#he’s the complete opposite personality of c!jack too
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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What if jack manifold was reversed
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boom-butterflyeffect · 4 months ago
i'll send it if no one else will: matt nsfw alphabet? :-) i am very curious about your takes on him since he's like, the complete opposite of mike
I honestly don't have super solid ideas of Matt so this is gonna be potentially ooc, because I haven't really looked into his character as deeply as the others yet!
Matt Taylor NSFW Alphabet
A - Aftercare
Matt would be really chill and sweet, just gently reassuring you that he enjoyed himself, and making sure you did too.
B - Body Part (His favourite body part on himself and you)
On himself, most likely his biceps (stereotypical jock behaviour), and on you, I feel like he'd like your tits (if you have them), or your hips.
C - Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I feel like Matt wouldn't like it being messy, always keeps a towel close by to clean you both up as soon as he can.
D - Dirty secret
He has a weakness for dominant women.
E - Experience (How experienced he is)
I'd imagine him to be fairly popular with the girls, and fairly experienced too. Not as much as say Mike, but he definitely knows what he's doing.
F - Favorite position
Having you ride him, with his hands on your waist.
G - Goofy (Is he more serious in the moment?)
I think he wouldn't be super goofy or super serious, just a lot more on the relaxed, quiet side. He's more playful before you actually get into it.
H - Hair
I'd say it's very neat and like- yeah.
I - Intimacy
He isn't huge on PDA, I feel like. But in private, he can be fairly cuddly and intimate.
J - Jack off
I think Matt wouldn't jack off as much, I just don't really see him having that high of a sex drive. Don't get me wrong, he does do it, but maybe just has a lower sex drive.
K - Kink
Slight bdsm, nothing too crazy but c'mon, we saw the handcuffs in Emily's car. The only question is who's being handcuffed (I personally think it's Matt)
L - Location
I feel like he'd keep it relatively private, maybe there'd be some risky touching in a locker room on the rare occasion.
M - Motivation
Lingerie, drives him wild, and it makes him just wanna kiss and touch every inch of your body.
N - No (Hard limits)
Same as the others, just most things that get too deep into the kink scene.
O - Oral
Equally enjoys both giving and receiving.
P - Pace
Emily controls the pace, and he is fine with that.
Q - Quickie
Perchance! I feel like they wouldn't happen often, but could potentially happen.
R - Risk
He'd be up for experimenting and trying new things, but like- as minimal risk as possible.
S - Stamina
Bro is an athlete, I have a feeling he's got a lot of energy and endurance.
T - Toys
Yes. He and Emily get wild.
U - Unfair
Matt would joke around the tiniest bit BEFORE the sex and be a bit silly (e.g. referring to Emily's underwear as "precious cargo") but would never kinda step into mean/teasing territory.
V - Volume
I think he'd be quiet, just mostly panting and maybe a groan now and again.
W - Wild card (Random NSFW HC of my choosing)
If he ever discovered twitter femdom porn, perspectives and fantasies will be CHANGING.
X - X-ray (Size)
I'm gonna keep it around the same as the others, like 7 inches.
Y - Yearning
Again, fairly low sex drive.
Z - Zzz
Post-sex naps are his favourite, super cuddly.
thank you for the ask! Josh is up next, stay tuned, pornstars!
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sing-me-under · 2 years ago
YOUR ART IS SO PRETTY! :) also as a fellow dsmp/batfam lover I was wondering who would be who if you made an au of the other? (From batfam to dsmp or dsmp to batfam, you can choose!) me personally Tommy gives a bit of Damian,,
Hello hello! Thank you very much ✨✨✨ I’m glad you like my art!
About the DSMP x Batfam AU…. I really had to think this one through. I love both of them, but they have such different character dynamics and ideologies. Even the very worlds they are set in are like complete opposites. However, I have also read like so many (so many) superhero AU fics for the DSMP (before the fandom tag got overwhelmingly oversaturated), so I have some thoughts on…
DSMP Characters as The Batfam
You’re right. c!Tommy does feel like he’d be a good match for Damian. Loves animals? Feral? Stabby? Genuinely good? Artistically-inclined? The youngest? If we’re going by characters traits, Tommy would absolutely be Damian… But if I did that, I’d spend way too much time comparing characters who can’t be compared… So my list is going to be based on vibes. Same vibes are also why I’m choosing to make L’Manberg the main members. I’m completely disregarding age, motivations, personality, etc. This is all (mostly) vibes. There is some justification for them.
I wasn’t able to think of a match for everyone, but I got a decent chunk.
Wilbur as Batman
Fundy as Nightwing
Quackity as Oracle
Tommy as Red Hood
Tubbo as Red Robin
Jack as Spoiler
Niki as Batwoman
Ranboo as Black Bat
Slime as Batgirl 2 (also Cass but specifically Batgirl-era)
Eret as Talia
Philza as Ghostmaker
Kristen as Martha and Thomas
Technoblade as Azrael
Karl and Sapnap as Harley and Ivy (who’s who? Idk)
Dream as the entire Rogue Gallery — every single rogue just compressed into one blob of a man
I felt compelled to draw Tommy as a Robin and Red Hood.
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Notes under the cut. They’re explanations for what little of my thought process can be converted into comprehensible words. It’s long. I ramble A LOT. Read at your own peril.
I’m pretty sure the obvious explanations are Wilbur, Tubbo, Techno, Karl&Sapnap, and Dream.
c!Wilbur is so much like Bruce Wayne — it’s kind of not funny. There’s the obvious “led children to fight a war” thing, the “compulsively acquiring children because they won’t leave him alone” thing, the “becomes evil immediately after crossing the no kill thing” thing, and the “sad little meow meow wet rag of a man but still extremely charismatic” thing…
c!Tubbo and Tim Drake are the closest 1:1 of this entire list.
Okay, okay. c!Techno as Jean-Paul. The vibes are wrong if we’re talking about canon Azrael, but I’m specifically thinking of fanfiction/“goes to family dinners WFA-style” Azrael.
c!Karl and c!Sapnap have such “married anti-villains befriending the heroes” vibes. I love them so much in superpower AUs even when they’re not with c!Quackity. As I’m writing this, I’m remembering that Schlatt and Quackity are also very often written in a Joker x Harley Quinn situation, but we’re talking about Batfam!
Dream is like the caricature of a Gotham Rogue(TM). He’s got the sympathetic motivation sticky noted onto a decades’ worth of terrorism with only the vaguest hope of redemption that he’ll probably never actually get because he’s too popular as a villain. I could make a point for any character interpretation (both fanpn and canon) of c!Dream as Ivy, Penguin, Riddler, Scarecrow, Black Mask, Joker, etc. (also, not a Rogue, but Ra’s too)
The thing about the DSMP is that it almost feels like a reversal of DC. It’s like a mirror, the same solution from a reversed conclusion. That also means DSMP characters appear un-traumatized and naive then get completely fucked over by the sheer horror that is the SMP, meanwhile DC characters appear fresh from traumatized and find themselves in a position to believe in goodness. The late-stage DSMP was filled with isolation while DC heroes always end up in found families.
It’s why I couldn’t think of a proper match for Damian.
What I loved about late-stage c!Tommy is that he keeps (disguises) that hope and love for people despite everything. Meanwhile, Damian’s character development is learning all that from the ground up. The vibes are similar but not the same. Honestly, for a hot second, I considered Purpled as Damian but alas, not enough Purpled content. If I were to project my own timeline of events upon the DSMP, Purpled would make a great Damian-esque match.
But that does not change the fact that Tommy as Red Hood has the best vibes.
No one else is quite as “doomed by the narrative and irreversibly changed yet somehow still painfully compassionate” in the same way Tommy and Jason are (also the “rejecting their father/brother but still loving them unconditionally). Their vibes are truly something.
I’m also very stern in my belief that c!Tommy should never kill because it would negatively impact his character development, but he very very easily could have gone the Red Hood route. By technicality, it’s more like Tommy as Robin 2, but I so dearly love the potential of villain! and anti-villain!Tommy. It’s such an underutilized concept. (Also I wrote a protege AU like way back and it makes me think of Red Hood now lol)
But originally, I flip-flopped between Fundy as Red Hood and Tommy as Nightwing, but I dunno. The logic was there but the vibes weren’t.
If we were considering a timeline of events, Tommy would make a great Robin 1 with Fundy as Robin 2 . Dick Grayson was the OG child hero, much like Tommy. He was angry and craved justice but he was also full of Light. Meanwhile, c!Fundy grew up in Tommy’s shadow.
However, Fundy also has that “if I can’t make them smile, I’ll make them cry” thing that Villain Dick Graysons also tend to have. Dick is always like four steps away from flipping a switch and becoming a supervillain. He tries so fucking hard to do good, but if he ever determines that “being good” isn’t enough to “do good,” he takes over the world. But Dick would also like step away from toxic energy by holing himself up in his apartment filled with depression, which is exactly what Fundy did.
Fundy and Dick are more “blood-soaked wet cats with strained smiles and bowling alley carpet polos” and Tommy and Jason are more “dramatic Greek tragedies.”
The Batgirls and adjacent female Bat vigilantes came to me immediately, but it’s not as long as the above.
Quackity as Barbara Gordon. He followed Wilbur filled with Hope and Justice. Quackity makes an excellent Batgirl 1. His Las Nevadas arc would then be Oracle but Lawful Evil and also completely isolated from any friends, family, or rational support. Quackity isn’t inherently bad. He still has good intentions, and he’s still good at heart, irregardless of how he portrays himself. He’s the classic femme fatale, including the whole sexist Hollywood “he needs a strong male love interest to take care of him” thing because he is absolutely spiraling on his own. Anyway, I am a fiancés shipper, so this would lead to a Birds of Prey-esque team up of LN and Kinoko.
Jack Manifold has Stephanie Brown’s “glitter bomb in the face” and “functions entirely on spite but also is just really tired of being hurt” energy. Jack isn’t quite Stephanie, but his dynamic with Tubbo made me consider him as Spoiler. Also consider: Jack and The Nuke being Steph’s Robin 4 arc.
Slime is so much like Batgirl-era Cassandra. There’s a lot of “innocent vs naive, manipulated by those with intentions, both evil and morally just” going on. Batgirl!Slime and RH!Tommy would have such a dynamic. I think about Fort Big a lot.
It is literally a crime that c!Jack Manifold and c!Slime never interacted in the DSMP.
Ranboo as Black Bat. I don’t know how to explain it, but Tim Drake and Cassandra have such a great dynamic (albeit one that I’m only familiar with in fanfics). I was originally going to say Ranboo as Orphan, but I don’t think he’s quite there. Maybe GhostBoo as Orphan.
Speaking of ghosts, GhostBur as Carrie Kelley’s Robin. He’s in the wrong places at the wrong times and (unknowingly) shoves himself in situations, and he’s got that unfair “why” going on during Doomsday. Unfortunately, GhostBur suffers from memory loss and is often willfully ignorant. I think in an AU space where’s he’s an actual character and not the echo of an idea, he’d make a great elseworld-type Robin.
c!Niki is a WLW revolutionary war veteran with a very close relationship with Wilbur. There’s more, but again, Vibes.
Now here’s where my hot takes truly lie: Philza as Ghostmaker and Eret as Talia.
We all like Dadza but c!Phil? Absolutely not a Dad. If you actually look at c!Phil without the rose-tinted lens of his content creator’s dad energy, c!Phil and Ghostmaker aere weirdly similar? I really don’t know how to explain it exactly, but I think that Phil would have brought Wilbur up as like this weird amalgamation of BTK-era Bruce, Phantom One, and Clownhunter, leading to Wilbur eventually being… not abandoned because Phil wanted Wilbur to have more independence… but struggling to make it on his own. Eventually, Wilbur would follow his parents’ (Mumza would be Martha AND Thomas) footsteps and become something that’s essentially the same but different. Like how Ghostmaker is basically Tynion’s Batman OC but somehow more edgy except Wilbur is in the opposite direction. Like how Martha and Thomas saved people through philanthropy and surgery and Bruce wanted to save people in his own way too. Phil and Kristen influenced Wilbur towards fighting crime… Also I could totally see c!Phil becoming a crime fighter as a fun and challenging art form rather than any genuine interest in being a good person. c!Phil’s got that immortal dilemma where he’s basically a sociopath running purely on an ingrained and steadily eroding moral code.
Now… Eret as Talia. Where do I begin? I love Talia. She’s such a badass but also she’s a kind person who believes in Bruce’s cause but she’s also extremely loyal to her father’s cause but she loves her family so much but she’s also a assassin princess but the world is against her and everything she is will only continue going downhill until she either becomes straight up evil or stands her ground. I love the characterization of Talia who chose to side with “the greater good” against the person she loves and more has to live with the burden of this decision for the rest of her life and continue to do what needs to be done even, for better or worse… Did I say Talia? I meant Eret. Wait, no, it’s both. That applies to both. Talia’s choice is betraying Bruce to aid her in running a global assassin cult and killing people. Eret’s choice is betraying his revolution to run a monarchy and enforcing taxes. Yes, the vibes are the same.
This has been my TED talk. Thank you for reading this far.
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purrgilpawkins · 1 year ago
Merry + Christmas
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Summary: The team spends their Christmas Day in Phoenix med. (Also available on AO3)
Pairings: Wilt Bozer & Jack Dalton & Riley Davis & Angus MacGyver
Part of the Whump Advent Calendar 2020 series Prompt: Christmas Celebrations / With Found Family
Warnings: n/a
Notable tags: fluff, Christmas fluff, H/C
Mac waved his casted arm and Jack weakly raised a hand in greeting as Bozer wheeled Riley in through the door.
“Hey, Jack,” Riley started softly, “how’re you feeling?” Jack gave a thumbs up and pointed a finger to Riley. “I’m fine, Jack, don’t worry,” she laughed, rubbing at the bandage on her abdomen.
Bozer parked Riley’s wheelchair on the side of the delta’s hospital bed opposite of Mac as Jack reached up to remove the oxygen mask on his face. “You should know by now…it’s my job to--” he gasped, “--to worry, Riles.”
“Hey, hey, you heard the doc, Jack. That pneumonia isn’t letting you breathe and neither is taking off that mask. So please, just this once, keep it on?” Mac asked, taking Jack’s hand into his own. Jack groaned in response which led to a rough coughing fit. The younger man gave the older one a sip of water from the cup sitting next to the bed, Jack giving Mac a look that roughly translated to an apology all the while. An apology more so for scaring them all at his close call with death rather than the mask removal.
Mac put the cup back down as Riley placed the four presents she was carrying in her lap at the end of Jack’s bed. Bozer moved them around to their respective receiver, coughing into his arm every now and again. The water boarding he’d received wasn’t nearly as bad as Jack’s but it was still hell on his lungs.
“Well!” Bozer clasped his hands together, “It’s a good thing we did Secret Santa this year. Makes this a whole lot easier on everyone after being…kidnapped and tortured for a week and a half,” Bozer grew quiet and everyone let the silence wash over them. “Little disappointing we have to spend our Christmas in Phoenix med though.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t see Agent Dalton leaving for the next few days, so I’d say better here than not at all,” one of the regular nurses, Sheldon, popped his head in the room, startling everyone. “And I don’t want to ruin the festivities but try not to go on too long. Jack needs his rest.”
Jack grunted, displeased.
Sheldon chuckled, “I expect you not to strain yourself, Jack.” He turned to Riley, “You neither, though I don’t see you getting up on that leg anytime soon.” Then to Bozer, “Get yourself an ice pack for that black eye, Boze.” At Bozer’s reluctant head nod, Sheldon turned to Mac, “And you don’t put too much pressure on that wrist. I know how important those hands are to you.” Mac nodded. “Okay, any painkillers needed?” Sheldon smiled at everyone’s muttered “no”.
“Did Matty send you down here, Hawkes?” Mac asked.
Sheldon nodded, “She seemed really worried about you all. Said she’s sorry she can’t say hello and check up on you in person yet. She also said ‘Merry Christmas’.”
“Well tell her we’re sad she can’t be here and a Merry Christmas to her too,” Riley piped up.
“Will do,” Sheldon smiled and walked out of the room, leaving the bruised and battered team to go about their celebrations.
Mac sat up straight in his uncomfortable seat, “Okay, who’s first?”
“Rock, paper, scissors?” Riley suggested.
“Flip a coin maybe?” Bozer recommended. Jack groaned his disapproval at that option.
“All at the same time then?” Mac proposed.
“Oh no way man, that completely ruins the magic!”
“Magic? What--”
“Ladies first…” Jack whispered hoarsely.
“I’m alright with that,” Riley said and immediately started ripping open her present before the argument could begin. The wrapping paper hit the floor and uncovered a small rectangular box. Riley opened the box and fondly rolled her eyes.
“What? What is it?” Bozer questioned, leaning in uncomfortably close to see what she got.
Riley pulled the object from the box, “It’s a knife.” Indeed it was, a folding knife with a pastel pink handle. “Hmm…I wonder who this is from.” She looked directly at Jack.
“For when a boy tries to talk to ya,” he said, words muffled behind the oxygen mask, “Keep it in your boot or backpack with your rig or something.”
“Okay, dad. I am a grown ass woman who doubles as a highly trained government agent, y’know.”
“Just in case.”
Riley laughed and reached as far as she could from her wheelchair to gently hug Jack, “Thank you, Jack. I love it.”
“Speaking of Jack,” Mac placed a wrapped gift in Jack’s lap, “you’re next, big guy.”
Jack unwrapped the present with shaky hands that no one wanted to acknowledge. He pulled a white ceramic mug from the paper.
“I’m, uh, not the best at gift giving so I went with something practical,” Mac said, nervously rubbing at the back of his neck.
Jack turned the mug in his hand to see the phrase “MIT Dad” stamped on the other side of it. His eyes started to dampen embarrassingly quick and if anyone asked he’d blame it on the drugs in his system. He looked to Mac who stared back in search of approval and Jack opened up his arms to give that approval. Mac reached out and hugged Jack almost as gently as Riley did.
“Love it, hoss,” Jack said.
Mac gave a shaky laugh, “Cool.”
Riley cut their moment short when she picked up the biggest present and gave it to Bozer.
“Oh for me? You shouldn’t have!” Bozer said as he ripped off the wrapping as fast as possible and opened the box in childlike excitement. He gasped, “Riley, you really shouldn’t have.”
“What is it, Boze?” Mac asked, taking a page out of Bozer’s book and leaning into his personal space to see his friend’s gift.
“It’s expensive looking kitchen utensils…and an even more expensive looking video camera…Riley how much did you spend on me?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just worry about how high quality your movies are gonna look now that you have the cheaper alternative to an actual professional film camera.” Riley smirked.
“And the cooking set?”
“If it helps make your food taste even better than it’s worth the price tag.”
“Aw, Riley!” Bozer suddenly engulfed Riley in a hug, sudden enough that she wasn’t able to reciprocate because he’d wrapped his arms around her arms.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome but could you let up on the vice grip, please?”
Bozer pulled back, “Right, sorry, that probably didn’t do those cuts on your stomach any favors.”
“Nah it’s all good. No damage done.”
“Sweet,” Bozer then pulled the camera out of his gift box and started turning it on.
“Bozer,” Jack uttered from his bed.
Jack nodded his head to Mac.
“Oh! Of course. Almost forgot. Mac!” Bozer handed the last present laying on the bed to Mac, “Your present this year is courtesy of me. I mean, mostly me. Like, it was mostly my idea but it’s kinda from all of us.”
Mac took the gift in his good hand and placed his cast on it to take the paper off of it easier. Jack held out his hand as Mac struggled to remove the wrapping but brought it back when Mac stubbornly said, “I got it.” It took him a minute but he did eventually get some of the paper off his present. When he managed to uncover the front of it he stopped unwrapping.
“What is it, Mac? What’d you get?” Riley asked quietly.
Mac looked up at his friends and saw them all smiling at him and he smiled back. He looked back to his present, a framed picture of them all; himself, Jack, Bozer, Riley, and Matty, everyone he cared about in the picture.
“Thanks, guys. Really. It means a lot.”
Jack reached over and lightly gripped Mac’s forearm as Bozer rounded the bed to give Mac a hug. After all their hugs and continued thanks to one another for the gifts, the group spent the rest of their Christmas celebrations happily in each other’s presence.
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je-suis-problematique · 8 months ago
NSFW alphabet — Osmund Saddler (we're practically his only fans LMAO)
A – Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
No aftercare whatsoever unless they have time and Saddler is in a cuddly mood. There isn't much comfort to be offered during the RE4 storyline but post-RE4 Saddler might go out of his way to care for Reno if he went a bit overboard and sent him into shock or something. With Alejandro it's kind of the opposite since Saddler doesn't expect to be cared for and when Alejandro does act nice and caring Saddler tends to push him away. There's a lot of learning to be done for the three of them I reckon.
B – Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He isn't particularly fond of his own body but his hands are an exception, he thinks they're pretty neat. On a female partner he's a boobs man. On a male partner he really likes muscled backs (a nice ass is a bonus).
C – Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Very into sloppy cumshots and marking his partners with his cum. If we're talking about oral he prefers it if his partner swallows but he likes seeing his cum oozing from their mouth. Likes filling them up, too. His cum is thick and bitter to the taste.
D – Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
As far as being a dominant top goes he likes being dominated and fucked stupid by those he deems worthy enough. He especially likes being manhandled and will go as far as letting his partner hit, choke, and bruise him if he's in the mood for it. CNC is the name of the game.
E – Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Most of his experience when it comes to sex is nonconsensual. He isn't too well-versed in consensual sex.
F – Favorite Position (this goes without saying)
Missionary when he's on top and doggy when he's bottoming. He likes cowgirl a great deal too.
G – Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's usually on the more serious side of things when he's having sex but I would say that it actually depends on WHO he's having sex WITH. If it's Reno, he's mostly serious and treats it like a performance. If it's Alejandro, he allows himself SOME wiggle room and might even crack a sarcastic joke or two if he's even able to speak that is.
H – Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Saddler is actually completely hairless thanks to the parasite but before the infection he wasn't the hairiest guy out there to begin with. He had SOME hair on his chest and a noticeable happy trail leading down to a usually sorta trimmed bush. He didn't fuss TOO TOO much over his pubes but he liked keeping the area clean.
I – Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Sadly for everyone he tends to mimic his r*pists and is rather violent and emotionally detached from the act itself with little to no romance involved at all. He might throw in some soft praise or words of admiration but he isn't particularly good at intimacy, he has to be taught how to be gentle and how to take his time to be romantic during the moment.
J – Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
Usually he'll just use Reno for sexual relief or get on Alejandro's nerves as a way of hinting to him that he wants to get laid but Saddler doesn't actually masturbate all that often? He'll do it in a pinch but it disgusts him because he can't keep himself grounded, he'd rather do it with a partner.
K – Kink (one or more of their kinks)
CNC (obviously), breeding kink, orgasm control, degradation/humiliation, impact play, bondage, breath play, watersports, and that's just to name a FEW.
L – Location (favorite places to do the do)
His personal bedchambers. HOWEVER, if the urge to get his dick sucked strikes while he's in the middle of fucking nowhere, he WILL order Reno to get down on his knees. He also gets a kick out of being fucked stupid on the altar in the church (and other places of worship) by Alejandro because Alejandro's lack of respect for Saddler's faith makes him Feel Some Kind Of Way.
M – Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It highly depends. With Reno, he gets turned on by Reno's brokenness and desperation. He likes knowing that he has Reno wrapped around his little finger and that Reno will do practically ANYTHING to please him, basically the power trip he gets from having control over a willing subject. With Alejandro it's the exact opposite – Saddler likes feeling completely powerless and knowing that he is at Alejandro's mercy.
N – No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Probably just the most extreme of extremes like y'know, fucking an animal or a kid. He might fuck a corpse though, that's up for debate.
O – Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Saddler definitely prefers receiving but he can still enjoy giving when it's Alejandro and he's in the right mood for it. Actually pretty good at giving head to men but he gets a little lost when it comes to women, he has to be talked through it.
P – Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough for sure when he's on top and he prefers it fast and rough when he bottoms as well. Slow and sensual feels foreign to him, he's not used to being treated gently or having romantic, emotional sex. He knows how to take and he knows how to be taken but he has no idea how to behave when it comes to making love. He has to be shown it can be equally as enjoyable.
Q – Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
As often as his duties permit him. When I tell you this man is pent up and horny as fuck I MEAN it. He doesn't always have the time for a proper lay or a serious all-out BDSM session so quickies are A-OK and he'll have them whenever and wherever possible.
R – Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He LOVES experimenting and taking risks, especially if said risk is being found out. You have a new move you've been dying to try? He's game. HE has a new idea for how to make you suffer for his entertainment? You bet your sweet ass he's gonna try it at least once. He's a curious creature, and while he's a stickler for rules when it comes to his faith, he's all up for trying new things in bed. Life can't be boring ALL the time now can it?
S – Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Let's just say that the parasite increased his stamina and made him be able to go for several rounds and he can last for a considerable amount of time. The breeding kink didn't come out of nowhere, you know.
T – Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Before he met Alejandro and Reno, Saddler had no idea what toys are and never had any experience with them. I wouldn't say he's a huge fan but like I said earlier he's a curious creature, if something has the potential to enhance his pleasure in bed he'll give it a go. Remote controlled vibrators seem to be his favorite so far, as well as anything that can cause pain.
U – Unfair (how much they like to tease)
HUGE tease with Reno but HATES getting teased back. He will say the right things and touch the right places just to get Reno all worked up only to deny him relief but if HE gets teased to the point of desperation? Somebody is sure to die.
V – Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Fairly quiet when he tops, only letting out little grunts and quiet moans but when he bottoms? Screamer. There is no better way to put it, he just becomes obnoxiously and shamelessly LOUD to the point where Alejandro has to gag him.
W – Wild Card (a random headcanon for the character)
No amount of money in the world will make him agree to wear any form of lingerie, he's too old-fashioned in the way he views his masculinity and he'd rather die than have to wear a pair of stockings.
X – X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
The body of a middle-aged man who is not particularly in shape but not gross and saggy either. Wrinkly but not too much. Possibly slightly underweight. Muscles somewhat defined but only due to lack of fat. Some physical alterations due to the parasite also possible.
Y – Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. Not CRAZY high but high enough for Reno to always be prepared for an impromptu dick sucking. I'm gonna blame the parasite and say that without it Saddler's libido would actually be pretty low.
Z – Zzzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not quickly at all, he can stay up for hours afterwards if he wasn't properly fucked out. It's his partners who are usually out like a light before him, ESPECIALLY Reno, but it's okay because Alejandro is the one who usually makes sure Saddler gets his much needed sleep.
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lonelydiamondheart · 2 months ago
idk how to start this but i guess i’m going in order with what you said,
yes, he has always been pretty open about his beliefs and opinions politically, voting was literally the only thing he waited for when he turned 18, and he has been practically educating everyone ever since. Also, not about this, but the fact that he’s been losing followers is not new either, and in my opinion it’s not because of the fandom or the dramas (cuz fr who cares about Inde?), but let’s consider that many people had followed him for his looks in Scream, and he no longer looks like that + as you already said, he’s not a content creator to be posting all the time, something people don’t like
Personally i think that his friendship with Josh and Hayley doesn’t exist anymore, and I really think that Haley is like their favorite child (maybe because she might have more time with them, because she straightly focuses on training and competences, etc.) and yes, it’s weird for all of us to see that he doesn’t talk to Josh as he used to when we would see them together a lot, but we can’t blame them for preferring Haley (or maybe we could), and him for setting boundaries, he has all the right to push himself away from people he doesn’t want to be around
Jack’s fandom is pretty toxic as it is, sometimes not just from a person but a whole group. They insult each other, sexualize jack, copy ideas, etc. we’ve even got to a point where they’re selfish enough to call people who have been noticed by him “full of themselves” or “believe they’re intimate friends with him”, and believe me, it’s been a whole talk about the situation of him not being active. he absolutely has the right to stay as private as he wants, and i’m def thankful that compared to other fandoms, we still get a glimpse of his life, but what’s sad is that he hasn’t shown to care about his job either, when freaky tales release date was announced, the other cast members shared about it, because it was definitely a movie we were waiting for, but he didn’t do the same, i thought he’d post it later as he did when Avatar 3 name was announced, but he didn’t :c but i guess this also goes to the part of idealizing an idol, that at the end of the day, it just ends up wrong for the fan, not others.
the duncanuyes account has talked about had been a fan of both, Jack and Inde, and i am honestly surprised to see how they were able to find the information from even before they knew them, they’re in a very neutral position, speaking about them both and not only one sided, that one review is from depop, btw, they said it, and another user confirmed the reviews can only be left when the product is marked as “sent”, so take your conclusions on that, i’ve never used that app 
i’m sorry to say this, but you can’t speak about parasocial when your content is erotic about a character he played at 17! i understand you or others like it and it’s your type of content, but sometimes we gotta consider our own stuff too when it comes to this
so yeah, i try to see this in a very neutral position too, because i know they both did wrong and i genuinely feel bad for Ty. as you said, the way they started is the way they’re gonna end, i was really hoping that jack would mark his limits just as he did with haley, but well, us young people tend to do the complete opposite of what we see, are told, or believe 💀 and at the end, the consequences are gonna be just on them
NOW THATS WHAT GETS ME- I feel like BECAUSE of his ex gf, he’s been more like “guys go vote!” “Vote blue!” Like does he acc care or is this to like restate his image???? Idk Jack’s just weird bro. Him having weird gfs T-W-I-C-E. Like if it was a mistake the first time, then ya did it again pal! 😭 ALSO, I had no idea Josh’s wife was a trumpie, that feels like it reinstates Jack”s “vote blue” shit is just performative…like if he broke up with Haley bc she was a trump supporter, and still like acted all liberal, but still fw Josh and his wife, then ain’t it really all just performative??? And people are really arguing and being like “hey Jack isn’t a homewrecker bc there’s no home to wreck! ain’t wasn’t a marriage” SHUT UP BRO 😭 IF A GIRL WAS TRYNA GET WITH HIM WHILE HE WAS IN A RELATIONSHIP YALL WOULD DRAG HER UP AND DOWN THE CURB.
Another thing I will say is that I don’t think that him being liberal is super performative considering the fact that his mother has always openly been a leftist who advocates for women’s, lgbt and poc rights! She also has taken Jack to a bunch of rallies and educated him on these topics which he has been open about way before haley as well which is super important to note.
HOWEVER… I do believe that the people you surround yourselves with is a good representation of what beliefs you hold which is what has me so split. Haley and Hayley, support shitty causes which wasn’t a good look for Jack but there’s also still people like his mother, Romeo and Willa that hold and represent very different beliefs.
Also Josh himself I do believe is a liberal but it’s just his wife that ms questionable. Very important to note that he’s quite high profile personal trainer in the industry who was hired to work with Jack since he was 14 so to me it makes sense why they haven’t been cut off or kicked to the curb. Contracts aside, Josh has been a big brother/father figure to him through an integral period of his life and career so that’s another thing I’m split on. It’s still fuck Josh for encouraging a relationship with Haley in the first place but overall it kind of makes it make more sense that Jack gravitated towards her so much
The whole thing with Inde is a whole mess though and weirds me out. If Jack homewrecked, that’s very odd of him and im huge believer in how you get someone is how you lose them when it comes to cheating so I guess we’ll see.
But the way a lot of his fans have approached this, is SUPER odd to me. I’ve seen the stuff of Duncanyes insta and though I see where they’re coming from, their content, commentary and stuff said by their moots puts me off. For them and a lot of other Jack stans, it’s way too parasocial and very unhealthy. I cannot stand when people believe that celebrities owe them something just because they’ve shown them support. I would definitely hate if I was in that situation and people spoke about me as if I owe them my entire career and obedience. Yes fans are the reason why celebrities are who they are but I genuinely believe that acknowledging and appreciating the support they’re given is enough. The issue is so many fans are stuck on the belief that they’re entitled to controlling their fave’s life and that they must upkeep that image of them they’ve created in their head. Trying to find the balance as a celeb must be exhausting especially at such a young age.
I think Jack is a good person and overall means well, he’s made a couple of mistakes but it’s so easy to make assumptions and it’s normal to feel a sense of disappointment. For me that’s why more than anything you’ll see me wrote content about his character, particularly Ethan, as opposed to him
That’s not to say I wont write any Jack content! That lil white boy is FOINE. But like i said, Im not one for feeding too much into parasocial relationships with real people and expecting complete perfection from them
Thanks for yapping with me though anon! I love you REAL BAD 😌😌❤��
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yutasbellybuttonpiercing · 2 years ago
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Kinktober Day 25
Quirophilia: the sexual arousal caused by hands.
Pairing: Kim Dongyoung | Doyoung x fem!reader
AU/Genre: smut, college!au, strangers to lovers?? this is almost fluffy honestly... almost
Word Count: 1555 words
Warnings: fingering (f receiving), choking, finger sucking, kinda semi-public sexual activities, praise?
Taglist: @matchahyuck @seraphinealana @ker00 @allaboutthedongs @baehaechannie @iwannabreathetosetmefree @positionslab @jjenodream @kundann
Kim Doyoung's hands. One of your favorite topics to daydream about during lectures and seminars. You believe that it's fate, honestly, that the universe has put you in every single class he chose this semester. Though you've never spoken to him, you feel like he knows about your little (read: huge, raging) crush on him, or rather: on his hands.
Never in your life had you seen hands like his before. They're immaculate, with long, slender fingers and wide enough palms to still look elegant. There's also something about the way he moves them, holds them, and uses them for holding his pen, turning the pages of his book, or ruffling his fringe.
You especially like when he does nothing with them except for letting them play with each other. The way his fingertips craze ever so slightly over the expanse of the back of his hand or fingers of the opposite hand. It always makes your mind wander to places it definitely shouldn't go while you're supposed to be learning about your field of study.
Anyway, back to your theory about him knowing of your... fascination for his hands. You really have nothing to support that statement. You just feel like he can feel your eyes on them every once in a while, and then proceeds to display them even more. Moving them around more, touching unnecessary things just for your enjoyment. You swear you'd even seen him smirk once or twice. You wonder if he's doing this to mock you, or if he likes the attention.
It's Friday, the last day of the week, which means that it's also the day where students have the least motivation to stay behind at lecture halls and/or seminar classrooms. And it seems like Kim Doyoung's noticed this as well.
The lecturer had finished the class early, then excused himself and hurried out of the hall. Completely perplexed, it had taken you a tad longer than usual to rip your gaze away from Kim Doyoung's digits and pack your stuff because before you can say Jack Robinson, the last person's already slipped out of the large doors, closing them behind them.
Well, not really the last person, you realize just seconds later as a presence sits down besides you. Confused, you lift your head only to meet eyes with Kim Doyoung's neatly styled head of hair.
You're eyes widen in a worried expression, as you blink at him. Then, he turns his head to look at you. His face is unreadable, he doesn't look particularly friendly nor displeased in any way, he just looks at you, then raises his eyebrows.
"C- uh," you say, "can I help you?"
Finally, Kim Doyoung's lips twitch to reveal a brief smile. "Don't you think I need to help you?"
In response, he places his hand on the table top in front of you, just idly resting his long digits against the wood, but it's making you gulp. He knows. Nervously, you fidget with your sleeves, a shy chuckle leaving your throat. Play dumb.
"I don't know what you mean."
"Really? So this doesn't affect you at all?" He chuckles, then teasingly drags the tips of his fingers over the surface of the table. Instantly, you feel blood rush upwards into your face, making blush unmistakably, and you gulp once more.
"I- uh-"
"I've noticed, you know?" Kim Doyoung speaks lowly, a hint of teasing hidden in his voice. Your gaze burns into the back of his hand before you realize it, and when you do, it's already too late. He noticed. There's no denying it now.
"I'm sorry," you mumble.
"Nothing to be sorry about," he says, lifting the hand up to your face, placing the knuckle of his pointer finger under your chin to lift it up. Your wide eyes meet his feline ones, and you shudder at the intensity his gaze holds. "I like it."
"You do?" You whisper, afraid of scaring him away with any loud sounds.
"Yeah," he breathes, suddenly a whole lot closer to your face, "can I kiss you?"
"Y-yes," you confirm, nodding, and not even a moment later, his soft lips land on yours. It's just like they say in movies, or teen magazines: fireworks explode inside your chest and behind your eyelids. He's so soft, gently melting his lips into yours. He kisses you gently, no tongue, no spit, just comfortable warmth and softness that connects the both of you.
His unoccupied hand comes to hold your own, gently stroking over the back of it and you shudder in his touch. When he pulls back, you're left breathless.
Your gazes meet again, and Doyoung licks over his lips to savor your taste for a little longer.
"There's this fantasy I have," Doyoung says, and your eyes leave his to take in the way his hand creeps his way up your exposed thigh towards your skirt. "Would you like to live it out with me?"
Nervously, you look around, but there's no one around since this was the last lecture of the day. In addition to that, you believe that the relatively high table tops would function as good enough of a shield against the curious eyes of an intruder.
Hence, you nod, giving him the green light to continue. He does, immediately pushing your skirt upwards until it pools around your waist, your panties exposed to his eyes and touches.
You breathe out shakily as you watch his fingers stroke up and down your clothed slit. He teases you for a bit while his mouth dips down to your neck to leave featherlight kisses all over your skin.
Before you even know it, he's pulled your panties down far enough for them to pool around one of your ankles. One of your legs is draped over his thigh to keep you nice and open for him. His slender fingers touch between your folds, gathering your undeniable wetness to be able to circle your clit comfortably just seconds later.
You almost don't realize how good it feels because it just looks so good. His long, slender fingers touching you like this, their skin all wet from your juices, that you feel like you could finish from the sight alone.
Once Doyoung's satisfied with how worked up you are, he moves down to your hole again, circling it gently before dipping two of his fingers in. They're big, bigger than you expected, but the stretch is delicious and it forces a moan out of you.
"Shh, baby, don't want anyone to hear us, hm?"
You whimper, nodding, eyes still glued to where he's touching you. He resumes his action of filling you with his fingers, pushing in deeper until they're buried inside to the hilt. You swear that you've never seen anything even remotely as erotic.
Once he starts moving them, in and out, you release another moan involuntarily. Doyoung, seemingly amused by your inability to hold your sounds of pleasure in, carefully lifts his other hand to wrap around your throat. He doesn't put on any pressure yet, just feels if you like it.
And, God, do you like it, lifting your own hand to press his harder against your throat. Doyoung chuckles, but complies, pressing down on your pulse point all while simultaneously switching the penetrating motion of his fingers to something similar to a massage.
Your vision focuses and unfocuses, mouth agape as you try to watch what his hands do to you, tiny gasps flying from between your lips in the process. Doyoung presses the pads of his fingers inside you upwards, pushing right into your g-spot, and you clench around him.
"So pretty, so good for me," he whispers in your ear, then presses a kiss to your temple. The tight grip around your throat lightens. "Do you want to suck on them?"
You whine embarrassingly loud, nodding your head as you switch to looking at him with pleading eyes. His fingers then prod at your lips, his eyes focused on it, and you part them to let him push his digits onto your tongue.
He fills your mouth perfectly, pushing just far enough back for you to really feel it, but not so that you'd gag. The movements along your walls quicken, his thumb finds your clit, and your eyes roll back. There's no use in trying to look at anything anymore, what you're feeling is simply too much, overwhelming in the best way possible.
The tension in your stomach tightens, and you whine, hips bucking repeatedly to match his rhythm and to let him know you're close. He understands, movements not faltering in the slightest as he pushes you towards the edge.
"My pretty, pretty girl. You're so fucking perfect," he mumbles into your cheek, and it's then when you realize how close he is. The feeling of his form pressed against you just feeds into your need to orgasm.
So close, you're so fucking close, and it's when his lips on your cheek whisper "mine," that you cum, hard and intensely, feeling like you're almost losing consciousness from how good it feels to be with him.
"That's a good fucking girl," Doyoung mumbles, pulling his fingers from your mouth to be able to kiss you again, without any holding back this time.
© 2022 YUTASBELLYBUTTONPIERCING all rights reserved — please DO NOT translate, take, nor repost any of my works.
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whiteqnn · 4 years ago
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
Summary: Sean invites one of his good friends - Y/N - to play with him and the group. She has a lot of fun with them, but at the same time is too oblivious, too nice, and too pure to notice that one particular Among Us player has taken a liking to her the moment he heard her voice...
Notes: Hello everyone! This is the very first time I’m publishing something bigger in here, I’m honestly still figuring out how Tumblr works, even though I’ve had this account for quite some time now 😅. That being said, please don’t expect anything super impressive. I tried my best though just so you know. 🥺
A/N- It didn’t turn out as I expected, but I really hope at least some of you find it enjoyable :(
Y/C/N - your channel name
part 2
part 3 
part 4 
part 5 
PURE [1]
“Did you guys find anybody?” Felix asked, as the number of players still showed just 7 of them. They could just start now, but the game would be way more fun with a full lobby. 
“Yeah, Lily’s joining. I just texted her the code, so she should be here at any moment.” Sykkuno replied after receiving a text message from the said girl. “Oh, and Corpse also said he’d be joining soon.” 
“Great. Anyone else?”
 “I think Jack was also bringing someone, right?” Dave asked.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I have one coming, she’ll join us in a few” the asked man replied at the same moment Lily’s character appeared in the lobby. 
“Who you’re bringing Jack?” 
“Y/N” he said, causing Felix to gasp in shock and yell into his mic:
“How the fuck did you manage to convince her? I’ve been bugging her about this game for the past week and she always had some excuse!” 
“What can I say, my charm is irresistible” Jack replied nonchalantly, causing everyone in the lobby to laugh at his fake deep voice.
The number of participants changed to 9, as a little black astronaut with horns on his helmet appeared in the lobby. 
“Corpse, you’re here!” Rae’s character ran up to the man, circling him excitedly. 
“Hey man!”
“What’s up, Corpse?”
“Hello everyone” his deep voice sounded out “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“All good man, we’re still waiting for one person.” Felix reassured him “Sean, why is she not here yet? Are you sure you’ve sent her the right code?”
“Of course I am!” he all but shouted at Felix “And about that, she just texted me to give her a few more minutes and that we should start without her.”
“We can just wait, right?” Lily offered, earning a few hums of approval from the others.
“I think it might take a little longer than a few minutes, she has some problems with her microphone.”
“Who are you guys talking about?” Corpse asked, completely unaware of who Jack was referring to.
“Wait, Jack, you mean Y/N from Y/C/N?” Sykkuno asked suddenly, only then realizing why this name sounded familiar
“Yeah, the one and only” Jack replied, a smile evident in his voice.
“Oh my god, I love her videos!” Rae exclaimed at that “She’s so funny and sweet!”
“Yeah! Her new video is so freaking cute, I wish she’d upload more often.” Poki agreed. 
“Right?” Jack said, clearly very proud of his friend. “But don’t let that sweet demeanor fool you guys cause she’s one of the best players I’ve encountered in this game.”
“That’s true, she’s a secret big brain genius” Toast confirmed, making Pewdiepie gasp once again. 
“wHAT??YOU TWO PLAYED WITH HER?!” Felix’s offended voice boomed through everyone’s headphones “HOW DARE YOU. HOW COULD YOU NOT INVITE ME?!” 
“That’s for not inviting me to your latest Cringe episode!” Jack was quick to respond, making others in the lobby laugh at their mini fight. 
“Oh, so that’s where I recognized her from!” Sykkuno nearly shouted when he finally put two and two together. “I can’t wait to meet her, she seems like a really nice person.”
“She is! When she got impostor for the first time she refused to kill me” Toast explained, earning himself a couple of Aww’s from his friends. “So we just ran around the emergency button until I called the meeting and voted her off.”
“Yeah, only to be her first victim in the next game.” Jack all but giggled, clearly very amused at the memory of Y/N going into a full berserk mode. No one except for him and Toast knew how good she really was at this game... 
“She’s basically the wolf in sheep’s skin” Felix concluded with a chuckle “Very soft wolf, however.”
“She’s like the complete opposite of Corpse, both in voice and personality” Jack suddenly said, making Felix laugh wholeheartedly at something only two of them understood at the moment. 
“I don’t know how should I take that” Corpse admitted with a chuckle. He remained silent for most of the conversation since he didn’t really know who the guys were talking about. But he would lie if he said he wasn’t intrigued by this girl at least in the slightest. Although he heard about her channel, he hasn’t seen any of her videos, so he didn’t really know what to expect. But hearing what gamers like Sean and Felix said about her, he knew he’s not gonna be disappointed once the girl joins them in the game. 
“Imagine Corpse and Y/N talking.” Felix said suddenly with a seemingly very amused voice.
“Imagine Corpse and Y/N both being Impostors” Toast said, which resulted in many of them shouting over each other at how crazy that would be. 
“Alright, now that you mention this I start fearing the moment two of them meet” Jack confessed with loud laughter following the sentence. Corpse chuckled deeply under his breath, at the same time glancing at the questions his audience was asking him in his stream. He could hardly read any, as there were quite a lot of people asking, so all he saw was just a bunch of comments moving at the speed of light in his chat. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he was slightly nervous, seeing the growing number of people watching his stream. It was still a rather new thing to him, and he feared he'd say something inappropriate, or just make a complete idiot out of himself. 
"At least no one can see me..." he mumbled under his breath after muting his microphone. 
"Oh! Y/N just texted me! She's joining the call right now!" 
"Fuck yeah!" Felix shouted excitedly "Just so you know Jack, I won't forget that you two played without me."
"Uh-oh. Is that a threat? Are you threatening me now?" 
"It's a warning" Felix replied, receiving a series of gasps from other players. "If I get impostor, you're the first one on my list."
"Okay, everyone heard that! You know who to vote off when I'm dead!" 
"It's so cool to play with someone new, I wonder if she's as good as you guys depict her" Sykkuno spoke up, but before anyone could answer his question, a new character popped up in the lobby.
"Hi everyone! I’m sorry I left you just like that, but this stream would be completely useless without me being able to answer your questions. Fortunately it wasn’t anything serious, I just had to readjust my mic and go through the settings to find what was wrong. Took some time, but here I am now!” Y/N chirped into her microphone, smiling apologetically at her webcam. At the moments like this, she really appreciated how supportive her audience was. No one was hating on her when she had to get off the stream for a couple of minutes, and everyone was just so understanding that it made her heart melt. Perhaps her audience wasn’t very big, but it felt almost like a second family to her. 
“Anyway, as you already know from my twitter, today I’ll be playing Among Us with my friends and their friends! I can’t wait if I’m being honest, last time I played this game was so much fun, and there was only a few of us.” she admitted with a genuine smile on her face. “Let’s just text Sean now so we can get into the lobby...”
Y/N: Ready to play with you guys ^^
Jackaboy: Great! You got that mic fixed already? 
Y/N: Yes, everything is fine. I’m sorry you had to wait so long.
Jackaboy: It’s all good kiddo, no worries. I’ll call you and send you the code in a sec. 
Y/N: Perfect, thank you Sean :)
Jackaboy: Btw, everyone can’t wait to meet you ;-)Y/N stared at the screen for a moment, only now, seconds before joining the group, realizing how nervous she felt. From Sean’s tweets she saw earlier, she figured that the lobby was right now full of many famous streamers, those she wouldn’t even compare herself to. It’s not that she thought of herself very low, but... being among such youtube celebrities like them made her panic a little bit. She didn’t want to look like a complete fool amongst them. 
Playing or recording with Sean and Felix was something else because she knew those guys for years (and yet still sometimes found herself thinking how lucky she got to be able to call them her friends). She felt good in their company, not worrying about choosing the right words. But amongst the rest of the players, she knew only Toast and talked with Rae maybe once in her life... 
What if the rest won’t like her? 
Y/N cleared her throat, realizing that she was still staring at her phone like hypnotized and her audience was already asking her what’s going on. She quickly typed in the code Sean had texted her and readjusted her headphones, before joining the discord chat.
“THERE SHE IS” screamed Sean, making her grin from ear to ear, hearing how excited he was “Little wonderchild!”
“I think you meant little TRAITOR” Felix corrected him with a scoff. A silence settled in the lobby as everyone was waiting for Y/N to speak up.
“Um... hello everyone..” she said softly, almost inaudibly, a sudden wave of shyness taking over her. “I’m Y/N” 
“Oh, you were right about that Corpse thing!” replied another, also very soft and very sweet voice, and Y/N saw the image of someone named Lily pop up. “It’s like the exact opposite!” 
“See? Told ya. Everyone, meet Y/N/N, the little angel from Y/C/N.” 
“Hey Y/N!”
“Hi there!”
“Hey, what’s up?”
“H-Hi, so great to meet you, Y/N!” a very friendly sounding voice said, and a little lime astronaut with the name Sykkuno above it started running around her. “Can’t wait to play with you!”
“That’s so nice, thank you” she replied with a wide smile on her face, moving around his character as well. “I can’t wait to play with you too, actually with all you guys. It’s so great to be here with you.”
“Jack I swear she’s the cutest little thing I’ve ever heard. Where the hell did you find her?!” Poki all but yelled at the man, making Y/N giggle to herself and in-process loosen up a little bit. They all seemed like someone she’d happily be friends with. 
“Or rather, where do you get one?” someone else commented, making them all burst into laughter, Y/N included. 
“Guys, what did I say about that sweet demeanor...” Jack said after calming down from his fit “Don’t put your guard down just because she sounds like that!”
“Wait- what did you tell them about me?” Y/N asked confused, the tone of her voice making him laugh even more “Jack!”
“Don’t worry, only the good stuff” a very deep, low voice spoke up, leaving her taken aback for a moment. Her eyes widened slightly and she glanced at the name of that person, reading out CORPSE. Now that’s something she didn’t expect... 
“Corpse, mind your manners! You didn’t even introduce yourself!” 
“Oh, shit- yeah, sorry. Um, I’m Corpse, it’s very nice to meet you Y/N” he replied right after, making her lip corners curl up into a smile. 
“Nice to meet you too Corpse, you have a really pleasant voice.” she spoke sweetly, completely unaware of the chaos that was taking place in her stream chat. She didn’t even think of it the way her audience did, she just simply spoke up her mind, and being an incredibly nice person - turned it into a compliment.
“Oh- wow. I mean, thank you so much. I love your voice too, it’s really sweet” he replied, nervously chuckling at the end, before muting his mic. It was, however, enough for Felix and Sean to start teasing him, as the two immediately screamed:
“It’s the voice Felix, I told you he’d fall into her trap!” 
“Wait- he was just being nice, guys! Stop making fun of him” Y/N immediately defended the man, trying to speak up over the hysterical laughter of the other players. 
“Oh my god, but what if they both get impostors and they both pull the voice cards on us?!” Rae managed to yell through all the noise, making Y/N even more confused.
“Wait, what? What do you mean? I don’t understand.” 
“Don’t worry Y/N, that’s how I feel all the time around them.” Sykkuno seemed to be the only one who heard her question, as the rest continued their gabbing without giving her as much as a glance. 
“Alright, let’s start the game maybe. I might have a few old scores to settle” Toast cleared his throat theatrically, his astronaut coming face to face with Y/N’s. 
“Oh, you mean me? I thought I already apologized!” she replied frantically. “You gave me no choice Toast, I didn’t even want to kill you in the first place...”
“I’m sorry!” 
“Alright, enough! Toast, just don’t kill her right away, okay? Let her run around the map, fearing for her life for a moment.” Y/N gasped upon hearing Jack’s words, clearly sensing the smirk behind his voice. 
“Wha- Jack?! Since when are you against me?!” 
“Don’t worry Y/N, I won’t let them hurt you. You haven’t played with us yet, I’ll protect you.” 
“Oh, thank you so much Sykkuno! I’ll protect you too!” 
“Great. Another one simping...” was Felix’s last words, before the game began. 
Y/N sighed in relief upon seeing the word crewmate forming on her screen, but at the same time feared Toast’s inevitable revenge. She thought they'd already buried the hatchet, but it seemed that he was desperate to make her pay for the last time they played together. 
“Aw, Sykkuno was serious” she mumbled with a smile, when his lime astronaut started circling her white one, so she would follow him. “Okay, let’s do some tasks.”
They both made their way towards the medbay, Sykkuno patiently waiting nearby as she did the scan, then Y/N waiting for him to do the same. The moment his little character stepped towards her, a meeting was called by none other than Felix.
“What happened?” Rae asked.
“I called the meeting because I’m afraid of Jack” he responded, causing everyone to laugh. “Seriously though! Dude’s been following me around the whole time.”
“I was just making sure nobody kills you.”
“Yeah don’t go all Sykkuno on me!” Felix screamed, making the call erupt into even more laughter. 
“Alright, are we skipping?” 
“Guys, my life is in danger!” Felix wouldn’t give up. “Come on, show some support! Y/N? You played with him, you know his techniques!” 
“Sorry Felix” Y/N giggled, clicking the skip button. 
When the next round began, Sykkuno was quick to join Y/N on her way towards admin, where they both found Poki doing the upload. They did the card swipe and left her there, when the lights suddenly went off.
“Uh-oh. Let’s head the opposite direction, Sykkuno” the girl murmured, dancing around his character and heading towards Comms instead of going to Electrical. It was the easiest way to die, after all. 
Once they entered the room and waited for someone to fix the lights, Y/N could see another figure appear in the same location. She couldn’t recognize whose character it was, but upon seeing the horns on the helmet she smiled to herself.
“Hey there, Corpse” she said, walking up to the black astronaut, who was standing still in the same place as if he was just watching her and Sykkuno run around Comms instead of doing their tasks. 
They stood like that for a couple of seconds until Corpse turned around and ran away, and that’s when the first body was reported. 
“Oh no, Jack!” 
“Poor guy. He’s gonna haunt us now.”
“Where’s the body?” 
“Navigation” replied Rae, who was the one to find Sean’s green astronauts’ body “Didn’t see anyone around, but I’m pretty sure someone just vented right in front of my eyes...”
“Any suspicions?” Toast asked.
“Um, not really sure, it was the exact same moment the lights went off. I was doing tasks with Jack and then he just died. I only saw the vent close, nothing or no one else.”
“Okay, where are you guys right now?” 
“I’m in admin with Dave, we only passed Poki when we got there.” Lily’s voice sounded out, quickly being joined by Poki’s explanation.
“Yeah, I was finishing the upload when you guys came in, Y/N and Sykkuno saw it”
“Did you see her?” Toast asked, addressing his question towards the white and lime astronauts. 
“Yes, we were doing the card swipe before going to Comms. Corpse joined us for a moment and then left.”
“Yeah, I was on my way to fix the lights when I stumbled upon them in Comms, the body was reported the exact moment I left.”
“Can someone confirm this? I mean, did someone see you besides the two of them?” Toast continued his questioning. 
“I think I only saw Felix in Medbay.”
“Hmm, so no one really knows where you were this whole time. You could easily lure Jack into Navigation and kill him there. Is that what you did, Corpse?”
“Woah, that’s some serious accusation” Corpse replied in his usual, low and calm voice. “Where were you Toast? You seem the only one who still doesn’t have an alibi”
“Neither does Felix.” Y/N spoke innocently, and the mentioned man quickly started his explanation.
“Okay, I was with Jack at the beginning but he clearly can’t confirm this since someone snapped his fucking neck. We’ve split up in O2 after doing our tasks and then he must’ve gone with Rae. I just wandered around the map, escaping from the death.”
“Hmm, so not only were you one of the last people to see him alive, but you also admit to not doing your tasks” Y/N said, trying her best to keep her voice steady and stop herself from laughing. She was sure Sykkuno was doing the same thing, they both refused to do any tasks after the lights went off, after all.
“Yeah, but does that already makes me an Imposter? I’m just scared for my life, that’s all.”
“Y/N has some good logic, but I’m not really sure it’s Pewds. I mean, I saw him in Medbay and he really seemed to be just jogging around.” Corpse said, his voice almost immediately doing its magic, as people more or less willingly agreed to skip this round as well. 
“I think it’s Felix. I mean, I haven’t played with him yet, but I have this feeling that he’s just acting.” Y/N said to her chat after muting herself. She went towards Weapons to do another task, seeing Sykkuno’s little character follow her once again, but the doors were suddenly locked and his lime astronaut remained in Cafeteria. “Oh no, Sykkuno” she sighed with a pout on her face, deciding against waiting for him and risking getting her neck snapped. She finished her task in Weapons and moved towards another location, when suddenly Corpse appeared in front of her, coming right out of nowhere. 
“Oh- Corpse, you scared me to death” Y/N breathed a laugh, watching as his character stood still for a couple of seconds, before circling around her white astronaut. Y/N nodded her head with a smile, even though he couldn’t see her, and followed him in Shields, where they found Poki’s dead body. 
“The body is in Shields” Y/N replied right after reporting the body, only to gasp in shock when she realized more than one person was killed. Red crosses decorated not only Poki’s name but were also visible next to Dave and Lily. 
“What the hell?!” Felix all but yelled into his mic, obviously shocked just like everyone else who was still alive. 
“Now that’s... a lot of bodies” Sykkuno mumbled under his breath. 
“Alright, who’s in Shields? Y/N, you said you found the body there, which one?”
“Poki’s, Corpse was there with me” her reply was followed by his short and low hum. 
“Sykkuno, where are you? I didn’t see you anywhere since the last round.” Felix asked, clearly accusing the lime astronaut of being a murderer. 
“I was... doing the wires in electrical, Toast was there for a moment as well.”
“Yeah but I was only searching for the body, so I saw you maybe for a second” Toast replied, building even more suspicions around Sykkuno.
“But- guys, you know I wouldn’t kill two people in one round, let alone four of them.”
“No one says you did that, I only mentioned that you were nowhere to be seen. You could’ve been sabotaging the map for the other Impostor” Felix said nonchalantly.
“Guys, I-”
“It’s him! It must be him!” Rae shouted through her mic. 
“Sykkuno is 100% innocent, I can vouch for him” Y/N’s voice sounded out in everyone’s headphones “We were together since the start of the game and he didn’t kill me, even though he had quite a number of chances to do so.”
“Weren’t you with Corpse this time?” Felix asked suspiciously.
“I was! But at the beginning, I was with Sykkuno, until someone locked him in Cafeteria. That’s when we split up.”
“And you haven’t seen him ever since?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Then I can assure you it was only a matter of time before he’d stab you in the back” Toast concluded, making Sykkuno gasp in confusion.
“Wha- No, I would never do that! Y/N is our guest, I was just making sure she was okay!”
“Sykkuno, simping won’t save your life right now” 
“Wha- I- Guys!” he tried to stutter out some logical explanation “Y/N, don’t believe them!”
“I don’t, I know you’re innocent! C’mon guys, he wouldn’t do it!” 
“Yeah yeah, let’s kick him out. Corpse, who are you voting?” Toast asked, and Y/N could see the I voted sign next to his character. 
“I kinda feel like Felix tries to shift the blame onto Sykkuno. He didn’t even tell his location, and was already throwing accusations on someone else.” Corpse replied after a moment, making the smile widen on Y/N’s face. Someone was finally on her side! 
“That’s because he can’t even explain himself!” Felix exclaimed, voting as well. 
“Besides, I’m pretty sure if it wasn’t for whoever locked that door, Y/N would be dead as well!” 
“No, I told you I-!”
“Guys, we have ten seconds to vote. Rae?” 
“I think it’s him as well. He was acting suspiciously since we started this round. I vote Sykkuno”
“No, Sykkuno...” Y/N whispered with a pout on her lips, when she saw the number of people who voted for her lime friend. 
Sykkuno was ejected. 
“Alright, I’m pretty sure it’s Felix. I saw Rae multiple times and she didn’t kill me, Toast also doesn’t act very Impostor like, but maybe that’s just one of his strategies... Corpse is with me again, I don’t think that’s him, I mean, he followed me around last round, but still didn’t do anything, and even vouched for me and Sykkuno when we were both clearly chilling in comms. It can’t be him... right?” 
 Dead body reported.
 “I just saw Corpse kill Toast, then vent!” Rae’s voice blared through Y/N’s headphones, as she looked in shock at the red cross next to Toast’s name. If not him, then..?
“What?” the accused man asked calmly “That’s a self-report, she’s trying to frame me. You guys can’t possibly believe her.”
“I believe her. I saw you enter the Electrical with Toast, then he’s suddenly dead” Felix said. 
“That’s because she vented in there and killed him.”
“No! I swear, Y/N/N you have to believe me!” she directed her words towards the girl who remained silent during their discussion, processing her accusations over and over in her head. “I was fixing the wires, Toast was doing another task, and then boom! I see Corpse snapping his neck!”
“How could you see that if the lights were off?” Y/N suddenly asked, making Rae cut her own sentence off “No one went to fix them, they were off the entire round.”
“It’s Rae, it must be her” Corpse couldn’t help but laugh wholeheartedly at how small was the mistake which completely blew Rae’s cover. “We’re voting Rae, right Y/N?”
“No! Guys, I mean, let me explain, I-!”
Rae was ejected. 
“Now that was something I didn’t expect. I would’ve never thought it was her, I even suspected that Sykkuno might really have been the other Impostor, but now... It’s just me, Corpse, and Felix. I’m clear, clearly, so it must be one of them. And since Corpse protected me for the past few rounds, there’s no other option than...”
Her eyes suddenly widened when the realization hit her, and she quickly turned around to speed towards the emergency button. Fortunately, no one was around to stop her from calling the meeting.
“Felix.” Y/N started, trying to contain her excitement and sound seriously “Where were you when Sean was killed?”
Neither Corpse of Felix said a word, as it was probably the last question they expected her to ask. Felix cleared his throat, however, and finally replied:
“Y/N, that was literally the beginning of a game. How am I supposed to remember what I did then?”
“Well” she said nonchalantly “I, for example, clearly remember the things you said even when we were in the lobby.”
“What are you implying?” 
“Wasn’t it you, who told everyone that Sean was your number one if you get Impostor?” she asked with a wicked smile on her face. Felix was dumbfounded, he obviously didn’t expect her to pull that card on him, hell, he didn’t even know how she knew about it since she wasn’t even in the call at the time. 
“FELIX” Corpse suddenly broke the silence, simultaneously breaking the said man from his train of thoughts. 
“Okay, first of all- YOU WEREN’T EVEN IN THE CALL WHEN I SAID THAT” he yelled through his mic, making both Y/N and Corpse laugh, as it only confirmed their suspicions. 
“See? You only proved my point.” 
“Oh, fuck’s sake- I was just joking okay?!” he tried to defend himself, but hearing how he couldn’t even contain his own laughter anymore, it was clear he already accepted the defeat. “It wasn’t serious, god damn it!” 
“You know what to do, Y/N” Corpse’s voice asked through her headphones, and surely, she knew exactly what to do.
“C’mon Y/N, that’s not fair! At least let me explain myself!” 
“Bye Felix” she said in an overly dramatic tone before Corpse voted as well. 
Soon enough, the sign VICTORY could be seen on her screen, which made her squeak and joy. This game was really fun, even though she was so scared of being killed first. 
“I knew it! I knew you would figure out it’s him! That son of a bitch who murdered me!” Jack basically yelled out, clearly very happy about the result. 
“Y/N, seriously now, how did you know I’ve said that?” Felix asked without even hiding his surprised tone.
“Let’s just say I might’ve stolen some of your viewers, Felix” she admitted, winking at her webcam, a new wave of comments landing on her chat. “Thanks guys!” 
“Okay, that is rude and not fair!” 
“It helped me win, so I’ve got nothing else to say” Y/N grinned from ear to ear, before muting herself for a moment to finally answer some of the questions from her chat, while the rest took a quick break to eat something or go to the bathroom.
She was halfway through telling the story of how she met Sean when she noticed she got a message from a private discord chat. 
CORPSE: That was really impressive :)
Y/N smiled to herself upon seeing his text and quickly typed out the answer. 
Y/N: Thanks!! I wouldn’t have done that without you though, you stood up for me and Sykkuno and all
Y/N: Also, thanks for protecting me from being murdered ^^
CORPSE: No problem, I knew you were innocent right away. 
CORPSE: Anyway, good game, Sean was right saying that you’re one of the best players
She couldn’t help the blush that arose on her cheeks, it was very sweet of him to say that, even though she didn’t actually do much except for exposing Felix. 
Y/N: I wasn’t an Impostor though, so you didn’t really see much :)
She watched the three dots beside his name, that signaled he was still texting. The chat was completely forgotten, but people seemed to quickly notice that small, shy smile on her lips, and the pink tint decoring her cheeks.
CORPSE: Okay, now I’m intrigued... 
Y/N: Maybe we’ll both be Impostors one day ^^
CORPSE: Can’t wait for that to happen.
Soon enough, they returned to the lobby to begin another game. Y/N glanced at her chat for a second, and the moment she returned her eyes to the game, her jaw basically dropped. 
IMPOSTOR was written in bold letters in the middle of the red screen, right above her name.
Corpse’s little character was standing beside her. 
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critrolesideblog · 4 years ago
"Do you enjoy card games?" At this query, Caleb looked up slowly, finally, from the Aeorian tome he had been frowning at all day.
It was the third day of a forced respite from their Aeorian expedition. They had been beset on their last outing by a three-headed abomination that, though quickly vanquished, had left Caleb with a series of nasty bites that bled with alarming profusion. A couple of healing potions had stopped the bleeding and partly healed the wounds, but they stubbornly refused to heal up entirely. So, at Essek's insistence and Caleb's reluctant acceptance, they were taking a break.
Caleb had spent their "break" thus far puzzling over an incomplete Aeorian formula with increasing frustration and, despite Essek's efforts at reassurance, guilt at delaying their explorations. Caleb had stubbornly refused both Essek's help and his suggestions that he work on something else for a while. So, Essek moved to Plan C.
"I, ah, ja, I suppose so," Caleb replied, azure eyes glancing down to Essek's hands, deftly shuffling the deck he had procured from the second floor of the tower. "Although, it has been some time since I've played one."
"It has for me as well." Essek glided around the desk Caleb was seated at to place himself on the opposite side, as Caleb considered him thoughtfully, and as he seated himself, the Zemnian wizard gently closed the tome with a small sigh and made space on the desk by unceremoniously shoving a small mountain of wadded-up, discarded parchment onto the floor, to the annoyed meows, chitters, and huffs of a number of the tower cats. "It's been at least," Essek took a large breath and let it out in a slow sigh, making a production of thinking over the many decades it had been since his last game with Verin. "Oh, at least 70 years, maybe 80." Caleb leveled a deadpan gaze at him for his efforts, though he was unable to completely school the muscles at the corners of his lips that wanted to form a smirk at his little one-upmanship. Essek allowed himself a satisfied grin in return. "Still, I thought it might be a pleasant diversion."
"Do you have a particular game in mind, old man?" Ha. Essek considered the possibilities, unsure of which, if any, games spanned their two cultures.
"Hm, there was one Verin was particularly fond of when we were children. The cards are dealt evenly between the players," he explained and began dispensing the cards. "And the goal is to obtain the entire deck. Without looking, we each take turns flipping cards over into a pile in the center, until someone plays a face card. When that happens, the next player tries to beat the value of the previous card, Aces being of greatest value, and whomever has the highest card claims the pile."
"Simple enough."
"Indeed, but when Verin played, he was fond of what he called..." He paused to consider how best to convey it in Common. It was odd the random words that came up as blank spots in his vocabulary. Punch...? No, not punch. "How do you say it ... There is a word, I think, for when you hit something with your palm?" He mimed the motion of doing it to someone's face.
Caleb raised an eyebrow, a bemused expression settling on his features. "A slap?"
"Yes!” Now that Caleb said it he was certain he had heard it before. “He liked to play with...” He paused to consider the translation again. “Slap rules."
"Slap rules?"
"When two cards of the same value are played in a row, or on either side of a single card, any player may slap their hand down and claim the pile, whomever is quickest."
"Alright, I think I've got it." They each scooped up their respective piles of cards and formed them into neat stacks in their hands. "Shall we?" There was a glimmer of friendly competitiveness in Caleb's eyes that made Essek's heart-rate tick up a little.
"After you."
They took turns flipping over cards, slowly at first, random numbers of varying colors stacking one on top of the other until Caleb, at last, turned over a Jack. "Ah, let's see if you can beat that, Her Thelyss." Essek dealt his next card. Six. He let out a little huff of disappointment as Caleb slid the pile towards himself with the ghost of a grin hovering around his mouth.
"Danke." He said, adding the pile to his hand.
"Ole hyvä." Essek deadpanned. Amusement crinkled the edges of Caleb's eyes, and an increasingly familiar warm affection took up residence in Essek's chest. They began again, flipping the cards a little faster this time.
Thump. Caleb blinked with surprise as Essek claimed the pile. He moved his hand back slightly to reveal the most recent cards - two threes in a row. "Aaah, right, slap rules."
They began again, flipping the cards over a little faster still. Essek glanced up at Caleb's face. The guilt and frustration that had tugged on his features the past two days seemed to have released their grip, in favor of intent observation. He looked back down -- two eights! Their hands collided as they both reached for the pile at the same time, but Caleb eked out a victory, his fingers managing to slip just under Essek's. Caleb gave a soft "ha!" as he claimed the pile, and Essek found himself grinning as well, despite the loss. He had not considered that their hands would inevitably touch over the course of this game, but he couldn't say he minded.
"You can imagine, perhaps," he said slowly as they began turning over cards again, resolutely watching the cards this time, "two little Drow boys slapping the cards, and each other, with increasing enthusiasm as the game goes on." Caleb chuckled.
"I can indeed. In Blumenthal, we had a game where we just slapped each other's hands to see who was fastest, no cards needed." Both of their hands shot out - a nine flanked by a pair of fives this time. Again, there was Caleb's warm hand under Essek's instead of cardstock. He made a show of hissing with frustration, baring his fangs a little, but he was sure it was belied by the grin still tugging at his mouth. Caleb didn't seem the least bit intimidated as he added the cards to his hand, amusement crinkling the eyes again. The warm affection steadily blooming in Essek's chest grew warmer still. They began again, and after a moment of dealing cards in companionable silence, Caleb asked, "What is he like? Your brother?"
A memory filled Essek's senses. He and his brother were in a ballroom on the Thelyss estate. Members of various Dens and the upper echelon of the military were milling about them to the strains of soft music and polite conversation. Verin was grinning with a brash pride at being appointed Taskhand, chin held high, chest puffed out. A gleeful victory polished his silver eyes to shining. Earlier that evening, Essek had retied the bun neatly collecting his little brother's many braids to make sure he was presentable for the ceremony. Verin had ruffled Essek's hair to make sure he wasn't. "Tall," he replied, finally, and then muttered, "the bastard." That shocked a laugh out of Caleb, as Essek hoped it would, and he tried to suppress his own victorious grin.
"How rude of him growing past his elder brother!" Caleb laughed.
"The disrespect," Essek opined, shaking his head. "When we were teenagers, I once escorted him to a shop - he wanted to buy a trinket for some girl, and I needed spell components."
"And the shopkeeper complimented him on how kind he was to take his little brother out shopping." Caleb's laugh was lovelier than any sound Essek could think to compare it to. "I could have strangled that shopkeep. I knew I would never hear the end of it. All I heard for months after that was little brother this, and little brother that."
"How did you get him to stop?"
"Violence." Essek claimed the card pile with a Jack of Spades. "I mastered Telekinesis and tossed him into a snowbank."
"Ja, naturally, as one does." Caleb's voice was warm with amusement.
Essek felt no need to mention that Verin had enjoyed the experience and asked to be tossed into the snowbank three more times. "He's naturally charming," Essek continued. "Too much for his own good, sometimes. He has forgotten on more than one occasion to check whether the targets of his charms were married first."
"Uh-oh," Caleb chuckled.
"Indeed." Essek rolled his eyes with old exasperation and then claimed the pile of cards again with a Queen of Hearts. "He's smart, but he always preferred fighting and flirting to academics. Still, he has a keen mind for battle strategy, tactics, problem-solving. Much too honest for politics, but he is the sort of person people turn to naturally for leadership, and he takes that responsibility seriously." Caleb claimed the pile this time, King of Clubs.
"He sounds like a good person," Caleb ventured quietly.
Another memory rose up, unbidden. Verin when he was a long way yet from being Verin. They had called him Rei then, and Essek had been called Kai. Rei was a baby, barely old enough to walk, but his tiny hand patted Kai's shoulder gently as his elder brother tried not to cry over a skinned knee. His silver eyes, large in his small, round face, clearly full of a sympathy he did not have words yet to express. Essek nodded. "Even when he was a child. As a toddler, any time he received a treat, his first instinct was always to share it, with me or Nanny, or the housekeepers, even, whomever was nearby." Haluatko vähän? Do you want some? The little boy had always asked. Haluatko vähän? He had asked the less popular children in school, as he went out of his way to share his snacks and his shine. Haluatko vähän? He had asked with an excited smile, on the eve of his deployment to Bazzoxan, before running out into the rain to get fried insects from his favorite street vendor, like a child and not the 105-year-old man that he was, and again after purchasing it and exclaiming how delicious they were, Haluatko vähän? "He has always had a good heart." Icy tendrils began to snake their way through Essek's chest, like the mold of Aeor, feeding on the heat there and turning it into cold, cold shame and guilt. How had Verin remained so good and Essek turned so wrong?
He didn't ask the question aloud, but Caleb seemed to guess where his mind had turned and countered it with a question of his own. "Perhaps some credit goes to his elder brother for shielding his good heart?" Essek made himself look into Caleb's eyes, and their hands paused in their game for a moment. There was no pity in the Lucidian blue, just a gentle curiosity. It was a genuine question.
Essek considered the hypothesis. He had tried his best to keep Verin on the right side of the Umavi's scrutiny and their father's temper and out of any problems he couldn't punch his way out of. But was it as simple as being the younger of the two? Essek had felt as much affection for Nanny as Verin had, but he wasn't sure he had ever offered to share a treat with her before Verin came along. If he had, he certainly hadn't continued to offer after repeated declinations out of an immovable sense of fairness. As far as Essek could recall, they had always been of wildly different dispositions. Verin was boisterous where Essek was quiet, outgoing where he was introverted, gregarious where he was selfish, courageous where he was cowardly. Try as he might, Essek could not imagine Verin doing the things he had done, for the Dynasty or against it, for mere power.
"Very little," he concluded. "I did try to look out for him, but for all that we share in origin, we are very different people. There is no discarded timeline with a Shadowhand Verin."
Caleb considered this thoughtfully for a moment and then tossed a card down with his verdict: "That last assertion is unfalsifiable." Essek raised an eyebrow and tossed a card down. Yes, he supposed it was... for now...
Thump. Caleb slid the pile crowned by two Kings toward himself with a satisfied grin. "You know this game is very unfair to you, Herr Thelyss." There was a spark of mischief in his eyes, and Essek felt the chill in his chest begin to ease. "What with my being so much younger than you, better reflexes and all of that."
Essek scoffed and shook his head, a grin returning to his face. The nerve. "Oh, we'll see about that."
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aurora-313 · 8 months ago
I was having a chat on discord about Isshin's behavior in general towards Ichigo. The person I discussed the matter with raised valid points that were decent enough to reconsider my position.
Not enough to conclude Isshin isn't shitty parent who shouldn't be anywhere near children, but enough to reconsider what Isshin was supposed to be.
To explain the stance, I'll have to expand into how Kisuke regards Ichigo first.
Ichigo is mockingly addressed as 'the child born in the dark' by Yhwach, a provably insane cult leader who styles himself as the Son of the Soul King and father of the Quincy (Fun fact, both statements are false. Narrative evidence puts Yhwacch's existence as only 200 years old before he started the first war against the Shinigami, and he was considered a blight among the Quincy before his ascendency, but putting on the messianic act served his purpose). We can see that 'child in the dark' moniker reflected in how the adults around Ichigo only give him information in bits and pieces, Kisuke, Shinji, Rukia, Ukitake etc etc.
But Kisuke withholding key information from Ichigo (IE. The Hogyoku in Rukia, the truth about Aizen, his own heritage, etc etc), isn't out of a lack of trust.
Quite the opposite, in fact. Kisuke trusts Ichigo to make "untainted" decisions.
More than anyone, more than Ichigo's own school friends (and future wife, mind you) Kisuke trusts Ichigo's instincts and intuition unconditionally. That when put on the spot, Ichigo will intuitively make the right call. One driven by virtue, not by other's agendas.
It could be stated that Kisuke has no trust in his own decision, or rather, he doesn't trust himself to make the correct decisions. So he uses Ichigo by proxy. Drip feeding enough information for Ichigo to make a call for him, but doesn't provide finer details because he's gambling on Ichigo's instincts.
If Ichigo's decisions are correct, then Kisuke chose correctly and he deal with the outcome from there. And vice versa.
But if Kisuke gave too much information, it would alter the outcome of those otherwise natural forks in the road. If Ichigo had the whole picture, if he knew the totality of what was at stake, he would make a completely different call that would generate a less optimal outcome for all involved, Ichigo included.
Ultimately, the dance Kisuke conducts straddles a fine line between manipulation and gambit.
My conversation partner pointed out as a segue, this was another reason why Aizen is completely confounded by Ichigo at every turn, despite his claims to the contrary.
In Soul Society, Aizen simply can't fathom that Ichigo isn't operating under Kisuke's orders. He assumes Ichigo is an agent sent to retrieve a valued asset to keep it from enemy hands. He doesn't even consider the possibility where Ichigo knew jack shit about any of that and only desired to save a girl who saved him.
Following this, there's multiple examples of Kisuke's undying faith in Ichigo; against the demi-Hollow, against the Menos Grande, rescuing Rukia, defeating Aizen, encouraging Ichigo to go to the SK palace, even leaving the fate of the world to Ichigo's (and Rukia's) hands when he thinks he's going to die in the Death Dealing ball. The list goes on.
And Ichigo frequently receives the sentiment "I know you'll do the right thing, because that's the kind of man you are." by multiple characters.
To the point where there's an unspoken yet observable dichotomy between people who actually trust Ichigo (Kisuke, Rukia, Tatsuki) and those who only pretend to (Chad, Orihime).
This is what Isshin is supposed to be. He's supposed to be in the former category, walking the same fine line as Kisuke, entrusting Ichigo with just enough to make the right moral decision. To hold unconditional faith that in the light of the horror the truth presents, Ichigo would still choose to do the right thing.
The problem is Kubo DESPISES parents!
Which reflects in Isshin's writing.
Rather than being part of the 'I trust Ichigo' club like Kisuke and Rukia, Isshin is in the 'Hey, look - a free punching bag' club. Coming across as emotionally and physically abusive/negligent to his children.
And his timing.
What are probably intended to be jabs to snap Ichigo out of his funk and get his head back in the game, come across as pointless mockery for cruelty's sake. Made worse by the fact there's no reason given why he kept any of this quiet. Not even a simple 'We didn't want Yhwach catching wind of you'. He's just silent because 'JK lolz, plot.'
Instead of a complex character whose trying to make the best of a bad situation and praying he can guide his son through turmoil and strife - and receive similar guidance in turn - canon Isshin is complete fucktard who deserves to get stabbed in the throat and his children disowning him.
However I'm now more willing to put that down to atrocious writing tainted by the author's personal bias, rather than malicious intent on the character's part.
In the hands of a more skilled writer who has less of a hate-boner for parents, it's likely they could've successfully pulled a similar dance off.
Unfortunately what we got was world's shittiest dad.
At least he ain't Gendo Ikari but that's a minuscule bar to trip over.
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Bleach chapter 529
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diaphragmjellyfish · 4 years ago
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz NSFW Alphabet
Not my gif
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Hawk is pretty quiet after sex. He likes to lay there with you draped over his chest and a smirk on his face while you both catch your breath. If it was a particularly rough night he will get a wet cloth and clean you off before getting snacks and turning on some rock music or an action movie. He’s almost always the big spoon when cuddling.
B: Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also yours)
His favorite body part of yours is your face. He thinks you look so innocent and pure like a literal ray of sunshine. A complimentary opposite to his look. He especially likes how sweet you look while doing certain *ahem* activities. His favorite body part of his are his abs. He worked hard for them and they give him confidence. He loves when you run your hands down them while y’all are making out.
C: Cum (anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Hawk likes to cum on your face or inside you. You guys are young and not at all ready for kids so you always wrap it up, which is why he usually cums on your face. He could honestly finish just thinking about how you look covered in him like that. When it’s a super passionate or romantic night he prefers to finish inside you with or without the condom. He just likes to look deep in your eyes.
D: Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory)
He’s always wanted to try anal. His tattoo buddy Rico told him it was awesome, and he’s wanted to do it ever since. He’s nervous to ask you though because he would never want you to be in pain. When you eventually tell him you want to give it a go, he’s beyond excited but also super gentle.
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Hawk is somewhat experienced, but his confidence makes up for anything he might not be sure about. He was with Moon for a few months and learned all the basics, but it’s with you that he really starts to experiment. He’s also a super quick learner.
F: Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
The boy loves to try new things. You guys are making your way through the Kama-sutra. He still thinks you can never go wrong with the classics though- missionary and cowgirl. As long as he can touch you he’s a happy guy.
G: Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they more humorous, etc.)
He almost always is wearing a smirk when y’all are going at it. He’s more serious than goofy at first just because he feels like he has something to prove but once you guys get comfortable and he knows he can be himself around you, he lets loose a little and will crack a joke or two during.
H: Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes)
God I wish I could say the carpet matched the drapes lmaooo imagine a little mini mohawk. But fr he’s probably trimmed. Nothing too fancy but he keeps it clean.
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
He’s a romantic at heart, but only for you. He’d never tell anyone but on Valentine’s day he goes all out. Rose petals, candles, a massage. And he loves to buy you lingerie to wear for him.
J: Jack off )Masturbation hc)
He does it a lot when he’s by himself because he can’t believe he got such a sexy mf as his girl. He always thinks of you. If he’s ever too frustrated from training or a tournament he’ll rub one out by himself so he doesn’t take out his anger on you. He’d never want to hurt you. But if you’re there, he obviously prefers you over his hand.
K: Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Anal, Hair pulling, choking, he loves when you bite his shoulder when it feels good, or scratch his back so when he takes off his shirt at practice everyone knows he did a good job. He also loves to leave hickeys all over your neck and thighs. He’s a confident boi but he has an insecure past so he wants everyone to know you’re taken and taken well ;)
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He’ll take you anywhere and everywhere. Bed, the dojo, the canyon, on his motorcycle in an alley somewhere, he literally does. Not. care. You guys even did it in his mom’s Sentra while it was in the middle of the car wash
M: Motivation (What turns them on, what gets them going)
Any time you bend over, or ask him to help you with something like opening a jar, he likes to feel needed and wanted. You could honestly look at this boy funny and he’d pop a hard one.
N: NO (Something they wouldn’t do)
Anything that causes you pain. He would never slap you or make you gag on him or anything like that. Also threesomes are out, whether that’s with another guy or another girl, he wants it to be just you and him always.
O: Oral (preference in giving or receiving)
The first time you went down on him he thought he was gonna explode. He couldn’t believe it was happening. But the first time he went down on you? He’d never heard such beautiful noises and he knew from then that he wanted to hear those little moans every day for the rest of his life. He’s got the basics down when you first get together, but after you show him what you really like and y’all start experimenting? God tier head.
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Honestly depends on the day. When you guys first meet he just wants to impress you so he’s super fast and rough, but once you tell him that slow and steady wins the race, he starts to take his time. You still enjoy a good pounding every once in a while though
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies)
He’s the king of quickies (not too quick tho if ya know what I mean). He’s a young guy, he’s horny all the time and doesn’t care if anyone sees. He’s doing what he wants when he wants as long as you’re ok with it.
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment)
YES. It’s his favorite thing. You both love to get freaky and try new things. He’d do anything you ask him to do, and do it well.
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for)
Ngl, when y’all first got together, this kid would bust in under 10 minutes. He’s a young guy, you were his second girlfriend ever, and he spent most of his childhood thinking he would never even talk to a girl like you. He bounced back fast though and could go for multiple rounds. And he’s built up stamina over time so no issues here.
T: Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them?)
He loves to use toys on you. In the beginning, you were having trouble reaching the summit *wink wink* no matter what he did. He was amazing, but for whatever reason you couldn’t quite finish. You told him it was fine but he said he couldn’t enjoy it if he knew you weren’t enjoying it. So one day he bought a tiny pink vibrator and held it between your legs while he fucked you and you LOST IT. Now he has several different toys that he uses on you all the time.
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He’s not much of a tease. He likes to let you both have what you want. But he loves when you tease him. The anticipation of you hovering over him, not knowing when or if you would finally sink down, gets him that much more excited.
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Kind of quiet, but lots of swearing and groaning. Literally the “ugh fuck” right in your ear as he sinks into you. He doesn’t like to be too loud (his old shy self is still there) and would rather hear you scream for him.
W: Wild Card (Random hc)
He is very much into foreplay. He likes to make sure you’re on the brink of orgasm before he even gets in you. Your only sexual experiences before you met him were guys just shoving themselves into you completely dry and when you told him that, he promised you he would never do that to you. He’s been a foreplay prodigy ever since. It’s his thing.
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Probably about 5 or 6 inches, average girth. Honestly size really is overrated. The G spot is only 3 inches in I’m tired of everyone acting like bigger is better. You Don’t Need Much if they’re using it right and he definitely does.
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
On a scale of 1 to 10, Hawk is an 11. He could fuck you all day every day for the rest of his life. Morning, noon, and night. Rich or poor, in sickness and in health (I got carried away lmao)
Z: ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep after)
Hawk likes to cuddle, eat snacks, and watch a movie after. Maybe it’s because he always felt insecure sleeping around other people as Eli but he always lets you fall asleep first. He loves to feel like he’s watching over and protecting you while you sleep on his chest. Literally when you’re in such a vulnerable state around him he feels so honored and would die before he let anyone lay a finger on you.
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zend-pixie · 4 years ago
Who took the nuke?
So, Tubbo’s nuclear warhead was stolen recently. That’s bad, very bad - especially since Tubbo confirmed that it can be manually set off, without the need of dual keycards.
And though it may seem like the answer is clear, it isn’t??? There’s a couple possible people here. And I wanna talk about those possibilities today.
1) Ranboo - The Obvious Answer
So for starters, we have the answer everyone’s expecting - Ranboo, in his enderwalk state, stealing the nuke. This seems really plausible - further proved by the fact that the doors were canonically locked the entire time. Who else would be able to seamlessly teleport in and out? Who can only teleport in a certain state, and not their awake one?
So, our scenario here looks like this: Ranboo got into his enderwalk state, teleported past the security (the doors and Mr Buttons??), took the nuke, teleported out, most likely hid it somewhere, and woke up again. But, this is the scenario everyone is expecting - and the Dream SMP has a habit of bending our expectations quite a lot. I mean, how fun is a series when you know the answer to every mystery?
Although, on the other hand, we all expected Wilbur to be Pogtopia’s traitor - which is why we immediately ruled him out. And guess who ended up being the traitor, in the end?
2) Ghostbur/Revivebur - The Fun Answer
Now, our second probability is Wilbur. The reason I put a slash there for Ghostbur is because - well, you know all those theories that Wilbur is already back, but disguised as/in the body of Ghostbur? Yeah. So either that, or Dream already brought Wilbur back and he respawned outside the prison.
This is the answer people are expecting as well, but this one isn’t definite - it depends entirely on the fact whether or not Wilbur is still dead, and if not, if he’s outside the prison. If the answer is “no” to any of these, our man is immediately ruled out.
We know how much Wilbur likes his explosions at this point - and the prospect of the nuke being a “dead man’s switch”, as Tubbo referred to it, might be that much more convincing to him sadly. Whether or not Wilbur will actually end up working with Dream, if he goes out again, it will be with a big bang once more - literal or not. And on a meta note, with the 1.17 update coming along... the server getting obliterated for good sounds all to likely for us to be comfortable here.
3) Tommy - The Angsty Answer
Listen - I know Tommy may seem like the last person who would willingly blow something up after all the explosion trauma, but hear me out.
Now, there’s two options here:
A) Tommy’s secretly working with Wilbur.
B) Tommy is doing this in secret to have a definite last-resort of taking down Dream and Wilbur.
For Theory A - there’s been many speculations going around that Tommy is hiding something from us. And they don’t stem from empty paranoia, per say - Tommy really has been acting suspicious ever since he left the Afterlife.
He acts scared of Wilbur, despite not seeming too frightened in the Afterlife with him (from the small glimpse we got, at least)? His building skills have improved all of a sudden (I’m choosing to make that canon, hush)? Not to mention, he has access to a nuke keycard.
Now, I know he got that card by accident in a non-canon bit with Jack but.. why is it still in his enderchest, then? Tommy has since long proved that that place is reserved mainly for important attachments or other lore-heavy things - he even moved his 23 diamond blocks to a completely different location recently. He has no reason to keep it in his enderchest rather than his regular chest, unless he needed it.
So here’s our scenario - Tommy died, spent some time with Wilbur in the Afterlife. But rather than just “playing solitaire for months”, they planned something out (I mean come on, you can’t tell me that Wilbur spent 9 years in the Afterlife and seems like some kind of entity rather than a human being, knowing exactly when the universe ends, and Tommy spent multiple months there and is completely the same). Tommy, knowing Dream’s manipulation tactics by heart at this point (ouch.), used a little reverse psychology on him - begging not to have Wilbur come back is like a sign-up sheet to Dream doing the exact opposite like the petty bitch he is. Tommy is doing something in secret with Wilbur here - most likely against Dream, but we don’t know if it’s for or against the rest of the server as well. This can either be disproved or further proved by the fact that Tommy acts afraid of Wilbur around other people as well. What makes this theory exciting is that cc!Tommy pretty much never kept something in the dark from us about his character. We always knew what was happening with Tommy, we always knew what he felt. But it seems as though ever since we weren’t let in on the secret that is what truly happened in the Afterlife, we’ve been kept in the dark a bit more. And it’s so interesting because we’re not used to it. And the less you expect, the scarier it becomes.
Now, there’s also Theory B here - that Tommy wasn’t lying to anyone about what he felt, and genuinely wants to take down Dream and (possibly) Wilbur. That he stole the nuke in secret, as a last-resort - without telling either of his friends, knowing they’d worry.
This one is more angsty out of the two - the first implies a possible crime boys villain duo, and the second - a broken child, ready to sacrifice himself once again for the safety of his friends.
Theory B can proved a couple ways as well - mainly by disproving Theory A. We could always say that the glimpse of the Afterlife that we got didn’t seem angsty because it was only that - a glimpse. We don’t know the full extent of what they talked about. According to Glatt, Tommy (VoidInnit or GhostInnit) seemed speechlessly terrified all the time for a while - only being able to stammer out that Dream murdered him. That’s enough proof that we don’t have all the information here, either.
Another thing is that Tommy could’ve simply not been lying. He seemed genuinely afraid of taking damage and Wilbur coming back. Now, you could say that he’s just good at acting but... well. We don’t know if c!Tommy has the same skillset as cc!Tommy, here.
Though, like I said - this possibility has sad implications. Tommy taking the nuke in secret means that he might be planning to use it on Dream and/or WIlbur - and as Tubbo said, the only way to do that without a keycard is manual detonation. Which means Tommy would have to go down with them. It would explain why he wouldn’t want to tell either Tubbo or Ranboo - they care about him and seemed pretty protective after he came back. They’d obviously disapprove of the idea immediately - perhaps even making extra sure Tommy had zero access to the nukes, just in case.
We know how, sadly, suicidal Tommy got in the series. We know how he’d be willing to use his own life as a bargaining chip if it only meant that the people he cares about are safe. I know he got severely thanatophobic after his final death but.. we don’t know if it still counts for self-sacrifices.
And the idea of Tommy going down with his enemies, despite everything, just so his friends can still live their lives happily and without fear... it’s a sad end, but I feel as though it’s fitting.
Although.. Tommy does have a nuke keycard as I said... And we don’t know how many lives he has now - it may be more than one, like how Jack got all 3 back. Maybe he’ll be fine. Perhaps we’ll get dramatically jebaited, see Tubbo and Ranboo cry out in anguish, only for Tommy to come out of the corner with a “hey guys what’d I miss why are you crying”
I’d love to hear your theories, too! If you have anyone who might be likely here to take the nuke as well, tell me why! I’d die to know what you guys think :D
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writingtoforgetreality · 4 years ago
You’re A Winchester? (Castiel x Winchester!Reader)
Request: You are so sweet, is a little sister Winchester reader good? Like in her late 20s that is their sister from another world/dimension, but they don't have a sister in their world? And she is just trying to fit into their family but she is a good hunter? It can be with Cas Meg or both, whatever you are inspired to do :) (by @sourpatchspinster), [Supernatural-Masterlist]
Part Two
Summary: You woke up in the middle of nowhere. How the hell did you get here? The last thing you remembered was being in a motel room & all of a sudden, you found yourself lost with the worst headache ever. Who would have thought your life was about to be changed forever?
Words: 5,270
Warnings: takes place in season 15 bc I want “everyone” to be alive & happy, language (do I still have to mention this?), mentions of our dear friend Chuck, angst?, innocent reader (I don’t know what happened to me during my writing break tbh), not my fav piece but I loved the request so there you go, fluff, (possible second part?), (Y/E/C) = your eye color
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Black. That was all you could see. Your head was killing you, it felt like someone tried to crush it with their bare hands. It took you a lot of strength but after a few attempts, you managed to open your eyes & were met with a blue sky. Huh…Did you fall asleep outside? No. WAIT?! Were you captured? No, you were just lying on the grass. Slowly, you got into a sitting position, looking around to figure out where in the hell you were. Unfortunately, your surroundings were unfamiliar. Taking deep breaths, you tried thinking logical for a second. The last thing you remembered was you sitting in a motel room, turning pages in an old diary your family left behind.
You had never met any of your family, growing up in a children’s home because…well, you had no idea if you were completely honest. Throughout the years, you had been to multiple foster families but in the end, you always ended up back at the children’s home. Not that you cared too much. It was not like you ever felt like you belonged with them anyway. On your 18th birthday, Sally, one of the employees, came into your room with a small package in her hand. That was the first time you had ever received a gift.
“It says I should give it to you today.” she handed you the small wrapped gift with a genuine smile on her face.
“What is it?” your curiosity got the best of you.
“Open up & see, I guess. I have no idea.” & with that she left you alone once again.
The day you got the diary was when you left the children’s home for good. You could not believe what you had read. Apparently, you did have a family. Or so it seemed. But why the hell had you never met them? And why the hell did it seem like your family suffered from psychological problems? Schizophrenia? To be honest, you did not care about that. The only thing that mattered to you was that it seemed like you had a father & two brothers out there somewhere. It looked like your mother had died a while ago…
~back to your confused ass self~
Being alone out in the middle of nowhere was not particularly comforting. What scared you even more was that you did not even have your stuff with you. Where was your diary? Your phone did not matter to you that much, neither did your clothes. It was not like you owned much to begin with. But that diary? That meant the world to you. Even after years of unsuccessful searching for your family, you never gave up. Because deep down, you knew you would come across them eventually.
Coming to a standing position, you dusted off the dirt that was on your clothes. A black car in the distance caught your attention. What was a car doing out here in the middle of nowhere? Maybe your kidnappers were driving it & brought you here? That thought let your heart race. Yet, you found yourself moving closer to the car. The closer you got, the more you could make out. Was that a ’67 Impala? Out here? And it looked like it was in great condition? If you had enough money you would buy a similar car & you sure would treat it the same way that the Impala’s owner did.
You risked a look inside the Impala, finding it relatively empty, but before you could spend much longer admiring it, you saw something silver in the corner of your eye. Was that a…door? Okay, yeah, you were definitely kidnapped. But not by professionals, that was for sure. Not the right time to joke? Okay, okay, right. Upon closer inspection, you noted that it was most likely a door to a bunker. Why you did not run right away, you were not sure. Something about this place felt like…home. Huh, weird. How could you be so anxious yet so at peace all at once? Only one way to find out. Oh boy, you would so regret this later.
Before you could think too much, your hand was moving towards the door, ready to push. Surprisingly, it was not locked. You had to push your entire weight against the door to keep it moving since it was so damn heavy. By now, your legs were moving on their own & all of a sudden you were standing inside a…bunker? There was not much to make out because your eyes had to adjust to the dark inside at first.
It sounded like footsteps were approaching fast but because of the echo in the bunker you could not quite tell where they were coming from. There was one thing you did notice, though, & it was the fact that there was more than one person coming your way. Fuck.
“HANDS IN THE AIR!” the click of a gun was followed after the loud voice. Obeying, you put your hands up even though you were sure nobody could see what you were doing anyway. It was still dark after all. Right this instance, light illuminated the room & you were stunned by how big the bunker was. Eyes wide, you looked around, only to find you were upstairs & the voice you heard was coming from beneath you. Gazing around, your eyes fell on two broad looking men, both of them pointing a gun at you. Fucking great. You should have run.
“DOWN. NOW.” the shorter one of the two yelled once again. Not wanting to mess with them, your legs moved towards the stairs & slowly you got down, not once letting your eyes move away from the man with the shorter hair. He seemed like the bigger threat. While the taller man looked scary as hell too, he held something behind his eyes that eased you a tiny bit more.
“Who are you & what are you doing here?” this time it was the taller man who spoke up & you had to take back your previous thought. He was scary as shit, especially with his voice sounding like he was up to no good.
“Um, I-I swear, I don’t know. I-“ but your attempts were cut short.
“Cut the bullshit right there. Did Chuck send you?”
“Chuck?” your eyebrows raised up, showing your genuine confusion.
“Dean, I don’t think she’s with Chuck.” the one with the longer hair mumbled. Dean? Huh. The name made you think of your lost diary again. You hoped you would find it eventually.
“Sit down & start talking.” he was not to be messed with so you followed both men further into the bunker until you reached a huge table. Choosing one of many chairs, you sat down but still eyed the guns that were no longer pointed at you but still very much a threat. The men each took a seat opposite of you, putting the guns on the table in front of them. At least they were not holding them anymore. You noticed you held your breath & again, started taking slower ones to calm yourself.
“I’m Sam & this is my brother Dean. We won’t hurt you, just…who are you?” what a coincidence. Brothers Sam & Dean. Were you dreaming? Of course, why did you not think of this sooner? It would make sense.
“My name’s (Y/N).” your voice was barely above a whisper & your eyes shot down to your lap, suddenly feeling small.
“(Y/N), okay. Well, (Y/N), um, why are you here?” Sam’s voice was a lot softer than at the beginning. Dean had not said anything else, he simply looked at you sternly, still thinking you were a threat. You did not even have weapons on you. Hell, you did not even know how to fight in the first place. But clearly they did not know that. Fuck it, if you were about to die then you could actually tell the truth, right? What did it matter? Your voice was quiet but loud enough so the boys could hear you.
“One moment I was reading through a dia- book & the next I wake up in the middle of nowhere with the worst headache ever. I saw the Impale parked outside & then found the door. I don’t know where I am, I don’t even know why I thought opening this damn door would be a good idea.” a slight chuckle was all you could muster right now. Hopefully they would believe you. When neither of them said anything for a few moments, you looked up & saw them eyeing each other, having a silent conversation.
“What book were you reading?” this time it was Dean but his voice was a lot kinder now. The boys knew you were not a supernatural being, the bunker was safe when it came to that & you would have not been able to enter otherwise. Yet, you were confused by his question? That was really all he cared about? Not the fact that you had no clue where you were or how you got here? Not wanting to anger him, you answered, looking him straight into the eyes.
“My dad’s diary. Nothing special, why?” a noise coming from the entrance made you look towards the door. There sure were quite a lot of people for being in the middle of nowhere. Your conversation was cut short when a voice spoke up.
“Sam! Dean! I salted & burned the bones! Case done! Well, Castiel helped me but he said he was proud of my work.” how could someone sound so excited about…burning bones? What the fuck?
“Jack did a good job today.” the other person spoke up. He was wearing a trench coat & his voice was deep, deeper than the others. Obviously, they had not noticed you yet but a look at Sam showed you how uncomfortable he was. At this point, you were more than confused. Salting & burning bones? Why did this sound familiar though? Shit. No way. Your dad’s diary was filled with salting & burning stuff. What was happening to you?
“Uh, guys…” Sam got up & approached the two men who were called Jack & Castiel. Somehow, your gaze fixed on the man in the trench coat. He looked good. Again, wrong timing, (Y/N). Get it together! Jack & Castiel saw you & their faces turned into confusion.
“Who’s that?” Jack asked, his voice did not scare you, he sounded sweet. He seemed like a kind person.
“Jack, Cas, this is (Y/N). She showed up in the bunker out of nowhere.” Dean eyed you once more before getting up himself. Frustration could be felt & you hated that you were the one causing it. Never was it your intention to cause trouble in their lives but it looked like you just did by opening that damn door.
“Could you all maybe sit down? It makes me nervous when you’re all pacing like that.” you were surprised by your own voice. Usually you were never one to intervene, especially not in a situation like this. But you were exhausted & all you wanted was just to get back to your motel & these were the only people who could help your right now. All eyes shot to you & to your surprise, they began walking towards the table. Sam & Dean, taking the seats opposite of you. Castiel sat down right next to you & you hated how your heart skipped a beat by this simple action. You did not even know this man, he could be a killer. Jack took the chair next to Castiel & Sam made it his job to explain your situation briefly. All you could do was listen, your hands fiddling in your lap, still somewhat anxious to be here.
“Cas? Isn’t there a way you could…I don’t know, check her memories?” Dean added right after Sam finished explaining. Your confused face shifted between the two men, not understanding a single word. How could a stranger help you with your memories?
“I could try. But I need your permission to do that.” while saying the last part, his eyes looked straight into your (Y/E/C) ones. Damn, his eyes. His head tilted slightly & it was only then when you registered that he had asked you a question & you simply stared at him.
“Um, permission for what?”
“To take a look at your memories & see what you remember. We could help you after that.” his voice was so casual, as if he had done this multiple times. To you, though, it sounded like he was crazy.
“Right. And you can do that because…?”
“Because I’m an angel of the Lord.” Castiel stated. A what of the what now? A short laugh escaped you. Not because you laughed at him but because you were shocked & confused.
“Cas…” Sam mumbled & put his head in his hands. That was something he had wanted to keep from you. He had a feeling you had no idea about the supernatural & he wanted to keep it like that.
“You can trust him, (Y/N).” Dean chimed in.
“Will it hurt?” not that you were scared of the pain, your pain tolerance was pretty high but on the other hand, he had just told you he was an angel.
“Only a little.” Cas gave you a reassuring smile & that was when you decided you would let him do it. Because, frankly, you did trust him. Even though he might have some sort of mental illness.
Sam, Dean & Jack left the room to give Castiel some time to prepare & to give you time to calm down. He could tell by the way your leg was bouncing that you were highly uncomfortable but he was not sure how to help. His idea was to get it done quickly & then to bring you back where you came from. Hopefully, you would not ask too many questions. He already gave too much away by saying he was an angel. Replaying your face when he had said it eased him a bit. You did not look convinced at all which was probably for the best.
“Try to breathe more evenly, it’ll help.” you could tell he was trying to make this easier for you but you just wanted to get it done.
“I’m ready, let’s do this, please.” the plea at the end was almost inaudible but Castiel could hear it anyway.
Your eyes closed as you saw Castiel approaching. His fingers touched your temples gently but the next thing you felt was a short but piercing pain shooting through your entire body. It only lasted a few seconds & the only words you could make out before you fell unconscious were “You’re a Winchester?”.
“What do you mean she’s a Winchester?” Dean asked with shock written all over his features.
“She’s related to us?” it was Sam, he took the information way better than his older brother.
“Your sister, to be exact.” Castiel paused briefly, waiting if one of the boys wanted to add anything. He took their silence as a sign of continuing. “Her father’s diary, the one she was reading before she got here, it was John’s.”
“Wait, wait, wait…WE have his diary. There’s no way she has it. Besides, we would know if we had a sister.” Dean gestured with his hands to get his point across. He had never seen you, you could not have stolen the book from them.
“You’re right. But in her world, she was the one owning it. In her world, you guys are her brothers.”
“In her world? What’s that supposed to mean?” Sam decided to join the conversation, now wanting answers himself.
“She’s from an alternate universe. I expect she was reading through a spell or something similar & somehow she got sucked into our reality. From what I’ve seen in her head, the portal closed itself behind her so if she has no idea how she opened it & got here…well, it could be hard to bring her back. Besides, I’m not so sure she wants to go back there…” Castiel’s voice got quieter at the end of his sentence.
“Why not?” Dean imagined himself in your situation & he would do anything to get back.
“It’s not really my place to tell, I believe.” & before Dean could argue any further, Jack came running into the room.
“(Y/N)’s awake.” to that everyone followed behind him to one of the many bedrooms the bunker had to offer.
You were tired but the pain had completely disappeared. No matter how hard you tried, you still could not remember how exactly you got here. The door creaked & you looked up to find Sam, Dean, Castiel & Jack entering the room. You were no longer scared. Probably because you were way too exhausted to care.
“So?” you spoke up after a few seconds of silence. Castiel stepped forward & took a seat at the end of the bed you were lying in. His ocean blue eyes looked you over, making sure you no longer were in any pain. You nodded at him to show you were fine & with that Castiel told you what he had seen. It was a lot to take in but your tired state simply made you nod at everything he explained.
“The thing is…We don’t know how to get you back.” Sam approached you slowly, took a seat in a chair next to your bed.
“Cas?” ignoring Sam’s statement, you only had one question on your mind. Back in your world, you had spent years looking for your family. For your brothers. The ones being in the same room with you right now. Also, when did you start calling Castiel by his nickname? When did that happen? His humming gave you enough confidence to continue.
“Are they alive back home?” you did not have to mention names for Castiel to know who you were referring to. His face turned into one of sadness & you knew the answer without him saying anything.
“I don’t wanna go back.” every ounce of uncertainty was gone, you knew it was fate that you were here with all of them now. The four men shared a look, having a silent conversation again. Dean nodded but left the room a second later.
“Don’t mind him, he just needs time to process.” Sam’s sympathetic smile relaxed you a bit. The bunker was nice, so was the fact that you practically met your brothers but you were not planning on staying with them. Dean’s reaction showed you why. They had lived their lives without knowing they had a sister. You, on the other hand, had known about your brothers for years & yet you did not feel the satisfaction you had so desperately hoped for after finally finding them.
“It’s fine, I’ll get going soon.” with that, you sat up straight & tried standing up. A wave of dizziness kept you from doing so. Castiel was at your side in an instant & guided you back down.
“You need to rest.” he told you.
“You’re not staying?” Jack’s voice erupted from the door. You had almost forgotten he was there too. Your eyes focused on him briefly before you looked back down again, a blush slowly making its way up  on your cheeks.
“It’s for the better. I’ll be fine.”
“(Y/N). You’re our sister. Doesn’t matter if you’re from here or from another world. You’re family. We just found each other, we won’t let you leave again.” Sam’s words made you tear up. He did not know you, yet he told you that you were family & he wanted you to stay. For the first time, you felt like you belonged somewhere & you were overthrown with emotions. Since Castiel was closest to you, he sat himself next to you, threw an arm over your shoulder & pulled you into his chest. Usually, you hated crying in front of people but right now you could not care less. Besides, being in Castiel’s embrace felt right. What was it about him? Neither of them left the room, all staying with you for as long as you needed. When you could not feel more tears flowing down your cheeks, you slowly removed yourself from Castiel, immediately missing the warmth of his body. If you were about to stay here, he would be trouble, you could feel it already. Sam, Castiel & Jack then left the room, telling you to get some more rest & to scream for one of them if you needed anything. Details could be discussed another time.
They were right, you needed sleep. Time to sort your thoughts. Maybe that was the reason why you entered the bunker in the first place. Why you were not concerned about them brutally killing you. After waking up, you were more comfortable with the idea of sticking around with the boys. Sam told you Dean would come around eventually & you just hoped he was right. Getting up, you paddled to the door, quietly opening it since you did not know how late it was. There was a long hallway that looked exactly the same, no matter what direction you were looking at. Distant voices could be heard so you followed them & prayed you would not get lost in that labyrinth of a bunker. You had to ask your brothers a question. Your brothers. It felt weird to call them that but they were, right? Back home, you had read through your dad’s diary about a thousand times. You were familiar with what he wrote about. He called himself a hunter. Sadly, you were not about to meet him. Castiel had told you that he had died a long time ago. Sam & Dean were the only family you had left.
“Um, hi.” you made yourself present & Dean turned around to meet your eyes. He looked a lot less tense, thank God.
“Slept well?” at least he was attempting to start a conversation with you. Nodding your head, you walked over to where Jack was sitting. Dean spoke up again.
“Hey, sorry for how I acted earlier. It was just a lot at once. I do want you to stay. We do.” he emphasized his words. This made you smile. At first you were not sure about how Dean would react but this showed you that he was trying & that was enough. Telling him it was fine, you sat down next to Jack & looked over at what he was reading. The book was old but the condition it was in was surprisingly well. A cup was placed in front of you by Dean & you thanked him. He brought you coffee.
“Where is Sam? I wanna ask you guys something.” feeling silly with how you put it, way more dramatic than it actually was.
“Right here.” Sam entered the room, walked past Dean & straight to you. A pat to your shoulder eased the tension a little.
“What is it?” Dean seated himself on top of the table.
“Okay, so…I just want you guys to be honest with me, okay?” both men nodded, Jack was lost in his book, he did not even hear you conversation. You continued.
“Monsters are real & you hunt them?” their eyes widened at your question but deep down they expected something like that. The diary you owned was filled with the supernatural.
“Yeah, we do. It’s kinda the family business.” Dean chuckled at the end. You were family but clearly you had never hunted any monster before.
“Okay.” was all you answered.
“Okay? That’s it? You’re not running outta the door?” Sam could not believe you. He expected you to freak out. On the other hand...you were a Winchester.
“I don’t know about you, Sam, but I let an angel of the Lord look into my head. Monsters don’t sound too crazy after this.” all of you laughed out. “So, you guys hunt the supernatural. Castiel is an angel? And Jack? What is he? Your trainee?” the mention of his name made Jack look at you & before the boys could answer your question, Jack decided to take matter into his own hands.
“I’m a nephilim. The offspring of a human & an angel. Lucifer is my father but not really, you know. My mother died when I was born but I have Sam, Dean & Cas. They are my family.” his smile was too pure for this world but the way he so casually talked about the fact that he was Lucifer’s son had you stunned.
“Sure.” was all you could manage at that point. Jack’s smile grew wider & he got back to reading.
“Welcome to our world? I guess?” Sam’s smile was faked but if you were honest, you could imagine yourself being thrown into this mess. Nothing you could not handle.
~a few months later~
“Guys? Have you seen Cas?” you came running into the kitchen where Sam & Dean were having breakfast.
“What? You boyfriend ditched you?” Dean teased & earned a slap from Sam. You simply rolled your eyes at him. Your brothers realized very soon after coming to them that you had a big crush on Cas & Dean loved to mess with you.
“Shut up, asshole. We’re about to leave for the case in Wisconsin but he’s not here.”
“I haven’t heard from him but come on, sit down & have breakfast with us.” Sam offered. You walked over to the boys & sat down next to Dean who handed you a cup of coffee right away. Your smile was a thank you enough.
“Seriously, though. When will you tell him?” Dean munched on his food, not even looking at you but you knew the question was directed at you.
“That we’re leaving for the case? He knows that, Dean.”
“That you like him.” scoffing could be heard. Sam enjoyed your banter in silence. That was one indicator that you were a their sister. After warming up to them, they found out you were actually a lot like Dean. This made you guys argue more often, never too severe, mainly siblings teasing each other.
“Right, & then we’ll have that apple pie life. Is that what you want? Dean, he doesn’t like me like that.”
“Yeah, he does. Poor dude is a mess whenever he talks to you.” again, you simply rolled your eyes at him. Yes, Cas could be awkward when you guys talked but then again, this was Cas.
“(Y/N)?” Cas came into the kitchen where he could hear voices. Immediately your head snapped up & a smile started forming. An action that did not go unnoticed by both, Sam & Dean. Neither mentioned it though.
“There you are, I got worried for a second.” you got up & pulled Cas into a hug. That was nothing special. The two of you hugged each other all the time. Another thing that Dean commented on a lot of the time. Apparently, Cas had never been much of a hugger before you had come around. You simply shrugged it off even though, deep down, your heart skipped a beat at the idea of you being the reason for his change.
“Jack needed to talk to me, I’m sorry.”
“No problem, are you ready?”
“Yes, we should get going anyway.”
“Alright, bye boys.” whenever one of you got ready for a hunt, you made sure to say goodbye properly. You never knew. The last few months, your brothers had helped you with the basics of hunting. If they were honest, it felt like you were born to be a hunter. You picked up the skills quickly & learned a lot about the supernatural in a very short time. Cas told you that it probably was because you were always meant to be here. After a while, you started believing him. At first, Sam & Dean told you you were not allowed to come on a hunt with them but after realizing that you were good at what you did, you became an inherent part of the team which you were grateful for. Now, they even let you leave with Cas, a big step forward.
“Your bag’s already in the trunk.” Cas pointed at the back of the car.
“Thanks, Cas.” you lovingly smiled at him. Yeah, you were totally into him. Cas stopped briefly & got closer to you. Yet, he made sure to keep a little bit of distance between the two of you.
“Why don’t you tell me?” he whispered & you felt like you could not breathe for a second. Had he heard your conversation with Dean earlier?
“W-What?” you hated how weak & nervous your voice sounded. Why could you not play it cool? Why did you have to make a fool out of yourself? Before you could even process what was happening, Cas slowly leaned in & pressed his lips to yours softly. You were too shocked to kiss him back, not knowing if it was really happening right now. Cas pulled back & he looked rather uncomfortable. Your face was still full of shock.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done this. Just…Dean told me you liked me & then I heard your conversation & I thought you might-“ you cut his rambling off by pulling him close again. This time you kissed him & he lost no time in kissing you back. You let yourself get lost in the moment. You had dreamed about this particular moment for months & the fact that it was happening right now? Your body was on fire. When the both of you pulled apart for air, you could see Cas’ smile & you were sure your were blushing like crazy.
“So, Dean was right?” Cas’ hands settled on your waist & it felt natural. As if you had done it a thousand times.
“Remind me to kill him after this case.” you laughed & pulled Cas into a hug. He tightened his arms around you. Who would have thought, all those months ago, that you would end up with an actual family?
“Wasn’t he our…how do you call it? Wingman?” Cas chuckled after planting a soft kiss on the top of your head. He released you from the hug & you moved over to the passenger side. Your elbows were propped up on the hood & a smirk started forming at the corner of your mouth.
“Still. I told him to keep it to himself & he is my brother. I think I have permission to kill him for this.” of course you were joking & if you had to be honest, you were kind of glad that Dean could not keep his mouth shut. Cas walked over to the car, shaking his head at you but you could still see a small smile, opened the door & got in. You smiled to yourself. Finally, you knew that Cas did like you too. Where you were going from there? You were not sure yet. But there was a case you had to finish & it would take a few days to get it done. That would be enough time to figure out what you two were but you had a good feeling about this. It felt right & you had a home with people you loved & cared for. You were meant to be here from the start.
~to be continued?~ (let me know)
Part Two
Published (03/18/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @teelagurl558, @babymango-writes, @hollymac79 (thanks for your support <3)
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jawabear · 4 years ago
Din Djarin NSFW Alphabet
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Not my GIF
A/N: Thank you for all the support on my last fic! it really didn’t deserve all those notes though.. But nonetheless, here is my NSFW alphabet for everyone's favourite Mandalorian (okay, maybe not everyone, but certainly mine). As with my other ones, my ideas and opinions may differ to yours and others so please be respectful of mine and others’ views of different characters. Enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: smut
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of sexual activities, no actual sex though, Pedro Pascal comes with his own warning 
Summary: An A-Z of Din Djarin’s bedroom antics...
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Din is a little awkward to begin with. He doesn’t really know what to do after sex. It’s usually you who ends up taking care of him after sex. But as time goes on and you end up having sex more often, he gets a little more comfortable.
And from this he will make sure you’re okay, not hurt or anything. He will ask if you need anything, if you’re thirsty or hungry. And then he will hold you until you fall asleep because he’s cute like that.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On him, he’s not really bothered. He hadn’t every really thought about himself in that regard. And plus being covered in armour doesn’t really aid him in his decision making. But if he had to choose, he’d probably say his hands. They’re useful for many things. Fighting, shooting, fixing, flying and fingering...
On you, because he’s a soft little boy, he’d go with your eyes. He is a strong believer in the concept of the eyes being the window to the soul. And with you that is very much the case. He loves to look into your eyes, he’ll get lost in them in seconds. But more sexual the loves your legs. Especially your thighs. He loves to stroke them and squeeze them. And he loves when they press against his head as he eats you out....
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
When he does come it’s quite an overwhelming amount to be honest. He doesn’t really like to come inside you (unless you specifically say) because there is a lot and always the chance of pregnancy and neither he nor you feel ready for that. Plus he feels like he’s dirtying you and he doesn’t want to ruin your perfect body.
But, he will do what you say. So, if you want him to come inside you, over you, whatever, he will.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Saying that though ^^ It’s fair to say that Din has a slight breeding kink. Slight being huge. It more to do with the fact that he does what to have a child with you. But also he would find it hot to fill you up completely.
He obviously hasn’t said anything but it’s hard to keep his thoughts at bay when you’re begging him to come inside you and you’re wrapping you legs around his waist to pull him closer to you...
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Din isn’t all that experience. He’s never really cared much about sex before he met you. He had done it once or twice in his life but he didn’t really care much for it, he didn’t really have the time. He was far to preoccupied with his bounty hunting work to find a suitable partner. So it was kind of down to you to teach him. But you didn’t really mind.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He loves the classic missionary position. It’s easy and enjoyable.
But he is also a huge fan of you being on top, riding him. He loves to have you take control. And it gives him a better opportunity to feel your body.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Certainly more serious. I don’t think Din is a very jokey person in or out of the bedroom. Sometimes you will try and make it a bit lighter but it doesn’t really work. Not that that’s a problem...
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Being covered head to toe in armour means that Din doesn’t really need to bother with his appearance both upstairs and down. So he’s not particularly tidy. But as you haven’t voice any complaints (quite the opposite actually) he hasn’t bothered to tidy himself up down there.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Din goes full romantic in bed. He will touch and feel every part of your body. He will caress and kiss every inch of your skin. He will make love to you. Because he has someone who loves him.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Personally, I don’t think he gets the same satisfaction from touching himself then he would from fucking you.
There are a few occasions in which he has got himself off to the thought of you. But I think he would only do it as a last resort.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He had a hidden (but massive) breeding kink as mentioned.
I don’t know if the blindfold thing really counts as one because he does it so you can’t see his face while he fucks you but if it counts then this is a big one.
Also biting. Din is quite possessive and wants to mark you as much as he possibly can so that everyone know you belong to the Mandalorian. Plus it helps in muffling his moans, one) so he can hear yours better, and 2) he gets a little shy and embarrassed at hearing his own...
Does dry-humping count? Because that too. A big one. Just something about it really gets him going, plus it saves him having to faff with getting all his armour off.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Inside somewhere he knows and trusts. So mainly his ship, in his bed.
Although, there is the rare occasion he will take you in the cockpit. He will sit in the pilots chair and you will ride him. That’s about the only other exception to his bed.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
To be honest, I think it would take quite a lot to get Din going. Being a little sexually naive, I think you’d have to really go out of your way to turn him on. Meaning therefore that it is mostly you who initiates sex.
But there is the odd occasion that he will suddenly be in the mood for it. And then he doesn’t really hold back...
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
I don’t think there’s a lot that he would do. At least in the early stages. He very much stuck to the basics because he found it enjoyable and he didn’t really need anything else. But when you started...let’s just say you were getting a little bored, you tried to coax him into branching out in his sexual preferences.
He would never hurt you. That was for certain. He doesn’t find tying you up to be all that appealing either, but if you really wanted him to do it he wouldn’t say no, he just perhaps wouldn’t enjoy it as much. He relates it too much to bounty hunting and he doesn’t think that’s a good mix, but you disagree.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He definitely prefers giving. Out of everything he’s done to you sexual, eating you out and fingering you has to be what he’s best at. Especially oral.
But he wouldn’t ever say no if you wanted to suck him off...in his pilots chair... because no one in their right mind would turn it down.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on his mood. Although, saying that, he doesn’t often take his bad mood out on you. It’s on those days (where a bounty has been particularly hard or frustrating) that he will be the one to initiate sex. And you certainly don’t complain. And it is also on those days where he is a little more rough and fast.
But most of the time he likes to take it slow. It is something he enjoys and something he wants to take his time in doing.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He isn’t a fan. He doesn’t find them enjoyable as much as he would taking his time.
They have happens a few times, but by accident. As in you were taking it slow but something would come up, beeping and blaring of alarms would start and he would have to go quick to finish because he didn’t want to just stop.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He probably would be once you both started to get a bit more comfortable and adventurous. It’s still a learning process for Din so it’s a gradual thing but he’s all about making you happy and fulfilled so he will try most things you suggest whether they be risky or not.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Din is a tiered man. Let him rest. Chances are he can really only go one round, but he knows this and makes it the best damn round you’ve ever had.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He certainly does not use them. (He probably doesn’t even know about a lot of them).
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He kind of is a tease but he kind of isn’t. It depends on the mood. It’s he is going fast then he’s more likely to tease to rile you up more, but more often then not he just lets things happen in the bedroom.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Din isn’t much of a talker. He’s very much the silent but deadly type and he’s mostly the same in bed too. He isn’t partially loud, but he’s also not particularly quiet either. He isn’t a constant moaner, but lets just say it’s very easy for you to know when you’re doing something right and making him feel good. Then he will be a bit louder.
But he gets a bit embarrassed at the noises and buries his head in your neck to silence himself despite you telling him you want to hear him.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He really really really wants to watch you get off. He’s heard you do it (not that you know that) and you sounded to be really enjoying yourself so he wants to watch you. And maybe learn a thing or two about how to properly touch you.
But yes, he really desperately wants to watch you touch yourself, maybe he’d touch himself too...
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I don’t think it’s a secret that he packing. He tries to act all cool about it saying things like “I’m not that big, am I?” But we all know he’s full of shit. He knows he’s that big. But to be fair, he hasn’t ever seen any other one so he doesn’t really have anything to compare it too.
But we all know that man is huge...
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s surprisingly low. Again, it depends on his mood or the day. He isn’t constantly in the mood for sex. Which he guessed made it more enjoyable.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Din finds it difficult to sleep for many reasons. But sex always seems to relax him enough he falls asleep almost instantly. Of course, after making sure you’re okay.
Which is why you will often fuck him after a long day just so he will sleep.
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fragranceman · 4 years ago
what makes the dsmp’s story stand out
Why the dsmp is so special and why it distinguishes itself amongst the insane amount of media that we could be consuming instead right now.
So basically, this is really obvious and simple and i think we all kinda know it without thinking about it but i still felt like writing it down because it’s super important to me.
The thing that makes this story stand out amongst so many others (apart from the fact that it’s a mc rp lmao) is that all the character’s are treated like people. What i mean by that is that they can’t be treated simply as ways to further the plot, they can’t just kill off characters in favor of contributing to some other character’s arc, they can’t have stuff like “manic pixie dream girls”. and that’s because each character IS a real person, if they tried that, if someone suggested that stuff someone in the discord call is gonna go “hey, what the fuck man, you can’t just kill me off like that”.
Each character is therefore special, none of them can be 2d because they are people, they all exist as people instead of being plot devices. There aren’t any extras (except arguably the guests like drista, lil nas x, etc) there aren’t really any side characters*, because it’s everyone’s story, all the characters have someone sitting there that actually care about them and are interested in making that character special, they won’t be neglected.
that’s also why, often the characters just… don’t fit in tropes. they don’t really exist the way normal character’s do, they don’t have this “purpose” that movie or books characters do, like hero, trainer, soft character that teaches the main character about love, comic-relief, or love-interests that’s only there for 3 chapters because they die for the mc to teach them about grief.
They’re only there as, themselves. They don’t fit in one trope because people don’t do that, there’s more to them then that, they’re complex. they’re closer, more similar to real people than anything that’s been made in a really long time, and that’s because they all have a person to take care of their little character. 
there was this really cool thinking written by @/mt-words which i’ll link here about techno not fitting in a trope and that possibly fucking with people’s expectation of his characters. i think the idea that we’re so used to getting the same tropes regurgitated back to us over and over again that we don’t know how to handle stuff that doesn’t fit in them is very funny (and also a bit sad). Like, has media really become THIS repetitive and unoriginal??? But i digress.
anyway, time for quick examples, i was watching the “healthy competition” stream from 07/26 and i noticed something cool. So basically c!wilbur asks c!ranboo to ”pick his brain” and then asks him a bunch of questions about his morals and they discuss his alignments and other similar stuff right? And we can see clearly that c!wilbur is completely baffled at the stuff c!ranboo is saying about him not disliking anyone and not really having any strong stances at all. he just genuinely doesn’t understand c!ranboo and can’t relate at all.
Yet 10 mins later, he’s pouring his heart out to him and more importantly he’s talking about how he feels like c!ranboo really gets him. Obviously they are super similar in lots of ways, like their paranoia and anxiety, how they’re both kinda people pleasers, etc.
the fact that they can be in complete agreement on a topic and be so similar in certain aspects while also being complete opposites and being genuinely confused at the stuff that’s coming out of the other’s mouth on other topics really shows how multifaceted the character’s are, how 3d and real they feel.
I’m going to be adding another example from a post i just read by @/shrugofmud here it is :). It’s basically about how c!jack and ghostbur are cool because they balance comedy and drama. I’m gonna talk more about c!jack here. basically he’s comedic relief and he leans into that role right? but he’s also so much more than that, the way he balances the jokes and the clear comedy of his plotline with the sadness and loneliest he clearly feels and let’s that seep through in his jokes. He’s more than one thing, he’s more than comedic-relief, he copes with humor and covers his desire for a sense of belonging and to be heard by a bitter hatred and desire for revenge on c!tommy.
They’re more than just one thing, they aren’t reduced to a trope or a key personality trait the way characters often are. there’s so much to them, different parts of their personality that work together to make a whole, like a person :)
I also believe this is why the fandom as so much character analysis material and just keeps going, but it’s also why there’s so much disagreement on the characters and their personalities, like “oh people are villanizing c!wilbur too much” or “people are reducing c!niki to her villain arc and turning it into a ‘girlboss moment’” or “people are making c!tubbo too soft”. the character’s are harder to write into fanfic properly or analyze because you have to take into account all the different subtleties of them.
some people chose to focus on certain aspects of the characters, aspects they find more interesting or aspects they relate to, while other’s chose to focus on other aspects, which causes a bit of confusion.
It’s what makes this story so original and cool to think about and make the character’s so fucking compelling. It’s what makes me sit down for 6 hours straight and watch VODs so i can better understand different characters, it’s what makes me excited for each lore stream. it’s how human they are, how real they feel.
And this is why i’m the biggest believer and will always push for STUFF CAN BE TWO THINGS!!
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jacks-jester · 4 years ago
 [Ledger!Joker x Reader]
Words: 3,123
Warnings: None?
Requested: Yes / No
Summary: You’re given the opportunity to reunite with your childhood sweetheart Jack, who now goes by the Joker. Is he the same mischievous boy you left behind, or is he the sadistic mass murderer the media portrays him as.
A/N~ This is sort of a sequel to my fic Longing? I will try getting to all my amazing requests soon, however I can’t promise anything. I’ve had some health complications due to my mental health and am trying to become healthy again. I’m getting back to where I need to be but some outside occurrence's are hindering that. I apologize to anyone I may have let down.
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Your life had been fairly mellow since the last time you’d seen Jack on the television, though the shock was still just as present. Jack was the person you had always considered to be the love of your life, he was always sweet and thoughtful when you two were together. He never raised his voice, never raised a hand, and never made you feel unloved. The person you had seen on that television was not the same person you had left in Gotham, Jack seemed somewhat deranged now, wreaking havoc on the entire city. Part of you understood his grievance, his actions mostly costing those in wealthy position, it was clear what he wanted - tear down the corrupt city and take down those in power. He risked innocent lives in the process however, and that was enough to scare you of the man you had once loved with your whole heart. You doubted he cared, doubted he even knew you were here in Gotham, why would he? You left him years ago- but that made you ask yourself, what if you got caught in one his schemes? What if you were in one of the ferries last week when he decided to have his own social experiment play out just to prove his point.
You were conflicted and confused to say the absolute least after you caught the last glimpse of the man you loved so much. From the brief snippets of gossip you’d overheard at work, he was now back in Arkham Asylum- though your coworkers argued that he most likely would be broken out before the week is out. Hearing about where he was had sparked something in you, the need to see Jack. You had hoped you’d bump into him after moving back, but seeing as he was the most wanted criminal in Gotham, it seemed beyond unlikely. With him being locked up, you had the chance to possibly see him again, get the urge out of your system before it consumed you entirely. You were unsure whether or not Arkham would let you see him, but you knew internally how upset you’d be if you didn’t at least try.
You had finished your typical 9 hour shift at The Gotham Zoo, working as the head of the exotic mammals department- the last being killed in an apparent incident with Killer Croc. You let out a shaky sigh as you took in the large gates standing in front of you, the words Arkham Asylum written atop in meticulous metalwork. Your head swiveled to the side when a buzzing sounded through the air, a voice emitting from a small intercom to the left of the large doors. “What can I help you with ma’am?” You turned to face the small camera and speaker, a soft yet nervous smile appearing across your lips as you responded, “I’m here to visit a patient. Are visiting hours still open?” You knew for certain hours of the day the asylum was on lower security, allowing visitors to certain inmates though deep down you knew the chances of seeing Jack were slim considering how high-class of a criminal he was.
“One hour left before visiting ours are over. I’ll open the gate now, enter to the first building on your left and they’ll sort out your visitation at the desk. If you have any weapons or contraband on your person, security will take the force needed to remove you from the premises, am I clear?”
Your eyes widened at the idea of sneaking in anything dangerous and you nodded in respond, “Yes sir. Thank you.” You turned away from the camera, instead focusing on the large metal gates that were now opening before you, giving you a clear view of the entire asylum. You walked nervously through the gates, several armed guards lining the courtyard as you headed towards the visitation desk. Once in the building you relaxed slightly, the security having frisked and questioned you at the door, all that was left was to attempt to get a visitation in for Jack. A kind looking elderly woman sat behind the bulky and outdated white computer that sat upon her desk, her acrylics tapping quickly upon the keys of her keyboard. It wasn’t until you cleared your throat to gain her attention that she finally looked up to you, readjusting her glasses before speaking up. 
“Good afternoon, what can I do for you?”
You smiled softly at her before forcing you words out, “I was hoping to visit an inmate today if possible? I’m not sure how your visitations work here so I’m kind of unprepared.”
She looked at you as if this was a regular occurrence for her, simply nodding with a smile, “Of course, is your inmate new? Seems like we get more and more everyday.”
“Um, no. From my understanding he’s been in here quite a few times, at least that's what I’ve heard.” 
“Alright dearie, and what’s the patients name?”
You in all honesty weren’t sure what name he was under in their systems, so you went with the one you’d been hearing the most recently. “The Joker?”
The woman stopped everything she was doing and looked at you with a perplexed expression. “The Joker?” She took a moment to recollect herself before shaking her head, “We can’t let anyone in unless they are someone personal to the Joker, family only I’m afraid. He’s too high risk to let anyone but family see him.” You looked at her with confusion for a moment before replying with an unwavering voice, “I’m his fiancé, please.” She looked you up and down for a second before flicking her eyes to her computer screen. She knew nobody but someone truly close to the Joker would know his name, even his closest henchman didn’t know his name from what the GCPD had said. The hospital however, had his blood work and files from his youth at Gotham general, his name was in their files. “What’s the patients name?” 
You looked at her with a soft smile and replied quickly and short, “Jack. Jack Napier. Please, I just recently moved back here and just learned of this whole Joker business. I need to see him.” She let out a sigh and nodded, “You pass the routine check for relatives and associates, I have to give you a warning though. You’ll have to sign this contract, it means no matter what happens between you and the patient during visitation, Arkham Asylum is not responsible for what happens. This includes bodily harm, serious injuries, trauma, and death.” You only nodded and signed the form, “Can I see him now?”
Your heart was racing at the thought of seeing him again, though you couldn’t deny the dread that bubbled up inside of you at the prospect of coming face to face with someone unrecognizable. You wanted to maintain your positive image of Jack, the image of that charming school boy who never failed to sweep you off your feet, the boy who got into fights when he saw someone even look at you off, who never failed to make you fall deeper into love with him every time his lips met yours. The daunting reality that the boy you had fallen in love with all those years ago could be a thing of the past, a new darkness enveloping the person you cherished so deeply.
After the woman had made a phone call notifying guards of the visitation, you were escorted by two security men to one of the higher levels in the institution. The higher you rose, the more loud and prominent the screams of patients became- it was as though you were ascending into the madness itself as the elevator rose higher and higher. You ended up getting off at level 5 of the large building, the security taking you to a large metal door with a closed peep slot. The larger of the two guards turns to you while the other works on unlocked the door, “You have 30 minutes before we come in to get you. The door will remain locked for the entirety of those thirty minutes. Do you understand?” You nodded shakily in response before turning to enter the room as the door was swung open, creaking eerily as it shut behind you.
You remained silent as you took in the sight in front of you, it was him, no doubt about it. His head was bowed, looking down at his cuffed hands, completely ignoring your presence in the room. He was exactly the same as when you had left, well almost with a few exceptions. His hair was wavy and shoulder length, freshly washed, and the almond brown color you remembered so distinctly, though a few blotchy patches of green remained- long nights spent in each others arms as your fingers combed through that exact head of hair. You couldn’t see his eyes due to his gaze facing downwards but you could only guess they were the same honey color as before, green specks littering the dark brown ring on the outside of his iris, though you had to wonder if they held the same kindness, love, and mischief as before. He occupied one of the two chairs inside the room, a table dividing the two seats, and his body was in the typical white uniform you had seen the other patients wearing around the hospital.
You were taken out of your own mind when you heard a breathy laugh escape the man sitting before you, his head still bowed. “I have to give it to you, a lot of people have tried to get past security to see me and so far you’re the only one to have done it without shooting a few people along the way. So what do you want? Money? Power? Everything comes with a price, nothing comes for free.” You made your way slowly towards him, pulling out the chair and taking a seat opposite of his larger figure. “I was just hoping to see you.” You could hear the almost silent intake of breath he made before raising his head, those all too familiar brown eyes meeting you e/c ones. He silently stared at you, and as much as you hated to admit it, for the first time ever you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “Long time no see Jack.”
You watched as his eyes darkened ever so slightly, his lips twisting into a deep-set frown as he took in your words. “What are you doing here?” His words surprised you, they were laced with what seemed to frustration and disbelief. You weren’t expecting a warm reception after learning of his new career, but you expected him to at least show some sliver of recognition. “I’m sorry?” His voice growled out his words again, his words a low tone as if biting back anger. “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you. I missed you Jack. I heard you were in Arkham while at work and figured I was most likely to see you if I came in for visitation, it didn’t seem likely for me to just bump into you like I’d hoped I would.” Joker looked you up and down and clicked his tongue in annoyance, “You shouldn’t have come bac to Gotham doll, it’s not safe anymore. I told you not to come back after you moved away.” You rolled your eyes at his words, he was talking to you like you were a child. “Yeah, well you also said you would get out of here soon after me. Looks that means we both didn’t hold up to each others expectations.” Your gaze flicked from looking at him to your hands which were fiddling nervously in your lap. “What are you doing Jack?” 
The man sitting before you let out one of his signature cackles at your question, “What do you mean?” You let out a sigh, your eyebrows knitting together in frustration. “You’re killing people, destroying the city, wreaking havoc. What is it all for? What do you gain?” Jack shrugged his shoulder lightly, his gaze meeting yours silently. “Because it’s not boring, and those I despise are being taken down like flies.” Your hand subconsciously reached across the table, interlocking tightly with Jacks own handcuffed one. “Why not leave? You clearly have the opportunity and funds to, why not build a life away from here. I know you probably already have a plan to escape from here given your history. Why not start a new life away from all this devastation and death? Like we had planned? Away from the violence and corruption.”
Jacks thumb had subconsciously began running soothingly across the top of your hand, an old habit he had when you two were together in your youth. “I have mission here doll, the chaos is fair and that's what Gotham deserves.” You let out a sigh and gazed into the honey pools that were his eyes. “Gotham deserves to burn, but you don’t need to be a part of it. I came back here hoping to find you, start where we left off, get back the years I lost when I moved. Run away, please Jack.”
Jacks hand released from your and beckoned you over to where he was sitting, and without a second thought you complied, standing to walk over to him. He raised his cuffs into the air, allowing you to take a seat on top of his lap, the cuffs lowering, trapping your body near his. You instinctively leant against his strong form, your head hidden in the crook of his neck while his arms held you tightly against him. He smelt the same as odd as that was: vanilla, greasepaint, fir, and the slightest scent of cigarettes and gunpowder. “I can’t leave, I have a lot of big plans and unfinished business to attend to doll.” You could feel a small piece of you shatter at his words. You were so close to him, so close to the future you’d be dreaming of, a one where you and Jack could go back to the way things were all those years ago. 
“Please don’t hurt me like this- not again. Please Jack. I’ve missed you, more than you could even begin to comprehend. I need you in my life.” You felt a hum pass through his throat as he soaked in your words. This was the side of him you knew, the side you remembered so fondly. He was caring, a bit rough around the edges, and loyal beyond measure- this was the side of him most people wouldn’t believe existed due to his public history of violence and insanity. But to you, this wasn’t the Joker. This was Jack Napier, the boy you grew up with, your first relationship, your first, your first heartbreak, your first everything. To you, Jack had always been everything. He was your past, present, and future. The idea of having a future without him absolutely devastated you, you wanting nothing more than love him completely. 
You felt a rumbling groan escape from Jacks throat as he soaked in your words. “The things you do to me doll.” He licked his lips quickly, his teeth chewing on the inside of his scars afterwards as if thinking through what he was going to say. You pulled back from his neck and instead rested your hand on his shoulder, your eyes looking deeply into his. “Please Jack, don’t leave me alone again.” His eyes seemed stoic as he looked to you, “Doll, I’m not the Jack you knew anymore you have to realize that.” You nodded in response, your eyes not leaving his, “But you are, your actions and words are proving that to me. If you were cold, sadistic, and blood thirsty like the news makes you out to be, then why did you welcome me into your arms so easily. Why haven’t you attacked me? Yelled at me? Why haven’t you pushed me away? Why do I see the same spark mischief in your eyes that I did when we first met in third grade. Why do you still show the same compassion and care you’ve always showed me. You held my hand the way you always did late nights when we’d stargaze on your apartment roof. You’re changed but you’re still my Jack, even if nobody else sees it. Sure you have a few more scars than when I left, and your eyes hold a new darkness to them, but that hasn’t changed you, not where it counts.” Your hand made its way up to his cheeks, your fingers carefully brushing against his mangled cheeks, your eyes holding all the love in the world as you gazed upon the all to familiar man who sat in front of you.
“When you break out, please find me. I live on South 102nd street in the old Bowers building, third floor, fourth window to right from the street, right near the fire escape. Please just come home, even if it’s just for a little. I need you Jack.” He didn’t respond, only leaned forward and captured your lips with his own, your eyes immediately closing instinctually as your body pressed flush against his. He never had been one to profess his love, even when he was younger. You’d come to learn his love language was that of physical reaffirmation, showing you rather than telling. Jack always did feel that actions spoke louder than words, the physical aspect reaffirming his feelings more than words ever could. You knew this was his way of agreeing, of reciprocating your words. He needed you, he missed you, he loved you. You didn’t need him to say those words aloud for you to know- the kiss told you everything you needed to know. 
The two of you parted just as the door creaked open signaling that your visitation was over. A voice boomed from across the room, the voice of one of the security guards from earlier. “Times up, come on.” You laid a quick kiss to Jacks lips before whispering quickly in his ear, “I’ll see you soon love.” He hummed in response, showing you he heard you and acknowledged your parting words. You cast one final glance at him as you were lead out of the room by the guard. For the first time since moving to Gotham, you felt some hope for the future, your future with Jack. It wasn’t going to be the one you’d imagined, but any future with him in it was worth it in your eyes. He was yours, and you were his. That's all you need to feel secure.
Time: 2 hours 2 minutes 26
This was not grammar checked or proof read before posting.
Final Note: I’m not very happy with how I portrayed Jack in this or how it turned out. But hey, at least I wrote something down. Maybe I’ll rewrite it at some point, maybe not.
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