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rubra-wav · 9 months ago
Small update/my hiatus
Hi everyone, I wanted to apologise for my lack of content. I've been unable to write lately mainly due to a mixture of seasonal depression and poor mental health type things from winter and having a lot on my plate
I will eventually get to the requests currently in my inbox, but they will most likely take a long time for me to get out due to not being able to write rn. For now, my inbox is closed to any new requests because of this
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
💯 to all of that. Viv is honestly pretty weak for not making it canon for the sake of shippers.
Maybe he's not canon aromantic as well as asexual, but considering how he acts around all that business (the way he acted when Charlie was venting about her relationship comes to mind particularly, any other time he'd be delighted by her suffering but because it was about her love life he was averse and offloaded her onto Rosie), I think it's just being media literate to see it's very obvious he's written as at least romance repulsed (fully aromantic in my eyes tho) too even if Viv refuses to make it canon clearly
Even tho it's not in spelt out that he's aromantic, if you actually look at how he acts, it's all pretty clear.
I wish that Viv just made him aroace. As you said aromantic characters are like nonexistent. I think the one time I've heard aromantic mentioned in media was in Bojack Horseman. I haven't been too open about my identity on here outside of being trans (maybe I'll do a coming out post. It is pride after all/hj), but I so wish we'd had more aro & ace or aroacespec rep because I would have probably found out way sooner about all that if we did 💀
Also: I hadn't mentioned this in the last post (I don't think. I was tired haha) but I will say it's particularly gut wrenching to see some of the justifications for this in works, because it's sometimes almost exactly similar to things I've heard actual aspecs in real life have directed to them to try push them into relationships they don't want to be in.
I'm not exactly saying the same people would do this to real life aces, but I'm just pointing it out because um. Ew
Anywho- thanks for adding to this to the thread🫶
Saw someone say "fanfic writers/fandom sees a characters aro/ace-ness as an obstacle instead of their sexuality" and yup. that about sums it up
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
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YOU SAID IT THANK YOU. THIS ACTUALLY BOTHERS ME SM. I'm gonna fully go off bc I've been inspired - this ain't directed at you Kinopio DHDHDH
It would be an issue if Angel Dust was written romantically/sexually for a female reader as he's a gay man, and it would be an issue if Vaggie was written in the same way for a male reader as she's a lesbian. These things the community would absolutely riot over happening (rightfully), so why the hell is it suddenly just fine to write off the canon sexuality when it's asexual?
How are we all gonna be 'we need to respect canon sexuality and preferences in our work! Anything else is unacceptable!' Until it's the sex repulsed asexual being sexualised all day every day in this community? Huh. It's interesting how that works.
I was trying to be gentle on this bc I didn't wanna get grilled by the Alastor simps in the community but I'm just gonna say it: It frankly is weird as hell that people cannot keep their hands off of the ONE canon asexual character in this show when there are countless allo characters you can simp for in that way.
Like why the heck can you not just leave the guy who'd physically bristle seeing you in lingerie alone 💀
Maybe this is spicy to say, but if Alastor was gay instead of ace, you people would riot if the female readers dug their claws into him. Because that would be weird. And frankly, it shouldn't be any different here in my mind with people obsessively wanting to bone him because the dude is CANONICALLY a sex repulsed asexual.
Not sex neutral, not sex favourable - repulsed.
The main thing about this that annoys me is the double standard here. I've seen fic writers turn away Angel Dust obsessed women without a second thought because it disrespects his canon sexuality (again, rightfully). So why is this different suddenly? It shouldn't be.
Y'all cry out for rep for ace people, but the second we get it, y'all just wanna write your way around the characters because they are unpalatable for you now they are sex repulsed and don't want to fuck at all. It's whack.
Just as trying to write a fem reader for Angel as a 'exception' to his sexuality would be homophobic, rewriting Alastor's sex-repulsed self as a sex favourable ace is frankly aphobic
Saw someone say "fanfic writers/fandom sees a characters aro/ace-ness as an obstacle instead of their sexuality" and yup. that about sums it up
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
I've been hesitant to say this as I dont want to be burnt at the stake, but since this is on my dash: this is exactly what the Hazbin Hotel fandom does to Alastor
I'm tired of watching people going "I respect Alastor's sexuality and am a canon accurate writer!!1!" And acknowledging his asexuality in the work, but then bending it into smut with a "asexuals can have sex." Tacked onto it.
Yk. Even tho dude is as sex repulsed and is disinterested as it gets every second he is around such situations
At the end of the day, the dude is a fictional character. He's a drawing on screen. Anyone can do whatever they want, obviously. Be non-canon, be horny, etc. etc. But also, maybe stop saying you are respectful of his canon sexuality in your work bc uh??
Just sayin
Saw someone say "fanfic writers/fandom sees a characters aro/ace-ness as an obstacle instead of their sexuality" and yup. that about sums it up
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
I feel like Fizz either just cooks bad on purpose for the bit or forgets he's put on stuff, and it ends up burnt / fucked up bc of that
Or if we wanna go the angst route: maybe he's so bad at it bc he missed out on learning when most people would've because he was healing from his trauma a bit after the fire (I'm guessing he would NOT want to be near anything hot in general during that time)
I think it's most likely a mixture of the first 2 tho
He probably also just likes watching Ozzie cook too
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
Happy pride month!!! 🗣🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💥
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
I'm at the dentist rn and my brain is just going "Christian Borle 😎" someone needs to put my ass down right the fuck now
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
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💤 he just woke up
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
To that anon who asked me what my MBTI was I just wanna say that I am now lowkey interested in it
(not in the. 'This is fi, fe, whateverma callit' obsessed way I've seen but casually kinda. The memes are funny, and it's a cool little personality theory thingo)
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
They are a cool artist who's just moved here from Insta. Go give them some love and help them get more started on here 🙏
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Tv Girl RadioStatic <3 📻📺
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
Maaaan I'm so sorry for the lack of content rn. Winter is screwing with me and my motivation to do things a lot.
There will be more coming soon, but it'll be pretty slow to be put out sorry 😭
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
somehow this blog has managed to gain 100 followers! (How?)
To commemorate the occasion, let's do a re-version of the poll I did on my main, which inspired me to make this blog in the first place. (and yes this is why my blog's background image is Vox's hand)
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
I saw this yesterday and forgot to reblog, but this is literally so real bruhhhh
Most people seem to not want content that is a longer read, and that is SFW.
As a writer (I hesitate to call myself that bc I write fanfic but whatever LMAO) I of course like to write, so that's why I write - a lot of interaction on it or not.
But it is sometimes very annoying to watch your much more time-consuming fics get a fraction of the recognition your other stuff has, and then to watch the people who cause that say in the same second that they want that content 💀
It's okay to say you just want horny brainrot lol
Also btw on this kinda note:
Those people who leave waves of love on works when you can tell they've had a lot of thought and effort put into them even if they've flopped? I actually love you so fucking much. Shoutout to those people FR 🙏
the fact that my smut fics reach the thousands and my fluff ones sometimes not even a hundred says a lot😑
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rubra-wav · 10 months ago
hi there! i’m not sure if you write poly requests, but if you do could i request some angel dust x transmasc reader x lucifer fluff headcanons?
A/N I've never written poly and I took a lotta liberties so I'm sorry if this isn't that great- 🙏
Also me when I get a transmasc reader request <3
Tags: SFW, transmasc!reader, fluff fluff fluff
Angel Dust
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- You would have gotten with Angel first; you coming to the hotel with the promise of free living and quickly falling for the spider demon.
- It took a while to break through Angel's walls, but after proving yourself as trustworthy and becoming friends - he quickly fell for you right back.
- The confession came from Angel one day after he came home from work, and you two were cuddling on his bed while watching a comically terrible soap opera.
- No bright lights or large displays, just cozy normality.
- This, Angel found far more suited to genuine love considering his line of work.
- You, of course, reciprocated. Eternally joyous that he felt the same way.
- When you both meet Lucifer and eventually you start to become fairly close to the king, Angel light-heartedly points out that you are attracted to Lucifer before you even realise it yourself.
- He was, of course, correct.
- You feared that Angel may be jealous but he wasn't at all really. He knew you two were very happy as is, and he isn't insecure at all that Lucifer might be a 'threat' to your relationship.
- He's never been in a poly relationship (in the official sense at least), but he'd be encouraging you to go pursue Lucifer as well if you thought it'd make you even happier; also joking that it'd "ego boost the fuck out of him to be holding your hand while the other is held by the literal king of hell".
- You take him up on that when it's obvious he wouldn't be offended by it.
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- He falls head first very, very quickly for you.
- You're very kind as far as sinners go, and when he's sure you aren't just trying to manipulate him due to his status?
- He melts for you, and as he starts living in the hotel as well, this becomes more and more apparent.
- You would propose being together, however, he'd be conflicted about it.
- He would like to be together, but in the beginning he would be opposed to being non-monogomous with you.
- Please forgive the old man. His heart is in the right place, but good God would be insecure with the idea of being the 'least favourite' in a poly relationship.
- He would also probably be a bit butthurt that you wanted him to be with you as well as Angel. He is the sin of pride after all. This belief slowly would dissipate however the better he got to know Angel too.
- He comes around to the idea when you and Angel reassure him that that wouldn't be how things would be going, and that the two of them would absolutely be equally important in the relationship to you.
- Ends up quickly enjoying it. You three work surprisingly well in a relationship.
- You all came to an agreement eventually on spending some time all-together as well as apart so they both have some one on one time with you.
- Jealousy would potentially be a problem at times, but you'd all work through any issues fairly quickly, priding communication above everything.
- Your favourite group dates would mostly be ones away from the public eye - unfortunately, the press would have an absolute field day with you and onlookers would not stop gawking at the sight of Angel and Lucifer being your arm candy.
- Don't get me wrong, it is fun going to places like Lu Lu World together when the park is rented out for the day for just the three, however it's rather eerie at times and there are always people lurking outside trying to catch you and them.
- Your dates in like playing games, watching movies and making things together are always incredibly fun.
- You all particularly love ending your dates with the three of you curling up together, you sandwiched between the two of them as they jokingly fight for who gets to spoon you and who gets to pull you against their chest.
- Usually you end up on your back with two very cilngy men squishing against you, cuddling into either side of you.
- The next morning you then will have to fight to get up because neither one of them will want to leave that position for even a second.
Extra point:
- Angel would help out Lucifer in acting properly around you being trans. Luci would absolutely be supportive, but he would likely be a bit uneducated, unlike Angel who's very attuned to the changing times. (Luci is the definition of 'he's a little confused but has the right spirit'.)
- Both of them would also go guns blazing if you needed any medical care like HRT or surgeries at all. Lucifer would be able to get you just about anything you needed with his scary dog privilege.
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