#give me a scenario of your oc to draw ;;;
lunarr-stuff · 1 month
hi !
trying to get out of a terrible artblock....
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fra-aria · 19 days
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This post gave me ideas lol
✨Some oc ramblings:
-Under normal circumstances I don't think that she'd pick someone up for shits and giggles, unless they her siblings
-Probably the only times she'll carry someone is for a party game or something like that, imagining her and Elio running to the finish line like this is so cute lol
-I can't really imagine a scenario where they would pick up Jamie(or anyone really) randomly because they would be too flustered to do so
-But seeing them who is only 5'1" carry someone as tall as Jamie would probably look a little goofy, i feel like i didnt express it enough in the drawing lol
-Fun fact he is also my olba oc
-The post just reminded me how during my playtrough as him, I discovered how you can get Cove to give you a piggyback ride throughout the game, so I'd like to think that if they are strong and willing enough he will pester his friends for one lmao
-Though he can and will pick you up if asked... Or if you provoked him enough, get potato sacked idiot
-RIP Ren, this is what happens if you don't eat your vegetables kids
-Jk she does eat her vegetables, just don't let her try to carry you, she can't do it, best she could do is drag you around
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nouverx · 7 months
Just for clarification, I am open to art requests BUT ONLY for prompts/ideas that are interesting to me and give me inspiration. Since I'm into Hazbin Hotel lately that's most likely what I'll draw, I'm very open to any cute ideas and scenarios that will come my way (especially if it's about the murderous deer man ❤)
However it's not supposed to be a way for you to get free art about your ocs ahah. Plus I'm free to draw whatever I want and I might never draw your prompts, please don't take it personally
Thank you ❤
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sneverussape · 2 months
taking snape drawing prompts/requests - 22 jul
it's not for want of anything to do but i really need to distract myself from work and current events and i'm highly motivated rn to draw so...
if you like my stuff, feel free to give me drawing prompts about snape! put him in situations! tell me your hcs. make him interact with other characters! (i am biased towards the malfoys, lily, petunia, tobias, eileen, mcgonagall, and dumbledore, so if you ask for a snape scenario with them, your chances of it being drawn are higher than most). no ocs please - nothing against them but they're so much harder to draw vs canon characters which i've already drawn before.
i'm sorry if you've requested before but i haven't gotten around to drawing them! i'm very busy most of the time and so can really only pick and choose depending on my availability and mood. i'll really try to get to all of them but no promises. x
anyway if you're interested, drop a reply, dm, or ask. :)
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kingkatsuki · 7 months
As a writer I completely see why anyone would jump at the chance to collab with an artist (especially when you love their work), and I’ve done collabs and art/fic swaps before with artists and they’ve been incredible. And I would do it over and over again, because the best part about creating is throwing ideas back and forth and showing little tidbits and gaining more ideas off each other; then seeing what you’ve both created come to fruition.
But it always irks me when the artist sees writing as somehow “less” of a talent than art, and it always blows my mind that writing is seen as something almost worthless or that should be given as free if an idea is provided to you? Art is placed behind a paywall and people will pay to gain access, and comment on it whilst writing is sat out in the open for free and is so easily found and consumable that often people forget just how much time and effort is put into it too.
And to see artists dismiss that with a “you were just supposed to write it” or “this was my idea” and “I paid you with Patreon access only art” leaves such a bad taste.
And I’m just going to add— I don’t believe giving someone an idea and asking them to write it/draw it is a collaboration. It’s the same as someone that doesn’t draw or write sliding into your ask box to request a hyper specific OC scenario for free, and it doesn’t make you entitled to anything.
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rockybloo · 4 months
Getting people interested in your OCs takes a LOT of time. So creating OCs for the sole purpose of getting people interested in them is def draining af and I get why people get frustrated and sometimes just give up completely.
I have been drawing original characters since I could hold a pencil because I love making my own beings I can just do whatever I want with. And I've been posting my OCs since the early 2010s (I had been drawing original characters earlier but it wasn't until I got into middle school that I began posting my art online).
The biggest reason I've been going so long just drawing them, with only sprinkles of fan art in between ever blue moon, is because I genuinely enjoy my characters. I've had an active imagination since forever so I enjoyed imagining them in scenarios and sometimes drawing said things.
I would say, with my full chest, that I didn't really reach any flavor of "popularity" until 2022 which is when I came up with Glitter and Guilt. And I am fairly certain that is where a GOOD chunk of people came from since...I mean who can resist magical girls?
I had been drawing my number 1 favorite baby, Beanstalked, since highschool but, unfortunately, I spent most of that time posting it on a sperate blog from this one and only am I recently sharing art for it here.
I think the only other big source of other people discovering me is from my Red Beans art (Jack x Nana) because prior to 2022, that was like...85% of my art I would make. And while that was on a separate blog as well, I'd at least sometimes reblog it to over here.
Bondwidth also helped a wee bit with getting a couple people interested in me since before Glitter and Guilt showed up, Bondwidth became an active thing I'd post on this blog that kept it alive since, like I said, I had a separate blog for Beanstalked and Red Beans so there was a time long ago where this blog was basically crickets.
So 2022 was def when I got put on a wider radar thanks to Sweetheart and Bitterbat.
SO YEAH--Getting people to be interested in you OCs is def a time consuming process which is why I say to just keep having fun and blabbering about your characters because in the end, that's the only thing that matters. That you enjoy them.
I couldn't predict when people would flood me because I had been blabbering about my characters for practically 2 decades and I had been a relatively small artist working on a small lil webcomic that I eventually had to reboot because I had a better vision of it.
And then one day I just happened to have designed some OCs people REALLY liked and here we are.
I do get curious about how things would play out if I never made Glitter and Guilt and just kept trucking along with Beanstalked. I would have probably made it to where I am now, given like....an additional 10 years maybe? I dunno how to gauge fairy tale interest--I AM BIASED THO SINCE I LOVE THEM (I get so happy watching walk throughs of little story book forests and Eftling y'all have no idea).
But now I am getting off topic
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fashion4standusers · 1 year
FFSU’s Fan Fashion Week!
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*ETA: Works posted to AO3 can be tagged as "FFSU Fashion Week"!*
I’ve had the concept for this in my head for AGES but never got around to posting it. I originally planned to run it as an event during a certain time period, but I found that making it an event intimidated me out of actually making the idea happen. I just think that I’m a lot more confident in my ideas when I don’t overthink it! Therefore, instead of running an event, I’m just putting this challenge out into the atmosphere for people to take it and run with it. 
Everything you need to know is in the graphics, and here’s a plain text version as well:
Fashion For Stand Users’ Fan Fashion Week Challenge: a 7-day art and/or fic-writing challenge!
Art Prompts:
- Day 1: Runway
Draw your chosen character(s) in an outfit from a designer runway! Check the blog archive or Vogue Runway for references and modify the look however you want.
-Day 2: Subculture
Draw your chosen character(s) in the fashion of a certain subculture: goth, raver, scene kid, etc.
-Day 3: Style Swap
Draw two or more characters swapping their canon outfits, or simply wearing outfits more suited for the other person's vibe and aesthetic.
-Day 4: Historical
Draw your chosen character(s) in the fashion of another era.
-Day 5: Redesign
Redesign, reinvent, or modify the canon outfit(s) of your chosen character(s). 
-Day 6: Formal
Draw your chosen character(s) in gowns, tuxedos, and other fancy clothes. 
-Day 7: Free Space
Draw any kind of outfit(s) you'd like for your chosen character(s)!
Writing Prompts:
- Day 1: Character Study
Write about why a character dresses or looks the way they do. Why do they like the clothes they wear? Do they wear something with personal significance? How do they want the world to see them?
-Day 2: Makeover
Write about a character getting a makeover from another. Are they getting new clothes, a new hairstyle, new makeup? Is it just for fun or a sign of a bigger change?
-Day 3: AU
Write about an alternate universe where the characters are models, fashion designers, hairstylists, makeup artists, etc.
-Day 4: Disaster
Write about something going horribly, horribly wrong: wardrobe malfunctions, makeup mishaps, over/underdressing, etc.
-Day 5: Shopping Trip
Write about characters going shopping together and all the shenanigans that ensue.
-Day 6: The Event
Write about a character getting ready for  or attending an upscale event. Who are they going with? What are they wearing? How are they feeling?
-Day 7: Free Space
Write about any scenario you'd like, as long as it's about clothing or fashion!
Have Fun!
This is obviously a JJBA blog, but feel free to use this challenge for OCs and other fandoms! If you plan to modify the prompts, make different graphics, or make your own version of the challenge for a different fandom, be sure to credit this blog or link back to this post!
Mention @fashion4standusers in all your posts to give credit! You can also tag your posts with #ffsufashionweek, and if your work is about JoJo, I would love to share it on the blog. If you post outside of Tumblr, include a link to this post!
Don't think you can do it in a week? Want more time to write longer fics, make more detailed art, or just develop your idea more? No worries, just work at your own pace! The concept of the challenge is a reference to the various Fashion Weeks that happen around the world, but by no means is it restricted to any real time frame!
Only want to write or draw for a few of the prompts? Maybe only one? Wanna work out of order? Go ahead! This is a challenge of course, but if you just aren't connecting with some of the prompts, don't force it!
Feel free to use the ideas you come up with for this into more in-depth works!
It's never too early or too late to give it a shot, and I'll always keep an eye on tags and mentions for new additions!
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phoenixisobsessed · 16 days
HEWWOOOO any specific kinds of asks you want!!! Anyway hehe I bring forth suggestions for either uhhhhh magnus getting real annoyed at rodimus. or misfire. Like just misfire. He's a funny lil guy. You can give him a snack
I love Roddy pissing off Ultra Magnus dynamic.
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And the boy deserves some treats yes. For him.
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So I don’t have any strong preferences tbh. The stuff I have in my pinned post is the stuff I want people to ask for most HEUEHU I honestly get happy about anything transformers related, but if I had to choose a few here they are:
Questions or drawing request about ocs (yours or mine or both, don’t care. I am a sucker for ocs)
Redesigns of characters are PEAK‼️
Inserts/skits/comics. I love inserting characters into images, audios, or scenarios. What can I say.
Ship art…idc if you want valveplug or holding hands I LOVE GAY ROBOTS (I also draw straight robots okay guys don’t get mad)
And yes that is in particular order (But the amount of love for each rank is just 100% for nr 1, 99.99% for nr 2, 99.98% for nr 3 ect. so literally any of them AAGRHH)
I also don’t have any specific characters that I’d love for people to ask for. Like ofc my fave is Whirl, but the whole POINT of letting people just ask for whatever is getting to draw a big variety of characters because I like that. Like yeah ask for that character I have never heard about, please. I want to absorb more info. That’s my FAVOURITE PART.
But anyway TYSM for asking anon yes :,D Just excited to draw whatever people ask of me ong.
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whump-side · 1 year
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✧ Commissions are finally open ! ✧ Here are some additional informations : ✧The DOs and DON'Ts✧ I have a very large gallery of whump art in my blog that showcase the type of whump I am most comfortable with drawing. The following list of what I can do or I cannot draw is not set in stone. Even if your idea falls in the "DON'Ts" category, but you feel like based on the content you saw on my blog, this is something I'd be willing to draw, please contact me to discuss it. ✧ DOs - OC - Fictional characters - Monster/hybrid characters - Whumpee and Caretaker scenarios - Partial nudity (topless) - Maximim 2 characters ✧ DONTs - Gore - Non-con - Pet whump - Furry ✧Contact✧ There are 3 ways to contact me to request a commission : - Tumblr DM - Ko-Fi DM - Email [email protected] (please mention "Whump-Side Commission" in the mail subject) ✧Payment✧ Upon agreeing on your idea, I'll give you an estimate for the commission. Payment will be done though Ko-Fi which allows you to pay via Paypal or credit card https://ko-fi.com/whumpside/commissions ✧Commission TOS✧ https://ko-fi.com/post/COMMISSION-TOS-K3K4P6W0D If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact me or send an ask
FAQ & Commission exemples after the cut
✧FAQ✧ ✧Is Lady Whump okay for commissions ? It's alright as long as it doesn't mix with the "Don'ts" I've listed ✧What age range is acceptable for the characters? Minimum would be teens (15+) as long as they don't look like kids. You can check my art on my blog to get an idea of the age range I usually draw ✧Sketch commission samples✧
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Detailed sketch samples
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plainandgeneric · 9 months
Sooo what's your Banished Knight oc x Godrick au about? 👀🍿
Thanks for the ask Lichen!
Tbh the AU is pretty sappy and tropey haha (with a lot of angst sprinkled in, of course). It gives me an excuse to draw Godrick as the damsel in distress :)
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The Banished Knight OC is a nomadic mercenary with no allegiances. Godrick just calls him Sir Knight (condescendingly, in the beginning, then with fondness, later 🫣).
The Knight originally came to Leyndell to find employment. It was a wrong place wrong time scenario. No one anticipated the assassination of Godwyn, and the Shattering had everyone in a frenzy. Morgott shut off city borders mostly to keep the remaining nobilities in check. Godrick saw the mercenary as his ticket out, and thus hired him for his escape, disguised as a lady and her knight. Shenanigans ensue!
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Charlie Actually Dies For Real
A Smiling Friends AU by @Scribbly07 / @ScribblyShipping
This pinned post will serve as a “hub” that’ll contain links to everything important in the blog!
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Plot: This AU serves as a fun “what if” scenario, where Charlie doesn’t come back after dying. (This means that no events after the episode don’t happen, too.) During his time in Hell, he progressively becomes more demonlike, with some unfortunate reminders of his death permanently stuck with him. He runs into some familiar faces along the way, too. Hes having a pretty hard time. And, despite what he hopes, things aren’t going so great in the realm of the living either.
I’m not too sure just how I want to tell this story yet. I have a basic plot rundown from beginning to end, but I’m unsure on how to tell everything and bridge the gaps. It might just be a mix of art and rambling posts, maybe even something more fanfic like if I can muster it.
I’ve decided that people can ask questions directed at the characters as well! You wanna know what Charlie’s up to in Hell right now? Go ask him!
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(Click on the links to see individual references and info!)
Other Notable Living Characters
Grim & Gnarly 
Other Notable Demons
######## (INFO NOT FOUND)
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Lore (in order):
As I publish more of this story, I’ll be sure to organize it here, so anyone new to the blog can pop in and catch up! There will be major plot events happening! ;]
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This will be updated as more questions come! But I wanted to get a few out of the way first.
Where’s Zoey?
Personally, I don’t really like Zoey, and will not be including her in this AU. She’s never really brought any sort of major impact in the show, so for all intensive purposes, she never existed within this timeline.
Where’s Mr. Boss?
Similarly to Zoey, I don’t really like him. He makes me uncomfortable on a much deeper level than Zoey, though. I don’t really want to touch him at all, so he’s just sort of in the background of this.
Where's Duncan?
Some as the two above this, I don't like him. His whole bit is being fat and throwing up. Why would I even give him the time of day?
Is there Charpim?
Well… they never got the chance to really make things official, but they were always very close, together on a deeper level than friends, but never found the words to confess.
Can I draw fanart?
OMG YES PLEASE! Feel free to tag this account and/or my main if you do!
Is selfshipping okay?
I would prefer it if people who selfshipped with Charlie or Pim not interact with this blog. But, besides those two, every other character is open range. I ask that you tag this account and/or my selfship blog if you create selfship art for the au! I'd like to see it :]
Can I make an OC/Include my OC?
Yeah! Anyone can make an OC for this or do something like make a demon version of your OC. However. Unless you're a friend of mine, your character will not be considered "canon" to this AU.
Can other SF Ask Blogs interact?
I've always dreamed of interacting with other ask blogs and roleplaying so YES! I will say, though, that characters like Charlie and Pim are ones I have very Strong connections to that I may be uncomfortable responding to depending on the interpretation. Don't be upset if I never respond, it's just a weird brain thing I have!
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
Please tell me about your ocs!! IM HUNGRY GRRR
helloow omg ! im so honored you want to know more about my ocs aaahhh!! :D my moot @kovu-bunnbunn also wanted to know more so i figured i could do it now !!
i have a bunch of ocs but I’ll just talk about my main oc ryoko right now !!
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her full name is ryoko ‘007’ aizawa. I’ll explain the 007 in a minute !! she’s aizawa’s adoptive daughter.
her parents (her dad more specifically, her mom was more of a bystander) are both from very wealthy families and merged. Her parents had an arranged marriage and after some chatter to get to know each other they’re conversations take a little bit of a turn..and inbetween bonding about their favorite movies oop! A lil comment about how the world would he better off without heroes..oh you think so too ? Well look at that, we have so much in common!! long story short they both decide that the want to create something that will be able to take down all might and the entirety of hero society and it’s restrictions,,and I’m pretty sure you can guess what that something was ! nine months later ryoko is born yipeee…!
during her entire pregnancy ryokos mom went through some quirk experiments (sponsored by doctor garaki 👍) because they knew that with both their quirks alone they wouldn’t be able to create a super weapon. (ryokos dad has an overhaul type quirk, and her mom has a healing sort of quirk) so they did some experiments hoping something would change in the womb, and when she was born the kept on doing experiments until she started manifesting a quirk w no attributes from her either of her parents and manifested a fully different quirk than she was originally meant to have,
since she had those experiments done ryokos body adapted to be able to handle her quirk, but it’s not perfect unfortunately.
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heres a simple little chart of how it works ! (BTW I DO NOT DRAW LIKE THIS ANYMORE THIS IS OOOOLLLLDD😭😭😭😭)
her quirk is a lot like neijires as in she uses her own energy and converts it into power ! The amount she uses shows in her hair :3 ryoko tho, unlike neijire can do multiple things from sending blasts, to powering herself up to make parts of her body stronger, to making it hard objects like stepping stones she uses to navigate and weapons like dual swords or chains to restrain ppl !! she can also drain other peoples energy (and from her surroundings, but thats only in 100% mode ! ) because of the fact that her body had been modified, ryoko can carry more energy into herself than regular people which is why she can drain energy without any major drawback to a certain extent ! However, her drawbacks are way more severe, overusing her quirks makes her sleepy and drowsy, it gives her nosebleeds and very worse case scenario if she were to have too little or too much energy she could die :0 !!
(ALSO !! I lil extra tidbit: ryoko is capable of sensing peoples energy’s if she concentrates hard enough, it works better if shes seen them before, but she can sense all the energy in humans in her surroundings or if she has a picture, tho it’s slightly weaker and is limited to one person at a time. This is a form of remote viewing that i gave her bc of my obsession w stranger things i had !!😭)
its a pretty powerful quirk that her parents and other scientists knew they could use well, but unfortunately for them ryoko ended up liking heroes (she was barely educated, so she had no idea that she felt admiration for heroes and especially all might, she was alsovaguely aware that she was taught to do the wrong things, because she’d be forced to use her quirk on robots/ small animals in some cases.)
her parents weren’t supposed to feel any affection towards her so they decide to just give her a code name 007 :D which i realized a little too late was the same as james bond..woops😭
anyways fast forward to the biggg “earthquake” incident, shes rescued by a group of heroes, eraser head included :D unfortunately shes detained in tartarus since her being in a constant state of panick set her quirk off and she couldn’t stay in a regular hospital so ryoko has canonically been to tartarus as a inmate at the age of 4 😭! Oh forgot to mention this, but ryoko got her quirk veryy early due to the experiments done before her birth and after.
since ryoko cant control her quirk an aizawa can cancel them, they’re a pretty good matchup !! Fast forward some more and shes living with him ! he adopts her and lets her go to school, where she meets izu n katsuki and they quickly become friends because. Of COURSE. My main ocxcanon ship is a CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS ONEEE😭😭😭😭will i ever stop. raise your hand if you’ve ever seen that one comin
lmk if you want to know more about her or other ocs ! I didn’t wanna ramble TOOO much so this is all the basic info!! plus some drawing of her
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two of them r completely credited to horikoshi cus i used ochaco n hagakure as a base !! I accidentally have two in normal mode and two in 100% or overdrive mode as she calls it (tho one of them is a soul eater au :3) ! Both made by me :3
Much luvvv xxxx!!! And thank you Sooo much for your ask again💗💗💗💗
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thebananaiscold · 29 days
Some of y’all already know who this is, but I’m gonna give a brief break down for those of you who don’t, lol. This is C.C, she was my very first oc, I made her when I was like 12, I think?, so 10 years ago. I made her when I was DEEP in my Laughing Jack obsession and was straight cringe (more so than now), I literally made her to ship with Jack. (Jack is shipped with two of my ocs, lol) Just for this scenario I thought about what it would be like if the two were friends and she worked at Ragz’s bakery, which led to me making these lil doodles.
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Some of its blurry cause it’s legitimately hard as fuck to draw small (especially using your finger)
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vesvosmozhno · 6 months
Emergency Commissions [CLOSED]
Hey guys, my mom is ✨Recently Hospitalized✨ and in very bad condition. She's fighting pneumonia and diabetic keto acidosis and has been placed into a medically induced coma.
My sibling and I are currently trying to raise money for rent which is $750 and our car payment that's a bit behind at $1700. Worst case scenario, we're also raising money for care if our mom has brain damage when she wakes up or funeral costs.
Payments are accepted via CashApp or Venmo which I'll give in DMs after we've agreed on your commission.
I'll do painted commissions for $50 a piece like this:
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In this style I can draw anything with references. Keep in mind that these take me anywhere from 6-15 hours which is why they're $50, but I'm not adding in any additional charges.
I have a more stylistic look for $20 a piece, colored or shaded:
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In this style I can draw anything, including OCs and I can do furries too.
And for $5 you can get one of these stupid little doodles:
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I'll draw anything including NSFW but I won't draw pregnancy as a fetish (characters that are just pregnant are fine), any sort of baby or child fetish, characters that look childish in NSFW or fetish art and I won't draw any racially inaccurate or offensive/propaganda art.
I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason but feel free to DM me or send in an ask about a specific project, it never hurts to ask even if I end up saying no! And I promise not to be mean to you or share private conversations if you ask for something against my rules.
I also design tattoos which I'll do for $5-$20 depending on complexity, again just ask!
If you can't commission or simply don't want to reblogs go a long way <3
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nocturnalfandomartist · 4 months
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.˳·˖˚₊‧ Find all the info below! ‧₊˚˖·˳.
Since I want to offer so much, here's a little guide to help keep track!
Go to my Ko-Fi page!
Linked above!
Select Commission Type
See "prices" section below.
(OPEN) Portrait (Illustration)
(OPEN) Full Body/Scene (Illustration)
(OPEN) Character Doodle Page
(CLOSED) Ref Sheet
(CLOSED) Custom Emotes
(CLOSED) Character Design
(OPEN) Banner
(CLOSED) Character Tool Design
Choose your character(s)
See below in the "OC" and "Fanart" commission sections.
Choose your detail
Once I get good enough at lineless, I may implement that as well.
Choose your style.
Style A
My default art style.
Style B
A somewhat simpler style, inspired by video game graphics.
Style 0
A variation of style A with more rough, not-clean lines. It's a secret to everybody... Specify this while ordering!
To be expanded in the near future!
Portrait (PfP) | 《OC/Fanart》 (OPEN)
Description: A minimally posed image of a character from the chest up. The face is the primary focus.
Lines | A: $15 | B: $10
No coloring add-ons are required, but selecting + Simple Background is optional.
Flats | A:$20 | B: $15
+ Profile Flats ( + Simple Background or + Full Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Rendering | A: $25 | B: $20
+ Profile Rendering/Shading (+ Simple Background or + Full Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Full Body | 《OC/Fanart》 (OPEN)
Variation 1 (Simple Background): A minimally posed image of a character's full body, in which they are the central subject. This is used to showcase the design from the front only; think like the official art you would see on a character wiki.
Variation 2 (Full Background - Scene): What you typically think of in terms of commissions. Request a drawing of one or more characters together, usually with a background and in the middle of a scenario (such as a fight or a picnic).
Lines | A: $25 | B: $20
+ Full Body Lines. (Selecting + Simple Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Flats | A: $30-35 | B: $25-30
+ Full Body Flats. ( + Simple Background or + Full Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Rendering | A: $45-65 | B: $40-60
+ Full Body Rendering/Shading + Simple Background or + Full Background is optional. + Fully Colored Lineart ($20) is optional).
Character Doodle Page 《OC/Fanart》 (OPEN)
Description: Give me a character you want to see me draw and a prompt or two, and I'll take it from there! Comes with mostly half-body doodles ("doodles" actually meaning lines + flats).
Default Doodle Page | $50
Comes with 4 doodles on the page.
Large Doodle Page | $65
+ Large Page. Comes with 6 doodles on the page.
Massive Doodle Page | $80
+ Massive Page. Comes with 10 doodles on the page.
Ref Sheet | 《OC/Fanart》 (CLOSED)
Description: An un-rendered sheet displaying a pre-existing character from a front angle, a side angle, a back angle, and your choice of either a 45° angle or the opposite side angle.
Emotes | 《OC/Fanart》 (CLOSED)
Description: A set of emotes based around one character or theme (ex: a set of custom emojis with different fruits conveying different emotions). These are intended to be turned into emotes on platforms such as Discord servers, and the person who purchases them is responsible for turning them into custom emojis or stickers.
Character Design | 《OC》 (CLOSED)
Description: Send me a description of how you imagine the character, some backstory (if possible), and any potential inspiration. Your choice between Full Body, Concept Sketches, and Ref Sheet. Please note that, if you intend to draw this character yourself or use it in something such as a webcomic, I must be credited for the design at least in the project's credits and socials.
Full Body
Concept Sketches
Colored Concept Sketches
Ref Sheet
Banners 《OC/Fanart》 (OPEN)
Description: A long canvas typically consisting of small character/background art and the fic/blog title. Only available for SFW TLoZ fics, for now; but this restriction does not apply to blogs. More often than not will have a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, but can be changed at request (proportions cannot exceed 2000 pixels on an individual side).
Base Price | $25-30
No add-ons required, simply includes a simple composition of a natural scene (plants, clouds, water) or some furniture. Not necessarily restricted to this, but that general level of complexity.
+ Blog/Story Title) | + $5
+ Subject (Animal) | + $10
+ Subject (Character) | + $15
Add-on could either include a portion of multiple characters, or ONE Full Body Character.
+ Subject (Building) | + $20
Chara. Tool Design 《OC/Fanart》 (CLOSED)
Description: Request an illustration or design for an item/tool relevant to your campaign or character (ex: their signature weapon).
Posting: When your commission is finished, please specify if you would be comfortable with me posting it on main. When I do so, it will be:
Glazed to protect against AI scraping.
Tagged with your user on the given platform (Insta, Twitter, or Tumblr).
Backgrounds: My experience with backgrounds is not limited, but my skill definitely is. That being said:
I will accept commissions with detailed backgrounds, but please be aware that this may take much longer and not come out exactly as I hope for.
Please limit backgrounds involving buildings. I need the practice, but I cannot guarantee how good they will be compared to natural background elements.
I am not drawing cars, I'm sorry. Maybe a carriage or something, but not cars. I don't like tracing so I don't want to have to draw a car, because that will inevitably lead to me needing to Google an image of a car and draw over it.
Some of these things are flexible for BANNER COMMISSIONS specifically.
No sexually explicit content.
Nothing HINTING at sexually explicit content.
No sexualization of characters, ESPECIALLY MINORS. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
No fetish-y commissions.
You CANNOT commission me to make illustrations intended to feed a generative AI, especially to mimic my style. I don't care if you commissioned me, you only paid me for one piece. If I find that you have begun replicating my art with an AI, I WILL be taking action. YOU AGREE TO THIS WHEN YOU ORDER FROM ME.
Please see the two sections below regarding OCs and fanart.
Regarding OCs
Designs & Refs
I can draw your character based on a physical description or a collection of refs you provide! If you don't have a face to the character yet, see below:
If your character is not yet designed and you want them to be drawn for the first time, you will need to select a Character Design commission. This will cost WAY more, but I expect to be compensated (especially if you plan to publish whatever you're using them for). I can go off of a moodboard, storyline, playlist, inspirations, etc.
Offensive Material
If your OC or the content you request surrounding them is harmful to any minority groups (including exaggerated, harmful stereotypes and anything of the like) it will be refused. Yes, this is different than representation and inspiration. (I can't believe some people need to hear that).
Robotic Characters
I should be fine drawing characters with robotic parts or animal-like robots. However, I will not be drawing anything that's a modern-style mech of sorts, especially if it leans into vehicle territory (transformers type stuff). I am incapable of drawing them.
If you're concerned about where your character falls in this, please ask me. Your commission will be refunded or can be changed if it so happens your mech character is out of my capabilities.
Anthro Characters
I am fine drawing aliens and anthro characters, but nothing hypersexualized. If the OC you send me falls under NSFW territory or fetish art, it will be refunded. To each their own, but that's just not my style.
Regarding Fanart
Fandoms I will accept:
The Legend of Zelda
Little Nightmares
Spy x Family
Sonic the Hedgehog
Super Mario Bros.
Infinity Train
Regarding Ships:
For the time being, I will only be accepting ship commissions for Zelink/Shink/Marink/Telink/Hildavio. I will, however, draw anything platonic. This may change in the future.
Regarding Fan Redesigns
Feel free to commission me to draw your fan designs of canon characters (or my own, if you like them)! If you would like to commission me to draw someone else's designs as a gift for them, please be sure the person in question is okay with other people drawing their designs. Even if they are, I will be sure to credit them for the design and link their posts with the designs as well.
More Info
RedBubble Shop
I'm currently working on designing cute animal stickers to sell on Redbubble! They'll be themed around different times of day and have their own mystical twist. When they're done, there will be more info here!
Some examples of my work:
Style A
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tumblr media
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Style B
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Notice: I hope to open up commissions in even more styles and Commission types as time goes on! Anything listed as "closed" till needs a bit of work. I'm also thinking of prioritizing sketch requests from monthly supporters, if that becomes a thing (still figuring that out). Doing wallpaper commissions for phones could also be kinda neat? Keep an eye on things here. :)
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itsalice3940 · 8 months
To celebrate my 51 followers I shall now take drawing requests however before you request there are some rules you must follow.
Rule 1:1-3 oc's or characters only.
Rule 2:Full Body are allowed.
Rule 3:No NSFW .
Rule 4:Patience I ask that to those who make the drawing requests to remember that your request cannot be done quickly as I take time to make sure every detail of the drawing is there so I asked for patience if you cannot be patient and start becoming rude then you may request to see it unfinished however if you request that I will no longer be continuing it(But if you just wanna see the progress I'll show how the progress it's going and I will still continue it)
Rule 5:Reference if you want me to draw your oc you need to give a reference and picture of them in order me to draw them.
Rule 6:You can also request a scenario for your drawing request just make sure to describe it.
Rule 7:This will only be opened this week and after this week I will no longer be taking any drawing requests.
And in the drawing requests you may request me to your oc's or any characters you may send me a reference of a specific pose you wanna see your character do and backgrounds however I'm not able to make detailed backgrounds yet so don't request me for that I can only draw simple ones and if you have any more questions you may ask in my ask box.
I may add more rules but that is all for now so bring me your drawing requests!(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡(Anyone can join)
(I will accept any drawing requests as along you follow the rules)
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