#oc info dump
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0ketinha · 2 months ago
oc infodump!!! because i can!!!
for funsies i decided to quickly name and put in creation order (top left to right down) all my old and new stories
and ohmygod
btw this arent the names, just smth silly n quick w enough info
the oldest, 'magic n family issues', is from 2016/7, and the most recent is my favorite 'cunty evil youtuber' 🫶
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'trolls but sadder', brotherhood au, was made with @ tea0w0stache
'wish but better' was made with @ crow-laroid and @ frogg-senpai
the rest is mine mine
some funfacts, all /srs
'magic n family issues' had 3 versions, two are the same-ish, but one was medieval themed, and the other was recent times themed. And the 3th version is so different, but u backed off n I'm back w the old medieval version
'magic n family issues' 3th version has a online web comic, it is incomplete, but it was called "antes sozinh*s" on tapas
'sapphy rats' is based of transformice, the lil mice game
'spirit n cult' was based on minecraft and creppypastas, like herobrine and null
'future vision butterfly effect' was based of a weird idea i had w bruno's powers, from encanto
'communism' is based on ratatouille rip-off, ratatoing
'hunter n beast' was based of a minecraft-smp ship, but shit happen and i cut any connection to the og
'trolls but sadder' was created bc i did a joke drawing of personality swap au w a ship i liked
'spider n cat' was initially a trolls spider verse au, but now are ocs and unrelated to trolls
'wish but better' was created in a hate-watch, love it
i just did 'minecraft storymode but better' because i watched kwite's 6 hours video playing it
i lov green, but i hated influencer arc before the 2 ep, but the lava prank made me make my beloved 'cunty evil youtuber' 🫶🫶🫶
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kagumiya · 4 months ago
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Cyrus Rockwell
If u wish to read a bit about him, its just text below because im oversharing
I'm taking a small break from Felix & Tyler to focus more on Cyrus whom I love just as much as them but they always take my attention away from all my other OCs because they're so cute together and I'm hopelessly romantic and obsessed with them.
Cyrus is their best friend but I don't want to third wheel him so they were both sent away to the horse ranch for now, anyway enough rambling, he is literally so cute, nice and a yapping machine if you let him. Very loyal to his friends, protective and supportive. Would mother them too if left to do so.
Also, I made him, and his twin sister Alena who was born first 10mins difference, before Felix but then Felix took over my brain and set camp there and he's not LEAVING anytime soon, he is my favorite of all my OCs- see how he's my taking attention away when I'm trying to make a post about Cyrus. Its just felix felix felix im so ill with that guy-ANYWAY- Cyrus!
So like Alena treats him as her younger brother even tho, they're teh same age, and Cyrus always protests that. She can't help it tho, her mom told her, when they were both young, that she's to protect him always. So she does act as his older sister most of the times. Over the time, it made Cyrus a bit over reliant on her, and he tried to change that when Tyler pointed it out.
He's supposed to be skinnier, but I'm happy with him that way ? I'm too scared to use custom presets and mess up my sims and not be able to revert back to the EA default, it happened before- it sucks. So I always just stick with EA default body presets, even if limiting 🫠
Anyway, SO (count how many times i wrote anyway) here some Cyrus pics! some love for my cute red head bass player, punk fashion and other fashion enthusiast nerd - TV and movie geek - canonically 178cm tall. MY BABY BLORBO MY SKRUNGLOO - Cyrus Rockwell.
I went on! I'm just totally normal about my OCs ok!
OH and his name means the sun, because he's warm, shiny, and fiery. and because his mom liked the name simply 🫠 her name is Selena which means moon and he was totally her little princess and he was his mother's boy
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eeveelikessoda · 1 month ago
Olivia Combs Ref Sheet!!
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I finally have her ref sheet done!!! Sorry for not making one sooner!!
Now that I have a ref sheet for her, I can talk about her more! I’m gonna copy paste her info from my notes app lol
-Irish American 
-5’8” (The same height as Jack!)
-Nickname: Oli
-Works in the Film Department as a reel inspector.  She basically goes over all the film reels and checks for errors or problems before they can be sent off to air (I’m not sure if this was an actual job back then, but it seems fitting. Joey was a perfectionist after all).
-Gets along really well with Norman Polk.  Basically besties, as they both relate to being exhausted and fed up with the stuff Joey pulls.
-Gets along really well with Jack Fain as well.   She enjoys spending time with him, since his positivity balances out her aloof nature.
-Gets along really well with Sammy Lawrence.  She likes to mess with him sometimes, but only because she feels like he needs to lighten up a bit.  They both get along because they are pretty stubborn.
-Rivalry with Lacie Benton. This studio ain’t big enough for two girls with mechanic skills.  They like to talk smack about each other. They got into a fight in the basement once, which Sammy promptly stopped Wally from getting involved in (dude wanted to break it up).
-Pretty neutral relationship with Thomas Connor.  They respect each other, but they don’t really talk much.  
-Enjoys Wally Franks company.  He’s a funny guy, and they would definitely get drinks together after work. Their relation went down the drain after Wally became the Ink Demon and she came back to the studio. She’s trying her best to make him snap back to reality.
-Pretty good friends with Shawn Flynn.  They’re both Irish, so they like similar things there, and love talking about their homeland.
-Neutral relationship with Susie Campbell.  She exists, not much else to say about it. Olivia does like her voice though.  Aware that Sammy loves he, and likes to tease him about it. After she comes back to the studio, she thinks she’s insane, but willing to try and help her.
-Doesn’t like Joey Drew at ALL.  Would probably murder him in the streets if he wasn’t signing the paychecks. Hates him even more after realizing what happened after she left.
-Didn’t really know Henry.  Knew of him, but very little about him.  They would probably get along pretty well though. During the second part of the AU (coming back to the studio) they tend to be a bit at odds due to Henry not trusting Norman, Jack, and Sammy, and her not liking how he’s trying to be leader all the time. They’ll work it out though.
-Neutral Relationship with Bertrum Peidmont.  They know of each other, but thanks to working in completely different departments, they don’t talk much.  She doesn’t really like how stuck up he is though.  He is aware of her and Lacie’s rivalry.
-Neutral positive relationship with Grant Cohen.  They understand the feeling of being screwed over by Joey, so they bond over that.  She does like to make fun of him for being British though.
-Quit before everything went down hill and Joey started messing with the ink on a larger scale.
-Surprisingly good at mechanics.  She often fixes miscellaneous things around the studio just because she can, or because she wants to make them run better.
-Might have Trypanophobia, the fear of needles.  Spiders, heights, the dark, she’s good with those, but she draws the lines at needles. It’s not really plot important, but I think it’d be funny to see her absolutely getting all antsy when the crew is trying to deal with a very insane Susie.
-Definitely the type to hold grudges.  She will always remember when you wronged her.  Even if it’s petty, she’ll remember.
-Likes to call people by nicknames or shortened versions of their name sometimes.  Like, she would definitely call Norman; Norm, and Sammy; Sam.  It’s just her little way of showing she cares.
-She has a very slight Irish draw to her words.  She sounds American, but tinges of her Irish Accent show through a bit.
-Favorite kind of music is definitely swing.  She’d probably lose her crap if she ever heard electro swing. In modern times, she would probably really like anything by Will Wood.
-Enjoys bitter and savory foods.  While she does like sweets, she loves the kick salt gives.  Her favorite food is probably pretzel bites, thanks to their filling nature and are easy to eat on the job.
-Takes her coffee battery acid black.  If she can’t see her reflection in the swill, then it wasn’t made right.  Although, she probably wouldn’t mind a bit of milk in it on some days.
-Enjoys horror/thriller movies.
-Her favorite animals are probably bats and cats.  Yes, a very dark and edgy choice, but she just thinks they’re slick.  In addition, she would also really like mudskippers.
-Favorite kind of weather is rainy.  She likes it when it’s just lightly raining, and she doesn’t need an umbrella.  However, she also loves it when it’s just absolutely pouring outside, like to the point where you could think it’s night outside.
-Her eyes light resistance is kind of jacked up at times.  Working in the pitch dark of a studio room with no light other than a projector running a cartoon definitely does something to your eyes.  It takes her a bit to adjust to the light whenever she comes out.
-She’s prone to migraines, since the sudden shift from pitch black to a lit room when she leaves her workstation hurts her head.
-She came back to the studio 5 years later (Yeah, it’s supposed to be 30, but this is my AU lol) due to her crushing guilt finally getting the best of her. She felt bad for quitting and leaving her friends to deal with Joey, since literally a year after she left, Joey screwed over everyone in the studio.
-Has a light scar across her shoulder from being a stupid kid.
-Hates anything frilly, like a dress or skirt. She would probably throw a fit if Susie offered to do her hair for one of Joey’s parties. She values comfort over style any day.
-Voice Claims (What I think she would sound like, or as close as I can get!):
Sargent Calhoun (Wreck It Ralph)
Mai (ATLA)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99)
Sorry if this is really long. I just have a lot to say about her!! If you read through to the end, you are a trooper lol
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 7 months ago
Please tell me about your ocs!! IM HUNGRY GRRR
helloow omg ! im so honored you want to know more about my ocs aaahhh!! :D my moot @kovu-bunnbunn also wanted to know more so i figured i could do it now !!
i have a bunch of ocs but I’ll just talk about my main oc ryoko right now !!
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her full name is ryoko ‘007’ aizawa. I’ll explain the 007 in a minute !! she’s aizawa’s adoptive daughter.
her parents (her dad more specifically, her mom was more of a bystander) are both from very wealthy families and merged. Her parents had an arranged marriage and after some chatter to get to know each other they’re conversations take a little bit of a turn..and inbetween bonding about their favorite movies oop! A lil comment about how the world would he better off without heroes..oh you think so too ? Well look at that, we have so much in common!! long story short they both decide that the want to create something that will be able to take down all might and the entirety of hero society and it’s restrictions,,and I’m pretty sure you can guess what that something was ! nine months later ryoko is born yipeee…!
during her entire pregnancy ryokos mom went through some quirk experiments (sponsored by doctor garaki 👍) because they knew that with both their quirks alone they wouldn’t be able to create a super weapon. (ryokos dad has an overhaul type quirk, and her mom has a healing sort of quirk) so they did some experiments hoping something would change in the womb, and when she was born the kept on doing experiments until she started manifesting a quirk w no attributes from her either of her parents and manifested a fully different quirk than she was originally meant to have,
since she had those experiments done ryokos body adapted to be able to handle her quirk, but it’s not perfect unfortunately.
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heres a simple little chart of how it works ! (BTW I DO NOT DRAW LIKE THIS ANYMORE THIS IS OOOOLLLLDD😭😭😭😭)
her quirk is a lot like neijires as in she uses her own energy and converts it into power ! The amount she uses shows in her hair :3 ryoko tho, unlike neijire can do multiple things from sending blasts, to powering herself up to make parts of her body stronger, to making it hard objects like stepping stones she uses to navigate and weapons like dual swords or chains to restrain ppl !! she can also drain other peoples energy (and from her surroundings, but thats only in 100% mode ! ) because of the fact that her body had been modified, ryoko can carry more energy into herself than regular people which is why she can drain energy without any major drawback to a certain extent ! However, her drawbacks are way more severe, overusing her quirks makes her sleepy and drowsy, it gives her nosebleeds and very worse case scenario if she were to have too little or too much energy she could die :0 !!
(ALSO !! I lil extra tidbit: ryoko is capable of sensing peoples energy’s if she concentrates hard enough, it works better if shes seen them before, but she can sense all the energy in humans in her surroundings or if she has a picture, tho it’s slightly weaker and is limited to one person at a time. This is a form of remote viewing that i gave her bc of my obsession w stranger things i had !!😭)
its a pretty powerful quirk that her parents and other scientists knew they could use well, but unfortunately for them ryoko ended up liking heroes (she was barely educated, so she had no idea that she felt admiration for heroes and especially all might, she was alsovaguely aware that she was taught to do the wrong things, because she’d be forced to use her quirk on robots/ small animals in some cases.)
her parents weren’t supposed to feel any affection towards her so they decide to just give her a code name 007 :D which i realized a little too late was the same as james bond..woops😭
anyways fast forward to the biggg “earthquake” incident, shes rescued by a group of heroes, eraser head included :D unfortunately shes detained in tartarus since her being in a constant state of panick set her quirk off and she couldn’t stay in a regular hospital so ryoko has canonically been to tartarus as a inmate at the age of 4 😭! Oh forgot to mention this, but ryoko got her quirk veryy early due to the experiments done before her birth and after.
since ryoko cant control her quirk an aizawa can cancel them, they’re a pretty good matchup !! Fast forward some more and shes living with him ! he adopts her and lets her go to school, where she meets izu n katsuki and they quickly become friends because. Of COURSE. My main ocxcanon ship is a CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS ONEEE😭😭😭😭will i ever stop. raise your hand if you’ve ever seen that one comin
lmk if you want to know more about her or other ocs ! I didn’t wanna ramble TOOO much so this is all the basic info!! plus some drawing of her
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two of them r completely credited to horikoshi cus i used ochaco n hagakure as a base !! I accidentally have two in normal mode and two in 100% or overdrive mode as she calls it (tho one of them is a soul eater au :3) ! Both made by me :3
Much luvvv xxxx!!! And thank you Sooo much for your ask again💗💗💗💗
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parasitenumber611 · 4 months ago
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New oc :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:33:3 + a info dump
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i-ate-all-of-my-toes · 1 month ago
fury 😨😨😨
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Character info under cut (NOT A LOT!!!)
This is Minty! My silly furry oc.
They go by they/it. They're bigender, biromantic, and asexual.
Likes simple designs (stripes, polka dots, ETC.) And bright colors! Oversized shirts and socks are all they'll wear.
I think that's all :D
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some0newithapen · 3 months ago
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Ok so this is Dr. Spectacles (I didn’t come up with the name my mom did, I think I just added the Dr. later) and despite having Dr. in his name I don’t think he’s ever earned a doctorate in like anything??
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Dr. Spectacles lives in the same world as Penni, who is actually his niece (how a rabbit and a catgirl are related I have no idea but whatever). He’s a conspiracy theorist who is constantly talking about aliens, cryptids, the moon for some reason, and gimmicky inventions he buys off the internet. He owns a novelty store that basically sells anything he wants to get rid of, which is a lot (he is a hoarder, this guy). He may or may not have some history with an alien mafia that wants to destroy the entirety of earth, but it’s okay! Penni and her friends are gonna fix it (hopefully..).
He’s a crazy mad scientist like uncle who vents to an uncomfortable degree about his problems and who’s endearing yet concerning at the same time.
I’ve been thinking about making the story I have for this guy and Penni into a gag comic while I’m working on AOALT but I don’t know if that would be too much to work on at once or not. Probably not going to
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gsstories · 8 months ago
Häxa of Lust! (Aka alternate version of Gin lol-)
So, a few months ago I made a post about my OC Gin being a Häxa, aka a witch and stuff, if she was in @willowthearts’ RC9GN fic and if she was friends with the Kunoichi and the Ninja and all. That Gin be Gin Rose, daughter of a baker, artist, human, elder sister of Amy Rose, etc.
This Gin is called Gin Lux, daughter of renowned scientist and engineer Asmodeus ‘Ozzie’ Lux, novice engineer, part time baker for her own lil business, still an artist but this version being a DEMON.
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Here she be! The three people on her right are those called ‘Her Sides’, aka the versions of her when divided. The blue is Ram, who represents romantic relationships, the heart, the compassion. The pink is Bull, who represents sexual/sensual relationships, the impulse, the courageous. And finally there is Roo, who represents the platonic relationships, the brains, the logic.
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(Also, the Asmodeus I am talking about be from Helluva Boss sooooo-)
Gin is the result of a fling her father had many years ago and has been with him since she was a baby. She doesn’t know who her mom be but she doesn’t mind not knowing, she already has the best dad ever!
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This is how she really looks like! Over 10 feet tall, she towers over most humans and a couple of demons but not as big as her pops. She is a chicken demon (do NOT let Randy know this!) with the heads of a ram and a bull, just like her dad has. Due to being her daughter, she has this allure to herself that makes people approach her a lot, making her more popular than her original counterpart. She is also more social and a bit of a menace, being a bit of a gossip queen and knowing the details to a lot of things. She is also at least 4 inches taller than OG Gin.
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And here she be Häxa Lux! This version of the Häxa is more experienced with magic due to being a demon, especially shapeshifting and fire magic. She is taller than in her civilian form, around a head taller than her Ninja and Kunoichi partners. The floating, flaming heads around her help as distractions, extra eyes or can morph to have more humanoid bodies so they can all kick ass simultaneously! The crown on her hat is actually the crown she usually wears as an headband in her civilian form, the gem actually being able to open portals to other places, including Hell (‘twas a gift from her dear ol’ daddy Ozzie!) Overall, she is still the same as the OG but a bit more deadly.
Tagging @asexual-angsty-writer, @ikari-shinsei and @fernnshxj cause I think you would like this!
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mycrayolamarkers · 9 months ago
Oras Karerax (Mr.Eeyore)
Mr. Eeyore might have a grumpy face but is he really nice!- Eva
Oras is a quiet man who is usually very serious but ever since he met Eva, he finds himself frazzled and plush out of his comfort zone often.
Like: Nothing you need to know - Oras, teddy bears- Eva
Dislikes: word bearers, Eva wearing extremely bright colors
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This is what Mr.Eeyore looks like under his helmet. The key facial features for him are his thick eyebrows, light blue eyes, his facial hair (I don’t know what that type of beard is called. I guess Soul Patch? Please Free to correct me on what it’s called ). Mr.Eeyore stands at 8 ft 5. His hair is short but spiky which includes spiky bangs but the only long part of his hair is his side tails. (thanks to my emo and edgy middle school crushes. I still love ya Zack and Angeal but I did grow out of liking Indra and Sasuke.)
I wanted Mr.Eeyore to have more rounded features and a chubby but muscular build due to the fact, that Eva shared her candy and food with him and Mr.Eeyore couldn't bring himself to say no.
Post-heresy: Unknown
Post-heresy: unknown
Warp fuckerly: unknown
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displaysisbored · 8 months ago
Some Recent Art (Wakfu Fan OCs)
Some recent doodles on my Wakfu OCs + info dumping about them lol. Mostly gonna be focusing on my main OC Solaris (They/She) but some of my other OCs are gonna show up too.
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This is Solaris!! They're a Xelor which are basically lowkey time wizards (but they can have other abilities like being able to float and manipulate Wakfu - the game's magic source - into temporary weapons). Although most Xelors are, like, smart and strategic with most of the class focusing on strategy, they're like super stupid and honestly more Iop-ish (basically the game's warrior class) than a Xelor but they don't gaf lol.
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Despite the game literally focusing on combat, Solaris takes after me whenever I play the game (aka they can't fight for shit). Because their class focuses on strategy which is something they almost never do, they're usually the one party member that is sorta there to have fun and then die 2 seconds later.
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Solaris also loves cats!! That's the whole reason why they have the mechanical ears and tail. Both are mostly for looks but the tail is also used for balance cuz Solaris is a bit of a klutz lol.
In this drawing they're holding Fadezo's first cat - Shitface. Even though Fadezo has like a billion cats in his possession, Shitface was the one Solaris connected to the most and she insists to take care of them whenever given the chance (though Shitface lives up to their name and is kind of a dick to Solaris lol).
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The character introduced here is the one I was talking about earlier - Fadezo! He's the first character I created in the Wakfu game (and is also my first Wakfu OC) and he's sort of like the brains of the party next to Ria. He tries to take the game and his class seriously but he does enjoy messing around sometimes.
Oh also this drawing is more of an example of Solaris' behavior when it comes to combat lol. She's the type to just run right back into a dungeon after her health regenerates (or if she loses enough she just does some side quests to level up to unspeakable levels and then beat the dungeon in like 3 hits lol).
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Like any other version of my sona, Solaris only has one eye that actually works but I decided to put the other eye to something that fits a Xelor and made it a clock! Canonically it only really moves when Solaris is casting spells but I like to imagine that in some reality the clock is also used as a makeshift watch.
The character next to her is named Ari! She's Ria's sister and is an Eliatrope (basically she can make portals and stuff lol). She's the life of the group and is a lot more lighthearted than everyone else - sort of like Solaris except she's actually decent at combat and uses her high energy to her advantage.
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So fun fact! Solaris actually has a face under that mask lol. I haven't really thought of what it looked like but I think I'd like to just keep it up to imagination. I just imagine that whatever her face looks like Ria would probably be an asshat about it (aka the Dream face reveal "HES UGLY" reference lol).
Also the character introduced here is named Ari! She's Ria's sister and is sort of the more reasonable/the brains of the party. If it wasn't a group of friends she'd probably be the leader because of her maturity (despite her being the same age as Ari). She's a dragon but usually takes a more humanoid form because it's like way more convenient than being a giant dragon 24/7.
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To end off this post, I have a quick doodle of the types of robotics Solaris would make!! Despite her not being the smartest, she's pretty good at creating little Wakfu-powered robots like the Sinistro (a small robotic owl that can be summoned in game). Solaris would spend most of her free time creating and working on making a fully functional robotic cat (but she finds real cats to be more fun to be around).
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That's about all!! If anyone got this far tysm for reading actually I love developing and writing about my characters. I'm probably gonna post pretty frequently but I have like 50 billion OCs with 50 billion different stories so it'll probably take a minute to see the same OC twice (however, Solaris is part of the different versions of my sona so you might see her around more often)!
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kagumiya · 3 months ago
List 5 facts about a favourite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
sobbing why it took me so long to reply
ahh but Tyler i love u
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He has a hard time opening up and making new friends. He's loner and in his own head a lot, and being alone doesn't bother him.
He loves going out and trying all the coffee shops in the area, it drains Felix's wallet because he drags him along.
He is very attached to Felix and really protective of him. And is very jealous of anyone who tries to remotely take his attention or time.
He doesn't say what he's thinking half the time, so you think he's not listening/ignoring but he is. So he comes off as cold. He just thinks inside his head a lot before replying. He does not show his emotions on his face in general, and doesn't smile a lot. (except at Felix and Cyrus)
He doesn't like anyone to touch him except Felix.
He has a degree in literature, and is a writer.
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rockhousejai · 1 year ago
Hi, Jai, I have a question abt smt
Since Mendy was born from a puddle of ink, does that mean that Mikey was born from a puddle of ink?
Oh I love answering question like this!! Oc lore time!
So yes, Mendy and Mikey did come from puddles of ink and paint  but if you don’t mind, I would like to add more information on that te-hehehe
So the difference between the two when they were babies was when Mendy was “born�� Mickey completely made her out of boredom, with no knowledge of what he was doing  so she look more like a blob. Took her nine months for her to form like her legs, her arms, and the rest of her body until she become more…let say babyish.
Also, when she was a “baby”, it was kind of hard to hold her because you know she’s was kinda of a blob with a head so in order to “carry” her you would had to put her in a bucket, or some kind of object that holds liquid. 
As for Mikey, it was a lot more easier, because Bendy helped out Mickey with this one and when Mikey was born, he looked more like a baby.
 this examples I have for both siblings being babies are these drawings (the ones for mendy are kind of old XP)
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Anyways,uhhh sorry for the rambling but I hope this answers your question. I just like talking about them very much. 
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v1ntagie · 1 month ago
It took me like a week of having fallout 4 and I already made a teen sole survivor au and a playthrough for him
Ok so while I don't have any official art or design for him yet, I do have a basic background for his charcter
His names Finn and hes a troubled teen. I sorta have an idea on how to make the teen bit work while not making him Nate or Nora. Nate and Nora are Finns parents, and he's the older brother of Shaun (reminder im going in blind, im currently at the bit where you're going to where Kellog last was with Nick. however, I DID unfortunately get sorta spoiled for Shauns bit because of a meme I saw on Pinterest but tbf I was expecting that twist just don't spoil anything else involving that I do know what he looked like tho)
I mentioned before that Finn is a troubled teen, and when I say this I mean he's constantly getting into fights. In fact the day before the bombs were dropped, he got suspended from school due to getting into a fight. Nora and Nate attempted to educate Finn with the good old 'Think of your future' shazam (unfortunately none of them could've thought that the next day their 'future' was blown up before their eyes) which made Finn lash out at them before going to his room
When the bombs dropped and Kellog showed up and shot Nora, Nates pod was accidentally opened, and he stumbled out to attack Kellog to save Shaun, but he was shot by Kellog and died. Incase anyone was going to return, they shoved Nate back into his pod improperly. When Finn woke up, he immediately panicked, trying to make sure either his mom or dad was alive. When he got to Nates pod, the air from it shot directly at him, and due to the heavy pressure, it caused some cryogenic burns on his face. However, he was still able to retrieve both his dads and moms wedding rings, one of the few things he had left of them both.
Something else I sorta figured was that before the bombs he didn't exactly like Codsworth. To him Codsworth was a bucket of bolts that was just a waste of space that did the things he could do. But after Vault 111, he immediately felt sentimental towards Codsworth and straight up hugged him...the best he could atleast-
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skylarkking · 7 months ago
I was digging around my old files and stuff when I found my OC Vox and his old redraw
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This one for context
I realized I never really went into much detail about him before aside that he's shipped with Prowl and he's a cyberninja. So, I redrew him and thought of his lore while I was at it.
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Vox was fairly young when Yoketron found him, probably the equivalent of a human 15 year old. When Yoketrontook him in, he noticed that Vox was a very quiet bot. In fact, Vox doesn't talk at all. Not because he can't, but because he has an extremely powerful voice (think the Thu'um from Skyrim type deal), and Vox couldn't control it very well. Most who meet Vox just assume he's introverted and timid, but his personality is actually quite feisty. Think orange cat levels.
It wasn't on purpose either. He just had a lot of energy, and he couldn't vocalize his needs due to his abilities. Yoketron would help Vox gain control over his voice abilities, and eventually, he joins the Elite Guard. He eventually gets assigned to Sentinel, Jazz, and Ultra Magnus prior to meeting the others on earth.
Even though he can now control his voice, he's still rarely speaks which intimidates Sentinel. So the two tend to butt heads a lot. This leads to Vox handing Ultra Magnus a request to join Optimus on earth. The Magnus agreed and allowed Vox to stay.
The others were nervous about Vox at first, but when they saw how he acted around humans (especially how he would actively play with Bumblebee and Sari) they began to relax.
Prowl would grow a massive crush on Vox and would try to hide it. Vox, despite being quite perceptive, is clueless to Prowl's feelings for him. He's so clueless that when Prowl tried to flirt with him (mind you it was Sari's idea and the flirt was a REALLY bad attempt) he just thought he was being friendly.
Vox wouldn't get it until he saw a romcom on the base TV.
When that realization hit him like a freight train, he realized that he felt the same way.
The two would become extremely close, so close that they end up sacrificing themselves together. Kinda cheesy, but hey, where Prowl goes, Vox goes.
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ginger-commander-is-tired · 2 months ago
Alex is definitely confusing if asked for his age. He'd respond seriously that his actual age is one year, but most people are used to hearing such an answer from Sylvari if they look at a grown person before them.
Instead they see a grown human who must be kidding, fooling you, right? Alex's almost permanent smug face kinda doesn't help with taking it this way.
But if someone buys it they wonder how it is even possible? How come a grown human can be just one year old? The explanation is even more confusing of how that happened.
"Oh, Wizards liked to create fractals just to play gods with making pocket universes, which are meant to play alternative events. In their children's playground they were missing dolls, so they put very real and near-sentient copies of real people. They gave them memories, feelings, and more, for "realism." One day, their fractals decided to become real. A mess they've been cleaning up to this day - causing a big concern for magical corruption spread by what ended up here in Tyria. And so how I became real, sentient, with free will and on top of that - totally fucked up!"
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