#how does this represent aspd
wet-canid · 5 months
I'm offended?
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temporal-discounting · 4 months
Apparently some people over on the hellsite formerly known as Twitter have described Ed as a psychopath. Many people have pointed out the racism inherent in this take - and while I wholeheartedly agree with that, I would like to focus here on what psychopathy actually is, and why it is absurd to apply that label to the character we see on our screens in OFMD.
To preface this, I am a research psychologist by training and have done some work on psychopathy. I am by no means an expert, though, so any corrections to how I have represented psychopathy here are welcome. This will be quite a long post, so I'm putting the rest under the cut.
OK, so what is psychopathy? The truth is, it has a very messy status. It does not appear in the DSM-5, which is the diagnostic manual for psychological disorders. Someone with psychopathic traits would likely be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). But psychopathy as a construct is widely used in the scientific literature - especially clinical and forensic psychology - and it is used to describe a specific type of personality that overlaps with, but is distinct from, ASPD.
At the core of psychopathy is a lack of empathy and remorse; psychopaths see others not as fully realised people with rich inner lives, but as instruments to be used in pursuit of their own goals. Violent behaviour is not necessary or sufficient to be a psychopath but many psychopaths will use violence as a tool to further their own agenda, and they will not feel bad about it.
While 'diagnosing' fictional characters is a folly, in this case I think there is clear canonical evidence that Ed is not a psychopath.
Ed does not lack empathy. He empathises with Stede immediately - the very first thing he does when Stede wakes up is to reassure him that his crew is OK.
And there are numerous, non-Stede examples too. We see Ed empathise with the crew following the fuckery, with CJ when he lies about being mutinied, with Fang when they go fishing together...
Does Ed lack remorse? Very clearly not. His remorse over killing his father is absolutely fundamental to his character. And that remorse has led him to build up walls around the violence he has perpetrated and ordered as Blackbeard ("I didn't kill those guys, the fire did").
Ed's behaviour towards Lucius and the crew from 1.10 through to 2.2 could be construed as using violence instrumentally to achieve one's own goals. But the narrative makes it pretty clear that this behaviour is attributable to an acute mental health crisis - not to an innate personality type. And crucially, he feels remorse about this behaviour. He tries to make amends. He tries to do better.
Finally, Ed's entire arc of wanting to leave piracy behind would be very difficult to reconcile with him being a psychopath. He is unwavering in this desire from the moment we properly meet him - so much so that he is willing to leave behind the only person he has ever loved.
In summary, Ed is empathetic, he is plagued by the violence he has committed, and he wants to be a better man. These traits are wildly inconsistent with a psychopath.
So, er.... thanks for coming to my TED talk, I guess?
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dismissivedestroyer · 5 months
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Hi hello I might be a bit feverish still so this might come off as some nonsense rambling but!!
Like, Bob and Moloch don't have HALF of the complexity that Dexter has (this doesn't mean i don't like them, i actually love them), Moloch is just "Evil-because-demon", and Bob is just "Evil-because-yes", since as far as we know, he doesn't have any backstory to tell us why he is the way he is. He's just an evil cannibal serial killer for the sake of being evil and eating people.
With Dexter, the situation's way more complex, because he really isn't evil. He's morally grey at best, made some questionable choices to keep his "urges" under control, but not evil at all. It took him ONE YEAR of psychological torture to snap and decide to kill the kids, and even then, he fought it as much as he could.
I really like how Pelo wrote Dexter, honestly. It's really rare to see ASPD (antisocial personality disorder), which i'm like 90% sure Dexter was canonically confirmed to suffer from, represented in a way that isn't just "Ohoh look at this EVIL MONSTER with NO EMPATHY who doesn't CARE FOR HUMAN LIFE and so he's gonna KILL EVERYONE OHOH". And it bothers me a bit how much the fandom leans into characterizing Dexter exactly like this. Like, his issues are barely acknowledged as a whole, and if they are, they are represented poorly. Idk maybe it's just cause Spooky Month usually leans into horror tropes and stereotypes, so the fandom chalks Dexter up to the (still ableist btw) "Mentally Ill Serial Killer" trope, but the fact is that Dexter in canon is NOT LIKE THIS, and they always make him so WIDELY out of character... It's like the fandom saw his mental illness, saw the fact that Dexter's personality is still at times very harsh, brutally honest, and sassy and sarcastic (mostly in the doodles Pelo does), and decided "okay yeah we can't baby-fy him, turn him up to the other extreme"---> and made him this heartless insane guy
Anyway. Big fan of how Pelo gave us a character that actually struggles with his mental illness and also makes bad choices and isn't a perfect human being but also not an irredeemable evil monster that just wants to murder people for fun.
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the fandom needs to be more mindful of what they say to people (very much focusing on artists and cosplayers) and how it comes across. as an artist, ive experienced weird and disgusting comments towards the regretevator characters ive drawn, and ive seen even worse things being said to cosplayers. there have been situations where i am 100% confident that the cosplayer does not know the person making uncomfortable comments and innuendoes just because they felt like it.
there are a lot of issues with the fandom that could be fixed if yeucc and other creators just gave the characters canon ages, or even just age ranges. i get things like shipping wars are gonna be in all fandoms no matter what, especially in fandoms that are as new as regretevator, but the whole “ageless but adults” thing is just really weird. i get that putting ages wont completely stop what im referring to in specific, but it will definitely get the fandom to enforce at least something if somebody were to be weird about a character whos age starts with a 1.
pest’s character shouldve had more thought put into it. there are a lot of different ways to represent aspd, and i feel like he was created using the little pop-up you get on google that shows you “symptoms and treatments”. there were better ways to go about it. i find it so bad that i prefer some fandom interpretations rather than the canon personality. i know people irl who have aspd, and they are absolutely nowhere close to being similar to pest other than sharing the disorder. while i dont mind his personality in the slightest, i think it would’ve been a lot better to not give him aspd. it might give people the wrong idea and make them generalize the disorder.
the wiki page somehow manages to be the best sources of information on these characters. ive used the wiki so many times that my computer recognizes it after type “r”. its always super quick to make get updates, and has been better managed than some other wikis that ive seen. i get thats what its supposed to do, but i think its really refreshing all things considered.
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raincamp · 11 months
personality disorders in Avatar: The Last Airbender
i just rewatched The Beach episode of ATLA and i realized something during the fireside traumadumping scene. Ty-lee, Mae, Azula, and Zuko all represent each of the 4 personality disorders in cluster B.
Azula is NPD (narcissistic), feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, a need to feel superior, and to be perfect. she usually puts on her grandiose shell; she has a duty to represent herself as fire nation royalty, and it's rare we see any of her feelings at all. but the shell was cracking in The Beach, and her vulnerable self was showing. she admitted to feeling jealous of ty-lee, and even more amazingly, she showed a little bit of empathy for zuko, even if it was an act, it was still a roundabout way to show that she does care and does have feelings. we even see her admit to feeling like a monster, inherently flawed. a common sentiment for a lot of people with NPD.
Ty-lee is HPD (Histrionic), being raised in a family of ten other people who looked exactly like her, she was always invisible. as Mae said, she has "attention issues" of course she did, how could anyone pay attention to her when she was seen as just like all of her other sisters. In the beach, we see her relishing in the attention that she gets from the boys around her, as she makes them feel like they have a more intimate connection than they actually do. she chooses to wear bright pinks and draw attention to herself instead of blending in and wearing reds and dark browns like everyone else in the fire nation.
Zuko is BPD (Borderline), being abandoned by his father at a young age, we see zuko consistently push away the one person who cares about him (Iroh) because he sees any lack of support in his mission to capture the avatar as a form of abandonment, despite his uncle's continuing emotional support. in The Beach this abandonment trauma is shown with his insecurity in his relationship with Mae. When he sees her talking to another guy at the party he automatically assumes that Mae has moved on and that this guy is her new boyfriend.
Mae is ASPD (antisocial), this is the one i know the least about, i'm still learning about it, but i've read a lot of personal accounts of pwASPD who talk about an inability to feel emotion, or empathy, or to care about anything. this is Mae's biggest character trait, she's always talking about how much she doesn't care about anything, she hates that nothing exciting happens, she "doesn't hate" zuko because she can't feel love for him, but she knows that he's the exception to everyone else in her life.
maybe im not the first to point this out, but if i was a psychologist i would do a much deeper analysis of this. it almost feels intentional, but maybe it was just a happy coincidence on the writers' parts. just thought it was interesting
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happyk44 · 7 months
Okay before I go into the ASPD thing, wanna do a quick summary of what I have so far:
Zeus/Jupiter: OCPD and Autism (based on being the god of law and order, and justice, as well as king of Olympus)
Poseidon: BPD and ASPD (based on the idea of a moody and volatile sea)
Neptune: SZPD and ASPD (based on the idea of an emotionless and uncaring sea)
Ares: IED and ASPD (self-explanatory)
Hades/Pluto and Thanatos/Mors: infertility, and, in rare cases, sterility (self-explanatory)
Hypnos/Somnus, Morpheus, and the Oneiroi/Somnia: Excessive daytime sleepiness, maladaptive daydreaming (self-explanatory, have also been thinking about STPD and DPDR)
Aphrodite/Venus and other similar deities: Hypersexuality, NPD, BPD and HPD (first one is self-explanatory, I'm still thinking about the other three and might do a separate post about them at some point, also considering Body Dysmorphia but I have to do some thinking on that one as well)
Hermes/Mercury: Kleptomania (self-explanatory)
Now! Onto the main point: propensity of Antisocial Personality Disorder in children of the sea and children of war.
First things first, please check out @neurosharky! He has a lot of good posts discussing his experience with ASPD, and I found them very helpful in framing understanding around the diagnostic criteria.
The DSM-5 describes, "Antisocial Personality Disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for consequences and for the rights of others." It can only be diagnosed in people 18 years and older, and patients must have evidence of a conduct disorder being present before 15. They must show three or more of the following symptoms:
Disregard of the law, typically indicates by repeatedly committing acts that are grounds for arrest
Being deceitful, indicated by lying repeatedly, using aliases, or conning other for personal gain or pleasure
Acting impulsively, or not planning ahead
Being easily provoked or aggressive, indicated by constantly getting into physical fights or assaulting others
Recklessly disregarding their safety or the safety of others
Consistently acting irresponsibly, indicated by quitting a job with no plans for another one or not paying bills
Not feeling remorse, indicated by indifference to or rationalization of hurting or mistreating others
(Side note: the diagnostic criteria is so... idk, something about the phrasing makes me laugh)
Personally, I don't think Percy has ASPD. From my interpretation of canon, I think he cares and thinks too much of people. Not to say that people with ASPD can't care or think of other people, but from a "disregards the rights of other people", I don't think Percy fits. He does rise to anger quickly, and doesn't think much of his own safety, imo, so there are traits there but that's likely more related to BPD.
Now - the ocean, Poseidon, Neptune, Amphitrite, other ocean gods out there, my beloveds, they can be angry uncaring beauties. As I've discussed before and mentioned above, in PJO canon, I interpret Poseidon as being representative of the moody, ever-changing sea, hence the BPD. He's clingy, demanding, quick to anger, volatile, emotional, dramatic.
In PJO, the Romans eschew the ocean, so Neptune, although we never see him in canon, comes across as the opposite. He's detached from society, doesn't care about the people who cross his waters, doesn't care if you live or die, little emotion, flat, bored - so SZPD.
Their destructive ways are different across these lines as well. Poseidon will drown you because you've pissed him off and Neptune will drown you because he doesn't care enough to save you, no matter how hard you pray.
How does ASPD play into this? Think about the commonalities in both representations of the ocean - it will kill you without thought. It is unapologetic. A moody ocean will hurt you, an uncaring ocean will hurt you. Another thing I've come across is that ASPD is a defense against being controlled. You can't control the ocean! It does what it wants, and fuck you for thinking you're in charge of the seas.
Additionally, in SZPD, while alexithymia is common, most people appear to feel anger much more strongly than other emotions. Which makes sense, imo, anger is a very strong emotion and easier, for me at least, to make sense of. In BPD and ASPD, being quick to anger is fairly common. BPD and ASPD share impulsivity as a symptom as well.
Low empathy and little to no emotion is also a shared trait in ASPD and SZPD, as well as a detachment from society. For SZPD, it typically appears as a detachment from emotional connection, relationships, and/or socialization. For ASPD, it's more of a detachment from social rules. People with SZPD are asocial, people with ASPD are... well, antisocial, lol. People often mistake the latter for the former, but asocial is a preference for solitude and antisocial is a disregard for the feelings and wellbeing of other people.
So that's the ocean. Some ideas of how the comorbidities may present:
Coral is a daughter of Neptune with extreme SZPD. She has little interest in societal rules, and little understanding of morality and ethics. However, she - as much as she can with her SZPD - cares for her mom, and thus does her best to follow the rules her mom has explained or laid out for her. She doesn't have much capacity for remorse or guilt, and will hurt people without much regard for them. However, she purposely avoids interacting with others and so rarely is the instigating cause.
Melpomene is a daughter of Neptune with more prominent ASPD traits and SZPD. She has less severe alexithymia, and is easily prone to anger. She doesn't start fights, but she doesn't back down from them. If you fuck with her, she'll fuck with you. She has a basic, albeit still small, sense of morality, but lacks a code of ethics and the motivation to adhere to it. She does not care about other people's safety and will abandon them to their doom. This overlaps with her SZPD because she finds emotional responses uncomfortable and stressful, so panic and distress in others turns her away. Her detachment from people leads her to lie and manipulate people, typically to make them go away (SZPD) or put them in harm's way for the fun of it , or as revenge due to seeing them as trying to control her (ASPD).
In a child of Poseidon with BPD traits, ASPD may present simultaneously with a fear of abandonment that causes them to react violently towards whatever or whoever they perceive is causing the abandonment. They may disregard that person's safety and rights in order to keep them close at hand (think kidnapping, or physical harm rendering them immobile and dependent). They can rationalize their actions away (I need you, you're not allowed leave me, etc etc). Splitting may provoke their anger issues. Intense emotional mood swings might cause them to instigate or pick fights, and impulsive behaviour can lead to breaking various laws and ignoring their own safety.
I don't think any personality disorder is mutually exclusive to one another. There might be some that are more uncommon to be comorbid with one another, but I've seen discussion that comorbidity between personality disorders (i.e. having more than one) is fairly common. And in doing research into various personality disorders, I've seen a lot of people say things like, "SZPD with OCPD traits" - situations where they don't meet the full qualification for the second personality disorder, those traits aren't intense enough to be considered considered/presumably, or the secondary traits appear to stem primarily from their initial personality disorder rather than being it's own thing. So there's that too.
So yeah, think of the ocean. The beautiful, uncontrollable, dangerous, salty ocean.
Now for Ares and his kids. I separate Ares from Mars because Mars is considered more disciplined than Ares, he was less of bloodlust god, more orderly and held in higher regard than his Greek counterpart, and I prefer to view him that way in PJO canon.
So IED (intermittent explosive disorder) and ASPD are fairly self-explanatory in regards to the god of war and bloodlust, a deity noted to personify brutality and savageness. But I'll detail some stuff anyway!
The first child of Ares we meet is Clarisse. And the first thing she does when we meet her is bully Percy. The second thing she, and other members of her cabin do, is try to injure him during the Capture the Flag game. Someone (Percy, I think, I don't have the book on hand) points out that they'll get trouble for hurting him and she just shrugs it off.
So that's: disregard of other people's safety, easily provoked, rationalizing away the mistreatment of others (he deserves it for humiliating her), acting impulsively and not planning ahead (did they think about what would happen if Percy were seriously injured as a new camper with minimal training? what if someone interrupted them before Percy blew up the river? what was the end goal to hurting him?), disregarding the camp rules
Now I think part of the reason ASPD is not diagnosed in people under 18 is because, like we see with Clarisse in canon, some people grow out of their behaviour. With her, and probably much of her cabin, their anger issues - which I believe is something they have a higher propensity for as well, and that they share it with their Roman half-siblings - causes them to bully and hurt others.
A lot of personality disorders develop from trauma, and we also know Clarisse was abused in some way by her dad (re: Sea of Monsters) so her reactions towards other people may stem from that. Before 18 their behaviour is typically diagnosed as a conduct disorder, to which I imagine treatment and intervention is attempted to hopefully avoid it continuing into ASPD by adulthood. According to some quick research, about 25% to 40% of children with a conduct disorder are typically diagnosed with ASPD in adulthood.
I think it would be really interesting if Clarisse didn't age out of her aggressive behaviour, and maintained ASPD traits into adulthood. I guess a neat concept would be Silena managing to sort of "soften" that side of her, and then, in BoTL, when she's caring for Chris, it's a moment of "I will be better for them". So she works hard to keep her traits at bay, because she wants to be a morally good person for these two people that she loves - even if she still is an amoral person.
It would be cool if she and Percy talked about it. I tend to view him as a fairly amoral person as well, ascribing to the moral view of the people he cares about (his mom, Grover, Annabeth). So maybe after a spar, she asks how it's so easy for him to be so stubborn about right or wrong and he's just, "Well, I love my mom and the idea of disappointing her fills me with a dread so intense I want to vomit and/or kill myself."
"Gods, that sounds like shit."
"Yeah, it's not the greatest."
"I can't imagine being afraid of disappointing someone. But... I guess I do like making Chris happy. He's got cute dimples, you know?"
"Focus on that. Would beating the shit out of some newbie punk make him happy? Would it show his dimples?"
"... probably not. Ugh. This shit is hard."
"But you can do it."
"Yeah, I fucking can. What, you think I'm a wimp? Can't tough out being a normal person for my boyfriend?"
"... Yes."
"I'm going to fucking kill you."
"Not if I kill you first."
So those are my thoughts on the propensity of developing ASPD or traits of ASPD in demigods. For Poseidon/Neptune, it represents the uncaring, angry, and remorseless nature of the ocean. For Ares, it represents the brutality and bloodthirstiness of war.
Again, if you have any thoughts on anything that you think the nature of certain gods may cause their kids to be predisposed to, feel free to hit me up with your thoughts! It's probably pretty obvious to the people who follow me (see my recent ramblings about the Roman trio and their dissociation and literally everything I've ever written about Jason being raised by wolves 😂), but I love analyzing shit like this!
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coffinsister · 10 months
Thinking about ASPD through the lenses of tar souls.
ASPD is both a genetic disorder, and a trauma disorder, I find the fact that tar souls can simply not hatch, or not be fully tar, very curious.
Just thinking about Ms. Graves having the exact same disorder as her daughter, represented as her having a tar soul, but simply, because of her own life experiences, the personality disorder never showed through as much.
So she was an unhatched tar soul.
Ashley's genetics, together with all the trauma she constantly underwent, at a very early age, became her into a fully hatched tar soul.
Which shows on her very heavy anti-social personality disorder syntomps.
And apparently, Andrew who shares her same genetics, and has gone through quite a good bit of trauma as well, it's not a fully hatched tar soul.
Which adds up in the sense, that while Andrew doesn't really seem to feel the innate type of empathy that most neurotypicals can feel, he does seem aware of the situations around him, and how he's expected to act in response to them.
(Plus, his own self awareness about knowing that he's feeling differently from how the "Normal" people around him feel.)
I do wonder if that's going to stay that way, or if the events that are still to come will end up making Andrew's soul fully tar, also represented as showing fully dissociative anti-social behaviors, which do fit with how he behaves in the incest route of the second chapter.
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hatredmadeofgold · 2 years
Raiden most definitely has Anti-Social Personality Disorder
— An essay by a fan who also has ASPD
Side note by author: This essay will be updated in the future (a new post will be made). Hello, my name is R and I was diagnosed with Anti-Social Personality Disorder when I was 23 years old back in 2018. I also study in the field of psychology and medicine, so I know a thing or two about mental health. In this essay I want to elaborate why I think that Raiden doesn’t just suffer from (complex) PTSD but also Anti-Social Personality Disorder and I base this interpretation on canon evidence, research I did on the mental health of former child soldiers as well as my own experience with the disorder.
In the following text Anti-Social Personality Disorder will be shortened to ASPD.
What is Anti-Social Personality Disorder?
ASPD, also known as Dissocial Personality Disorder/DSPD in the ICD, formerly known under the name Psychopathy or Sociopathy, is a Cluster B (the ‘dramatic’ type) personality disorder known under the ICD-Code F60.2 or the DSM-V Code 301.7.
The reason why I will not call ASPD Socio- or Psychopathy in this essay is that these terms have been obsolete since the introduction of the DSM-IV in 1994, the disorders have been merged into one disorder as well as the fact that the ASPD community widely regards these terms as the equivalent of a slur (If you do not have the disorder yourself, do not, under any circumstances, use these words. There are words such as ‘asshole’ that describe shitty people better than you being downright ableist in your choice of words. Note that the subreddits r/aspd and r/sociopath are overrun by illness fakers and people who refuse to get better, they do not represent people with the disorder really well).
According to the DSM-V, ASPD is described as the following:
“A. A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviours, as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest,
2. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure,
3. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead,
4. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults,
5. Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others,
6. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behaviour or honour financial obligations,
7. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalising having hurt, mistreated or stolen from another.
B. The individual is at least age 18.
C. There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
D. The occurrence of antisocial behaviour is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.”
What the diagnostic criteria of ASPD does not list is that people with the disorder often times also have low affect, which is indicated by shallow, rather fleeting, inconsistent emotionality as well as a partial or complete lack of affective (emotional) empathy. This is likely caused by chronic emotional dissociation and is irreversible.
People with ASPD are capable of feeling every emotion, but the operative here is can, not will. Often times the emotional experience is reduced to feeling content, bored, apathetic and angry or irritated. Everything else is very much background noise that can be ignored with ease. Also people with ASPD are able to use cognitive (learned) empathy, but often times this is used to manipulate. Some people with ASPD are self-aware, either through diagnosis or life experience. It is possible to have a completely normal life with this disorder and people around the person with ASPD do not notice that they have anything at all, because we are pretty much capable of faking emotions very well thanks to great observational skills. However, this does not apply to every person with ASPD.
ASPD is caused by prolonged abuse, neglect and/or trauma in (early) childhood which likely involved heavy exposure to violence. Poverty is also linked to the likelihood of someone developing it. A genetic link is being researched but has yet to be proven to be able to cause this disorder without any of the aforementioned. The so called ‘warrior gene’ theory is pretty much bullshit, as it is argued that it can only appear in people of European ethnicity. This theory is pretty much racism at its finest and therefore anti-science.
Antisocial Behaviour in former Child Soldiers
“Anti-Social and Disruptive Behaviour
PTSD is also significantly associated with negative behaviour against an individual’s own family, the expression of anger and hostility to others, and self-harm (Burton, Foy, Bwanausi, Johnson, & Moore, 1994; Deykin, 1999; Deykin & Buka, 1997; Dodge, 1993; Dutton e al., 2006; Friedman & Schnurr, 1995; Golding, 1999; Joshi & O’Donnell, 2003; Lewis, 1992; Perry & Pollard, 1998). Research shows that former child soldiers have difficulties in controlling aggressive impulses and have little skills for handling life without violence. These children show on-going aggressiveness within their families and communities, even after relocation to their home villages (Wessels, 2006). In a qualitative study, Magambo and Lett (2004) reported that former child soldiers in northern Uganda mainly applied physical violence to resolve conflicts. Although the children sympathised with victims of violence, they could not even think of non-violent alternatives, reflecting an absence of adequate social skills.
Most former child soldiers have spent several critical years of their development in captivity, under the constant threat of abuse and manipulation by their commanders.
Most probably, this period affects the development of a personal and collective identity (Kanagaratnam, Raundalen, & Asbjornson, 2005). In general, children exposed to war and child soldiering show a strong identification with their own group (Gloeckner, 2007; Jensen & Shaw, 1993), and develop a worldview dominated by political and nationalistic categories (Feshbach, 1994). In the Gloeckner (2007) study, it emerged that the longer children had stayed in abduction, the stronger was their rebel-related collective identity. But it may be that their collective identification might occur post hoc after return to their home communities. Gloeckner explained that questions and discussions of family and community members about the cruelty of the LRA’s actions may activate a process of reasoning about what had happened. Former beliefs about ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ actions might clash with current ones, and in order to regain cognitive homeostasis, identification with the rebel group is aspired. Interestingly, this study showed a positive correlation between collective identification and reactive aggression (physical and verbal aggression and anger). In addition, Gloeckner (2007) reported that formerly abducted children with PTSD might be especially vulnerable to accepting simplistic models of ‘good versus bad’ – a black and white worldview, which is a known cognitive distortion. Although a rigid political view might be protective during exposure to war events, it might facilitate violent behaviour after returning from the fighting to individuals’ home communities.
Children living in conditions of political violence and war have been described as ‘growing up too soon’ and ‘losing their childhood’ (Boothby & Knudsen, 2000; UNICEF, 2005, 2006). Levels of conscience seemed to be significantly related to the severity of PTSD symptomatology, but also with negative schematisations of self and others and lower self-efficacy ratings (Goenjian et al., 1999; Joseph, Brewin, Yule, & Williams, 1993; Saigh, Mroueh, Zimmerman, & Fairbanks, 1995).“
- The Psychological Impact of Child Soldiering (by Elisabeth Schauer and Thomas Elbert)
“Behavioral Problems
Former child soldiers exposed to brutal episodes of war-related violence face a range of behavioral problems. In addition, post-conflict factors may contribute to varying degrees of vulnerability to adverse behavioral outcomes. According to Lev Vygotsky the child’s culture and community that he lives in largely affects his development. Vygotsky believed that important learning by the child occurs through social interaction.
For a number of years child soldiers spend time with adult militants under strict rules and regulations. The children were constantly exposed to hostile situations that had negative impact on their psychosocial wellbeing. The children’s thinking pattern and cognitive schemas changed in to more aggressive and violent direction. The children were indoctrinated to perform atrocities without asking questions. They witnessed the gloomy realties of war that made drastic changes in their behavior. The children who had committed atrocities in the past have high risk of developing conduct disorders or anti-social personality disorder and addiction problems if their mental health issues are not appropriately addressed.
In Nepal, Kohrt and his team in 2008 concluded that post-conflict factors such as stigma might contribute to adverse mental health outcomes. Former child soldiers in his sample showed significantly higher symptoms of depression and PTSD compared to matched controls even after adjusting for exposure to traumatic events. In 2010 the researcher Betancourt did a prospective study to investigate psychosocial adjustment in male and female former child soldiers in Sierra Leone using 156 male and female child soldiers. Over the 2-year period of follow-up, youth who had wounded or killed others during the war demonstrated increases in hostility. It has been reported that former child soldiers in Uganda had various behavioral problems and some of them were charged with anti-social activity after their demobilization. Over 70% of prisoners in the juvenile crime unit in the Gulu District, Uganda are former child soldiers, incarcerated on charges of rape, assault and theft.
Social relationships play a key role in child’s behavior as explained by the Psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner. Nested interacting spheres of social relationships that determine individual behavior and well-being are the fundamental components of analysis in social ecology. When these children were abducted and kept in camps, they had no way of having healthy social relationships.”
- Psychosocial Problems Of Child Soldiers (by Professor Daya Somasundaram and Dr. Ruwan M. Jayatunge)
These to excerpts from two different essays on the mental health of former child soldiers speak for themselves. ASPD is also the only personality disorder that is associated with child soldiers.
Although Raiden had been in treatment when sent to the United States, it doesn’t seem that the treatment had been appropriate enough to prevent him from developing ASPD. It’s mentioned in the Metal Gear wiki that he had at least become ‘outwardly stable’, however, we can see from how he behaves in canon that he hasn’t processed any of his trauma whatsoever. To treat PTSD or any personality disorder, appropriate trauma therapy is required. This has obviously not been the case for him, as he’s incredibly mentally unstable and violent. Even the introduction of nanomachines in his body through the Patriots hasn’t prevented any of his behavioural problems although they did successfully suppress his memories of his trauma, as we learn in MGS2.
The way Raiden shows traits of ASPD
Shallow Affect and Lack of Empathy
Albeit Raiden is portrayed as an emotional person, his emotionality often consists of anger and aggressiveness, and he doesn’t seem to be particularly empathetic either.
In fact, his lack of empathy (and how he justifies his actions to himself) is even being called out by Jetstream Sam in the 4th chapter of Metal Gear Rising. He is also shown to have no reactions to allies dying (Emma Emmerich in MGS2 and Naomi Hunter in MGS4) and is just awkwardly standing there like a cardboard cut-out. While Snake doesn’t show or say anything in these scenes either, his stance is not awkward like Raiden’s.
Raiden is also often told to calm down by various characters throughout the franchise when he is reacting to things with anger or aggression to an almost inappropriate level and he never takes it well. Neither is he good with receiving criticism, and will verbally attack the person who criticised him.
Kevin Washington also calls him creepy for how Raiden describes the cyborgs he is killing like ‘walking vending machines’.
It is also said in the script of MGS2 that Raiden in general has trouble understanding other people’s feelings.
Failure to conform to social norms
“Companies like ours — yours — bend the law as they see fit. Why not bend it when it can save innocent lives?” — Raiden to Boris in MGR
The entire game of Metal Gear Rising basically encompasses this whole part of Raiden. He is seen to be breaking the law out of an emotional urge (which Blade Wolf comments on as well after the awakening of Jack the Ripper) because seeing the children in the lab in Guadalajara being turned into cyborgs against their will triggered him. We learn that he doesn’t act like this because he is some kind of hero protecting the weak (as he is always trying to tell everyone including the player for the first half of the game), he does this out of selfish reasons — to have a reason to kill. His morality is quite grey. Sure, he is on the side of the ‘good guys’ — but his methods are cruel, the style of an anti-hero.
“Not that much of a hero after all, right?” — Raiden to Blade Wolf after killing Monsoon
He shifts his morality as he sees fit — same as the companies he is criticising. Armstrong points out their “kindred spirits” as he is dying at the end of the game as well and we as a player understand that our enemy is right. To achieve our goals, we went overboard with everything and justified our violence — Raiden’s violence — with doing the ‘right’ thing.
Manipulation and Deceitfulness
“So it was artificial on my end too. It was just a game, not the real thing.”
Raiden says this to Rose after she confesses to him that she is a Patriot spy and it almost feels like a confession. The way he says it is very callous, unlike how he talked to her before (and he reverts back to his ‘usual’ self later on anyway), it feels like a ‘mask slip’ where he says what he truly feels. I think about this scene a lot and it makes me believe that Raiden did not truly love Rose until he actually lost her (MGS4). Basically ‘not recognising what you had until you lose it’. People with ASPD often get into relationships to get something out of it – be that getting rid of boredom, money or sex – and they go very far when it comes to faking emotions such as love. It is often said that we cannot love, but this isn’t true. Love to us is more of a conscious choice of committing to someone rather than an emotion and can be very mature when it’s honest. We are also very obsessive lovers, which can turn very toxic very fast if not self-aware and controlled.
Impulsivity and the failure to plan ahead
Stabbing himself to impale Vamp without thinking through that he is going to bleed out, quitting his job at Maverick without thinking through how he is going to pay his bills in the future and the entire ordeal that is the World Marshal incident are what I can list on top of my head where Raiden acts very impulsively.
Aggressiveness, Abusive and Violent Behaviour
In MGS2, Rose mentions that Raiden ‘raised his hand against her’ when she tried to enter his room. This translates to more than just a slap in the face (and even that is horrible behaviour when you are in a relationship) if we look further into Raiden’s behaviour across all the games in which he appears. In the same game we learn that Raiden genuinely enjoys murder. He asks Snake about it, horrified about himself, if he does the same which Snake denies.
In MGS4, Rose talks to Snake about Raiden and why they aren’t together anymore. She speaks about how he became a violent alcoholic (Substance Use Disorder is highly common in people with ASPD) as he was unable to cope with his traumatic memories resurfacing. She implies that he got into regular fights as well, saying so by mentioning that he came home covered in cuts and bruises. We don’t know for sure, but it is likely that Raiden also hit Rose as well but she doesn’t outright say it. She just states that she is scared of him.
“I am worried about him, of course, but… I am also afraid of him.” — Rose about Raiden in MGS4 If you look closely at the scene in which Snake mentions Raiden’s family in MGS4, you get a quick glimpse of Raiden trying to hit Snake — only to break down and fall to his knees, crying. His willingness to physically assault people who are close to him is another one of these signs that speak for ASPD in him.
“Resolving everything with violence, is that it, Raiden?” — Sam to Raiden in MGR
“Feasting on the insides of your enemies?” — Monsoon to Raiden in MGR
Both Sam and Monsoon call out Raiden for his violence in MGR and how he justifies his actions with ‘protecting the weak’ which we learn in the same chapter, is a load of bullshit. Raiden confesses that he fights for the pain he feels — or likely, the adrenaline rushes one gets from it — when being hurt in a fight, that protecting the weak was a lie he told himself to ‘keep himself in check’ and that he thought that he could live a normal life, with his friends and family having his back. However, this didn’t work out and he found himself back on the battlefield and we finally learn why and the reasons are just as shallow as the rest of him.
Reckless disregard of the safety of self or others
Raiden’s recklessness in MGS4 could also be read as suicidal ideation, which is also something a lot but not all people with ASPD experience. Impaling himself and cutting off his own limbs are things I would consider ‘reckless disregard for the safety of self’ as he does this without thinking things through. In his fight with Vamp he definitely didn’t want to die in the end, so I suspect this to be him not thinking things through (which he does a lot, acting on impulses). The same goes for his wish to walk through the microwaves instead of Snake (and god I wish he would’ve gone instead of Snake), which Snake points out is suicidal and that he has a whole life to live still.
In MGR, Raiden decides to eradicate World Marshal, the largest PMC in the universe at the time of the game, entirely by himself. He raids its Headquarters with total disregard for his own safety or that of others, as he is just ‘lucky’ that the parts of Denver he is getting through, are blocked off from the public. Raiden doesn’t harm civilians — but he doesn’t particularly care if they die either. We know he’s lying to himself about being the good guy. Although his team is unofficially supporting him, he has no backup in case something happens.
Consistent Irresponsibility
Raiden is shown to be consistently irresponsible. He doesn’t hold himself accountable for his actions by lying to himself about his morality and basically gaslighting himself and others about his behaviour. He doesn’t listen to work instructions — Kevin calling him out in the first chapter of MGR for it — and therefore fails missions. He is also shown to constantly argue with the colonel in MGS2, always trying to get out of the situation he is being put into and not taking responsibility.
Lack of Remorse
In MGS2 we learn that Raiden enjoys murder without feeling any particular hard feelings about it. He is terrified about the realisation but doesn’t feel any particular feelings of guilt for it. Neither does he ever mention that he regrets having physically or emotionally harmed Rose in any of the games he appears in (Rose has issues too — they both definitely act like nothing bad ever happened between them at the end of MGS4 and I wish them both a nice stay in the psych ward).
Raiden’s justification to kill in MGR is to ‘protect the weak’ which later turns out to be a complete lie he tells himself and others to seem like the good guy. He’s very much gaslighting himself into believing this throughout the game until Sam and Monsoon confront him about his behaviour and hypocrisy and Raiden drops the mask and reveals his true intentions: that he fights to feel pain in battle, because he gets high on it and that he very much enjoys murder.
“Who protects the weak from the man who ‘protects the weak’?” — Monsoon to Raiden in MGR
In MGR you can also cut off the clothes of civilians you saved. If you do so, your teammates call you out for it. Raiden then does half assed apologies for it, even laughs when being called a nasty creep. He genuinely finds it funny to apparently terrify innocent civilians and doesn’t show any remorse when being called out for it.
Looking back, Raiden does show many traits of a person with Anti-Social Personality Disorder throughout all the games in which he appears. Although MGR is a lot more “in-your-face” with it, the mainline games show him having those traits very much as well (to be diagnosed one must meet 3 out of 7 listed criteria points, so even if you regard MGR as non-canon, he would still meet the criteria from what we learn from the mainline games). The fact that a lot of former child soldiers struggle with this disorder as adults adds to my theory that he has it. I often see people argue that MGR was not the direction that they would like to see Raiden go and that he is too ‘brutal’. In my opinion, MGR was the more realistic ending for him. I have ASPD and I know that white picket fence home lives just don’t work for people like us. We grow so bored, we start to fuck up shit for ‘fun’ and ruin our lives that way or get addicted to drugs. Raiden choosing the battlefield, finally accepting who he really is (‘Jack the Ripper’), is the more realistic and healthier ending for him than him just lying to himself and being on edge all the time, potentially ruining his marriage that way in the span of a year or two. Love cannot heal extreme childhood trauma, sorry guys. And Raiden seriously needs therapy.
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For everyone with ASPD, you deserve good representation.
Help me write you an Aroallo ASPD character that represents how we can heal and be ourselves to spite our trauma without having to bend down to prosocials.
How can you help? Reblog with ramblings or comment about your personal experience of living as a pwASPD. if you aren't a pwASPD, reblogs and likes still help!
i've tried my best to do the research necessary, but the amount of ableist sites that get shoved in my face with a basic google search has pissed me off. im taking matters into my own hands and asking y'all directly for your experiences.
I haven't gone for an ASPD diagnosis because it is simply not in the cards for me right now, and would potentially be harmful for me, but i check many boxes. However, due to a likely BPD and ADHD co-morbidity i dont trust myself enough to write a solely ASPD character based off only my own experiences.
Thoughts, advice, encouragement, all is appreciated.
(Post made by Shawdios on YT)
Spice (legal name Simon) is a felinefolk/birdfolk hybrid who works as a bartender for his side of the bakery-bar Sugar & Spice that him and his caretaker formed. He grew up bouncing around in the foster system and treated like a oddity to hide due to his odd mix of genetics. But his last caretaker, Sugar, he grew to see as a genuine mother to him because she was the first to believe his side of the story and not treat him like an "Other".
Due to his feline side, he often was found hunting down squirrels, birds, and rodents as a young child. Some of which he toyed with as they died, others he simply bit and killed. This behavior off put many of his foster parents and got him transferred around to different homes quite a lot. Spice was quite the delinquent as a child, he often was provoked into fights that he most of the time lost. (The first time around at least.) But he always got a cruel form of revenge depending on the bully who knocked him down. The fighting got worse once he hit middle school, to the point where he was once expelled for half blinding another child with his claws (and going home with a broken wing and shoulder himself) By the time he's finished highschool, Sugar had adopted him and done her best to help him mellow out and process his traumas from bouncing around the system and being treated like a thing to be tamed. But, he still gets in enough trouble to gain a Conduct Disorder Diagnosis and later after he graduates an Antisocial diagnosis.
The entirety of his moral system as an adult is built on what would or would not disappoint Sugar. He's perfectly content to live out his short life baking with his mother figure, mixing drinks, and curled up by a sunny window with his nose burried in books till his bad genetics kill him, but Sugar tries to get him to at least try to interact with others. And he holds her in such high respect that he does his best to maintain a good reputation with those that stop at the bar.
His care for the world revolves solely around himself and Sugar till a birdfolk with one wing named Autumn violently enters his life (and Re-enters Sugar's) and then violently leaves it five years later.
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rottika · 8 months
i love how each of your character who is an abuser either has ASPD and NPD!
Eugh, well, prepare for an essay because I have a lot to say here.
Well, first of all, you are misinformed on that. While Arthur, Blair, and Vince (who I am assuming you are referring to????) all have ASPD (Arthur having comorbid NPD and Vince having comorbid BPD), a LOT of other characters on the morally questionable/reprehensible list like Freddie, Victoria, Elliot, Angel (currently a character in development), and Arthur’s (unnamed) bio dad don’t have ASPD or NPD at all. In fact, Freddie, Elliot, Arthur’s bio dad, and Angel don’t have any personality disorders or any mental health issues period, despite many of them being on the morally shitty scale.
This is also kind of besides the point, but I also want to point out that, time and time again, I have made clear that my characters and their shittiness is bolstered and exaggerated on purpose and is not supposed to be at all 100% realistic. It’s a black comedy mostly built on absurdist, out of pocket humour. It’s an outlet for me to cope with my past trauma and pain. Some of that pain, yes, originating from people with mental health disorders that influenced the way they treated me.
Just because a couple of my bad characters have cluster B personality disorders (I literally have a cluster B personality disorder myself, that being BPD) does not mean that I think everyone with such a disorder is an abuser??? Like, sometimes mentally ill people do things that are bad. Shocker, mental illnesses warp peoples’ perceptions of the world, themselves, and other people. Sometimes mental illness is painful, for both the sufferer and those in their life. Sometimes mental illness is scary. Sometimes those perceptions can inspire people to make mistakes or to hurt others. From experience, I’ve hurt people deeply without meaning to because of how my mental illnesses causes me to view the world (which is my responsibility, of course, but did stem from my disability nonetheless). Disorders are “disorders” for a reason. Again, I must stress, just because a couple of my characters with disorders are bad doesn’t mean I think the average mentally ill person is an evil sadistic murder rapist abuser or something.
I think it would be a fair criticism to suggest I include more positive representation for people with NPD and ASPD, because I would agree! Maybe I should include more positive rep, I think that’s a great idea. But heavily implying I’m ableist because a couple of my abusive or bad characters—out of a VERY long list of them, by the way—have mental illnesses is just… not at all representative of my feelings on the matter.
Plus, just want to point out that being passive aggressive is more likely to get my borderline ass to lash out and refuse to hear any valid critique as a whole—I was very tempted to just block and ignore this rather than taking a second to actually consider what you were saying. Maybe approach me with a bit more tact next time, gorge. I’m open to criticism when it’s constructive.
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stranger-rants · 1 year
Well, I was only talking about Billy, so of course I only labeled something he did as a hate crime. A little baby hate crime. Honestly I think the stuff at the roller rink in S4 should count, since they clearly are fucking with her cause they think she's mentally deficient.
Breaking up homophobia into little bits and pieces and implying it's only homophobia if he called the other boy a f*ggot sounds like cope, but from you I fully believe it's sincere. Like how you keep calling Steve queerphobic cause he specifically called Jonathan a queer. You can say it's homophobic even if it's not the big daddy f slur.
My point is that he did do something homophobic, in a flashback, parroting his dad. And it's clearly something he does not remember fondly since it's in that big dark mental hurricane space. I don't think Billy is canonically homophobic, but he did do a homophobia.
With the race stuff, "Billy isn't racist" is definitely a valid interpretation but imo it deserves to be a minority opinion (same for "Billy is homophobic" btw). The clear, obvious interpretation of his behavior towards Lucas is that it was racist. I choose to ignore that shit cause it's not fun to write about and fandom isn't activism. Though if I did I'd prolly go the "Billy's smart enough to figure out racism is stupid and he'll get better about it as soon as he's out of his abusive home and has the mental space to work on himself" route.
Anyway, I'll stop clogging up your inbox. Obviously we disagree on stuff, but I really like your blog and I hope you have a nice day :)
I'm very specific in my language because these things, while related, represent different facets of bigotry. I also don't like using "baby hate crime" to describe most bullying behavior committed by children, for similar reasons why we don't diagnose children with ASPD. I don't like setting children on a course for incarceration for their behavior when they are children and hate crime is explicitly a crime. Bullying is dealt with very differently and as a person who works with children, I do think this distinction is important.
I use queerphobia because it encompasses more than homophobia. I use hegemonic masculinity and effemiphobia to talk about how boys use the word "pussy" to bully other boys into masculine behavior. It's important to be precise, especially when bigotry can take on many forms. I don't consider this as a clearcut example of Billy being homophobic. He was a child beating up another child who we assume was a boy repeating the same words his dad said, but also probably something he hears quite often. The fear that men show and teach young boys to feel towards femininity is not just a matter of homophobia.
I also think it's silly, personally, to downplay Billy's racist behavior while harping on Billy - as a child - bullying another child using the word "pussy," which he was also told and/or may not have fully understood at the time. To me, his racism is much more evident and it's something we should be more critical about. Still, he doesn't go around hate-criming people. A lot of his violent outbursts are incidental and not exactly targeted. Using that word continually to describe his violent behavior ignores context and assumes Billy just does these things regularly.
I'm glad you enjoy my blog, but I say what I say for a reason. His bullying behavior as a child is still wrong, but I don't agree that it's clearcut evidence that Billy is/was homophobic. As I've said, people accuse him of saying and doing things he never actually said and did and that includes the "Billy is homophobic" bs.
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nothing0fnothing · 11 months
I noticed the comments you sometimes get from people with NPD… as I have. It makes me laugh because the way they approach it… the way they try to get their point across is by using the very techniques that they’re saying we can’t call abuse. Gaslighting… feeling as though they deserve special treatment and feel they have a right to dictate our feelings and using a term that is widely accepted and used in mental health, emotional black mail, insults etc.
Do they not realize this?
Hi there thanks for your support <3
NPD is one of those disorders, lots of people love to talk about it but very few want to actually educate themselves on what it really means to have it. I think because "narcissistic abuse" and "narcissistic personality disorder" sound the same they like to get discussed in the same circles, regardless of how little they have to do with one another. I do try to ensure when it comes up on my blog I deal with it in a way people with the disorder find respectful so I really appreciate you coming to this page being open about your diagnosis and your support. It means a lot to me.
I tend to get abuse on this page in two distinct categories. The first is really aggressive violent abuse. Usually from people who are self diagnosed with NPD or ASPD, usually they self identify as narcissists and usually their blog is full of edgy posts about how cool it is to be a narcissist or to have a cluster B disorder. The second are mostly younger people in with leftist ideals who have all the right politics but don't really have any real world experience in left leaning or social justice spaces.
The former tend to be the group coming in with the vile abuse. "I hope you die", "your parents should have beat you harder", saying "you deserved it" in my post replies and flooding my anons with cruelty. Usually this group don't stop till they are blocked and I have had some come after me on multiple accounts just to continue the abuse.
I had one who wouldn't stop even after I'd blocked 4 or 5 associated accounts, so I screenshot his blog with his vile comments and shared it to a cringe subredit. Very quickly he went from powerful abuser to wounded puppy, posing as his own partner in the comments begging I remove the post as people with his disorder can't help it and people who are not narcissists should know better than to hold him accountable. My post stayed up and he's left me alone since then, but it does open a door to explore the mindset.
Usually, untherapised and undiagnosed people who suspect they have NPD have an understanding of what it means to have the disorder that isn't consistent with reality. They tend to think that NPD is "abuser disorder" and therefore claiming they have it gives them the undisputed right to abuse and bully whoever they like, however they like, and anybody who calls out their abuse are being ableists for expecting them to behave in a way that is generally expected in polite society. To them calling narcissistic abuse what it is feels personal, they know it describes who they are and they feel that it is an unfair criticism of their selves, after all, its the mental illnesses fault they're a cunt, right?
Generally I don't like to reply to this type on my page. It only furthers the misrepresentation of NPD, promotes their own delusion that this is normal behaviour for NPD, opens the doors for their fan boys to flood my asks and falsely represents people with the disorder as obligate abusers. It really isn't useful to my blog at all.
They know they're being abusive, they think I am being abusive too, they think it's okay for them and not for me because they "have NPD" and I don't. They know its illogical, they do know better and they're aware of the optics of abusing someone for discussing abuse. This is why they hide behind side blogs and anon asks. To me they're a great example that personality disorders shouldn't be self diagnosed and as they have nothing of any importance to say, they get blocked immediately.
The latter tend to abuse via gaslighting and stonewalling. "I hope you die" is a common one in this group too but its also comments like "you have no right to use the term narcissist", "just call it regular abuse" and accusations that I am armchair diagnosing my abusers with a mental health disorder I routinely explain on my page has nothing to do with the way they behaved.
Usually these people feel rightous in their abuse because they are convinced that they are protectors and hero's for people with NPD who (for some unspoken reason) can't speak up for themselves. Usually they too are misinformed about what NPD actually is and will parrot weird ableist notions such as that people with NPD "can't help it." (Yikes) or will assume that my abusers had NPD based on the descriptions of abuse that I share on my page (I have never disclosed the mental health diagnoses of any of my abusers.) They beleive that narcissism and NPD are one in the same and that accurately describing narcissistic abuse is ableism against people with NPD for that reason.
Generally they come in hard with the accusations of ableism and insistence that every abuse specialist and victim advocacy group who acknowledge narcissistic abuse are ableists, but will quickly stop replying when I gently ask them why they think the solution to this problem is to harass strangers running abuse recovery blogs and victim support resources.
This type of person is absolutely blind to the contradiction in their "support." They genuinely don't understand how making statements publicly like "you just want your abuse to be special" and "I don't care what experts say this type of abuse isnt real" is super bad optics for the group of people they're claiming to be protecting. Every person new to this discourse seeing that won't assume that the person with the long heartbreaking posts about getting yeeted down the stairs as a 4 year old and is openly disabled and neurodivergent is secretly a hideous ableist out to destroy people with trauma induced personality disorders, they're going to think that to support people with cluster B disorders you need to be pro abuse and anti victim support.
What's important to me is that when people come to this blog they're not coming to a place that unfairly pins their awful experiences to a mental illness that nobody who has it asks for. Whenever I get comments, no matter how well meaning, that present NPD as a disorder that causes abuse, I have to break it down and explain how it isn't, not for people who think coming to my blog to gaslight and harass me to jump on my side, but for the people coming here for support who deserve to be educated on what happened to them.
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aspd-culture · 2 years
Do you have books/movies recommendation that represents aspd well fiction or nonfiction?
Hhhhh I was waiting for this question to come one day. The answer is lowkey v v disappointing.
Because... no, not really. I've got like three, two of which do what I consider a fairly good job, and one that rides the fence of being a lil "oh great, the ASPD character likes blood and guts and death".
Sorry this is so long-winded tldr Ender's Game (book only), House, MD if you can handle some not ok 2000's comedy, and Wednesday if you never get into the fandom.
In order of, in my opinion, best to least best (they're all still p good):
I tried to make these spoiler free but it's hard while explaining good vs bad rep. I would recommend going into Ender's Game blind without reading what I wrote about it and coming back to this post after. I would read the warning attached to the other two.
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (The book not the movie, oh my gosh, not the movie) - Peak ASPD right here. When I was a kid with ASPD, this is the only book I ever related to and I randomly picked it bc it was the third name on the mandatory summer reading list and 3 is my OCD's favorite number. It rarely lets me down, and in this case, brought me a seriously well-done look at ASPD done, possibly entirely without meaning to. Orson Scott Card, as far as I'm aware, set out to write a book about trauma and the way that different types of trauma shapes the mind in early childhood, and preschool aged children engaging in active military training is... woof. It's a lot when something that you relate to so much is a depiction of a war-era dystopia. There are definitely parts that still push the stigma, and a lot of what makes Ender "good" is the sympathy and compassion and "purity" he shows, so be ready for that. That said, this also shows how a kid can still fit the definition of a loving, innocent child even while actively engaging in violence. It's a bit preachy with its message, but it is a damn good book. I will openly admit I have never gotten around to reading the sequels purely bc they were not in my school libraries. I wonder if Libby has them... *takes mental note*. There are also questions about if Ender's siblings possibly have cluster b disorders themselves. I have seen theories that both Peter and Valentine have NPD, and a more controversial theory that Valentine has NPD while Peter has BPD and the book just happens to focus on demonizing him (as a character to make a point about him and Valentine, not because of the disorder) so it doesn't emphasize the non-splitting behavior. Just, do yourself a favor and don't read into psych articles about Ender's Game. They make a big deal out of Ender being a good character because he is "saved" by his empathy and just... idk the book is written from his POV and I don't see much empathy there. I see compassion. I see cognitive empathy. I do not see affective empathy besides with a couple Exceptions.
House, MD - the profile pic is for a reason. More than House, MD is a show about doctors or medicine, it is a show about House's struggle with his mental health. We watch him slowly get through the process of recognizing, adapting to, and working on his symptoms throughout the show. It honestly helped me before I even realized I had ASPD to improve my relationships with people by learning from his mistakes.
House is (minor spoiler) canonically diagnosed with "Antisocial traits" around season 6 I believe, but he experiences them the entire time. He is written as a character who I believe was supposed to have ASPD. If not, he is one of the most accurate accidents turned canon I have ever seen. That said, this show does not shy away from the negative aspects of ASPD. Many people say horrible things about House throughout the series, many of them he does not bother to argue with or deny. It is... really emotional for me sometimes to see how they speak to and about him and how he handles that. It's really good, but does have one very triggering episode about a "true sociopath" and House's struggles with relating to her also around Season 5 or 6. It's one I wouldn't skip if you're watching this for ASPD reasons, but House *does* try and separate himself from a "true sociopath" so be ready for some stigma. Also please note that this show is from around 2004. Lots of flip phones, ha ha ha, but also lots of excess stigma on things, somewhat homophobic and transphobic jokes, etc. Although, it is worth noting that it is a symptom of House's ASPD to make these jokes - he expects that they know he is not serious because of his tone and doesn't, due to lack of empathy, understand that these jokes are hurtful even when people know you don't believe what you're joking about to be true. He builds his team around making sure they can handle that part of him, which is a pretty decent thing to do, in my opinion, even though the right thing to do would be to change the behavior. But yeah, shitty early 2000's humor incoming with this show. I still 100% feel it is worth the watch, but I am white and thus have the privilege of feeling comfortable while watching it. Black people especially may be really (understandably) unable to feel comfortable watching this because the person that House worries is most similar to him and thus most threatening to his position is Foreman, who is a Black man, and thus many of House's "it's ok because he knows I don't believe it" jokes are targetting Foreman and many times they are racist jokes. He in no way solely targets Foreman, but that is there and it is extremely frequent. When you meet people named Taub and Thirteen, Jewish and fellow LGBT people will join the club in being potentially seriously uncomfortable with these jokes. I could handle watching it, ymmv.
The third and somewhat problematic lil sister, Wednesday (2022) - Hear me out, it is so good, imo, but I cannot interact with the fandom on this one and it loses serious points because of that. The reason that I can't? The entire fandom has decided that Wednesday Addams, a long-time rare ASPD coded girl, is autistic and "through the lens of Tim Burton" vs acknowledging that she is ASPD coded. Everything that can be an autistic trait, many have cherry-picked as proof she is autistic, and they openly choose to ignore a major step in diagnosis, making sure that the symptoms are not better described elsewhere. I will concede she may be autistic (although tbh I don't think so bc of her serious lack of stimming, - and no the SINGLE DANCE SCENE AT A SCHOOL DANCE doesn't count - lack of meltdowns, and affinity for sitting perfectly still don't read autistic imo), but she has ASPD. A literal therapist talks to her about "the source of (her) antisocial traits" and because she is a child, that is the closest thing to a diagnosis of ASPD she can be given. The girl is loudly ASPD coded just like the character Wednesday Addams always has been.
Further, there is a point to be made about the ASPD coded character being given her own show for it to turn out to be a m*rder mystery as well as her obsession with everything dark, broody, bloody, and macabre. Admittedly, in The Addams Family, that's everyone in her family not just the ASPD coded one but in Wednesday, she is the only character who likes those things so it's a bit ick in that regard. Still, I relate a lot to her and always have and people used to try n bully me in school by calling me Wednesday but my mom showed me it and said I reminded her of Wednesday as a compliment when I was little and I always took it as one after that even when I knew they meant it in a mean way.
Unfortunately, ASPD, unlike many disorders, is not underrepresented in media. It is overrepresented in the worst ways possible. Every other book or movie I can find is full of stereotypes, mean-spirited commentary, and m*rder. There might be something to be said about a character from It's Always Sunny, but that show is a major trigger for me so I haven't been able to watch it to tell, and Lisa from Girl, Interrupted (book or movie) is just... painfully bad but well-loved rep. Like, I love her, but holy crap girlfriend, how did you manage to add stigma in a book and movie about destigmatizing mental health?
The fact that even counting bad but well-loved representation I can still count all of it on one hand sucks, and if anyone has more I am begging you to share in replies.
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sukimas · 1 year
mental illness (general form) musings below the cut
i think in general that there are a lot of things that people don't want to acknowledge as actual ways a brain can be wired. e.g. people generally do not want to believe that someone can have no control of their actions
i think that this impulse is also present in psychologists/psychiatrists, and goes into how the DSMs are written. to be specific, diagnostic criteria.
diagnostic criteria for mental illnesses are often written extremely broadly, because they want to cover as wide of a category of behavior as possible. however, these broad diagnostic criteria often don't carve reality at the joints.
a tame example is ADHD; there is no practical reason that the inattentive and hyperactive forms should be considered the "same disorder". they do not have similar symptoms. oh, they both can be treated with stimulants and thus both likely come from dopamine deficiency? great! let's group every mental condition influenced by GABA under the same umbrella now.
a much less tame example is antisocial personality disorder.
the criteria as articulated in the DSM-V basically make it, when diagnosed "sort of a jackass who does some crimes disorder". however, the way people think of it socially (and the way even psychologists characterize it) is very different.
i personally believe that there is an abnormal brain psychology that exists that does fit the role of how people normally think of ASPD. that is to say: -little regard for consequences of actions on the self (probably from hyperbolic time discounting, lack of a future world model) -lack of impact of other people's emotions on one's emotional state (i state it like this instead of the vague term "empathy" because there's a whole mess of empathy arguments out there) -low tolerance for being around other people (if being around others doesn't positively affect one's emotional state there is less incentive to do so) -chronic understimulation (probably lack of future world model again)
these things lead to (to variable degrees) -lowered impulse control -lack of care for impact of actions on others -risk-taking behaviors -desire to inflict harm on others
these traits existing does not require the existence of all other traits on this list (i.e. you can have high impulse control wrt your actions on others but low impulse control wrt risks you take on yourself, for example) but i think that they are a closely linked cluster of traits leading from deficits in one's world-model
however i think that the overlap of people with these particular traits (even those who have all of them; the classic "sociopath") with people who have the diagnosis of ASPD is actually quite low, as the diagnostic criteria of ASPD are such that people get diagnosed with it for being a problem to others in some way (whether that's being an asshole or Crimes For Real) rather than actually fitting the above constellation of traits.
a summary of my thoughts on psychiatric diagnosis is: the DSM-V is Plato's cave, the diagnosed mentally ill are holding the shadow puppets, but that doesn't mean that (outside the cave) there aren't things that represent what the diagnoses are desperately trying to gesture at (and failing).
i hate the social sciences. dreadful.
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crxptidteeth · 3 months
☿️ What is Cluster B Personality Disorders? ☿️
What is a personality disorder (☿️) "represent an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). These patterns tend to be fixed and consistent across situations and leads to distress or impairment." These situations can be: Major nterpersonal relationships (Work, social, family, religious, and sexual.), creating boundaries, coping, and general daily life.
Defining Cluster B (☿️ ☿️ ☿️ ☿️) "Specifically, cluster B personality disorders are a group of conditions that cause symptoms such as a lack of impulse control and difficulty managing emotions. People with cluster B personality disorders may engage in dramatic or unpredictable behavior or respond more emotionally than what's considered the norm. It's common to experience symptoms during the teenage years or early adulthood." "People who have a cluster B personality disorder display highly dramatic or emotional thoughts or behaviors that may constantly change." The definition of cluster b personality disorder does not make the individual inherently violent. Each symptom presents differently in each individual on a spectrum within the symptoms/traits. There are complexities with Cluster B behavior, specifically with Antisocial Personality Disorder. The description for Antisocial Personality Disorder is impulsive, irresponsible, and often criminal behavior. Impulsive and reckless behavior can lead to crimes or criminal activity.
"Persistence: Refers to the ability to maintain efforts and continue with behaviors despite obstacles, frustration, fatigue, or limited reinforcement. Individuals with ASPD have low persistence and are more prone to abandon their pursuits when encountering challenges." "Insight: Individuals with ASPD typically have poor understanding or remorse for how their actions impact their social and occupational functioning." "Judgment and impulse control: Individuals with ASPD generally exhibit poor judgment and impulse control."  The stigma they face is that they are constantly violent and become imprisoned. The majority of people in prison are over-diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder. Some people with ASPD have not been arrested, live stable lives, and are in treatment.
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happyk44 · 6 months
Been trying to write some nonsense abt PDs but struggling because how do you word thoughts again? Anyway, some updates to the propensity list! New ones are bolded!
Zeus/Jupiter: OCPD and Autism (based on being the god of law and order, and justice, as well as king of Olympus)
Poseidon: BPD, Bipolar Disorder, Conduct Disorder and ASPD (based on the idea of a moody and volatile sea)
Neptune: SZPD and ASPD (based on the idea of an emotionless and uncaring sea)
Hades/Pluto and Thanatos/Mors: infertility, and, in rare cases, sterility (self-explanatory)
Ares: IED, ODD, Conduct Disorder, and ASPD (self-explanatory)
Hypnos/Somnus, Morpheus, and the Oneiroi/Somnia: Excessive daytime sleepiness/Hypersomnia, Maladaptive Daydreaming, Narcolepsy, and Parasomnias (self explanatory)
Pasithea: STPD (based on her being the goddess of rest, relaxation, delusions and hallucinations. While STPD does not involve hallucinations, it does involve distorted cognition and perceptions, as well as magical thinking, which I think fits within the delusion part)
Hermes/Mercury: Kleptomania, Restless Leg Syndrome, and Elopement (self-explanatory)
Aphrodite/Venus and the Erotes: Hypersexuality, Paraphilic disorders, Cacophobia, and HPD (self-explanatory)
Apollo: HPD (I mean... it's self-explanatory, right? We know who he is, lol), and Nyctophobia (self-explanatory)
Nyx/Nox and Erebus: Photosensitivity/sun allergy (self-explanatory)
Athena/Minerva: Arachnophobia (canon)
Akhyls: Major depressive disorder and Cherophobia (self-explanatory)
Lethe: Dementia and Alzheimer's (self-explanatory)
Hephaestus/Vulcan: Pyromania (self-explanatory)
Demeter/Ceres: Seasonal affective disorder (based on the fact that winter is representative of Demeter's sadness that her daughter is gone for the whole)
Phobia and mania descriptions:
Cacophobia: fear of ugliness
Nyctophobia: fear of the dark
Arachnophobia: fear of spiders
Cherophobia: fear of happiness
Kleptomania: inability to resist urges to steal items that are not needed (impulse control disorder)
Pyromania: inability to resist urges to start fires (impulse control disorder)
Considering Body Dysmorphia Disorder for Aphrodite's children for obvious reasons, but I'm not sure that's likely? Like fear of being ugly, I can see, but the concept that they themselves are ugly or parts of their body doesn't fit is a little flippy-floppy, so idk.
Also thinking about DPDR for Hypnos and the dream babes, or his wife Pasithea since I think it could work with her delusion/hallucination aspect. However, as someone who frequently experiences DP, idk if I would characterize it as a delusion or hallucination 🤔🤔
Similarly - alcoholism/substance abuse for Dionysus's children? It seems obvious but as the god of wine, surely they would have a higher tolerance for the stuff. Possibly that still relates to being capable of developing a dependence on it? But idk.
As always, feel free to hop into my asks to chat about your thoughts or ideas - whether you disagree or agree with the above. Always curious to know what other people think 😊
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