#how DO i do this? what did i learn in school that fostered this lol
trashlie · 1 year
this is a bit unrelated to i love yoo but i want to be able to discuss things as well as you do! i am kind of a passive reader and once i finish something i move onto the next thing and i want to be able to do something about it or create something out of it! i know this is a bit of a loaded question but do you have any tips for this?
Ahhhhhhh this is such a difficult question for me to answer, but I'll do my best! Like, admittedly for me, part of it is that ILY is 100% a hyperfixaton. My lil gremlin brain went 'oh shiny i'm gonna think about this 24/7' and it just DOES and as such I've read it over and over so many times that it becomes incredibly familiar to me and thus things I've never picked up on before start to stand out. But that doesn't mean people can't learn to be active readers because there are whole classes dedicated to this! It's something we spend a lot of our time in school doing.
I think part of it is what you said - you tend to finish something and move on, so you aren't allowing yourself time to really ruminate and fixate on things. It's really the re-reading that makes discussions more possible for me, personally. When I read, I tend to have my initial stream of conscious reaction - it's the taking things in the moment, often at face value. Sometimes when it's a particularly juicy episode where my brain starts running, I start writing up my initial thought dump for reddit - initial reactions and questions. And then once I finish my first read, I go at it again, this time trying to pay more attention to the art, to bolded text, to things that tend to have secondary meanings. This is where it gets more.... not so much tedious but it helps to really understand how quimchee writes and slips in her foreshadowing and subtext. I kind of get into that a bit in this post but honestly I think part of it comes from a lot of discussions and what people are picking up on and what turns out to be true. Looking for the literary devices - like the number of times Nol and Shinae are mirrored right down to having overlapping thoughts! - or how characters are set up as foils and mirrors. There are certain patterns I think I tend to notice, whereas sometimes other people have to point out details I completely miss because it's not something I'm paying attention to.
So the best advice I really have for is to try to push yourself to be more active. Read the episode and take down some of your initial thoughts. You don't even have to share this! What are your initial thoughts and questions about the episode. Does it feel like nothing really happened - and is that true? Did nothing really happen or was a lot of it unveiling information vs active plot? Is there anything that stands out - something in the dialog that feels a little worth questioning? Quimchee has a tendency to bold text that is important, whether it's that the character themself is emphasizing something or it's subtext for us as readers. Nol as nobody is a really good example of this - try plugging in "Nol" in place of nobody and see what changes lol. Think about colors! Now, I'm not really great at color theory myself, but sometimes you can get a FEELING from the colors rather than what it represents. Is the background on this panel cold, jarring, soft? Look for repeated motifs. The Shinlyssa flashback introduced the concept of sunsets and sunrises regarding relationships - what can that imply? What do sunsets and sunrises represent?
I think honestly once you get into that practice, you stop having to feel like a teacher prodding yourself to read into an episode! And sometimes it really isn't that deep! Sometimes what we need to glean IS right there for us to see, so part of the fun is just discussing how it impacts plot or what it signifies. For instance, when Hansuke confessed to Kousuke that he stole Kou's blood viles after Yui demanded he stop his tests - we expected Kousuke to be angry but he wasn't. What does that tell us about Kousuke's current state? He's worried enough about himself that he agrees he should be tested, that he knows something is wrong, even if he can't quite peg yet what it is.
Ultimately, I think active reading just really requires re-reading and ruminating! It's so easy to be a passive reader and there's nothing wrong with that because often we are reading for fun or for pleasure, and you want to get on to the next part. Just sitting with what you've read, giving it a re-read, mulling it over, is a really good start! Engaging in the discussions going on (reddit is good for this, or the ILY discord) helps, too, because honestly, so much of my thoughts are formed by the conversations I have around an episode. We all bring something different to the table and interpret it together and you really start to feel the community helping to fill in what you feel you're weakest at! So basically: sit with the episode, engage with it, and ruminate on it before you move on to the next thing!
Please let me know if that's helpful at all! And happy reading! <3
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alwaysahiccupandastrid · 11 months
🪓 Nerdy Prudes Must Die - Some Thoughts 🪓
I decided to rewatch NPMD (second day in a row 🙈) and wanted to write down some random thoughts and reactions because why the fuck not 😌
I loved this show from the second it started omg I love things about murder 🤭
“Riiiiichie… Riiiiiichie…” — kind of gave off IT vibes ngl
They really killed off Jon Matteson’s nerd character in the first 35 seconds 💀
“They twisted his nipples off 🤣” - WHY WAS HE SO HAPPY ABOUT IT
“🎵I’m dead…the blood is arbitrating from my head🎵” needs to become a trending TikTok sound or something oh my fucking gOD
LAUREN YOU QUEEN 🙌🏻👏🏻 also living for that fucking wig
Definitely felt the “High School is Killin’ Me” “I’m so fucking dead” in my soul even though I’m a full ass adult now
“I was deep in a Twitter fight about a problematic puppy” ROFL OMFG
Joey as Peter Spankoffski 😭👏🏻
We all knew someone at school who snitched to the teachers lbh 💀
“So you don’t wanna be bullied?” “No, I wanna be invisible.” “…then why do you come to public school dressed in suspenders and a fucking bow tie?” - PLEAAAASE 💀🤣
Joey taking off his glasses and going “oh god” under his breath, “IT’S NOT ACTUALLY A MICROPENIS”… oh he ATE the role, R*bert who?!?
“My titties are tenderised” - I MEAN SAME BUT-?!?
“I didn’t know you were funny.” “Neither did I.” “I like funny guys.” — I AM SORRY BUT IM ALREADY SHIPPING HARD
Actually obsessed with Richie’s hair and outfit like I can’t explain it other than I’m obsessed
“Ohh well there’s a difference between intent and impact - I learnt that at an anti bullying assembly last month, FUCK NUGGET” took me off guard tbh like I know I’m tired and easily surprised but still 🤭
Jägerman is literally the archetype of the school bully jock who peaked in high school like omg but also he’s into Grace?!?!
“I run laps in the gym and I don’t want to slip on any SPUNK” - FUCKING HELL
“Can I carry your books for you?” “Carry my books? 🤢 I don’t think either of us are ready for that, I mean we’re only 18!”
“My little dirty girl.” — 😳😲😮‍💨
“I am only one man’s girl, Max, and his name is Jesus Christ!” — IM FUCKING HOWLING ANGELA KILLED THE DELIVERY OF THAT LINE I CANT-
“I’m a literal monster!” - oh so Max is self aware then 🤔
“This is politics, Stephanie 🙄 learn to multitask!”
I love that Starkid keep casting Corey as Mariah’s dad?!?
Stephanie is apparently her father’s “October surprise”… so her birthday is in October, like Hannah Foster’s? 🤔
“Stephanie, please, I’d like to have an intelligent conversation with you - in other words, shut up” - DAMN WHAT A BURN
NOOO NOT HER PHONE 😰 (I am also addicted to my phone so I get it lol)
Mayor Lauter really said “I don’t give a shit if you lie, steal or cheat to get your grades up, just don’t get caught” - spoken like a true politician
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?!?” probably should not have resonated with me like it did 🤭
Peter trying to make a joke and Richie and Ruth not getting it is so relatable tbh
I’m obsessed with Ruth’s mushroom jumper tbh
“I just want someone to touch me… anyone, PLEASE” — ROFL (same girl)
“What was it like when she touched your arm?… DID YOU CUM?!?” — 💀💀💀💀
“You and Steph, it’s a fantasy - like a boy and his anime love pillows. It’s a beautiful dream, but I’ll never hold the real Rei or Asuka in my arms.” — I AM PISSING MYSELF LAUGHING JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
“I’m such a loser, telemarketers hang up on me” 💀😭
Richie and Ruth climbing Pete like a tree and demanding to know what Stephanie is saying is so ridiculously funny 😆
“Really, Ruth? A Star Wars analogy? Need I go into why Attack on Titan is superior in every possible way?” — STARKID UNDERSTAND THE NERDS I LOVE IT
“You’re telling me I gotta be funny again?!? I didn’t do it on purpose the first time!”
“Pete, you’ve been given a once in a lifetime opportunity - someone’s willing to tolerate your presence for a whole evening! This may never happen again!” — damn wish that would happen to me 😭🙈
Not Pete getting a boner during “Cool as I think I am” 🙈
Nooooo not Max finding Pete before he could go into the restaurant to meet Stephanie 😭
“I’m sick of your ssshhhhit!” — YES PETEY STAND UP TO HIM
The fact Max said “Rendezvous” as “Randay-Voose” 💀
The way it transitioned from “say your prayers” to the Chasity family going “AMEN” was PERFECTION
Grace’s father referring to his wife as “mother” is…something 💀
“He came up to me in the hallway and he asked if he could carry my books.” “Oh, Mark - I didn’t know that sort of thing happened at Hatchetfield High! Do you think you should call the boy’s father?” — ?!?!?!
“Mom, will you pass the butt stuff? The butter. Butter. Will you pass the butter? (Chuckles nervously) I just want some head and butter. BREAD! Bread! Bread and butt-sex to go with this big shaft of meat I’m gonna choke down. Oh boy…oh criminy!” - THE SCREECH I GAVE WAS UNHOLY
“I’ve just got some butterflies in my tummy; and they’re flying REAL low today” 😭💀🙈
“Brewing up a big ol’ pot of dirty girl soup” - ABSOLUTELY NOT 💀
“Everyone’s got their secrets, and this one’s mine. I love… Jesus! 😃” - this was when I definitely knew she was fantasising because ain’t no fucking way-
You see, if Christian parents didn’t repress their teenager’s hormones and sexuality then MAYBE their teenagers wouldn’t resort to murder 🙃
Grace’s dad saying he’s going to get the plunger when she said she was doing a big poop 😭💀
Grace really thinks that impure thoughts only happen after marriage and I almost envy her innocence
“Money isn’t everything… looks are.” - yeah no that about sums people up in this day and age 😑
“We thought you were waifu material, but you’re just a bully” — NOT WAIFU MATERIAL 💀
Grace is kind of a psychopath and I’m loving that for her tbh
“I’m not comfortable with the plan if it involves that kind of language” but she’s comfortable with filming someone getting terrified and pissing their pants 💀
The “the place is not structurally sound” comment was DEFINITELY foreshadowing
“I get pus in my pits!” Jesus ☠️
🎵🤌🏻we’re gonna bully the bully🤌🏻🎵
“We’re gonna cut off his nips!” - what is with the obsession with n!pples in this show 😳
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“You’re like super nice to me 😀” “…not really. I’m just doing the bare minimum here.” “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.” “Oh, that’s sad!” — 😂😅🤣
“Okay, Richie, be honest… Am I reading as ghost or Lin Manuel Miranda” — OH FUCKING GOD IM CACKLING
“You kinda look like that homeless guy from downtown” 💀 FOURTH WALL BREAK?!?
Max must be VERY drunk because ain’t no way he thought Pete was a ghost or Ruth was actually a skeleton 💀
“Grace, we gotta abort the plan, it’s not working!” “It’s working for me, he’s so violent! 😍”
Not Max actually being touched by them putting this whole thing together for him 💀 very much giving off himbo vibes and I love him for that
“NERDY! PRUDES! MUST! DIE!” — oh hey it’s the name of the show! 😃 And also it was written on the wall in… oh 😳
“I did get a lot of incriminating footage of us luring him here with malicious intent!” - uh oh
“My god! We’re going to jail! And with my luck, no one will even bother making me their bitch!” — PLEASE 💀
“It wasn’t murder, and it wasn’t an accident… it was an act of God! 😇” - Grace is UNHINGED
“No more tickling in our mommy spots!” - OUR WHAT SPOTS?!?
“🎵🤌🏻 We’re gonna bury the body! 🤌🏻🎵”
“Oh no she’s snapping again”
“I just cut off his nips 😌” - again with the nips?!?
“Two weeks of heartache” - cut to all of his classmates happy without his influence 💀
“Ya know, this is really your C+.” “Oh Steph… you can keep it. It’d really bring down my GPA.”
Steph asking Pete out to the football game 🥹😁 we love to see it!
GO GO NIGHTHAWKS! 😃🦅 (I know it’s an eagle emoji there’s no hawk emoji 🙈)
“N, I-G, H-T… *squawk squawk* Ks!” 👏🏻🙌🏻
Richie is the team mascot and they wanted/needed him in the huddle 🥹
They apologised for bullying him 😭👏🏻
“And we’d like to apologise in advance for if Max ever comes back, ‘cause we’ll probably go right back to doing it”
“Fuck Clivesdale! Fuck ‘em straight to hell! Assholes!” — AGREED! 👏🏻
I’m 90% sure Jon actually struggled with taking that mascot top off but it worked well with the scene so 😌
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“I love being alive! 😃” — oh he’s so about to fucking die, isn’t he?
“Should’ve joined the smoke club you nerdy prude” — ANOTHER SMOKE CLUB REFERENCE
Every song on this soundtrack fucking slaps I LOVE IT
There’s not very many men that can pull off being absolutely absolutely fucking terrifying while dancing and singing across the stage but Will Branner managed it so kudos to him
The bit where Richie was repeating what Max said (“who will pray for me? When I’m gone?”) was INSANELY GOOD
“What did they find? You don’t say…you don’t say!” “What’d they find, dad?” “They didn’t say” - 💀
“Oh heck… I’m so hecking fudged”
“*relieved* Oh well we don’t know anything about that one!” “Or ANY one!”
“Maybe it’s a coincidence. People tell me to die every day!” — Okay why is Ruth kind of me 😭
“Ohhh I remember before the lockdown” - yeah me too 😅
Ruth walking onto the stage and into the spotlight 🥺 literally she was me this whole scene omg I relate so hard to most of what she said ASDFGHJKL
Lauren ATE that song up by the way
Him telling her to “project” so those in the back row could hear her triggered me so bad as an actor omg 😳
Grace really accusing the entirety of Clivesdale 💀
As soon as the WWJD bracelet was brought up I KNEW what was going on 😭
“Who’s plan was it, Grace?” “It was God’s plan! And now he’s leaving me out to dry! Do something, you son of a bitch!” 💀😅🤣
Grace has lost her fucking SHIT and I fully support that for her
“Show Me Your Hands” musical refrain?!
“Cup of roasted coffee” refrain too?!?
🎵”Don’t need a lover boy need a lover man / sure I’m a sapiosexual and you’re intellectual but I’ll cut my lover losses when I can” 🎵 — this song goes so hard omg
Grace pushing between them and shouting “leave room for Jesus!” 💀
“Do we need to get ahold of Ruth?” “Good luck getting ahold of her. Does your phone pls cover calls to hell?” “…Hell?” “She’s bisexual and dead, where else would she be?!?” — 💀
Grace whipping out the gun and telling Steph to cool her beans was so iconic of her
“(Canadian accent) ‘Cause if I’m going down, you hosers comin’ with me, eh” — OH MY FUCKING GOD
Doesn’t shock me a cop would arrest Paul for zero fucking reason, fuck the police 💀
“All I wanted was to be a regular girl with no sexual desire until she was safely married 😭” the FUCK-
“Don’t comfort her, she’s fuckin’ weird” 💀
“I don’t give a shit who you kill - but you just had to go and do it in that house, didn’t you?” — Mayor Lauter really said “murder is fine but NOT in that specific house, you fucking idiots”
“She gave me head in her car - check it out!” *throws Miss Tessburger’s head onstage* — BRO THE FUCK
“Detective Shapiro, are you a woman of faith?” “Catholic.” “I’ll take that as a no” — THE FUCK GRACE 😑
They’re really about to summon five otherworldly entities who are evil I’m-
The Summoning screams CRACK and I’m living for it
“Pay the price or fuck off” 💀
Can I just say that I need would love a show specifically just about the Lords in Black fucking about and it’s Jon the whole time as Wiggly exactly as he was during the Summoning scene because that was AMAZING IM SHAKING-
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The fact Pete cherishes Steph and she cherishes him oh my hEART 😭
“Hey Steph, if things were different, would you wanna come to homecoming with me?” “I’d like that, Pete. I’d really like that.” - SHUT THE FUCK UP NO 😭😭😭
Not Max saving Pete from being shot 💀
“So you do know the Bible!” — GRACE OMG IM SCREECHING HELP
“But Jesus never threw a football like you, Max” - WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING
Max being confused about what dirty girl soup is and then being turned on when she explains 😭💀
“Take me, Max, right here on the 50 yard line!” — oh dear gOD
Max’s struggle over whether to kill Steph and Pete or whether to bang Grace omfg 😭😅
Grace got Max kicking his feet, twirling his hair, after one shag, just like a teenage girl 💀 I’m crying so hard with laughter I can’t cope with it-
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Grace choosing not to get the dance cancelled and she brought a date?!? That’s character development! 😀
She let Jason walk her home?!? O_o and then asked him to kiss her?!?!
“That was… absolutely disgusting! Really, Jason?!? Kissing on the first date?!?” Oh noooo 💀
“You’re a dirty perv, Jason”
Anyway, 11/10, immaculate, amazing, incredible, show-stopping, would recommend to everyone of course and will definitely be rewatching it a LOT 🪓
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shootingcookielover · 3 months
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Introducing: Jay!! My ducktales oc!! (If it wasn't blatantly obvious lmao)
Do you want to know more about them? No? Too bad!
Jay, aka January was the first ever clone F.O.W.L. created. However, due to a lab accident, Jay ended up not only with scrooge's DNA, but also Bradford's. Deeming the clone a "failure", Heron drops the created baby off at an orphanage.
(Bradford becomes enraged when he later learns of this - a child with his and scrooge mcduck's dna?? Just out there??? Has Heron no concept how problematic that could shake out to be???)
Jay spends the first 9 years of their life kinda bouncing from foster home to foster home (kinda developing a bit of a thing abt people seeing them eat. Because of how their beak is a bit weirdly aligned, they can't eat quite the same as most others, and people stare.). But eventually they scrape together enough resources for like, one of those online-dna testing kits that spit out who you're related to.
Turns out their parents are Scrooge McDuck!!! (And some random vulture guy? Weird)
Thus, Jay sets out to become an adventurer like their dad, to meet him one day on their adventures!
Except, first adventure they immediately get trapped in a parallel, kind of very hellish dimension. They get out after three years, but they're pretty traumatized - and pretty much pu off of adventuring forever.
(Though they do find and keep a magic amulet in [hell dimension] that they use to cast spells. Mostly teleportation spells, really.)
Deciding they don't really want to meet a guy who's whole schtick is adventuring, they instead begin their search for dad#2, that vulture guy.
They find out he works for scrooge mcdad (of course he does) but don't judge him too harshly yet. From what they can find online (public libraries for the win!) the guy doesn't really... Do anything. Let alone go on adventures.
So Jay decides to find out where he lives and well, just kinda shows up at his door.
Much surprise is had, it's not quite the family reunion Jay was hoping for but they haven't been kicked out so they count it as a win.
Staying with their dad is pretty great, actually. He even hires a private tutor for homeschooling, since Jay missed 3 years of school and has a lot of catching up to do.
(they definitely hoard food in their room somewhere, just in case. They also have a bug-out bag ready at any given time. Just in case.)
Turns out, Dadford doesn't only also hate adventuring with a passion - he has a whole secret organization to take over the world and stop all adventuring! Forever!
(Jay found a secret stash of files on the computer they use for video games.)
Thus, at the ripe age of 13 they become the youngest FOWL agent ever!
And because they are kind of a big security risk now that they know, they get moved out to live in the outpost at the library of Alexandria instead, together with a bunch of the villains Dadford recruited.
(including Phantom Blot who Jay has an ongoing rivalry with just because they use magic sometimes lol)
(they and the villains play mario kart/party together on sundays)
Eventually, (three years later) season 1 happens and seeing the mcduck family successfully overcome the rift that della's absence left, dadford decides to put one of his better pawns into play.
Through some posturing, magic pyrotechnics and a fake mystical artefact, Jay gets planted into the mcduck family as scrooge's "magic child/clone".
(this happens during the episode "The Depths of Cousin Fethry", while huey and dewey are out meeting their cousin, scrooge, louie and webby go to find an invaluable treasure and return with Jay. Cue scrooge introducing Jay as his kid and Huey and Dewey going "wtf did we miss")
They go along on an adventure or two, mainly because saying "I hate adventuring and I don't want to do it because I was traumatized and hate it" doesn't make sense for someone who was just created from an ancient magic artefact. But after a couple adventures they can finally just put their foot down and stay home. It's chill.
They draw sometimes, do a few commissions.
Scrooge wants to bond with them so they teach him how to play video games and they watch some shows together.
Eventually, the last adventure rolls around.
At the point where Webby pretends to be June and kidnaps... Herself (yknow what part i mean. Probably) Jay comes with the clones, obviously shocking Webby.
But they make it to the library without any particular incident - except Huey getting discovered, obviously.
Jay stays behind to "escort June and Webby". They've very much realized the switcheroo that Webby pulled and use their (thus far mostly benign) magic to switcheroo back.
They nod to June, explaining that they didn't say anything earlier so that Director Dad doesn't get on her case too bad about "failing".
After that, Jay kinda just goes off to hang out a bit. Drink some pep. Chill.
On the way to Webby's cell, she wakes up and takes out June. (Because of course she does. She's Webby.)
Cue the rest of the finale.
Right up until Dadford is fighting McDuck and his fam. Because now, he calls Jay forward, who kinda immobilizes the fam with their magic for a bit.
Dadford throws his employees into the death pit, but oh shock! He picks up to throw Jay in as well.
And he does. He does throw them in.
Luckily, Jay is a master at magical teleportation and nobody realizes they weren't, in fact, erased from existence.
Bla bla bla, scrooge signs the papyrus, "family is the greatest adventure of all", boom the other vilalins show up to defeat dadford once and for all.
But what's this? It's Jay, with a magical barrier, protecting her dad from being turned into a non-sentient vulture!
They teleport themself and Dadford outta there.
At this point they're assuming they got thrown in the pit as a sort of surprise/back up, to make everyone think FOWL was already defeated when they were still there and alive. Yknow, a backup plan.
They live on the street for a bit, but Jay manages to get a job, securing the two of them an aprtment.
Dadford doesn't rlly come out of his room for a while.
Jay gets it; having ur thirty year-long plan derailed like that couldn't be, yknow, pleasant.
At some point, Louie finds them at their job and basically blackmails them into helping him out during adventures. (They kinda hide in his shadow, basically/louie summons them, so when something particularly dangerous happens they can subtly magic it away.)
Dadford eventually emerges from his room and drops the bombshell we all already knew: he very much did intend to kill Jay that day.
Jay is kinda shellshocked. They sort of robotically just return to their routine; go to work.
Louie summons them to deal with an adventure again, and wouldn't u know it? Its an adventure in that hell dimension that Jay got stuck in as a kid.
This, coupled with the revelation that one of their dads tried to kill them, kinda makes them very uncareful. They get revealed to the rest of the family but manage to get everyone out of there.
They reveal that Louie's been blackmailing them and the fact dadford tried to actually kill them sorta spills out in the same, emotionally charged rant and to their surprise scrooge offers to allow them back in the mansion, despite everything.
Jay hesitantly accepts, but mentions that they would like to keep working their current job. This is agreeable to everyone.
Jay returns to their apartment later, under the cover of "going to work" and find dadford packing his things.
They're like, what r u doing? Where would u even go?
And he's like, idk, i'll dip into my grandma's account or smth, its not like u want me here anymore, what with the attempted murder.
And Jay's like, I didn't say that.
Stunned silence.
So anyway, Jay sighs and tells dadford he's allowed to stay at the apartment and that Jay will stay at the manor again.
This is how far ive gotten. If u have any ideas/thoughts/complaints, drop 'em somewhere i can see 'em!
If anyone's even read this far lol.
If u have, have a virtual cookie, you've earned it🍪
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teaboot · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @lost-and-cused 💛
Are you named after anyone? Yes, a musician my mother met in Russia!
When was the last time you cried? Huh. I think like, two months back? Trigun '98 episode 23. If you know you know. (I am wrapping u up in a blanket.)
Do you have kids?  Nope! I think I might like to be a foster parent someday, though, once I have the money and the time do it properly.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I- huh. I was gonna say yes, but honestly, not much in the last few years? I used to be so snarky and biting, like, all the time. It must have been really exhausting for the people around me. Now I think mostly it's just when I'm venting. Wild!
What sports do you play/have played?  I dunno if it's a sport if I don't compete but I enjoy martial arts! I do BJJ sometimes but I'm not very good at it, it's just for fun. Oh, and I was on a basketball team for a couple years, but I'm 5'3" and still don't know the rules so I think I was mostly just just for the body count, lol
What's the first thing you notice about other people?  Demeanor. Are you calm or tense? Loose or tightly-wound? Are you likely to explode if you encounter a perceived obstacle? Are you agreeable and easygoing? Or are you pent-up and raw and itching for a fight?
God, I don't think people realize how visibly LOUD they are when they're unhappy.
Some people are like music, moving along to their own little beat or tune, and then a heavy, harsh note walks in and you just KNOW they'll fuck up the rhythm if you brush too close. It's wild. Are they aware of it? Do they care? Who knows.
What's your eye colour?  Brown! Sorta like.... hmmmm. #622a0f in the middle, with a darker ring around the outside. (Never did relate to the 'brown eyes are boring' gang, always liked mine too much. Then again, I was the only one in my family with brown eyes, so maybe it was that.)
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies WITH happy endings? But no, actually, I hate watching horror movies. I LIKE them, I think a lot of them are very good and it's an underrated genre, I just. Don't enjoy being scared. Or sad.
Any special talents?  I'm an artist- I enjoy watercolor, acrylic, and India ink as painting mediums, I'm rather good at realistic stippling, I'm decent at identifying animal bones, I enjoy sculpting and sewing and needle-felting, I'm finally at a point where I like to read my own writing, I enjoy interior design and have been told I'm good at it, I'm a pretty good cook, and I've been told I'm a decent singer! I can also fold incredibly tiny origami cranes, and pick up on new languages well enough for simple use.
And I be far more proud of any number of these things if I did them a little more often.
As it is, I sleep a lot.
Where were you born? British Columbia, Canada!
What are your hobbies? Lord, too many. I'm actually sewing a new battle jacket right now, and animating a short video. Also writing fan fiction. And reading! And I like to collect antique books and handmade ceramics and theater masks. And go antiquing. And I'm still learning to knit? Hhhhhhhhrrrrnnggfn I wish I could have a year off to just. Do things. I wanna take a pottery class! And do metalwork again!! I used to love making chain jewelry. Oh, I do beadwork sometimes! And paint! And I'm sloooooowly designing a guest room. Bfyvxuhfhgtjggjhgyu
Do you have any pets? Yes! Big baby bird cat. He lives out of the country now, though.
How tall are you? 160cm!
Favourite subject at school?  Art. And Metalwork. And Psychology. And Literary Analysis. (And lunch break.)
Dream job?  Okay so imagine this: There's a VERY rich eccentric hell-bent on accumulating strange art, and by some miracle they are both mentally stable and not a gigantic dickhead. They travel a lot and don't really enjoy socializing so I don't have to kiss their ass.
Twice a month I receive an automatic deposit into my bank account and in return, all they want is a reasonably steady continued production of literally whatever art. Portraits, statues, robotics, ceramics, conceptual shit, costumes, carvings, literally whatever.
And they'll cover educational expenses for it all so I can go back to college and learn screen printing and 3D animation and use the kiln and shit forever and ever, and take up apprenticeships at tattoo parlors and volunteer as a face painter and pick up photography, and just create as much beauty and love and confusion and joy as I possibly can forever and ever and ever until I die.
And I'll have enough money to own my own apartment that I'll paint in all my favourite colors, with murals and everything, and have a cat who I will of course spoil rotten, and maybe adopt a few weird and goofy kids who'll have sleepovers with their friends in the living room and play new bad music that I pretend to hate, and when they fuck up and do stupid shit like kids do, maybe I'll handle it better than my adults did.
And maybe if they like making stuff too, I can make stuff with them. And maybe I'll get to see them do it better than me. And maybe I'll get to see them do everything better than me. And maybe they'll be happier, too.
So, uh. I guess I'd like to be an artist. A sugar baby-artist? Sugar baby artist combo. I'd like to have a patron is what I mean. A sponsor. Yeah
Fifteen Mutuals*: @Melancholysage @Genderfuckedpigeon @Raspbrrytea @Qthewhatever @Sternenhimmel-mond @Mythosandsuch @Anunholymessofagirl @Ifitistobeitisuptous @Here-you-can-read-my-feelings @Meat-puddle @Catgirlwarrior @Rodeokid @Not-fae-no-sir @Inbox847 @Pip-53
*I have no idea if we're all mutuals but take this anyways
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compacflt · 11 months
I have to ask because I'm just too curious! How is your writing so good? Like, holy hell, your prose, the flow from one sentence to another, how you tell Ice and Mav's thoughts and the yearning and pining and angst and everything. You made me cry so many times reading their perspectives, and it's such a unique take and so relatable and sad at the same time.
I'm just wondering if you've taken any courses, what you do to improve your writing, or maybe any references and ideas for when you get stuck on a scene. I'm not much of a reader of western media, so maybe you have some recommendations?
Thanks in advance! You're one of the best writers I've ever had the pleasure of reading!
See here for my regular writing advice :)
yes, i am a double major in journalism & english so I’m taking basically all writing classes at school. but as i said in my previous advice post, i haven’t learned anything in any of my classes that you couldn’t learn just by reading attentively and writing on your own. the benefit of a structured program is Having Deadlines and that’s about it imo
I don’t have a ton of recommendations for precisely this reason—my recommendation is to literally read everything you can get your hands on, AND to treat Everything you read/watch/experience like high literature. Advertisements in the subway have a theme & a message & employ certain literary tactics to deliver that message to you. They’re worth learning from. So are the nature documentaries on tv—which stories are prioritized and why? What story techniques do documentarians, for instance, use to make us, the viewer, relate to animals and experiences that are otherwise unrelatable? Can you find examples of foreshadowing & symbolism in your own real life? Fiction is just a reflection of the dynamics of our own world—if you can find the rhythm of an overheard conversation on the street, you can find the rhythm of fictional dialogue
(Which is why i continue to stress, keep a journal or a diary. one of the most instructive exercises i ever did was when I was in a creative writing class at like 14 and they had us just follow strangers around and write down exactly what they said. So you get a lot of “so he told me, like, he was, like, like, um, ‘I’m not cheating on you,’ or whatever, and I was like, bitch, what?” —But that’s how people talk! It’s a good exercise lol.)
my one actual craft recommendation is basically mandatory assigned reading in many western english/writing classes—for good reason: Thomas c foster’s “how to read literature like a professor.” He summarizes about a hundred classic western texts and explains how they use various english-canonical symbols (“if characters eat together they’re taking communion,” “if a character gets wet and doesn’t drown it’s a metaphorical baptism,” “literally everything you read is somehow related to sex… except sex which is usually about something else”) and it’s written really well for both readers and writers. Basically my bible. a great primer if you don’t know where to start with western literature/if you don’t know where to start with writing symbols and stuff
anyway to summarize, life is literature, living is reading, we all still have so much time to learn, read “how to read literature like a professor,” and keep a diary
I also forgot to mention this in my last advice post but don’t use epithets please 😭 idk if you use epithets or not but this is just general advice, it’s my most snotty literary opinion and it’s very common in fanfic for some reason (it’s like so specific to the fanfic genre it’s insane) but i am extremely convicted about it i feel very strongly so im telling you. epithets make your writing sound very obviously fanficky. “the blond man” “the taller man” etc… just don’t use them it’s so unspecific!! WHICH blond man???? WHICH tall man? why can’t we be specific here?? have we been suddenly struck with amnesia?? just use his name!!
Also you say you don’t read a lot of western literature—I am not sure where you’re from but don’t feel like you HAVE to read/write only western literature to be successful. That’s only true if you want to succeed in the gatekept western lit market—and even then, the gatekept western lit market is literally currently foaming at the mouth to hear other perspectives right now. Who you are & where you come from invariably affects how you see the world & write about it, so lean into that if you can!
unfortunately my advice for getting stuck on a scene is “just write it.” Just sit down and get SOMETHING on the page. Spoiler alert, those tend to be the scenes i (and most of the writers i know) dislike the most, when coming back to reread my/our own writing. like there are many scenes in my fics that i have published where i think the lack of passion is unfortunately pretty obvious. But that’s kind of the way it goes. Some scenes you will like/want to write better than others. Shrug. at least they’re there on the page. as they say: don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good enough.”
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Glorious Purpose?
Summary: Mobius had intentionally shown the frames of your conversation when he was being held captive by SHIELD. What did he intend with that? Meaningless sentimentalism? Or to introduce something else, something more?
Pairing: Loki x Stark!Reader
Warning: a bit of angst, spoilers of Loki (series), swearing
Word Count: 3072
A/N: yes' i'm random that way lol, had this idea doing my late night maladaptive daydreaming, thank you very much. English is not my first language! Any typos or something, let me know.
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One of the sharpest pains he'd ever felt, and it wasn't even physical. 
Loki rewinds the video, looking at Frigga, his mother — even if he denied eventually in the future, the woman was still his mother —, lying on the floor. Dead. By his own intercession. He could feel his eyes watering up, his breath trembling. Was Mobius right? Would this actually happen, as it did every time in every single timeline? Moreover… Was all of the hatred for Thor worth it?
He fast-forwarded to another scene, lifting an eyebrow when he recognized someone in one of the frames.
But it was you! You fought against him in New York, with the Avengers, developing some powers after being touched with the sceptre on SHIELD's giant flying device. Stark's daughter. He recalled how curious he was about the young woman, suspicious of what she could be. 
Of course, there hasn't been an Infinity Witch in over a millennia, as he learned the Sorcerers of the earth had been avoiding the birth of a new one for centuries. He remembered how the power of the Tesseract threw you over the balcony of that ugly Stark building, only for you to come back seconds later, a mist of an electric blue glow flowing around you. He could feel your suddenly powerful aura in his bones; all of his body hair bristled like a giant cat, and he couldn't help stare at you in absolute awe. You'd already been affected by the sceptre, now another stone had built up your power. 
Mobius had intentionally shown the frames of your conversation when he was being held captive by SHIELD. What did he intend with that? Meaningless sentimentalism? Or to introduce something else, something more? You both were in a small ship with Thor and Jane Foster.
He kept watching when you talked about the loss of your mother in labour, and how Stark had sent you somewhere called England until the age of seven, when you were expelled from a boarding school for building a bomb and exploding the chemistry lab. You laughed at the memory, and he admired how youthful the sound was; how your eyes gleamed, and you slightly blushed. You didn't seem to regret your mischief. That pleased him. 
"I'm so sorry about Frigga, Loki. She seemed to be a remarkable woman" your voice felt like velvet, and he could tell you were being sincere.
"Why?" He inquired, his voice sounding slightly annoyed. "Why are you sorry? You didn't even know her."
He was deflecting again. Feelings were never his forte. Feeling was… a waste of time. A distraction. 
You stared at him with patience, sighing.
"A loss is a loss. You seem to love her very much, I can’t even imagine losing my dad, it would drive me nuts. It pains me to see you hurting. Thus, she showed nothing but kindness to me, even when your f… Odin kept a harsh demeanour due to his suspicions." You corrected yourself in a haste, knowing how it would infuriate him to call Odin his father. He appreciated your gesture in silence, staring at the mountains while the wind messed up his hair. 
The scene changed. Thor pulled him over to his side, leaving you with Jane Foster slightly behind. You all seemed to be trailing along a vast desert. Svartalfheim. The land of the dark elves.
"What are you planning, Loki?" He interrogated, pulling him by his armour like chastising a child. "Y/n is a good woman. She doesn't deserve to be a tool for your dirty affairs."
He watched as himself laughed, but his eyes were perplexed. Thor would never trust him. 
"Nourns, brother… We were simply having a conversation. You're not jealous, are you? Must you always take all the good toys to yourself?" He provoked, his silver tongue sharp as a blade. He watched as Thor clenched his fists, waiting for the impact, but it never came. Instead, the blonde sighed, scratching the back of his neck.
"You both seem to share a strong connection ever since the battle of New York. I saw the way your stare longed for her when we used the Tesseract to return to Asgard." He halted, searching for words. "I mean it when I say she's a good woman. Do not fail her, brother."
The present Loki lifted his eyebrows in surprise, watching as his future self seemed to be pondering at Thor's words. Therefore, Thor was favourable to whatever was going on between the two of you… interesting.
He fast-forwarded again. His corpse was on the ground. You wept, hugging his body and begging him to wake up. Thor held your shoulder, also crying. The scene cuts to the throne room; Odin offering Thor the throne of Asgard, him denying it. Once he leaves, a voice comes from the shadows, your voice. Odin's form changes back; it was actually Loki.
"I hope you know what you're doing" you allowed yourself to be seen, raising an eyebrow once you realised how surprised future Loki seemed to be. "Really? A mere illusion? I'm the lady of infinity, you really thought I bought that little show of yours?"
"So you didn't truly mourn me? Were those tears as false as my death itself?"
You chuckled, crossed arms. You seemed more confident, powerful. Instantly, present Loki knew you had absorbed the powers of another infinity stone.
"You're incorrigible, Loki. Or should I say Your Majesty?"
"So, what happens now, milady? Are you going to try to stop me? Play hero as you did in Midgard?"
You seemed to consider your choices for a moment, poking your chin with the index finger.
"Actually, I think this could be good for you. Being king, learning some virtues for a change. I just hope you'll be a benevolent one. Asgard deserves it after the last events. Deal?" You lifted your chin, impetuous, looking even more dashing. "I'll be watching you closely, Loki. Don't make me regret this decision. And promise me Odin's going to be fine."
"I promise, Y/n." He simply stated, his lips curling in a satisfied smile, one you gladly reciprocated. "Promise one thing in return, milady?"
"Don't push it, god of mischief" you jested. "Name it".
He stepped closer, lifting his hand to place a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Promise me you will watch me. Closely."
Present Loki couldn't help to smirk at the scene, appreciating the way your lips were ajar and the glow in your eyes. You allowed yourself to delight in his touch, nuzzling his hand like a kitten, and he wanted to find you pathetic, however, he simply could not. As confusing as it all was, he knew him. He wasn't trying to manipulate you. He was being sincere, he wanted you close.
"Loki…" you sighed, and the way you said his name, like a longing prayer, awoke something lost a long time ago inside him. His eyes fluttered and, for a few seconds, he couldn't catch his breath. 
The frame changed again. This time, Thor and you were in Asgard, arguing with Odin, who probably was still him. Thor threw Mjolnir, forcing him to stay in the hammer's way, since Odin had the power to stop it at his will. You lifted your hand, your eyes glowing yellow, and Thor released him right before the hammer could collide against him, staggering, right at the moment Loki changed back to his form. You had used the power of the mind stone to stop Thor from hurting him, watering eyes as you stared at the blonde.
Thor looked shocked, staring back at you with disbelief in his eyes.
"You knew, did you not? You knew all along and you did nothing to stop him!" He seemed hurt, betrayed. For a moment, Loki pitied him; however, he couldn't help to notice you took his side instead of Thor's. "I thought you could be a good influence on him, Stark, but you are as mischievous and untrustworthy as such." 
"Thor, please. I can explain" your voice cracked as you tried to avoid the tears that rolled free through your face. "I… I…"
"I don't wish to hear it! There's no possible explanation for this treachery! You said I was your best friend, and yet you betrayed me. You betrayed Asgard."
"I love him, Thor!" You sobbed, and Loki's heart skipped a beat. You held your chest, trying to catch your breath, and future Loki looked astonished at your words.
The scene changed again. Odin calls Thor and him his sons. You stare at the scene from afar with a knowing smile, hugging your body for comfort. Remember this place, Odin says. Home. He vanishes in a whirl of golden sand, gone. 
Another scene. Thor (with shorter hair?) states he thought the world of him, and how they thought they were going to fight side by side forever. Loki's heart softened at his brother's words, tears streaming down his face. For the first time, he felt as his equal. His sibling. Not a threat to be exterminated.
Another scene. All of you standing on the Bifrost with a Valkyrie, and you glowed so much your feet barely touched the ground, the air sparking with so much power. You smiled, raising your arms.
"Meet your demise, goddess of death."
The scene changes again. Thor says maybe he's not so bad after all, calls him brother. Thanks him. Another frame, and future Loki is holding you by your waist, smiling like he never did.
"You know, I really wish to promote my dad to grandfather. And Thor to uncle. I think one day we should think about that." You jested, stealing a peck of his lips with a sly grin. Little minx. Present Loki couldn't avoid a chuckle, his eyes teary. It's amazing how intimate both of you look, and he wished there were more scenes from before... Or was it after, since he hadn't lived it yet?
"I think, at least for a while, the world could not handle one more Loki or Y/n Stark, dearest."
"Gosh, I believe you're right. Forget about the world, we wouldn't be able to handle it."
Another scene. He stood in front of Thanos himself. The Infinity gauntlet was around your throat and, in his mind, you were begging him to escape. 
"I can handle it. I can beat him, but not with you here. Please, Loki. Just go."
He tried to stab Thanos, but the Mad Titan easily blocked him with the power of the gauntlet, releasing you on the ground. He then held future Loki by his throat, and he watched himself start to struggle.
"Undying?" Thanos mocked. "You should choose your words more carefully."
"Please! Please! I'll go with you, I'll do anything you ask of me, but please! Spare him!" You begged, crawling to the Titan's foot, undignified, desperate. 
"You… will never be… a god" his strained voice threw one last shot.
A loud crack. Your pained screams filling the air. You and Thor hugging his lifeless body, just as the Mad Titan grabs you by the hair, teleporting elsewhere, leaving Loki unsure of your destiny. He watched as the ship exploded, unsure if Thor survived either.
The tape ended, as did his life. Just like that. End of file. End of the great Loki Laufeyson, with his bloody glorious purpose. 
A dry laughter echoed through the room and, for a moment, he didn't realise it came from himself. Glorious purpose. 
"What's so funny?" A voice came from behind. It was the woman from TVA, the one that caught him. 
Things escalated quickly, the physical altercation taking it's toll. He stole the device that kept resetting him from Mobius earlier, and found the perfect opportunity to use it. He put it around her neck, resetting at his own will, over and over again just to spite her and, when it ceased being funny, finally getting rid of her.
"This way! Bring her." Agitated voices echoed across the hall outside. "This one was hard to get. Surely will be pruned as soon as possible."
"She seems alright" another voice replied, probably the other guard.
"She took out almost the entire unit by herself. Never trust a pretty face, they're usually the most dangerous types."
"Aw, you think I'm pretty?" Your voice echoed through the hall, and Loki's heart skipped a beat. "Don't worry fellas, I ain't doing shit. I'm tired of fighting."
Loki ran to the door, leaving it ajar and being able to see you. You looked almost the same as the frames; your hair was longer, and you had some new scars to show, but in spite of that, the same. 
"Y/n" he called before he could stop himself, standing by the door. You turned your head so quickly he feared you would get a sprained neck, your tired eyes glistening with tears. You tried to reach him, suddenly forgetting you were trapped, but one of the guards began to warn the others. 
Bad choice. Your eyes looked like helfire and, with ease, you knocked both of them to the ground, pruning them with one of the batons. Loki was astonished. You were something else; like a Valkyrie, a true fighter, a warrior. Imposing, dangerous. You turned to him, assessing with your eyes, only to throw your arms around his shoulders, hiding your face on his neck. Loki was taken slightly aback; he wasn't much used to physical displays of tenderness. You realised how stiff he felt, and it took a moment for you to understand what was wrong. Your eyes fell tired again, and suddenly, you looked much older than you really were. 
"Ah… You're not my Loki, are you?" You caressed his cheek with a sorrowful expression that pained him. The meaning behind those words, the sentiment, he could practically taste them in his tongue, like a bitter piece of a once sweet fruit. "Forgive me. I… I keep forgetting about the multiverse."
"I have seen you before, have I not?" He recalled, just before he snatched the Tesseract, he had a glimpse of the you of the Future Loki's timeline. Nourns, that was confusing. "You were trying to get the Tesseract. Why? You already had it, the avengers stole it from me."
"We didn't steal, you twat. It was SHIELD's, if someone actually stole it, it was you." You replied, but there were no emotions in your voice, no anger, or resentment. Nothing. You sighed, raising your head to look at him once more. "You look exactly the same. You don't know, do you?"
Loki looked around the hall, wondering if guards were coming for them. He pulled you back to the room he was in, shutting the door and placing a chair so no one would open it. 
"I know… I know enough" he kept the part about the two of you out. "I've seen my end. Pray tell, what happens after that? And how are you here?"
You sat on the table, staring at your knees.
"After you died, Thanos took me to collect the other gems, keeping me away from them so I couldn't absorb their power. I located the rest of them. He killed his own daughter to avoid me from getting close to the soul stone. I managed to escape when Stephen Strange opened a portal to send me to Wakanda, a city back on earth, where his army was attacking, so I could help protect Vision, since he had the last gem. Once Thanos came to take it, I managed to get close to the gauntlet, absorbing the power of the remaining stones. However, it was a bit too much for a few minutes, it made me vulnerable. The stones fought to corrupt me, and Thor tried to stop him, but he successfully snapped his fingers and fulfilled his plan. It was too much power, I couldn't… I didn't…"
You stopped for a moment, blinking away tears. Loki waited patiently in silence. 
"We found Thanos a few days after that, but I knew it wouldn't matter anymore. So I wouldn't be able to revert what he did, he destroyed the gems right after he escaped. I could feel my power being drained at each stone he destroyed. By the time we found him, there was nothing left. Thor killed him. We had lost, and shamefully. Half of our friends were gone, half of all life. It took us five years to actually come up with a plan to reverse his doings, to gather stones from other timelines, bring them to ours so I could regain my powers and bring everybody back. And so did we. An error in calculation, and we lost Natasha. But the stones were there. I absorbed them with the fear of being taken by them once more, drunk with power, but it didn't happen. I snapped my finger, and it was incredibly damaging to me." 
You showed some of your scars. 
"It's an unbelievable source of power, Loki. No one should be able to gather them. I was built for it and it still hurt me deeply. We were attacked, Thanos came from another timeline and tried to gather the Infinity stones once more. I wasn't able to use the powers again so soon, so…" you hesitated, your eyes moving from one place to another as if you were looking for a way to bolt. "So dad had built a gauntlet so another person could use it in case of me being corrupted by the stones, and he used it to finish Thanos for good. My dad was human, so it killed him. He died because I couldn't fulfil my duty. Because of me. And that was the last trigger, the last thing I could possibly stand. So I travelled through the multiverse trying to find a way to reverse what happened and bring everybody back. Apparently TVA saw me as a threat, so here I am." you stared at him in silence, waiting for a response. "Is that… is that the Tesseract?"
Loki followed her stare, forgetting for a moment that he had taken the electric blue square from the drawer, seeing several infinity stones with it. 
"Yes. It doesn't work here."
"Yeah, I figured. Tried to use my powers lots of times here. We're trapped." You shrugged, taking the square and rolling it in your hands. "As cheesy as it may sound, at least i'm with you."
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coinflict · 9 months
15 people 15 questions!!!!
Tagged by @suzufield thank you yay ^^
This is a long one so it's under the cut and also idgaf I love hearing myself talk I love the sound of my own voice!!!!
Not really, my given name is that of a saint like most names from here tbh, but my mom picked it because it's short and she wanted people from everywhere around the world to be able to say it which is kind of cute. I don't have chosen name I have like 3 nicknames people alternate between, one of them is Ani or AniGC which I use on the internet and I don't plan on picking one I think not having a name is cool!
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Nope, too young, and also having my own kids or parenting/fostering is not something I am fit to ever do I don't think I would be a good parent. I'm a lesbian so biological kids are kind of out the window (not really but don't want them regardless, better safe than sorry on this matter I think). I would love to work with kids though at least once in my lifetime.
Genuinely yesterday I love crying I cry all the damn time it helps me fall asleep. What the libs don't want you to know is that depression is actually awesome because you can cry all the fucking time and you don't need sleeping medication! Yay for mental illness!
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports have you played/do you play?
I did karate for 8 or 9 years from ages of like 6-14, loved it, then I fell down the stairs and fucked up my spine and had to quit. Then I did swimming for a bit but nothing too serious and I quit that because I got bored now I do fuck all.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes a lot but I try to not get too irony poisoned lol, I mostly just say outlandish shit but I do use sarcasm.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I couldn't tell you if you put a gun to my head. I don't fucking know 😭
7. Eye colour?
Brown! ^^
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
This is a strange one I'm not really big on either of these things. When it comes to horror I'm not really a fan of movies I feel like a thing inherently becomes a little less scary when you show it to me or when it's moving you know? Idk I like some of them but I really do enjoy horror books those are awesome. And for the other thing I don't know is it a happy ending for me or the characters? Like I enjoy all plot threads being tied together well but if that doesn't make my fav happy GOOD. Let that bitch suffer. To actually answer the question I think scary movies lmao.
9. Any talents?
Why yes I'm very awesome. Idk I'm a fast learner genuinely that's the biggest thing I've got going on I think almost everything I know I learned on my own accord, it was never given to me, and idk I'm kind of proud of that idgaf if it sounds corny. I can also dislocate my thumb that's kind of cool.
10. Where were you born?
In the hospital (Serbia but I don't like saying where I'm from too much I want to remain a Mysterious Figure On The Computer and now you have to ignore the fact that I frequently post about this)
11. What are your hobbies?
Running the risk of sounding like a loser nerd I love studying I love learning things if I could stay in school for the rest of my life I genuinely would. I love learning how shit works and I'm gonna be honest organic chemistry has been among my favourite things to study ever it's so perfectly logical and awesome one of the best sciences ever for sure. Besides that I like doing fuck all and taking the piss on the internet.
12. Do you have any pets?
Nope! Small apartment and not enough money or time to take care of them. One day I will get a cat though trust.
13. How tall are you?
184cm that's like 6'0" I think?
14. Favourite subject in school?
Idk probably physics. High school level chem was incredibly fucking boring I didn't even have to fart to get good grades. Math and programming were my original beloveds but I fell out of love with them very soon after starting high school due to bad experiences with teachers. So yeah probably physics idk the only subjects I think about at this point are the ones I'll have next year in college I can't fucking wait for atomistics.
15. Dream job?
I feel like a fucking idiot being at my age and telling people I want to be a scientist but like!!!!!! I do I genuinely do!!!! I want to be a researcher and do cool things I want to be entranced by the work I do maybe this sounds so incredibly optimistic because it's likely that if I become a researcher I'll be eating packet noodles for the rest of my life but!! That's my dream!!!
I cannot be assed to tag 15 people I'm sorry also I think everyone and their mom has done this at this point so I'll tag. 3 take it or leave it! Sorry if any of you have done this already 😭. Also if you haven't but don't want to that's fine lmao no pressure
@k-ru-h @viegoinahoodie @schrodingers-catgirl
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rovky · 2 months
you already know i adore your writing and am constantly in awe of your storytelling, but out of curiosity how did you plan your fic 'ice & blades'? it has such a specific technical aspect (knowing figure skating, specifically pairs, and the sport and global competitions themselves), as well as your portrayal of marinette which requires so much in depth knowledge and care re: neurodivergent people, the abuse she experienced, and her chinese culture. it feels like there's a lot of research that went into this, or it's in depth personal knowledge, and i'm guessing you're a fan of figure skating. i am wondering how much work went into preparing to write this work, or what you did to accurately refer to these things?
What a cool questionnnn!!! Thanks for asking it genuinely! I definitely did have to do a bunch of research as I lack a decent amount of knowledge when it comes to the vast majority of things haha. There's certainly a lot of room for error when browsing the internet for information (and I'm totally positive that more or less of the figure skating content in my fic is riddled with errors). I've been a fan of figure skating ever since I watched the video of Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir's Moulin Rouge skate at the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games (which for some reason was only last year, and is actually ice dance not pairs figure skating). When researching figure skating I usually stick to official guides about program requirements, personal blogs of other skaters/fans (usually to reference specific elements and training schedules), and documentaries/books.
Additional things (such as culture, food, and history) are mostly from my own personal knowledge (from friends, acquaintances, or things I've learned throughout schooling). I have done my VERY best to research (and have asked friends from China) Chinese culture, traditions, and holidays as that is something that I'm generally unaware of. Definitely find learning about that stuff INCREDIBLY interesting though, and I thoroughly enjoy it!
As for Marinette being neurodivergent, I have to say that a lot of it comes from what I already know and some of my own personal experience. It's also been very helpful to have others give their two cents as well. Of course, if there's something I'm unsure of I'll do some research online (though, I'm a bit hesitant to use 'medical-ish' websites, and like to stick to blogs with personal insights).
As for the abuse that Marinette has gone through, it's genuinely (and I'm sad that this is the case) not very hard to find stories of people who have gone through the same thing. Unfortunately, nowadays there can be a lot of opportunities for young athletes to be taken advantage of, especially young women. You see problem areas in gymnastics, ballet, and figure skating (lots of sports that women are traditionally associated with), and it's heartbreaking. I think that's important to acknowledge, and that not all abuse is as extreme as Marinette's, though I'm certain that any abuse is undoubtedly impactful.
Basically, I just wanted to write a story about love (Marinette's love for figure skating, the way she comes to understand her capabilities of loving others through that medium, and just how the way she sees the world can be changed by building connections that foster self-discovery) and am now stuck with a giant doc of timelines, research, character stuff, and figure skating jargon.
BUT YEAH! Big into learning and researching things on my own. Love sitting on a mountain of knowledge that I probably won't be able to bring up in conversation ever LOL.
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augment-techs · 3 months
Question Game. What does self-care look like for you? What makes you cry? (If anything lol) What's your pet peeve? Do you have any insight into your mental bullshit? + Lord Drakkon
....Okay, I am taking this moment to bitch out and maneuver this over to All Our Injuries Rhyme! Drakkon. Because it sparks more with him. *A-hem.*
What does self-care look like for you?:
Strength exercises. Especially for his hands after Skull cut the tendons in his wrists.
Smoothing his fingers over the tether stones--green serpentine and rough jade--Jason brought him on a lark.
Cooking different variations of eggs--sometimes even managing to make ramen to go along with them.
What makes you cry?:
Before? When he was in bed with Jason and tried to enter him, but no matter if Jason gave actual true consent, he'd always go limp. Same thing with his Ranger Slayer in the very beginning of his thinking her being by his side could fix him. It was so humiliating and made it clear that the only thing out of his control was himself.
Well, basically everything After fell under the umbrella of breaking down to cry. The pain in his head from his skull being split open, the way his hands couldn't stop shaking from the Grid withdrawal, how he pissed the hospital bed after they took the catheter out, how the consciousness he'd thought dead roared to life and screamed at him about all the years wasted...
Not being to eat or drink by himself for over a week, having to re-learn how to read.
Seeing Adam in Green with a far more noble and protective disposition than he'd ever had.
See Skull in a wheelchair come to see him by himself with all the files containing the history Drakkon never knew were as important as they turned out to be.
Seeing Kimberly made him cry in under three seconds on first meeting after his surgery.
Seeing Jason the first time after he was wearing White didn't even allow him to blink before the tears and convulsions and throwing up.
What's your pet peeve?:
Being called 'Tommy' when the Prime Rangers drop in on the aftermath of his losing the Battle for the Grid. True, he's not Drakkon anymore and--if Adam and Skull were to be believed--the name might have only been taken up in an effort to distance himself from humanity; but that name holds something inside of it that he can't name.
'Tommy' is the White Ranger. Tommy is trusted and loved and believed in by all worlds.
'Tommy' is not him.
Even during Jason and his little games in the bedroom, when he asked to be called such, it wasn't him.
Maybe his pet peeve is hearing any address towards him when he's still so uncomfortable in his own skin.
Do you have any insight into your mental bullshit?:
As well as can be expected, which is to say...not until the end.
Given that when he was on the throne, he never had any scans or basic check-ups because he believed himself incapable of becoming ill while using the Dragon and Tiger Coins in tandem every single day, only really relinquishing their power when he was asleep or needed skin to skin contact with his favorite toys. In decades, he was rarely injured, and when he was it never involved his head, just deep cuts or gashes that could be healed by the Grid.
To imagine that he had a mental disorder perpetuated by a genetic predisposition for an illness that killed off the mother he never knew and the brother he'd long forgotten...it never crossed his mind.
Getting his head cracked open because Jason asked for confirmation on notes Adam had found under Skull's floorboards; getting surgery where he went to sleep spitting expletives and woke up feeling hollowed out like a pumpkin; getting to see the reason for everything that went wrong could fit inside the kind of medical cup people pissed in for a drug test.
Once he stopped trying to kill himself, and his hands stopped shaking long enough that he could review his school and medical and foster records with Jason--yes, it did give him some insight.
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onlyplatonicirl · 1 year
henlo it is i the headcANON, here to go ramble about everyone's favourite little guy, casey. its insane to me just how much you've endeared me and many other tcoti fans to this silly fella
i can see casey going to a religious school (the only difference from a non religious school is you learn re but literally no one cares lol), most parents will try and send their kids there cause they are known for being better schools (they get more funding for extra lessons), and casey couldnt give less of a shit about it
i also think he wouldve went to an all boys school, he just sorts acts like he did lol
whilst in school my man would try and break every single dress code policy known to man, half of the time hed just show up in his pe clothes, the other time hed show up with no tie, no jacket, a coat and whatever else he could fet his hands on that he wasnt supposed to have (english schools have really strict dress codes, idk why its dumb)
he knows a small amount of spanish, in most british schools you are forced to do mfl (modern foreign languages) and its usually either french or spanish (you rarely have a choice to pick which you want to do), some will let you pick up german and even mandarin but thats usually at gcse level or as an extracurricular activity (which most kids are also forced to do). he isnt fluent in spanish, not by a long shot, but he definitely knows how to have a conversation, albeit very scripted and short. however, one thing he does understand is how to swear in spanish, and what it sounds like. i imagine him and his friends just looking it up on the laptops during class time, definitely to annoy their teacher.
so i have this image in my head that gray doesnt like swearing all that much (maybe fresh got to him lol), so he tends to swear in spanish or french because the british boy wont understand - alas he does
casey could not be arsed with most lessons because he didnt really care about getting a good education since he couldnt see all that bright of a future for himself, if one at all, but he was actually quite good at maths and history, even when he tried not to be
he has been shown on more than one occasion, undernovella, and whilst he was put off it due to it 1. being in spanish, and 2. the cast being played 99% by monsters, he actually really ended up enjoying it by the end
hes also been getting into anime and manga ("dude its like a comic book but even more brutal"), mostly shonen like one punch man and dragon ball, but he also really enjoyed sailor moon and doesnt want to admit to it, he liked the romance and friendship aspect of it, also pretty girls
he has always been into comic books, his favourite super heroes are deadpool and spiderman
before he met gray (properly), he mostly played shooter games (ones that were free or cheap), fortnite, valorant, and a pirated copy of fifa, because thats what guys play. if his past self saw his year 4 stardew valley save file, hed spontaneously combust
i think he also plays splatoon now, he mains the dualies because theyre cool, hed definitely be an inkling as well but thats an au for another day
zelda too
despite everything thats happened, he really did grow to love his last foster mum, she was a single lady and she treated him like her own son. hes had bad experiences with the foster care system in the past (breaking news: fork found in kitchen), parents only taking him in for the money, some wanting to complete their family and forcing him to live by their ideals, all that bad stuff, which is why he often ran away from them. he had run away from his last foster mum, two times before, but it was very early into their relationship before they got to understand each other better.
his last foster mum asked him what his hobbies were his first night at her house, he didnt know, so she suggested he pick up an instrument - he decided the guitar, because it looked cool. he almost cried when she offered to buy him lessons, he didnt take her up on the offer, determined to learn it by himself, and he did
he has a really nice singing voice he'll never let anyone see - hes a lyric baritone
also whilst in canon hes a brummie, i like to imagine he was born a bit further north (hes a mackem to me), and moved to birmingham to be with his most recent and last foster parent, and that he lived there for so long thats hes picked up the accent
he felt really bad leaving her but managed to convincr himself that she would be better off without someone like him in her life
casey is a very traumatised child, he has a lot of triggers and boundaries he doesnt fully understand himself, plus a boat load of unhealthy coping mechanisms (mainly smoking and socially isolating himself)
he tries to keep his bad habits a secret from gray, because he doesnt know how he would feel about it - he knows, he doesnt like it but he isnt exaclty the greatest at having healthy coping mechanisms himself, at the very least he tries to get him to swap one for another, instead of smoking play stardew valley with me for 37 hours straight :) ?
he often struggles with the idea that hes a burden, so he doesnt let people spend money on him, or give him gifts
he also struggles to express his emotions (hes british unfortunately), and has a hard time saying 'i love you' to anyone, the only person he never strugfled saying that to was his mum
bit of a trigger warning, im going to be talking about casey's injuries and all that jazz, so if you dont wanna read, head to the next bullet point! casey shouldnt be alive, the injuries he suffered were severe, the paramedics were convicned he was a lost cause (still they have to do everything they can), so it was a shock to all when he pulled through. this was, however, not without a bit of a battle, and it left permanent effects on his health. casey's lungs are horribly scarred (smoke inhalation will do that to you), and it doesnt help that he smoked before and after. his nerves on the left side of his body where the support beam collapsed on him, are quite literally fried. where it hit directly, he cannot feel anything there, the areas that were dames by the fire however are unbelievably sensitive and painful to the touch. even after the scar healed it stills remains sensitive, so he bandages up those areas. the beam also broke and bruised a lot of his bones, mostly his ribs and the bones in his arms. his left ear is also burnt, and a portion of it, mostly the tips of it, are straight up missing. after recovering from the initial injury, he had a skin graft taken from his right thigh to supplement the damage done to the left side of his face. for a while after he had to take a lot of pain meds, and undergo a ton of therapy both mental and physical - even still hes not fully healed
casey loves animals, particularly dogs. his last foster mother had a german shepherd, and he used to let it sleep on his bed. it made him feel safe and loved. dogs and cats also just like to come up to him on the street, bros a disney princess for real
beefed with paperjam for a while, both had a lack of trust in each other, but they got to be on equal ground after a while, that didnt last long, not since after chapter 31..
hes fighting demons (bisexuality)
ever since he met gray and by extension his wack ass family, hes grown more and more accustomed to monster culture, particularly their disregard for gender norms and compulsive heterosexuality, and hes been experimenting with his gender expression, he never thought hed actually enjoy dressing in pink or taking care of his hair. he tried painting his nails, but did not have the patience to let them dry, he still sometimes wears it, albeit chipped and blotchy, but he thinks it suits him
he has always been fine with being labelled a man, but sometimes he doesnt feel as though it fits him, not entirely, hes not sure what his gender is because sometimes male really does fit him, but other times he just wants to throw the whole concept of gender away, hes stuck with unlabelled for a while and feels as though it somewhat fits him
he once buzzed his hair cause all the guys in his school did for whatever reason, he cried for several hours afterwards and got nicknamed sampson for a week, biggest mistake of his life - bro experienced dysphoria for the first time in his life
celebrates gyftmas because its way cooler than christmas (I NEED A GRACEY GYFTMAS ONESHOT ASAP), he celebrates the majority of monster holidays since everyone (1 to 2 people at max lmao) in the house he currently lives in does too. is confused as to what monster halloween is supposed to be
likes going out with gray (which is once in a blue moon), his favourite spot is waterfall, but he also really likes snowden and hotland
- headcANON
Also I hope you don’t mind me tagging @ottererpop because they’re a Casey enthusiast as well and they must see all of this solid gold.
I Must respond to some of these AAA
- I talked with multiple people about how Casey is ABSOLUTELY breaking every dress code he possibly can. Like he would come to school in the bare minimum to not get expelled but his “uniform” would just be wrinkled to hell and his tie would just hang around his neck completely untied
- Casey is genuinely intelligent and if he actually tried in school he would do really well. However he’s a massive shithead and doesn’t care because of how depressed he is
- I do have a very specific speech pattern and tone of voice for him in my head but I’m not sure exactly how to write it. Also about him being from Birmingham - he’s not really from the main city itself but more generally around that area, so he very well could lived farther north and end up closer to the main city has he went to live with foster parents. Im purposefully avoiding getting too detailed with exact places and cities because then it just becomes hyper-specific.
- he absolutely would love undernovella - he love sitcoms so he would adore those over-dramatic plot twists
- He and his current foster mom (before he left ofc) have a tolerable relationship. She was often gone from the house and left him to his own devices, so he would mostly just skip school and play games on his computer all day, which did annoy her significantly.
- his smoking is partially a coping mechanism, partially a peer pressure “cool guy” thing that he picked up, and partially something that could very subtlety equate to self-harm. I could get into a whole thing about his smoking habits. He doesn’t smoke that often, but it is definitely something he tries to hide from Gray. Or at least not make it obvious. Like I said recently PJ has caught him smoking cigs over the kitchen sink while Gray’s been asleep.
- you are correct in your assumption that he doesn’t feel anything on the part of his torso that was severely burnt.
- I’m sure he has shaved all his hair off at some point. In the past he for-sure had one of those haircuts that’s short and buzzed all on the sides but long on the top, or at least buzzed in the back.
- gray’s family and the entire omega timeline being extremely unlabeled when it comes to gender and sexuality, like it’s not a big deal in the slightest, is definitely a massive change for Casey and he struggles to understand it. He’s grown up in an environment where he’s constantly felt like he has to prove how tough and unfeeling he is in order to get ahead. That’s why he’s so embarrassed of his severe sweet tooth, because he’s scared it comes across as “girly”. He’s by no means sexist but he definitely is over-anxious about not being perceived as “weak”.
- I’m sure he would absolutely adore waterfall :)
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dirtyvulture · 4 months
😎 I have a bunch of things to get off my chest . I am sooo pissed at work . The person who bought my work place has completely fucked us over , they are constantly cutting our days and hours on the work schedule!!!!!! I am a part time worker , typically I work ( or SUPPOSED to) a couple of days a week and four hour shifts and today I went to check on the schedule and I am scheduled one day for 3 ish hours!!!!!! I am just done , I was a loyal and hard worker ….. now I am going out and looking for a new job.
On the upside I had a really good time on Mother’s Day . I went with my parents to my grandmas and then had a second celebration with my granny and her husband ( she remarried 3 years back , I typically call him by his name but don’t want to say it here) . I spent the night and Granny and I went on a little shopping trip to get a new dress and shoes for my nephew’s baptism. The baptism is at the end of June and we have a family cookout the day before, since my new shoes are open toes…. I figured that my grandma ( granny will be out of town with her husband) , mom and I would have a girls day and do our finger and toes nails…. have lunch . Make a whole day of it . I am NOT a girly girl , I am very much a tomboy so I don’t TYPICALLY dress up or do hair and makeup ( I HATE doing nail polish and things like that) but I will do so on SPECIAL OCCASIONS . What occasion is more special than my nephew being baptized ( I am also the godmother after all 😉) .
Because Mother’s Day was this month and I hope that everyone had a good holiday/ celebration. I will now be driving into some thoughts in the : SB , DK and EV universes .
In the SB universe ( and in the same vain of Mother’s Day thoughts) . Remember when I talked about how Nat might have been injured on duty in the military leaving her with the rank she has now but unable to get pregnant and have biological children. Well I believe that she and SB do foster a couple of kids …. Young siblings in fact. A boy( he is the oldest, five ) and a girl ( two years old) named Kit and Jane. Kit doesn’t like and is very scared of men ( remember SB is AMF ) , and so is scared and very weary of SB….. Kit doesn’t like SB being around his baby sister …. He puts on a very brave face and is very protective of Jane . Jane on the other hand LOVES SB ( to her they are a big old teddy bear that gives the BEST hugs ) and both siblings loves Nat .
In the DK universe the kids of the school 1000% percent all chipped their resources into a nice celebration for all the female staff at the school ( R is the main focus, Jean , Storm and even Nat are also prominent figures for Mother’s Day as well) . I don’t know exactly what they would do but the older kids have the biggest hand in planning it ( Rouge , Peter, Kitty, etc) and it’s a very nice and touching celebration.
Lastly in the EV universe….. I don’t know about any mother or motherly figures for that R , I believe that we only really know about her dad . But what about Melina and her daughters ? Do they have a good relationship in this universe and what type of things would Nat and Yelena to celebrate their mother.
That is all for now , hope everyone is doing well and hopefully I can come here with better energy and moods ( and hopefully a new job) . Wish me luck on the hunt for this new adventure. I wish everyone luck with any adventures of their own <3 .
Sorry for my delay with answering this 😭
I am sorry to hear about your issues at work, but I am glad that you have moved on and found a new one. :)
And that sounds like a fun Mother's day! I already can't remember what I did for mine lol.
That would be so cute if the Sergeant couple adopted some kids! I think they would make great parents (after much learning).
And yes! I bet all the students at the mansion would be willing to go all out to celebrate R (and I guess the other mother figures too lol). They would probably do all the cooking and cleaning for the day, and make R come out and play sports games with them. :)
We'll see more about the families of R and Nat in the EV universe. :) I will tell you now that R's mother is no longer in the picture (she passed away years ago...which also might explain why R has...mommy issues). I still haven't decided what to do with Melina yet, though.
Thanks, 😎 anon! Good luck with your new job!
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white-chalk-sapphomet · 6 months
because you wanted to hear about things people have been studying:
recently i’ve been learning about the purposes of performance in my theatre class! there are various reasons why someone might perform - to entertain, to emphasize something about their identity, to heal, to foster community with other people (can be other performers and/or the audience), etc. there can be multiple purposes in the same performance, and they can apply to all sorts of performance too - not just theatre, but also stuff like sports games, graduation ceremonies, weddings, etc. for example, change of identity is often present in weddings - the people getting married are putting on a performance to show how they’re changing from unmarried to married or from single people to a couple.
it’s super interesting to me (though i do happen to be studying theatre lol) and it’s helped me with my own performances, as well as made me more aware of how i present myself to other people, which is a performance in and of itself! i think the interaction between performance and identity is FASCINATING in general :]
Sorry this is a couple days late, but that is interesting! I think a lot about performance. I did musical theater and dance in hs, but my last two years I stepped away from performing arts bc I thought it was unrealistic for me, was grieving, and also the teachers at christian school were just unpleasant. Another thing I studied a lot in highschool was stuff like occult theory, and the way rituals or psychodrama were meant to be useful tools for like. Altering your sense of disbelief in order to manifest a type of change in like a subconscious or placebo kind of way.
I find a lot of what we do is a performance. I did acid at this one random chain alehouse once and it made me think of things in terms of like. The worldbuilding that's emulated by certain places like restaurants, even when they aren't necessarily a "gimmick" restaurant. Like there's a platonic ideal of a service worker that employees are typically expected to perform and maintain. The popular look of an artificially rustic interiors with distressed wood and dim 'vintage looking' light fixtures and things. sure, there's places that actually look like that or are using reclaimed materials for cost or sustainability, but largely it's a manufactured atmosphere and it relies on some amount of suspended disbelief. Like it's emulating a place that itself had ambiance. It's a set design with actors even though it's like an occupational thing. But I don't feel like thats unique to restaurants or anything.
Lately I've been trying to cover inventory on performance as it pertains to like. Identifying my personality, what my range outside of my personality is, and what kind of characteristics would be the most well received. Partially because I had some interest in drag performing and I'm not sure what to do with the persona, also not sure the best direction to go in for a sw persona. And even just like. I'm trying to get a grip on my life and participate in it more, but I'm overall not super at ease talking to people. I want to be way more like blithe and approachable instead of running around like a hit dog when meeting new people lol.. couldn't hurt if I had an easier time with public speaking or interviews either
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sovieshu-simp · 1 year
Are you the op who posted about remarried empress as spy x family? the concept of Heinrey of being the telepath and having knowledge of their past lives is just so funny to me lol. Especially if he's the only one who remembered what happened back then. him having mental breakdowns 24/7 at night because he could not accept the fact that navier didn't become his, their children did not come to life and that no one else can recognize him.
navier & sovieshu trying to comfort him everytime he cries lmao.
"Heinrey?! heinrey why are you crying?" sovieshu being the dad of the year as usual.
"Uwagaghehshuwg (you and my Queen are together, married! I'm your child & you both are infertile! and i can't do anything about it! I HATE IT!!)
Yes I am. :)
Well, I only think that Navier, Sovieshu and Heinrey do have knowledge of past live but They didn't reveal it due to their secret identity and past memories of new lie since born in new life. ( what I mean is... Loid was all alone in war, crying and became soldier then Spy, just like that. And Navier with her brother alone in house.)
Heinrey would cuss everytime he sees his foster father and fawning to Navier. He cannot deny that Sovieshu's cooking, fighting, disguise, everything loid do are better. So he thinks that keeping Soviehu is better because he imagines that Sovieshu will be serving Him but you know already that he can't because he has to keep world peace because he is LITERALLY IN CHILD FORM AND DOESN'T HAVE ANY POWER BUT TELEPATHY. He is small elementary elite student like Anya forger.
Sovieshu already knows how to make him stop crying: his cooking skill. XD. He sure always make heinrey goes to bed after Heinrey accidently reads Sovieshu's mind about Destruction and war related like details of Weapons. It hurts for Heinrey to read his mind, that makes him going to bed to rest. Sovieshu always makes sure to everything better and no chaos but heinrey is one creating chaos to stress him more. Sovieshu's fake job is Therapist. Therapist office is same as Loid's hospital where he go to work as doctor. He just don't know what the Hell happened to his new life but got adapted fastly and learned every living knowledge. He prefers Psychology over all subjects but he choose to become Spy due to He have seen and listened from many victims in before and after war, So he can clear all problems and dangerous situation to down. Therapist: He is expert about learning human being, Emotions and minds. He doesn't know about Navier having reincarnated, only he see her as normal person but he did accept her proposal as opportunity for Heinrey to go to school for his mission.
Navier's cooking was not very good but simple. Not like poisoning but simple and taste very normal but bot bright, that always makes heinrey happy, still he wants more of Sovieshu's cooking food. Navier's fake job is bank receptionist. No, she doesn't Steal money but she is good to handle it because her previous life was Empress. She wants to marry him in case of her identity of Assasin to be safe. Because of her Brother Kosair always asking her about her being so alone in new state. She doesn't know about Sovieshu's real identity and his previous life, and she thinks of him as another person and resembles as Ex-husband in previous life. (About kosair, he doesn't remember his previous life.)
Sovieshu met Loid, Loid became his friends cuz he found a cool therapist who could help him to handle Anya. Sovieshu sending Heinrey to Forger's house as babysit it. Because Sovieshu and Loid having a mission as Spy. Navier and Yor met in Shopping, Navier was Amused at Yor's getting embarrassed and admires Navier's beauty and wants to become her friends.
Two fam friendship formed. They never revealed their secrets. Only two people found out: Anya and Heinrey.
Sovieshu and Loid knows each other due to his mission are same as loid. Navier and yor are rivals in Assassin but still friends outside of dangerous job.
Anya is happy but still scared of Heinrey's angry and evil thoughts. Heinrey noticed that Anya has same thoughts about bring peace to world is same as him. Heinrey saw Damianxs thoughts about Anya and he became Damian's friend but tease Damian more. Ergi was betrayed by Heinrey because heinrey gone to Damians group, but Heinrey doesn't betray Ergi, still friends with Ergi. Heinrey wants to vent to Ergi but found out that Ergi doesn't remember about his previous life. Poor him but me happy. Suffer more for heinrey >:) . Heinrey got three stars but always gets involved by Anya and causing him having 4 thunderbolts.
Sovieshu 🤝 Loid
Navier 🤝 Yor
Kosair 🤝 Yuri
Anya 🤜💥 🤛Heinrey ( because he knew that Anya is always brings more trouble on him and Anya blames him.)
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whenthechickencry · 1 year
Umineko EP2. Replay Part 1
I think expanding your world further and having more experience beyond such a toxic environment would have helped you a lot, though, even if it wouldn't fix all the underlying issues
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That's actually something very depressing she's saying Greorge! Maybe you should look into that.
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I am sorry but no matter how charitable I try to be to George here I can't think of this as any cute. It's kind of creepy. Teasing can be fun but I am not thinking of it as some bully payback when I am doing it....
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I am getting so annoyed. You don't even know what she is talking about stop dropping your pick-up artistry hot tips. I am not trying to blame George for everything and I understand I can't expect him to read Yasu's mind, but some of this feels like he's barely even trying to think beyond himself. To be fair though, the way he sees love has probably been warped by Eva. Eva's kind of love is controlling and dismissive of George's own wants and needs, so it makes sense he would struggle with that.
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Here, she's blaming herself for daring to believe herself as worthy of love, thinking that she's unworthy because of her body, and thinking the only way to escape being furniture and become worthy of love is to trap everyone in the catbox. Also, she's trying out her bombs on the torii.
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I think Hideyoshi's view of school is interesting, but I think in actuality school is something that ends up removing people's love for learning instead of fostering it, sadly.
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Honestly think Eva and Jessica might have gotten along in their own ways if Eva didn't have so much bitterness towards everyone related to Krauss, she's saying a lot of this with the intention to piss off Krauss and Natsuhi but I don't really think it's far from what she believes personally, either.
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I think this is one of the things George did that probably did help her out a lot, though. She can't fix her issues with Natsuhi but he can at least support her in making it a little less painful.
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Well, you don't really understand what she's scared of here Jessica...
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Just because it ended up working for you doesn't mean you can force someone else to do it and hope it works out Eva! And also you definitely feel a bit guilty about how you roped George and Hideyoshi into your personal problems so it's not really all perfect.
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She's so desperate to try to reclaim the misogyny she received from Kinzo and her siblings as something she can take advantage of.
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Honestly the way this line changed the atmosphere made my heart skip a bit even knowing it was coming lol. For all of George's faults at least he didn't inherit Eva's willingness to be nasty to everyone due to her own issues.
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And of course, Eva's comments hit right at the heart of Yasu's fear of being unworthy of love due to their body.
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It is interesting how Natsuhi has similar ways of dealing with her personal issues as Eva... in this case to the same person. And in a lot of cases, Eva pushes Natsuhi to the edge who ten pushes Shannon.... creating a kind of cycle.
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Almost like he's only there in Shannon's mind!. Almost as if he was made for expressing those kind of feelings!
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Very depressing to think about being so isolated you think that needing the support of others beyond yourself is a kind of sin...
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Weird how Beatrice and Kanon just repeat everything that Shannon already believed beforehand to her, huh? The way Beatrice gets introduced here is very interesting here... simultaneously assuring Shannon/Yasu that she is more than furniture and that she is a human and also feeding her insecurities to an extreme. Shows both he self-empowering and self-destructive powers of magic.
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Shannon's pretty lucky that George is the kind of guy to not find that kind of request odd, I imagine she was freaking out so much.
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I think it's kind of interesting how Shannon seems to be the only person who has meaningful relationships with 2 different sides of Yasu... wonder if that would have made it harder or easier to accept them as a full person.
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You know, I would think it would be easy for Yasu to feel a little bitter about having to console someone whose love struggles are a lot smaller than her... but she basically does do her Kanon plan to make her feel better after this so I guess she doesn't feel like that
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Well that's what Yasu thinks.... Natsuhi actually is plenty happy to delude herself with Beatrice in her own way during ep6.
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i hope theres art of this
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In other words, Kinzo wasn't one to delude himself like that until grief and guilt overtook him
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They reused the sound of Keiichi swinging his bat here and it kind of threw me off tbh. I know Kanon doesn't get batted to death here and yet
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Of course... it isn't really impossible for them to 'become' human in the sense of getting the body they want... so Shannon is talking about blowing everything up to leave it in the catbox that they were human.
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The first dropping of a very critical concept for the game and the series as a whole!
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Kinzo's pretty dead by this time so it's obviously a fantasy scene but it's almost like Beatrice and Kanon are one and the same!
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llondonfog · 1 year
fic writer asks!!! 🌈 🎀 💝 🍭 💎 ☯️ (i got. a bit excited ahfbsjfn)
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
the upcoming zine fic my god i just wanted it to be so perfect because this was my first time committing to a word limit way above what i normally write, and it would be illustrated by someone i really admire— i really agonized over every word of that fic and kept deleting pages of it because i doubted it so much lol overall though, if i'm struggling with a prompt, i'll just delete large portions of it and rewrite entirely, if not from scratch until the flow finally kicks in and the words start to piece back together
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
there are quite a few that i wrote as throwaways that spiked in notes which left me thoroughly bemused, but i have to say it's the potion!au one!!! that was a completely isolated prompt that i didn't expect to touch again after the twstober writing event, and i STILL get asks on it today!! it blows my mind how that resonated with so many of you- it wasn't one i was intending to world-build or even write more about, so i'm really happy that i've had the chance to explore it with everyone<3
🍭why did you start writing?
this is so lame, but i honestly can't recall. i've just always loved stories and i've always enjoyed writing/essay prompts for school when i was younger- pretty much all of my english classes would have us free-write for about 10 min of the period starting from when i was in 3rd grade, and that definitely fostered my joy for exploring new prompts and ideas. i think i was around 13 yro when i discovered fanfics, and that opened an entire new world where i learned that if i didn't like a scene in a book or how characters interacted.....i could just rewrite it and that completely blew my mind lol
💎why is writing important to you?
funnily enough, most of my writing could be considered vent pieces. i write to purge my emotions (positive and negative), and to validate for myself that i can still weave a story after abandoning the practice for a few years. it's a way of expression, and i enjoy having a partner along for the ride to grow with and from as we explore ideas together
☯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
i personally think the positive engagement outweighs the negative- i love being able share work from the community and go wild with praise in the tags, i think that everyone deserves to hear how their artwork/story/post touched their audience. in that same way, it's how we all get to trade ideas and build off each other's premises that gets fed back into the community until they take on lives of their own. it's amazing to see what a thriving fandom can create when there's so much affection for the content and those creating, it's something i've not been a part of before when most of the fandoms i've joined have been dead ones lol
i can't say that i have social anxiety, but i am a highly forgetful person when it comes to engagement ; A ; i'll see that someone reblogged my stuff or left a message with a highly insightful and sweet comment, and i'll get all excited to respond to them later.......and then later turns into several days because it completely slipped my mind and it's too late to acknowledge it now ; A ; im really bad at that, i can only keep a conversation up with like two people online before i get completely overwhelmed and neglect everything else ailfjiafd
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snyrtch · 2 years
15 Questions, and (not 15) mutuals lmao
I was tagged by @highwayphantoms ty!
Are you named after anyone? I was named after my paternal prababka- it's a lovely name, but I only let my family use it. IRL I typically go by either my chosen name, Tarren, or by my first two initials. My middle name was inherited from my maternal grandfather. It's quite unique and I am rather fond of it. My family traditionally takes one or both given names from the kid's grandparents/great-grandparents. ​ 
When was the last time you cried? That would be last night bc I watched a sad movie :^)  
Do you have kids? Not yet! I plan to have maybe two children, if everything works out. I would also like to foster or guardian one additional kid too.  
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Constantly! It's the easiest type of joking I ever learned.  
What’s the first thing you notice about people? My eyes tend to drift just to the cheekbones for some reason when I meet people. I don't feel comfortable making direct eye-contact until I have established some kind of acquaintanceship I suppose? So it's close to the eyes, but not quite. I see the texture there, the shape of the hair. Colors of all, etc. This question is kind of hard to answer because it can also be interpreted as, what stands out first when meeting, right? Not just the initial glance. So I suppose I notice and pay attention to someone's voice a lot when building new relationships.  
What’s your eye color? They're hazel! I'm fond of them. Some lights the major tone is grey, in others green. Some brown in the center. A lot of friends have thought they were brown entirely until I started wearing contacts more frequently & were genuinely shocked.  
Scary movies or happy endings? Yes. Both. Good. Yes. I love horror and supernatural elements, I just don't like the unbearable and overwhelming doom some horror media has about it. I like the contrasts of joy and humor and horror.  
Any special talents? When I was little I could bend my back in half! I have an uncanny sense of time; If I set something in the oven or microwave, I'll go back and get on my computer. Almost without fail, I'll sit up and go 'oh I should check on that really quick!' and the microwave or toaster oven will beep/ding, the timer will go off, etc, the second I step foot in the kitchen. If I go to bed and say 'I'd like to wake up at 8' I will always wake up within 20 mins of either side of 8, regardless of when I went to sleep.  
Where were you born? Technically, in York, Maine, though we lived in Kittery. I loved Maine. Very much my kind of weather.  
What are your hobbies? :^) Well. Writing, digital art, painting, sewing, researching obscure topics, video games, espresso/coffee making and latte art, cooking, tea collecting/blending, medicinal herbs, gardening, (does ren faire obsession count as a hobby?), baking. Some of those are more prominent as actual hobbies than others. I hope soon to get into archery. One day I'd like to get back into horseback and violin or cello.  
What sports do you play/have played? I am simply not athletic 👍🏻  
How tall are you? I'm 5'8".  
Favorite subject in school? In High School, I didn't have time to take art classes while doing orchestra, unfortunately. But I did enjoy orchestra the most, I think. In College, I took a Non-fiction Creative Writing class that truly changed my view of nonfiction, being creative, and how to create boundaries when writing from personal events. Literally life-changing lol.  
Dream job? Woof. Uh, anything. I'm going to probably end up being a Research Psych, but if I could legitimately never work again and have a semi-self sufficient household where I could do things like art and gardening without worrying about capitalism, but could also manage to buy supplemental groceries and modern needs that would be. Ideal.  
I'll go ahead and tag @sharpe-teeth @darethshirl @moss-flesh @siennamain @bluewren @fade-touched-shenanigans and @glowing-blue-feathermage
None of y'all have to do it of course, but I find these kind of things fun and an easy way to get to know everybody! :^)
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