10 posts
I have had this username since 2016, man I need therapy.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thestoriesfold · 2 months ago
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The damage I can do to some people- no I must have discipline, 👀I have a chapter to finish writing and another to start drafting 👀 no I couldn’t write a one shot to hold us all over 👀 no no I wouldn’t do that 👀
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thestoriesfold · 2 months ago
Gang, all these multi chapter fics have like 4.k word counts and I’m over here with 6.k and STILL GOING! I hope yall like long ones cause dayum. I have no self control.
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Masterlist Plug 😽
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thestoriesfold · 2 months ago
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SUMMARY: Its weird to imagine that the ghost stories they tell you at night is real. Jaden thought they weren’t, that the world was perfectly normal. At least the version of it she was once in. One weird dream leads to another, and suddenly the things that go bump in the night exist and she’s hunting them with the Winchesters. In a world where she doesn’t know anything, will she discover her true identity? Or will fate have other plans for her?
WARNINGS: (check specifics at beginnings of each chapter) 18+, gore, violence, mentions of death, character death, murder, explicit, eventual smut, overall supernatural themes (that’s a warning in of itself). PLEASE CHECK WARNINGS BEFORE YOU READ EACH PART!
Slow burn. Angst. Smut. Dean Winchester x OC. Sam Winchester x OC. Castiel x OC. NOT POLY THOUGH!
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Part One: Word Count - 3.3k
Part Two: Coming soon ;)
Series Taglist (make sure you're tagable love): @iloveeveryoneyoureamazing
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thestoriesfold · 2 months ago
can I please be tagged everything spn (including already started fics) thank you!!!
Of course! Anyone can just ask to be added and I’ll get right on it! Just make sure you’re taggable and I’ve got you my lovelies! Masterlist will be up soon! 💜
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thestoriesfold · 2 months ago
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Wait so do we like the whole Castiel fic anymore? Or like sibling reader with the Winchesters? Cause boy do I have smth if we do. I’ll write it, I swear to god!
Edit: Okay okay- here 👀
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thestoriesfold · 2 months ago
Where the Light Touches: Part One
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Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: MINORS DNI! Please bro. Some light cussing. Supernatural (it's a warning on its own I think), early seasons, character is female OC but you can apply it however you'd like, bad writing.
If you don't know what a GameBoy is, or which one I'd be referencing because.. well 2005.. here
Jaden’s IPod
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The rain tapped softly against the windows of the apartment, the rhythm adding to the ambience that filled the living space. A few candles flickered, and several small lamps brightened the living room with a soft, warm glow. Shelves lined with books and little knick knacks collected over the years, along with DVDs and games, decorated the room. The light from the TV and her laptop illuminated Jaden’s face, highlighting her soft features in the darkened space. She typed away, curled up under a fluffy blanket with her glasses perched on the tip of her nose. The TV played in front of her, acting as background noise for her much-needed focus.
Jaden tilted her head, attempting to work on the college assignment that had plagued her for the last week. The TV sounded off with the familiar banter of Sam and Dean, characters on the show. After months, her friend finally got her to cave and start the series. Even though she wasn’t paying much attention, as her assignments took up most of her time and energy, she was intrigued. It didn’t help that both men were very good-looking, drawing her eyes to the screen more than she cared to admit.
Like now, she peeked up as the music grew louder. Sam had backed himself and the three siblings into a corner as the Wendigo drew closer. The camera panned to the Wendigo's face, the monster looking directly into the lens.
Jaden grimaced at the image. The 2005 cinematics were still able to creep her out, even if it was 20 years ago. “Way to break the fourth wall, I guess. Ugly son of a bitch,” she muttered, looking back down at her laptop and trying not to glance back at the weird figure on the TV. She nearly focused back on her assignment before the power went out. Instead of going black, the TV simply froze. The sound of the rain felt heavy now that it was alone. The walls of her tiny apartment seemed to stretch eerily without any light from the various lamps she’d turned on previously. Looking down at her computer, she watched as the connection failed to save her progress on the paper. Her laptop was at 20% now; if the power didn’t come on soon, she might lose her mind—and her grade.
With a frustrated groan, she lifted herself from her perch on the couch, leaving her laptop behind. Her hands felt around the back of the couch, gliding along the walls for guidance. The phone in her pocket felt heavy, reminding her of the flashlight she could use to navigate the apartment. She stalked toward the door as she fished out the device, attempting to assess how bad the outage really was.
The building was pitch black, as expected this late with no power. The darkness of the hall seemed to loom closer and closer to her. Looking down at her phone, she tried to turn on the flashlight. Even the hallway lights were out. The only source of light, other than her phone, was the red exit sign above the stairway. “Great,” her voice dripped with sarcasm as she shut the door behind her. Looking down at her phone, she quickly checked the outage map, or at least attempted to. “What the hell?” Her service was out too. She tried to refresh the page a few times, beginning to worry about her paper’s viability.
An abrupt crash sounded in the living room, followed by footsteps slowly clicking along the wooden floor. Deliberate. Jaden’s head whipped up from the screen as she quickly turned off her phone, now cloaked by the darkness that threatened to swallow her whole. Her heartbeat quickened as the footsteps drew closer. She felt around for the bat she always kept by the door, her breath catching in her throat as she began to see the outline of the figure nearing her.
They wore no face, but their eyes seemed to glow against the darkness surrounding her. Bright yellow daggers stared at the girl, the smile of the figure approaching stuck out against the apartment's shadows. Brown eyes widened as she felt her hand brush against the familiar metal of the bat. She gripped the handle, finding reassurance in the coolness of the steel.
“Time to return home, treasure,” the voice sounded vicious, creepy even, as if the man in front of her was relishing the thought of whatever he was about to do.
Before she could lift the bat out of its spot, her body became stuck. It felt as if she were being held down. Her head was forcefully tugged in the direction of the intruder, who was still standing several feet away. Panic filled her body, trying desperately to gain control of her limbs as adrenaline rushed through her veins. Her voice was caught in her throat as she attempted to scream, somehow hoping that someone might save her. The footsteps grew closer before she felt the warmth of the stranger’s breath on her face. Jaden had never felt such a harsh knot of dread plummet down her stomach before.
For a moment, nothing happened. The rain was all she heard, her own lungs unable to contract in order to breathe. The eerie quiet lasted only a beat. Then, the door of her apartment swung open violently, crashing to the wall and sending photos tumbling onto the wooden floor. Glass shattering was the only thing Jaden heard before her body was suddenly launched backward into darkness.
. ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦✦ .  ⁺ .
Jaden sat up with a start, her voice seemingly hers to control once more as she practically shouted. It felt as if she were being pushed through deep water. All at once, pain, dizziness, and heat seeped from her skull, causing the brunette to groan as her surroundings spun around her, taunting her. Her palm settled on the spot where the pain felt the worst, and her gaze landed on bloodied fingers as she pulled away. The shock of the blood on her fingertips didn’t last long.
Her focus slowly shifted from her fingers to the cave walls surrounding her, realizing she was very much not in her own apartment or even in the city. Confusion dug in with the rest of the sensations in her skull. A man’s voice came from next to her, but it sounded muffled, as if it were underwater. Her body tensed instinctively as hands gently gripped her arms. She attempted to stand up to get away from the touch, a strangled grunt escaping her throat as the panic she’d been feeling for what felt like hours erupted on its own.
“Whoa, Jade,” the voice in front of her was different from the shadow man who had just been there moments ago. It broke through the fog that had plagued her since waking up here. Her brows furrowed in confusion as her vision focused on familiar shaggy hair and hazel eyes looking down at her. She blinked, trying to maintain the unblurred image. “You took a nasty hit on the head. Let’s get out of here.” His voice was gentle, as if he were concerned.
Jaden’s mouth parted, realizing just where she was. She looked in the direction of Dean, seeing him looking back at her, with the three siblings behind him. He looked worried, glancing at Sam before turning to help the others out of the cave. She blinked, accepting the help Sam offered as she stood. This had to be some weird dream; she had been in her apartment just minutes ago, twenty years in the future, in a world where monsters in the dark didn’t exist. The man holding her up was a character for her entertainment. She remembered watching Jess die on the TV screen not even thirty minutes ago when she started the series. She couldn’t yet find her voice, too stunned and confused as she limped out of the cave with Sam holding her steady.
The tall male was like a lifeline. Her muscular legs might as well have been jelly, unsteady beneath her. The cave around them seemed to pulse with her vision, matching the throbbing in her brain. His hands holding her up did little to quell the thoughts that raced through her at an unprecedented speed.
The woods offered comfort as they all practically limped through the forest. Green was everywhere; trees and bushes surrounded her in a way her city mind couldn’t fathom. Her brown eyes took in her surroundings, appreciating the beauty despite her brain feeling like mush. This was some twisted dream. The pain was very real, but she’d been able to feel things in dreams before. Whenever she woke up, she would be seeing all the doctors.
Sam noticed how she had drawn back into her head, unsure how to reach out to her. His voice was gentle as he coached her through the trek to the ranger station. He wasn’t sure whether her state was due to the pain or the fact that she had watched a man die right in front of her. He tried not to stare outright, but her far-off look was alarming to both brothers. The muscle in his jaw twitched, his arm securely wrapped around her back to keep her steady and protect her from anything else that might randomly come their way. His eyes scanned the trees, ensuring there was nothing else lurking in the woods.
As Dean spoke to the park ranger, explaining the “bear attack,” Jade leaned on the wooden post, staring off into the woods. The wind rustled the leaves of the trees, helping soothe her disgruntled brain as the cool breeze settled on her skin. Sam lingered not too far from her, just in case; the blood seemed to have finally stopped from the cut on her head. But given how far off she was, he wasn’t taking any chances. That Wendigo had given her some airtime. As Dean came back out, he looked over at Sam and Jaden, nodding them over to where the trio sat on the other side of the patio.
They all agreed on the story they’d tell the authorities. Dean and Sam crafted a faux narrative everyone had agreed on to explain if questioned. The three were oddly good at lying about what had happened. Jaden watched as the youngest lied through his teeth like a pro, trying to distract herself as the paramedic disinfected her head wound. Sam and Dean handled most of the questioning from the authorities, and she was thankful for it. The woman bandaging her forehead was like a shield from unwanted conversation. She focused on talking to Jade herself, not really bringing up anything about what might’ve happened while they were out in the woods. Instead, they chatted about regular things—new episodes of TV shows Jade had barely heard of, which she would lie about, pretending they weren’t almost twenty-year-old shows in her mind. Reality was setting in as worries crept into her thoughts; maybe she wasn’t dreaming.
Once it was all said and done, she sat on the back step of the ambulance. Her gaze settled on the reflection of the emergency lights on the concrete. The harsh red light reflected back onto her own face in the night’s darkness. How did she get here? Who was the man in her apartment? Who was she here? Sam and Dean looked at her as if they knew her, as if they knew her well.
Her focus returned as shoes settled into her line of vision; Sam was walking up to her while Dean talked to the girl she now remembered as Haley. “You okay?” He sat next to her, looking over the work the paramedics had done. He offered a small smile, trying to give her a sense of comfort.
She looked up at Sam, thinking about what had just happened to him a week ago—at least, to him. After what he had been through, the guy was still worried about her. She hesitated, her mouth opening and closing a few times. A deep part of her trusted him, unable to truly accept that he was a stranger. She sighed, her shoulders deflating slightly. “Considering everything,” she said, looking at him and taking in his features in person instead of on the screen. She contemplated her words, unsure if she would sound like the same Jaden he seemed to think she was. “This all just feels like a really weird dream.” She glanced away at Dean and the girl by the other ambulance. “I’m good. Just worried about you,” she added, looking at Sam with a concerned gaze. It wasn’t a lie; she had watched what happened in HD. If he was really in front of her, the empathy she had felt hours ago wasn’t going anywhere, only getting worse.
The youngest Winchester looked at her for a second, contemplating whether to talk about his feelings. To him, Jaden was his best friend and practically his little sister. If he could open up to anyone, it would’ve been her. It was always her. He opened his mouth, looking out to the treeline to avoid her knowing gaze before shutting it again with a sigh. The tension could be cut with a knife as she observed him. The guy, despite saying he was fine, looked like he felt anything but. His shoulders seemed heavy, unable to hide what his face could not.
She was about to speak before Dean’s voice carried over from the other ambulance. Both Sam and Jade watched as Haley reached up to kiss his cheek. Sam shook his head with a smirk, while Jade just smiled, watching as Dean grinned from ear to ear as the woman walked back to her brothers. The two youngest of the trio shared a knowing glance, both sharing a small chuckle at the dork that was Dean Winchester. What a weird sense of normalcy.
Both Sam and Jade stood as Dean approached. Sam teased Dean about the little moment while Jaden kept quiet. The two brothers bickered, as they always did. It was background noise she’d already grown used to. She felt an arm wrap around her shoulder, bringing her back to the present. “You good, Jay?” Dean looked down at her, assessing the handiwork of the paramedics for himself. His green eyes scanned her over, always the big brother. She nodded, naturally settling into the oldest’s side. “Yeah. Just tired,” she mumbled as they edged closer to the car.
She looked it over, her expression unreadable as the two brothers ducked into the car. She was slower, realizing they’d notice her hesitation if she didn’t get in the back seat. So, that’s what she did. She climbed in, practically crawling to sprawl out in the back. Letting her head rest on one of the spare bags, she stared up at the ceiling of the Impala. Whatever words were shared between the brothers, she didn’t hear them. Exhaustion settled in her bones, the weight of her odd reality no longer dominating her adrenaline production. Her eyes grew heavy, trying to understand how her mind could conjure such a vivid dream. With the hum of the engine lulling her to sleep, thoughts of what the hell had happened drifted to the back of her mind.
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Sam looked back at the younger girl sprawled across the back seat. Dean's jacket covered her torso, and her long legs were folded the way she always managed in the confines of the car. The soft rise and fall of her chest was a comforting sight, knowing that despite the scare they had faced today, she was alive.
Eventually, Dean's gaze out the window turned into a doze. With the car quiet, Sam had time to reflect on what had happened over the past week, especially concerning Jessica. A tear slipped down his cheek at the thought, and he quickly wiped it away as he focused on the road. The grief he’d felt for the past week was like a heavy blanket, threatening to suffocate him the longer his thoughts lingered.
His mind conjured memories of her smile, her laugh, and the way she always pushed him to try his hardest. He lost more than his girlfriend; he lost his best friend, the support he’d had the entire time he was away at college. Sam swallowed hard, fighting back the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him as he drove.
The car remained silent, aside from the sound of the engine and the occasional rustle of Jaden shifting in the back seat. Dean and Jaden were asleep as Sam slowly pulled into a dingy motel parking lot. Taking a deep breath to pull himself together, he glanced at Dean, contemplating whether to wake him. The eldest Winchester didn’t sleep all too much, and he deserved it after the day they’d had. Instead, Sam sighed, climbed out of the car, and gently shut the door behind him.
The brunette walked to the front desk, noting how the teenage boy straightened up at his arrival. From Sam's height, he spotted a new Game Boy sitting on the desk behind the counter and held back a snicker as he placed the fake credit card on the stained wood. "Two queens, please," he said, raising his eyebrows as he offered an awkward smile back at the kid scrambling to grab the card reader.
He returned to the car with the room key in hand and noticed Dean awake in the passenger seat, though barely. His brother's face was slightly pouting, and his focus seemed distant, his boyish nature on display against the night sky.
When Dean caught the movement out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Sam approaching. With a grunt, he climbed out of the passenger seat as Sam jingled the keys. "Thanks, Sammy," he mumbled, rubbing his face before turning to Jaden, who was still passed out in the back seat. "She’s out cold, dude," he said, snorting at her awkward position. Her long ass legs sprawled as much as they could in the back of a sedan, and the sight amused him in the way only Jaden’s quirky self could.
He gently lifted his jacket off her and patted her leg. "Jay," he whispered softly, the endearment coming through in his tone as Sam moved to the trunk for their duffle bags.
The youngest of the trio slowly sat up as if she’d risen from the grave, a pout on her lips as she was reluctantly awakened. Brunette strands covered her eyes haphazardly from her makeshift pillow. Her brain registered little more than the desire to go back to sleep. "Why can’t I just camp out here?" she grumbled as Dean wrapped an arm around her shoulder, following Sam toward their room.
Both brothers chuckled as Sam unlocked the door to their motel room. The familiar scent of stale air and cheap cleaning supplies greeted them as he set their bags down on the couch. Dean let go of Jaden, watching her face-plant into one of the beds with an amused grin before heading to the bathroom, her body melting into the firm and probably stained mattress.
Sam shook his head as he looked at the 21-year-old, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. He slowly removed his shoes and jacket, sitting on the opposite side of the bed and observing her. He missed her while he was in college. She kept both brothers on their toes, and he hadn’t realized how important she was to him until he’d left those years ago. Gently, he peeled off her jacket and sneakers, pulling the blanket up to cover her exhausted form. He settled in next to her, crossing his hands behind his head as he stared at the popcorn ceiling. He didn’t blink as Dean emerged from the bathroom, tossing his jacket onto a chair, kicking off his boots, and climbing into bed, lying face down in a position similar to Jaden’s.
Sam let out an amused huff and closed his eyes, attempting to sleep himself.
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Taglist: @iloveeveryoneyoureamazing
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thestoriesfold · 2 years ago
Tonight's Golden Hour: Part One
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Summary: In an attempt to get closer to your coworker, you read his book recommendations. A late night welcomes a visitor in your dreams, and one interesting morning.
Pairings: Marc Spector x gn!reader, Steven Grant x gn!reader, Jake Lockely x gn!reader, Y/N is used sparingly.
Work Count: 3.6k
WARNINGS: Past trauma is brought up, religious trauma briefly mentioned, use of witchcraft, cussing, brief past abuse, reader has a moment of paranoia and anxiety.
Notes: I’m not going to lie to you, this entire chapter was written on the computer at Walgreens. It was dead, and the boss man didn’t care. So tada! Lemme know if you wanna be part of the series taglist in the comments!
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Introduction 🌙 Masterlist
Steven slouched in his seat at the counter, mumbling to himself about that damn bird. It was nothing new for Marc or Jake to keep the body overnight, but it still sucked the morning after. He rubbed his face, struggling to fight the sleep that was heavy on his eyes. He sighed looking up as Janet walked out from the office, carrying a book with her as she hobbled. You had taken to the second floor, sorting books into the correct order, putting others back. The task was an easy one, the idea of organizing something so simple came easy. It gave your mind the distraction it so desperately craved, humming quietly as you practically scaled the shelf. Your eyes fell on an old Greek folktale, grinning to yourself as your fingertips traced down its spine. 
The book opened in your hands, finding itself on one of the middle most pages. The words came to focus on the tale of Persephone and how she had been taken to the underworld. How Demeter entrusted the help of Hecate, the goddess of magic, of the moon. She guided those at cross-roads with her three heads. To most of the people in your life, the fact that she was so heavily associated with witchcraft made her a target of belittlement. Especially from the clan house, Thirios. For a name so close to the word monster, they claimed to walk in the light. You never truly understood why they were like it, never truly followed their ideals. Questioning was wrong, it was always wrong. The beauty of free thought helped you and your family escape at one point, but it never stuck. Not with your family. Comfort was in what they knew, what they grew up by. And yet, here you stood. The book was in your hands as you read over the story, a small grin on the corners of your lips as amusement ran through you. You were now stuck in London, living a life that was not attached to your old one, to who you were. 
“Excuse me?” You dropped the book, body reacting from being startled. Eyes went wide and breathing came to a sudden stop. A reaction that came naturally from years of the clan’s work. “Sorry to startle you, love” Steven’s curls came into focus as he patted your arm gently. His touch was different, gentle. It was unbelievably warm if you thought hard enough. It brought you back to reality just enough to pay attention. “Just wanted to let you know, Janet got us some lunch. Come on down whenever you’d like” he smiled at you. He knew something was off by the look in your eyes. How when you offered a small grin back, how it was like the ones you gave to tiring customers. Brown eyes glanced over you once, he wasn’t sure if he could call it concern, but he didn’t like how you seemed so far away.
You both reached for the book simultaneously. The two of you glanced at each other as your fingers touched, the graze of his warm fingertips against your cold. His brown eyes read yours, offering a quick smile as you took the book into your hand and stood. “Don’t worry about it, Steven. I was just enjoying a good story” you wiggled the book in your hand as Steven stood with you.
His hands seemed to find themselves clasped together, eyes moving to focus on the book in your hands “You like Greek mythology, eh? What story are you on?” He shifted to take a look at the contents, looking down at the page you’d been reading. “Hecate” he paused, hand coming to run his chin in thought. He’d been a mythology geek since the dawn of his existence, but Hecate was never mainstream enough for him to really look into “Not overly familiar. I’ve always been an Egyptian man myself.” 
“I grew up in Greece, actually. This was a bedtime story for me, basically” you looked at Steven, his eyes still reading over the text. You took notice how his mouth moved slightly with each word he past over, like he was giving all of his effort to soak it in “I’ve always wanted to know about Egyptian mythology and folklore. Up until recently, I haven’t had the time to try. Any recommendations on where to start?” At that point, Steven was looking at you with the biggest grin on his face. Someone taking interest in his hyperfixation? His thing? If you weren’t careful, he’d fall in love. He already thought you were just beautiful.
He blinked, shaking his head as he realized he had been staring, snapping out of his trance quickly “You want my recommendation?” he sounded shocked, pointing to himself. Honestly, he was. He was so accustomed to being brushed off, past experiences had him lonely and left him feeling rejected, even with his interests “Follow me then.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
That was how you got stuck reading one book after another once you got home. It had been late in the night, you could feel your body begging for sleep, your eyes burning with the need to close as you finished the third book of the evening. Your glasses rested at the tip of your nose as you slowly shut the book. A groan fell past your lips as you stretched your limbs out, climbing out of the lounge chair that you had claimed for tonight’s reading session. Your eyes scanned the space of the front parlor, remembering the noises you had heard every night for a week now. You practically saddled around opening a couple windows after collecting your barings. The cool night air seeped into the house, your legs carrying you to a small standing cabinet that looked like it hadn’t been touched in years. ‘She hasn’t touched this since Pedro left’ you thought to yourself. Pedro was your cousin, one who has followed her interest into the old ways. But like everyone else, he left for clan Thirios, choosing a false lighthood. With your mind set, you opened the cabinet. In it was old supplies, herbs, incense, mortar and pestle. Your grandmother was always adamant on following your culture’s traditions. Well, your true culture, not the one developed for you by the clan. She wanted to enforce self-enlightenment and use of energy for good things, to aid yourself and others. Never to harm oneself for indulging for simplicities. Never to harm other’s in belief of cleansing their glutton. Your fingers ran along one of the carved and anointed candles, feeling the familiar inscription that decorated its white wax. You’d never committed to the same level as your grandmother. You’d only ever lit incense for a temporary sense of closure, to cleanse. That’s what you had opened the cabinet for, to pluck one stick from her multitude of boxes.
Frankincense would do the trick. You flicked the lighter, letting the incense burn for a few short moments before blowing out the flame. As the smoke slowly rose off of the stick, you slowly swirled it around you. You hoped it would bring a good cleansing to the energy that had seemed to follow you. Your sock covered feet slowly moved around the house, letting the smell of Frankincense take over. The smoke was supposed to do the job of ridding any negative energy from the house. It made you feel slightly more at ease, letting the incense burn down in its holder shortly after a lap. You could feel your eyes droop, barely able to focus on the clock that ticked right in front of you. You forced yourself to retreat, going up to your room to rest for the night. 
Your back hit the bed immediately following your shortened routine, face barely rinsed, teeth partially brushed, clothes only covering the private bits. You were too excited to curl under the blanket, to let the melatonin you'd taken earlier do its job. A final yawn left your lips before you let yourself snooze, the alarm on your phone was set, it was going to be a full nights’ sleep for you. 
It didn’t take long for soft snoring to sound in the room, your body twitching in its exhausted state as you slept. You crashed hard that night, the door slowly creaking open didn’t stir you. Your head remained glued to the pillow, eyes closed. Your brain was too encased in its nightly show of dreams. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You stood in a meadow, flowers of all colors seemed to thrive all around you. The glow of the moon seemed to cast a blue tint to everything, adding a calming effect to the scene. The sounds of nature took over your ears, crickets, a babbling brook nearby. You continued to take in the scenery, eyes slowly focusing on what seemed to be a large black dog in the distance. You stood still then, unsure if the dog was friendly. Curiosity killed the cat, and this dog was huge. There was no taking chances, not even in your dreams. You’d learned enough from being brave.
You turned to the other direction, choosing to put some distance between the two of you. Perhaps, you could both have your own sense of peace in this little dream you cooked up. Your head slowly moved to face forward, taking a second to register that there was now yet another black dog standing right in front of you. It looked up at you silently, its eyes boring into your soul. Your breath caught in your throat as two more appeared from each side of your body, rounding in a circle to stand next to the one in dead center. You watched as all three fused, their bodies merging into three heads and one large body. They stood almost as tall as you now, three sets of eyes staring at you almost expectantly. All you could do was stare, mouth fallen agape as they peered at you. A huff left the middle head’s snout, sitting back on its hind legs. 
“Do not fear me, child” A woman's voice echoed in your skull, causing you to jerk your head in every direction. Where the fuck is that coming from? Fear wasn’t present in your thoughts, no. Something about this entire thing felt oddly normal for you. You were confused, but not scared. You were eerily calm about hearing a voice in your head. The dog huffed in front of you once more, all three heads looking at you with golden orbs. Their intensity caused you to gulp, your head tilting as the voice sounded once more. Rich, seemingly powerful, and dreamlike “You are safe here, my child. I wish to merely visit, to warn and protect.” 
This only confused you more, making you step away from the creature slightly. It’s stare was intense enough from a distance, you didn’t need to be closer “Protect me? Protect me from what? Who are you?” You hadn’t yelled, but your voice edged on the side of suspicion. As it should, this was a crazy dream. Despite the reasonable part of your brain telling you to be afraid, you didn’t stray far. The distance between you and the dog was only a few feet more than what it previously was. Something about the energy radiating off of it drew you in, enticed you.
“They know what you are, child. They know more about you than you do yourself. You must find it, my child” the woman’s voice said nothing else, the dog only stood and began to walk away. You tried to walk towards it, but your feet were stuck in place. A distorted jingle started to play out as the scene changed. 
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You groaned as you stretched, the alarm on your phone was becoming an annoyance the more you heard it each morning. The blankets went with you as you rolled off the bed to approach your phone on the dresser, forcing yourself to stand before turning off the alarm. You rubbed your eyes tiredly as the small jingle came to a stop. There was a chime of your ringtone, a rare thing to ever really happen, as you changed into clothes more suitable for work. 
You hopped over back to the dresser, your legs threatening to trip themselves before you smack your weight into the wood. The dark pants were pulled to your hips and zipped quickly before you swiped to unlock the phone. You adjusted the small amount of accessories you’d put on, looking down at the notification banner. It was from an unknown number ‘we miss you’ it read. You could feel your heartbeat quicken, a thousand questions running through your mind all at once. Your fingers twitched, tempted to respond, but you knew better. They wanted to see if you would, you knew that. But it didn’t make it any less terrifying. Was it actually someone you came to love? Was it mom? Pedro? Cassias? Vanessa? You backed out of the conversation, tucking your phone in your back pocket with a shaky hand. You looked into the mirror, taking in the fear that rested on your face. A forced breath came from you, you studied yourself in the mirror. 
“You are safe. They cannot get you here” Your voice was shaky, unconvincing, but you had to try “You escaped. You escaped.” 
The words would be repeated both outloud and mentally as you took your usual route to work, eyes scanning every detail in case someone was out to get you. Every movement you made was quick, swift, like you want to make yourself as sparse as possible. Your mantra didn’t help with the memories that flooded your imagination. It didn’t help as you remember Georigios’ hands on your throat, holding you down as a way of ‘cleansing the darkness’ that had found its way into your gaze. How he spoke with such hatred, how he seemed to smile while doing it. How his grip tightened, a sadistic glint in his eyes.
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“You have a devil inside you, fighting against your superiors, you little bitch” his body would close in on yours, hand gripping your neck as he put his knee in between your legs “The devil inside you needs to be removed, to be broken so it won’t return” his eyes moved over your body slowly, mouth quirking as you made a small choked noise “I think I’ll help with that..”
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“Oof!” your body collided with another, both parties seeming to struggle to stay up. That brought you back into reality, feeling a warm pair of hands encase your upper arms. Too warm, he’s found you, he’s going to do it again. Leave, leave, RUN “You alright there, love?” It was Steven’s voice, it made you focus on how his brown eyes looked over your face. The way his emotions showed hard on his face, the way his worry seemed to shine through puppy dog eyes. It grounded you. He only stepped back once you had gained your footing, smoothing your sleeves before offering you his signature grin “How is the book reading going?” 
It was like the dark cloud over your head was lifted, a smile of your own came to your face. So this is what relief feels like. It was small, but it was real. His chocolate eyes bore into yours, like a warm blanket wrapped around you despite the breeze having other plans. “Good, very good” you spoke quickly as both of you started to walk into the library. “I believe I’m starting to have a favorite among the Egyptian gods, actually” you stated as you both moved to place your coats on the rack.  
“Oh? Do tell” he turned to you once his jacket was properly placed on the hook. You couldn’t help but grin at how excited he seemed. He was giving you a breath of fresh air. 
You looked up at him, arms crossing as you raised your eyebrow “Ah, not that easy. You have to guess” a little smirk covered your features. He gave you the ‘oh come on’ look, mimicking your crossed arms. Just like that, you switched. He noticed how you seemed like nothing was wrong. Part of you did too, thinking it was a way to ignore the anxiety that crept at your throat.
“But there’s so many, we’ll be on lunch before I can list them all” he couldn’t help but whine, feeling both Marc and Jake cringe in the back of the headspace. He didn’t care however, this was his conversation, and you were his coworker. Hopefully, you’d call yourself his friend, he’d certainly like to “At least give me a hint” he demanded. 
“You want a hint? Well, Mr. Egyptian expert” you let out a laugh, shaking your head at his antics “Fine. How about I give you one at lunch?” You and him had created a small habit of at least ordering from the same place. One of you usually did rock-paper-scissors to see who would go and retrieve it, the other’s cash in hand. However, you naturally proposed the idea of getting it together, the company would ease your anxiety riddled mind. You didn’t mind how Steven tended to do most of the talking when you two worked alongside each other, in fact it was easy for you. You just listened, put your thoughts forward when needed. Ask questions when you felt the need. His voice would soothe you with how passionate he got sometimes.
He straightened at that, as if every muscle went tight in his body. His eyes were staring at you, slightly widened. That sounds like a date. Something he hadn’t been able to even consider in so long. The only thing that pulled him back from the surprise was Marc’s voice telling him he was taking too long “Yes, of course! Lunch, yes. I would love to discuss it with you over lunch” he answered rather quickly out loud. Blew it.
Normally, you would’ve tripped over your words. Overthinking if he just saw that as a potential date, but you could only let out a small chuckle as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. So what if it was? You were two grown adults “Get to work, Grant. I’ll talk to you at lunch.” 
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Janet could tell something was up. She saw it in the way you and Steven would fidget when speaking to each other. She saw in how the two of you seemed to be ten years younger as you both tended to mess with each other whilst working on returns. She couldn’t help but hum in amusement as she watched the two of you not so subtly race for the counter in order to check someone out, eyes catching on how Steven’s smile seemed so bright. She’d taken notice how you seemed to relax and come out of your shell over the last two weeks of working here. 
You stifled a giggle as you peered around the counter, Steven on your heels before you hopped in the chair. You wheeled it to the front side, smiling at the stranger. This would be the literal last thing you did before you took your scheduled lunch break. The transaction was quick, and you looked over at Steven as the stranger walked away, offering him a friendly flip of the bird before you stood. He shook his head with a laugh, following you once more as you both went to the coat rack. 
“You are something else” he said quietly, both shrugging on your coats. His hair moved down onto his forehead as it was tilted downwards. He waited for you to put yours on before stepping forward to open the door “For you, your greatness.” 
You let out a small chuckle as he did a little bow, curtsying like a the dork you were in response “What a gentlemen. Over men should take notes” you stated, slipping through the door with your coworker on your heels. 
The cold rush of air hit you like a brick to the face, Steven seeming to fair it a bit better. He still rubbed his hands together before shoving them into their respectful pockets “So” he paused, watching as his breath blew in front of him in the cold air “Where to?” he glanced down at you, watching as you all but shivered from the cold. 
“Somewhere warm, with food” you said quietly, your hands bunched into your coat pockets. Your breath was also in the air, and it reminded you of why you hated the cold. 
“I think I have an idea. Come on, love” he said gently, guiding you with a warm arm around your shoulder. It was a short walk, only about eight minutes in total. In the cold, it felt like twenty. By the time you’d reached the doors to the restaurant, you were shivering. Steven didn’t seem much better, cheeks and nose flushed from the cold weather (and holding you, but he’d never admit to it). 
You both politely smiled at the waitress who greeted you, following her into the seating area glad to escape the cold. She left two menus on the table with a promise to return shortly, allowing you both to settle into the booth and shrug your coats off to the side. 
It didn’t take long for the conversation to start, both of you sharing information about yourselves. The drinks came your way, and eventually so did your food. You indulged in trying a vegan option out of pure curiosity, offering it to Steven if you didn’t like it. 
That’s how you both ended up chuckling at something he had said, barely waiting to properly chew to respond to the other. “So, you’re telling me” you took a second to swallow the sip of lemonade to cleanse your palette “that you made a statue actor break in order to give you dating advice? That’s-”
“Sad I know” his eyes dropped from yours, smile faltering slightly.
You tilted your head, grabbing his hand gently and offering him a smile “I was going to say that it's oddly relatable” you patted his hand, looking at him as he slowly met your eyes once more. “Besides we all need advice sometimes” you shrugged, slowly withdrawing your hand before you picked up on some vinaigrette left over on his face “You’ve got a little” you pointed to the corner of your own mouth hoping he’d pick up on what you meant. 
He instantly picked up the napkin, wiping at his mouth quickly. You could see the red growing on his ears, something that made you smirk. You watched as he licked at his lips, finding it amusing that he still seemed to have such a boyish innocence to him “Did I get it?”
His brown eyes met yours as you let out a small huff, leaning over the table to get it off the one spot he missed with your thumb. You absentmindedly licked it from your finger, unaware at how flustered that made the man in front of you as he watched. He stared for a second, before clearing his throat.
“You still haven’t told me the hint yet” he looked at you with an intensity that you didn’t expect as your attention fell back down to him from the tv above his head. He leaned back against the booth, giving you a lopsided grin “Besides, you still have to guess my favorite Greek deity.” 
“You’re right, I owe you a hint don’t I?” you smiled back at him, mimicking his movement to lean back. “Alright how’s this? He causes all nostrils and every throat to be filled with fresh air” you quoted it directly from the mythology book you had read the previous night. You waited as he pieced it together, seeming to be his own little encyclopedia. 
“There’s no way you like that bloody pigeon?” You furrowed your brows in confusion as he spoke, it almost sounded personal if you didn’t know any better. His expression lightened as he realized his tone, shaking his head and smiling apologetically “Sorry, sorry. I’m not overly fond of that one. No judgment though, the folklore does make him seem cool I suppose.”
You blinked at him, noticing the change in tone. The corners of your lips slowly fell, and it made his stomach churn with guilt. Your head tilted as he picked his fork back up, seeming slightly uncomfortable “So what about my hint, hmm?” you offered a deflection from the Egyptian end, offering to dive into Greek. Although if he was so heavily opinionated, he’d probably have a ball with yours regarding the Greeks. 
He took a second, swallowing some of his water before he cleared his throat. “I’ll give you a hint, but only over dinner. Let’s say, Thursday at six?” how he got through that without blowing it was a mystery, but he watched as you blushed nonetheless.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Thanks for reading, totally let me know what you think!
Series Taglist: @realityshifter111 @emily-roberts @yoisthename @ahookedheroespureheart @dinwifey @lonelyburd @babyymeme
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thestoriesfold · 2 years ago
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SUMMARY: He could feel something off about you. He could feel a darkness that followed your every move. Yet, they fell anyway. Many mysteries laid in the house your grandmother left you, ones you’d never really wish to uncover. Hecate calls. Will you answer? Or will your past come to haunt you once more?
WARNINGS: (specific warnings at the beginning of each chapter) 18+ DARK PAST. Cult culture. Religious trauma. Grooming. Explicit. MINORS DO NOT ENGAGE. Abuse family, death, murder, gore, witchcraft. Any smut written will be consensual sex only, but there will be past references to dubcon. PLEASE CHECK WARNINGS BEFORE YOU READ.
Marc Spector x gn!reader, Steven Grant x gn!reader, Jake Lockely x gn!reader, Y/N is used sparingly. Friends into lovers trope.
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Introduction - Word Count: 2.1k
Part One - Word Count 3.6k
Series Taglist: @realityshifter111 @emily-roberts @yoisthename @ahookedheroespureheart @dinwifey @lonelyburd @babyymeme
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged for any posts regarding this series or any other in the comments. Thank you.
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thestoriesfold · 2 years ago
Tonight’s Golden Hour: Introduction
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Summary: You find a new beginning. A new country, a new place to live. But this isn’t living, not yet. Something was off.
Pairings: Marc Spector x gn!reader, Steven Grant x gn!reader, Jake Lockely x gn!reader, Y/N is used sparingly.
Word Count: 2.1k
Content: angst (barely), paranormal stuff happens.
Warnings: probably cursing and language, death in family!, references to cults, eventual references to witchcraft.
Notes: This is NOT proof read. Horrible grammar- probably. Honestly, I just had to get this part out of the way. Be gentle with me, I’ll actually cry. This series will come with its own soundtrack, you’re welcome.
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Masterlist 🌙 Pt. 1
The day was dreary, probably normal for regular Londoners. But that wasn’t normal for you. No, you never planned on being here. Your home was warm when this was cold. You could hear nothing but the city, where as home would offer the potential of hearing the waves of the sea, maybe music. The building in front of you mocked you with its old sense of luxury. You never had anything more than a small house, one that was fit for a lonely person as yourself. You could never understand how your late Nana could ever come to have this. Your family seemed to struggle to stay afloat trying to leave what felt like a cult. It was honestly, it was the only reason you’d ultimately agreed to be here. Those bastards always found a way back into your lives, taking another family member with every prolonged visit. It hurt to know that you were the only one left not falling for the tyrannical brainwashing that had persuaded your loved ones.
That wasn’t completely true, your grandmother died before they could get her back into their grimy hands. That made you, the person standing in the driveway, smile slightly. Maybe she got out after all, escaped. Maybe I have too, you thought. It was one thing to move across the country, it was another to end up halfway across the continent. Yet, here you were, all of your belongings sorted between a suit case, back pack, tote, and carry on bag. Safe to say, moving was easy for you.
You only then felt the chill of the London breeze against your skin. Perhaps, you got ahead of yourself. But that wouldn’t matter any longer, not as you shoved your hands in the fabric of your jacket sleeves and forced onward. The closer you got, the deeper the pit in your stomach grew. The house looked normal, but you ultimately felt off. Your head turned to look behind you, seeing nothing but cars passing by the thrush covered fence, and the steel gate that separated you from the rest of London. The garden that surrounded the house was small, probably perfect for someone like your grandma. You blinked at the rose bush that had started to wrap around one of the porch’s posts.
All you could hear at this point was the sound of cars passing by behind you. You couldn’t pinpoint the feelings churning inside your stomach as you slowly unlocked the front door. The hinges made their old age known as the door swung open. It revealed the main entrance. The small corridor led into the front parlor of the house on one side, the other leading to a lowered study. Your eyes scanned the stairway that led up to the other floor of the house. Your mouth fell agape as you stepped fully into the house. The house was still furnished in your grandmother’s particular style.
“‘M glad she stayed so up to trends” you had enough mind to say as you put your jacket on the coat rack. The house looked like one in a movie. Part of you felt lucky despite the eerie feeling radiating off the walls. You gently shut the door behind you, giving yourself a tour of the front parlor. Antiques lined the house from top to bottom, every piece seemed like it could’ve been a hundred years old. You’d never truly know.
You crossed the corridor, stepping down into the large room of the study your grandmother had left you. Books older than time itself lined the shelves along the walls. You remembered how you’d sit and read together for hours. You remembered your grandmother swearing on putting lavender and a splash of milk in her cup of tea, opting to do it for her oldest grandchild as well.
The sigh that flooded the room was one of emotions that you had held onto for months now. It took so long to get things sorted out, you hardly had enough time to mourn. In fact, your grandma was all you really had anymore after the rest of your family joined that stupid group. Tears gathered in your eyes as you ran your knuckles over an all familiar title. One she’d read you every night as a child. Before everything went wrong.
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It had taken an hour for you to memorize where everything you would come to regularly use within such a large house was. You sunk into the chair that accompanied a large mahogany desk that rested in front of an even larger mantled fireplace. A sigh passed your lips once more, something you’d come to do a lot as the years blurred on. Your hands gently lifted the computer from your bag, bringing it to the desk and began your search. “Y/N has to get themselves a job” you mumbled. You just needed something for food and transportation. The will made sure that this house would cost absolutely nothing for her grandchild, meaning you didn’t have to do anything extravagant. To your luck an opening at a nearby library was available, several actually. “Guessing the job of a librarian is a dying breed, eh?” You asked yourself as you clicked on the application.
Filling out the information came easy, you finished up quickly. Your back hit the chair, making it lean with you. Your eyes closed slowly. Tomorrow was going to be something else, something new. You just hoped that nothing would screw it up, especially yourself.
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You forced yourself from bed days later, doing your best to look presentable for the job interview. Your eyes took in the variation of shades that made up the look. You looked normal, maybe the circles under your eyes was what threw you off. A small huff left your lips as you finished getting ready, hoping you’d remember to eat afterwards. Important things, they made you undeniably nervous. Too nervous to eat, too nervous to relax until the damage was done. That’s what you reminded yourself as you stepped onto the coach, paying the fee due to not having a pass just yet. The library wasn’t that far; you knew that, but you didn’t want to risk walking along the streets alone yet. You weren’t from London. The white knuckle grip you had on the bus rail was a reminder of why you missed home. You could walk everywhere.
Your eyes stayed focused on the stops above the headline, eager to get off the damn thing. The man next to you had done a piss poor job of not staring. You could feel the Greek curse leave your lips as you stepped down onto the sidewalk, finding your footing as you took in the large building. Nerves flowed through your body till this point, now you were just dead excited. Working with books, in a huge library. You could only imagine what you could get your hands on.
Hasty with your movements, you quickly stepped through the main doors. Your hands found their way around each other as you approached the counter, an awkward smile gracing your lips as you approached a much older woman. She was older than even your late grandmother. The wrinkled face looked up at you, eyes lighting up to see someone actually show up for an interview. You greeted each other, the old lady taking a while to come around the counter. It didn’t matter, you would wait. Something about the old woman smiling at you like that, would give you the patience of three saints.
“Hello there, darling! It’s so nice knowing the young folk still appreciate places like this” she gestured to the vast room that contained centuries of literature. “I suppose, we should get to business shall we? Here dear, follow me.”
You merely nodded, opting to follow the woman “Thank you so much for accepting my application, this place is beautiful” you admitted. Astonished, your eyes scanned over the two floors of paper. You almost missed Janet calling a man over, his dark curls swirling in different directions as he approached the two of you.
“Ah, Steven! Hello. This is the new hire I was telling you about” you turn to the man in front of you, both hesitating to speak too long for Janet. She ended the silence, looking between the two of you. “Anyway, Steven, would you mind covering the counter while I take ‘em to the office for our little interview?”
He took a second to break away from whatever trance had overtaken him. He could hear Marc’s voice in his head, but he ignored it. He’d gotten better at that lately, offering a lopsided grin as he spoke “It was great to meet you, Y/N. I hope it goes well” he offered a small nod of the head before turning around to the counter.
His face fell as Marc’s voice started in his head, telling him that he made it weird. You didn’t take notice of how his shoulders deflated slightly as Janet directed you to the back office. ‘Great job, Steven. Really’ Marc’s voice dripped with sarcasm as Steven rounded the counter, slowly sitting in the chair.
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Both of you walked out with grins, Janet hobbling slightly ahead of you as she approached the front desk. Your eyes met the dark brown of Steven’s, causing you to give him a thumbs up. An almost childlike excitement was rolling off of you, glad that this had gone your way. He mimicked your hands “Congrats! Welcome to our dainty little crew” he chuckled as Janet shook her head.
“Speak for yourself, Grant. Nothing on this body is dainty just yet, young man” her tone had a sense of fire to it, causing you to let out a small laugh “I expect to see you both tomorrow bright and early” she spoke to the you both pointedly. With that, you and Steven exchanged a glance. He was taking in your features the best he could, you were observing him. Almost mentally preparing for whatever tomorrow’s little show of the ropes would be like. You didn’t like not knowing.
You said your goodbyes shortly after Janet took over the counter once more. As your shoes hit the pavement, a grin graced your lips. You’d gotten a job, a nice one at that. Your grin grew as you saw a coffee shop just down the street, still early enough in the day not to be completely flooded. That day was a good day, despite the creaks in the floorboards that night keeping you awake. Despite the shadows that bent and twisted, despite feeling like a presence was watching as you struggled to finally fall asleep.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was like something held you down, eyes wide open as the moonlight flooded into the room. Your eyes looked around, watching as the shadows of the tree outside seemed to curl inwards. Your breath came out as quietly as you could allow it, feeling your fingers twitch. The house creaked as you lay there. You were convinced your mind was playing tricks on you. This was some twisted dream of yours. You had the imagination.
Your body was stuck, pressed to the bed with an unseen weight. At least you thought so, until a book that fell from your dresser jerked your body up from the mattress. A twinge of anxiety burrowed itself in your chest, this house was more than old enough to be haunted or something. But, it couldn’t be that. Right?
Your bare feet on the cold floor made you more aware, more awake as you bent to pick up the book. Your hands slowly turned the book over, allowing you to see the old, and rather dusty cover. You felt your brows furrow as the title was in Greek, mouth falling open as you spoke the title out loud, Greek being your mother-tongue “Εκάτη Σκοτεινή Μητέρα?”
As you finished the last syllable, your door peaked open. The hinges whined loudly, your body jumping as you felt your heart nearly explode. Your breath was labored, you knew better than to move, than to make a sound. But you had to, this was your house now. Your bare feet slowly moved along the cold wood, every other step causing the floorboards to creak beneath your weight. You slowly descended the stairs, opting for the fire poker as a weapon in the case of an intruder. Wide eyes checked every possible crevice of space in front of you, heart beating loudly in your ears.
You found yourself in the study, already having cleared the house of any odd doings. Your hand slowly loosened on the fire poker, not seeing any signs of anyone ever being in the house. With a sigh, you put the poker down. Why was this happening? Looking at the ashes that littered the fire wood, you rubbed what little sleep you had gotten from your eyes. It was early, three in the morning was what the clock said. There was no way you were sleeping. You shook your head, opting to tidy up the study a little. You adjusted small things here and there, coming to the final corner. Squinting at the small statuette that had fallen into the floor. You picked up the two pieces it had broken into, taking in the sight of the bottom’s three womanly figures. In your other hand, you observed three different heads, the one in the middle sporting some sort of moon emblem. Letting out one final huff, you looked at the pieces in your hands “Merida..”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Translation: Hecate, Mother Darkness.
Also- Merida in an assortment of languages means shit. :)
Thanks for reading, totally let me know what you think!
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thestoriesfold · 2 years ago
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Is the Moon Knight fandom still alive? I've got a potential series sitting in my lap atm. I just wanna know if I'm gonna indulge in this alone? It is what it is.
Edit: here y’all go
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