#he has no reason to be so god damn hilarious in this ep
drawthething · 2 years
"I'm sorry. You are?" - "Better than you"
"Ha! Can't afford regular yogurt"
"Well I kissed her first and you kissed her worst"
"Seattle has drugs"
"And A is for 🎶 asthma which is a disease 🎶 that takes people's 🎶 breath 🎶 a-waaaay"
"Put. the lips. down"
I think we all know who the ultimate star of Two for Tina is
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rubra-wav · 6 months
Various Adam headcanons
A/N I'm not an Adam simp, I just have been thinking abt him since the last post I did.
A lot of these are just things I feel in vibes and are completely baseless haha.
Cw: SFW, angsty in parts, misogyny, slight reference to disordered eating, uhhh idk man it's mixed
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He's very messy and his house is like a bombsite of unwashed dishes and laundry.
Think messy roommate horror stories: that's him, and he doesn't give a single damn about it. Thinks he shouldn't have to clean up his house because that's a 'chick thing'
He's naturally really warm and overheats a lot because of it. Due to this, he has his house cold so he isn't sweating his ass off at all times.
He's really good to sleep next to during cold weather, but is God awful during hot weather.
Will not stop bitching about it being too hot when he's slightly uncomfortable and laughs at people who are easily cold, calling them weak.
His favourite things to watch are shitty b grade movies - especially comedy ones.
Prides himself on knowing current lingo, memes, and jokes (and actually pulls off not sounding like an old person trying to be 'hip with the kids' and cringey)
Follow up: makes deez nuts and ligma jokes out of everything and finds it hilarious. Sera sent him out of a meeting for doing this to Emily one time.
He's the type of mf who is pretentious asf about beer being superior and believes any guy who likes sweeter drinks / doesn't like beer are pussies.
He secretly doesn't believe this in the slightest and actually hates beer, he'd never admit it though. He has a sweet tooth and actually really likes drinks like Baileys.
Constantly talking, even if it's just to himself.
He likes AC/DC a lot. Ironically, 'highway to hell' is one of his favourite songs of all time.
He always wears his mask because he feels more vulnerable without it.
If you're close with him, he'd likely feel more comfortable to take it off around you - would fight to keep it on at all times if he doesn't trust you or feel safe with you.
I headcanon he put on weight after getting to heaven because after he was kicked out of Eden he didn't have nearly as much food, so he began binging when he finally had it again. It kind of just stayed a comfort for him.
He's really insecure about his weight gain too. If you point it out he's gonna get really upset. (Like how Lucifer does in ep 8)
Follow up: he literally always has snacks and is an absolute bitch about sharing them. If he does share them with you, he expects you to be really grateful.
His masculinity is fragile as it gets.
Would physically wilt if you even slightly imply he's not masculine and then become extremely angry and try to prove he actually is.
The main reason he is misogynistic is due to his experience with Lilith.
Before Lilith ran away from him, I think that Adam actually had extremely high respect for women.
His whole purpose was to reproduce. Women do a hell of a lot more then men during the whole process of reproduction and dude worships pussy even now (he named his best soldier after it. Not after dick, vag)
I imagine that it was a much larger appreciation for women in general before Lilith screwed him over.
This soured into misogyny, though, after she ran away and likely grew much, much worse with Eve due to her actually being made from him.
Eve then proceeded to eat the apple given to her and resulted in them being kicked out of Eden, which made it even worse.
He's the definition of that one reddit incel who had bad experiences with a handful of women and now is an absolute misogynistic cunt lmao
Hella abandonment issues.
Also hella jealousy issues.
Doesn't matter if you're a friend or a partner, he's going to be grappling to be number one and the only one in your life.
He's not manipulative or slick about it even a little though, it's obvious as it gets. Will vy for your attention by being literally as obnoxious as possible constantly.
Literally so clingy.
If you ever point it out, he'll deny it though and get very flustered.
Bro needs reassurance so bad you aren't gonna leave him if you're his partner.
Will sometimes just get really quiet and ask if he did something if he even slightly senses a tone shift to negativity.
Pretends it never happened afterwards and will downplay his fears massively if you call him out on it.
He's the type of sleeper who moves around a lot and ends up upside down somehow. Also a sleep talker.
Is the type of mf who has the skill to transcribe songs into guitar simply by ear.
He never shuts up about it, so although it is actually a really incredible skill, you want to not praise it because of how annoying he is over it.
Follow up: can play most types of guitar.
One of those extremely annoying rock fans who scoff when you put on anything but rock.
Also acts like he knows more about rock than anybody.
If you put on country music around him, he will forcefully grab the aux from you to turn it off.
He knows he actually isn't very smart at all and is super insecure about it.
He's had it used against him time and time again by people like Lilith and overcompensates to deter this by acting like he is actually the smartest person at all times.
When someone treats him like he's stupid, especially about something he actually knows/is knowledgeable about, he's extremely defensive about it (like when Lute points out the shield to him in ep 8)
Would be the type to go "Mansplaining means 'man explaining things'" to you with complete lack of self-awareness.
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I need to draw Sera looking absolutely horrified as he screams the lyrics to highway to hell so bad.
Got possessed with the energy I had to suddenly write this omg.
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vampiric-succulent · 1 month
Spoiler warning!!! I’m being so serious right now as this is a pretty lore heavy episode. This contains spoilers.
Also, I am losing my MIND.
When they are in the Beneath and giving their stories to the Oracle: will Torbek ever get that back???????? That’s so important, it’s the entire reason he’s here, I actually don’t think this story will go on if Torbek is unable to remember the inspiration for why he’s on this journey.
Plot-wise I am WORRIED.
Does this mean that the other is just gone??????
This is so consequential like there are so many consequences for these actions YOU GUYS
also Frost’s story was SO SAD to have lost like that was so cool
Other notes: Nikkie is ofc the biggest Coalecroux shipper I love it, also there’s so much good chaos
This episode is a great mix of chaos and LORE
I. Forgot about the Speech Bubble effect that Torbek has. Holy shiiiiiiit. Andy you genius.
Frost being a proud nudist and Gricko’s legs being fused together is hilarious
THE DUKE????????? DUKE?????????
Good god this is crazy. They all forgot the the goddamn Torbek lore and now they have to catch up but they’re NOT catching up and it’s so ANNOYING
Wait how much do they still know/remember????? UGH THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING
Knowing Rich, Kremy is going to tell a really emotionally important story relating to Gideon and then Kremy’s gonna forget it. Goddamn.
Ouch. Gideon doesn’t remember his dad anymore. Yikes. Can the Feywild stop stealing memories??
A hesitation about taking this memory? What, the other ones weren’t enough to warrant hesitation?
“Get on it, fanfiction” WILD
Something coming to the Inn at the End of the Road? Or just a scene of comfort OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT HOLY FUCK OH MY GOD
Also does the fact that it’s a PUMPKIN tart mean anything????? Is the connection im making to the guy they took this quest from (Madrick Roslov, I think his name was) a valid one to make??????????
Twig is an agent of, or maybe is herself, Baba Yaga. This was foreshadowed? or shown? when they visited Morgana (the version of Zybilna that is stuck in time) and she “fixed” the Twig doll and told the party that it was made by her Grandmother, who was revealed to be Baba Yaga. I didn’t pick up on that.
Nikkie is SO GOOD at storytelling oh my LORD
Damn, Gricko. Damn.
OPERA TIME!!!!!! That’s where Burly is!!
Ohhhh. Opening Night. Mother of Puppets.
ONE MORE TO GO NO GUYS COME ON!!!!! ONE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Level 6 is death, you guys would only be at level 4!!!!
YEAH THERE WE GO MEET CUTE STORY TIME— oh. Oh no he’s. He’s gonna forget it isn’t he. Fuck. RICHIE STOP
“But yknow friends to lovers is also really good” 😏😏
Oh I thought this was gonna be Coalecroux, but wow this works too
That was perfect. Thank god that it’s not a Coalecroux thing he’s gonna forget.
They’re all so GOOD at STORYTELLING ffs I’m going to lose my MIND
PEGASUS???? THE BARN OWL??????? 13???????
Wait. Okay. So the Barn Owl is of the King of Hearts (if I remember right, that’s what he turned into after the party first met him). The unicorn became Pegasus became the barn owl. The lightning storm, which we now know was an illusion, was involved. Red and White are here again, and we know the Red and White War happened. This is probably larger Dungeons and Dragons lore that I don’t know. I am REELING.
Goddamnit I promised myself I would do things at the end of this episode!!!!! I can’t just go straight to the next one but oh god do I want to
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Wednesday Fandom. We’ve reached THE episode. Sorry little later than usual. Life didn't understand I had a review to do ha I remember not knowing what this ep would quite be. When it was done I had to pick my jaw off the floor. I was in utter shock and felt like a fever dream I was watching. Like did that really just happen? Was that real life? It’s was so exciting to have the payoff.
Even if it felt like it wasn’t real LOL Did my damn best to get everything in. I feel like I’ve become really good at this gif puzzle but eps like this really pushes me to the limit ha. God bless the gif website I found or I would be screwed haha Let’s get this started :)
5x08 The Collar
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Aaron wants to shadow Angela and Harper today. He is looking into being a detective someday. So Grey re-assigns him to them and Lucy to Tim. Telling her she’s back on gopher duty. They could not be MORE suspicious or obvious if they tried my god. You know Grey knows his question about riding together is making them more uncomfortable. It's hilarious really. Trying to get them to out themselves. Instead they’re just little awko tacos staring at each other bumbling around.
He knows they’re lying with their 'No's' But he also doesn’t care. LOL They’re riding together whether they like it or not. It's amazing with their lives on the line with UC their ability to lie is amazing. Flawless really. Having to deal with their still weirdness and not show it? Abysmal. Such bad liars in this scene holy hell. The amount of awkward in this 30 seconds floors me.
From the minute Grey suggests they ride together they’re awkward dorks. Ones who don’t know complete sentences or words. This scene says so much with saying so little at the same time . There’s a reason they’ve stayed away from each other. This moment right here. They’re so very aware if they are back in a shop together everything they’ve been avoiding will come rushing back. Such a strong start to the ep for them though. Enjoyed their discomfort so much ha
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We start out with them in the shop being awkward af. I loved the shots in this one and their opening one is great. With the cams coming to life and their day starting. Lucy of course is the first the break the silence. Asking him how single life is? He tells her really nice. How he didn’t have to deal with anyone complaining about him watching football all day.
Lucy giving him crap of course about never leaving the house. Things maybe weird between them but their comfortable banter hasn’t suffered. They fall right back into it with this scene. That married energy they have coming right back into play here. Gah they just balance each other out so well it’s insane. Haven’t had a couple this in-sync since Caskett on Castle.
I love him being a hermit though. He earned it after Ashley. He did whatever she damn well pleased for months. You stay home and watch your football babe. You earned it after that disaster of a relationship. Tim does defend himself a little saying he took Kojo out LOL I consider that going out too when I’m needing a hermit day. I'm with you on this Tim.
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I love the affectionate way Lucy says he’s hopeless. That’s the beautiful thing about Lucy for Tim. Yeah she gives him crap but she fully loves that man for who he is. She would spend a day being a hermit with him just because it made him happy. D just wrote an amazing fic on that concept actually. (You should read it so so good) Lucy loving and accepting him for who he is and not condemning him for it. Yeah she’s teasing him for being ‘hopeless’ when really she is so fond of who he is as a person. Loves that man inside and out. You can see the adoration on her face when she delivers that line.
Just love the idea of them having lazy Sundays together now. Lucy indulging his hermit ways when he needs it. No doubt Tim indulges when she wants to be out. Because their partnership is a balanced one. Gah I love them. Chris FaceTimes her and Tim looks over and makes a face LOL god damn I love this man. Chris asks her if she’s busy? She says no…but seems not at ease with this phone call. Lucy asks where he is? He tells her an open house…They could not be more opposites in this moment. They spoke earlier about moving in and Chris jumped the gun to houses. Sprinting toward a future she doesn't want.
Lucy wasn't even on board for moving in...She is looking so very panicked. He’s going on about how it needs work but is 3 bedrooms. Tim’s interest now has been piqued and it’s stressing Lucy out for a couple reasons. She is no where near ready for this step and he’s gunning to a house. Second Tim can overhear this adding another level of stress. She doesn’t want Tim to think they are there. Because well they aren’t….Lucy cuts the phone call off abruptly. Asks if they can talk later? Chris being the clueless oaf he is doesn’t pick up on her stress at all. He says 'love you' and she says nothing in reply just ends the damn call LOL
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Tim asks if they’re moving together? Lucy looks even more distressed after the phone call. Her body language screaming she’s being dragged into this situation. Kicking and screaming really. Lucy tells him no…Tim follows up with ‘He seems to think you are…’ Lucy is having a panic attack right now when he says that. The way she puts her hand on her chest. Trying to relieve the building pressure of this whole thing. Now there’s a girl ready to move in with her BF…. She seems so rattled the entire conversation with Tim.
Lucy continues on that he kind of sprang it on her this morning. He can read her discomfort like a book. So he continues his line of questioning. Which is unreal because you know the shop is a personal life free zone right Timothy? The fact that he’s the one pursuing this conversation. Being the one to ask the questions. My god how far we’ve come it’s crazy. He can tell how unsettled she is. The way he’s analyzing her and looking at her tells him everything he needs to know.
Yet he asks her ‘You guys are happy right?’ Lucy does a very unenthusiastic ‘Yeah we’re happy…’ Tim presses on like a devils advocate that is making her panic worse. Saying if that's true this is 'The next obvious steps for them then.' Lucy continuing her fake streak saying they’re “super happy.” Ok love sure you are…As she says this she is rubbing the crap out of her tattoo. Just being a lying liar who lies right now. They get a call before the convo continues on.
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Everyone gets involved in a stop Nolan and Celina have. She has a bomb collar around her neck and she becomes the focal point for everything. The tension and writing leading up to them getting her to that parking lot in immense. Even though I've seen this episode many many times that portion always gets me. It’s so sad how afraid she is and her re-evaluating her life cause of it. How empty it feels now.
Pam and John talking was heartbreaking. How all she wanted was for her mom to know she loved her ugh. Sadly she ends up dying and that’s where this scene begins for them. I truly think this SL was a motivator for Tim. One of the reasons for where we head in this one. Because it’s so easy to get bogged down with life. To fall into the going through the motions. To have regrets with having a comfort zone. Tim taking a shot based off that.
Lucy expressing how she is feeling. It was upsetting to watch as a viewer. I can’t imagine being there watching that unfold. Tim being her sounding board. Knowing how upset she is right now. Giving her feedback on what he thought was the killers motive. Talking this out because he know it'll ease her mind. Then stupid Chris calls. Blind as a bat couldn’t read Lucy if his life depended on it.
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He’s not calling to see if she’s ok or how she’s doing. No he’s calling about a f*cking house. She could not be more distraught right now. What does this tool bag do? Bring up listings. I love how Tim’s eyes pan over to her. Checking in on her emotional state. Seeing she is so distraught. It’s very obvious she is upset and this is the last thing she wants to be talking about. This moment is opening her eyes to who Chris is as a person. She isn’t liking what she sees.
Her ‘wow’ sounds like she is trying to stop herself from going off on him. So ignorant and oblivious to her and what she needs right now. Lucy already wasn’t on board with this which he didn’t see. Now she’s rattled from their current case and this mofo is sending her house stuff. Lucy can’t even process this right now. Tim being her absolute hero and hearing her silent screaming bails her out. “Yelling” at her to get off the phone. Hate his line ‘He’s in a mood.’
No you’re a clueless insensitive idiot. Who he is currently saving her from. He presses about that damn listing one more time before she hangs up. Haven’t wanted to sucker punch him this badly since 4x17. Lucy can finally breathe when they hang up. She looks to her rock and says ‘Thanks.’ A very loaded and grateful one. Tim giving her the sweetest look. Fierce protector reporting for duty. Putting her first in this moment and saving her from that convo going further.
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I LOVE how Tim is constantly watching and checking in on her in this episode. He handles this whole thing so well. He’s not a dick telling her to dump Chris. He’s so so god damn attuned to her emotionally. It shows so very much in this episode. Lucy loves to talk things out and yet she keeps avoiding it in this episode. Avoiding truly getting to the root of why she’s feeling the way she is.
Which is fascinating considering that’s her jam. Analyzing and breaking something down. Digging deep to see why something is the way it is. Yet on this one she is avoiding it and Tim gets her to face it. He even gives her an out if she needs it. Telling her if she doesn’t want to move in with Chris she doesn’t have to. Tim just got out of a ‘moving through the motions.’ relationship. His POV on this is excellent.
He doesn’t want to see her settle or be forced into anything she doesn’t want. Just because Chris is ready and wants it. Lucy finally starts to talk about it. Saying why doesn’t she want to move in with him? Telling Tim they never fight. Thats a huge red flag if you ask me Lucy. That’s not healthy at all. Tim telling her maybe that’s the problem here….
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It’s this next line above that really gets Lucy’s thoughts in motion. Tim just did a mind f*ck when he asked her this. You can see the realization washing over her in that second gif. Because he’s not wrong. You fight because it is worth fighting for. Chris has always been this blah middle of the road nothing for her. Was a BF? Yes. Was he decent? That’s debatable…
Chris was just there as a safety net for loneliness. Now that he’s becoming more than that it’s becoming a serious issue. One she can't ignore anymore. All their glaring problems coming to light in this moment in her mind. Tim is talking her through this (which I can't get over.) With the most perfect mixture of empathy and logic. She’s slowly realizing he is NOT worth the bother.
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Tim is not only pointing this out but with massive heart eyes. Telling her she deserves someone who’s worth the effort. Pre-laying all his cards on the table in this moment. She can’t break the eye contact with him after he says this. Knowing what he means by this statement. This entire episode is him being Tim ‘I’m worth the effort’ Bradford for her. The more she looks at Chris the less she likes it.
The more she looks at Tim the more she knows he’s the one. And that scares her to death. God I love him stepping up and guiding her like this. Not only that but talking her though this whole thing. Something that he avoided like the plague in 3x09. Shaking closure and talking off and saying it was useless. Here he is talking her through this crisis she is having. He’s crushing it too btw. Such an iconic line for them for so many reasons. This makes me squee still rewatching it.
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Before their convo goes any further they spot a second person with a collar. This guy is way more aggressive about saving his life. Pulls off and finds some sheers. Saying he’s not waiting around to die. Tim immediately grabs Lucy and heads for cover. It’s the way he holds her and shields her at the same time.
That’s his whole world right there. He would take the heat of a thousand bombs to protect her. Tim has a one track mind in this moment. He’s not thinking Lucy can handle herself. Or she is capable of getting to cover on her own. No he’s thinking that’s the woman he loves in front of a bomb.
It changes his entire perspective. So he full on grabs her and places his body between her and the bomb. Thats his first instinct to throw himself between her and harm. Gah it’s so good and just feels like more in this ep. Proving to Lucy over and over in this one she is worth the effort to him. Fierce protector front and center.
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We catch them back in the shop trying to figure out next moves about this next bomb. Chris texts her another listing... In an area she CLEARLY doesn’t want to live in. Tim can’t stand to watch her suffer any longer. He is as straight forward with her in this moment as I’ve ever seen him. He knows she has been on edge all day. From the case alone.
Now she has Chris making matters worse with each interaction. She looks so upset when Tim asks her if she loves him? Noting that 'He clearly loves her.' His growth I talk about a lot and it’s episodes like this that truly show it. Look at this man pressing her to talk about this. He knows she’s in her head and talking it out always makes it better. Tim knows this about her and is pursuing it for that reason.
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Lucy has been running from her feelings for Tim for quite some time. She low key knew about them in s4. Then 4x21 happened and they imploded on her. Hitting her like ton of bricks. This moment is her ‘Come to Jesus’ moment about Chris. Also about her feelings for Tim. Saying out loud she SHOULD love him. That he’s great in so many different ways and yet…
It’s hitting her in this very moment she can’t love Chris because she loves Tim. Because that man is and NEVER will be Tim Bradford. He will forever pale in comparison to the man sitting to her left. Tim is the most important person in her life. It’s just hitting her like a freight train what’s happening. I love how she trails off as she comes to this conclusion. The way she looks at him when she comes to this realization.
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Doesn't take much for Tim to see what she almost said to him. Lucy says enough that Tim knows what she is saying in this moment. The way he looks at her after her almost confession. my heart. I think this scene is another catalyst to their ending scene. I remember watching this scene and saying ‘You’ for her and squeeing my head off. Because she just basically admitted to not only herself but to Tim. That Chris is not Tim. He never will be…They both know it at this point. He is not 'You' is where she was headed and they both are aware of this.
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We’ve reached THE scene. The scene that changed all of our shipper lives. heh Lucy coming up saying she needs to talk to him. Her rubbing that tattoo of hers before she sits down. Tim making a crack about Chris wanting to live in some remote place. I don’t know anything about CA but I imagine that city he listed isn’t great ha
Lucy says ‘No…’ Tim goes right at it telling she just doesn’t want to admit it’s not working. He asks her why she is doing this? When she is clearly so VERY unhappy about this development. This entire episode she spent stressed and on edge about Chris. Asking her if it's the guilt about Rosalind?
Lucy tries to pull a Tim and deflect. Bringing up Ashley and staying in a relationship too long. Tim does not let that fly for one damn second. Continues his assertive comments with her. He gets so worked up when he cuts her off about it above. That this isn't about him. Telling her she’s just hiding in this relationship because she’s scared.
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It’s here Lucy blows his damn mind with her reply. Airing her fears of losing the the most important person in her life. Now I think Tim knew there was an attraction on Lucy’s end no doubt. She invited him in for gods sake in 5x01. He knew there was an attraction. What he didn’t know was the level of importance he held her life. It’s written all over his face. He is shocked legit shocked she feels this way about him. Now anyone with eyes could see Tim is exactly what she said. The most important relationship in her life.
The thing is Tim is so very damaged in that way. I get that so very much. Where you don’t expect those around you to love or care as much as you love and care for them. The sucky life of an insanely loyal person who has been burned which I can relate to. My friend just other day told me how much he missed me while I was away in TN visiting my sister. Him and my other friend missed me. I made a joke like oh did you not think I would come back?
Would you miss me or something? He looked at me and was like yes. We love you don’t you know that? I would be devastated if you didn’t come back. We’ve been friends for almost 5 years. It still shocks me I have people who love me and would miss me. So I can deeply relate to Tim being shocked he holds that place of importance in Lucy’s life. He’s NEVER been put first. Not till Lucy Chen entered his orbit.
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She panics when she sees his reaction not reading him like she usually does. Thinking she’s overshared. When really Tim is just smitten af with her reply. He is beside himself with shock that he is HER #1 person. He doesn’t feel worthy. Thats not what Lucy reads at first when she sees his reaction. She thinks she’s over shared or over stepped in some way. Tim stops that train of thought right away. Telling her 'No she’s right.' Lucy once again misreads him and thinks they should just back off this then. Better to keep them as is. ‘It’s not worth the risk...’
Then we see our boy do the biggest leap of faith I’m sure he’s ever done and combat her reply with our next iconic OTP line. ‘Unless it is.’ Looks how cute he is when he says this. His precious upside down smirk. Reminds me of his cute smirk from 4x22 after their peck. He looks so excited about this idea. Just look at this puppy of a man. Going for it and telling her I think we are worth this. Wanting to give them a shot. Basically saying we are worth risking what we currently have for what could be.
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This next part is where his courage really shines through. I love how he takes this deep shaky breath in the first gif. So nervous to ask her this question. Tim Bradford is NERVOUS everyone. So nervous to ask the woman he loves to take a chance on him. To go out to dinner and give this a shot. He finally finds the courage to ask her. Lucy’s answer is immediate and adorable.
If she could go to dinner right then and there she would. Jumping out of her skin with excitement at his proposal of going out. Tim is so elated and his smile so damn wide when he says ‘Yeah?’ He can’t believe his luck. Looks like the smile of a man who just got everything he's ever wanted. Months of longing over in this moment of courage. He’s so happy she’s said yes. The man is beaming proudly displaying that Lucy smile he reserves for her and ONLY her. Lucy mirrors his elation with her 'Yeah' *heart clutch*
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Lucy then back tracks and we watch our boy deflate instantly. He looks so very upset when she takes it back. Her excitement got the better of her and she retracts. I saw a hilariously accurate depiction of Tim in this scene. Said he had golden retriever energy in this moment. All excited and giddy for getting what he wants. Body wiggling with absolute joy. Then is told no and is all sad and deflated. Then he doesn’t perk back up until she says she needs to end things with Chris first.
The analogy cracked me up because it was accurate. He looks so very gutted when she says no after. Has that 'This was too good to be true I guess.' energy coming off him in waves. Lucy tries to rectify the situation with her reason why. Doesn't want to see that sad look on his face. The man looks devastated. He just went from an absolute high only to come crashing down seconds later. The way he nods like he understands but is really hurt about it. My poor puppy of a man.
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I love how he lights backs up when she tells him to ask her again. Later. After she’s rid herself of the dead weight that is Chris. Making sure Tim knows she wants this just as much as he does. She just needs to end things first. Make it right. No one gets doing things honorably more than Tim Bradford. His cute smile after he tells Lucy 'Deal.' His hope returning. Their body language above in the last gif is everything. Their bodies are pointed towards each other. They couldn’t be happier right now. Leaning in toward one another finally giving into that magnetic pull of their's. Both grinning like idiots in love. Gah I can not. I am a puddle. I remember rewinding that scene to make sure I saw and heard everything correctly.
I was expecting their pining era to last longer tbh. I was delightfully surprised when Tim of all people took the leap. Helped Lucy take it with him. For him to be the one without doubts and to go for it was so important. Lucy for the most part has been the catalyst in their relationship. Tim has has his moments. More so in the last season or so. But Lucy has mainly been in the drivers seat. To watch this man overcome his fear of rejection and go for it with her. my damn heart. This man isn’t scared to ruin what they have because he KNOWS. This is it for him. She is it. I can’t get over how much he’s grown to get to this place.
To be the one to say hey we’re worth the risk. Would you like to go out with me? Showing her she’s worth the effort of leaving his comfort zone. This moment right here is why I’m so glad they did the slow burn. Why I was ultimately happy they didn’t hook up in 5x01. This was the right way to do it. I wouldn’t trade a moment of their journey to get to this point. Not one and that’s is a rarity I’ve only had with one other ship. Castle and Beckett and that is a high honor if you know that ship. This was another daunting one to tackle but so fun to write about. I was buzzing for days after this episode. Mostly just happy this is where our slow burn ended up. Wouldn’t change a damn thing.
Side notes-non Chenford
The whole bomb SL with Pam makes me cry every time. It’s so tragic. Will say John was great with her rarely give him props but he does so good with her. Celina having to do the death notice kills me this ep is very emotional.
Bailey messing with John with the clowns is pretty funny LOL but idk how Bailey could think a coyote was a dog lmao ‘how did you get him In the crate?’ 😂
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Me watching Only Friends Ep 7:
1. I still think Mew is a sh*tty friend for letting Ray leave when he is highly emotional, high (from drugs) and drunk just to deliver a perfect revelation to Top. That's effed up.
2. Well, look at Sand gaslighting Ray. C'mon, dude. You are at fault too. You know Ray is vulnerable but that didn't stop you from using him to get even with Top. This is the first time I'm feeling annoyed with First's character.
3. <after a minute> Oops, I take that back. Sand apologised and acknowledged his part in Ray's accident. I'm all good now. 😊
4. Oh, wow. Ray's dad IS an a**hole. Maybe he is the reason why Ray's mum drunk herself to death.
5. Oh, Cheum. You naivé little thing. This is what happens when we are too ready to believe in happy-ever-afters.
6. Ooh, Mew the psycho is coming. Can't hardly wait.
7. Oh-oh. Boston figured it out. Nick, you should have created a backup plan for this scenario during your free time instead of wasting your time thinking of how you can get Boston to commit to you.
8. Oh, Nick. You poor, lost sod. This isn't a surprise. Boston has told you time and again that he will not commit. Why did you think you will be different?
9. I got distracted by the quote on Mew's red shirt. "Friends don't let friends go. To Stanfund". What? 😅
10. Well, well, well. I have to admit, Top nearly had me on the first half of his apology. And then he goes on to say that he doesn't care if Mew and Ray f*cked, he just wants a second chance. Boy, if you really don't care, you shouldn't have mentioned it. You were so close to looking sincere 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
11. Mew, I understand the sentiment. But don't go burning your apartment in the process 😅😅😅
12. Puppy dog eyes-Ray is back. 😅😅😅 Sand, you really are in trouble. 😂
13. Addicts always are in denial, Ray. You really should consider getting some help. Also, "chill out and talk about life's problems" is so freaking hilarious and depressing at the same time.
14. Oh, shut up, Mew. You also caused Ray's accident.
15. No, Ray. Stop. Go back to Sand.
16. Boston being Boston. No sincere apologies - just plain a**holery. He did deserved that kick.
17. Let's face it - Nick, Sand did you a favour. There is no redeeming Boston. He will never love anyone but himself. No great loss there.
18. Wait, is there a possible Mew/Nick collab? But Nick is still balls-deep in love with Boston. I don't think he will be up for a true revenge against Boston.
19. So, that's why we had Drake in the first episode? Niiice. Mew, what are you up to? 😳😳😳 Oh, I thought we are going to have some revenge s*x lololol nvm, just stealing Boston's vid.
20. It's official. Psycho Mew finally unleashed.
21. The audacity of Boston to beg Mew not to release his s*x video for the sake of "friendship". Ngl, I laughed. 😂
22. Look out, Cheum. Your friend group's personal issue (Top) is here. 😅😅😅 Also, Cheum spraying water to stop the fighting is 🤌
23. No. Just no. Ray, just stop it. Mew stay the fvck away from Ray. Stop making decisions when you're all emotional/pissed off. That's not gonna end well.
Well, gods damned. Looks like Mew will use Ray as a rebound. Ray will still continue on his destructive path and will drag Sand with him. Also, a possible new love for Nick? Oh, I hope so.
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willowshimmer · 11 months
I missed the Livestream cause I had some homework but here's my reaction on EP 11 of Disventure Camp!
Okay so Jake is still at Ellie and Alec and Fiore are just casually watching it go down. Relatable honestly.
Did Fiore just quote Heather? I think she just did!
Listen I love Ellie but in my opinion this episode she was a bit... Annoying? Or at least something like that. I know I'll probably get hate for saying that but it's just my opinion.
Miriam does have a point. Sure Ellie has a point but Ellie could have made through the game without lying to Jake.
Absolutely love Miriam this episode!
Damn Derek is stepping up to be worse then Chris McLean... Oh wait he gave them flashlights to help so that's a step down!
Trevor just quoted the Phone guy from FNAF! YIPEEE!
Omg Trevor put his hand Derek's shoulder... The gay shoulder touch of love...
I'm sorry but Jake's scream is hilarious!😂😂
Why am I simping for Alec this episode...? Cause my man just pushed a giant mutated scorpion! And is a book nerd! Like I think I understand why I like him this episode...
Jake is a drama queen and I kinda like it for some reason. Really resonates with his character.
Aw Fiore cares for Alec!
Oh thank god it was only animals! I mean sure animals being killed is just as bad but still cause I've seen a lot of theories being it was past contestants and I got scared.
Wait what does Gabby mean by record?
No Fiore don't you dare manipulate Miriam and Jake... God damnit...
Trust me Alec school teaches almost nothing except for some stuff but mostly it gives anxiety and trust issues.
Were Trevor and Derek just chilling the entire time while the others suffered?
No Jake!
This episode was shorter then most but still loved it!❤️
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dorizardthewizard · 9 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 1 - 3
Ok I'm finally rewatching s3, thought I'd put up some thoughts like I did for the previous seasons
Episode 1:
Oh boy here we go
Ok right off the bat you can tell the animation isn't motion captured anymore which... yeah it's not as good. But the drop in quality is more noticeable in the 2D animation which was already a bit rough in the earlier seasons
New Micro-Ice voice actor :( No wonder the VA's walked out, the budget for this season was 2 pennies, a shoelace and some gum.
Well since that robo cat was disguised as a real one, I'm guessing there actually are real ones running around?
Corso: This doesn't look good! Sonny: NOT. AT. AAAALL!!
What in the 2000's comedy dialogue
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They look so goofy 😭
So like, why are the Snow Kids apparently so much more out of shape and uncoordinated than other teams? Everyone else would have had a break too? You don't HAVE to nerf them just to make them the underdogs again, you know
Why is Mice doing the door to door marketing of his drink himself, he's a rich football superstar now? Also very surprised Mark didn't just say that it sucks
Aaaand season 3 tries to tell us there's suddenly distance between Mei and D'jok with no buildup whatsoever. Mei's already chilling with Sinedd what is this pacing 😭😭😭
Mei joining the Shadows is one thing but skipping the training to chill with Sinedd on a beach... she would never. She cares about the team, not just D'jok. She wouldn't do it like this!
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tbf D'jok kind of has a point here – disappearing with no good reason and arriving late to the match is irresponsible at that level of play, but it's played as if he's being controlling over her? And no one else is wondering where she went, they just compliment her fit??
Yeah it's not just the animation, the direction is lacking too in the matches but I don't know enough about cinematography and pacing to describe how exactly
Why are they watching this broadcast about Paradisia during half time, hellooo? Did he hijack their satellites or something??
Ngl the worldbuilding around Paradisia is pretty cool
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Mei immediately just switches to the Smog skfsfdks BUT THE PACING IS SO BAD THAT IT'S HILARIOUS
Is that allowed? Wouldn't there be penalties for someone using another flux in the match?? I guess it's a friendly
Aarch: It's possible to experience the Smog, if a player is overwhelmed with extreme anger
OK so this kind of messes with the lore of the Smog... I just don't think it should be so easy to start using another flux where the key is just... the emotion you're feeling? I mean sure, it was implied the Smog feeds off negative emotions and/or strengthens them but... ach there just needed to be more buildup to this!
And you're telling me NO ONE accidentally used the Smog before? Not even Rocket, when he was about to punch Luur after Tia got injured, but Mei does over some love drama we don't even know the cause of???
The Shadows stadium is so cool btw, the crystal like shapes on the ceiling, the emo colours... chef's kiss
Yeah it's annoying that D'jok is just acting the same way he used to because the writers don't know what to do with him, but again we don't know how long Mei has been acting like this and I would get annoyed too, although blaming her for the loss of the game was too much. Then again she's probably distancing herself from the team because of how he's behaving with her but again, I'm left here trying to speculate how their relationship broke apart because it was all in a timeskip! I shouldn't have to do that!!
I'm not against them breaking up, I can see how their characters can clash but... give me some more buildup god damn it!
And Mei joins the Shadows... ngl she slays in the outfit but... OUGHGHHG ALL THIS JUST IN EPISODE ONE
Also ngl I think the new writers just skimmed the past episodes and thought that 'pretty girl would go for the bad boy' was enough justification for Mei and Sinedd to get together which like, ugh. They've had like one interaction! And it wasn't a nice one!! Hoooow did they start getting closer let alone start dating AAARGGGHH
Episode 2:
I just... don't think Mei would leave the team like that! As I said she cares about all of the Snow Kids, she'd at least tell Tia or something before running off like that and leaving them to find out from a freaking TV broadcast!
Aarch: If I had a nickel for every time one of my players ran off without telling me, I'd have- ah forget it it happened again
Hearing Sinedd sounding so pleasant is hilarious, it sounds so forced
Oh wait nevermind Mei did try to send them a message beforehand. It's actually really sweet how she addressed each and every one of them individually... Mei calling Ahito little brother and him burying his face in the pillow 😭😭😭
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Okay I love the new dynamic between Aarch and Artegor now that Artegor's gone to rehab been cured from the Smog. Now Aarch is the one who needs a bit of guidance
Harvey and Sydney!! Robo buddies
Artegor just straight up taking up the practice sessions, who's running the Shadows then?
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Also he slayed in this outfit
This drill is a little callback to Micro-Ice's test at the very start of the series, except more badly animated lol
Ahito: You're going to need an instruction manual D'jok! D'jok: Oh really? I know you by heart!
Hmm... foreshadowing for D'jok's "betrayal" later?
Love Artie and Bennett, hilarious how excited they are to “go on vacation”
Aw these kids are so excited to go to a beach, it's so rare for them
This soundtrack on Paradisia is quite pleasant actually, I wish they released the OSTs after season 1. There's this one Netherball soundtrack I love
Sinedd is still an ass so I wonder why Mei is even hanging out with him
Episode 3:
Yay the Wambas!
Mark's favourite hobby is cock-blocking Micro-Ice
The Mice delight joke is getting very old very quickly
Ain't the barman that robot announcer from Netherball??
Yuki's convo with the Elektras... something lgbt is happening here
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God this is so funny, I love these goths
Enter Lun-Zia! She confuses me because we've never seen her on the Wambas team and there is like, zero mention of her ever having played with them, plus if she was Aarch would surely know of her already and she's wearing civvies from what I can see so... is she just some rando who happens to be good at football or not?? It seems kind of dumb to get someone like that when you could get a player who's actually used to playing in the big league. Why not just introduce her earlier as a new up-and-coming player in the Wambas team?
Every villain needs a creepy witch lady
Kind of funny that Micro-Ice didn't catch on that Yuki is going to the Elektras when they meet them at the bar, come on he's not dumb. Also why is he acting like Yuki is leaving the SK forever, it's just one tournament (at that point, anyway). Actually I'd say it's a good thing if some of their players get some experience on other teams!
But yeah I feel like they could have built this up more – had her talk to Mark or something beforehand discussing why she feels she should do this, idk just something so it doesn't feel like plot point B needs to happen sooo it's happening now.
Aarch: We're expecting you back after this tournament is over! Yuki: You can count on me!
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I feel like this whole team member reshuffling should have been done beforehand with negotiations between teams so none of them get stiffed but whatever
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Tia: I'm not so sure I want her in the team either! Rocket: Why? Tia: I have my reasons!
SHE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT. Why is she already salty that Lun-Zia is joining the team?
D'jok: Nice try, feet girl
D'jok is mean to new person because they're replacing a former team member, we've already done this plot
Kind of wish we'd seen him develop into actually being a good captain as he only started to get to grips with it at the end of season 2, but here we go
Ok it's veeeery interesting to see Artegor's reaction to Aarch being harsh with D'jok and reminding him that he's going through a rough spot. Wonder how much of that comes from the experience of dealing with Sinedd... Artegor might have a soft spot for D'jok considering that “you'll always be a kid from Akillian” conversation in season 2, oouuughh the parallels between those two angry boys that Artegor probably sees himself in!
I also really wish we got to see more interactions between Artegor and Sinedd after Artegor got his mind cleared, would have been weird for Sinedd to have someone looking out for him all of a sudden
Aww Mice trying to make D'jok feel better, crashing a jet ski with your homie always raises the spirits
Aaaaand mood ruined. Mei moved on fast huh 😭 Damn vulture journalists. I actually kinda feel for him
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i hope no one minds if i liveblog this bitch: hsmtmts 2x01-2x12
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gina saying ‘i’m gonna make my mark’ while walking through nini and ricky, causing them to break their handhold…yeah.
poor gina, she likes ricky so much
that was harsh, ricky didn’t deserve that.
oh my God, nini’s ‘team kourt’ pullover is so cute
blondie has a great voice but she’s a shit person, i have to say
kourt, ash and gina did so good but i kinda wish ashs voice wasn’t at the forefront
i officially hate blondie, how dare her laugh at big red falling???
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ashlyn as belle my beloved <3
the hearts on nini’s face, aw
lmfaoooo he’s in denver
‘…i’m taking it in stride’ ‘you’re dressed in all black’ pls
big red saying valentine’s day is centered around the color red so he should have it on lock and pointing to his hair was hilarious i love him
ricky definitely has some buried feelings for gina cause there’s no other reason why their scenes are now slightly awkward in that cute way it is when characters have mutual feelings for each other and don’t know how to act esp when one half is in a relationship 🤭
‘there are just some things i tell you that i don’t tell anybody else’ ‘i think we do that for each other’ who else is doing it like them? definitely not rini lmao
not ricky shushing gina cause nini’s calling??? now why would he do that if he didn’t feel slightly guilty for hanging out with her? emotionally cheating ricky we love you🫂
big red and ashlyn are so adorable together
the way ricky immediately sent that text to gina, he’s so fucking obvious 😭
‘love you, mom!’ seb is so cute
kourt as lead when??
ricky’s fucking face when he sees nini’s voicemail and gina’s text 😭
reds song was saurrr cute
ricky’s down so bad, gina didn’t even say anything funny and he immediately lost it
‘what, do i need to send you a random box of chocolates to prove it? 😏’ gina is literally the only one so far who brings out ricky’s flirty side
‘i go big, gina. you know that.’ GOD
kinda wanna throw hands with mr mazzara for being there for ej but not willing to be there for ricky earlier
need someone to notice something’s wrong with gina and hug her
is gina leaving again? kinda getting that vibe
gina’s performance was AMAZING
WOW i think that’s genuinely the best cover of ‘the climb’ i’ve ever heard
‘i’ve never been accused of being speechless’ 🫂
oh wow, they stole their beauty and the beast idea
‘i’m ready to come home’
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‘what would you ask your future self?’ ‘trick question, gaston’s dead!’ he’s not wrong 😭
ricky’s allergic to change and it’s definitely his parents fault
‘i wouldn’t quit on us, if i wasn’t moving away’
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‘nini’s back and…he’s so happy now’ SHE DESERVES TO BE HAPPY, TOO!!!!
espionage 😭😭
gina finally got a hug 🥹
ricky saying he’d ask if the beast and belle were still together in the future + nini writing that song…yeah, they were built to fall apart
‘oh my God, is your phone hungry?!’ lmfaoooo
‘do you really think they’d steal from us?’ ‘i would :D’ pls?? gina’s so funny 😭
‘if you leave me unsupervised with their costumes i cannot promise i won’t go all gina 1.0 in there’ lmfao i love her
the way i gasped in sync with everyone else when that kid called the costume fugly 😭
ricky and nini is the worst relationship on the show
okay, i did NOT see howie being the beast coming
‘miss jen, we didn’t break anything’ ‘would you like me to be the first?’ miss jen said her hands are rated E for everyone
‘keep our heads down and our chins up’ ‘i don’t think that’s physically possible’ ‘it’s an expression, sebastian!’ she’s so done with him 😭
rini needs to end, they aren’t good together at all
i already hate ej’s dad, he sounds so full of himself and he’s only said a few words lmao
kourt’s mom is the best parent on the show i fear
damn, all the relationships are imploding this ep
i would’ve preferred gina and ej just being friends tbh
i feel bad for nini and ricky of course, but their relationship was not it
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okayyyy an andi mack reunion!! i’m here for it!
i love the song and video they made, i just wish ricky was there, too
gina is so damn shippable cause why am i here thinking her and jack would be cute together
ricky’s song is so good
ej showing up at the airport…ricky should’ve ran into gina there on his way home and they should’ve taken an uber together or something
‘i think i may have played troy at one point’ pls 😭
lily’s incredibly annoying
seblos 🥹
oh fuck, ricky fell 😭
the musical is really good
lily stole the harness, didn’t she?
‘i’ve always seen your name in lights’ oh my God, they’re so cute!!!
why can’t gina ever just be happy?!?
Gina and nini’s friendship (i use that word loosely lmao) is cute
nini being more upset about her and gina than ricky and gina…she doesn’t give a fuck about him dkgjfjs
oh wow, gina’s definitely gonna introduce nini to her brother
‘are you happy?’ miss jen is already better than both of ricky’s parents just by asking that simple question
i’m so glad they dropped out
oh brother
the cast performing you are the music in me 🫶🏻🥹
aww, olivia crying 🥺
that’s a wrap on s2 and if you made it to the end of this lb, pat yourself on the back lmfao
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invisiblegarters · 2 years
GAP Ep 8 & 9
Episode 8
Sam is so thirsty and I love that for her. Although damn her for quitting and leaving both Mon and me very frustrated. Woman. You don't just rile someone up like that and then go to sleep!
I also really love that she's clearly gone out to buy Mon jammies in her color.
Eh, I think that Mon is more than capable of asking for what she wants, though. I mean, yes, Sam started it and then didn't finish, but Mon is also allowed to ask for what she wants.
KIRK I'm starting to not like you stop interrupting.
LOL oh the work brain trust. Putting two and two together and getting forty five (okay that's not fair. They're on the right track they just have the entirely wrong person). Literally the only reason Kirk wants her back is because she knows about the whole Ms. Sexy Smirk thing (okay, okay, her name is Nita, but Ms. Sexy Smirk fits her).
I have to say, I appreciate Sam's sense of drama. And I did get a kick out of Mon continuously thwarting her attempts at a Lady and the Tramp moment. Aw, "I watched web dramas and they do the same things." I love her.
And we're getting down to business! Finally! Get it, girls!
*insert a few moments later pic*
Although I have to say them calling their friends to tell them how initiate sex is hilarious, as was Jim showing up with a giant bottle of alcohol to be like "just get drunk and your hormones will do the rest."
Nail advice is smart but also, you guys had to know that already, right? Right?
And then, finally. Get it girls! For real, this time.
HA oh my GOD, Sam. It's good that she only has four facebook friends but dear lord.
Okay this whole Kirk thing is a mess. I get that Mon feels like she's stuck in between a rock and a hard place, but honestly, this could very easily be resolved if people would just open their damn mouths and talk. And Kirk needs to stop dragging Mon into completely open areas and grabbing her hands.
I don't mean to laugh at Kirk thinking that Sam is jealous over him, but I am. I really, really am.
Damn, Sam isn't pulling any punches. I want to be mad at her but well, she's hurt and angry and NO ONE IS TELLING HER ANYTHING.
Basically this all Kirk's fault and he's officially on my shit list.
Episode 9
Aw, Mon.  She's such a sweetheart that I hate to see her so sad. I do think that she's being a bit dramatic, but I get it. Sam always goes straight for the throat when she's hurt. Hopefully Mon gets her to work on that in that gentle way that she has.
Also, okay, the way everyone in this wakes up with perfect hair amuses me. But did Mon sleep in her clothes?
Pfft, does Kirk still think that Sam is jealous over him? Honey, no.
Mon's parents are so sweet.
I sometimes forget that Sam is supposed to be royalty then they do things like sitting on the floor because she is and I remember.
Sam stop being a dog for Mon it's giving me ideas.
Good on Sam for admitting that she was jealous. But seriously, she really really needs to work on that temper of hers. I say this as someone with a nasty temper myself.
Aw, couple bracelets.
Oooh, Mon taking charge of sexy time. Get it, girl! I absolutely love the frenetic piano during this scene. And ha, I love how much it shook Sam. Just enjoy it, girl.
Ms. Sexy Smirk is back! And throwing down the pink gauntlet. Pink is Mon's color, Ms. Sexy Smirk. And uh oh, she's clocked the couple bracelets. I just do not trust that woman - I mean, clearly I am not supposed to, not with that smirk, but still.
She even talks like a supervillain lol. Those pauses midsentence to smirk smirkily at Sam. Is it wrong that I do like her? I know she's gonna cause trouble but I do. She's just clearly having a great time.
I knew this betrayal was gonna bite Kirk though - pretty sure he did too, on some level, even if he convinced himself that Sam would see the good of it.
GO SAM. I honestly thought she'd use Kirk going to Ms. Sexy Smirk as an excuse to break up with him and not mention the whole thing with Mon, but nope. I do think she was kind of using it as a bludgeon but also…well. I never thought she'd do the thing at all. And Kirk has no right to look at Mon like that, lol. I guess he is genuinely into Sam but my dude, how you missed that she doesn't feel the same is beyond me.
Is this where his villain arc begins? Because I could be here for that.
I knew Ms. Sexy Smirk wanted in Sam's pants. Knew it. I mean, not that I blame her, but Sam already has the pink that she wants or needs in her life. Ms. Sexy Smirk is gonna be trouuuuuble, though, and I'm kind of here for it.
Okay, okay, love Sam walking in on Chin and Yha going at it and just walked right back out like "excuse me, just looking for my bracelet, pretend I was never here." It's hilarious and I know that the fear of being fired is real but I also know that Sam isn't going to do it - either Mon will talk her out of it or she'll realize what a hypocrite it makes her.
Oh Chin is married? I didn't know that. Messy.
Getting it on at work. This is exactly why you can't punish Yha and Chin, Sam. But I do like that in the end she chose not to. I need Mon to quit like yesterday, though.
Pfft at Sam locking the door. I do like that these two can't keep their hands off of each other, but also, work is work! Stop doing this at work!
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SEE? THIS IS EXACTLY WHY.  Also pfft, Yha can make all the uncomfortable expressions she likes but she's the one who kept listening. I do love how delighted she is with the whole thing. "Plot twist" indeed. But Mon should still quit, probably. Go work with Tee. Then come bang Sam on your lunch break. 
Okay the destroyed office is pretty hilarious though.
I cheer a little every time a same sex couple is or gets married in one of these dramas, especially in a country where same sex marriage isn’t legalized. I like to think it’s a push for marriage equality. Keep pushing, dramas!
Sam. Sam. What are you doing? You know you can't marry Mon, not really. Unless you want The Worst Grandmother to cut you off, too. I dislike Mon's "I'm not good enough for you  (and ha at Cher being like "does she fly? I see her feet right there on the ground")," but she's making good points. I'm betting in the end Sam probably won't have to give up everything but they don't know that, and it's fully possible she will have to. I don't know if she's thinking that part through.
And I can see that episode ten is going to be ramping up to the ep 11 separation, sigh. Time to see how Mon's backbone handles The Worst Grandmother, I guess. Kirk, you are such a little weenie.
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chidoroki · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion EP2
Ah we get the OP this week and that real quick frame of a “game over” screen with our two protags with the options being “continue?” or “kill” is very concerning!
Wait what’s the back of Maru’s hoodie say? “We are neither machines nor..” what? It gets cut off!
The art style keeps changing and honestly I kinda dig it? Especially when it goes line-less, like that once sequence of Kiruko running where it literally looks like she’s chasing her outlines.
I was so focused in trying to figure stuff out that I didn’t really listen to the song.. but I’ll give it another listen now. And I like it.
What’s going on with wheelchair boy’s arm? Is that why we always see him in a bed or wheelchair? Or is this mark a result of something weird?
I’m all for loving whomever you want but aren’t y’all just children?? like that was more than just a simple kiss man!
The hell is with these kids? Last ep it was Taka doing parkour and now this Kuku chick is jumping and clinging to trees like a damn frog.
Why. are kids. sending shower pics. to each other??
Tokio really does have a collection of Kona’s drawings. I’m sure they got some kind of meaning.
What on earth is in the window? Also, this man-eater has a name? Hiruko? What, were they people before?
“She fed us some sort of drug to put us to sleep.” Yeah I thought of that last week too after the fact. Maru fell asleep way too quick for someone who is always up longer than Kiruko, and the inn owner didn’t eat any herself either.
Oh hold up, I can read the back of the hoodie now. “We are neither machines or game pieces.” … That still concerns me greatly! Could they really be part of a game? Or a dream reality? Maybe they got multiple lives? Answers would be GREAT right about now.
That certainly is one hell of a creepy monster, what the fuck? It’s got different attributes of several animals and it has ultrasonic whip things or something?
I love that even in the middle of an intense chase scene they still choose to give our protags some funny faces.
Ah shit, that thing is the lady’s son? That’s why she didn’t want our duo to go out and hunt it..yet she had a huge gun herself.
“I was almost eaten by one, so I know..” Well that explains her scars from before.
Yeaaahh I knew that death was coming. Rest in peace lady. So much for thinking that monster was protecting her.
Aw, I like how Maru accuses Kiruko of only thinking about defeating the monster instead of the lady who just died but turns out she was already shedding tears.
How do you both expect to kill this creature though..? The gun is out of shots and Maru, I know you were strong against those thugs last time, but could your hits really hurt this thing?
… Huh? He touched it and some weird spirit hand went inside it to crush a heart? Maybe? Help??
What was this Great Disaster huh? But damn Kiruko really is bad with numbers, she can’t remember how old she was for anything.
“The only thing I can kill is Hiruko!” Oh is that the collective name of the monsters? I thought it was just the last one individually.
Jesus christ that was such a hard ass fall! Taka has gotta be dead. Or got a concussion or broken something. No way in hell he gets up fine from that.
“There’s a guy with the same face as me out there somewhere.” Okay but how do YOU know that Maru?? And why we gotta inject this person with a drug? This show is good at keeping SECRETS.
Who’s this Mikura now? Oh, his mom maybe? Or whoever this lady that give Kiruko the job and gun to protect Maru.
And she has the same kind of weird marking over her body as the kid from earlier with the wheelchair.. that boy ain’t gonna make it huh?
Oh god so there really were crocs in the water they just sailed over. That’s hilarious. They had every reason to freak out then!
They’re both very trusting to eat the nice food these farmers prepared for them when the last person who offered them a meal drugged them!
Kiruko does kinda look like this Kiriko Takehaya kart racer but not quite the same, however she did react to the whole “killing your brother” thing.. so maybe they are similar? Somehow? Maybe it’s like whatever is going on with Maru and Tokio and how those two look alike.
OH LOOK. A symbol with some kind of bird in it. How very Promised Neverland of you!
Oh, well I picked up the little hints that Maru might’ve felt some kinda way towards Kiruko but I wasn’t actually expecting him to outwardly say them?!
“My body is a woman’s, but in here, my mind is a man’s. So.. I’m a man.”  Are we saying like..by choice? In which case good for you. Or like.. due to some crazy experiment because that’s the vibes this show gives me with these kids being anything but normal? And maybe that’s why she..? he? this person can never remember the correct age.
Mmm the ending is nice too. I might like the song better than the OP? Also, Taka gives me Don (TPN) energy for some reason.
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david-box · 1 year
Liveblog (but a day late ish) of Succession season 4 ep. 1
3:38 love how Shiv didn't kiss Kendall also is very clearly lying lol. Rome is so focuking rude it's hilarious. Wtf is their new venture are they trying to make a new media outlet??? And shiv is talking to Tom
They're already on to her lmao. Glad she's semi honest. Ajjajahw. "he's not a real junkie" ahhaha. Kendall is saying "don't bail on me I don't want to put effort into this and not have you reciprocating". Shiv really is into it.
Ohhh my god Logan is visually miserable. Hows it feel old man you motherfucker. He is not dating that woman still Jesus Christ. I mean good for her probably, damn, but what the fuck. What happened to the Italian princess Greg?? He's so clean shaven... Also "friend assistant and advisor" lol. Girl when. Her face is funny as hell also I love these actors. Is it "random fuck". Greg's face lol.
Shiv don't sound bored. Kendall is into it. Tom looking out for Shiv?? You alwars awkward awkward man. Paying with one hand. You're not being fair Shiv rn but I don't blame you also low blow with the st. Paul remark. Best response Tom. She's really freaking out damn. THEYRE STILL HERE AKHAHAHHA. Rome the only chill one here hahahhaa. The investor advisors walked off in separate directions. Aaannnnd Greg's gf snitched lol. They're paranoid. They have every reason to be. Oh those are their investors.
Connor is dressed like a president and the gf is insiding. Connor how broke are you, you're always worried about money. Who was Logan's first wife? Why is the Left going after them? Are they buying Pierce? Also the audacity to call them rats... And the side piece is literally just standing there. Logan doesn't know what Tom looks like when he lies. His awkwardness helps though imagine asking your FIL for marriage AND business advice. Logan looks so annoyed Toms ass sucking but I honestly think it helps and as much as Logan is annoyed that's exactly where he wants him to be. Tom killing Logan 2023 hashtag or whatever. Who hosts a party and waits for food??? They fucking rich people.
Two parties vying for Pierce is going to make the Gojo buyout easier because the Waystair side won't bother squeezing Connor out. Unless they just try harder and he has to pay more to stay lol. Roman the most mature one here. Kendall is being stupid. Who was walking in the background also they're just sitting there huh those Saudis or whoever lolll. They do kinda have a point tho.
Tom doesn't even wait to cut Greg down a 6 inch. And she's fucking recording??? Greg is too excited for their marriage thing. Greg is delusional. I wouldn't switch gears personally but I'd be anxious telling the other guys to keep waiting if they're even still there.
Logan has the world and isn't even happy. Right in front of her "hoop de hoop". Nan's family is a matriarchal version of Logan and Shiv is correct he has no patience but Nan's gonna be busy ain't he. Nan is funny also. I love the way Shiv dresses casually ahahha good lines. Kendall might honestly be better to go but Nan's picky and pickier than what's good. Oh fuck off Kendall its about Dad. And Rome is scared of conflict and I don't blame him also it would be funny if they can do it.
Why is he going you're my pal. You're mybest pal. What the fuck does this mean. This poor man. People are exonomic units??? Bro. Is he really thinking about marriage??? Bro. Gee I wonder why
People turn against you everywhere you go. He's getting old and finally feeling it. Only person he trusts isn't even family and business only.
Ahhahahhahhaha I didn't think Roman would repeattt thatttt ahahha. She looks so hurt :-(. That means he didn't ask. You can pop it back in your mouth now lolll. Who they calling. Oh Logan? Pierce is making calls huh I bet.
Connor is so excited for the wedding and it's gonna be bad if he pushes for more money or if he pushes for less I bet. I love this man. Get a rapper and jetpacks. Dude. Bumfuts. Oh it's about the election cycle. Poor Willa. She's trying. She'll do a lot for him huh.
Greg has the worst timing and Tom low-key thinks it's funny. Greg. No. She's crunchy peanut butter. Dude. The guest bedroo?? Dude. And he's really worried ahahaha. I think he's more amused Greg is scared and is mayyybbee fucking fucking with him. He's making him tell him this is so gross hahahaha.
Is this fucking Marthas vineyard? Italian themed Waystair rocyo? Do they realize Logan can just wait on the sale so they won't be able to buy her out? The sex implications with the headache is great. I think she's going to use it as leverage. Oh butter my beanpole ahahha. Tom saving his ass and isn't even needing to lie, everyone DOES know. He's got some fucked up machinations. Greg is worse off saying something than not. He hasn't eaten. He gave him candy. And he's just holding it. Ahahhaha. Shhshhahha the thumbs up. Lmao. Poor Greg. Poor poor Greg. Think of something better. I would not be honest. He really doesn't think about things critically, like, ever.
Who's the garbder? They're showing more servants today.
Logan smiled? What the fuck?? Tom is so right but he also clearly thinks its both funny and disgusting. Greg don't push it. Greg. Dude. Ahahah. God be willing. Nan thinks smiles and warm energy is important and is complaining about spending money. Interesting. Roy might be better for that than the kids. She's ruthless. Shiv is better for this than anyone else. Oh, but it's not wrapped up. It's fine :-)) come drink with me :-)). Don't curse. Kendall. Dude. She wants to drink? Take the offer to drink... Kendall it is not robust. What happened to Maine? I'm getting a divorce ahahhahaa okay damn. Kendall if you're gonna call her on the numbers don't be shitty. That was clever Roman.
Nobody tells jokes any idea so they. I'm saying Carl, it's a big dry in here. Do you have any jokes? Frank, start, be funny, abhahahahahahahahahahaa roast me dhshshhshshshs skanshshshs absghshshshhsjsjsjsjsjsjsh he can't even do it. That's not funny. Greg is too honest. Ahahhahaa "where are your kids?" AhahhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaahhHahaha. Not a good retort there Logan sorry. So it is the money. Logan's mood is much better when he has something to do. He's going to win. But that's cus I got spoiled.
Roman is correct. 8 is bad. Oh ton don't pussy foot. "This is dusgusting :-)" lol. call your wife. Nan likes the bidding and they can't do 8.5. Tom hiding his face. They do not have 9.5. they go to 10 they lose. 10 is a lot. They don't have 10. And he's being loud. He's outvoted. Ouch. Shiv is so happy. She's gonna cry. Tom said 12 she fucked herself.
Congratulations on saying the biggest number. Romans not sure and they left. That's when the Gojo falls through innit? Lol. Or the lack of a divorce. They still living in the same house? Cute dog. Swear it's different from last year, lol. They don't even look at the accounts anymore. Oh, they still here. Tom still kinda trying to connect, he really does love her. Who wouldn't? Where's the disgusting brothers thing and Shiv is really trying to hurt him and she's hurt from it. And he's right to fire right tf back. Is Mondale even let out at night? Shiv is really, really upset. She doesn't want to move on but now she has an excuse to force herself so this is when the deal gets fucked and now she's divorced for no reason. Shiv doesn't wanna talk because she arguably did worse. No responsibility. Tom won't fight her and a small part of her wishes he did. Tom what the fuck ahahhahaa. Dude. What the fuck. He's genuine . He isn't but he is. I think Shiv would be happy just having him be there. They're so sweet together. My little cats. They do love eachother :-(. If only they could make it work.
Is Logan watching court dv? Or his own news? He's mad the reporters ugly. Wild. They actually won. Oh, new number.
0 notes
drawthething · 2 years
Hello! kinda a weird question but have you ever disliked Jimmy jr? If so what made you like him? And if not what made you love this dancey, prancey boy at the start? :D (sorry if this dosn’t sense💗)
Aww a Jimmy Jr ask? For me 🥺? Thank you so much ❤️ now I can get off the house chores for a while (yeah lunar new year sounds fun to YOU, I'm suffering over here)
I neither disliked nor cared much for him at first I think. I'd say he started standing out to me more as a character in Two for Tina. This doesn't sound like a good start to find J-ju likable but like, he has no reasons to be so god damn hilarious in that episode. Tbh they're the early seasons, so I had these more light-hearted views on the characters and mainly enjoyed them for their comedy antics. And like, a kid who dances weird, says sorry to a porcelain horse and is a little brat sometimes can be pretty funny, yeah :]?
Seasons 4 - 7 eps are probably where Jimmy Jr slowly became one of my favorites :D He's just so entertaining in a realistic way - like they wrote him as this immature teenage boy just like those I'm so familiar with back in middle school. Inconsiderate and self-centered traits mixed with more awkward clueless and simple-minded moments, some typical 13 year old we're having here eh? He's a jerk but not in an intentionally cruel way; a sweetpea but only uses 5% of his brain; supposedly a popular kid but also a huge walking teenage disaster dork. His genuinely sweet moments needs more appreciation too ya know, those are where it balance out his less favorable traits.
I slowly learned to root for his flaws as a good part of his character too. Like sure, wholesome characters are lovely but sometimes you get to see a kid who's a little selfish and emotionally immature. Who gets too wrapped up in his own issues yet forgets to care about someone else's feelings. Who's so defensive and gets worked up over his passion in everyway (get the eps i'm refering to :D?) Which, are all pretty neat - sympathetic ugly traits making room for character growth are pretty neat :] (the writers utilizing it or not is a different story though)
One might say eps like Two for Tina or Presto Tina o are not his shining moments but really, they kind of are to me pffft (also Stand by Gene and Millie churian candidate :D such good ones). Some have his peak comedy scenes, others contribute to his character depth. And Ex mach Tina is my ultimate favorite as it absolutely nailed both of the categories 👀
V for Valentine detta is something else though. I'd say it's one of the cases where a character becomes somewhat of a plot device for the sake of the storyline, hence getting their little ooc moments. It's a great ep but I don't think they did J-Ju's character justice :/. Was he at his worst in it? Oh yeah totally. But I'd blame this one on the writing direction (a little biased, i know)
I'm sure I have had small moments where I "want to slap that kid", but they aren't serious enough for me to bother and tbh it's the same with lots of characters in the show (sit down Rudy you're perfect). For the most parts though, he's this wonderfully whacky lovely boy that I absolutely adore :D Comedy wise he's perfect. Character wise he's imperfectly perfect.
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taki118 · 4 years
Cause of the BBC Sherlock stuff I've been seeing I'd like remind people of Elementary
This may poke the proverbial fandom bear but I don't care this show deserved so much more love than it got.
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This series is Seven season of quality detective content. Each epsiode delievers on a cool mystery with a statisfying conculsion, and overarching plots arcoss multiple episodes that again give good payoff. Look I'm a person who never really cares about spoilers BUT season one's twist is so perfectly executed that I can never bare talking about it until someone has experinced it already. Like im serious its so good.
Now detractors LOVE to point out two things
1: It takes place in New York they just had to americanise it
2: why is Watson a woman? Ugh they just want to sexualize her and take the gay away
So for 1 I get the frustration it was proabably a legal/financial thing that made them go with New York. But the writers 100% use this to their advantage. utilizing the setting as a sort of metaphor for Serlock as a person particulary in season 1 & 2. He's been thrusted into New York this is not his home and he sees it as simply a new place and a fresh start. But come season 2 when he does return to London he finds it different and no longer feels at ease there. He has grown he has changed and so has the world around him. I think the writers made the best out of the situation.
2: Yyyeeeeeaaaahhhhhhhhh no
like i get WHY people assume the reason to make John Watson Joan Watson was purely to hook the characters up, like i was suspicious too when I first saw the trailers cause damn the person in charge of that did a shit job. But so theres a reason why its Joan Watson and not John Watson. In behind the scenes stuff they straight up said that in doing research they notice Sherlock is a bit of a misogynist as he regards women rather lower having just a few exceptions to  his rule that woman are silly creatures controlled by emotions. SO the writers and producers thought “Well what if his work partner IS a woman?’ and like thats actually a good idea to shake up the Holmes/Watson dynamic. 
But also in all 7 seasons not once do Joan and Sherlock hook up. 
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Like Joan and Sherlock are family to each other yes earlier seasons is mostly Joan taking care and helping Sherlock but as time goes on they are far more equal. They have this great bond that’s just built on mutual trust and care and gives off the pair of siblings at times. (my favorite running gag is Sherlock finding new and creative ways to wake Watson up)
And can I say that Joan and Sherlock arent the only ones to say “I love you” in a platonic sense in this show? CAUSE THEY ARENT
This show just like shoves it in your face that strong platonic relationships are not only valid but something to be cherished and cared for just as much as romantic ones. That just being someone’s friend and being there for them when times are tough is enough and admirable. And im sorry but that shit gets me every time. 
Also also Joan Watson has her own arc of finding what it is she wants in this world along Sherlocks own arc. And its not finding a man and having a child, its finding what work she likes to do and balancing it with her personal life. 
And thats not even getting into the positive and well done addict recovery rep. Like they took the offhanded line that Sherlock uses opitates in the novels and said “Hey how would they effect a man like this?” Like they give such a good showcase on how really anyone can fall to addiction and just how hard it is to recover. It’s a long road and the show never lets you forgot that Sherlock could fall back and that he is not better than any other addict, that if it werent for the support network he has built the fall would be far worse.
Like god I havent even gotten into how this is the most emotionally vulnerable Sherlock and thats not treated as a negative like the show straight up says when he goes cold logic mode he’s worse as a person AND as a detective.
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How they show the police force they work with to be just as important  as their work. 
Trans Ms. Hudson played by a trans woman, while shes not in a lot of eps she’s never made a joke of and treated as a desirable.
Autisitc person as a love interest who was not treated as a child. 
Joan wasnt the ONLY person who was adapted as a different gender. 
Going into the messiness of mental health and how hard finding care for it can be. 
The hackers who are hilarious
Sherlock and Joans network of specialists who have knowledge they dont
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Like just watch it its worth your time and will never make fun of you for engaging with the work. 
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Saturday Fandom :) This ep is solid gold. We see how Lucy takes care of Tim in her own way in this one. How pranking is one of their natural love languages. The continuous pining era continues on. It’s pretty damn glorious. Let’s get going shall we?
5x06 The Reckoning
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We start off with Aaron and Tim. The more we get these two more I love it. Aaron asking Tim if he should be working? Didn’t he just have surgery? Tim deflects and says it was only an old bullet. Mmhmm. Aaron really jumps in after that. Says he heard him talking to Ashley about him grabbing rest of his stuff.... The balls on him LOL Tim straight up walks away from his ass before he can speak more. It’s so funny. Lucy can immediately see how grumpy Tim is as he approaches her.
She stops him and gets him to say good morning. Your girl won’t be ignored Timothy haha Also seeing her and Chris laughing no doubt added to his grumpy fire. He was trying to avoid it all together. Sadly your wife will not allow this. Tim is as civil as he can muster up. Not wanting to say or do more. Truly doesn't want to be around the clown.
So after his pleasantries he takes back off. Leaving Lucy stunned in his wake. She immediately looks to Aaron. Who says too much and yet not enough for her. Lucy is reaching for more but Aaron isn’t stupid. He stumbles around and tries to get away ASAP. Fearing he’s said too much as it is. The fear Tim has instilled in him is hilarious. Lucy is left wondering what the hell is going on with her best friend?
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Aaron tries to get Tim talk again. Idk why he thinks he would truly I don't. lol He flames out pretty quickly with the idea. It's a swing and a miss good sir. Only one who gets that is currently not in this shop. They stop to help this director with a prop that fell out. Aaron tries to lift it solo to impress this girl. He fails so badly. Tim has to be tagged in to help him. This is where the premise of this episode begins.
Tim placing his radio down in her truck bed to help. Their hilarious banter kills me while they lift it up. My god it’s amazing Tim doesn’t kill Aaron regularly LOL Poor Tim looks wiped by the time they’re done loading it back up. He has to take a call while Aaron fails miserably at hitting on her. It’s so funny I’m cackling. They get called away while the director takes off with Tim’s radio...
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The director finds Lucy of all people to return the radio to. What cracks me up the most is the director's confusion from Lucy's excitement LOL All she wants to do is the right thing with it and get it back to Tim. Here's Lucy 0-60 explosion of happiness with how delighted she is he forgot it. This scene is so great for a couple reasons. First off her calling Tim 'Broody.' I’m dying. I mean he can be pretty broody especially right now. It just kills me that’s how she referred to Tim. Second she seems so confused by Lucy’s excitement.
She starts going off about how Tim is a super cop. How he’s never once let her forget about being late to roll call one time. Asking her 'Can you believe that?' This girl is like ‘Ok….’ She just wanted to drop off a radio LMFAO. Even says ‘You’ll give it to him right? ‘Wondering if Lucy will given how giddy she is about him losing it. Lucy promises her she will…but she just gave her a Christmas present ha Not a good day unless she can mess with her soulmate.
Lucy is about to tell him when we see a look of realization dawn over her. Now we know she knows something is wrong with Tim. For him to forget his radio is a sin he would’ve blasted her to the wall for. She knows he’s off. Just doesn’t know why. Teasing/pranking is one of their love languages. Which is why she chooses this path with his radio going forward. So married even when they aren’t even sharing scenes.
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We return to Tim and Aaron ripping apart their shop for his radio. Tim is frantic as he searches for it. Says he’s going to check their kit bag again. It then hits him that the lady they helped has it. Tim knows Aaron was trying to hit on her while he was on the phone. What Tim didn’t see was Aaron absolutely crash and burn with his lines.
So Tim asks if he got her number? Aaron KILLS me with his answer. He seems so cocky with his 'Almost.' I’m rolling. Tim’s reaction is the best part. Like what the hell am I going to do with that info? It’s completely useless and helps him in no way. Their dynamic is hysterical. I don’t know pre-Lucy Tim could’ve handled Aaron the way present day Tim does. lmao
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Tim’s phone goes off. It’s someone texting him about his radio. He is so very confused what's happening. Also very agitated they're holding it hostage. Aaron asks who it is? Tim doesn’t know but says they’re in a lot of trouble. Aaron being his rookie self just says to do an incident report. Tim tells him why he can’t do that. I mean a day of suspension for a Sergeant isn't a good look...So I don't blame him for wanting to hunt it down instead. Tim zooms in and say that he knows where this is. So the race begins to find his stolen radio.
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The guys arrive at a coffee truck. Aaron making a comment it looks sketchy af LOL Tim defends it saying this is where he gets his coffee every morning. Goes on a mini rant about screen writers and oak milk mafia. I love this man so much. His dislike of screenwriter continues and it's so funny. Aaron saying that line I love so much. That I have used couple times in previous reviews. Telling him he’s like the old dude from UP. I mean he is. haha But we love him just the same.
He asks the owner if she’s seen his radio? She tells him no. It’s then he gets another text of his radio on a studio lot. Aaron is so confused why this is happening. Saying they haven’t asked for money or anything. They could be doing anything with that radio but not this. Tim says he’s not sure but they’re gonna find out.
They make it the studio lot fairly quickly. They find out it’s where Tim’s fav movie was filmed. Aaron starts to put it together little more. Saying first his fav coffee place then his fav movie. Whoever this is texting him knows him really well. It’s then it hits Tim. it’s Lucy. Ain’t no one knows that man better than her. He knows it too. Who else would know about his elitist black coffee spot, favorite movie and the lot it was filmed on? His wife heh.
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We get our first real scene of the episode and it’s glorious. They’re about as married as it gets in this scene. I love how post 5x05 they’re back to being flirty and playful. The teasing is top notch in this scene. Tim asks her right off the bat where his radio is? Lucy plays dumb and says maybe a vengeful spirit took it. It is Halloween after all. Tim doesn’t give into her teasing at first. Ask's why she’s doing this? He's SO grumpy Lordy lord. Good thing Lucy is well versed in all things Tim Bradford.
This doesn't phase her in the least. She charges forward with her plan. Continuing to play dumb and says she doesn’t know what he’s talking about… The sarcastic banter really picks up above. He asks if she’s doing this because he was tough on her as a rookie? I mean that could be one reason haha But that isn't THE reason Tim. Lucy is armed with sass and maximum level teasing with her reply ‘We’re you? Gosh, I hadn’t noticed…’
Lucy throws out her bait waiting for him to take a bite. Hoping he does so. Wrapping her concern into some playful banter. Thinking if she offers up her 'help.' He will crack and tell her what's going on with him. Tim holds steady and is just as sassy in his reply. Telling her there is nothing going on with him. Ok Tim....it's not like you're talking to the one person who knows you best or anything...
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Lucy drops the playful banter and gets real with him. We can hear the concern in her voice. Especially the way she says 'Are you okay?' She is truly worried about him. She can't stand him being upset and her not knowing why. We do see him soften when she shows that concern for him. His words are saying one thing but his face is saying another. Look at that man above. All soft looks and heart eyes for her asking. For caring.
Despite the sweet look above he is is deflection nation with Lucy in his reply. Come on Timothy of all the people to do this to she is not the one. Can read you like a damn book blind if she had to. The thing to note here is the amount of feelings being shown here. Goodness these two are so damn loud with their feelings. In the middle of the bloody precinct no less. Which has been a thing for them since S4 really. No one could've been shocked they ended up together. If they were they clearly weren't paying attention ha
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All Lucy wants to do is fix it for him. It's her natural instinct to do so. But the problem is Tim isn't sharing the problem so she can do this for him. He is being SO stubborn. She truly doesn't understand why he's being this obstinate. The best part of the scene is Lucy legit stomping off in frustration. Can't stand anymore of his games and takes off.
She is so damn mad he won’t just share with her. Share with your wife Timothy. His reaction kills me as well. Eric crushes it with the facial expressions. It's so friggin funny. Tim is just as exasperated with her and she is with him. Gah these two idiots in love. Acting like an old married couple in public. Lucy keeping his damn radio if he’s going to be a stubborn ass LOL I’m dying this scene is masterful.
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Lucy comes up to Aaron again seeing if he knows anything. He tells her Tim is just upset about his radio. Lucy offers up she will give him the radio if he just spills it. Aaron holds strong and says he doesn’t know. Tim bypasses her on the way to the shop. Lucy’s sass is fantastic ‘Hi. Good morning.’ Mirroring the one at the beginning of the episode.
Like excuse me hubby you can’t just ignore me and not say hello. Lucy asks the question she already knows the answer to about his radio. Tim tells her it’s in the shop. We hear a call go off for a supervisor. Tim reaches in and grabs this gigantic radio answering dispatch back. Oh Tim...
Lucy’s face is hilarious. Trying not to laugh at his stubborn dumbass. All she wanted you to do was talk my love. Not like you haven't done that before. Now you’ve forced her hand in this prank war LOL Tim is trying so hard to save face with his ‘This is it.’ Lucy giving him crap that hasn’t been standard since the 60s. Tim ignores her and tells Aaron to roll.
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Lucy can’t help herself and wants a picture of him with it. I love how cute she is. Tim ignores her and rolls up his window. Her reaction to him shutting window it's so funny. I mean look at HER FACE in that second gif. Like she wasn’t going to think of something to get him to use it. To get back at him for doing that. He brought this on himself. You can’t play these games and expect to win Tim haha
Such a wifey in this moment wanting a pic. I’m laughing so hard about this scene. Lucy tells him to do a radio check. That way she can get her damn pic. Tim’s face is so very over it. I’ve said this many times before. This is the woman you’ve chosen to love Tim LOL Her unbridled joy at thinking of this is so precious. Enjoying her damn self torturing him till he finally fesses up. Can you imagine the camera roll on both of these goobs phones? Probably a plethora of these types of moments. If looks could kill in that 4th gif. Good thing she's immune.
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We catch our lovely duo at the end of shift. Lucy comes up with his radio. Hands it back to him. I love how both hold onto it longer than necessary. The symbolism with the radio was seen writers I see you. It was their way of keeping them connected through out this episode. Lucy’s way of staying connected with him. Doing her best to try and distract him. Take care of him in her own way through this prank. One of their love languages whether they admit it or not.
She didn't even know what was wrong but knew she needed to do something for him. Lucy telling him she thought it would be more fun to torture him. Help distract him from whatever he’s going through right now. Wanted to help him get his mind off of whatever is bothering him. Comments she should know better than to get into his personal business... Gah look at the way that man looks at her after she says that. To paraphrase Chandler Bing 'Could he be anymore in love with her?’ You are his personal business Lucy Chen.
All that’s been running around in his mind since you kissed him in 4x22. Tell me you’re in love without saying you are. That’s both of them in this scene. Especially our boy. Tim see's what she did for him. He can’t let her walk away without explaining. This is such growth for him. Look at this man sharing why he’s upset with her. Being truthful and honest about what happened. Lucy’s ‘I’m sorry.’ I truly think she is sorry for him but not for the situation. Inside I’m sure she’s doing victory dance of epic proportions.
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He then does Lucy one more solid. Tells her he appreciates her radio gag. That it did help take his mind off things. I love this sfm. Not only has this man shared his feelings with her he then does this. My damn heart. Being so vulnerable in this moment with her. If you don’t see the growth that is this moment for Tim you haven’t been paying attention. I’m so proud of him. Look how far he's come. All because of that beautiful human in front of him. Beautiful inside and out. The impact she has had on this man is unreal.
Also It’s heart eyes nation out here and we’re all here for it. I mean she pranked him so he would feel better. And then he did. That’s love people. Also so very on brand for them it’s insane. Another thing I adore is he is going out of his comfort zone. All to thank her for what she did for him. Not just be annoyed but thank her. 'Started from the bottom now were here.' Oh my lord the growth. Let's not bypass the affectionate stares Lucy is throwing his way as well. This is a two way street of heart eyes and affection in this moment.
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The way he looks at her when after she says ‘Well, good.’ Look at that man above. Might as well be a billboard that screams ‘Tim Bradford is hopelessly in love with Lucy Chen.’ Also my god he looked delicious as hell in that shirt. Dark blue does him wonders mmm. That’s my fav color with my fav human. Double yum. Plus biceps on display. Sinfully delicious this man.
Anyways heh There is so much left unsaid and tension between them. You can see it above. There is more Tim wants to say. It reminds me of their parking lot chat in 4x22. Where Lucy is holding her breath as she waits for it. Tim trying to build up the courage to say it. Before he can the clown walks over. Having no idea what he’s just walked into.
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Chris comes barreling in like an idiot. Or maybe for once he senses something. But that might be giving him too much credit. Lucy asking if Tim wants to join them? I mean that sounds like legit hell to Tim. He understands her motives though. Maybe if it was just her….Tim does his patented fake Sanford smile. The one where it doesn’t really touch his eyes.
He’s just uncomfortable and wants to go. Look at his body language all he wants to do is flee. He declines and tells them to have fun. You can see Chris's face is slightly confused when Lucy offers this. Like why are you offering for your boss to join us? Cause she's in love with him but you're not gonna put that together. What a ignorant putz lol
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We talk about the pinning era in this first half a lot. This one moment is the most epic of the pinning. Tim Bradford is legit LONGING for Lucy out in the open. How he blatantly turns back to watch them go. My poor heartbroken man. The way he drops his arm in defeat. Frustrated she’s with Chris and not him. Gah it's so good. Tim looking devastated she’s with the clown. That he has to go home alone without her. That mistake from 4x12 coming back to haunt him in this moment. Watching as they leave with deep longing and want in his eyes for her. He sighs and climbs into his truck.
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Both of their looks are saying so much in this moment. This is what I mean by angsty goodness. Hurts so good to watch these kind of scenes. Lucy sensing his eyes on her and looks right back. The game has changed for her now he’s not with Ashley. It shows as she gazes back at Tim. She's supposed to be present with the clown...but her look indicates she is anything but that. Lucy is back at that truck mentally with Tim as she returns that look. She is throwing out just as much love and longing as Tim is in these looks of theirs. She is feeling what he is throwing down and feels the pull to him. Damn good ep good I love the pining era. It’s *chef kiss*
Side notes-non Chenford
James and Nyla was goodness per usual always enjoy their SL’s
Wes’s SL was ROUGH. Elijah winning and his past being drug up in this one. I wanted to smack him a bit and so did Angela lol
Thank you as always to the amazing readers of these reviewer. Your likes, comments and reblogs fuel my soul and I adore you all. See you in 5x07 :)
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hibiscxs · 3 years
Legacies 4x08
Yall, I have been busy. I’m finally settling into the new job but I also got accepted into grad school even tho I had given up on it. But also bc I have already given up on it, I am currently floundering with trying to find a thesis advisor and finalizing a thesis topic in a field that I haven’t been keeping up with for a few years now.
Anyway, what I mean is I had to scrounge together the energy to watch the new ep and get my thoughts on it together.
I literally watched a grey’s anatomy episode before watching this. I’m living for Josie narrating the opening like Meredith. Plus, hooking up in a storage closet is so iconically Grey’s. I actually liked Josie’s therapy box more than Lizzie’s. But will Josie and Lizzie coming to drastically different conclusions about what to do about Hope finally get the characters to realize that the therapy box is not a good substitute for an actual therapist? Or for just talking to a friend, even? There’s a reason the box was designed for someone (aka an actual professional) to be in the box with them, retaining their real memories in case something went wrong. It’s almost hilarious that Vardemus isn’t warning them off using it in the way they did with Lizzie.
But more on Josie’s session. I’m actually really invested in this world? I really want an AU fic for this now. Just. The backstory of Klaus having a degenerative disease that he covered up so he could continue performing surgery, Alaric covering it up too, Hope doing the same a generation later. Both Alaric and Jo (or maybe Caroline is still the mother that Josie is referencing?) being surgeons and their daughters feeling the pressure to follow in their footsteps. I’m so sad that we’ll never come back to this tbh
Also, Mizziethan being an honest to god thing in the GreysAU. Please don’t let this be as close as we come to it actually happening. When Lizzie came out of that closet, I didn’t think we’d get to know who she was hooking up with. I thought it was going to be a little mystery for the episode. I “ooh”ed when MG came out, but then I full-on gasped when Ethan came out too. Since it’s Josie’s mind, what does that say about how she views the Mizziethan situation in real life?
The music was a little too on point when Josie and Therapy Box Finch had their last scene. Like, damn. tbh, I’m not clear on what sort of conclusion Josie came too. She talks about how being tied to the school will keep her from having a life of her own (didn’t we cover this in the season 2 eps that got carried over into season 3?), but she also says that she’s going to help Hope, and it does seem like she’s heartbroken bc she’s come to the conclusion that she needs to leave Finch? I guess this means she’s choosing the school/her friends over her own happiness by going out to look for and save Hope, but in doing so she needs to leave Finch behind at the school? Does Finch represent Josie having a life of her own? I guess that does make sense. I do like how Josie is once again being heartbroken (not in a ‘I like to see Josie suffer’ way. I’m not about that), but this time she’s being forced by circumstance to leave her partner, not her partners leaving her. It’s a sad little echo.
Moving past the Josie therapy box session (for now), I will have to admit that I was a bit disappointed that they really did bring back Aurora. I just never thought it was going to happen, since Legacies has been trying so hard since the beginning to not be like its predecessors. Having one of the old villains be the main villain of the season just didn’t feel like it would accomplish that for them. Also, I kind of hated Aurora in TO. And not in a “she’s such a great villain that I hate her!” way, but in a “she’s so fucking annoying please get off screen” way.
That being said, I think she killed it this episode. Yeah, Legacies has been trying to be separate from the previous shows, but it hasn’t always found success doing that. Not to say that I think Legacies becoming exactly like TVD and TO and even bringing back old villains is the only way for it to get good. In fact, I don’t even think its even the best way. There were plenty of ways for Legacies to improve while keeping the level of separation from the rest of the TVDU it has had. But, if this is the way they’re going to go, and they execute it well, I wouldn’t be mad about it. 
I do, however, think it’s ridiculous that Freya wouldn’t notice that Aurora’s body went missing. Unless Freya doesn’t live at the compound anymore? Or Aurora’s body was moved to somewhere a lot more isolated and out-of-the-way after Roman found it lying out in the open in TO S5?
The entire thing with Papa Tunde’s blade was so great. That thing always brought the angst when it came out to play. I loved it. I also totally forgot that it was destroyed, so I didn’t see the twist coming. And yes, I love the body swap. It’s going to keep things interesting. One of the things I have always loved is that Hope should be an overpowered invincible character when you look at her stats on paper. Being the Tribrid makes her immortal and strong and powerful. But man, it also means she cannot catch a fucking break. Someone’s always trying to kill her or take over her body and I love it. I also wonder if Hope’s humanity switch was tied to her body? We know that older vampires don’t have the ability to turn it off, so maybe, in Aurora’s body, Hope’s humanity is back on? I kind of hope not, because that would honestly be such a cheap way of getting her humanity back on, and it would deprive us of the epic emotional moment when someone does get to her.
That little reaction we get from Hope when Aurora mentions the Hollow. I loved it. 
Loved when Hope straight up beheaded that werewolf alpha. Aside from seriously hurting Alaric, we haven’t really seen Hope be super dangerous with her humanity off? She didn’t even kill that vampire and werewolf she fought at Triad HQ? I truly want to be scared that she would kill one of her friends. The fact that she didn’t hurt any of them in 4x07 was a serious letdown.
I hate how Legacies has handled wolves. Bc of established lore and a limited special effects budget, the wolves are always portrayed as less useful bc they’re always in human form. Sometimes they’ll break lore (which annoys me) and give the wolves more wolf abilities in their human form that I believe they had previously. And I really. Really. Really. Hate the weird royalty alpha thing. It was barely tolerable in TO. I cheered when Hope told them to stop kneeling. As she said, they’re wolves, not royalty.
Landon talking about wanting to be happy. That may have seriously been the saddest scene for me this season. Maybe the whole show. Maybe. Aria deserves everything. Landon deserves everything. Everything he said is true. He and Hope fought so hard against a destiny that said they were only meant to die and be killed. They tried so hard to be more than only those tools, but they gave in at the end to save everyone. And still, they can’t be at peace after their sacrifice. It’s such a sad story. Idc who they end up with, but these two better be the happiest people in the world in the series finale.
And Lizzie. This poor girl. I can’t help but feel frustrated with her rn. I’m just so anxious for the fallout of all this. Obviously she isn’t going to succeed in killing Hope. But I do think they’ll have a real confrontation where she does try to hurt her. I think its very apparent that the narrative isn’t trying to frame Lizzie’s conclusion about killing Hope as the right thing in any measure. Lizzie is very apparently lost in her grief. And with everybody too busy trying their own methods in fixing what is happening, there is no one around to help her through it. She’s come to a conclusion that will ultimately harm her. Even if she did succeed in killing Hope, at best she would later on realize that killing Hope solved nothing and that it wasn’t what she needed or really wanted and feel insanely regretful. At worst, she never realizes this and turns twisted with this mindset. What will probably happen is she tries to kill Hope, fails, maybe the one to turn Hope’s humanity back on, and eventually comes into feeling guilty for ever going so far against her best friend. And I am not looking forward to it (except I am)
But with regards to Lizzie and the new context of the body switch, it does make me a little nervous that we don’t ever get a real confrontation between Lizzie and the real Hope. I’m a bit afraid that Lizzie will come face-to-face with Aurora in Hope’s body and the fight will either result in Lizzie, upon coming close to actually hurting “Hope”, realizing that this isn’t what she wants, or Lizzie finding out that someone has stolen Hope’s body and realizing that she doesn’t actually hate Hope and still harbors protective feelings over her. We shall see.
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andoqin · 3 years
Dramas I've watjched this year Pt 1
This is gonna be all the dramas I started and... have either paused or dropped for various reasons.
If I paused them I might go back to them at some point but if I dropped them that's it.
Mad for each other I like the main actors and I found the Netflix says I finished this... I have no memory of doing that, which should tell you a lot.
Doom at your Service - this one is on hold for now and I actually feel like finishing it because the premise and the actors are really for me and the mood the show brought to the table fits with my end of the year mood. I do think being able to binge this will be beneficial, because I think it wont actually hold up to much scrutiny especially in the latter half. (On Hold for now, 4 eps watched)
True Beauty - I knew this was going to be a hard sell for me and I was right. I always have trouble with high school shows, part of it is my age and part of it is the saccharine spin shows will often put on that. I dropped this fairly early on and I don't think i'm going to give this another chance. The main actress tries, but it's not enough and the cute lesbian romance my heart wanted was not going to happen :<. (Dropped, 4 eps watched).
Novoland: Pearl Eclipse - now granted I didn't technically watch an episode - 2021 had me too wary to start sth and I wanted to give it some time, but I followed along closely enough for the first 10-15 eps on my dash... and well considering how hyped for it I was and how much I *wanted* to watch it it deserves a spot on this list purely on account of the collossal waste of talent, time and audience patience this show is responsible for. (0 Eps watched but way too much time spent reading rants)
Awaken - This started in 2020, but I didnt watch (parts of) it until it was complete. I tried 3!!! times to finish this, with crime shows it's often a matter of me being in the right mood/the show hitting me in the right way until I'm invested because there's no romance (usually) to hook me emotionally. The reason I tried to watch this three times is purely Nam Goong Min and a little bit of the premise, but my god the editing is so bland, the show so averagely shot and the writing not good enough to carry it. (Idek how many eps I watched but I tried!!! 3 times!!!! damn you NGM!)
Inspector Koo - This one I'm DEFINITELY going to finish, now that it's all complete but currently I'm not in the mood for it at all. I can see it's strengths and I'm loving Lee Young Ae and Kim Hye Joon playing off of each other (and what a delightful dynamic that is!!) and the surrounding characters are all very interesting (need to find out what Santa's deal is!) but for some reason the thought of actually finishing it fills me with blah at the moment, which the show doesn't deserve. (6 eps watched - on hold for now)
The Sword and the brocade - TANG SONG YUN, WALLACE CHUNG!!! in a historical drama together, in pretty pretty costumes. It should have been great! But this drama suffers from its length, and even the beginning has some hilarious weird things about it (the fact that he saves her from drowning and its... nbd??? apparently????????) but I was willing to overlook that because they had a lovely understated sort of chemistry, and Tang Songyun really tried to get everything out of her role, but the writing just let down the show so hard I dropped it at the midway point and just never bothered to pick it back up and basically forgot about it. (20ish eps watched. Dropped)
Jun Jiu Ling - I was initially excited for this, I mean I didn't enjoy the source novel a whole lot, but it had Peng Xiao Ran! and Jin Han!!! maybe they can save it but lmao no, I watched 2 episodes and basically peaced out. PXR looked bored and lifeless and Jin Han is not a strong enough actor to really elevate a shoddy script. This isn't to say he's *bad* but if the writing doesn't favour his strength he's completely adrift. This, coupled with the blah production values makes this an instant miss. Only read @purplehanfu's hilarious recaps for this show! (2 eps watched. Dropped)
Jirisan - JOO JI HUN, Jun Ji Hyun!!! I'm just noticing a trend in the last three dramas. I get overly excited for the cast, because I think they largely pick dramas I like, but man the case of blah writing continues. This added to some eh directing had me watching parts of ep 1 and 2 with some skipping, 3 and 4 with more skipping and just not watching more. (Sort of 4 eps watched but not really, Dropped)
One the Woman - Lee Ha Nee is a delight and this show is one I might actually finish, since I do love this kind of premise and the acting of the supporting cast is helping a lot. I do think Lee Sang Yoon is not giving his best performance here, it's not bad but LHN outshines him so severely I honestly wish she was with anyone else. The problem is that I watched it to the halfway mark and I dread the second half which I can see will have a very bad Kdrama 2nd half downturn. Sigh. For LHN I still might though, thank god for the skip button. (On Hold, 8 eps watched.)
Rattan - This had some beautiful visuals a truly bonkers premise, but I think when I was watching the eng subs were sus at best and I kinda forgot about it. Watched about 4 eps?? No idea. Someone tell me how it ended up being as a complete drama please, I dont think my dashboard knows this drama exists haha. (Dropped, possibly might finish at some point)
Song of Youth - I started this for Bai Lu, but good lord her character was so unpleasant and they did sth so weird to the color grading/saturation for this drama I pretty much forgot it existed after 4 eps. (Dropped)
Bossam - Steal the Fate - Another one I was really into for the premise and the actors. Jung Il Woo seems to fare much better in historicals and him being a widow/bride abductor who accidentally abducts a princess was genius set up for me. Once again though the writing was not strong enough and while I did appreciate seeing JIW shirtless the writing left me bored witless. (Dropped)
Sisyphus: The Myth - AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHHAH ha hahahahaliksdjsakjd. I have a wholeass fucking rant on this trash dumpfire of a drama. Well only episode one but jesus fucking christ. Do not watch this. People didn't listen to me and continued and wasted their fucking time. Turns out Cho Seugn Woo can pick trashfires after all, after his string of strong strong dramas and performances. It's like he forgot what acting properly was? I'll just avoid PSH dramas from now on. (I wasted 1 hour on this episode and then whatever time I needed to write down my rant, which is honestly more than this drama deserves).
Hometown - I have only 4 episodes left on this one but by god it was just getting stupider by the second. Manipulating/Hypnotising people via sound/speech? I know that the police in dramas can't be too good otherwise we wont have a mystery or a drama, but this is just getting ridiculous. And everyone seems to have swiss cheese for brains. The production value is pretty high, it looks cinematic, the directing is actually pretty good I think but the script is just... no thank you. (8 episodes watched. Dropped)
Happiness - I'm currently pausing this, but I will definitely finish since I'm on ep 8 and I love the way the show has dealt with its premise and its main characters. Plus PHS is really beefy now??? Good Stuff. (On Hold)
Vincenzo - The hilariously fake italian stuff and the general vibe just didnt work for me so I dropped this fairly early on. I do enjoy the gifs I see on my dash but that's it. (Dropped)
The Devil Judge - It is very homoerotic, so I will have to finish, I just gotta find the time and energy to overlook its nonsense premise, which kind of overstretched my suspension of disbelief. (On Hold)
Taxi Driver - I found the first case pretty interesting, and I liked the lady cop but the core premise was a bit eh and something in me seems to not like vigilante justice all that much because I didn't really like our main characters. (Dropped)
Racket Boys - This show is pure unadulteraded fluffy goodness, but it didnt hook me deeply and that's the only reason I like shows like that. If the vibe is for you though, check it out, the kids feel like actual friends/found family. (Dropped)
Mouse - LMAO lmao lmao lmao no. Once again a DYSMAL fucking first episode that told me that finishing this show would drive me batshit. Plus the whole eugenics angle???? Miss me with that shit please. Also the cops in this universe have single digit IQs I don't know how they survive. (DROPPED LMAO)
A Tale of thousand Stars - I loved LOVED LOVED the trailer for this one, but the premise should have rightly scared me off, transplant love stories are always iffy at best for me and I just couldnt connect with the main characters and didn't believe the actors when they tried to act like they were in love. (Dropped)
Yumi's Cells - I found this to be a surprising delight and I was even into the little emotion animations, but I made the mistake of watching it while it was still airing, catching up and then forgetting about it. I might still continue watching, but maybe once S2 comes out. I do like the way it handles relationships and the fact that for once it's not going for a "HEA" in the traditional sense. I also think making this not a full 16 ep show was a smart move. (On Hold)
22 Shows of which i dropped 16! and 6 are on hold...
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