#he’s so teenage!wangji it hurts
liverbiver9 · 2 years
modern wei wuxian would literally love to play cozy games. you can’t tell me that man with the cottagecore!incense burner dream WOULDNT love stardew valley and harvest moon and animal crossing. like you can’t convince me otherwise.
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fwoopersongs · 1 month
On 33 elders and the Lan's Discipline Whip
This tumblr post by @qiu-yan the other day on moral luck in MDZS came past my dash, and there was a mention of the thirty three elders in the Lan Clan who were injured by Lan Wangji - some of you may remember it better as the reason for his thirty three whip scars xD. And I remembered reading (mostly on twitter) people saying things like he got whipped 33 times 'for going against his sect elders', or that the elders deserved it for acting unjustly. Maybe this was a CQL thing??? But I wanted to share my understanding of the situation from reading the novel.
For the record, elders here aren't like ‘Elders’ in the sense of people in positions of power within a clan i.e. 长老 as you might see in sects from more conventional Xianxia novels. Instead, its noun for ‘older generation’ i.e. 前辈 within the clan. 
So, here's a translation of Lan Xichen’s recount to Wei Wuxian of how Lan Wangji came to bear scars of thirty three strokes of the Lan Discipline Whip from Chapter 99/100, Discipline Whip Scars aka Hensheng: To Hate Life 3.
On Versions I’m comparing between two versions of the novel where the first chapter title is: {1} 魏无羡死了,大快人心! (lit: Wei Wuxian is dead, gratifying news for everyone!) & {2} 重生 (lit: Alive Again). The version I’m translating is {1} from the website Zhenhun using footnotes to compare it against {2}. Line breaks and other cosmetic or grammatical changes are ignored. References to chapter numbers and such will be based on {2} since this is the version used on the MDZS fandom Wiki. All chapter titles also are referenced from the wiki.
Wei Wuxian repeated, "Discipline Whip scarring?!" 
He grasped at Lan Xichen again and said, "Clan Leader Lan, I truly have no idea. Please, tell me. How did he get those injuries? Does it have something to do with me?!?”
Embittered anger surfaced on Lan Xichen’s face, "If it doesn’t ‘have anything to do with you’, did he perhaps scar himself for no particular reason at all?” [1]
Zewu-jun had always been restrained and composed to the utmost, but this was a matter which had impacted Lan Wangji and thus uncharacteristically, his anger was roused. Yet after observing Wei Wuxian's expression carefully, this anger receded slightly and he asked tentatively, "You… you've had some memory loss?"
"My memories?" Wei Wuxian said. He immediately tried hard to see if there was anything he could not recall, and then replied, "I don't think there’s any period of time which I don’t remem — yes!"
There was indeed one period during which his memories were blurred and indistinct.
The bloodbath at Nightless City!
On that night many years ago, he had believed Wen Qing and Wen Ning gone, their bones ground to dust and scattered by their enemies. On top of that, seeing the Great Clans on their impassioned, self-righteous warpath and witnessing Jiang Yanli die before his eyes, he finally utterly lost control. Combining the two halves of the Yin Tiger Tally, he unleashed it, allowing it to kill indiscriminately. The dead under the Tally’s power killed others, who then became new fierce corpses, creating an endless supply of massacring puppets which turned the place into a blood-soaked hell.
After that, [2] although Wei Wuxian could just barely manage to stay on his feet, he distantly felt himself leave this slaughterhouse of a ruined city. There was a long period in which he was not fully aware of anything. When he finally came back to himself, he had already been sitting in a daze at the foot of Yiling’s Knoll of Unmarked Graves [3] for a long time.
Lan Xichen asked, "Do you remember now?"
Wei Wuxian murmured, "That period at Nightless City? I… I’d always thought that I had wandered back in a daze, but..."
Lan Xichen was so angry he could have laughed, "Young Master Wei, How many enemies were you up against that night? It was three thousand! No matter how much of an unparalleled talent of this age you may be - withdrawing entirely unharmed under those circumstances? How could that be possible?"
Wei Wuxian asked, "Lan Zhan... what did Lan Zhan do?"
"What did Wangji do. If you don’t remember it yourself, I fear he will never tell you of his own accord, and you certainly won’t be asking [4]. Fine. Let me tell you." Lan Xichen said.
"Young Master Wei, on that night after you took out the two halves of the Yin Tiger Tally, merged them into one, and slaughtered to your heart's content, you were at the end of your strength. Wangji, having been injured by you in your madness, was in about the same state. He was only able to get to his feet by leaning on Bichen. Even so, the moment he saw you stumbling away, he immediately followed.
"There weren't many people left conscious at the scene. I was barely able to move and could only watch as Wangji, with his Spiritual Energy clearly almost depleted, limped laboriously in your wake, then grabbed and pulled you onto Bichen. The both of you flew off on the sword together.
“I only regained my Spiritual Energy two shicheng* later and hurried back to the Lan Clan in Gusu seeking support. I was worried that if people from the other families caught up to the both of you first, Wangji would be perceived as your accomplice. The best outcome of this would leave him with a stain on his name for life and a damaged reputation, the worst scenario would be him being dispatched without a chance to defend himself. And so along with my shufu, I gathered thirty-three elders who had always praised and thought highly of Wangji. Together, we spent two days as the sword flies secretly [5] searching. That was how we found traces of your trail within the borders of Yiling. Wangji had hidden you in a cave. When we arrived, you were sitting on a stone within the cave, dazed, while Wangji held your hand, transferring Spiritual Energy to you and speaking softly [6].
“And the whole time, you were only repeating one word at him.
Wei Wuxian’s throat was dry, his eyes red. He was unable to say a word. 
Lan Xichen continued, "My shufu appeared suddenly before him, giving him a scolding and asking him for an explanation. He seemed to have expected us to find him, yet he said there was nothing to explain, that this was just how it was. Since childhood and even after growing up, he had never been defiant toward our shufu and me [7]. But for you, Wangji not only talked back to shufu, he even turned his sword on the cultivation practitioners of the same origin, the same bloodline of the Gusu Lan Clan as himself, severely injuring [8] the thirty-three elders we had requested help from...
Wei Wuxian buried his hands in his hair, saying, "I... I didn’t know... I really..."
Besides repeating that he really didn't know, there was nothing else was able to say. 
Lan Xichen tried holding back for a moment, but went on to add, "Thirty-three Discipline Whip scars! All the strokes within one session, one for each person. You ought to know how painful that is, how long it takes to recover from it! [9], [Note] After willfully sending you back to the Knoll, Wangji returned, despondent, to receive his punishment. How long he knelt before the Wall of Discipline! When I went to see him, I said ‘Young Master Wei has already made a grave mistake. Why would you compound it?’ But he replied that he wasn’t able to judge if what you did was right or wrong, and regardless of that, he was willing to bear all the consequences with you. [10] Those few years he was said to have spent ‘reflecting on his mistakes before the Wall’ were, at their core, because his motion was limited by his injuries. And even so, after learning of your death, he forced himself in this condition to get up because no matter what, he had to go to the Knoll and see for himself…” [11]
*One shicheng is approximately equal to two hours.
[1] This part in italics isn’t in {2}. [2] Added in {2}: But after going through all of these, Wei Wuxian’s body and spirit had been seriously damaged. [3] He was at the foot of a small hill near the Knoll in the revised version.  [4] This part in italics isn’t in {2}. [5] In {2} Lan Xicheng and his uncle explicitly requested the elders to keep this a secret.  [6] In {2} Lan Wangji was asking him something. [7] In {2}, Lan Xichen only specifies that Lan Wangji has never talked back to his uncle, leaving himself out of the sentence. [8] In {2} Lan Xichen says they were severely injured, nearly fatally. [9] There’s a break in {2} with Wei Wuxian’s inner thought of ‘This, he knew.’ Reason being what I have in [Note]. [10] This part in italics isn’t in {2}. [11] This part in italics isn’t in {2}.
[Note] Per Chapter 11, The Elegant Flirt 1: Wei Wuxian has never been beaten with the Discipline Whip before, but he has seen its mark on Jiang Cheng. They’d tried all sorts of ways to make the scarring go away, but it was in vain. All clans use it for disciplining members who had committed grave wrongdoing. Later in Chapter 59, Sandu: The Three Poisons 4, we learn that Jiang Cheng was hit with it by Wen Chao who got his hands on the Jiang Clan Discipline Whip.
// a thought //
We just learnt that Lan Wangji had been injured by a berserk Wei Wuxian himself, was struggling to stand and nearly out of Spiritual Energy. Then he had to control Bichen to fly them both to Yiling, and at least at the moment they were found, was attempting to heal Wei Wuxian with the Spiritual Energy transfer. From Lan Xichen’s account, it took Lan Xichen four hours to recover somewhat and regain enough Spiritual Energy to go home for help. So let’s say Lan Wangji did take some time off from minding the catatonic Wei Wuxian to replenish his Spiritual Energy, he’s still not fighting them at a hundred percent. His elders from Gusu Lan had not participated in the fighting at Nightless City (uninjured), but they’d all been on their swords for two days, searching for Lan Wangji. Probably still in a much better form than him though. How was he able to injure them ‘severely’? 
(I think there are two options. One, Lan Wangji is just that good of a fighter. Two, his elders were holding back.)
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ephemeralgalaxies · 2 years
the inherent homoeroticism of calling your long-lost crush by his birth name when you finally see him again after 3 months of thinking he might be dead while he's suddenly changed to calling you by your titles (both your 'relation to clan' title and your Big Deal title) except for when he tries to test your poise with your birth name and place the blame of your conflict on you until he implies that you are an outsider and therefore cannot know his heart (temperament, depending on translation) so you call him by his courtesy name with all the vice and betrayal you can muster and he returns by calling YOU by your courtesy name with a deadpan face albeit a small smirk that he just won't give up and his brother states oh so bluntly how this matter -- the matter of this man you've loved for years -- is none of your concern (but it is a concern for his brother and sister) and you know just how true that statement should be, that this man should mean nothing to you, that of course he wouldn't want to join you in your home to fix whatever this is together because to him, to this man, it was all just a means to get by, right? It was just some fun to tease to get through a building war.
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robininthelabyrinth · 2 months
Descent - ao3
Pairing: Lan Qiren/Wen Ruohan Summary:
Lan Qiren was old. Lan Qiren was tired.
Lan Qiren was old.
Lan Qiren had pain in his body that would never leave him. Lan Qiren had pain in his heart that grew worse by the day. Lan Qiren had one nephew in seclusion, still, and one who did not speak with him, preferring the company of his husband over everyone else in their sect – over everyone else, period. His obsession seemingly permitted little closeness to any of his blood kin, no cousins, no nephews, nothing; even the juniors who were no longer juniors were closer to Wei Wuxian than Lan Wangji, for all that they still idolized him. Lan Qiren had spent his entire life being his sect’s acting leader and exactly none of it enjoying it.
Lan Qiren was old. Lan Qiren was tired.
Lan Qiren was too tired to teach any longer.
Lan Qiren was too tired to live any longer.
Lan Qiren closed his eyes every evening and woke up every morning without fail.
Lan Qiren did not understand why.
He was old – too old, really. His cultivation was good, but nothing particularly special, and yet he kept on going, and going, and going, long past the point of reason. His peers in the other Great Sects had all died unnatural deaths, but at the rate he was going, he was going to outlive all of his peers, period.
And when they were all gone, he might keep it up, and outlive his juniors, too.
Lan Qiren was tired.
Lan Qiren was full of regret.
Lan Qiren went to sleep as he always did, and then he opened his eyes the way he always did –
But everything was different.
His body, which had ached ever since his torture at the burning of the Cloud Recesses, did not hurt.
His surroundings, which had been ever so subtly but distinctly wrong since the Cloud Recesses had been rebuilt in ways that tried but failed to match his memories, had resumed the appearance they had had in the first half of his life.
His nephews…
His nephews were still young.
Teenagers, though he could not tell on sight exactly how old; it had been too long. They pretended to be so serious, particularly Lan Wangji, but compared to their adult selves, they seemed in Lan Qiren’s eyes to be so very light. So unburdened.
He was in the past.
The Cloud Recesses had not yet burned. Lan Xichen had not yet based his emotional stability on the goodness of a young man he met while on the run. Lan Wangji had not yet loved and lost – or at least he had not yet lost, since it was entirely possible that Wei Wuxian had already come and gone and taken Lan Wangji’s heart with him while he was at it.
Lan Qiren was in the past.
Lan Qiren did not know how it had happened, but his every sense confirmed that it was so.
Lan Qiren had the chance to change everything.
He only needed to strain his memory and dig up everything he could about the Sunshot Campaign. He only needed to figure out what parts of the past to change and what parts to keep – what tragedies he could prevent, and which ones he couldn’t, and which ones had to be tolerated because to go another way would lead only to something worse. The burning of the Cloud Recesses, his brother’s death, Lan Xichen’s terrible flight and subsequent fateful meeting with Meng Yao, Lan Wangji’s broken leg and the indoctrination camp, the destruction of the Jiang sect, Wei Wuxian as the Yiling Patriarch, Meng Yao as spy…all that tragedy, all that sorrow, and every piece of it potentially inextricably connected to some other potentially invaluable piece, without which life might not be worth living.
Lan Qiren…
Lan Qiren was tired.
He was tired, and he was old.
He had to change things. That much was unquestionable.
But he did not have to change them like that.
“Inform the elders that I am going on a short trip,” he told one of the disciples with a no-longer-familiar face that passed by his door, doing his best not to guess whether this was one of the ones that died in the burning or in the war or thereafter. “I will be departing immediately. I do not require company.”
“Yes, Teacher Lan,” the disciple said respectfully. “I will tell them at once. Do you want me to summon your nephews so that you can bid them farewell?”
Had Lan Qiren done that, once upon a time, so long ago, and done it often enough that this disciple would know to ask about it? Had his nephews appreciated it when he did, or at least tolerated it, or had they treated his efforts to include them in his life as a burden, the way he knew they would in the future?
He could no longer remember.
“No,” Lan Qiren said. “It is a short trip. I will not disturb them.”
The disciple saluted.
Lan Qiren left.
He flew in the general direction of Qinghe for a while, no longer willing to blindly assume that his orders would be obeyed and that he was not being followed. When he had confirmed he was truly alone, perhaps because of how quickly he had departed, he turned his sword to Qishan instead, and went to the Nightless City.
“I do not have an appointment or an invitation,” he said to the guard that waited outside the gate. “But I wish to speak with Sect Leader Wen regardless.”
The door guard’s expression suggested that this was a very foolish thing to want.
Lan Qiren did not disagree, familiar as he was with Wen Ruohan’s current state of mind – to be more specific, his increasing lack of sanity and equally increasing ambition – but he did not falter or change his request. He did not leave.
He waited.
Even as the time dragged on and on, he did not mind the insult, and he did not lose his temper.
He waited.
In time, he was allowed in, and shown to the receiving hall.
Wen Ruohan was sitting on the Wen sect’s main seat when he arrived. There were no servants or guards in the hall, but then, none were needed to make his appearance more intimidating: just him, the most powerful cultivator of their age, and him alone, looming above all the rest.
It was enough.
It was more than enough.
In Lan Qiren’s entire life, he had never known anyone who could match Wen Ruohan in all his might and glory. Even Wei Wuxian in the height of his glory, with all his demonic cultivation, had only been able to contend with the Wen armies, rather than the man himself; Wen Ruohan himself had remained within the Nightless City, easily repelling them all, even when they had all tried to attack him all together at once.  
In the end, he had only fallen to a strike from within.
“Sect Leader Lan,” Wen Ruohan said. His voice was rich and slow, thick with menace and unspoken threat. “And without any advance notice, too…What an unexpected surprise.”
Lan Qiren saluted politely, but did not apologize.
“What emergency brings you here?”
Here of all places, Wen Ruohan meant. His gaze was as steady as a snake about to strike its prey.
“No emergency,” Lan Qiren said steadily. “A question.”
“A question?” Wen Ruohan didn’t so much as blink. “How interesting. One that only I can answer, I suppose. By all means, then, go on, tell me: what is your question?”
Lan Qiren looked up at him, meeting those blazing red eyes with his own steady, unshaken gaze.
“What will it take?” he asked.
Wen Ruohan arched his eyebrows. He seemed unmoved, even bored, as if he had anticipated all the potential paths this conversation could take and found them all equally dull. “What do you mean? What will it take – what will what take?”
“What will it take,” Lan Qiren said patiently, “for you to stop?”
Wen Ruohan frowned.
Apparently he hadn’t anticipated everything.
Strange. To Lan Qiren’s mind, it was all perfectly logical.
“I do not want to burn,” Lan Qiren said, and Wen Ruohan’s eyes abruptly narrowed. “I do not want to be tortured, to lose my home, or for my family to suffer unimaginably. I have come here to ask you how I can prevent that.”
Wen Ruohan was silent for a long while.
“Now that is indeed a question,” he finally said. He seemed thoughtful. “Doesn’t your sect have a rule against making assumptions?”
“It is not an assumption,” Lan Qiren said. He had forgotten much about the past, but he would never forget the smell of smoke, the crackling blaze, the screams. Nor would he forget upon whose orders it had been that it had happened at all. “It will happen. I do not know if you have already drawn up the plans or if that is still to come, but if we continue along our present path, it will happen. You will send your army to burn the Cloud Recesses as a demonstration of your power and as warning to all the Great Sects, telling us to bow before you or face the consequences.”
Wen Ruohan did not deny it. Perhaps the plans really were already in place.
“I do not want to burn,” Lan Qiren said once more. “Tell me what I must do to prevent it, and I will.”
Wen Ruohan seemed to be waiting for him to continue, but Lan Qiren did not. He had no more to say.
“What, is that all?” Wen Ruohan finally asked. The faint traces of surprise on his face made him seem oddly human, in a way he had not been earlier. A sign of hope, perhaps, though maybe that was just Lan Qiren deceiving himself; he had grown far too good at that. “No conditions? No restrictions? ‘Tell me what I must do, as long as it’s not’…?”
Lan Qiren shook his head. He had come with no conditions.
“What if I asked you to surrender your sect to me?”
“I am only acting Sect Leader, and lack the authority to bind my sect,” Lan Qiren said promptly. He’d expected the question. “But I can submit a proposal to the elders asking them to agree to it and put forward all my strength to argue for it, if that is what you wish.”
“What if I asked you to murder someone for me?”
“I am a scholar, not an assassin,” Lan Qiren said. “But I have a sword, and I can use it if I must.”
Wen Ruohan’s gaze was thoughtful, and heavy.
“What if,” he said slowly, “I asked you to give yourself to me?”
Lan Qiren frowned – not in refusal, but in confusion. He did not understand.
“Is that not what I am already doing?” he asked, a little hesitantly. “I am here, asking for you to instruct me. I have made no conditions, imposed no restrictions, set in place no limits. If you ask me to violate my principles and my family’s rules, I will do so, though it breaks my heart. If you ask me to give up my sect’s freedom and autonomy, I will do so to the best of my ability, though I cannot promise to succeed. All I ask in return is that you not harm my family or act in a way that brings harm to them. What part of myself have I not already submitted to you? Or is it my life that you want..? If you want it, you may have it, freely offered.”
“I do not want your death, if that is what you mean,” Wen Ruohan said. “But I admit to having unexpectedly developed some interest in your life. Come here.”
Lan Qiren approached the seat – the throne, if he were being honest. Wen Ruohan saw himself as the ruler of the cultivation world, and the Nightless City reflected that belief. In his past life, Lan Qiren had visited this place a number of times before it had finally fallen, and he had never been permitted to approach as he did now; Wen Ruohan was too paranoid for that.
Perhaps Wen Ruohan no longer considered him a threat.
He was right not to.
Lan Qiren approached, then stopped at a respectful distance, only a few large strides away.
Lan Qiren came closer, stopping only a small step or two away.
Lan Qiren came to within arm’s length, until he was very nearly standing right before Wen Ruohan, their knees very nearly brushing against each other.
Lan Qiren knelt. He was too close to the other man to go into a full kowtow, as he knew Wen Ruohan preferred his servants and disciples to do, so he did not do so.
“Look at me.”
Lan Qiren looked up and met Wen Ruohan’s eyes.
“You never answered my question,” Wen Ruohan said, and Lan Qiren frowned. “If I agree to ensure that your sect is unharmed, your family does not suffer, your home does not burn…will you give yourself to me?”
“Yes,” Lan Qiren said. He still did not understand what exactly Wen Ruohan wanted, but that was immaterial, as long as his goal was obtained – as it seemed, impossibly, that it would be. “I will.”
“Good,” Wen Ruohan said. “Then we are agreed.”
And then he kissed him.
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
(一日三秋) One day (seems like) three autumns by Spicy_Ramen10969
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(一日三秋) One day (seems like) three autumns
by SpicyRamen_10969 (@yllzchair)
M, WIP, 11k, Wangxian
Part of the MDZS Big Bang 2024
Summary: 13 Years ago, Wei Ying disappeared. 13 years later, two teenage boys find a man collapsed and bleeding on the side of the road. This is the story of how Wei Ying finds himself going from homeless to living with his childhood best friend, Lan Wangji, and finally getting the help and love he needs and deserves. Kay's comments: Ah, I'm so excited that the MDZS Big Bang 2024 stories have started posting! This story is the first one I started reading this time around and I'm hooked. I wanna huddle Wei Ying in a blanket and kidnap him tbh. Lan Zhan better take good care of him. The trauma and the angst are real in this story and I'm super curious to find out more about Wei Ying's backstory. Excerpt: Conceding to his current fate, Wei Ying carefully dragged himself back into bed, flopped his head against the pillow, closed his eyes, and sighed. “What’s your name?” “Huh?” He peeked open one eye. “Your name? Well we couldn’t find anything to identify you so what’s your name?” Lan Jingyi asked. “Oh, yeah, right. Um Mo –“ The curtain was suddenly yanked open revealing a tall, serious looking man in a doctor’s coat. “Sizhui!” The man stared at the boy wide-eyed and alarmed. Then he watched as the man’s focus shifted and their eyes met. “Wei Ying?”
pov alternating, modern setting, modern no magic, homelessness, reunions, developing relationship, major character injury, past sex work, hospitals, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, past alcohol abuse/alcoholism, top lan wangji/bottom wei wuxian, slow burn, adoption
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happy Holidays!!! WXX or the untamed with identity porn, please?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Wei Wuxian wakes up with his golden core nearly buzzing. In spite of the lingering soreness, all Lan Zhan's fault for different reasons, he hasn't felt this good since he was a teenager.
He sends some of the glittering energy to take care of that soreness. He's surprised that it's something that Mo Xuanyu's core needs to directed to do, since it's often the first thing taught to young cultivators and happens instinctively even without it. He can't think of a single good reason Mo Xuanyu would have had to override those instincts.
The warm sun on his face tells him that he definitely overslept. He groans, pushing himself upright and letting the blanket falls to his hips.
Lan Zhan is sitting at the foot of the bed and staring at him.
Wei Wuxian yelps and dives back beneath the blanket, thankful that he'd pulled his hair to the left last night so that it covered his arm. The curse mark can pass for a normal wound if no one looks to closely, but healing everything but that would have been too obvious.
"Wangji! What are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that?" he demands, making a show of pressing his hand to his chest.
Lan Zhan continues to stare at him.
Some of his happiness curdles in his stomach. He shoves the blanket off, getting to his feet and grabbing his inner robe to pull on. He looks around for his comb, angrily pulling it through his mess of hair. Anything to avoid that gaze. "What's your problem? I told you to think it through but you insisted. Three times. You don't get to act bitchy now when this was all your idea."
He'd known it was a bad idea. He shouldn't have said yes, shouldn't have let Lan Zhan take him in the cold water against some very uncomfortable rocks. Or again in the jingshi. Or that time after that when they'd really meant to lie down to sleep. Or the times in between when Lan Zhan shoved his thighs open and stuck his face between them.
His cheeks burns and he tries to force them to cool.
"Did I hurt you?"
Wei Wuxian is surprised enough that he looks toward Lan Zhan.
"Yeah," he says, mind still on the particulars of last night. Lan Zhan pales. "It was hot."
Lan Zhan blinks. Opens his mouth. Closes it. "Oh."
"Do you want to do it again?" he asks hopefully.
Lan Zhan hesitates, dragging his eyes over him in a way that does nothing for the warmth crawling up Wei Wuxian's neck. "Not at this time."
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Hello! I’m hoping to find a specific fic, which is narrated from the POV of a mail delivery person from a small sect. They observed how Lan Wangji came to mail a letter every year to Wei Ying after his death, and came to see the melancholy and longing that Wangji had. They were not able to deliver the letters but they kept it. Eventually they didn’t see Wangji come to mail his letter on a particular year, but out of duty, the mail delivery person went to Cloud Recess to deliver the letters he kept. And there, he met Wangji and Wei Ying.
It’s a beautifully written fic that I read years ago, but for the life of me I can’t remember the name. I did a lot of searching on my bookmarks but can’t find it. I would really appreciate it if someone can point me to the right direction!
Thanks so much. @tacitanovember
FOUND! you’ve got to find a way, say what you want to say by Quixiote (T, 12k, wangxian, outsider pov, 13 years of WWX’s death, letters)
2. hello, i am very sorry to send this ask but i've been trying to find this fic. (Please don't feel bad! This is what our blog is here for! ^^ - Mod C) i don't remember anything about it other than this scene in which LWJ is holding LSZ while they're on a boat because he's getting seasick and he takes care of him while he sleeps. if i remember correctly it was Sizhui-centric. thank you so much in advance!
FOUND? Gathered Herbs & Sweet Grasses by hansbekhart (Not Rated, 19k, WangXian, dad wangji, LWJ's Questionable Parenting Skills, Grief/Mourning, Recovery, Injury Recovery, Hopeful Ending, Canon-Typical Violence)
3. hiii, I'm looking for a fic in which Jiang cheng suddenly starts hearing other people's thoughts and ends up hearing lwj thinking about wwx (inappropriately) @mercurygirlwt28
FOUND! Losing My Mind by pupeez4eva (T, 6k, wangxian, JC & WWX, Humor, Protective JC, JC drinks a potion that lets him hear people's lustful thoughts, Teenage LWJ has a lot of feelings, Canon Divergence, Cloud Recesses study arc)
4. heyy there! i was wondering if you could help me find a fic from a while ago. basically wwx nearly dies when he fell from nightless city, but was however saved by baoshan sanren. in the the end to save wwx, she had to give her golden core to him so she was no longer immortal (i think). thanks in advance! @aquiver-heart
FOUND? Ghosts Shouldn’t by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 15k, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
5. sorry to bother you but I've been trying to find a fic for some time and I can't. is a multi-part series. in the first part wei ying is left to take care of some young disciples and lan qiren forgets to send someone to replace him. the next parts are about how they don't have enough teachers and how wei ying would fit the role. sorry for my writing. i used google translate to write. @mazilu06122001
FOUND? ❤️ Joy In the Midst of These Things Series by Glitterbombshell (T/G, 53k, WangXian, Angst with Happy Ending, Post-Canon, Teacher WWX, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff)
6. Hey there, I’m looking for a onshot fic where WWX repeatedly say “I love you” to LWJ who never says it back until after WWX is resurrected and then he is the one repeatedly say “I love you” to wwx. I’m pretty sure I found it on your blog but I haven’t found it since. @gwencaer
FOUND! When the Words Stop Coming by mrcformoso (T, 7k, WangXian, Canon Compliant, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Pre-Sunshot Campaign, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Canonical Character Death, Love Confessions, Rejection, LWJ is a Panicked Gay, Temporarily Unrequited Love, Trauma, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending)
7. Good day! There's this fic that I've read before and I forgot what tag/s I used to bookmark it. I only remember bits of details. So, the scene that I remember is during the sects were trapped in the burial mounds—that chapter when the juniors were kidnapped—yiling patriarch wwx was sleeping (or dead?) at the blood pool(?). Then the present wwx came to dead/yp!wwx to wake him up (something like that) so they can save the others from the puppets. It is before they go to Lotus Pier. I think there's also a scene where they tried to save him (yp!wwx) that they cant leave him alone at the burial mounds or smth. Im sorry, that all I can recall but I really want to find it again. Thank you!
8. I’m looking for the fic where little WWX is in Cloud Recesses and little LWJ is like “gonna marry him” and when he’s told “no” he finds different ways to tie his ribbon to little WWX until the adults give in?
are you sure it's Cloud Recesses? bc if you are not sure, this sounds like the Sami fic where Jiang Yanli travels back in time, but that part of the fic takes place at Lotus Pier
FOUND! Sail Away Sweet Sister by sami (M, 73k, WangXian, YZY/CSSR/MDM Lan, MingLi, Time Travel, EXTREME Canon Divergence, Wide Focus Narrative, Some People Live/Not Everyone Dies, Most Named/Canon Characters Live, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Families of Choice, Parenthood, this work contains a major tonal shift, Fluff, Angst, Underage Sex, not particularly explicit, but not at all ambiguous, PTSD, Only a tiny bit, Unforeseeable consequences, The butterfly effect, Slightly Dark JYL, Asexual Characters, but that's not really the focus, Canon-Typical Violence)
not FOUND 💖 Let the Heavens be the judge by A_Mirror_of_memories (T, 4k, WangXian, Time Travel, Fix-It, Not JC friendly, YZY Bashing, minor character death offscreen, JC is the worst, Angst with a Happy Ending, offscreen child character death, Fluff and Angst, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, CSSR and WCZ Live, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies)
9. ficfinder request! modern college au where Wei ying is a student that arrived late to a class that lab qiren should be teaching but instead lan zhan is, and Wei ying is sassy/rude to Lan zhan. I think it's rated E but I can't remember anything else. TIA! @the-marathon-continues-nip
10. Hello, I am looking for a fic that focused on lsz feeling worried that wwx will feel disappointed that he grew up lan. The fic references what he told lsz the first time lwg left the wen settlement. This fic has been stuck in my head but I can't find it, I would rlly appreciate some help! 😭 @fox1023
11. A) There's this fic where WWX moves into a house and ghost LWJ lives in the attic or something like that, it's an Eldritch horror kind of fic I think? Iirc Lwj doesn't have a face and he drips water but I could be mixing up different things.
B) I'm also looking for a fic that's kinda the opposite? Where it's WWX who lives in the house and LWJ pretends he doesn't see him
FOUND! ghost stories for lost souls by queenklu (M, 17k, WangXian, Character Turned Into a Ghost, Body Horror, (of the ghostly variety - hey number of limbs are hard), child death (not explicitly described), Ghost Hunting, Spirit Box, Juice Box, Reincarnation)
FOUND! one good thing by Yuu_chi (T, 26k, WangXian, Modern AU, Ghost WWX, Angst and Humor, Angst with a Happy Ending, I swear there really is a happy ending, And an alarming amount of rabbits, [Podfic] One Good Thing by jellyfishfire)
12. Hello, I saw someone from Twitter asking about a fic where Jiang Cheng wished Wei Wuxian never existed after their battle in Nightless City (I'm guessing this is when WWX battled with the other cultivation sects and JYL died). They recalled it has some elements of poppy flowers dying and WWX's soul being connected with it will totally dissipate too.
Can you help? @tiredlaoshi
FOUND? Remember by Amona (T, 59k, JC & WWX, wangxian, Canon Divergence, self-sacrifice, erasing oneself from history, colored souls, sword spirits, major angst w happy ending, implied/referenced rape/non-con, minor character death, WIP)
FOUND? The Way It Wasn’t by KouriArashi (T, 72k, WangXian, XiYao, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fix-It, (eventually haha), Slow Build, Family Feels, Moral Ambiguity, Eventual Happy Ending)
13. Hey so the fic lm looking for is a Jiang Cheng centric fic but it does have Wangxian in it but it's a time travel fic with JC fixing thing he gets NHS to help him travel back it's OK if you can't find it tho
FOUND? Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It)
FOUND? heaven is for me too high by stiltonbasket (M, 11k, JC & WWX & JYL, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, LXC/NMJ, LWJ & JC, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, aka the one where JC goes back to the past, and absolutely does not want to be there, Politics, Angst, POV JC, the jc and lwj alliance nobody expected, Bad Matchmaking, Team as Family, Happy Ending, WIP)
FOUND? Moments of Revelation by meyari (T, 134k, JC/NHS, wangxian, LXC/JGY, major character death, POV JC, Canon Divergence, Temporary Character Death, Character Death, Time Travel Fix-It, Self-Sacrifice, Torture, Chronic Pain, Chronic anxiety, magical healing and how it fails, Grief/Mourning, PTSD, Chronic Mental Health Issues, learning to communicate for stubborn people, premeditated murder as a method of problem solving, Assassination, renamed meng yao, Because of Reasons, Warning: JGS, Warning: WRH, Families of Choice, no elders are perfect not one of them, Unreliable Narrator(s), Demonic Possession)
FOUND? For Both Of Us (And Time Is But A Paper Moon) by sami (E, 65k, wangxian, JC & WWX; JC & LWJ, LWJ & LXC, Canonical Character Death, Mentions of Rape, not explicit but definitely referenced, Time Travel, Not Everyone Dies au, Canon-Typical Violence, Fix-It, Hurt/Comfort, WWX/babie tendencies, WQ is a queen in any reality, Healing, Yunmeng Shuangjie, Canon Divergence, Asexual JC, First Time, Getting Together, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, WWX finds new ways to be oblivious, seriously it surprised even us)
14. Hi!!! I am looking for a fic where wei wuxian travels back in time but tries to kill himself to avoid all the tragedy that happened to his loved ones. Please help me find this one!!!
FOUND? (Un)Hidden truth by Sarah_R (M, 198k, wangxian, major character death, graphic depictions of violence, characters watching their show, characters watching the future, watching the future, Time Travel Fix-It, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide Attempt, On the first chapter, Suicidal Thoughts, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, Nightmares, Self-Harm, dark, fluff, Angst, LWJ best husband, WWX needs all the love and hugs in the world, and he gets it, WWX Protection Squad, The juniors are literally the light of the show, WQ best sister, YZY and JFM will realize what an absolute shit they’ve been, Character Development, Sentient Burial Mounds, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Except the people who deserve to, WIP)
15. Fic I'm looking for: a royalty au, LWJ POV, LWJ is the prince, it's a one shot, WWX and LWJ are friends or at least have a close relationship throughout. I don't remember what status WWX is but I know for sure he's not a servant cuz there is pass in the fic where LWJ says WWX helps the palace staff even though he doesn't have to. WWX basically acts as a waiter for a little bit during this royal ball and that's where the confession happens in front of everyone. Not Desiderium. Thank you so much
FOUND? How to propose to the love of your life in one simple step by CloudyInk (G, 6k, WangXian, Royalty, LXC is King, Prince LWJ, General WWX)
16. Hello, this is the first time I do not know if this info will be enough. I read a modern au short fic before in which wwx have a terrible eye sight and memory. Every time he goes to Lan house he will go somewhere different from what he is looking for. Like he is supposed to go to a restroom but ended up in a kitchen. Lan Qiren then said to LWJ that his boyfriend might be a thief because he is always found somewhere he did not say he will go. Then when lqr visited lwj and wwx's house, he found out that wwx got lost even to his own house. Like he cannot even find the mug and lwj has to say where it is. Lwj then said to lqr that it is because wwx got into an accident when he was a child, the same day he lost his parents. That is the reason for his terrible memory and eye sight. After that, lqr became soft to wwx. And every time Wangxian visited the Lan house. He will help wwx find what he is looking for.
Thank youuu @yunshenlianhua
17. Hii mods , can you help me find this fics
A) it's time travel but here WWX gave up on cultivation world while whole cultivation world needs his help to defeat wen ruohan....?? I guess everyone is back from past ?? Now sure
B) I don't know where I read this fic ...and don't knew if fic like this exists where after Wuxian's death he is in ghost city but in child form with having same mind as child he later get adopted by hualian they raise him once again he remember nothing till the day in his (new )16 year old body he sees the newly ascended God lwj
C) I don't remember much but I guess it mpreg and has twin lsz n Jingyi but they have lwj because he is busy ? Or just not there with them..I am confused
Sry to ask this many at once but help me ..this half reads are living rent free in my mind @selflovingmedj
FOUND? The Line Between Good and Evil by Dandelion_sama (G, 34k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, What-If, Rebirth, Time Travel, kind of Mass Reborn, reverse uno, Canon-Typical Violence, WIP)
18. Hey! Do you remember a fic where a-yuan gets sick and WWX brings him to the cloud recesses for treatment? There was a heart wrenching scene where wwx asked the lan sect to take a-yuan in and raise him. I can't seem to find it. Thanks in advance!
FOUND! the kite string and the anchor rope by fleurdeliser (M, 38k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, set after the yiling date, Sick Child, the illness never gets worse than it is in the first 1000 words)
19. hi! I'm looking for a case/curse fic, post-canon/getting together - which features wangxian & the gusu lan/juniors solving a case in a cursed town. iirc, the curse is related to a wish granting ritual at a yearly festival, and i believe lwj had visited this festival before in the previous year and wished for wwx's return. thank you! @patchworkpotatoes
FOUND! 爱不释手; never let me go by yiqie (E, 68k, WangXian, Case Fic, Blood and Injury, Demons, Body Horror)
20. Hi! I'm here for fic finder request. I'm sure I bookmark the story but couldn't find it. It was set in the Cloud Recesses study arc where Wei Ying grow up with the Lan. Wangxian is engaged with each other. I remember that Jin Zixuan was jealous when Jiang Yanli and Wei Ying start to get close while they were in cloud recesses. Nie Huaisang told Jin Zixuan and Jiang Cheng that WX are engaged and they were shocked because they thought wangxian are cousins. Sorry if my explanation is a mess and I hope you can help me find it. Thank you! @mayuchi96
FOUND! what a strange life by dass22 (dass15) (T, 26k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Friendship, POV Alternating, mostly from JC pov tho)
114 notes · View notes
lrosenerds · 1 year
AU where Wen Qing is Wei Wuxian's unofficial physical therapist (he couldn't afford one otherwise). Most recently messed up in a motorcycle accident, he also has various old injuries from being a teenage hooligan.
So Wei Wuxian is complaining to Jiang Cheng in public somewhere, like a café or a dining hall, like, "Wen Qing is so mean to me! I'm so sore! Look, is my shoulder bruised? It feels bruised."
And Jiang Cheng says something snarky and dismissive, like, "You deserve this."
And Lan Wangji overhears only parts of this conversation and comes to his own alarming conclusions.
So the next day Lan Wangji tells Wei Wuxian that he has something very important to talk to him about. He sounds so serious that Wei Wuxian is like, "Sure, buddy. Your place?"
Wei Wuxian doesn't know what to expect, but definitely not for Lan Wangji to haltingly but determinedly start talking about how Wei Wuxian deserves to be safe, and it's okay to ask for help, and men in relationships can be abused by women partners, too, and it's important not to be ashamed and to utilize the resources available.
He pushes a bunch of pamphlets across the table at Wei Wuxian and adds earnestly, "I know your family situation is complicated, so if you need somewhere to go you can stay with me."
And Wei Wuxian is so stunned and horrified that Lan Wanghi thinks Wen Qing is his abusive girlfriend, but also so, so happy that Lan Wangji cares so much about him! He brought pamphlets and everything!!
And when Lan Wangji explains that he overheard Wei Wuxian talking to Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian starts laughing and explains, "No no no, Wen Qing is my physical therapist, she isn't abusing me, I'm just a crybaby whiner! We live together but we're definitely not dating!!"
And before Lan Wangji can get too embarrassed Wei Wuxian calms down and says, "But like hey, I'm so touched you care about me and wanted to help me, like even if you kind of hate me you're still such a good person."
Cue Lan Wangji's, "I've never hated you, I've criticized your behavior in the past because you put yourself in danger and get hurt."
And of course they start dating soon, and when Lan Wangji finally meets Wen Qing he brings her favorite food as apology, and Wen Qing forgives him. (His cooking is really good. And also she's secretly-not-so-secretly glad that Wei Wuxian has such a good person to take care of him and keep him safe and happy.)
(Anyway this is what happens when I'm bored at physical therapy I guess lol)
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en-d-d · 6 months
So, this is my first post, so hello everyone! I don't really know how to properly navigate this platform just yet, but I'm sure I will figure it out, so please bear with me.
Having said that, unfortunately, I've come here today to rant a little on social media about things that make me borderline insane just from listening to. Most specifically, from MTXT's works. (Because if I ever see another wrong characterization for those fictional people I've became very attached to, I'm actually going to go mad.)
(This is not meant to be an attack of any sorts, I'm just a teenager on social media pulling my nerves into writing because who knows, maybe I can finally be at peace then.)
Let's start then!
Xie Lian is not owo small cutie or sum, and if I hear that one time... my man may be short, but he could fight off almost anyone, just thanos clapping people out of existence. He's also very insane and very horny about the Calamity attached to his hip. My guy is pretty smart and also just kinda gives patient auntie vibes (you know, that auntie that can see beyond everyone's bull but choses not to).
And if I already started with TGCF, may as well continue with it. Hua Cheng is a switch and you can't convince me otherwise. (If his Dianxia wanted to top, he would be as elated as he would be if Dianxia wanted to bottom. My man doesn't care.)
Luo Binge being referred as a white lotus and people not knowing what it means ("In Chinese internet novels, the term "white lotus" refers to a character who appears innocent, naive, and pure on the surface but uses this reputation to backstab, blame, or sling mud on others.") (I believe maybe people confuse this with the other meanings of the white lotus, like, actually naive or pure in character, but those are obliviously not what they mean in the chinese novels)
Shen Yuan is Kim Dokja, but chinese (or maybe KD is SY but korean)
Lan Wangji did not like Wei Wuxian despite him being 'evil', he loved him exactly because he isn't evil. I can't stress this enough. If wwx was a actually bad person, lwj would not hesitate to cut his head off and be done with the matter. Whenever I see someone saying something about him liking wwx even if he's evil, I'm slowly loosing my mind, bcz no, lwj is not such a shallow person, to be attracted to someone based purely on looks (and we do know this bcz he loves wwx in mxy's body just as much as he loved him in his original body.)
Now, we're moving into a territory I like exploring. I just want to start this off saying that I don't like Jiang Wanyin. I just don't care very much about him and I find him annoying as a person. With that being said, I'm a little miffed with fellow jc dislikers bcz they sometimes invent some things up about him or such shenanigans. Like. Man, you do not need to invent things to hate abt him, there are already plenty of them. I'm pretty unbiased when it comes to actual judgements about others. I will protect someone if the points made about them is incorrect as much as I will point out every thing they actually did bad.
And the next point is still abt jc (wow, what a surprise) just bcz, honest to god, a lot of his fans are straight up annoying. I've said it. A lot of y'all are hella annoying. (Not to say that there exist a lor of annoying fans for other characters, it's just that jc has a very high number of them) Some of the ones I don't find bad are those that like him just becouse of how bad of a person he is. I can respect that. What I can't respect is another owo he's innocent and traumatized and a tsundere and everything is wwx's fault owo jc fan. Fam, did we read the same book, or has media really rotten our colective brain that much??
(I believe I have more comments on this jc topic, but my brain is starting to hurt.)
And the last one is Wei Wuxian, probably the most controversial character in all of MTXT's novels. First of all, I have to be clear about this, but in all of this post, I'm purely referring to the characters from the books, not the other adaptations. This is important, bcz the adaptations further skewed wwx's image in the fandom.
I have saved him for least because of just how much things tick me off in this fandom when discussing wwx in special.
Disclaimer that I sincerely believe that you should enjoy and do art and fanfiction of characters however you want. If you want wwx to be, idk, a demon that terrorizes people and breaks lwj's heart and then jc comes and saves the situation from the evil patriarch and then french kisses Lan Xichen, then go ahead, idc (Unless you say he's owo, you have no excuse that would allow you to do that unless you're a child, and if you are, then you shouldn't even be here). But I draw the line when people lie about canon characterizations.
And there is just so much misconceptions on wwx's character that I would need an essay just to compose a list of them. They range from huge details that somehow miss people like how their neurons miss firing, to small details, like his handwriting (I believe the novel said it was cursive, not messy, like how almost all the fandom has apparently mutually agreed on. Do corect me if I'm wrong on this, some things are lost from translation to translation)
I will be discussing just some of them here. Maybe I will do another post where I go in more detail, we will see.
ADHD Wei Wuxian. The people that believe wwx has ADHD should probably reread the novel, bcz that characterization comes mostly from CQL. In the novel, wwx is a very chill guy that can stay in one place perfectly fine. I will not go into more details, just read the novel.
Wei Wuxian is the reason for the Jiang's collapse. Bull statement, everytime I see it, well, I go a little more insane. If you know a little politics, you would realize the Jiangs were next on the list for sure. Why, you would ask. The Lans already burnt themselves to the ground. The Nies have a fortress for a sect. The Jins are almost-not-exactly allies with the Wens. Now, guess who is the most unfavorably positioned gentry sect (lakes are not a good strategic spot), with lax protection (how did the Wens just march in like that like what) and a little too carele leader (Jiang Fenmiang really thought the Wens will give them back the swords after that whole disaster that was the indoctrination? Really??). Oh! I think I know who it is! And maybe you guessed it too. Glad we're on the same page.
Now, wwx being the reason why jc lost his core. Very many people already came to their own conclusion on why jc gave himself up. Brotherly affection, suicidal thoughts or just straight up idiocy. Whatever you believe, it's fine with me (but I do have a brother and I can assure you, wwx and jc never really seemed like brothers to me. They are a little too far to the left to be considered brothers, but this is my opinion, take it however you will). So, was it wwx's fault?
We're finally getting into the juicy stuff. The blame game. I hate it with my being, still, as long as I'm in fandoms, I must persist. My answer is yes & no. Did wwx deliberately made it so jc would be captured? Of course not. Did it still happened? Unfortunately, yes. To go deeper, we will look a little at fate. There are some things that are outside of our control. As much as we prepare, some things will still blow us over. So the definite answer is no. Jc made the decision to be seen by the Wens. It might sound callous , but the decisions you make are yours, even if you protect someone's life or not. Wwx did not ask to be protected. In conclusions, it's not his fault.
And that is a very good statement to make, seeing as we got to the core transfer. People often criticize wwx for giving non-consensualy his core to jc. I always thought it as a weird thing to hate him about, but whatever, I still shall address it. I will start with an exemple. If you loved someone very much, and they would die if they don't get, idk, a new arm (maybe think of something less inconspicuous, but you understand the ideea) they would die. You are the single person that can do it. But you're sure that if someone told your loved one that you would give it, they would refuze it. Are you still going to give your arm? Will you let your loved one die? Knowing that you can help?
And for those that say jc was not on the brink of death. He was suicidal. He would not have resisted a week with the shame of inferiority plus all the trauma that the Lotus Pier massacre was, combined. 'Regaining' his core might have actually made him feel better, like he beat the odds, like he has another chance. That's also why wwx never told him he gave him his core. Bcz he knew jc would not take it easy, finding out that all his accomplishments were thanks to wwx's sacrifice. Because jc has a big ego that's clearly evident through the story.
Anyways, let's continue.
Ghostly Cultivation. It's more popularity used the Demonic Cultivation term, but they are not the same think for Christ's sake. Modao Zushi does mean The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, however the title is for click bait. In the actual novel, I believe wwx talks abt ghostly cultivation, not demonic. It was probably lost in translations.
I don't think I need to explain how wwx needed guidao to escape the Burial Mounds, so at least half of my job is already done. Now I go into dangerous territory however, bcz guidao is not expended upon. Still, I would rather listen to wwx when it's about, you know, the path he himself created?
To explain my stance, we would need to go deeper into the novel's points. A novel can have multiple themes, ranging from obvious ones, like love, family, to obscure ones, like, the importance of standing up for oneself (not the best exemple, but I believe y'all understand what I mean).
I'm someone that loves thinking abt MDZS. It's my dearest. So, I tend to analyze it pretty often. And the themes I usually get are things like 'the danger of hearsay and mob mentality', 'the importance of standing true to your ideals', 'the inherit unpredictability of life' and so on, and so on.
Anyways, what does that have to do with guidao? Well, everything, I believe. The MDZS world has a mentality resembling that of the curent China. Or well, the China of when MXTX wrote the novel. If you know some history, I believe you can connect the similarities. What does that mean then?
Wwx is someone that does not fallow the path set by the ancestors. He creates his own. When the cultivators see that, they are revolted. Becouse everything that strays from the 'right' path must surely be evil. And so, after Wen Ruohan, the Jins paint him as the new anarchist, and the rest is history.
Now, I would actually love to continue, but I've been typing nonstop for hours now, I need to stop. I will continue my points in another post, bcz I still have a lot of them.
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day 💐
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least-carpet · 11 months
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
Extremely belated hello!
☔ Low-key rotating thoughts about a scenario where wangxian happens like in canon, but there was both previously chengxian AND zhancheng and everyone is kind of fucked up about it. Not just Jiang Cheng, who I think would experience that as, like, his primal fear happening, but also Wei Wuxian, having to reexamine how he understood certain teenage experiences and once again replacing Jiang Cheng in someone's affections, and Lan Wangji, who I think would expect to feel less conflicted about it than he does. I just think it would confront and unsettle all three of them so much. ZHANCHENGXIAN!
🌪️ Jiang Cheng/Wen Qing, Post-Canon, Alternate Universe – Wen Qing Lives, Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings.
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layzeal · 2 years
Hi! I love your analysis on the characters because you always seem nice and open minded and not the kind of "I'm right, you are wrong", that's why I wanted to hear your opinion on this topic!
I've read that one of the most important character trait of Lan Wangji is being a sadistic, and instantly I was like "what but he's not AT ALL like that". I thought that person could be an anti but actually they wanted to praise the character. I have still thousand doubts because maybe it's me who totally read the character wrong after all this time, and because I've never read such opinion on the character, neither from the novel fandom nor from the drama or donghua fandom.
What do you think about it? :)
hi anon!! thank you 💓💕❤️ i'm glad you like them!!! (and i'm glad i come across that way, even though i have certainly slipped and said some things like that hahaha)
so my first reaction was "HUH?????" but i think i understand what that person must be talking about! and while i can't say that find his sadism "one of his most important character traits", it IS something that i think it's very endearing about Lan Wangji!!
(long post under the cut lmao)
so before we elaborate, lemme specify that in this case, i am specifically talking about the sexual, BDSM meaning for sadism. here, a sadist is someone who finds sexual pleasure in inflicting pain on their partner during sex, on the same vein that a masochist is someone who enjoys being inflicted pain on during sex.
most importantly however, this pleasure tends to be exclusive to the mindset one has during a sexual situation, and does not translate to regular everyday life, so if that person was saying that Lan Wangji is a sadist who obtains pleasure from hurting ANYONE or ANYTHING, at ANY MOMENT, then i absolutely disagree with it
okay, so... why do so many people LOVE that LWJ is a sadist? well, obviously i can't speak for everyone, but for me, i love it because of how well done it was. sadism IS an integral part of Lan Wangji character, and he KNOWS it, and for most of his life? it scared him
imagine it with me for a second: you are a 15 year old teenager, who's lived his whole life following very strict rules with a very strict view of how one should behave. you never once indulged in "common teenager behavior", you never felt the need to. then, out of nowhere, a gremlin boy comes into your life as the very embodiment of those behaviors—drinking, flirting, breaking rules, causing trouble, saying ridiculous things in class, reading... forbidden material,
that boy thinks you're a stick-in-the-mud. that boy wants you to loosen up a little. that boy tricks you into opening one of those forbidden books, and laughs at the face you make about it, then runs away happily. your blood boils, your face is red, you've never felt so hot and so frustrated in your life. you want to teach him a lesson
however, next day comes and that boy and his shidi join you on a nighthunt, and you come to the realization that he's actually... not as terrible as you first thought? he's a troublemaker, sure, but he's also incredibly competent, intelligent and even selfless if the situation calls for it. that... also stirs something in you.
then, that boy comes bearing "an apology gift", two cute, white little rabbits he caught himself, just for you. you know, deep inside, he's just doing this to get a reaction out of you. that's all he ever does. so when he makes an inappropriate joke and you (before you can even stop yourself) push him out the window, hearing him laugh joyfully even after he hit the floor, you feel that stiring again, that hot frustration, and at this point... you start suspecting something. something about what this feeling is
the thing is, for as much as you want to, you don't hate that boy. you hate how he makes you feel, but you don't hate him. in fact, you start suspecting quite the opposite. but you ignore it, and you push it aside, even as you catch yourself thinking about him, and doing the things he told you about—he's always in your mind... and you don't hate it. even when you catch yourself looking for forbidden material yourself, a type that not even that boy showed to you, a type that you can relate to, maybe even fantasize with
so, imagine now, that is how your very young life is going. then, one night... you have a dream, one very different. it starts out as a memory, but early on, it changes. in that dream, that boy teases you just a bit more cruelly, says some things with stranger implications, he pushes, and pushes you, and pushes you, and you break.
in that dream, you hurt him
and not just any kind of hurt. you do something unspeakable. the most immoral of acts a human can do. you hurt him as he cries and begs you to stop. you don't
and the worst part? you enjoy it
you were so certain, up until that point, that you were a good person. that you'd never want to hurt anyone, especially like this. so why does that dream make you feel that way? what does it mean?! that boy angers and frustrates you, sure, but you never ever wanted to hurt him. so you convince yourself that it was how your young, hormonal brain processes this anger, and tries to move on
and you don't think about why, by the end, you were holding each other close. why, by the end, you'd wanted him to enjoy it as well
KDFKSHC OKAY SORRY this ended up longer than i'd planned, but this? this is a VERY very common experience for teenagers who happen to have this type of sexual inclination to have. your mind is so young and you don't know much about sex at all, but your brain and your body betray you, and you feel drawn towards fantasies that by all means should disgust you. and it scares you, it scares you because if i enjoy these thoughs, then what does that make me?? so, much like lan wangji, those feelings get repressed and turned into something shameful for themselves
AND HERE IS WHERE WEI WUXIAN COMES IN!!! because that dream lan wangji had? it gets exposed in full sound and color to the very person it was about. now, up until that point, wangxian had already been exploring their sexuality together, and after their little fucking in the woods where lwj kept trying and trying to hold back as to not hurt him, apologizing and feeling frustrated that he can't (and who could, in his place?) wwx's reaction was to continuously rile him up more and more, because he DOESN'T want lan zhan to hold back!! no restraints, right? he wants all lan zhan has to offer!!! he wants lan zhan in all he can be!! he wants it, he enjoys it, even if it hurts!!
(how lucky, that this repressed little sadist found love in someone who turned out to be a repressed little masochist LMAO)
what is endearing about that incense burner extra is that lan wangji is visibly nervous and embarrassed about this dream, even now, even after him and wwx got married and have had sex many times. this is STILL something that lwj is ashamed about. and wei wuxian's response? to be as open as possible, to reassure him that he finds it SO hot, that he loves it, that he wants him to fuck him like that RIGHT NOW!! that there's nothing to be ashamed about cause guess what? wei wuxian is SO into it too, he's egging on little 15yo lan zhan on his actions against his own younger self!! and lan wangji finally lets it go!!! he accepts this part if himself, because now he knows it doesn't mean anything bad, it doesn't mean he's a horrible person who wants to see wei ying hurt and crying (he has, already, back when everything was falling apart), because he only wants it when he knows that wei ying wants it too. he only wants it if it's a way for wei ying to also enjoy himself
soo yeah, this is what i think that person meant when they said lan wangji was a sadist. he is!! actually, for as much as i love what the incense burner means to them, i personally don't even like reading it because of how violent it can be, and i cannot blame anyone for not being able to read it, but it IS very important to his character, and such a compelling look into his mind!
but you can also imagine how much it would have scared little lan zhan, and how validating it must have been years later, to finally know that hey, it's just a dream, and me? your husband who loves having rough mean sex with you? finds that EXTREMELY hot and it only makes me love you more ❤️💞💕
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rosethornewrites · 1 month
T & G reading since 8/13
no time for crying, by Narci (6 chapters)
Jingyi’s made a lot of silly mistakes on night hunts before. Everyone has, even Sizhui.
But this may be the worst.
(Jingyi stares harder in hopes that the two children will suddenly regrow to their previous sizes. They do not. Jingyi keeps trying.
He whispers, “have you ever just like realized that you’re about to be literally murdered?”
“Can’t say I’ve had that particular realization, no,” Zizhen replies with the air of a born badass. Jin Ling sighs.
“Murder is wrong,” the child in black interjects wisely.
Even at age six, Senior Wei is lecturing us, Jingyi thinks hysterically.)
The blame game, by apathyinreverie (🔒)
Wei Ying doesn’t know what to make of it when, after he so publicly confronts the Jins, his staunchest supporter turns out to be… Zewu-jun?
(Or, Lan Xichen time travels, immediately goes about fixing things, and promptly confuses the fuck out of everyone along the way.)
Finding a Home, by Duochanfan
Madam Yu has arranged a marriage for Wei Wuxian to the Cloud Recesses Second Jade, Lan Wangji. But will Wei Wuxian have that happy ending?
built by the fires of volcanoes, by isabilightwood
The end of the world was not Wei Wuxian’s fault. In fact, he’d slept through the event that doomed them.
After the Sunshot Campaign, 3zun threw the Yin Iron into the volcano at Nightless City. This was a bad idea. Twenty years later, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji travel back in time to prevent a hybrid volcanic eruption-zombie apocalypse. But their plan is going well, so there's plenty of time to relive their youths, convince the Dafan Wen to let them adopt their son, and matchmake friends and sisters.
Mud, by snowberryrose
In which Jiang Cheng attempts to show up Jin ZiXuan
it's your soul, by syriala
Wei Wuxian never said it out loud before, the fact that Lan Zhan just loved him for his body, and he’s surprised at how much it truly hurts him. The only thing Wei Wuxian always wanted was for Lan Zhan to love him, him, and not his body, just like he loves everything about Lan Zhan.
And now he doesn't even have his own body anymore.
Through Brush Strokes and Ink Lines, by cerbykerby
There is a painting of Wei Wuxian in the Cloud Recesses.
Wei Wuxian has no idea how it got there, and even less idea of why it is, specifically, in Lan Wangji's room.
After waking up in Mo Xuanyu's body and being unceremoniously dragged to the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian makes a discovery.
(or: wwx and his cloud recesses shenanigans)
No, Wei Wuxian, You Cannot Divorce A Man You Haven't Married Yet!, by stiltonbasket (9 chapters)
"Have you heard? The second young mistress of Yunmeng Jiang broke her troth with Hanguang-jun and ran off to the Burial Mounds with Wen Qionglin!"
"Ah, poor Lan-er-gongzi. Breaking her sister's engagement wasn't enough for Wei-guniang, she had to betray her own intended!"
In which Wei Wuxian ditches the cultivation world, Lan Wangji goes grocery shopping, Lan Sizhui narrates his parents' love story, and Nie Huaisang is the only one who knows what's really going on. Prompt fic!
so i cut the shackles and changed my name, by MichelleFeather
“A-Ying, should anything happen, should you be separated from us or find yourself in need of help, find Lan Qiren in Cloud Recesses. No matter what’s happened, he will keep you safe. He has sworn to me his home will always be open to you, no matter what.”
Following the advice of his late mother, Wei Ying runs away from Lotus Pier, knowing that if he were to stay, he would likely die at the hands of Madam Yu.
And, he finds, the Lan Clan is the place where he was always supposed to be.
Fall again, by apathyinreverie (🔒)
The one with the time travel.
this is our vow, by orro (🔒)
Waking up in Gusu isn’t a surprise but waking up as a teenager is enough to make Wei Wuxian scream, disrupting the precious silence of the Cloud Recesses.
Wei Wuxian had been given a second chance when he was brought back to life. But this time, he can truly fix everything, and if he can’t find a way back then at least he can make some things right that he could never atone enough for.
Blooming You a Garden Inside Me, by xxxMiaHikarixxx
After Wei Ying's encounter with the Waterborne Abyss, he sees the Twin Jades of Lan taking a walk. Curiously, he follows them and hears Lan Zhan's distaste for him. The first flower petal lands on his palm. Does Wei Ying have the hanahaki curse? Or is it something even more complicated?
This story started as an one-shot for a challenge and has been an ongoing multi-pov monster that fixes everything through angst, romance and lore.
The Sun is back, by Shanashe
Wen Ruohan's soul is attached to Wei Wuxian after his death. He lingers and witnesses all the canon events that follows.
Post Canon, he gets sent back to the past.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 2 years
Modern AU in which LWJ fucks while pinning for his best friend, WWX. It's his way of coping with his "unrequited" feelings. Then he hears NHS & WWX one evening. NHS: I thought you were dating. WWX: Me???!? With Lan Zhan??!?? Nononono. Never. NHS: You obviously love each other. WWX: *sigh* I know. NHS: Then why not? WWX: ...why would I date someone who have commitement issues? And set myself up for Heartbreak?
“I mean, don’t get me wrong- Lan Zhan is amazing and beautiful and everything I could ever want but it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t do relationships. I think he’s sleeping with a new guy every week.”
Nie Huaisang gasped dramatically. “Never in all my days did I think you of all people would call your beloved Lan Wangji a slut.”
Wei Wuxian laughed. “Shut up, I am not! Lan Zhan’s free to do what or who he wants however many times he wants. God knows he has an army of admirers to chose from.”
“And you never thought of making an offer to him? Even just to get it out of your system? Fulfill every fantasy little teenage Wei Wuxian had.”
“No... I think all that would do is hurt my own feelings. Lan Zhan likes casual sex with guys he doesn’t plan to see again and I like serious relationships and emotional connections.  I’m not going to delude myself into thinking I can change him, so it’s best to just avoid all that and keep him as my friend.”
It was quiet for a few seconds. Then, “You know, we’ve been friends for years and I would say we have a deep, meaningful, super emotional connection-”
Laughter seeps into Nie Huaisang’s voice and Wei Wuxian joins him. “Oh god, don’t you dare!”
Teasingly flirtatious. “All I’m saying is- is that you and me could make sweet, sweet- Ow! Not so rough, baby, I’m delicate!”
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salternateunreality2 · 7 months
MDZS/The Untamed/SephZack, Episodes 24-50 aka the end
Because I got too excited and barely paused long enough to scream at frens.
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Spoilers ahead:
After Red Lady finds Zack and begs for his help rescuing Cloud:
I WAS SO RIGHT ABOUT WEN NING BEING CLOUD He was stabbed through the middle and is now in a weird coma after being rescued by Zack. Peak Cloud right there. Just watch, homeboy is going to have an identity crisis/memory issues. BB CLOUD IS ALIVE!!!
After the midnight rescue and pivotal point where Sephiroth stands aside, allowing his beloved to pass with the remnants of the Wen clan:
Baby A-Yuan supremacy. I can't even think of a parallel for him in FF7 because I'm too busy wanting to pinch his chubby little radish cheeks.
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Maybe he's Nanaki. An expert at getting grown-ups to share snacks with him, who grows up into a surprisingly competent teenager due to all the ~trauma~.
Anyway, market scene in a nutshell:
Sephiroth: ...😐
Citizens: are you his dad? Do you not know how to sooth your child?! Are you an idiot?! Do you need HELP?!?!?!?!?!
Sephiroth: *bluescreen* *error.png*
Zack: trolololololol buy him something
Sephiroth: uh, ok
Child: *magnetized to Sephy*
Sephiroth: *equally as horrified and confused as when child was crying* *he literally never imagined himself as a dad* *but has been forcefully adopted*
Cloud: *violently emerges from his coma*
Zack: EYYY! SPIKE!!! MY DUDE!!!! *hi fives, shoulder bumps*
Cloud: I cOuLd HaVe KiLlEd YoU?!
Zack: False, I brought Sephiroth!
Sephiroth: ...
Zack: *shows Sephiroth around his hovel like it's paradise on earth*
Sephiroth: *looking at Zack like he's paradise on earth*
Red Lady: *gives Zack enough poison to tranquilize a bear*
Zack: Don't you fuckin dare go off and self-sacrifice!
Red Lady: Bitch, that's rich coming from you! Also, are you made out of pure red bull and spite?! How are you still awake?!!?
Things I am still not ok about:
Cloud being made into a puppet to kill Jin Ling's dad.
The one hundred holes curse. Just. Ew.
The remnants of the Wen clan ALL turning themselves in.
Grandma Wen dying.
Jin Ling being orphaned.
Zack thinking he needed to die to stop himself.
Sephiroth crying.
Sephiroth: *gets drunk*
Zack: This is the best thing ever.
Sephiroth: *proposes to his boyfriend by giving him chickens*
Zack: Look at this adorable city boy, not even knowing how to hold a chicken. I love him so much.
Sephiroth: *goes hog wild and does...GRAFITTI!*
Zack: PFFT! Y'know what, I'll carve my name too <3
Zack with his juniors aka ducklings is like a border collie intensely guiding them in the right direction as they bumble along.
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Lan Wangji's sword is named Bichen, because he has serious resting bichen face.
Also I heard that he has a long wang, so Long Wang-ji seems appropriate too!
The Lan clan should be the Lan, meaningful glances clan. There is so much staring deeply into each other's eyes. And the eyes of their crushes.
(I'm 49.9% sorry)
Best Hurt/Comfort boyfriend/husband angst moments:
Jin Ling getting stabby with Zack.
Zack making himself bait as if this was FF7 canon.
Everything that happened on the top of that cliff with the bloodbath and Zack's death.
Sephiroth giving Zack a piggyback.
When they visited Genesis and Zack's internal injuries caught up to him.
It was so heartbreaking to watch Zack gather himself to be the sacrifice yet again, huge "heh, the price of freedom sure is steep" vibes 😭😭😭
Then Sephiroth jumps in with a "No. No, you're not doing this alone this time." And Zack is so relieved and surprised and you really have to be looking, but his whole body just relaxes and lights up at the same time, like the weight of the world he puts on like a backpack is suddenly halved and 😭😭😭😭
Wen Ning/Cloud's arc is so wholesome. After all the, y'know, mind control and death stuff.
So proud of him for separating his identity from Zack's in the end, but never letting go of the loyalty. He recognizes and adopts A-Yuan like Cloud does with Denzel.
He's strong with Zack and becomes strong alone.
I do NOT feel as bad as the series wanted me to feel about baby-face incest filicidal murderer McGee. Sure, Angeal loved him, but Angeal was severely misled. If Angeal wasn't such a good guy, I'd feel completely delighted that McGee's boyfriend was the one who killed him. His good qualities were *checks notes* remembering one guy's name and not physically abusing his boyfriend or accepting his boyfriend's offer to die with him. Wow.
He can go kick rocks and stub his toe and get a major infection and die.
Genesis being a responsible uncle, lol:
Re: that scene with Bichen that's NOT in the live-action drama, but apparently is in the books...
Also, I now realize that the comment about riding one's sword was a translation CHOICE, not an accident.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Okay...this is my first ask for you (so sorry if it's a little awkward).....I'm just so happy and excited to find an SVSSS lover blog.....I made tumblr acc because I love MXTX works and want to read more metas about them, but most that I found are MDZS and TGCF blogs, of course I also love them, but my all time favorite are SVSSS (and I have not found a blog that love SVSSS the most, until now).....
So can I ask, what makes you love moshang the most from all of MXTX canon couples (I assume your fav will be something like this, moshang > bingqiu > wangxian > hualian)? And what do you love (the ups and down side) about each couple (bingqiu, wangxian, hualian)?
SVSSS is my favourite probably because it's the strangest to explain
And you're correct on the order of my favourite pairings!
So I'll start with Moshang and why I love them the most
1. Moshang: I think they are my favourite because of all the characters they have been together the longest. And what I mean by that I mean they have had a relationship and been involved directly with each other for the longest. They have spent decades tied together. They met when they were (physically) teenagers and get together when they were (presumably) in their late 30s
And yet they still have the pining and miscommunication because of cultural differences that Airplane should have known about!
That's part of what makes them fun. But also there is something beautiful in that Mobei always comes when Shang Qinghua calls and that Shang Qinghua can't actually let harm come to Mobei if he can prevent it. Even when they aren't on the same page the unwavering devotion and care for the other is beautiful
Shang Qinghua wants to be chosen so he makes Mobei run after him for once and let's himself be demanding and honest
And Mobei allows it, even encourages it to a degree for all his apparent grumpiness
I suppose in some ways it feels like the relationship with the most even footing. Because both of them had been pining in their own way for decades before they actually make a move to being together. It feels like they would have the least misunderstandings after getting together
Also as far as I know Airplane is the only one to punch his partner in the face when he just sticks it in and I love that for them. I like think they end up having the best sex eventually though as they do know each other very well
2. Bingqiu: I love Bingqiu because I like pathetic men being stupid and that's essentially their relationship
No seriously though I feel Shen Yuan does have immense internalised homophobia and the story is less him slowly falling in love with Binghe and more him slowly coming to terms that he is allowed to love Binghe and that he already does
He feels immense guilt for having bent the protagonist but he cannot deny either his feelings for Binghe in the end or how his rejection has hurt Binghe. I just think it's really interesting to be inside a main character's head while he wrestles with homophobia even though in the world he's in he's the only one with homophobia
No one else in the world is homophobic. They do not care that Shen Qingqiu is with a man. They are upset he's with a demon
So all the homophobia exists solely on Shen Qingqiu's mind. It's his personal baggage which he has to overcome more than any external barrier to their relationship and that's just really interesting to me
3. Wangxian: it's the first of MXTX's novels I read and I just love the ADHD/Autistic couple dynamic (which we also get with Moshang). I love how great they work together. I love how we are told at the front that they hated each other and then slowly realise that Lan Wangji has been in desperate pining love since the beginning and that Wei Wuxian was probably in love just as long but didn't understand that because he had so much else going on
And I love the slow slow burn as Wei Wuxian finally starts to understand his feelings
It's just a beautiful story
4. Hualian: honestly? They are only 4th because I have not finished their story. I really really like them but having read only the first two printed volumes I don't know them enough to comment a lot.
I do know that of all the Love Interests Hua Cheng is the smoothest and I respect that but I do have a preference for idiot men in my fiction
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wangxianficrecs · 7 months
there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears by ghostberry (xmoyashiii)
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there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears
by ghostberry (xmoyashiii)
G, 3k, Wangxian
Part of the Wangxian White Day Exchange 2021
Summary: Even from seclusion, a mother's eyes see much, and her heart understands even more. And she can only sit back and watch for so long. The story of Lan Wangji's devotion, heartbreak, and joy through the eyes of the person who knows him best in the world. Kay's comments: Chanting MAMA LAN, MAMA LAN, MAMA LAN I just love fics so much where she lives and gets so see her sons grow up and especially fics where she gets to meet Wei Wuxian! I just know that the two of them would get along so well! This story is The Untamed canon, so she's witness to all the pining and the mess at the end where Wei Wuxian is left to wander alone, but she's not taking it! Really loved her characterization in this story too. Excerpt: "Hello? Is anyone here?" Curiosity wins, a trait she's never quite been able to stamp out with all her years of solitude and meditation. Not, she supposes, that she's tried particularly hard. She goes to the door and opens it, and finds herself face to face with a teenager in guest disciples' robes, gazing up at her with surprise in his wide grey eyes. "Hello," she says, and the sound of her own voice surprises her in return. It's been so long since she's spoken to anyone but Wangji and Xichen; there's an irrational instant where she half expects Lan Qiren to jump out of the bushes and start shouting accusations at her, just for this one simple greeting. But of course he isn't here — no one is here but herself and the boy. His smile is wide and infectious; she finds herself smiling back without quite knowing why either of them are doing so. “I knew a place like this must have someone living in it! I'm guessing I probably shouldn't be here, huh? I was exploring and I saw the path, and I just had to know, you know?" Belatedly, he seems to remember himself and bows. His form is perfect, but she can tell he's just going through the motions, eager to get back to talking. "I'm Wei Ying, courtesy name Wuxian." Of course. Sheng Lin can't hold back her laughter; it rings through the clearing, loud and bright and unfamiliar to her own ears. "Your reputation precedes you, A-Ying," she says gently, still chuckling.
pov madam lan, madam lan lives, madam lan deserves better, lan family feels, pov outsider on lan wangji/wei wuxian, canon compliant, cloud recesses study arc, thirteen years of wei wuxian's death, hurt/comfort, imprisonment, canon divergence, the untamed compliant
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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