#he will be totally unhinged as second will pass
lightcreators · 4 months
@schxdenfreude continue from here
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"Hmm. What could have brought on this question... I wonder, I wonder...." Usually, those who begin suddenly asking questions of witches have been burnt in their past, or are chasing after some sort of desire. But this frustration feels different. "Unfortunately, I'm not so kind that I'd divulge the nature of my magic so easily! Perhaps I am an omnipotent with the same skills as a God, or perhaps I brew potions over a cauldron day in and day out, or perhaps I haunt lost children deep in the forest! Ahhhh, I wonder which is the turth! Kihihihii....!"
Witch  had  been  for  too  long  simply  an  word  balanced  to  his  face.  By  what  nonsense  the  Doctor  became  one  ?  What  he  was  exactly  talking  about  with  that  word,  and  why  that  single  term  was  more  powerful  than  be  an  Time  Lord,  huh  ?  He  never  have  been  flattered  by  an  clear  meaning  on  the  matter  …  and  cannot  say  he  loved  his  travels  inside  that  higher  spheres.  Witches  were  crazy.  Witches  were  insane.  Witches  when  that  much  evil  he  feel  truly  offended  to  be  considered  inferior  than  him  ---  the  Master.  Witches  wore  his  name  like  a  veil,  whether  they  were  guardians  of  a  'chessboad'  or  a  traveler,  they  dominated  his  name…and  he  didn't  like  that.  He  was  supposed  to  rule  them  all  ---  to  be  the  Master  of  all  the  witches  !
If  with  Lady  Bernkastel,  his  patience  was  pretty  much  limited  and  his  ability  to  keep  his  calm  was  pretty  much  inexistent  since  she  was  representing  somewhere  a  miracle  he  wanted  to  touch  someday  by  his  hands,  mocking  smile  expressed  itself  as  she  was  referring  magic.  Yeah,  he  had  pretty  much  perceived   it  ---  magic.  Be  fooled  during  centuries.  Be  trapped  inside  an  chessboard  Oh,  even  the  incarnation  of  his  dear  Doctor  be  beautifully  manipulated  as  an  Piece.  ❝  You  are  the  goddesses  of  your  own  universe,  wouldn't  it  be  too  much  to  ask  to  be  a  conceptual  goddess  ?  ❞  He  requested  it  with  an  kind  of  unseen  frustration  who  quite  understood  that  point  still.  Another  laugh  followed  concerning  that  other  definition.  ❝  Cauldrons  used  must  be  very  different  from  those  of  humans.  Compared  to  a  visible  potion,  no  one  knows  when  the  enchantment  started,  let  alone  when  it  will  end.  ❞  Another  laugh  followed.  ❝  Last  one  would  be  so  much  boooooring, don't you think, only unexciting ?  ❞
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thenightwolf51 · 11 months
What if Jack and Maddie Fenton were actually Jack and Janet Drake?
The Drakes are their actual identities but they created the Fentons as a why of letting loose, of getting to be their truest most unhinged selves and pursue their true passion without the eyes of high society Gotham judging them.
Whenever the Drakes are supposedly out of the country on archeological digs they are actually in a little no where town in the midwest.
The Drake wealth is perfectly capable of funding their experiments and prototypes and every now and then they do show up to a dig for a week or too, but the Fentons are who they truly are.
So of course Gotham never finds out about Janet's first pregnancy and little Jasmine is welcomed into the world as an Amity Park Fenton, not a Gotham Drake. Janet's second pregnancy however.
Well as i said, the Fentons are who they truly are at their most unhinged and unfiltered. And upon finding out that their having a set of identical twins, well, can you really blame them for passing up this perfect opportunity to test Nature vs. Nurture.
One boy would be a wealthy Drake raised as an only child in a hostile city, the other would be a Fenton raised with his older sister in a peaceful small town.
That's what they decide and thats what they do, and everything is as cannon goes. Tim doesn't know that his parents "archeological digs" are really an excuse to spend most of their time as the Fentons, and Danny and Jazz don't know that the longer "ghost conventions" are an excuse to handle Drake affairs and check on their unknown brother.
At least until things start to get complicated.
(Im not sure if Maddie fakes Janet's death or if she really dies, and if Jack's coma is fake or real and he lost his Fenton memories. Or maybe the death and coma dont happen at all and the truth comes out some other way like Danny finding the Nature vs. Nurture notes or a school trip to gotham or maybe Jazz desides to go to college in Gotham and it comes out that way somehow.
This obviously works best as a "bad parents Jack and maddie" though how bad they are can be entirely up to you. Maybe everything comes out sometime after a "reveal gone right" and Danny and Jazz think their parents are getting better only to be smacked in the face by the betrayal of "secret billionaire parents who essentially abandoned their brother"
Dont know but im tossing it to the void.
To me the most important scenes in this idea is Tim angst at the fact that his parents were never actually too busy to be there for him and had instead chosen no to be there, the somewhat bitter consolation of learning that even when their parents were physically there they still weren't there there for his siblings, and then some good ole slightly unhinged sibling bonding.
Maybe the measuring of ecto contamination and debate in if their parents presence did more damageto their health or less
They honestly might be tied on mental and physical scars. All three kids tend to come with headcanons about neglect and malnourishment)
@hdgnj @omnicrafts @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @tathartiel @0mnicrex @ailithnight @little-pondhead
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weepingtalecowboy · 1 month
Fanfiction prompt: considering that wind can see ghosts but instead of hiding it he thinks that everyone can see them because everyone has dealt with supernatural forces
Main while the chain is freaking out because wind keeps talking to nobody and telling them that their his friends or the most unhinged statement he is enemies with the stripes guy who always stands menacingly in a corner trying to be cool (fierce deity)
And the chain starts to worry about wind badly because that is not sane behavior
While another part of the chain (particularly twilight) doesn’t take it THIS seriously because he remembers how Colin spent weeks complaining about his imaginary friend not playing with him and that children can be imaginative especially when bored and that only making him a new toy got him to play with his friend again
And that ends up in the chain thinking that wind must be incredibly bored because they walk all day and not letting him explore and play with bugs and they decided to fix it (but quickly realized that they are in the middle of a forest with nothing particularly interesting)
Wind main while has absolutely no idea what to do with the hand made toy lobster (legend definitely can sew like have you seen him and the ton of outfits he has) or the Fact that Wolfie seems particularly persistent to play fetch ..!.,?! What is going on!? (Twilight quickly realized that he is dog shaped and he also feels extremely guilty that wind is only walking with them)
But also he definitely can’t throw it away because the legend clearly put effort into the thing and he does love lobsters
And he would rather die than let the chance pass to play with Wolfie (that guy never has fun and nobody can make him play anything and the look of pure envy from Wild was totally worth it he is Wolfie's new favorite now , screw you wild)
But unfortunately that one extra toy seems to do nothing about Wind's insistence to talk with walls
And Wolfie tries really really hard to be more interesting than the walls ( he is failing because ghosts will always be more interesting )
The second they enter a town every single link with money goes to ransack the entire town for toys
And wind catches on about their concerns with his mental state and realizes that explaining them how he can see ghosts would probably confirm to them he is crazy
He awkwardly takes the toys and rearranges them in a way that every ghost is next to a toy so that the chain can stop complaining about him because now he has the excuse that he is totally talking to his toys and not any other beings or voices or walls
The chain is happy because they can almost always see him talk to the toys and play with them (the dread they feel when he keeps naming them after dead loved ones of them is something but maybe it is just a coincidence)
Then they catch him playing a game and it’s just the lobster who apparently is named after legend and the bird who he named Marin (Wind was totally only re-enacting Marin's story because he is definitely an adult and only doing the logical thing)
Time later sees him with Wild's majora’s mask (that sits with its face turned like it’s trying not to look at someone) while Wind keeps talking about a big guy with stripes on his face and how he tried to be cool when defeating the demon (war flashbacks activated because that stripes guy seems very familiar)
And legend gets an aneurysm because that lobster story strikes way to close to home for him
They take way to long to figure out in this one (they are the heroes of courage not wisdom afterall)
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inuiiwonderland · 1 year
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You like him a lot but later realize that he doesn’t like you in that way. You then decided to give up on your feelings for him and move on. And move on you did. You fell in love with somebody else and he later fell in love with you, but it was already to late.
A/n: This is a request for @mwankami! I’m so sorry for this being late but here you go! I hope you like it🙃 (I’m sorry if the characters seem ooc😞 I haven’t played twst in a fat minute) also I didn’t know if you wanted reader to be female or male so I just made it gn! Anyways I hope you still like it!
Floyd leech
You could only stare longingly at him as he messed around with his teammates.
He looks so beautiful
You were so busy staring at him that you didn’t hear your friend calling your name from beside you until he pinched your arm.
“Ow! What the hell ace!”
“Finally! I was calling your name so many times now! What were you staring at anyways?” You look directly back at floyd and that was enough to answer his question. Ace groans.
“Ugh don’t tell me you were looking at Floyd again”
“I was not” You lied. Causing ace to roll his eyes.
“You definitely were” You just ignored him and grabbed your bag from off the floor as you stood up.
“Hey where are you going? Practice isn’t over for a few more minutes!”
“I’m going back to my dorm. I have a presentation for Mr. crewel class and I want to get it done with early”
“Ughh fine. But text me once you're done!” You waved him off and walked away. But not before taking one last look at Floyd before exiting out the gym.
Your friends always question you about your “small” crush on the unhinged tall eel boy. Always saying how can you like someone like Floyd leech? The scary second year who likes to mess and bother anyone and the Floyd leech with unpredictable mood swings.
But you never really cared about their opinions on Floyd.
You find Floyd to be very beautiful.
His fair skin and tall height really caught your interest. But what captured your attention the most were his eyes. The pretty heterochromia eyes that he has really puts you in a trance and you could stare at them for hours.
Floyd leech has you deeply head over heels for him
But the thing is…Floyd doesn’t seem to like you in that kind of way.
He likes you as a friend yes but as a crush no. That’s the only thing that’s stopping you from telling him your feelings.
You sigh as you make your way back to your dorm. Maybe you should just give up on floyd. You already dropped so many obvious hints about your feelings for him but he is either oblivious or doesn’t feel the same and is ignoring your obvious hints.
“Oh floyd…what are you doing to me”
4 months later
Today is night raven college basketball team's big game against royal sword academy.
Cheers could be heard in the gym as everyone cheered for the night raven basketball team. You remember ace excitedly telling you about their big game a few weeks ago and that you should definitely come instead of being locked away in your dorm like always.
And of course you came. You didn’t want to disappoint ace by not showing up to his basketball game.
“C’mon you got this ace!” You and your friends cheered. Ace looks up at you guys and smiles before passing the ball to one of his teammates.
As the game continued, You couldn’t help but stare at one specific player.
His long brown hair tied up in a bun and the total concentration looked on his face as the game grew more intense.
You practically have heart in your eyes.
You all cheered loudly as he managed to shoot a score which resulted in night raven winning against RSA. You cheered loudly and felt your heart skip a beat as jamil looked at you and winked.
You ran down the bleachers and congratulated Ace before walking up to Jamil and congratulating him on the win.
“You did amazing out there!”
“Thank you y/n” He smiles. You two began to talk, unaware of the pair of eyes staring both of you down.
He frowns as he watches how nervous and giddily you were around jamil.
“What’s with that frown dear brother? You just won against the royal sword academy basketball team. You should be smiling” Jade teased. He was fully aware of what caused his brother's mood to instantly change.
“I’m going back to the dorm” Floyd tells his brother before exiting out the gym doors.
Floyd leech is in love with you. But sadly, he fell in love when you started moving on.
Now he’s the one who’s head over heels
And it’s already too late
Jade leech
“Are you listening y/n?” You blinked a couple times before mentally cursing yourself once you notice that you have completely spaced out.
Jade beautiful mismatched eyes stared at you as you hurriedly looked away while mumbling something underneath your breath. Already feeling shy and embarrassed.
“ ‘m sorry jade. I didn’t mean to space out” Jade smiles.
“Don’t worry y/n. Are you sure you're alright though? We can study another time if you’re not feeling well”
“Oh no! I was just thinking about something! Let’s continue studying”
“Oh? Are you sure?”
“Hundred percent sure! Don’t worry”
The two of you continue to study for the next hour. Every so often you would sneak glances at jade and watch as he reads through some notes while asking if you understand the subject.
You tried your best to concentrate, you really did! But his smooth, calm voice and beautiful heterochromia eyes were easily distracting you from paying attention.
The study session between the two of you soon came to an end and you had to stop yourself from asking him to stay for at least a few more minutes.
“I’m looking forward to our next study session. And good luck on tomorrow’s test” He says as he packs up his things. The two of you bid each other goodbye and you watched as he walked further and further away from your dorm. Once he was gone, you walked quietly back to your room as Floyd words ran through your head.
“Sorry shrimpy, but it seems like jade doesn’t like you in that way”
“Ah really?”
“He said he only sees you as a friend. Aw man and I was starting to get excited to have you as my in law! Stupid jade” You giggled at your friend. Ignoring the throbbing pain in your heart knowing that jade doesn’t like you back.
7 months later
You walk down the empty halls of night raven. It was lunchtime so everyone was in the cafeteria. You make your way outside with two trays and smile once you spot a certain someone.
He was leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. You could tell that he was asleep.
“Silver” You call out. You gently lay down both of the food trays before shaking silver awake. He slowly opens his eyes and your heart skips a beat once his beautiful violet irises meet yours.
“I brought you your lunch” You say as you sit comfortably beside him. You hand him his tray and he smiles at you.
“Thank you y/n”
“No problem. So, how’s training going so far?”
The two of you chatted for the rest of lunch time. Talking about how your day has been so far and other stuff. The two of you were so engrossed by the conversation that you two didn’t hear someone calling out your name from the distance.
Jade watches as you laugh at whatever silver said as his cheeks grow pink and he’s looking at you so lovingly.
“Man seems like jellyfish got to them before you” Floyd says behind him. Jade just watches as you feed silver some of your food. He swears he could see the hearts in your eyes as you feed silver.
He forces a smile. Ignoring the throbbing pain in his heart.
“They are happy. That’s all that matters”
And he walks away with a broken heart.
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doomsdaybby · 2 months
Hiii! You said you wanted some Steve or Eddie request and you could probably do this for them both if you want!
But I was thinking angst/ hurt, say Eddie or Steve said something not thinking much about it, something like, I wish you did it like this instead of this or, your perfumes to sweet, immature ( I like cotton candy scents lol ), I wish you dressed differently, her body looks good ( completely different than your body type ), your hair looks better when it’s straight ( it’s naturally curly ), you have to much energy, ect……
You start to act different, straighten your hair, change perfume, act tamer, stuff like that. They notice you start to act different or change it or whatever.
ommmggg 🥺 I never really write angst so I hope this is okay! thrown in some fluffy sweet comfort at the end bc 😭😭
small cw/tw for mentions of body types / slight body shaming (self deprecating)
Steve didn’t mean it. Really he didn’t. Sometimes he slips up, lips not connecting with his brain before he allows words to flow free, ones he doesn’t realise hurt.
It had only happened twice before, where he had said something off the cuff and blasé, that wonky half-smirk in your direction and a swift nonchalant adjust of his hair. And it was the fact that he was so oblivious to it that had your stomach tying in knots and mouth zipping closed.
Steve didn’t mean it. Really he didn’t.
You had stared at him glass-eyed and saucered, the rush of heat to your cheeks spreading a blush pink across your face and chest.
“Ow! Hey, loosen up the claws there, wolverine” he breathed out a concerned chuckle, eyebrows creased as he gave your hand a gentle wobble. You hadn’t realised the malicious dig of your nails into his soft skin, glare a sharpened knife’s edge.
Starcourt Mall, merely one week ago. Steve had just handed in his lacklustre resumé to Scoops Ahoy ice cream parlour, mumbling to himself the entire time that he wasn’t going to get the job anyways.
Crossing the food court, swarmed by candy crazed kids and soda sticky tables, you passed the shiny glass doors of the gym that had then held a women's aerobics class. The room was fit to bursting since there was a 20% first class discount running in honour of opening week.
Lucky Steve.
Lycra and spandex, gyrating hips of sparkling fuscia and metallic cerulean. Bouncy curls and sweaty bodies, lean and shiny. Rotations of full hips and perfectly cupped breasts that sat just right in their leotards.
And he was just... staring. That kind of vacant, jaw unhinged and glazed over dreamy look in his eyes sort of stare. One that had your heart sinking and adrenaline spiking. It rushed in your ears like wild fire, the hasty pump of your heart gasoline to the licks of flames.
Cue the talons, leaving deep crescent moons in their wake.
It lasted all of five seconds total, over just as quickly as it happened, and it shouldn't have wounded you as much as it did. You felt silly for it immediately after.
"Eyes forward, hot shot" you grumble through a half-hearted laugh, a softer, more apologetic squeeze of his hand. The sting lingered though, a splash of ice water at the base of your neck that travelled right to the tail of your spine.
It had sat there then, right at the pedastal of your ribs for the following week. Stewing, swelling. You almost resented him for it, not pinpointing your anger, your hurt.
You had been quieter the days after, near having to force a smile in his direction. Steve knew something was up, more reserved and less forgiving. The smallest of things that you would usually brush off festered at the back of your mind, metastasising against your will.
Now, Steve is spread out across the couch transfixed on some shitty sitcom. If you were in any better mood you would have eaten him up like your last meal - hairy thighs
You would’ve teased him, kissed him, loved on him. You really wanted to, to settle over those thick thighs, whispering into the warmth of his neck how he looked like a fucking harlot and only dressed to attract your constant attention. Though that thought was stomped out before you could chew it over too heavily.
You cross the living room behind him, Steve’s old Hawkins High basketball shorts hugging your thighs and tank top accentuating the dip of your waist.
You were highly aware of the way your stomach rolled when you sat at the bottom steps of the staircase to hastily tie your sneakers, craving some space, imagining how ridiculous you would look in a sparkling bubblegum pink leotard right now.
“Where you going, gorgeous?” Steve asks, the slight jerk of his head in your direction, taking in the curves of your body that were showing off just right in your ensemble out of the corner of his eyes.
“For a run,” you respond blankly, focusing on the loop of your mud-stained shoelaces.
"You don't run,” he snorts, only with jovial intent, eyebrows raised as he turns his head more, laying his arm over the back of the couch. You almost wanted to match his parted lips, the ripples of his cheeks amongst that lopsided charming grin.
Though Steve’s expression drops low when he notices the crumple of your face, the kissing of your lashes. Puppy dog pout and blush to match.
Snap. It had all become too much.
"No, and I certainly don't fit in some skimpy neon pink lycra that rides up my ass, do I?" you bite, a stifled sob gluing to the back of your throat, though Steve had already heard it, so you choose to petulantly avoid his gaze.
"Woah, woah. Hey," Steve's voice is mellow, as warm as the early morning sun though you can sense the maim in his voice, wobbling there in his throat. It was comforting in a way, except the dull ache in your chest remained regardless.
But the air is suffocating, the threat of fat tears welling in between your lashes. Steve rises from the couch, stepping closer, slow and methodical as if cornering a terrified animal, hand outstretched towards you.
The closer he got, the more it bubbled, the week-long mulling over of your ribboned heart and bruised ego, and you can't quite bring yourself to look in his direction.
Steve didn't mean it. Really he didn't.
"Hey," he's next to you now, hushing himself as he crouches down on one knee, dipping his head to try and meet your gaze. You avoid it, of course, crossing your arms in protection across your sternum. A cascading wave of embarrassment washes over you then, he was being so kind.
"Baby, what's going on?" he reaches for your face, and you allow it, his thumb brushing delicately over your jaw to caress the plush of your cheeks, fingernails tingling the skin at your cheekbones. His thumb cradles the angle of your jaw, and you scoff.
The tears fall then in globules against your will, thick rivers that stain your skin and patter onto the polyester at your lap.
"I just feel... really shitty." You begin, swallowing thickly. "You were staring, Steve. Tongue on the floor gawking at women that I look nothing like".
"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he’s stuttering, not even certain of what he’s apologising for just yet, confused as to what you were even talking about. Steve’s heart aches watching you crumble like this, stifling back the sobs and guarding yourself from him.
You recognise the realisation that takes over his pretty face, his infuriatingly pretty face that has you pining to go a little easier on him.
“Is this about the mall?” he dips his head again, cherry soda and a hint of peppermint on his breath, curls of chocolate brown crossing over his eyes, moving to station himself closer between your legs.
Your eyes are wide and glittering, water collecting at your tear ducts threatening to overspill again. Nodding at him, his face twists, a culpable expression and you knew he meant what he was saying.
God, why does he have to be so fucking sweet? A saccharine lilt to his voice and his touch so soft.
“My girl,” he coos down at you, palm on your cheek and you can’t help but lean into his touch. A baby bird with a broken wing right in the centre of his hands.
“I think you are so beautiful,” he starts, honeysuckle eyes searching yours, stemming the tears that continue to spring free with his fingertips. You listen, waiting.
Steve continues, “There was a-“ he gestures theatrically in the air, puffs of wary chuckles punching out from his chest, weighing out what to say, “-a LOT, going on there, you know?”.
Your eyebrows meld together, clouding over the your lids and he startles.
“I mean, it wasn’t them, baby. All I was picturing was you.”
“You were?” your bottom lips worries and Steve is quick to soothe the shake with a tender swipe of his thumb. “Why didn’t you say anything?”.
Steve’s mouth falters, tracing his gaze over the staircase beneath you as he thinks. “I didn’t even really give it a second thought, babe. You came to mind immediately and we just-“ he waves into the air again, “Moved on?”.
The bile in your throat retracts then, pounding pulse settling when he rounds his hands to frame your jaw, touch skimming and fragile.
“After you mangled me of course,” his laugh is breezy, bright and it sparks right at the centre of your chest. You return it easily, melting into him and allowing all of the blooming anxiety to bleed away with every passing moment.
“You are perfect.” Steve whispers, pressing his forehead to your own and noses kissing at the tips. Your waterline ripples again, but this time out of pure relief.
“I love this…” fingers release your face to cascade down the sides of your neck, spotlighting the curve of your chest when his hands still for a moment and you shudder as he goes, trailing after his movements.
“And this…” further down he goes, grasping sweetly at the fat of your hips and kneading the flesh beneath your shorts. He’s beaming through every moment, shaking his head to himself as he takes you in.
“And these…” he reaches for your hands, bringing them to soft lips so he can kiss every knuckle. You choke over a sob again as you watch him, in disbelief that he was even yours.
“Especially this…” his palms swallow the frame of your face once again, brushing back every strand of hair so he can see each millimetre of your beauty before him.
“I love every-,” Kiss to the tip of your nose.
“Single-,” Kiss to the apple of your cheeks.
“Inch of you,” Kiss to the corner of your lips, murmuring all of the sweet nothings you had been craving to hear all week, what you’ve needed to be told to snuff out those racing doubts that bottom out your stomach.
“Don’t forget that, okay?”.
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weebsinstash · 6 months
Now don't get me wrong, I like how... calm and unbothered Alastor is, or at least tries to pass himself off as being
but like.... we know he's a drinker.... and we know certain details about him having an alcoholic abusive father who was cruel to his mother which heavily influenced his whole Dexter serial killer morality bs... and I can't help but think of a fic idea where Reader and Alastor are together and, suddenly without warning you break up with him BECAUSE YOU CHEATED ON HIM. you're like, legitimately heartbroken and missing him but you broke up for a good reason and, time passes and you dont see or hear from him, you're basically just going on with your life, and, MEANWHILE HE'S JUST SLOWLY DEVOLVING IN A PATHETIC LITTLE MEOW MEOW
His radio show comes on and he's SLURRING and people are aghast. Alastor is usually such a classy gentleman, so careful with his image??? Meanwhile he's in his radio station with several glasses of whiskey and staring at a wall lined with your photos while he's broadcasting, "ohhhh hEeeEy LiSteNers!! How-how are you all doing this.... 😡LOVELY😤 evening. Isnt..... isn't it... so nice to... spend time with loved ones when you need them? 🥴 WELL I WOULDNT KNOW HA HAH HA" *cue 30 straight uninterrupted seconds of unhinged laughing from a man clearly having an emotional crisis* "so on tonightsssshow I was-i wasszzz hoping to-to discussss-"
Like imagine tuning into his show after avoiding it because it broke your heart and it turns from him like, having an actual topic and planned structure of his show, to then, one day you overhear a broadcast and he's just occasionally slurring, saying really really vague shit about how "real men are supposed to be strong enough to protect and hold onto those they hold dear" and you can occasionally hear the THUNK of his whiskey glass hitting the table meaning he's already drunk but still drinking WHILE broadcasting and, oh honey you already sound so wasted you don't need more--
You guys don't understand. I want this man having a very PUBLIC very MESSY mental breakdown because he was CRAZY IN LOVE WITH YOU and you sat him down and told him you love him deeply but you need sex and you've cheated on him REPEATEDLY and EVEN THEN he was HARDCORE COPING, "w well as long as you promise it won't happen again-" "I cant and i won't. I love you but i cant repress this part of myself" LIKE YOU DECIMATE THIS MAN. Alastor's just beside himself because like, not without valid feelings but you're basically dumping him to fuck strangers. Like. I just. What if he literally had a ring box or was starting to realize he's demisexual on the ace spectrum and was starting to have Those Feelings for you and you're just. Breaking up with him, and all he hears is "sorry but having these disgusting men I don't even know hunch over on me grunting like disgusting animals and defiling me who is definitely way too good for them is way better than being with you my respectful funny classy charming totally-not-husband"
I want you to be walking down the streets of Hell and Vox suddenly comes on their equivalent of a jumbotron and he's visibly beside himself with excitement, "BREAKING NEWS, THE RADIO DEMON IS PISS DRUNK IN THE GUTTER LIKE A FUCKING LOSER, MORE NEWS ON THE SCENE" and it just snap cuts to him facedown in the street somewhere. Have you ever seen Intervention. You can have grown ass adults with successful careers and loving communities and when they find something that breaks them you'll be seeing shit like, children finding their mothers literally passed out in the yard because they were too drunk to get into the house or even WALK properly. So. You just. See him in this legitimately pathetic absolutely humiliating state and you can't help but feel that that's YOUR fault, meanwhile Vox is living his best fucking life, GOD FORBID VOX SEES YOU STANDING THERE CRYING ON THE SIDEWALK, he's then broadcasting your crying face all over Hell, "Hey Alastor even your EX is CRYING AT HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE, GUESS THAT'S WHY THEY LEFT YOU HUH" and like. The live feed of Alastor shows him just, struggling to even lift his head to look up to, wherever, and see your image there, looking absolutely devastated, looking at him with pity and heartbreak. oh, his sweet beloved, looking so distressed because you see him so weak...
Vox is just living it up mocking both of you but he's made several enormous mistakes by putting you on the air, especially looking like THAT, especially with Alastor in this mental state, and ESPECIALLY to mock you when you're already looking so broken. The feed cuts. All the TVs read "LOST SIGNAL" and nothing comes back on the news for the rest of the night. Less than a week later, the radios are on again, and Alastor sounds... completely back to normal? Chipper, even? And at first you're happy to hear he's all good and well, but, there's something about some of the things he's saying that are making you a little.... nervous?
"You know folks, it took me an EMBARRASSINGLY long while to realize that, a true traditional man puts the needs of others above himself, and especially the needs of his special somebody! One can't truly care for one's loved one properly if you're too boggled down with, FEELING SORRY for yourself right? How else are you going to... defend what's yours if you just lie down and take it?"
"So while I was off the air, good listeners, I was doing quite a bit of, spring cleaning, let's call it! Yes, I was... unfortunately very busy, having to wrangle up quite a few.... disgusting, insignificant, dirty, thieving PERVERTS!!!! ....but now that that's all good and done with, I'd certainly like to think these streets are a little more... respectable!"
"To end the broadcast tonight, a final word to all my fellow men out there. If you happen to discover that, for whatever reason, your beloved has run off with another? It was because you deserved it for being WEAK. You allowed another man to just, COME IN and... DESECRATE what is precious to you? Disgraceful. Pathetic. Ill-mannered. You cannot call yourself a worthy partner if you simply allow your beloved to waltz themselves into the mouth of danger, can you? So, a little piece of advice from your humble host here tonight: Take back what is yours. Take them back, do not let them go, and do not let anyone EVER soil your love ever again. ........Also hey! Don't forget that the annual Cannibal District Cook-Out is this coming weekend so be sure to--"
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thedensworld · 11 months
Post Magazine | K.Mg
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Pairing: Photograper!Mingyu x Actress!Reader
Genre: fluff
Words Count: ±700
Summary: It was an honor for Mingyu to collaborate with a well-known magazine. But this job made him realize that love at first sight is real.
Mingyu's got a face that screams "bad boy," and he's given up trying to argue otherwise. He's got that classic playboy look, and an occupation of playboy, a photographer, no less! So, when he tries to convince people he's got an old soul and a sentimental side, they just give him the side-eye. Mingyu's decided to let his looks do the talking, after all, it's all about that first impression, right?
He's snapped shots of so many celebrities, and they all ooze glamour and charisma. Last time, he was working with Cha Eunwoo, an idol-actor who's now a buddy thanks to being the same age. But there's been zero post-work chit-chat with any of his models, except for Eunwoo. So, it raised an eyebrow when he waltzed up to the editor asking for your digits.
"I'll pass along her management's info," the editor said, conveniently hiding the fact that he's got a bit of a soft spot for you after that last shoot. Okay, maybe it's not just a "bit" anymore, it's a full-blown crush.
It started when Mingyu gets the call that he's in charge of the photo shoot for a rising starlet, Jang Y/n. It's your first time gracing a big-time magazine, so Mingyu tries to do some sleuthing about you. Mostly cast as a villain or a bit unhinged, your online pics aren't exactly flattering. Mingyu's scratching his head trying to figure out what style you'd vibe with.
When the big day approached, Mingyu's armed with a couple of style ideas for your shoot, hoping they'll match your vibe and brand. He's deep in discussion with the editor when your manager shows up.
"Y/n has those magnetic and charismatic aura that makes people think she's a tough . But she's really a soft and timid person," your manager spills the beans, enlightening Mingyu and the editor.
"It'll be good to show the side that people hasn't known about. Let's roll with these," the editor picks out two mood boards, going for dark academia and chic stylings.
And your manager wasn't kidding. You're like a total 180 from the roles you usually play. You're not some evil assassin, psycho girlfriend, or creepy stalker. If Mingyu could describe it, you're just radiant. You step into the studio with a grin plastered on your face, and your hair's practically glowing. Mingyu swears, your eyes are like a novel waiting to be read, and he's itching to turn the pages.
Just the night before, Mingyu decided to check out one of your films - the one where you played the mad stalker. He was blown away by your acting skills, even if you looked more like a scruffy vagabond. And now here you are, dressed to the nines, portraying a powerhouse career woman in front of him. As soon as Mingyu looks through the viewfinder, he sees his future. Love at first sight might be pushing it, but let's just say he's smitten.
"Could you lean in a bit, Y/n?" Mingyu asks, second-guessing if that was the smartest move ever. You lean towards the camera with this sly grin, and Mingyu's heart does somersaults.
Mingyu lets out a dramatic sigh, "Let's call it a wrap." He mumbles and dashes over to the monitor, trying to cool off his racing heart. And this is just the first outfit; there are four more to go.
"Is everything alright?" You ask the crew as you step onto the set with your last outfit. "I've never worn something like this before," you admit. Mingyu shoots you a reassuring smile, "You look stunning, absolutely stunning," he assures you.
The rest of the crew is in awe, and you playfully cover your face as if you're blushing. But Mingyu, with his photographer's eye, spots a genuine flush of pink on your cheeks and ears. Maybe he's got a touch of it too, but he's too busy being in awe of your beauty to care.
"It would be amazing if you could strike a pose like Ma Jooahn," the assistant director suggests, referring to one of your past roles as a ruthless assassin. You slip right into character. Your eyes shoot daggers, your smile vanishes, and you look ready to take on the world.
"I'll just pretend there's a pesky fly to squash right here," you mutter while turning to your right, earning a laugh from the crew.
"I wanna be that fly," one of the crew members chimes in, making you burst into laughter and breaking character. Mingyu shakes his head, looking at the monitor beside him; his weakness is a woman with wit and grace. You seem to have both in spades.
"You're absolutely smitten, buddy." Eunwoo clinked his can against Mingyu's, chuckling at his friend's infatuation with you. For almost an hour, Mingyu's gaze hadn't strayed from your portrait.
"Come on, focus on your work," Eunwoo urged, playfully nudging Mingyu, who seemed a bit unsteady.
"I am!" Mingyu retorted, gesturing to his laptop, where he was diligently editing photos from your previous shoot. "Staring is also part of my job," he added with a smirk.
Eunwoo let out a dramatic sigh. "There's something you should know about her," he began, catching Mingyu's attention.
Mingyu's brow raised, then quickly furrowed. "What?" he inquired.
"Does she have a boyfriend?" Mingyu interjected, curiosity evident in his voice.
Eunwoo shrugged. "I'm not certain," he admitted. "But there's some gossip that floating around the actors."
Mingyu fixed Eunwoo with a steady gaze, silently urging him to continue.
"She's a mom," Eunwoo dropped the bombshell.
Mingyu's head drooped, disappointment evident on his face. "So what if she's a mom? Is she a widow? That just makes her even hotter, honestly! Ack—" Mingyu began to enthuse before Eunwoo playfully smacked his head.
"Come on! Seriously! I personally haven't worked with her, but some actors say she has a kid, or that she's often busy taking care of them, which might be why she hasn't taken on lead roles. But, i'm not sure either," Eunwoo explained, offering the tidbits he'd gathered.
Mingyu scoffed, "If you're not sure, don't spread it around."
Eunwoo rolled his eyes, a little surprised by Mingyu's strong reaction.
"You've got it bad, my friend," he teased, shaking his head.
After a few weeks, what was once a rumor turned into a nightmare for Kim Mingyu. Dispatch, a popular Korean media outlet, released photos of you with your daughter. Some of the pictures were taken in front of a daycare, park, and even a hospital. Mingyu isn't happy seeing your privacy violated by the media, especially as you're gaining more fame. But what Mingyu despises the most is that the pictures are real, with zero editing.
There are two possibilities:
1. You have a secret husband.
2. You're a widow with a child.
Mingyu is perfectly fine with the second possibility. He believes he's good with kids and loves the idea of being around them. But the first possibility? Dang, It hits Mingyu like a punch in the gut. After nearly a month of being your biggest fan, he can't believe he has to remain just a fan. He hasn't even mustered the courage to call you. His heart shattered before he could offer it to you.
Didn't Mingyu mention he's a very sentimental person? Oh yes, he certainly did.
"I'm sorry. Did I hear you correctly?" Mingyu asked during a phone call to the other person.
"We noticed you worked with Y/n on her last photoshoot sessions, so she might be comfortable with you," the other person, a representative from your management, explained to him.
Mingyu shook his head, "No, I mean... Did I hear... So, Y/n wants me to be the photographer for her release?"
"Yes, Mingyu. She believes in you for this release, and we want the best for her and her daughter."
Mingyu was left speechless after receiving the phone call. He immediately cleared his schedule for you after the call ended. He still remembered the tone of your management team as they stated, "We want to release a statement regarding the spreading rumors about our artist, Jang Y/n. She personally recommended you as the photographer. You know, the rumor is pretty sensitive for her, and the last thing we want is to make her uncomfortable during the photoshoot."
Mingyu couldn't stop smiling once he saw you arrive at the studio with your daughter in your arms. Mingyu guessed she might be 3 to 4 years old. Putting the rumor aside, your daughter is the cutest little human in the world.
"Thank you so much for accepting the request. It means a lot to me, Mr. Kim," you approached Mingyu after putting Jihan, your daughter's name, down.
Mingyu bowed, "No, it's an honor. Thank you so much for trusting me. And you can call me Mingyu, please be casual with me. No formality needed," he said to you and gave you a reassuring smile. Deep inside, he was the one who needed reassurance here, as his heart pounded like crazy.
"We're here today to shoot a beautiful portrait and video for our release. Be careful not to hurt yourself, let's work together for us," the director gave a brief direction before the photoshoot started.
Mingyu took beautiful pictures of you and Jihan. He stood behind the camera as they shot a video of you talking about Jihan, clearing up the misunderstandings.
"Jihan was almost three years old when I adopted her. I used to volunteer at the foster home when I met her, and she was so little. I found out that she's suffering from a physical disability due to harmful substances during her pregnancy."
"There's a long process in adopting her. I had to run a few tests to make sure I was an appropriate adopter, and I was so grateful that it didn't take longer time for me to finally have her."
"I actually didn't want to break this news, but the news broke itself, right? I just want to say that there's nothing wrong with having a kid, whether you're married or not. Everyone has a reason. Doing this interview is also hard for me, but I want to encourage all parents, single parents out there, that having a kid is not a sin but a blessing. And I'm very blessed to have Jihan."
Mingyu smiled as he saw Jihan, who was sitting behind you, playing with Legos. She now approached you to show you her Lego creation. "That's amazing, baby." His heart melted once he heard you compliment your daughter, completely distracted from the shoot and focusing on Jihan, which spoke volumes about your personality.
Maybe Mingyu's weaknesses boil down to three things: witty women, graceful women, and you.
He'll start by making a move toward Jihan. She mentioned his height earlier, expressing a desire to be held by him. He's all in! If Jihan wants to call him "dad" immediately, he's a goner.
He's definitely going to ask you out after this.
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liesmyth · 2 years
locked tomb characters ranked by how cringe they are
because this post by @wifegideonnav reminded me that they’re all losers, but some are even more losers than the others
Hot Sauce: 1/10. This girl is cool in all possible ways and definitely future lead researcher material. No cringe, zero notes.
Pyrrha: 2/10. By far the least cringe of The Olds. Yes her nicknames for Nona have dad joke energy but she’s very earnest about it and it’s cute.
Juno Zeta: 2/10. Total MILF. Very smart and should know better than to get flirty with We Suffer, but I get it.
Marta Dyas: 3/10. A complete badass with a very sensible outlook on avoiding unnecessary forms. Call me Judith because I would also make a pass at her at the first possible chance.
Commander Wake: 3/10. She made Pyrrha fall in love with her, seduced ever-loyal G1deon into hatefucking and galvanized a dying resistance movement. She was genuinely nice to Gideon those 3 seconds they interacted in passing! Then she had to go and hide under the bed of a mentally ill teenager.
Dulcinea: 4/10. Her horniness for revenge is epic. Let down Pal as nicely as she could and managed to outwit Cytherea when it mattered. Not cringe at all.
Camilla: 4/10. Yes, she could kill you in seconds but she did once sell cigarettes, her most liquid asset, for about a third of their market value.
Alecto: 4/10. Scary eldritch woman-shaped creature with a sword, comes highly recommended by Pyrrha Dve. Loses points for confusing Middle English and thinking John was the best possible Sailor Earth when he was clearly the worst.
G1deon: 5/10. Utterly willing to burn for what he believes in. Yes, he probably needs some perspective but he made sure the baby had enough air before kicking Wake out of the airlock and Matthias Nonius thinks he’s an okay dude.
Pash: 5/10. She has that freedom fighter swag and the cool hair but she is a terrible bodyguard coasting on nepotism, sorry to say.
Palamedes: 6/10. He didn’t clock the serial killer pretending to be his ex because he was too busy going to painfully extreme lengths to avoid interacting with her.
Naberius: 6/10. My controversial opinion is that Babs is the least cringe of the Third House throuple. Yes he looks and acts like a peacock but he puts up with Corona snacking on him for no reason and is still nice to her, and gives Ianthe solid romantic advice.  
Nona: 6/10. Cringe in the unselfconscious way of a young teenager, and put this ability to use making Pal fess up to his nurse kink. She will never be cool but it’s part of her appeal.
Mercymorn: 7/10. Speaks in onomatopoeias. She knows she is insufferable so she’s gonna do her best to make sure to be the most insufferable person in every room. Once called John Gaius “the best man I who ever lived” to his smug face and not even blowing him up later makes up for that.
Ianthe: 7/10. Looks like a wet rat. Hopelessly dramatic but she pulls it off. Declares her love for Harrow at every turn in the most transparent possible way then pretends she’s just being snarky. Some cool points for actually getting shit done
Coronabeth: 7/10. Terrible taste in love interests. Her freedom fighter era was hot but she thinks pompadour hair is a good look? Also, the way she spent her whole life lying about necromancy speaks of extreme conflict avoidance. Cringe move.
Judith: 7/10. She deserved to suffer and has suffered more than she deserves. It’s cringe how she clings to her imperialist brainwashing but she gets a point for rightfully understanding she should be wary of Corona, something Ianthe still can’t even grasp.
Ortus: 7/10. Yes he quotes his own epic poetry WIP at people but he also had to grow up on the Ninth with nothing better to do. Genuinely a very nice guy.
Cytherea: 8/10. Her unhinged vibes are very hot but she killed a couple of nerds and two teenagers instead of anyone who was actually dangerous. Cringe of her!
Silas: 8/10. Smarmy cloud-looking motherfucker. He is a child Pope and I guess he can’t help the inherent cringe of the Eight. But that’s still no excuse for bringing a portrait of John all the way to Canaan House just to hang it in your bedroom, dude.
Gideon: 8/10. Babygirl is a horny virgin with the vocabulary of a nerd. Harrow is bones over tit in love with her and she fails to notice after living in Harrow’s brain for eight months. Gets points for managing to maintain impressive biceps on a diet with no protein.
Augustine: 9/10. Extremely cringe because of how hard he tries to pretend he’s not cringe. Cigarettes on a space station and effectively performing swag don’t make up for how much he clearly wants to suck John’s dick. Which he did at least twice.
Harrow: 10/10. Spent most of her life being mean to Gideon because she was too hot to deal with and lobotomized a coffee shop AU into existence. Thinks Ianthe Tridentarius is beautiful. Once built a bone cocoon to sleep in after not drinking water for two days. Should’ve told God months ago that she just didn’t want to eat his fucking biscuits and stop offering.
John: 10/10. Unfortunately, this scale only goes up to 10 but we all know it’s not enough. Deeply cringe in a myriad of ways, chiefly among them the way he inflicts his barely veiled incest kink on all his friends. That one dad joke was gold, though.
This was getting too long but for the record: Aiglamene is cool and so is Abigail Pent. Magnus is not cool but he’s a fun time. The Terrible Teens are exempt from judgement on account of being 14.
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rubra-wav · 7 months
hiiii so i was wondering if you’d do something with the reader who says really unhinged things whenever they get excited (i am totally not self projecting(i am)) x Vox
i added different colors for easy reading bc idk it also just looked nice imo
you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to! <3
Vox with a reader who says unhinged things when excited
A/N: I too, am an unhinged creature 🙏
Cw: Sfw
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- I think initially he'd be there not liking it because it throws off his outward persona.
- He always wants to look put-together and like he knows everything that's going on/is going to happen before they do.
- But, when you start saying unhinged things it leaves him mentally (and maybe actually literally) buffering for a few seconds out of what the fuck he has just heard.
- I half imagine him doing a very obvious slow head turn to look at you while squinting with a look of 'what-' as he's rendered speechless from whatever spiel he was on about prior.
- He quickly recovers of course, going back to his usual persona, but he's mentally still confused about what the hell you've just said to him - especially if it's after you've gotten excited over something he's gifted you or done for you for example - and probably irritated that you knocked his persona off.
- If it's not frequent, he'd likely have the same response more times. However, if it is frequent, he'd likely quickly grow accustomed to it.
- Down the line after you more properly get to know each other and he feels less inclined to adopt his mask. It would become something funny to him, I imagine.
- He'd probably be an ass about it, jokingly acting critical about whatever you're on about in that given moment
- But despite the sideeye and eyebrow raising coupled with fake-harsh comments, he'd find it funny in private.
- Given what we've seen, he also seems to get unhinged when very excited (referring to episode 8 where he's commentating on the Alastor fight lmao), so if you're mutually excited about something it would probably get very wild with fairly out of pocket back and forth.
- The braincell would be passed from person to person, so to speak.
- In public though, he'd probably be urging you not to be unhinged so as to not affect his image at all. (He's privately unhinged at times, would expect you to be as well)
- He'd most likely get very deeply pissy about it if you start saying fuckshit in public while next to him.
- Image is everything with him, even if you are deeply important to him in any which way.
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happypotato48 · 4 months
Only Boo! EP 7 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
I'm BACK! with this week ep of Only Boo! i didn't write anything last week because i wasn't feeling cute, but now i'm back to my adrob self so let's fucking go!!
tldr for my last week ep thoughts : these boys are too dumb and too gay to get aways with anything.
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Oh no a public proposal. thanks god it's just a dream cause like, Moo did you learned nothing about what Kang likes? btw i'm not a person who like big public display of affection, so satan if you're listening plz marcy kill me if this happened to me.
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This boy is too gay to function.
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Ok, all the boys in this show are too gays to function in society.
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These knuckleheads. i understand that they're both angry for valid reasons but like stop being so self absorb for a bit and asks payos how he's feelling for a change.
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Good on you Kang for being direct and honest. i'm totally not jelly of you at all for having two manic pixie dream boys fell head over heels for you. *sobs in single*
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Hunny, you don't need radar to detect this shit you just need an eyes.
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WHAT DID I TELL YOU! good dicks come to you naturally. and lo behold. Payos babe, the universe is telling you something here.
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*dying from them cheeks*
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Moo i know you loves Kai palo but you need to change it up sometime. Thai food has so much to offer especially in khao kaeng shop.
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Potae, you came through this time so i give you a pass. but this boy deserves better than what you're offering him right now.
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Oh my god indeed. แกง มึงก็ร้ายเหมือนกันนะ.
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I could and had finished what these two are eating all by my self.... Waahhh I'm a pig! Wuahhh! anyways i'm honkgry for hotpot now and food are amazing who give a shit about being a skinny BL boy.
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Carrot the gayest vegetable second only to eggplant.
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Owww! my beautiful baby, don't cry. You will fall in love with a handsome business man who also happened to be your long lost childhood bestfriend soon. just keep you chin up baby.
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*continuing to giggle uncontrollably like a madman*
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I will not feel bad for this boy I will not feel bad for this boy I will not feel bad for this bo... Fuck!
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YAY! Gay Magic!
Heheheheee that was the cutest shit i ever witnessed i legitimately gone complate gagabanana over that scene at the pier my heart is so full right now. i think i don't mind much about the fake out kiss at the end cuz both the actors are very young and very news. they also been giving their all in other aspects. for the side couple, Potea and me are still on thin ice but we'll see what happened after Payos confessed maybe they will finally win me over.
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takami-takami · 2 years
mean!hawks walking into the apartment you share and hears you using a toy and he just.. snaps? He throws open the door and yells, degrading you, asking if his cock wasn't enough or if you're just a slut, grabbing you by the hair and mocking you as you whimper for stimulation as he throws the toy. "Look at that, you're such a little slut beggin for orgasm that maybe i should just fucking overstimulate you into oblivion."
Baby, I'm All You Need.
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includes— hawks x fem!reader. minors dni. smut.
warnings— a bit of toxic!keigo. he's clingy. <3. a smidge of yandere. dirty talk. overstimulation. abandonment issues. rough sex. degradation. mirror sex. reader is way too into it.
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Keigo wants to believe in you.
He wants to believe that his sweet, blushing mess of a girlfriend wouldn't lie to him. He fights back the seething, green rage that stirs in the depths of his chest, channeling it into each stomp of his steel-toed boots on his way to follow that damned buzzing sound. It grates his ears, cracks his composure with each passing second.
You still love him, right? You still need him, you wouldn't replace him. Would you? The tips of his gloved fingers trace the rails of the stairway, gliding with the turn of the corner as he stalks up the stairs. With each stride, the buzz pierces closer to his ears, picks at the recesses of his sanity.
Nah, you couldn't. Poor thing, you'd just about die without him. You're always reminding him of how perfect he feels, always fuckin' whining about how good he dicks you down, pawing at his cock, how oh, oh, Keigo– ah! Don't need anything but you, clamping down on him like a dumb bitch in heat.
This is Keigo's favorite part of the morning. Seeing him off by the doorway, your delicate fingers fluff the cotton details of his hero costume's coat, fussing over each little imperfection. He watches you with rapt attention, with a lovesick crease around his eyes. Your fingers pull at his clothes with a delicate yet firm touch. It drives him mad.
"Let me sew some buttons on your coat one of these days," you insist. "What if you get cold, Kei'?" The pout of your lip is too irresistable, practically inviting him to give one peck on the lips; one that quickly devolves into countless. It's always like this between the two of you– your friends coo at the public displays of affection, lamenting about how lucky you two are to have found each other.
You'd be inclined to agree. He's sickly sweet as fermented toffee, totally attached at your hip and absolutely refusing to let go. It's endearing; the way he pouts and paces outside the bathroom door as you brush your teeth in the morning, how he whines and drags you back to the couch with him the second leaving even crosses your mind, how your phone blows up more often than not each day with texts full of declarations of his love. His most recently used emojis are just about every heart you can type.
Spoiled puppy. You indulge his every whine, unlock the doors of his kennel cage, let him pounce on you and pull you along by his leash. It's not your fault. How can you resist eyes like those?
He plants a chaste kiss to the crown of your head as you close your eyes in contentment. "Be good for me, yeah?" You feel the pads of his thumbs rub circles in your cheeks as he cradles your face in his palms.
"I will!" You chirp back.
Pleased, he walks out the door, before he  remembers one last thing. His coat flows with his little spin around to face you again. He beams a smile at you, heels clicking against the floor as he walks backwards with an innocent wave.
"And don't touch till I get back. 'Kay, sweetness?"
Your flinch is palpable, jumping out of your skin at the slam of your shared bedroom door against the wall. You lift the sheets to cover your shame, blinking wide-eyed at the unhinged sight that greets you at the doorway.
His wingspan flares, flapping once like he's attempting to make his already imposing presence even larger. More possessive. He stalks toward you with rapt focus, sending a single feather to slam the door shut behind him.
"K-Kei', what're you–"
"Up. Now." He orders, gripping you by the hook of your arm and pulling your trembling legs to stand. The now forgotten toy clinks as it hits the floor, rolling beneath the bed. That damned buzz finally ceases, switch flicked off with the swish of a feather.
He drags you up, walking you backwards until your rear collides with the cold expanse of the sliding mirror doors on your closet. A heavy mix of fear and arousal heats your body, makes you whine into the crash of his lips against yours.
"What did I say," he asks, muffled against your mouth as he refuses to pull away. "What did I fuckin' tell you? Is my cock not enough for you, or are you just that greedy?"
His hands are all over you, pulling you impossibly close, like something could rip you from his grasp at any second. You huff in realization.
"You... You're jealous," you breathe out. Your smile reflects your singing blood, the adrenaline coursing through your veins at his vicious actions. You greedily drink in the sight of his furrowed brow, the twinges of rage and sexual frustration that tense the veins of his temple.
He leans back with a giddy, knowing smirk plastered across his face. He eyes your squirms, dragging a single finger through the slick that pools between your thighs. He pants, "what, are you fuckin' enjoying this? You actually like this kind of shit?"
In his moment of surprise, his moment of weakness, you sink your teeth into the skin of his jugular. His masochistic, shocked moan urges you on, feeds your hope that your behavior will get to him. Instead, he throws his head back in breathless ecstacy, barking out a laugh.
His eyes are lidded when he locks his gaze downward on you.
"God, you're such a freak."
The air is suddenly knocked from your lungs with the way he spins you around with a speed only he can attain, shoving you forward and pressing your front flush against the mirror. He grins and rolls his eyes at your squirms of discomfort, pleased with the sight of your tits and pretty face pushed up against the reflective surface in front of you.
Your fingers claw and grapple to keep a steady grip on the glass, failing miserably to his delight. His sigh is full of smiles. The thrumming anger he feels is soothed bit by bit with each wave of pleasure he gets from seeing you struggle.
He kicks your legs apart, bends the arch in your back to his liking. He's so nice to you, shoving two slick fingers inside to prep for his cock. Even through the grit of his teeth, he scissors his fingers to stretch you out. You're so lucky, aren't you?
But that's all you're getting. All you deserve.
The last thing you hear is the clink of his belt being undone before inch by inch, he buries his thick cock inside, shushing your gasps and whimpers. Though, it's not like anyone could hear those precious little moans over the obscene, wet sounds between your legs anyway.
You're perfect for him.
"Bet you spend all your precious time while I'm gone tryin' to get your pathetic cunt off," Keigo says. "But you just can't, can you? Not without me. Not without my help."
He spares no time setting a steady pace, pulling out to the tip and plunging inside, over and over. He gnashes his teeth at the tight vice of your pussy gripping his cock, blinking the white spots in his eyes away. Each chant of his name from your lips steals his breath, steals the blood from his head and makes him lightheaded. You say his name like a goddamn title. Like a prayer to your God.
Yeah, he decides. This is exactly where you belong.
"No one else, nothing else can make you feel like I can. Ain't that right?"
You choke out a broken moan in response, fogging the glass with your desire.
Cute, but not what Keigo wants to hear. He fists the roots of your hair, a silent demand.
"Say it. Fuckin' say it," he growls. Anyone less aquianted with his mannerisms and quirks would fail to notice the desperate nature underneath his tone; how it's less of an order and more of a beg, an unspoken 'please' hanging in the air between you.
Your whine is pathetic, moaning your agreement into the palms of your hand. With your eyes squeezed shut, you miss the eye-roll he gives in response.
"Awww, babydoll, don't be shy now," He coos with faux sympathy, mocking the way your lips purse into a pout. His taunting, lilted hmmm devolves to near-sadistic chuckles.
Of course you'd play dumb now. You're probably holding on to whatever scrap of dignity that hasn't dripped from your pussy at this point.
"Quit whining, you know you fuckin' love it." He rips both your hands from your face, pinning them behind your back with just one of his fists. Your own wrists are used to pull you back onto his punishing thrusts.
"See that, baby?" A firm hand pulls your head back, forces you to make eye contact with the dishevelled, drooling mess in the mirror. "My pretty little whore."
"Mm-hmm! I-I'm yours, your whore," you choke. His smirk is crooked, high on endorphins and fueled by the power dynamic he so graciously established for the both of you.
"See, was that so hard?" His coarse, thick digits begin to rub circles on your clit as a reward, dipping down to collect your slick and back up to continue the tight circles. He winds you like a toy.
"My baby's so honest when they're getting fucked, huh?" Keigo plants a too-chaste kiss on your cheek, condescending and smitten with your submission. Still, he mocks, "that all it takes to make you admit the truth, sweetheart?"
"Yes! Yours, yours, yours," you pant in response. You drown on his cock, tight threads coming loose with every slap of his hips against yours. "Need you, only you. Gonna– Keigo, gonna, I'm–"
Close? Yeah, he knows.
His fingers keep the same pace on your clit, drawing higher and higher pitched moans. You crash over your high, squeaking and hiccuping his name through your tears.
Reality hits you when you realize he hasn't slowed at all, that he isn't giving you even a single second to cool down— no, he chases his own high and ignores the fit you pitch, completely disregards your cries of overstimulation.
"Since you like cumming that much, why don't you keep doin' it for my entertainment?" He jabs at your crumbling dignity.
This is your fault. He'll fuck that into you for as long as it takes.
"That's right. I'm all you'll ever fucking need."
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xanasaurusrex · 1 year
Helloooo could u please do Poseidon cabin next? My hc is that they can be either very chill like typical calm surf kids and super relaxed (like calm and relaxing waves” or unhinged af like chaotic, super fun in a bit of crazy way and overall more energetic and like yeah unhinged (like Percy). Lil obvs usually overall the same calm, go-with-the-flow kind of kids but also either very chill or very chaotic. Wanna know what u think tho… so yeah. Poseidon cabin if u can please?
⇢ ˗ˏˋ poseidon cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
hi!! of course i can do poseidon cabin hcs! i honestly have a lot of ideas about poseidon kids. thank you so much for the request and i hope you like these!
i totally agree with you that there are two ways a poseidon kid can turn out
1) totally chaotic (percy)
2) totally chill surfer kid
there are a few people who are a mix of chaotic and surfer, which makes them actually really fun to surf with, but only perodically, because while surfing with them is fun it can also be kinda scary at times
continuing on with water sports
poseidon kids are naturally really good at any and all watersports
they can often be found as the captains of swim teams
and very good at waterskiing and waterboarding
a go-to job for a poseidon kid is lifeguard as well, obviously
poseidon kids also don't eat seafood
some people find this confusing and some people find this obvious, i personally think it's obvious
it's because they can understand what fish are saying, so they don't like eating them
if you ask them why that bothers them, they'll say "you know what people are saying, would you eat them?"
not the most sound logic, but they're not exactly known for that
all poseidon kids have natural beach waves
poseidon himself definitely has beachy wavy hair, and he definitely passes that onto his kids
just like hecate and athena pass on their eye color to their kids, poseidon passes on his hair
poseidon kids are hardly ever seen wearing shoes unless it's absolutely necessary
they just naturally feel more comfortable barefoot
(the darks are a-barking)
ignore me
they love spending time at the beach, obviously
little beach creatures always manage to find their way to them
like you'll look away from a poseidon kid at the beach for about two seconds, and look back, and they have a little crab in their hand
sometimes they can look a little crazy, because they'll start having conversations with these little creatures
another thing about the beach with poseidon kids:
yknow the thing where whenever you leave the beach, you have sand just everywhere
they don't
it's something to be genuinely envious of when it comes to poseidon kids
like, they'll shake out their towel and there will be no sand on it, and then it's just done
it's definitely magic, a gift from their godly father
poseidon kids also hate aquariums
most aquariums don't treat the fish like they need to be treated, so going to an aquarium is kind of traumatic for a poseidon kid, because they can understand what the fish are saying
a kind of universal traumatic event for any poseidon kid is going to an aquarium on a field trip in elementary school (not yet aware that they're the child of poseidon) and hearing the fishes beg for help to be liberated from the prison they were being kept in
and when they got to the touch tank, hearing the fish beg to not be touched, things like that
like any and all poseidon kids ran around ripping everyone's hands out of the water, begging them to stop touching the fishes because they didn't like it
needless to say they got picked up early that day
poseidon kids also tan really easily
like, they'll fully walk past a sunny window and get tan
like for the full summer season, they're tan
they also stay tan for a really long time, so they're honestly still tan into like spooky season
poseidon kids are also very good at throwing parties
it's their chaotic side
they know where and how to get the best decorations, where the best spot to set everything up is
(and where to get good alcohol without getting caught, but you didn't hear that from me)
poseidon kids are the definition of horse people
not all horse people are children of poseidon but all children of poseidon are horse people
not in a cringy way, either, they just connect with horses more than any other animal, which makes sense because they can hear them and can have real relationships and conversations with them
they do often look a little bit crazy if they're seen at the stables fully having a conversation with horses
if they return to the stable where their horse is kept after spending all summer at camp, they'll go around catching up with all the other horses
they're also naturally skilled at riding horses
like if i jumped on a horse right now, i would fall off and die because i've never done it before and horse riding is a skill (according to the sims 4)
poseidon kids could go literally their whole life without riding a horse, and then jump on one during a quest and ride perfectly
the favorite movie genre of poseidon kids is also westerns, because they generally have horses in those movies, and they can understand their neighs
they think it's hilarious when a horse makes fun of the actor in the movie but no one but them can tell because they can understand what they're saying and no one else can
they look like crazy people watching westerns
at the camp movie nights, whenever it's poseidon cabin's turn to pick the movie, they pick a western, and are laughing at the most inappropriate times in the movie, because the horse just neighed in the background and he was making fun of the actor guys! the horse thinks this makes as much sense as we do, trust me, he has a really good sense of humor
going back to the aquarium thing a little bit, poseidon kids are also not a huge fan of zoos
this is because they can understand zebras, and zoo animals are also not treated the best
sometimes they're treated better than aquarium animals, but poseidon kids are always hesitant to go to the zoo, or just any place where you go and look at animals of any kind for fun
they can't help but think how they would feel if they were in that position
so basically poseidon kids have the hugest hearts ever
and they're very brave as well
and basically the coolest ever
you should probably be friends with a poseidon kid... if you're not already
alright that's all for poseidon kids! this was super fun, i had a bunch of ideas for poseidon kids! i want to thank everyone again, for all the support i'm getting on these. i've decided to start writing for harry potter characters, because i'm binging those movies and have a bunch of ideas, so these might be coming out a little bit slower, but know that i'm working on them! if you've requested one and i haven't posted it yet, just know that it's in the works. thanks so much for all the support and requests, i love you all so much!! muah!
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treason-and-plot · 7 months
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Laura takes a step backwards. While Saffron’s hostility isn’t unexpected, she is surprised by the raw anguish in her expression. The argument she had with Connor must really have rattled her! For a few dizzy moments Laura is scared that Saffron might hit her, she looks so unhinged.
“Hey, chill,” she says quickly. “Connor’s outside, he sent me in to look for you. He’s really worried about you. Like, super worried. Are you okay?”
“Oh, I’m great,” says Saffron. “Fucking great.”
“Is there anything-“ says Laura, when the bell rings. Saffron takes a deep, shuddery breath and closes her eyes.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” says Laura.
Saffron opens her eyes and stares at her incredulously.
"I know Connor can be stubborn AF and a total bonehead at times, but he really, really cares about you,” says Laura. “And he’s a good person. He’s just got really strong moral principles, you know? Look, nobody knows better than me how arrogant and judgy he can be about stuff but when he gets in one of those moods you’ve just got to tell him to pull his head out of his arse. That’s the only way to deal with him. Do you want me to go out there and tell him for you?”
Saffron allows the shadow of a smile to pass over her face.
“No,“ she says. Then after a second’s pause: “Thank you.”
“Hey, no problem. Uteruses before duderuses, right?” giggles Laura.
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
Total Drama Psycho Noah AU, before Alejandro knew the truth, Noah would sometimes cuddle to the charmer while sleeping... Alejandro was amused and fond by this... But when Alejandro learns about Noah's true crazy colors and the sleeping Noah cuddles into Alejandro again, Alejandro is trying NOT to freak out! 😴
Wait no you're so right. Noah's sleep cuddling habit would've been seen as innocuous throughout the whole series, especially in World Tour when their sleeping arrangements were so cramped. Of course he'd always end up practically gluing himself to the nearest person in his sleep- who would usually ended up being Owen or sometimes Alejandro, as they were the two people Noah tolerated enough to spend most of his time with.
But as soon as everyone on the jet becomes aware that he's not nearly as harmless as he's portrayed himself to be? When he intentionally shows himself to be a threat to their safety/wellbeings?
Well, suddenly his "cute little quirk" has turned into a very volatile situation.
What is Alejandro supposed to do when he wakes up in the Economy cabin, not even twenty four hours after the London challenge, and finds everyone's fearful eyes trained on him. How is he supposed to react when he feels the familiar weight of the dangerous, downright vicious person they'd all watched snap someone's arms like uncooked spaghetti, draped over him like a blanket?
Especially when they all know that a Noah who's woken up before he's ready is cranky. And that was the Noah from before, who was apparently keeping a tight leash on his wilder instincts- now that he's given up on holding himself back, who knows how he'd respond to being woken up?
Oh wait. They all know how he'd respond- and it involves a lot of bloodshed.
He's trapped; waking up Noah is a guaranteed death sentence, and any movement could be enough to stir the other from his precarious slumber.
And the others know it too. Tyler and Duncan watch him like a hawk, their faces palid with pity and terror, though they thankfully remain just as muted as Alejandro himself. It's unnerving, being held under the terror-shrunk gazes of the two, but not nearly as unnerving as the soft steady breathing of the deranged bookworm sleeping on top of him.
For a moment, there's a tentative silence that hovers between the three of them like a sheet of ice over a frozen lake.
So of course, Owen's boisterous entrance to the cabin shatters it.
"Hey guys, Chef's serving breakfast in the-! Oh, did I interrupt something?"
Noah stirs from his sleep, and Alejandro's breath becomes an inmate in the prison of his lungs. He'd doomed.
"Wuzza'? Is it ch'llenge time?" The bookworm slurs, one hand wiping at his sleep-crusted eyes as the other finds purchase against Alejandro's shoulder. Noah pulls himself into a sitting position, his body subconsciously curling itself towards the nearest heat source- which just so happens to be Alejandro's terror stilled form- and the Spaniard in question internally prays to whatever God is listening that he'll somehow evade the psycho's inevitable ire when he realises that Alejandro is, in fact, not a pillow.
After a trepid second of inaction, Noah hums inquisitively against the warm mass beneath him, and blinks tired eyes up towards Alejandro's ashen face. A moment of incomprehension passes. Then another. And then realisation flickers over the bookworm's features like a dying ember.
Alejandro is so fucked.
Noah's face solidifies into something blank and unreadable- the complete lack of discernible emotion in is expression is almost eldritch in its uncanniness- and the latino doesn't know if its more or less unnerving than the unhinged, crooked smile he's graced the cast with yesterday. But then, unexpectedly, Noah wordlessly slides himself off of Alejandro's lap.
No broken arms. No stab wounds. Not even a threat against his person.
"Uh. Sorry for sleeping on you, I guess." The cynic says off-handedly, in his customary sardonic drawl, before he steps over to Owen and calmly asks what the blonde oaf was so excited about.
"It... is no problem, mi amigo." Alejandro chokes out, displacing the stationary air in his lungs.
Where is the vicious psychopath from last night? Why is Noah acting so... normal? Was his display of instability a fever dream or something?
No, both Tyler and Duncan shoot Alejandro matching looks of bewilderment from their seat on the adjacent bench. What happened last night was real, regardless of Noah's current docility.
Owen and Noah's conversation filters off into nothing, and the Archvillain spares a glance towards the pair. Only to find the both of them staring back at him, grinning; Owen's face scrunching up into his usual friendly smile, and Noah's smug smirk rapidly morphing into that same too-wide snarl he'd adorned on the bus- are those fucking fangs?!
"You make a pretty good pillow, Al."
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thenerdykneazle · 10 months
Fast Asleep
Summary: Sebastian finds himself unable to resist his curiosity when late nights fighting baddies cause the two of you to repeatedly spend the night in the Room of Requirement together. He justifies his actions at first - as he does best - but he quickly spirals out of control.
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC
Second person but Seb's perspective
Word count: 9856
Warnings: 18+, sexually explicit content, aged-up characters, non-consensual somnophilia, dead dove, loss of virginity / first time
Seriously, this is the most unhinged thing I've ever written. Please take care of yourself and do not read if it will trigger you or you're uncomfortable with the subject matter. This is a far cry from my last few fluffy pieces.
It had started innocently enough. It was out of necessity, after all, that you were in the situation to begin with. He hadn’t planned or manipulated anything. But Sebastian was not one to pass up an opportunity when it was so perfectly presented to him.
Truthfully, the first time Sebastian slept with you was totally innocent. It was just sleeping. You’d been out adventuring far too late and rather than risk getting caught wandering the halls, you flooed directly into the Room of Requirement, which had produced a bedroom with a set of twin beds. You each slept in your own until you awoke screaming. You’d had a nightmare about one of the poachers that you’d just faced hitting Sebastian with a killing curse rather than the near-miss that had happened in real life.
You were screaming his name, and no one would sleep through that. Sebastian had awoken with a start and immediately rushed to you, asking what was wrong and if you were hurt. You told him about your dream. He sat on the edge of your bed and just held you. You couldn’t bear not being able to confirm that he was okay, so you asked him to bring his bed next to yours. He levitated it over, and you watched him for nearly an hour before you were able to fall asleep again.
The next time late-night adventuring brought you both to the Room of Requirement, Sebastian had to support you as you limped along. You’d taken several hard hits in the spider den, and you’d both run out of wiggenwelds. He sat you on the nearest chair before grabbing an extra phial of the green liquid from your cabinet.
“I still think you should go to Nurse Blainey,” Sebastian said gravely.
You waved him off. “I’m fine,” you insisted. You could feel your deep-set bruises fading already.
“It’s not worth the risk,” he argued firmly.
You rolled your eyes. “I’ll go in the morning. I’m tired,” you said, aiming for a compromise like you always did.
“You could be bleeding internally. You could die in your sleep!” Sebastian said, trying not too sound too panicked. He knew his eyes betrayed just how scared he was. “I can’t let something bad happen to you.”
You sighed, which frustrated him because he knew you were going to keep arguing. “I can tell it’s not that serious. I just want to sleep, Seb,” you said pleadingly.
Sebastian’s jaw tensed. He had a very, very difficult time saying no to you. He agreed to let you sleep under the condition that he could check on you every hour. You agreed, and you went to your respective beds. You fell asleep quickly, but Sebastian couldn’t. He was too worried. He watched you sleep – or tried to, but the room was dim, and it was hard to see if you were breathing.
After twenty minutes, he got up and padded his bare feet across the room until he stood beside your bed. He could hear and see your soft breathing as he knelt by your bed. “MC?” he whispered.
No response.
“MC?” he called louder.
You groaned and stirred. “Bash?” you replied, barely lifting your head as you squinted up at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I…I just wanted to be sure you’re all right,” he said.
You nuzzled back into your pillow. “Mhmm, just sleeping,” you replied groggily.
“Not dizzy or having headaches, right?” he inquired anxiously.
“No, just tired. Go back to bed,” you said.
So, he did. For another twenty minutes. Then, he got up again and walked back over to convince himself you were still breathing. He had no idea what he’d do if he let something bad happen to you. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself. He already felt guilty that you’d gotten injured so many times that night. There were just so many spiders.
The creaking of the floor woke you up before Sebastian even reached you.
“What time is it?” you grumbled, clearly irritated at being awoken again.
Sebastian checked. “Half one,” he replied.
You groaned and rolled over, away from him. “Go to sleep, Bash,” you groused.
“I’m just worried,” he said, trying to get you to understand. “I have this awful feeling that something’s wrong. Like I’m gonna check and you won’t be breathing.”
You huffed and turned over again. You lifted your blanket up. “Get in,” you ordered.
Sebastian blinked at you. “What?” he asked.
“Get in,” you repeated more harshly. “If you wake me up again, I’ll hex you. You can keep an eye on me from here. Now, hurry up. I want to sleep.”
Sebastian didn’t wait to be told again. He slipped under your covers. You turned onto your right side again, facing away from him and toward the wall. You reached back and grabbed his hand. He blushed, and he was very glad your back was to him. He squeezed your fingers in his, relishing their warmth.
You brought his hand to a spot high on your stomach. “Here. You can feel me breathing,” you stated. “Good night.”
You left his hand on your stomach and tucked your own under your head.
Sebastian briefly felt very silly for thinking you were just trying to hold his hand. He found it hard for his mood to stay depressed as he lay so close to you, though. He focused on the feeling of your breaths as they deepened, evening out as you drifted off. He nuzzled into your neck, where he could feel your pulse. He left the rest of his body disconnected from yours.
At some point, he succumbed to sleep, as well. He woke up still in the dark to the rather startling sound of you retching. You were leaned over the far side of the bed. Sebastian grabbed his wand, vanished your sick, and conjured a bucket in record time. He held your hair and rubbed your back as you panted after seemingly ejecting all of your organs.
“I think I have a concussion,” you said weakly.
“We’re going to Nurse Blainey,” he stated firmly.
You just nodded. You couldn’t tolerate the thought of going by floo, so Sebastian had to walk you to the infirmary. You vomited several times on the way.
After that, Sebastian always slept in your bed when you stayed in the Room of Requirement. Insisting you were fine despite being concussed lost you your credibility with him. He was always worried you were injured without realising it. The next three stays, you fell asleep side-by-side with Sebastian’s hand on your stomach and face pressed into your neck. He realised you had a very high heart rate for someone so active, though it would always slow after you fell asleep. He supposed it took a while for the adrenaline to wear off after one of your escapades. So, he stopped worrying quite so much about it.
But lying in bed next to you was a comfort and a torture. He could convince himself you were fine, which was a relief. On the other hand, your heat sank into his skin and the scent of your shampoo filled his nose, which drove him crazy. He made a fatal error during the fourth time he slept next to you when he opened his eyes. He had just meant to look to see his hand rising and falling with your breathing, because he stopped being sure he really felt it. He might have been imagining the sensations and sounds that he expected, but he didn’t think his mind could conjure the sight of it. So, he checked.
Well, he intended to. But his first view upon opening his eyes was down the front of your nightgown. He knew it wasn’t his fault that he saw your cleavage pressed together through the gap at your loose collar. But he also knew he couldn’t claim innocence when he immediately brushed away a lock of hair that had partially obstructed his view.
Sebastian bit his lip as he continued to stare at the smooth skin of your breasts. He’d never seen a woman’s bare curves from so close before. Hogwarts uniforms didn’t exactly feature brazen displays of décolletage – or even hint at it. He’d only had the odd distant glimpse of the more progressively dressed women in Hogsmeade.
As he took in every detail of the exposed region of your chest, he began to feel that he was being rather invasive. He thought that he probably ought to look away. On the other hand, he could tell by your breasts’ slight rise and fall that you were definitely still breathing. Would it be wrong of him to make sure you didn’t stop? That was the whole point of him sleeping next to you, after all.
So, Sebastian kept his gaze – in the interest of health and safety. The longer her looked, though, the more his fingers itched to touch, as well. Your breasts looked so full and soft. He wondered if he could fit each fully in his hand. He wasn’t sure, but his fingers were quite long. His fingers on your stomach fanned and stretched as he thought about it. He shouldn’t. He couldn’t. To touch you without permission…You’d be furious.
Though, you’d never know, he reasoned. So, how could you be upset? You were more likely to be angered by him asking to touch you when you were awake. Really, it would be better for you if he sated himself while you were unconscious. He was now desperate to find out what you felt like – he had to know. So, there were only two options: offend you or keep a secret. So, really, there was only one option.
Heart thundering in his chest, Sebastian slowly slid his left hand up your stomach, dragging the cotton nightgown up a bit with it. He moved just a few centimetres, then stopped. He watched and listened. There was no change. He slowly released the breath he’d been holding. After a few more seconds, when he was sure you were still fast asleep, he slid his hand a bit higher. He tucked his hand just under your breasts and froze again. He got just a taste of the weight of them, and his cock twitched in his pyjamas.
He could barely hear your soft, rhythmic breaths over the blood rushing in his ears.
He carefully lifted his thumb, stroking between your breasts over your nightgown. The quietest moan escaped Sebastian’s lips, but you slept on, undisturbed. He wanted urgently to fill his palm with your perfectly formed flesh, but he forced himself to move slowly. He stroked the inside of your right breast with his thumb, squeezing it lightly with his index finger still underneath it. It was Heaven.
Emboldened by your heavy sleep, he brought his fingers up over the pillowy mound and flexed them into it. He was practically panting now. His cock was hard and straining against the confines of his garments, trying to reach out to you – begging for Sebastian to press his hips forward and rut them against your backside. He resisted the urge to comply.
Instead, he circled the pads of his fingers on your flesh until his felt your nipple poke through the thin nightgown. You were asleep – totally unaware – but your body responded to him, anyway. Sebastian groaned at the feeling of the pebbled tip under his fingers. It was too loud.
He froze in fear, not even able to pull his incriminating hand off your breast. He was done for. You’d murder him for this. He knew you would. Worse, you’d never speak to him again.
But you slept on. Your breathing hadn’t changed at all.
Sebastian needed to stop. He knew he did. He’d already pushed his luck too far. But the need to feel your other breast as well overpowered anything else. He cupped your left breast in his hand, lightly dragging his thumb over it so that your nipple hardened to his touch.
Feeling your body become aroused to his touch was intoxicating. His dick was throbbing for attention. But just feeling you wasn’t enough. Just like with your breathing. He needed to see you. Gods, it was so wrong. He knew it was. But he had to.
Sebastian gripped the neck of your nightgown. He hesitated. Was he really going through with this? It was a violation of your privacy. Of your trust. You felt safe sleeping next to him.
Fuck. He couldn’t do that to you.
But he so desperately wanted to see you. Find out what colour your nipples were. The size of your areolas. He wanted to know every detail. Maybe even taste you.
He brought his right hand to cup himself over his trousers. He squeezed his shaft with a punishing grip, trying to get even a small bit of relief from his aching cock.
He still had his fist clenched around the collar of your nightgown. He should’ve let go. He’d meant to – the moment he decided not to look, he’d meant to let go. He tugged the collar down just a bit as he was focused on his right hand touching himself. It was on accident, probably. Definitely. He hadn’t meant to. But now the backs of his fingers were pressed into the top of your breast. It was so soft, and a new wave of desire swallowed him. He just had to see you and feel your skin on his own. Gods, he needed it.
He pulled the fabric down further until your left breast was completely exposed. He teased your nipple before palming your breast. He had to stretch his fingers out wide to envelop it. He could just barely fit the whole thing in his hand. An exact fit. Like you were made for him.
“Fuck, MC,” he hissed.
He hadn’t meant to say it out loud. You stirred a bit as an unintelligible noise left your lips. Sebastian quickly righted your nightgown before returning his hand to your stomach. His heart was beating out of his chest, pounding against his ribs as it tried to break through them.
Were you awake? Had you noticed what he’d done?
You shifted slightly, and then you were still. Your rhythmic breathing returned.
It was a very close call.
Sebastian thought he should pop out and take care of his…current state…before he did something else stupid and woke you for real. But he was nervous to leave you alone. He was still genuinely afraid something bad was going to happen to you. So, he stayed. He just lay there and suffered through the aching desire that had consumed him until his body finally calmed down.
He woke up the next morning extremely hard – way worse than the usual morning wood. It took a good bit of finesse to keep you from noticing. But that was the only evidence of his misdeeds the prior night. After you parted ways, he successfully made it back to his dorm without anyone noticing his…predicament. Once alone, he was quick to close himself in his bed for a wank. It wasn’t the first time he’d touched himself to thoughts of you, but it was the first time his imaginings were more memory than pure fantasy.
The next time he slept next to you in the Room of Requirement, he was hard before you even fell asleep. You rehashed your raid of the goblin camp before really settling down for bed. Sebastian decided he quite liked lying in bed and talking with you. He might like to do it forever. Aside from the anxiety of all the injuries you might have, he vastly preferred sleeping with you in the Room of Requirement to his dorm. And not just because of his new discovery of just how fantastic your tits were.
Though, speaking of them, he was quite eager to say hello. He couldn’t stop thinking of them since he’d gotten to see and feel them a few days ago. He was distracted in every single class the two of you shared, especially potions that day. All class he had watched you as you leaned over your cauldron, your robe off and tie loose. The steam from your cauldron brought a rosy flush to your cheeks – not to mention what it did to your hair. He imagined it was the sort of dishevelled look you’d have after being freshly fucked in the potions supply room. It had him running to the nearest broom cupboard to take care of himself as soon as Sharp had dismissed you all.
Sebastian waited for fifteen agonising minutes after you’d fallen asleep before he dared to move. He’d stop at tucking his hand under your breasts. He just wanted to be close to them again. He wouldn’t be as risky as last time. Or as invasive.
As soon as his hand was under your breasts, his thumb automatically tucked up between them. It was basically a reflex. But that would be as far as he went. Just stroking his thumb between your breasts.
But as he stroked the inside of your right breast again, he realised how lonely it seemed without your arm tucked under it this time. So, he held it for you. He brought his thumb down underneath your gown’s neckline and let out a little whimper as he grazed over your hardened nipple – skin-to-skin.
Not wanting to be unfair, he pulled your gown aside to take out your left breast and palmed it, too. After all, he loved them equally.
He marvelled at how perfectly you fit in his hand. He thought he might’ve imagined it last time, swept up in seeing tits – your tits, no less – for the first time. He bit back a moan as he massaged the flesh. He couldn’t stand how beautiful you were. Every inch of you. It really wasn’t fair. How was he supposed to stay away?
Sebastian carefully raised himself up on his right elbow, doing his best not to shift the bed under you. He needed a better look. Nuzzled into your neck kept him close to your breasts, but he wanted to take in the whole of them. He adjusted the gown so it was pulled down beneath both breasts.
And Gods, they were gorgeous.
He ran his left hand over them, going back and forth to give them equal attention. They were so soft. So pretty. So responsive. Just perfect. He cupped his hand under your left breast. Before he even realised what he was doing, his head had dipped down and his tongue was against your nipple. He licked languid stripes up and down before sucking the bud into his mouth.
You let out a soft sigh.
Sebastian released you with a pop. He just hovered, your breast still in his hand and his mouth centimetres from your wet nipple.
You didn’t stir further.
Unable to resist, he latched back onto your nipple. He kept suckling until you let out a breathy moan. He fixed your gown and moved his hand back down in a fraction of a second. As you shifted, he could tell you were waking up.
“MC?” he said quietly.
Your eyes fluttered open. “Bash?”
“It’s me, darling. Are you all right? You were groaning in your sleep.” He felt a knot twist in his stomach. He wasn’t sure if it was guilt from lying or anxiety that you knew exactly why you’d been ‘groaning.’
Your cheeks flushed as you looked up at him. “Oh, sorry. Just, erm, a bad dream.” You cleared your throat. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
Sebastian had to repress a grin. You wouldn’t be so embarrassed over a ‘bad dream.’ He reckoned his actions were seeping into your subconscious, making you dream about what was happening to your body. The thought made him shiver. “I’m sorry, love. Do you want to talk about it?”
“Oh, uh, n-no. That’s okay,” you said. Even in the dim light, Sebastian could see that your face was positively flaming. Bad dream, indeed.
“Okay. Just rest then, love. I’ve got you,” he said. Sebastian settled back down onto his side. He tugged you closer to his chest, wanting to comfort you on the off chance that you had actually been having a nightmare. He was careful to keep his hips a safe distance from your bum, though.
“All right,” you agreed. You relaxed into him, and it wasn’t long before you drifted off again.
As much as he wanted to test his theory, Sebastian resolved to get some sleep. No more touching tonight. Or ever. He really shouldn’t be fondling your breasts while you sleep, no matter how lonely they seem.
At least, he had resolved to stop until he nuzzled back into your neck and breathed in your scent. He smelled your shampoo, which was delicious as ever. But that wasn’t all he could smell. He could smell your arousal. Your little pussy must’ve been dripping for him while you slept.
Merlin, he wanted to dip in and feel you – feel how slick he’d made you. He had to know. Your body was practically calling to him, after all.
You shifted a bit in bed, your hips moving around slightly before settling again.
He wondered if you were feeling worked up, too. Gods, he hoped you were.
Once he was sure you were back in deep sleep, Sebastian began sneaking his hand down your stomach. He could feel the top of your knickers through your gown. He began pulling up the fabric slowly. Painfully slowly. Until your knickers were exposed. It was torture to have to control his movements so rigorously. He just wanted to be able to explore you. To ravish you like you deserved.
A terrible, tempting thought struck his mind. He could stun you. Already asleep, you’d never know. He’d be free to do whatever he liked, and you wouldn’t be able to feel any of it. He could strip you bare, runs his hands wherever he pleased, even fuck you. You’d be none the wiser. Save likely being sore after from that last one.
Sebastian was ashamed of how alluring the idea was to him. But he would never go that far. He wanted you to experience when he touched you. Your body was clearly receptive to him. On some level, you must want his touch. He was sure of it. And he certainly wanted you aware the first time he fucked you. No, not just fucked. Made love. Because he loved you. He really did. He just wasn’t sure you’d let him touch you yet the ways he wanted if you were awake. Despite all the rules you broke together, you were rather concerned with being a respectable young woman. Even if you let him, he was quite sure you’d regret it later.
Like this, he could give your body pleasure without you feeling guilty about it. And if he enjoyed the process, well, that was a secondary benefit. At least, that was what Sebastian told himself as he slipped his hand into your knickers. He traced down through the thatch of curls until he found the lips of your cunt. He cupped over you, trying to keep his breaths even as he listened to make sure you hadn’t stirred.
You were so warm down there. It was…inviting, to say the least.
He pressed his middle finger down between your lips, and he felt the hot, slick arousal that coated you. Gods, you were drenched. Sebastian bit his lip hard to hold back a moan.
Fuck, what he would give to bury himself inside you. You were so fucking wet. He bet he’d slide right in. He might even be able to slip into you before you woke up. His cock was leaking just at the thought of it.
Sebastian slid his finger slowly through your folds. He could feel your entrance, and he traced around it, feeling the contours. He swept up higher until he found the little pearl he was sure was your clitoris. Other men had trouble finding them? He couldn’t understand why. It really wasn’t that difficult.
As he slid his finger over the nub, your hips jolted, and Sebastian ripped his hand back.
You gasped as you bolted into a sitting position.
“Are you okay? Did I–I mean, are you hurt?” Sebastian asked, worried he’d injured you.
You were panting. “S-sorry, I…I mean, no. I’m fine,” you stammered.
As Sebastian tried to subtly, though regrettably, wipe your arousal from his hand, he realised the smell of sex in the air was quite obvious. You seemed to notice, too, as your cheeks were red again. You pressed your legs together.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sebastian asked guiltily.
You nodded vigorously. “Yeah, just had a…a strange dream again, is all.”
Sebastian could’ve cried with relief. He’d escaped being caught by a narrow thread twice in one night. You were convinced it was only dreams. “Anything I can do to help?” he asked, hoping irrationally that you’d say something like ‘act it out with me.’
“I’m, um, a bit warm. Maybe just some extra space between us?” you suggested.
Sebastian tried not to pout. That was the opposite of what he wanted. He agreed, though. He was just happy that by some miracle you hadn’t caught him with his hand in your knickers.
Sebastian gave you the extra space. You were able to fall asleep again fairly quickly. He struggled, though. The adrenaline of both feeling your sweet little cunt and almost being caught doing so was doing him no favours. The bigger issue, though, was no longer having his hand on your stomach to feel you breathing. He stared at the spot, watching the rise and fall. Whenever his eyes drifted shut for a few seconds, he’d jolt awake, panicked that you’d have stopped breathing. That went on for hours.
The next morning, you could tell that he was exhausted. You weaselled the less salacious half of the reason out of him. You assured him you were fine and insisted that he go get some rest in his dorm.
He did as instructed – after relieving some tension first. He lay on his bed with his right hand wrapped around his cock. There was still the faint scent of you on his left hand. His eyes rolled back as he inhaled. You were intoxicating. Addicting. He came hard as he breathed you in. Rather than sated, he just felt desperate to spend another night with you.
His chance came just two nights later. Which was good, because he was going crazy. He had to go about his days like everything was normal while the urges to bury his face, fingers, and cock between your thighs nearly overwhelmed him. He was surprised he could even fight, but it turned out to be a really good way to work out some of his mounting stress. He did drag things out a bit, though, so that the two of you arrived back at the castle after curfew.
Once in the Room of Requirement, you fetched a potion before heading to the bedroom. Sebastian didn’t recognise the purple liquid at first. “What’s that?”
“Potion for dreamless sleep,” you said. “I didn’t want to keep you up again.”
“Oh, er, are you sure?” he asked. “I mean, should you take that if you could be injured?”
“I barely took a single hit tonight. I’m fine, Seb,” you insisted.
His heart stuttered. He loved when you called him that. It was so familiar. Fond, even. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea,” he tried. He was sure that it was a bad idea, just not for reasons he cared to admit at the moment.
You rolled your eyes. “You can feel me breathe if you need convincing. But we both need sleep.”
Before he could argue further, you downed the brew.
Shit. That wasn’t good.
You transfigured your clothes into your usual nightgown and crawled in bed. Sebastian slipped in behind you. You fell asleep almost instantly.
Sebastian knew the potion made one drowsy and not have dreams. He wasn’t certain it made the drinker a heavier sleeper, though. It wasn’t like draught of living death, at any rate. He told himself you’d wake just as easily as always. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on your breathing as he forced his fidgety fingers to stay on your stomach.
But he couldn’t resist forever. He had to know if you were out.
“MC?” he whispered.
Then, louder, he repeated, “MC?”
Still nothing.
He shook your shoulder firmly as he called your name a third time, but you just slept on. Sebastian groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he buried his face in your neck.
He would just go to sleep. He wouldn’t do anything. Just sleep.
He tried to get comfortable, snuggling in closer behind you. He breathed in the scent of your shampoo as he took deep, relaxing breaths. Or at least, he had hoped they’d be relaxing. They were more intoxicating than anything.
Sebastian’s lips pressed into your neck – just needing the contact. Though, it quickly turned into a tail of kisses up to a spot behind your ear. You sighed in your sleep contently. The sound went straight to Sebastian’s cock as he realised that, even with the potion, your body was still responding to him.
He held you closer with his arm around your middle. “I’ve got you, love,” he purred in your ear. “I’ll take care of you. I promise.”
He felt a pang of guilt as he considered the fact that he was meant to be keeping you safe. The whole reason he shared your bed was to make sure you weren’t hurt – not to feel you up while you slept. But, on the other hand, you seemed so relaxed by his touch. You were normally so stressed with the weight of all that you carried. He could give you relief.
You moaned as he palmed your breast over your gown, his fingers massaging into the flesh. His thumb teased your nipple. The action had a familiarity for him now like returning home at the end of the school year.
He trailed his hand back down your stomach, across your side, and over your bum. Your knee was bent up in front of you, pulling your skin and muscle taught over your backside. Sebastian traced the curve of your arse down to the back of your knee and then up again.
He grabbed a handful of the rounded flesh, kneading it roughly. He groaned at the feeling of your bum in his hand. He wanted to squeeze it, bite it, even slap it and watch the skin turn red before soothing it with his tongue.
He pressed his hips forward into you. His hard cock was welcomed by your arse, nestling in between your cheeks. Sebastian groaned at the embrace. His hips rutted against you, making more moans pour from his lips.
“Gods, you feel so fucking good, MC,” he groaned. He gripped your hip to give himself more leverage to grind against you. “Your arse is perfect, darling. All of you is so perfect.”
He pulled up your nightgown, exposing your knickers. Sebastian circled his hand around your firm bum before dipping it under the waistband of your knickers to feel your skin directly. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip. Your skin was so soft on his fingers. It was maddening, making him crave to explore every inch of you.
He slid his hand forward between your thighs where your slick arousal met him as he parted your folds. He let a loud moan slip out. “Fuck, you’re so wet for me, darling,” he breathed. “Such a good girl, even when you’re asleep.”
He stroked languidly through your folds before sliding further forward, seeking out your clit. His muscles were tensed, ready to rip his hand out of your knickers the instant you began to wake.
You moaned softly as he found and massaged the sensitive nub.
“Fuck, MC. You moan so pretty for me,” he praised. “Gods, I love you!”
You whimpered as he kept rubbing your bud with his fingers.
Sebastian quickly grew fed up with your knickers restricting him. He grabbed his wand, vanished them, and returned his hand to you instantly.
He shoved his right arm under you to wrap around your waist, holding you against his chest. He started thrusting against you again. “I want you so badly, MC,” he groaned. “Gods, I need to feel you around me. Would you like that? Having me fill your little pussy up with my cock?”
You kept whimpering as his left hand worked your clit. But he struggled to keep a rhythm with his nondominant hand. He replaced it with his right one, reaching down between your thighs from the front. He used the middle finger on his left hand to push inside of your cunt. He moaned, hips stuttering on your arse, as your plush walls gripped him.
Sebastian could hardly get his breath. “Fuck,” he groaned, unable to put together anything more eloquent as you continued to squeeze him. His mind was blissfully blank – the only salient thought in his head was how much he never wanted to stop being inside of you.
He pumped his finger in and out of you, while his other hand found a steady pace on your clit.
“I’m gonna make you come, darling,” he said. “I promised I’d take care of you. Now I will, okay?”
Still snapping his hips into your bum, Sebastian worked your cunt, building up the pleasure in your body. He could feel your soaked channel really start to squeeze him. Your whimpering grew louder, and your muscles tensed.
“That’s it, darling,” Sebastian said, gritting the words out between thrusts of his hips. His fingers moved furiously over your clit, desperate to bring you to your high. “You’re doing so good. So good, MC.”
He was in awe as you suddenly tensed fully, moaning out as your pussy spasmed around Sebastian’s finger. He was certain you would wake, but he was too enthralled to care. The sounds you made. The feeling of your body rigid and overwhelmed by his touch. Your tight cunt clamping down on him. He was in ecstasy.
Your body went limp, and Sebastian felt your aftershocks as he continued to pump his finger into you slowly, not yet willing to leave your warmth. And still, you continued to sleep.
“Sweet Salazar, that was beautiful,” he said, nuzzling into your neck. “You’re beautiful, MC.”
You whimpered once more as he slid his finger out of you. He left his right hand just resting over your cunt, cupping you protectively.
No longer enraptured by watching you come, Sebastian became painfully aware of how hard his cock was. It throbbed where it was pinned between his hips and your bum.
He ran his fingers on the inside of your thighs, gliding over the arousal that had leaked down onto them. Sebastian bit down into his lip as he drew your leg back, pressing your thighs together. He slid his hand between them. He groaned as he imagined his cock between your slick thighs instead of his fingers.
But that would be crossing a line. It was one thing to bring you pleasure as you slept. It was another thing entirely to use you for his own. But he couldn’t deny how incredible you’d feel.
He’d ripped his pyjamas and pants down while he was still debating with himself. He’d just feel your skin on his. Just once, briefly. He’d satisfy his curiosity, and then he’d go to sleep.
He moaned as he rubbed his cock between your arse cheeks. It was a feeling his hand could never compare to. Just the fact that it was you against him made it far superior, despite the lack of lubrication there. He used a charm when he got himself off, wetting his cock with an imitation of the slick coating your thighs.
Sebastian gripped the base of his shaft as he changed the angle of his hips. He’d just dip in, lubricate himself, and then have a wank. Technically, it wasn’t that different than touching your thighs with his hands – and he’d already done that.
He shuddered as he slid in between your thighs. He hadn’t realised how warm it would be. Gods, it was amazing. He was thrusting in and out before he even realised. It was necessary, though, to get enough of your juices on him. He could hardly have just done one swipe through your slick and been ready to go.
He grabbed onto your hip with his left hand. His right moved to anchor on your abdomen. He was panting as his thrusts sped up. “Fuck, you’re amazing,” he groaned. And you were. Warm, wet, and squeezing him perfectly. His eyes rolled back at the feeling.
Sebastian was hurtling toward an orgasm. Rookwood himself couldn’t stop him at that point if he resurrected and burst into the room. Sebastian’s brain was half melted as pleasure overtook his usual faculties. His only thoughts were how good you felt and how badly he needed release. “Fuck, MC! Yes! Gods, you’re gonna milk my fucking cock with these thighs!”
He came with a shout. His cum shot out in spurts, adding to the slick between your thighs and leaking out over them in front and back. Some even burst out as he was fully buried between your thighs, staining the bedsheets.
He lay boneless and draped over you as he caught his breath. Once he regained use of his limbs, he sat up and pressed kisses to your temple. He nuzzled into your skin and whispered his love for you and how good you’d been for him.
He cast a cleaning charm, removing the mixture of fluids from the bed and your skin.
Erasing the evidence.
A sharp pang of guilt struck his stomach like a bludger as he pulled his pyjamas back up.
He curled around you, holding you close. “I’m so sorry,” he muttered into your ear. “Really, I am, MC. I just needed you so badly. Just like your body needed me. But I’m sorry. So sorry. It won’t happen again.”
Sebastian woke the next morning with the guilt deep in his bones. He held your sleeping form close, hoping and praying that he hadn’t hurt you – physically or emotionally. He’d been out of control the night before. But he’d tried to stop you from taking that damned potion. Still, he’d promised himself after the Scriptorium that he’d never do anything to hurt you again. There was only one way to make sure that happened.
You stirred as sunlight from a window hit your face. You groaned and flipped around to bury your face in Sebastian’s chest, hiding from the light. He wished he could hide, too.
“MC?” he asked.
“Mm,” you replied, refusing to lift your head. You adjusted the gown you wore. It had twisted up a bit as you flipped over.
Sebastian raked your hair out of your face with his fingers, letting them linger in your locks for just a moment longer than necessary. He was savouring being close to you. You might never let him near you again. “I…I need to tell you something,” he said.
“Now?” you whinged.
He swallowed the lump in his throat. “It’s…important,” he said.
You tilted your head back to squint up at him through the bright light. “What is it?” you asked, obviously worried.
He took a deep breath. He had to tell you. He owed you that much. “I’ve been doing…things while you’ve been sleeping.”
Your brows furrowed together. “Things?” You were squinting less but still groggy, and Sebastian wasn’t making sense.
“Yes. Things I shouldn’t’ve done. I’m sorry. I really am. I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Sebastian, what on earth are you talking about?”
Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, working to force the words out. “I’ve been, erm, touching you when we sleep together.” He felt like he was going to be sick. How had he let it go so far?
To his shock, you laughed in his face. “Yeah, Bash, I know.”
You did? Why were you so calm about it? Had you liked it? Had you been awake the whole time?
His thoughts raced in the short pause before you continued, “I put your hand on my stomach, remember?”
His heart sank with the weight of even more guilt at your implicit trust of him. You couldn’t fathom he’d betray you like he had. “Not just there. Other places,” he admitted. His face flamed.
You just kept looking at him with a confused expression marring your features.
“Your…erm, your bum and breasts and…your cunt. Not just rubbing you, but I…I fingered you. And I – Merlin, I’m so sorry – I put my…” He had to stop and take a deep breath. “I fucked your thighs last night.”
The lines in your forehead deepened. “You…what? Bash, that’s not funny. Why are you saying this?”
His heart nearly shattered. Here he was telling you explicitly what he’d done, and you still couldn’t believe it. He hadn’t known admitting his sins would mean having to convince you they really happened. “I’m not joking. It’s…it’s true. I’m so sorry.”
You gaped at him. You thought back to the last several nights you’d spent together. The dreams you’d been having – even last night after taking the potion. You felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on your head. “Why?” you asked.
“I just couldn’t resist you. Or I didn’t want to,” he said. He didn’t want to act like he hadn’t made a choice. He knew he did. “Being so close to you. I just wanted you so badly. I’ve always wanted you – ever since the day we met. And when I touched you, you’d moan or sigh and your nipples got hard and you were wet. Like you liked it. But I know you would feel guilty about doing those things with me. So, I told myself that touching you while you slept meant I could make you feel good and you wouldn’t have to feel guilty, because you had no choice. But really, I just like it and didn’t want to stop. And then I kept going further. And last night…with your thighs…that was just to make me feel good. I’m so sorry. I won’t let it happen again. I won’t sleep in your bed anymore.”
Your head was spinning as you tried to process all the information. In the end, all you could say was, “I guess that explains why my knickers are gone.”
Sebastian hadn’t realised he’d forgotten to replace them. He scolded himself for being so stupid. Not that it mattered now after his confession.
You felt like you should be terrified. Sprint out of the room. Report him to Black or Weasley. But this was Sebastian. You’d been through so much together. You cared about him so much. You–
“I’m so sorry, MC,” he said, interrupting your thoughts. You had been quiet for too long, and he couldn’t take it. “I love you, and I promised myself I’d never hurt you again. But I fucked up so badly. I know making you come isn’t exactly the cruciatus curse, but it was a violation, and it’s probably worse in a lot of ways. You’d given me permission in the Scriptorium, at least.”
So, you had come like you dreamt. Of all the things you could have or should have felt, you felt relieved that you hadn’t totally missed the first time Sebastian made you orgasm. Or, what you assumed was the first time. It was still all so confusing. “Was that the first time?” you asked.
Sebastian shook his head, and your heart sank. “I touched your breasts after we rescued all those nifflers from poachers last week.”
Now you were confused. You really doubted you could orgasm just from your breasts being touched. The question escaped before could control your tongue. “You’re sure I came?”
“Last night?” Sebastian asked as his cheek flushed. “I mean, pretty sure. I–I’d never seen a girl orgasm before, but from what I’ve heard…Well, and I could feel…” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “Feel…the pulses with…with my finger in you.” He couldn’t look at you.
Your brow furrowed again. “I’m confused,” you stated. “Last week was the first time you made me orgasm or last night was?”
He looked at you again. “Last week was the first time I touched you. Last night was the first time I fingered you and the first time you came. As far as I know. But I feel like I’d have noticed,” he said.
You nodded in understanding. You were quiet for a minute. “And you came, too?” you asked.
Sebastian nodded, looking down at the mattress. It was hard to avoid your gaze when you two were still lying so close together.
“And that was the first time you came?” you inquired.
He nodded again. “Well, with you,” he said. He added quickly, “Or anyone! I mean, I’ve…touched myself before. Alone.”
That had your mind spinning again. “And you came from fucking my thighs?” you asked, your hand absently traced your skin beneath the covers.
Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut as he nodded. He felt like such a disgusting creep.
You tilted your head. “Do you want to fuck me?” You wondered if this was more about you or some weird fetish thing.
Sebastian’s eyes snapped open. “Yes, but I would never do that! I wouldn’t take you while you’re asleep. I swear! That’s part of why I told you. To make sure it…To make sure I wouldn’t lose control again and do something I’d regret.”
“So, you do want to, but you’d regret it?” you asked, confusion creeping back again.
“I’d regret using you again while you’re asleep,” he said.
You held back a smirk. “So, you want to fuck me while I’m awake?” The thought had heat blooming in your abdomen.
His whole face was red. “Of course,” he confirmed. “I mean, ‘fuck’ makes it sound so detached, but I…I want to make love to you.”
As he raked a gentle hand through your hair, a statement he made that you heard but hadn’t processed was yanked to the front of your mind. I love you, and I promised myself I’d never hurt you again. He loved you. He wanted to make love. Because he loved you.
You looked up into his warm brown eyes and couldn’t believe how you’d never seen the love in them before. It seemed so obvious now. “You love me?” you asked, more to hear the words again than confirm he meant them.
He nodded. “So much, MC,” he said earnestly. “I’m so sorry. I swear I–”
“Don’t be sorry,” you said before acting on impulse and pressing your lips to his. He looked stunned when you pulled back. “I love you, too.”
His jaw fell open as he gaped openly at you.
You kept his gaze. “I want you to touch me. But when I’m awake. I want to be with you, Sebastian. And, for the record, I wouldn’t regret it. I turned down everyone else because I didn’t want them. I just want you.”
“You’re the only one I want, too,” he said, bringing a hand up to caress your cheek. “I promise I’ll take care of you.”
He slid his other arm under you to hold you tight to his chest.
“I know,” you replied as you snuggled in closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and tangling your legs with his. You nuzzled into his chest, and Sebastian rested his cheek on top of your head. He took in the relaxing scent of your shampoo and the warmth of your body against his. He was flooded with relief to know you didn’t hate him. More than that, you loved him back, which made him indescribably happy.
He was, perhaps, a bit too happy.
“Oh,” you said in surprise, pulling back to look up at him.
Sebastian could feel the blush colouring his cheeks. “Sorry, I just…really like having you in my arms.”
You gave him a sultry smirk. “I like it, too,” you replied. You bit your lip as you pressed your hips forward into his.
He groaned at the contact. “You just like getting me worked up, you little minx,” he chastised playfully.
You gained a mischievous glint in your eye. “Maybe,” you replied, feigning innocence with your doe-eyed expression as you wriggled your hips to continue the torture. He could see your eyes darken as you brought your hand down to palm his growing erection. “Or maybe I’d like to take care of you.” You winked at him.
Sebastian moaned, dropping his forehead to rest on yours. “I’d like that,” he breathed.
“Tell me more about what you did while I slept,” you said as you pulled his length out of his trousers, wrapping your hand around him. Your teeth sunk into your lips as you looked down between the two of you at his cock, proudly erect and looking almost painfully red.
“Well, at first, I…Fuck, that feels so good!” Sebastian said, his head lolling back as you stroked him. “MC…”
“At first you what?” you pressed, pausing your movements.
Sebastian whimpered at the loss. “I just wanted to hold your tits,” he admitted.
You grabbed his hand, placing it on your chest quickly before returning to your prior task of fisting his cock. Sebastian moaned as he immediately massaged his fingers into your supple flesh.
“Then, I needed to see them,” he admitted.
Before he could tug your gown out of the way, you had sat up and ripped it over your head.
“Sweet Merlin,” Sebastian breathed as he took in the sight of you. In a flash, he had shucked his bottoms and was on top of you, pressing you back into the mattress as his lips devoured yours. “Gods, you’re so beautiful!”
You moaned in response as he sucked on your neck. He palmed your breast in his left hand while his right arm propped himself up. You gripped at his shoulders, bunching the fabric of his pyjama shirt. Sebastian sat back on his heels and worked open the buttons urgently before he tossed the shirt off.
Your hands dragged down his torso and around to the lean muscles of his back as he covered your body with his again. He pressed into you, soaking in the warmth of your skin and relishing the feeling of your breasts pressed against his chest and the pressure on his cock as it was pinned between your bodies. He dove his tongue into your mouth as he kissed you, making you moan as you pulled him tighter against you. Gods, he loved kissing you.
You were panting when he pulled back. “I tasted you next,” he said, holding your gaze as he moved down so his face was even with your breasts. He hovered over your peak for a few seconds, letting his warm breath fan over your skin and watching as your breaths quickened and your bottom lip disappeared between your teeth.
“I’m s-supposed to be taking care of you, you know,” you said. Your voice was too needy to chide him effectively.
Sebastian smirked. “Yes, well, I seem to have gotten distracted.”
You whimpered as he circled his tongue around your already-stiff nipple before wrapping his lips around it. He alternated suckling and flicking his tongue back and forth over it.
“Oh, Sebastian,” you keened desperately.
He loved hearing you moan his name. He liked bringing you pleasure and seeing how worked up you got from him. His hand slid down your stomach as he released your nipple from his mouth. “I didn’t stop at your breasts, though,” he said lowly. Your breath hitched as he cupped his hand over the mound between your legs. “I touched you here.” He parted your folds, running his finger through your soaked slit. He thought it felt even wetter than it had the night before. “Rubbing you…” He circled the pad of his middle finger over your clit. “And plunging into you…” He slid the finger down your slit and sank it into your tight pussy.
“Oh, fuck!” you groaned, throwing your head back into the pillow. “Gods, that feels so good!”
Sebastian smirked with pride. He watched as his finger disappeared inside you over and over again. Your sweet little cunt looked delicious clinging to his finger like that.
Sebastian bit back a groan. “There are some things I didn’t get to do,” he observed, giving you a devilish grin.
You were too distracted by the sensation of his finger filling you to reply, but Sebastian didn’t mind. He liked the idea of fucking you dumb – he just hadn’t expected it to be so easy. He bent down, dipping his head to your core. He licked up the sides of your slit as he kept fucking you with his finger. You took in a sharp gasp before moaning his name.
You had a musky, faintly sweet taste. He’d never tasted anything like you, and he found himself unable to get his fill. He kept lapping eagerly before concentrating on the buddle of nerves at the top. You became a mewling mess as he kept thrusting his finger into you and flicking his tongue over your clit. You tangled a hand into his hair, holding him in place against your core as your hips lifted off the bed. As if he would’ve gone anywhere else.
Your moans kept increasing in both frequency and desperation. “Shit, that’s so–I-I’m gonna come!” you whined. Your whole body tensed, even your breaths ceased, before you let out a loud groan as he felt your cunt begin to pulse around him.
You collapsed back against the mattress with your chest heaving. You whined as Sebastian kept licking at your folds and pumping lazily into you. You used your purchase in his hair to pull him off.
“Come here,” you begged. “Please. I want you. I–Gods, I need you!”
Fuck, it was happening. He’d dreamt of it. So. Many. Times. He didn’t waste any time crawling back up your body. Both of your hands became tangled in his hair as he melded his lips with yours.
“I love you,” he panted before kissing you again.
“I love you, too,” you replied as you brought a leg up around his waist. Sebastian groaned as your hot core pressed against his length. “Now let me show you.”
Sebastian reached a hand down to grip his cock. He dragged its head through your slit. His eyes rolled back at just being pressed against your entrance. “Gods, I love your body. Your perfect little cunt,” he groaned.
“Please,” you keened, arching your hips up to try to get him inside.
With your appeal, Sebastian sank into your heat slowly, carefully. He released a breathy moan as he bottomed out inside you. He swore under his breath at how tightly you gripped him. You moaned as he sucked against your neck. He wanted to connect every part of your bodies, in every way possible.
You started moving your hips first, and Sebastian took it as his cue to start thrusting. He kept his face buried in your neck as he glided in and out of you. You met his thrusts, using the leg wrapped around him to pull your bodies even closer together. At some point, he had become the one whimpering. He couldn’t contain the noises that poured form his lips. You just felt so good.
“Faster,” you said, and Sebastian was happy to oblige.
His hips were snapping into yours when he felt his impending orgasm. He couldn’t tell how close you were, though. He did his best to hold off, but soon he could feel the point of no return looming. “Fuck, I’m gonna come if we don’t stop,” he groaned.
You moaned. “Come for me,” you said without hesitation. “Come in me, Seb.”
Sebastian’s cock throbbed at the thought of it and in a few more pumps his orgasm crashed through him. His seed burst out of him until it began seeping out of you and around the base of his cock. He kept thrusting, pushing his seed further into you. Some primal part of him wanted you as full of him as possible.
Once satisfied, Sebastian collapsed over top of you. He placed innumerable kisses over your neck, chest, and cheek. Finally, he pulled out of you. You winced as he did.
“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly. “Did…did I hurt you?”
“Nothing bad. It’s just…sensitive,” you replied. You gave him a reassuring smile. “It felt amazing.”
Sebastian felt relief flood through him. “You were incredible,” he said in awe before crushing his mouth into yours. “I love you.” He kissed you again, more softly this time. “So much.”
He gently brushed your hair out of your face as he looked down at you reverently.
You laughed. “Yes, I think you mentioned it,” you teased, smirking up at him.
His cheeks flushed red. “Sorry, I–”
You pecked his lips, cutting him off. “It’s sweet, Sebastian,” you assured him. “I love you, too. You can tell me the same as much as you like.”
His face split in a broad grin. “I love you, MC,” he said. He gave your lips a peck like you’d given him. “I love you.” He nuzzled into your neck, making you giggle as he kissed your skin open-mouthed. “Gods, I love you!”
You laughed at his ridiculousness. Sebastian moved to lie beside you. He pulled you into him so your chests were pressed together and your legs entangled. For a long time, you just lay entwined together, basking in your afterglow. Sebastian stroked your hair languidly as you traced delicate patterns on his back with your fingertips.
“Hey!” you said suddenly, jerking your head up to give him a reproving look.
Sebastian’s pulse spiked at the anger in your voice. He was stared at you wide-eyed, just waiting for the shoe to drop.
“You owe me new knickers,” you whinged.
A smirk broke onto Sebastian’s face. “I don’t think you’ll be needing any of those for some time,” he replied, shifting the two of you so that he hovered over you. “Though, I’m sure I could find a way to make it up to you.”
He dipped his head and began to kiss down from the angle of your jaw to your shoulder.
“Oh?” you said, intrigued. “What did you have in mind?”
Sebastian chuckled against your skin. “Everything,” he said, eager to explore the plethora of licentious scenarios running through his mind with you.
You moaned as he sucked a particularly sensitive spot on your neck. “I like the sound of that.”
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bigjimbopickens · 1 year
Jim Pickens lore in point-form!
(Aka the CMK sims 4 series that ran from 2016-2022)
Recently I’ve noticed that newer CMK viewers don’t know the whole Jim Pickens universe lore so I’m going to explain it in the simplest way I can so they can know too :)
The story begins with Urp John. He moves into an apartment and has 6 kids with multiple women.
Jim Pickens moves in across from him and tries to get Urp to move in with him by attempting to kill off a household member.
Focus shifts to Jim.
Jim moves the family to the Sandtrap Flats, the first house in the series to feature a dungeon (called ‘chambers’ at this time).
To generate profit, he locks the family in the chambers and forces them to paint so Jim can later sell whatever they made. The only household members not in the chambers are the kids (Tim, Beejey and Urp’s kids). This is where the iconic Jim Pickens portrait comes from.
The cult unofficially forms. As members start to die, Jim begins taking an interest in the Grim Reaper.
Jim finds the Book of Chaos, which allowed him to kill people with magical abilities. He uses this to kill off rich families and inherit everything they owned as well as getting with the Grim Reaper.
Jim starts a graveyard business.
Jim and Grim officially become boyfriends. Grim moves in, gets pregnant and spawns Grimey. Grimey is given to another family in trade for Jules Cooper, Beejey’s boyfriend. Jules dies soon after.
Jim tries to kill Dennis Racket and pose as him but Dennis kept coming back. He was unkillable. But Jim bangs his wife anyways.
Jim robs people as Santa.
Jim opens a vet clinic and gets scarred for life by cursed dancing dogs. He also adopts a cat named Pumpkin during this time.
Beejey passes away and Jim goes on a jungle adventure to mourn his loss. Dennis also finally dies.
Jim moves to a new house with a proper dungeon and becomes a vampire.
Jim officially starts a cult, the same cult the fandom is.
Jim opens a joint restaurant/graveyard that only serves pufferfish. Many die.
Jim has a kid with Emma Racket, Dennis’ wife. His name is Project. He also became a cop briefly during this time. Weird era.
Jim dies and takes the universe with him so he jumps to an alternate timeline where he didn’t die.
Jim hosts a winter pool party. Many die and EA later patches this.
Jim kidnaps two Father Winters, Ryland and Clement. He tries to kill them but they cannot die, so instead they become permanent household members. One of them gets pregnant with aliens twins who end up being First Name and Second One.
Grim starts a painting club and Jim opens a store that sells the paintings. Jim also starts a band around the same time.
Jim goes to therapy and we learn about his past. Jim’s parents were Dick and Janice Pickens. He was forced to live in a closet, his parents didn’t care about him and his father was also a serial killer. Jim was taken away to military school due to the neglect.
What happens in between the sims 1 and sims 2 prequel videos is unknown and up to speculation. My theory is that it’s where he met Dennis, since they were around the same ages and were both taken from neglectful parents. Though Dennis turned out more stable and Jim was considered a lost cause because of his violent tendencies.
As a teen, Jim is somehow back in custody of his father and lives in a house with mole people in the walls. The moles are Mole1, Mole2 and Mole3. He tries to get a girlfriend but Dick kept throwing water balloons at her.
After therapy Jim becomes even more unhinged. Starts a YouTube channel and kills people on camera for content. He also did a twerking video.
Jim moved to his universe’s equivalent to LA and drives a man to suicide after ruining his life so he could inherit everything from him. Jim didn’t inherit anything from this.
Jim starts a content farm in his basement. Kevin totally isn’t a subject of it and this whole series isn’t just a documentary.
Jim opens a bar that doesn’t let people leave and he loses it. He starts killing people for simply existing and Grim stabs him to get him to stop. 💔
In attempt to fix his relationship with Grim, he goes camping with Grim but forgets he’s a vampire so it didn’t really work. So instead Jim cures his vampirism. Second One also drowns during this time.
Jim moves everyone into an abandoned prison and hosts a battle royale. Shrek wins and joins the household.
Jim falls in love with breadsticks and literally couldn’t let go of them.
The family moves to Strangerville and Jim becomes dedicated to solving the mystery of that town. He discovers the Mother Plant and is killed in battle against her.
Jim comes back as a ghost and defeats the Mother Plant. During Shrek’s sex dungeon era (that’s a weird sentence) Jim comes back to life. A miracle!
Jim somehow goes to the future to chase after his father who had gone there. Jim gets a bunch of half-siblings and Dick gets a boyfriend; Mole4.
Back in the present time, Jim becomes a merman and he’s absolutely beautiful. First Name also becomes a drug lord and they smuggle drugs across borders together.
Jim and Grim get married and Jim’s last name briefly changes to Reaper.
Jim starts a gang and goes to war with another gang. It ends with the other gang dying and Jim going to prison for once. They finally got him.
Once he was out of prison, the zombie apocalypse starts and Jim starts a restaurant that serves human flesh to accommodate the zombies. Jim also makes the two Santa’s fight to the death. Clement was the winner, he eats Ryland. Dick and Mole4 now join the family.
Jim goes to the magic realm and learns more magic. He uses the magic to terrorize other families and moves into a new house he killed the previous members of.
Dick declares himself as King and starts making people pay taxes to him. Jealous, Jim kills Dick for the title and doesn’t do anything with it. He was just fed up with Dick’s bs.
Jim goes to university. He becomes the worst landlord and also gets pregnant along with a few others. His child’s name is Aaaahhhhhh.
After that he moves the family again and tries to get as many people as he can to live in one tiny house. First Name dies and comes back as a demon to forever haunt Jim and terrorize the land.
To escape First Name, the Pickens family now lives in a bunker. Jim tries to enforce the “nobody can go outside” rule by locking people inside their homes.
Jim launches a nuke and destroys that section of the world because the people were annoying him. He is now the only remaining family member, besides Grim.
Jim meets Turg and the two team up to become the ultimate crime-causing duo, even if Turg doesn’t want to admit it. The two rob several homes with Turg as the distraction and Jim doing all the robbing.
Jim starts a knitting business with someone who won the lottery. Default joins the family.
Jim goes to the Star Wars. Idk if this is canon or not.
The cult compound is now here. Kevin only does one video on it despite streaming the building of it for hours. Nice.
Jim, Turg and Default go on a winter vacation to the mountains. Jim ages into an old sim and loses his sparkle 💔
Jim and Turg move into a haunted house together and Jim takes on several new jobs such as paranormal investigator, house renovator and murder speedrunner. Jim dies of old age during this time but comes back.
Jim starts an industrial farm, Turg is there too but he starts becoming irrelevant after this 💔
After dying to pufferfish, a clone of Jim shows up and Jim kills him.
Jim starts kidnapping people and making them play sick twisted games that results in people’s deaths solely for his own amusement. Karma catches up to him and he is shot.
Jim starts going absolutely insane. Even more than before. He spawns 100 babies, goes through strange changes and gets stuck in an apartment with 99 other people. Turg dies off-screen during this time.
Jim marries someone and that is the last we see him. That’s the end of the story.
I don’t think the current sims 4 series is canon to this one. It’s separate.
Hope this helps and gets you caught up/refreshed on the lore :) hopefully I didn’t miss anything. I did this entirely from memory :3
Jim is one of my favourite characters ever I love him so much. He was the only queer representation I had growing up too lol.
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