#hermetic magick
rosieandthemoon · 3 months
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cemetery beauty
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occultesotericart · 3 months
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Vigilant labor /// circa 16th c
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figcatlists · 7 months
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Occult and esoteric fiction reading list
A selection of literary works inspired or influenced by various currents of Western esoteric tradition and occultism, spanning from late antiquity to the present day. Includes historical novels about mages and alchemists, initiatory Rosicrucian romances, hermetic allegorical dream visions, gothic tales of elemental spirits, occult detective stories, satirical conspiracy thrillers, and more!
This chart was based on my longer list of 125 works of occult, esoteric, and initiatory fiction and poetry.
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maeviuslynn · 10 months
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asleepypigeon · 3 months
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I changed a few things because I’m indecisive, and I wanted to actually talk about it!
Mainly, I changed Clem to be sliiiightly different since I added them in so late anyway, and I changed the tapestry. It’s a little unfortunate you can’t see it well, but I enjoy the gnostic symbolism.
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I generally just shoved a lot of occult shit I find interesting on here, like the ouroboros tray, the Mari Lwyd under the cabinet, and Pep’s selfie with Prince Stolas.
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There’s plenty more if you look, but since I practice magic, I like to put some into my drawings. :)
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The Hermetic gnosis doesn’t come in the daylight through book study. Instead it comes in the night, when you wake up with an idea, and scribble it down on a scrap of paper…or in a dream, vision, artwork or meditation. It has to come ‘like a thief’ to bypass the censorship of the conscious ego. The ego fears and rejects this knowledge, because it comes from another world, is ‘irrational’ and transformative in nature. Remember that Hermes (from which the word Hermetic comes) is the god of thieves. We have to sneak tiny fragments of eternity into this time-bound world.
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thesorcererpoet · 3 months
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Hello friends! So card of the day is the seven of swords. When this card comes up, it is wise to be on your guard. The seven of swords indicates the idea of somebody taking something from you. Being swords, which relate to a the element of air and to the intellect, it could be that someone out there is looking to steal your ideas or simply that you will be taken advantage of. Make sure you keep your eye out for foul play today and you will be one step ahead.
This card also indicates taking extraordinary efforts to achieve something. Trying to get away with something or even to try and achieve something that seems futile. It is worth bearing in mind that futility often comes from a feeling of defeat. If you are already defeated before you start then you will never get where you want to go. My suggestion is to make the little effort you can and you might surprise yourself.
Please dm me for prices and slots. Much love x
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eveeyehorizons · 3 months
What do you think what does the law mean ? Love under will?
It puts your will ,that you are living here , above the love.
It gives you the power to love and not to be consumed by it. Because love shouldn't take control of your will to live.
It s also not a tool to make your life bearable or worth living.
It's a condition in which and out of which one shall act.
but therefore you must be willing to do so.
That's why love under will.
you must be willing to act everything out of love.
And why love ?
Cuz it is life.
Every balanced condition in nature is love.
Everything that happens to give life or to be alive is love.
Even dying for something else to be alive is an act of love.
What is not love is every kind of corrupted and desperate act that roots in fear.
Which is if u think about it, is everything else. Envy,anxiety,attachment,the longing to belong, the void we want to fill.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 11 months
Offerings and Salutations to the Teachers, Teachings, and Community.
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This post is dedicated to my friend who's still in prison and will leave this month. I hope to file this post under the practical heading of my index as I see this a very necessary part in the practice itself. Respect and thanks to all the teachers and teachings I was given in my past lives, this life, and future lives. I am so grateful for that.
Let me start it practically and offer you the method. It's really simple and all you have to do is a candle and a glass of water. I don't recommend this for any teacher and only for teachers you know and trust wholeheartedly. I recommend you do this carefully and in case you don't have a teacher you trust then go up to the original founder or a divine figure you trust like Buddha, or Jesus, or someone like Lao-Tzu or Hermes Trismegistus.
Once you have the image of the teacher or their names or your connection to them then you will set up a candle, incense if possible sandalwood or frankincense or frankincense and myrrh AND a glass of water. Then you offer three prayers: 1) Thankgiving 2) Blessing 3) Offering
an example would be like "Thank you Hermes for the teachings of Hermeticism and for the magic you have taught me and inspired me with these techniques" or offer them Psalm 150. Blessing is that you bless the water, the candle, the frankincense in their names. Key of Solomon have stuff to consecrate them, you can also consecrate them by praying Psalm 23 on it, or something from your heart. Lastly the offering , is that you have to word it out and say "O Teacher of This tradition, Thank you for offering and continually supporting my practice by providing the teachings and the magical teachings for us."
edit: I almost forgot but the offering dispose of it under a tree and if you can't then you can flush it down.
Very simple and direct but you can expand on it :) to suits you. Do it often, do it on Wednesday or Sunday or Saturday and what there? there's an incense mix you can use to help with this 1/4th teaspoon Alum , 3 teaspoon of Mace, and a teaspoon of frankincense or benzoin then you make a sincere prayer for an incarnate teacher, finding a good teacher, etc. Now Theory wise or just me talking to you, my imprisoned friend used to do the buddha dhamma sangha vandana to motivate himself and inspire discipline in his practice and that's a good thing! this shows the important of the teacher, teaching, the community/magical chain working in the whole system of practice. Once your practice is a CHAIN then you have this line or this connection going through as arab or muslim call it "madad" which pushes the presence through the community. There's a really good point where you want the teachings to continue, to show you that you're grateful for it and to help the people who deserve it to reach it, no? When you dedicate time to help people reach the teaching then you also open the doors for yourself to reach higher places, it's not a one-way thing and just like we give thanksgiving to our ancestors for their help we also BLESS them and it is like a circle/spiral. We are not disconnected or living in a vacuum, the recluse in mountains or someone who we only hear of them after their death these people are making waves and changes around and stuff are happening!! So don't think that your prayers and incense and thanksgiving are not heard, THEY ARE HEARD. Put yourself out, have faith, and I believe that you will find the blessings and benefits of praying for the teaching we found, for keeping them, for having them "here" and for continual existence in our world. if you do want someone to help you, what are you bringing to the table? and this is a very good read that I recommend from Mark Stavish on Teachers and what you're bringing to the teacher:
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rosieandthemoon · 3 months
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Sculpture by Ann Harrington
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occultesotericart · 3 months
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1600’s celestial engraving by Athanasius Kircher
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atinymexicanbird · 2 years
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Magtober 2022 on instagram
Prompt 15. Mirror
The Principle of Correspondence
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pauljosephrovelli · 11 days
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maeviuslynn · 5 months
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A different take on the Golden Dawn's Rosy Cross in Taschen's Library of Esoterica.
Rosy Cross Blue by Jesse Bransford
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arsanimarum · 2 years
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R. Vaughan, Scholae Magicae Typus, from ‘Lumen de lumine’ by Thomas Vaughan
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channel17 · 7 months
Observe and pay attention to the reality around you, it is a mirror, reflecting you to your self
As within so without
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