#gonna cry i'm so happy with this food. usually i don't get this feeling about a meal!!
crimeronan · 5 months
ducked into an iraqi-egyptian restaurant i've never been to before for a late dinner because The Autoimmune Horrors have been making eating hard all day & i needed something easy to eat with lots of protein. and this chicken shawarma over hummus and homemade bread is giving me an out-of-body experience. Oh My God . Maybe Life Is Worth Living After All....
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mastermindmiko · 11 months
Paring: Fred Weasley + fem!reader
word count: 2124
Summary: Angelina has been suggesting that you're pregnant, you're sure that she's wrong, but what's the harm in checking? She was right.
Warnings: Pregnancy, the future, ANGST with happy ending. Maybe some errors, I wrote this at 2 am.
Hey! if you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
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I've known that something was wrong for two weeks now. I've been feeling sick, and I've missed my period. I've been craving a lot of different foods that I wouldn't usually eat, and my friends have noticed.
Angelina pointed it out to me this morning and that's how we got where we are now. She's holding out not one, not two, but three tests for me to try. I shake me head and look at her incredulously. I chuckle, "No way, Angie."
"Yes way, You might be." Angelina says, waving them in the air. I pace around the room again, and then stop to look at her and say, "Fred and I are always safe."
"Condoms only work most of the time, not always." Angelina says, and I sit on my bed, contemplating the thought. Angelina adds, "You've been craving things, you've been moody, you missed a period!"
"There has to be another explanation. I'm sure. I am sure that I'm not pregnant!" I say, and then Angelina walks from her bed to mine and says, "If you're so sure, then what's the harm in taking these to make sure."
"Fine." I say. I grab them from her hands and hop off the bed. I head to the bathroom and I take the tests. I set them up one by one beside each other perfectly in a straight line, and wait anxiously for the results to appear.
Angie knocks on the door and I open it for her. She looks at the three tests and stands beside me. I nibble on my fingers, anxiously. Angelina opens her mouth to say something and I shush her loudly. She says, "What? Am I gonna scare them by talking?!"
I, once again, shush her loudly. She huffs and folds her arms over her chest. I stare at the tests then at the watch over my wrist, thinking, why the hell is time moving so slow? As the time is about to finish, I start to pace around the room, then shuffle on my feet. Angelina says, "You can hold my hand if you're nervous."
"I'm not nervous!" I shout at her, then after a few second of nibbling at my bottom lip, I grab her hand in mine. I look at the watch, then squeeze Angie's hand, anxiously. In any second, there's either going to be a piece of news that will change not only my life, but my life and Fred's life forever, or I could have spent a lot of unnecessary time worrying.
"I'm sure whatever it is, you'll be fine." Angie says, she already knows that I'm pregnant, she feels it in her gut. I'm too scared to think about it myself because I might get that same feeling in my gut. All the evidence is there, the fatigue, not being able to go through a few classes before heading to the toilets, the nausea. All signs point to yes, but the proof will be in front of us in a few seconds.
My hands start to feel clammy and I need to not be holding anyone's hand right now. I go to sit on the closet toilet seat, and Angie sits on the edge of the tub. She asks, "How are you feeling?"
My throat feels dry, and I rub my hands together before rubbing them on my pants to dry them. I shrug my shoulders, and exhale. I let out a nervous chuckle, then say, "I'm terrified."
"What will everybody think? We've still got a few months left of school." I say, and I start panicking thinking about all the things that can go wrong about getting pregnant. "How can I have my NEWTs while being pregnant?"
I think of the last thing, the thing that's on my mind the most. You don't need to take your NEWTs to have a career anymore, and who cares what people think. My hands start to shake and I cry, "What if Fred leaves me?"
Angelina rushes to my side when she sees me cover my face and start crying. She presses a hand to my back and rubs it soothingly. She says, "Honey, it's going to be fine. I'm sure everything will work out to what's best, really. You can choose not to keep it, or put it up for adoption, maybe. Besides, you'll always have me."
I lift my hands from my palms and see her giving me a nervous smile herself. I smile back at her gratefully, and wrap my arms around her. From behind her back, I notice that one of the tests has changed. I trample her on my way, reaching it. I place my other hand over my mouth as I notice the two stripes.
I look at the others and they all have the same result. The two stripes. All the tests are positive. I gasp, and purse my lips. Angelina doesn't say anything and still rubs my back reassuringly. I put the tests back beside the sink and wash my hands. My heart is beating a hundred miles an hour.
"What are you going to do?" Angelina asks, cautiously. I sit back down on the toilet seat and she crouches in front of me. I tilt my head back and stare at the ceiling. I reply, "I have no idea."
I hear Fred's voice say, and my eyes widen as much as they can. Angelina stands up immediately. I push her near the door, and whisper, "Go tell him I'm sick, or busy, anything like that. I can't talk to him right now, I can't!"
Angelina walks out of the bathroom, and I press my hear against the door, hoping to hear the conversation. Fred says, "Hi, Captain."
"She's busy right now, Weasley. She can't talk." Angelina says, in a steady voice, even though I know she's nervous. I can just picture Fred's face morph into confusion and then he says, "Why?"
"Is she in there?" Fred asks, I hear his footsteps coming towards the door, and I feel my blood run cold. He knocks on the door, and he says, "Darling? Are you in there?"
"What's going on? Is something wrong?" Fred asks, and I feel the urge to say, yes somethings wrong, something is very very wrong. I stutter, "No, everything's fine, Fred."
"You don't sound alright. Can I come in?" Fred asks, and I hear both Angelina and I shout, quickly, "NO!"
I hear Fred chuckle, but not his normal type of chuckle. He leans on the door, I know by the sound of the small thud against the door. Fred says, "What can Angelina see that I can't? I've already seen all of you."
That's the problem. I look down to the door handle and notice that there's no locks. I curse and it makes Fred say, "Love, I really need to see you, you're worrying me like crazy here."
I run to the counter, grab the tests and shove them into the trash bin. I let the toilet paper roll drop down hastily to hide them. I hear the door open, and I turn around to stand to face him. He looks worried, and I press my lips together. I give him an unconvincing smile.
"You look a little pale." Fred notes, he then steps closer to me, and leans closer. He adds, "You're sweating like crazy too."
"It's hot."
"It's November." Fred says, then grabs my hand. He leads me out of the room. I try to stop, but he's walking determined. I ask, "Where are we going?"
"To Madame Pomfrey, she's gonna have a full check up on you." Fred says, and I sit down on the floor to not move. If Madame Pomfrey does a check up, she'll no doubt find out that I'm pregnant. Fred stops too and looks behind him. He bends down and picks me up in his arms bridal style. Fred says, "You're going."
He takes me to the hospital wing with Angelina right behind us. Fred puts me on one of the beds, and then he sits down beside me, holding my hand, tightly. Madame Pomfrey comes to check up on me, she does scans and spells and everything. I wait until my secret is out to Fred. I don't think I can bare losing him.
Madame Pomfrey walks in with a paper, holding the tests' results. She walks over to us and then looks at the paper. Her eyes widen and I look at her desperately, hoping that she would lie for me. She clears her throat, and looks at Fred with a smile. She says, "Your girlfriend is completely fine."
"Just a little exam stress, you should make sure that she relaxes, and eats well." She continues, and I know a part of that advice is pregnancy related. She says, "Off you go then, Miss Johnson, if you could just stay for a second."
I couldn't tell Fred, and I couldn't look at him without feeling a nasty feeling gnawing at me, so my solution was to not be around Fred. I saw him at meals and during classes, but I never stuck around to see him after. This went on for a month, and I was already two months along. I was glad I wasn't showing.
I had decided to keep the baby, even when I don't know what's going to happen between me and Fred. Angelina has been the greatest help ever since Madame Pomfrey gave her my papers when I left with Fred the day I found out. She's been reading books, and making sure I'm eating right and everything. She supports me, the one thing she doesn't support me in is not telling Fred for this long.
"Is today the day?" She asks as we head down to breakfast. I've grown tired of the question. I shrug my shoulders, and give her the usual reply, "Maybe."
I don't get to go to breakfast because George walks out furiously and towers over me. He doesn't look at Angelina while he says, "If you could excuse us captain, I need to talk to my brother's girlfriend."
Angelina prepares a reply before I lift up a hand and say, "It's alright, Angie."
She hesitates before going into the Great Hall. George talks a few steps till we're out of the entrance of the hall. He glares at me and as soon as I lean against the wall, he starts the ramble, "I know I'm not supposed to interfere because this isn't my relationship, but you've been avoiding Fred for a while now, and he knows. He's been strong, but you're hurting him. He cried yesterday because he doesn't want you to break up with him, so that's where I draw the line-"
"George, I'm pregnant." I shot out, and he stands transfixed with his eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. He doesn't say anything so I grow more nervous. He stutters before spewing, "Is it Fred's?"
"Yes, of course, it's Fred's. What kind of woman do you take me for?!" I shout, furiously. Did he honestly think I would cheat on Fred? We've been dating for a while, If I would've cheated, I would've done it by now. George rubs the back of his head sheepishly, "Sorry, why haven't you told Fred?"
"I'm scared." I say, and look down at the floor. I bite the insides of my cheeks, and George nods his head understandingly. George knows what Fred would do, they're twins and they have this special ability to know what the other will do. George says, "I'm sure Fred will do what's right."
But what would Fred find right, that sort of thing is relative from one person to the other. He could leave, maybe that's what is right for him. I nod my head at George's words even though it doesn't soothe me. George asks, "How long have you known?"
"A month."
"A month!" George repeats, louder. He looks around to make sure no one heard him, even though it would be hard to know what the conversation is about from that word alone. George asks, "How far along are you?"
"Two months."
"Two months!"
"George, we're really getting nowhere like this." I say after rolling my eyes. George stares at the floor deep in shock. He asks, what I hope is the final question, "Are you keeping it?"
"Wow. That's my niece or nephew in there. Cool." George says, and I smack his arm, even though it relieves me a bit to find out that this is George's reaction, maybe Fred's will be the same. George clears his throat then says, "I really think you should tell him, soon."
I nod my head at his words, and he puts a hand on my shoulder before saying, "Whatever Fred does I want you know that I can help, it'll be awkward if Fred decides to be an idiot, but I'll be there for you, and either George the second, or Georgina."
"Thank you, George. I'm ignoring you naming my kid by the way." I chuckle at the end, and he smiles back at me. George says, "He's in the dorm, if you want to talk to him."
I nod at his words and then he leaves to go to breakfast. I'm going to tell Fred, now. I march over to the common room, and then to his dorm, trying not to overthink it, and trying to get as much out of this new confidence. I open the door to his dorm, and Fred's standing in the middle.
"Hey." Fred says, and I look at him. All the confidence flies out the window in a second. I feel my breath hitch. I stutter out, "There's something I need to tell you."
Fred nods his head, but keeps standing where he is. I sit on his bed that I know so well, and the place where this all happened. I take in a deep breath, in and out, and a couple more times. Fred stays patient I loved that about him, he wouldn't appear to be the kind of person who would be patient, but he always is with me.
He watches me attentively, and I take in the last deep breath. I remind myself that I can do it, and even if Fred doesn't want to stay, I can raise my kid on my own with Angie and George. Here goes nothing. I shot out, "I'm pregnant."
He doesn't say anything for a bit and his facial expressions don't change. I consider repeating it again because he might not have heard me, but then his eyes widen, and his mouth hangs wide. Same reaction as George, just much more dramatic.
I feel my heart racing in anticipation, I pray that the shock subsides and his reaction gives me any input on how he's feeling. He stands up straighter, and fixes his expression to neutral. I straighten my back, ready for an answer. He doesn't give me one, instead his eyes keep flickering from my eyes to my stomach over and over again.
I place a protective hand over my stomach, and I find the wait unbearable. I wait, wishing he would just do something. The more his mouth stays closed, the more hope I lose. I feel my eyes water, and my stomach sink. I let out a bitter chuckle then say, "Could you at least say anything?"
It takes him a second, but he does say something. He says it so low that I barely even hear it. He mutters, "Shit."
He turns around and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. As soon as it closes, I start sobbing. I guess George was wrong, Fred didn't end up doing the right thing.
"I still can't believe that jerk!" Angelina shouts, as she folds her clothes, folding them into her suitcase. I don't bother doing the same with my clothes. I'm staying at Hogwarts for Christmas this year. I sigh, "I really don't want to think about it Angie."
"Sorry." She says, and I find myself staring at the ceiling again. It's been like this for two days. All I've done was sob, this is the first day that I wasn't a mess. George tried to see me, but I couldn't talk to him, not when he looks so much like Fred. It's unfair to him, I know, but I can't bring myself to care.
There's a knock on the door, and I assume it's one of my roommates, coming to get her things. Instead, Fred walks in. I see him before Angelina does, but as soon as she sees him, she starts, "You! Get out!"
She goes to him and starts to push him out the door, but he places his feet firmly on the ground, and holds Angelina off. Fred says, eyes looking straight at me, "Please, I want to talk."
"It's fine, Angie." I sigh, and she looks at me with bewilderment and then glares at Fred. She steps out of the room while Fred steps inside. She closes the door behind her, and Fred looks at me.
Fred looks around the room, and his eyes land at the only, still messy nightstand, mine. He clears his throat, but says nothing. I grow agitated, I sneer, "If you're not going to say anything, just leave."
"I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I don't know why I left. I'm an idiot. I can't imagine how you must've felt. I am so so sorry." Fred says, rushing over towards me. He sits on the bed beside me, and takes both my hands in his. I feel my eyes water, and I look down. He takes my chin in his hands, and makes me look into his eyes. He continues, "I was so worried. I haven't turned eighteen, and I was so scared that I wouldn't be a good dad. I don't have a job. I want to open a joke shop, who knows how much money that'll make, and I-"
He chokes up, and he wraps his arms around me. I hug him back just as tightly. A few tears slip from my eyes, and I squeeze him harder. I missed him so much. Fred says, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I love you so much. I don't want to lose you...either of you."
And just like that I'm sobbing. I blame the hormones a hundred percent. I mumble, "I love you too, Fred."
I'm sure I've ruined his sweater with my tears, but I can't bring myself to move an inch away from him. Fred wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes me, affectionately. He freezes and pushes me away from him by my shoulders. He panics, "Did I just squeeze baby?"
"I'm actually not sure." I reply, and I place a hand on my stomach. I shrug my shoulder and say, "I feel fine, so I guess not?"
"Come with me for Christmas." Fred suggests, and I feel stressed out by the idea. I haven't told anyone besides George and Angelina, so by the time that break is over I'll definitely be showing. Fred adds, "Only if you want to of course, I just don't want to miss you."
"Sure." I say, and Fred beams. He hugs me again, this time less tightly, making sure not to squeeze the baby. He starts tearing up himself, and I find peace in his arms. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life like this, especially with a tiny set of arms joining the hug.
an: I'm thinking of writing like a tiny little one shot on how Fred would be with like Pregnant reader, but I'm not sure
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michinekot · 5 months
What do u like about thistle?
I'll start off with his design because it's not so spoiler-heavy.
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He's short, cute, a total menace and has the cutest evil grin ever. I certainly have a thing for villains... But also generally, jesters are fun and I usually love their outfits. Thistle is no exception, I love all of his looks (but I'm not gonna look for them all through the manga...) and how different he is after becoming the Dungeon Master. Also, white hair, purple eyes & outfit... (´,,•ω•,,)♡
I must also add, I adore how the author draws elf ears pointed upwards and how expressive her art is. Absolutely amazing, all the angry Thistles are great.
Now I'll get into heavy spoiler territory, I'll go over the ending too:
First off, I really like how he shows his love through "eternity", much like Marcille. Elves who love people of other races suffer because they will undoubtedly outlive everyone else. The way Thistle and Marcille are similar is so great to see... and I think it's great that Marcille wasn't made out to be a terrible, selfish villain and neither was Thistle. Through her becoming the Dungeon Master, we see how much this power changes them.
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He meant well and his wish wasn't initially selfish. He didn't even wish for eternal live, just a peaceful one. Of course, the Winged Lion dug deeper into it and the selfish part came to light.
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And because no one was aware of the danger, it became absolute truth to Thistle that he's doing the right thing and making everyone happy. His dream was everybody else's dream in his mind. And I think it's nice how much he must've paid attention to the townsfolk needs, because...
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He must've done so much to make the Dungeon liveable and safe for the people he cares about. All those traps were to ward off people who (he assumed) must've been just like the ones who came to destroy the kingdom. On the other hand, he saw opportunity in the monsters and had people take care of them like they did with their farm animals. It was unnecessary, he didn't have to do that since they don't need to sleep, eat or drink. But he knew that they weren't happy doing nothing at all and put a lot of thought into the ecosystem (compared to Marcille, which is understandable, but y'know. I think it's great to see the difference since her monsters werent very, uh... thought out?)
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It's been SO many years of stagnation, they can't even taste the food or enjoy anything.
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He's aware, he'd enjoy a little change of pace too, he's open to it! but the desire to protect everyone wins.
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He just... loves everyone so much. His platonic love isn't simple at all. He did so much for everyone. And after losing his desires... I feel like he hasn't lost his love for everyone.
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I think that, maybe... he feels like everything was fullfilled? He's been angry and anxious for so long and now there's nothing to worry about anymore. I'm really sad for him, but there's no going back to "normal" after everything. But I'm glad Yaad doesn't hate him. I don't think anyone from the kingdom truly hates him.
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Also this page makes me want to cry...... he's holding him so gently and Thistle only looks tired and like he wants to sleep. I hope he finds his place in the new world and lives out the rest of his life peacefully.
I haven't read much of the additional stuff yet, but I also think about Mithrun a lot.
I think Mithrun was extremely selfish in his desires and that's why, aside from them, his eye and ears were taken away. It might be just the demon's will because it wasn't exactly the Winged Lion, but all demons are technically the same one(? from what I understood...). The only desire left within Mithrun was about the demon, but in the end, it still seemed selfish.
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But neither Marcille or Thistle were physically hurt after having desires taken from them. The Winged Lion also said something along the lines of "this is for everyone, I want everyone's desires to be fullfilled for all eternity". It didn't like Thistle because he stagnated, but it probably understood him a little bit, since he mostly thought of others. But there was no way to manipulate him into thinking about Anyone outside of the kingdom. Only Laios managed to talk a tiny bit of sense into him... but it still didn't work out.
So yeah, Dungeon Meshi is amazing and I generally love everyone, but Thistle speaks to me the most because... his top priority was protecting those he loves, freeing them from death and pain, living out the life they had on the surface forever. And this feels personal to me- I lost both of my parents and the friends I cared about the most left me. So like, if we ditch all the (totally right) talk about how there's no happiness without pain and such, I get Thistle. He meant well. He's a very well done character. :)
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mywons · 1 year
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៹ enha when you're hurt.
▸ ִֶָ tags enha x reader + fluff + hurt/comfort + jayke being bf material + the boys being protective + romantic gestures. warnings! && mentions of injury, cursing. REQUESTED : hi there i love love love your writing and i was wondering if you could maybe do how the members would react if someone hurt you (either physically or emotionally)? ✿ 1.6k words —
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lee heeseung !
he's very very very attentive
whether you guys are dating or not, he makes sure to know all of your habits/quirks, so he knows when something's off
if you don't outright tell him, he'll ask for himself. "hey, what's going on with you? what happened, hm?"
please tell him so he doesn't think he did something wrong :(
his presence alone is probably one of the most comforting things ever, so if he's also putting all of his effort into making sure he's comforting you . . . god
if you're upset about something that can't be fixed, he'll listen to you rant & cry about it while he holds you in his arms and kisses the top of your head. maybe try and crack a few jokes to make you laugh,, get your mind off of it for a little
if it's something that can be fixed, he will give you any & all advice you ask for. would even take matters into his own hands if he feels like you're too stressed to handle it. he's so caring it's insane
if it's a person that hurt you . . . good luck to them???
like he already doesn't like seeing you upset but there's an actual human being that caused your tears?? they'll literally never be safe again
overall so so gentle with you and absolutely the best when it comes to making you feel better.
park jongseong !
he'll notice. immediately. like as soon as your fucking walk is a little off, he knows something is up
won't say anything unless you bring it up first, but he'll pamper you in so much affection that you know he's noticed your change in behavior
if days go by & your behavior doesn't change, then he'll ask about it
at this point, he's worried more than anything. just wants his happy baby back !!
^^ especially if your state starts messing w your physical health. he is not having it. has absolutely no problem w missing any & all events to cater to your every want and need, he's your very own personal caregiver
wtv's fucking with you will be long gone by the time he's done, jay hates to see you unhappy and he'll do absolutely anything to change it.
+ he already loves being there for you at every waking moment, so having an excuse to do this other than want ??? he loves it
you get texts from him every five minutes if he can't be near you "i'll bring food as soon as i can" "are you feeling better yet honey?" "i'm gonna stay over for the night"
you'd have to physically pry him off of you to go get a drink of water/use the bathroom in the middle of the night. poor boy is so clingy when you're not feeling well :((
jongseong the (boy)friend we all need $!3#+$%?
sim jaeyun !
he'd take you out on the best date ever, and you being you, you fall and twist your ankle
it's not that deep, you just have to stay in bed and elevate it for a few days. jake—jake thinks it is that deep
he feels so bad that you got hurt during your time w him, it feels like it's his fault even though it's really no one's
in guilt & genuine concern for you, he's by your side everyday all day. pampering you. holding your hand when you wanna get up and walk, cooking your meals and helping you bathe
he's js so so so sweet and by the end of it you're so accustomed to his company that you guys end up being a lot closer
randomly starts telling you how much he loves you throughout the day. platonic or not, he's just 100x more affectionate when you're hurt
even after you're all healed, his touch becomes a lot more gentle with you. the usual rough banter & playful fighting you guys do turns into softer touches and warm hugs. he's so careful with you
& finds himself being a lot more protective, too. a hand on the small of your back always
not overbearing, but it's to the point that you miss him so much it hurts when he's not near you
if someone else causes an injury or anything else that even slightly alters your mood in a negative way, pray for them
idk if y'all saw that one video where he said he'd fight over his partner but,, yeah. he didn't lie.
when it comes to your health, he's very very serious and he expects the same from everyone else you hang around
if he finds that someone around you doesn't feel that way, he would not hesitate to start an argument. you deserve the absolute best and shouldn't settle for less, he tells you
if you aren't already, you'll be in love w him by the end of your injury
park sunghoon !
sunghoon is an introvert, and because of this, he finds himself being quiet & zoning out sometimes. he has his bursts of chaotic energy like everyone else, but for the most part he observes
trying to lie to him ab being fine isn't smart. he knows you like the back of his hand. oh you thought he was staring into space? no, he was paying attention to literally everything around him, especially you
literally just the tone of your voice could change slightly and he knows something's wrong. he won't let it go either
"tell me. what's wrong? did something happen? did someone happen?"
he's naturally protective of the people around him, but you especially. you're very special to him and he likes to show it
you'd sit in his lap and tell him just about everything that's bothering you, while his hands are around your waist and he hugs you tightly
he knows he doesn't like dwelling on bad feelings himself, so his main thing would be to try and keep your mind as far drifted away from whatever's bothering you
whether it be physical contact, making jokes, reading to you, he'll do anything if it means he gets to see you smile because he knows you'd do the same for him
it's not rare for him to be affectionate, but he's usually only touchy when you guys are alone. now that he knows where your head is, he's always touching you as a way of reassurance
just so perfect in every way, doesn't at all think of you as a burden
kim sunoo !
he's definitely the type to be sad if you're sad
sunoo would walk up to you, expecting an exciting greeting. when he doesn't get that, he'd frown and immediately ask what's wrong
you'll tell him about the stomachache that's been bothering you, and he'd make you some tea and take a nap with you
it's easy to fall asleep as he traces shapes into your exposed skin
100% asking "are you okay? you're sure? do you need anything?" every five seconds
^^ make that every two seconds, actually
he's already extremely affectionate, but he usually shows it by teasing you. this time around? nuh uh, you're getting absolutely drowned in loving
just so sweet !!!!!!!! sweetest boy ever
he's so caring and forever concerned for you and how you're doing
you want soup in the middle of the night? he will sleepwalk to the damn kitchen and get the fucking job done.
yang jungwon !
he's probably used to dealing w caring for his sick members because of his leader role, but he definitely cares for you in a different way
showers you in gifts to take your mind off of your injury. buys you all different types of snacks and plushies <3
if it's something more emotional that's bothering you, there's no one else you could ask for that's better at making you feel better !!
he's so so genuine and it makes him so easy to be around ,, especially when you're dealing with problems. jungwon prides himself on how many people have told him how comfortable he makes them feel
definitely doesn't see you as a bother, and if you suggest such, you will be scolded
you're so very precious to him & he would never ever want you to feel otherwise. it's practically his duty to nurse you back into your best health so why would he ever be bothered by it??? especially when you're so wonderful to be around
his love language is definitely words of affirmation/quality time anyways, so he would never ever do anything to make you feel unwanted and is constantly reassuring you in any and every way he can
scolds redirects you when you try to do anything for yourself. "hey, let me do it, okay? you lie down."
honestly you forget you'd forget ab your problems whenever he's around, it's like his presence is the medicine to your wound
best boy <3
nishimura riki !
teases you nonstop !!
if it's something like a very small injury, he'll laugh at you as he helps your with your bandages
if it's something far more serious, he's far more serious
definitely doesn't like it if you don't take your current state seriously. you're not doing well, therefore you should be doing everything to get better. not wasting your time to make jokes. he's very rarely stern but when it comes to your wellbeing he's completely different
wouldn't get emotional unless it's something serious, and even then he wouldn't be emotional in front of you
orders you both different foods to try out of boredom each night
riki would 100% stay the night if you ask him, but if you aren't dating, he would sleep so far away unless you ask otherwise
^^ he's so cute bye
but in ending he's just super supportive and just wants the best for you, even if he teases you most of the time
!!!!!!! cutie
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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honey-ros3ss · 11 months
I can't
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It's been 3 days since you had seen Daryl since the argument. You were starting to believe he hadn’t really cared since he hasn't showed up. You hadn't told anyone about the situation because if you did you'd cry. Not knowing what to do you got comfortable on the sofa and started reading 'Desire Unchanted'.
After a couple minutes of reading there was a sudden knock on the door without giving it thought, you opened the door to be faced with Rosita and baby Socorro. You immediately light up at the sight of them. "Hello mamas, how are you?" You say in a sweet baby voice to Coco. "I wish you would greet me like that everyday" Rosita chuckled. You laughed and hugged Rosita letting them in.
" How have you been, I haven't seen you outside like you usually are?" You sighed "I've been through hell for the past couple of days" . "Why, what happened?" You raised your brows and blew air "oof well let's start with... I found out I'm pregnant 2 weeks ago..." "WHAT, oh my god, congratulations! Does Daryl know??" She said with a smile beaming on your face but seeing your not so happy expression it slowly faltered. "How do you feel about it are you happy?"
"I am but.., when I went to go see Daryl a couple of days ago", tears started swelling in your eyes as Rosita got up to sit next to you, Coco instantly reached out for you as you lifted her to your lap. " I had the box to give to him but before I could he told me had something to tell me" your voice hitched at the thought of it, "he basically told me he cheated on me, a whole argument broke out but it felt like I was talking to a wall, so really I was just arguing with myself, before I left I threw the box over to him and just left.
Your face was now stained with hot tears. Rositas face was in disbelief, " hijo de su puta madre (son of a bitch), how could he- why would he!?" "That's what I said but he told me nothing, I told him to come find me because I was done, it's been three days since, and I blame myself because I feel like I wasn't good enough" . "Hey! Don't say that he's the stupid one who wasn't good enough for YOU, he was to blind to see the best woman for him so don't blame yourself for his actions".
You looked up at her with a sly smile "Thank you Rosa" you say leaning your head on your shoulder, "anytime I'm always here when you need me" she assured resting her head atop of yours.
After sitting for a couple of minutes she got up picking up Coco from your lap "you know what instead of just sitting here let's do something, how about we cook?" You beamed with joy at the mention of food "ooo yes, we have to ask Carol for her book".
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Walking out the house you bumped into something hard, looking up you saw it was none other than Daryl. Your body tensed as you made eye contact with him. "Can we talk?" You turn to face Rosita as she's making daggers at him, "Rosa how about you go get the stuff ready and I'll come and get you?" She nodded her head , walking forward slightly nudging Daryl in the shoulder as she left.
You nodded your head to let Daryl in. You stared at him waiting for him to speak. "Can we sit?" "Mhm" . As you both sat across from each other he handed you a bag, you looked into to it and seen it was baby items, a small smile appeared on your face "thank you".
"Y/N I jus' wanna start of with I'm sorry for what I did t' you, I'm sorry fo' what I put yea' through the last couple of days. Wha' I did has no ex'cuse, but that night was meaningless t'a me. It was a huge m'stake riskin' what we have. I can wait as long as yea' need me t'a. I want t'a make it right I want t'a make it work fo' our kid and us I kno' it's gonna take time but I can wait as long as yea' need me t'a hope yea' can f'give me. Because I still love you."
You sat there for a second tears threatening to spill but not falling. Taking in a shaky breath, exhaling with a big blow you spoke.
" I know you're sorry Daryl I know you are, but what you did, it did mean something because there has to be a reason to why you did it. That's something I still want you to explain to me. And you don't have to worry about having to make it work for our kid because we are going to no matter what. And yes it's going to take a while but Daryl I can't..."
"I can't forgive you just yet because, it still hurts, although I'm hurt, I'm not going to deny the fact that I still love you because we have together for years"
" I jus' needed somethin' at tha' moment an' she was there, I don' kno' any other way to say it was jus; in the momen' "
With a nod you took in a deep intake of breath and got up, Daryl doing the same, walking outside closing the door behind you. "I appreciate it a lot Daryl so thank you. "
" I couldn't jus' leave yea' withou' n' explanation."
Looking up at him you gently wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist just holding each other for a moment. Whispering to you he said "im gonna' make it up to yea'. " " I know you will." Pulling away, you asked " so how do you feel about the whole situation?" You said moving your hands around your stomach.
"I'm alrigh' sorta excited to meet lil bean" "Little Bean?" "Mmm wha'ever" "No no I like little bean" you said giggling, " As much as I would like to talk about 'little bean' I have to go to Carol's."
"mhmm, yea' think I can come by later in the week" "Yes you can Daryl it's still your house." "mk I'll see ya' then" " alrighty bye" you said waving. Turning to walk the opposite direction he was your heart was still aching, but glad he finally spoke to you.
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this took me way to fucking long bruh, Im not sure if I even like it 😭 but I hope yall enjoyed it sorry for like the 2 week delay LMAO
taglist : @walker-bait-1973 @littlelovingideas @blackvelveteen1339 @lunajay33 @pandarooooo-blog @sweetz1919 @targaryenmoony @daryldixmedown @cant-help-simping
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haesunflower · 1 year
xdinary heroes reaction to receiving flowers
genre: fluff
pairing: reader (mostly gn) x all members
about/tags: xdh reacts to you buying or giving them flowers
established relationship, bullet point reactions, lowercase is intentional, this is my first work for xdinary heroes, afab for gunil's, i had to google what each flower represented, sorry for inaccuracies, dedicated to requester @snowflakemoon3
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⠀⠀ gunil ⠀⠀
gunil is a whiner
so one day when he complains that "don't you think it's kinda misandrist that only women get flowers most of the time"
you think that's a direct jab at you because he does in fact, get you flowers all the time
on your next date you order sunflowers for him
it arrives via delivery and when he opens the door, he kinda smirks
"finally, i'm being appreciated around here" (jokingly)
he places the flowers in the vase you usually use
later on you find out he saved the petals of the sunflower in a ziploc bag
you teach him how to press and dry flowers for preservation
when he sees your collection of dried flowers from all those times he gifted you, he's so touched
looks at you like you're his whole world as you continue to demonstrate how to do it
⠀⠀ jungsu ⠀⠀
jungsu talks about getting plants for his room all the time but never actually does
so you bought him a pretty orchid to place on his windowsill
he loves it and takes care of it really well
he once read that plants have feelings
so he spoke to the orchid every night, pretending like the both of you were its parents
one day you caught him singing to it
"since when did you start giving private concerts to the plant, jungsu?"
"shut up. water your child, it's dying"
and you're just like??? but you do it anyways
taking care of orchids together become your shared hobby
years down the line, jungsu makes sure the flowers at your wedding are orchids
⠀⠀ gaon ⠀⠀
you were on a picnic date at a meadow
gaon made all this effort to set the date up, even making (which you start to suspect that he actually just bought) all the food you were currently eating
you felt kinda bad, as you didn't prepare anything (well to be fair this date was a surprise)
so while he was setting up the picnic basket earlier, you took the liberty to venture
you found a small wildflower bed full of marigolds and daises
you gathered the brightest and prettiest ones, the ones that best resemble gaon
so when you tell him "close your eyes I have a surprise for you"
and he opens them he's genuinely surprised that it's flowers
his heart goes like awwwww
but ngl he thought you were gonna plant a kiss on his lips
"I can do that as well, jiseok"
he got the kisses and the flowers, it's a happy day for him
⠀⠀ o.de ⠀⠀
"are those flowers?"
he stares at the meal your prepared him, edible flowers prettily arranged on top
you spent the whole day cooking for your date and bought edible flowers to decorate the salads
he's in awe because he's never tried it before
neither have you, so you're hoping it tastes okay
when you both sit down and take your first bites
seungmin says "babe is it me or it just tastes like plants"
"i sure hope so, because it is indeed, a plant"
you both just sorta stare at each other then laugh
he reaches for your hand across the table to bring it to his lips
"thank you for the meal babe, i love it"
he kisses your hand with such sincerity you want to cry
⠀⠀ junhan ⠀⠀
there was an old lady selling the last of her roses for the day by your university
they weren't anything particularly special, but they were individually wrapped so prettily you couldn't resist
she told you they'd wilt soon, so she's giving them at half the price to students
you decided to buy a red rose to give to junhan
as you stopped by his dorms, you found him strumming on his guitar
you jokingly threw the flower at him and said "bravo, encore encore!"
he picks up the flower and puts it in between his lips and bows, going along with the bit
you both laugh at each others' antics
junhan is goofier since you came along
⠀⠀ jooyeon ⠀⠀
jooyeon has received flowers from someone he personally knew in his life exactly 3 times
when he graduated high school, his debut showcase, and his first concert (all came from his parents btw)
so when you visit him in the inkigayo green room with a bouquet of brightly colored carnations he doesn't even think that those are for him
"huh, who gave those to you?"
"it's for you, jooyeon...."
and he's all confused like "what, why?"
and you're also confused as to why he's confused like? "congrats on your comeback and new mini-album?"
jooyeon takes the bouquet and smiles at the message you wrote
"to my favorite rockstar, jooyeon"
every time he made a comeback or released a new single, you would send him different flowers
in return, he places a kiss on your forehead
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A/N: when i got this request i knew i just had to use the gaon flower pictures!!
btw to those that don't know, i take requests for other groups including nct, svt, xdh and of course zb1
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
✎ mobile masterlist
✉︎ request
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r-i-03-17 · 2 months
@yasammyweek Ok I guess this is a thing that exists, so I'm gonna contribute to it. Today's theme is a wedding, so I'm gonna write something that relates to that. This kinda caught me off guard but I'm gonna try my best. Enjoy
It has been about 8 years since Yaz and Sammy had "officially" gotten together, If you ask them they'll say they started REALLY dating after they made it back home, an agreement they made when they were still stranded on Mantacorp Island, in case either one (or both) of them hadn't made it, but basically everyone else agrees it was after they both brought their feelings to light. Either way it had been about 8 years, but for the past week, Yaz had been acting a little....skittish.
Yazmina was a woman of focus, commitment, and sheer flipping will. She had survived almost a year on an island full of dinosaurs, while having a sprained ankle for two of those months. She had faced down the Scorpius Rex, the Mosasaurs, and a really ticked off Galimimus (long story, but the dino had it coming). After all that, the almost dying nearly every day, why on gods green earth would a small wooden box with a diamond ring inside make her so nervous. She wouldn't even be the one receiving it, but the conclusion this poor nervous girl came to, is that the reaction of the person she wanted to give the ring to was what caused her nerves to shoot up. What would Sammy do? Cry, laugh, run, say no? All these possibilities were making Yaz more nervous than it would if she just asked Sammy the damn question "Will you marry me?". There's no reason for her to be this nervous right? I mean, the two of them have already been as intimate as you can get with another person, multiple times, so there was no grand surprise afterwards, no pressure to hold up to any "expectations" except of course actually showing up for the wedding....the wedding, the music, the people, the dresses, all the things that weddings involved made Yaz feel even more nervous. She had always considered herself the quote-un qoate "man" of the relationship, and as such she felt it necessary to perform the usual "man" rolls, she opened the doors to restaurants and vehicles for Sammy, made sure Sammy's truck was safe before she drove somewhere, and besides all that, had always gotten along better with Sammy's father, brothers, and nephews, than she had her mother in law, sister in laws, and nieces, though they all still got along well, but she had always found herself gravitating towards the guys, and had actually went to Sammy's father for advice on what to do for their first official date. But unfortunately, with Yaz fulfilling that role (that she was perfectly happy in, Sammy as well), that means it was up to her to propose. Great 😑.
Not really sure what to do, Yaz had chosen to try and distract herself from the thoughts racing in her head by going to lunch with Darius, Brooklyn, and Ben. Sammy was working and couldn't go, but insisted Yaz go and give them all a hug for her, which she had. As they sat down, the rest of the group noticed Yaz looked a little down, not that she was super bubbly to begin with, but she usually had more energy than this.
B: Yaz, are you ok?
Y: Yeah....I'm fine.
(obviously not fine)
D: Yeah sure, ok skip the BS and tell us what's up so we can help.
B: Dude, a little sensitivity would be nice.
D: What? She obviously has something that's bothering her, I'm just trying to figure out what?
B: Yeah but you can't just ASK, what if it was something sensitive?
Ben: Sensitive..... something kinda like a....ring...maybe?
Ben looked over at Yaz, who was now staring at Ben. And he instantly regretted it, Yaz had tears in her eyes, her cheeks red, and trying to compose herself as to not have a breakdown in the middle of a shopping mall food court. Yaz reached into her pocket, pulled out a small wooden box, and slid it across the table.
Y: Yeah, it's a ring. But I don't need it, it's not like I'd ever have a possibility of using it anyway....so take it.
She wiped her eyes and took a shaky breath and put a 20 on the table, asked them to pay for her food, and went to her car to go home.
Yaz made it to her truck, but didn't open it. Hand on the handle she looked at the reflection in the window, and it was a sad, sorry sight. Red in the face, tears running down her cheeks, crying like a 5 year old that had just broken her toy. What was she supposed to do? Go back to Sammy, the person that made her so happy, and dump all this on to her? And that's when the realization struck Yaz like a horse hoof to the chest, the reason Yaz didn't want to propose, wasn't because she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with Sammy, it's that she didn't want Sammy to be stuck with her. She's always been self conscious about herself, and in some ways that's a good thing, keeps a person humble, but it also can be a real pain for self esteem. Would Sammy WANT to be stuck with her for the rest of their lives, till death does them part? Why would someone like her, a beautiful, intelligent, friendly, girl from Texas want to spend the rest of her life with an introverted, relatively speaking average looking, sad nerd like her? There wasn't one, at least not one that Yaz could think of. So, she decided she wouldn't propose, and wouldn't put that burden on Sammy, so if at any time Sammy wanted to leave, she could. As corny as it sounds she'd rather Sammy be happy without her, then sad with her.
Yaz hadn't realized how long she had been standing with her hand on the truck handle, hadn't realized how long she had been crying, and hadn't realized how long her friends had been standing there, until Brooklyn had very gently put her arm on Yaz's shoulder, and was looking at her with so much concern that it almost made Yaz start crying again, but even if she wanted to, she couldn't, she was all dried up.
B: Yaz, we're so sorry, we didn't mean to push, we were just worried about you. I wasn't going to say anything, but the whole reason we came down was that Sammy was concerned about you. She said you'd been acting sad and wanted us to get you out of the house to see if you'd feel better. She's really worried, she was actually starting to think you had gotten tired of spending so much time around her.
Y: What? No, I....I didn't mean...I could never.....
B: Yaz, please tell us what's the matter, all we want to do is help you.
So Yaz did, Yaz told them EVERYTHING, every insecurity. All the hopelessness and sadness came out in one big, frankly depressing, story (including everything she said in her head, read above). At the end, Yaz was just sitting sadly on the tailgate of her truck, her friends sitting with her, looking for lack of a better term, dumbfounded and sad. They had all known Yaz had insecurities, who didn't, but they had no idea it ran so deep.
Y: So that's why I can't propose. I care about her, and I care enough to let her go.....I don't want to but.....
Ben: Yaz, kinda crazy question here, but have you... Idk......maybe mentioned ANY of this to Sammy, at all? Do you have any idea if she wants to get married?
Y: No, but I don't want to burden anything on her. And why would she want to marry ME anyways?
Nobody had noticed the black car that had pulled in the parking lot an hour before, and nobody had noticed the driver sneaking over and hiding behind the car beside them, listening to Yaz's entire story, every word since Brooklyn, Darius, and Ben had come out to comfort their sad friend. And nobody noticed the Texas girl hiding behind some strangers car, trying her best not to cry, and wanting to do nothing else but hug not just the girl she's been dating for 8 years, but her business partner, her other dog mom, and her best friend. But the little Texan girl couldn't stand it any longer and decided to set the record straight.
Sam: Yazmina Fadoula, are you kidding me?
Sammy stepped out from behind the car she was hiding behind, and gave a heart attack to the entire group sitting on the tailgate. Yaz started to get up but Sammy in no uncertain terms gave her a look that said sit back down......Yaz sat back down.
Sammy: So let me get this straight....the reason you've been acting depressed all week, the reason you come to bed later and wake up earlier than normal, why you aren't eating as much and acting super shy, is because you wanted to propose? And was worried I would laugh in your face, or reject you, or not want to be with the girl that I've been with for 8 years??
Y: Um....yes? Look it's not you Sammy, it's me...I was just....
Sammy: Oh I know, I heard the whole conversation, basically everything. I came her to pick up some food to surprise you, and I see you crying and looking at the truck, you didn't even see me drive by. I was gonna talk to you, but I saw them coming over to you, and figured they'd be better at getting you to open up.....guess I was right. I'm gonna be honest Yaz, why didn't you talk to me? We're a team, you're supposed to be able to trust me, and I know that's selfish that I just WANT you to trust me, but we've known each other for almost 10 years, even before we started dating......is it me? Am I driving you away, am I being too over bearing, I just wanted to help you, I didn't mean to be too much.
Now Sammy was crying, and Yaz felt like the world's biggest a**hole, beating herself up internally for not thinking about how this would affect Sammy. She knew Sammy was sensitive, and tuned into people's emotions, so she definitely knew Yaz was upset, but wanting to respect her privacy, hadn't pushed the issue. Yaz felt awful.
Sammy: You know the worst part about this, Yaz? This entire time I was scared you were getting sick of me....I thought you were seeing someone else.
Well if Yaz thought she couldn't feel any worse, she just got proven wrong.
Y: Sammy.....you thought that.....why would....
Sammy: What? See someone else?.....Yaz I heard everything you said, and the entire time I was wondering the same thing you were. Wondering why you'd want to be with ME? I'm just some yee-haw Texan rodio, banjo playing, chubby, middle of nowhere farm girl and there's a million girls just like me within like 20 miles of just like me, except prettier and cooler. I was scared to death that the only reason you were with me is because we were stuck on the island and once you had more people to choose from.....you'd leave. Yasmina I would LOVE to marry you, of course I would, but I still don't really understand why it'd be ME you'd pick out of everyone else. You're beautiful and smart and ACTUALLY talented, you have skills that are actually cool and unique, unlike me who can do farm things yeah, but so can everyone else.
Yaz sat with her mouth hanging open, in awe of that one, her girlfriend had the same insecurities she had, and two, that Sammy thought of herself like that. Yaz couldn't understand why the girl she was so worried about proposing to had never brought these issues up to her before. Yaz decided there and then that damn the consequences, whatever her future had in store for her, Yaz was going to make sure Sammy never had to worry that Yaz would leave her again. She walked up to Sammy and kissed her, a long kiss full of love and warm feelings that made butterflies fly in both of the girls chests.
Y: Sammy, I'm so so so so so so so sorry that I EVER made you worried about me leaving, ever made you feel insecure about yourself. With our friends and God as my witness I will do everything I can to make sure you never feel like this again. Brooklyn.......can I have my ring.
Sammy opened her eyes wide, Ben and Darius gasped and Brooklyn smiled as she handed Yaz the ring.
Y: With this ring I promise to be with you forever, for every sad day, when it shines, rains, or snows. Through every up and down, left or right, whatever happens I want this ring to symbolize how much I care about you... Sammy Gutierrez, can I put this ring on your finger.
Everyone was crying now, their friends, and some random people in the parking lot.
Sammy: Of course you can, but I have one request......Don't call me Gutierrez anymore.....it's Fadoula now.
Yaz smiled, slipped on the ring, and grabbed Sammy by the hips and hoiseted her up off the ground so they could look at each other, Sammy's legs wrapped around Yaz's hips and her arms rested on her shoulders. The parking lot whistled and hollered, horns honking and lights flashing to celebrate the couple.
Sammy: Hey Yaz?
Y: Yes Sammy?
Sammy: I think the chicken thawed in the back of my car.
Everyone laughed, and Brooklyn, Darius, and Ben all drove home with Sammy and Yaz to stay the night. Brooklyn was thankful that Yaz had soundproofed her and Sammy's bedroom wall, and Yaz kept her promise and made sure that Sammy knew every bit of her was as beautiful to Yaz as anything else.
They went to the town office the next day and made it official, and Sammy bought Yaz a ring.
Woooo, that was a long one, I hope everyone enjoys my contribution to @yasammyweek. See y'all later
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
12/30/2023: LRLG Update
i didn’t expect this omg. and so early in the morning? thank you for sending this to us right now instead of 31st and as if yesterday wasn’t busy enough so they do this to us now. i’m looking at the 9:05 kadian tho. maybe they wanted to get that as well.
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and it’s so long too! this one is basically your usual scenarios of either them together or talking to each other over the phone. i’m not giving too much commentary, just enjoy it for what it is and this feels like one of those lrlg that won’t make much sense till something happens after. and that’s the best kind of fake rumor, when we think nothing of it now but it turns out to be crucial in the future.
anyway, let us see what’s going on here. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
WYB: "Oh, don't do this"
XZ: "cute"
WYB: "Don't send it"
XZ: "Yeah, okay, okay"
👩‍🦳: "Water soaked astragalus"
XZ: "Looks like cold medicine
👩‍🦳: "The only difference is that this one won't melt."
XZ: "Can this even be eaten?"
👩‍🦳: "Well...theoretically it's possible"
WYB: "It's all soaked in water, so don't eat the dregs."
XZ: "I'm done with your wisdom."
WYB: "You're not allowed to say anything?"
XZ: “I don’t want to be honest and say it directly.”
WYB: "oh".
* I don’t know what the hell they could possibly be talking about here which is normal for LRLG scenarios lol. maybe we will know more as the days and months pass by!
XZ: "Didn't you order fruit?"
WYB: “Isn’t it here? You ordered before ordering food.”
XZ: “Who ordered it?”
WYB: "You're not looking"
XZ: "I was looking at what I wanted to eat and I didn't order anything."
👩‍🦳: "Uh...we thought you two ordered it but we didn't."
WYB: "Order now to finish your meal."
👩‍🦳: "Okay, I'll order now"
XZ: "You don't need to eat."
WYB: "My interface can't be switched for that long."
WYB: "I thought you just ordered it."
WYB: "Isn't it because Brother X is not causing trouble here?"
WYB: "But I ordered coffee for you."
WYB: "I will give you some fruit now. It will definitely arrive after dinner."
XZ: "No, I won't eat today.
XZ: “This dish is of a good quality, please try it”
👩‍🦳: “I ordered it before and the boss said it was delicious. I’ll order one for you to try.”
XZ: “The food is average”
WYB: "Hey, it's objective."
* XZ being the picky eater 😂😂😂 it still warms my heart how they make a big deal of having a meal with each other and include the staff.
👩‍🦳: "It's all on the inside and outside. If there's something wrong, I'll correct it directly."
XZ: "Relax, your boss is easy to work with."
👩‍🦳: 😳
WYB: "He's just so easy to get along with now. Once you get to know him, you won't notice anymore.
XZ: I said you.
👩‍🦳: you are really good
* I’m cry laughing omggggg 😂😂😂 wyb be clowning and implying that XZ is gonna be a good boss now but maybe more strict in the future. Not knowing that XZ was actually talking about him ( yibo ) being easy to work with. AHHHHHH! Yibo is good boss!!!!
this next part is them playing and wyb is like, i will take you ( xz ) to fight. and xz is eye roll emoji. lol. i can’t help but think about that bts where xz says wyb gets happiness over him losing 😂😂😂
WYB: Come on, transfer the money
XZ: No money
WYB: Then I'll buy something and you can pay for it on my behalf
XZ: No money
WYB: I have with my strengths
XZ: Then based on my strengths i don’t have money
WYB: You can't keep saying ‘no money’
XZ: Then send it to me
WYB: And then what?
XZ: Then I have money
WYB: Yes
* LOL XZ! No money? aren’t you the god of wealth???
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WYB: "Is this frozen?"
👩‍🦳: "This is the effect produced by palm wax"
WYB: "Like ice
👩‍🦳: “It’s fun”
WYB: "How many are there?"
👩‍🦳: "Made five"
WYB: "give me one"
👩‍🦳: "For both of you"
👩‍🦳: “With added essential oils”
* here we go again with WYB and his love for candles with essential oils! and i love how the person is talking to immediately offers to give two for both of them, so whoever this is knows about it. we don’t know if the person is their staff or an acquaintance.
and later on, it’s implied that they are on video call
WYB: "Look at the magic"
WYB:“Does it look like it’s frozen?”
WYB:"I asked for one XX for you and gave two."
WYB: "Wait until I send you one and then take one home."
* my god! it’s so cute!!! The mundane things that make them happy and talk about!
then the woman says what she has is not enough and will make more.
this next part is full of WYB speaking.
"No, no need to wait, I'll tell you."
“It’s super cold but I’m okay and I can survive it.”
"I've been telling you for a long time. Did you hear me cough?"
"Oh, you are like Wangwang senbei, I can't compare to you."
"If you say it looks good, then it looks good."
“Look at me, look at me”
“is this okay”
“Can you just take a screenshot?”
"What expression should I take later?"
“Did you see what I'm wearing? Can you choose something serious?”
* I’m imagining WYB showing off his outfits to XZ for his recent red carpet events. Even if they are not together, look at them always taking the time to talk and be present for each other 🥹🥹🥹🥹
the last convo is wyb talking to his staff and the topic is someone’s dog and it’s being shown to WYB.
lrlg gives us a small message and talks about the end of the year and how all tasks should be finished, but most importantly they wish us : Happy New Year. Getting better and better!
which is zz and wyb’s usual message and wish for themselves and other people.
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butterphii · 8 days
Just Us
Help Me (Part 1)
TW: Fake relationship, sexual tension, kissing, happiness, mostly fluff, secret crush
Note: First Jake series! Thank you @anyalikeslasagna for helping me so much through this part, it's gonna be a pretty mid length series, probably about 10 or less parts. Enjoy! ^^
-------------------Jake Peralta------------------
You were in your quiet and quaint apartment, soft music playing from your speaker as you cleaned and danced, a knock came rapping at your door.
You stopped the music with a call out, running to answer your door. As you opened the door, you saw Jake right outside with a tight, sparkly purple dress. "Hey, what's up? What's that for?" You asked, reaching for it before he pulled it away. "Let me in and I'll tell you," He said pushing you over and rummaging through your fridge. "You have nothing but junk in here!" He whined. "It's literally all the food groups, Jake. You just wouldn't know that because you only eat chips and drink only orange soda." You groaned. "True dat!" He chuckled to your reply. He sat on the couch, twiddling his fingers.
"Whats wrong?" You asked, handing him the bag of kettle cooked potato chips you had. "Well, you know how we're like besties and people usually think we're dating? Well I might..." He paused. "Have told the squad you were my girlfriend and that you'd come with me to the party with them tonight." He spoke quickly. You were quiet for a minute, trying to process the words that just came out of his mouth. "So I have to go to a party with your colleagues, whom of which I've NEVER MET, and pretend to DATE YOU?" You asked, angry he did that and never told you but happy you'd finally get to "date" Jake.
"Yeah..don't be mad, just come with me! It's gonna be ok! You're awesome, I'm totally awesome, and we'll be perfect together." He grinned. That was a sentence you've longed to hear.
"Fine. But, we need to discuss boundaries. I'm only going because I don't want you to embarrass yourself in front of your 'dad'." You were referring to the captain that Jake used to hate but now loves. "Alright! So's, what can I do an' what can't I do?" He asked, rubbing his sweaty palms on his knees.
"You can call me cute names, just nothing dumb, so like babe, baby, and dear is fine, no babydoll or baby girl." You exclaimed in disgust. "You can hold my hand, hip, and shoulder, no ass pokes. Kissing is good too, jus' no sexual jokes or anything, except your usual." The words slipped from your mouth easily. "I'm good with all of those. But, is holding you close to me ok? Like, pulling you by the waist, I guess." He asked, his cheeks a soft pink glow, his hand rubbing the back of his neck vigorously. You nodded to his question, handing him the TV remote. "Stay as long as you want, since we've gotta get into character." You told him, grabbing his hand and pulling him up off the couch.
"Ok, let me try this, just so you know, it's all fake," He smiled. "Don't take it like I'd really do this to you." A chuckle escaped his smile. You grinned at him, letting him do his thing.
He wrapped his arm around your waist, one hand resting on your lower back and the other on your upper, close to your neck. Your breath hitched, core aching. His hand moved its way to the back of your neck, pulling you close and your head up to reach his, and pressing a kiss to your lips.
His lips were soft. The kiss was softer. It was endearing. He had you pulled all the way up to his own body, a soft bulge growing under where your own pussy lay, crying for the feeling of it inside you.
He released your lips, looking into your eyes. His gorgeous brown eyes glimmering in the warm lighting of your apartment. "Was that good? Believable?" He asked, letting your body go. "Uh-Yeah. That's good." You smiled, the empty feeling filling your heart.
"Party's at 7, I'll pick you up. Wear this dress and uhh..black heels. I'll see you later, Princess." The last word was dragged out. You never said it was allowed, but you never said it wasn't. It made your heart flutter and your body warm. You grabbed the dress excitedly and skipped to your bedroom to pick out the rest of your outfit.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
The Monsters Within (N.R) Pt. 1
Dark!FemReader! x Natasha Romanoff
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Summary: You like Natasha and you are keeping her to yourself.
Warning: This is a Dark Fic. 18+, a lot of swearing words. Graphic and gore descriptions, kidnapping, mind manipulating / brainwashing, blood, death, violence, bone crushing, Stockholm Syndrome (Let me know if I miss anything)
A/n: Hello! It's me again with the first part! I'm excited for you to read it! Yaay! Like I said in the announcement, thank you @imdoingsortagay , @marvelwoman-sugarbaby and @honey-sweet-hiraeth for the support, patience, and brainstorming with me. Happy reading!
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
You were hiding in plain sight and your eyes were carefully lurking for your next victim. Some people walked around you until this one particular redhead caught your eyes, she was serving the table across yours. Her wavy medium red hair looks flawless and her voice sounds so alluring to you. When she passes by you, you can just get a faint whiff of her perfume, a mix of soothing and refreshing touches your senses. That was all it took for your wicked mind to come up with the idea of how her scent would smell if it collided with the blood in the air. You instantly got intrigued by her.
Since then, your focus was only on her. You learn more about her in your own way. It gives you a different kind of rush everytime you secretly follow her, especially to her home. Her life is like an open book in social media. The more information you get about her, the more you want her.
So here you are, in your basement sitting on your chair, waiting for her to wake up. Natasha slowly opens her eyes, the light feels sharp to her eyes despite how soft it is. Her mind ponders where she is, the all white room complete with glass walls around it.
“Well, hello, gorgeous.” She hears a soft voice and she turns her head to see the owner of the voice she heard, you.
“Who are you? Where am I?” She asks with a huge confusion mixed with gradually growing fear.
“You are in your room now at my place, Natasha. I have food and water for you on the table. There is a little bathroom in that corner you can use. I will take care of you from now on.” You explain calmly.
“What did you do to me? I was walking to my car and woke up here? How did you know my name?! I don't even know you!” Panic definitely rises in her. She quickly tries to open the door and she fails.
“I know enough about you.” Your five word answer rings an alarm in her mind.
“Get me out of here! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!” She screams as she bangs her hands hard on the thick glass then tries to pull the locked door with all the energy she has. All she wants right now is to get away from you. Her heart drummed.
“Oh sweetheart, this basement is sound proof. Nobody will hear you. This basement was built for a reason, so save your pretty voice. I love it and I don’t want you to lose your voice, do you?”
Natasha’s heart beats faster, her stomach turns into a knot after she hears what you said. “Who are you? Why me?” She asks in a lower voice, subconsciously following what you told her yet almost breaking into a cry.
“Hmmm. You can call me y/n. Why you? I don’t know why, you are just so tempting for me in a very different way. The day I saw you, I was actually looking for my next one to kill—” 
“Please, don't kill me. Let me go. I won’t tell a soul, I promise. I beg you.” She begs desperately for her dear life the second she hears the disturbing word. Her chest feels tight from fear.
You stand up and walk closer to her, the corner of your lips curves up to a sinister smile. “ but I like you so I’m keeping you alive. Here, with me. You look even better when you beg, darling. Just don’t upset me or I’m gonna change my mind and you know what I meant by that.” compliments and a warning flows out at the same time in a stern tone as you look at her green eyes through the clear glass then you walk away, leaving her by herself there.
A week has passed easily for you like usual but for Nat, it was a dreadful seven days. Her eyes are red from crying, her hands are sore from hitting the glass door multiple times, let alone her throat stings in every swallow and talking by now from screaming for help. You like how determined she is but you are very unamused by her non-stop attempts to get help or begging you to let her go.
You try to talk with her every time you bring her food but she refuses to engage in any conversation with you.
Surprisingly, you have patience with her. If she was someone else, she would probably be dead by now. You really like her and keeping her with you really fills the empty space in you despite her rejection of you.
"Let's get to know each other better, shall we? Come on, Nat. I'm not that bad." You ask in hope she will slowly open up and talk with you.
"I don't want to know about you! Just get me the fuck out of here!” Just like that, her voice escalated in volume with such exasperation as she slammed the chair to the glass with a great force coming from her. Unfortunately the chair had no chance against the thick glass and broke.
You didn’t even flinch from the impact and you reminded her calmly instead. “Be careful there, sweetie. I don’t want you to get hurt. I always thought some blood will look good on your pretty skin but not yours though, I prefer somebody else’s.” you take a sip of your ice tea as soon as you are done with your words.
“What do you want from me?! Just let me go!”
You let out an annoyed sigh, putting down your ice tea. “You need to start to listen to me. I want you. I’m keeping you, so I won’t let you go.”
“I will find a way to get out of here! And I will get your ass to jail, y/n!” She threatens followed by another hard bang to the glass from a kick.
“Alright, I’ll do the hard way, Nat.” you get up from your couch and walk to the stairs. "Where are you going? What did you mean you'll do the hard way?! Y/n! Y/n!!" Natasha gets silence from you.
Natasha fell asleep after hours of wondering what you meant with the hard way you mentioned.
"Nat! I'm home! Natasha!" You call her and call her again when you don't hear her respond. Your voice woke her up. Her eyes automatically caught at the two arms of the clock that showed 12.30 a.m.
She got out of the bed and searched for you only to find a terrifying view.
You drag a dead body of a random woman with multiple stab wounds through the back door, leaving a long trail of blood.
"Is she — dead? Oh my god! What did you do to her?! You killed her!" She asks you with a stunned expression. Natasha's eyes are rounded, her heart jumps up to her throat from the shocks she gets. The pit of her stomach fell, she is terrified with what she is looking at.
"Of course she's dead, sweetheart. She was so obnoxious. Her voice drove me crazy, the worst part was she kept talking and talking." You casually tell the thunderstruck woman while doing what you need to do.
You drag her to the part of the basement that's already all covered with white tarps then you walk away for a few minutes and come back, pushing in a claw footed bathtub to where Natasha can see it.
“I normally don’t do this here but I want you to see everything.” You add with a panting breathing from dragging the body and the tub.
Natasha watches you in terror and disgust. A little splash of blood on your face as you give her a mischievous smile. Your victim lays on the floor lifeless with more blood pooled. Her heart thudded, fear twisted her gut. “Why are you doing this?! You PSYCHO!” Nat screams hysterically.
“Why am I doing this? I want to show you and remember that this could be you, IF you try to run away or IF you don’t stop asking me to let you go, because I won’t.” You answer her without hesitation.
She watches where your bloody hands move. You hum a song as you wash your hands as if they are not covered in blood.
“Please, take the dead body away. I don’t want to see whatever you are going to do with it.” She begs.
You ignore her plea. “Perhaps, listening to some music can make you feel better, my dear?” You pull out a record and play it in a soft volume but enough for Natasha to hear it and notice that it’s her favorite song. Her eyebrows furrowed, trying to figure out if you do this on purpose. You stand in front of her, your eyes adoring her even though grimace looks clear on her face as she looks back at you. Tears fill her eyes.
“Every Wednesday after work, you always go to the record store. Love your music taste, by the way. I also love that you stay at home every Saturday even though you are pretty enough to pick up a dance partner at the club.” You slowly touch the glass pretending to rub her cheeks followed with a little chuckle.
Natasha quickly connects the dot from everything you just said. It disgusts her and pisses her off at the same time.
“You have been following me?! You are SICK!” A hateful shout comes out of her. “I was just keeping a watchful eye.” You shrug your shoulders then you turn around and walk away with no remorse. Only a few steps later, her words stop you.
“You are a MONSTER!!”
You turn around. You give her a look, your gaze moves slowly from head to toe. You chuckle a little, even shake your head a little. You are not gonna lie, you feel a little…bothered, that the woman you admire calls you a monster. You take a deep breath, gather yourself shortly before you return her deep remark at you.
“Oh Natasha, everybody is a monster in their own way. I can see that we are the same exact ones, maybe that’s why I like you…so much.”
“NO! I’m not! I’m not like you! You are one sick fucking monster!” Natasha denies wholeheartedly. “Oh you are, Nat. You are. Now, watch and learn. You’ll need it someday.” You let out a chuckle and proceed to where the body is. Natasha shows her refusal by turning her back.
“I can find people you love very easily, Nat. Don’t make me go and get them. Turn around and watch everything.” You command her with a threat. It feels like a hard slam in her gut when your threat forces its way to be heard. She closes her eyes and clenches her fists at the same time. Her breathing quickened and her heartbeat doubled in speed. With a heavy heart, she follows what you want and turns. Forcing her eyes open to watch what you are doing.
Dragging sounds follow right after every step you take. Horror-stricken, she stares at you with frightened eyes. She closes her eyes right after she sees you start to pick up the lifeless woman that’s drenched with blood by now. Natasha flinches as soon as she hears a loud thud sound and it makes her open her eyes again only to find the dead victim in the tub and one of her hands is hanging out of it, blood slowly dripping one drop after another from the fingers..
“Okay, Natasha. This is why I put the tarp around so the blood won’t go everywhere, plus it’s easier to clean. You can just pull everything away when you are done and burn it.” You casually explain to her then you shove the bloody hand back into the tub. The smell of blood starts to roam free in the air and fill up the room. You take a deep breath. “Do you smell that, darling? Smells like victory and power. It makes you feel that you have someone’s life in your hand. You’ll understand that someday.” You patch a satisfied smile.
The more of the smell evokes her senses the more Nat wants to scream. She turns her head away from you.
“Ah ah ah. Look at me here. I want to show you the next thing to do to get rid of the dead bodies.” Your erie command reminds her of your previous threat, forcing her one more time to avert her eyes to you. You love how you slowly have control over Natasha.
“We have to dissolve the body with acid, it usually takes two days or so. It doesn’t smell like anything.” You speak as you take a few jugs of acid and pour it into the tub. “Oh Natty, I wish you could see how blisters start to show up on the skin from the acid.” A sinister giggle escapes as you tell her what’s happening. You feel a rush of blood go all over your body, giving you excitement.
“Stop. Please stop talking.” Her head hangs low as she begs under her breath. “James helps me every now and then.” a new name floats out of your lips. She hears you snap your finger and loud heavy footsteps echoes.
A big tall man gets caught in her field of sight. His expression looks cold as he pushes the bath away to another room with no question asked.
You wash your hands again, smudge of blood on your clothes but it doesn’t bother you at all. What you are doing next lures her curiosity more. Her mind questions what machine you just reached. Her eyebrows furrow when she sees James bring back a quite large clear bag filled with bones and put it next to the electric saw and bone grinder machine.
She hopes that it’s not what she thinks it is but too bad it was indeed bones. Natasha instantly recoils in horror once you turn on the machine and cuts the bone in half. “This is what the bones look like after the acid dissolves everything for two days. So–” Natasha’s words didn’t let you finish yours.
“That’s… Those are the bones from— from another dead person?” She stuttered, swallowed the lump of fear in the back of her throat.
“Oh, honey. Do you really want me to answer that? I’m sure you know what’s the answer.” You coo tauntingly, making her take a step back in revulsion.
You continue speaking as if it’s a usual thing for you. “So fingerprints are gone now, the next two things you need to get rid of are teeth and bone marrow. They can get you caught if the cops find them.” Your face is as serious as a teacher teaching her students.
You start to grind all the bones, piece by piece. Cracking and clattering sounds loud. Like it or not, Nat hears it loud and clear. “Now the teeth are gone. Last but not least, the bone marrow.” You look at her while you scrape it off the bone and put it in the bowl.
“Please, don’t tell me that you eat those.” Grimace creeps up on her face and her stomach churns.
“I’m just a killer, not a cannibal, love. I feed them to the dogs. They love it.” You stated.
Bitterness filled her mouth and she wanted to puke. She runs to the bathroom and barfs. “Don’t worry, Natasha. You’ll get used to it.” You reassure her unemotionally.
“Then James will spread the ashes to the ocean and cleans the rest. Voila! How to get rid of dead bodies 101. All done.” You proudly announce with a big smile. Natasha sniffs and looks at you standing in front of the glass room.
She storms to you and screams in front of your face with her fists slamming the glass that’s standing tall between the two of you. “Let me go! I will send you to hell, you evil!” Her pulse slammed in her neck.
“Sssshhhhh..” You put your index finger in front of your lips as you try to shush her. Weirdly, it subconsciously calms her down slowly but surely. Natasha starts to notice how you can put her in a huge wave of emotion yet you calm her down too. She doesn’t like how you can have control over her mind and emotion so easily. She hates it, she hates you. She takes another step back from you.
“Oh Sweet Natasha.. I AM hell.” Your bone chilling whispers slithers into her ear. With that, you walk away to the stairs. “Just keep it in that little mind of yours, that could be you.” You warn her one more time.
It's been two months. You have been doing the same whole blood curdling process to your next victims in front of her every other day over and over on purpose, to get it into her mind. All she sees are your victims even when she closes her eyes. Those lifeless bodies that were forced to turn into ashes and dog food. All she hears is the sounds of the bones crushed and grinded. It drives her crazy. She can’t run away from all those views and sounds that haunt her every night. Natasha refuses to eat since your first gruesome warning. Her skin turns paler and paler. Until one day, she gets too weak and passes out. You have to admit, it got you all worried and all you want to do is take care of her. Luckily, you are a doctor, you know what to do.
“Please stop. Please.” A soft plea slips subconsciously, her head moves left and right slowly as if she is having a nightmare. Her eyelids slowly open, she blinks slowly. A weak whimper escapes her lips. You have been waiting for her to wake up, sitting next to her bed after you give her what she needs. Empty bags of IV and liquid food are hanging on the corner of the room.
She lays her hands on her head from the headache she feels. You can see from her movement that she feels so weak but her color has come back. Soon, she notices the band aid on the back of her hands from the IV needles earlier but her mind thinks it was from something else and panic starts to land on her. She feels your presence so close to her and her head turns quickly following her instinct. “Get away from me! What did you do to me?!”
“You passed out for quite a long time but you had enough IV to rehydrate you and liquid food to give you back your energy.” You answer with a relieved smile but it wasn’t enough to gain her trust back on you.
The weak woman in front of you gets off the bed suddenly despite how weak she is. She trips yet quickly crawls away from you to the corner. Your heart wrenched from seeing her like this. You didn’t want to make her like this but you know you had to, so she won’t run away from you. Oh the irony. You never feel like this before, you even think that you want to redeem yourself in front of her but still keep her under your control.
Her body curls up in the corner. Her knees are folded up to her chest, hugging them closer. Her body rocks back and forth. You walk slowly towards her. Your footsteps sound closer to her and it triggers her even worse reaction towards you. Your eyes search for hers but you fail miserably, she buries her face on to her knees. You can hear her muffled words. “Get away from me! Please! Stop everything!”
You crouch down to her level and her body flinches as your touch lands on her shoulder and she cries harder. She tries to move away as far as she can but the walls trap her.
“Ssshh.. It’s okay. I’m here. Don’t worry.” You try to hug her but she starts to fight you. Her hands try to push you away, to hit you or whatever she can do to you to prevent you from getting closer. “Don’t touch me! I don’t want you here!” Your strength defeats her and you wrap your arms around her.
She still tries to get out of your arms for a few seconds. “Please stop! I can’t take it anymore. I beg you.” She cries. You feel her body shake. 
The second you rub her back and rock her slowly and whisper “Sssh. Okay. Okay. Don’t worry, darling.” Natasha starts to calm down. Her cries start to fade and that makes you feel better. “I promise I won't ever try to escape ever, I won’t ask you to let me go either. Just please stop making me watch what you do to those bodies, to those bones. Please.” You feel her body start to get warmer and sweats trickle down her spine. Her tears soak your shirt.
“Good girl. That’s my good girl. I will stop doing it. Just don't ever leave me and do as I say, okay?” You confirmed. She nods in your hug. You love it when she even snuggles up more to you. Oh the things you would do for her and how far you would go on things only for her. You are obsessed with her, it’s not even funny. Natasha doesn’t know what is happening to her. She hates your touch yet it comforts her. The overwhelming feelings took her energy despite the IV and the food you gave her. You carry her to the bed. Part of her wants you to stay, the rest of her wants you not even an inch close to her. She hates everything that’s happening now but she hates the fact how one simple touch of a killer like you, let alone the hug can give her a whiplash of feelings and emotions by now. Her eyes are heavy the second her head lands on the pillow. You get back to your seat next to her bed. She sees you hold her hand, the hands that were covered with innocents’ blood. 
“Go to sleep, darling. You’ll feel better soon. I’ll be here. Sssh..” A whisper from you easily sends her to slumber as her eyes close slowly.
The day after Natasha’s mental breakdown, she is quiet. Your plan worked. She doesn’t beg you to let her go anymore. From her eyes, you can see that she is traumatized and defeated. You feel less resentment from her against your presence. She eats the food you gave her. Just like you promised before, you didn’t bring any dead victims home nor make her watch you get rid of them.
Days turn to weeks and weeks lead to a month then two. Your effort to talk with her finally shows some progress. The unexpected solace she got from your touch and hugs crumbled her invisible wall from you. Both of you start to tell each other more about yourselves. Sometimes you even spend time with her in her glass room, talking about a lot of things. Sometimes you give her space and you sit outside.
One day, the conversation got a little deeper. You ask her about the past and what that is really going on with her life before you keep her to yourself..
“Well, I work three jobs so I can make enough money for me and to help my sister’s college fund.” She answers. “Yelena?” You ask.
“How did you–ugh why am I surprised that you know, you stalked me for crying out loud.” She ends her confusion with a sarcastic remark and an upset eye roll. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I had to. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to steal you away and you wouldn’t be here.” A mischievous smirk appears after your casual response.
“So, it must be hard for you to work three jobs.”
“It pays the bill and I can save extra money for myself too. I like all the jobs I have, except..” A frown quickly appears followed by a helpless sigh.
“Except what, Nat? Tell me.”
“Except, my boss at the restaurant. He’s a pervert asshole. His hands always get so touchy to me, I hate it.” It’s obvious to see that Nat really hates the mentioned man.
“Disgusting son of a bitch. Quit the job, Nat.” You demand dominantly. “I can’t. That job pays the highest compared to the other two. I need the money. I’m stuck. He threatened me that if I quit, he would give bad references to other restaurant owners he knows. He knows my landlord as well, he would easily tell him to kick us out. We have nowhere to go.” She looks down to the floor as she takes in a deep disappointed breath. She knows she should’ve quit no matter what but like it or not she has to stay.
Anger rush through all your body. Your lips pressed in a straight line. You bite the inside of your cheeks. Silence rapidly dominates the room. What you just heard from Natasha causes a huge ripples of jealousy in you. One of your hands clenched into a fist. No one can touch her, not even an inch or a gentle tap. She is yours only. You slowly sipped a drink while in deep thought. The silence is deafening until you say something that literally has a lot of meaning in it.
“Quit the job, Nat. I will take care of everything. Everything.”
A scream with agony woke Natasha up. She knows it wasn't yours. It's a familiar male voice. "Aargh! Let me go! Who are you? What do you want from me?" The man rambles, his loud panting shows distress and pain.
"Oohhh Natty! I got a surprise for you." You call her with an excited sing-song tone and all giggling.
The noises and the commotion evaporate her sleepy state and she gets up to check what's happening. She quickly recognized the man with ease. It's her pervy boss.
"You want money? I will give you as much as you ask. Just let me go!" The wounded man pleads. Her heart drops when she sees him all wounded and has bad scratches. His clothes are ripped in some parts with both hands tied together in the front and his ankles are tied up as well, bruises and some blood shown around his lips and some part of his skin.
"Dreykov? Y/n? What are you doing? What did you do to him?" Bewildered, she questions you about his very existence right now kneeling in front of you.
The older heavy set man drags his gaze to where Natasha is and surely he soon recognizes her face.
“Natasha? Is that you? Do you know this crazy sadistic bitch? She dragged me around with her car! I don’t even know her. Help!” You can hear his voice sounds so scared for his life, you always love hearing the fear from your victim’s voice. You grab a wine bottle from the counter nearby and hit him, hard enough to give him pain but not deadly just yet.
“Shut up, you pig!” You yell at him, he fell down from the impact..so weak..and helpless. “Please, what did I do to you?” He asks once more, his curiosity demands answers from you.
“Y/n..” she calls you but it goes straight over your head.
You lean down and pull his head back by his hair. “Oh you didn’t do anything to me but you made her life horrible. You disgusting motherfucker. Nobody touched my sweet Natasha.” You answer him with gritted teeth. Guilty and realization appears on his face eventually. He knows what you meant despite his confusion. “Yeah, you know what you did, didn’t you?” You utter creepily.
“Yes, love?” you finally respond to her call. You light up a cigarette and hit a few puffs as if nothing crazy is going on right now.
“Why did you bring him here? Did you really drag him around with your car?!” She is close to done waiting for your answer as she asks you one more time with a panic tone. Deep down, she can’t believe that you found him. Fear quickly builds up in her, Natasha knows what would you do to him, how far and how bad you can be.
“Oh just for a few miles, Nat. Juuust enough to let him feel the pain and the burn on his skin.” you describe nonchalantly, your hand casually moves a gesture with a cigarette between your fingers. As much as you want to drag him to death like a lit cigarette, you think it’s too soon. You want the man to suffer a little more.
The dark haired man panting in fear and pain. You put the cig in your mouth as your left hand grabs a loaded revolver gun and pull the hammer back then point it at him. “What if you can kill this douchebag, Natty?” The click sound from the gun and your question send panic to Natasha and Dreykov in a split second.
“Y/n? No, I don’t want to kill him. I don’t want his blood getting on my hand! Let him go!”
“Please! Please! Don’t shoot me. I promise I won’t do anything to her anymore! I won’t say anything about this! Please! I beg you! I have a wife and a kid!” The Russian man begs for his dear life. The more you hear his voice, the angrier you get. His pleas didn’t help at all, it made the urge to kill him stronger.
“Y/n!” Natasha screams your name, trying to distract you as her hands hit the glass multiple times, frustratedly.
You chuckle a little while you ignore her. “Do you think telling me you have a wife and a kid will make me feel pity for you??!! It’s even fucking WORSE!” You push the gun’s barrel into his temple.
“OKAY OKAY! I’m sorry! PLEASE! PLEASE DON’T!” He trembles, his body shakes in terror from how close death is right now..
Screamings from all three of you overlap and quickly fill up the room but suddenly shattered with the much louder sound of a shot you pulled. Natasha flinched and her heart beat faster. She sees the man that she hates now screams in great pain on both his tied up hands. Blood is all over his hands after a bullet went through both of his palms. “That was for every time you touched her.”
All Nat can do right now is standing there. Helpless and can’t stop what you are doing to the older man. 
“Arrgh! You shot my hands! What the fuck!” He screams with agitation as he rolls around. “Get on your knees facing her!” You instruct him as the gun still points at him, this time it’s back to the direction of his head. Dreykov struggles to do as he’s told but finally manages to do so.
You can see his face gets all red from trying to handle the pain. You love it, this is what you want. “Nat, I can drag him into your room so you can kill him. Are you sure that you don't want to do it?”
He clenches his jaws, his breathing is faster than a sprinting runner. The satisfaction you have in seeing him suffer is priceless yet insatiable. “No! y/n! I don’t want to kill him!” She refuses angrily and turns around to avoid seeing Dreykov’s dead end fate.
Natasha is angry with herself and the conflicted feeling. Part of her, she loathes him wholeheartedly. Another part of her, she wants you to let him go. Then your offer caught her attention faster than it shouldn’t be.
“Will you love me if I kill this piece of shit for you, Nat?” Your question made her skin crawl but she turned to you anyway.
“I see that I caught your attention, sweetheart. I will do the dirty work for you if you are not ready to kill yet.” You give her a smirk. “Y/n, I’m not gonna kill anybody! Ever! I’m not LIKE YOU!” She denies it aggressively. Her voice turned raspy from screaming her lungs out.
"Okay then, how about…we play a little game? I will count to 5 and all you need to do is say the word STOP and I will let him go BUT… if you don't say the word until I'm done counting, I will blow his fucking head and off he goes to hell. Does that sound like fun? Hmmm?" Your gaze jumps around from the wounded weak Dreykov and Natasha back and forth, waiting for an answer.
"No. No. Please. I'm sorry for what I did to her. Just let me go." The man begged your forgiveness one more time, his hands shaking from the trauma that your bullet had brought and left a hole in his hands. Blood slowly flows out of the wound. His busted lips tremble.
“Ready? Remember, Natty. One..simple..rule.. Say the word STOP, not “Don’t kill him.” or “No.” or whatever other words you want to say. Don’t even bother calling my name either because it won’t stop me from turning his brain into a mush. It’s very easy. Say STOP. “ Natasha sees your remorseless face from the corner of her eyes while you are talking about your twisted game.
“And you, be nice to her. Beg her if you need to.” You whisper as your devilish knowing smirk turns into an ominous laugh. The tip of the gun gets closer to his forehead.
“5..” You count out loud.
“Why are you making me do this?!” Nat asks hysterically.
“Romanoff!! Please don’t let her shoot me!” Dreykov desperately begs. The beads of sweat start to roll off his forehead. He tries to move his head away from the gun but you follow wherever it moves.
“I don’t want you to kill him, Y/n!” Natasha screams, she knows time is running out. She feels her mind is spinning. Her eyes flooded with tears of frustration.
“3..” Your voice sends the number out even louder.
“Natasha! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for everything! Just please say THE FUCKING WORD!” His voice breaks. He breathes faster from screaming his pleads out. Taking the air in so he can beg louder hoping it will wake Nat’s sense.
“I hate you! I hate you!” Natasha cries her anger out. She doesn’t even know who the words are for. She hits the glass as hard as she can, multiple times. Loud bangs echo in the room. The pain on her hands and the sting in her throat don’t even bother her anymore.
“2..tik tok Natasha.”
“ROMANOOOOF! I will give anything you want! Please let me live!!!! STOP! STOP!” Dark clouds of fear for his life forcing him to say the word himself even though he knows it won’t save his life.
She turns her back on you and Dreykov, she slides down weakly and starts crying. The coldness of the glass touches her back. She breaks down. “I can’t! I can’t do this anymore! Please, don’t push me! I don’t want to hear it!” Her hands turn cold and shaking. She covers her ears, her fingers start to pull her own hair. Her eyes are closed. Her knees weaken. She is terrified of herself! One easy word is so hard to get out of her lips. Her tongue refuses to form the word, no matter how hard she tries. Her heart drummed.
Adrenaline rush blasts all over your body, feeding the repulsive black hole in you. Every count pulls the tip of the gun barrel closer to him. His jaws are tightening. “Aarrrrgghh!” he screeches hopelessly, forced to accept his death sentence from you, or from Natasha, to be exact.
“1…” The metal sticks to the skin of his head, you push as hard as you can, it hurts him. He closes his eyes from his last anticipation.
“BANG!!!!” You shout in front of his face. You push a short hard jolt on his forehead with your gun at the same time you shout and make the man flinch. No triggers were pulled nor bullets blasted its deadly shells. You laugh maniacally. Obviously, you are poking fun out of his trepidation. Soon, Dreykov realizes that he is still alive, he opens his eyes.
“How does it feel to be helpless, huh?! That’s how you made her feel! You make her feel helpless, you disgusting bastard!” you asks in an eerie angry tone.
Natasha stands up and turns around. She can’t deny that disappointment sagged through her but of course she won’t admit that to herself. She still convinces herself that she didn’t say the word because she knows your game. She thinks that she didn’t say the key word because you won’t shoot him that soon because you want to torture him more but was it really the reason?
She is disgusted by herself. She remembers your face and your voice telling her that she is the same monster as you are. Her eyes rounded, her chest rising and falling from the intensity in the room and the war in her mind.
“Y/n, please put the gun down. You don’t have to kill him. I forgive him.” She lies. She lies to you and herself at the same time. She despises her lies but that’s the only way for her to trick her mind.
“Did you really, nat? Did you?” You know what’s going on in her head from what happened, you know your question bothers her. Waking up the unease feelings she tries to tame. Once again, Dreykov's voice brought her back from her daze.
“You fucking bitch!!!! You think you are cool playing with my mind and my life?!! Soon, my family will look for me and the cops will find you! You will rot in jail! And you, Natasha! You try to kill me by not saying the fucking word! I swear I will make your life and your sister’s life horrible as long as I want because I can! I will—” Trap in great terror of losing his life pushed Dreykov to the edge and furious. Forcing his rambling out followed by threats but another loud blasts break the sound barrier and the hot bullet forces its way through Dreykov's head. Natasha flinches from the sounds. Her ears ring from the gunshot blare.
In a split second, he falls back, lifeless. Blood stains splatter all over and drench his head. You didn’t allow him to finish once you heard him attack Natasha with his menacing words and when you heard Natasha cry her apology.
Her heart falls down to her stomach. “WHAT THE FUCK! Y/n!”
"Such a shame. I didn't want him to die that easy. I was gonna drown him alive in the acid. Oh well." You comment out your disappointment in a flat tone as you shrug your shoulders casually as if you didn't just kill another person.
"I didn't want you to kill him, y/n!" She exasperates.
"Then why didn't you say the word, Nat?"
And there it is, the ugly truth finally comes out. The one that she didn't want to hear. Like a slap in the face, it alarms her yet catches all of her words. She doesn't know what to say yet perhaps she knows the answer to your question.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." You mumble under your breath as you proceed to what you have to do next…to Dreykov's dead body.
Pt. 2
A/n: Welp, that's it for today! I hope you enjoy the intense rollercoaster ride! Let me know what you think. Reblog, comment and input are always appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd  
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nickeverdeen · 1 month
Heyy, can I ask for match up and sorting at the same request? I think it would be super annoying for you to read me talk about myself twice, so🙈 so, firat about the hcs sortings. The ones I'm gonna choose is Avatar The Last Airbender = sorting what bender you’d be and The Last of Us 1 + 2 = sorting which (human) group you’d be part of.
For the match ups: The last of us (Part 1 and 2) and MCU. I don't really care if it's female or male, I don't have preference.
So, for my description:
I'm a teenager and my pronouns are she/her. I'm a hufflepuff and my zodiac sign is aquarius. I love art in any way possible, but drawing is basically my roman empire. I'm always with a sketchbook and sometimes I look at random places and people and I try to imagine how would I draw them. I usually draw and paint listening to classical music and orchestras (I even used to play Erick Satie pieces on a kalimba!!!), but I also love Rock and Metalcore. I'm that type of person who has a headphone on her head 24/7. I'm very introvert and usually have difficulty communicating with other people, simply because I'm bad at continue conversations. My mom says it's because I spend so much time at the little world in my head that I forget how to get out of it, and as much as she doesn't mean in a harm way, I know this can bother people around me (I mean, somebody called me autistic in a perjorative way once. I'm don't even have autism, it's just my personality). Even tho I'm introvert, I can be very chatty around people I like and trust. I also don't like fighting, I hate fighting, and because of traumatic experiences involving bullying and problems at home, I start feeling anxious when I hear arguments. So I'm usually a very chill person and try to keep things smooth till I can, but I can also get exaggeratedly agressive when people step on thin ice with me, and that caused me problems before. I also love animals (at this point, I don't even have to explain that I prefer them to people, right?), I would totally be a vet if I wasn't so afraid of seeing injuries, and I could also study astronomy if I didn't hated physics/math. I'm not very patient, but I also change my mind easily, so I'm the type of person who tries something new and says "I won't ever do this again" and it goes wrong, but is trying again next day. I looove eating, and even tho I have some pet peeves with food, food bribery can work a lot with me lol. My favorite types of films are drama and science fiction (cry for a good story and think hard are my two favorite things). I'm a very perceptive person and I am very vulnerable to see through people, I know there's something wrong in the air usually before everyone else, and can see how people may be feeling even if they don't tell me right away, that's what makes me a good friend to the few people I'm friends with, because my intuition is good. I'm also very criative, and even though my imagination can get a little morbid and sad, it also gives me good ideas and experiences. On the other hand, one of my flaws is not doing things I'm supposed to do like fufill tasks, and I get over disappointed when things don't go exactly the way I plan. I'm also not that good at talking about my feelings, but I like hearing others. I don't like hot weathers and my favorite season is fall. My favorite holiday is christmas, and I usually spend the whole year deciding what to wear for halloween. I don't really get happy about my birthday, but I like the cheap excuse to eat cake.
Your ATLA bending is…
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Waterbenders often have a calm, reflective nature that aligns with your introverted and artistic personality
Your love for art, particularly drawing and painting, reflects the fluid and expressive qualities of water
Your ability to perceive others’ emotions and your strong intuition are traits often associated with waterbenders, who are known for their empathetic and perceptive natures
Waterbenders can adapt and flow like water, much like how you easily change your mind and try new things
Your creativity and ability to imagine different perspectives also reflect the versatility of water
Waterbenders often prefer harmony and peace over conflict, similar to your aversion to fighting and arguments
Your efforts to keep things smooth and your anxiety around conflict align with the waterbender’s desire for balance
Your love for animals and preference for them over people is reminiscent of the water tribe’s close connection to nature and its creatures
Your preference for cooler weather and fall also aligns with the water element, often associated with cooler climates
In The Last of Us you’d be part of…
Jackson Community
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The Jackson community values safety, cooperation, and a sense of family, which aligns with your desire for a peaceful and stable environment
Your perceptiveness and ability to understand people’s emotions would make you a valuable member of this close-knit community
In Jackson, you would have the opportunity to contribute through your artistic skills, bringing beauty and creativity to the community
Whether it’s through painting murals, teaching art, or simply creating, your talents would be highly valued
Jackson provides a relatively safe and conflict-free environment compared to other groups
This setting would suit your aversion to fighting and arguments, allowing you to live more comfortably and without constant anxiety
Jackson is a place where your love for animals can thrive
There are opportunities to care for livestock and pets, fitting your preference for being around animals rather than people
The supportive and cooperative nature of Jackson would help you feel secure and understood
Your friends in the community would appreciate your perceptiveness and emotional intelligence, and you’d find a place where you could be chatty and open with those you trust
Your The Last of Us 1 match is…
Ellie Williams
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Ellie shares your love for drawing and would be fascinated by your art
You’d spend hours sketching together, sharing tips and admiring each other’s work
Ellie’s interest in music aligns with your love for classical music and rock
You’d bond over listening to and playing music, maybe even teaching her a few pieces on the kalimba
Ellie understands your introverted nature and wouldn’t pressure you to be social
She’d enjoy the quiet moments with you, appreciating the peace and creativity you bring
Ellie would be sensitive to your aversion to conflict, making an effort to create a calm and safe environment for you
She’d step in to defuse situations if they arose
Ellie’s love for animals would resonate with you, and you’d often talk about your favorite animals or even take care of pets together
(Let’s ignore the fact that she killed that precious rabbit)
Ellie would value your perceptiveness, knowing you can sense when something is off
This would make you a strong support system for each other
Ellie’s adventurous spirit would inspire you to try new things, while your creativity would bring a new dimension to her experiences
Ellie would enjoy your love for food, often bringing you treats or sharing meals to cheer you up
Food bribery would definitely work on her too
Ellie’s experiences have given her a darker outlook, which would complement your occasionally morbid imagination
You’d understand each other’s perspectives deeply
Ellie would be someone you could eventually open up to about your feelings, creating a mutual space for trust and support
Your The Last of Us 2 match is…
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Dina would be impressed by your artistic skills and love for drawing
She’d often sit with you while you sketch, maybe even asking you to draw something special for her
Dina loves music and would appreciate your eclectic taste
You’d share playlists, and she might even join you in playing music, appreciating your classical choices and rock favorites
Dina respects your introversion and would ensure you feel comfortable
She’d be patient with your social awkwardness, making you feel understood
Dina would be protective of you in conflict situations, stepping in to help keep things calm and support your need for a peaceful environment
Dina’s love for animals would match yours, and you’d bond over caring for any animals you come across, sharing stories about your favorite creatures
Dina would trust your intuitive nature, often seeking your advice or perspective on situations because she knows you can read the room well
Dina’s adventurous side would inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, but she’d always respect your limits and ensure you’re comfortable
Dina would love your enthusiasm for food and would enjoy trying new things with you, often bringing you snacks or cooking together
Dina’s experiences have given her a nuanced view of the world, which aligns with your occasional morbid imagination
You’d find solace in understanding each other’s darker thoughts
Dina would be a great listener, helping you navigate your emotions and encouraging you to express your feelings more openly
Your MCU match is…
Peter Parker 1
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Peter would admire your artistic talent, often asking to see your sketches and paintings
He’d be your biggest fan, encouraging you to keep creating
Peter loves music and would appreciate your taste in classical music and rock
You’d share playlists and enjoy listening to music together while you draw or study
Peter is empathetic and would understand your introverted nature, never pressuring you to be social and appreciating your company in quiet moments
Peter, being a peacekeeper, would respect your aversion to conflict
He’d step in to resolve any arguments, ensuring you feel safe and comfortable
He may not look like it, but Peter’s affinity for animals would resonate with you
You’d bond over your shared love for them, often talking about your favorite animals and maybe even caring for a pet together
Peter would value your perceptiveness, often seeking your insights on situations and trusting your intuitive understanding of people
Peter’s adventurous side would kidna want you to step out of your comfort zone, but he’s very careful with you
Peter would love your love for food and would enjoy trying new dishes with you, often bringing you snacks or taking you out to eat
He’d joke if you love him more than food or not
Peter’s experiences as Spider-Man have given him a complex outlook, which would align with your occasionally morbid imagination
He doesn’t like it, but he also has one
Peter is an awesome listener, always there for you and he lets you to even spar with him to let some anger out while he’d hold back, but not too much so you’d notice
He cares both about your mental and physical health
He’d appreciate your support in return, knowing he can rely on you
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toastermoth · 9 months
is this too vague? pretty much ANYTHING luxembourg (with a male reader preferably, gn is fine 2 though since it probably wouldn't be any different)
Luxembourg x Male!Reader
Hiiii- I'm not too familiar with Luxembourg so he may seem very ooc- so I apologize </3 I still hope yall enjoy tho! <33333 (Most of these are my interpretation of Lux<3)
I wanna gt this outta the way, KING OF NICKNAMES AND PETNAMES
Would constantly call you his prince, his rose, and beloved!
If you were to travel to Luxembourg he'd show you everywhere from small corner stores to museums.
He's very laid back with you but when around his boss or other countries he returns to his professional & proper manor.
In private if he's stressed braid his hair or play with it in general.
Though busy most days, he always makes sure to text you periodically especially during meetings because he's usually bored.
Can text without looking at his phone (IDK why but I feel like he can perfectly-)
When you're meeting Belgium and Netherlands he held your hand the entire time to make sure that you're alright and would rub shapes into your hands if he notices you getting nervous.
If you aren't comfortable with touch he'll respect that and he'd let you initiate when you want to hold his hand
Would let you drum on his thigh and is very happy whenever you do because it means he can help you even a little bit.
I can see him liking army songs like marching songs or just international songs in general.
Probably has a stuffed animal collection that him and Belgium add to at least once every month (Netherlands would secretly place a bunny plush in there once in a while)
Enjoys coffee dates and if you don't like coffee he'd get you whatever you'd like that isn't coffee
Has a habit of talking to himself and then speaking Luxembourgish which usually you don't know- (If you understand I appluade)
Asks for head rubs when he's especially busy with his boss
Has a bad habit of overworking himself and sometimes he'd come home and pass out on the nearest thing he can crash on which leads you to dragging him to your shared bed and holding him
Secretly enjoys being little spoon but also enjoys being big spoon
If you ever have a bad day and tell him, he's gonna hold you and let you cry into him as he says "That's it my prince.. just let it all out.."
And again if you're not okay with touch he'd let you come to him and if you don't want to he'd hum your favorite song
Would get you your comfort item/food to make you feel better.
If you're mad he's not the greatest with anger since he usually bottles it up but will give you a stuffed animal to punch/bite/kick/get your anger out
If you feel bad after he'll say, "Y/n dear, he okay with it because even Mr. Bear cares about you and wants to make sure that you're alright,"
Has and will beg to have a shared virtual pet with you or tomagochi
All in all though busy and professional, you're one of the people he has closest to his heart and would drop everything for you and is all out an amazing boyfriend!
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spookmemepls · 1 year
☠ ― "𝑂𝑑𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑦 𝐹𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟" 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠. (𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒.)
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"I can tell your laughter isn't genuine, and that makes me sad."
"Die? If I was gonna die, I would feel my about-to-die tingle."
"If you need to cry, cry."
"Oh, NICE! I'm still bleeding in, like, twelve different places!"
"Mm... I love doom."
"This looks so silly! Can I keep it?"
"If you're having a rough time, say so."
"Well, usually I disarm foes by removing their arms."
"I do smell kind of ham-like."
"...I don't like ouchies."
"Hmm. I guess we just have different definitions of the word "fun"..."
"Yeah, I was kinda bored, so why not?"
"Are you the one who stole my bag? Because the stuff in there'll probably kill you slowly and painfully. Just saying."
"I'd never inflict such a useless curse on someone!"
"Nothing's taking you away from me ever again. ...Not even death."
"But they paid... Oh, how they paid... They paid in BLOOD."
"What a weirdo."
"Uh oh. Looks like someone's got a case of the bloody Mondays..."
"Can I hold your hand, ___? I'm having morbid thoughts."
"You fight really funny. We should try taking on the enemy together!"
"Hey, I'm bored! Got any ideas about how to pass the time?"
"___, I love you so much, my spleen hurts. ...I hope that's normal."
"I've been told I grow on people. It's my secret power."
"You look beat, ___. Want me to work out some knots? ...With a fork?"
"Then how about some comfort food? Fruit pies and cream? Candy apples?"
"I don't really get all this "feelings" stuff, but if you say so."
"It's blood! ...Wonder where it came from?"
"Once, I almost set my face on fire!"
"Aw, but I'm a nice person, so come here. I'll finish you off quickly. Hold still..."
"That's what all my psychiatrists said. But nope! Not true."
"Wow. You really ARE a crazy lady/man/etc.!"
"Look. I like you. I really do. But you have GOT to let this go."
"I must have been wounded in battle! Oh man, good times."
"I smile because I'm happy. There's nothing more to it."
"Hey, are you okay there? You're making funny noises."
"Now you just sit here while I dispel the curse..."
"So long, ___! See ya in hell!"
"NOOOO! ___! Come back to me, ___!"
"Stay out of the light! STAY OUT OF THE LIIIIIIGHT!"
"Did you? ...I totally didn't notice."
"Aw, thank goodness! I was worried there for a sec."
"There will be blood..."
"In fact... I wanna be with you all the time!"
"Wow, you see right through me. ...Wait, does that mean I finally turned invisible?!"
"I'll take care of you. Even if I die a horrible death, I'll protect you from the... Hey, why the long face?"
"My body is pulsing! I wonder if it’ll explode!"
"Yay! Excessive spending!"
"You think I'll melt my eyeballs if I stare at the sunset?"
"Do you ever sleep? ...Wait, are you undead?"
"I'll love you with every ounce of my blood 'til I die."
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lady-of-imladris · 6 months
I bring to you:
The Reason I Am Miserable Today ft. Sunday Family Lunch which I absolutely resent. ALWAYS.
In attendance: Me, Mom, Sister, Dad, Grandma&Grandpa and other Grandma
The usual procedure:
- soup (with meat so I don't eat it)
- main course (meat so I don't eat it)
- some kind of dessert on occasion
- Grandpa saying he wants to leave and yet remaining seated for at least 2 more hours
Today's special issues: daylight savings so we all "lost" one hour and I have allergies ft. Bonus past trauma and being compared to a cow.
Soup was relatively harmless, I was not at the table, I was in the kitchen warming up some leftovers so I had something to eat. I join everyone for the main course, the second comment about me not eating the same food as everyone else is made. It's fine. Im used to it.
Everyone's eating, things are going great, my Grandpa has managed not to say anything shitty to my mom (so far). He starts making sarcastic comments towards his wife (she has dementia and he is literally just am asshole). My dad leaves to join the cat in an afternoon nap because he has finished eating and KNOWS whatever follows is not gonna be good for anyone.
Other Grandma makes a comment along the lines of "oh you must be so tired since you couldn't sleep until the afternoon today and because of daylight savings", ok fine I brush it off. I have to blow my nose because this week my allergy is really bad. It's always just one week in Spring but that one week is hell. My sister makes a rude comment about the way I blow my nose. Normal bickering between sisters but this is where it starts becoming too much for me.
I get up from the table and sit on the sofa. Other grandma, about to leave, ALSO makes a comment about my allergy which basically just meant "I'm sorry you have to go through this" BUT IT'S GERMAN AND OF COURSE IT'S THE SAME SENTENCE FOR THAT AS IT IS "OH WELL IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT".
I KNOW that the next thing will be my mom saying that "she's told me multiple times to go to this 'doctor' to get my allergies deleted". Yes. Deleted. I don't even WANT to know how. And the last time she took me to a 'doctor' gave me issues that I will NEVER get over.
The next comment would be from my Grandpa about me being so sickly and not eating meat and how I don't have a boyfriend and will never be able to give him great-grandchildren. The last time we all went down this very joyful path someone said "cows only eat grass and they have plenty of children".
So in anticipation of my past trauma coming back up and being compared to a cow again, I got up and left and now my other Grandma is feeling guilty about making that comment (and she did not mean anything bad AT ALL) and now I'm feeling guilty for leaving but I know it would've been worse if I stayed.
I have two more family events to go to today that I can't get out of and I can't stop crying.
So happy fucking easter
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switchbladedreamz · 2 years
Choosing Me
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LongHair!Frank Castle x Fem!Goth!Reader smut
Requested? Nah
Warnings? ❤️18+!!Hella fuckin smut y'all. Just fiiiiilth.
I need him to kiss me with his beard soaking wet
He cheated. Again..
"You know Ryan, you say you love me but you really don't give a shit about me. Do you?" He face turns bright red. It's his only change of expression from condescending. He straightens his tie. "Oh this again! I love you (Y/n/n). Is it your time of the month or something?" Out of the corner of my eye I see the silhouette, it's been following me all day, get closer. "Look I'm sorry I cheated, it didn't mean anything to me. Lets just forget this ever happened, we'll go to that fancy new Italian place and I'll buy you a new necklace." "Wow. It's like you're married the definition of misogyny, Jesus Christ dude. Get ahold of yourself and get your head out of your ass." I laugh, it almost sounds deranged with how pissed off I am. I turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist. I punch him square in the nose. "I have two hands dumbass, next time try to restrain them both." I mumble 'pathetic' before walking to my car. So too the silhouette moves in time.
It's three hours later and I'm crying into a bottle of wine blasting Halestorm, trying to remind myself I'm a bad bitch. A knock sounds at my door. A very beautiful face is on the other side of the door and I feel the gay panic seep in. "Hello, I'm Yelena, your new neighbor. I believe this is your mail," her ethereal green eyes squint as to read the name in the plastic viewing window of the envelope..''(Y/n)," 'my name rolls off her tongue so elegantly, beautiful.', " it was on my doorstep." She speaks in a Russian accent. I accidentally stare for a moment before finally speaking. "Ahem. Sorry! Thank you, yes. Uhm..how did you know my name?" "It's on the mail." She responds, a light laugh on the end. "Oh! Of course, how silly of me." "Is the music too loud? I'm sorry if it is, and I know a lot of people don't like metal.". Yelena has a beautiful smile, "Crank it girl, Lzzy Hale is an icon. I'll see you around." She waves. I'm stunned silent as I watch her door close. I jump over the couch and yank my phone off the aux, calling my best friend.
"Frank!! The most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life just moved in across from me. And she likes the same music I do, I'm gonna marry her.". "Jesus Christ (Y/n), I thought you was busy cryin over that Bryan prick." "Ryan, and I've been crying because I'm totally happy to be rid of his ass." "Yeah I never did like that douchebag. So. What's the chicks name? I'll see what I can get David to find, see if she's the real deal." I smile, I'm happy he cares. "She said her name was Yelena, I didn't get a last name though. She has this beautiful Russian accent but it's not too thick to were I don't know what she's saying. I don't usually go for blondes but man." "Yeah yeah I get it you're head over heels. Stay safe. Did Ron get all of his shit out of your apartment yet? You need any help with that asshole?" " I would like that, he's not a violent guy but he grabbed my wrist, it left a bruise. He'll be here in a few hours and I haven't been able to stop crying but I was a bad bitch when we last spoke now I'm a sad bitch.". "I'll be there". Before I can thank him he hangs up. He has such a way with words.
Frank arrived shortly after the phone call. He brought me flowers, ice cream, and a black throw blanket. I started to tear up "c'mon, can't have my best girl cryin over a gift. Go sit on the couch, I'll clean up and get you some food and water. Can't have that bastard catch ya slippin. He'll think he's won." I put the new blanket on top of the washer so I don't forget to wash it, I stop in the bathroom and wash my face and change out of my wet shirt.
"Heeey, there she is. Pick out a movie". Frank sets two plates on the coffee table. "Found some hamburger helper in the fridge." I hum as a response before picking Hellraiser, classic.
Halfway through the movie someone knocks on the door. Frank gets up, motioning for me to stay on the couch. I can hear the accusing tone in Ryan's voice as he's greeted with Frank's face. "Guess she hopped on the next dick that was nice to her". Frank's response meets Ryan's nose, that cracks. He screeches and I rush off the couch to stand behind Frank. "You're just going to let this APE TREAT ME LIKE THIS (Y/N/N)!?" Ryan yells. "Keep your voice down! And he can hit you once since you left a bruise on my wrist from early. Eye for an eye, bruise for a bruise shithead. Take your shit and leave." I grab the box, pretending Im going to hand it to Ryan, I let it dump to the floor in the hallway. I hear a gasp then a laugh, Yelena was in her door way. "I'm so sorry. I heard shouting and was going to check on you." That makes me smile a little.
Ryan scoffs and surprisingly he leaves without a word. With asshat out of sight Yelena breaks the silence. "Man that was awkward. But good for you, I like that you dumped the box. I would have just stabbed him." She laughs. I awkwardly laugh. "I'm kidding, you Americans." She points at us and chuckles, shutting her door. Frank and myself go back to watching Hellraiser. I hid my face in his arm as the hooks tore Uncle Frank's flesh off, I hate that part. Frank just laughs then let's me know when it's over.
After the movie ends Frank stretches, his shirt riding up. His happy trail making me happy. I can't help but shoot a quick glance to his lap then away. For some reason my dryer goes off. "Okay now put in the movie I brought." I hear Frank faintly call out. As he walks in he's carrying my new blanket, a bottle of wine, the ice cream, and two spoons. I smile and bend over to put in the movie he brought.
"I've never seen this before. Have you?". I can feel his eyes on me as I bend. "Nah ain't heard of it neither but Sarah said she thinks you'd like it and I told her I was headed over here and she let me borrow hers as long as I bring it back without a scratch." "Well cool, thanks Sarah. I'll definitely have to text her after with my review of it.".
Frank and I go back to cuddling. His presence is so comforting, I'm glad he's here with me. Frank starts to shift around, his face sort of contorted into an uncomfortable expression. "You okay Frankie?" I whisper. "I'm alright." He responds curtly. Well okay then.
Thirty minutes later and he's started shifting again, what the hell. I watch his hands go under the blanket and I catch a glimpse. Oh.
"hey Frankie" I whisper again. "Yeah what?" "Are you alright? You keep squirming around. Are you feelin okay?" I look up at him, doe eyes and all hoping he'll tell me the truth. "Quit worryin bout me and watch the movie, I'm okay." I nod my head and get up to go to the bathroom. It's there I realize why Frank was staring. I'm wearing loose shorts and...I forgot to put underwear on when I was changing into my pajamas. I go to my room and get an old pair of a different ex's jogger sweats (she was very tall) and an oversized HIM cutoff for Frank to sleep in.
Back in the living room I throw the garments at him and he catches them. "What're these (Y/n)?" "Your PJs silly, you really think I'm gonna let you drive yourself home after all the wine we've had". I slur my words the tiniest bit. "I'll get some water for us but you're still staying the night." I insist. I'm met with no retaliation from my guest.
The movie ends and Sarah was right, it was great. I pick up my phone but it's dead. Well I guess I'll text her in the morning.
I'm bent down on the floor, trying to find my charging cord under the mattress when heavy footfalls alert me of Frank's presence. I hear him mumble "fuck me" under his breath. I smile but it's swept away due to my lost cord. "hey princess is this what you're lookin for?" His voice is gruff, broken. Like he's trying to restrain himself. I get up off the ground and plop onto the bed, "yes! Thank you!" I grab it and kiss his cheek as thanks, okay maybe I'm still tipsy. I bend back over, this time on my night stand, to plug in my charger. "Damn iiit. I'm on my tiptoes and I still can't reach it. Frankie can you help me please?" He wordlessly walks over and fixes my problem. "Thank you. Would you like to take a shower before bed?" "Uh, yeah that'd be great, thanks. Towels?" "Hall closet". He nods and leaves.
Laying in my bed, trying my best to fall asleep but I can't when I can hear him. He's not loud by any means but the walls are thin. His little "fuuuuck"s or "yes just like that babygirl"s are driving me insane and insanely wet. The last thing I hear is "fuck yes, just like that (Y/n). Good girl" then the water shuts off. When the door opens, I can see Frank in my doorway. "Frank,....could you come lay with me till I fall asleep?" I ask him innocently. "I don't know if that's a good idea." "It's okay if you don't want to but I've been trying to sleep this whole time and it's weird to fall asleep to an empty bed.. I'm cold" I whine the last bit, rubbing my hands on my arms. Effectively squeezing my arms together to make my breasts pop. Another silent nod he steps in, shuts the door, and makes his way to my bed. It's then I notice he's shirtless and a couple droplets roll down his chest. Fuuuuck mee.
"good night princess" Frank whispers. "Gnight Frankie.".
I'm woken up at 5am, so my clock tells me, to grunts and being shaken. I feel something harsh against my behind when the brain fog clears and I realize what's happening. Frank's face is buried in my neck, and his cock against my ass, humping me in his sleep. "please" he whispers. It's so broken, desperate for release. I bite back a moan and rub my thighs together. It does nothing to alleviate my troubles except when I slip my hand down my shorts. I find im completely soaked when my middle finger splits my folds and runs up and down, spreading my juices. I accidentally gasp out loud as I rubbed my clit by surprise. Frank awoke with a grunt. "You okay pretty girl?" His morning voice is so hot. Then I feel the air shift. He knows. "(Y/n)." I don't answer. I'm too ashamed. "(Y/n)." He says more urgently this time. "Y-ye-ahem, yeah Frankie?". "Don't 'yeah Frankie' me right now. Just, just. Is this happening?" He stammers out. "D-do you want it to? To happen?" I turn onto my right side and face him. I had to at some point. "Yes. Do you?". I just nod. "Can I get something verbal, please?" His deep voice on edge. "I do. Please. Please Frank." Like a predator he growls and inches down bed, kissing and licking down my body as he strips me bare. With his large rough hands, grips my ankles, he pulls my center directly to his face. He doesn't stop making eye contact as his beard burns my thighs. His lips suck my clit into his mouth, the tip of his tongue swirling on my nub over and over and over. Two thick fingers languidly thrusting into me. It's all so beautiful and overstimulating. The tips of his fingers cuuurl and my toes do to, hands twisting needy in his long black locks. The grunts he makes when I tug on his hair send me. His fingers and mouth leave me and a small whiney 'nooo' leaves my mouth. Frank chuckles as he changes our position, I look up and my mind is blown. The big bad...hairy.. Punisher, towering over me and chuckling at me. "Frankie if you know one thing, it's for sure how to turn a girl on." His only response is another chuckle. His big hands pull my knees together and brings them over to one shoulder, slowly inching his member deeper into me. The girth stretching me open, nestled deep in my walls.
Frank's eyes never leave mine as he gently pulls out then pushes back in, inch by fucking inch. One arm stays wrapped around knees, his free hand pressing on my waist. Before I ask what he's doing out of nowhere his thrusts become fast and hard. I can see his cock bulging out of my stomach under Frank's hand, my eyes go wide and squeal when that hand applies pressure. "Okay baby, let me hear you". He leans his body forward, thrusting even deeper. The push and pull of his thick cock fucks my brain over, I can't think of anything. "F-Fra-fuuuck Fra-a-ank!" I cry at the top of my voice, all I get as a response is another chuckle. I roll my eyes. "Hey don't you fuckin roll your eyes at me, especially when I'm inside of you." His thrusts don't stop, it takes a lot to muster my verbal response. "You just...chuckle...it feels rude". I cross my arms to further prove my point. Really I'm just playing with my breasts. "It's." Stop, a harsh thrust. "Because." A stop, Harsh thrust. "You're" stop, harsh thrust. "So. Fucking." Two harsh thrusts back to back. "Cute!" He throws my legs open and around him, wraps his arms under me and pulls me to his chest. Plush lips trace my throat, my pulse, a bite to my jugular, a timid lick behind my ear, a nibble to my lobe. "Baby" I whimper, hushed against the shell of his ear. Gods he smells amazing, like me. It makes me feel primal, he's mine, he smells like me, mine mine mine. His hips move fluidly and slow, loving me. Choosing me. I kiss neck, my lips pressing softly to his Adams apple, my nails scratch lightly down his back. He shivers and it's my turn to chuckle. "Now you get it" Frank says before kissing my shoulder and to my chest. We end the blissful night between the sheets, holding hands. "G'night Frankie." I whisper to the darkness. "G'night baby".
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bexreadstoomuch · 2 years
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Magic Man - Chapter 7
After Winning your local Battle of The Bands competition, you don’t realise it’s your old school crush’s band that’ll you’ll be supporting for the next 4 months!
Can you put the past behind you and forgive?
NSFW — slow burn, fluff, flirting, reader has weight/image issues light angst, 18+ overall for eventual smut, drug/alcohol mention/use/language, angst
Masterlist Part 7/? [wc 1.4k] a/n - this one was hard for me to write, I adore this song but it also makes me cry as I feel a lot of myself in this. please comment, like and share <3
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7 - Fat Funny Friend
3 weeks had passed since Halloween, Thanksgiving fast approaching.
The days had started to roll into one for you. Play the show, drive to the next venue, play the show. Day after day.
You had started to change how you dressed on stage, opting for larger shirts that came down to near your knees, thicker tights so no one could see your legs and your Dr Martens boots.
After most shows everyone tries to get together for food at a local diner, but you would try and excuse yourself so no one could watch you eat, feeling it would add more fuel to the fire you had raging in your head after what you heard people say about you.
It would take you straight back to those feelings you get back in High School, when the jocks would make mooing sounds when you walked past them in the halls.
Lula would always try and make you stay but you assured her you were fine and you'd see her later. You had noticed she was getting closer to Gareth and it was so nice to see her happy. You didn't want to ruin that for her.
The past 3 weeks you had travelled through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and now setting up base in Iowa before the christmas break. You had gained new fans along the way having sell out shows every single night, which you knew was only because of who you were supporting.
Everywhere you went there was a large crowd of girls that would follow Eddie and the rest of Corroded Coffin around like little lost puppies. Their eyes go wide when they see him, wishing that he would just look at them. He would always play to the crowd, always ending most shows in nothing but his tight jeans, sweat glistening down his tattooed chest.
These girls didn't help the thought you had about yourself but you tried to focus your thoughts on your writing.
After another sold out show, the same routine played out. The guys would go outside to meet some fans, then everyone would get together to go head over to a local diner. As usual you stayed behind, knowing they wouldn't be far as the diner was located only next door.
Sitting down at a piano that was located at the back of the stage, you placed your notebook on top. It had been moved as far back as it could as it wouldn't be needed for either of your or Corroded Coffins sets.
Thinking you were alone, you start to play the melody, take a deep breath and start to sing.
“I break the ice, 
so they don't see my size, 
And i have to be nice, 
Or I'll be the next punchline…
I'm just the friend in Hollywood Movies, 
Who only exists to continue the story, 
The girl gets the guy while i'm standing off-screen, 
So I'll wait for my cue to be comedic relief”
You continue playing, closing your eyes tight trying to not let the tears you can feel fall.
Abruptly you stop, trying to compose yourself to carry on. You know you needed to do this, you thought it would make you feel somewhat better. 
“Can't be too loud 
Can't be too busy 
If I don't answer now, are they still gonna need me? 
Can't be too proud Can't think I'm pretty 
Do they keep me around, so their flaws just seem silly?”
You don't hear the footsteps approaching behind you quietly. Eddie had come to try and find where you had gone as he had noticed you didn't hang around everyone so much since halloween. He knew it was no doubt partly his fault, and felt guilty that he hadn't tried to talk to you sooner but he didn't know what to say.
He leaned against the side of the wings of the stage quietly watching you play. 
“Drawn out in Sharpie where I take the scissors 
If that's what it took for me to look in the mirror
I've done every diet to make me look thinner
So why do I still feel so goddamn inferior?
Life of the fat, funny friend
Life of the fat, funny friend
It's funny when I think a guy likes me
And it's funny when I'm the one who says, "Let's go to eat"
It's funny when I'm asked to go out on Halloween
Dresses and thigh highs, while I hide my body”
His face suddenly dropped when he heard those lyrics and heard the crack in your voice. 
“Y/N?” he called out to you from the dark of the wings.
You shot up out of the seat so fast the stool you were sitting on fell behind you. You were grapperling to get your notebook and hide it behind your back.
“Eddie, what the hell? Why are you here?” you ask him questionably, wiping away the tears now hitting your cheeks, trying to hide any evidence of them.
“I was worried about you and wondered where you had gone to and..”  you cut him off quickly before he could finish his sentence
“NO! You don't get to do that” you were shaking now.
“You honestly don't believe any of this do you?” he motions to the piano, obviously meaning the song
“How much did you hear?” you ask looking down at your feet sheepishly
“Enough to know that none of that is true” he starts walking towards you but you take a step back. “Please sweetheart, talk to me” he pleads at you
“Why?” was all you could say back to him, still looking at your feet
“Because I….I” Eddie stuttered trying to find the right words “I wanted to tell you back in high school that..”
Before he could finish what he was saying your head snapped up looking at him dead in the eye, striding towards him eyes wide.
“You what? Wanted to tell me what you were laughing about with your friends? I heard you Eddie!” you shouted pushing him back with both hands on his chest, having now dropped your notebook to the floor.
“I heard you laughing with them about me that night I came to pick up Dustin! I'm just Dustin's BIG sister, his FAT sister, you wouldn't dare, what was it you said? Oh yeah! 'Not HER, NEVER Y/N HAVE YOU SEEN HER?'” You were now shouting at him, all the rage and upset over the year built up spilling out of you. Your wrists were suddenly grabbed by Eddie as he pulled you into him, encasing you in a tight hug.
“Y/N that's not what I said that night, I would never say that about you” Eddie's use of your name pulled your attention to his face which was etched with something more than concern.
Before you could figure it out, he quickly moved one of his hands to your cheek, wiping away a stray tear. Looking deep into your eyes for a split second he crashed his lips to yours with such ferocity you felt like your lips would bruise.
For a second you melted into his arms, but quickly snapped out of it.
Pushing him back off you with as much force as you could muster, you shout at him through tears “NO EDDIE! NO! You don't just get to do that to me! Pretend that you like me, No! Please leave me alone”
You quickly turn to grab your notebook off the floor and run off the stage making your way back to your bus.
“Y/N PLEASE WAIT!!” Eddie shouts after you but you do not turn leaving him standing alone on the stage cursing to himself, your head spinning from what just happened.
Eddie had kissed you. But it wasn't just any kiss. Yes you had been waiting for him to kiss you since high school, always imagining what he would taste like. You imagined he would be sweet with a hint of smoke. And you weren't far off. The only difference was the hint of Jack Daniels that he had drank that night.
That familiar knot had sprung back into your stomach at the thought of him. You traced your hands over your lips, trying to remember the feeling of his on yours.  Stuffing your notebook back into your bag you strip down out of your clothes into your pjs, crawling into the bottom bunk, hoping to have a dreamless sleep. But your dreams that night were clouded by the memory of a certain long haired metal head.
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Taglist: @corrodedcoffincumslut @themrsmunson @emmalee-01 
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