#how abuse affects health
NPD trait culture is being abused by a narcissistic parent but also hating people that say all narcissists are abusive and then being extremely conflicted bout it
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windwardstar · 3 months
Well... I think a solution to a thus doesn't fit together quite right and it's bugging me happened. And like it now fits together perfectly into canon framework. The problem is I don't think I can write it because there is so much trauma there.
Also I fucking hate the only know x for whatever and kill them then myself like yeah murder suicide is fucking funny lol shut up and maybe think that people have actually had to deal with other people making that threat about their own lives
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
okay i know we all joke about daryl being dirty and having bad hygiene but i actually think that it's all a result of neglect + a coping mechanism
we are not born already knowing how to wash ourselves. we need our parents to teach us how to wash our hair and brush our teeth and scrub our bodies. and they have to remind us to do it every day, otherwise we as kids won't do it. i very much doubt that either his mom or dad ever took a moment to teach either of their sons how to clean themselves-- maybe his mother told them to clean themselves if they were too dirty but she died when they were kids so she wasn't around for too long. and merle wasn't around much, what with going to juvie and then joining the military, so even if he wanted to he wouldn't have had time to do so. and even if he did, i think both elder dixon's view taking care of one's appearance as something very feminine and girly, so they wouldn't even care to do it in the first place.
maybe daryl realised that he was dirtier than his classmates at one point during his school years, but by then it would be too late to create the habit of bathing regularly. he probably got made fun of because how dirty he was a lot, so i feel like he would actually try to get into a showering routine (especially if merle isn't around to bother him about it), but after years of neglect it would be extremely hard to keep up with it, no matter how simple it is. old habits die hard.
but also, we know he spent a lot of time outdoors, especially when he was younger. so the woods became a safe place for him, somewhere where he wouldn't have to deal with his dad's abuse or merle's volatile personality. so nature to him = safety, and what happens when you stay in the woods for a long time? you get dirty, covered in sweat and mud and leaves. his brain would see that as "oh you're dirty because you're far away from home and that means no one can hurt you around here". plus i have a feeling his dad and merle would see his grime as a badge of honour, some sort of manly medal.
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dailykafka · 2 years
What do you think of contemporary writers diagnosing Franz Kafka with specific mental illnesses? (Love this blog. I trust your takes on him!)
I always try to be careful when talking about Kafka's mental illnesses because officially we don't have a diagnosis. The only thing I can say is that Kafka was always physically weak and had number of problems (mostly digestive issues, headaches, lastly tuberculosis) so years of such "little sicknesses" did strain his nerves and mental health and made him a hypochondriac (he called himself that).
It seems that his hypochondria grew into full neurosis as the symptoms of neurosis can be recognized in his writings (diaries/letters). They have been analyzed by many doctors so im pretty sure its accurate.
Since he was prone to suicidal ideation (again, evidence from diaries/letters) it can be said that his neurosis caused him to develop depression (due to his poor health and all the stigma that came with it).
It could also be possible that he suffered from social anxiety but im not sure about this one (at least i don't think it could be diagnosed as serious mental illness in Kafka's case).
So shortly, it can be said that Kafka suffered from neurosis, depression and possible social anxiety. Hope this answers your question😄
P.S. any more serious diagnosis about Kafka's health seems to me a bit overstretched as usually it can't be diagnosed just from analyzing someone's writings.
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cant go too far from tumblr its the only website that isnt horrible to people with npd
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hairringtonsteve · 2 months
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whimsycore · 3 months
It’s actually crazy when you can tell your own mother doesn’t want you to do better because she doesn’t want better FOR herself and will try to force you to settle with her
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dearmahiru-archive · 1 year
people find the absolute worst ways to villanize mahiru its so weird
like she didn't actually feed him an actual rat..
by that logic, muu had a whole transformation where she turned into a giant insect
sorry this is no hate or anything, im just kinda mad
people find any way to demonize a distressed woman in need of help and it makes me so sick
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(okay so when the mv first dropped i went on an entire tirade about how she totally 100% fed him a rat that wasn't a metaphor and how it's justified regardless. i've been convinced it's symbolism but you could imagine my panic when i read the first part. was about to bow my head and say no i love mahiru you got it all wrong!!)
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The meaning of life while guilty, I can’t even breathe anymore
It terrifies me how Mahiru is blatantly suicidal and people still want to guilty her because she's coping in a way they don't like. She's selfish for overwhelming her boyfriend, she's delusional for ignoring all the red flags, she's crazy for believing everything is alright, she's narcissistic for never apologizing to her boyfriend—!
I expect this fandom to always have their issues with handling mental health but it still makes me soo uncomfortable how people are so eager to punish anyone mentally ill. "I need you to understand that you were a bad person and I'm willing to risk that you'll kill yourself over it."
Mahiru is clearly only trying to cope with her boyfriend's death but is still getting saddled with abusive theories. It doesn't matter what Mahiru's intentions are or the nuances in her relationship or how much remorse she clearly feels about everything. She's not sane and therefore can't be sympathetic.
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moodr1ng · 1 year
i dont usually talk about this bc of The Shame but when i was a kid getting abused by my stepmother some of the ways she was fucking me up was that i was essentially not allowed access to the rest of our apartment outside of my bedroom and the bathroom (which i went in when the coast was clear). i was not permitted to eat meals with my family and had to eat in my room. i could not wash my bedsheets or my clothes as i didnt have access to the room in which we had the washing machine. i had piles of dirty dishes in my room bc i had to wait for my dad to take them out and wash them as i didnt go into the kitchen for fear of running into her. and my stepmother took to hiding the body wash and shampoo (presumably in their room?) after she was done showering, so the only thing i had to shower with was gel hand soap. i was sleeping in months old bedsheets that never got washed, on two moldy pieces of foam one could reluctantly call a bed, with bugs in my room, my hair was matted, my clothes smelled, i smelled. whenever i went back to my moms (who didnt know any of this as i was forbidden from talking about my dads home with her) she would yell at me and berate me for how disgusting and lazy i was.
i still feel dirty. i think ill feel dirty for the rest of my life. in my mind i am covered in some invisible layer of grime and stink that i never can really wash off. no amount of scrubbing can ever make me clean again. my relationship to hygiene has never healed from the abuse. i have entirely integrated the idea that i am a fundamentally dirty, lazy slob and that everyone can tell, everyone can smell and feel it on me and is just too polite to point out how disgusting they think i am.
i say this cause i really want to make it explicit where i stand on shaming people for their personal hygiene. at points in my life even when i had the opportunity to shower comfortably and regularly i didnt, bc after years of miserable conditions it felt so fucking daunting. id have to get in the shower and scrub myself until my skin was raw and stung under the water to even feel like the washing was actually doing anything. and the second i stepped out of the shower and started to dry myself i felt like the invisible film of dirt was building back up, like it was oozing out of me constantly and the only time i could hold it in was when i was actively cleaning it. pair that with the long despondent depressive phases of bipolar disorder and, yeah, i havent always showered regularly even when i technically could.
i dont fucking want to hear about how disgusting and gross you think i am/was or people who have similar issues are. so if youre gonna reblog a random ass poll i made keep your shit off my post. do not say anything about how disgusting you think people are if they dont wash themselves to your standards. just shut up ok.
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trans-corvo · 5 months
reading reviews for Forest Mage and am absolutely fascinated by how uncomfortable Nevare's magic induced weight gain clearly makes some people.
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what is it about being fat that upsets you so bad?
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archived-diegesis · 7 months
(( HC on herrschers and how they affect diffrent worlds ))
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Herrschers are beings made to kill of humanity with the ability to manipulate reality and are often bending the laws of the world to their will . They carry the will of honkai and are often made to be monsters in human flesh due to them carrying out the will of honkai. The personality's herrschers have are often made from twisting the personality of their hosts.
Said twisting is often done via the destruction of the human vessels mind. Their is a breaking point in the humans will were they willingly want to harm humanity and people as a whole. This can and has been subverted after the aeon of origin HoE broke the cycle honkai on the imaginary tree or more specifically a tree branch.
Modern day herrschers if they have a strong enough will can and often do fight agent the will of honkai, retaining their humanity.
Chimere hasn't awoken as a proper herrscher yet because she still has the will and drive to fight and has no true animosity towards humanity. Her core acts as her heart and she has to actively pull at her powers to get them to be used.
As of right know she can go either way if pushed enough due to her world still actively fighting the honkai. She radiates honkai energy and can cause beasts to actively seek her out or at least beings of the nature that are similar in nature to honkai.
Chimere as the herrscher of binding is able to manipulate all manners of energy so monsters feel a stronger need to attack her then normal.
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avpd-queer · 1 year
I feel bad that my former best friend is in a toxic relationship and can’t see it, is throwing away their friends of over a decade for her, but I also can’t stop remembering how, when I shared with them that I had just learned I had been cheated on and gaslighted about it for 6 years, their response was concern about my abuser’s mental health. That conversation didn’t affect their relationship with him in the slightest, they didn’t try to be there for me or show up for me to him, and when I they learned that I was going to get back with that person just a few days later, expecting them to be like, “uh no I don’t think that’s a good idea” (like everyone else had done and like I expected from them, having told them “just don’t let any of your friends date him” when I shared that I was leaving him, thinking they could help me figure out where to sleep and how to adjust), they didn’t protest at all. I was glad to avoid the awkwardness of, “thank you for your concern but I don’t have other options and idk I guess I’m gullible but also I just really want to believe it’ll get better” but also hurt that they didn’t seem concerned for my well-being. Hoping that they just didn’t voice that part because I’m an adult and can make decisions and already know what advice I would give myself. I just had to cling to believing that, and thinking maybe they don’t understand what gaslighting is and that’s why they didn’t seem to care, even as they became less and less my friend and eventually dropped both of us for trying to set a boundary with them about their girlfriend. And the only way they offer for me to be there for them through their relationship is to stuff down all of my needs and feelings, go along with every whim of their girlfriend, and accept that we will never get time with them without her ever again. They kept pretending like everything was okay and they totally understood, when we were face-to-face, and then they’d go home and suddenly we’re horrible and need to apologize to her for…being her friend? Trying to get more time with our best friend? Being honest with our best friend when they ask why we haven’t been able to get closer to their girlfriend? We were trying to be adult and trust in the strength of our friendship, but they fully gave in to their girlfriend’s temper tantrum over her misinterpretation of messages she logged into their discord to read, and they have just fully thrown us away. Ghosted us for pride and haven’t communicated with us in any form since. We had some extra pizza from a canceled event at my partner’s work that I left on their doorstep and had my sister text about, and they responded that they were out of the country, visiting her family. Normally we have two weekly dnd sessions and 1-2 weekly hangout sessions - the first week of dnd was canceled and after that, they just never showed up. This month of nothing is one of the few months we had left before they were going to move to where her family lives in the US, like 10hr drive from here, being fully isolated with her, without a support system, away from the support system they haven’t been away from in like 8 years (when I was in New York - my partner was here during those 2 years, they were roommates).
I’m just so hurt. They meant so much to me, I planned on having them in my life for the rest of it. I knew in the last relationship they were in they let us fall to the side some but she broke up with them and they realized how absorbed they’d been and promised to not let it happen again. Before meeting the current girlfriend, who they immediately got absorbed into. I don’t know what the fuck to do.
#vent#I guess I’ll show this to my therapist#it’s hard to find the words when you’re not in the moment fully feeling the feelings and are talking to a stranger#instead of a blank void#my chest feels like a black hole#I keep thinking of cool people in my past who I was too scared to get to know#how I just got to know the people it was easiest to#because they weren’t intimidating#and this is the result#people tell me I have too high standards but? is this the result of the opposite? I’ve isolated myself as my mental health has gotten worse#and clung to the people who I thought cared about me the people who were easiest to keep in my life#and then those people turned out to not give a shit about me or need to have some kind of epiphany to realize I’m a human#being who they shouldn’t abuse#my adult relationships have just been emulating the treatment I got from my mom and oldest sister growing up#so much of the recurring shit from them has been recurring in my adult life too#never thought I would fall victim to the ‘you seek out the treatment you know’ trope#I guess#btw if there is a person reading this while I don’t always believe it for obvious reasons#I do think my partner just somehow didn’t realize how horrible he was being and is making progress now…he still falls short a lot in those#ways (I mean like not considering how his actions affect me or how I would feel about something and lashing out at me when he’s feeling#defensive not like…dropping a cup or forgetting something)#but it happens less#and he’s quicker to listen to me and understand and apologize#than he used to be#and not so weird and attack-y about his phone and computer and social medias#and he’s usually good about understanding it’ll be a process and the flip side of me being understanding of his growth being slow and non-li#near#is that I can’t get over years of abuse and a rewriting of my brain overnight#my mental health is so much worse after years of gaslighting and that’s going to take work on both of our ends#and he’ll have to create a space of trust and comfort with me not just expect it to be there magically
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oglegoggle · 1 year
Ugh. Woke up at like 4am. Couldn’t go back to sleep. I miss so dearly being able to roll over and hold somebody and easily fall back asleep again. I genuinely resent how much easier it is for me to sleep beside another. I deeply resent my own hunger for touch and affection. I resent needing support that I know I won’t get because I shouldn’t need it. I resent not being strong enough to just comfortably exist in isolation. I resent not being able to make the peace with solitude that I’m supposed to.
#this is goggles#bleh today is a bit of a I resent even existing kind of day#the biggest thing that had me trapped in my last relationship is how accessible affection was#it sucked so much I spent months enduring my shit getting broken and my health ruined and and my sanity shredded#but fuck that’s been my entire life#the benefit he brought was a warm body to hold nightly which is something I’ve never had before#and just…. I keep telling myself that I’ll have it again but I genuinely don’t know#I miss him but I know that it wasn’t because he was actually a good partner it’s because my life is defined by isolation and abuse#I’m so tired my dudes#I’m itching to leave again#I’ve only been here for two months but I’m already kinda sick of it#idk fuckin 11 months to go until I can leave again I guess#I don’t think that leaving is going to help really it’s just going to make it that I’m in a different lonely and isolated place#the autism is so deeply isolating and the abuse really did not help me learn how to Person any better#exact opposite really#I just want to be held#more than anything else in this world I want to be held#it’s surreal to me that folks around me read me as super chipper and always in good spirits even on hard days#like it’s an act! it’s a facade! it’s fake! it’s the performance I’ve learned makes people like me enough to not totally avoid me!#I want to blow my goddamn brains out!#I just want to be held and I don’t understand why it’s so distant#I don’t understand why I feel trapped in a snow globe where I can watch the world going on around me but never participate in it#I’m a novelty plaything at best cutesy and chipper but nothing of notable substance#I just want to be held I just want to be held I just want to be held I just want to be held I just want to be held I just want to be held#fuck I want to eat some acid and zonk out for a couple days and bawl my eyes out and then do a ton of weird art#I miss so dearly being held#I miss loving cats#I miss the version of me that could’ve existed with gentle parenting#I don’t understand why it’s so difficult in our world#please I just want to be held for like an hour and to feel safe
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Inferiority Complex in Relationships : How It Affects Your Love Life?
Description: In this eye-opening video, we dive deep into the world of inferiority complex in relationships and how it can impact your love life. 😔💔 Discover the signs of an inferiority complex, the reasons behind it, and how to overcome it for a healthier, happier relationship. 💑💪 Don't let your insecurities hold you back from experiencing true love! ❤️🌟 Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more insightful content. 📈🔔 And don't forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! 👇💬
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manfedrainbows · 2 years
not abused by mom, not abused by dad, but a secret third thing (abused by an older sibling while nobody stopped it)
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