#( ♔ ) interconnected subplot
lightcreators · 3 months
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No  one  was  truly  alone  in  middle  of  Purgatory's  games.
This  was  the  sentence  he  really  wanted  to  expressing  with  brightness,  offering  all  the  reasssurance  associated  to  that  statement  he  wanted  honestly  to  share.  However,  how  much  this  was  true  ?  Of  course,  for  a  while,  inside  his  own  chessboard,  there  had  been  only  his  mind  and  his  thoughts  to  having  an  idea  of  an  plan  for  bouncing  back  towards  the  Golden  Witch,  when  he  had  indirect  allies  during  that  time.  Another  witch  had  been  supporting  his  position,  and  eventually,  he  did  managed  to  have  allies  along  the  way  …  When,  with  that  last  thoughts,  slow  decomposure  couldn't  help  to  return. ❝  You  aren't  alone  in  this  fight,  never.  ❞  He  actually  decided  to  bring  around,  when  thoughtfulness  of  his  expression  betrayed  his  wish  to  be  innocent.  ❝  It  all  depending  of  the  chessboard  you  are  coming  from.  It's  all  depending  of  circumstances  within  your  chessboard.  It's  all  depending  of  the  witch  you  are  facing.  ❞  For  the  moment,  he  wasn't  obligated  to  awakening  pleasant  memories  and  recollections  concerning  that  point  …  or  even  how  within  his  case,  he  had  to  please  the  God  of  the  Underground  with  his  chessboard.  She  needed  reassurance,  not  to  be  worried  over  weight  of  opponent.  ❝  Did  a  witch  take  a  dislike  to  you ?    ❞
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lightcreators · 6 months
@pointofviiew continue from here
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"Says the man who watches people and probably plays a weird chess game that makes no sense. Oh and constantly angers Shizuo like he has some death wish now that's ridiculous! For that same pest to run when danger...known as Shuzo appears..that's sooo funny!"
Playfulness wrapped slowly his features. Masaomi-kun perspective was something interesting to heard, especially, concerning past circumstances between them, how he had many reasons to comment over his past actions (though none of that would stop him inside what he had been carefully planned neither how he wanted watching from the first steps consequences). His love for humanity had to coming with an intensive studying of them --- admiring every one of their reactions, viewing their doings in middle of created consequences, and remaining an closer observer that would staying behind meanwhile chaos emerging. Wasn’t it his main quality, to loving so much humanity he wanted discovering their entire potential, compared to how a benevolent underground doctor pretended only interest to such species? Wasn’t he kind enough to embracing humanity with that overwhelming love? Nothing had to be said concerning how he was watching. It was part of his job. It was his favourite hobby. Oh, he also didn’t cared if one unexpected supporter desired to watching him back, understanding the riddle of his person or giving him more possibilities of fun inside own particular manners of appearances games --- he could learn far more about how playing with the threads of people with an witch on his side, unable to been perceived unless an couple of lucky people … ❝ For you, how I play this game sounds ridiculous, nevertheless, it’s understandable for my rules~ ❞ He expressed amusingly concerning the remark of the young teenager concerning his game. It wasn’t a game meant to be understood by other people. It wasn’t meant to be focused over a tiny ridiculous single chessboard, in which established rules were simple. Oh, he expected no one actually achieving to understand each of his moves, even if such unexpected challenger of a witch ached solving him --- in same manner he was studying that strange guest of a kid. Sound of a betraying amusement dared escaped his lips for a couple of seconds, before increasing further inside a condescending mockery when Shizu-chan was mentioned. ❝ Shizu-chan and me have a long story together~ ~ Someone need to remember to Shizu-chan how an error of nature he represents, what better person than myself for showing my affections~ ❞ Positive feelings were intended within that mockery approach regardless if emotions diverged on his sentences. How Shinra managed even to breathe closer to Shizuo was something he couldn’t manage to understand, would never be able to understand, though, accidentally, he was amused by how his best friend was attached by an inhuman being he was so much passionate with … ❝ You might notice how humans being ridiculous is their special charm, it’s so admiring~ ❞
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lightcreators · 3 months
@godstrayed continue from here
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 "Tell me, what do you find most amusing? The fear? The desperation? Or perhaps the occasional defiance of those who dare challenge your domain?" At least someone could appreciate them for what they were. Loki's tone was light-hearted yet tinged with something uniquely indistinguishable. "Mortals scrambling, souls bargaining, and all the while, you maintain your icy composure amidst chaos."
His own games were often motivated and petty something he could openly admit. "How can I get an invitation to spectate the Underworld? I find myself curious too. One trickster to... another." Although he wouldn't consider them the same, far from it; only two gods teetering on their own divinity.
Minus  various  Holy  Wars  across  the  centuries,  in  which  right  now,  it  remained  an  simple  hobby  in  which  he  was  partially  bored,  he  remained  an  simple  shadowing  observer  who  didn't  have  by  habit  to  interfere.  Eventually,  with  circumstances  aid  pulled  into  situation  of  his  protegee,  if  some  reactions  were  done,  his  small  influence  upon  events  would  help  them  to  get  out  of  unpleasant  moments.  Of  course,  for  too  long,  he  had  wished  doing  more  than  just  that  ---  influencing  the  ground  from  an  far  away  landscape,  in  which  his  imposing  perspective  and  power  could  easily  transforming  the  result  he  already  knew  of  …  Nevertheless,  the  realm  of  the  Underground  rarely  left  him  room  for  rest,  neither  how  omnipresence  of  Hypnos  and  Thanatos  remembering  him  to  his  responsabilities.  It  had  been  only  recently,  by  how  circumstances  turned  for  one  chessboard,  he  had  imposed  an  independance  over  his  decisions  and  his  own  little  pleasure  ---  How  much  he  managed  to  lie  to  himself,  to  protecting  the  game  of  his  emotions,  to  twiting  his  own  feelings,  was  something  only  the  shadows  knew  …  and  well,  one  kid  inclined  to  play  with  it  !  Natural  reaction  had  to  be  presented  to  showing  his  face  in  front  of  other  places  he  had  remaining  observer,  now  his  presence  had  been  purely  acknowledged  by  an  couple  of  players,  now  he  was  weighting  falsely  all  the  responsabilities  of  an  game  in  which  he  wasn't  the  villain.  Playfulness  have  been  offered  within  his  confession,  but  the  words  remained  honest.  Loki  needed  to  receive  that  compliment,  when  him  as  another  deity  would  support  him.  Especially  since  he  had  to  deal  with  one   illusionnist   …
❝  Whatever  mortal  challening  themselves  a  deity  should  be  expected  to  be  scared,  though  I  do  enjoy  the  fearless  ones.  The  ones  imposing  themselves  in  front  of  an  god  thinking  they  knew  better,  realization  of  their  true  place  is  only  an  even  more  powerful  pleasure,  to  make  them  believe  until  the  last  moment  that  they  can  have  the  advantage.  ❞  It  had  been  his  offensive  line  with  the  Athena  Saints,  with  Pegasus,  a  lot  with  the  Emperor  of  Britannia.  Concerning  the  kid,  concerning  Deimos  ---  regardless  if  he  had  been  emotionally  touched  by  the  blow  he  had  offered  him  by  creating  his  own  exit  beyond  what  he  had  perceived,  the  kid  remained  unaware  how  he  was  reacting  as  he  should  be,  which  remained  his  advantage.  ❝  I  wish  I  could  confess  I  came  to  be  bored  of  their  despair  but  ---  ❞  He  admitted  with  an  broken  smile,  before  further  playfulness  showing  up  in  his  face.  ❝  Hopeless  souls  find  solace  around  my  protection.  They  found  the  comfort  and  the  reassurance  they  search  for.  Though,  it's  often  that  gentleness  end  up  push  behind  by  the  main  concerned.  ❞   Following  that  sentence,  there  was  an  smaller  laugh.  ❝  Main  qualities  I  admire  in  such  souls  are  their  boldness  and  their  perseverance.  Reaching  the  Underground  knowing  my  reputation  requires  courage,  stubbornly  wanting  to  be  right  is  a  madness  that  pleases  me.  Although  this  happiness  can  sometimes  be  annoying,  especially  when  my  challenger  doesn't  seem  to  understand  a  truth  exposed  several  times.  This  is  part  of  my  kindness.  The  moment  of  horror  must  come  much  later,  at  a  time  when  they  hardly  expect  to  handle.  ❞  Playfulness  inscreased  a  little  more.  ❝  It  had  been  the  case  for  an  couple  of  centuries  indeed.  I  now  take  advantage  of  the  human  emotionality  that  I  possess  to  be  more  expressive  on  the  subject.  ❞  As  if  the  moment  had  been  missed,  he  presented  a  dark  face  of  that  one  internal  pleasure.  ❝  I  can  show  condescension  towards  them  in an gentle manner~ ☆  ❞
Eventually,  his  expression  lowered  down  within  that  indifferent  and  seriousness  emotions.  With  his  own  illusions  crumbling  all  around  him,  there  was  that  desire  to  cling  over  each  little  fragment  no  matter  he  would  remain  mentally  hurt  at  each  reminder  …  Though,  pleasant  smile  welcoming  his  features  turned  deeply  honest  as  he  appreciated  the  compliment.  ❝  My  toys  are  the  simple  expectations  of  these  mortals.  I  have  spent  too  many  millennia  being  constantly  offended  by  them  that  I  owe  them  this  pleasure,  which  currently  makes  your  games  pleasant  towards  me,  knowing  your  situation.  Playing  with  these  misunderstandings  of  these  mortals  is  possible  way  to  make  them  understand  their  mistake.  I  wish  to  confess  to  you  that  my  games  remains  confined  to  the  Underground,  nevertheless,  for  a  long  time,  the  Underground  has  been  present  in  this  world.  Like  an  endless  shadow  I  can  play  with.  Like  a  heavy  feeling  that  engulfs  the  bodies  of  mortals.  My  show  may  look  like  a  web  in  the  sky,  or  a  simple  demonstration  in  the  situation,  or  even  by  my  encounter.  I  can  show  you  though.  I  have  advantage  of  being  everywhere.  ❞
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lightcreators · 4 months
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An  attentive  gaze  was  watched  carefully  every  move  of  the  exposed  demonstration.  There  was  an  latent  consciousness,  concerning  how  his  expression  in  some  manner,  didn't  truly  changed  would  bring  some  wondering  questions  ---  in  which  sadly  answers  weren't  inclined  to  came.  It  would  be  rather  complicated  to  explaining  such  reasons,  when  …  well  …  he  did  experienced  it  though  his  own  particular  manners,  though  concerning  himself,  it  was  hardly  physically  the  change  could  be  exposed.  Excepted  maybe  one  thing,  one  tiny  detail  concerning  one  hobby  about  how  he  appreciated  sometimes  altering  the  narrative  or  himself  when  desired  projects  had  to  playing  a  bit  with  the  fabric  of  reality.  Nevertheless,  as  nothing  inside  his  emotionless  face  didn't  desiring  brought  an  misunderstanding  message,  lightness  within  his  blue  eyes  showed  clearly  interest,  brightness,  encouraging  and  supporting  gaze.  ❝   It's  quite  an  power  that  you  have.  ❞  He  had  been  hesitating  to  use  that  term.  Power.  It  always  meant  responsabilities.  It  always  meant  heavier  shoulders  and  an  consciousness.  It  always  meant  there  was  an  desire  for  more,  to  touching  other  spheres,  to  questioning  powerfulness.  Faculty  could  have  worked  but  it  must  have  coming  from  somewhere,  hence  he  had  preferred  using  the  good  word.  Particular  recongizable  habits  remained  anchored  within  his  behavior  still  ---  no  need  to  explain  why  it  sounded  perfectly  normal  for  his  eyes  to  perceiving  such  thing.  Naturally,  as  an  smile  exposed,  there  was  an  desire  to  protect  Regulus  with  such  responsabilities  he  had,  and  everything  in  the  sort.  He  was  never  complicated  on  that  domain.  He  was  spending  his  entire  life  helping  people.  There  was  always  somewhere  something  inside  his  universe  to  fix,  whatever  how  his  greatest  responsabilities  were  already  huge,  when  his  best  friend  would  still  complaining  on  his  inability  to  slow  down.  ❝   I'm  not  sure  you  did  born  with  the  ability  so  I'm  supposing  this  must  coming  from  somewhere,  and  must  be  enough  precious  for  you.  I  do  understand  the  concern  to  find  protectors  for  be  certain  it  will  not  fall  under  malicious  hands  or  be  altered.  ❞ 
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lightcreators · 3 months
@rosa-geminae continue from here
The past few days Francis was plagued by an irritating cough; more so when it flared up at random times, especially in front of guests. Merely a tickling at the back of his throat, so he didn’t really think too deeply that it could’ve been a serious issue.
“I’m alright. Truly. Just a passing col-“, another cough ripped through Francis, and he took out a handkerchief. This time, the coughing lasted longer than the first one, and with every breath pulled from him, a sharp agony filled his chest.
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“A doctor. . .”, Francis managed to splutter out to Trancy, doubling over as the pain increased, “Call for a doctor! Q-Quickly!!!”
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All these weeks he had passed along his deadly curse never truly had been forgotten. Sometimes, he wished told himself he had been at his lowest, as he had been slowly dying within an complete impossibility as time moved on to do simplest of gesture … and yet aftermatch had been even more harsh emotionally. Even now, returning inside the noblesse society, focusing mostly on friends since he wasn't in state for keep up his 'status' in public space, he had been unable to exposing same brightness as he had before. Or even managing to function normally if his obsession for Phantomhive wasn't fed in one way or another ! Only, Phantomhive had been the one imposing distance for their mutual mental benefits, since he hadn't an obligatory reason to settled down within the Phantomhive manor and main concerned KNEW if he could grab an opportunity to settling down again, he might never again leave Phantomhive side whatever how many business he must have. On his defense, he preferred deal with the Queen's Watchdog than having to assume his underground responsabilities as Spider, especially when it incluced deal with Philip Butler. Phantomhive can't save him of the guy regardless disapproval, and he needed Butler approval anyways.
Hence, as much he was searching pushed away all the time he had been 'sick', he had an complete impossibility to deal correctly with sickness on his side. It was just triggering everything he had survived. It was no one fault. Afterwards some dreadful agonies that came randomly, he remained always scared, for some obscure reason, his damaged soul ended up to simply broke for handle nothing of the outside world … Appareances will came for later. Illusions will came for later. As he coughed, he was searching to be reassuring, as his expression decomposed in front of the agony sound he heard. There was a nod. Though, currently, he was frozen. Did he called a doctor before ? Did he even perceving Phantomhive calling one before ? Ah, these memories issues were terrible. Since he couldn't losing time in middle of his complete dissociation of the moment, he rushed for asking some glass of water to give Francis … and decided to ask an servant going around for a doctor. Yes, last thing to do concerning him was for a doctor to want to see him and note the disastrous state in which he was. Maybe whoever was coming might notice with his sad expression that something was wrong, but he didn't have to talk about it, right ? ❝ He will come. How did you catch a cold? I don't even remember any bad weather recently. ❞ He noted.
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lightcreators · 3 months
@pupacirci continue from here
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" Thank ya, been practicin' a long time. " She takes the compliment with a bow of the head. " Do ya have any talents? "
He  didn't  remember  the  last  time  he  ever  visiting  an  circus.  Coming  from  the  world  he  was  coming  from,  all  his  recollections  were  bond  to  other  priorities  he  had  no  remembrances  to  boucing  back.  There  was  awareness,  especially  with  his  name,  he  better  be  careful  in  middle  of  England  ---  though  currently,  he  was  simply  someone  unknown,  an  merely  visitor  …  It  was  middle  of  noblesse  spheres  he  bring  over  how  he  was  Emperor  of  Britannia.  ❝  Nothing  physical  at  least.  ❞  He  laughed  slowly.  Could  he  considering  take  an  intellectual  fight  with  Hades  as  an  talent  ?  ❝  Chess  mostly.  I'm  mostly  invigorated  by  a  wonderful  intellectual  challenge.  And  you,  how  you  do  find  motivation  and  inspiration  ?  I  know  so  little  about  it.  ❞
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lightcreators · 3 months
@schxdenfreude continue from here
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" ..... What a precarious hobby that must be. "
Not that she's in much position to talk. She was the same when she was younger, though a bit more subdued. Despite her reserved nature, some of her fonder memories involve 'punishing' the servants who bullied her by switching their items around and causing trouble for them.
She was miserable back then. Anxious, sad, and lonely. Yet, she wishes she could go back to that time of ignorance.
" If you're going to pull tricks, that's alright... But please don't make too much of a mess. "
Oh  …  Considering  actual  excitement  he  was  currently  fullfilled,  receiving  an  comment  towards  how  that  hobby  was  precarious  left  him  surprised  for  a  few  seconds.  Well,  he  wasn't  exactly  causing  troubles  like  causing  a  simple  silly  mess  somewhere  for  escaping  boredom,  enjoying  opportunity  to  had  been  left  unsupervised  …  it  was  truly  creating  more  chaos  as  he  could.  Within  circumstances.  Within  what  he  could  understand  of  an  situation  or  a  relationship.  Or  just  jokes  going  a  bit  too  far  for  everyone  good  …  Hence,  an  offended  pout  betrayed  his  features.  ❝  Creating  chaos  is  timeless,  not  something  that  can  have  an  expired  date.  ❞  He  was  confessing  that,  and  yet,  he  was  the  first  person  not  wanting  personally  experiencing  that  concept  …  which  was  tragically  comic.  Inside  the  warning  she  giving  him,  there  was  a  little  frustrated  sigh.  ❝  How  much  mess  can  I  make  ?  ❞  Because  quite  honestly,  if  he  started,  he  was  going  to  use  the  servants  thermometer  to  see  how  scared  they  could  be  …  but  he  had  to  make  sure  it  pointed  in  a  very  particular  direction  of  one  witch  …  meaning  he  needed  a  bit  her  approval  of  his  desires  for  his margin.
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lightcreators · 4 months
@schxdenfreude continue from here
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"Hmm. What could have brought on this question... I wonder, I wonder...." Usually, those who begin suddenly asking questions of witches have been burnt in their past, or are chasing after some sort of desire. But this frustration feels different. "Unfortunately, I'm not so kind that I'd divulge the nature of my magic so easily! Perhaps I am an omnipotent with the same skills as a God, or perhaps I brew potions over a cauldron day in and day out, or perhaps I haunt lost children deep in the forest! Ahhhh, I wonder which is the turth! Kihihihii....!"
Witch  had  been  for  too  long  simply  an  word  balanced  to  his  face.  By  what  nonsense  the  Doctor  became  one  ?  What  he  was  exactly  talking  about  with  that  word,  and  why  that  single  term  was  more  powerful  than  be  an  Time  Lord,  huh  ?  He  never  have  been  flattered  by  an  clear  meaning  on  the  matter  …  and  cannot  say  he  loved  his  travels  inside  that  higher  spheres.  Witches  were  crazy.  Witches  were  insane.  Witches  when  that  much  evil  he  feel  truly  offended  to  be  considered  inferior  than  him  ---  the  Master.  Witches  wore  his  name  like  a  veil,  whether  they  were  guardians  of  a  'chessboad'  or  a  traveler,  they  dominated  his  name…and  he  didn't  like  that.  He  was  supposed  to  rule  them  all  ---  to  be  the  Master  of  all  the  witches  !
If  with  Lady  Bernkastel,  his  patience  was  pretty  much  limited  and  his  ability  to  keep  his  calm  was  pretty  much  inexistent  since  she  was  representing  somewhere  a  miracle  he  wanted  to  touch  someday  by  his  hands,  mocking  smile  expressed  itself  as  she  was  referring  magic.  Yeah,  he  had  pretty  much  perceived   it  ---  magic.  Be  fooled  during  centuries.  Be  trapped  inside  an  chessboard  Oh,  even  the  incarnation  of  his  dear  Doctor  be  beautifully  manipulated  as  an  Piece.  ❝  You  are  the  goddesses  of  your  own  universe,  wouldn't  it  be  too  much  to  ask  to  be  a  conceptual  goddess  ?  ❞  He  requested  it  with  an  kind  of  unseen  frustration  who  quite  understood  that  point  still.  Another  laugh  followed  concerning  that  other  definition.  ❝  Cauldrons  used  must  be  very  different  from  those  of  humans.  Compared  to  a  visible  potion,  no  one  knows  when  the  enchantment  started,  let  alone  when  it  will  end.  ❞  Another  laugh  followed.  ❝  Last  one  would  be  so  much  boooooring, don't you think, only unexciting ?  ❞
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lightcreators · 4 months
@schxdenfreude continue from here
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"If you think blind faith can carry you through this world, then by all means, I have no right to stop you. But don't expect me to do the same." Even though she says that, her tone is laced with judgment. She can't imagine herself acting with such flimsy backup.
"Though, I have to wonder. Faith in what exactly? Yourself? A higher power? A loved one? Beliefs and devotion change from person to person. What is it that fills you with this much confidence?"
He  couldn’t  express  disappointment  ---  he  had  been  expecting  that  kind  of  disagreement  …  Nevertheless,  as  dramatic  as  it  was,  he  desired  believe  she  might  trust  some  portions  of  his  words,  taking  all  the  hope  within  them.  Something  he  did  so  vividly  before,  carry  on  regardless  if  the  result  didn’t  ending  up  as  he  was  expecting,  as  he  wanted  hoping  influence  of  his  words  or  his  presence  would  made  eventually  an  difference  …  that  he  would  make  better  humans  he  came  across.  She  probably  won’t  understand  why  it  was  so  much  important.  Actually,  he  couldn’t  told  her  the  reason  why  it  was  so  vital  for  him  …  Playfulness  resonated  within  a  short  instant  within  his  features,  as  there  will  a  strange  resonance  of  the  tragedy.
  Tragedy  of  the  one  she  had  been  victim  of  … 
  ...  but  also  all  the  ones  he  had  been  carrying  away.
 ❝  Don’t  you  have  faith  in  something,  something  that  giving  you  hope  ?  ❞  He  asked  as  innocently  as  possible,  as  there  was  awareness  his  future  rambling  will  touching  important  points.  Remembrances  he  should  left  behind,  direct  interferences  he  couldn’t  frontally  expose.  He  appreciated  her  various  propositions,  when  he  would  have  loved  confessing  the  first  one  as  main  argument  ---  or  the  third.  Second  one  was  a  bit  complicated  when  he  passed  twelve  years  remembering  he  had  been  an  witch  the  whole  time,  had  been  a  witch  a  long  time  ago  …  and  that  past  remained  yet  present,  within  another  exposed  cat  box  in  which  he  was  the  dead  cat,  in  which  resurrection  had  came  from  the  most  uncanny  of  manners.  ❝  Oooh,  you  steal  away  words  out  of  my  lips.  I  would  love  say  I’m  confident  but  I’m  trying  to  be.  Good  time  of  showing  off  had  been  a  bit  behind  me  considering  how  life  had  been  hard  these  days.  Humanity.  Didn’t  you  believe  in  humanity  ?  Probably  not.  Possibly  not  with  how  Ushiromiya  Eva  blaming  you  and  treating  you  the  whole  time  ---  ❞  He  was  pulling  himself  in  trouble,  but  regardless,  he  would  have  to  facing  judgement  when  it  came  from  that  last  chance.  It  couldn’t  be  worse  than  that  day  …  It  couldn’t  worse  than  the  day  of  the  tragedy  …  ❝  I  always  believed  in  the  goodness  of  humanity.  Always.  Sometimes  be  disappointed,  sometimes  exasperated  of  some  of  their  decisions,  but  humans,  always  moving  on,  always  found  amazing  ways,  always  surviving  on  their  own  manners  …  ❞  Sadness  wrapped  his  expression  at  once,  as  brown  eyes  remained  within  that  distress  as  he  couldn’t  finish  his  rambling  in  front  of  her.  He  learned  the  hard  way  how  it  wasn’t  always  the  case sadly. 
How  humanity  can  be  their  own  monsters.
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lightcreators · 1 year
@that-butler continue from here
This boy was a bit of a handful. Honestly, his master seemed more like an angel at times, but it is still a learning experience to see what a normal child is actually like.
"Yes, the Phantomhive family has quite the magnificent garden." He wonders if he's seen white roses before? Come to think of it, probably not given Jim's background from what he's looked into.
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Amusing was how he lightly appreciated the landscape around Phantomhive's mansion … in an better approach than his own … Maybe because it was Phantomhive : he was envious about everything the boy was, regardless how he had the exact same thing. Noblesse sphere loved Phantomhive … compared to him. If he could, he could annoy Phantomhive all day, not even try to behave himself for one second and leave him alone breath for one tiny second --- he needed attention. He needed eternal attention, and Phantomhive was inclined to answer it ! Whatever if he showed how an terrible boy he was, he could scream, he could cry, he could remain silent, his head would decomposing with emotions and oh, it was wonderful ! ❝ Quite an magnificent one~ ❞ How envious he could be cannot escape the gaze of an demon. Though, most of the flowers he witnessed inside his personal garden were roses … not inside that white color. ❝ Did these white roses had an particular meaning ? Something metaphoric ? You think your young Master will be mad if I offer him some for dinner ? ❞ He asked playfully.
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lightcreators · 1 year
@pointofviiew continue from here
Suzaku stares at the other. He kept silent as he recalls their childhood all the way to now. Standing face to face, were they leant to have an open chat? He wasn't sure he should express himself even now.
No, hw should, let Lelouch realize what effected him what they should talk about. But still... Suzaku hesitated. "You're right...So,Was there anything else you..you wanted to say?"
It was one of these conversations he avoided most of time. Of course, if they could managed to talk more or less --- so many conversations, so many remembrances, so many events, so many memories were never mean to be opened again … awakening all the pain he brought towards his long-term friend … awakening all the blood he committed and everything he had been before. Nevertheless, it had been something he had been silently craving, as an silent wish --- offering to Suzaku an second chance in middle of existence, meanwhile his immortal one would have no comfort at the end … Hoping to give peace to one of his first friends, who allowing him for a long time, to live inside an world he had been trapped with, becoming another one of these pawns he had control with … Where to start was most painful beginning. Where he cold begin to admit things, confessing disastrous state of an heart who had been tourmented by appareances given to the outside world and the willing pain he asssumed inside his being ? No judgement was physically brought in front of Suzaku’s hesitation. After all, there was still dreadful remembrances about them, about what had becoming their relationship both had try to maintain … where he cannot expect compassion of his old friend to showing how he could still destroy life without mean to, even without his asset ! Hesitation was presented inside his expression, as purple eyes wasn’t sure what to say first. ❝ Remind you that I still care about you, despite ... everything that's happened between us. Despite future I gave and created for you. Not really things I accoustumed to say. Something happened, and I know perfectly well that you will be angry with me if I confess it to you abruptly. I paid for my dishonesty, beyond death, beyond my second chance. ❞
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lightcreators · 2 years
During  so  many  weeks,  he  had  thoughtfully  dreamed  about  been  physically  able  to  move  at  his  leisure  :  to  visiting  every  corridor  of  Phantomhive  manor  without  asking  the  Earl  permission  and  spying  over  the  servants,  watching  around  moves  of  Sebastian,  enjoying  landscape  of  his  garden  …  to  enjoy  opportunity  to  showing  his  face  at  Phantomhive’s  office.  These  haunting  moments  he  never  reached  back  by  the  instant  they  were  finished  still  silency  tourmented  him  inside  an  corner  of  his  mind.  He  missed  these  circumstances,  when,  regardless  how  delicate  his  situation  was,  he  was  far  too  much  distracted  by  Phantomhive  for  remembering  Claude  absence,  Claude  desire  to  kill  him  …  Even  inside  each  second  of  his  physical  curse,  inside  each  moment  of  his  agony,  he  had  wanted  to  believe  Claude  misunderstanding  would  be  corrected.  Maybe  Claude  perceived  wrongly  Ciel  as  a  better  deal  than  him,  but  didn’t  willingly  mean  to  kill  him,  right  ?  Maybe  he  had  some  honest  affections  towards  him  his  soul  was  worth  something  ?  Maybe  he  could  be  resonated  ?  With  certainty,  if  his  metaphoric  twin  hadn’t  decided  to  take  his  place  by  being  murdered  by  his  demon  butler,  he  would  have  believed  this  magnificent  delusion  No  miracle  appeared.
He  will  never  see  Claude  again.  An  truth  he  ejected  of  his  mind  by  starting  that  strange  paradox  to  inform  Ciel  of  upcomping  threat,  understanding  lack  of  interest  coming  from  his  butler  over  his  own  case  —  but  never  desired  to  accept  mentally  or  emotionally  it.  Sebastian  was  shadow  of  something  he  never  got  :  this  insidious  and  playful  submission,  concerned  about  the  well-being  of  the  soul  of  his  contracting  party,  this  protective  canvassing  and  the  passing  desires  to  titillate  him  intellectually  always  have  been  an  terrible  mirror  …  He  might  be  obeyed  by  his  demon  butler,  he  spent  three  quarters  of  his  time  hoping  to  receive  an  emotion  beyond  his  indifference,  which  was  filled  with  total  failure,  where  this  indifference  had  never  dissolved  from  his  face.  Been  endlessly  watched  by  sadness  gaze  of  Hannah  was  somewhere  an  memory  of  that  time  :  the  other  demon  of  his  side  who  remained  discrete,  contenting  his  needs,  but  barely  dared  talk  with  him  …  Though,  circumstances  were  a  bit  different.  Hannah  had  been  the  key  who  lead  his  metaphoric  twin  to  Hades  —  and  enter  illegally  inside  the  Underground  for  talk  —  Hannah  was  the  reason  of  his  childhood  village  destruction  and  an  past  fragment  of  his  brother  …  That  endless  picture  of  a  quest  over  the  Golden  Witch  who  had  to  been  found  inside  trials  of  the  underground,  for  touch  eventually  the  Underground  …
Every  gaze  inside  his  manor  was  an  recollection  about  how  worthless  his  existence  had  became.  How,  inside  current  circumstances,  his  entire  life  had  been  an  entire  joke  to  start  to  finish.  Every  remembrance  of  Claude  inside  that  huge  manor  generated  an  inability  to  wandering  around,  to  even  desiring  wake  up  from  an  prison  he  might  never  escape  !  He  was  doomed  to  becoming  Alois  Trancy,  the  real  one,  the  obscure  one,  the  one  he  stolen  the  place,  the  one  that  should  have  been  remaining  alive  !  Besides,  his  mind  just  slept  into  shadows.  Phantomhive  would  have  to  informing  the  Queen  he  won’t  be  available  for  an  moment,  for  have  others  matters  —  most  likely  emotionally  recover  —  He  wanted  nothing  to  deal  with  noblesse  spheres.  It  was  too  early  for  remember  how  rotten  noblesse  was,  inside  memories  anchored  deeply  inside  his  body  about  that  part,  when  anyways,  he  wasn’t  even  sure  if  it  was  worth  trying  to  be  accepted  …  He  was  supposed  to  be  marginal.  He  was  supposed  to  be  that  upper  shadow  that  ruled  every  corner  of  the  darkness.  And  he  was  quite  marginal,  for  not  being  made  of  the  same  wood  of  golden  nobility,  having  known  streets  and  having  been  for  a  long  time  without  a  future,  but  he  was  devoured  by  these  darkness  which  he  was  supposed  to  govern.  Sleep  as  longer  as  possible,  sleep  as  deeply  as  possible,  that  was  only  interest  of  his  days,  where  few  hours  awake  consisted  to  eat  and  hear  news  from  Phantomhive.
Hence,  when  someone  wanted  to  saw  him  that  day,  he  thought,  at  the  moment,  wrongly,  it  was  Phantomhive.  Oh,  he  really  wanted  monopolize  him  again.  To  be  constantly  in  his  arms  or  temporarily  at  his  side,  he  could  forget  double  absence  of  Claude  and  his  metaphorical  twin.  Each  mirror  was  a  reminder  of  the  lie  he  reflected.  His  personality  couldn’t  do  the  latter  justice,  and  there  was  no  idea  how  legit  he  could  be.  Every  memory  of  his  current  position  almost  made  him  regret  having  survived.  He  had  been  ready,  sensing  his  death  coming  through  his  curse,  to  die  that  day  —  it  was  his  healing  from  his  immediate  curse,  in  an  echo  that  should  have  been  his  last  breath,  that  he  understood  that  his  metaphorical  twin  was  gone  …  and  even  resurrected  as  a  witch,  still  having  marks  of  how  he  was  murdered,  he  couldn’t  stay  in  this  world  …  was  too  angry  and  risked  resenting  him  …  where  world  of  this  second  manor  and  secrets  were  locked  behind  him  when  this  place  had  been  sealed  between  dimensions  …  He  was  only  a  physical  legacy,  which  was  nothing,  which  had  lost  absolutely  everything.  He  couldn’t  see  anyone,  and  it  was  the  guest’s  first  name  that  forced  him  to  move  from  his  bed.  Persephone.  Luckily  his  metaphorical  twin  had  told  him  who  it  was,  because  he  was  in  a  beautiful  darkness  concerning  Hades.  However,  unfortunately,  he  had  never  met  him.  Didn’t  know  what  he  looks  like.  Didn’t  know  where  he  was.  He  had  absolutely  nothing  to  contribute.  He  didn’t  know  anything.  He  was  in  total  darkness.  However,  if  she  was  there,  it  was  for  a  reason.  So  it  was  after  a  supreme  effort  to  get  dressed  that  he  went  to  greet  her,  where  the  emptiness  of  his  blue  eyes  was  by  no  means  hidden.  He  could  still  feel  Hannah’s  sadness,  still  silent  …  He  had  stopped  talking,  remaining  mute  and  residing  in  the  restful  covers  of  his  bed,  so  he  didn’t  know  what  to  say.  It  took  another  immense  effort.    ❝  Anything  to  ask  me  ?  ❞  He  had  to  remember  that  he  was  the  Earl  Trancy,  so  she  had  certainly  heard  of  him.
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lightcreators · 2 years
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Researching  to  gain  an  upper-hand  with  Alice,  enjoying  to  play  with  her  favorite  ‘salve’  came  as  an  familiar  entertainment  that  tenderly  warmed  his  heart.  fully,  With  sincerity  and  perseverance,  he  was  trying  to  win  this  fight  in  these  common  battles:  Alice  always  had  the  word  to  make  him ��suddenly  brutally  embarrassed  or  always  had  the  little  phrase  to  make  him  uncomfortable…  where  he  counterattacked  after  embracing  the  entirety  of  this  passing  feeling  !  Once  touched  inside  his  most  secretive  emotions  of  attachment  towards  her,  he  desired  showing  her  how  much  he  was  caring  about  her,  how  much  she  always  was  valued  by  him  —  meantime  seeking  to  inculcate  some  elegants  manners,  vainly,  feeling  himself  living  in  this  princely  title  of  future  duke  of  the  Vessalius,  playing  with  desire  this  place  of  king  …  Though,  betrayal  thoughtfulness  came  to  tourmenting  him  along  during  these  innocents  games.  Taste  of  circumstances  inside  an  playing  illusions,  in  middle  of  something  he  was  recreated  inside  an  noblesse  he  partially  saved  and  experienced  by  instants,  had  concealed  distress  behind  it.  He  didn’t  wanted  to  borther  his  friends  over  these  strange  circumstances  who  happened.  He  didn’t  wanted  bring  too  much  an  matter  over  an  aside  experience  he  received,  in  middle  of  timing,  where  his  memories  would  conceal  guilt  and  powerlessness  over  an  tragedy  …  He  was  still  an  noble  only  by  cherished  remembrances,  when  time  clock  didn’t  sounded  as  it  had  moved  from  ten  years,  when  absence  of  news  of  his  father  didn’t  resonated  like  an  entire  abandonment  …  He  touched  noblesse  sphere  again  accidentally,  on  brust  of  his  good  heart.  Discovered  how  much  he  was  well  off  in  silent  darkness  with  future  call  from  a  devouring  Abyss.  Darkness  were  able  to  devouring  people  inside  their  everything,  to  consuming  their  soul,  to  corrupting  an  presented  goodness  …  or  to  changing  dramatically  an  entire  existence,  when  he  maintly  touched  partially  these  shadows  …  were  touched  by  remembrance  of  ancient  melody  …With  his  friends,  eventually,  he  would  manage  not  to  fail  them.  Not  to  remain  simple  observer  of  their  troubles,  not  to  stay  inside  an  backstage  seat  when  he  desired  to  act.  With  Alice,  knowing  she  will  perceiving  these  little  moments  when  he  will  not  feeling  exactly  as  the  same,  even  though  his  lips  would  only  confessing  partially  reasons  on  it,  he  anchored  himself  to  that  brightness  sensation  with  her  …  his  natural  desire  to  protect  her  of  everything  …  played  around  those  innocence  embrace  inside  their  mutual  playfulness  and  his  deplorable  lost.    As  emerald  eyes  crossed  observing  ones  of  Gil,  an  kind  of  emotional  turmoil  showed  up.  Gaze  desired  to  be  sharpened  for  recognizing  when  burden  over  his  shoulders  were  too  heavy.  He  might  probably  not  be  around  during  ten  years,  he  desired  more  than  ever  catch  up  all  that  time.  He  might  turn  out  old,  not  the  same  kid  he  loved  at  every  occassion  tourmenting,  his  playfulness  could  be  expressed  inside  various  manners  and  remaining  inventive  —  besides  to  knowing  someone  who  triggered  many  ~nasty~  ideas  about  how  acting  playful,  when  himself  disagree  about  how  this  was  close  to  fun  definition  …  there  was  an  gentleness  inside  his  tourments.  As  much  he  was  welcomed  with  terrible  sweetness  coming  from  Alice,  barely  sharped.  Realizing  from  afar  something  inside  the  gaze  of  Gil,  he  used  an  opportunity  to  acting  from  behind  in  a  surprise  hug  to  Alice,  before  innocently  rushing  over  to  Gil.  Teasing  him  would  no  doubt  brighten  her  day,  to  which  he  offered  her  his  biggest  smile.    ❝  Are  you  worried  I’m  getting  eaten  by  the  rabbit,  Gil  ?  ~    ❞  An  empathizing  over  that  metaphoric  description  naturally  escaped  his  lips  recently.  If  he  could,  he  would  take  one  of  these  Funtom  rabbit  stuffed  animals,  for  feeling  his  heart  and  his  entire  mind  resonating  with  it  …  which  partially  acted  with  Alice  too.  There  were  less  consideration  about  knowing  she  was  B-Rabbit,  when  even  her  Chain  existence,  resonated  something  inside  of  him  …    ❝  Being  worried  about  me  so  early  in  the  day  is  rewarded  with  a  surprise  hug  !    ❞  He  bounced  back  as  he  hugged  him,  laughing,  expressing  his  most  brightful  smile.    ❝  No  jealousy  like  that~    ❞  He  still  wanted  to  annoying  him  for  avoid  whatever  worries  he  might  have,  but  had  to  think  about  it  …  when  as  his  smile  inscreased  with  pleasure,  meanwhile  been  deeply  affectionate,  sought  to  taste  this  cup  of  coffee.
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lightcreators · 2 years
@sheyearns​ continue from here
    IF LACIE COULD WRITE her own story, she’d have the possibility to turn her life into a different direction and make it more lively for herself. But there was no bliss eternity awaiting for her, there was no more story after she turned twenty-five. She looked forward to everyday life from her visits to town to the dreadful parties - she had to admit on this one, though, there were parties filled with unexpected events---she could remember the one where she was being asked for a dance several times by the same person and she declined him every time just to annoy him. He didn’t seem to take it well because the day after that the Baskervilles received a letter about the less charming side of the Baskervilles ladies, referring specifically to the red-eyed woman with raven hair. Lacie smirked at his attention-seeking behavior and she burnt the letter in a fire.
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      “Or~!” Lacie exclaimed. “The joys of being alive, the warmth of a beautiful sunlight in the morning and the blessings of a family member~” She was referring to her brother Oswald. He’d deny it, were he to hear her saying it. He did everything for her out of love and she was more than happy to return that feeling. “We have so many books with bad endings and the bittersweet ones are being left out. And the happy ones? Hah, they don’t exist in the eyes of mortal man. I wish for that to be known more. We shouldn’t hide that what we yearn for the most.”
His  daily  life  was  associated  towards  a  single  wish,  a  single  desired  expected  ‘miracle’  to  be  created  inside  his  own  hands,  meanwhile  carry  on  an  illusion,  facing  endlessly  illusion  of  his  own  being  …  Into  times  when  enthousiasm  was  at  his  peak,  when  he  seemed  from  the  outside  'happy  enough’  for  desiring  passing  time  in  most  glorious  means,  he  preferred  forgotten  all  these  moments  condensed  in  sadness.  All  these  darkness  shadows  towards  circumstances  he  was  still  searching  to  not  constantly  look  back  …  Nevertheless,  outside  Phantomhive,  there  was  no  possible  talent  about  communication  with  someone  else.  Naturally,  he  managed  to  be  at  his  brightnest,  to  ignoring  even  illusions  he  was  associating  towards  the  role  of  his  name,  however,  was  limited  over  understanding  of  the  world.  Noblesse  sphere  was  an  realm  of  discovery,  when  he  will  have  to  becoming  an  shadowing  king,  however,  with  his  impossibility  to  hide  his  emotions,  he  would  hardly  be  able  to  fake  a  trust  bring  into  them  …  outside  Phantomhive  and  her,  he  didn’t  really  care.  Noblesse  was  associated  to  one  name,  one  haunting  name,  when  he  wished  the  day  of  his  coming  back  —where  at  least  all  his  frustration  would  be  able  to  explode.  Where  he  would  take  revenge  into  porportions  he  wanted.  Where  he  would  be  finally  flattered  by  a  miracle.  Where  he  would  be  acknoweldged.  Where  he  would  gain  his  first  step  of  victory  —  Though,  without  effort,  he  noticed  troubles  inside  people  around  him.  He  pretended  not  to  perceiving  the  sadness  over  Hannah  features  most  of  time,  as  he  preferred  not  open  that  painful  topic.  As  everything  had  been  foreshadowed  since  the  beginning  …  Inside  his  childhood,  he  lose  his  brother  because  of  a  demon,  who  destroyed  him  as  a  person  …  without  knowing,  couple  of  years  later,  he  would  lose  an  metaphoric  twin  BECAUSE  of  a  demon.  Slowly,  he  wanted  embracing  the  world  of  metaphoric  conversations,  to  found  lifeness  into  emptiness  he  was  escaping  from.  
Curiousity  flattered  his  features  as  she  wanted  him  burn  the  letter  on  fire.  He  always  understood  and  catch  up  things  too  late  …  when  the  accurate  synchronisation  might  eventually  came.  He  stopped  be  too  hard  on  himself  on  that  point.  He  knew  nothing  of  the  world  meanwhile  knowing  too  much,  he  contradicted  himself  between  his  wishes  and  the  reality  …  he  accepted  there  was  a  long  time  needed  for  recover  of  his  traumas.  There  was  an  moment  of  silence.  Sadly,  he  didn’t  feel  'the  joys  of  being  alive’,  and  wished  one  day,  he  would  feel  what  it  looked  like  as  emotions  …  Since  he  rarely  played  that  card  of  liar  with  her,  for  their  future  interactions,  he  preferred  not  open  it  now.  ❝  I  can  empathize  with  the  beautiful  sunlight  in  the  morning  !  Far  more  better  than  the  dawn,  who  like  a  reminder  of  all  these  terrible  darkness  about  to  fall  down  !  ❞  He  wasn’t  going  to  admit  right  away  he  had  a  phobia  in  the  dark  to  the  point  facing  obscurity  would  make  him  scream.  Where  his  panic  attacks  where  so  much  uncontrollable  he  traumatized  Phantomhive  more  than  one  time.  Will  remain  most  comic  thing  about  everything  about  him.  He  pouted  over  the  last  one.    ❝  You  are  lucky  then  !  I  have  noooooooo  noooooooooone  in  mind  concerning  a  family  member  I  can  trust.  Sadly,  the  Trancy  are  kinda  asshole.  I’m  an  sunlight  compared  to  them.  I’m  the  sunlight  doing  some  clean  up  inside  the  family  !    ❞  He  exclaimed  in  joy.  If  only  he  had  the  guts  to  actually  kill  someone  or  give  orders  for  such  things  …  He  contented  himself  not  facing  Arnold  Trancy  even  since  circumstances  who  happened.  His  first  revenge  was  going  to  be  that  old  asshole.  His  metaphoric  twin  didn’t  waited  for  trap  him  into  his  web  …  He  wanted  tasted  that  pleasure  too.  Even  if  it  referred  to  carefully  planning  a  scandal  …  and  be  treated  as  the  revolution,  the  savior,  the  person  able  to  be  trust  inside  the  family  !  There  was  another  laugh.    ❝  I’m  tired  to  read  tragedies.    ❞  Phantomhive  could  confirm  he  didn’t  really  read  much  to  begin  with  —  compared  again  to  his  metaphoric  twin,  who  had  some  talent  about  how  turn  a  story  …  entertaining  —  but  there  was  possibilities  of  that  not  be  exposed  into  his  next  sentences.  He  was  mostly  tired  of  experiencing  tragedies.    ❝  I  prefer  when  it’s  comic  into  a  strange  way.  When  the  bittersweet  could  balance  over  gentleness.  Where  all  the  distress  could  be  perceived  into  an  amusing  way.    ❝  There  was  another  laugh.    ❝  Depending.  An  happy  ending  had  to  made  by  the  hero,  right  ?  It’s  the  hero’s  journey  to  doing  everything  for  get  that  happy  ending,  by  doing  the  good  choice  ?  Maybe  some  have  flattered  into  another  glorious  dimensions,  when  all  dreams  are  fullfilled,  but  I’m  think  it’s  possible  to  turn  into  a  reality.  The  hero  influencing  the  others  characters  for  example.  Or  better  —  a  miracle.  Or  a  certainty  that  something  wonderful  is  about  to  happen.  Without  bring  such  prayers  to  God  though.  Or  towards  an  magnificient  demon  able  to  offer  you  some  pointless  dream.  Nah  !  By  wanting  a  miracle  in  silent  prayers  for  secret  support  !    ❞  At  least,  he  could  repeat  what  he  mostly  hear  from  his  metaphoric  twin  in  pure  devotion,  though  an  admiration  betrayed  inside  his  ocean  eyes.  When  he  didn’t  say  the  word.      ❝  The  mortal  world  is  sometimes  disappointing  support  has  to  been  brought  inside  the  abyss  !    ❞  He  grinned  another  time.    ❝  Content  of  that  letter  was  bad  taste  ?    ❞
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lightcreators · 2 years
@falseearl​ continue from here
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"I'm fi-" His words were cut off as another fit of coughs came over him. Astre had not been feeling well and and had been outside in the cold air for too long. His body felt like it was going to give way any moment and well if he was burning up it meant he had a fever. "I just need a good rest and i'll be fine."
An  short  panic  instant  betrayed  his  features.  Possibly,  he  wouldn’t  never  be  able  again  to  picturing  someone  coughting  without  recollecting  what  happened  to  him  …  Still,  as  much  his  gaze  showed  serious  anxiety  for  something  so  small,  he  anchored  himself  into  recent  physical  touch  he  did  in  his  forehand.  With  some  rest,  eventually,  it  will  pass  …  and  he  can  use  him  as  teddy  bear  …  if  he  didn’t  invinting  himself  for  bring  affectionnate  reassurances  towards  him.  It  came  naturally  to  him  to  simply  enjoying  every  occassion  to  be  close  to  Phantomhive  !  There  was  still  that  fear  about  be  rejected,  that  permanent  terror  he  might  doing  something  wrong  …  but  well  …  with  the  time,  he  must  have  been  accoustumed  to  what  to  expect  from  him,  right  ?  It  wasn’t  like  he  was  famous  for  behaving  normally  …  or  even  having  some  common  sense  !  Or  consideration  about  social  norms,  all  associated  bullshit  associated  with  his  status,  all  associated  boredom  linked  towards  ‘normality’.  For  a  couple  of  seconds,  there  was  an  emotion  of  responsability,  who  was  still  oppressing  inside  his  being.    ❝  Why  not  laying  down  for  some  moments  ?  You  will  have  some  nurse  with  you.    ❞  He  would  apology  in  advance  for  what  he  will  do  …  for  been  totally  powerless  to  take  care  of  someone.  Managing  to  take  care  of  himself,  not  to  rest  some  days  into  comforting  ambiance  of  his  sheets,  sometimes  remained  a  feat.  He  was  able  to  stay  enthused  longer,  to  pretend  he  hadn’t  been  emotionally  shaken  by  what  had  happened,  yet  his  despair  only  grew  deeper.  Recollections  of  his  curse  into  details  like  those  were  fragmented  remembrance  of  an  sadness  he  did  his  best  not  to  show  …  He  invited  gently  Astre  to  lay  down  over  one  of  luxurious  couchs.
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lightcreators · 2 years
@falseearl​ continue from here
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"Hmm, well you do well enough pulling off wearing dresses. And especially wigs. So why not dress up as a princess it would be very amusing at least for me." Just as long as he wasn't dragged into being dolled up. Astre did NOT want to wear a corset again.
An  wave  of  enthousiasm  wrapped  his  features,  flattered  towards  sudden  compliments  …  over  that  long  time  ago  memory.  He  expressed  his  first  sentence  playfully,  considering  how  much  he  touched  for  other  reasons  the  experience  of  ‘boy  in  distress’  —  though  yet  unable  to  offering  complete  derision  over  the  topic  without  be  triggered  back  and  breaking  down  …  for  still  yet  …  digest  …  circumstances  about  how  his  life  will  be  until  his  last  breath,  how  he  was  supposed  to  bring  justice  over  a  legacy  without  be  allowed  to  confess  full  details.  He  didn’t  really  get  an  occassion  to  ask  Phantomhive  about  his  'opinion’  back  over  that  particular  reference  :  their  relationship  was  different,  he  was  walking  into  a  path  of  illusions  …  His  late  approbation  was  gratefully  welcomed.  Though,  he  would  remaining  true  to  himself.  Sadly,  there  was  no  occassion  to  testing  that  point  over  his  metaphoric  twin,  treating  that  topic  as  a  domain  of  complete  freedom  about  expected  behavior  …  if  he  even  wanted  to  playing  such  role.  He  appreciated,  with  Astre,  to  not  focusing  solely  over  the  boy  he  was  supposed  to  be  —  to  tasting  one  more  that  sensation  to  act  as  much  he  desired,  without  consideration  for  feedback.    ❝  Oooooh,  I’ll  be  your  beautiful  princess  waiting  full  of  affection  from  her  prince~    ❞  He  charmed  back,  when  joyfully,  he  crossed  once  more  personal  space  by  moving  along  his  face.    ❝  A  magnificent  prince  ready  to  help  his  princess  in  distress  !    ❞  He  playfully  dramatized.    ❝  I  appreciate  that  you  loved  the  maid  ~  You  will  surely  enjoy  rest  of  my  lonely  hobbies~    ❞
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