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cozy-crow · 5 months ago
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Them :>
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dream--interrupted · 11 months ago
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Started as a random crossover between Proseka and Greek mythology/PJO. Then it went out of control. And then halfway I got lazy.
My personal favourite is Shiho's design. And Nene's, but does it really count as my design if half of it is literally from the game?
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okayyeros · 11 months ago
Apollo feels like being smeared in charcoal and paint, taking a deep breath and smelling the oil paint and solvent lingering in the air.
Hestia feels like the end of a college party, when everyone is lying together, slowly sobering up and talking about their hometowns.
Aphrodite feels like taking off your makeup after a long day and staring in the bathroom mirror, truly seeing yourself for the first time in a while.
Hermes feels like people watching on the bus, overhearing all the stories of people you will never meet.
Eros feels like loving something so fiercely, with so much passion, that you don't think you can live without it.
Hypnos feels like waking up from a dream that changed your view of the world, for the better.
Artemis feels like the girls you meet at parties who make sure you have a safe ride home.
Hephestus feels like spending hours meticulously building, with a clear vision in mind, but no proper measurements.
Hades feels like the hot embers burning bright on a fire that is slowly dwindling.
Dionysus feels like teaching young actors the ritualistic traditions of a theatre.
Ares feels like protesters fighting for change with unwavering strength.
Poseidon feels like learning about challengers deep for the first time and feeling yourself get entranced by the duality of the ocean.
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bpdbeehive · 7 months ago
I made a list of every single Greek god ever
Keep in mind some of these may be different from what you know because they have multiple different stories
Eros- god of love, passion, and fertility
Tartarus- god of darkest part in the underworld
Thalassa- goddess of the sea
Phanes- god of creation, new life, procreation, fertility, and light
Caligine- goddess of creation
Gaia- goddess of earth
Erebus- god of darkness and shadows
Nyx- goddess of night and darkness
Pontus- god of the seas
Hydros- god of water
Uranas- god of the heavens and sky
Achlys- goddess of the death-mist, misery, sadness, and deadly poisons
Aether- god of light and the upper sky
Ananke- goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity
Chaos- god of the void
Cronus- god of time, fate, justice, and harvest
Caelus- god of the sky
Coeus- god of the North, intelligence, and resolve
Hemera- goddess of daylight
Hypnos- god of sleep
Nemesis- goddess of vengeance, retribution, and rightful fate
Thalassa- goddess of sea
Rhea- goddess of motherhood, fertility, childbirth, comfort, and good living
Oceanus- god of freshwater
Tethys- goddess of fresh water and nursing mothers
Hyperion- god of heavenly light and watchfulness
Theia- goddess of sight and vision
Lapetus- god of mortal life
Crius- god of constellations, stars, and the south
Phoebe- goddess of intellect, prophecy, and the moon
Themis- goddess of justice, law, order, and divine will
Iris- goddess of rainbows
Mnemosyne- goddess of memory
Zues- god of sky, weather, thunder, lightning, and law and order
Demeter- goddess of the harvest, agriculture, and fertility of the earth
Poseidon- god of sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses
Hades- god of the underworld and the dead
Hera- goddess of women, marriage, family, and childbirth
Apollo- god of sun and light, poetry, healing and disease, justice, archery, music and dance, prophecy and truth
Artemis- goddess of hunting, wild animals, and the wilderness
Aphrodite- goddess of beauty and passion
Ares- god of war and courage
Hephaestus- fire, volcanoes, blacksmithing, metalworking, craftsmanship, sculpture, forges, and metallurgy
Hermes- God of wealth, trade, thieves, and travelers
Athena- goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare
Dionysus- god of wine, festivity, and theater
Hestia- goddess of domestic life, home, and hearth
Hecate- goddess of magic and necromancy
Aeolus- god of the wind
Asclepius- god of medicine and healing
Eris- god of discord, jealousy, and strife
Pan- god of the wild, shepherds, flocks, rustic music, fertility, spring, and theatrical criticism
Eileithyia- goddess of childbirth, birth pains, and midwifery
Enyos- goddess of war, violence, and bloodshed
Evrynomi- water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Psyche- goddess of the soul
Hedone- goddess of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight
Dolos- god of trickery, cunning deception, craftiness, guile, and treachery
Senectus- god of old age
Oizys- goddess of misery, grief, anxiety, and depression
Moros- god of doom
Momus- god of satire and mockery
Tmolus- god of Mount Tmolus
Nereus- god of the sea
Phorcys- god of the sea and the hidden dangers that lurk beneath the waves
Ceto- goddess of sea monsters and other marine life
Eurybia- goddess of power over, and mastery of, the sea
Eurus- god of the east or southeast wind, fall, and storms
Aergia- goddess of laziness, idleness, sloth, and indolence
Eos- goddess of dawn
Astraea- goddess of justice, innocence, purity, precision
Boreas- god of the north wind, winter, storms, ice, snow, and cold
Chione- goddess of snow
Orithyia- goddess of cold mountain winds
Zephyrus- god of West wind
Notos- god of South wind
Euros- god of East wind
Hesperos- god of the evening and the evening star
Morpheus- god of dreams and nightmares
Pasithea- goddess of relaxation and rest
Icelus- god of nightmares
Phantasus- god of dreams that feature inanimate objects
Aigaion- god of violent sea storms
Achelous- god of fresh water
Alpheus- god of the Peloponnese
Clymene- goddess of fame and renown
Eurynome- goddess of water meadows, fertility, and pasturelands
Idyia- goddess of knowledge
Metis- goddess of wisdom and cunning strategies
Styx- goddess of oaths and the River Styx
Helios- god of the sun
Selene- goddess of the moon
Atlas- god of strength, endurance, astronomy, and navigation
Prometheus- god of fire, forethought, and crafty counsel
Astraeus- god of astrology and stars
Pallas- god of witchcraft
Zelus- god of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal
Nike- goddess of victory
Via- goddess of force and power
Perses- god of destruction
Asteria- goddess of falling stars, nocturnal divination, and the connection between the heavens and the earth
Leto- goddess of motherhood, childbirth, modesty, and fertility
Eirene- goddess of peace
Dike- goddess of fair judgment and law
Persephone- goddess of grain and agriculture
Alatheia- goddess of truth
Asopos- god of the river Asopos
Ate- goddess of blind folly and ruin
Britomartis- goddess of hunting and fishing
Elieithyia- goddess of childbirth
Eirene- goddess of peace
Ersa- goddess of the dew
Eunomia- goddess of good governance
Harmonia- goddess of harmony
Hebe- goddess of youth
Hephaistos- god of smiths
Eunomia- goddess of law, governance, and good order
Kairos- god of opportunity
Aglaia- goddess of beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence, adornment, good health, and the glow of good health
Lakhesis- goddess of life and fate
Phasis- god of the river Phasis
Despoine- goddess of certain Arkadian Mysteries
Macaria- goddess of a "blessed" death
Melinoe- goddess of ghosts, nightmares, and propitiation
Zagreus- god of rebirth
Ploutos- god of wealth, riches, and abundance
Albion- god of the sea
Tilphousia- goddess of vengeance and justice
Phobos- god of fear, panic, flight, and rout
Pothos- god of sexual longing, desire, and yearning
Anteros- god of reciprocal love
Himeros- god of sexual desire and unrequited love
Hermaphroditus- god of effeminacy, androgeny, and hermaphroditism
Rhodos- goddess and personification of the island of Rhodes
Priapus- god of fertility
Erichthonius- goddess of earth
Tyche- goddess of fortune, luck, prosperity, chance, and fate
Horkos- god of oaths and the curse that befalls those who break them
Epione- goddess of soothing pain
Hygieia- goddess of hygiene and cleanliness
Panacea- goddess of universal remedy
Aceso- goddess of healing and wounds
Iaso- goddess of recuperation from sickness
Machaon- god of surgeons
Pandia- goddess of the full moon, dew, and youth
Telesphoros- god of recuperation
Enyalius- god of soldiers and warriors
Phosphorus- god of the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star
Triton- god of the sea
Carpus- god of fruit
Bia- goddess of force, power, might, bodily strength, and compulsion
Narcissus- god of vanity
Cephissus- god of the Cephissus river
Ismenus- god of the river of the same name
Eucleia- goddess of good repute, glory, and honor
Eupheme- goddess of good omen, praise, and acclamation
Euthenia- goddess of prosperity, abundance, and plenty
Philophrosyne- goddess of friendliness, welcome, and kindness
Euphrosyne- goddess of joy, good cheer, mirth, and merriment
Hephaestus- god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes
Delphin- god of Dolphins
Aristaeus- god of beekeeping, cheesemaking, olive growing, and hunting
Electryone- goddess of the sun and morning
Circe- goddess of magic
Silenus- god of forests, wine-making, and drunkenness
Triptolemus- god of agriculture
Lyssa- goddess of rage, fury, and rabies
Soteria- goddess of safety, salvation, deliverance, and protection from harm
Leucothea- goddess of hope
Palaemon- god of harbors and sharks
Pasiphae- goddess of witchcraft and sorcery
Perses- god of destruction and peace
Phaunos- god of the forest
Maron- god of Maroneia
Astraeus- god of stars and planets
Limos- goddess of famine, starvation, and hunger
Benthesikyme- goddess of ocean waves
Amphitrite- goddess of the sea
Kymopoleia- goddess of violent sea storms and storm waves
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starfacenix · 7 months ago
Only you know your relationship with your god. Don’t second guess it.
It saddens me to see posts on here and on other sites about how having a causal relationship with your god is disrespectful and you shouldn’t give them nicknames. That just makes me so upset every time I see it.
Because one of the things I know for a fact is if a god felt disrespected by your behavior towards them, you’d know.
If xyz didn’t want you to treat them like a sibling, best friend, mentor, parent, (or even a lover. Not my place to judge.), you’d know. Just because you have that type of relationship with them doesn’t mean you don’t respect them or don’t work with and/or worship them.
They’re gods, yes. But they also love you and want to help you. You felt how they appeared to you, I bet you knew very quickly what type of relationship you’d have with them. What type of role in your life they would fill. Or maybe you didn’t and it happened a lot more slowly. All of that is okay. What’s also okay is if you have a very strict relationship with them, that’s also fine.
But my goodness don’t try to police or judge how gods are with other people.
99.9% of the time it’s the gods setting that type of dynamic in the first place so please be respectful to other dynamics.
You’re not better than other worshipers because you don’t joke around or call a god your bestie.
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instantlyhauntedstranger · 5 months ago
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….anybody done this yet?
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halfling-myth-lady · 10 months ago
Okay,so hades two has just released and I want to talk about some things:
On one hand,no narrator Zagreus which was something I hoped would happen so :(
But on the other hand,NARRATOR HOMER CONFIRMED!
I already like Apollo.he’s fun.
Dora is so cute.
In the trailer I got “strict teacher vibes” from Hecate but it’s a pleasant surprise to see how soft she is with baby Mel.
Also the portrait with zag,hades,and Persephone…
(They better not be dead supergiants-)
But on the topic,I think it’ll be an Orpheus situation where the second(or even third) boss gives us an item like a divine water bucket or something that we can use to wake him up.
Oh look a reason to use the cast.
Okay,but I also think this could be something like in hades early access were they aluded to things that’ll be added later.
This adds up with the fact that in hades 1 Hermes was the penultimate god added and you can’t get him till asphodel(i think)
Either way he better be okay.
The character portraits range from “pretty good”to “yep this is gonna get touched up” but not in a bad way.just that the shading look kind of off
Also I already love Hephaestus and hestia.
They are hyping up hestia as a nice grandma that can go unhinged if needed and I am all for it.
As soon as I saw Odysseus I already knew It’d be hilarious if Poseidon was there and what do you know?
Speaking of,I wonder if all gods from hades 1 are gonna come back or a few are gonna get switched around.
If so then ares is probably getting shafted which makes me sad.
On that topic,Aphrodite wearing ares’ war makeup is great.
Seeing Selene made me wonder if Helios is gonna appear,but then I remembered Apollo.
But even then i still want other titans to be added like the air guys just so that we can have an Apollo/zephyr interaction if possible.(if you know you know.
If Hermes does appear in this game I wish he has duo’s with other gods.(and his own curse)
I also wish that since we see Artemis outside of the boon bubble we can have profesional associates interactions.
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poorbrokemess · 4 months ago
Offerings don't have to be huge.
I also want to say, for any who have seen mine and others posts where we *speak* to our gods or deities. You don't, so you think you're doing it wrong?
For me, and most, this is not an actual conversation. But more of an internal understanding. Internal conversations. Liberties taken. We are often wrong. That's okay.
The gods know we are human. And expect human mistakes.
You need not make huge elaborate alters.
Just time. Time love care. Same as you or I.
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cozy-crow · 6 months ago
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They fallen asleep while watching a horror movie :>
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mars-and-the-theoi · 1 year ago
I made these to help me get back into things!!!
(They were made on shuffles)
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myrtles-and-blood · 7 months ago
I have another question (yeah, I know, what a surprise)
what do gods/deities do in their daily life? Or when they're not with us?
Maybe this question is really human-like, because they probably don't work in an office handling paperwork. And it's probably a bit stupid, but I always wondered and idk if there's an actual response in books or somewhere else.
Of course, I know it depends. In some myths, some deities are told to be wandering around the countryside and dealing with plants (Demeter, Persephone, and a lot more) or having parties (Dionysius, Norse deities sometimes, etc). But like, on a daily basis?
I guess Apollo wakes up and guides the sun, but what else does he do? Not saying it is an easy job, but asking if he does something else. Does he visit hospitals from time to time? Or goes to concerts often?
Does Hermes sometimes visit the subway? Is he just going around fetching dead people to guide them to the underworld? Does he go gambling from time to time and give someone too much luck?
Does Hypnos go to a poppy field and he just lays down to take a nap? Does he go around people's nightmares and turn them into soothing dreams? Is he watching when kids have the first dream they remember?
Does Aphrodite go to the beach from time to time to get tan? Does she like to go to perfume shops? Is she making people give compliments to others who feel very bad about their self image that day?
Does Artemis just guide the moon or does she also visit zoos? Is she around for the birth of someone's first baby? Is she there taking care of the animals sacrificed to be our food?
Does Lucifer wander around the stars and fly to see the first light of the morning? And the last light of the evening? Is he reading books that no one has heard of in old libraries? Is he guiding the hand of the artist who draws his first nude portrait?
Does Beelzebub like to smoke and hang out in cemeteries? Is he there when someone saves a bug instead of killing it? Is he checking that all dead beings in the forest decay correctly?
Does Stolas enjoy accompanying biology students to their first field trip to identify rocks? Is he the one who makes people cry of joy when they look at the stars? Does he spend his time reading articles about the use of plants in modern medicine?
Idk, it's nice to think about what they might be doing when they're not with us as their "9 to 5" lol. But is there an actual answer to this or am I just daydreaming too much? 😔
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sleepnowmychild · 6 months ago
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“But graffiti is illegal” so is existing as a trans person in a fuck ton of places, fuck the law when it’s something as harmless as existing and making art baybee.
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riptunezune · 2 months ago
Headcanons of how Cabins decorating a Sleepy Hypnos child's hair
Personally I believe that each Hypnos child has soft curly hair which makes it easy for other campers from other Cabins to decorate their hair out of boredom and it slowly becomes a competition between the cabins on which cabin does it the most and which style is their favorite, etc. and here's how each cabin can tell ~this was inspired by some IG reels and a post by @/clovis-enthusiast
**Side Note: I would say some staff of CHB join in to represent some gods to avoid any potential conflicts**
Cabin 1 -Zeus: gold metallic lighting bolts
Cabin 2- Hera: peacock feathers (I like to think Argus decided to represent her cabin and protect Hera's honor in a way)
Cabin 3- Poseidon: little orange starfishes (like the ones in the Aquamarine movie-2006) and seashells
Cabin 4- Demeter: wheat and flowers (they negotiated with the Aphrodite Cabin on which flowers- the ones that represent/symbolizes any type of love or have heart shapes-i.e. heart shaped forget me not flowers are only for the cabin 10 and ofc both cabins have a list of which type their cabins can use)
Cabin 5- Ares: plastic sword toothpicks and mini metal spike balls (which the cabin later had to change them to those spiky porcupine balls for safety because Chiron said so)
Cabin 6- Athena: owl feathers, olive branch crown, maybe ripped up papers with favorite quotes from books
Cabin 7- Apollo: guitar string flowers, ripped up papers with poems/ music lyrics, music note paper clips
Cabin 8- Artemis: silver little stars (they only participate when they visit CHB)
Cabin 9- Hephaestus: nuts and bolts, flowers made out of wires
Cabin 10- Aphrodite: butterfly/flower hair clips, bow hair clips, hearts, and flowers and honestly anything that the cabin sees that's fit and pretty (the cabin was also asked to tone it down just so to keep it fun for all cabins and ofc it's no surprise that this cabin goes all out)
Cabin 11- Hermes: wind-up chatter teeth toys or those fake insects
Cabin 12- Dionysus: grapevine floral crown with little grapes
Cabin 13- Hades: tiny skeleton heads
Cabin 14-Iris: little rainbow hair clips or anything rainbow related
Cabin 15- Hypnos: probably leftover pillow feathers if they're awake long enough
Cabin 16- Nemesis: mini balance scales (the Hephaestus cabin def helped make them just to ensure safety)
Cabin 17- Nike: laurel's leaves (Apollo cabin was nice to give this one up-also yes I did look up some symbols to represent each god/goddess)
Cabin 18- Hebe: tiny clay cups/mugs of any style
Cabin 19- Tyche: mini four leave clovers/ horseshoes (as she is the goddess of fortune, luck, and prosperity)
Cabin 20- Hecate: battery operated flashlights in shapes of torches
Inspired posts:
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Links for the image ^ (just wanted to show a few examples, but just in case anyone interested)
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starfacenix · 7 months ago
The intimacy of worship.
There’s something about walking through isles of a store and finding something that reminds you of your god. Or sitting down to write pages full of words detailing your love for them, giving them praises, talking about how they’ve helped you or how they’ve impacted your life. As a god, a friend, lover, sibling, or parental figure. Creating things in honor of them, dedicating pieces of art, finding silly things you just *know* they’d find hilarious, or helping others find their way to them just like you did.
Or finding them in everything you do.
I think about Hermes every time I’m writing, I think about Aphrodite every time I look in the mirror and bring myself to admire what I see, or how I think deeply about the type of love and devotion I’d want, my mind strays to Eros and Psyche. When I see and feel how much I hate certain emotions of mine, I think about how they can be expressed in healthy ways, and how I can lean on Dionysus and Ares without fear or judgement. When I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, I think about our sun gods, and when the moon takes her rightful place in the sky, I think about our lovely moon goddesses. When a thunderstorm happens, I know I can say a bright hello to Zeus. When I’m doing house work with a frown, I know I can think of Hestia to make it a little less tiresome. When I’m clawing my eyes out because I can’t sleep, I know Hypnos will be by my side to make sure I can get a few restful hours.
They’re in everything. Every part of life that you wish to see them in, and I think that’s beautiful.
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enehana · 6 months ago
Jason Grace with the cabins
Cabin 1: Zeus. It's just him and Thalia because of the oath. Probably. Hopefully. Jason would be very protective of any younger siblings. He'd use his status as Champion of Juno to try and protect them from her wrath. It would work, for the most part.
Cabin 2: Hera. There isn't any children of Hera. He'd absolutely be chill with the 'adopted' children of Hera, though. Like the Iris cabin.
Cabin 3: Poseidon. Percy Jackson, baby. I don't believe they really compete over much unless its an actual competition or game. They work together just fine. Good friends, only gay sex as a joke. Any other children of Poseidon (that aren't supposed to exist either), Jason wouldn't really talk to. Percy would probably be too protective of them for Jason to have much to do with them.
Cabin 4: Demeter. The Demeter kids would always be asking him if he could change the weather for their gardens. He doesn't. He's too worried that if he tried it would get too out of hand and ruin their gardens. Some of them think the gesture is sweet. Others are more annoyed that he won't try. Cause he's literally the son of Jupiter, he should be able to control his powers. And he can. But he isn't risking it. They probably get along pretty well.
Cabin 5: Ares. The Ares kids are always challenging him to duels and asking to spar. He usually agrees, granted it's a friendly thing. They want to make their dad proud by defeating the son of Jupiter. They don't. Jason wins, and then gives them pointers. This makes them want to fight him more. If he thought it wasn't a friendly thing, he wouldn't fight them unless they actually attacked him. He'd always try to talk through the issue. Jason fully believes he isn't anyone special because his dad is the king of the gods. He thinks they want to spar with him because he genuinely is one of the best and most experienced fighters. Cause that's how Camp Jupiter is. Overall, they probably wouldn't get along well naturally. Zeus wasn't the biggest fan of Ares, so their kids wouldn't be inclined to be playmates or anything. But Jason would always try to work well with them.
Cabin 6: Athena. One of the best combinations. Jason and the Athena kids would be working together constantly. Sparring tips, doing research, teaching younger campers. Jason is built for leadership despite how much he never wanted it. Athena kids want to lead and earn their glory. He would absolutely support them on anything they decided.
Cabin 7: Apollo. I refuse to believe Jason died in TOA. It all happened, but he didn't die. Just no. The Apollo kids would be incredibly grateful for Jason not letting their dad die, especially after he actually started being a good dad. Jason would try to relax with the Apollo kids if he ever got a break. They'd all definitely be great friends.
Cabin 8: Artemis. Thalia Grace. Need I say more?
Cabin 9: Hephaestus. They'd love each other. Hephaestus was not treated great by Zeus and Hera at all. Jason would 100% try to make up for that. AND Jason always tried to befriend the outcasted kids. Hephaestus was one. Leo certainly loved Jason. The potential for Valgrace to be canon was insane. And the electricity. He could charge anything they made. He's strong too. Definitely able to hold up heavy machinery while they worked. He'd be amazing with the Hephaestus cabin.
Cabin 10: Aphrodite. Piper Mclean. Her siblings would love him. The younger Aphrodite kids would look up to Piper so much, so the fact that things ended 'amicably' between them would mean so much. Jason would be caught up on Piper for a long time, and would avoid the Aphrodite cabin for a while. But once he came around, he was there to stay. They were his siblings too, in his eyes. He'd steer them away from the whole rite of passage thing and encourage them to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. And he'd understand if they didn't. Jason was so sweet to them, but I can't image that he would date another child of Aphrodite.
Cabin 11: Hermes. Probably a pretty neutral thing. The Hermes kids tend to be tricksters and rule breakers, which Jason is not. He'd try to keep them in line, but he'd also want to maintain a good impression with them. He'd love to make friends with them. He had heard about Luke from Thalia, and he wouldn't forget that. Thalia did throw him off a cliff. But he would never hold Luke's betrayal against them.
Cabin 12: Dionysus. Jason wouldn't be a fan of the Dionysus cabin parties that were definitely against the rules. Dionysus let them happen anyway. The Dionysus kids would try to get Jason to let loose and forget about his responsibilities for a while. It didn't work, but he did appreciate their effort.
Cabin 13: Hades. NICO MOTHERFUCKING DI ANGELO. They're besties of course. If Bianca lived, she would like Jason purely because Nico liked Jason. I don't remember a lot about canon Bianca, but I can't imagine she would really be friends with Jason. Hazel and Jason were absolutely friends. She missed him when he went missing. And Jason always tried to befriend outcasts, and Hades wasn't considered an Olympian despite literally being the king of the underworld, and Nico was outcasted too much for literally no reason. (I love Nico.) Jason would be great with the Hades cabin.
Cabin 14: Iris. Jason briefly met Butch Walker. It wasn't much of anything. The Iris cabin would love Jason. Hera absolutely adores children of Iris because their mother is her personal messenger. Jason is the champion of Juno. So of course being loved by the queen of the gods would put them together too often. They would make pride flags and hold them up to him, silently asking if he's queer. He doesn't understand what they're doing. Genuinely clueless. He just praises their work. Awesome pride flags.
Cabin 15: Hypnos. Jason and the Hypnos kids. With Jason's PTSD induced insomnia, what better combination? They would absolutely be willing to help him sleep at night. The problem isn't even nightmares, he just cannot fall asleep. The Hypnos cabin would let him sleep in there at any time. And Jason would do anything in return. He takes any gesture of kindness towards him very very seriously. He would do anything for the Hypnos kids.
Cabin 16: Nemesis. Mutual respect. The Nemesis kids respect Jason so much. They can sense that he's done so much good and so many bad things have happened to him AND HE'S STILL A GOOD PERSON. They look up to him so much. They have a lot of adoration or maybe even obsession with this man. Jason respects them in turn. He appreciates how they want justice, they want everyone to be equal, and everyone has to follow the rules. They work incredibly well together. The Nemesis kids can link up their powers with an ally so they're in perfect balance during a fight, and holy shit do they do that with Jason. Jason and the Nemesis cabin is unstoppable. Jason by himself is unstoppable (HE DID NOT DIE I SWEAR), so the Nemesis kids being able to put themselves on par with him is insane. But they cannot spar with each other. The Nemesis kids know that Jason deserves to get revenge more than anybody they've ever met (and Percy, Annabeth, Leo, etc.). They just cannot fight against him under any circumstances. They would let him beat them every single time. He would get very frustrated that they wouldn't even try.
Cabin 17: Nike. Honestly, not the best relationship at camp. Definitely not the worst though. Nike kids tend to believe there can only be one victor and that life is an individual game, no teams. Jason wants everyone to win together. Equality amongst everyone. And the Nike kids 100% stand a chance against Jason. They can influence the outcome of any competition, so the chances of them beating Jason in anything skyrocket. But they also know that when it comes to survival they have to work together. They do tend to push in favor of Jason then. But usually, it's the Nike kids VS. Jason Grace. And Jason just wants peace between them.
Cabin 18: Hebe. The Hebe cabin practically worships Jason. They always wanted a relationship with someone like their mother's husband. And Hebe married Heracles, son of Zeus. So when Jason showed up to camp, they got all fancy and fawned over him. Though they did the same thing with Thalia. Jason was not a fan of the attention. He never wanted to be a leader. So when all these attractive, young demigods start begging for his attention, he felt really awkward. And he was raised at Camp Jupiter, where they value skill over parentage greatly. He did not like getting attention because of who his dad was. He wanted to prove himself through his skill. He did not want to be his father. He spends a lot of time avoiding the Hebe cabin, but he is always polite when he can't.
Cabin 19: Tyche. Jason is on relatively good terms with the Tyche cabin. The Tyche kids do have an illegal gambling room set up in their cabin, which Jason is not very happy about. He doesn't try to stop them though. Their ability to give people chronic bad luck stops people from reporting it. And Mr. D doesn't care anyways. If Chiron shut it down, he'd just help them set it back up. The Tyche kids do admire Jason because somehow he's managed to survive for so long. Abandoned by his mother, raised by wolves, was a child soldier his entire life. They figured their mother must like him if he's survived that long, so they like him too.
Cabin 20: Hecate. Half of the Hecate kids like him, and the other half don't. It's mostly the judgey ones that don't like him. The ones that do like him look up to his power and skill and status. They are the Hecate kids that accept Hazel as their own sibling. The ones that don't like him think he isn't very powerful for a son of Jupiter and is weaker than them. They also typically are the ones that are jealous of Hazel for being their mother's favorite. Hecate kids typically use their powers to enhance other camper's powers. They can lend their magic to others to have a greater effect. They do this with Jason. He works well with the Hecate kids when they're willing to.
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lemon-wedges · 10 months ago
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old arenos wip from last year i never got to finish u_u
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