#mod strad
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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What if jack manifold was reversed
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lynnbeck-smithingtable · 4 years ago
Ok so a while ago I made some posts about an Old World Blues-inspired mod concept with talking Utility Blocks/Iron Golems that the player can give personalities by using music discs on them, anyway here's a proper post with all the Music Discs (including ones I've come up with in earlier posts, which I will link) for all things, with a lot of them redone, also the order is based on this video.
Theme - Like Portal but not.
When applied to Blocks - Snarky murderous AI.
When applied to Golems - Friendly, apologetic to things they attack.
Visual theme - Portal-like futurism.
Theme - Wild-West Archetypes.
When applied to Blocks - Old-West Saloon Bartender Thing.
When applied to Golems - Cowboy.
Visual theme - Steampunk.
Theme - Fantasy Creatures.
When applied to Blocks - Tolkein-esque Dwarf.
When applied to Golems - Tolkein-esque Orc.
Visual theme - High-Fantasy Magitech.
Theme - Explorers.
When applied to Blocks - Stereotypical Explorer.
When applied to Golems - Indiana Jones-esque "Archaeologist".
Visual theme - Overgrown.
Theme - Film Noir character archetypes.
When applied to Blocks - Hardboiled Detective.
When applied to Golems - Gangster.
Visual theme - Dieselpunk.
Theme - Classic Horror Monsters.
When applied to Blocks - Vampire
When applied to Golems - Werewolf
Visual theme - Gothic Horror.
Theme - '80s Stereotypes.
When applied to Blocks - Generic '80s Guy.
When applied to Golems - Generic '80s Action Hero.
Visual theme - Vapourwave.
Theme - Horror Game Tropes
When applied to Blocks - Random Document and/or Audio Log.
When applied to Golems - Assorted growls and also static.
Visual theme - Damaged.
Theme - Distorted, static-laced, incomprehensible.
When applied to Blocks - See above.
When applied to Golems - See above.
Visual theme - Corrupted, glitchy-looking.
Theme - '60s Spy Movie protagonists.
When applied to Blocks - Guy In The Chair archetype.
When applied to Golems - Super-Spy.
Visual theme - Spy-Gear.
Theme - Not sure.
When applied to Blocks - See above.
When applied to Golems - See above.
Visual theme - See above.
Theme - Not really one, but eh. They use a lot of emoticons.
When applied to Blocks - Friendly and curious.
When applied to Golems - The embodiment of the "he protecc but he also attacc" meme.
Visual theme - '90s-looking computers.
Theme - '60s Spy Movie villains.
When applied to Blocks - Supervillain.
When applied to Golems - Generic cannon-fodder minion.
Visual theme - 1960s Sci-Fi.
Post 1
Voyager Record
Theme - Space Stuff.
When applied to Blocks - Ground Control.
When applied to Golems - Astronaut.
Visual theme - Modern-day space-exploration stuff.
Post 2
Theme - Sci-Fi Robots.
When applied to Blocks - Robot Butler.
When applied to Golems - Combat Robot.
Visual theme - "Used Future".
Theme - More Western stereotypes.
When applied to Blocks - Prospector.
When applied to Golems - Bandit.
Visual theme - Slightly-weathered Steampunk.
Theme - Speak in the Enchantment font.
When applied to Blocks - English Butler.
When applied to Golems - Bodyguard.
Visual theme - Made of Sandstone, with glowing Hieroglyphics.
Theme - Demonic Surfers.
When applied to Blocks - See above.
When applied to Golems - See above.
Visual theme - Very '90s but with a Nether-inspired look.
Theme - End.
When applied to Blocks - Shulker noises.
When applied to Golems - Enderman noises.
Visual theme - Made out of Purpur and Endstone.
Post 3 (except Endwave because I can)
Theme - Christmas.
When applied to Blocks - Santa.
When applied to Golems - Elf.
Visual theme - Made of presents.
Theme - Doom.
When applied to Blocks - VEGA.
When applied to Golems - Comic!Doomguy.
Visual theme - Industrial-looking, use the Doom palette.
Portal 2
Theme - Guess.
When applied to Blocks - Wheatley.
When applied to Golems - GLaDOS.
Visual theme - Again, guess.
Inverted Chirp
Theme - Inverted '80s Stereotypes.
When applied to Blocks - Generic '80s Woman.
When applied to Golems - Generic '80s Action Villain.
Visual theme - '80s Metal I guess?
Theme - '90s Sci-Fi for some reason?
When applied to Blocks - Sounds like the Black Mesa Announcement System from Half-Life.
When applied to Golems - Sounds like the HECU Marines from Half-Life.
Visual theme - Looks like Half-Life.
Theme - '90s Sci-Fi for some reason?
When applied to Blocks - Sounds like the Black Mesa Announcement System from Half-Life.
When applied to Golems - Sounds like the HECU Marines from Half-Life.
Visual theme - Looks like Half-Life.
Theme - Unpredictable, cHaNgEs CaPiTaLiSaTiOn On EvErY lEtTeR.
When applied to Blocks - Changes personalities between other different Block voices.
When applied to Golems - Changes personalities between other different Golem voices.
Visual theme - Made out of randomly-selected parts of the other textures.
Theme - More stock horror monsters/characters.
When applied to Blocks - Mad Scientist.
When applied to Golems - Frankenstein's Monster (the film version).
Visual theme - Electropunk mixed with Gothic Horror.
Theme - Cyberpunk (the genre) archetypes.
When applied to Blocks - Hacker.
When applied to Golems - Future Police.
Visual theme - Cyberpunk (again, the genre.
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velveiteen · 4 years ago
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Wheat - I usually play with optifine. with mods i usually play with wyrmroost and electroblob's wizardry with a few extras Jukebox - Mall / Ward / Strad / or Far
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transdrowned · 6 years ago
can i say something to you? i never played minecraft
this is so sad jukebox play strad 8'(
but seriously if you ever can, give it a play. theres usually something for pretty much anyone, especially with custom maps or mods or SMP!
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Cities: Skylines Best Mods | Game Live Story
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 The game has some highly accessible modding tools, and they allow skilled modders to customize just about anything in Cities: Skylines. From creating their own custom buildings, custom map scenarios, or even tweaking the game's core mechanics. There are a whole host of mods that even players brand new to the game are encouraged to install to improve their experience. Created By: Keallu. One of the biggest downsides to playing Cities: Skylines with mods is that it disables the game's achievement system. To many players, they won't care, but plenty of players hunger to see as many attained as possible. With over achievements in the game, players don't want to be completely locked out. This mod simply re-enables achievements and allows those with modded games to still get them. Although there are plenty of cheat mods out there, the majority of the most popular are simply quality of life improvements or custom buildings. Players shouldn't be punished for mods that don't give them any major advantage, and so achievement re-enablers are needed. Created By: BloodyPenguin. Whether it's for a city of their own creation, or for a map scenario they're looking to create, players have plenty of reasons to want to majorly distort the game's terrain. In Cities: Skylines , however, it goes further than just wrapping the land to look a bit weird. Players can even add or remove resources from areas on the map. The default terrain tools are also made entirely configurable, so players who really know what their doing can put a fine touch on all their work. Created By: FireController One of the biggest problems new players are likely to run into is their city is traffic problems. Every car on the road has their own AI and places they need to go, and queues can quickly pile up if players aren't very careful. One of the reasons this can be such a challenge is there aren't enough tools to properly manage it. This mod looks to change that, by giving full customization to the rules of each individual road in the game. With it, players can add real-world road rules, such as one-way, stop and priority signs to their city. There are even several presets that players can use, such as implementing all the correct rules of a roundabout, which the default AI doesn't handle well. Created By: Strad. Roads can be a pain to manage in Cities: Skylines , and making major changes to junctions can cause major problems. On top of that, the way road-snapping works by default in the game can stop things from working properly, and even when they do, the game's traffic doesn't handle it well. This mod takes out all the mess from the process and allows players to implement it in a simple menu. By clicking it down and choosing their settings, the mod will clear any roads in the way, and connect them up to a brand-new roundabout, which cars can immediately start gliding through. It means players can set them up with one click of a button, rather than Created By: Klyte When creating many roads to alleviate traffic problems, finding the right ways in which to place them around the city can be difficult. There are plenty of restrictions as to what terrain roads can be placed on, how steep they can be, or how close they can get other things. Road Anarchy does what it says on the tin and allows players to completely remove any and all restrictions surrounding road placement. Roads will be able to directly up cliff-faces, directly through buildings and contort in all manner of weird ways. Players not looking to go crazy with it can also use it to remove some the minor frustration surrounding road placement, and make a city exactly how they want it. Created By: Timboh. Not just one mod, but a collection of many mods, all made by Timboh, a wizard when it comes to creating road layouts. The top-rated Cities: Skylines mod are stuffed with loads of various cool-looking interchanges build by the same person, and they can fulfill just about any purpose imaginable. Rather than having to sort out efficient ways for cars to change highways themselves, players can instead connect one of these up to the road and let it ride. Along with being cool-looking, they are efficient, and will minimize traffic buildup from cars transferring from one road to another. Created By: Simie. Those who want to create the perfect city in Cities: Skylines will usually like to have as much information as possible when building something. In even more ideal circumstances, they can have complete control over this information, to get everything exactly as they want it. Precision Engineering is a mod that allows exactly that to happen. When building things like roads, train line or power lines, this mod gives players all the information they'd need. This includes the angle of the road, how high it is off the ground , and even the height difference between the start and end point. Additionally, there are angle snapping tools for if players have something specific in mind, but can't do it by hand. Created By: Quboid. Sometime in Cities: Skylines , the expansive tools for organizing a city are just a bit too restrictive. They can make some impressive looking landscapes, but often the way the road system works only allows for one type of city. Mainly, a metropolitan American city , where everything is built in neat squares. A mod like Move It allows players to capture the messy beauty of something like an old European city, by giving them the tools to move places buildings, and roads around freely. It keeps the city functional, while removing many of the restrictions the vanilla game holds surrounding where buildings pop up and develop. Web Story. Newspark vitae elementum ros. Pellentesquees Leo sed mi ullamcorper tristique mauris varius. Game Live Story. Posted on 20th May, AM Views. The most beloved city-builder of the past decade, the game's player base is extremely dedicated to allowing players all the freedom they could possibly imagine, especially compared to its predecessor, Sim City. Latest in Game Live Story. Trending Category. Latest 20 Post. Terms of use Privacy Policy Contact.
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The Best Cities Skylines Mods | Skylines Mods & New Features
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Cities: Skylines Store Page. It is only visible to you. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support. This item is incompatible with Cities: Skylines. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Cities: Skylines. Current visibility: Hidden. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Current visibility: Friends-only. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Description Discussions 0 Comments 2. Description Discussions Comments. Add to Collection. This item has been added to your Favorites. A collection of items created by. Acc3ss Violation. Lord Drol. Klapaucius IV. Captain Soap. Gradius Twin. Raymond Pelletier. Emperor Li. Lost Gecko. Delta Mod Pack S Items Created by BloodyPenguin. If you saved your game after Sunset Harbor was released but before this mod was properly updated for it, and your save became corrupt - use the. Ultimate Eyecandy v1. Created by Judazzz. Hey all, I've been enjoying Cities: Skylines basically since release day, immensely helped by all the awesome stuff the community created. So after so much taking, I figured it was time for a little giving. In real life I'm a web developer mainly fro Created by Alterran. TM:PE Created by Krzychu Improve lane and parking usage. This is the stable release with tested features. Extra Landscaping Tools. This mod was previously called ' In-game Natural Resources Tool '. Move It. Created by Quboid. Compatible with Cities Skylines 1. Undo It! Created by Strad. Created by thale5. Automatic Bulldoze v2. Created by mexahuk. Automatic Bulldoze v2 automatically destroys abandoned and burned buildings. This mod is a spinoff of the original Automatic Bulldoze mod by Sadlers. The diffr Harmony 2. Created by boformer. It provides Andreas Pardeike's Harmony patching librar [github. Created by doctor. Can also maximize city attractiveness, entertainment and land value. Network Extensions 2. Created by sniggledigit. Fine Road Anarchy 2. Created by Klyte The fix applied allows that other mods that already have tools implemented extending the game defa Precision Engineering. Created by Simie. Prefab Hook Mod Dependency. This mod is used as a bridge between different mods for better compatibility. Using Harmony for redirection. This mod was created befor Freight Terminal. Created by Senfkorn. Hi community, the Freight Terminal works exactly like the cargo station - without brightly coloured containers. That was important for me : Subscribing to this asset brings you two assets, the Freight Terminal and a matching storage hall for fans of Detroit Fire Headquarters. Created by Darf. Please leave a vote or comment if you download this asset! I thought this firestation would be a nice addition to all your american styled cities. Prop Snapping. Apple Store Fifth Avenue. Created by Ronyx Generic Tree pack. Created by Lost Gecko. Pack of 6 generic filler trees for all sorts of rural areas, highway sides or anywhere some random trees are needed. Created by DeCzaah. You can find the european version of the traffic panel barriers here. Vertical Panel Barriers Pack. Arrow Board Trailers. Created by Spence! Trailers with flashing arrows to redirect traffic for roadworks and such. Tall basic yellow field grass. Created by pdelmo. Low Poly Edition Grass cluster basic yellow field grass, for best results make a small field using PLT and use move it to fill in the rest. Large Advanced Incineration Plant. Created by Fishbus. Large Advanced Incineration Plant: A large, expensive and efficient incinerator that causes little pollution, produces power and processes large volumes of garbage. Large Recycling Center. This larger recycling facility can deal with the most demanding of cities by sifting through and removing garbage over time. Prince Tower - Growable 4x4 Lvl3 H commercial. It's standing on a 4x4 parcel and is at Level 3. The building is about More Beautification. Small Inner City Metro. Small metro station that looks real nice and city like - purdy lookin fella'. Simple Inner City Metro. Simple metro station that looks real nice and city like - purdy lookin fella'. Prop Precision. Created by SamsamTS. Sort Mod Settings. Created by egi. Created by BadPeanut. Bus Stop - Double. Created by Raymond Pelletier. FrenchCityDesigners [ienbrana. These are normally positioned on the highway and are distinct from off-highway facilities such as bus sta Bus Station. Hi community, actually I just wanted to try out how to use the rotor shader. And suddenly, a new asset was born : Have fun! Special thanks go out to Ronyx69 , who disc Large Water Pumping Station. Large Water Pumping Station: The perfect solution for serving large volumes of water to your citizens. Created by xave. Nonstop Bus Terminal. Hi community, welcome to the Nonstop Bus Services. Before making a bus terminal, I wanted to realize two things. Firstly to make a bus terminal, that is smaller than the vanilla one. I like it very much but it is way too big. Secondly there should ex Disaster Response Mega Center. Sunken Plaza. Created by ryanjamesoflondon. A modern, sunken, city plaza for your citizens to enjoy. Created by blackwiddow. The actual asset itself is a road only and has no fo Extended Road Upgrade. Created by Wiliz. Updated for the After Dark and Snowfall expansions! NOTE: This mod was originally created before the ability to upgrade between one- and two-way roads was added into the game itself, so it is no longer essential, but it's avai. Created by Emperor Li. Large Advanced Crematorium. Large Advanced Crematorium: A large contemporary Crematorium that can deal with both traditional burial and modern cremation. Recycling Center. Recycling Center: Slowly sifts through and removes garbage over time. Pedestrian Sidewalk. This network is expiremental, there is a bug where the networing may sink into the ground ; this occurs under seemingly random conditions, and is related to the 'flatten terrain' attribute. This network will not be removed from the workshop, as doin Work Crew Props. I made these with the intention of using them for detailing road work or construction scenes - but they could Realistic V1. Created by Captain Soap. Advanced Toolbar. Created by CWMlolzlz. Advanced Toolbar introduces new functionality to the toolbar including an expandable asset panel and auto icon centre. Too many icons on your bar? Center them all by enabling Auto Centre in the options. This will shift them so they are easier to access Train Converter. Which is especially important since Sunset Harbor patch n. No Radioactive Desert And More! Brings sanity to ground color and makes trees lush green no matter how much pollution there Configurable. Vanilla Trees Remover. Removes vanilla trees from the map, from buildings and from roads. Shadow Strength Adjuster. Allows to change the strength of shadows that objects cast using a slider, saves and loads the value next time. It doesn't load the slider position visually, but the actual shadow value loads correctly. The slider can be found in the options - mods s Sharp Textures. This mod makes textures appear sharper by increasing anisotropy and decreasing mipmapping. Settings can be adjusted in real time. Anisotropy makes textures look better at grazing angles. The vanilla anisotropy varies between 0 and 8 for various tex Hi community, for all curve-loving guys out there: The Cosine Office Building. Created by Pres. This mod gives your roads a realistic American look! Roads United Core 2. Created by Killface. Road texture replacement mod - needed for applying custom texture packs. It works like Terrain Themes, i. Mix elements from different Map Themes into your game! Ambient Sounds Tuner 2. PostProcessFX v1. Created by MazK. Enable additional post processing effects such as bloom, lensflare, different anti aliasing options and ambient occlusion. Bloom and lensflare. Also allows to disable industrial smog and edge fog. It also decouples environment selection from custom theme selection. Dynamic Resolution Fixed for 1. Created by Gradius Twin. Installing this mod on a Mac will result in the blank sky bug. Removing or disabling it and restarting the game will fix the problem. Daylight Classic. Rebalanced and customizable lighting and tonemapping. Also includes 7 different LUTs. Hi community, some cims told me about guys new in town. They call themselves "The Woodlog Architects" and they are looking for employees these days. Maybe you pay a visit on them. Red Cross Disaster Relief Center. Created by ninjanoobslayer. University of Science and Technology. Hi community, your cims want to know if there is an economic sense to run a toaster with nuclear power? Then offer them a place to study at the University of Science and Technology. Maybe this is the place where the Warp Drive gets invented. Have fun Hi community, for you and your cims. The Community Center. This asset comes without foliage as seen in the screenshots. Created by Avanya. I went with a recolor of this MB Sprinter as the default can just isn't that p Box truck with CIM logo. Includes both vehicle and prop Model by Onionjack - check out his awesome stuff! I just had to make this recolor instead of using the default box truck - it simply loo Scania P94D Fire Truck. Red checkered. Created by PALiX. Created by bsquiklehausen. Improve your airports with the Better Planes Pack! This pack includes several international and intercontinental widebody jets to add realistic variety to your airports. This pack includes 5 different plane types and 20 total liveries. Each plane has a Daihatsu Hijet Industrial Vehicle. International Red Cross Vehicle Props are here. Created by Lord Drol. BP Oil Truck. Created by jaijai. It's a standard and Ultimate. Bee's North America Sound Pack. Created by imabusybee. KAMAZ pack. Model created by Old for Train Fever. KAMAZ is russian truck. Pack include truks and default trailers with ore, wood and oil. All stats like default trucks. Send them see their Daddy in a Caddy Here's a Cadillac hearse for your deathwaves Ok some elements come from a '67 actually, hey Created by kaeru. Renault Megane II. Renault Megane II pre-facelift version Production years: — Designed in France. Sprinter Fedex 1. Created by Klapaucius IV. Volkswagen Passat B5. Created by CityOfTokyo. The C63 Black has a more powerful 6. Toyota Pickup Farming. Created by Beardmonkey. I've added a few details like a spare wheel and a bullbar. Lots of dirt of course, slightly bigger wheels and higher ground clearance. Tris: Texture Created by Meow. This is a working road maintenance vehicle for your city. It's a typical german design for this kind of service vehicle. Mascarello GranVia - K4. Open Underground Metro. Created by Fantom. I'm shit at making stuff look cool Chirpy Tram 5 car. This Asset has produced using this MOD. Tokyo Metro 08 series. For this reason, it has been short train formation. NS Sprinter Light Train. Created by Acc3ss Violation. This is a 6 unit train. Bombardier Movia C with Interior [Metro]. Created by meshd. Created by AndonisLP. Created by REV0. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Then takes monorail. Building Spawn Points 1. Created by macsergey. Node Controller Renewal 3. Better Road Toolbar. Created by Delta Created by ilcicci Please leave a vote if you subscribe. Volea - Renault Master. Created by Gruny. Postal vehicle requiring Cities: Skylines Industries. Bordeaux Tramway 2. The Bordeaux tramway is back in a new version completely remodelled and retexturized. I invite you to unsubscribe to the previous version The Bordeaux Tramway was started in Share to your Steam activity feed. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Sign In Create an Account Cancel. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. View mobile website.
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superdecade · 7 years ago
A levidrome is a word that when spelled backwards makes another word. Well, at least not yet. It is not in the Oxford English Dictionary. Levi Budd is a six-year-old boy from British Columbia in Canada who has coined the term 'levidrome' after spotting that the word 'STOP' spells 'POTS' backwards. After realising that there is no such word in English for this phenomena, a social media campaign has started to get this word in popular usage (hence this post). I wrote a short Python script this morning that will pull all of the levidromes from a dictionary file. The full list is copied below.
aa ab aba abac abba abo abos abut acca ad ado ados ae aga agar agas agenes ah aha ahs aia aider air airts ajar aka al ala alan alif alma alula am ama amahs amas amen amene amir amis amla amman an ana anal anan anana anes anew anger animal animes anna annat anon ante apod araara arak arb arbas are ares arf aril arret arris arum arval aryl assam asses at ataata ate ates aua auks ava aval avel avid avo awa ay ayahs ba bac bacs bad bag bal bals ban bans bard barf bark bas bat bats bed beef ben bens bib bid big bin bins bird bis blub bo bob bobac bobak bod bog boh bok bon bonk boob boord bor bos bots bows boy bra braced brad brag braw bro brod bros bru bub bud bug bulb bun bunk buns bur burd burg bus but buts cab caba cabob cam camus cap card cares cep ceps cire cires cis cit cite cito civic clat cod cor cos cot cram cran crem cur da dab dace dad dag dah dahs dal dam dap daraf darb darg dart darts das daud daw daws day de deb debut decaf decal decarb dedal deed deem deen deens deep deeps deer dees deet deets def defer deffer deffo deg degami degged deid deified deifier deil deke deked del deled delf delis deliver delos dels deman demit demits den denier denies denim denis denned dennets dens depart deport depot depots derat derats dere dered deres deros derris dessert desserts deus devas devil devils devots dew dewans dewed dexes deys di dial dialer dials diaper dib did died dif dig dim din dinar diol diols diram dit div diva do dob doc dod dog doh dohs dol dom don dons doom door dop dopa dops dor dorb dormin dorp dorps dort dorter dos doser dot doy drab drac drail dram drap draps draw drawer draws dray drey drib drier droob drool drow drows drub duad dual dub dud duel duo dup dups ea ean eas eat ecad ecce ed edile edit ee eel eels een ef eh ehs eke eked elide elides elutes em eme emes emir emit emits emmets emong emos en ene enema enes enol enows er era ere ered eres ergo eric eros ervil eses esnes espial esse et eta etas etat etats eten etic etna euk eve even evil eviler evils ewe exul eye faced farad fe fed feeb feer fen fer fet fid fier fig fila fir fires fled flog flor flow fool fra frab fret fro gab gad gag gal gals gam gan gans gaps gar garb gas gat gateman gater gats gay ged gel gelder gem gen get gib gid gif gig gins gip girt girts git gnar gnat gnats gnaw gnaws gnome gnus gob god golf gon gons goog gorp gorps gos got grad gram grub gu gub gul gulp guls gum gums guns gup gups gur gut guv guy ha habus had hadedah hah hahs hajjah halalah hales hallah hallan halos han hap haram hay he heh henry hep her hey ho hob hod hoh hon hoo hoop hop hos huh hup id ikat imaged io iris iron is it itas iwi jar kabob kaiak kak kam kara kat kay kayak keek keel keels keep keet keets ken keps kier kips kirks kis kiths knaps knar knit knits knob knop knot knots know knub knuts kob kook kor korat kow krab krans kue la lab laced lacer lad laded laer lag lager laid laipse lair lam lamina lana langer lap lares larum las laud lava lavra leat leben led lee leek leep leeps leer lees leet leets leg leir lemel leper les let leud leva level lever levins levo lez liar liard liart lias lied lies lin lion lira lit live lived livre lobo lod loges loid lone loof looks loom loons loop loops loord loos loot looter loots lop los lotos lug luxe lyra ma mac macs mad madam maes mag mak mal malam mallam mals mam man map maps mar marah marc marcs mard marg marid marram marrum mart mas massa mat maws may me meed mees meet meets meg mem merc meter mets mew mho mid milks mils mim mined minim mips mir mis mm mo mod mom mon moo mood mool mools moops moor moos moot mop mor mos mot moy mu mug mum mura mural mures murram mus mut muton muts na naan nab nae nag nah nala nallah nam named namer nametag namma nan nana nap napas nappas naps naras narc narcs narks nas nat naw ne neb nebel ned nee need neep nef neg nek neks nelis nema nemas nep net nete nets neve neves new nib nid nil nimrod nip nips nis nit no nob nod nog noh noil nolos nom non nona nonet noo noon noop noops nori nos not notes notum now noy nu nub nun nur nus nut nuts nys oat ob oba obey obo obol od oda odas offed offer ogre oh ohm oho ohos oi oiks om on ono oo ooh oohs oom oon oop oor oot op oppo orb orf os otic otto oud ova ovel ow owt oxo oy pac pacer pad pah pal palp pals pam pan pans pap par pard part parts pas pat pats paw paws pay pec peed peek peel peels peen peep pees peh pelas pen peons pep per perp perts pets pig pin pins pip pir pis pit plap plug po pod poh pol pols pom ponk poo pooh pool pools poon poons poop poor poort poos poots pop port ports pos pot pots pow pows prat prep prod prog pud pug puh pullup pup pupils puris pus put puy radar rag raga rager rages raggas rail rait raj raja ram ramis rang ranid rank rap raps ras rast rat rats raw ray re real reaps rebus rebut recal recap recaps reccos redder redes redia redips redleg redraw redrawer reed reef reeks reel reels reens rees ref refed refer reffed reffo reflet reflow regal regar regna regnal regos reh reif reified reifier reik reiks reined reird reknit reknits reknot reknots relaid relit relive reliver reman remeet remit renies rennet rep repaid repaper repel repins repot repots res resat resod retag retem retool retrod retros revel reviled reviler reviver reward rewarder rewets rexes ria rial rias ribas riel rif rim rima rime rims rip rits rob roc rod rok rolf rom rones roo rood room rooms roop roops roots rosies rot rotator rotavator rotor rub ruc rucs rug rums run sab sabir sabra sad sadis sado sados sae sag saga sagas sagenes saggar sail sair sakis sal salep salles sallets sam sama samas samen san sanes sap sapan sappan saps sar saran saros sarus sat sate sati sav saved saw saz scab scam scares scot scram scran scur seals seam seat secret seder sedes sedile seed seeks seel seem seems seep seer sees segar segol seil seined seiner seis seisor seities sekos sel selah selahs seles sellas selles seme sememes semes semina sena senas sene senega senegas sennet senor sense ser sera serac seracs seral sere sered seres seric serif serons serres serum sese sesey sessa sesses set seta seton setule seven sexed sexer sexes sey seys sha shad shah shahs shakos shales shama shay shaya she shod shoo shtik si sib sic sidas sies sik sikas siled silen sim sima simar simis sin sined sinnet sip siri siris sirra sirred sirs sirup sis sit six skat skeer skees skeets sken skeps skier skio skips sklim skool skran skrans skrik skua slab slaes slag slaid slam slap sled slee sleek sleep sleeps sleer sleet sleets slim slipup slit slive slived sloid sloom sloop sloops sloot sloots slop slug smart smees smew smir smits smoor smoot smug smur smut smuts snab snag snap snaps snark snarks snaw snawed snaws sneb sned sneed sneer snib snig snip sniper snips snirt snit snivel snod snoep snog snool snoop snoops snoot snores snort snot snow snub snug so sob soba soc soccer sod soda sodas sog soger soh soho sokahs sokes sol solah soled solon solos som some son sonnet sool soom soop sop soras sorb sore sored sorter sos sotol sow soy spacer spaer spag spam span spank spans spar spard spart sparts spas spat spats spaw spaws spay spaz spec speed speel speels spek speks spets spider spik spiks spim spin spins spirt spirts spit spod spool spools spoom spoon spoons spoor spoots sports spot spots sprat sprits sprod sprog spud spug sris stab stag stang stap staps star stared start stat state stats staw staws steed steek steeks steel steels steem stellas stem stemme sten stenned step steps stet stets stew stewer stime stimed stims stink stinker stir stirps stob stonk stonker stool stools stoop stoops stoor stop stoped stoper stops stot stots stoved stow stows strad strap straps straw strep stressed stria strig strips strop strops strow struts stub stum stums stun stunk sturts sub subah suber succus sued sulu sulus sum sumac sun sung sup suras sus susus swad swam swang swans swap swaps sward swat swats sway swey swob swone swop sword swot swots syed syes syn ta tab tae tael taes tag tak taki taks talc tallat tam tan tang tanna tao tap taps tar tared tarok tarp tarps tart tas taser tat tate tats tav taw taws te teed teek teel teels teem teemer tef teg tel telfer ten tenet tenner tennes tennis tennos tenon terces terf terra terret tes tet tets tew ti tiar tic tid tide tig til tiler tils time timed timer tin tink tinker tins tip tips tirrit tis tit toc tocs tod tog tom ton tonk tonker tons too tool tools toom tooms toons toot top toped toper tops tor torot tort tot tots tow tows trad trail tram trams trap traped traps trat trats tressed trew trig trins trips trod trons troop trop troped trot trow tsar tub tuba tubed tuber tug tum tums tun tup tut two ug ulu ulus um umu un urb utu vas vat vav vid vug wad wan wang wans wap waps war warb ward warder warts was wat wats waw way wed wem wems wen wena wert wet wets wey wo wok wolf wolfer won wonk wons wop word wort worts wos wot wots wow xis ya yad yag yah yahs yak yam yap yaps yar yard yaw yaws yay yebo yeh yerd yes yeses yew yews yo yob yod yom yon yos yrneh yug yup zaps zas zel ziz zuz zzz
It is interesting to note that some levidromes are also palindromes. I wonder whether we need a new word to describe this phenomenon also?  Furthermore, there is no word in English for "a word that you make up in order to make another word make sense". I suggest: "emordivel" ?
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2nbSsPu http://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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kadiay · 7 years ago
Joia trecută când mă întorceam de la aeroport mă gândeam că, în sfârșit, am senzația de „acasă” când ajung în Bergen. Nu se mai simte ca un oraș nou, străin, de vizitat, ci am o senzație de relaxare, de capăt de călătorie și de familiaritate. A durat cam doi ani ca să dezvolt această senzație, timp în care mi-am schimbat un pic obiceiurile și plăcerile de rutină. Și pentru că recent am dat de un alt articol pe blog, scris cu 4 ani în urmă despre cele 10 plăceri din acea vreme, m-am gândit să reiau lista cu 10 plăceri noi descoperite sau dezvolatate aici în nord. 
1. Cresc orhidee! Exact așa ca o exclamație: este prima dată, de când mă știu, când îmi trăiesc florile în casă. Tocmai unde nu mă așteptam, adică în nord, unde vara e aproape tot timpul lumină, iar iarna nu vedem soare. Teoretic sunt vreo câteva ore de lumină până și în decembrie, dar fiind tot timpul înnorat, nu se vede mare lucru pe stradă. Este atât de crunt de negru încât trebuie să purtăm benzi reflectorizante ca să ieșim pe stradă pentru a evita accidentele. Și totuși, florile mele cresc și înfloresc în orașul ăsta. Dar, e adevărat că n-am locuit niciodată într-o casă cu atâtea geamuri (și ca număr și ca suprafață). Ba chiar îmi aduc aminte să le și ud! Sunt atât de încântată încât mi-am luat flori și la birou 🙂
2. Colecția de Moomin by Arabia (Mummy) este de fapt o firmă finlandeză care produce căni, farfurii și castronele care îmi plac peste măsură. Primele produse cu figurine Moomin au apărut prin anii 1950, dar au început să aibă succes abia la a doua lansare a produselor prin anii 1990 (numită foarte potrivit Moomin Boom). Eu, deși îmi impun să nu cumpăr nimic nou înainte de a ne muta, am strâns 6 căni, 4 farfuriuțe și 2 castronele. Toate cumpărate la ofertă și pentru că nu se poate să trec pe lângă ele. Eh, sunt doar „2 cănuțe”, n-o să fie greu de impachetat. Le duc eu în poșetă! Voila!
3. Olivenlunden 1830 face parte tot din categoria mercantilă de plăceri. Este un magazinaș de ulei și oțet balsamic, plus toate produsele înrudite, de la tapenade la gemuri. Mie îmi seamănă un pic cu Comptoir de Mathilde, un magazin echivalent din Avignon.  
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4. Concertele în aer liber indiferent de vreme ceea ce mă face să fiu, în mod ciudat, la curent cu noutățile muzicale, deși cu riscul de a suna ca o babă, părerea mea sinceră este că nu mai se face muzică bună în lumea asta modernă. Cel puțin pentru preferițele mele muzicale, topurile nu-mi mai spun nimic, noroc cu aplicațiile de pe telefon unde pot să trec de la melodie la altă melodie, tot sperând că dau de ceva ascultabil. Dar, atmosfera este plăcută la un concert, iar anul acesta m-am trezit petrecând seri bune sprijinind un gard și urmărind spectacolul de pe scenă, în pofida ploii. 
5. Gin, burger & filme la cinema devine aproape rutină lunară. Nu mai ieșim atât de des pe la restaurante, pentru că sunt puține locuri pe gustul nostru, norvegienii preferând mâncarea simplă (gen burgeri, pizza și taco – foarte norvegian, ce pot să zic), dar Royal Burger & Gin este un loc special, cu sute de ginuri de încercat și localizat vis-a-vis de cinematograful din urbie (da, unicul, acel cinema). 
6. Comparatul prețurilor în zona de duty-free, mai ales la alcool care are o taxă de 40% ceea ce face ca majoritatea cumpărăturilor noastre din duty-free să fie la sticlă, iar telefoanele noastre să fie pline de poze cu rafturi, prețuri și liste de dorințe sau necesități. Am constat că dorințele noastre sunt sezoniere, dar rar ajungem acasă după un zbor interna��ional fără să fi depășit cota legal admisă. Noroc că nu există un sistem informatic centralizat unde să urmărească numărul de sticle luat pe un anumit bilet. Pentru că da, avem foarte puține zboruri directe.  
7. Norwegian cu wifi in zbor și avioane noi pentru că tot eram la categoria călătorii, mi-am schimbat compania preferată de zbor. Norwegian este pe departe preferata mea, cu un sistem simplu, ușor de cumpărare a biletelor, o aplicație pe telefon extrem de utilă, pe care o folosesc tot timpul și cu un sistem simplu de premiere dacă ești „călător fidel”: fiecare călătorie îți câștigă puncte pe care le poți folosi direct la următorul zbor. În plus numărul de călătorii pe an îți dă posibilitatea să alegi anumite „premii”, de exemplu noi putem să ne alegem locurile și să luam bagaj la cală (pe care foarte rar îl mai cărăm după noi în călătorii) pe gratis. Aș putea alege și „fast lane” adică control rapid la intrarea în aeroport dar am preferat să îmi dea mai multe pucte pe zbor. Pe aeropoartele mici frecventate de noi nu se merită un control rapid, pentru că sunt rari cozi mari. 
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8. Drumurile pe mare cu Hurtigsruten și nu numai, locuit într-un port am realizat că am fost destul de des pe mare, uneori fiind mai rapid, dar mai ales mai plăcut decât pe drum, în blocaj. Se poate ajunge la aeroport din centrul orașului pe mare. Am mers la un restaurant aflat pe o insulă, deci accesibil doar cu barca. Am vizitat orașele vecine de pe coastă și majoritatea fiordurilor pe pe apă. Indiferent de vreme este una dintre cele mai plăcute călătorii din ultimii ani. 
9. Mersul pe jos prin oraș sau pe munte, fie că facem 2 kilometri până la supermarket sau zeci de kilometri până în partea opusă a orașului, îmi produce o stare de bine și de mulțumire de sine cum rar aveam înainte. Îmi place cât de activă am devenit, îmi place că pot urca un deal în pas rapid fără să rămân fără suflu și îmi place senzația de încântare pe care o am în vârful unui munte, după un urcuș greu. Printre reușitele drumurilor lungi de seară: ne-am împrietenit cu 2 oi și am salvat de două ori o capră. În plus, am o serie de vreo câteva sute de poze cu apusuri de film. 
10. Serile de joc cu vin și mâncare între prieteni, cu bârfe, povestiri și competiție prietenoasă. Jocurile astea de societate pot deveni foarte dificile după 2 sticle de vin împărțite pe din 4 de obicei. Dar, aici, în nord nopțile sunt lungi. În plus, avem grătar, oarecum tot legat de serile cu alții: se fac petreceri în jurul gratarului. Foarte gustoase. 
  10 plăceri de când m-am mutat în nord Joia trecută când mă întorceam de la aeroport mă gândeam că, în sfârșit, am senzația de „acasă” când ajung în Bergen.
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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fan art of jack manifold dying in a glue trap
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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woah he’s bisexual I didn’t know that!
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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He just wanted to bring Tommy a present in exile D: …..
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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He is our collective babygirl <3
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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The real guy
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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c!jack jerma binder
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
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Anyone else miss that time he was emo?
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years ago
Stand for the flag!
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