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iwishiwaschaotic · 3 months ago
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drawings of gnomon by @luchia13 :3
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months ago
Duke: I think Gnomon being my birth father is karma for making fun of Jason's daddy issues.
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ehliena · 8 months ago
Seeing people bitch about DC "whitewashing" characters and I'm all what? Look at the Bats
Dick was WHITE. Him being of Romani descent is a retcon from the late 90s early 00s. He was created in the 1940s.
Barbara is white. She's a red head. That's a 2% incidence worldwide. She was made in the 60s.
Jason is white. I haven't seen retcons for him. He was made in the early 80s.
Tim is white. He was made in the late 80s.
Steph is white. She was made in the early 90s.
Cass is half asian, half white. I love Cass. She's been my asian rep in the batfam ever since I knew she existed. She was made in the late 90s.
Damian is a half asian (chinese, arabic, possibly with italian and greek <- from Ra's). I see many people complaining about him being coloured pale, but in his first comic appearance (named as the Damian character we know) he was coloured as pale as Tim. He was made in the 00s.
Duke is half black, half immortal being (Gnomon). Although I'm not sure if Gnomon is a retcon. I'm not really sure what exact descent his mom is from. He was made in the 2010s.
Luke Fox is black. Son of Lucius Fox (created 1979). He was created in the 2010s.
Bruce is white. I'm not sure about the percentage, but he has some Irish and Scottish apparently. He was made in 1939.
Kate is also white. Her current iteration came out in 2006. Her being Bruce's cousin is a retcon from this time. The original Kathy Kane (black haired Batwoman) was also depicted as white with no notes as to her heritage. She was made in the mid 50s.
Alfred is british. He was created in the early 40s.
Tl;dr: the bat family is diverse. If you think they're being whitewashed, check which version of the character they're interpreted as.
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millylotus · 4 months ago
I like to think Duke looks alot like his Mom. Like in cannon he kind of really just looks like Doug & Gnomon [cause i'm pretty sure Gnomon wasn't really planned until later]. But I think with the stuff we know about cannon he should look like his mom.
Nobody would suspect him of not being Doug's if he was a lil clone of Elaine, and also Elaine's really pretty I think that just needs to be acknowledge more. And also Duke compares himself to his parents alot and I think this would make it hurt a bit more.
He's short like her, like 5'5, chubbier, and bigger maybe to 5'7 as he gets older. More muscled/toned because of vigilant things. Rounder features in general, with a bigger nose and full lips, and his mother's eye shape and hair and lisp that she only remembered having when Duke started speaking. He even makes a lot of faces like her.
He acts lot like his Dad though, Doug was in the house during the day so he's had a really big impact on his son. They have the same grooming habits, and they have the same taste in food. And they both get pissy about losing board games. They even talk the same, though Elaine's own input aside Duke sounds just like his Dad. Doug loves his son and seeing that boy act like his double just makes his heart bloom.
The only things he has from Gnomon are his powers, and the bright gold of his eyes when he uses them. It kind of feels like Gnomon is infecting him, no matter how much Duke reminds himself that that part of himself had always been there.
Duke looks in the mirror and he sees his mother's smile, he hears his father's laugh, he feels the warm sun of his other parent behind his eyes. But that's just a bit of what makes him him.
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cluescorner · 9 months ago
Gnomon come back your confusing attitude and ludicrous powerset is intriguing me. I want to see more of what you can actually do because jfc your powerscaling implications and the implications of how fucking powerful Duke could become are insane. Plus it would force the writers to actually WRITE DUKE JFC I MISS HIM
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creaturefeaturecommando · 5 months ago
Like Him by Tyler the Creator but it’s Bruce and The Batkids
Bruce and Thomas
Dick and John
Jason and Willis
Tim and Jack
Damian and Ra’s
Duke and Gnomon
Cassandra and David
And you get the point especially when it gets to “I don’t look like him” because it could be good or bad bad
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weirdo-from-bonesborough · 11 months ago
Saw something say both of duke’s parents were metas and I was like HOLY SHIT DOUG and then I remembered gnomon
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malfiora · 15 days ago
Batfam x Fate Summary
Reference post
Poll results & pairings - Mage / Servant (Class)
Barbara / Koriand'r (Saber)
Cass / Steph (Archer)
Damian / Jason (Berserker)
Tim / Dick (Lancer)
Bruce / Alfred (Assassin)
Helena / Zatanna (Caster)
Wishes (Mages)
Info about the current poll
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breadandblankets · 11 months ago
Consider: AU where Duke was raised by Gnomon
there are many ways i would like this to go, evil Duke is an option but honestly? i want divorced single father Gnomon having a bad time
Duke is one of those kids that just keeps asking "why" on a loop indefinitely until you give up, please consider the kind of education Gnomon would have to provide his genius son in order to keep him entertained, because an understimulated Duke is Not something Anyone wants to have
Doug and Elaine substituted some of this with like the library and collective community action what's Gnomon gonna do? world domination? smh my head
and then when he gets older? grandiosity is left at the door. "you are the heir of my immortal blood" "and you are a glowing pain in the ass fuck off old man"
the thing about Doug and Elaine is that they Earned Duke's respect and so he loves them and is kind to them, Gnomon didn't earn Shit his ego is too big for that so Duke doesn't respect him even a little
Gnomon would have such divorced dad energy too, something Duke will definitely make fun of him for when he's older, and especially something along the lines of "you can't buy your childs love have you tried just being less of an ass"
Duke definitely went to the school of "just traumatize your dad back" okay I firmly believe this
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bluejaysandblackbats · 1 month ago
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historysurvivalguide · 5 months ago
Cylinder Dial
Sometimes also called a Pillar Dial or a Shepard Dial
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This strange looking device is actually a portal sundial! The metal arm is the “gnomon” (the part of the sundial that casts a shadow) and the body is carved with different curved horizontal lines for times and vertical columns for months
This sundial is set for the 37th parallel north (37.3 degrees North latitude) which includes places like the island of Sicily, Greece, as well as places in Syria, Iran, China, and through the center of the United States. This kind of information can make it possible to determine where this device was originally made or at least where it was intended to be used 🔎
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Helpfully, it also just so happens it is “inscribed on the dial corresponds with that of Catania in Sicily” so this device was likely made to operate in Sicily
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(A very simple) Mystery solved!
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thesevenstarfoxes · 4 months ago
I kind of want to see what would happen if somehow the biological fathers and stepfathers of all the children Bruce adopted got together in one room, because you have: A famous acrobat who works in an international circus (John Grayson) Little criminal from the crime alleys of Gotham (Willis Todd) A businessman/ archaeologist? What is his profession? But he is very rich and comes from high society in Gotham (Jake Drake) A well-known and highly skilled assassin (David Cain) Incredibly Powerful Immortal Villain (Gnomon) and an average Gotham citizen who lives in a not-so-good part of town but is not involved in crime (Doug Thomas)
This is going to be a complete mess
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month ago
The Signal Incorrect Quotes Pt 11
Duke: I'm joining the war on autism on the side of autism.
Duke: *putting fireworks in a blender*
Bruce: Duke, what are you doing with my blender?
Duke: Don't worry, it's not what you think. I'm making a blender rocket.
Gnomon: I'm the good guy here!
Duke: Yeah, a lot of bad guys say that. *knocks him out*
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alchemisoul · 1 year ago
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Dude...Jesus...Sun of God, no?
Dude...Y'all moved the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday!
Dude...That Obelisk was imported all the way from Egypt!
Dude...In 1817, circular stones were set to mark the tip of the obelisk's shadow at noon...
...as the sun entered each of the signs of the zodiac...
...making the obelisk a gigantic sundial's gnomon!
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millylotus · 4 months ago
Gnomon's [& Duke's] Powers
So like a Gnomon is basically the stick in a clock, or a giant beam of the sun. It shows the time in hours and a lil in minutes and it moves along with the sun. Or it's a hole in the ceiling of a dark room and the light from the sun [& probs a full moon] travels across the room. They're all basically the central & necessary piece of a Sundial.
[And yeah they also exist in geometry but I just found that out as I was writing this post so we just gonna ignore that for now.]
Sundials themselves can be found all over the world, but the ones I'm thinking about are the ones from the Eurasian & African continents.
Gnomon isn't really human, in cannon he's meant to be a really powerful metahuman. But considering the Metas are all descendants of dumbasses who got to close to a fresh space rock I feel like I can take some liberties.
So my headcannon for Gnomon is that his powers come from a combination of a meta-gene and magic/belief.
Background info set lets move on!
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So you're this kid, over a millennia of years ago, right round when the first Sundial was being made.
You really like this thing it's literally so cool, you wanna study it, you're trying to study it [Mathematician in the making]. Every time you look at you get this weird feeling behind your eyes, this push in your soul, and you feel like there's something way more to this newfangled invention than anyone else sees. So you start hanging around it more.
Your friends/classmates start noticing your increased interest & decide to help you out, cause that's what buddies are for!
You all get pretty far in your research and end up building this really giant sundial and everything, using some not so non-mystical techniques to do so. The whole university and surrounding town comes to check the thing out.
But it's not quite right something's missing, it's been bugging you the months leading up to the showing of the sundial. You just have this innate feeling that it isn't complete.
And as you're presenting you & your friends' life's work, the gnomon breaks. It could have been an accident it could have been a set up from one of your rivals.
So without thinking in a desperate attempt to save all that time spent you move and stand right where the gnomon is supposed to be.
And it feels right, like your entire life was leading up to this moment. The sun light falls on you just right & the shadow you cast is not the one you've always seen, but it feels even more your own.
You keep presenting and nobody can look away, nobody can stop watching you as time goes by and your shadow & the sun work together to tell the time perfectly.
As the showing ends people are slow to leave, and when they finally do and it's just you and your friends they move around the sundial so as to not get in the way of your shadow. They speak to you with awe and reverence and they can't get enough of what you've done. It does absolute wonders for your ego.
You eventually step off the dial when the sun is fully set, reluctantly. You know if it where a full moon tonight you'd stay there.
That day onward you make a habit of being the gnomon for the sundial. Doing all your necessary work from your position, some how not losing your friends to this odd habit.
Around the second month a storm roles in and the clouds block the sun for days. Logically you know it's not gonna work, but since when have your instincts been illogical and wrong.
So you stand where you've always stood and a shadow is cast so strong it seems like it should be clear skies right then, produced by a light nobody but you can see the source of.
And things change from then on, you change.
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So that's how Gnomon gets his powers for me!
Not long after people kinda start holding him in reverence/worshiping him when he doesn't seem to die/age right and call him The Gnomon or just Gnomon.
His metahuman traits start to blossom under this worship, expanding in how gods/deities/mystical beings will have a bunch of facets to them.
This is all egged on by a sort of Tulpa/Egregore situation, where enough people believe that it's true to it becomes true.
★List of Domains:★ ★ Gnomons & Sundials: Of course ★ Time: Literally a living clock ★ Light & Shadows: Only logical ★ The Sun: It's movements across the sky, the eclipse is a weird time that I haven't thought up yet so give me a minute ★ Community: cause he was one of the main guys at the university and people tended to literally gather around him just for the hell of it ★ Geometry & Mathematics: Nerd
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Turning this to Duke himself now.
Because Duke is not Gnomon, but ya know still his son, he's got like the base of the powers, [the math stuff it purely just Gnomon being a nerd though].
He's mostly developed his powers to assist in every day life as a vigilante/the dangers of being a gothamite meta. Using a combination of the light and time domains to see into the future for warnings. Shadows solidify into weapons, and mold to Duke's wants and needs in a fight [like when he wrapped that one guy in shadow in the Outsiders]. Light made bright and blaring for stunning people but also as just an extension of his emotions.
The domain of Community coming through as his enhancement powers, cause Duke is genuinely a caring person and likes to help people, so he actively has to think of not supporting his enemies with powers.
He's basically a demigod[...i'm thinking of so many crossover ideas right now]
any way! That's Gnomon & Duke, their powers and how/why they came to be and work the way they do!
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5-7-9 · 9 months ago
Gnomon only has foresight and presight abilities, the amplifying meta abilities was the Eighth metal.
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I still don’t get how he can telepathically communicate and mindcontrol??? But he can, and if Duke has his same powers, then that mean DUKE CAN DO TELEPATHY AND MINDCONTROL which i really want him to do because comms link is too easy to hack but I want him to communicate to his friends at long distances.
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the immortal part ruins the plot about Duke’s parents being easily turned crazy though :/
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