#help Belarus
renonv · 9 months
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Been meaning to draw them as Barbie and Ken 😭💖
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trivalentlinks · 3 months
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a map I found on reddit here
(you may need to have night-light/blue filter off to see the colours right)
So have any of you tried to speak local languages in Europe? how accurate do you find this map?
(personally I found Spain (Castilian speaking parts) were more like (no reaction)
and Belarus was Extremely Red lol. the only place I've ever been where people seemed genuinely delighted to converse with me in a local language even though I sucked at it)
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littlesistersti · 5 months
To Fans of Nyo!Belarus...
To any of you who named him “Arlovskaya”, do you know how surnames work in Russian-speaking countries? Also, did you read the kitawiki? It never said “Arlovskaya”, it said “Arlofsky” or “Arlovski”. Although, Arlovski is a real person, and I’m pretty sure Natasha’s surname isn’t Arlofskaya with an f. 
Can any Russians and Belarusians confirm if Natalya/Natallia is still relevant? Is it an outdated name or still going? I feel most of the characters have old people name.
Update: Wikipedia said the Belarusian spelling is feminine “Арлоўская” (Arlouskaya, Arloŭskaja, Arlowskaya) or masculine “Арлоўскі” (Arloŭski, Arlowski) but I know every Belarusians will write however they think is correct, because we all think differently according to the language we understand. You know that internet meme what language do bilinguals/polyglots think in? The better question is what language rules do they think in? Example, came across a name on a social media handle “Bitl” and I thought “wait, I thought your name is Zhuk?” Turns out, Zhuk means beatle. (Edit: I mispelt beetle)
PS. Why did people name Romania “Vlad” after Vlad Tepes then proceeded to name him “Vladimir” when that’s a Russian name and Vlad Tepes the Impaler’s full name is right there, “Vladislav”. How did we fail that one?????
PPS. I forgot when I wrote this. This sat in my drafts forever. 
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writernotyetauthor · 1 year
Natalya, well versed in English yet cursed with late 80s/90s American slang: So as you can see, the results were not fucking tubular.
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drthrvn · 11 months
apparently Lukashenko told his prime minister to "strengthen relations with Poland" because "we're Slavic brothers" ????? my guy you've been constantly threatening to attack us with the help if Wagner's group and to nuke Warsaw. Wagner's group members are literally on the border, simulating attacks on our territory. what the fuck
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
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A typical example of russian propaganda.
One of their tools is to write the truth about russia and just change all the "russia" to "Ukraine"
Let's look at what happens if we replace all the "Ukraine" to "russia":
Journalist Ksenia Lebedeva talks about historical unconsciousness in russia:
Correct phrase: those who do not remember their history have no future. This is about russians because they constantly rewrite it, adapting to someone. This people has no future. It may sound rude, but today it’s easier to burn russia down to the ground and rebuild it from zero, unfortunately. Because nazism has been growing there since ancient times. Our grandfathers did not finish off the nazi abomination.
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keiksy-cake · 2 years
Eastern and Northern Europe's Q&A from the Hetalia Collezione~
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Knowing Russia's favorite dish < knowing his pinky toe turns red when he's embarrassed 🥺
I'm really proud of the cleaning work I did for this one, it was really hard and so I worked my hardest, all for you!
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[Please note, I’m actually an amateur in Japanese and have to use various resources and translation machines to help me. If you notice a possible mistake or want clarification, please bring it up to me *politely* and not aggressively or hostile.]
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toffins · 10 months
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you belong in a trash can / you're just like your father
aka an angsty poppy doodle while i was listening to grungy slavic underground rock (i hope i wrote the cyrillic right lmao sorry if it looks wonky!)
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the1stexperiment · 3 months
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floralcrematorium · 11 months
Natalya Arlovskaya || HWS Belarus
Character Playlist | 21 songs | 1hr, 22 min
• Girl With One Eye - Florence + The Machine • Mx. Sinister - I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME • Ex Lover's Lover (Cave Canem Demo) - Aurelio Voltaire • I Want To Be With You - chloe moriondo • I Disagree - Poppy • Make Me Wanna Die - The Pretty Reckless • Tears Don't Fall - Bullet For My Valentine • Comatose - Skillet • Don't You Tell ME - BAND-MAID • Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance • Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance • Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine • Breaking & Entering - Tonight Alive • Love Me Forever - Pinkshift • BEDTIME STORIES - Mothica • Kill Bill - SZA • Season of the Witch - Donovan • You're So Creepy - Ghost Town • Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met) - Panic! At The Disco • EAT ME - Demi Lovato, Royal & The Serphent • I Never Told You What I Do For A Living - My Chemical Romance
Spotify | Youtube
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hetalia-enthusiast · 3 months
Uhm..guys..I think I'm starting to find something comforting into Belarus..
I think I may be starting to like her a bit too much..oh god..
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goldenpinof · 2 years
whatever you think, mobilisation is scary as fuck. no one wants to go to war. but p*tin doesn't give a fuck, he sees people as cannon fodder, nothing more nothing less.
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dairytictac · 2 years
Пожалуйста, помогите распростронить видео для того чтобы кот в показаном видео смог найти свой дом!!!!!!
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Rockets from russia sent from belarus'. Just heard five explosions(fortunately, air defence blown up all five rockets in the skies. They are fuckin legends.) Information about more rockets from Belarus and drones sold to russia by iranian governmrnt.
And adhd means i am still too lazy to go into hideout, like cmon!
Please, trust neither belarus nor russian info - and trust no one "neutral" who pictures "russians and ukrainians hugging for peace" or something like that, this is not unlike nazi and jews hugging during ww2.
Thank you.
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mirawhat · 9 months
had the worst 2,5 weeks in the entire year, but peoples kindness and willingness to go out of their way to help strangers made me mush today, so here's that
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