#ceremonial magick
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maeviuslynn · 4 months ago
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A quick list of astrological correspondences for the Thoth tarot by Phyllis Seckler, The Kabbalah, Magick, and Thelema: Selected Writings Vol. II, ed. David Shoemaker, Gregory Peters, & Rorac Johnson
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The Cincinnati Journal Of Ceremonial Magick, Vol.1, No.4, Conquering Child Pub. Co., 1979
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ceremonialmagick · 5 months ago
The Warburg library and its massive occult book collection is now open to the public! It is the home of Lady Frieda Harris´ Thoth Tarot paintings and other artwork related to Aleister Crowley and the Golden Dawn.
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kaccvcate · 3 months ago
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the red temple this afternoon
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sororalice · 2 months ago
On The Blessedness Of Severity
A homily for the New Moon on December 30, 2024.
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Dearly Beloved,
Blessed New Moon, my dear siblings! And such a perfect, Saturnine New Moon it is to end the year, with both the Sun and the Moon in Capricorn. We are at the end of one Moon cycle and the beginning of another, just as we are at the end of one year and the beginning of another, and unfortunately many of us are only looking forward to harder times. The world we are looking at as the new year begins seems to always be becoming harsher and more difficult. A shadow is falling over the newly reborn Sun and, as usual, the most vulnerable among us will be hit the hardest. I feel a weight upon my heart every time I look out upon our world.
Because of this weight upon my heart, I am moved to speak this month of a topic with which many among among us are very uncomfortable. I am moved to speak of the cutting edge of the blade, the setting of boundaries, and the ending of relationships.
I am moved to speak of severity.
As I mentioned, tonight the Sun and Moon are both in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet that is classically associated with limitation and restriction. Within Saturn and its associated deity Kronus, we see a myriad of overlapping and nested magickal and spiritual formulae, but they all come down to one thing: sometimes you have to cut. Kronus is usually depicted with a sickle, scythe, or harpē (a type of curved, sickle-like sword), and in His most well-known myth, Kronus deposes His father Ouranos—primordial god of the heavens—by castrating Him with his sickle, and through this act Kronus inaugurates the age of His rule as king of the gods…the Golden Age.
In his “Theogony”, Hesiod tells us that the father of Kronus, Ouranos, was evil. Literally evil.
“And he used to hide them (his three sons, the Hekatoncheires) all away in a secret place of Earth so soon as each was born, and would not suffer them to come up into the light: and Heaven (Ouranos) rejoiced in his evil doing.��� -Hesiod, “Theogony”, (730-700 BCE), Translated by Evelyn-White, H. G. Loeb, parentheticals added by me for clarity
So Hesiod tells us that Ouranos rejoiced in locking His sons, each of which had a hundred arms and fifty heads, away in the Underworld. He hid them in the darkest, deepest place that exists and never let them out. Ever. He “would not suffer them to come up into the light”. He imprisoned His own children in the dark forever because they were born different. And He rejoiced in it.
Let that sink in for a moment.
Kronus was the youngest of the Titans, according to Hesiod, and He was the one who listened to the plan of Gaia (Earth), His mother. Gaia created the element of flint within Herself and shaped that flint into a sickle. She took that sickle and gave it to Her son Kronus and bade Him to punish His father. And so Kronus laid in wait, ambushed His father, and castrated Him, becoming king of the gods.
As is, this just seems like a typical tale of the young overtaking and replacing the old. If the myth stopped here there wouldn’t be much to learn on a spiritual level. It would just be a tale of a power struggle among the powerful…one such drama among millions. But this story surprises us. After the requisite bloodshed and changing of the guard among the deities, something truly miraculous happens.
From this act of rebellion, this act of punishment for the wrongs committed by Ouranos, a myriad of new divinities are brought into being: the Erinyes (Furies), the whole race of giants, the Meliae (tree nymphs), and my goddess and matron, the divine and blessed Aphrodite, who is described by Hesiod as being both “awful and lovely”.
And the reign of Kronus, arising out of this terrible violence against His king and kin, turns out to be the fabled Golden Age of the Earth, where humans did not labor, when there was no rich or poor, and all lived in comfort and plenty.
All of this from the blood of a divine tyrant mixed with the soil of the Earth, blessed Gaia. All of these new divinities, new powers in the world, were born from a single act of rebellion by a son who saw the wrongs committed by His father and then said “No more.”
And so Kronus became known among humans as the god of endings, of limitations, of discipline, and of severity. But because His severity led to a Golden Age Kronus was also a patron of the harvest, as the name of the Ancient Greek harvest festival “Kronia” attests.
So what can we learn from this myth? What meaning can we find in this story of fathers, sons, and the rage of a mother whose children were being abused? The formula of Saturn is hidden in this story, ready to be discovered by the wise. What is it?
The sickle is the key. We must ask ourselves this: “Why a sickle, specifically? Why not a sword or knife, far more common weapons?”
The answer is that the sickle ends up being both the weapon of rebellion against an abusive ruler and the tool of a farmer bringing in the harvest. Sickles have been used in many peasant revolts by the same farmers that had been using them to harvest grain a week before. The sickle is simultaneously that which cuts off, that which brings things the life of the plant to an end, and that which brings growth and bounty to the world by turning that death into new life. The sickle is a symbol of the principle of severity, of discipline, of the need to make the hard choice and do something painful in order to bring about a better future, but it is also a symbol of new beginnings and new life.
Sometimes in our lives we will need the sickle of Kronus. The 20 year heavy drinker who must painfully throw away the bottle to save his own life, his marriage, and his relationship with his children. The frightened wife who must end her marriage before the violence turns upon the children. The trans woman who, after living a hollow, painful life for decades, must let her old, false self die as her new, true self is born. All of these are examples of the sickle of Cronus. All of these are examples of what can be gained through the right kind of severity in the right place.
But there is a thorn on the rose, a worm in the apple…of we wield it improperly, it is all too easy for the sickle to turn onto us. Kronus came to love violence and power too much for the Golden Age to continue. He ate His children, out of fear they would depose Him as He deposed His father, and finally Rhea—again a goddess who had to act to end the abuse and tyranny of Her partner—gave birth to Zeus in secret and sent Him off to be raised by others. The details differ based on the teller of the myth, but the results are always the same: Zeus comes to maturity and deposes Kronus and the other Titans. The Olympians come to power and Mount Olympus becomes their base of operations. But there is a price.
There is always a price.
When Kronus deposed Ouranos, He brought about a Golden Age…but He didn’t end the atrocities of His royal father. He didn’t free His powerful siblings, the hundred-armed Hecatoncheires. He didn’t free the giants (literally an entire race of people). He kept the wild and raw forces of nature locked in Tartarus and went about His business. This was the sickle again, the severity of Kronus saying “No”, as is His formula. But that choice comes to haunt Him as His own son comes to make war upon Him with His monstrous aunts and uncles at His side. The wild forces of nature are joined to the power and wisdom of Zeus and the combination defeats the forces of limitation and severity. Suddenly progress is possible, but it is still through the formula of Saturn, for it is through the ending of the god of endings. The sickle has again given birth to new life through the power of death, and as Kronus is imprisoned in Tartarus with His own prisoners, the irony lays thick on Mt. Olympus like smoke.
But the price is the end of the Golden Age. Humanity comes to live as it does now, toiling for food and shelter and making war upon each other for territory and power. The Olympians have to hold the hostile Titans and giants—the old deities and the raw forces of nature—at bay, as Gaia gives birth to monsters like Typhon to take revenge for the fate of the Titans. The cycle of severity, of people being forced to make the hard choices and live with the hard consequences, continues. Saturn always returns, every 30 years or so, for all of us. The sickle always comes to end the past cycle and simultaneously give birth to the new. This is the cycle of existence. This is the way things work.
So I ask this, dear siblings, where in your life do you need to wield the sickle? What way of being, what belief or habit or practice, has come to its natural end? What relationship or occupation has become abusive or toxic? What cycle has come to its end? What tyrant needs to deposed by the power of Saturn?
It is said by some that Dionysus will succeed Zeus as Zeus succeeded Kronus and Kronus succeeded Ouranos. That the mysteries of the the death and rebirth of Dionysus, His divine intoxication, His revels and wanderings in many lands, are a new formula that will define the world for a time as the rule of the Olympians has defined our age. Perhaps this is true. Perhaps when He comes with His divine madness, we will no longer need the sickle of Saturn.
But this time is not yet. In our world we need the sickle of Saturn, we need severity, we need to be ready to make hard choices and stick to them. Again and again in my writings, I repeat that I believe in a naturalized theology. I believe that nature is our surest indicator of the nature and will of the Divine and this gospel, the gospel of nature, is what I teach and preach to anyone who will listen. So it is fair to ask me where we see the sickle of Saturn, this cycle of severity, of endings and death leading to new life, in nature. My reply is simply this:
Ask the dinosaurs. They died and it made room for us, for our world. Our civilization is literally built on the energy we get out of burning the remains of the corpses of ancient dinosaurs, plants, and even some early mammals. Ask the trees that we cut down to build and heat our homes, the plants that we cultivate and then kill to feed our children, and the animals that end up on our plates. Everywhere we look, we see the sickle of Saturn at work. Our world is built upon it. Life feeds on death as death feeds on life, in a neverending spiral emanating from, and eventually returning to, the Divine.
So look to your lives, in this most Saturnian moment. Look to the world around you. Where are the tyrants that need to be deposed? Where are the ages that need to come to an end? Where do you need the power of the sickle?
Where do you need the power of severity?
Blessed New Moon, dear siblings.
In love,
Soror Alice
Art: Paul Rubens, “Saturn”, (1636)
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grey-sorcery · 1 year ago
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Title: Witchcraft Survey: Gender & Historical Practice
This survey is a sociopolitical study on the effects of gender identity on the modern practice of archaic magic & mystacism. The results of this survey will be published in an article titles: "Archaic Witchcraft: Gender in Historical Context." in November 2023.
Be at least 15 years of age
Follow good survey etiquette (Honesty)
Read the entire introduction
Take the survey!
More reblogs = Larger sample size = More accurate results
See my Masterpost
Take other surveys!
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knoxvillerose-blog · 4 months ago
How to get started with Kabbalah/Qabalah
As someone who has been student of Kabbalah/Qabalah for most of my life, I thought I would offer some basic suggestions to get your journey started. First, it's a very difficult discipline, no matter where you start, because the teachings are so expansive, all the way from the ancient Merkava Mysticism at the time of the Prophets to the Rosicrucian retelling of this ancient tradition from a more Christian perspective, to a more universal approach now being shared by a variety of religious adherents using the Tree of Life.
If you are Jewish to begin with, then obviously starting with the more traditional works could work very well if you are active in your religion and it's teachings, but for those of us with the Western mindset, the best way to introduce yourself is from a more hermetic perspective.
More specifically, start with the symbol, the Tree of Life.
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For the hermeticist, one of the foundational works is 'The Mystical Qabalah' by Dion Fortune, which is jam packed with information, both practical & mystical, but it may be a bit too much for some, because of the amount of information and because of her rather dry writing style. One of the easiest and most accessible works on the Tree of Life I have seen was originally a Barnes & Noble release by WIll Parfitt. Not sure how easy it is to find but it's great for beginners.
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If you can't afford a book than start with each of the spheres of the Tree of Life - study each one for about a week with simple searches online. What do various teachers say about Malkuth? Chesed?
If you are an aspiring Ceremonial Magician, 'Modern Magick' by Kraig is still one I recommend, because it's so straightfoward and accessible. It blends the teachings of the Qabalah with the CM tradition ala Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and other organizations like it.
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As for the foundational origins of the Tree of Life, if you're a true geek than you must pick up a copy of the 'Sefer Yetzirah' as edited by Aryeh Kaplan. Of all the ancient Hebrew texts on the topic of Kabbalah, this one is one of the most mystical and understandable. It has references to astrology as well, and the oldest extant copies of the texts almost always have magical notes associated. It was designed to create a golem, but as one will see, if you read it, it goes far deeper into the mystical universe than a simple magical operation.
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The Tree of Life especially is like a filing cabinet (Dion Fortune analogy) for spiritual concepts and each sphere represents a divine 'arena' of experience. As you learn the basic correspondences of each sphere, and start studying the Tree of Life more broadly, you begin developing deeper spiritual connections between each divine aspect of the Tree. There is Astrology & Tarot associations as well as elemental associations, so if you're a student from either one of those disciplines, that can be very helpful in getting started.
I am going to start offering classes again on this topic and others related to the Kabbalah/Qabalah soon! Below are just a few more images and books that were helpful in my initial training.
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queenofallwitches · 2 years ago
Tuesday morning, past midnight.
I don't fear fire, I fear the people who fear the fire
I'm my own salvation
I am worthy of my goals, dreams and visions of the future
I will manifest all my purpose in life drives me towards pursuing. My soul will find its fire and once more, the ashes begin to pile from the scraps that settled after the last fire.
The entrails of scorched trails torched in the wake of the flame, the flame roaring. Soaring.
The flames devour. Hungry orange flickers of fury.
Glowing red.
Unable to be contained.
Burning. Brazen. Brilliant.
Flickering in mega monolithic shades of sunset and sunrise hues but bound by the inferno of allegories painted in the stories of hellfire and inferno.
Burning, screaming, howling, people in ego, fire comes to pick up possessions and they aimlessly try to kill natures warrior with a garden hose made of plastic.
The human error, the human created hell set upon the place from where it rose. The earth. Now the fire is here to prove to us who know how it is to burn, be burnt alive, life after life, and we rise to excitement and adoration when fire is venerated. We fear not fire, nor nature.
Those who are averting the burn of the fire of self annihilation are those fire follows. If not metaphorical fire, literal fires spark up awakening. If not that, then, only realising how the life is never ending and the soul lives on, could save suffering; instead; they face nothing but shallow soul devoid placating life that is flat. Society is approving, not the self or the soul of self.
Should we know we are infinite sparks, sunlight sustained beings who began from temperature and matter colliding, time immemorial, beings who are souls that fire or any way to die could kill, then we can no longer be afraid. For one thing that we know, is death is the only certainty.
The other we are born to be told anything, but we all share being born into this world as a common human attribute. We all share the end of life in whatever way as the other. Nothing else can be categorised or defined because it splits us and divides us. Nothing can progress until we as humans together, find a way forward. Not in adversity, but harmony.
Only individual humans journey into the soul, to discovery a spark. That spark becomes the only light as we analyse, define and resign to the presence of that burning drive inside.
We realise over time to follow our spark, creates a feeling that gives us light. The shadows from the valley of death we once knew from our dark night of the soul illuminate.
Our life now depends on pursuing that spark, knowing that each time we temper the spark, by ignoring or going against what the spark wills for us to do, we learn the lesson. But when we follow it, we see a beautiful inferno ignite the social worlds we inhabit, people find this passion we speak with, contagious, and from there, they are ignited to journey on the quest to find what give them light.
For some of us, the brightest ones I was told, once, those who burn the brightest, are deliberately hurt the most.
I am mastering the destruction of what was, to the rebuilding of what will be. Learning no matter how many times my lapse into dark valleys of desolate emotionally draining labyrinth forests that I go through.
I seem to ignite a heat, a warmth, a tiny little sparkle.
The scintillating glistening that whispers in the windless night of no light 'I will guide you on your way".
A fairy, a fantasy, a figment of unreality?
The end result begins the art of alchemy.
Igniting a spark, begins a flame, the flame burns to expose a light, a light trail is eyes able to perceive the way out of the unholy forest of decay.
As I find the fire once more to illuminate shadows.
I see clearly as my fire grows to encompass a ball of flame.
In this flame sphere its showing me what was not seen.
to expose things that led to my transient trip, into what tangled vines, a never ending, timeless, cold, dark, desolate, dread ridden devoid of all feelings of hope, help, promise, happiness or love.
Nothing of positive intonation resides with these Cthulhu wispy warping black ink squids drooling.
Sticky, slug slash tentacle, the bottom of the ocean with no light. Days are the same as the plutonian nights of tendrils siphoning infinite squids sucking the dreams from a sleeping brain, as we wake, wrapped in the remnants of a tendril or ten, tight on the brain.
All we can hear is the howling of burning children over millennia, molech, mammon, black matter sacrificial lambs. The time chunks blown in space and time, only perceived by the rifts in the lack of space and time.
The sounds, the silence, the all and nothing. Is what drives the evil stuck here mad.
They would rather be tormented by the black holes blowing parallel worlds apart, won't matter. If you cannot look inside.
I spent years in self reflection.
I had a lapse because of a bad experience with a loser from the america.
Now I move on!
In the end the inferno leads me into my truth, my passion, purpose, prosperity, progress, positive drive and peace all flow in this blaze, burning bright, crackling the desolate vines that wrap alien concepts by the nature of not of this world, burning, bursting and crackling, bubbling into nothing but void. For void is where it was concocted. Void is where it returns.
I dance, in harmony, hallowed kindred soul merging into the ever growing flames that devour the devoid of soul, transyuggothian, beyond time and space and into the infinite nothingness, filling with fires that are contagious.
outrageously sparking by the will of furious dancing witches from burnt ancestral pain who forge another way out.
We fear nothing, no fire, no flame, no water, no wave, no earthquake, no mountain, no wind or thunder or lightning.
For our souls are ashes to embers, embers to inferno, for centuries, so we become one with the earth, the trees and the leaves. Our souls are oak, granite, stone and lava.
Our lives are not easy. But they are here to be ready, ready to roll with nature; not letting the transient cycles be a cause for fear but a collective faith we can see as a spark that drives a new start.
Start from the ashes and watch the world around you burn.
Those who are too, alike to you, will be there dancing around the fire too.
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saganssorcery · 9 months ago
𝗗𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Belial
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Today you may be called to follow a higher calling or receive news that will shake you awake in one way or another. Our past actions are likely to be noticed and we will be judged upon them, if things are going well this could very well represent a promotion of some kind or maybe one your services will be called into action. This could be a sign that we will receive a revelation which allows us to better understand where we stand spiritually or physically and will better attune us to what our true calling really is.
“The 68th spirit is called Belial, he is a mighty king and powerfull; he was Created next after Lucifer, & is of his order; he appeareth in ye forme of a Beautiful angel sitting in a Charriot of fire, speaking wth a comly voice, declaring that he fell first & amongst ye worthier & wiser sort wch went before Michael & other heavenly angels; his office is to distribute preferments of senatorships, and to cause favour of friends & foes, he giveth Excellent familiars & governeth 80 Legions of spirits. Note this kink [king] Belial must have offerings sacrafices & gifts presented to him, by ye Exorcist or else he will not give True answares to his demands; But then he Tarryeth [will tarry] not one hour in ye truth except [unless] he be con- strained by devine power & his seal is Thus wch is to be worne as a Lamin, before ye Exorcist &c.”
-Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis, The Lesser Key of Solomon, Detailing the Ceremonial Art of Commanding Spirits Both Good and Evil.
-Joseph H. Peterson, Editor.
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Thank you for taking interest in Sagans Sorcery ✨🙏✨
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occultem · 1 year ago
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maeviuslynn · 8 months ago
A discussion with Dr. Justin Sledge around Aleister Crowley's Enochian work the Vision and the Voice as well as my own personal work with Enochian magick.
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Cincinnati Journal Of Ceremonial Magick, Vol.1, No.1, Conquering Child Pub. Co., 1976
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kaccvcate · 2 months ago
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can you believe some ignorant told me "you have too much crap on your altar." real wizards will observe I need a bigger table.
I've started counting in mvskoke when I practice, the words are longer so it actually works better for my breathing exercises
Lots of exciting work to come, we're repainting the living room and I've started growing heles-hvtke, which is the fancy way to say "native american ginseng." It tastes stronger than the asian kind and it's been getting me fucking zoinked.
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sororalice · 1 month ago
On The Blessedness Of Brigid (Reprise)
A homily for Imbolc on February 1, 2025.
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Dearly beloved,
Blessed Imbolc! I greet you in the name of the Divine and of the goddess Aphrodite on this holy day!
Today is a very special day here on Without Authority. One year ago today, I published my first homily, “On The Blessedness Of Brigid”. My goal was to take up the traditional role of pastors sharing inspiring and edifying spiritual literature with their religious communities. This was something I had wanted to do for many years, but I simply wasn’t ready. It took a type of courage and a faith in my own vocation as a priestess that has always been difficult for me, and it required me to bare my heart to the world in a different way than I do in my poetry or philosophical work, which is frankly terrifying.
The truth is that while I have felt the call to spiritual service ever since I was a child, I have never felt worthy of that calling. That put me in a bind, of course. One does not just ignore such a firm calling by the Divine to service. But one can…delay. So that is what I did, for many years. Like Jonah, I was told by the Divine to preach, and like Jonah I ran away. There was always one more thing I needed to do first, always one more book to read, one more theological or philosophical issue of which I needed to be sure, before I could begin my ministry. I let my anxieties and my lack of self-worth interfere with my Great Work, and that was not okay. It was understandable, but it was still not okay. I had a job to do, a mission to accomplish, and I avoided it for years. Decades.
Finally, I was confronted by my goddess and had to make a change. I had to commit. And so I wrote the original version of this homily and committed myself to the writing schedule I have kept since. I stepped forward and started taking active roles in planning and running rituals for my primary spiritual community. And I started offering pastoral care and serving sacraments to those who desire them. And that, as the saying goes, has made all the difference. And from the growing audience of readers and the comments I have gotten, it has made a difference for some of you, too.
So I want to thank you all for reading my poor scribblings. It’s an honor to serve.
And now, without further ado, I wish to speak about the sabbat we celebrate today and a goddess that is dear to my heart.
Today in the northern hemisphere we celebrate a special feast. For some it is the Feast of Saint Brigid. For some it is Candlemas or the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus At the Temple. And for some it is the sabbat of Imbolc. But in all cases, what we are really talking about is the return of hope, warmth, and light to the world as the days lengthen.
Often, in pagan circles, we talk in terms of the agricultural cycle, and this cycle is an excellent way of understanding the movements of meaningful change throughout the year. But the agricultural cycle only functions as it does because of the rest of the cycle. Above: the great wheel of the heavens, the movements of the planets, the Zodiac, and the larger universe beyond. Below: the atomic and quantum realms, the roiling possibilities of chaos. And in-between: all of us and all of this, all unified into a single, grand system, an organic and conceptual whole. And this single, grand system in which all that exists and does not exist participates is the clearest and surest indication we have of meaning in the universe. Everything is connected. Everything unfolds with purpose and meaning, revealing to us the face of the Divine looking back at us from behind everything we see. And within that great manifestation of the Divine we have reached a special moment: the return of the Sun.
Many who celebrate this holiday hold the goddess Brigid, paralleled under Christian auspices as St. Brigid of Kildare, as sacred and holy. I don’t want to relitigate old injustices or reopen old wounds. We all know what happened and who did what to whom. Great tragedies abound in this world. But I do want to talk about Brigid, divine and holy Brigid, and sing to Her today.
Brigid is a healer. This is the aspect many of us who have been wounded by this aching world connect with the most. This is the face that looks upon us with love and concern. She will take you up, clean your wounds, tend your illness, and sit with you in the light of the fire as the pangs of fever convulse within you.
Let us pray:
Oh blessed Brigid, holy healer, be Thou ever with us in our moments of pain, wounding, and illness. Comfort us beside your fire as we shiver and bring us sweet healing in the coming year. So mote it be.
Brigid is a smith, a maker, maintainer, and repairer of tools and artifacts. A thinker as much as a tinker, the smith must design, build, and maintain what the community needs to survive and thrive. The smith must take the raw ore given to us by the Earth and turn it into useful metals. And, when necessary, the smith must forge the weapons with which the community will defend itself.
Let us pray:
Oh mighty Brigid, She of the hammer and the anvil, the bellows and the fire, inspire us as we work in the coming year to create, maintain, and repair the important things in our lives and the lives of our communities. Be with us as we work together to build a better world. So mote it be.
Brigid is a poet. A poet drinks from the well of holy inspiration and brings out of themselves worlds and dreams, joys and agonies, a true wealth and abundance to share with the community. A poet must reveal the age to itself, must not only speak truth but the right truth at the right time, and must dance on the edge of despair again and again to bring forth beauty.
Let us pray:
Oh, inspired Brigid, golden-tongued Brigid, teller of tales and singer of songs, be Thou ever with us in the coming year. Take us on Your blessed journeys, weave us into your stories, and help us laugh, weep, and learn lessons old and new in the coming year. So mote it be.
And with that, I wish a very happy and blessed Imbolc to you all.
With love,
Soror Alice
Art: John Duncan, “The Coming Of Bríde”, (1917)
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stonedwitchery · 1 year ago
Just a reminder that circles are symbols of amplification, not protection. Squares are symbols of protection.
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grey-sorcery · 1 year ago
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