#also he listens to this song on loop
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renonv · 1 year ago
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Been meaning to draw them as Barbie and Ken 😭💖
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twisting-in-wonderland · 2 months ago
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jirachuuu · 7 months ago
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Don’t even try to deny🙂‍↔️
We’re both going home satisfied🙂‍↕️,
let’s go for it just for the night🫣
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bbycutz · 2 months ago
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I go hungry every night
Not this time around
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rataticaisdreaming · 5 months ago
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haunted by the fashion spirit 🧛💎
god bless guy diamond, we don't deserve him 🙏🩵
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tiktaaliker · 1 year ago
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why is it always liars and ball games when i turn on the television
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emily-mooon · 7 months ago
If Stranger Things took place in the 90’s, Jonathan would be a Radiohead fan and his vecna song would be Creep
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dittydipity · 1 year ago
looking at the lyrics of color your night and seeing the ryomina of it all..............
it's about someone experiencing the things you already know for the first time. it's about having your perspective of the things in your life become dulled and indifferent through familiarity but get brightened by seeing someone else's eyes sparkling at the sight of the same things. it's about seeing the joys of the small things again through the eyes of another.
it's about having your life colored in by learning to live!!!!!
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vampthropologist · 1 year ago
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"Alright, Alright, It's a hell of a feeling though!"
My 69th song of the list this year. You heard that right. P!atD was one of my childhood bands. Requested by @galaxyempire-lilith
No text versions under cut. Please click for full quality!!!
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Took big inspiration from the lyrics and those pinterest images of young adults/teens in shopping carts in empty parking lots.
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squishosaur · 2 years ago
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not everything will be rewarded, even time and money can be wasted; someday everything will fade into the past— still, i sing because i was born here. // 生きるよすが
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year ago
No bc Nancy would be like "Everyone wants him that was my crime"
And the everyone in question is like maybe two girls who Jonathan doesn't even know exist
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wren-kitchens · 7 days ago
how long has it been?
1218 words
despite it all, however, i will not claim that there is anything more akin to a child than the wonder for the world, and the terror for the unknown. gods have little that is unknown to them, undoubtedly due to how easily they may procure information from mortals or prophets or other immortals, and so most of their childish nature tends to stem from awe. but what could be more unknown to an immortal than death?
hi i saw this art by @nikoisme and wrote this in like an hour
cw: discussions of grief and death!
there is nothing childish about the gods—it is almost entirely against their nature, after all. hermes was thieving cattle mere hours after his birth, as artemis made demands of what she wished to rule over in her first years of life. athena never even had a childhood; born fully grown and armoured from zeus' skull, ready to become the goddess of wisdom and war. the first gods, of course, were born and subsequently eaten in very short succession, and so when they once again emerged from kronos' guts, they were adults in all respects. 
and yet, there is something so incredibly childlike about how the immortals traverse through the world—creating mortals for their amusement only to throw tantrums once they are not exactly as they wished them to be; singlemindedly pursuing something one moment, and once they have been satisfied, they forget it the next. the demands of offerings and prayers and respect, lest the unfortunate mortals meet the wrath of whomever they have insulted with their lack of devotion- or sometimes their misguided devotion to a rival god.
despite it all, however, i will not claim that there is anything more akin to a child than the wonder for the world, and the terror for the unknown. gods have little that is unknown to them, undoubtedly due to how easily they may procure information from mortals or prophets or other immortals, and so most of their childish nature tends to stem from awe. 
but what could be more unknown to an immortal than death?
the goddess of war and strategy knows of death. she knows that many soldiers must be lost to win a battle, no matter how one tries to minimise the damage; she knows the carelessness of mortals so often leads to loss where loss did not have to be; she knows that look of blankness that passes over faces when the spear finds its target, or when the healing does not work. athena knows death.
she did not.. know grief. 
she didn’t know how often she would think of something to say to him, only to remember he was long gone; she didn’t know the way it never truly felt like it actually transpired- like she would turn around and see him waking up the hill to greet her; she didn't know how.. lost she would feel. as if someone had hidden a part of her just out of reach, just out of view. 
it had to come, eventually—athena knew this in the rational way everyone knows of death. it never felt as though it would.
the second hermes arrived, she knew. he was solemn in the way he only is when he accompanies souls into the land of the dead, looking at her with that dreadful knowledge in his eyes, and a kind of apprehension that she did not truly understand until long after. he had seen her furious, and joyous, and frustrated, and pleased. he had never seen her in the kind of agony that odysseus' death had brought. 
without so much as a word between them, ares took on some of the most pressing responsibilities of athena's. by then, she hadn't even had time to neglect them before he stepped in. she supposes now that he has been in her position before—whilst she is the goddess of strategy, he takes on the brunt of war. death is not an unusual sight for him, and neither must be grief. 
telemachus had long since sailed to egypt, but began his journey back once hermes visited him with the terrible news. athena could not bring herself to say it aloud, for fear of making it permanent—not that she told hermes this. regardless, she's fairly certain he knew anyway. penelope passed not so long after, and athena has never felt more guilt than how little support she was able to offer telemachus in those first few days in the empty palace.
for reasons she neither knows nor bothers to find out, apollo made a brief visit to telemachus. he told him.. he was living in the world where the best outcomes had come to pass, and that he would find solace in the years he was able to spend with his father and mother, as they truly were—whatever that was supposed to indicate. athena found no hope in those words, but telemachus seemed to at least. perhaps he had seen something athena had not. 
a year passed. and then another. telemachus settled into his new role as king of ithaca, flanked by his husband—they just so happened to meet under an olive tree. athena would like to claim credit, but in truth, she had no sway over the situation. she has since decided it is that foolish thing mortals call 'fate'. they have a child- a young girl with all of odysseus and telemachus' wildness and love of adventure, and penelope's levelheaded stubbornness, and those brains that athena still cannot tell from who they come. she loves archery, and the sea, and she visits the graves of her grandparents almost every day, along with her fathers.
athena continues to sit above them, in the olive tree telemachus planted, as an owl. she wants to pretend that telemachus has no idea it is her, and that her disguise remains infallible, but he talks of when they first met and how, even though they have not spoken for a decade since he set sail for egypt, the wisdom goddess still guides him every day. he gives the owl a smile every time he departs, and athena wishes she had the strength to speak to him. 
"he is not lost." hermes says one day, perching precariously below her on a spindly little branch that, if he were not a god, would undoubtedly snap beneath his weight. 
athena doesn’t speak. she isn't quite sure what she would even say—if he is not lost, she is scylla. 
hermes seems to understand what her silence indicates. "souls never leave, you see. the underworld feels impenetrable for us who will never leave this realm, but.. he is still there."
"i see no point to this visit." athena says shortly, and hermes looks sickeningly sympathetic. "i know this already."
a beat. the leaves rustle softly as a light breeze sweeps across the landscape. 
"i see him sometimes." hermes finally says, a touch of melancholy to his tone. "i am not to visit too often, but. i see him."
it's as if athena's breath is caught in her throat. "and?"
hermes smiles. "he is happy. i have told him of telemachus and his new family, and he is proud." he pauses, as if considering what next to say—which is truly a novel experience for the trickster god. "he says he has one regret."
"i would imagine he has many more." athena says to the gravestone, ever so slightly humorous.
"that is exactly what i told him." hermes grins. "no, he said very specifically. all his men, he has seen once more. his mother, penelope, even telemachus will not be lost to him." hermes looks at athena. "he says he misses you."
for a moment, athena forgets how to breathe. "i miss him too." it's a whisper of a sentence, almost lost entirely to the gentle breeze. but hermes hears. 
"i will let him know."
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sexynetra · 1 year ago
Thanks for tagging me @myhusbandharryhamilton and @aqpippin love you both mwah mwah
shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people ✨
Okay I have no clue who has been tagged already so if you’ve already done this I’m sorry xoxoxox I love you all @inespadrille @sapphire-to-the-rain @thecollectionsof @junosjukebox @scrunklyshinyguy @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney @glittertrail @goodemethyd @sweetestberryofthebunch @la-grande-dames
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babykittenteach · 3 months ago
my top song this year is the subject of ongoing legal actions predicated on the idea that it was artificially made popular by bots but no i just have hated that man for ages and have adhd
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basilpaste · 1 year ago
Sorry to randomly but in, but I got some vague Isa, Of Stiches in Squence vibes from this song
okay. OKAY. so. very important fact: how do you talk to a star is on my siffrin playlist. song 20 of 83. i associate it with sif so heavily at this point (because its been on the playlist for four months) that id have a hard time really associating it with osisa.
but also. i love this song SO FUCKING deeply and see the vision. particularly these chunks.
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very isa in osis core. i understand.
(also fun fact!! theres another song from this album on the osis playlist. the gravedigger and the nightingale!)
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waywardsalt · 4 months ago
loz in the court of the crimson king au bulletpoints or whatever because i never talk about this au but want to yap abt it now!!!!!
yeah the fact that its named after that album is important the song of (mostly) the same name i used as a framework for the plot, the other songs in the album are used for character/other plot stuff and relevant whatever, im going to use song lyrics for chapter titles, there are literally characters referred to as the crimson king, the black queen, the yellow jester, all that from the song it’s all relevant and also the album is good listen to it. once the lyrics in moonchild are over i wont blame you for dipping after that point its mostly Noise
primarily a ganonbeck au but its also the one with the homoerotic friendship(????) between bellum and linebeck that did the most in making me realize that yeah i do actually ship it
also the au where i have to pull off linebeck being 19-20 and the adoptive older brother of link and aryll. but he also has to pull it off in-universe because ofc he looks nothing like them and also looks older than he actually is and the cane really doesn’t help
also yeah cane user linebeck when he was a kid he fucked up his ankle really bad (ha) and it didn’t heal correctly so he needs a cane on occasion it’s a whole thing and i hope to actually do this justice when i get around to writing this au
general setup of linebeck being an adopted family member to link and aryll and their grandmother, and he spends half of his time living with them in their small apartment and being the one most capable of actually making money, and leaves every other week for a full week to do work out in the city
the city is a sort of industrial sort of city, split into some major districts, with hylians and zora and gorons and all of the major races living in this sorta industrial slightly fantasy city. there’s a train system. originally there was some kinda body of water between sections of the city primarily to allow for sea travel but it truly doesnt work for what the story needs so it’s just a sort of industrial type city, and the whole story takes place only in the city
general plot idea is that while linebeck spends half of his time at home with his adoptive family, the other half of his time he spends, yes, doing odd jobs around the city, but most of his income comes from working directly with bellum, who assigns him targets for murder and theft, which he carries out while in costume of the 'demon of the gray moon', an urban legend figure in the city that he came up with when he was like seven that he's mostly able to pull off because of bellum's support
bellum is one of the leaders of the city. there's five and they each anonymously hold control over one of the districts in the city and all try to get and edge over the others and all have assorted little lackies working for them. bellum does have a gaggle of lackies (tbh theyre likely going to be versions of the bosses) but he is the most close and open with linebeck, who is also the only one to know that he operates as one of the leaders
ganondorf is another leader. he's the crimson king (technically one of two) in question. the main thing that kicks of the story is bellum tasking linebeck with spying on and doing research into ganondorf to see if he's one of those leaders, as bellum has a strong hunch and is trying to identify the other leaders
linebeck and bellum met when they were kids, linebeck being an actual kid and bellum kinda just. pretending to be one and acting like hes aging at a human rate and w/e. link, aryll, and their grandmother have technically met bellum, but when he appears much more human and uses a false name. he very rarely actually uses his little real demon form in this au
yeah linebeck spends a lot of his time in his work weeks hanging out with bellum and taking advantage of the higher quality of life he gets when crashing at bellum's place and living in his part of the city. there's a whole. country mouse city mouse thing going on. he does not, in fact, save a lot of the money he earns at work for the sake of his adoptive family
linebeck does really care about his adoptive family but has more complicated feelings about them and his situation, but does genuinely try to make sure they're safe, having convinced bellum to help him in that, though his more dubious activities do also happen to
in general there's the split between linebeck's time with his adoptive family and his time with bellum and as the demon of the gray moon, and how they end up mixing even while he tries to keep them separate for reasons that are mostly selfish on his end. including him deciding that he should ask ganondorf out on a date while bellum desperately tries to keep him focused on the job at hand
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