#homemade smoothies
renewgoo · 2 years
Tropical Paradise Smoothie Pineapple, Blackberry, Vanilla Ice Cream Sweet and Tangy Blend!
Join us as we make the perfect smoothie: a pineapple blackberry vanilla ice cream smoothie! Using fresh pineapple, juicy blackberries, and creamy vanilla ice cream, we blend up a sweet and tangy drink. Watch as we mix and match ingredients, adding just the right amount of sweetness and texture to make this smoothie a new favorite. So grab a straw and get ready to sip on the ultimate treat!
Recipe for a Pineapple Blackberry Vanilla Ice Cream Smoothie:
1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple chunks
1 cup fresh or frozen blackberries
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
1/2 cup milk (or non-dairy milk)
Add the pineapple chunks, blackberries, vanilla ice cream, and milk to a blender.
Blend until smooth, scraping down the sides of the blender as necessary.
If the smoothie is too thick, add more milk until you reach your desired consistency.
Pour the smoothie into a glass and serve immediately.
Optional: Garnish with fresh pineapple chunks and blackberries for an extra pop of color and flavor.
Enjoy your Pineapple Blackberry Vanilla Ice Cream Smoothie!
Pineapple smoothie, blackberry smoothie, vanilla ice cream, drinks, refreshing beverages, sweet treats, smoothie recipes, homemade smoothies, creative smoothies, fruit smoothies, dessert drinks, drink recipes, drink vlog, food and drink, food fusion, cool drinks, iced drinks, healthy drinks
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fullcravings · 8 months
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Homemade Orange Julius
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foodshowxyz · 6 months
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Summer is coming soon and we want to share this lovely Watermelon Mint Iced Tea Recipe
4 cups of water
2-3 tea bags of your choice (green tea or black tea work well)
2 cups fresh watermelon cubes
Fresh mint leaves
Ice cubes
1-2 tablespoons honey or sweetener of choice (optional)
Watermelon slices and mint sprigs, for garnish
Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Once boiling, remove from heat and add the tea bags. Allow to steep for 3-5 minutes, depending on how strong you like your tea.
While the tea is steeping, puree the watermelon cubes in a blender until smooth. Strain through a fine mesh sieve to remove any solids, collecting the juice in a bowl.
Remove the tea bags from the pot and add honey or your choice of sweetener while the tea is still warm, stirring until dissolved.
Let the tea cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until chilled.
To serve, fill glasses with ice cubes and pour in the chilled tea, leaving some room at the top for the watermelon juice.
Add a splash of watermelon juice to each glass and stir gently to combine.
Garnish with fresh mint leaves, a sprig of mint, and a slice of watermelon on the rim of the glass.
Serve immediately and enjoy your cool, refreshing Watermelon Mint Iced Tea!
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randajoe · 2 months
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⋆˚✿˖° peaches & cream cheese on wheat toast w/ honey 🍯 🍑 🧡 🏵️ ❤︎₊ ⊹
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powerpoison · 3 months
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🍳 salty pancakes ✨
Cheese {pecorino, emmenthal & ricotta}
Bresaola {smoked ham}
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oops-its-a-fanwork · 1 year
Borrowed the one piece pirate au from @mega-punani again, check 'm out! Part 2 of reader with different devil fruit abilities:
Reader with devil fruit: Communication fruit!
After eating the fruit, you have gained the ability to have some degree of communication with any other living being based on its intelligence/sentience, its needs and its ability to communicate. For example: you may communicate very simple concepts with plants (intelligence), like if they've gotten enough sunlight (the plant's needs), by touching or being near them, as plants don't communicate with body language or sound but with chemicals (their way of communicating). You can't ask a plant if they've seen a specific person though, because the plant can't see or hear, and likely wont recognize who walked past. A falcon, however, might be asked to look for someone with a certain description, and can communicate back with some details it's seen and the direction they're headed in, bc they're a hunter who uses sight to track prey!
Communicating with people is more like we're used to, but there's still some things to note. You can now communicate with anyone speaking any language, and you can hear the intention they speak with. The effect is not applicable to written text though, Cowabummer :( Additionally, you can't lie in languages you are not fluent in, since people will always hear the intention you're speaking with. You have adapted to this by being some definition of blunt, but since your intention can be felt when you speak, its rare for people to get mad at you for this: it always feels sincere, even if it would sound rough from someone else. However if you're mad at someone, its near impossible for them not to feel some of that spite.
On to the boys!
Lie detection? Is that supposed to intimidate you? Sorry Sans, but that's just your life. Your honesty is probably what got his attention in the first place, and even after learning the reason for it he still truly appreciates it. You talk and joke together all the time, and you're always bugging him about using his judgement on the flies and fish around the ship to see if it works. He tells you it wouldn't work because a fly doesn't need to lie. You agree but you pester him about it anyway. He's not a huge fan of you being able to detect his true feelings (how's your own power taste sucker!), but you always handle them with respect which he appreciates. In fact, being on the receiving end of something like this makes him a little bit more considerate towards the people he uses his judgement eye on. Mainly because you're right next to them giving him the stink eye, though.
Oh so refreshing, someone as genuine as Papyrus is like a breath of fresh air! He just says what he feels, and its usually positive too! You're a little less likely to become a blushing mess if he flirts with you while intending it platonically, but the amount of genuine positivity he showers you with may leave you flustered anyway. You help him out in the garden a lot, and he is very happy to have you tell him exactly what each plant needs. You both have, in the past, named some of the plants for fun. But you guys got attached... Now plants only get a name if they either live for a long time (like Patricia the grapevine) or if they can be named after the dish they will be used in (like Stir-Fry the cauliflower).
Blue often brings interesting plants and animals onto the ship to ask you what they're saying. It's usually something along the line of 'God help me I'm gonna get eaten by this big strong predator!-' but you can usually help ease the creature into relaxing. You both admire them for a bit and ask some questions, then put it back where you found it. ...Unless it says it wants to stay here, where it feels safe and protected. The both of you are softies, and Edge has had to chase both of you quite a few times in order to stop the ship from turning into the ark of Noah. Although the time you guys managed to sneak in a pair of ostriches and their young and hide them away for 2 days was admittedly quite impressive!
Stretch doesn't believe you when you say you can't lie. That would be awfully convenient wouldn't it? He won't fall for those kinds of lies, no matter how charming you are. And then Sans has to ruin it by saying you're not lying when you say that. That being said… Please stop giving him genuine compliments. He can feel how true they are to you and how is he supposed to respond to that?? He's gonna damage his banjo with how hard he grips it when you do that, give a guy a break! He kinda wishes he could make you feel his true intentions when he sings to you… Well, here's to trying right? At some point he might try to play and sing songs in different languages for you, just to see when you can or can't understand the lyrics. It's a fun little experiment for you both, and it makes him try way more different genres and cultural classics than before. It's a real win-win!
Hey another blunt person! Welcome to the club darlin'. Oh you didn't intend to be? That's still hilarious love. Red can really appreciate both someone who's very honest and clear, and someone he can tease. So whether you're a blunt hard worker who doesn't take shit, or a slightly bashful person who just can't lie even if they wanted to, this is a great deal for him. When he tells you you're cute he means it and he thrives of of your flustered reactions. He asks you to tell the rats to fuck off not chew on important stuff on the ship, and to tell Doomfanger to stop snitching on him to Edge when she catches him lazing about. Which leads to him being effectively extorted into giving her some of his dinner every day. Edge is gonna notice eventually anyway, either because he realizes she does it less, or because he notices her getting chubby.
I think that since Edge loves archeology, he might be interested in different cultures as well as their histories. That being said, you have some stories to tell him about different places you have visited and the stories people told, and the both of you ask locals about interesting historical events and myths from the area when you get the chance to. You even share a little notebook you write these down in, and you only occasionally doodle little drawings next to the texts. He loves tolerates them, and only nags about them when they bleed onto the next page. Speaking of which, Edge's nagging is incredibly endearing when you can feel how sweet his intentions are. There's no intimidation factor left to be honest. You make sure to treat him sweetly in response, resulting in a slightly confused, but pleased (and bright red) skeleton.
Razz thinks your skills could make communicating with the locals about the surrounding area much easier! Not that he wants to talk to anyone mind you, but he'll have you act as an interpreter for him when necessary. Not to mention you being able to talk to fish and other water creatures makes mapping underwater areas interesting option too! It's never been done before, which sounds like a challenge for someone magnificent~ ! Boasting aside, it truly is a genuinely good and helpful idea! Locating jagged rocks for boats to avoid could make areas much safer to navigate and could open up new trade routes for locals in rough territory. Not to mention locating sunken ships full of treasure sounds like a real adventure!
You can immediately pick up on it if Cash wants something for suspicious reasons, (and, more rarely, for non-suspicious reasons,) which makes you one of the very few people able to understand his reasoning and intentions pretty quickly (not as good as Razz, but pretty close in such a short time). This makes him... awkward, for a while. He can't even hide behind a mischievous mask with you when his intentions change from "bothering you because he's bored" to "bothering you because he wants your affection attention". He comes around after you insist on being around him and treating him kindly even after, well, everything, and it makes him especially soft on you. He's still a mischievous dork, of course, but he's very relaxed with you, to the point where you could even nap in the same room as him and not get pranked!! ...occasionally ;3
…oh no.... You're talking to the herbs in Paps' garden again. You do realize we're gonna eat that right?? Do you really want to become friends with it??? Bear actually isn't entirely wrong there: you can't join him when he's preparing fresh food, but luckily most fruits and veggies are not an entire plant, but only a part of one. You have also assured him that you have come to terms with the fact that something has to die in order for you to eat: that's just nature, you see it around you all the time. He actually really appreciates that sentiment more than you may have realized, given what he and Cinnamon went through. He may not tell you that, but you can feel the relief in his sigh. This also makes him feel more at ease creating vegetarian dishes just for you if you'd prefer them: you're not judging anyone on the ship for choosing otherwise.
Welcome to the extra senses club!! You and Cinnamon talk and relate a lot about the ways you perceive the world, and the way the world perceives the both of you. Actually, Cinnamon turns into a bit of a philosopher when you talk about yourself and about the life experiences of different creatures. You two have long conversations about the importance of intentions, the way different experiences can shape someones life and other such topics. These conversations are surprisingly positive for someone who has been through so much, but you suppose you couldn't expect anything less from a sweetheart like him. Don't tell him you think that though, for the moment you do (or give him any other kind of compliment) the conversation is cut short by him furiously trying to hide blushing face.
Sometimes the boys will have the interesting experience of finding you talking to the air below deck, only to find that you're actually talking to an insect or another little critter. Or to Doomfanger, since you two hang out a lot.
Edge and Razz are a little disappointed you cant actually speak a 100 different languages (cuz that'd be hot), however they would scream in delight if they found out you could talk to ancient creatures and mythical beings should you ever encounter them. What are they saying??? Secret knowledge about days long past, cities lost to the sea ages ago?? The answer to questions about the universe? The meaning of life itself-- "The weather is nice today isn't it?" "Yes, truly! This sun feels marvelous on my scales." "Oh they look amazing in this light, is that iridescence? That's so cool-"
You can actually get a free pass through certain sea monsters'/creatures' areas if you play your cards right (and if the boys don't immediately do something stupid). Perks of being able to talk to huge terrifying creatures! They tend to be of somewhat similar intelligence to humans/monsters, they just communicate differently.
Papyrus will sometimes help you and blue hide another creature on the ship, however Edge has implored him to tell him immediately if you guys have a creature and he's very conflicted about who to be loyal to… you guys just don't tell him unless you have to now, to save him the stress. (and to avoid Edges wrath)
Same thing for Cinnamon, except instead of it being a loyalty problem, he just can't lie to safe his life. If its a small animal however, he's your man. He's the only one actually allowed to keep a pet, since he actually takes care of them well and since they behave really well when they are with him. He'll keep the little critter with him until you guys can find them a good home on another island.
Sometimes, when you've talked to the sea dwellers of the area for a while while sailing through, they might help you out when you fall overboard. Everyone is very surprised when you fall overboard, only to be brought back up by a group of dolphins! You did promise them lunch for their little rescue though, so the rest of the day is spent fishing for them. Opinions on that are mixed.
You and Cash overhear someone telling the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin and immediately decide to bother stretch about it. Surprisingly, he was bored and amused enough to go along with it, and it actually somewhat worked? With a combination of bargaining and convincing using your translation skills, you manage to recreate the scene with stretch playing his banjo (since he refused to use the flute Cash "grabbed" for him) and a row of dancing rats following behind. In the aftermath there's a lot of startled cries and laughing from the witnesses, but also an unexpected information network of rats, communicating through interpretive-rat-dance and banjo music when you're not around... What an interesting day!
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tj-crochets · 8 months
Hey y'all! My mom's been saying I should get an air fryer but I know absolutely nothing about them. What makes an air fryer better than an oven? Are there particular air fryer qualities I should look for?
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thelifeofniy · 1 year
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fluorescentessence · 3 months
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out on a slow sunny stroll the day after wisdom teeth surgery 🧘🏻‍♀️⛅️
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b-blushes · 1 year
my parents bought me a fresh peach from a market they were at yesterday and wow... the fragrance from cutting that guy up ready to cook it... the juice!!! it's taking everything i have not to eat it right now. fruits i love you <3
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heavenlyspiced · 4 months
So many refreshing vegan drinks! A recipe collection with mocktails, cocktails, kombucha, homemade juice, lemonade, smoothies, iced coffee, and more.
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chonkymoth · 2 months
sorry to be homophobic on main but oat milk isn't good
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foodshowxyz · 6 months
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Avocado & Spinach Superfood Smoothie
1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
2 cups fresh spinach leaves
1 banana, preferably frozen
1 tablespoon chia seeds, plus extra for garnish
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any plant milk of your choice)
1/2 cup Greek yogurt or a dairy-free alternative for a vegan option
Honey or agave syrup to taste (optional)
Ice cubes (optional, if you prefer a colder smoothie)
Edible flowers and thin slices of lime or lemon for garnish
Blend the Base:
In a high-powered blender, combine the avocado, spinach, banana, chia seeds, almond milk, and Greek yogurt. If you like your smoothie a little sweeter, add honey or agave syrup to taste.
Adjust Consistency:
Blend until smooth. If the mixture is too thick for your liking, add more almond milk to reach the desired consistency. If you didn’t use a frozen banana and want your smoothie colder, add a few ice cubes and blend again.
Pour the smoothie into a tall glass. Sprinkle additional chia seeds on top for an extra nutrient boost.
Decorate with edible flowers and citrus slices for a beautiful and appealing presentation.
Serve immediately while fresh and enjoy! This smoothie isn’t just a treat for the eyes; it’s packed with vitamins, fiber, and healthy fats. The avocado provides creaminess as well as heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, the spinach offers iron and other minerals, and the chia seeds add a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids. It's a perfect start to the day or a refreshing pick-me-up in the afternoon!
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parveens-kitchen · 9 months
A Guide to Freezing Fresh Strawberries
“Preserving Summer’s Bounty: A Guide to Freezing Fresh Strawberries”.Preserving the vibrant taste of fresh strawberries is a delightful way to enjoy the essence of summer all year round. In this guide, we’ll explore a simple method for freezing fresh strawberries to ensure they maintain their individuality and are ready for a variety of delicious recipes. Freezing Process:1. Wash the fresh…
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ironmars · 7 months
When will my husband (blendjet portable blender) return from war (replacement blendjet ordered online due to a recall)
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rose-lily-hale · 11 months
todays one of those days i'm tired of solid food/cooking/eating
like bring me and large ice cold strawberry banana and throw some nutrients in and i'll be on my way
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