#hiding my shame in the tags
daftydill · 2 years
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Please nobody know what I’m referencing…
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goldensugarywaffles · 2 years
Good news to those of you who enjoyed Curiosity Killed the Cat! I'll be back very soon! I've been busy with school and it's currently finals week but I hope to wrap all this up and get back to writing!
Let me know if you want to be tagged when the next chapters come out.
Taglist: @tito-the-mermaid @juju-227592 @thedarkwinterrose @zaheraaelmira @hangsang-jh
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nenoname · 1 month
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still love how the book starts out with stan beating up the statue and taking ford's discarded one dollar bills and then ends with stan completely destroying bill and ripping up money just to spite him
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
okay but seriously all jokes aside I really do understand ivan. like having a schedule so packed and busy is so insanely draining no matter how long you've conditioned yourself to endure it. sacrificing certain things like lunch or sleep just to gain the slightest bit more time for yourself is something that feels almost essential to keeping yourself together and not feeling like you're losing yourself in the cycle completely. it's like its own little act of rebellion in a way, something along the lines of you can drown me in work and monotony but I'll keep carving these little spaces of time for what little I have for myself, even if I have to carve them out of my own chest. I will sacrifice parts of myself to ensure that I don't fully succumb to whatever you're trying to make me into. I am human, this is the proof, I will make time even if it ruins me. you know?? yeah. you get it
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saturncoyote · 1 year
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Something about giant super computers and the concept of being naked
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jaylaxies · 8 months
if you can’t respect writers who are providing you w fanfics free of cost then you don’t get any rights to shit on them either.
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feelo-fick · 11 months
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boo. :)
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Not All Coping Mechanisms Are Healthy
and that‘s okay.
I‘m serious. Developing an alcohol addiction is a negative coping mechanism. Believing you are a fictional character, creature, or other real person (copelinking, a otherkin term) is a negative coping mechanism when it’s gone too far. Physically hurting yourself is a negative coping mechanism. By no means are we wanting them to hurt themselves to feel better. We don’t want to see them hurt.
Insulting, shaming, mocking and overly criticizing people however does more harm to those people than good.
It can be triggering to be around that person who drinks a lot. It can be triggering to see people writing stories about suicide. It can be triggering to see people drawing characters suffering from eating disorders.
And that is okay, too. It doesn’t bring you comfort, no one should shame, insult, mock, or criticize you either for something only hurting you more.
You cannot judge coping mechanisms by how they help you or not. Some coping mechanisms, like self harm, are later controlled by therapists. With self harm, a lot of therapists recommend snapping a rubber band against the skin when the person sufferers from thoughts of self harm. It is still a negative coping mechanism, but there is a reason that people cope the way that they do. Stop placing judgement when you don’t know those people.
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jadedloverart · 1 year
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Smoke & Honey - COMPLETE
Word count: 4,414
There could be no wrong thing in this night of crisp air, where the smoke trailed from the ends of several glowing cigarettes, reaching their ghostly tendrils towards the stars. Together, Lena and the handsome stranger stepped into the subtle warmth of a street lamp, breathing in the city's scentscape. In the still air between them, a voice, soft and deep, curled into her ears with its pleasant timbre.
"My name's Kara. Who might you be?"
At Kara's welcoming smile her heart thudded, her own mind determined to ignore its dim recognition of the fact that she didn't actually know the person she had just left the club with. She couldn't bring herself to care, as her eyes roamed across Kara's face, taking in her sharp jawline, and the line of her nose.
"I'm Lena."
A dirty club bathroom smut fic
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edgepunk · 2 months
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ok so I gathered enough courage to talk about the petegwen AU where they both have powers, so here are some sketches of their suits
Peter's backstory is pretty much the same, he's been Spider-Man since he was 15. Ben died. You know the story.
Gwen got her powers during the first year of college, because she got an internship at Oscorp and one of their pesky spiders got her while she was working.
Gwen is more of a mix of 616, TASM and TSSM, she's kind of a nerdy prep and has some of 616's bitchy attitude (/positive. we love complex female characters here) because ngl I'm not a fan how Spider-Gwen was handled in the comics, she feels like a completely different character rather than a variant of Gwen. While I did change a lot, I still wanted to keep the essence of her OG iteration.
They at first didn't know each other's identities (they're both dense <3) and had a rivarly going on when Gwen got her powers, because she was too stubborn to accept Spider-Man's help, but they eventually became a team. It takes them a really fucking long time to realize who they are, because I thought it'd be funny that they both go fight bad guys, feeling guilty and thinking that they ditched their girlfriend/boyfriend only to be like "no no it's okay it's okay" while they're both sweaty af from the fight and they still don't realize.
Then they start catching feelings for each other as Spider-Man and Spider-Woman (👀) and they feel even worse now, because they're in a relationship.
Yeah they're both stupid and find out each other's identities when they kiss each other in the heat of the moment after an intense fight with the Sinister Six. They kinda just. Figure out. The kiss feels familiar and then they yell at each other for not spilling the beans, then they laugh it off.
Anyway yeah it's v cheesy and self-indulgent. That's it for now.
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cuteniaarts · 1 month
Mirror, mirror, on the wall...
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Who's the fairest of them all?
#lowkey cringy caption but I thought it was fitting given the context#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original character#who I still haven't figured out a tag system for lmao#Kat and Nia and their multiverse of madness#alternative title: what a difference half a lifetime can make#summiya at 18/19 vs summiya at 34/35 is like night and day. she barely even looks like herself anymore#or maybe.. she looks more like herself than she ever did? what came before wasn't her. it was an empty porcelain doll devoid of personality#hiding the rotten nature underneath that's been steadily seeping through#and now that she has been thoroughly destroyed her outward appearance finally reflects what she was like inside all along#but just as she manages to convince herself of it. she looks in the mirror and refuses to accept that this is who she really is#where did that gorgeous girl who was so excited for her wedding day go? or the one who lit up upon being showered with compliments?#what happened to them? to her? how did she sink so low?#she was supposed to be better than this... better than her siblings. she was always better than Zaheer and Aiza#but now she's easily the worst of the free. their betrayal doesn't even compare#she deserves death for what she did. she looks at the bruising on her throat and wonders why it wasn't enough#why he didn't press just a little harder. then at least she wouldn't have to live with the shame#how awful of her to wish for that. she is getting what was coming to her. she did all of that for the shame. it is her punishment#she doesn't get the mercy of dying and escaping the consequences of her actions#she is by no means innocent. what's happening now is simply justice being enacted. she's sure of it#she's alone and ruined and miserable. having driven away everyone who could have possibly cared for her. not that anyone did#perhaps it's better that way. maybe then no one else will look at her and realise just how different she looks from her younger self#she wasn't happy back then either but she was content. she was taking the first step towarcs the perfect life she was promised#now that very save perfect life is crashing and burning all around her. perhaps it was inevitable. it was always going to end this way#(sleepy tags so I apologise if they make no sense whatsoever or are just rehashes of stuff I've said before. I'm tired. gonna go to bed now)#oh. before I forget though:#injury tw#bruises tw
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thornheartless · 7 months
Occasionally loveposting about Nada on main instead of my selfship sideblog for me is the equivalent of firing a gun into the air to keep rent down. We're feral about fictional characters here, real ones only please!
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sophieinwonderland · 6 months
Invent conlang.
Spawn a new altar who speaks said conlang and not anyone else’s.
No one else speaks the conlang fluently.
Oh no! LOL! 🤣
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skullaton · 8 months
It fell off of the roof oh my gosh no I just thought that the face that it made was kinda creepy and funny ; ∆ ;
i am laughing an ungodly amount i am so sorry i feel so silly for not noticing
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i rarely ever ship anything ever but sometimes i see two characters and get the overwhelming urge to make them qpps
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riddikuluslupin · 9 months
remione [accidentally called your number while drunk asking for a ride and you actually came au] pt 2
She stood on the pavement’s edge, precariously too close to traffic for Remus’s liking, not that there were many cars on the road at such an hour. Why had her friend not been ready to swoop in and get her home safely? Why did she even have to call? What magic conjured up his number in her phone with him living only two blocks away?
The woman — Hermione, he reminded himself — gave a small wave. Her legs wobbled, and she grabbed the nearby lamppost for support. Drizzle fell softly, the droplets frizzing her hair and casting a fuzzy halo around her head. Remus felt visited upon by some supernatural creature as she glowed in contrast to the dark pub front. Gods, he needed to stop reading those fantasy books so late at night, but he hadn’t been able to sleep. Insomnia meant he’d been awake to take her call.
When he pulled up, she steadied herself on the slick car door and mimed rolling down the window. He did so. She peered in blearily at him. Remus wondered if he matched whatever expectation she had after talking with him on the phone. He ran a hand through his hair, knowing he looked rough after not sleeping well last night and now tonight. The days leading up to a full moon wrecked him. 
“Are you—?” they said at the same time. She laughed, and he couldn’t help but offer a small smile.
“Hermione, is it?” he tried again. “Do you still want that ride?”
“Oh, yes. Remus?” He nodded in reply. “If you’re going my way.” Her eyebrows raised conspiratorially as if relaying an inside joke.
Remus clicked the doors unlocked and then leaned over to unlatch the passenger side door. “There’s nowhere else this taxi service is going tonight. Get in before you’re soaked. The rain’ll be picking up.”
She jostled the door open and gracelessly plopped into the seat. Now, in the heat of the car, she unbuttoned her grey coat, revealing a cranberry red dress. She smelled strongly of orange liqueur with the faintest hint of…what was it…something warm and familiar. He turned down the heat when she began fanning herself with her hands. 
“I’ve never done anything like this before.” She turned to him as she buckled her seat belt. “Gotten into a car with a stranger.” A tremor of worry crossed her face as Remus assumed the implications of her situation washed over her. She replaced that doubt with a hesitant smile. “Please tell me you’re not an axe murderer.” 
Remus resisted the urge to say “not yet” and turned up the windshield wipers against the growing storm. Instead, he took everything out of his pockets — his phone and wallet — and pressed them into her hands. “I know it’s not the same, but you’re trusting me, so I’d like to trust you with those. No axe murdering as long you don’t chuck those out the window.”
“I think I can manage that,” she replied. “Do you carry anything interesting with you?”
He shrugged, looking at the address she showed him on her phone so he could type it into his GPS. It wasn’t too far but also wasn’t close. Sleeping tonight looked more and more questionable. “I doubt there’s anything of particular note. Not much worth stealing.” He raised his eyebrows as she immediately plucked a wayward receipt that had been sticking out from his wallet.
“You’ve been to Flourish and Blotts?” she said in an excited rush. The warm amber glow of the streetlamps blinked past outside the windows, briefly casting her face in bronze light before winking back into darkness. No other cars were on this side street.
“I have to restrain myself from going more often. Or else I’d forget to buy groceries and only have books to eat.”
“Not very tasty. Have you seen that they’ve gotten in some new history books about…” 
Despite the lack of traffic, Remus kept his gaze on the road, even though he wanted to watch this woman be so enraptured by books that she soliloquized about what she wanted to purchase next, what she’d already bought, what she was currently reading, and what he should definitely not waste his time on. She brightly asked for his thoughts on books and, after her long, detailed discussion about the more obscure (and potentially occult) subjects she read (really, what was arithmancy? ancient runes?), he felt embarrassed to admit that only myth retellings currently held his attention. 
“No wonder you agreed to pick me,” she said, tapping her chin thoughtfully. “Two mythological creatures passing in the night.”
He tensed at her words and then noticed a smear of red extending down her lip. She can’t suspect, he thought. Deftly, he reached over to pop open the glove box to retrieve a tissue. “And since when is ‘Hermione’ a creature, rather than a human girl?” 
She took the tissue and blotted where he indicated on her face, avoiding his gaze as she blushed into the visor mirror. After shoving the tissue in her purse that Remus noted held two books with multi-colored tabs, she rolled down her window to stick out her hand and then pressed the rain along her flushed neck. Remus turned the heat off and couldn’t help but glance from the road to the hand that lingered on her collarbone. 
“Sidecars always make me hot. I should have stuck with the wine.” She sighed and then said so softly that Remus almost didn’t hear it, “I should have stayed home. So stupid.” 
Since she’d whispered the last part, Remus pretended not to notice; with his sharp hearing, he sometimes had to do so to keep people from looking askance at him and his “strange prying.” He didn’t know what to say, so the silence stretched out between them.
“What are we but creatures?” she replied in a fake lofty tone. “Creatures seeking comfort in all the wrong places.”
The street continued to unwind before them in a blurry line as the wind whipped rain across the windshield. Only one car passed them. Remus chanced another look at her. She stared down into the depths of her hands. He gently cleared his throat. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She fiddled with his wallet, opening it to slide her thumb along the credit cards nestled inside. “It’s nothing particularly special or interesting. A tale as old as time, being stood up, waiting around for him for hours until you decide to get royally knackered.” She plucked out his library card, then his grocer rewards card, until all the cards were freed so that she could sort them by color.
“What a prick,” he said. Gods, no wonder she sounded close to tears on the phone when she mentioned how alone she was standing outside. “Do you want to find his house and teach him a lesson?”
“I had plenty of time to consider what kind of lesson I’ll teach him should he ever dare darken my doorstep,” she said and smiled weakly at his attempt to cheer her up. “Plus, I thought you weren’t an axe murder. Will you be coming along for moral support then?”
He considered this as she applied a lip balm over her faded lipstick. There was the smell from earlier—a mix of vanilla and cinnamon. She caught him glancing at her mouth. Remus reached to turn down the heat again only to realize he’d shut it off earlier. His brain felt fuzzy from lack of sleep, the hard pull of the moon, and something else he couldn’t quite name.
“Have you ever stood up a date before?” she asked, her body angled towards him, her elbow propped up on the center console and hand cradling her head. Her hair brushed his argyle sweater.
Feigning insult at such a question, he said, “I would never.” He contemplated revealing that he could barely even remember the last date he’d gone on, that he remained an unattractive prospect because of his finances, his job, his condi- He swiftly cut this short as he noticed her staring up at him, her brow furrowed as if trying to puzzle out his thoughts.
“Where did you take your last date? And, please don’t say a pub.”
Remus rubbed the back of his neck and grimaced. How many months ago was it when he went for coffee with his co-worker Dora? She’d made calf-eyes at him, twirling whichever colorful extension she’d clipped into her hair that day (pink, purple, or blue), until he’d agreed to a date. “It was quite a while ago. We went to that little coffee shop attached to Dogweed and Deathcap.”
“Oh, the plant shop?” She brightened and sat up straighter. Searching through her purse, she pulled out a catalog with the shop’s logo on the front and leaned in closer to him. She’d shucked off her coat, and her bare shoulder bumped his arm as the car hit a pothole. She pointed to a dark purple flower. “They just put in my order for these.” 
Remus deftly glanced at it before looking back at the road, unable to identify it. “Which are those?”
“Aconitum,” she said. “I’ll have enough for several planters.”
Only a couple streets from her place, Remus managed to keep his car on the road when she said the flower’s name. “Why do you need so much wolfsbane?”
“You know it?” she said in surprise, then she was off again, chatting away as she had when discussing books. “Do you have some? I understand it’s highly toxic, and the shop waffled about allowing me to order that many plants. But they caved because I’m such a regular, although don’t tell them one reason for that is I killed off all my petunias and mandragoras. Overwatered them.” She ran her finger through her hair, causing it to frizz even further. “That won’t happen this time because I’ll be using them for a, erm, chemistry project.” 
“Nothing related to cooking?” 
“You’ll be pleased to know I’m also not a murderer.” She paused dramatically before following up with, “Yet.”
The GPS dinged as the car pulled in front of her small, dark-windowed house. Hermione scowled. “Ginny couldn’t even leave the porch light on? That boy better have been worth the lay.” 
Again, Remus reached over, barely avoiding brushing her knees that she didn't seem to notice were in his path, to open the glove box and fish out a torch. “I’ve got to have a talk with this Ginny about her priorities. If you don’t mind my company a little longer, I’ll walk you to the door.”
He tapped the torch against his thigh until the light flared to life. The rain had tapered back to a drizzle, and Remus jogged over to her side and had the door open before she’d managed to unbuckle the seat belt. She took his offered hand and wobbled a little less as she stepped onto the sidewalk in her sensible heels. With her coat back on but unbuttoned, she shivered as the wind blew in from the north. Its icy fingers threaded through Remus’s sweater. A bone-deep tired dragged at him, and his eyes flickered shut.
“Are you all right?” She hadn’t released his hand and squeezed it until he reopened his eyes to look down at her worried face. Outside, underneath the thin moonlight pushing through the clouds, the watery mascara smudges on her cheeks stood out clearly. What sodding prick stood up a pretty woman who read esoteric books and grew poisonous plants for fun. 
“Are you a witch?” Remus side-stepped her question with one that had been brewing in his mind since she rattled off the books she read or would soon read. If she was, then maybe— maybe— she’d understand about him and his condition. 
She looked stunned. The torch’s puddle of light illuminated their shoes; he was glad he at least wore a matching pair, although they were worn to hell like the rest of his oxfords. “Is your next line going to chat me up with some variation of asking if I’ve ‘put a spell on you’? 
His tired, tired brain cursed him. Once again, he’d messed it up before anything had even begun. What did he think would even begin in the first place? He was a stranger who conveniently lived near a pub she’d been stranded at and gave her a ride home. “Gods, no, I shouldn’t have pried. Ignore that. I don’t even have chat up lines. I don’t chat people up. I barely talk to anyone. ” He felt himself spiraling into a ramble. “Let’s get you inside. It’s late.”
At the door, he shone the light on the lock. As she twisted the knob, he turned to leave. Her hand tugged at his elbow, stopping him to turn back around. With the door ajar, her voice dropped low and she leaned in to whisper, “Can I give you something?” 
His heart fluttered strangely. What would she want to give him? He nodded, and she held up a finger for him to wait. She slipped through the dark doorway. A light flicked on in a back room. She soon returned with her hair in a messy bun and a small bag in tow. She pressed it into his hand and closed his chilled fingers around it. 
“It’s a sleep tisane with chamomile, mint, and lavender. Plus a couple secret ingredients. None of which are toxic or charmed, I solemnly swear.” She released his hand and tucked the stray hairs escaping from her bun behind her ears. “If you’re worried about that, you could always invite me over, and I’ll take a drink first.”
Was she asking him out for tea? Was he being asked out on a date? She must have misread the shock on his face because she began to walk back her offer: “Or you can chuck it in the bin. I thought it might help, and Ginny has told me I can offer help when people aren’t looking for it. I have been known to be bossy. Or you could put it in your bath?” She blushed. “Either way, I wanted to thank you for driving me out all this way.”
Remus finally found his voice. “I would love tea, but I can’t the next couple of days.” The moon pressed down on the paper thin clouds. “How about after that?”
She peered up, studying him with almost x-ray vision. He grew worried she was examining the lattice of scars on his face and down his neck. Explanations dried up his throat. “Text me after the full moon,” she said simply. “I went ahead and saved my number in your phone.” 
Later, when Remus opened his contacts, he found “the brightest witch” listed in his contacts, and his handwritten TBR list for when he went to Flourish & Blotts had vanished from his wallet. Tasting the tea, he knew at least two of the secret ingredients were vanilla and cinnamon, neither of which poisoned him. He did choke on his tea when Hermione sent her first text to him that read: “In my phone, I didn’t name you ‘axe murderer.’ You’re ‘the trusted wolf.’ Should I bring chocolate for our tea? And if you give me a fake address or anything of the sort, I will curse you. :)”
pt. 1
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