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knoxvillerose-blog · 2 months ago
How to get started with Kabbalah/Qabalah
As someone who has been student of Kabbalah/Qabalah for most of my life, I thought I would offer some basic suggestions to get your journey started. First, it's a very difficult discipline, no matter where you start, because the teachings are so expansive, all the way from the ancient Merkava Mysticism at the time of the Prophets to the Rosicrucian retelling of this ancient tradition from a more Christian perspective, to a more universal approach now being shared by a variety of religious adherents using the Tree of Life.
If you are Jewish to begin with, then obviously starting with the more traditional works could work very well if you are active in your religion and it's teachings, but for those of us with the Western mindset, the best way to introduce yourself is from a more hermetic perspective.
More specifically, start with the symbol, the Tree of Life.
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For the hermeticist, one of the foundational works is 'The Mystical Qabalah' by Dion Fortune, which is jam packed with information, both practical & mystical, but it may be a bit too much for some, because of the amount of information and because of her rather dry writing style. One of the easiest and most accessible works on the Tree of Life I have seen was originally a Barnes & Noble release by WIll Parfitt. Not sure how easy it is to find but it's great for beginners.
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If you can't afford a book than start with each of the spheres of the Tree of Life - study each one for about a week with simple searches online. What do various teachers say about Malkuth? Chesed?
If you are an aspiring Ceremonial Magician, 'Modern Magick' by Kraig is still one I recommend, because it's so straightfoward and accessible. It blends the teachings of the Qabalah with the CM tradition ala Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and other organizations like it.
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As for the foundational origins of the Tree of Life, if you're a true geek than you must pick up a copy of the 'Sefer Yetzirah' as edited by Aryeh Kaplan. Of all the ancient Hebrew texts on the topic of Kabbalah, this one is one of the most mystical and understandable. It has references to astrology as well, and the oldest extant copies of the texts almost always have magical notes associated. It was designed to create a golem, but as one will see, if you read it, it goes far deeper into the mystical universe than a simple magical operation.
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The Tree of Life especially is like a filing cabinet (Dion Fortune analogy) for spiritual concepts and each sphere represents a divine 'arena' of experience. As you learn the basic correspondences of each sphere, and start studying the Tree of Life more broadly, you begin developing deeper spiritual connections between each divine aspect of the Tree. There is Astrology & Tarot associations as well as elemental associations, so if you're a student from either one of those disciplines, that can be very helpful in getting started.
I am going to start offering classes again on this topic and others related to the Kabbalah/Qabalah soon! Below are just a few more images and books that were helpful in my initial training.
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alexsvmner · 1 year ago
For those that have actually done the Abramelin Operation, what did you experience? What did you gain from performing it? (Reddit)
Angelic Healing Power: created by me courtesy of NightCafeStudio Alex’ answer: Hi, I actually did the Abramelin Operation during the lockdown in 2020, and subsequently wrote a book about it. I know that all experiences are subjective to the practitioner, but I still think hearing about others experiences will still be very informative. How did you prepare to do the ritual? The superficial…
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laughingblue12 · 1 year ago
The Nature of Our Better Angels
I have friends and relatives that believe in angels.  Religious people who believe in the power of prayer and the love of God.  And I cannot say that I do not also believe.  But I also happen to believe that angels live among us. My Great Grandma Nellie Hinckley was, as far as I am concerned, an angel.  Born in the late 1800’s, she was a practical prairie farmer’s wife.  She knew how to make…
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talonabraxas · 2 years ago
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The Knowledge and Conversation of one’s Holy Guardian Angel (“KCHGA,” for short) is an important task for those in the hermetic path; those outside of this path can also benefit from it. This prayer is intended to be appended to the traditional means of this magical achievement, such as the Abramelin operation and the Bornless Rite. CANSE JAIDA, IEH MAAH: ZORGE OD OI MONONS DE OL! GRU AQLO BRANSG, L DE LANG: NOIB, L DE PIR, OD DE OL, TORZU, ZACAR, OD ZAMRAN, IEH IAD! TABAORI OI L DE LANG PAID BRITA AQLO LAIAD OD ANANAEL PAMBT OL, OD PAID DLUGAR UNAL OOANOAN, OI MANIN, OD OI MONONS LONSA PAID DORPHAL MIRC TILB Q TOX Q NOTHOA, PAID GOHOL PAMBT OL, OD PAID PURAN, SOLPETH OD OVOF ADGMACH OD TURBS DE CONGAMPHLGH. TABAORI OI BRANSG, L DE LANG, NOIB, L DE PIR, PAID ODO OI VABZIR-MONONS, IEH IAD, OD PAID AMIPZI OI ADGMACH PAMBT LAIAD OD ANANAEL DE NANAEEL, OD PAID COMMAH NANAEEL PAMBT MADRIAX-MIRC-CAOSG. Mighty, highest God, merciful God: be friendly to me and this heart of mine. Cause your guardian, one of those who serve: aye, one of the holy ones, and of me [i.e., “my”: “my holy guardian angel,” which is of God first, but also assigned to the individual, and therefore the individual’s personal HGA] to move, arise, and appear, merciful God! Govern this one of those angels who serve to always speak about Thy secret truth and secret wisdom unto me, and to always give these eyes, this mind, and this heart power to always look with gladness upon her or him or amidst [i.e., an angel of non-binary gender] to always speak to this me, and to always see, listen and to magnify the glory and beauty of the Holy Ghost. Govern this guard, one of those who serve, aye, one of the holy ones to always open this eagle-heart, merciful God, and always fasten this glory to the secret truth and secret wisdom of my power, and always truss together my power to heaven-upon-earth. "The Enochian Magick of Dr.John Dee" Talon Abraxas
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hijodelagua · 4 years ago
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The first Initiation, Chapel Perilous, is overcome when the aspirant takes the skeptical way out. Then he needs no more a solid narrative on reality. Every narrative is shown to be false.
It is only from this position that the Initiate becomes able to truly recognise the inner source of Truth in the Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel.
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koyotetheblind · 7 years ago
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He wore a black hat He was dressed in dark cloak, wearing a black hat. He had the eyes of a madman.
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mistixs · 9 years ago
There is another approach which is possible only to that student who has persevered with his own disciplines so that he has become an avenue through which the Divine Will may operate. Its outstanding merit is that it is simple and direct. It is not dissimilar to the classical religious one of accepting Jesus as one's personal Lord and Savior, and turning one's life over to Him. This approach has it that we are eager to find Him when we come to realize that there is no source of power in ourselves, that we are wholly dependent on Him. We become eager to connect up with this Source of Life and Power when we kno w that it makes wisdom, power and love available for us. It is "the strait gate," "the narrow way," and "few there be that find it." This is the traditional evangelistic Christian way. In this work, instead of using the traditional and formalistic terms of the Christ consciousness, we fall back on the mystico-magical tradition to use the term "The Holy Guardian Angel" as the term for our own Higher Self. He is an angel, mighty and powerful and is our own personal link with the universal God, and so it is to Him that we submit ourselves for the fulfillment of His Will, which at the same time and paradoxically, is our will... [This] entails trusting the Holy Guardian Angel with all areas of our lives... [This] means trusting Him as to our health and financial security. Thi s does not mean that we become careless of our nutritional intake, our clothes or personal hygiene or that we drive the automobile with eyes closed. But it does mean that we stop worrying about what is going to become of us. We do the very best we can in any situation, knowin g that He is guiding and guarding us — and letting Him worry about us... We must not fall into the booby trap of believing that henceforward,  life will present us with no problems, that all will be made easy. This is never so. As long as we live on this earth, there will be problems and difficulties. But though these exist, and though we may make many mistake nonetheless, by adhering to our vision of the Holy Guardian Angel or Inner Warrior, each difficulty and mistake becomes transformed into a means whereby we grow in spiritual stature. The rough edges of our being become rounded and polished, the flaws in our makeup become character, and we grow more akin to the heart's desire and become absorbed in the holy nature of the Ange l who is the Self.
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alexsvmner · 1 year ago
Abramelin thoughts
The Archangel Metatron ©Alex Sumner 2023 From Reddit: What are your thoughts on doing the Abramelin operation just to the point of contact and conversation with your HGA and stopping there. I’m not sure I particularly want to do the rest from there on. Would it just be unfinished as completing it is the goal, or could that be the operation in itself? I wouldn’t know – I completed the whole…
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alexsvmner · 1 year ago
What's an HGA for? (Reddit)
Nobel Peace Prize awarded to a “Thin Bald Wizard with Short brown Goatee” for using his magick to bring about world peace & global prosperity What does your HGA even do? What’s the point of connecting with it? Why would anybody even bother? If it’s for protection, why not just use protection magick? Anyways, super confused. I remember when I first believed I made contact with my HGA. Before…
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alexsvmner · 2 years ago
Coming Soon - CONJURING DEMONS FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT: An Abramelin Memoir, by Alex Sumner
Coming Soon – CONJURING DEMONS FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT: An Abramelin Memoir, by Alex Sumner
Please subscribe for updates – thanks! Your wait is almost over: my newest book is at the printers and speeding post haste to an Occult bookshop near you! Conjuring Demons for Pleasure and Profit: An Abramelin Memoir is published by Thoth Publications and will be available worldwide from Amazon and all good bookstores. To quote from the back cover: “DURING THE YEAR 2020, the COVID-19 Pandemic…
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alexsvmner · 2 years ago
Conjuring Demons For Pleasure and Profit: Update
Conjuring Demons For Pleasure and Profit: Update
You now have the ability to order my new book, “Conjuring Demons for Pleasure and Profit” in paperback direct from the Publisher’s website. Thoth Publications promise to be able to ship worldwide – especially useful if you find Amazon or Barnes & Noble don’t deliver to your particular country! For more details, please follow this link: Conjuring Demons For Pleasure and Profit
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hijodelagua · 4 years ago
Once the HGA awakens inside the Adept, it will carry him to the Abyss to tear down his limited identity. From another perspective, it will devour his psyche from the inside until there is no choice but to surrender to that which has been fully awakened.
There is no other path once the Knowledge and Conversation has been attained. 
The only thing the Adept can do is to accelerate or slow down the process. He might even try to stop it completely, after realizing the destiny that awaits him. This is the making of a so-called “Black Brother”.
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From “Magick Without Tears” (Aleister Crowley):
“But then (you ask) how can a man go so far wrong after he has, as an Adeptus Minor, attained the "Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel"?
Recall the passage in the 14th Aethyr "See where thine Angel hath led Thee", and so on. Perhaps the Black Brother deserts his Angel when he realises the Programme.”
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hijodelagua · 4 years ago
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Unleash the mightiest Demon. Let it devour you. Endure its tests until it looks like an Angel. Patiently create a Temple in your heart for it to dwell. Unify your whole being as you aspire to embrace it. Wait for it to come and inhabit that Temple. And once you've married, let it devour you even further, as it leads you to the Abyss. 
  In the Western mystery tradition, we call this demon the “Holy Guardian Angel”. 
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hijodelagua · 4 years ago
The gods are a part of yourself, but this Self is not the standard self.
If you stir the pot long enough, eventually the gods will rise. If you go on stirring it, eventually the Self will rise. 
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alexsvmner · 2 years ago
What Is The Book Of Abramelin The Mage From Interview With The Vampire?
What Is The Book Of Abramelin The Mage From Interview With The Vampire?
Here at Castle Sumner, no sooner have I come out with a book (nb: PLUG) in which I, ahem, dissect references to Abramelin in A Dark Song, than I find another reference to it in pop-culture, namely the newest adaptation of Anne Rice’s Interview With The Vampire. In his article What Is The Book Of Abramelin The Mage From Interview With The Vampire? Mike Worby says: When Lestat, Louis, and Claudia…
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alexsvmner · 2 years ago
Out now - CONJURING DEMONS FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT: An Abramelin Memoir, by Alex Sumner
Out now – CONJURING DEMONS FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT: An Abramelin Memoir, by Alex Sumner
Announcing the new book by Alex Sumner: Conjuring Demons for Pleasure and Profit: An Abramelin Memoir is published by Thoth Publications and is available worldwide from Amazon and all good bookstores. To quote from the back cover: “DURING THE YEAR 2020, the COVID-19 Pandemic affected people across the world in a number of different ways … I personally chose to use the time to carry out a…
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