#half-crack theory
elementroar · 6 months
This is the "Why ABA and Paracelsus can feel horny" lore/theory post
The main Paracelsus deepdive post is a monster that I'm building in Google docs cos Tumblr can't handle it while it's WIP. This is a separate lore/theory monster I want to get out of my system first.
Here's my theory why ABA is consistently portrayed as being horny for Paracelsus from the start.
Translated excerpt from the Night of Knives Vol.2 audio drama CD, released in 2004 (20 IRL years ago):
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Her being horny wasn't so much portrayed in-game in XX/AC+R really, prolly engine/sprite limitations and all; but then STRIVE happens and we get:
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It's not just her being horny, and knowing exactly how to rizz Paracelsus up, and clearly has been doing this in her pocket dimension for a while now. PARACELSUS CAN FEEL HORNY NOW TOO!
And I stg I'm not joking...I think there's a legit lore reason for this.
Cos by the end of her arcade mode's flawless ending and according to the latest interviews with Daisuke-san and the game directors, it's explained that Paracelsus' form depends on what ABA thinks of Paracelsus, as well as her general mental stability.
ABA thought Paracelsus looked like a key, and he morphed into a key as part of his nature, which naturally makes him always fit to his wielder's preferences. In my deepdive I'll explain in more detail, but in addition to that, Slayer figured out that since ABA also saw Para as her hopeful "key to the future", Para's heart also began to change to basically fit her ideal of what he is.
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So if ABA finds Paracelsus sexually attractive, and has made very obvious physical advances on him for years, then it follows that if she's horny for him, she can make Paras horny for her over time too, just like how Para is getting more key-like subconsciously just by being with her all this time.
I don't think this is entirely involuntary on Paracelsus end. I believe how much he wants to react to his wielder's emotions is still in his control...unless they become truly insane like with ABA's Jealous Rage being emotionally powerful enough to override Paras' ability to maintain his key form.
Also he reverts to his 'sharp teeth' design when he gets rizzed up, so he's losing his composure again and prolly holding back most of his...response. It's actually kinda telling cos Para used to just disassociate, ignore, scold ABA when she tries to make advances on him, so him actually responding now and to this degree is...interesting. And ABA seems very aware of this.
And for the bigger question of why ABA, an artificially created human would be created with the ability to feel horny...
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Ok, crack theory time, it might be linked to why she apparently can summon an actual alchemical gate just whenever she wants, and even use it as her private pad. ABA doesn't just wanna rizz Paracelsus up as a key, she wants him in a human body since the start too.
Y'all remember Ghostbusters, and what the Gatekeeper and the Keymaster have to do to open the gate...?
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qcellbit · 11 months
people are already suggesting that cellbit relapsed and killed that worker either awake or in his sleep and while the evidence (it being a gravity falls related puzzle and including the words "im back" in pt possibly in reference to fcell) is suggesting that, i think itd be far more interesting and fucked up if he didnt do anything but hes being FRAMED for this by the federation. they would absolutely kill off one of their own workers just to sow seeds of distrust throughout the island and punish him. These might be the consequences cucurucho spoke of yesterday Who knows
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camille-lachenille · 16 days
I’ve been rotating the potential of elves coming back wrong from Mandos, like missing chunks of memory, or with some traits of their personality completely changed, bc try as they want, the Valar just can’t get Elves right when healing them. And I was thinking about the many, many fanons about Lindir’s backstory.
So I mashed the two ideas together
Finrod died in… extremely traumatic circumstances, to use an euphemism, and the Valar found they couldn’t heal him while he kept these memories. So they erased them. Only, whoever did the erasing went a little too strong on it bc they didn’t know how to dose their power for an Elf. And Finrod got re-embodied a little too soon, and was lost bc he didn’t know who were these people around him calling him by names he didn’t know, in a language he didn’t understand.
He knows two things: he likes singing, and he wants to get back home, over the sea.
So Lindir smuggles himself on a ship leaving for the War or Wrath, and just kind of bumbles his way through the whole thing without understanding what it happening. Círdan and Gil-Galad recognise him, so they take him under their protection and set him in charge of the women and children in a refugees camp bc Lindir can’t fight but he sings the best lullabies and loves kids.
At some point, Lindir befriends Elrond, who feels strangely familiar in many ways, and he ends up following him around like a happy, singing shadow. Elrond is put into the secret of Lindir’s real identity and he starts working even harder in his healer studies.
Over the centuries, Elrond manages to help Lindir recover some memories from his first life, though only the happy ones. Lindir forgot Barahir and Beren, forgot all the grief and loss he felt after the passing of Bëor and his other mortal friends, hence the reason why he is so confused by mortals in FOTR. He still loves singing, and regains his taste for jewellery and clothes, and Elrond is only too happy to indulge him.
Eventually, Lindir meets Galadriel, and even tough he can’t reconcile the faint memories of little Artanis clinging to him with sticky hands with the lady in front of him, they become fast friends and Lindir spoils Celebrían rotten bc he’s an uncle!!!
And when time comes to Sail, Lindir follows Elrond like he always has since the end of the First Age, but this time he remembers the family waiting for him in Valinor, even though he still struggles to think of them as his family.
The first thing Elrond does when he sets foot in Valinor, after kissing Celebrían silly, is to walk straight for the Ring of Doom with Lindir and a gaggle of Very Angry Relatives in tow to scream at the Valar with the whole power of the Voice he inherited from Lúthien and trained with Maglor, until the Valar fix Lindir. Galadriel gets to do her scary show too, as a treat.
It takes some time but then the Valar manage to put the memories back into Finrod and he’s as fixed as he can be. He also gets intensive therapy and Huan as a service dog bc 6000 years not being himself are a bit traumatising, but he’s mostly fine at the end of the day.
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musclesandhammering · 6 months
There’s zero chance Loki and Hela having so many similarities is just a coincidence. And even though we’re most definitely never getting a full explanation for it, I’m so curious as to what you guys believe the reason is. Do you think:
a.) Loki’s a shapeshifter who can see people’s memories when he touches them. So when Odin picked him up as a baby, he saw Hela in Odin’s mind and shifted himself to resemble her.
b.) Loki and Hela have the same biological mother.
c.) Hela is Loki’s biological mother.
d.) Odin changed Loki to look like Hela when he first held him, because he missed her.
e.) Hela’s biological mother is jotun, and she and Loki both have black hair/pale skin/green aesthetic/etc because that’s just what frost giants look like when they take an asgardian form.
f.) Hela and Loki are both adopted, both children of Laufey. Odin took Hela centuries earlier, then when he realised Laufey’d had another child, he took Loki too.
**I’ve listed these in order from the ones I find most likely to least likely, if you’re curious. Tell me which headcanon you prefer, I wanna see.
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will80sbyers · 2 months
Oh shit wait it kinda looks like someone without a leg... ? Istg if someone loses a leg and this was foreshadowing for that they need more help than I do 😂
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catcas22 · 3 months
Between the Shrine Maiden village, the apparent malleability of Numen flesh, the fact that the only other Numen we hear about (the Black Knives) are entirely female, the existence of Millicent and her sisters as well as Melina...
I'm half convinced that Numen are a mono-gender species that reproduces through something along the lines of soul mitosis.
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suitsnsours · 8 days
husk and cats and hats--some thoughts
i'm kinda sold that husk hates cats so much because while alive as a young magician he opted to try pulling cats out of hats instead of rabbits (contrary to literally every single word of advice from his mentors) but it went terribly
now his greatest shame of pulling cats out of hats in his early years as a magician remains a phantom that will follow him as some inherent truth about his existence until the minute his soul is destroyed, which is interesting because it's by far the least grievous sin he'd have committed in his life but it's probably one of the first: arrogance, pride
with his cowardice, who knows if he ever acknowledged that shame or if he ever admitted those mentors were right rather than either begrudgingly swapping to rabbits in silence or just dropping hat tricks altogether. who knows if this act of dumb courage and learning for himself (and subsequent humiliation) was what set him on the path to never making those mistakes so publicly again, and why he rarely stands for his word when confronted by entities he perceives to be more powerful than himself.
i think there's something really interesting in him eventually reckoning with "i failed to listen and that made me a pussy and maybe that's ok because i can listen now," especially considering his unwilling role as the bartender (read: therapist) where he's really got no option other than to listen to others (with angel dust as a catalyst [hehehe])
alternate possibility: deathly allergic to cats.
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loganslowdown4 · 6 months
If the blooper reels for sanders sides keep following Star Wars titles, the next one should be called Caravan of Bloops—
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this is probably the nerdiest thing I’ve ever said 😩🤪
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Please tell me someone else has seen this???
This is the most obscure reference ever lmao
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childrenofthesun77 · 7 months
Were akira and tooru also orphans?
Mahiru never mentions maternal grandparents, at one point he realizes that when akira died his uncle also became alone and while it doesn't have to mean anything I did find it interesting that when they were still in school and tooru asked touma to come to his house to eat he said akira would cook for them and not their mother or father. When mahiru thinks about heroes always coming back smiling we saw a flashback of akira coming back after apparently leaving a very young mahiru in tooru's care, not with her parents.
The discussion at akira's funeral service also made it sound like the people were more extended family than close family? Where is the rest of the shirota family? Is it just them?
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seygay · 2 years
In my personal headcanon Daeron and Myriah adopted Shiera after her mother died, so Maekar’s hatred of Bloodraven includes “oh this is the bitch my sister’s dating”
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tora-the-cat · 1 month
ask game!! 🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
oooh, that's a good one- A couple come to mind...but I'll go with how I REALLY don't vibe with the theory that Tobirama's mom was a Hatake. Honestly, I love aus where the Hatake are a cool ninja clan for one reason or another, but I don't think it works well as a theory for canon. It REALLY feels like something that would've come up at SOME point, if KAKASHI was the last scion of an old disgraced clan lol
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hsrlorefreak · 11 months
ok this is. completely basically crack but like.
is giovanni (in the new-ish event) sampo?????
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Elation. it was like, really heavily implied last time we saw sampo at the end of belobog stellaron crisis, that he was a part of the Masked Fools, aka followers of Aha, The Elation.
and in sampo’s story, it’s implied that he. dressed up as a woman. convincingly. and he wasn’t called out on his voice, so he can definitely change his voice, too.
and he even has a mask— to play at the eccentric billionaire who funds a game on a whim. that seems like something he would do just for amusement.
and it starts on belobog, too. and sampo does have ways to get to other world— the joke bomb he sent with a signature proved that.
i forgot to take a screenshot, but pela + serval also say that he told them to not tell march and trailblazer who the really good player was (might be him) because : “adding an element of mystery to the story” and what story? our story, our game. what is that doing? breaking the fourth wall. who, aside from trailblazer, breaks the fourth wall?
but why???? but have followers of the elation ever had reasons for what they do??? zhongshan (unshackled on luofu mission) did what she did just because. didn’t plan it out or anything, saw a chance, decided it was funny, and pulled trailblazer along to play her tune
anyway if he isn’t that’s fine but if he is that’ll be so funny.
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endiness · 5 months
this is such a copium crack theory lol, but like. what if the show uses toussaint in place of kovir. like, they both do kind of have similar qualities in that they're rich nations and that they're neutral when it comes to the war. so, like. what if instead of dijkstra going to kovir for help, it's radovid that goes to toussaint. y'know, at the same time jaskier is there. and then radskier. 🤪
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stunfiskz · 8 months
whats a deltarune thing you think a lot about that you dont see brought up a lot? for me its the text for the playing cards in the light world
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Crack Theory (lmao): Will’s Powers Could Be Activated With Drugs
Okay this is part crack theory and part actual theory.
In every season there is typically some kind of reference to drugs and drug use, and for me it kind of feels like they are building to something, but I’m not entirely sure what yet.
Season One
El’s mom Terry is given LSD by the lab as part of MK Ultra, this is linked to El’s powers
Hopper pops pills to deal with his trauma
Lonnie is an alcoholic
Season Two
While possessed, Will is continuously drugged with some kind of sedative
It’s revealed that the drugs given to Terry did in fact awaken powers in her as well
Max sedates Billy
Season Three
Nancy compares the symptoms of the flayed to the symptoms of being on drugs
Hopper drinks copious amounts of booze
Robin and Steve are both drugged by the Russians
Season Four
Eddie is a drug dealer, and Chrissy went to him in order to do ketamine
Argyle and Jonathan both smoke copious amounts of weed together on screen, Argyle also smokes some with Eden
El is sedated a couple of times while back in the lab
Jonathan gives the SBP worker Purple Palm Tree Delight in order to use the kitchen
Argyle is seen picking mushrooms at the very end, which given his character’s association with drugs could possibly be Magic Mushrooms
kaypeace21 has her own posts about drugs in the show that’s a really interesting read, but I wanna throw my own two cents.
So drugs seem to have always been in the story, and at some points even contribute to important plot points. El’s powers can be traced to drug use, Will being sedated was important to gaining leverage from Henry, ketamine is the reason Chrissy was at Eddie’s trailer in the first place and the reason Eddie was blamed for her death, etc.
So how do I make this all about Will? (like I do with everything)
Drugs can have more than one function narratively, as seen above. I think there could be a number of ways that they show up, but one possibility is the trigger to Will’s powers.
It’s not like drugs haven’t been used as a power trigger before, they were the trigger for Terry’s powers.
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In fact, it’s even possible that we could have already seen something like this on screen with Will.
Okay so this next part is gonna feel like a bit of a stretch and take some serious explaining but bare with me.
So when Will was possessed and brought to the lab under extreme pain, he was sedated with some kind of drug. He was sedated with the same drug a few times after this scene, all during his possession. The drug is never mentioned by name to my knowledge. Or in the very least, not named in season 2.
While there’s a multitude of different drugs that it could be, there’s a possibility that it could be a drug that was named in a later season— ketamine.
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Ketamine is a drug that can be taken a few different ways. It can be snorted in powder form (like what Chrissy and Eddie planned on doing) or it can be injected in liquid form, like what was happening to Will. Ketamine can cause a relaxing sedation effect and relief from pain, and has been used by doctors as a popular pediatric sedative.
Even if I’m totally wrong about the specific kind of drug, Will was still being repeatedly put under using some kind of drug. Which, as established in the same season in the case of Terry, can be used to trigger powers.
Everytime Will comes back from being sedated, it seems as though Henry has taken him further and further. Now this could just be because time has passed, but I want to propose that part of why Henry was able to get further into Will’s mind is because of the drug that Will kept getting sedated with.
In season 2, Owens mentions something about “opening neurological floodgates.” Oftentimes when discussing the affects of drugs, especially psychedelics, the phrase “opening the mind” or something similar gets thrown around. Becky even says something similar in regards to what happened with Terry. And this is literally what happens, psychedelics open up certain synapses in the brain in order to create the affects that it has.
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Ketamine is a sedative, but it’s also a psychedelic. The drug that activated Terry’s powers, although more powerful, was also a psychedelic. If Will’s “neurological floodgates” were being opened with the help of a drug, this could be part of how Henry was able to reach more of his mind and take over more and more of him. But alternatively, it could have also been giving Will access to more and more of his powers.
It’s been discussed plenty of times before, but during the progression of Will’s possession, his eyes become more and more brown and then bloody red, which is similar to what happens to El’s eyes as she pushes the boundaries of her powers. This doesn’t seem to happen with any other possession victim.
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Perhaps Will was literally having a war with Henry in his mind? As Henry was slowly gaining more access, Will was gaining access to his powers, even if only subconsciously aware of it. Literally already having a power battle with Henry.
I also wanna point this out: the name of the specific weed that Jonathan and Argyle keep smoking is Purple Palm Tree delight. You know what else is purple?
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(Did I mention this is part crack theory yet 😂)
So then, could this concept come back in season 5?
Let me propose a scenario.
The gang are running out of time to save Max. El knows that she has to use Will’s mind to access Henry’s mind lair and get to Max, HOWEVER Henry has been dormant for the past two years and they can’t seem to get a grasp on him. So how then, do they open the neurological gates in Will’s mind to access Henry’s mind lair, creating the accidental consequence of activating Will’s powers?
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With the mind-altering powers of psychedelics!
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camille-lachenille · 1 year
Gil-Galad son of plot hole theory of the day: Gil-Galad is Fingon’s son. With Orodreth (Orodreth being a son of Finarfin in this case).
They were both very drunk and sad and lonely one night, fell in bed together, one of them is trans (Fingon?), and Gil-Galad happened.
Orodreth raises him in safety in Nargothrond and everyone assumes the other parent is Orodreth’s wife because she’s a dark haired Sinda and Gil-Galad has dark hair too. But since Fingon named Gil-Galad as his heir and he kind of look A Lot like the king, people start saying he was just fostered by Orodreth and he’s actually Fingon’s son with his very elusive wife who died short after Gil-Galad’s birth.
Gil-Galad knows his true parentage and has a good laugh each time a new, more improbable rumour reaches him.
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