700 posts
I'm just here and occasionally I yell something into the void
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thenightwolf51 · 4 days ago
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Counting down drawers at work and for some reason the office smells like bathtime when i was 3
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thenightwolf51 · 4 days ago
It smells just like this purple coconut scented my little pony doll i used to play with in the bath.
Not just coconut like lotion or sun tanner, it very specifically smells like that waterlogged vinyl horse that never left my tub in 2005
Counting down drawers at work and for some reason the office smells like bathtime when i was 3
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thenightwolf51 · 4 days ago
Counting down drawers at work and for some reason the office smells like bathtime when i was 3
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thenightwolf51 · 6 days ago
My character whos actually a fear ridden spy.
Love love love characters that present themselves as emotionally open social butterflies but the more you see of them the more obvious it is that they’re the most closed off fuckers in the story. Sure, they want to help you with your personal problems and messy emotions, but if you turn that shit back on them, they’ll shut down or deflect every time. Why are you sticking your nose in their business anyway? It’s not like it matters. They’re not a person, they’re just a role being played. They’re the guy who fixes things and saves people. Please ignore the man behind the mask, he’s fine. Everything’s fine.
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thenightwolf51 · 7 days ago
Book binding to me is just such a show of love for a written work. I get weirdly emotional when i see someone do it for a fic they like, probably because i dream of being an author one day. When the creative Youtuber NerdForge bound the series she likes i legit teared up as she showed the author and i havent even read the seires yet.
Someone loved your creation so much that they took the time to print your words and bind them into an actual physical copy they could hold and keep for the rest of their life. Its amazing
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Guess what I was finally able to finish??
It’s done!!! It’s done and I am so very tired and ready to put it on my shelves and rest easy!
It’s all bound with real leather in hopes of emulating y/n’s cryptid book! Corner protectors for a little extra dash of fancy and gold foil on the cover applied with a heat pen. The endpapers are some antiqued cotton sketchbook paper for that authentic journal feel. Then a bookmark! Cause every good book needs a bookmark!
The white border on everything was sadly unavoidable as I’m just doing this on my home printer and he doesn’t do borderless printing, but all things considered I am very proud of it and pleased with the end product!
I slapped some of my favorite inside shots in here, including some of Meep’s jawdropping art they so kindly let me include!
Thank you all so much for coming with me on this little adventure and thank you Naff for writing and sharing such inspiring stories. And for all your kind words, they’ve meant the world to me!
Cryptid sightings by @naffeclipse
Fanart by @themeeplord
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thenightwolf51 · 10 days ago
i think 'I trust you with my life but not your own' as a trope is one of the ones that can always fuck me up no matter what
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thenightwolf51 · 11 days ago
never believe anyone who tells you that corsetry was Made To Oppress Women. They don't know anything about what we've lost. They don't know about Pockets
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thenightwolf51 · 11 days ago
Hardest part of writing is accepting that some people will not fucking get it & you just have to like cope with that because over-explaining it just makes it worse
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thenightwolf51 · 12 days ago
I love bringing the ghosts into this, but let me add to it. They might not be the only reason.
The GIW dont pop up until S1E19 so his fears on their front wont have had anything to do with his decision to Reject Tim, although their presence later might influence his reluctance to repair the bond after Tim finds him
But know who have been a threat of vivisection since the beginning, his parents
Whether its a perceived or actual possibility, depending on how you want to write the Fentons, Danny's also had to think of all the things his soulmate would experience his parents doing to him in the lab if they caught Phantom.
Im a sucker for good parents Fentons and i think it would work well with this AU, especially since they took Danny to the hospital after the accident.
But imagine!
In the midst of all this angst happening, Tim maybe already in Amity, we get an accidental Rereal Gone Right (Phantom has the exact same Rejection mark as Danny, even before realizing that bit what does the visible mark on Phantom do for the Fenton's understanding of ghosts? Non sentient, inherently evil, impressions of post human consciousness... with souls?). And for Danny it could be this slight reprieve. Of everything thats been going wrong with his life, his parents aren't one of them.
For Jack and Maddie, however.
Jack and Maddie who could not be more deeply inlove, who clearly are eachother's soulmate, who adore their children.
Having to grapple with not only the fact that they their invention accidentally killed their son but that the fear of them had a part in Danny Rejecting his soulmate.
It might be a reprieve for Danny but its double the angst for the Fenton's
Okay, so, Brain Dead rejected soulmate AU but Danny is the one who rejected Tim.
Let's say in this world that there are many types of soul bonds.
You've got your standard and fairly common First Words and Skin Art.
Then you've got less common things like Shared Dreams, Colorblind Until You Meet, and Red String.
And then you've got the very rare Telepathic Bond and Empathic Bond.
Finally, there's the ultra rare, one in a million, Shared Pain* soul bonds. It helps that the flip side of this particular bond means Shared Comforts**, but still, it is not the kind of bond people hope for.
Naturally, Fenton luck dictates that this is what Danny (and by extension, his soulmate) gets stuck with.
And at first it's fine. Like, bumps and scrapes happen but it's no big deal. Then the bullying starts and Danny feels a bit guilty that his soulmate has to deal with it by proxy.
But, Danny learns how to minimize damage. And the way Danny can feel his soulmate gentle nursing the pains when he can't, indulging in extra comforts for the both of them, makes Danny think that maybe it's okay.
After all, if it was really to much, Danny's soulmate would have already rejected him.
And when Danny's soulmate starts getting a bit more roughed up when they're 13, naturally Danny returns the favor; never wishing to sever the bond, only wishing he could prevent the pain all together.
Then Danny turns 14.
Then Danny dies. But survives.
He cries that night, his soulmate desperately trying to push comfort through their bond while all Danny can think about is how he shouldn't have gone in that portal. He shouldn't have been so reckless. He should have PROTECTED them.
And to top it all off, suddenly he's not just Dash's personal punching bag. No, there's a whole host of ghostly rogues that like to come bother Danny. And maybe it was still okay when it was just ectopusses or Lunch Lady or Boxy.
But as more and more powerful ghosts come through, as the fights get harder and Danny takes more damage, the guilt over what he's subjecting his soulmate to eats at him.
And after Danny meets Vlad, the first enemy he faces that he really can't beat, he makes the decision. This isn't going to end. These fights, these pains...
Someday he's going to face an enemy that is going to grind him into the dirt. That's going to kill him again, probably slowly and unpleasantly, and Danny already subjected his soulmate to one death, he refuses to put him through another.
So Danny mentally reaches deep inside himself, real hands placing themselves above his heart.
Feeling around for the source of that gentle warmth his soulmate is pushing through their bond.
He finds it, grasping with imaginary hands while his real ones clench the fabric of his shirt.
Feels the way the warmth stutters. The sharp jolt of pain on his elbow as his soulmate probably knocks it when he realizes what Danny is doing.
Danny pays it no mind. He holds the bond between then tightly; tears welling up in his eyes as phantom arms wrap around himself, his soulmate's desperate plea for Danny not to do what he's about to.
Danny yanks, physical hands all but tearing the shirt off his chest as mental ones rip the bond from his and his soulmate's hearts.
The last pain they'll ever share comes crashing into him, the distinct Rejection scar crackling across his chest not unlike the Lichtenburg on his arm.
It hurts, but less than dying had.
Then the pain is gone. Or rather, that pain is gone.
The dull aches from the fight with Plasmius throb and a part Danny finds himself missing the soothing comforts his soulmate had provided him, emptiness filling the space they used to occupy.
But another part of Danny, the part that is more ghost than human, swells with pride knowing he has protected his soulmate from Danny's own inevitable fate.
As Danny inspects Rejection spidering out from his heart, a strange hollow giddiness settles in his stomach. It makes him giggle.
His brain notes that if Dash ever sees this, he'll assume he finally succeeded in making Danny's soulmate reject him.
Danny giggles harder.
Not that Danny will correct him. Or his friends or his sister when they find out for that matter. They worry enough about him as is. They don't need to know just how far Danny is willing to go to protect the people he loves.
He's stifling laughter now, trying not to wake the neighbors.
Sitting alone on the roof of Fentonworks at 3 in the morning, Danny laughs until he sobs, then laughs and sobs until he can't breathe, then laughs and sobs and struggles to breathe until a light blue mist comes gasping past he lips.
His hysterics taper of and he lets the now familiar cold feeling of his ghost form spread across his body, pausing only for a second when he notices the new spiderwebbing across the chest of his hazmat suit, just a shade darker than the rest of the black material.
Oh well. It's not too noticeable and if some sees it he can just pretend it was always there. Just like he's going to pretend the emptiness in his heart was always there. Where it belongs.
Tim is at the Bat Computer desperately searching for any kind of clue who and where his soulmate is.
Of course, Tim had searched before, been searching basically since grade school when it became clear his soulmate was dealing with either bullying or an abusive home.
But Tim's efforts had tripled lately. Ever since that fateful day 4 months ago when he'd practically had a seizure in the middle of family dinner.
It had felt like he was dying, the echos of electric shocks up his arm and into his heart coming through his soul bonds. Followed soon after by the sense of something terrifying and foreign opening up in his chest and forcing its way into every molecule of his body.
Tim is pretty sure he screamed.
It was several minutes before the sensations ended and a strange coldness filled his being. For a minute, Tim was terrified his soulmate had died, until the cold retreated to a place just beside his heart and phantom hands could be felt trying to comfort and soothe.
At the time, Tim thought that would be that. Some kind of terrible accident. A story his soulmate would tell him when they finally found each other.
But that wasn't that.
It started with that strange coldness never leaving the space beside his heart. Then sometimes the coldness would spread, filling his whole body for brief periods of time. Then those periods of time started to come with some kind of pain. A scrape, a bruise, sore muscles.
The kind of injuries Tim got on patrol as Robin.
Which was something he'd not been allowed to do near as much since the aftermath of that dinner when Bruce had learned what kind soul bond Tim had.
"Tim, you can't keep throwing yourself into the line of fire. It's bad enough when you get hurt, but for your soulmate to have to suffer too?"
Stupid Bruce and his stupid rules. Tim and his soulmate had been fine before, thank you very much. And it wasn't Robin that got struck by lightning or something. Tim really isn't sure what kind of accident would result in the things he had felt that night, but electrocution is at least part of it.
But since then, Tim's soulmate had been getting more and more injuries at any and all hours of the day. If Tim had been worried before distressed now. Something had happened and now Tim's soulmate who was already dealing with something before now seemed to be in constant danger. Tim needs to find them, needs to help them, make them safe.
He doesn't look, doesn't take his eyes off the news articles on the screen as a presence appears behind him. No 2 presences. And the elevator dings bringing a third. But Tim keeps scanning articles, looking for some clue about a kid getting electrocuted and a town gaining a young vigilante shortly after.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder, gravelly voice speaking in gentle tones. "It's almost 4am son." Tim doesn't respond. Bruce sighs and spins the chair around. Dick and Alfred are both there looking concerned and stern respectively. "It's bed time."
"My soulmate is in trouble. They're not safe. I need to find them. And you're worried about my bed time?"
"You need some sleep, Master Tim. You won't know you've found anything if you're to tired to see straight." Bruce nods and Dick puts on his best big brother face.
"Get some rest, Tim. We can keep looking later."
Tim opens his mouth to argue, but pauses at the strange tugging sensation in his heart. He briefly wonders what trouble his soulmate is in now before he realizes what the almost feeling of hands on his soul bond means.
He gasps and jerks in the chair, knocking his elbow on the arm rest and the warm blanket he'd cocooned himself in to send comfort back to his soulmate off his shoulders.
Even Alfred's expression turns concerned when Tim wraps his arms around himself, trying to convey along the soul bond his plea for his soul mate not to do this.
"Tim?" Tim isn't sure which family member speaks. Can't focus on it as his soulmate yanks on the bond, ripping it and the strange comfortable coldness out.
Tim cries out, three sets of hands immediately moving in to comfort him. Sight and sound turn to static as Rejection burns across his chest not unlike the electrocution had crawled up his arm four months ago.
Then the pain vanishes.
And Tim looks up at Bruce, knows he's got tears rolling down his face, searching pitifully for a father's comfort.
"They Rejected me."
Bruce startles, but quickly stoops down to wrap Tim in a hug and Dick lays a comforting hand on Tim's head and Alfred retreats probably to make something comforting and Tim cries at the emptiness where the bond should be and the now too warm spot beside his heart.
And yet, deep in his mind where gears are still turning, Tim resolves to still find his soulmate, even without the bond, if only to ask them why.
This was supposed to be a prompt, maybe a premise, but I got carried away.
So now y'all can have this piece of pain I have no intention of continuing. Enjoy!
And since I don't plan on continuing, if some else wants to run with it, have at and have fun!
*Shared Pain in this AU just means soulmates feel the pain, not that they recieve the injuries. So if a soulmate breaks an arm, the other will feel the break, but their arm will be physically fine.
**Shared Comforts meaning that soulmates also share good feelings. So if one person is all wrapped up comfy cozy in a nice thick blanket, the other also feels that warmth. But like with the pain, it's a phantom feeling. Won't keep the soulmate not bundled up from hypothermia.
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thenightwolf51 · 19 days ago
ive decided to become a Lawful Good edgelord abt driving a car. *looks broodily away from you* what's wrong...? no, you wouldn't understand. I've been burdened with a great and terrible power. a lethal metal machine that obeys my every whim but which whispers dark things to me...tempting me to move ever faster, to grow careless in my movements... I've seen this power corrupt many others. my father. my great-aunt veronica. I've seen them neglect the wisdom of the turn signal. I've seen them text while driving. every day I must remain vigilant lest I become over-used to this dark power......
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thenightwolf51 · 20 days ago
In the same kind of vein as a ghost following their zombified corpse.
Imagine astral projecting and watching yourself sleep walk. And your body is just standing in the middle of the room sluggishly kinda copying what you're astral projection is doing
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thenightwolf51 · 23 days ago
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thenightwolf51 · 23 days ago
If Jason and Danny are the same age then that means Jason is just a few months to 1 year away from Ethiopia. What if they aren't able to break the whole ownership thing by then, especially with Lady Gotham arguing her whole "stolen goods" point.
Ownership or not, Jason would still be able to go home. Neither Danny or Lady Gotham would want him just sitting in the offering room for months.
So he goes home, things settle somewhat back to normal, canon happens, Ethiopia arrives.
Now here's what im wondering:
Would Danny be able to sense that something is wrong and show up in time to save Jason?
Would Jason still die and how would Danny's "ownership" effect Jason's soul/ghost? Could it have something to do with his resurrection or why he resurrected in a not-there state?
DPxDC Prompt #17
There is a room Danny's Keep he set up shortly after defeating Pariah Dark. It became necessary when the broader magical community realized Pariah had be defeated and therefore a new King took his throne. Danny found himself briefly bombarded with waves of attempted summonings.
Which, the summonings themselves, wouldn't have been so bad. Turns out people can't just drag the King of Ghosts to themselves on a whim. Danny has to actively accept a summoning to get pulled to it. And if he just decides "No," the pull and whispers go away. No problem there.
No, the problem is the offerings. And sacrifices. The things that people put in the circle as payment for even attempting to summon him. Like having to put a quarter in the payphone just to listen to it ring and ring and ring as the person on the other end of the call doesn't pick up. Since the summoning magic regarded these things as belonging to Danny even if he rejected the summons, they usually ended up just materializing in front of him if he didn't go to them.
Which, okay. It was funny that time he got to end a fight with Vlad very fast when a whole gold bar materialized and dropped on his head. And the food was nice sometimes when it was late and everywhere was closed and his parents had left samples in the fridge to contaminate everything into animation again. But the goat head dropping from the ceiling onto his desk during on of Lancer's English tests was not appreciated. Even if it did get the test rescheduled and the whole school shut down for a few days to investigate the "potentially satanic activity."
So, yeah, it was a bit of a problem. Fortunately, it was a problem with a relatively simple solution. Danny set up an inbox. With a bit of help from Tucker and Pandora, and a couple tips from Clockwork; all summoning offerings and sacrifices would now go straight to the dedicated room in the Keep.
And! As a special touch, the summoners would also get a chipper, automated voice saying, "The Ghost King you are trying to summon has more important things to do than answer you right now. Please leave a message in the circle with your name, date, location, contact information, and reason for summoning. The Ghost King will get back to you at his earliest convenience." Sam's stupid fancy girl gala voice had been perfect for that little message.
It was the perfect solution. Danny no longer had to deal with randomly materializing offerings putting his secret identity at risk. Pariah's skeletons, who had been antsy for something to do now that they were no longer bent under the thumb of a cruel tyrant, were instructed to take care of all the offerings; making sure everything was always cleaned up and put away. And all Danny had to do was stop by periodically to check in and "Officially respond" -ie, write a fuck off note- to the summoning messages (Clockwork's insistence).
A perfect solution. Up until Danny checked in one day to find the skellies pampering a whole ass boy. No. Not just any boy. Danny recognizes that costume.
"Why is Robin here?"
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thenightwolf51 · 24 days ago
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thenightwolf51 · 26 days ago
DCXDP fanfic idea: A Pen Pal's Duty
It starts off with a single letter.
Danny has always heard about pen pals through TV programs, but Amity Park was too small to participate in exchange programs, including passing letters. It was a concept that was all Hollywood to him.
He figured it was also one of those dying practices, and someday, no one would bother writing letters, especially with the increased paranoia of speaking to strangers that overtakes the country after people start figuring out the more likely kidnapping tactics that criminals use.
Not to mention the increase in scams. No one even answers a phone number they don't recognize anymore. Pen Pals just becomes a pipe dream.
Then, he becomes a hallfa with access to infinite worlds. Each is set in different time frames, locations, and languages. He figures that he could become a pen pal with one of them, and goes home to write the perfect first letter. He even calls in favor of one of the universe's most powerful beings, a Ghostwriter, who can affect the fabric of the universe just so the man can write an epic poem centered around a mailbox.
This mailbox would connect their worlds but not allow travel, as the living can not enter the Realms. Ghostwriter is beside himself, claiming the symbolism of longing, of friendships transcending life and death, and of the power of the written word to connect worlds was too grand of a writing prompt for him not to do.
Danny stops listening after a moment, his eyes glazed over just when Mr. Lancer talks about class readings. Eventually, the ghost has his mailbox set to station itself as soon as someone attempts to write back to Danny. He even wrote in a clause that allowed whoever became his pen pal to understand English the second they touched the letter.
Danny would gain the same knowledge once their fated pen pal wrote them back. Apparently, Ghostwriter wanted it to be a "chosen one" trope.
He told Danny to fly around the Infinite Realms, select a door, and let lose his introduction letter so that his powers could lead the letter to where it had to go.
Danny flies around for a while, trying to pick a door to throw his letter through, and eventually selects the one that seems almost crystalized were it not for the lines of technology he can see running through it.
He had written is letter as if though he had always been Phantom. The reason was that Danny didn't want whoever his pen pal to be to find out about Halfas, due to first-hand experience of what people did when finding rare beings such as he and Vlad.
Plus, Danny was also raised on the "Don't talk to strangers. Don't open the door if home alone. Don't tell anyone where he lived or what his age is online" ideals of his generation.
He was comforted by the fact that Ghostwriter could only pass along written scripture, and thus, the pen pals could not share photos or videos.
He opened the door, staring into the swirling green of the portal, and threw in his letter. To keep his identity further hidden behind Phantom, he made it seem like he could not cross into the living world either and thus could not entirely open the door himself.
A few days go by before Danny suddenly gets a Ding sound, letting him know someone has responded. It's torture waiting for the final bell to right, but the minute it does, Danny is racing out of school towards the Ghost Zone portal as fast as his human legs can take him.
He flies as fast as he can as Phantom- which is very fast. He just topped his latest speed at 300 mph- and found the same crystallized door. Outside of it, now flouts allowing mailbox with the words D. Phantom inked on the side. A little red flag is raised, letting him know a delivery has arrived. Ghostwriter's symbol is also flouting near the box, letting other ghosts know not to touch it.
Once again, Ghostwriter has a reputation in the Infinite Realsm: there was a reason it took all the willing ghosts on Truce Day to help Danny take him down.
Feeling giggly, Danny opens the ox and finds a blank envelope inside. He rips it open at once, for a second not able to understand the writing, until a soft type writer sound echos behind his ears and suddenly he can read it.
Dear Phantom,
My name is Jor-El of planet Krypton. I was delighted to be the one to find your letter, and I hope we can become great friends. I am fourteen years old and dream of becoming a scientist who can help my people. Maybe when I become a successful scientist, I can even invent a way to travel to the home planet you hailed from when you were alive. I am already searching for Earth in my skies.
A friendship is born. Over the years, Jor and Danny trade many letters. They learn everything about each other, from Phantom's battles to Jor's crush on Lara. They advise each other where they can, trading ideas of inventions and research.
Jor makes a compiled file of his planet's culture and technology, eager to show Danny everything about Krypton while Danny does his best to do the same about Earth and the Realms. Danny's decision to be only Phantom with Jor can be a little hard to maneuver, but he makes it work by explaining he came to form in the Ghost Zone- technically not a lie- and all ghosts created in the zone can and will age.
Danny is even one of Jor's honorary zone bearers at his and Lara's wedding, while Danny names a few of his inventions after the house El.
Then, sometime after Jor's son is born, tragedy strikes. Danny had noticed that his friend's letters had slowed down,n but he figured it was primarily due to being a new father and getting a high-paying position in his dream field. Danny's adult life was just as hectic as he was a department head at NASA's research and engineering department.
He could barely find time to visit family, let alone date around. Sam and he broke up in junior year but remained close friends. Danny dated around in college but really buckled down to focus on his career the closer he got to NASA. He had no idea how Jor was able to balance everything when he was working in Krypton's version of NASA.
He should have checked.
By the time he got Jor's newest letter, Danny had realized too late it would be his friend's final one. Jor had discovered his sun was exploding, and although he tried his best to save his planet, no one believed him until it was too late.
Thus, he focused all his energy and resources on creating two escape pods strong enough to escape the sun's gravitational pull. It wouldn't be large enough to see his whole family, but his son and niece could live. Jor wasn't sure if his escape rockets would even work, but he did not have time or the means to test them.
He just did his best with his brother's help to save their children and set the coordinates for a planet that once housed a dear friend: Earth.
The letter ended with a final goodbye to Danny. After reading the letter, Danny attempted to open the door and fly to Jor's rescue, but when it swung open, all he saw was the other side of the zone. It was merely a floating doorway that led nowhere now.
The portal was gone because Krypton was gone. Danny's pen pal and friend of twenty years was no more.
A scream of angst rattled through the Infinite Realms as one of it's most potent members realized he was powerless against the circle of life.
Devastated, he eventually visited the Ghostwriter, asking if Kara and Kal had survived, and the writer let him know that Kal would land on that universe's earth in a week (Jor had been dead for four days.) while Kara was floating in space, frozen after a malfunction in her rocket's blast. Danny couldn't save his friend or planet, but he wasn't about to let the two children down.
He made a tough decision.
"You realize to live in one universe, you must die in another?" Clockwork asks for the million times as Danny suites up his rocket, taking every letter he and Jor shared and any personal item he could fit. "The second I open a doorway to that world's earth, you officially die in this one? Your family and friends will grieve you. You will never see them again."
"I know," Danny whispers silently, sending Sam, Tucker, his parents, and his sister a silent apology. "But I have to do this. Can you make it look like an accident? One that doesn't put the blame of my death on anyone's feet but my own?"
"I'll design the scene like an explosion of one of your experiments gone wrong. No one will be to blame." Ghostwriter solemnly swears. His eyes gain a pitying light that Danny has recognized over the years. After all, the narrator knows one of his biggest secrets because he saw it the second he wrote that pen pal system. "You can not replace Jor-El with Kal-El."
"Of course, I can't," Danny laughs without humor, sealing up his rocket. He gives the two ghosts a sad smile. "I'm not in love with Kal."
Clockwork stares impassively before he turns and waves his staff. A portal opens up before Danny. "This will take you to the Earth five minutes before Kal lands. When you are ready, you may pass but know this Phantom. You can not return to the Realms."
Ghostwriter sighs, placing one hand on Danny's shoulder. "Love is one of history's greatest gifts and saddest tragedies. I look forward to your story being written out in your new home. Remember to live while you are there."
Danny smiles, pulling the writer into a hug and ignoring how he goes rigid. "Thank you for everything you've done over the years, Ghostwriter."
"Think nothing of it. You were a wonderful muse," The man whispers as Danny hops into his ship. He stands by Clockwork, who shifts into his elder form as Danny powers up his boat. His eyes show a sad look as he stares up at the man he watches grow until the ship vanishes through Clockwork's portal.
"Will he be alright?" He asks the time god.
"He will. I arranged for him to inherit a forgotten farm next to a kind couple. The Kents are more than happy to help an overwhelmed single father of two and will grow to become like a set of grandparents for Kara and Kal." Clockwork answers.
"That's not what I'm asking."
Clockwork hums. "Danny's has long ago accepted that Jor's heart was never his. His core knows it, and he's grown accustomed to the pain. But he will find peace on that Earth. He even finds a new love."
"Now, that would be telling. As a writer, you know it's best to let the story unfold than to give it all away." Clockwork twirls his staff "But know his adoptive son and daughter are less than pleased with a Gotham Butler."
Ghostwriter blinks. "What does that mean?"
"It means Danny will have to dodge some overly protective bats. Now then, could you tell me about your latest work? It's been a long time since I enjoyed a good story."
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thenightwolf51 · 26 days ago
Ovoid, crackling, weezing.
When i got crackling i though maybe i could spin it to be fire related but nope. You know what i am? I'm Humpty Dumpty immediately after the fall
Congratulations, youre body has taken on a new form! Spin this wheel three times. These words describe your new body
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thenightwolf51 · 30 days ago
Imagine my favorite soulmate au with this idea.
Its both hilarious and kinda fitting that Jason would be born with "Fuck me in the ass tonight" written on him and Danny would have "luck be in the air tonight" but still not guess the answer right
Wheel of Fortune
Fandom: DP x DC Ship: Dead on Main (Jason/Danny) Inspired by this post
Jason was relaxing with a book in one of the student lounges at Gotham U. It had been hours since his last class ended, but this couch was comfortable and he’d just reached an interesting point in his book. He’d read it before, but that was beside the point. Around him the lounge area had emptied out as it had neared dinner time. The TV had been left on by someone and it was now playing reruns of Wheel of Fortune - easily ignorable background noise, so Jason hadn’t bothered to locate the remote.
Footsteps behind him instantly drew his attention but he kept his shoulders relaxed and his eyes on the book. He’d stopped reading but still turned a page. He waited for the footsteps to pass by, but they didn’t. They stopped right behind him. They-
“Fuck me in the ass tonight?” There was a note of disbelief in the question.
Jason’s head snapped up, bewildered and saw a young man: black hair, blue eyes, short, slight build, looked like a stiff wind could blow him over - not a threat, the back of his mind concluded. He had been looking towards the direction of the TV, but when Jason turned to look at him he snapped suddenly horrified eyes onto Jason. His face turned increasingly red. He completely clammed up.
Intrigued Jason looked at the screen showing Wheel of Fortune and ah-
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He suddenly understood.
“Luck be in the air tonight,” he announced confidently.
There was the sound of a slap and Jason turned to find the other man covering his face with a groan and a mumbled, “not for me it isn’t.”
Jason found a smirk stretching his lips and he just couldn’t help it.
“Well that depends?”
Danny was absolutely mortified, he couldn’t believe he’d said that out loud and not only that but a handsome stranger had heard his absolute fail, but that last statement had him pausing. He let his hand fall away. The smirk he was met with made his knees feel a little weak.
“Depends?” Danny squeaked.
And oh shit, the man stood up and walked towards him and he was like a head taller than Danny and he looked like he could fold Danny in half. Danny gulped, he definitely had a problem. And then he was standing right up in Danny’s space.
The little agreeing hum from deep in the man’s chest set Danny’s body on fire. He leaned in close to Danny’s ear so he could feel the cool air of his breath tickling the short hairs at the nape of his neck.
“Depends on how much you meant the first statement.”
Danny’s brain broke a little.
The man was completely frozen before Jason and he leaned back with a small frown, slightly worried.
“You okay?” Jason asked.
It took a moment, before he seemingly came online again. He blinked and focused back on Jason.
“Is this a joke?”
Jason shrugged, suddenly self-conscious, because he didn’t really normally flirt and he was starting to feel like he should back further away. He didn’t, but it was a close thing.
“If you want it to be?” He finally settled on.
“And if I don’t?”
Jason sucked in a breath when blue eyes met his own. He wet his lips nervously, feeling like he was balancing on the summit of a mountain about to take a plunge. “Then it’s not.”
“Oh, thank fuck.”
Jason barely registered the words before he was pulled down into a kiss with surprising strength, and there were hands in his hair tugging deliciously and it was Jason’s back hitting a wall and huh, maybe he needed to re-assess the threat level, but later; Jason was busy right now.
Hope you enjoyed this silly thing. If you're not too busy tell me what you thought on the way out, comments make the day brighter and it feeds the muse.
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