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unknowntoyou2205 · 10 days ago
i love ur fanficsss
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Info: It's the last season for the supernatural cast, and there's one question on everyone's mind.
Relationship: Jensen Ackles x Platonic reader
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This was it, the final season of Supernatural had been released, and the cast were beginning to feel the emotions. For the past 15 years Jared and Jensen had been the fan favourite, but when y/n joined the cast in season 3, she instantly became a favourite among the cast. Her character Maya was originally meant to be temporary, a quick and emotionless relationship for Dean, but that turned when the chemistry between them were highly wanted among fans. By season ten the on screen couple became married, after much pushing from Sam. For a while fans even shipped y/n and Jensen together, but that was quickly put to bed when Jensen got engaged to Daneel, with y/n standing on Daneel’s side as a bridesmaid.
Now, Jensen and y/n were close beyond words, people called them each other’s soul mate. Y/n was the goddaughter for all three of his children, and Jensen had given y/n away on her wedding day since she lost both her presents quite young. Jensen had been the one to comfort y/n when she lost both her parents, and y/n had been the one to help Jensen pick Daneels engagement ring. During filming Jensen would often buy y/n her morning coffee and y/n would have their breakfast ready. Both of them were important to each other, and fans hoped it wouldn’t change when they were finished filming together.
Now, sitting on the stage, y/n sat opposite Jensen, with him in the middle of her and Jared. It was their last convention of the year, and they were all excited yet dreading the last day together. They knew they would still see each other, Jensen and Jared lived reasonably close to each other, with y/n living only half hours’ drive away. Jensen looked over at y/n and winked at her, causing her to laugh while Jared was mid talking, the crowd screaming in delight at their antics.
“Are you okay over there?” Jared asked, looking around Jensen to see y/n. “I’m fine.” y/n spoke, smiling at him while looking at the crowd. “This is very important information I’m giving these guys and your just here laughing.” Jared tutted, and Jensen rolled his eyes. “Yea y/n, so not cool.” Jensen piped in, and y/n dropped her mouth as she turned to her. “You made me laugh. You guys seen it, he made me laugh.” Y/n spoke to the crowd and Jensen looked out at them. “They see nothing.” Jensen breathed out, only for the crowd to scream in agreeance with the woman, “Okay I don’t like any of you now.” Jensen spoke dramatically, pointing to around the room. “Not my fault I’m the fan favourite.” Y/n shrugged, causing both boys to gasp. “The ignorance.” Jared spoke, shaking his head. “You seem to forget that we’re the ones who made this show happen.” Jensen stated. “Yea.” Jared chimed in, nodding his head. “And you seem to forget that it was me the guys wanted to stay, ain’t that right.” Y/n spoke, turning to talk to the crowds as they cheered. “Alright, alright.” Jared spoke, calming the crowd down, “I umm, I’ve forgotten what was asked now.” “I think you answered it.” Jensen spoke, looking at the one who asked the question. “Yep.” The boy nodded. “Thank you.” Y/n smiled at him before waiting for the next question to be asked.
“On your last day of filming, did you guys take anything from set.” A young girl , no younger than 14 spoke into the phone. “Oh you could get us into trouble here.” Jensen joked, and y/n and Jared laughed as he scratched the back of his head. “No umm, I think Jensen and I both took a flannel from Dean and Sam, right?” Jared spoke, looking at Jensen for confirmation. “Yeah took a few flannels from wardrobe on last day, there was one that I think I must have had since season one which is kind of cool umm.” “God that has seen better days.” Y/n commented, causing Jensen to laugh. “Yea it has, very tattered at this stage.” Jensen laughed. “I also took a mug which was really random.” Jared laughed, causing y/n to laugh. “Was that the white one? Which spontaneously happened to be in every season.” Y/n spoke. “Yeah it is actually. I don’t think many people realize that but I used the same mug each time we filmed a scene.” Jared explained. “Which is very surprising going by our history.” Jensen spoke. “Very true.” Jared agreed, the two laughing at the memories. “Jensen and I have a very special object with that we each took the wedding bands that Maya and Dean wore after their supposed ‘marriage’.” Y/n explained, putting air quotes around the marriage. “Yea we did actually.” Jensen nodded, causing the fans to scream in happiness. “Yea I have Deans on my pointer finger, and you have Maya’s on your pinkie isn’t it.” Y/n explained, looking at Jensen. “Yeah y/n’s fingers are very small compared to mine, so, “ Jensen chuckled as he moved to show the ring, “ I was really surprised it even fit my pinkie to be honest. Have expected it to get stuck.” Jensen lifted his pinkie and y/n lifted her finger to show the rings, both on the right hand.
“I still remember when the fans shipped you two together.” Jared commented. “I know, that was a fun conversation with Daneel.” Y/n joked, causing Jensen to laugh at the memories. “Daneel jokingly squared up to y/n the first time she met her, which was hilarious as y/n was dressed as Maya at the time.” Jensen explained, causing the crowd to laugh. “No I love Daneel, she’s great. And David also loves you which was such a relief.” Y/n commented, smiling at the memories the two couples had. “Would you still be with David if he hadn’t of liked Jensen.” A fan called out, causing gasps to come from the crowd and y/n. “Wow, what a question.” Y/n spoke, “No, Jensen is very special to me, as is Jared, but if David hadn’t of liked Jensen then he’d of been dumped straight away.” “No questions asked?” Jensen asked. “No questions asked.” Y/n confirmed, causing Jensen to smile widely and throw an arm around her. “I do like David, David is very good to our family. Whenever myself and y/n were filming he’d help Daneel with the kids which we were always grateful for.” “He loves those kids.” Y/n smiled. “And the kids love him. We are quite fortunate that our kids are quite close with each other I mean Jared is uncle Jared and y/n is their godmother so, it’s incredibly special to me that David helps Daneel when I’m not around.” Jensen spoke, causing y/n to smile. “And Arrow loves him.” Y/n commented. “Yeah Arrow is convinced she’s going to marry David so, not sure how to feel about that but.” Jensen stated, pursing his lips as he shook his head in mock disappointment. “How you feel, she told me that she was taking my man from me whether I liked it or not, it’s happening.” Y/n exclaimed, causing the crowd to aww at the story. “They’ve already had the wedding by the way.” Jared stated. “Oh yeah, everyone was invited.” Jensen confirmed, causing the crowd to laugh again. “Y/n gave David away and the look on her face was priceless.” Jared laughed. “Not every day you get told your giving your husband away.” Y/n spoke, remembering her pretending to be bitter. “She cried when he left that night. Didn’t understand why he was leaving now that they were married.” Jensen spoke. “Aww really.” Y/n awed. “Yeah took awhile to explain that he had a home and that y/n was his actual wife.” Jensen spoke, causing the crowd to aw. “Yea so, to answer your question they’re were many things taken from set.” Y/n announced, looking at the girl who asked the question. “Memories included.”
The crowd awed at that while Jared fake cried. Jensen looked at y/n with misty eyes before jumping up and tackling her in a hug. Y/n screamed as she nearly fell from the stool, and Jared only laughed before joining the two. The crowd went wild, taking photos of the moment in time.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Hello Sweetheart if you don't mind ofc Whould you write me an imagine Fanfic Oneshot imagine of about me and Will Halstead pliss 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️
Info: Y/n Halstead prepared to spend her first married new year alone, but Will has other plans
Pairing: Will Halstead x wife reader
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After 5 years together, y/n and Will had happily tied the knot during the school holidays. With y/n being a teacher it wasn’t easy to take time off, but being a doctor made weekends difficult for Will to take off. The two were patient on the lead up for marriage, but Will had been adamant to make y/n his before the year was out. So they had a small ceremony in June during the week, with their celebration of course in Mollies, with all of med, 51 and Intelligence present. Neither of their parents were present in their lives, with Will’s father a dead beat of a father and y/n being an orphan, so they weren’t around for the wedding.
Now, 6 months on the two had developed a healthy routine that allowed them to spend time together without effecting their jobs. Y/n knew that Will was passionate about being a doctor, and she didn’t want to mess with that, so she wasn’t one to complain when he worked longer hours and wasn’t home before she went to bed. Her hours were more routine, and she would make sure to do plans and corrections before leaving the school, avoiding bringing work home. Will made sure to get at least one weekend a month to spend with his wife, and made sure to spend some form of special days with her when possible.
New years was no different. Will had gotten up earlier so the two could go out for a nice lunch at y/n’s favourite restaurant. He had the night shift so y/n knew they wouldn’t be ringing in the new year together, so she made sure to enjoy the time she had for herself.
“I’m sure next year I’ll have it off.” Will stated as he grabbed his bag for work, and y/n laughed in dismissal. “Don’t be silly, I’m sure tonight will be busy with people making silly mistakes, so don’t worry about me.” Y/n smiled, wrapping her arms around Will’s neck. “Doing anything nice?” Will asked, intrigued on what she’ll do. “I think Jay is going to meet me for a walk and then I’ll just come back here, open a bottle of wine for the night and then head to bed.” “Sounds depressing.” Will commented, and y/n frowned at him jokingly before kissing him gently. “I love you.” Y/n mumbled, smiling brightly at her husband. “And I love you. I’ll give you a call if I can, see if your still awake.” Will joked, giving y/n quick peck on the lips before pulling away to put on his coat. “You and I both now that won’t happen.” Y/n laughed, and Will shrugged his shoulders in dismissal. “Bye.” Will smiled, giving her a half wave as he opened the door. “Save lives.” Y/n replied, before moving to the window to watch for his car to pull off.
Y/n had spent her day out with Jay after he finished his shift and they had winded up walking the small park with some coffee in hands before meeting with Hailey for dinner, which y/n was sure she had crashed in on despite their protests that it was fine. Jay and y/n were close ever since Will had introduced them to each other, and he had become like an older brother to her. He always checked on her when Will was working late or working nights. Living a block away from each other helped, and despite it being annoying y/n was grateful to finally have a family that cared for each other.
Now, y/n was sitting at the Tv, bottle of wine opened in front of her with a glass filled with the red liquid. There was nothing on but y/n had thrown on a channel that was showcasing some new year’s event, scrolling through her phone to answer the new year messages she had received. Majority of her friends were on shift for the night, so it was going to be awhile before anyone would respond. She laughed as Conor, y/n’s best friend since childhood and Will’s colleague, had texted her a picture of the two from their teen years, both having a drink that had been stolen from Mister Rodhes cabinet.
Hearing the last song play out and catching the time, y/n grabbed her glass from the table as the host began to introduce the count down for the new year. The crowds that were present at the festival could be heard cheering as the countdown began. Y/n chanced her luck to call Will, but only smiled as she got his voicemail, knowing he was busy looking after patients. As the chants counted down to one, y/n heads whipped around as she heard the door open. Frowning, she put the glass down to stand up, thinking she had locked the door earlier when she came in.
“Hello?” Y/n called out, unsure of what to do. She wasn’t expecting anything, so hearing no answer made her freeze. “Who’s there?” Y/n called again, moving towards the front door, trying to catch the intruder.
She jumped as fireworks were heard outside the window, and she screamed as someone came into her view. A familiar laugh came out of the figures mouth, and y/n squinted before sighing when she seen who it was. Will kept laughing as he moved towards y/n, immediately moving to catch her lips.
“Happy new year.” Will muttered, allowing y/n to hit his chest. “I thought you were an intruder.” Y/n stated, whacking him across the chest to no effect. “I’m sorry, it was too hard to resist seeing you all curled up to the sofa.” Will laughed, and y/n smiled. “I called and received no answer so thought you were busy working.” Y/n stated, shivering slightly as Will brought his hands up her back to her shoulders. “They were all teasing me at work saying how bad I was for leaving you alone for our first year married, so Maggie told me to go when it was ….” Will closed off the end, not wanting to jinx it, causing y/n to chuckle at the medical beliefs. “But it seems I needn’t of bothered, for I still have received a happy new year to everyone bar the most important person.” “Happy new year, Halstead.” Y/n mumbled, moving to kiss Will once again. “Same to you, Halstead.” Will smirked as the name rolled off his tongue, peppering y/n’s faces with kisses as she giggled. “How long you got?” She asked, moving to lean on his chest as she moved to look out the window where the fireworks were still going. “Not long. Just a quick hello goodbye.” Will laughed, and y/n laughed back. “Go save some lives.” Y/n smiled, and Will kissed her forehead. “I love you.” Will mumbled in her hair before moving away. “I love you too.” Y/n stated, “I better call Jay and tell him there’s an intruder.” She called after him. “At least I know he’d be there for you if needed.” Will shrugged, and y/n nodded in agreement. “Happy new year y/n.” “Happy new year.” Y/n smiled, before watching her husband walk out the door.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Little Snowflake
Info: Chicago is a magical place in the snow, but it becomes magical for the Severide family.
Relationship: Kelly Severide x wife reader
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Kelly Severide sighed heavily as he looked outside the firehouse to see the snow falling heavily. It was always nice to see the snow cover the grounds, but as an emergency service worker, Kelly hated it. The roads always became slippy, regardless at how often they were cleared, which meant that multiple accidents were bound to happen. Severide had lost count at how many 51 had been called to today, but it was far from his mind with all the changes about to happen.
Kelly and Y/n were due to become parents in the next few weeks. The couple had hoped the snow would be gone before y/n’s due date, but it seemed unlikely the closer they got to the date. Kelly had told his wife to be careful with the change of weather, but y/n was always an anxious person when home alone, and with her leaving work to spend time relaxing before the baby, she often found herself walking to the firehouse to make dinner for the crew. Kelly would always scold her for walking to the house in the freezing temperatures, but y/n made the point of it being good for dilation.
Kelly smiled when he seen the familiar figure waddling up the driveway, a shopping bag in one hand. Seeing y/n’s slow steps, Kelly threw on his coat before walking down the driveway to meet her. Y/n smiled up at him as he took the bag from her, and rolled her eyes as Severide wrapped one arm around her waist, the other taking her hand along with the bags to help her walk.
“Kelly I’m fine walking on my own.” Y/n whined, shaking her head at her husbands antics. “I don’t want you to slip. It can harm the baby.” Kelly stated, shaking off her concerns as they made it inside the building. “I think the baby will be just fine with your genes.” Y/n remarked, allowing Kelly to take her coat and scarf, opting to keep on her hat. “Hi.” She smiled, pecking Kelly on the lips.
Kelly smiled as he moved to drape their coats over his chair before taking the bag once again as his wife mae her way into the canteen. Y/n smiled as she heard the firemen cheer when they seen her, Kelly just laughing as he moved to place the bag on the table.
“Hey, our chef is here.” Hermann stated, pointing at the very pregnant woman in front of them. “What we have today?” Mouch asked, looking over the couch to see her. “I was thinking some lamb stew, something easy.” Y/n shrugged, accepting the hug Stella gave her. “You didn’t have to come, we could of made something ourselves.” Stella scolded the woman, placing a hand on y/n’s very swollen stomach. “I like doing it. Nothing else to be doing with Kelly hiding all the babies stuff that needs to be built.” Y/n spared a glare to Kelly who put his hands up in surrender. “Forgive me for not wanting you straining yourself.” Kelly stated. “We haven’t even got the babies crib built yet.” Y/n remarked, causing everyone to chuckle.
Silence filled the room as the bell was heard, the woman’s voice coming through with the information needed. Y/n laughed lightly as the crew stepped into action, Kelly kissing the side of her head as he rushed by her. Tapping him on the arm, y/n watched the fire trucks drove off before moving to start prepping the food.
The house was smelling of fresh cooking when Kelly returned from their newest case. Rubbing his hand over his face he followed the rest of the firefighters into the canteen where they could see y/n finishing up sorting the plates and basket of rolls.  Smiling slightly at her, he moved towards her to pull her into a hug, only for her to move away from him on the last second.
“Clean up first.” Y/n scrunched her nose as he looked at his sooty face. “Not even a hug.” Kelly mocked hurt. “No way are you touching me while your all dirt.” Y/n stated, causing Kelly to sigh jokingly. “Come on, dinners ready.”
Chuckling lightly Kelly moved away from his wife and quickly hit the showers. It wasn’t long before he returned, and y/n happily gave him a hug when he approached her. Rubbing his hand on her bump he gave her a quick kiss before moving to grab two plates. Following y/n to an empty chair, he dug into his food, very little conversation happening as each firefighter dug in.
The wind could be heard outside as y/n and Kelly made their way out to the front, Kelly helping y/n put on her coat before turning to grab his own. As he turned he seen y/n grimace slightly, hand her stomach, and he frowned as he walked towards her.
“You alright?” He asked, placing a hand on her back. “Yeah just baby kicking like crazy lately” Y/n sighed, rubbing her stomach lightly. “Do you want to sit down for a minute? I’ll just tell Boden I’m walking you home.” “No Kelly, I’m fine. Just give me a minute to catch my breath and then I can..” Kelly cut him off only to stop mid conversation. “You been getting these often?” Kelly asked, concerned for her and the babies wellbeing. “This morning but than they went away. I’m sure they’ll settle in a minute.” Y/n’s voiced pitched higher as she felt another strong kick, followed by the feeling of water on her legs. “I think your waters just broke.” Kelly spoke, panicking slightly at the puddle on the ground. “No, no, I’m sure it’s false labour.” Y/n spoke, trying to convince herself. “Waters don’t break at false labour babe.” Kelly stated, grabbing y/n’s arm to help her sit down. “We’re not ready, we haven’t even a crib for them.” Y/n stated, cringing as she felt another contraction. “Hey, hey, breath, it’s okay. We’ll get through this okay. Stella.” Kelly called out, crouching down to be at y/n’s eye level.
Hearing Kelly shout her first name, Kidd ran out, stopping as she seen Kelly crouching down in front of y/n. Y/n had her head on Kelly’s chest, trying to ignore the waves of pain. They weren’t that close at the minute, so Kelly knew they had time, but he wanted to get to the hospital before the bad night fall of snow began.
“We need to get y/n to the hospital.” Kelly stated, and Kidd nodded.
Kelly had stayed by y/n’s side throughout the journey to the hospital. Brett and Kidd both went with them with the weather conditions unknown. Every now and then they heard y/n cry out in pain, but Kelly kept holding her hands, allowing her to squeeze them as hard as she wanted. On arrival, y/n was brought straight to the maternity ward, where Maggie was waiting. Having been y/n’s nurse throughout the pregnancy, she wanted to be there to help y/n when needed.
The birth wasn’t quick, but it was smooth sailing, and Kelly felt like he had little time to think before Maggie shouted that they could see the head. When Kelly let go of y/n’s hand to grab himself a drink, y/n had taken to hitting his arm multiple times, causing him to give up and turn his full attention to her. His hand was numb by the end but he didn’t care so long as mother and baby were okay.
“It’s a healthy baby boy. Congratulations.” Maggie announced as cries were heard, and y/n struggled to catch her breath as she laughed lightly. “You did it y/n.” Kelly smiled down at her, tears evident in his eyes. “A baby boy.” Y/n cried, watching as the baby was wrapped in a blanket. “Would dad like  to do the honours?” Maggie asked, offering the surgical scissors to Kelly. “Where do I?” “Just here where the clamp is.” Maggie coaxed his hand to the umbilical cord, helping him cut it.
Kelly smiled as he caught his first look at his son before grinning at y/n. Leaning down to kiss y/n’s head he moved her hair back from her forehead before the baby was hand to him. Y/n watched tiredly as the nurses worked to tidy her up.
“You just need two stitches.” Maggie noted, allowing the doctor in. “He’s perfect.” Kelly stated, bringing the baby over to his mother. “I never thought I could love any more than I do now.” Y/n spoke as Kelly placed the babe in her arms. “What are we calling him?” Maggie asked, moving to admire the baby. “Nicholous, Nickolous Kel Severide.” Y/n noted, Kelly nodded in agreement. “Perfect, just like his mother.” Kelly nodded, kissing y/n’s head as she looked down at the baby in her arms.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Bring me home for Christmas
Info: Steve and Y/n have been married for many years, having grown up together, and y/n’s wish for Christmas is to go back to the olden days
Relationship: Steve Rogers x reader
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Steve and y/n were married for many years, having joined the army together and taken part in Starks studies, they had spent most of their lives together. Y/n had refused to let Steve go through the unknown without her, so had winded up being injected with the super serum as well as Steve. They had ended up in the same plane that crashed many months later, but when they were recovered and defrosted, Steve had asked y/n to marry him straight away. They had their ceremony in a registers office, just the two of them and some random scientist as a bystander.
Now 5 years into their new lives, all was well for them. Y/n couldn’t have children due to the ice damaging her reproductive system, but the couple never cared for that. Their lives were too dangerous to bring a child into the world. Instead, any free time they had together they spent exploring their new world, admiring the advancements of which the world lived in today. What y/n was most fascinated by, was the lights that now dawned the towns or Christmas.
Steve had always known of y/n’s fascination with Christmas. Growing up, she would always be the first to sit on Santa’s knee, and tell him what she wanted that year. Every year she’d wind up at Steves, helping decorate the tree with the few decorations they could afford back then. But seeing her admire the festivities now, brought a smile to his face.
“Whatcha thinking?” He asked with a smile, seeing her dazed off look. “Just admiring.” Y/n sighed, moving to lean her head on his shoulder. “You always did love Christmas.” Steve mused, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “It’s the most magical time of the year.” Y/n stated, causing Steve to laugh as he buried his head into her hair. “I believe you love.” Steve stated, kissing her head lightly before catching her lips with his. “Makes me miss the olden days though, when the towns weren’t so busy and you could hear the songs that played.” Y/n stated, and Steve looked down at her with a smile. “Really?” “Yea, now adays people are always in a rush, they don’t stop to take in the festivities, or life in general really.” Y/n scrunched her face slightly , causing Steve to smile at her cuteness. “well why don’t we have an olden day Christmas, we can drag some of the others into it too.” “They’d never go for it.” Y/n laughed, picturing their reactions. “I’ll make them do it.” Steve smiled, causing y/n to smile at him, taking his face in her hand. “This is why I love you Rogers, so thoughtful” Y/n stated, pecking her lips. “Only the best for my love.” Steve stated, smiling into the kiss.
Christmas morning came all too quickly for the Roger couple. Y/n woke up to an empty bed, but she couldn’t help but smile as she realized the date. She wasn’t that into phones, but Peter had helped her make notifications for important dates, Christmas included. Steve had turned on the small Christmas tree that was in the corner of the room, and y/n couldn’t help but admire the pictures the two had of each other hanging from the branches. Grabbing her dressing gown, y/n grabbed her slippers before walking out the door, gasping at the sight.
Steve had managed to strip back the overload of decorations that Tony had professionals decorate, and in it’s place were strings with baubles dawning the ceiling. It had been a tradition for y/n to make the garlands with her mother this way, and in modern society the decoration wouldn’t fit new traditions. Along the pictures that hung on the walls were pieces of tinsel, each framing the top of pictures, sparking with the light. The stairs had white candles along the sides, and y/n chuckled when she seen they were battery tea lights, knowing that Tony probably would have had a heart attack if they were real ones.
The bottom of stairs showed Steve, standing with a plate of sausage and egg, a traditional morning breakfast in y/n’s childhood. Breathing in the smell deeply, y/n moved to kiss Steve gently before taking the plate of him. Linking his elbow with hers, y/n allowed Steve to bring her into the kitchen where Tony, Natasha, Bruce and Thor sat at the table, each eating their own breakfast identical to hers.
“Steve I love it.” Y/n smiled, placing her plate on the table to hug Steve and kiss his cheek. “Thank God, he had us up all night planning it.” Tony grumbled causing Nat to clip the back of his head. “Ah the good old clip of the ear. Nice touch.” Y/n mused, causing Steve to laugh gently. “When Steve told us you missed your traditional Christmas, we were happy to help.” Nat explained, smiling at the couple as Steve pushed out a chair for his wife to sit on. “Speak for yourself.” Tony grumbled. “Pepper managed to convince Tony.” Steve explained, glaring at Tony from across the table. “Well thank you guys, I really appreciate it.” “It’s not over yet.” Bruce smiled at the couple, and y/n looked at her husband with wide eyes. “Eat up, than you can see.” Steve stated, seeing y/n’s eyes light up.
After breakfast, Bruce and Natasha cleared the table, allowing Steve to bring y/n into the living room. Tony followed close behind, arms crossed as he grumbled about the decorations being too old fashioned. Steve glared back at Tony over his shoulder before taking y/n’s hand as they entered the living room.
“It’s not much but I tried to do it as close to your childhood home as possible.” Steve explained, rubbing the back of his head. “Steve, it’s amazing.”
The real tree had been replaced with a clearly fake, small tree. Colourful lights shone around the tree, and y/n smiled as she seen the teddies that were seen around the bottom of it. There was a hologram of an open fire near the tree, and y/n smiled as she could smell the scent of burning logs. A few boxes decorated with a red bow were seen at the corner of the tree, and y/n couldn’t help the tears that came.
“Steve, I love it.” Y/n sniffed, and Steve smiled as he pulled her closer to him. “I know it’s not exactly the way Christmas was, but I tried as best I could.” “It’s amazing. Thank you.” Y/n smiled, moving to kiss Steve gently. “Merry Christmas my love.” Steve smiled, swinging them gently. “Merry Christmas Rogers.” Y/n smiled, looking to the top of the tree where a cardboard angel lay.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Christmas Tears
Anthony Bridgerton x wife reader
Info: Y/n used to love the festive holidays, but this year she loses something special
Warnings: child loss, grief
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Anthony and Y/n Bridgerton had been together for nearly a year now. During last season they had met, y/n’s family had travelled back home to be with her grandmother after her grandpa’s death, and it had been the first year y/n was introduced to society. As a 20 year old woman she was known as an old woman, nearly old enough to be a spinster. But her father was adamant that his only daughter wasn’t going to wind up with that title, so had put together a list of suitable men for y/n to meet.
Anthony Bridgerton hadn’t been on that list, but for some reason his younger brother Colin had. With y/n’s father having an interest in travelling, the third oldest Bridgerton had caught his eye, and therefore the two had been introduced. Neither Colin or y/n had an interest in each other, but had become close friends. They would often pomegrade around the town with y/n’s handmaid, and one day the viscountess had offered the y/l/n family an invitation to dinner, which was where Anthony and y/n had officially meet.
It was butterflies from the start for y/n, and Anthony had felt a shook when he took y/n’s hand, bringing it up to kiss it gently. Violet could tell by the look on her oldest face that he was smitten for the girl, and had advised Colin to get the two to sit together. For the duration of the night, Anthony showed great interest for the young woman, and asked any questions from her hobby to what she wanted in the future. At first her father wasn’t impressed, but when he seen the look the two mothers gave each other, he found himself second guessing which Bridgerton boy he thought best for his daughter. Despite wanting her to marry for society, y/f/n also wanted her to have some form of love within that marriage, just as he and y/m/n had. It was to Colins relief when her father told him abruptly that he wasn’t suitable for his daughter, and Benedict was more than happy to tell Anthony about that conversation.
It wasn’t long until Anthony asked for y/n’s hand from her father. He had visited her on the daily, and when the two families were out he would escort y/n around, much to the dismay of those who watched on. Anthony asked the question on one of their walks, stopping in the middle of the path as he took both of y/n’s hands, facing her as he smiled at her. She blushed as he held everyone behind them up, but he didn’t care about any of that, his attention solely on y/n. Their mothers hugged each other in delight as they watched the eldest Bridgerton ask the only daughter to marry him, while his father coughed to hid his emotions, shaking Anthony’s hand.
Now, in the cold December weather, the newest Bridgerton couple had joy on their doorsteps. Three months after their wedding, the new Viscountess had learnt that she had become with child. Anthony had been overjoyed with the news, and had grown protective of y/n from the moment they conceived. Y/n had known that her mother found it difficult to conceive, which was why she was an only child, and she had been scared that the same thing would happen to her. So when the doctor confirmed that she was indeed carrying a child, she was ecstatic, wasting no time telling her husband the news.
“Y/n, dear, what is it?” Anthony had asked when his wife had barged into his office without so much of a knock. “Anthony, I am with child.” Y/n grinned ear to ear as she said it out loud. “You are certain?” Anthony asked, not believing his ears. “Yes, it isn’t just the bug I had.” Y/n cried joyfully, putting her hands around Anthony’s neck. Anthony laughed in joy as he placed his hands on her cheeks to wipe away the tears before pulling her into his arms. “What on earth is all this about?” Benedict asked, seeing his brother and new sister buzzing with excitement. “Call mother, we have some exciting news.” Anthony told his brother, and y/n smiled as Benedict rushed off. “We are to be parents.” Y/n called out gleefully as Violet came into Anthony’s office with Benedict and Colin behind her. “Oh this is wonderful news.” Violet exclaimed, moving to take the new Viscountess in her arms. “Congratulations brother.” Benedict smiled, shaking her brothers hand. “Does this mean we should leave?” Colin asked jokingly, only for Anthony to laugh as Colin pulled him into a hug. “Oh I promise I will be out of your hair as soon as I can.” Violet stated to y/n as she kept a hold of her hands. “I assure you there is no rush for anyone to leave. It is a delight to be around such a large family.” Y/n smiled at each of the Bridgerton present, Anthony placing a hand on her shoulder.
The months of y/n’s pregnancy flew by quickly. The Bridgerton family were excited for the newest addition, and going by the couples maths, the baby would be due sometime in December. Y/n had always enjoyed Christmas, so having her first born during her favourite time of year made her feel all warm and fuzzy. Yet when December came, the couple felt  underprepared. Both y/n and Anthony’s mothers had bombarded the couple with gifts for the baby, and y/n’s father had helped Anthony when it came to the nursery. The couple refused to let the help do the nursery for them, wanting to enjoy the troubles that came with the joy. Y/n had just stood laughing at her father and husband as they put together the wooden crib, while her mother helped her prepare the clothing the babe would wear.
The Christmas tree had been placed in the family room, and y/n admired the twinkling lights that shone on it. The odd ornaments that had been part of the Bridgerton family were littered along the branches, with one new addition for the new Viscountess. Y/n smiled as Hyacinth and Gregory ran around it, holding her swollen baby as she imagined what it would be like with her own children in the years to come. Anthony walked into the room to see her beautiful wife lounging on the sofa, and he smiled as he jumped down beside her, causing y/n to hit his knee in mock anger.
“Anthony Bridgerton, please be careful.” Y/n scolded her husband, before cupping his chin as he pecked her lips. “I do apologize my love.” Anthony smirked at her, pecking her lips again before wrapping an arm over her shoulder. “Will the baby come tomorrow?” Hyacinth asked, looking at the couple on the couch. “I don’t know Hyacinth, only they can decide that.” Y/n smiled at her little sister. “I don’t think I’d like that, a birthday on Christmas day.” Gregory scrunched his nose at the thought. “I think it would be a lovely gift to have them come on Christmas.” Anthony mused, placing a hand on y/n’s swollen stomach. “Your not the one that’ll be going through hardship my love. I would rather have no pain tomorrow.” y/n smiled, wanting to enjoy their first and last Christmas as the two of them. “You soon forget the hardship once you see their little face.” Violet explained as she came into view of her children. “Still , I would enjoy a quiet Christmas with my love.” Y/n smiled, looking up at Anthony. “I like the sound of that.” Anthony smiled, leaning down to kiss his wife softly. “Perhaps we should let your brother and love be children. After all they need all the rest they can get before the joys of parenthood begins.” Violet spoke to her two children, ushering them out of the room before closing the door behind them.
The night was cold as y/n walked around the grounds in her house gown. She had felt some twinges and had decided to take a walk outside to see if the cool air would help. Miraculously Anthony hadn’t woken up as she moved, so she got out in peace without Anthony trying to keep her inside. She had seen the clock on her way out, and couldn’t help the smile on her face when she seen it was past twelve. She could see the street lights still shining, and smiled at the sight before jumping when a voice was heard from behind her.
“You should be asleep my love.” Anthony mused, walking over to y/n with his coat hung over his arm. “couldn’t sleep, thought the fresh air would help.” Y/n hummed, rolling her eyes as she felt Anthony drape his coat over her shoulders. “It’s too cold for you to be out here.” Anthony spoke, wrapping his arm around her waist. “I’m with child, not fragile.” Y/n stated, moving to lean against her husband’s chest. “Still, I’d hate for you to be sick on Christmas day.” Anthony stated, kissing her forehead. “I’ll be fine.” Y/n spoke.
The couple stayed in each other’s arms, enjoying their time together. Y/n snuggled into her husbands body, enjoying the comfort she felt in his arms. Feeling his wife leaning heavier on him, Anthony wiggled his fingers along her side to tickle her.
“Anthony stop.” Y/n giggled, trying to get away from him. “Let’s go back to bed. Hyacinth and Gregory will soon be waking us up.” Anthony stated, smiling down at his wife. “Merry Christmas my love.” Y/n smiled. “Merry Christmas y/n” Anthony grinned, knowing how much y/n enjoyed Christmas.
Y/n allowed Anthony to guide her back into the house. It was weird moving in such a quiet house, with voices always haunting the halls during the day. The Viscount and Viscountess began to make their way up the stairs, however, y/n found herself barely able to move when she felt the twinges coming back. Grabbing Anthony’s arm, she came to a stop to catch her breath. Feeling her grip tighten, Anthony looked down at his wife before her knees buckled under her.
“Oww.” Y/n winched, holding her stomach in one hand as she held Anthony’s in the other as she fell. “y/n, what is it my love.” Anthony asked, panicked by the clear pain his wife was feeling. “It hurts.” Y/n whimpered, allowing Anthony to slide his arm around her as he crouched down beside her. “What’s wrong?” Anthony asked. “I don’t know.” Y/n cried, digging her nails into Anthony’s arm. “Help, somebody help.” Anthony called out, not wanting to leave her wife’s side. “Anthony.” Y/n cried, moving to lean her head against his chest. “I know. Somebody please.” Anthony yelled, and then movement was heard.
The next few moments were quick. Multiple handmaids came to the Viscounts aid. With strict instructions to bring his love to their room, a door man was ordered to go for the midwife and inform y/n’s family o while others grabbed water and towels. Multiple doors opened, but Anthony ignored them as he made his way to their bedroom.
“What’s going on?” Violet asked, moving to the closest person. “The viscountess has gone into labour ma’m.” The woman spoke, bowing her head. “Oh Lord.” Violet exclaimed, rushing to help. “What’s happening?” A tired Benedict yawned as he walked out of his room. “Get Colin and take Hyacinth and Gregory to the far rooms. It’s time.” Violet spoke quickly to her son before running to aid her eldest.
Screams filed the once quiet halls as Anthony paced along the halls, anxious of what was to come. After some convincing from his mother, Anthony had left the room when the midwife arrived, leaving hm out of the woods of what was happening. He closed his eyes as he listened to his loves screams of pain, praying for it all to be over quickly.
Violet and y/n’s mother were standing each side of the bed, holding y/n’s hands as they coaxed the girls breathing. Sweat covered the viscountess’s forehead, and her eyes had grown tired from all the pain and pushing. The midwife stood at the bottom of the bed, watching for the babes head to appear, but it was a struggle. Y/n had been in labour for the best of an hour, and there was no sign of the babies head.
“Y/n, I’m going to try and feel for the babies head.” The midwife explained, and y/n’s mother looked down at the midwife. “I can’t do it mama, I can’t.” Y/n cried, jumping in discomfort as the midwife done what needed to be done. “Yes you can sweetheart, just think, your baby will soon be in your arms.” Her mother smiled down, pushing back the hair from y/n’s face. “Alright y/n, the baby’s cord is wrapped around the neck so I’m gonna need you to push for me when you feel the need to, as hard as you can.”
Y/n looked up at the two mothers who gripped her hand tightly, nodding at her that it’ll all be okay. She was growing tired, and she just wanted it to be over. Feeling the next contraction, she screamed as she pushed, feeling nothing but pain.
“That’s it y/n, your doing so well. I see their head. Keep going.” The midwife spoke. “Good girl, that’s it.” Y/n’s mother commented, smiling as she kept pushing her daughters hair back in comfort.
Y/n’s screaming came to a stop, causing silence to fill the room. Anthony looked to the door, hoping for someone to come tell him what was going on. Inside, y/n cried in relief as Violet and y/m/n squeezed her hand, comforting her.
“You done so well y/n.” Violet stated, taking a towel to wipe the girls face from sweat. “I’m so proud of you.” Her mother stated with a smile, before looking down where the midwife was working on the baby. “Why aren’t they crying?” Y/n asked, knowing that usually a babe would be screaming. “Ma’m, what’s happening?” Y/n’s mother asked, already having an idea. “They should be crying. Why aren’t they crying? What’s wrong with my baby?” Y/n cried out, begging to know what was going on. “You had a baby boy.” The midwife spoke softly, and the three women looked her way. “Why can’t I see him?” Y/n asked, tears filling her eyes. “I’m so sorry.” The midwife spoke sorrowfully, and y/n began to scream. “No.” Y/n screamed, “Please.” “I’m so sorry sweetheart, I’m so so sorry.” Y/n’s mother grabbed her daughter, allowing her to cling to her. “Anthony.” Y/n screamed in sorrow, wanting her husband.
Anthony looked up in terror as he heard y/n screaming his name. His heart thumped in his chest as he moved towards the door. Not caring about whether or not he should go in, he burst through the door. He froze when he seen what was in front of him. Y/n was in her mothers arms, screaming and crying as her mother attempted to soothe her. The midwife was cleaning y/n up and his mother turned to him before placing a hand on y/n’s back and walking towards him.
“What’s happened?” Anthony asked, seeing the tears in his mothers eyes as y/n could be heard screaming and crying in the background. “Anthony, I’m so sorry.” Violet spoke softly to her son, placing her hands on his arms. “What?” Anthony asked, looking at his mother in horror. “The baby… he didn’t survive.” Violet explained, before wrapping her arms around Anthony.
Anthony clung to his mother as they both fell. They’re baby was gone before it even had the chance to survive.
Christmas morning was a sour one for the Bridgerton family. While Hyacinth and Gregory were blissfully unaware of what was going on, they ran around, playing with their presents. The adults sat in the family room, staring into space. Violet had told Benedict, Colin and Eloise about the loss of the baby. The family were in shock, not sure what to do.
After the midwife left the family to mourn, y/n’s mother left after kissing the Viscount and Viscountess on the head. Anthony had moved straight over to his wife, climbing on the bed as she continued to scream in sorrow. Shedding his own tears, he kissed her head as he rocked her. Neither of them moved from the room, and no one went to see them.
At dinner time, Violet asked y/n’s handmaid to try get the couple down to eat something. While the children dug into the turkey, ham and trimmings, the adults remained in their seats, waiting to see if the couple came. They held their breaths when they heard footsteps, and soon two drained and tired figures came into light. Anthony kept an arm around his wife, and only moved from her when Benedict and Colin stood up, moving to comfort the couple. Benedict allowed y/n to fall into his arms as Anthony threw his arms around Colin. Violet looked down with tearful eyes, and Eloise could only watch in shock.
“Why?” Y/n cried, breaking the families hearts, “Why?” causing Anthony to bury his head on his younger brothers shoulder to hid the tears.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Silent Night
Info: Y/n Winchester was always fond of Christmas, but this Christms is silent as her brothers grieve the loss of their sister.
Relationship: Winchester sister
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Sam walked into the bunkers kitchen to see Dean sitting at the table, bottle of beer in his hand as he stared in front of him. It was Christmas morning, but it was all but bright for the Winchester brothers as their light had been taken from them. Y/n Winchester had always been the one for celebrating Christmas, despite her brothers complaining, so she made it special when they moved into the bunker.
It was a simple case, or so it was meant to be.  A simple vampire nest, but they should of known better. The bloodsucker had snuck up on her, and neither brother had time to warn their sister before she was grabbed from behind, the vampire watching the brothers as he sucked their sister dry.
Dean and Sam walked in front of y/n, Sam keeping a firm grip on their sister as they walked the dark hallway where the nest was meant to be kidding. Usually the brothers would have their sister between them, protecting her from both ways, however with it being daylight they thought they'd be safe, with the nest no doubt asleep.
Feeling his sisters arm slip from his, Sam turned to warn her to stay close, only for his breath to catch in his throat when he seen what was behind her. Dean went to yell at his brother when he tapped his arm repeatedly but when he quickly went quiet as he seen the sight, raising his gun to try distract his sisters attacker.
"You and I both know that gun is useless on me." The man snarled at them before biting into the young girls neck, said victim screaming in pain. "Y/n." Sam yelled, not caring if he drew attention. "Son of a bitch you let her go." Dean yelled, trying to calculate a way to kill him withut hurting y/n. "Dean." Y/n cried out, arms flaring as she tried to get the teeth out of her neck. "Your gonna be okay y/n." Sam tried to comfort her, staying in front of her as Dean moved to the side. "Damn it." Sam shouted in frustration as the nest began to appear. "Sammy." Y/n cried out, pushing against the vampires head to try get him off her. "Leave the girl, she'll be dead by the time we're finished with these." The head of the pack stated.
A thud was heard as the vampire let go, allowing y/n to fall to the ground. Attempting to grab her weapon, y/n cried out as her attacker stepped on her hand, pops being heard as bones were no doubt broken.
"You bitches are gonna regret everything." Dean yelled out, moving to try to get to his sister only for two men to jump on him. "Actually I believe it is you who will regret everything." The leader announced, snarling at Sammy as he raised his machete.
Y/n could only watchthrough blurred vision as her brothers fought the nest, trying to make it quick so they could get to their sister. Blood sprayed on the brothers faces as they made quick work through the group, but just as they thought they were finished a young girl, no older than their sister, was seen leaning over y/n, who was moaning at the slight touch.
"Please, don't. We,,we can let you go, just leave our sister alone." Sam pleaded, trying to disperse the situation. "Sam, Dean." Y/could be heard weakly calling out to her brothers. "Your okay y/n, your gonna be okay." Dean called to his sister, wanting to comfort her as he eyed the girl on top of her  "I'm tired." Y/n whined, eyes closing from tiredness. "Keep your eyes open for me sweetheart. I just need you to last a little longer." Dean stated, "Sammy." He mumbled to his brother. "I know, I know." Sam stated, keeping his eyes on his sister. "You'll let me go." The girl asked, clearly only turned recently as she kept her eyes on y/n's wound. "Yes, just please, spare her okay." Sam bargained, watching with hope as the girl moved slightly away from the Winchesters, clearly struggling. "I'm sorry." The girl stated before grabbing y/n to feed on her. "No, no no." Sam repeated, holding his hand out in front of him.
Dean rushed towards his sister, raising the machete in his hand to cut the head off his sisters attacker. Hearing movement beind her the girl raised his head to look, but never had the chance to see the oldest Winchester before her head was wiped clean off. Sam took the chance the move to their sisters side, shushing her as she screamed from the sudden touch.
"Your okay, I got you your okay." Sam shushed her, moving her lightly only to cause pain for her, " I know I'm sorry."  "Sam." Y/n cried, trying to cling to her brother. "Yea it's me." Sam grabbed her hand and moved it so it lay on his chest, and she gripped his flannel weakly. "Your gonna be okay y/n. Just stay with us." Dean's voice could be heard behind her. "I'm tired." Y/ whined, putting all her weight onto Sam as he wrapped his arms tightly around her. "She's lost a lot of blood." Sammy stated, running his hand up and down her arm as he felt the coldness radiating off her. "I know, we just need to get her to the bunker and we can treat her than." Dean stated, determined to help his sister. "How are we going to get her blood Dean." Sam whisper yelled, holding y/n's head to his chest as she cried. "I'll sneak into the hospital, they won't miss it." Dean snapped before placing a hand on y/n's back, "Here give her to me." 
Sam pried y/n's weak grip easily off him, allowing Dean to take her in his arms. Y/n let out a whimper and Dean was quick to hush her, bouncing her gently as he got back onto his feet, allowing Sam to snag the keys to baby from his jeans pocket before they made their way to the car.
Y/n had winded up passing out in her older brothers arms as Sam drove them to the bunker, and it panicked the brothers. Sam had winded up going to the hospital, Dean staying with the girl he practically raised as his own as she lay lifeless in his arms on her bed. Unshed tears were evident in the mans eyes, but all he cared about was her.
"Dean..." "Don't." Dean interrupted his brother, not wanting to talk. "I'm gonna grab some food, do you want anything." Sam mumbled, grabbing the keys to baby. "No." Dean sighed, not looking at his brother as the door shut beind him.
Deans eyes were glued to a picture of the three siblings from when they celebrated their first Christmas at the bunker.
Dean and Sam sat on the couch, watching their sister as she skipped around the place, tinsel in hand. Growing up the Winchesters never really had Christmas, but somehow y/n had an unexplainable love for the festive holiday, and it annoyed Dean. Sam could only watch with a smile as she draped tinsel over the banister, while Dean rolled his eyes, having no time for this nonsense.
“Y/n, why are you doing this?” Dean groaned, throwing a hand down his face. “It’s our first real home, we can finally stay in one place.” Y/n squealed with delight, loving the idea. “I think I prefer moving around, at least than we didn’t have all this colour around us.” Dean muttered, causing Sam to elbow him roughly. “Dean, leave her be. She doesn’t get a normal life, let her have this.” Sam stated to his older brother, and Dean only sighed as he rolled his eyes. “Can we get a Christmas tree?” Y/n asked out of nowhere. “Excuse me.”  Dean asked, appalled at the inquiry. “I want us to get a tree and decorate it for Christmas.” Y/n stated, and Sam chuckled at Deans reaction. “I don’t see the point of trees indoors.” “Come on, let’s go find one we can take, cause we ain’t buying one.” Sam stated, trying to help. “And baubles, with lights.” “Let’s not give Dean a heart attack and just remain casual.” Sam spoke, putting his hand on y/n’s back as he guided her up the stairs. “Christmas.” Dean mumbled, grabbing his nearly empty bottle of beer and finishing it.
It wasn’t long till y/n and Sam returned, with Sam dragging a half broken tree down the steps behind y/n, who was grinning ear to ear as she held a box of lights and baubles. Dean groaned, but couldn’t help the smile on his face as he seen the way his sister was.
“Come on Dean.” Y/n grinned, placing the boxes on the table before running over to her brother excitedly, grabbing his hands to pull him off the couch. “Alright alright. If we do this will you stop?” Dean asked, wanting to finish his sisters nonsense. “Help us decorate and I will, I promise.” Y/n grinned from ear to ear, quickly moving to the boxes she had abandoned. “You know you love it really.” Sam smiled at Dean as he glared at the taller Winchester.
The night was spent with the Winchester brothers helping their sister, and y/n had managed to get Dean to let her play some Christmas tunes as they did the tree. Although he wouldn’t admit it, Dean was slowly starting to enjoy the festivities of the night, he even allowed Sam to place baubles on his ears. Seeing her brothers laughing, she opted to grab her phone and snap a picture of Sam laughing while Dean eyes him from the side. She let out a squeal when Dean grabbed her phone before pulling her towards them, squashing her between him and Sam.
“Say Merry Christmas.” Y/n giggled, seeing Dean holding the phone out to take a selfie of the three of them. “Merry Christmas.” Dean and Sam cheered, Sam draping the last of the lights over y/n’s shoulders last minute.
Sam frowned as he stood at his car, watching the families that were laughing and playing with their new toys in the greenery across the road. Each parent stood wrapped up in their coats, most trying to get their children to put on a coat over their Christmas jumpers. A young girl, around y/n’s age, was seen walking along the road with her phone to her ear, giggling at something that was said. Tears built in Sam’s eyes as he remembered the laughs y/n and them would have on Christmas day.
Sam was roughly pulled away from sleep by a certain teen jumping on his bed. Y/n may of been 16 but she would never outgrow the tradition of waking her brothers on Christmas morning. The morning would start with them being awoken, Sam trying to prolong y/n waking Dean up, before they would join each other for breakfast at the table, and than y/n would open the stocking she would never outgrow.
"Good morning y/n." Sam groaned, smiling slightly at his sister. " Merry Christmas." Y/n grinned, wrapping her arms around her brother. "Is it Christmas, I wouldn't have known." Sam mocked her, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her on top of him. "Course it is, December 25th, the one day we don't hunt." Y/n cheered before squirming as Sam rubbed his beard on her forehead. "Stop moving, I need mt teddy to stay still so I can sleep." Sam stated, moving y/n to his side so he could cuddle into her more. "But it's Christmas Sammy, we have a busy day ahead." Y/n laughed, allowing Sam to pull her under the covers, sighing in content as she lay her head on his chest. "I think I'll just stay here today." Sam sighed, closing his eyes to go back asleep. "I'm going to wake Dean." Y/n announced, growing bored of lying in bed quickly. "No you won't." Sam persisted, trapping y/n from moving before the door opened. "Ah now, that's not fair, where's my hugs." Deans voice was heard from the door, and Sam laughed as he let y/n go. "Merry Christmas Dean." Y/n shouted, running to jump on her oldest brother. "Merry Christmas sweetheart, let's get this over it."  "You love it really." Sam spoke, moving to stand beside Dean as they watched y/n skip down the hall. "Only cause it makes her happy." Dean stated, crossing his arms.
The day went by slowly, and neither brother felt any of the festivities as they sat at the table, shoulders slouched as they both nursed a beer with one hand. The corner where the tree would lie was empty, and there was no childlike laughter around the place. The lights no longer shone, and the tunes no longer played. Instead there was silence, and the memories plagued the brothers mind.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Make it to Christmas
Inspired by Make it to Christmas by Alessia Cara
Info: Y/n and Casey both know their relationship would be better of done, but y/n wants them to stick it out till the end of the festivities.
Relationship: Casey x Halstead sister
Y/n lay on her shared bed with Casey, watching the lights that passed by their window. Colourful lights appeared every now and then, signs of the Christmas period that had came upon them all too quickly. She listened to the shower cut off from the bathroom and sat up, waiting for Casey to turn up. As usual she had the day off while Casey was working, which meant that they would once again not be spending any time together. The odd time y/n would hang around the firehouse, just to see her boyfriend, but that was awkward since they would always be interrupted with the sound of the bell.
“Morning, did I wake you?” Casey asked, walking into the room while he towel dried his hair. “No, just watching the lights.” Y/n sighed, looking out the window. “I love that look on your face.” Casey smiled, moving to lean over y/n. “What look?” Y/n asked, confused. “The joy of knowing what time of year it is. Christmas brings out the best in you.” Matt smiled, giving her a peck on the lips. “Will there be much point in me going to visit you later on?” Y/n asked, watching as Casey tied his shoe laces before grabbing his jacket. “If you want.” Casey sighed, zipping up his jacket. “If you don’t want me to just say.” Y/n exclaimed, rolling her eyes slightly. “Come if you want, your welcome to visit us.” Casey stated, grabbing his bag before walking out. “I love you.” He called out as he grabbed his keys. “I love you too.” Y/n mumbled, hearing the front door close.
We were warm and wonderful Once upon a time But now we're frozen, hanging by a thread Can we wait a minute? Or can we just try to try? 'Cause my favourite day is coming up ahead
Y/n laughed to herself as she struggled to put on her gloves over her hands. Chicago had hit the cold weather, and while y/n loved the aesthetics of it, she hated being cold. With time on her own, she had decided to visit the Christmas market to waste some time. Her and Casey had planned on doing it, but neither of them seemed to find the time together. Their days off were rare now, when they first started going out they made an effort to have at least one day off a week, but now they’d be lucky to have that off per month. Y/n knew that Casey’s job was demanding, but she still wished they could make it work.
Casey sat in his office, leaning his head against his hand as he stared out the window. He smiled softly at the children that passed by, throwing what little snow was present at each other. His vision stopped when he caught sight of a couple walking down the road, the guys arm wrapped around his girls as he rubbed it up and down, attempting to help her keep warm. Casey could only sigh, there was a time when he and y/n would do that, walk some random night and just enjoy each other’s comfort. They had spent 4 Christmases together as a couple, and each year they would go to the Christmas market and just stroll around, purely to spend time together. They had a set date, and it had become something that y/n thoroughly enjoyed each year, marking the start of the festive holiday.  
Deciding to go out for some air, Casey grabbed his jacket that was thrown on his cot before walking through the canteen. Hermann yelled something at him but he just shrugged it off, bumping into Kelly as he went through the door to the pit. Throwing his hands into his pockets, he leaned against the wall, looking around outside. He looked to the side when he heard a laugh.
“You always do that when our frustrated.” Y/n mused, coming to a stop beside him. “Hey.” Casey smiled, pushing off the wall to face y/n. “You ok?” She asked. “Yea I’m fine.” Casey sighed with a smile before looking down to see something in her hands, “What’s this?” “Oh I uhh, went to the Christmas market today, got you guys some treats to keep you going.” Y/n smiled, offering them to Casey. “I thought we were going to go together?” Casey asked, confused on why y/n went alone. “We can still go together, I just went cause I had the time off.” Y/n shrugged, biting her lip slightly. “Yea, next time.” Casey nodded, deciding not to push on it anymore. “Come on in, I’m sure the guys would be delighted to see you.” “Me or the goodies?” Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow. “Maybe the goodies.” Casey admitted with a slight chuckle.
Y/n shook her head with laughter before allowing Casey to push her towards the entrance. She didn’t see the slight disappointment Casey had while she greeted Kelly with a hug. He could only watch as the guys greeted her with cheers, Mouch kissing her cheek as he took the box from her. Kelly glanced between the couple, nodding his head slightly.
Darling, I know that our love is going cold It's just something 'bout the snow this time of year That makes us lose our way, just say we'll make up And hold on a little longer Don't have me spending it alone This time of year is precious Please, can we make it to Christmas? Can we make it to Christmas?
Y/n smiled softly as she said her goodbyes to the crew from firehouse 51. They had devoured the treats she had brought for them, and with it growing late y/n decided it would be better if she started to make her way home. There would no doubt be ice on the roads, and Casey knew how much she hated driving in them conditions. Usually, he would offer her to stay with him in his office, but there was something in him that stopped him this time. So he opted to walk her out while Boden and her talked.
“You take care on those roads y/n, conditions are lethal.” Boden spoke, pointing at the young girl in front of her. “I will Boden, thank you.” Y/n smiled, placing a hand on Boden’s arm in thanks. “Don’t want to get a call and see you in there.” Boden commenting causing Casey to winch. “And with that lovely thought, I am going to head.” Y/n joked with a smile, turning to Casey. “Don’t be a stranger.” Boden commented, he always had a soft spot for y/n from the moment she was introduced to them.
Y/n and Casey watched the chief walk back into the building before turning to face each other. Y/n played with her hands with the cold, and Casey smiled at the sight. Y/n was never one for the cold, and Casey always wondered why she loved a holiday that was surrounded by cold conditions. Turning his head to see Kelly and Squad watching them from their table, so went to grab y/n’s hand, intertwining their hands before guiding her to her car across the road.
“Drive safe.” Casey commented, opening the door for her. “Of course.” Y/n smiled back.” “Text when home.” Casey stated. “I always do.” Y/n smiled and Casey moved to kiss her cheek. “See you tomorrow.” Casey spoke, slight hope. “I’m meeting Jay and Will tomorrow evening, might stay there for night.” Y/n shrugged and Casey looked down. “I’ll call in.” Casey stated, looking at y/n. “Sure.” Y/n smiled, before moving to close the door behind her.
Casey knocked on the top of the roof before stepping away, watching y/n drive down the road.
can we just make it to Christmas? (Everything will be alright) can we just make it to Christmas? (If we just hold on, hold on) can we just make it to Christmas? (Hold on) make it to Christmas Don't know what I'll say to Dad when he sees the empty chair Don't want to hear my Mum say, "Told you so" Waiting for Santa in my bed is no fun if you're not there And I don't want to be angry at mistletoes
Y/n breathed deeply as she moved to knock against her brothers apartment door. She smiled slightly as she seen the reed that was nailed to the front door. It was the same reed that had been in the family from the first year of their parents marriage. In a fit of rage the Halstead’s father was going to throw out everything to do with their mother, but Jay had managed to get a hold of them, keeping bits for them and giving some to Will and y/n.
Jay opened the door with a smile on his face, before frowning slightly when he seen y/n on her own. For the last two years all three Halstead’s had been in a relationship, and their annual Christmas movie night had turned into the three couples spending time together. Will and Natalie were there, and Hailey was on the way back with takeaway, and the plan was for Casey and y/n to arrive together.
“Where’s Casey?” Jay asked his sister in confusion. “I was working so came from there. Casey said he’ll call in.” Y/n smiled at her brother, walking into the apartment. “Did you guys have a falling out?” Jay asked as he closed the door. “No, just I was working late and he finished work this morning so we missed each other. He’ll probably be here shortly. Hey Will, Natalie.” Y/n explained before moving and sitting beside her older brother on the couch. “Hey y/n.” Natalie smiled as Will looked over at Jay with a raised eye brow.
It wasn’t long till Haley arrived home with dinner. She gave her sister in law a look when she seen y/n on her own, and turned to Jay who shook his head as if to say he didn’t know. The group allowed y/n to pick the first film, and each groaned when they seen the polar express start playing.
“That films creepy.” Jay whined, causing y/n to roll her eyes. “No it’s not.” Y/n commented. “Oh yes it is. The animations make the guy look weird.” Will stated, and Natalie hit his chest. “Stop complaining.” Y/n spoke, crossing her arms as she sat in between the two couples.
To an outsider it would look like y/n was third wheeling a double date night, but Jay and Will watched their sister with sadness. They both knew that y/n and Casey loved doing festive things together, and watching movies was no different. It was their ‘date night’ each week, they’d order in and watch a series of some sort. Casey would often pick a horror movie just for y/n to cuddle up on him.
Casey arrived to the apartment late into the night, beers in hand. Jay greeted him with a smirk and bro hug before leading him into the apartment. Y/n just smiled at him as the fireman shredded his coat and moved to sit beside her. Seeing her brothers watching, y/n moved to lay her head on Casey, and Casey kissed her head, wrapping an arm around her as they finished off the third movie of the night.
Darling, I know that our love is going cold It's just something 'bout the snow this time of year That makes us lose our way, just say we'll make up And hold on a little longer Don't have me spending it alone This time of year is precious Please, can we make it to Christmas? Can we make it to Christmas? can we just make it to Christmas? (Everything will be alright) can we just make it to Christmas? (If we just hold on, hold on) can we just make it to Christmas? (Hold on) make it to Christmas (Christmastime) can we just make it to Christmas? (Everything will be alright) can we just make it to Christmas? (If we just hold on, hold on) can we just make it to Christmas? (Hold on)
Y/n and Casey walked to y/n’s car, turning to wave to Jay and Hailey as they headed home for the night. Casey had been with Kelly for the day, getting the Christmas tree, so he had Kelly drop him off at Jays. The journey home was a little quiet, and y/n sighed, moving to turn up the radio. Like every year, y/n had turned the radio to the Christmas station, and Casey frowned as a new song came on. He looked at y/n as she began to sing along.
“Darling I know, that our love is growing cold.” Y/n mumbled softly, watching the road carefully. “Do you think that?” Casey asked suddenly, shocking her. “Casey it’s just a song, I…” Y/n started only for Casey to interrupt her. “We have been growing apart lately, I can’t be the only one who’s seeing it.” Casey explained, and y/n looks down. “I was hoping we were going through a rough patch. It happens for couples.” Y/n sighed, turning her attention to the road once again. “Have we done anything together lately.” “We did tonight.” “Because I remembered it after you said you were going there.” Casey exclaimed, and y/n shook her head. “Our jobs are crazy right now.” Y/n tried to justify. “Our jobs were always crazy y/n, you’re a lawyer, I’m a firefighter, it’s part of the job. But we used to make sure we had at least one day off together, or an evening we would spend together. Now, it’s like we’re not even trying, using work as an excuse to what is really going on.” Casey stated, and y/n pursed her lips to avoid talking. “So what does this mean?” Y/n asked softly, not wanting to think of it. “I don’t know y/n. I really don’t know.” Casey sighed, looking down at his hands.
Darling, I know that our love is going cold It's just something 'bout the snow this time of year That makes us lose our way, just say we'll make up And hold on a little longer Don't have me spending it alone This time of year is precious Break my heart on Boxing Day Just, please, can we make it to Christmas? can we just make it to Christmas? (Everything will be alright) can we just make it to Christmas? (If we just hold on, hold on) can we just make it to Christmas? (Hold on) make it to Christmas (yeah) (Christmastime) can we just make it to Christmas? (Everything will be alright) can we just make it to Christmas? (If we just hold on, hold on) can we just make it to Christmas?
The apartment was warm when they walked in, but it was a clear contrast to how the couple that walked into it were feeling. Y/n couldn’t look at Casey as she took off her winter coat and kit, before moving to the kitchen and turning on the kettle. Casey sighed as he hung up the two coats before following her, wrapping her arms around y/n’s waist from behind. His eyes misted over as she flinched from his touch.
“Please don’t do that to me.” Casey begged, hating him flinching at him. “Sorry, I just don’t want this to end.” Y/n spoke, her voice wavering with emotion. “I don’t either, but we’re making excuses for things that used to be simple. I don’t want to hurt you but if we hold on it’ll hurt more.” “Can we wait it out. We can work on it.” Y/n begged, moving to face him. “We can try make it work over the holidays.” Casey stated, looking y/n in the eyes. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, I don’t want to lose this.” Y/n cried, moving to place a hand on Casey’s cheek. “I don’t either, but we can’t hold onto this.” Casey spoke, his heart breaking as he held y/n. “I love you.” Y/n tried, a tear falling down her cheek. “I know, I do too.” Casey sighed, bringing y/n into a hug.
Neither party wanted this to end. But deep down they knew, it wasn’t going to work.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Singing Carols
Info: Tony Stark wasn’t one for singing while sober, but he finds it hard to say no when his daughter asks him to join her choir.
Relationship: Tony Stark x daughter reader
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Tony Stark wasn’t a man with a voice for singing. He avoided music like the plaque while sober, much to the dismay of his daughter. 12 year old y/n stark was a natural when it came to singing, even Tony could see that. From a young age she would bounce around the house, singing at the top of her lungs, even when her father would tell her to shut it. Tony would be the first to admit he wasn’t always the best father, but he grew into the role slowly, even when it included him going to shows his daughter put on with the school.
Christmas was the time Tony dreaded most. He knew it was only a matter of time before y/n would show him the leaflet, portraying the schools latest musical of the year. It wasn’t that he wasn’t proud of his daughter, he was, musicals just weren’t his thing. He loved the extravagant costumes, but the lengthy show with few talented people in it had him bored very quickly. If he had his way he would leave after seeing his daughter perform, but like any Stark she took it to the top, making her one of the leads each year.
“Dad, look.” Y/n called out, running through the front door with Happy close behind. “There’s my little star, what’s this?” Tony asked, accepting the hug the girl gave her before taking the piece of paper in her outstretched hand. “A note from the school, we’re not doing a show this year.” Y/n spoke, slightly disheartened at the news. “Why not?” Tony asked, secretly happy with the news. “There’s not enough interest this year, so instead we are going Carol singing.” Y/n explained, shrugging her shoulders before jumping in excitement. “Carol singing, that’ll be fun.” Pepper smiled at the girl as she walked into the living room. “And the best part is, they’re asking the parents to join us.” Y/n beamed, causing Tony to do a double take. “Sorry?” Tony asked, hoping he heard her wrong. “Please say you’ll come dad, everyone else has someone coming.” Y/n stated, taking Tony’s hand in hers. “Y/n you know I don’t do singing. That’s your area of expertise.” Tony groaned, leaning back in his chair more. “It’s carols, you don’t have to be perfect.” Y/n stated with a hand on her hip. “Sorry y/n.” Tony sighed, crossing her arms stubbornly. “Come on Tony, go with your daughter, it’ll be fun.” Pepper tried to help Starks daughter, knowing Tony would be hard to budge. “I don’t sing.”  Tony stated, throwing his arms out. “Please daddy, it would make my day.” Y/n spoke, intertwining her hands together while she gave him the puppy dog eyes. “Don’t do that, you’ll make me feel bad.” Tony stated, hating when his daughter threw it at him. “Bad enough that you’ll come with me?” Y/n asked, chancing her luck. “Tony..” Pepper asked, encouraging him to help his daughter. “When is it?” Tony sighed, throwing his head back. “Next week.” Y/n squealed, moving to jump on her father. “Thank you dad.” “Your welcome.” Tony sighed, still not thrilled with the idea of him singing.
“God I hope we have a mission that week.” Tony mumbled, pinching his nose as y/n moved up the stairs to her room. “Tony.” Pepper scolded, hitting his chest lightly.
The week flew by quicker than Tony would of liked. Y/n had been buzzing all week for the night the school went carolling, and had told all the avengers about it, much to the dismay of Tony. Natasha had even put down the compound as a pit stop for the class to sing at. Now, Tony stood by the front door waiting on his daughter ,donning a sour look that was a big contract to his festive jumper y/n made him put on.
Y/n was quick to drag him over to her class when they got outside the car at the school. Parents greeted Tony with smiles on their face while they chatted amongst themselves, and it wasn’t long until the teacher walked around, handing out music booklets. Flipping through the pages, Tony frowned as he seen all the traditional songs, before looking up as y/n grabbed his hand. The father daughter duo stuck together, as did the other families while they walked the pavement to do to door.
Keeping near the back, Tony tried not to sing, but receiving a glare from the teacher who stood in front to keep them all together, he cleared his throat and begun to sing. Each song seemed to drag on longer than intended, and he couldn’t help but look confused when the teacher signalled for them to quiet down in the middle of ‘jingle bells’. Hearing a familiar voice, he couldn’t help but move to the side of the crowds, trying to catch who it was. His eyes widened when he seen each kid singing a line on their own, watching y/n as he sung hers. She turned slightly to face her father, and reached out for his hand.
Seeing his daughters delight, Tony cleared his throat and moved to stand by y/n. Not hearing her father singing, y/n opted to squeeze his hand tightly, and Tony looked down to glare at her before seeing her puppy eyes once again. Sighing, he opened his mouth to sing once again, and seeing his daughters face light up, he looked around at each parent, starting to sing louder. Moving away from his daughter, Tony stood with the rest of the adults, where they begun to sway to the beat. The children laughed in awe as they moved away to watch the display each adult showed, but the one Tony cared about was y/n.
Y/n ‘s face was hurting from all the smiling she did. Seeing her father enjoying himself  made her enjoy the carolling a little more. It wasn’t often she would see her father enjoying himself when it came to singing, in fact she knew he tried to avoid it all costs. But seeing him getting into it as they went through the houses, even dancing along when they were performing for the compound. At the end of the night the father daughter duo were beyond tired, and y/n lay her head on Tony’s shoulder as they sat at the back of the car.
“That wasn’t so bad.” Tony commented, looking down at his daughter. “Maybe we could do it more often.” Y/n suggested, and Tony laughed. “I didn’t say that now.” Tony disagreed with a shake of his head. “I seen the way you were today dad, you enjoyed it admit it.” “I did, but I think I’ll leave the singing to you.” Tony admitted, shaking his head yes.  “I got today, that’s all I care about.” y/n smiled, snuggling into her father more. “I’m glad your happy.” Tony smiled, wrapping an arm around her to kiss her head. “I’ll get you next year though.” Y/n commented as she closed her eyes, leaving Tony to look ahead like a deer caught in head lights.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 months ago
Sparkling Lights
Info: Young y/n Bridgerton loves everything to with Christmas, especially the lights that line the streets in December
Relationship: Bridgerton family x sister reader
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Anthony Bridgerton watched with a roll of his eyes as his 5 year old sister bounced around the place, excitement evident through her. Today was the first week in December, and the town were going to turn on their lights to officially kick off the Christmas season. Each year they made a big event of it, with the Queen hosting a ball for the newly wedded couples of the year , one which even the children could join. The eldest Bridgerton knew how much his sister loved Christmas, but ever since she could talk it seemed her excitement had grown.
“Y/n, please calm down, you will cause yourself injury.” Anthony scolded the child before looking to the door as his wife walked in. “Oh let her be, she is excited for what’s to come.” Kate smiled, wrapping her arms around her husband from behind. “Yes brother, you do know why y/n is like this.” Benedict remarked from the bay window, paint brush in hand. “I do, but I would much rather not have y/n miss the one ball she can attend to.” Anthony raised his voice at the last bit, looking at y/n as she quietened down. “How much longer?” The little girl whined to her brothers, running over to pull out of Anthony’s arm. “Perhaps you should go find mama, getting ready may speed things up for you.” Anthony teased his youngest sister, poking her nose causing y/n to giggle. “I’m gonna wear a red dress.” Y/n remarked, running out of the room. “Oh how lovely, she shall be easy to find should she go missing.” Colin smiled from his spot by the fire. “Colin.” Penelope hushed her husband, not wanting y/n to act up on that statement.
“Easy y/n, please.” Voilet’s Voice was heard from up the stairs. “Yes mama.” Y/n’s little voice was heard.
Benedict stifled his laugh from the top of the stairs behind his mother as he watched y/n all but run down the stairs in her little red dress. Her mother had been against the vibrant red, but y/n had managed to convince the retired Viscountess to allow her to get it. Anthony and Kate waited down the stairs, looking up at the young girl that rushed down the stairs, eager to get going. Wanting to prevent any injury, Anthony moved to the last step and picked y/n up, causing her to giggle.
“Well, look at you.” Anthony smiled, holding y/n on his hip before poking her chest lightly. “I wearing red.” Y/n pointed proudly to herself. “I see that.” Anthony smiled, looking at y/n’s colourful dress choice. “You look lovely y/n.” Kate commented her new sister, tucking a piece of hair behind the little ones ear. “Must we all attend tonight.” Eloise asked, coming down the stairs with her mother in toll, tugging at the fabric of her dress. “Yes, we are going as a family. I will hear no complaints.” Voilet tapped her daughters shoulder, giving her the eye to stop fidgeting. “I agree, what a wonderful thing for us all to attend.” Colin stated, coming down with Hyacinth & Gregory beside him. “Are we all ready?” Violet asked her children, sharing a look with Kate. “Let’s go, let’s go.” Y/n wiggled in her brothers grip, trying to get out. “Don’t wander y/n, and put on your coat.” Anthony called out to his sister. “Should you think she heard you?” Eloise asked her brother, watching her baby sister run off. “I don’t believe so.” Benedict shook his head, causing Anthony to glare at him before taking the youngest’s jacket from the door man.
The town was packed with families from all over London, and Violet struggled to hold y/n’s hand as she tried to drag her mother towards the front. Seeing his mother’s struggle, Benedict took y/n’s hand before picking her up, ignoring as little hands tried to push him away.
“For a better view.” Benedict remarked, and y/n stopped at that.
Anthony and Kate walked hand in hand, smiling at each other as they walked the streets. Behind them was Penelope and Colin, who were laughing at something Penelope had observed. Hyacinth and Gregory walked obediently in front of the adults, and Eloise tagged along behind them, folding her arms as if all she wanted was to get away from here. The night was chilly, but the crowds made it tolerable. Feeling her brother come to a stop, y/n grew excited and looked around, giddy for what was to come. Violet placed her arms around Hyacinth and Gregory as they all waited for the lights to turn on.
Y/n bounced in her brothers arms as the crowd started to count down. She wasn’t very good with numbers, but she knew when the crowd started chanting, the lights would soon turn on. Benedict kissed his sisters cheek as she leaned closer to him, thinking it would help her to see. She clapped happily when the lights turned on, causing her brother to laugh.
“You happy y/n?” Benedict teased her, adjusting her to have a comfortable hold on her. “They’re so sparkly.” Y/n spoke in amazement, looking above at the strands of light. “There just lights y/n, nothing special.” Gregory remarked, and Violet squeezed him tighter. “Don’t upset your sister Gregory.” Violet stated, not wanting to catch a scene. “She’s so amazed.” Penelope stated, smiling slightly at the youngest. “Ever since our y/n has been a babe she has loved the lights.” Colin explained to his wife. “She was only in mothers arms when she would stare up at them with a wide smile.” Benedict admitted, tucking some hair behind y/n’s eyes. “We used to have a small set of Christmas lights on her roof so she would sleep because she didn’t understand where they went.” Anthony explained, an arm around his wife’s waist. “We don’t know why, she just took to them.” Benedict shrugged, watching his sister with a smile. “I wanna touch them.” Y/n stated, and Anthony jumped forward to grab her hand. “No no, hot y/n.” Anthony spoke harshly, trapping her arm in his hand. “Aww.” Y/n pouted, not understanding. “When does the party start?” Hyacinth asked, wanting to go to the ball. “Ball Hyacinth, not party.” Violet corrected her, “We’ll make our way now.” “Can I stay here?” Y/n asked, glaring at Anthony as she pulled away from him. “Sorry y/n, you’ll see them on the way home.” Anthony smiled at his sister, who frowned in disappointment.
For the duration of the night, y/n never moved from the window, staring out at the light. She smiled at the sparkling of them at the window, and Benedict chuckled at his youngest sisters antics.
“She really loves those lights.” Benedict admired. “I do wish she would stay away from the window.” Violet sighed, eyeing her youngest. “She’s only five, leave her be.” Lady Danbury commented with a slight smile.
“Hey y/n, you gonna move away from the window any time soon?” Colin asked, smirking at his sister. “They’re so pretty.” y/n murmured, dancing her finger along the window. “They’ll still be there tomorrow night. Come dance with us.” Colin smiled, offering his hand. “Can we dance near the window?” Y/n asked, fluttering her eyelashes. “Well I..” “We can dance wherever you like.” Benedict interrupted her brother. “Hey, don’t steal my dance partner.” Colin joked, hitting Benedict on the chest. “You have Penelope, I have no one.” Benedict announced dramatically, taking y/n’s hand before twirling her. “Make sure we can see the lights.” Y/n stated. “We can see the lights, don’t worry.” Benedict smiled, taking her into his arms to make sure she could see them.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 4 months ago
Christmas always finds me
Info: The younger kids may be the ones who steal Jensen’s attention, but their father can always tell when their sister is having a tough time
Warning: Depression, sadness, loneliness
Relationship: Jensen Ackles x daughter reader
December rolled by quicker than expected. The Ackles house had quickly been dawned with tinsel and decorations, and when school finished, the celebrations were in full swing. Daneel was busy with the youngsters, trying to keep them busy while they waited on their father to come back from filming for the year. Jensen was wrapping up filming this weekend, leaving a whole week before Christmas for the family to prepare and finish traditions.
But while the three youngest Ackles bounded up to the door to greet their father, the oldest stayed behind with their mother. Y/n was now a 17 year old, high school graduate, who was currently studying music and dynamics. She took after her father in the music industry, which meant she had infinite possibilities when it came to her career path. She had always been close with her father, and being only one when her father met Daneel, the woman had become y/n’s mom pretty quickly. Seeing her oldest standing to the side, Daneel wrapped an arm around her waist, leaning her head on y/n’s shoulder.
“Aren’t you going to go see your dad y/n?” Daneel asked. “In a minute. The sooner the kids see him the sooner they get to bed.” Y/n spoke lightly, pointing at the clock that’s arm was near 11pm. “I don’t think they’ll be sleeping much tonight. Not with them going to see Santa tomorrow.” Daneel noted, and y/n groaned inwardly “Do I have to go tomorrow?” “Y/n, you know we always do it as a family.” Daneel scolded her, and y/n sighed. “I don’t really feel like doing it this year.” Y/n spoke. “What you talking about, you love Christmas.” Daneel frowned before the kids came running to them, Jensen in tow.
“Y/n love.” Jensen sighed, pulling his oldest into a tight hug. “Hi Dad.” Y/n sighed, burying her head in his shoulder and they hugged each other tightly. “How are you? I feel we haven’t talked in ages.” Jensen sighed, frowning a little as he felt her squeeze him tightly. “Yea, been busy with music. We’re writing music at the minute which is cool.” Y/n shrugged, looking down as the father daughter duo pulled away. “Well I would love to hear it.” Jensen smiled, proud of his daughter. “Maybe.” Y/n shrugged again, looking down at her siblings as Daneel tried to wound them up to bed. “Hey kids, why don’t we head to bed, leave mum and dad alone.” Y/n spoke out, trying to help Daneel. “I thought you and your father could spend time together.” “That’s okay. I’m tired so I’m gonna hit the bed myself. But maybe tomorrow night, yea?” Y/n asked, looking from her father to her mother.
“Sounds good.” Jensen smiles, ruffling Zep’s hair as y/n pushed JJ to mae her way up, the twings following.
Through the years I've moved a lot Different doors with different locks But somehow Christmas always finds me It's been a while since I wished For roller blades and pixie sticks But somehow Christmas always finds me
Y/n groaned as she flipped over on the bed, trying to avoid the morning light that was threatening the shine through the curtains. Sheets littered her bed, and her guitar was leaning against her locker, her piano set up at the bottom of the bed. Sleep was hard to find these days, so most of her night consumed with her degree. With her new assignment, she was glad her father had set her room to be noise cancelling. She had always loved music, and when babies were around her practice sessions weren’t always perfectly timed, so Jensen had decided to sound proof her room, both for their sanity and hers.
A knock on the door caused her to look up, and she sighed when she seen Jensen pop his head in before the door was pushed open by JJ, who ran to jump onto her older sisters bed. Y/n gasped as the young girl jumped all over her sheets, and she glared at her as she grabbed all the papers, moving them to her locker.
“JJ be careful.” Y/n snapped, causing JJ to look at her. “Mommy told us to come get you up for Santa today.” JJ squealed, before stopping when she seen her sisters glare. “I’m not going.” Y/n stated, and JJ rolled her eyes. “But you have to. We always go.” The young girl stated, pointing her hands at her sister. “I have more important things than Santa JJ.” Y/n snapped again, causing JJ’s eyes to widen. “JJ, go tell mommy y/n and I will be down in a minute.” Jensen spoke, trying to avoid a screaming math between the sisters.
Y/n watched JJ leave with a sigh before moving to sort out the papers that JJ had crumpled from her jumping. Jensen sighed and rubbed his face as he sat down at the edge of the bed, playing a key on the piano before clearing his throat when y/n looked at him from the side of her eye.
“Look, you didn’t have to be so short with your sister.” Jensen started, giving y/n a pointed look when she turned to him. “She crumpled up my sheets.” Y/n stated, still flattening them out. “She was excited, so were you at her age.” “Not any more.” Y/n deadpanned, causing Jensen to sigh and look around. “This part of your song your working on?” Jensen asked, catching sight of some sheets on the keyboard. “Part of it.” Y/n sighed, looking to see what he was looking at. “Can you play it for me?” Jensen asked, loving a chance to listen his daughters talent. “It’s not finished yet, I haven’t even found the right words.” “We all start somewhere.” Jensen implied, placing a hand around y/n’s shoulder, “Please?” He asked again, placing his chin on her shoulder.
Y/n sighed and placed the sheets in her hand on the locker before scooting behind Jensen to get to her keyboard. Jensen watched her with a smile, moving to lean against her pillows as she prepared to play. He watched her fingers move effortlessly as the tune came to life. Closing his eyes, he smiled as he heard her begin to hum to the keys. As she came to a stop, she refused to look at her father, flinching a little as she felt his arms wrap around her from behind.
“That was great love.” Jensen smiled, pecking her cheek gently. “It’s only the start, still have away to go.” Y/n tried to justify. “It’s a great start. Do you need help with the lyrics.” Jensen asked, always wiling to help his kids. “No that’s okay. I know what I want to say, just not sure how.” Y/n shoot him down, and Jensen frowned, knowing she always liked when he helped her with her music. “Alright, well don’t be afraid to ask if you need me.” Jensen offered. “I know dad.” Y/n smiled slightly, trying to ease her fathers worry. “Come on, get ready to go before mum comes up after us.” Jensen spoke, moving off the bed. “Do I really have to go?” Y/n sighed. “Come on, you always enjoy it.” Jensen sighed, placing a hand on y/n’s shoulder. “I don’t feel like it today. Why don’t we go tomorrow?”  Y/ asked, trying to put it off. “You and I both know the kids won’t take too kindly to that. And they certainly won’t be happy if you don’t go. It’s tradition we all go.” Jensen stated, kissing y/n’s head. “I’ll see you down there.”
Y/n sighed as her father closed her bedroom door before moving to start getting ready. Throwing on a Christmas cardigan over a black dress, y/n sighed as she looked herself in the mirror before heading down to where her family were waiting by the Christmas tree. Daneel smiled as she seen her daughter, opting to take a photo of her descending the stairs before moving to get the kids into the car, while Jensen watched their oldest from behind, a frown etched on his face.
When silver bells and silent night And mistletoe's nowhere in sight With no chance of snow falling down Another year older Little harder to believe But somehow Christmas always finds me
Y/n stayed behind her parents and siblings as Jensen held onto the twins to prevent them running too far. JJ skipped in front of the group, singing along to the Christmas tunes that were heard over the speakers through the mall. Hearing the chatter of people around her, all cheerful as they waited to visit Santa, y/n couldn’t help but look down, trying to avoid conversation. Daneel looked back to her oldest daughter and seeing her keeping to herself, she eyes her husband before placing a hand on his arm, taking the twins hands.
“Hey y/n, you okay?” Jensen asked, rubbing his eldest back gently. “Yeah just tired. Didn’t sleep much last night. Guess it was the excitement of going here with the kids.” Y/n stated, trying to avoid confrontation. “Well if you want an early night that’s fine. Can leave films for another night.” Jensen suggested, trying to ease her daughter’s tiredness. “Yea, maybe.” Y/n agreed, shrugging a little before looking down at JJ who was jumping at her excitedly. “We’re next.” JJ stated, trying to take her sisters hand. “Sure are JJ.” Y/n smiled at the girl before moving with her to Santa.
Jensen sighed in slight disappointment as he eyed his oldest daughter help Zepplin and Arrow onto Santa’s lap. JJ positioned herself on the arm of Santas chair while y/n opted to stand to the side, leaning against the back of the chair with her arms crossed. Daneel gave y/n a look causing y/n to sigh before moving to crouch down beside Arrow, taking the young girls hand while wrapping her arm around her shoulders. Once the photo was taken y/n instantly moved away from the kids, allowing them to speak to Santa on their own. Daneel wrapped an arm around her eldest waist, smiling slightly as the girl leaned into her touch.
“What you say we go grab some Nando’s after here?” Daneel asked, looking at y/n with a smile. “Mom, you know I’m trying to cut out fast foods. Being in College you rely on them heavily when you get too lazy to cook.” Y/n joked, and her father eyed her warily. “I’m concerned for your heart love.” Jensen stated, causing y/n to roll her eyes. “I’m kidding dad, I got takeaway max once a week. With mum’s amazing cooking I got away lightly with pre made meals.” Y/n smiled at her parents, causing Daneel to blush slightly. “Well it’s the least I can do for my talented daughter.” Daneel stated, squeezing her slightly. “Yeah, well I think I’m going to drive home after this, work more on my assignments.” Y/n shrugged, wanting to get away from the festivities for a while. “That’s not like you.” Daneel frowned. “Well college changes people.” Y/n shrugged, causing Jensen to narrow his eyes at her. “Why don’t I accompany you home, you can handle the kids on your own right hun?” Jensen asked Daneel, looking down at his wife who eyes her. “I mean yea I guess I could.” Daneel agreed, causing y/n to look at her unconvinced. “Dad it’s fine. Help mum with the kids, the twins especially are gonna be very hyper after that lolly.” Y/n pointed at the big lollypops the elves gave the kids as their visit finished. “No I’ll be fine. You go with your dad, spend some time together.” Daneel suggested to y/n, causing Jensen to smile widely. “It’ll be fun.” Jensen nodded, looking at y/n as she looked down. “I suppose so.” Y/n stated, moving away from her parents as the kids returned.
In traffic jams and shopping malls I lose the magic of it all But somehow Christmas always finds me
Jensen leaned his arm against the passenger window, his head resting on his hand as y/n drove her car back to the house. Sitting in the passenger sit with his daughter driving always brought memories of when he thought her to drive. Daneel refused to do it as it was always lead to screaming matches between the two, so Jensen was given the task to teach her. Beams of lights shone as they passed cars, and Jensen smiled as he remembered what y/n used to describe the stream of cars.
“The lights kind of remind you of the Christmas lights right?” Jensen smiled, knowing y/n would agree. “I guess.” Y/n sighed, keeping her eyes on the road. “Why don’t we put on some Christmas music, going to get caught in some traffic.” Jensen suggested, moving to turn on the Bluetooth. “I think I’d rather the radio to be honest.” Y/n sighed, switching off the music as ‘merry Christmas everyone’ began to play. “You always love listening to Christmas music while we’re in the car. Some karaoke.” Jensen spoke, confused on why she shut it off so quickly. “Not this year dad, I’d rather concentrate on the road.” Y/n blinked, squinting her eyes slightly. “If your too tired to drive I can take over.” Jensen spoke, concerned she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the road. “No, I’ll be okay. We’re nearly home anyway.” Y/n spoke as she turned off the main road, sighing as they meet traffic. “You were saying.” Jensen smirked slightly, chucking at his daughters frustrations. “Why is it so busy this time of year?” Y/n muttered, slowing down quickly. “You never were one for patience.” Jensen laughed, and y/n rolled her eyes quickly. “I just want to get home to finish my assignment.” Y/n groaned, tapping her fingers in frustration. “Why don’t I help you when we get back. Can make it go by quicker?” Jensen suggested, seeing the stress presenting his daughters body. “No that’s okay” Y/n replied quickly, causing Jensen to turn to her. “That was a quick answer.” Jensen stated. “Everything okay?” “Maybe we should listen to some Christmas songs to pass the time.” Y/n tried to avoid the conversation, and Jensen could tell. “Y/n, you know you can talk to me.” Jensen spoke softly, squeezing the top of y/n’s hand as it lay on the gear stick. “I was thinking, maybe tonight we could watch a movie in my room, sleepover vibes, just like when I was young.” Y/n suggested, trying to get away from feelings. “I think that’s a great idea.” Jensen smiled softly, knowing she would come to him when she needed to. “You sort out the snacks while I work on my assignment.”  Y/n suggested, and Jensen sighed. “Your really dead set on doing your assignment aren’t you.” Jensen stated. “It’s Christmas dad.” Y/n shrugged, slight disappointment in her tone. “Yeah, it’s Christmas.” Jensen agreed, just glad she wanted to spend time with him.
When silver bells and silent night And mistletoe's nowhere in sight With no chance of snow falling down Another year older Little harder to believe But somehow Christmas always finds me
Y/n rubbed her eyes as she attempted to finish writing the last verse of her song. She sniffed slightly as she hummed the tune, reading over the words before nodding in approval. She had opted to write what she was feelings, and with this Christmas season feeling upside down, she opted to write on how she felt with her family still celebrating Christmas. With kids around it meant that she had to at least pretend she was enjoying the festivities, but it was hard. This year brought nothing but stress and struggles for y/n, and with it flying by so fast it just felt like another day to her.
Jensen sang ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’ quietly as he prepared the snack tray for his and y/n’s movie night. Daneel had finished getting the kids ready for the night, and was going to have a girls night in with Gen in the living room. It was rare that Jensen got to spend one on one time with his oldest. With three kids significantly younger than her, majority of his time was split between them. During filming, he’d often call her to check on her, with her first year away from home on campus he was determined to make sure she was okay.
Humming happily to himself, he made his way up the stairs, watching his feet on the steps before walking towards y/n’s bedroom door. Knocking slightly, he waited for her to call or open the door, but he frowned when he seen her.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, seeing her watery eyes. “Yea, just finished my song so, all ready for tonight.” Y/n stated, wiping her eyes. “Was it a sad song or something?” Jensen asked, placing the tray on her bed to face her. “I guess.” Y/n shrugged, and Jensen frowned, “Just wrote how I felt.” “That’s a good way to let go of emotions.” Jensen nodded, “Wanna talk about it?” “Actually, I think I’d rather just watch the film.” Y/n stated, and Jensen smiled. “That’s okay. Once you know you can come to me about anything.” Jensen smiled at his daughter, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I know dad.” Y/n smiled, moving in for a hug, “Now, what treats did you bring?” “Well I tried to make it a little festive, so majority are either shaped Christmassy or green and red.” Jensen spoke, happy with himself. “Looks amazing.” Y/n smiled, moving to pick a Christmas hat from the tray. “Now, what are we watching?” Jensen asked, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
It takes me back to younger days Of stockings on the fireplace And presents stacked And waiting by the tree And even if I'm all alone A million miles away from home It shows up in warm memory
The Christmas period went by fast, and soon it was Christmas eve. Daneel had been busy all day prepping for the Christmas dinner, and y/n had baked some cookies to be left out for Santa this evening with the kids. It was a rare time for y/n to be out of her room, she had spent most of it lounging around, avoiding the festive activities. Jensen was sorting out the front of the tree so the kids had somewhere to place the carrot, milk and cookies for Santa.
Y/n pursed her lip as she lay the tray of cookies to the side to rest. She wasn’t really feeling the festivities, but she decided to go help her father none the less. Seeing him standing at the front of the tree with his hands on his hips made her laugh lightly, and she sneaked a picture before moving to wrap an arm around.
“Hey there.” Jensen smiled, looking down at his eldest as she latched onto him. “Hi.” Y/n spoke, leaning into his embrace. “You finished the cookies?” “Yea, they’re cooling now. The task now is to prevent little hands getting at them.” Y/n stated, and Jensen nodded in agreement. “Gonna be tough.” Jensen spoke, pretending to shake her. The father daughter duo stood in silence, y/n looking down in thought. “You okay?” Jensen asked, seeing his daughters spaced off look. “Do you maybe, wanna hear my song?” Y/ blurted out quickly before she changed her mind. “I would love to.” Jensen smiled, glad she was letting him in. “It’s not an upbeat song, just to warn you.” Y/n stated as she walked slowly up the stairs. “I’m sure it’s amazing.” Jensen smiled reassuringly, following behind her.
Y/n walked in silence as they entered her room, and she sat by her keyboard, Jensen taking a seat on her bed. Breathing in deeply she glanced up to her father to see him smiling reassuringly. Seeing her shaking hands he winked at her to assure her it was okay. Tapping the keys to ensure it was on, She cleared her throat as she began to sing.
“Through the years….”
Jensen watched y/n with a sad smile as she sung, her confidence growing as she got into it. Realizing that she was actually singing how she felt this Christmas, his heart pulled as tears filled his eyes. This year had been a big change for the Ackles, with y/n no longer being home the house felt more empty. The family were used to Jensen being away for long periods of time, but when the eldest child left, a hole was felt. But for y/n, her first year of college was hard. The stress of continuous assignments being due, lead to her falling into a hole, a hole that was hard to get out of.
As she finished her song, y/n looked down with tears in er eyes, before jumping when she felt arms wrap around her. She closed her eyes as her father tightened his grip on her, and she sighed as he kissed her head from behind.
“Y/n love, you are one talented person.” Jensen sighed, rocking her gently. “I’m sorry I haven’t been excited this year.” Y/n spoke, moving to hold Jensen’s arms in her hands. “It’s okay, it is definitely ok not to feel festive.” Jensen sighed, moving to crouch in front of his daughter, “What your feeling is okay. There are others out there feeling the same for numerous reasons. You don’t have to feel anything if you don’t want to.” “I tried dad I really tried.” Y/n cried, moving to hug Jensen tightly. “Hey shush now, your okay. I’m here. You don’t have to try anything.” Jensen comforted her, rubbing her back gently. “I tried to hide it, I really did.” “You don’t have to hide anything. You can always come to me, I’m here for you alright.” Jensen spoke, moving to hold y/n’s face in his hands. “I love you dad.” Y/n sighed as Jensen brushed the tears away. “I love you too.” Jensen smiled, glad her daughter opened up.
Another year older Getting harder to believe But somehow Christmas always find me
Christmas morning was chaus in the Ackles household. JJ, Arrow and Zepplin were running wild though their parents rooms and their sisters, wanting to go downstairs and see what Santa had brought. Y/n groaned at being woken up, but allowed her brother to tug her out of bed. Deciding to sit away from the madness, she opted to sit on the stairs, leaning her head in her hand as she watched her siblings sort out the presents. She looked up when she felt a hand on her head and her father smiled down at her before moving to sit with her mother.
Christmas isn’t always a joyful time, and y/n was okay with that. She was okay with staying away from festivities this year, once she had her dad by her side.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 4 months ago
Merry Christmas everyone
Info: Y/n loves Christmas, even as she grows older, and since her marriage to the prince, she holds a ball to celebrate her favourite time of year
Relationship: y/n Bridgerton x prince Fredrich
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Y/n smiled as she looked out the window towards the gardens of the royal grounds she now lived in. It was times like this she was in awe of the life she had gained. Marrying a royal was never part of her plans, but love came in the way, and that changed everything. Prince Fredrich and her had quickly fallen for each other, despite the queens efforts to put her sister with her nephew, and their married life was pure bliss.
With their wedding now past, their first Christmas as husband and wife was rolling quicker than y/n expected. Y/n always loved Christmas, as she grew older and joined society, she dreamed of the Christmases where she could host her own parties. Marrying royalty had it’s advantages, and now she got to hold her first ball, one that she hoped would live up to royalty standards.
Fredrich wasn’t one that would be overly enthusiastic about Christmas, in his family they done the banquet dinner and then had their own things to do. But marrying y/n, he found himself finding a new love for the festivities. Seeing his wives eyes light up as the lights shone during the night was a sight to see, and he loved seeing her smile at the simplest thing. Seeing her look through the window as the sun began to set and the strings of lights began to shine, made him smile in delight that he could make his wife happy.
“What’s wrong my love?” Fredrich asked, scaring y/n as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Nothing dear, just simply admiring the sights.” Y/n spoke, cupping her husbands cheek in her hand as he leaned on her shoulder. “I think you have done a magical job for tonight.” The prince commented to his new princess, and y/n blushed. “I merely done what my mother used to do, go with what you like, and the rest will come to life.”  y/n smiled, moving to kiss his cheek gently. “ Well your mother raised a spectacular woman.” “You should know.” Y/n mused, smiling cheekily before squirming as Fredrich poked her side. “The guests should be arriving shortly, perhaps we shall get ready for our first official ball.” Frerich smiled, not wanting to move away from y/n.
Y/n smiled in content as she moved in Fredrich’s arms so she could hug him properly. Feeling her husband relax in her arms made her sigh in content. Rubbing his back she moved away from him before pecking his lips and moving towards her dressing room
The buzz of voices could be heard downstairs as y/n’s maids helped her with the finishing touches. She had opted for a shimmery red gown, a bold choice but with it being festive she decided to go with it, opting for a silver shawl to cover her shoulders. Her hair was down in curls with her wedding clip holding some hair out of her face. Admiring herself in the mirror, she nodded in satisfaction before smoothening down her dress as she turned to the door as a knock was heard. She smiled as the door was opened to see her ever loving husband on the other side. His eyes widened as he caught her appearance.
“Wow y/n, you look extravagant.” Fredrich stated, moving to take y/n’s hands in his. “You always say that, your highness.” Y/n curtsied slightly causing Fredrich to laugh at her antics. “May I?” He offered her his arm to guide her to the party. “You may.” y/n smiled, linking arms with him before they made their way down the hall.
Glancing over the barrister of their home in London as they made their way towards the stairs, y/n looked around to see families gathering and couples gossiping with each other. In the corner stood her family, and y/n could only smile as she seen her siblings looking around, her mother looking proud of the ball that had been made.
“Your royal highnesses, the Prince and Princess of Prusia.” The footman announced at the bottom of the stairs, causing the crowds of people to turn to the stairs. Y/n smiled as she and Fredrich walked down the steps, before stopping at the bottom of the steps. “We thank you all for coming, and hope you enjoy the festivities this Christmas eve.” Y/n smiled, looking around to make everyone feel included. “Please do enjoy tonight, and on behalf of my wife and I, may I wish you a Merry Christmas.” Fredrich finished, nodding his head at the end before the applause began.
As the crowds turned to mingle, y/n accepted the glass of wine that was offered to her before making her away around the room, her husband moving to chat with some of the men. She smiled and greeted those who spoke to her as she walked by, moving directly towards her family. Violet grinned with happiness as she seen her daughter walking towards them, and opened her arms wide.
“Oh y/n dearest, how splendid to see you.” Violet exclaimed, hugging the Princess as she gained the attention of her oldest children. “Well done, sister, this evening seems to be a great success.” Anthony smiled, moving to kiss his sisters cheek gently. “Thank you all for coming.” y/n smiled, accepting the short hug from her new sister Kate. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Kate smiled, rubbing y/n’s shoulder briefly before moving to take her husbands arms once again. “I trust the trip here wasn’t too harsh.” Benedict smiled down at this favourite sister, moving to hug her gently. “It was pleasant.” Y/n nodded, before looking up as an arm was wrapped around her waist. “Hello Bridgerton’s, lovely to see you all again.” Fredrich stated, holding his wife closed as he nodded to her family. “Your highness.” Violet spoke as the family bowed in respect. “I’ve just come to take my lovely wife for a trip around the hall, the dancing is about to begin.” Fredrich smiled as he looked down at y/n as she gazed up at him. “Excuse us.” Y/n nodded to her mother, taking off her shawl and giving it to Benedict before allowing her husband to guide her to the floor.
Couple flocked the floor around y/n and Fredrich as they awaiting the musicians to begin. Y/n had asked for up beat music to be played, and a Christmas tree had been placed in the middle of the dance floor, making the couples form a circle. Y/n’s cheeks were hurting as she grinned widely as they danced around, giggling at each turn they made. Violet watched with a smile as her daughter danced with her husband, and her grin only widened as she seen the couple who had joined beside them.
Y/n allowed Fredrich to twirl her, leaving each other to switch partners. Looking at her new partner to greet him, y/n’s breath caught in her throat, head whipping to the side to see who was dancing with her husband.
“Your highness.” Simon spoke, grinning at the reaction of wifes twin. “Simon, I didn’t think you would be coming.” Y/n grinned, allowing Simon to guide her through the dance. “Daphne wouldn’t hear of missing her sister’s first official ball. Besides, it would be rude to ignore royalties invitation.” Simon spoke, twirling her around before taking her around the floor once again. “But I thought you were spending Christmas with Lady Danbury.” “I believe here is much better, don’t you.” Simon spoke as they stopped and the crowds clapped as the dance finished.
Y/n took that opportunity to rush towards her twin, nearly knocking the Duchess of her feet with impact. Daphne laughed, wrapping her arms around y/n with just as much force, as Simon and Fredrich shook hands in greeting.
“It would have been rude to ignore royalties invite.” Daphne stated, causing y/n to laugh. “I’m glad to have you this Christmas.” Y/n giggled. “Auggie is also delighted to be spending it here, he thinks it’s so much bigger than ours.” Daphne stated, and y/n’s smile widened as she heard mention of her nephew. “Besides we have news.” Simon spoke, placing an arm around Daphne’s waist. “Oh?” Y/n asked, intrigued. “I’m pregnant.” Daphne squealed, and y/n laughed as she hugged Daphne once again. “This is wonderful news, congratulations.” Y/n stated, pulling away to hug Simon. “Congratulations you two.” Fredrich stated, placing an arm around y/n’s waist. “Your highness,, it is time.” A footman spoke, and Fredrich nodded before taking the glass and knife from him and clinging the glass. “May I have everyone’s attention, if everyone would like to gather outside we have one last surprise to conclude the night.” Fredrich stated, causing y/n to smile up at him.
Watching the crowds disperse to outside, y/n accepted her shawl as Benedict and her family walked by, Violet hugging Daphne immediately as they passed. The night was cool as they walked outside, and y/n allowed Fredrich to guide her along the path to the front of the crowds. Hearing the light chatter of confusion, y/n smiled as she seen the flames beginning to light. Gasps entailed as the sky lit up, fireworks coming into view. Y/n smiled as she moved to place a hand on Fredrich’s chest, and he looked down as he wrapped his arms around her as she stood by his side.
“Everything you dreamed of?” Fredrich asked. “And more.” Y/n stated, causing her husband to chuckle. “I’m glad.” Fredrich spoke, causing y/n to look up at him. “I’ll take every Christmas like this if it means I get to spend it with you.” Y/n stated, and Fredrich smiled down at her. “Till death do us part my love.” Fredrich smiled, leaning down to kiss her gently.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 4 months ago
Stocking Filler
Info: Living on the road means no Christmas tree, but Dean makes sure his little sister has some of the Christmas magic.
Relationship: Winchester brothers x sister
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Living on the road with an 8 year old was hard, but during the Christmas period it was harder for the brothers to keep their little sister lively. Seeing all the Christmas trees at each motel they went to, y/n always frowned when she seen the boxes that were underneath the tree. When they went to victims houses and see the piles of presents underneath the tree for the kids, Dean felt disheartened, knowing his sister couldn’t have that. But he wanted her to have some form of a normal childhood, so tried to do something special for her each year.
Y/n always stood admiring the Christmas lights that dotted the shops ceilings during Christmas time. She loved to press the buttons of each teddy bear or decoration she seen, much to the annoyance of her brothers. For an 8 year old she was very understanding when it came to their lives being very different to that of a normal family, but December she was always disappointed, knowing she couldn’t have the Christmas joy regular kids her age had.
“Sam, what is Christmas?” Y/n asked, looking up at her older brother innocently. Sam’s heart broke a little, knowing she wouldn’t get to experience the magic. “Well, Christmas is different for everyone. But for most of the world it’s a time for family and presents.” Sam spoke as he crouched down to his sister. “Why do they have a tree indoors?” Y/n asked, confused. “Well they place presents under the tree and then open them on Christmas day.” “Why don’t we have that?” “A tree in baby, no way.” Dean remarked, shaking his head rapidly at the thought. “No silly, presents.” Y/n giggled, and Dean and Sam looked at each other with sadness. “Our gift is each other, that we survived another year of hunting.” Dean smiled, crouching down beside Sam. “I like our present.” Y/n smiled widely, throwing her arms around her brothers necks. “Me too.” Sam sighed, patting his sisters back slightly.
Y/n pulled apart from the two older Winchesters before running down the aisle to where a large bear was dressed up as Santa and dancing. Sam watched her as she began wiggling with it with a laugh before looking to Dean who was moving away from him.
“Where are you going?” Sam asked his brother, frowning at him. “Getting her a selection box.” Dean stated, moving towards the chocolate section. “Your gonna make her hyper.” Sam called out. “No, I’m gonna give her Christmas memories.” “With a box of chocolates?” “Every kid loves them Sam.” Dean remarked, throwing his arms out before flipping him off.
True to Deans word, he got y/n a selection box, and she was over the moon to see the box cut out like a stocking . And true to Sams word, she became hyper on the chocolate, refusing to leave even one bar left. She winded up causing herself a sugar crash with all the giddiness she had, and Sam glared at Dean who avoided his sight.
“Told you she’d get hyper.” Sam snapped at his older brother. “Oh one day of her being hyper, the tragedy.” Dean spoke, acting scared, “let her live like a normal child for once Sammy, she doesn’t get that often.” “There are other things that could give her a normal childhood for a while.” Sam shot back. “Like the playground or something.” “It’s Christmas Sammy, you see her watching the presents under the trees and lights hung around. She doesn’t get that normal Christmas that every other child does, let her have this”  Dean spoke harshly, glancing in the rearview mirror to watch as y/n moved around in her seat to an uncomfortable position. “Who’s fault is that?” Sam snapped. “Don’t go there Sammy.” Dean shouted, only for Sam to look back when they heard whining, “Look I know you don’t agree with the way dad has her life, but we can make it a little better by giving her some aspects of a normal childhood alright.” Dean spoke softly, not wanting to wake their sister. “Right.” Sam sighed, leaning his head against the window.
Case after case the Winchester’s rolled through each town, barely stopping for more than a few days, and soon it was Christmas eve. Dean had parked the impala at the top of the hill, and before Sam could remark about his choices the oldest brother leaned back to shake y/n who was covered in Sam’s jacket as she slept.
“What?” Y/n asked tiredly, not opening her eyes. “Come on, I want to show you something.” Dean spoke, moving to get out of the car. “What?” Y/n asked again, this time opening her eyes. “Yea what?” Sam asked, also moving to get out of the car. “I heard town folks talking about their annual firework display Christmas eve.” Dean explained to his brother before opening the back door and lifting y/n out of the car. “This is your way of giving her some form of Christmas.” Sam asked, confused as he grabbed his jacket. “Think positive Sammy.” Dean remarked, placing y/n on the hood of Baby before jumping on himself, Sam wrapping y/n in his coat once again.
The sibling trio remained silent as they overlooked the town below. Y/n leaned against Dean tiredly, and he wrapped an arm around her to keep her from falling. Seeing the crowds of people begin to gather down below, Dean nudged y/n to wake her up once again.
“Watch this y/n.” Dean spoke, leaning down to tuck some of the girls hair behind her ear. “Huh?” Y/n mumbled, confused on what was going on. Look.” Dean pointed to the sky as the display began.
Hearing the first bang, y/n quickly woke up and looked ahead with wide eyes. Sammy couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face, grabbing one of y/n’s little hands to squeeze them reassuringly. Dean jumped down from the impala to lean against it, keeping his arm around y/n’s waist. He looked at the young girl to see her watching amazement, and he smirked at himself. Y/n quickly grew accustomed to the bangs, and began to giggle as the colourful sparks lit up the sky. Sam shared a look with Dean, nodding in confirmation.
“They’re pretty.” Y/n remarked, reaching a hand out in front of her. “Yea they are.” Dean smiled, looking at his sister who’s eyes never left the sky. “Can we watch them again?” Y/n asked as the display finished, a light trace of smoke filling the air. “Maybe another time. It’s getting late.” Sam spoke, and y/n awed in disappointment. “Hey now, no sad face for tonight of all nights.” Dean spoke, placing a finger under y/n’s chin to lift it up. “We’ll see them again soon.” Sam pointed out, and y/n smiled at that. “Why don’t you go to sleep, we’ll be at our next spot soon.” Dean leaned down to kiss y/n’s head before picking her up. “Will you stay with me?” She asked, snuggling into Dean’s chest. “No way is Sam driving.” Dean spoke quickly, causing y/n to lean away from him. “I’ll stay with you y/n, don’t mind him.” Sam spoke, sliding into the back where y/n happily crawled in to snuggle with her brother. “Yea your gonna be so stiff.” Dean remarked, sniggering at the thought of Sam’s long legs going numb from the back. “I don’t care if it gets her to sleep.” Sam remarked back, rubbing y/n’s arm gently as she closed her eyes. “Don’t complain to me when your legs go numb.” Dean spoke before starting the engine. “You know for someone who went out of his way to give y/n some form of Christmas, your very sour when it comes to getting her to sleep in the car.”  Sam remarked. “I can’t hear you over the music.” Dean spoke, even though they both knew he could since it wasn’t that loud.
 Christmas morning, Dean and Sam sat at the table while y/n slept in. They were researching for their new case in town, and with libraries close for the holidays they only had their old laptops to work on. Dean looked over Sam’s shoulder when they heard movement, and soon a little face popped up from the pillows.
“Rise and shine sleepyhead.” Dean remarked, and y/n only groaned, turning away from them.
Sam didn’t turn around, waiting for the little one to come up to them. When he heard movement, he braced himself for impact, only to hear a gasp instead causing him to whip his head around in confusion, missing the smirk on Dean’s face.
“What’s up y/n?” Sam asked. “A socks one the floor.” Y/n replied, jumping off the bed. “That is where you threw them last night?” Sam spoke, confused. “Not my sock, a big sock, bigger than yours.” Y/n remarked, lifting up the sock with excitement. “What?” Sam asked, whipping his head to look at Dean who sat there with a smirk. “What you get y/n?” Dean called out, and y/n came running to them. “There’s something in it.” Y/n spoke excitedly, throwing the sock onto the table as she climbed onto Dean’s lap. “Damn right there is, it is Christmas after all.” Dean commented, and Sam chuckled in disbelief. “What you get y/n?” Sam asked, closing the laptops and moving them away to make room.
The brothers watched as y/n excitedly tipped over the sock, allowing the contents to fall out of it. Small toys, a bouncy ball and some coins landed on the table, and Dean moved y/n’s hair out of her face as she looked through the contents excitedly. Sam looked over y/n’s head at Dean, who just shrugged at him. Seeing a Christmas card at the bottom, Sam reached out to get it, before reading it and laughing.
“What?” Y/n asked innocently, reaching for the card. “I think this is for me and Dean y/n.” Sam spoke, moving his hand away from y/n. “It was in my stocking.” Y/n spoke sassily. “It isn’t exactly for your age.” Sam remarked, looking at Dean with a raised eye brow. “It was in the girls stocking Sam.” Dean spoke, smiling as he knew what was in it. “Merry Christmas you filthy animal. Out of all the cards you choose that.” Sam remarked, and Dean just smiled. “Well she is an animal.” Dean joked, tickling y/n’s sides causing her to squirm. “Merry Christmas y/n.” Sam spoke, deciding to ignore Dean’s antics. “IS this Christmas?” y/n asked, squinting her eyes. “This is our Christmas.” Dean spoke, leaning down to lean his head on y/n’s shoulder. “Merry Christmas Dean.” Y/n moved to wrap her arms around her oldest brother, “Merry Christmas Sammy.” She jumped over to Sam, who caught her before she fell. “Merry Christmas y/n.” Dean smiled, bouncing her new ball on the table.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 4 months ago
For Those Who Can't be Here
Info: Y/n spends her first Christmas without her father, but she tries to remember the good times while making new traditions without her.
Relationship: Halstead sister
Warnings: grief, loss parent
Pat Halstead wasn’t father of the year, but to y/n he was at least half decent. He made sure she got some form of a happy childhood, even if she did miss the loss of her mother. Will and Jay were never really around, so it was always the two of them against the world. It hurt her when she heard Jay yelling at their father upon his return, claiming that he was an unfit parent for the youngest Halstead. Sure Pat had his over fill of beer, but he never threw anything but love towards his only daughter.
Christmas was the father daughter duos favourite time together. They would always spend the first weekend of the month decorating the house, Pat even stayed sober for the day, which was a bonus to y/n. Jay was surprised with how much effort the Halstead father put into making the festive time enjoyable for y/n. Will and Jay had grown up when their mother died, but even when she was alive Pat wasn’t one to celebrate anything.
Now, with her father gone, y/n was finding it hard to get into the Christmas spirit. The traditions they held from baking gingerbread men, to sitting on her fathers shoulders to put the star onto the tree even though she was way past the age of light. The nearly 18 year old found herself at a loss, wanting to celebrate but also not wanting to accept that she would be doing it without her father and best friend. Will and Jay tried to help, both not grieving their father as much as their sister at this time, but when they turned up with a Christmas tree at the door, the waterfall of tears began.
We put the lights up on the tree And all the presents underneath Light the fire, it's getting cold Another year of "Will it snow?" Mixing lager and champagne Somethin' I'll never do again Round the table banter flows Praying no one rocks the boat
Y/n stared at her brothers as they placed the real tree up into the living room, both brothers watching their sister with caution. Both of them knew that the youngest of the three siblings would always go tree hunting with their father on the first Saturday of December before bringing it home and stringing it with lights and baubles. But now without her father, y/n felt no desire to help cut the wire that was currently holding the tree compact, nor did she usually do her usual cheer when the branches sprung out.
“Hey y/n, you wanna help?” Jay asked, grabbing the scissors from the bits and bobs drawer under the TV. “Why would I do that?” Y/n mumbled, slouching in on herself as she tried to avoid her brothers gaze. “Come on y/n, you and dad used to always do this.” Will spoke, and Jay glared at him abruptly. “Yea, me and dad, I don’t see him anywhere, do you?” Y/n spoke harshly, tears building in her eyes as she narrowed her eyes at her brother. “Y/n, please, dad wouldn’t want you to be like this.” Jay pleaded, trying to help his little sister. “How would you know, you never liked him.” Y/n yelled, bawling her hands into fists at her side. “He never gave us a reason to like him after mom died.” Will muttered, and Jay threw his hand out at him. “Will, shut up.” Jay spoke harshly before moving to his sister. “Come on y/n, you love Christmas. Even if dad’s not here you can still make some memories, in honor of him.” Jay stated, placing a hand on y/n’s shoulders. “I don’t want to do this without him.” Y/n spoke tearfully, collapsing onto the couch gently. “He’s always with you. We can make new traditions if you’d rather.” Jay tried to be helpful, wanting to help his sister somewhat enjoy her favourite holiday.
Y/n looked at her brother with tears falling down her cheeks, and Jay sighed before pulling her into his arms, rocking her gently. Will looked down as he heard his sisters cries, not wanting to overwhelm her. She was always the type who wouldn’t take too much comfort, one person was enough, so him joining would distraught her. Hearing her snuffling, Will looked up to see y/n looking at where he was standing, the tree beside him.
“Can we make some baubles this year, maybe a few in honor of dad?” Y/n asked, trying to think positive. “I think that’s a great idea.” Jay smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I’ll go get some things for us to use.” Will stated, moving to kiss y/n’s head before leaving the house to head to the shops.
Still I know, this picture's not quite right There's someone on your mind First Christmas time without him by your side, I know The sound of Christmas bells They never say farewell So we laugh, we shed a tear For those who can't be here
Y/n lay on the couch, staring ahead of her as a simple memory came from a decoration she had grabbed from the box. Taking her brothers advice to make new traditions, y/n had tried to decorate the remaining of the house after school was finished. But the deer decoration that she had found produced memories that she couldn’t shake. A shake on her shoulder lead to her jumping out of her thoughts, and a watery smile to appear as she looked up at the brother who shook her.
“Hey, you ok?” Will asked, smiling lightly at his sister. “Yeah, just trying to finish these while I’m interested in it.” Y/n explained, throwing the deer beside her on the couch as she moved her feet for Will to sit beside her. “You know it’s okay to have your mind spiraling, you’ve lost both parents before your eighteen, that’s a lot for someone, regardless of their age.” “You and Jay seem fine.” Y/n mumbled, wiping her sleeve against her cheek. “Jay and I didn’t have the same relationship as you did with dad, but we miss him regardless, don’t think we don’t.” Will spoke softly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I don’t want to feel this way, I want to enjoy the holidays but I feel like if I do than I’m forgetting about dad.” Y/n spoke, leaning her head on Will’s shoulder. “You could never forget about dad, he’s someone who’s been in your whole life, that’s not forgettable.” Will smiled softly, squeezing his sister gently. Y/n looked up as she  heard the sound of bells outside the window. “Dad always cursed those bells.” Y/n smiled sadly, sniffling slightly. “Well they are pretty annoying.” Will nodded in agreement with the statement, “Come on, I’ll help you finish this than we can go out for dinner.” Will offered, picking up the abandoned deer and standing up. “Can we stay to watch the Christmas lights turn on in the town?” Y/n asked, having never done it before as her father used to think it was useless when they’d be seen for the month anyway. “Sure, we can do that.” Will smiled lightly, taking y/n’s hand to help her off the couch.
We're drinking sherry just because Confessing all our Christmas love Watch Home Alone for the thousandth time It's the only movie that we all like
Will and y/n had winded up standing at the police district to watch the lights, and Jay had even arrived back from a case to catch them and join. Y/n couldn’t help the smile that spread on her face, and unshed tears built in her eyes as she felt guilt for a brief moment. Guilt that she was enjoying herself even after the loss of her father.
Following the lights, Will brought y/n home and stayed with her for the night. It had become a ritual where the brothers would take turns staying at the house with y/n, as she refused to leave the home she had grew up in, and leave the memories upon the wall. Will set up the sitting room while y/n left to get changed into her pjs’s, wanting to be cozy for  the night.
Setting two mugs of hot chocolate onto the table, Will turned when he heard his sister walking down the creaky steps, smiling softly when he seen her in a red set with reindeers dotted around the fabric He squinted at her in confusion as she walked towards her, acting shy as she came to a stop in front of him.
“What’s up?” Will asked, seeing her rocking on the balls of her feet. “Can we wear matching pajamas tonight while we watch Home alone?” Y/n asked, moving her hands from behind her back to show him the matching pjs's. “We watch home alone so many times, do we really have to.” Will fake groaned, making fun of y/n. “Dad used to always watch it with me, but we never done matching pjs's as I always wanted.” Y/n frowned, looking down at the memories. “I would love to match with you.” Will grinned, taking the material from her hands and slapping them over his shoulder. “You get the film ready and I will be down in a minute I made hot chocolate as well.” Will smiled, ruffling his sisters hair affectionately before moving to his and Jay’s old room to change.
But I know, this picture's not quite right There's someone on my mind First Christmas time without him by our side, I know He loved these Christmas bells 'Cause they never say farewell So we laugh, we shed a tear For those who can't be here
Jay came to the house the night before Christmas, groaning as he stretched his shoulders back, hearing the cracks in his back. Y/n and Will were in the kitchen, prepping the dinner for tomorrow. Y/n refused to get a turkey despite it being a traditional food for Christmas, so the brothers had compromised with a small chicken, draping rashers over it like they would a turkey.
“Hey guys, I feel so overdressed.” Jay commented, seeing the matching pj’s his siblings wore. “I left a pair for you in your guys room.” Y/n spoke, moving away from Will to hug Jay. “Lovely.” Jay spoke, grimacing at the thought of matching pj’s. “Jay.” Will warned. “I’m joking.” Jay told him, wrapping his arms around y/n’s shoulders as she leaned into him. “I think we’re finished here.” Will announced, moving the chicken and ham into the oven so they were ready in the morning. “I’m gonna go to my room before the film starts.” Y/n stated, moving away from her brothers abruptly. “You ok?” Jay asked, frowning as he seen how quick y/n’s attitude changed. “Yeah, just wanna freshen up a bit.” Y/n spoke, moving towards the stairs. “Code for needing a moment alone.” Will mumbled at Jay weakly, and Jay nodded in agreement.
Y/n all but ran up the stairs to get to her room. Sitting on her bed, she allowed herself to take a look around her, smiling sadly as she seen the stocking that hung on her wardrobe. It was tradition that her and dad would fill a stocking for each other, and realisation came to her as she realized that he really wouldn’t be here. The first year they wouldn’t be sharing stockings, and the first year it would just be the three siblings.
Christmas used to be one of the most exciting days for y/n. Even as she grew older, her and Pat would always make the day different to the rest. It was another day of the week, but doing things a little different was what made the day special. Tears built in her eyes, and she allowed them to fall as she tried to remain quiet.
Jay stood outside her door, hearing his sisters infrequent breathing. Unshed tears lay in his eyes as he let her have her moment, thinking of the younger days when Christmas had his mom and dad around. Their mum would always make the day special for them, and their dad always lay around the couch, helping them build whatever it was they got that year. Having both parents gone were hard, but he knew it was harder for y/n. Pat was the only actual parent she had in her life, with her mother dying when she was two.
“Hey y/n, you ready to go down?” Jay asked, knocking on the door but not opening it. “I’ll be down in a minute.” Y/n called out, and Jay smiled sadly as he heard the sniffling she had.
Jay and Will were sitting on either side of the couch when y/n walked down the stairs, a space in the middle waiting for y/n. Smiling softly y/n reached to grab a pretzel from the tray the brothers had made for the movie night. Leaning at the back of the couch, y/n closed her eyes for a moment, trying to allow the festivities to roll over her.
For those who can't be here For those who can't be here (The bells ring out for them) For those who can't be here (The bells ring out for them) For those who can't be here The bells ring out for them For those who can't be here The bells ring out for them For those who can't be here
Christmas morning rolled by quickly, and unlike usual, y/n lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Jay and Will had already gotten up and y/n had heard them walking by her door numerous times, no doubt keeping an eye on her. Tears were falling down her cheeks freely, and she refused to wipe them away.
It was near noon when y/n finally plucked up the courage to get out of bed. While usually she’d get done up for the day, instead she decided to stay in her pj’s, and threw her hair into a top not so it wasn’t in her face. Jay was the one to greet her as she walked the last step, wrapping her into a hug and kissing her cheek.
“I know you don’t want to, but tears are okay today.” Jay talked into her hair, refusing to let her go. “I tried, I really tried.” Y/n mumbled into his chest, feeling him rub his hand along her back. “You don’t have to try anything. Treat it as any other day.”  Jay stated, pulling away from her as Will walked towards them. “The food is ready when you want it.” Will smiled, pulling her into a hug as she clung to him, embedding her face into his shoulder. “Did you make the stuffing?” Y/n asked, causing her brothers to laugh “Just how you like it.” Will stated with a nod.
“Thank you guys.” Y/n thanked the brothers with a smile at the end of the night as they sat on the couch, defeated from the dinner the brothers had made. “You don’t have to thank us.” Will shook his head. “We’re your brothers, it’s what we do.” Jay smiled, throwing an arm behind her lazily. “Happy Christmas dad.” Y/n smiled, looking at a picture of him on the mantelpiece. “I’m sure he’s enjoying the beer and sherry like always.” Jay stated, leaning his head on y/n’s as she lay it on his shoulder.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 4 months ago
Make it to Christmas (pt 3/3)
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Make it to Christmas masterlist
The funeral for y/n was short and sweet. They decided to do a traditional gypsy funeral, knowing how much y/n loved their past life. Only the family joined, with their heads bowed throughout the ceremony, no one spoke, too afraid of what would come out if they tried. The town knew of the Shelby’s loss, and felt sorry for them. Despite the chaus they caused, no family deserved to lose a young one.
The house was silent during the festive period. Y/n’s presents had been left under the tree, Pol not letting anyone touch them, even though no one tried. They were a small part of her, even if she wasn’t present. The young girls room hadn’t been touched since that night, the only thing moved was the bedding which y/n had stained that night, and Ada had cleaned up the droplets that had made their way down the floor. Finn had tried sleeping in there one night, but in a fit of rage Tommy had shouted at him, telling him he wasn’t to go into that room again. Arthur and John wouldn’t go to the family home, not wanting to step into a home that wouldn’t have the laughter they used to love.
Christmas eve dawned on them quicker than they would of liked, and Tommy couldn’t help but grit his teeth as he sat in the living room, remembering the years when y/n would be jumping around, excited to see what would be brought to her this year. She always asked for a doll of some sort, and a wooden gun to be like her brothers, and each year she got one, each time they grew in size. The fire blazed with the two children’s stockings still hanging above them. Even Finn couldn’t get into the Christmas spirit, with everything around the time reminding him of y/n. The two youngsters would usually be outside around now, running around with the other kids before they were called in to get ready for midnight mass. It was the one mass y/n enjoyed going to, loving to see the baby lying in his manger, surrounded by the animals, men and his mother.
That night was quiet, and each room was filled with tears. Tommy lay awake on his bed, smoking a cigarette as his thoughts spiralled. He refused to allow the tears in his eyes to fall, rolling the cigarette between his lips every now and then. Y/n’s last few moments rolled through his head, and he frowned, remembering what she had said. ‘Under the bed’. With confusion surrounding him, Tommy decided to go into his little sisters room.
It was eery as he stood in front of the door, knowing that even when he walked in he wouldn’t see y/n, curled up in a ball on the bed. Trying to prolong the unavoidable rush of emotions, Tommy slowly turned the handle before creeping the door open. The place still smelt like Ada’s perfume which the eleven year old  had sneakily took from Ada’s room, her older sister knew where it was but never acted on it. Looking around, the Shelby gangster could see pieces of paper thrown around, crayons and pencils scattered around the place. Not wanting to stay long, Tommy crouched down, looking under the girls bed to see an old biscuit tin underneath. Presuming that’s what the young girl was insinuating, Tommy grabbed it before heading out of the room, leaving the door open.
Christmas morning was quiet in the Shelby home. Usually there would be a squeal in the early hours of the morning, before each person would be awoken by two children jumping on top of them, screaming it was Christmas. This year, Finn didn’t see the point in getting up, waking each person up. It didn’t feel right to do it on his own, so instead he waited until he heard the sound of footsteps before opening his door. Ada smiled sadly at the young boy who just stood in the doorway, before opening her arms, pulling him into a hug. Polly woke up to the sound of soft sobs, and couldn’t help the few tears that fell herself, feeling how bitter this day was going to be.
Few words were spoken as each family member sat at the kitchen, waiting for their toast to heat up. Usually Pol would make a fry up, but with her little helper not around, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. John and Arthur showed up shortly into the morning with their wives and Johns kids, but only a hello was spoken, until they made their way into the living room.
Finn hesitantly walked towards the tree seeing the small amount of presents that were around, one less pile was evident in the room. Ada’s breath caught in her throat as Finn handed out the presents, all evidently seeing one less name written on their presents. The adults tried to make Christmas somewhat normal for the kids sakes, but even they knew something was wrong. The rooms attention was drawn to Tommy as he cleared his throat.
“I know this Christmas is a tough one, just last week we said goodbye to our angel, but I know that she would want us to try celebrate it.” Tommy gruffly stated, standing up to the drinks cabinet. “Tommy, what are you doing?” Ada asked, confused on why each adult was given a glass of Sherry, the children moving out of the room. “To y/n.” Tommy spoke, holding up his glass. “Our darling sister.” Arthur spoke, holding his glass high. “Never forgotten.” Pol finished with a nod, before clinging the glasses together.   
After downing the small amount of Sherry, Tommy grimaced at the taste before moving to the tree. Eyes watched him as he leaned down from behind, taking up an old biscuit box before placing it on the table in front of him. Recognizing y/n’s writing, Polly looked up at her nephew, squinting her eyes at him.
“What is this Tommy?” Polly asked, tears filling her eyes. “Before y/n died she told us under the bed. Now I didn’t think much of it until last night. And I found this.” Tommy tapped the box, “Ada, get Finn.” “What is it Tommy?” John asked, eyeing the box carefully.
Tommy waited until Ada came back in with Finn behind her. The youngest Shelby looked around before sitting on the ground by Arthurs feet, who tapped his head in comfort as the young boy stared at the box on the table. Breathing in deeply, Tommy opened the lid, before taking out some papers that were inside.
“Y/n always loved drawing, even when she got sick she used all her energy to dray. I never knew why until now. She made each of us a picture, with a little something on the back of  each.” Tommy explained, moving to hand out each of his siblings and Polly a sheet of paper. “Her last gift to us.” John stated, and he hung his head, not sure how to react. “Something to remember her by.” Tommy nodded, before taking a seat by the fire once again. “She was always such a thoughtful kid.” Ada spoke fondly. “Y/n you angel.” Polly smiled, looking down at the picture in her hand. “Some people make the world special, just by being in it.” Arthur read from the back. “Describes y/n to a T.” Arthurs wife spoke with a smile, placing a hand on her husbands back. “She was special.” Finn spoke tearfully, and Arthur rubbed his head gently. “Marry Christmas y/n.” Polly whispered, bringing the picture of an angel close to her. “Our angel in the sky.” Ada smiled sorrowfully, looking down at her own angel picture.
Christmas 2024 masterlist
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unknowntoyou2205 · 4 months ago
Christmas 2024
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Make it to Christmas- Shelby sister Info: Christmas for the Shelby clan were never special, but this year seems t be the worst as y/n, the youngest, has been diagnosed with the illness that takes many away. Warnings: Mention of sick child, child loss, grief
For those who can't be here- Halstead sister Info: Y/n spend her first Christmas without her father, but she tries to remember the good times while making new traditions without her. Warnings: Grief, loss parent
Stocking Filler- Winchester sister Info: Living on the road means no Christmas tree, but Dean makes sure his little sister has some of the Christmas Magic.
Merry Christmas everyone- Prince Fredrich x Bridgerton reader Info: Y/n loves Christmas, even as she grows older, and since her marriage to the prince, she holds a ball to celebrate her favourite time of year.
Christmas always finds me- Jensen Ackles x daughter reader Info: The younger kids may be the ones who Steal Jensen's attention, but their father can always tell when their sister is having a tough time. Warnings: Depression, sadness, loneliness
Sparkling lights- Bridgerton sister Info: Young Y/n Bridgerton loves everything to do with Christmas, especially the lights that line the streets in December.
Singing Carols- Tony Stark x daughter reader Info: Tony Stark wasn't one for singing while sober, but he finds it hard to say no when his daughter asks him to join her choir.
Make it to Christmas- Matt Casey x Halstead sister Info: Y/n and Casey both know their relationship would be better off done, but y/n wants them to stick it out till the end of the festivities.
Silent night- Winchester Sister Y/n Winchester was always fond of Christmas, but Christmas is silent this year as her brothers grieve the loss of their sister. Warnings: Death, loss, grief
Christmas tears- Anthony Bridgerton x wife reader Info: Y/n used to love the festive holidays, but this year she loses something special. Warnings: Child loss, grief
Bring me home for Christmas- Steve Rogers x wife reader Info: Steve and y/ have been married for many years, having grown up together, and y/n wishes for Christmas is to go back to the olden days.
Little Snowflake- Kelly Severide x wife reader Info: Chicago is a magical place in the snow, but it becomes more magical for the Severide family.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 4 months ago
Believe me pt 3
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Jay took it slow as they drove around, listening the y/n as she leaned against the back seat, her eyes closed as she gave directions. Antonio sighed, grumbling as they came to a stop in front of an apartment building. Jay gave him a look as he opened the door to y/n, allowing her to stand still before walking to the entrance of what looked like an abandoned building. Jay grimaced as he looked around at the walls, following y/n as she muttered under her breath. He nearly bumped into her when she came to a stop.
“This was it.” Y/n explained nodding to the chipped door. “You sure?” Jay asked as Antonio eyed him. “Uhuh.” y/n nodded, flinching as Antonio grabbed her to move her away from the door. “Chicago pd.” Jay called out, knocking on the door.
They heard movement behind the door and Jay nodded at Antonio to kick the door down. Y/n watched as the two detectives rushed into the apartment, guns raised before a man came into figure, trying to climb out the window. Jay was quicker, grabbing him before he jumped, while Antonio moved to the bed where another girl lay, bounded up. She screamed as the blind was removed only for Antonio to flash his badge, silencing her. Y/n watched in amazement as Jay handcuffed the guy and brought him out. She shivered as he turned his face to her, and he snarled at her before Jay pulled him away from her. Antonio came out with the victim and turned to y/n, patting her on the shoulder before walking down the stairs.
Outside y/n seen a squad car pull up and a black jeep behind them. She stopped when she seen Kelly running out of the drivers seat, still in gear from their previous call. She allowed him to wrap his jacket and arms around her, before clinging to him as she cried. Kelly hushed her as he rocked her, kissing her forehead before looking at the squad car, glaring at the man in the back seat.
“Y/n, we may need to speak to you again. Catching him in the act is a near guarantee for time.” Jay stated, walking to the fireman and girl. “Does she need to do anything?” Kelly asked, rubbing y/n’s back gently. “A rape kit would be beneficial for evidence.” Jay stated, looking at y/n. “We can go to med now if you want. I can ask April to run it.” Kelly advised, looking down at y/n. “Do we have to do it now?” Y/n asked, looking from Kelly to Jay. “The longer you leave it the less likely the evidence will be accurate.” Jay explained, nodding his head. “Ok.” Y/n sighed, nodding at the two men. “Let’s go.” Kelly sighed, kissing head before guiding her to his car.
Kelly leaned against the wall outside the room where April had brought y/n. She had called for Natalie to do the examination, but had promised Kelly that she would stay by the young Caseys side for the duration of the exam. The fireman breathed heavily as he rubbed his forehead before looking up when he heard footsteps approach him.
“How is she?” Casey asked, stopping in front of Casey. “I don’t know Casey, scared of what’s to come, heartbroken that her brother didn’t believe her.” Kelly snapped at Casey, and Casey sighed before leaning on the wall beside Kelly. “I know, I feel bad. I took my frustrations out on her.” Casey sighed, head down in defeat. “How could I imply that she lied about being kidnapped, and raped. What kind of brother am I?” Casey exclaimed, throwing his arms out in frustration. “The type who made a mistake. But you’re here for her now. That’s what matters.” Kelly sighed, not wanting to argue with Casey. “Can we see her?” “April and Natalie are doing a rape kit on her. Than she should be good to go.” Kelly explained, and Casey nodded. “Thanks Kelly.” Casey stated. “For what?” Kelly asked, confused. “Believing her.”
Kelly didn’t have time to answer when the door to y/ns room opened and Natalie walked out, April following with a bag in hand. The doctor looked at the two firemen before nodding at them.
“You can go into her now. She’s a little fragile at the minute, these kits take a lot out of victims so be careful with her. She’s good to go when she’s ready.” Natalie explained. “Thanks.” Kelly smiled softly at the women before walking into the room, Casey following slowly behind.
Y/n was sat on the side of the bed, arms around herself as she looked out the window beside her. She turned slightly when she heard the door open, and looked down when she seen Matt behind Kelly. Kelly smiled softly as he moved to sit beside her, offering his hand to her.
“You ok?” He asked as y/n accepted his hand, rubbing his thumb against her knuckles. “I want this over with.” Y/n stated. “I know. And it will be, soon.” Kelly stated, bumping into her slightly. “I think I know what I want to do when I graduate.” Y/n stated, looking at Kelly. “What’s that?” Casey asked, moving his head to the side. “A detective. I want to help people find justice for the crimes against them.” Y/n explained and Casey nodded with a slight smile. “I think, you’ll make a great detective.” Casey nodded, frowning when y/n looked away from him. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. I had a bad case, I should of never took it out on you.” Casey explained, moving to be in front of his sister. “It hurt me when you said I was lying. I didn’t think you would say that to me.” Y/n explained, and Casey looked down. “I know I’m sorry. I should of known you would never make something like that up.” Casey stated, shifting in his feet. “Do you believe me now?” Y/n asked, afraid of the answer. “I think I always believed you, I just didn’t want it to be true so acted on impulse with denial.” Casey explained, placing a hand on y/n’s shoulder. “I think that would be an accurate assumption.” Y/n nodded, before moving to wrap her arms around Casey’s waist. “Come on, let’s head to the firehouse, we still have a shift to finish.” Casey smiled, wrapping his arms around y/n and kissing her head. “Can I stay there tonight?” Y/n asked. “Absolutely.” Casey nodded, moving to allow y/n to step up. “I’m sure the gang are looking to see you.” Kelly stated. “Yea, Kelly here left in such a rush didn’t even explain to them what was happening.” Casey exclaimed, nodding his head to Kelly. “I was more concerned about y/n.” Kelly defended himself. “Thanks Kelly. Where would I be without you?” Y/n smiled, leaning into Kelly’s side. “I wonder the same thing.” Case smiled, knowing that he would of never known his sister if it wasn’t for Kelly. “I’m just your night in shining armor.” Kelly joked, flexing his arm causing y/n to giggle and Casey to shake his head.
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