#hopefully irl also
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thinkingstoned · 1 year ago
i just made a post about aliens and scullptures and .. it made me think,
the reason humans are always able to take over fantasy/scifi races and cultures even though the others are so much more powerful and advanced isnt becaause we are 'clever' or 'persistant', its because we are cruel. they would haave no defenses to some of what we would be willinig to do to get our way, because the concept of being really, truly malicious, thats us. if they were us, they would have no locked doors for us to break down no city walls for us to breach their technology is permissive and adaptive, there are no need for firewalls when no one would ever dream of creating a virus in the scale of the universe, we do not play fair
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my-darling-boy · 7 months ago
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But where have we come? And where shall we end?
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daily-odile · 7 months ago
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Happy Mira day!!!! Have a mira sketch I never posted + correctly themed pencil doodles cause I don't have access to my laptop
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
Have there been times the Turner parents have suspected something but shrugged it off?
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They have never suspected Timmy Turner of anything! Despite often expressing regret or disappointment, they still very much love their son! And all the benefits he brings them!!
The Turners are a well established family in the neighborhood. It wouldn't bode them well to go around casting doubt against their own son. It'd affect their reputation terribly!
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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14dayswithyou · 8 months ago
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Where are we sitting, angels? ✈️
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aseuki · 10 months ago
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[SOUL] - The Roche Limit
"A unique convergence of elements...gave a stubborn soul one last chance at revenge."
Marx | Sectonia | Fecto Elfilis
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spearxwind · 2 years ago
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I purchased a little freak recently and I'm completely obsessed with him
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nemotakeit · 5 months ago
i've said it before but i really want to see the lore from torchbearer's perspective as well. we've followed the storyline mostly from tyler/clancy's pov so far and we're very familiar with his vulnerable moments and insecurities. from his perspective it's almost as if tb is this unwavering guiding light who perfectly knows what he's doing all the time, helping him and working in mysterious ways - which, again, reinforces the godlike image tyclancy seems to project onto him. unless tb is ACTUALLY a supernatural being, which i don't think he is, he has to have his own doubts/vulnerabilities/insecurities etc just like clancy. i kinda want to see past the near-divine frame clancy (an unreliable narrator i'd say) encased him in and get to know his side of the story.
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i-may-be-an-emu · 4 months ago
hi apparently my latest brainrot is two side characters who barely interact so here you go bon appetite :D
flash + movement warning
audio credit: “I wanna feel calm” by bears in trees
video credit: shoot from the hip (@shootimpro) improvised play #22 - The Milkman
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pkmnherpetology · 4 months ago
if you saw my previous post about mohammed shehab’s campaign, here’s an update. mohammed has posted on a new account that, due to issues with taxing on gofundmes in germany where the previous campaign was located, he has had to remake the campaign.
this new campaign has a higher goal and i’m not sure if he’ll be able to access the funds from the previous campaign or if it will be refunded or something, from what he wrote on his new post it sounds like he can’t access it right now, so here’s a link to his new one. obviously the higher goal and the fact that it’s starting from scratch throws a wrench in my original plans to post a fact for every milestone reached until the goal was met as i simply don’t have that many drafts ready, but hopefully people will help even without an incentive from me.
mohammed’s previous campaign was verified by 90-ghost and gazavetters’ spreadsheet.
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arcadeplayer-nickonz · 11 months ago
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Happy Birthday Evil Mortimer!!!
may you finally relax and not deal with any Rick shenanigans
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demonslayedher · 7 months ago
This is not happening any time soon, but if I were to write a Wordpress blog about oni, would you guys follow me there
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kulliare · 2 months ago
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tagged by @shrips for 9 books you'd like to read in the new year! ty for the tag-- i tag @halfagod @albatrossisland @eponine119 @tru-lyly
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silvermeww · 1 month ago
for your Kalosian Woods AU, I have two questions! (1) what’s the direction you’re gonna take Amourshipping/Ash and Serena’s dynamic in? Their friendship along with the romantic subtext felt like it had a lot of potential in XYZ-proper but never really got utilized. And (2) how’re you gonna tackle Showcases? I’ve been meaning to work on a Showcase restructure but I’d love to hear your ideas :D
Hey there!!!!! For the first question, I 100% acknowledge the force of Serena’s crush on Ash in the XY series— even if I did tweak it so that she would fall after meeting him for the first time, watching him train for the Gym and having seen him fall off Prism Tower inspiring her to see him through tinted lens (and how it evolved from the admiration she had for him when they were kids so long ago). While XY anime itself had the weird notion of making everyone down for Ash (a terrifying scene after coming out of the professional haters of BW and literally every series before it) (ngl though I am a believer of the polycule + Bonnie idea lol, it exists in my heart), I can’t deny that side of Amourshipping even if I’m not a shipper myself or even much of a good writer for romantic relationships imo. In my AU I want to show how that love for him grows and eddies throughout the series: from their first meeting to taking up her own dream of showcases to seeing Ash lose himself in his endless hunt for strength— how she puts him on a pedestal because he was the first Trainer she knew, the strongest one she knew, and back then how she didn’t know better, relying on him instead of taking the risks herself and working with other people for a change. You’re absolutely right in the potential their relationship have in XYZ especially; with Serena coming to the tail end of her first Showcase season, ending up in the same place as before but with a totally changed perspective, and Ash fixating more than ever on being the best of the best, distancing himself from everyone else… and of course, all of that feelings and realisations coming to a head in Snowbelle, the Crisis, and the aftermaths. And also having both of them face each other at the end of it all and realising how much changed. I’m not really sure if I’m wording any of this right or if what I’ve said even makes sense heh, especially since I’m not too far ahead in this AU, but their friendship and that romantic subtext is definitely going to play a part in this series, and even if the plot details changes like the weather I’m going to do my best in keeping it as true to its potential as it should be (because a girl can be in love and also grow as a person, in spite and despite and even with it— you’ve just got to find the right angle).
(Also I’m going to have fun with that crush, so it might meet some light-hearted banter and miscommunications and all of that stuff. I mean, hey, these are kids on a journey lol. There are going to be awkward moments for everyone at some point, but they’ll grow past it as with everything else. Also fun memories. :P)
For the second question, wow, I’ve been giving it so much thought lol. I’m nowhere near the Showcases right now (although it is closer than what canon gave us in my AU) and yet it’s all I can do to plan for how it works. I have spitballed a few ideas with friends but for me (so far) I honestly want more of it to be outdoors. Showcases as a whole has this pesky problem of being a one-to-one copy of Contests but ‘declawed’ by having no battles, and it really gets me because if we’re discarding battles then we have to actually redefine Showcases as a whole— because the battle portion is the ultimate showing of precision and control with your Pokémon and their moves, which is what Contests are all about. Especially with AG and DP, we see examples of atypical Appeal rounds with Harley going for a more terrifying show of power, while Kenny (as :/ as a character as he was) goes for showings of strength— even though they are not ‘beautiful’ they still get to pass, because it really is about how your bond can perfectly translate to moves that can command the audience and grab their attention, naturally highlighting the Pokémon. With Showcases though, to me, they are more about creativity— about how a Performer can work with their Pokémon to get past certain obstacles which are based off a certain characteristic the Kalos Queen should have (the Theme round or whatever it was called lol) and then the Freestyle showing off what they uniquely bring to the table, their own brand, what they want to be remembered by (in which I thought that they could bring props to that originally but eh, that’s what my AU is for!). Sheesh, I went through such a big rant and I still feel fired up heh, but ig this is to say that since Showcases are about creativity, the outdoors location would be a great way to show how they deal with everything. On a sunny day, would they use Grass or Fire Types? Would they call out a Rain Dance and form a rainbow? Of course they wouldn’t actually have an open venue if it’s raining or snowing, but in different terrains can you see the characters stand out, I feel like. Also giving all sorts of Pokémon room like Flying or Ground. I have a bunch more ideas of course, about it being connected to PokéVision (still mad about how that concept got dumped) and having small events where people can get to know the up and coming Performers, getting hints for the Theme section so we don’t get the most unbalanced group of people and have a real competition (that always bothered me ngl), as well as other tweaks to that whole system. Showcases can be good in their own light, it’s just the rep of it being baby ‘only girls’ Contest (still thinking about the girls bit ngl) along with the stupid popularity bit of it (not that the concept is bad in and of itself, just that it should have a place and not be the be all end all of passing to the next stage) (it’s only good for the Freestyle, can I say that?) that makes it flop. Also because it came in so late and left so early. And the rivals kind of sucked because they weren’t given any time to grow. And the way Serena wasn’t challenged enough through them. So basically, I’ve got A Lot of thoughts about it and it’s going to be a headache to go through because it desperately needs a redesign to be viable in any way. But that’s the fun bit about an AU, isn’t it heh. Tell me about your ideas, I’d love to hear about them and thank you so so much for the ask!!! :D <33
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jichanxo · 4 months ago
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commissioning @vos-videmus was a life changing experience. forcing you all to look at this immediately (please don't repost or crop out the watermarks. thanks 👍)
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mblue-art · 2 years ago
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care. reassurance.
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