyone who doesn’t is anti-science (likely from the perspective of ‘the only people who don’t trust the medical system are folks like anti-vaxxers who deserve to be mocked’), and where some folks police the DID/OSDD diagnosis so strictly because either that’s what the societal system did to them or because it likely validates personal trauma (where having DID is connected to the ‘worst trauma’ and the ‘worst trauma’ gets acknowledged and validated) so anyone who doesn’t have the ‘worst trauma’ doesn’t belong in the community or something else entirely. There’s also the optics argument where DID historically is connected to professionals insisting that it is fake or hysteria, so only people who have ‘real DID’ are allowed to publicly talk about their experiences because the public must have a specific view of DID/OSDD in order for people to get support. Which wraps back into the first thing (it’s trauma all the way down).
Maybe this makes zero sense but hopefully someone can make sense of what I’m trying to say here.
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awarenesshealing · 2 years
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reality-detective · 2 years
I recently met up with a friend for a chat. As I opened the door, I was really excited to see her and I greeted her with a big smile and a ‘Hey! how are you?!’ to which she replied ‘I’m old and fat and miserable.’
I wanted to shout ‘Don’t say that!’ ‘Don’t let those words come out of your mouth!’ ‘Can’t you see how your words are creating your reality!?’
Instead I decided to start with a softer approach; I hugged her and I said ‘C’mon, none of that is true’.
My friend doesn’t open up about her feelings easily, in fact, she doesn’t open up at all, which is probably why she’s stuck in a bad place.
Facing ones own ghosts is not a fun prospect and so most people prefer to keep them locked up inside where nobody can see them.
The problem is that they remain there, increasingly weighing down on you, until they hold you back and keep you down.
One of the main obstacles in clearing one’s inner ‘closet’, is that we fear people will stop loving us if they saw who we really are, but those that truly love us, will not only remain by our side, they will love us even more for our honesty and courage.
Showing your vulnerability to someone is the greatest form of trust and love towards that person.
Most of our insecurities stem from things we were told as children that made us feel shameful or stupid or ugly or unappreciated, but when you start dealing with things, you will find that a lot of it was not actually such a big deal, it just felt that way because you were too young to assimilate things in context.
I feel that right now, whether people want to or not, everyone is being forced to face not only the ugliness that controls the world, but also whatever ugliness we are holding inside that is ultimately preventing us from being our greatest version.
Disentangling long held beliefs and insecurities is not an easy nor a fast process to go through. My advice is to focus on the little steps that will take you to the right place.
I told my friend to start making small changes in her life; starting with creating better daily health habits. That in itself, will help with energy and confidence levels, which will positively impact all aspects of her life.
I told her to let go of the anger she holds inside by facing past traumas so that she may release the weight that’s keeping her down. (Hypnotherapy is a very effective way of doing this, you can reprogram past negative perceptions into positive and empowering understandings in just a few sessions.)
Lastly and most importantly, I told her she must never, ever speak negatively about herself. One must deal with the shadows, clear them out, start feeling proud that you did so and then become your greatest cheerleader!
The power of words is something most people ignore, but words are either the beginning of something great or the beginning of something awful. Words are always the beginning, for they hold the creative power, so be very, very mindful of the words you speak to others and to yourself.
Remember, ‘in the beginning was the word’… so start speaking words that create only good things for yourself and for others. God gave you the power to do so.💜
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nidhikapoorofficial · 18 days
Hypnotherapy Sessions: A Comprehensive Guide to Healing and Transformation
Hypnotherapy is now widely acknowledged as a potent technique for healing and self-improvement. Hypnotherapy sessions can assist people in addressing a variety of problems by accessing the subconscious mind, such as controlling stress and fostering personal development, as well as conquering anxieties and quitting negative behaviors. However, what precisely takes place during a hypnotherapy session, and what are the advantages? In this post, we'll delve into the specifics of hypnotherapy, giving you a thorough rundown of what to anticipate from a session and its possible advantages.
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What Is Mindset Training?
Hypnosis is a therapeutic tool used in hypnotherapy to induce a state of enhanced suggestibility and focused attention. The subconscious mind is more responsive to constructive suggestions and therapeutic interventions when the conscious mind is in this calm, trance-like state. Hypnotherapy is a flexible and useful therapeutic choice since it may be used to address a wide range of mental, emotional, and physical disorders.
The Science of Mind-Setting
The Brain's Reaction to Hypnosis
The brain is significantly altered during hypnosis, especially in regions linked to relaxation, concentration, and imagination. Hypnosis can cause changes in brain wave patterns that resemble deep meditation or sleep, according to research. In this state, it is simpler to access the subconscious mind, work through underlying problems, and rewire unfavorable thought habits.
The Subconscious Mind's Function in Hypnotherapy
The beliefs, memories, and emotions that influence our behavior are stored in the subconscious mind, which is why it is so important in hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy can assist people in recognizing and addressing the underlying reasons for their issues by tapping into their subconscious. Hypnotherapy offers a technique to deal with these problems at their root, whether they are phobias, deeply rooted habits, or unresolved trauma.
What to anticipate from a session of hypnotherapy
The introductory conversation
You will often have an initial consultation with the hypnotist prior to your first session of hypnosis. You have the chance to talk about your objectives, worries, and any particular problems you would like to discuss in this discussion. The hypnotherapist will address any queries you may have and go over how the procedure operates. In addition to ensuring that the hypnosis sessions are customized to meet your specific needs, this consultation fosters trust.
The Phase of Induction
The induction phase is the first part of a hypnotherapy session. In this stage, the hypnotherapist will use methods like progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, or deep breathing to help you relax. The aim is to calm your conscious mind and get you ready to go into a hypnotic state. Most people find this technique comforting and enjoy a deep sense of serenity as they eventually enter a trance-like condition.
The Hypnotic Trance
The hypnotherapist will start the therapeutic process once you're in a hypnotic condition. This could be making encouraging recommendations, thinking back on previous encounters, or imagining the results you want to achieve. In order to assist you in revisiting and reframing previous experiences that might be influencing your present behavior, the hypnotherapist may also employ regression techniques. You maintain complete awareness and control throughout the session, and you have the option to come out of the trance at any moment.
The Enervating Stage
The hypnotherapist will assist you in emerging from the hypnotic state once the therapeutic therapy is finished. This phase of awakening is usually gentle, allowing you to feel rejuvenated and at ease when you return to full consciousness. The hypnotherapist could take a short while to talk with you about the experience and offer advice on how to maintain the improvements that were made throughout the session.
Integration and Reflection Following the Session
It's crucial to give yourself some space after a hypnosis session to think back on the experience. To assist with incorporating the changes into your everyday life, the hypnotherapist could recommend certain exercises or routines. This could include writing, mindfulness activities, or listening to recorded affirmations. Frequent introspection and reinforcement are essential for optimizing hypnotherapy's advantages.
Common Applications of Hypnotherapy
Anxiety and Stress Hypnotherapy
Using hypnotherapy to reduce stress and anxiety is one of its most popular applications. By addressing the subconscious triggers associated with these disorders, hypnotherapy can assist in symptom reduction and the promotion of relaxation and calmness. Reframing unfavorable thought patterns and strengthening resistance against stress are common goals of strategies like guided imagery and positive recommendations.
Getting Rid of Phobias and Fears
Treatment for phobias and anxieties can also be achieved with hypnotherapy. People who have unreasonable anxieties, such as those related to flying, heights, or public speaking, can face and conquer them with the use of hypnosis. People can learn to react to formerly frightening events with confidence and ease by desensitization and subconscious mind retraining.
Eliminating Addictions
Hypnotherapy is a potent remedy for people who struggle with compulsive behaviors like smoking, overeating, or biting their nails. Hypnotherapy can assist in ending the cycle of addiction or compulsion by treating the underlying emotional causes and reinforcing beneficial habits through accessing the subconscious mind. It has been demonstrated that this strategy works quite well in helping people make long-lasting changes.
Boosting Performance and Self-Confidence
Hypnotherapy can also be used to promote self-confidence and improve performance in various aspects of life, such as athletics, academics, or public speaking. Hypnotherapy can help people overcome self-doubt and perform at their best by helping them visualize success and develop positive beliefs. This method is very well-liked by artists, athletes, and professionals who want to improve their abilities and accomplish their objectives.
Maintaining a Healthy Weight and Lifestyle
By treating emotional eating, enhancing motivation for exercise, and establishing good habits, hypnotherapy can assist with weight management. Hypnotherapy helps people create a better relationship with food and their bodies by focusing on the subconscious mind, which promotes long-term weight loss and enhanced well-being.
The Advantages of Sessions of Hypnotherapy
Customized and Adaptable Method
The customized character of hypnotherapy is one of its main advantages. Because each session is customized to the individual's requirements and objectives, it is a very successful type of therapy. Hypnotherapy can be tailored to meet your specific goals, be it improving your general well-being or helping you get past a particular obstacle.
Non-invasive and safe
There is no pharmaceutical or physical intervention involved with hypnotherapy, making it a safe and non-invasive type of therapy. Most people can use it, including those who might not react well to conventional medicines. Sessions of hypnotherapy are carried out in a safe and encouraging setting, guaranteeing that patients feel at ease and secure at all times.
Durable Outcomes
The changes that hypnotherapy brings about are frequently long-lasting because it operates at the subconscious level. Hypnotherapy can bring about significant and long-lasting change by treating the underlying causes of problems rather than just their symptoms. Since the beneficial alterations ingrain themselves deeply into their subconscious minds, many customers report continuing benefits long after their sessions have concluded.
Enhanced Awareness of Oneself
Additionally, hypnotherapy can help people become more self-aware by giving them a better understanding of their feelings, ideas, and actions. People who have more awareness may also feel more empowered and self-aware, which will help them make decisions that are in line with who they really are. This self-awareness has the potential to enhance life quality and foster personal development over time.
How to Get Ready for a Session of Hypnotherapy
Clarifying Your Goals
Setting clear intentions for your goals is crucial before your hypnotherapy session. Think about the particular problems you wish to solve and the results you want to achieve. By discussing these intentions with your hypnotherapist, you may guarantee that the session is tailored to your needs and objectives.
Unwinding and Mind-Clearing
You'll be more successful in entering a hypnotic state if you approach your session with an open mind and a calm attitude. To relax your body and mind before your session, try deep breathing exercises or meditation. Avoid caffeine or any stimulants that could make it difficult to relax. The session will be more productive if you are more relaxed.
Being Intensely Sensitive
When you approach hypnotherapy with an open and receptive mindset, it works best. Trust in the process and your hypnotherapist's expertise. Throughout the session, keep in mind that you are in charge and that the experience is meant to aid in your recovery and development. You will get the best benefits from hypnotherapy if you are receptive to its potential.
Finding the Right Hypnotherapist
Experience and Credentials
Look for a hypnotherapist with the appropriate training and expertise when making your selection. Ensure that the hypnotherapist is certified by a respected organization and has experience in the precise areas you want to address. To be sure you're in good hands, feel free to inquire about their experience and training.
The Value of Comfort and Trust
A strong level of familiarity and trust between you and your hypnotist is essential for a successful hypnotherapy session. Find someone who makes you feel comfortable and confident by taking your time. A competent hypnotherapist will pay attention to your worries, honor your personal space, and provide a secure and encouraging setting for your sessions.
Examining Testimonials and Reviews
Examining evaluations and testimonies from past patients can give you important information about the efficacy and style of a hypnotherapist. Seek out testimonials and success stories that speak to the problems you wish to solve. This helps you in determining whether a specific hypnotherapist is a good fit for your requirements.
Sessions of hypnosis provide a potent route to recovery, metamorphosis, and personal development. Hypnotherapy works by tapping into the subconscious mind to assist people in overcoming a variety of problems, such as habits, phobias, stress, and anxiety. For those looking to enhance their well-being and accomplish their objectives, hypnotherapy is an invaluable resource due to its non-invasive nature, customized approach, and enduring outcomes.
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problogsposts · 8 months
What Does Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Look Like?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, usually known as PTSD, is a mental health condition that can influence any individual who has experienced a traumatic event.
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, frequently referred to as PTSD, is a psychological problem that can foster after experiencing a traumatic event. Trauma can appear in different structures, like accidents, violence, or any circumstance causing serious fear, helplessness, or horror. Individuals with PTSD may experience persistent symptoms that make it difficult to go about their daily lives.
Symptoms of PTSD:
Individuals encountering PTSD might show a scope of side effects, including anxiety, depression, and stress disorder. Traumatic memories, flashbacks, and nightmares that are related to the traumatic event are common. These symptoms can lead to avoidance behaviors, increased profound responses, and difficulty concentrating, influencing individual and professional aspects of life.
Role of Professionals in Managing PTSD:
Those who are dealing with PTSD need to go to counseling sessions with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor who is qualified. Experts specializing in mental health play an important role in assisting people with exploring the difficulties presented by PTSD. A psychologist for depression and anxiety is trained to address the particular necessities of people managing these mental health issues.
Hypnotherapy and PTSD:
Hypnotherapy, a type of psychotherapy, is earning respect for its capability in treating PTSD. The goal of this strategy is to get people to relax and become more open to new ideas. A skilled hypnotherapist can assist individuals in exploring and refocusing traumatic memories thereby decreasing their emotional impact.
Counseling Psychologist and PTSD:
A counseling psychologist, specializing in trauma and mental health, can offer designated help to people with PTSD. Through psychotherapy sessions, a counseling psychologist helps people understand and manage their symptoms, cultivating flexibility and survival techniques.
Understanding what PTSD looks like is essential for advancing mental health awareness. Looking for professional support from counselors, psychologists, or hypnotherapists is a significant step toward managing and overcoming the difficulties presented by PTSD. If you or somebody you know is struggling with PTSD, contact a mental health professional for guidance and support.
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markchristiansomatics · 9 months
By going straight to the subconscious, Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery, or SMGI®, is a deep therapy approach that deals with trauma. It provides users with a visual platform to conceptualize, engage with, and navigate their subconscious in a way that is best defined as a fusion of hypnotherapy and Shamanic Journeying.
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