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smoky-lucine · 3 months ago
Close Call
Little sister!Reader
After a close call during a hunt, The Winchester brothers panic as Castiel heals you.
Injuries, angst
My second fic :) I'm still trying to get the hang of writing but hopefully you all enjoy :)
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You and the boys have been working on a case dealing with werewolves. You managed to catch one and kill it, and he confessed there is a whole pack in town and now you need to find the rest of them. You and Sam stayed in the motel and studied up on werewolves while Dean and Cas went out to the recent attacks around the town.
You didn’t get a lot of sleep the last few nights, as the werewolf attacks were happening faster and faster, and the four of you have been out every night on watch for any leads. Sam nudges your shoulder, and your chin slips off your hand and you jolt awake.
“Everything alright?” Sam asks while he shuts the book you fell asleep reading and sits down next to you.
“I’m okay, just tired from being out so late last night.” You say, rubbing your eyes.
Dean calls Sam and he gives you a gentle smile before he answers the phone and puts the call on speaker.
“Hey Dean, did you find anything?”
“Yeah. One of the Officers was a werewolf. He told us where they’re all staying before we took him out. We’re gonna hit it tonight alright?” Dean explains and you hear Castiel in the background ordering food for the three of you.
“Sounds good to me. Did he say how many of them are staying there?” You reply
“Nope. By the looks of how many attacks there's been, I don’t think it would be more than 7 or 8.” Dean says confidently.
Sam keeps talking about the case with Dean and you start getting silver bullets and knives ready for the hunt.
Later that night the four of you are on the way to the werewolves hiding house in the Impala. Sam and Dean are having their own conversation in the front while you and Castiel talk in the back.
“Have you ever hunted werewolves before?” You ask Cas.
“A few times yes. Angels don’t usually deal with them. Have you?”
“Occasionally yeah. I haven’t seen them in a while though, not since we still hunted with dad.” You say looking away. You didn’t like talking about your dad anymore, nobody really did. “I haven’t practiced my shooting in a bit too.”
“I’m sure we got it kid.” Dean says to you looking in the rear view mirror. “It’s gonna be a small pack. It’s gonna be in and out.”
You give him a smile. You turn to yawn and look out the window for the rest of the ride.
The four of you get ready and watch the house waiting for Dean to decide when to go in.
“Alright. Sam and Cas you two go in the side door, Y/N and I will go through the front.”
You look at Dean surprised. He normally chooses Sam when splitting up and it would make sense here too.
“Are you sure Dean?” You ask him nervously. “Yes, I’m sure. Do you not want to go in? What’s wrong?” Sam looks at you knowing you're tired, but he knows you don't want to tell the truth to Dean.
“No, it’s okay.” You say quietly, walking away a bit and focusing back on the house. Everybody does one last look at each other before splitting up and breaking into the house.
Dean kicks the door down and you both run in aiming separate ways. You hear Dean shoot a werewolf down and he turns to check on you in the now empty room. You can hear the other wolves in the house warning the others and running to defend against the four of you. You run up to the doorway, calling it clear and Dean runs into the kitchen with you following.
Making your way through the house, you and Dean each take down a few werewolves, and eventually meet up with Sam and Cas. The upstairs is still loud with werewolves running and escaping. You all say how many you took down and quickly realize there are at least triple the number of werewolves than Dean previously thought.
“But that doesn’t make sense. How can there be so many??” He says reloading his gun and looking around the room.
You responded “The attacks were happening faster and faster. I guess they don’t want to be careful anymore.” You focus on reloading your gun when you hear a growl.
You turn and see a werewolf sprinting at you and tackles you, losing all air in your lungs and dropping your gun. It claws at your stomach, leaving a huge gash. You quickly start seeing stars and your vision starts clouding, black slowly starting to take over. Coughing and screaming out you hear multiple gunshots and the werewolf dying.
Sam and Dean run up to you, eyes shocked at your injury.
“She’s really hurt.” Sam says, tearing up trying to get your eyes to focus.
“Sammy we gotta get her out of here.” Dean says loudly and begins to pick you up, flinching when he hears you cry out in pain. “There’s too many wolves here we need to leave.”
Dean runs as quickly as possible to Baby, putting you in the backseat. He throws the keys to Sam and yells "Drive!!” Castiel gets in the passenger seat and Sam runs to the driver’s seat and quickly starts the car, driving away from the house.
Dean holds you in the backseat trying to keep himself composed as he talks to you. “It’s okay Y/N. It’s gonna be okay alright? I’m so sorry I should’ve paid more attention. Look at me Y/N, open your eyes.” He begins to panic and yells at Sam to drive faster.
“We need to get far enough away; Cas needs to heal her.” Sam says speeding down the road.
You slip in and out of consciousness and wake up to Dean crying over you, and Sam and Cas yelling in worry. The three boys can’t stand hearing you scream in pain. You pass out and when the car is suddenly silent, Sam pulls over quickly as he and Castiel rush out of the car to reach you in the back seat.
“Cas, heal her.” Dean says solely focused on holding you still. Sam holds your hand as Castiel puts his hand on your stomach. His hand emits a bright white glow and Sam and Dean look away.
You wake up in the motel room. You look around at the quiet room and see Castiel in the corner staring at you.
“You're awake.” He says walking up to you. “I healed you. You’ve been asleep for a couple days, Sam finally got Dean to leave and eat.” You lift your shirt and there isn't a single scratch on your abdomen.
Castiel helps you sit up and hands you a bottle of water. “Your physical injuries are healed, but your body is tired. I could tell you haven’t slept in a few days.”
You drink the water and hand it back to Castiel. “Yeah, those night watches have been pretty hard. I appreciate you healing me and staying with me.” You give him a small smile and he gives you one in return and lets you rest longer.
Sam and Dean come home and seeing you sitting up in bed they run up to you. Dean hugs you tightly and when you yelp in surprise he lets go, scared you were somehow still injured. “Kid, I was so scared. I thought we lost you.” he says kneeling beside the bed, looking at you.
Sam gives you a big hug before climbing into the other side of the bed and letting you lean into his side. “It was really scary Y/N. I’m so relieved we got you healed in time.”
“I’m really sorry guys.” You say tearing up. “I haven’t slept in days, and I really wanted to help fight them, but I know I should’ve stayed back.”
Dean grabs your hand, “Y/N this isn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have put that pressure on you, and I should’ve stuck to the plan. Please don’t blame yourself.”
You all sit there quietly talking to each other until you slowly fall asleep and get more rest.
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winchesterdefender · 6 months ago
And Then There Were Three | Winchester Sister I
Summary - A baby shows up on the Winchester's doorstep, and their entire lives change.
Pairings/characters - John Winchester, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Meg Winchester (OFC), Sam & Dean Winchester x little sister, John Winchester x daughter
Warnings - very mild cursing, John Winchester
Language - English (British)
Word Count - 3,096
Notes - This is the first instalment of the Winchester Sister series featuring my OFC Meg Winchester! Please be kind <3
Credits - dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
UPDATE - I have moved my writing to @winniewritesstories to make my writing easier to find than on this mess of a blog! I won't be taking this down but all future writing (for Meg and reader inserts) will be there!
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Dean Winchester was strong. He was brave, and fierce. He fought monsters - has done his whole life, as long as he can remember. He liked to think he was unbreakable, invincible. The hits kept coming, and he kept taking them. Fear, pain, worry - he pushed it all down, kept it locked away. In some ways, he had a heart of ice. He never broke.
Dean Winchester was strong.
And then one day, just before he turned nineteen, a baby appeared on a motel doorstep. A baby who wasn't his, but was. Would always be. A baby in a pram, with a note addressed to John Winchester, a note that eased the fears this baby was his, but it would be his, really. John Winchester was never a father. Not to him, not to Sam, and therefore not to this baby.
It was early October, and already Maine was cold. Dean's breath clouded in front of him in the cool, dark night. A glance around the parking lot revealed nobody, no cars, nothing to indicate where this baby had come from. His first instinct was to bring the baby in from the cold, and he did, careful to fix the salt line the wheels of the pram disturbed.
The first thing that struck Dean was that this kid was definitely a Winchester. They were a carbon copy of baby Sammy, same little button nose and eyes, barely any hair gracing their head. A memory tugged at the corners of his mind, four years old and holding Sammy for the first time, his mom supporting Sam's head while dad took a picture. Still a kid with two parents but keenly aware of his responsibility, of how his centre of gravity had shifted from himself to his baby brother.
But his mom wasn't here now and Dean would have to support this baby's head on his own. And his dad hadn't taken pictures of his kids since Mary died. So his centre of gravity shifted again to the baby in the pram. Another of John Winchester's kids for Dean to raise. Part of him was angry, part of him defeated. Sammy was fourteen, able to look after himself now. Dean didn't have to worry about him in the same way - Sam fed himself, did his homework, all that crap. Dean had almost been free.
But he couldn't blame the baby. He didn't. It didn't ask for this. Didn't understand anything. Dean reached a hand down, pulled the little yellow blanket away from their face. It was small, smaller than Sammy had been, and not just because Dean was grown now and over six foot. Small in a way that told him this baby was young. Small in a way that put fear into him. Small in a way that made him desperate to protect them from the horrors and cruelty of their world.
He felt sick knowing he could never protect them from that. From their lives. This baby was a Winchester, which basically meant it was fucked.
The bathroom door opened, and Sam walked out.
"What is that?" he asks, damp hair curling against his forehead.
"A baby," Dean replies, still looking down at them.
"A what?" Sam asks incredulously, crossing the room to stand by his brother. He looked down and saw there was, in fact, a baby. "The hell did this come from?"
"Was on the doorstep. Came with this." Dean said, handing Sam the unopened letter addressed to their father.
"It's dad's?" Sam was having a hard time digesting all this. He had to admit, his first thought was it was Dean's. "Where even is he?"
"Bar, I think. Reckon he knows about it?"
"If he knew he had another kid out there, don't ya think he would've mentioned it?"
"Yeah, 'cos Dad's a real open book." Dean replied. Sam turned the envelope over and made to open. "What're you doing? Don't do that, is addressed to Dad."
"Figured this might give us some answers. Maybe a name for the mystery baby."
Dean snatched the letter from his brother. "We ain't reading this til Dad has."
"Is Dad dating anyone?" Sam asked. "He's never mentioned anyone."
Dean shrugged a shoulder. "Doubt Dad dates. Probably a one time thing."
"And after he gave me the safe sex talk. Hypocrite." Sam said. Dean shot him a pointed look but didn't say anything. After all, Sam wasn't wrong. Dean'd received the John Winchester safe sex talk, too (an uncomfortable memory).
As if summoned, the rumble of the Impala's engine and the beams of her headlights signalled their father's arrival. The brothers exchanged a look, knowing that a mystery baby showing up on their doorstep would not go down well with John Winchester. Dean didn’t know why, but he positioned himself in front of the pram, standing between the baby and the door John would walk through. Sam copied him.
The door opened and John walked in, stepping over the salt line. He nodded his head towards his sons, locking the door and shrugging off his leather jacket. He turned around; neither Sam nor Dean had moved, or even said anything.
"What?" he asked gruffly.
"Um, so something kinda... turned up. For you." Dean started. John cocked an eyebrow.
"This ain't exactly our forwarding address. What is it and how'd it get here?" John asked, heading to the fridge for a beer.
"Well... it's..." Dean figured it was easier to just show him, so he stepped to the side and motioned for Sam to do the same.
John nearly dropped his beer. He immediately fixed his gaze on Dean.
"What did you do?" he asked. Dean sighed. Why'd everyone assume it was his?
"It's yours," Sam said bluntly, taking the letter from Dean's hand and holding it out for him. "Showed up on the doorstep with this."
This time John did drop his beer.
The bottle smashed on the floor, glass and alcohol flying everywhere. The sudden noise startled the baby awake, and they promptly burst out crying. John reached for the letter, Sam for a broom, which left Dean with the baby.
He gently lifted them out of the pram, careful of their head. The yellow blanket fell away slightly, revealing a light pink romper underneath. Presumably a girl then. A little sister. Dean rocked them gently, the way he remembers his mother doing with Sam, quietly shushing to calm her down.
In his arms, he was again struck by how small she was. He held her easily in just two hands, one under her head, the other on her back. She opened her eyes then, wide and blue like all babies, taking in the motel room around them before settling on Dean's face.
"Hello, you," he whispered, unable to keep the smile off his face. "I'm your big brother." His heart clenched in his chest as he held her.
"What's the letter say?" Sam asks, knelt on the floor to pick up the glass. John was staring intently at the letter in his hands.
"It's from her mother. Says she can't look after a baby. Too young."
"Jesus, Dad. How young?" Sam asks. Dean groans inwardly. Not the time for this, Sam.
"What the hell are you trying to ask?" John fired back. "She was early twenties. Drinking age, anyway. I don't know why the hell she'd think I'm any more capable of this than she would be. How the hell'd she even find us?" Sam and Dean both shrugged. How were they to know?
"What's her name?" Dean asked, still swaying gently back and forth.
"Amanda something. Don't really remember, to be honest. It was two nights. The sex was alright, nothing special. Didn't exchange numbers."
Sam and Dean cringed. They did not need details.
"I meant the baby, Dad." Dean replied. John at least had the decency to look a little embarrassed.
"Right, of course. Says here..." He scanned the letter. "Margaret." Dean screwed up his nose. That's an old lady name. His little sister was going to be cool, and that couldn't happen with a name like Margaret.
"That's a terrible name for a baby," Dean said aloud, looking down at her. "She doesn't look like a Margaret."
"Meg March was actually a Margaret," Sam said. John and Dean looked at him, perplexed. "Little Women? Louisa May Alcott?" More blank stares. Sam just rolled his eyes.
"Meg." Dean repeats, squinting his eyes at the baby. It fit. "Meg Winchester."
"It doesn't matter what she's called," John said. "We ain't keeping it." Dean's head snapped up.
"What?" Dean asked incredulously.
"How the hell are we going to look after a baby, Dean?" John asked. "We don't have a house, or any baby supplies. We're always on the move. We're hunters, not nannies. I spent two nights with a woman a year ago and then a baby appears. Kid's probably not even mine anyway. We'll take her to a fire station or something."
Dean couldn't believe what he was hearing. They'd managed before. Sammy had been but six months old when they started hunting, and Dean - though he tried - hadn't been able to help out as much as he could now. This baby was family. Family is everything to the Winchester's.
"Course she's yours, Dad, look at her! She's a spitting image of Sammy as a baby. Besides, Sam was a baby and we raised him on the road. You can't just abandon her." Dean cried out.
"Maybe Dad is right, Dean. She'd be better off with a family - "
"We're her family! The three of us."
"A real family, with a mom, a dad, a house. She'd be normal, Dean, safe. We can't give her any of that!" Sam replied. True, he was projecting his own dreams onto a baby, but he had a valid point, or so he thought. All Dean heard, however, was that Sam didn't believe they were a real family.
"We are a real family, Sam. Just because we don't have a white picket fence, don't mean we ain't a real family. Besides, you really want this kid growing up in the system? Anything could happen to her!"
"Anything could happen to her here, Dean! All it takes is - is a spirit, or a pissed off monster out for revenge, and she-"
"But we can protect her from that. You think some civilian family would keep her safe if a monster decided to get revenge, Sammy? You have know idea what happens in the foster system. She could be abused, or trafficked, or-"
"Enough!" John snapped loudly, startling the baby again. He couldn't hear himself think. And he did need to think, long and hard, about what was best for them, and for the baby. Sam made a good point, of course, and God knows John's not equipped to look after a baby. But Dean was right, too. Anything could happen to her out there. "Sam, get me a beer."
Sam sighed but did as he was told. John walked over to Dean, who was gently rocking the baby to settle her after John's outburst. He looked at the baby for the first time, really looked at her. Dean was right; she was a carbon copy of baby Sam. And she was cute, too. Dean, admittedly, had been a funny looking baby, especially as a newborn, a squished face and large head he eventually grew into. But this baby - Meg, he reminded himself - was sweet looking, almost doll-like, with her pouty pink lips and button nose.
He and Mary had never talked about more kids - Sam had only been a baby when she died - but he'd always imagined them having one or two more, and he'd always wanted a little girl. Mary had, too, he had no doubt.
But Mary wasn't here, and this wasn't her baby. Part of him felt guilty, as though he'd been unfaithful, despite the fact she'd been dead almost fifteen years. John thought of his own father then, Henry, who'd taken off when John was only four, leaving him and his mother on their own. Even all these years later, he still felt bitter about it - bitter and hurt. Of course it hurt, knowing your own father didn't want you and took off into the night. And that's what he was about to do to this little girl. Her mother had already bailed. John was all she had left.
John, and his boys. Sam had kept his distance, almost wary of the baby in Dean's arms, but Dean - he was whipped. That was the only word for it. He was smiling softly down at her, cooing gently to soothe her. Deep down, John knew Dean would end up doing more for this baby than he ever could. But maybe that was a good thing. Dean wouldn't make the mistakes John did. Wouldn't leave her alone like he did, leave her to raise herself.
The guilt twisted in his gut like a knife, but he knew what he had to do.
"We'll keep her. It'll be safest for her. We'll... we'll make it work somehow. We'll have to." John said, placing a large, calloused hand gently on his daughter's head. Dean looked up at him with Mary's green eyes, raw hope etched onto his face.
"Yeah?" He asked softly. John nodded once, clapping his eldest son gently on the shoulder. Sam handed him a beer, then stood on Dean's other side.
"Can I hold her?" Sam asked. Dean looked reluctant to let her go.
"Be careful. She's really small and can't hold her head up on her own yet, so make sure you support it. Don't drop her, for God's sake." Dean rambled on as he gently shifted the infant into Sam's open arms, already fretting like a mother hen. John smiled softly at his children - all three of them.
Sam smiled at the baby, rocking her gently the way Dean had. "Hi, Meg. I'm gonna be your favourite big brother." He said. Dean rolled his eyes.
"No way, Sammy. I'm already her favourite."
"That's crap, she doesn't speak, can't even smile. You don't know that."
"Sure she can, she smiled at me just now."
"Yeah, that was gas, Dean. She farted on you." Sam replied, and Dean's smile faltered.
"Speaking of," Dean said, changing the conversation abruptly. "We're gonna need supplies. Diapers, a car seat, formula."
John nodded, moving to the pram that Meg had turned up in. There was a bag in the basket underneath the bassinet. John leafed through it quickly. "There's some stuff here," he said, holding up a muslin cloth and some diapers. "Enough for tonight, at least. We'll find somewhere in town tomorrow that sells baby stuff. Maybe pick up a book, too."
"A baby book?" Sam asked. "Why'd you need that?"
"It's been a long time since I did any of this, Sammy. Besides, I didn't do it on my own before, I was working a lot. Your mom... your mom looked after you guys most. Did all the hard stuff." John admitted quietly. The room fell into reverent silence the way it always did when someone brought up Mary. Sam didn't point out that he'd still been a baby when she died, and John had raised him for most of life alone. It didn't seem like the time. But a book seemed overboard, in Sam's opinion. How hard could a baby be?
Only a minute or so later, Sam's question was answered. Meg began fussing in his arms, quietly at first, but getting louder despite Sam's gentle shushing and swaying. When her cries turned to wails, he looked up at his father and brother, panic in his eyes. "I think I broke her."
It was Dean that stepped forward, plucking the baby from his arms. "You didn't break her," he assured Sam. John stepped up too, looking down at the infant whose fist she was trying to squeeze into her mouth.
"See how she's sucking her hand?" John spoke quietly. "Mean's she's hungry. C'mon Sam, I'll show you how to make a bottle. If I can work it out, that is."
Sam and John stepped away to prepare the formula. Dean watched them as he swayed the baby. "It's okay, princess. Daddy and Sammy will get you some food."
Dean watched his father, usually so confident and self assured in everything he did, falter at almost every step. Checking the instructions on the formula, then checking again. Rinsing a bottle and filling it with hot water. Hands hesitant, unsure of what they were doing. Hands that could assemble a shot gun in under a minute, but seemed to tremble as he shook the bottle. Testing the temperature on his palm, his wrist, then his wrist again. He had no idea how warm it should be.
Although it was strange to see John so unsteady, Dean found it strangely... comforting. Humanising, perhaps. He pictured briefly John doing the same thing for him as a baby, the unsure hands of a first time father. Pictured his mom along side, walking him through each step.
John handed the formula to Dean. "You gonna do it?" he asked. Dean nodded. He didn't want to relinquish the baby, even though John hadn't even held her yet. Although, he'd made no move to hold her either. John talked him through it, how to hold the bottle, at what angle, as best he could remember.
Dean paced slowly around the small living space of their motel room with his sister in his arms. Sam had pulled out some homework, John writing something in his journal, beer in hand. But for Dean, it was just him and his sister in the world. Hell, his sister was his world now.
Dean Winchester was strong.
But he could feel his heart thawing out for the baby in his arms. He knew he needed to be strong for her, yet he'd never felt so weak. The fear of what could happen to her, the need to keep her safe, was almost overwhelming. Was this parenthood?
The love, too, he supposed was overwhelming. The kind that made his heart clench, made him want to fix the world for her and burn it down at the same time. The kind he'd kill and die for.
And somehow, despite everything he'd seen and done in only eighteen years, this was the scariest thing he'd encountered to date. He kept it together for her. He was strong. He had to be.
He's Dean Winchester.
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this-blog-needs-a-name · 2 months ago
Stranger Things Fic Recs
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This is a list of incredible Stranger Things fanfics I have read either on Tumblr or Ao3 the majority of which are character x reader/oc.
📝 Ongoing/Unfinished
Long Works (>25,000 words)
📝 By My Side - Steve Harrington by Maddie002 Steve Harrington x OFC (74k)
📝 Cardigan by @marwritesgood Steve Harrington x f!reader (36k)
Defiance → s. harrington by wintersxani Steve Harrington x OFC (175k)
📝 Kate Hopper by @stranger-marauders Steve Harrington x OFC (260k)
📝 Project Sunshine by Izzy_sophie_marie Steve Harrington x OFC (262k)
Say I Never Mattered by @restlessmelodrama steve harrington x f!henderson!reader (33.1k)
speed of sound Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 by @lovrily steve harrington x f!reader (28k)
📝steve zombie!au drabbles by @luveline Steve Harrington x f!reader (85.3k)
The Byers Harrington Story by @certifiedlovergirlsstuff steve harrington x female byers!reader (166.5k)
Medium Works (10,000-24,999 words)
Bruises On Another: one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - finale by @justauthoring Steve Harrington x f!reader (16.9k)
darker than amber AU by @harringtown steve harrington x f!reader (12.1k)
have you seen her? by @luveline Steve Harrington x f!reader (10.5k)
Head over Heels by @underoossss steve harrington x f!reader (14.7k)
In Your Dreams, Whatever They Be Part 1 | Part 2 by @sweatervest-obsessed Steve Harrington x f!reader (22.9k)
Super Strange Things Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 by @freefallingforfanfiction Johnathan Byers x f!Winchester!reader (22.9k)
the best days. by @hairringtonsteve Steve Harrignton x f!henderson!reader (14.3k)
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unknowntoyou2205 · 6 months ago
Ain't the life for me
Info: y/n Winchester lived a life away from supernatural life, but one day turns that tale around.
Relationship: Winchester brothers x sister reader
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Y/n Winchester yawned as she looked the door behind her. It was late at night and she had just finished her shift at the local diner. For the past 4 years she lived a life away from her brothers, contact was limited, bar the odd call the only way y/n communicated with her brothers was by text. They didn’t see each other but they kept tabs on her. Being the youngest of three, Dean and Sam had always been protective of their little sister.
Growing up with a father who had his vision set on catching a yellow eyes demon, y/n had been the after thought until her brothers found out about her. She was the offspring of an affair, and with her mother having no means to take care of herself, let alone a baby, y/n’s father had found the young babe being sprung into his care. He had Sprung the child onto Dean and Sam, and between the two y/n had become someone who knew she could become whatever she wanted to be. They made sure that she knew the basic self-defense skills to defend herself if needed, but they never forced her to learn how to use a gun or weapons. She told them she didn’t want to be involved in hunting, and they respected that, hiding their relief. She was their baby, and nothing could harm her with them around. Or so they thought.
With her headphones in her ears, y/n couldn’t hear the sounds around her. She kept her vision down, with her hood up to protect herself from the harsh winds that was starting to build up. It was unnaturally cold, but y/n took no notice, instead opting to pull her jacket closer to her body. She only looked up when she bumped into someone. Confusion came over her when she seen the figure of her oldest brother in front of her.
“Dean?” Y/n asked, furrowing her eyebrows gently as she took out an earbud. “Hey kid.” Dean smiled at her, throwing a glance over her shoulder. “What are you doing here?” y/n asked, not used to seeing her brother in person. “Had a case close by, decided to come see you before we left.” Sam’s voice came for behind her, and y/n turned to face her two brothers. “Okay?” Y/n spoke slowly before walking down the road again, hearing two sets of footsteps behind her. “Why don’t we drop you home. Save you walking the streets in the dark.” Dean offered, and y/n smiled slightly. “I am quite capable of walking in the dark, been doing it for years at this stage.” Y/n rolled her eyes at her brothers protectiveness. “Come on, don’t you want to spend time with your big brothers.” Dean smirked, and y/n eyed him slightly. “Okay, if you insist.” Y/n shrugged, liking the idea of some extra time with her brothers.
Dean smiled at her and linked his arm with hers, and y/n couldn’t help but look at him weirdly. He was acting out of character. Dean would never link arms with her, in fact if either of them were to make contact with her, it would be Sam. Dean was the type to kiss her head and wouldn’t make much contact with her unless she needed it. So having him this close, wasn’t something y/n was used to. But than again, maybe 4 years meant he wanted to be close to her while he could. She glanced at Sam as they came to a stop, but took a double take when she seen the car.
“That’s not baby.” Y/n spoke. “We’re not your brothers either.” ‘Sam’ spoke, and y/n gasped as she turned around. “Surprise kid.” ‘Dean’ smirked, grabbing her arms as ‘Sam’ opened the boot of the car. “No please.” Y/n begged, throwing her arms out only for ‘Dean’ to be much stronger. “Too easy.” ‘Dean’ chuckled as he forced her into the boot, ‘Sam’ slamming it before y/n had the chance to get up.
Dean groaned as y/n’s answer machine came through for the 6th time. He had been trying to call her for the last half hour, checking up on her to see how she was getting on. Not answering her phone wasn’t unusual, but not answering after the third time was. Y/n had a habit of answering calls eventually, and made it her mission to answer it after multiple calls. So having to attempt to get through to her 6 times, was worrying. Seeing his brothers frustration, Sam sighed.
“How many times have you tried?” Sam asked. “6. I’m worried Sammy, she never goes this long when seeing calls.”
Sam went to reply only for his phone to light up. Seeing y/n’s face pop up, he showed Dean before answering it.
“Hey y/n, you okay? Dean’s been trying to get through to you for awhile now.” Sam asked, and Dean moved closer, indicating for the phone. “Sam.” Y/n cried out, and Sam froze. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” He asked, and Dean whipped his head to face him as he heard his brothers worry. “Sam, Sammy, please help me.” A mock replica voice of his was heard over the phone. “Who is this?” Sam asked, and Dean rushed over, leaning closer to hear. “Why I’m you Sam. At least to y/n I am. Good old big brother Dean is here too, ain’t ya Dean.” “Sure am.” Deans voice was heard over the phone and Dean took a deep breath as he realized. “Shape shifters.” Dean groaned, and Sam nodded in agreement. “I have to say, it was a lot easier to catch the girl than we thought. She went right along until the last minute. You know may be four years since you last seen her but good old baby ain’t hard to forget.” ‘Dean’ spoke into the phone and Dean grabbed the phone from Sam with a hard grip. “I swear to God if you harm her in any way…” “Careful Dean, you’re a long way away from getting here on time should we do anything to sweet old y/n.” ‘Dean’ Spoke back to his double before a cry was heard. “Let her go.” Dean stated harshly, his hand going white around the phone he held tightly. “I don’t think so, I think we’ll play with her for a bit. What you think Sammy.” “Great idea.” ‘Sam’ agreed with his ‘brother’, throwing a smirk at y/n who squirmed under his vision. “I swear to God.” Dean spoke through gritted teeth. “Say hello y/n, it may be the last chance to talk to them.” “Dean, Sam, please, don’t let them hurt me, please.” Y/n cried as ‘Sam’ grabbed her arm tightly while ‘Dean held the phone to her. “Y/n kid just hold on.” Dean stated, looking at Sam as his brother closed his eyes. “Sorry, signal cutting off. Gotta go.” ‘Dean’ replied into the phone before a scream was heard as the phone cut dead.
“Shit.” Dean cursed, throwing a hand through his hair. “We gotta go.” Sam stated, moving to grab baby’s keys.
Y/n’s eyes struggled to stay open while she sat in an old wooden chair that felt like it would break at any moment. The shapeshifters of her brothers had long since gone, having gave her a few bruises before leaving her alone. Movement could be heard outside the door every now and then, so y/n knew they weren’t gone far. She was tired and hungry, with her mouth gone dry long ago from lack of water. The taste of blood was evident, and she could feel pain in her shoulders from taking the strain of her tied arms behind her back. She longed for her actual brothers, but she had no idea if she would see them, or their real selves.
Her vision clouded slightly as she fought tiredness, before jumping when the door opened with a bang against the door. Two figures came into view, and y/n could see the Winchester brothers walking in. Noticing the change of clothes, her heart beat increased at the thought of possibly being saved. ‘Dean’ walked over to her and crouched down in front of her.
“Dean?” She asked, hope evident in her voice. “Hey kid.” ‘Dean’ spoke, placing a hand on her cheek before laughing when she leaned into his touch. “Too easy.” He laughed at her as he pushed her face to the side as he got back up, ‘Sam’ smirking as he walked over to them. “poor y/n, can’t tell if her brothers are here or not.” ‘Sam mocked her, and y/n couldn’t help the tear that fell down her cheek as she looked down. “I mean technically they are.” ‘Dean explained, throwing an arm out in her direction. “Just not the nice ones.” He winked at y/n, and y/n grimaced slightly.
The boys heads turned away from her as the sound of footsteps were heard. Y/n looked at the door with hope as a shine of light was seen coming closer to where the trio were. Her breath caught in her throat as she heard the sound of Sam and Dean muttering to themselves, and she let out a shout to gain their attention. Seeing what she was doing ‘Sam’ stalked towards her and grabbed her neck, taking a knife out from his pocket. She could only watch as two figured came in the door, and she smiled slightly as she seen the two faces that appeared.
“Well, look who it is.” ‘Dean’ spoke out, sharing a smirk with the ‘Sam’ over his shoulder before walking towards the two brothers. “Glad you could make it.” “Y/n, you ok?” Sam called out to her, and y/n winched as the hand on her neck tightened slightly. “Oh she’s fine, a little beat up but that does no one any harm.” ‘Sam’ replied to his doubleganger before raising the knife into everyone’s vision. “No.” Dean called out as the knife was brought down, but nothing was felt on y/n’s end. “No, please don’t hurt her, no.” ‘Dean’ mocked the brothers as he turned to face y/n as she was pulled off the chair by ‘Sam’. “Let’s play a game. Hide and Seek. We seek, y/n here hides.” ‘Sam’ smirked, pulling y/n close to him in a side hug. “Winner get’s y/n.” ‘Dean’ winked at her, and y/n squirmed slightly. “To hell with that.” Dean’s gruff voice shouted out, and y/n looked at him. “I just wanna go home.” y/n pleaded, shaking her head as tears welled in her eyes, eyes boring into her oldest brothers. "I just wanna go home." 'Sam' mocked her, pulling her head back.
Dean kept his eyes on y/n’s, his heart clenching to see his little sister so scared. They kept their distance to protect her, but all it did was lead danger to her. The Winchesters had their enemies, he should of known they’d of found their way to their sister somehow. He took a breath in as he nodded at her gently, before moving his gun up and shooting it. Y/n gasped at the loud bang, and felt herself being thrown to the ground suddenly.
“Y/n, move out of the way.” Dean shouted at her, and y/n didn’t need to be told twice.
She made a run out of the room, not turning back as she heard a fight start. Loud breathing was heard repeatedly as bodies were heard colliding. Leaning against the wall, y/n put her hands over her head to cover herself, trying to ignore the loud sounds. When it grew quiet she slowly began to look up, and she gasped as she seen what looked like Sam appear in front of her.
“Y/n.” Sam breathed, moving towards her. “No.” Y/n shouted, not trusting what was real or not. “Hey, hey kid, it’s us. It’s us bunny.” Deans voice was heard as he crouched in front of her, and y/n looked up. “Only one person calls me that name.” Y/n mumbled, recalling her childhood name. “Yeah, only one person would know that.” Dean chuckled lightly, remembering how she got that name. “Oh my God. You’re here, your really here.” Y/n cried, going to reach for Dean, but hesitating slightly. “Didn’t think we’d let them have you did you.” Dean asked, “I mean sure they look like us but are they really as good as the real deal.” Dean joked, causing y/n to chuckle lightly. “Thank you.” Y/n smiled, looking Dean in the eyes. “Hey come here, your old brother needs a hug after four years of purely texts.” Dean smiled, indicating for y/n to come give him a hug.
Y/n giggled lightly before moving to pull Dean into a hug. Dean brought his hand up to cup the back of y/n’s head, kissing her head as she snuggled into his chest. She hadn’t long pulled away from him when Sam moved to pull her to him. Y/n sighed in content, loving being in the arms she used to lay in as a little girl when she couldn’t sleep and needed comfort. The boys laughed happily as y/n moved back to look between the two of them.
“Why don’t we get you home.” Sam stated, cupping y/n’s cheek slightly. “Baby?” Y/n asked, looking at Dean. “Baby’s a keeper y/n, you know that.” Dean told her, and y/n smiled happily.
The ride home was quiet, the two boys relieved to have their sister safe, and y/n happy to be in the company of her brothers. No one spoke, but they didn’t need to, their company allowed them to know that each of them were safe. Which is why no one moved when Dean pulled up to y/n’s apartment building.
“Want to stay at mine tonight? I have an extra room and a camp bed I can make up.” Y/n offered, hoping her brothers would say yes. “Sure beats a motel.” Sam looked at Dean after a moment considering. “I get the bed.” Dean hit Sam’s chest before getting out of the car, opening the back door for y/n.
Y/n laughed at the brothers antics as they wrestled to the front door. There live might not be for her, but having her brothers with her was the life she wanted, both real and fake.
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the-night-moves-writing · 9 months ago
Savior- Sisterhood (part 1)
Winchesters x Sibling reader (sibling bond ONLY)
Castiel x Winchester Reader (Platonic)
Summary: When Castiel goes off the deep end and becomes god, he finds he still has a soft spot for the smallest winchester
Warnings: angst, reader is mute for a lot of the fic, Descriptions of a panic attack, mentions of John Winchester being a bad father
Characters: John, Castiel x Reader (platonic), Dean x Reader (siblings), and Sam x reader (siblings), very small amount of destiel (you can see it if you squint)
Word count: 1746
A/N: Hi guys! I feel like i might post a little bit more now that i'm back, also there is a part two (and maybe three) in the works for this! i will create a list for you to be able to find all the parts and link it to my masterlist once i get it all set up. Also now i am on A03 and i will link that to my masterlist here in a little bit too. Anyway sorry for the long authors note, heres the fic. <3
I think of ways to turn the tables and fear what happens when they turn, the anger he fills in turn fills me with uncertainty and anxiety. His father passed the hate down the table, passed through graves and passed through cradles. He said he could never turn out like him, he was different. He kept those he wanted to protect at arms length, never fully giving himself the right to feel and to be loved. The one exception to the rule was Sam. Little brother Sammy, his whole reason for continuing on was to take care of Sam and protect him. Then here I came into the picture like a wrecking ball through the perfectly built motel room. 
Left on the doorstep with nothing but a note that read: John i could no longer take care of our child so i give them to you. May they grow to be strong and better than the both of us. There was no name left on the note but my father John Winchester knew who it was from, some random lady in a bar. He never wanted to deal with me so he placed me into Dean's caring arms. Dean was not only my brother and caregiver but also my dad in my eyes. So Dean and Sam became my whole world my entire life, until Sam left us for college. Being only 6 at the time I had a very little understanding of why he left but Dean always just said he left us. So I hunted with Dean and John, well less hunting and more researching for them and learning everything I could about the lore so that I could be helpful to Dean and John and take Sam's place in hunting. 
 Then it was just me and Dean hunting and I learned the basics.  When Dean went to get Sam from college because John had been gone for a few days on a hunting trip i was so angry, how could he leave us and how could Dean still want him back especially when i was 10 and more than capable of helping dean. Then he came back and we were together again and things were good, until Dean died and Sam dropped me off at Bobbys. I was 13 years old and I could hunt with him, I didn't want to be away from both of my brothers. Bobby thought that I needed a car though so he let me rebuild one with him so I rebuilt my sweetheart, I couldn’t call her baby despite me loving the car, a 1965 mustang. A nice little two seater that I had painted green. I used the car to visit where Sam had Dean buried, all the time. Bobby was concerned at how much time I spent at his grave but I couldn't help it. 
I had lost both of my brothers and the only family I had ever had and I was grasping at straws, I lived but it was my spirit that was haunting Bobby's house. I had become basically mute within these past months and Bobby was trying everything to get me to speak again. So when Dean returned out of nowhere I stayed by his side, though it worried Dean how quiet I was. I never left his side though which helped to ease his anxieties and when the entity was following Dean we had bigger things to deal with. I stayed far away from Sam not being able to look in his eyes after being left again. Then we met Castiel. I was very worried and very scared. Somehow Cas picked up on it though and constantly eased my fears, he could tell why i didn't trust Sam and unlike Dean accepted and understood it. Cas easily became a good friend to me because I didn't have to speak with him and he didn't have to try to understand human norms with me. 
Dean and Sam were both worried about this new found friendship between me and the angel but they saw the way that I was opening up. Saw the way I was becoming happy again and they just couldn't interfere. Everything changed when I turned 15 Castiel died and Sam went to hell. Cas came back though like always and when Sam didn't have a soul and Dean was searching for a way to return his, Cas stuck by me cared for me and kept me safe. He answered when I called and he took care of me. He takes care of me and is the only person I can trust. Then I hit 16 and the worst period of my life began, Cas declared himself the new god. The sadness I felt in my chest, crushing my heart.
For the first time in almost 4 years I had something to say 
“Cas STOP!” I said
Everyone turned to stare at me, and Cas turned to walk towards me. He took my hand
 in his and said,
“I am extremely proud of you my very devoted little one” 
His tone borders on threatening and dipping into enjoyment and pride.
He looked between Dean and Sam and myself before he spoke once more
“I expect complete devotion from you all…” he paused for a second, taking a breath before turning to me. The look in his eyes was no longer the soft and comforting look I had grown accustomed to. 
“…you have proven that you will speak for me in what you consider dire situations, so I command you to continue to do so” his gaze softened “ You have always been my favorite, my little one. Please do not give me any reason to punish you.”  
I, not being able to meet his gaze any longer, turned to look at the ground. My favorite person was now gone and there was nothing I could do to bring him back. I could follow him and leave my brothers again, leave my family. Or I could stay and lose the person I'm closest to in the whole world.
I could hear Dean and Sam shouting but I felt like my head was being pushed underwater, I couldn't breathe and I could feel the tears begin to run down my face and splatter on to the floor below. My vision was blurry and it was so loud everything was so loud, my entire life was falling apart and there was nothing I could do about it. I was completely hopeless and useless, I wasn't good enough. Good enough to help Sam and Dean with hunts, or protect them from going to hell, I couldn't do anything. I could feel my breathing quicken and my chest tightening. 
“STOP” Cas’s voice cut clear though the air, he turned from the boys walking towards me. My thoughts, eyes, and breathing were still shaky and unfocused. At some point I had ended up on my knees sobbing.
“Obviously I cannot leave the care of you to these two, my little one, I better take you with me.” He stated, me not hearing him, though it was more a threat to the boys. Dean finally noticed me and ran over and moved to be on his knees, Sam hot on his trail following suit to kneel in front of me.
“Hey hey hey your ok sweetheart, I promise. I got you, deanies here, don't worry.” Dean said, bringing up the nickname I used to call him trying to calm me down. Dean and Sam continued their calming words till my breath returned to normal. Cas was still staring at us from afar. He looked at us for a minute before speaking 
“If you wish for me to let you keep your sister I expect obedience Dean, I do not want to fret over her as i try to rebuild heaven. I could always just take her with me if that would make you more compliant.” His voice booming and loud
“P…. please let me stay” my voice is still shaky and rough not only from the panic attack but from years of not using it.
“This is not a decision for you to make, if i dont think Dean is capable of caring for you then I won't hesitate to bring you with me.” He said to me 
“Remember for almost 4 years I was the only person you spoke to. I know everything about you, and Dean cannot care for you as much as I could, little one.” Castiel’s voice seemed to soften when speaking to me. Dean could no longer take the former angel speaking as if he could not care for HIS siblings any longer.
“I’ve taken care of her my entire life Cas I think I know what I am doing.” He said a little bit pissed and it showed through his voice.
“I am no longer Cas to you Dean, you may refer to me as lord or god but never speak as if you are close to me again.” The statement was heartbreaking for the hunter, who always had a ‘profound bond’ with the angel.
“Another thing you say you have cared for them yet they were mute for four years, and you have caused so much damage to them. Do you really think you can care for them better than I?” Cas asked him completely serious
“I tried Cas you know better than anyone that i tried for almost two years, but i can't MAKE them talk” Dean was full blown angry now. Making me more frightened
“I TOLD YOU TO NOT CALL ME CAS.” Cas said his voice booming off the walls, he brought his hand up to slam Dean into the wall
“Stop, stop, stop please, I’m sorry, I'm so sorry, please just let me stay.” you cried out
“You have no control over my actions, little one. Dean had been given too many warnings, but seeing as you want to stay I will allow it, but believe me I will be doing check ups, and if I believe that you are not being cared for I will not hesitate to take you. You are still only a child who needs to be protected.” Cas said putting Dean down, Sam running to help him, Cas then turned from me to the brothers before speaking one last time.
“Heed my warnings. I am not going to repeat myself.” he said before disappearing, leaving the siblings alone in the warehouse.
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castiwls · 1 year ago
Love your blog btw:)
I saw you do platonic and was wondering if you could do one with the boys sister (if possible could she be older then sam but younger then dean) where there all dealing with the fallout of johns death
by your side - d.w & s.w
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Pairing; Sam & Dean x sister!reader (platonic)
Synposis; Johns death hit all of his children hard
Warnings; angst
Notes; I feel i kinda made John sound like a good dad in this lmao but how you wanna take it is up to you
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The thought of your dad dying had always lingered over your head. Every time he missed a check in a voice in the back of your head screamed that it had finally happened. That John Winchester had made a fatal mistake and been killed by whatever he’d been hunting.
Dean had always assured you that it could never happen. But no matter what your older brother said the thought always lingered. Though in all the scenarios you’d imagined, you’d never imagined it happening like this. You’d never thought he would make a deal with a demon.
It had been a few days since Dean had been discharged and the three of you had decided to go up to Bobbys. None of you had really spoken about what had happened in the hospital. Dean had spent his time working on the Impala and you had locked yourself away in one of the guest's rooms.
You felt as if you were in a state of shock. You and your dad hadn’t always seen eye to eye but as you lay staring at the ceiling you couldn’t help but replay every memory of him you had. As you lay there you could feel tears pooling in the corners of your eyes.
Your dad was dead and you never even got to say goodbye. John Winchester was by no means a perfect man, but he was your father and you loved him all the same.
A knock on your door had you quickly wiping your eyes before sitting up. “Co-come in.” 
The door squeeked as it opened and Sam’s head appeared. His eyes looked red as if he’d also been crying and you frowned. “Sam? What’s wrong?” You asked your younger brother. 
He didn't say anything as he shuffled into your room before lying down beside you. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “The last thing we did was argue y/n. He probably died thinking that I hated him or something” He sniffled slightly looking at you with teary eyes. Guilt had been eating Sam alive for the past few days. He’d never gotten to properly apologise and now he would never have the chance. 
You sighed before beginning to run a hand through his hair. “Sam. He knows you didn’t hate him. Trust me.” You smiled softly at him. “I know he never said it but deep down he was so proud of you.”
Sam hummed softly and leaned further into your chest.
“She’s telling the truth, Sammy.” Another voice chimed in. You felt the bed dip as Dean sat behind you. Sam kept quiet but you felt him relax slightly at Deans's words. 
Your brothers were all you had now. You felt Dean lie down beside you and you shifted slightly so you could see him. He rubbed a hand up your arm as he looked at your younger brother. 
After a while, Sam’s breathing evened out and you felt his hold loosen slightly as sleep took over.
“Are you ok? Seriously.” You whispered turning your head to look at Dean. The green-eyed man didn’t say anything for a moment and he just continued to rub your arm. “I…I don’t know.” He finally admitted. “Y/n what he said to me about-” He gestured to Sam. “what did he mean.” Dean’s tone was serious as he spoke. What John had told him was clearly causing more bother than you first realised. 
“And he only made that deal for me. I don’t understand why he would throw it all away when he was so close.” He frowned looking down at you.
“Maybe because your his son and he cared more about you than that damn thing that killed Mom.” Dean raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Maybe you were right.
He let out a sigh before shaking his head. “I don’t wanna have this conversation right now okay.” He wrapped his arm around you before settling down. 
“It’s late. We can talk in the morning.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Go to sleep.” 
Dean closing off was what you expected but at least you’d planted the seed. He shouldn't feel guilty for what your dad did. You nodded and spared Sam a glance.
The youngest Winchester was still sleeping calmly against your chest and you smiled softly brushing a hand through his hair. You felt Dean’s arm tighten around your shoulder slightly. You knew the movement was his way of telling you to sleep and stop worrying over Sam. 
You let out a quiet sigh as you lay back on the pillows, placing your head on Deans's shoulder. “Night.”
“Night sweetheart.”
None of you were okay but you had each other and as you lay there for the first time in days you felt some semblance of peace.
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winniewritesstories · 5 months ago
And Then There Were Three | Meg Winchester #1
Summary - A baby shows up on the Winchester's doorstep, and their entire lives change.
Pairings/characters - John Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Meg Winchester (OC)
Sam & Dean Winchester x little sister, John Winchester x daughter
Warnings - Mild cursing, John Winchester
Language - English (British)
Word Count - 3096
Notes - This is the first instalment in a series of one shots and headcanons about my OC Meg! Please be kind <3
Credits - dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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Dean Winchester was strong. He was brave, and fierce. He fought monsters - has done his whole life, as long as he can remember. He liked to think he was unbreakable, invincible. The hits kept coming, and he kept taking them. Fear, pain, worry - he pushed it all down, kept it locked away. In some ways, he had a heart of ice. He never broke.
Dean Winchester was strong.
And then one day, just before he turned nineteen, a baby appeared on a motel doorstep. A baby who wasn't his, but was. Would always be. A baby in a pram, with a note addressed to John Winchester, a note that eased the fears this baby was his, but it would be his, really. John Winchester was never a father. Not to him, not to Sam, and therefore not to this baby.
It was early October, and already Maine was cold. Dean's breath clouded in front of him in the cool, dark night. A glance around the parking lot revealed nobody, no cars, nothing to indicate where this baby had come from. His first instinct was to bring the baby in from the cold, and he did, careful to fix the salt line the wheels of the pram disturbed.
The first thing that struck Dean was that this kid was definitely a Winchester. They were a carbon copy of baby Sammy, same little button nose and eyes, barely any hair gracing their head. A memory tugged at the corners of his mind, four years old and holding Sammy for the first time, his mom supporting Sam's head while dad took a picture. Still a kid with two parents but keenly aware of his responsibility, of how his centre of gravity had shifted from himself to his baby brother.
But his mom wasn't here now and Dean would have to support this baby's head on his own. And his dad hadn't taken pictures of his kids since Mary died. So his centre of gravity shifted again to the baby in the pram. Another of John Winchester's kids for Dean to raise. Part of him was angry, part of him defeated. Sammy was fourteen, able to look after himself now. Dean didn't have to worry about him in the same way - Sam fed himself, did his homework, all that crap. Dean had almost been free.
But he couldn't blame the baby. He didn't. It didn't ask for this. Didn't understand anything. Dean reached a hand down, pulled the little yellow blanket away from their face. It was small, smaller than Sammy had been, and not just because Dean was grown now and over six foot. Small in a way that told him this baby was young. Small in a way that put fear into him. Small in a way that made him desperate to protect them from the horrors and cruelty of their world.
He felt sick knowing he could never protect them from that. From their lives. This baby was a Winchester, which basically meant it was fucked.
The bathroom door opened, and Sam walked out.
"What is that?" he asks, damp hair curling against his forehead.
"A baby," Dean replies, still looking down at them.
"A what?" Sam asks incredulously, crossing the room to stand by his brother. He looked down and saw there was, in fact, a baby. "The hell did this come from?"
"Was on the doorstep. Came with this." Dean said, handing Sam the unopened letter addressed to their father.
"It's dad's?" Sam was having a hard time digesting all this. He had to admit, his first thought was it was Dean's. "Where even is he?"
"Bar, I think. Reckon he knows about it?"
"If he knew he had another kid out there, don't ya think he would've mentioned it?"
"Yeah, 'cos Dad's a real open book." Dean replied. Sam turned the envelope over and made to open. "What're you doing? Don't do that, is addressed to Dad."
"Figured this might give us some answers. Maybe a name for the mystery baby."
Dean snatched the letter from his brother. "We ain't reading this til Dad has."
"Is Dad dating anyone?" Sam asked. "He's never mentioned anyone."
Dean shrugged a shoulder. "Doubt Dad dates. Probably a one time thing."
"And after he gave me the safe sex talk. Hypocrite." Sam said. Dean shot him a pointed look but didn't say anything. After all, Sam wasn't wrong. Dean'd received the John Winchester safe sex talk, too (an uncomfortable memory).
As if summoned, the rumble of the Impala's engine and the beams of her headlights signalled their father's arrival. The brothers exchanged a look, knowing that a mystery baby showing up on their doorstep would not go down well with John Winchester. Dean didn’t know why, but he positioned himself in front of the pram, standing between the baby and the door John would walk through. Sam copied him.
The door opened and John walked in, stepping over the salt line. He nodded his head towards his sons, locking the door and shrugging off his leather jacket. He turned around; neither Sam nor Dean had moved, or even said anything.
"What?" he asked gruffly.
"Um, so something kinda... turned up. For you." Dean started. John cocked an eyebrow.
"This ain't exactly our forwarding address. What is it and how'd it get here?" John asked, heading to the fridge for a beer.
"Well... it's..." Dean figured it was easier to just show him, so he stepped to the side and motioned for Sam to do the same.
John nearly dropped his beer. He immediately fixed his gaze on Dean.
"What did you do?" he asked. Dean sighed. Why'd everyone assume it was his?
"It's yours," Sam said bluntly, taking the letter from Dean's hand and holding it out for him. "Showed up on the doorstep with this."
This time John did drop his beer.
The bottle smashed on the floor, glass and alcohol flying everywhere. The sudden noise startled the baby awake, and they promptly burst out crying. John reached for the letter, Sam for a broom, which left Dean with the baby.
He gently lifted them out of the pram, careful of their head. The yellow blanket fell away slightly, revealing a light pink romper underneath. Presumably a girl then. A little sister. Dean rocked them gently, the way he remembers his mother doing with Sam, quietly shushing to calm her down.
In his arms, he was again struck by how small she was. He held her easily in just two hands, one under her head, the other on her back. She opened her eyes then, wide and blue like all babies, taking in the motel room around them before settling on Dean's face.
"Hello, you," he whispered, unable to keep the smile off his face. "I'm your big brother." His heart clenched in his chest as he held her.
"What's the letter say?" Sam asks, knelt on the floor to pick up the glass. John was staring intently at the letter in his hands.
"It's from her mother. Says she can't look after a baby. Too young."
"Jesus, Dad. How young?" Sam asks. Dean groans inwardly. Not the time for this, Sam.
"What the hell are you trying to ask?" John fired back. "She was early twenties. Drinking age, anyway. I don't know why the hell she'd think I'm any more capable of this than she would be. How the hell'd she even find us?" Sam and Dean both shrugged. How were they to know?
"What's her name?" Dean asked, still swaying gently back and forth.
"Amanda something. Don't really remember, to be honest. It was two nights. The sex was alright, nothing special. Didn't exchange numbers."
Sam and Dean cringed. They did not need details.
"I meant the baby, Dad." Dean replied. John at least had the decency to look a little embarrassed.
"Right, of course. Says here..." He scanned the letter. "Margaret." Dean screwed up his nose. That's an old lady name. His little sister was going to be cool, and that couldn't happen with a name like Margaret.
"That's a terrible name for a baby," Dean said aloud, looking down at her. "She doesn't look like a Margaret."
"Meg March was actually a Margaret," Sam said. John and Dean looked at him, perplexed. "Little Women? Louisa May Alcott?" More blank stares. Sam just rolled his eyes.
"Meg." Dean repeats, squinting his eyes at the baby. It fit. "Meg Winchester."
"It doesn't matter what she's called," John said. "We ain't keeping it." Dean's head snapped up.
"What?" Dean asked incredulously.
"How the hell are we going to look after a baby, Dean?" John asked. "We don't have a house, or any baby supplies. We're always on the move. We're hunters, not nannies. I spent two nights with a woman a year ago and then a baby appears. Kid's probably not even mine anyway. We'll take her to a fire station or something."
Dean couldn't believe what he was hearing. They'd managed before. Sammy had been but six months old when they started hunting, and Dean - though he tried - hadn't been able to help out as much as he could now. This baby was family. Family is everything to the Winchester's.
"Course she's yours, Dad, look at her! She's a spitting image of Sammy as a baby. Besides, Sam was a baby and we raised him on the road. You can't just abandon her." Dean cried out.
"Maybe Dad is right, Dean. She'd be better off with a family - "
"We're her family! The three of us."
"A real family, with a mom, a dad, a house. She'd be normal, Dean, safe. We can't give her any of that!" Sam replied. True, he was projecting his own dreams onto a baby, but he had a valid point, or so he thought. All Dean heard, however, was that Sam didn't believe they were a real family.
"We are a real family, Sam. Just because we don't have a white picket fence, don't mean we ain't a real family. Besides, you really want this kid growing up in the system? Anything could happen to her!"
"Anything could happen to her here, Dean! All it takes is - is a spirit, or a pissed off monster out for revenge, and she-"
"But we can protect her from that. You think some civilian family would keep her safe if a monster decided to get revenge, Sammy? You have know idea what happens in the foster system. She could be abused, or trafficked, or-"
"Enough!" John snapped loudly, startling the baby again. He couldn't hear himself think. And he did need to think, long and hard, about what was best for them, and for the baby. Sam made a good point, of course, and God knows John's not equipped to look after a baby. But Dean was right, too. Anything could happen to her out there. "Sam, get me a beer."
Sam sighed but did as he was told. John walked over to Dean, who was gently rocking the baby to settle her after John's outburst. He looked at the baby for the first time, really looked at her. Dean was right; she was a carbon copy of baby Sam. And she was cute, too. Dean, admittedly, had been a funny looking baby, especially as a newborn, a squished face and large head he eventually grew into. But this baby - Meg, he reminded himself - was sweet looking, almost doll-like, with her pouty pink lips and button nose.
He and Mary had never talked about more kids - Sam had only been a baby when she died - but he'd always imagined them having one or two more, and he'd always wanted a little girl. Mary had, too, he had no doubt.
But Mary wasn't here, and this wasn't her baby. Part of him felt guilty, as though he'd been unfaithful, despite the fact she'd been dead almost fifteen years. John thought of his own father then, Henry, who'd taken off when John was only four, leaving him and his mother on their own. Even all these years later, he still felt bitter about it - bitter and hurt. Of course it hurt, knowing your own father didn't want you and took off into the night. And that's what he was about to do to this little girl. Her mother had already bailed. John was all she had left.
John, and his boys. Sam had kept his distance, almost wary of the baby in Dean's arms, but Dean - he was whipped. That was the only word for it. He was smiling softly down at her, cooing gently to soothe her. Deep down, John knew Dean would end up doing more for this baby than he ever could. But maybe that was a good thing. Dean wouldn't make the mistakes John did. Wouldn't leave her alone like he did, leave her to raise herself.
The guilt twisted in his gut like a knife, but he knew what he had to do.
"We'll keep her. It'll be safest for her. We'll... we'll make it work somehow. We'll have to." John said, placing a large, calloused hand gently on his daughter's head. Dean looked up at him with Mary's green eyes, raw hope etched onto his face.
"Yeah?" He asked softly. John nodded once, clapping his eldest son gently on the shoulder. Sam handed him a beer, then stood on Dean's other side.
"Can I hold her?" Sam asked. Dean looked reluctant to let her go.
"Be careful. She's really small and can't hold her head up on her own yet, so make sure you support it. Don't drop her, for God's sake." Dean rambled on as he gently shifted the infant into Sam's open arms, already fretting like a mother hen. John smiled softly at his children - all three of them.
Sam smiled at the baby, rocking her gently the way Dean had. "Hi, Meg. I'm gonna be your favourite big brother." He said. Dean rolled his eyes.
"No way, Sammy. I'm already her favourite."
"That's crap, she doesn't speak, can't even smile."
"Sure she can, she smiled at me just now."
"Yeah, that was gas, Dean. She farted on you." Sam replied, and Dean's smile faltered.
"Speaking of," Dean said, changing the conversation abruptly. "We're gonna need supplies. Diapers, a car seat, formula."
John nodded, moving to the pram that Meg had turned up in. There was a bag in the basket underneath the bassinet. John leafed through it quickly. "There's some stuff here," he said, holding up a muslin cloth and some diapers. "Enough for tonight, at least. We'll find somewhere in town tomorrow that sells baby stuff. Maybe pick up a book, too."
"A baby book?" Sam asked. "Why'd you need that?"
"It's been a long time since I did any of this, Sammy. Besides, I didn't do it on my own before, I was working a lot. Your mom... your mom looked after you guys most. Did all the hard stuff." John admitted quietly. The room fell into reverent silence the way it always did when someone brought up Mary. Sam didn't point out that he'd still been a baby when she died, and John had raised him for most of life alone. It didn't seem like the time. But a book seemed overboard, in Sam's opinion. How hard could a baby be?
Only a minute or so later, Sam's question was answered. Meg began fussing in his arms, quietly at first, but getting louder despite Sam's gentle shushing and swaying. When her cries turned to wails, he looked up at his father and brother, panic in his eyes. "I think I broke her."
It was Dean that stepped forward, plucking the baby from his arms. "You didn't break her," he assured Sam. John stepped up too, looking down at the infant whose fist she was trying to squeeze into her mouth.
"See how she's sucking her hand?" John spoke quietly. "Mean's she's hungry. C'mon Sam, I'll show you how to make a bottle. If I can work it out, that is."
Sam and John stepped away to prepare the formula. Dean watched them as he swayed the baby. "It's okay, princess. Daddy and Sammy will get you some food."
Dean watched his father, usually so confident and self assured in everything he did, falter at almost every step. Checking the instructions on the formula, then checking again. Rinsing a bottle and filling it with hot water. Hands hesitant, unsure of what they were doing. Hands that could assemble a shot gun in under a minute, but seemed to tremble as he shook the bottle. Testing the temperature on his palm, his wrist, then his wrist again. He had no idea how warm it should be.
Although it was strange to see John so unsteady, Dean found it strangely... comforting. Humanising, perhaps. He pictured briefly John doing the same thing for him as a baby, the unsure hands of a first time father. Pictured his mom along side, walking him through each step.
John handed the formula to Dean. "You gonna do it?" he asked. Dean nodded. He didn't want to relinquish the baby, even though John hadn't even held her yet. Although, he'd made no move to hold her either. John talked him through it, how to hold the bottle, at what angle, as best he could remember.
Dean paced slowly around the small living space of their motel room with his sister in his arms. Sam had pulled out some homework, John writing something in his journal, beer in hand. But for Dean, it was just him and his sister in the world. Hell, his sister was his world now.
Dean Winchester was strong.
But he could feel his heart thawing out for the baby in his arms. He knew he needed to be strong for her, yet he'd never felt so weak. The fear of what could happen to her, the need to keep her safe, was almost overwhelming. Was this parenthood?
The love, too, he supposed was overwhelming. The kind that made his heart clench, made him want to fix the world for her and burn it down at the same time. The kind he'd kill and die for.
And somehow, despite everything he'd seen and done in only eighteen years, this was the scariest thing he'd encountered to date. He kept it together for her. He was strong. He had to be.
He's Dean Winchester.
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Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it <3
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thestoriesfold · 2 months ago
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SUMMARY: Its weird to imagine that the ghost stories they tell you at night is real. Jaden thought they weren’t, that the world was perfectly normal. At least the version of it she was once in. One weird dream leads to another, and suddenly the things that go bump in the night exist and she’s hunting them with the Winchesters. In a world where she doesn’t know anything, will she discover her true identity? Or will fate have other plans for her?
WARNINGS: (check specifics at beginnings of each chapter) 18+, gore, violence, mentions of death, character death, murder, explicit, eventual smut, overall supernatural themes (that’s a warning in of itself). PLEASE CHECK WARNINGS BEFORE YOU READ EACH PART!
Slow burn. Angst. Smut. Dean Winchester x OC. Sam Winchester x OC. Castiel x OC. NOT POLY THOUGH!
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Part One: Word Count - 3.3k
Part Two: Coming soon ;)
Series Taglist (make sure you're tagable love): @iloveeveryoneyoureamazing
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jasmines-library · 1 year ago
‘Tis the Season
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Summary: It’s Christmas time, and after a long time apart, you and your brothers are finally together to celebrate, even if it is inside a motel room.
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff.
Note: Merry Christmas!
The Winchesters have never been big with celebrations. Especially since Mary passed away and hunting became the only thing on John’s agenda.This meant that you had never really experienced a proper Christmas before and neither had either of your brothers. Sure they remember snippets of Christmas from when they were younger and your mum was still around but it was never the same after that. John was never there and the three of you were often left to mill around in a shitty motel. The three of you would celebrate in your own little way. You would exchange gifts which, in Dean’s case, were often stolen or given to you by Bobby, and despite their efforts to make Christmas as normal as possible for you it was never quite how you had pictured it. Never how Sam and Dean remembered it. It didn’t help that John had told you when you were heartbreakingly young that there was no Santa Claus.
But this year, something was different. The Winchesters were celebrating.
You strolled down the road, your arm hooked around Sam’s as you admired the lights that had been strung up like bunting between the rows of buildings and hung from lampposts in the street. You wore your thickest jacket: an old blue hand-me-down from Dean, that you were pretty sure Sam might have even owned at one point before he grew taller than your older brother, and hand bundled yourself up with a scarf to shelter yourself from the frosty air.
The streets were quiet besides a few odd couples that greeted you and Sammy with a warm smile or a gentle nod. Most people were at home, celebrating the Christmas holiday.
The frost that blanketed the ground crunched under your feet and made your feet feel like small ice cubes despite the fact that you were wearing two pairs of socks. You and your brother walked quickly back to the motel where Dean was hovering over the stove tucked away in the corner of the motel. The moment you opened the door and were greeted with the warmth of the room and the smell of the food, you couldn’t help but smile up at Sam, as well as chuckle at the sight of your eldest brother. He had donned a red Santa hat and was singing along to the song he had turned up too loud on the radio between taking swigs from beer. He wrapped you up between his arms when the two of you returned with the last of the ingredients he needed before you made your way into the room.
On the nightstand between the two beds, replacing the lamp that had been shoved aside, sat a tree. It was measly and far from extravagant, sure, but you thought it was a nice touch. Dean had spotted it on the way back from a hunt and had insisted on buying it for the motel room. You spent the rest of the day hanging old car air fresheners from the branches as if they were baubles. It was makeshift; but somehow that made it seem even more special and you beamed brightly. You placed the brown paper bag you had been clutching beneath it, making sure to roll over the top to make sure that the contents were hidden.
“Alrighty.” Dean announced “Grubs up.”
The three of you squeezed around the table and began to tuck into the food that Dean placed in front of you on the table. Dean was far from the best chef that much was true but at a time like this you were grateful that he had made such an effort to cook. As the three of you ate between bouts of conversation and fits of laughter, it made you realise how much you missed spending time with your brothers. This was the first time you had truly sat down together in…well forever. Times had been kind of hectic with Sam returning from Stanford and everything with Dad and Dean, you were glad that for a few sweet moments, the three of you could just be a family. For once there was no worrying about monsters. No worrying about who was going to vanish next. It was just the three of you enjoying the little things in life.
Dinner, by far the best one you have had in a while, was followed up with gift giving and the three of you bundled on to the beds, sipping glasses of cold eggnog.
“Okay Sammy,” Dean said as he produced his first gift from his duffel. It seemed the three of you all had the same idea because it too was wrapped in a brown paper bag. “This one is for you.”
Sam unwrapped it eagerly, producing a dark glass bottle of his favourite beer.
“Thank you.” He laughed, producing a bag of his own. “It seems great minds think alike.”
Dean chuckled and he tore open the paper to reveal his favourite drink secured inside a porno magazine by an elastic band.
“Ok. This is for De.” You pulled out a small bag and handed it to him. Inside lay a small keychain in the shape of a pie that you had spotted on a rotating rack inside the gas station which you couldn’t resist buying, alongside a couple of packets of beef jerky that Dean always seemed to keep stashed away in his glovebox.
“Thanks kiddo” He laughed as he hooked the keychain onto his keys.
“And this is for you, Sammy.” You produced another bag and handed it to him, watching keenly as he unwrapped it, pulling out the clear plastic and producing a pair of wired headphones.
“It’s to stop you complaining about Dean’s music in the car.” You prompted.
“Hey!” Dean said with mock hurt. “I think you’ll find I have great taste in music.”
You raised your hands nonchalantly “tell that to him not me.”
“I’m just saying Dean, there are things out there besides mullet rock. You should try updating your cassettes some time. Seriously, dude.”
“You know the rules, Sammy.” Dean shook his head. “Driver picks the music-“
“Shotgun shuts his cakehole. Yeah. I know.” Sam rolled his eyes. “Anyway, enough. This is for you, Y/N.”
Sam rummaged around in his bag for a small white box before handing it to you. You took it gently. It was light in your hand.
“It's from both of us.” Dean added.
You peeled open the box slowly to reveal the insides which almost made you tear up. Inside the box sat a dainty necklace in the shape of a heart. It seemed familiar somehow, but you couldn’t place where you had seen it before. When you picked it up and turned it over in your palm to admire the delicacy of it, you noticed the small hinges on the side so decided to open it.
Inside was a small cut out of an image. The three of you were much younger here. Sammy was still smaller than Dean and you barely reached his hip. The three of you were grinning from ear to ear as you gripped onto each of your brothers hands as they swung you through the air at the moment the image was captured.
“It’s beautiful.” You sighed, looking up at your two brothers. “Where did you-“
“It was moms.” Dean said. It then hit you that you had seen her wearing it in pictures.
“Bobby found it while sorting through some of Dads old stuff that was left around his. We thought you should have it.”
“It’s perfect. Thank you.” You smiled. “Help me put it on?”
“Of course.”
Dean moved closer to you, moving your hair aside so he could clasp the end of the good chain together.
“It looks like it’s always belonged there.” Sam told you when Dean let go of it so it could hang around your neck, settling on the centre of your chest.
“It’s perfect.” Dean told you.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
“Merry, Christmas, Boys.”
Although being hauled up in a motel may not have seemed like the ideal way to celebrate Christmas for the average person, just being able to spend time with your brothers was enough for you. You cared not for an extravagant meal and bucket loads of expensive gifts. You were happy to settle with what you had and the fact that the three of you had celebrated like this meant so much to you as it did to them. The three of you may not have much, but you have each other, and that’s worth far more than anything else.
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hb-writes · 25 days ago
Unwanted Thoughts
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Summary: When Bobby, Dean, and Sam get called to go on a dangerous hunt, Dean decides its best for Nora to stay behind. After a fight ensues, Dean drops her off with Sheriff Jody Mills to keep an eye on her. When the hunt goes on later than expected, Nora becomes restless as the unwanted thoughts start creeping in.
Characters: Dean Winchester & Nora Winchester (OC)
Supernatural (Nora Winchester) Masterlist
Comfy-vember/Comfy-cember/Fluff-uary/Marshmallow March Masterlist
Nora had spent the night tossing and turning in Jody's guest room, the restlessness becoming worse with each night she hadn’t heard from her brothers or Bobby. They were usually pretty good about it—checking in and keeping her up to date about how things were going and when they’d be back—but she hadn’t heard from them in days. 
Nora knew she shouldn’t worry. As far as she was concerned, her brothers and Bobby were some of the best hunters out there, but even so…their phones were all going to voicemail and with each unanswered call, the unhelpful thoughts became more and more insistent.
They’re not coming back.
 You’re all alone. 
Nora knew she wasn’t actually all alone. Even with her brothers and Bobby gone, Jody was just down the hall and even when she was at work, she was calling her to check in. For over a week, the woman had been offering to chat and cooking Nora’s meals and making her giant mugs of chamomile tea that Nora always left untouched, stale and tepid by the time Jody checked on Nora in the morning.
And Jody always did check, pushing open the door to the guest room a little before 6 am as she left for work. Jody was consistent and informative, always telling Nora when to expect her back and reminding Nora of her expectations even though Nora hadn’t given the woman any trouble at all. 
As far as Nora was concerned, she’d been in enough trouble recently. She had ended up at Jody’s place because she had given Dean plenty of trouble when he said they were leaving her behind. So she’d been an angel for Jody. No trouble at all except for the fact that Nora tossed and turned and paced through the night and Jody could hear it through the thin walls separating bedrooms. But she was a tidy kid and as far as Jody could tell, she was doing the homework Sam left for her and she stayed in the house like Jody asked her to. It was far better than Jody had expected from a Winchester. 
Nora was finally half asleep when the small part of her still clinging onto consciousness heard the door swing open. Facing the wall, she braced herself for Jody’s part-lecture, part-morning salutation, knowing she would have to find the will to respond, but Nora didn’t hear anything except the shuffle of feet across the floor
Nora flinched when she felt a hand land on her shoulder, the bed covers being slowly peeled back. She grabbed the arm at the wrist, holding it away as she turned on her back. 
“Dean?” Nora asked, still holding his arm back. She blinked a few times, testing her eyes in the dawning light of the bedroom.
“Hey, kiddo,” Dean said, smiling despite the large scar across his cheek. “Jody said you just got to sleep so I was going to carry you out, but since you’re up, I’ll save my back the—”
“You’re okay?” Nora interrupted. “You and Sam and Uncle Bobby? You’re—”
“Yeah,” Dean chuckled. “We’re fine. Just hit a few roadblocks in the case. And some traffic outside of—hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, picking up on some change in his sister, some familiar heaviness that Dean could almost feel leaching into him.
“It’s not funny, Dean,” she answered. “I was scare—" Nora stopped herself. "I thought…I thought something happened or that you weren’t coming back or—”
“Hey, hey. Relax. Slow down,” Dean said as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Come here, kiddo. Come here.” 
Nora let out a shaky breath and did the slow work of untangling herself from the blankets so she could hug her brother, his arms enveloping her. 
Dean could feel a wave of tension leaving his sister as he held her close. “You really thought I wouldn’t come back?” 
Nora shrugged in her brother’s arms, not wanting to look him in the eye or confirm that particular insecurity. Now that she had gotten it out and Dean was so clearly here—alive and safe and not even annoyed with her anymore—Nora sort of wished she hadn’t said anything at all. She wished she had just stayed quiet. 
She didn’t want to admit that deep down, some part of struggled with a whole lot of unwanted thoughts. She didn't want to disclose that some part of her was still convinced that Sam and Dean would like nothing more than to leave her behind indefinitely, to get rid of the responsibility of taking care of her. She also didn’t want to admit that their delayed return had so easily reminded her of their father. It reminded her of when he had gone away on hunts for months at a time and barely checked in at all. And when Dean laughed it off just now, it reminded Nora of how her father had dismissed her emotions after his long absences, too. 
It reminded her of how he had left and never came back. 
“You were really mad at me when you left,” she finally said. 
“Yeah,” Dean answered. “I was pissed. You were being a brat and annoying the hell out of me, but come on, Nor,” he continued as he rubbed her back. “When have I ever not come back? You know me better than that.”
Nora let the words rattle around and settle, but she still didn’t shift, staying comfortably tucked against her brother’s chest. 
“Listen, you’re going to have to do worse than throw a little tantrum if you want to get rid of me. Sam’s been a bigger brat than you since 1983 and I've always come back for him, right?” 
Nora nodded. Even when her brothers hadn’t spoken during Sam’s college years, Dean had always kept tabs on their brother, and no matter what, they always came back together. 
Nora took a few deep breaths, letting her brothers words reassure her and Dean pressed a kiss to her head, hugging her tighter for a moment. 
“Alright, kid.” Dean tried to shift Nora in his arms. “Let’s put this chick flick moment behind us. Sam and Bobby are out in the car and if Bobby doesn’t get a cup of coffee soon, I don’t even want to know what’s going to happen.” 
Despite the serious concern raised by Dean's statement—Bobby could be notoriously cranky when not appropriately caffeinated—Nora stayed put for a moment, cherishing the quiet before she mumbled a question her brother could barely hear. “Is it too early for pie? The diner always has chocolate cream pie on Tuesdays.”
“Too early for pie?” he asked. “What the hell kind of question is that? Let's go.”
Supernatural (Nora Winchester) Masterlist
Comfy-vember/Comfy-cember/Fluff-uary/Marshmallow March Masterlist
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hewwokitti · 4 months ago
Hey cuties!!! Here’s a post about the future of this blog (no i am not leaving)
First i want to apologize for being so gone like completely silent gone. I have not been feeling OBX for a long time. As such, I will be making this a multi fandom blog. I have completely cleared my inbox due to the incident so if you requested something I have not done yet, feel free to request again and I will try to make sure that i get to them when im feeling like OBX
As for the fandoms I will be writing for: it will be these (i will make a pinned post after and make it all pretty)’
Reblogs appreciated <3
John B
Aemond Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Gwayne Hightower
Cregan Stark
The Office
Jim Halpert
Dwight Schrute
Ryan Howard
Abbott Elementary
Gregory Eddie
Janine Teagues
Melissa Schemmenti
The Walking Dead (until “The day will come when you wont be”)
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
The Governor
Shane Walsh
Abraham Ford
Maggie Greene
Rosita Espinosa
Carol Peletier
Beth Greene
Sasha WIlliams
Tara Chambler
Parks and Recreation
Ron Swanson
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
Ben Wyatt
Leslie Knope
Chris Traeger
Ann Perkins
Mark Brendanawicz
Cobra Kai
Young/Old Daniel LaRussio
Young/Old Johnny Lawrence
Amanda LaRusso
Robby Keene
Miguel Diaz
Tori Nichols
Samantha LaRusso
Eli/Hawk Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Harry Potter
Luna Lovegood
Percy Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Matthew Riddle
Lorenzo Berkshire
Jasper Hale (romantic- all fics will be this pairing i cannot write anything else sorry)
Alice Cullen (platonic)
Carlisle Cullen (platonic)
Rosalie Hale (platonic)
Esme Cullen (platonic)
Emmett Cullen (platonic)
Edward Cullen (platonic)’
Only Winchester!reader up to Season 8 (im working on it)
The Umbrella Academy
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Singer!Actress!Reader verse
Tom Holland
Rudy Pankow
Ewan Mitchell
Pedro Pascal
Jeffery Dean Morgan
Pretty much any actor in the shows i have mentioned are fair game- ill let you know if i dont want to write for them.
Also generally reader! Being famous IE- interviews, award shows, red carpets
I will make a page on reader
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smoky-lucine · 3 months ago
Back from the Dead
Dean Winchester & Little sister!reader After Dean dies, Y/N is stuck mourning for months. When he is freed from hell, he tries to call her. Angst, Sam's mentioned but not actually there, more Bobby than anything 💀 This is my first fic i'm posting omg! hopefully it turned out alright
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After Dean died things quickly fell apart. Sam clearly wasn’t okay, and neither were you. You got new cases here and there, but it wasn’t the same without Dean. You and Sam decided to slow down on hunting for the time being to grieve. Days turned into weeks, crying turned into drinking, praying turned into attempting crossroad deals, and eventually you woke up one morning alone in the motel with no trace of Sam.
You tried calling his phone for days, tracing any of his aliases, looking into any cases nearby hoping he found one on his own. He was completely gone.
After a couple weeks of searching, you called Bobby. He hasn’t heard from Sam in weeks and offered for you to stay with him instead of living from a motel. You took a bus to his home, and he greeted you with a big hug. You both don’t like to admit it, but he’s been more of a father to you than your actual dad ever was.
He let you move into his spare bedroom, and that's where you spent the first few weeks. Bobby would leave food at your door. He would sometimes try to come in and talk to you, but you weren’t very talkative anymore. Occasionally he’d practically drag you down to the library. He either needed help researching for other hunters or would tell you, “Spending all your life in that damn room won’t help you at all. I know it’s hard. We’re both hurting Y/N, but please just talk to me instead of suffering up there all day.”
Most nights he could hear your nightmares. He wasn’t there when Dean died, but he was there when you all buried his body. He couldn’t even imagine what it looked like actually seeing him die. Bobby could hear you crying in your sleep, begging Dean to keep breathing. He would come in and wake you up when you would start to scream. He couldn’t stand hearing you relive your brother's death every night.
Eventually the two of you were able to talk and mourn Dean together, slowly grieving and beginning to move on. You started to spend more time downstairs, researching, watching TV with Bobby. He even got you to go out to dinner one night.
The two of you would talk about Sam sometimes. Bobby would hear you late at night sobbing on a voicemail to him hoping he would finally pick up. You both knew he was alive, making your confusion on why Sam wouldn’t talk to you even more saddening. Bobby didn’t have much to say to comfort you anymore.
“I’m sorry kid. I know he’s out there somewhere; he’s just trying to mourn and move on too.”
One day you were cleaning up the library while Bobby made lunch, when you got a call. Nobody calls you anymore. Looking at the unknown number you cleared your throat and answered, putting the call on speaker.
“Hello?” You say, still putting away books.
The person on the line gasped. “Y/N?”
“Who is this?” Bobby hears you on the phone and stands right outside of the library to listen in.
“Y/N! It-It’s Dean! I can’t get a hold of Sam where are you guys?”
Your eyes pop out of your head, and you drop the book you were holding. “Dean? You can’t be Dean.” Your eyes cloud up with tears and Bobby runs into the library.
“Y/N it really is me please listen to me kid. Listen I don’t know-” Bobby grabs your phone and takes it off speaker.
“You listen to me idjit I don’t know how you got this number or why you think this is funny, but I better never hear you playing these kinds of damn tricks on us ever again.” You hear the person on the line start to talk but Bobby ends the call. You sat down at the desk and broke down. You hadn’t heard Dean’s voice in months, but it really did sound like him.
Bobby pulled a chair up and put his arm around you. “Kid I know you weren’t expecting for that to happen but we both know that wasn’t him.”
“How was it not?” You sobbed. “That was his voice. I know that was his voice.”
You lean into Bobby, and he holds you as you sob. He tried his best to comfort you, but he wasn’t very good at it, and he wasn’t exactly sure what was happening either. It took a while, but eventually you calmed down and you guys decided to just relax and call it an early day.
Later that night you were in your room getting your things ready to shower. You grabbed your clothes and started to make your way to the bathroom when there was a knock on the door. You weren’t sure who could be here at this hour. You put your stuff in the bathroom and start going down the stairs when you hear Bobby grab his knife and you hear a fight break out. You take your own knife out of your pocket and run to the front room.
There you see Bobby and Dean fighting. “Bobby! It’s me!” “My ass!”
You couldn’t believe Dean was right in front of you. He looks completely fine, like he wasn’t torn apart by hell hounds just a few months ago. Like you didn’t bury him just a few months ago.
“Wait! Your name is Robert Steven Singer. You became a hunter after your wife got possessed. You’re about the closest thing I have to a father.” Dean looks terrified and Bobby stands still. You drop your knife in shock and they both turn to look at you.
“Dean.” Your face is white as a ghost, your heart pounding.
Dean’s eyes soften and he stands up. “Y/N.”
He starts to walk towards you and Bobby blocks him. He stares at Dean for a second and touches his shoulder. He still doesn’t believe it. You run up and push Bobby’s arm away, hugging Dean as hard as you can. Dean hugs you back and you both sigh a breath of relief.
You pull back and take it in. Deans alive. Right in front of you.
You can’t help but to start crying for the second time that day. Dean tears up a little too. “Baby I’m so sorry. I’m sorry you had to see that happen to me.”
“I knew it had to be you calling. I was right.” You both pull back into the hug.
The three of you sit down to talk about what happened. Dean asks where Sam is, and you have to explain how he left you with no warning and you had to come here. He can’t even believe it. Bobby explains the last few months and that in the morning we can start looking for Sam again.
In the meantime, Dean takes a shower and eats an actual meal. Bobby tells him that he can either take the couch or share a bed with you. He chooses the latter.
You and Dean get in the bed and it’s still a shock that your oldest brother is right here in front of you. You lay on his chest and take a deep breath. Months ago, he wouldn’t let you come close to him if he was tired, but he thinks that tonight and possibly the next few weeks could be an exception.
“Y/N, we’re going to fix all this. I’ll make sure of it. We’re gonna find Sam, we’re gonna figure out who brought me back, and I’m going to make sure you never have to go through this again. I promise.”
“I can’t believe you're actually back. I’ve been praying for this for months.” You yawned. It’s been a long day and you both were quickly falling asleep. “I missed you.”
“I know you did kid. I missed you so much.”
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nalledimessi · 8 months ago
Save me
Hello there friends, I hope everyone is doing well, I know it has been a really long time since I post, I have the terrible habit of stop writing when everything gets too much for me. This pass year my life has been like a roller coaster; I know probably all of you or the majority don't care to much about it but I have to express it somewhere and somehow, but anyway I leave you with this ending of the non-series that I made.  Divider by @firefly-graphics 
Broken Rule
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Winchester sister 
Warnings:  Mention of killing, blood, and curses. 
Words:  827
Notes: Listen Save me from BTS 
Tag’s: @valsworldofcreativity @helenasingers @r13mar @elijahs-wife
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You crumble next to a tree, your right-hand applying pressure on your bloody open wound. “Damned” you curse watching the blood staring to spread on your t-shirt.  
Leaning your head on the tree for support, you could see the clear sky adorned by stars, what a beautiful night to end up dying, you thought, well at least the constant sadness and emptiness settle on your heart would disappear and you would finally rest, although it will be forever.  
You could hear the footsteps on the dry leaves from both sides getting closer and closer “shit” you cursed, getting up, the tree as your support, taking a deep breath and trying to concentrate to find where the attack would be first “right” you mentioned, raising your gun and pointing that direction.   
“It’s impressive how far you could go with that wound” the ghoul in human form announces appearing on the other side, making you turn abruptly, whining at the sudden movement, pointing the gun at him. “I'm a Winchester after all” you replied proudly trying to ignore the buzz in your ears and blurred look. 
“Oh, I'm aware of it” starting to walk in your direction, a macabre smile on his lips “soon you will stop being one”  
Aiming your gun at him, but failing due your blurred gaze, you knew even you end up killing him, the other ghoul, that isn't too far away would reach you and kill you, lowering your gun and glancing to the sky, forgetting the ghoul in front of you “how I like to see you just one more time”  
Splashes reached your face, getting it wet, making you look in front of you, just in time to see the ghoul’s head drop along his body, reveling a human form “what the hell?” you whisper before fainting. 
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Stopping the engine of your car, you release a sigh resting your head on the seat. “Let’s get this over with” you voice worn out.  
“Oh, you’re back” Sam exclaims, excited while watching you descend the stairs of the bunker.  
“Don’t get too excited Sammy” you warm him “just staying until Bobby calls back with a new assignment” you mention once you were close by. 
“Oh” he let out sad “how was your last hunting?” he inquiry, concern.  
“Same as always” passing him by in direction to your room, not giving him much attention or time to chat. “Search, hunt and kill, just to do it all over again” 
“Sis, I’m worry about you” he declared in a tone that make you stop suddenly.  
A sigh left your mouth, turning around to see him, forcing a small smile that didn’t reach your eyes, trying to calm him, after all he was your baby brother “I’m fine Sammy, don’t worry” you state before continuing your way. 
“She just needs a shower, food and a good night of sleep” Dean bring up, while patting his shoulder.  
“I hope you’re right Dean” his gaze fix where you disappear “or she could end hurting herself badly”  
Dropping your duffel bag at the edge of the bed, while at the same time falling face down on it “shit” cursing almost immediately once laying down. 
Standing up, in direction of your bathroom, the reflection on the mirror stopped you from examining your abdomen wound, dark circles under your eyes, pale skin, cuts and bruises where your clothes allowed to see.  
Lowering your head with eyes closed, good reason for Sam concerns, how could you be so reckless? Your mind drifting to New Orleans and to him. 
The ring of your phone distracts you, answering as a reflect, “Hi Bobby, what do you have for me?”  
Giving one last glance to your bedroom, you could notice all the difference between here and your bedroom back in New Orleans, all kind of books scattered around on both rooms, messy bed instead a neat one, closed and dusty smell instead of his, like sandalwood and rum spice. A scent you swear you could smell.  
Denying with your head before passing your duffel bag over your shoulder, starting your way to the garage, trying at all cost to avoid any of your brothers. 
“Y/N” Sam call your name, your hand on the garage knob.  
“Almost” you whisper before turning around, forcing a smile for your own good “Bobby call, a possible Wendigo in Oklahoma” you state.  
“Castiel is on his way, you could rest while he arrives to cure you” he suggests “if we explain Bobby, he will understand, he can assign another hunter” he offers coming closer to you.  
“I can't Sam” making him stop confuse, looking at you waiting for an explanation. You sigh defeated “hunting it's the only thing that keeps me sane” you reveal to him.  
“If this is about New Orleans, you know you can talk to me” he affirms and offer.  
“Yeah” you respond in a low voice, turning around “there’s nothing to talk about” you declared before leaving.  
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A familiar scent reaches your nostrils, blinking several times to adjust your eyes to the bright light, some pieces of memory returning, causing you to a seated position abruptly.  
“You’re finally awake” the soft but firm voice express, setting your glance on him.  
“Elijah” you pronounce “what are you doing here?” question him but didn't allow him to finish “Don't get me wrong without you I would be probably dead,” you stop and start looking around “shit! I need to call my brothers; Dean will kill me” you express trying to stand up from bed. 
His hand on your shoulder, stopping you from standing “Calm down” giving you a glass of water “I came for you” turning away from you “they’re here”  
“Y/N!” Sam shout as soon he enters, reaching your side while Dean stand behind watching Elijah. 
“I would leave you alone” he said, with his glance fix in you.  
“Elijah!” you exclaim trying to stand reach him.  
He was next to you in an instant, thanks to his vamp speed, his right hand on your back and his left one on yours “I won't go anywhere” he assures you “I would get another room” caressing your hand before leaving you, Dean glance follow him.  
“So, that was Elijah” Sam state more than question, watching you nod.  
“What the hell is he doing here? With you on a hotel room?” Dean inquired, crossing his arms over his chest waiting for you to answer.  
“He’s the reason why I’m alive, Dean” taking a deep breath, remembering the events “I keep screwing up things,” Sam squeezing your hand, encourage you to continue “there where 2 ghouls instead one, I was able to kill one but I end up several injured, I was chase thought the forest, was about to kill me when Elijah appear”  
“Killing the ghoul and saving you” Sam finish for you “where were you hurt?” lifting your right side of your blouse “there’s nothing here”  
“How?” Dean exclaimed, inspecting where the wound used to be. 
“Vampire blood” you spilled out of your mouth without thinking, to then look to their confused faces “has healing qualities” you stop, taking a sip of the water glass to then continue “but if you die with it in your system, you begin the transition to vampire”  
Before Dean could start a fight, a knock on the door was listen, before Elijah enter the room “my apologies for the interruption, the vampire blood is almost out of her system and there’s nothing to worry about it” he explains approaching Sam, providing a key “you should settle down while your sister rest” he announces.  
“Oh sure, thanks” Sam answer before giving you one last squeeze in your hand “try to rest” glancing at Dean.  
Dean’s gaze changed between you and Elijah, a resigned sigh “Get some sleep kiddo” he orders before leaving the room.  
Elijah starts to walk to the room door, “stay” you shout while his hand settles on the knob. He didn't say anything, just took off his suit jacket and vest, leaving it on a chair to then walk to your side and lay down, he passes his hand under your head, making you use it as pillow, your head set on the crook of his arm. 
“How are you feeling?” he questions you, starting to caress your head.  
“A little tired and sore” answering in automatic, your mind in other things. 
“What is in your mind, darling?” moving to his side to see you.  
You lift your head to see him, your gazes crossing “Too many questions and no answers at all”  
He smiles “I would answer 3 of those questions” kissing your forehead “think wisely darling” he advice you.  
You nod, thinking your questions, after a few minutes “How did you find me?” you finally question him. 
“My sisters, Freya along Rebekah did a locator spell to find you” he expresses “they miss you”  
You open your mouth “they miss me?” you state without thinking.  
“Are you sure you want to use your question?” he questions you, looking you denied of his question and stay quiet for a few minutes.  
“Why are you here?” you whisper, not sure enough to listen the answer.  
“For you,” he declares “it seems you have you have caused a quit impression in all of my siblings, even Klaus express he don't have anyone to fight” he then presses his forehead in yours, a few inches away your face “to be true I’m smitten with you” he finally admits. 
Placing you hand over his cheek “what this means to us?” closing your eyes, knowing the answer of this question could change everything.  
He puts his hand over yours, caressing it, making you open your eyes “Darling, I love you. And I would fight for you, against anyone or anything” he announces watching you directly.” he places a kiss on your lips before standing from bed “we’ll talk about this later” he let you know before the door open reveling your brother with a tray of foods. 
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retromotherfuckers · 2 years ago
When the Sun Sets: Prologue
morgan winchester (OC), sam winchester, dean winchester
Warnings (for entire story):
SPN typical violence, so so much suppressing of emotions, vague mention of SA, depiction of torture, a very pro-torture main character, vague mention of not eating for a while, slight suicidal ideation, SPN typical alcohol abuse, spoiler warning up to the end of season 10, following canon stops after the end of season 2, but things are definitely going to be mentioned
Word Count:
350 (roughly)
hiiiiiii, i started something new instead of finishing what i’ve had in the works for FOREVER. but what else is new? the chapters will be wayyyyy longer than this fyi. this will probably be around 5 parts long (not including this)
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Rural, country roads used to bother Mo at night. There was something about the pitch black atmosphere that was suffocating to the young girl. Where flat lands swallow the sky, leaving nothing but an empty unease, and limited streetlights flickered like candles.
If left in solitude for too long, the darkness would send her adrift. Currents taking her further and further from those that kept her grounded, not letting her come back. She'd stay stuck thinking of what is, what should and will never be. Maybe, if she'd allow it, tears would begin to stick to her lashes and stain her cheeks. Maybe, she'd let them fall into her lips to feel the comfort that was the taste of salt, a piece of her childhood.
Maybe, everyday when the sun began to set, she'd lose herself in an endless ocean of grass-covered cow shit.
Just as often, however, the guttural rumble of an immaculately cared for engine would snap her back to shore like an act of God. The hard rock she used to hate playing through the speakers as if its goal was to make it impossible to think.
No one gave a crap about that Chevrolet Impala when it rolled off the line in the plant in Janesville on April 24th. They should have, though. That 1967, pre-owned, under appreciated vehicle would turn out to be the most important hunk of metal in the entire universe.
Or, at least, that’s what it was to Morgan and her family.
Their story began on November 2nd, 1983. The day Mary Winchester burned to death. Or, to be more specific, was murdered. John, her husband, had vowed to hunt down whoever did it and take them down, no matter the cost.
But when the cost became the lives of all three of his children, where’s the point of return?
But this is Morgan's story. And when the pitch-black atmosphere she used to be so scared of becomes the color of her eyes, she has to ask herself a question.
“Why were you so afraid of the dark?”
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Silent Night
Info: Y/n Winchester was always fond of Christmas, but this Christms is silent as her brothers grieve the loss of their sister.
Relationship: Winchester sister
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Sam walked into the bunkers kitchen to see Dean sitting at the table, bottle of beer in his hand as he stared in front of him. It was Christmas morning, but it was all but bright for the Winchester brothers as their light had been taken from them. Y/n Winchester had always been the one for celebrating Christmas, despite her brothers complaining, so she made it special when they moved into the bunker.
It was a simple case, or so it was meant to be.  A simple vampire nest, but they should of known better. The bloodsucker had snuck up on her, and neither brother had time to warn their sister before she was grabbed from behind, the vampire watching the brothers as he sucked their sister dry.
Dean and Sam walked in front of y/n, Sam keeping a firm grip on their sister as they walked the dark hallway where the nest was meant to be kidding. Usually the brothers would have their sister between them, protecting her from both ways, however with it being daylight they thought they'd be safe, with the nest no doubt asleep.
Feeling his sisters arm slip from his, Sam turned to warn her to stay close, only for his breath to catch in his throat when he seen what was behind her. Dean went to yell at his brother when he tapped his arm repeatedly but when he quickly went quiet as he seen the sight, raising his gun to try distract his sisters attacker.
"You and I both know that gun is useless on me." The man snarled at them before biting into the young girls neck, said victim screaming in pain. "Y/n." Sam yelled, not caring if he drew attention. "Son of a bitch you let her go." Dean yelled, trying to calculate a way to kill him withut hurting y/n. "Dean." Y/n cried out, arms flaring as she tried to get the teeth out of her neck. "Your gonna be okay y/n." Sam tried to comfort her, staying in front of her as Dean moved to the side. "Damn it." Sam shouted in frustration as the nest began to appear. "Sammy." Y/n cried out, pushing against the vampires head to try get him off her. "Leave the girl, she'll be dead by the time we're finished with these." The head of the pack stated.
A thud was heard as the vampire let go, allowing y/n to fall to the ground. Attempting to grab her weapon, y/n cried out as her attacker stepped on her hand, pops being heard as bones were no doubt broken.
"You bitches are gonna regret everything." Dean yelled out, moving to try to get to his sister only for two men to jump on him. "Actually I believe it is you who will regret everything." The leader announced, snarling at Sammy as he raised his machete.
Y/n could only watchthrough blurred vision as her brothers fought the nest, trying to make it quick so they could get to their sister. Blood sprayed on the brothers faces as they made quick work through the group, but just as they thought they were finished a young girl, no older than their sister, was seen leaning over y/n, who was moaning at the slight touch.
"Please, don't. We,,we can let you go, just leave our sister alone." Sam pleaded, trying to disperse the situation. "Sam, Dean." Y/could be heard weakly calling out to her brothers. "Your okay y/n, your gonna be okay." Dean called to his sister, wanting to comfort her as he eyed the girl on top of her  "I'm tired." Y/n whined, eyes closing from tiredness. "Keep your eyes open for me sweetheart. I just need you to last a little longer." Dean stated, "Sammy." He mumbled to his brother. "I know, I know." Sam stated, keeping his eyes on his sister. "You'll let me go." The girl asked, clearly only turned recently as she kept her eyes on y/n's wound. "Yes, just please, spare her okay." Sam bargained, watching with hope as the girl moved slightly away from the Winchesters, clearly struggling. "I'm sorry." The girl stated before grabbing y/n to feed on her. "No, no no." Sam repeated, holding his hand out in front of him.
Dean rushed towards his sister, raising the machete in his hand to cut the head off his sisters attacker. Hearing movement beind her the girl raised his head to look, but never had the chance to see the oldest Winchester before her head was wiped clean off. Sam took the chance the move to their sisters side, shushing her as she screamed from the sudden touch.
"Your okay, I got you your okay." Sam shushed her, moving her lightly only to cause pain for her, " I know I'm sorry."  "Sam." Y/n cried, trying to cling to her brother. "Yea it's me." Sam grabbed her hand and moved it so it lay on his chest, and she gripped his flannel weakly. "Your gonna be okay y/n. Just stay with us." Dean's voice could be heard behind her. "I'm tired." Y/ whined, putting all her weight onto Sam as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "She's lost a lot of blood." Sammy stated, running his hand up and down her arm as he felt the coldness radiating off her. "I know, we just need to get her to the bunker and we can treat her than." Dean stated, determined to help his sister. "How are we going to get her blood Dean." Sam whisper yelled, holding y/n's head to his chest as she cried. "I'll sneak into the hospital, they won't miss it." Dean snapped before placing a hand on y/n's back, "Here give her to me." 
Sam pried y/n's weak grip easily off him, allowing Dean to take her in his arms. Y/n let out a whimper and Dean was quick to hush her, bouncing her gently as he got back onto his feet, allowing Sam to snag the keys to baby from his jeans pocket before they made their way to the car.
Y/n had winded up passing out in her older brothers arms as Sam drove them to the bunker, and it panicked the brothers. Sam had winded up going to the hospital, Dean staying with the girl he practically raised as his own as she lay lifeless in his arms on her bed. Unshed tears were evident in the mans eyes, but all he cared about was her.
"Dean..." "Don't." Dean interrupted his brother, not wanting to talk. "I'm gonna grab some food, do you want anything." Sam mumbled, grabbing the keys to baby. "No." Dean sighed, not looking at his brother as the door shut beind him.
Deans eyes were glued to a picture of the three siblings from when they celebrated their first Christmas at the bunker.
Dean and Sam sat on the couch, watching their sister as she skipped around the place, tinsel in hand. Growing up the Winchesters never really had Christmas, but somehow y/n had an unexplainable love for the festive holiday, and it annoyed Dean. Sam could only watch with a smile as she draped tinsel over the banister, while Dean rolled his eyes, having no time for this nonsense.
“Y/n, why are you doing this?” Dean groaned, throwing a hand down his face. “It’s our first real home, we can finally stay in one place.” Y/n squealed with delight, loving the idea. “I think I prefer moving around, at least than we didn’t have all this colour around us.” Dean muttered, causing Sam to elbow him roughly. “Dean, leave her be. She doesn’t get a normal life, let her have this.” Sam stated to his older brother, and Dean only sighed as he rolled his eyes. “Can we get a Christmas tree?” Y/n asked out of nowhere. “Excuse me.”  Dean asked, appalled at the inquiry. “I want us to get a tree and decorate it for Christmas.” Y/n stated, and Sam chuckled at Deans reaction. “I don’t see the point of trees indoors.” “Come on, let’s go find one we can take, cause we ain’t buying one.” Sam stated, trying to help. “And baubles, with lights.” “Let’s not give Dean a heart attack and just remain casual.” Sam spoke, putting his hand on y/n’s back as he guided her up the stairs. “Christmas.” Dean mumbled, grabbing his nearly empty bottle of beer and finishing it.
It wasn’t long till y/n and Sam returned, with Sam dragging a half broken tree down the steps behind y/n, who was grinning ear to ear as she held a box of lights and baubles. Dean groaned, but couldn’t help the smile on his face as he seen the way his sister was.
“Come on Dean.” Y/n grinned, placing the boxes on the table before running over to her brother excitedly, grabbing his hands to pull him off the couch. “Alright alright. If we do this will you stop?” Dean asked, wanting to finish his sisters nonsense. “Help us decorate and I will, I promise.” Y/n grinned from ear to ear, quickly moving to the boxes she had abandoned. “You know you love it really.” Sam smiled at Dean as he glared at the taller Winchester.
The night was spent with the Winchester brothers helping their sister, and y/n had managed to get Dean to let her play some Christmas tunes as they did the tree. Although he wouldn’t admit it, Dean was slowly starting to enjoy the festivities of the night, he even allowed Sam to place baubles on his ears. Seeing her brothers laughing, she opted to grab her phone and snap a picture of Sam laughing while Dean eyes him from the side. She let out a squeal when Dean grabbed her phone before pulling her towards them, squashing her between him and Sam.
“Say Merry Christmas.” Y/n giggled, seeing Dean holding the phone out to take a selfie of the three of them. “Merry Christmas.” Dean and Sam cheered, Sam draping the last of the lights over y/n’s shoulders last minute.
Sam frowned as he stood at his car, watching the families that were laughing and playing with their new toys in the greenery across the road. Each parent stood wrapped up in their coats, most trying to get their children to put on a coat over their Christmas jumpers. A young girl, around y/n’s age, was seen walking along the road with her phone to her ear, giggling at something that was said. Tears built in Sam’s eyes as he remembered the laughs y/n and them would have on Christmas day.
Sam was roughly pulled away from sleep by a certain teen jumping on his bed. Y/n may of been 16 but she would never outgrow the tradition of waking her brothers on Christmas morning. The morning would start with them being awoken, Sam trying to prolong y/n waking Dean up, before they would join each other for breakfast at the table, and than y/n would open the stocking she would never outgrow.
"Good morning y/n." Sam groaned, smiling slightly at his sister. " Merry Christmas." Y/n grinned, wrapping her arms around her brother. "Is it Christmas, I wouldn't have known." Sam mocked her, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her on top of him. "Course it is, December 25th, the one day we don't hunt." Y/n cheered before squirming as Sam rubbed his beard on her forehead. "Stop moving, I need mt teddy to stay still so I can sleep." Sam stated, moving y/n to his side so he could cuddle into her more. "But it's Christmas Sammy, we have a busy day ahead." Y/n laughed, allowing Sam to pull her under the covers, sighing in content as she lay her head on his chest. "I think I'll just stay here today." Sam sighed, closing his eyes to go back asleep. "I'm going to wake Dean." Y/n announced, growing bored of lying in bed quickly. "No you won't." Sam persisted, trapping y/n from moving before the door opened. "Ah now, that's not fair, where's my hugs." Deans voice was heard from the door, and Sam laughed as he let y/n go. "Merry Christmas Dean." Y/n shouted, running to jump on her oldest brother. "Merry Christmas sweetheart, let's get this over it."  "You love it really." Sam spoke, moving to stand beside Dean as they watched y/n skip down the hall. "Only cause it makes her happy." Dean stated, crossing his arms.
The day went by slowly, and neither brother felt any of the festivities as they sat at the table, shoulders slouched as they both nursed a beer with one hand. The corner where the tree would lie was empty, and there was no childlike laughter around the place. The lights no longer shone, and the tunes no longer played. Instead there was silence, and the memories plagued the brothers mind.
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the-night-moves-writing · 5 months ago
Savior- The Check-ins (part two)
Winchesters x Sibling reader (sibling bond ONLY)
Castiel x Winchester Reader (Platonic)
Summary: When Castiel goes off the deep end and becomes god, he finds he still has a soft spot for the smallest Winchester
Chapter summary: When cas believes that the reader is not going to take care of themselves he begins checking in with making sure she will eat well  
Word Count: 1086
A/N: This is the second part to sisterhood i decided to make it into a series! Sorry this took so long i started failing class and got turned down from nursing school and my grandmother ended up in the hospital. Im not sure how many parts yet but i am currently working on part three at the time of uploading i really hope you guys enjoy! also if part three takes long that my bad
Loading up into the car after everything was said everyone was grieving something but it looked as if Dean had lost the most. I knew Dean shared a “profound bond” with Cas and seeing him turn into a creature of destruction was not great. I mean I guess it would be a creature of creation as he's now god maybe?? I'm not sure any longer all i've ever wanted was to be with my brothers and now if i do the only thing that brings me comfort and retreat into myself i might be taken from the and kept in heaven. I knew that whenever Cas would show up for these “check-ins) he would castigate every move my brothers made and every slight emotion I had. We have to be happy now it's the only way we can be together. If we fight, will Cas hurt my brothers or lock me in heaven? I finally looked up to see Dean staring at me in the rearview mirror, did he ask me something had i missed something. Dean's voice broke through my train of thought
“ Hey kiddo you don't look so great back there, are you ok?”
I wanted to break down at the sound of his voice, he sounded worried and sad.
“Im fine Dean, i mean about as fine as i can be” 
My voice cracking as i speak, my vocal cords still not use to the vibrations
“Are you sure you look a little pale and almost green”
Sam's voice made me realize that he was turned around in the passenger seat also staring at me it also brought upon the realization of nausea 
“I think I'm fine, I do feel a little sick though.” 
The boys looked concerned at how the situation had taken a toll on me 
“Where are we going though, i mean will the wards even still work to keep Cas out or … “ 
The boys seemed to become more worried as i said Cas’s name, i trailed off my voice hurting and there discomfort becoming noticeable 
Dean cleared his throat to speak up 
“We're gonna head to Bobby’s, we need somewhere for you to stay.”
My stomach fell into my feet as his words
“You're gonna leave me at Bobby’s?” 
Dean seemed to notice my sadness as did Sam
“We are gonna stay with you for a while, but i don’t think Cas will want us to bring you on hunts” 
Sam spoke up breaking the tension 
I knew better than to fight with them when they had made a decision together like this it would be useless anyways, My life usually felt like this, like every situation i was in was insuperable. 
“ How about we stop and get you some food huh? You can finally tell us what you want.” 
I knew Dean was trying to make the situation less intense by making jokes, and it did kind of make me feel a little better.
“Yeah i guess i could eat, how about a burger and maybe a sweet tea”
Dean and Sam looked a little brighter at my words, they knew how much I enjoyed the drink and I guess it was nice for them to hear me say I wanted it. Dean started to make his way to a nearby diner to get some food. Getting out of the car was when I felt it as if all of a sudden cold water was poured over my head. I knew who it was and I turned around to meet him. 
“ Do you really believe that this food will nourish your sister Dean?” 
His words rang through the air. When Cas said there would be check-ins I didn't think they would start so soon and over something so trivial. Dean turned around and grabbed my arm, putting himself between me and Cas. Sam standing behind me sandwiching me between the boys to keep me safe.
“After the night we had, I figured she would want comfort food not healthy food.” 
Dean's anger was clear in his voice the way it always was when someone had insinuated he could not take care of his siblings, his family. 
“She needs nourishment the toll that was taken on her vocal cords from the transition of not speaking to speaking will be quite large if she does not receive proper vitamins and nutrients”
Dean was starting to clench his jaw and ball his fist
“Then I can buy her some damn vitamins and she can take them.” 
Cas’s response to this was less than kind, he did not like the disrespect dean was showing him
“I can still always take her Dean, don't tempt me”
Hearing these words i gripped onto Dean's jacket and Sam moved closer
“ Although she is happy, I will procure these vitamins so you two do not bring her into a situation that could potentially turn bad. She must take them though if she stops I will not hesitate to take her with me, I have cared for her for too long for you to turn her into one of you.”
Deans anger had yet to subside as Cas spoke
“What do you mean by one of us?”
“I mean, Dean, you and your brother do not have the best track record with taking care of yourselves, Sam drank demon blood and you use food, alcohol, and sex to get through life. Do not make her like this by teaching her your bad behavior.”
Cas said his voice almost booming through the empty parking lot. Dean was now silent looking more and more like he was going to punch Cas.
“I will be back soon little one with your vitamins, you will take them wont you?”  
Cas for the first time during this interaction was speaking directly to me.
“Yes I will, I promise.” 
My voice once again was croaking and cracking from the overflow of emotion and from the newness of speaking
Was the last thing Cas said before disappearing. The three of us stood in silence not moving for fear he might return. 
Dean turned around and hugged me tightly. 
“Im sorry, i won't ever let him take you” 
I had no words for the moment. I think that's been the hardest part of speaking again, finding the right words for a moment 
“Alright no more chick flick moments” dean said letting go of me 
“I'm starving and we haven't eaten in a hot minute, lets go inside” dean said to end things
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