#But I needed to give her a cute updo for the bakery
thebananaiscold · 24 days
Some of y’all already know who this is, but I’m gonna give a brief break down for those of you who don’t, lol. This is C.C, she was my very first oc, I made her when I was like 12, I think?, so 10 years ago. I made her when I was DEEP in my Laughing Jack obsession and was straight cringe (more so than now), I literally made her to ship with Jack. (Jack is shipped with two of my ocs, lol) Just for this scenario I thought about what it would be like if the two were friends and she worked at Ragz’s bakery, which led to me making these lil doodles.
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Some of its blurry cause it’s legitimately hard as fuck to draw small (especially using your finger)
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
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I stood bored out of my mind. It seemed so strange after everything that happened. The school, the monsters, the war that killed so many of my friends, marching us half way across Europe, and it was all over. I was sent home back to this little village, and expected just to get on with my life like I hadn't just witnessed horrors unimaginable by man. No just expected to get a job, get a house, get a wife and have children like… like none of it even happened. Sometimes I wonder if it did like it was all some cruel nightmare that if I just pinched myself I'd wake up form but it never was. I had to get a job once I got back home to afford a little house on the hill, so I worked in the little shop, it wasn't much but it paid the bills. And… it had its perks, firstly a job I don't really do all that much in, secondly as many lemon drop candies as I could seak without getting caught and of course my favorite perk -
"Good morning" her cheery voice gleamed as she wondered in the door in her usual little white and grey dress her hair in a tight updo away from her face, no make up to mention, and her hands a bright white from flour. The baker's daughter there shop is just across the way so I'm able to look out the window all day and watch her making bread, and cakes, and pretzels and all sorts of delicious things. Before I left for war the baker had a son who worked in the shop but he came to war with me so I only assume she took over his duties and had kept the job as she was so much better at it then he ever was. We had a close relationship with the bakery given the small village and all she would come in everyday and pick up the things they needed in the bakery and if course they would give us baked goods in return it was a good system. And of course every Thursday morning she would come in and do her personal shopping for her little house down by the river. It could be said I had a crush of sorts and even that perhaps we might have been…. Courtingly since my return, I had taken her to a few dances and we'd gone on a few walks together but nothing too serious, I'm sure she had other men courting her so I didn't want to make a fool of myself
"Good morning y/n" I smiled as she came to the counter 
"I've got a long list timothy are you ready?" She giggled
"Born ready, come on what else have I got to do" I laughed
"I need, 500 grams of flour"
"Okay" making a note checking our stock "got it"
"A dozen eggs?"
"Uhhhh got them"
"Five hundred grams of cheddar"
"Ohh only got four"
"Four will do I suppose" she sighed "three chicken breasts and as much sugar as you have I'm completely out" 
We went in for a while listing everything she needed, all the little things her house was getting low on
"Alright" I nodded going and getting her everything she wanted as it was littered around the store wrapping and bagging it all up for her "quite a bit this week you must be busy" I told her as I finished up 
"I like to be prepared"
"I know you do" I laughed adding everything up for her I gave her the total and she happily paid so I smiled giving her a few orange drops as I know she likes them 
"Thank you timothy" she smiled
"Your welcome"
"I'm going to be making hunter chicken tonight" she says 
"Ohh sounds divine"
"I always make..  a little extra, maybe I could have someone else come help me out?"
"You could? And I do know… someone who likes your hunters chicken, shall we say half five? At your place?" I suggested leaning on the counter
"Half four, and you can help me make dessert" she smiled giving my lips a little kiss, I happily kissed her back fr a good while till she pulled away "see you later Mr Latimer" she smiled taking her things and heading out 
"See you later y/n" I smiled waving to her as she left. 
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The Baker And Her Actor Part II!
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The Baker And Her Actor: part II: [The Dog Park]
Paring: Chris Evans x Black Fem!Reader
Summary: You meet Chris while making a house delivery for the Evans. He can’t get you off his mind, and to be honest you can’t either.
Warnings: profanity, sexual content, angst, but overall fluff!
Notes: I hope you guys enjoy! If you have request feel free to share those!!
Previous Part(s): Part(s) --> (1)
Y/n’ Point Of View:
You wake up to the moist kisses your dog Haneli places all around the surface of your face.
The best way to wake up.
“Hey girl, good morning baby.” You say petting her thick fur.
You play with your pup entertaining her for awhile in your bedroom, practicing tricks and just goofing around.
“Hey wanna go to the dog park today?” You ask Hanlei as if she’d respond.
Even though she couldn’t talk you could tell by the way her eyes lit up she was fond of the idea.
You walk toward you small closet, reaching up to find something cozy to wear.
You decide on a pair of navy blue adidas leggings a black long sleeve you probably got from a thrift shop a puffer jacket and black scarf to cozy up in.
“Okay you ready?” You ask your pup
She wags her tail in agreement.
You grab her collar and clip on her leash brushing over her fur once more before locking the door to your loft apartment.
It was another beautiful fall Boston day. The way the leaves had turned a shade of pumpkin orange and fiery red, the scenery of the small town never seized to impress you.
You reach the dog park unhooking Haneli from her leash, pulling out a bag of her treats.
You thought to take this time to continue to work on tricks and commands with her.
 Seeing she was only 6 months old and almost as big as you, you thought commands would be necessary.
“Okay Haneli, circle me.’ You can do it girl, circle me.” You command holding her favorite treats in your palm.
Just like that she circles you twice, you throw her two treats. You watch her race to get her treats.
Playing with Haneli you couldn't help but recap on last nights events. 
You just couldn't wrap your head around why Scott Evans, of all people would not only follow you, but lurk on you page liking pictures from over 2 years ago.
Was Chris apart of this? 
You couldn't help but think it, I mean it was a possibility right? 
You snap out of your thought when you laid eyes on your now bored 6 month old golden retriever. She wagged her tail waiting patiently to go at it again.
“Sorry girl, let’s go again. Circle me, c’mon you can do it.” You encourage.
You amazed at how flawlessly she executed the trick, bending down you give her the treat in one hand while petting her in the other.
“That was a good trick.”
The voice startled you. You stumble back a little clutching your chest
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. I just noticed you and wanted to say hello.” Chris apologized
He looked amazing, how can a man look so good but so simple.
He even had on the grey sweatpants.
“Oh it’s no big deal, I scare easy anyway.” You giggle attempting to relieve some of the nervous tension.
Haneli interrupt,  breaking her way through your legs.  You watch as she makes her way over to whom you assume is the dodger Kiara had told you about. You both watch mesmerize as your dogs interact, doing what they do best, sniffing one another.
“So cute.” You say breaking this silence.
“Right!’ What’s your dogs name?” Chris asks.
“Her names Haneli.” You blurt
“Haneli, I like it.” Chris compliments.
You wondered how he knew it was you from afar. I mean the way you stood versus the way he approached, it was strange he instantly knew it was you.
Was it because He and Scott were potentially cyber stalking you the previous night.
Just ask him, be bold.
“So, how did you know it was me if my back was toward you?” You question head hung low.
“Your hair, can’t miss it.” Chris jokes mimicking the shape with his hands.
“Kind of wished my hair looked like that, maybe if I wore a bonnet.” He follows
You immediately lock eyes with him not sure if he was serious or joking, either way it was indeed hilarious.
You break through your nerves laughing at his adorable joke. You could tell he was only trying to relate and make you feel comfortable.
“Well we should get going, I have to open the shop for the afternoon shift.’ You explain. “It was nice seeing you again, for the third time.” You tease
“Yeah I guess are interactions are a little frequent, but y/n can I, maybe have your number. If it’s isn’t a problem for you, no pressure.” He stammered.
Was the Chris Evans nervous to ask for your number? Wait scratch that, did the Chris Evans ask you for your number?
You were definitely just as nervous as him, but you could not pass up this opportunity to at least be friends. 
“Um of course, sure.” You comply immediately
Taking his phone the screen trembled as you typed, you hadn’t done this is a while. It was so foreign to you.
For your photo you snap a quick picture of haneli, smiling down at her adorable face.
“Cute.” Chris chuckles taking his phone back from your much smaller hands. “I’ll text you later?” He says almost as a question.
“Only if you want.” You shy
“Luckily for you, I do.” Chris smirks gathering dodger walking away.
You felt your stomach churn in excitement, those damn butterflies were fluttering again.
His scent was intoxicating and his Boston accent was sexy, it was enough to make you crumble.
You hoped he would actually text you, with him being a big name in Hollywood you doubt if he’d ever been have time to get around to you.
Chris’s Point Of View:
Y/n looked beautiful today.
The way her hair was up in a beautiful updo, and her athletic clothes. Those leggings that fit her curves hugging her ass so well, she had a nice ass.
Stop it Chris.
Your outfit completely captured her essence.
To be completely transparent I had come here to walk dodger and get some fresh air, when I noticed she was here I couldn’t help but creep and watch for a minute, or two.
The way you smiled and laughed with  Haneli warmed my heart.
Driving home all my thoughts were intoxicated with y/n.
Even though I lived alone thinking about you didn’t make my house feel so big anymore.
Your warmth made it feel as if you could be here.
With me.
Gosh Y/n what are you doing to me?
Y/n’s Point Of View:
You walk into the bakery opening up shop, fiddling around to waste time until a costumer graced you.
You weren’t one hundred percent focused though. Chris had interrupted your thoughts more than once.
Since him returning to give you the tip, him possibly cyber stalking you, and now running into one another at the dog park.
It was almost like you couldn’t escape him.
But you weren’t complaining. For the most with all of your interactions he’d been nothing but the perfect gentleman and he was funny as well.
So far no complaints, not that it mattered.
A noise startles you breaking your train of thought.
“Kiara I had no Idea you were here.” You whisper shout holding your chest
“Uh, yeah I work every Monday.”
“Yeah right, I’m sorry just a lot on my mind right now.” You stated
“What or should I say who would that be?” Kiara implies wiggling her perfect brows.
She saw right through you ever time one of her many talents.
“We ran into each other at the dog park this morning.” You confess chest now feeling much lighter.
“What?! Kiara shouts. ‘Is he stalking you or something?”
“No he was walking dodger and said he recognized me and just started a conversation, no big deal.” You reassure.
Big deal, big fucking deal.
“Big deal my ass, your smitten like a kitten and he might like you.” Kiara suggests
“ I don’t know it wasn’t like that. I mean he asked for number but-.”
If she wasn’t excited it for you before she definitely was now. Kiara drops the broom she was carrying on the ground and her eyes go wide.
“Are you kidding me!’ Kiara trilled. “He asked for your number, like how reenact it for me. I’m you, your Chris.”
“Okay so basically, he just asked for number like a normal human being.”
“Lame! I want the juic more must have happened.” Kiara remarked.
“No it really happened that way.”
“Let me ask you this. How long has it been since you’ve got laid?”
A question you had to ponder on. It had been a while, you were celibate for about four years after your last serious relationship.
The only thing that had been down there were tampons, a few sex toys and a shower head.
“Since him.” You whisper
Kiara looked almost shocked although she was your Bestfriend you had been on a few spotty dates here and there she could have been sure you were getting some with those guys, but four years.
“Uh uh, text him right now and tell him you want to suck his white chocolate stick off right now!” She cursed.
“No!’ You shout. “Please use your lady mouth.” You demand
“I need you to use your lady mouth.” She says pretending to perform oral sex with the air.
“You’re ridiculous.” You chuckle
Just like clock work your first costumers of the afternoon walk in. you smile greeting the small family pushing the thoughts of Chris as far back as you could.
Later that evening:
It’d been a rather long shift. It was a beautiful day so people were out more than usual.
You enjoyed costumer interaction and spreading your brand so that was no problem.
You were finishing the final pieces of closing up the shop.
Counting the cash profits and tips. You’re interrupted by the pinging of your phone.
You huff in frustration looming down at your phone.
Unknown number: Hi.
Y/n: Hello.Chris?
Unknown number: No not Chris. I’m sorry who is this again new phone so.
Y/n: I’m sure you’re not looking for me! Goodnight.
Unknown number: y/n, it’s Chris 😂
Y/n: Actor.. -_-
You quickly switch his name to a secretive and rather suggestive contact name.
The Captain: what are you up to?
Y/n: Closing up shop, talk when I’m home?
The Captain: Nah might be to tired.
Y/n: :(.
The Captain: kidding. Text me when you’re home, be safe.
You were shocked he actually got around to you let alone wanted you to be safe.
You felt like the flash the way you practically sped through your work to get home and text Chris. 
You were beyond excited, more excited than you’d like to admit but you couldn't shake the feeling that this was, this could be something great.
Getting home and settling down you took a shower taking your time, making sure to really exfoliate and moisturize your tired skin. You took your time twisting your hair, sealing in the moisture adequately.
You didn't want Chris to think you were desperate for him to like you, so you made him wait out for an hour, or two.
Finally at around eleven p.m you decided to send him a text.
Y/n: Hi :).
The Captain: Hey. Here I was thinking you forgot all about me.
Y/n: How could I do that?.
The Captain: Well maybe your boyfriends got you preoccupied ;). 
Y/n: Single. :p
Why would he assume I have a boyfriend?
Chris’s Point Of View:
I can't lie I was excited to learn she was available. Through our text and interactions I can tell she was a genuine person. 
After my last relationship I promised to let things come to me, yes I screwed up here and there going on dates who only wanted me for the label. 
Maybe letting y/n secretly slip into my life undetected was what I needed, what I wanted.
I want to take it slow to protect myself but something about her makes me wanna go all the way and quickly, and we’ve barley talked.
Y/n’s Point Of View:
Chris kept the conversation interesting, most of the questions asking about you and what your interests were. 
Knowing men you definitely knew he was figuring you out. Wanting to “get to know you more.”
You both exchanged questions back and forth.
He asked you about Disney.
You asked him about conspiracies.
You both dint want the night to end. The text were funny, serious, a little invasive. 
You felt like you knew Chris forever, when his named popped on your screen it warmed you heart.
So it melted when you felt your eyes grow heavy knowing you had work early in the morning. 
Y/n: Chris, I have to go.. I work early tomorrow.
The Captain: :( I understand sleep well beautiful.
Y/n: You as well.
The Captain: :)
And with that you put your phone to rest. Laying awake, lingering on his last words. 
Beautiful. Did he really think so?
Your eyelids falling you imagine Chris cradling you whispering those sweet words in your ear with his Boston accent.
God I think I like him.
Second Part! Let me know what you think below!
Are you liking their dynamic so far? Is it moving too fast or the perfect pace?
(please interact this helps me be a better story writer!)
Things will heat up soon don't you worry!
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cheryllcher · 5 years
Marinette: Guardian of the Miraculous
part 2
i have too many wips but im writing something else again :)) (woes of a writer/artist/just creators don’t @ me here)
so my brain clearly isn’t prioritising so here’s a really very long lil one shot based on this post i found by @aly4son and it’s pretty cute and fluffy. i decided to make some changes and add some stuff here as well becuz i love fluff hope it’s okayy. this took pretty long becuz i had to figure out how to put everything together ://
and as it stand it is getting way too long so im gonna have to put up a second part whoops.
“Hmm… Add a little of this…, a drop of water from the Dragon’s Tears Fountain… Oh, don’t forget the edible glitter…”
Marinette was adding different ingredients to her pot, swirling her wooden spoon at the same time. She was preparing for her final test before she was officially declared the new Guardian of the Miraculous. However, she needed a break from all the formulas and power-up functions. So, she decided to continue playing around with the concoction she’s been working on for weeks, hoping to complete her experiment that afternoon. She knew she could just finish it after her test, but she could feel that she’s so close, and was eager to observe the results.
Ever since she started learning the recipes of the power-up potions, she wondered what other power ups she could try making, if it were possible. She’s been trying over and over again, playing around with different kinds of ingredients. She’d even brought some items from the bakery, if only to give it a little taste and colour. (And also to test a theory of whether it can be used to make power-up potions. It did work out in the end, but only some foods.) She remembered Chat mentioning that Plagg hated those power-up cheese (said it tasted like “liquidy goo you humans take when you’re sick”) and decided to mess around with flavours.
“And… Done! Tikki? Up for another round of taste testing? I think I’ve got it this time!”
“Of course, Marinette! I’m curious though, why did you add the glitter?”
“It’s for flair, for the potion I’m brewing. If this works, you’ll see why I wanted glitter in there.” Marinette threw in a wink, and dipped a little spoon inside the pink, glittery liquid. Tikki floated towards it and took a sniff, noting the scent of champagne coming from it. I wonder if kwamis ever get drunk, didn’t think we’d try that before in all the time we spent in the miracle box.
She quicked sipped the delicious brew, and immediately felt a tingling sensation.
“It’s happening! It worked!”
In a flash of pink, Tikki transformed, her usual self now a sparkling crystal-like texture, her centre spot and tail (?) now dazzling diamonds.
“Wow… Well, what power up is this?”
“It’s called the Elegant power up, ooooooor Exquisite. Haven’t really decided on the name yet. It’s just a little fun power-up I came up with, you know, like a fancy dress transformation.”
“Cool! I’m sure Kaalki would love to try this power-up. It’s glorious.” Tikki laughed at her own little joke.
Oh, how she wished she could snap a photo of Tikki, but kwamis don’t show up on cameras. It was a great accomplishment, and she was really proud of herself. Specially created with an original outfit designed by her, a sketch of the design slowly added into the mixture while it boils. (Another absurd theory that flitted through her mind.) Never thought this crazy idea would work but here we are.
“Alright, I’m going to try transforming. Ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, Marinette!”
“Elegant Tikki! Spots on!”
The familiar feeling of transforming washed over Marinette, yet it feels completely different at the same time. The swirls of pink magic disappeared to show a red cocktail dress with exquisite black sequins scattered on silk, the fabric a darker shade of red than what she usually wore. Extremely fancy indeed.
A Mandarin collar wrapped around her neck with a mini brooch which had a symbol engraved into it, a representation of her Chinese heritage and the pattern associated with the Miraculous. The top half had black polka dots, embodying her super-persona’s namesake, along with a matching mask and gloves, both of which had intricate embroidery. Her hair was pulled up into a stylish updo, braids twisted to form a crown above her head. Her red heels has little ladybugs on them, just like the one in her hair. Just how she imagined it.
“Wow, this is even better than what i would have done!” Marinette twirled around, noticing that the outfit has a litte glittery shine to it. Now she wish she would get to wear this someday; she felt like a princess! (Well, it was pretty funny because Chat would always call her civilian self that.)
In the midst of admiring her work, Master Fu walked into the room. His eyes widened at the sight in front of him, and Marinette shrieked, quickly transforming back to her usual self.
“Ah, sorry Master! I was messing around with an idea I had and I completed it just now. Don’t worry, I was practicing potions before that.”
“I’m not mad, Marinette. On the contrary, I’m actually very pleased that you have managed a feat that even my masters were unable to achieve back when I was in training with them. Perhaps I could show it to them when I return for a visit.
“In the mean time, how about you use this power-up for your Guardian officiating ceremony. It is something to celebrate after all and you deserve it.”
Marinette didn’t know what to say. She just thanked the master profusely, grateful for the opportunity to try out her new invention. She didn’t bother trying to refuse because she knows that there would still be one no matter what she says. Master Fu simply waved it off with a chuckle.
“Now, would you like to have your final test today or prefer to still wait for tomorrow? I feel that you are ready.”
School was still a priority, being in senior year and all. Marinette could only work on designs during her free time, and with Hawkmoth around those are scarce. Marinette would sometimes sketch out ideas besides finishing her homework, for fear if forgetting them. She absolutely hated it when an idea struck while she was busy fighting an akuma.
Good thing was, she didn’t need to worry about measurements. The miraculous will ensure that everyone’s suits and dresses would fit them to a t. So all she had to do was make sure that the designs represented each of the holders perfectly.
Tikki wholeheartedly agreed that Marinette deserved to be celebrated as the new Guardian, she hadn’t had a holder who was a Guardian since millennias ago. She was positively buzzing with exhilaration, moves animated with so much zest Marinette was afraid she might explode.
Chat was the first person she told about becoming a Guardian. He was surprised, after all he wasn’t aware of her receiving training, but that was short-lived as he immediately tackled Ladybug in a humongous bear hug for her sensational achievement. He even said, and I quote, “My, I’m honoured to be graced with the presence of the great and powerful Guardian of the Miraculous Box,” topped off with an exaggerated bow and a kiss to the knuckles.
He was also ecstatic about the prospect of a new transformation. Ladybug told him to assure Plagg that she had added a different flavour to it, and will add some cheese to his batch on top of infusing it in his beloved camembert. That night, Plagg denied purring loudly in his sleep. (“You were dreaming, Adrien. Hallucinating!”)
Three months of constant sketching and resketching, coloring in and retracing it for the potion, Marinette finally got the designs out. She asked the kwamis for their opinions on the designs, (after a mini celebration of their own, obviously.) and they gave their input. Some even made flavour requests, though they still kept the champagne in there as they loved it and it made the power-up more fancy.
Then it’s another week of measuring, mixing, and carefully infusing the correct batches into the different snacks. She almost put Wayzz’s herbal tea flavoured potion into Pollen’s honey comb, if not for Tikki and Wayzz’s interference. Oh, the look of horror on Pollen’s face would send Plagg laughing with tears.
With everything ready, it’s time to paaaaaaaaartay! (Clearly Xuppu was here :) )
With the help of Chat Noir, they managed to get the miraculouses to the respective holders’ rooms before they arrived home from school. She handwrote all the dissolving letters containing the information, taking care to use her cursive. Those online lessons really paid off, even Tikki couldn’t recognise that she was the one who wrote it.
Ladybug hid behind a rooftop as she watched Max open read the letter, coming to the conclusion that everyone else is doing the same. She hoped that she had made her instructions clear enough, considering how… excited some of her classmates could be.
Everyone was confused when they found a box in their rooms, realising soon after that it was a miraculous box. Alya and Chloe immediately opened their boxes, paying no mind to the paper that were below.
“Oh, finally! Ladybug is giving the Miraculous to me! It’s about time.”
“Trixx! Does Ladybug need me?” An extremely loud gasp, “Oh my gosh, is she here? Do I get to hold on to my miraculous?”
The kwamis questioned had to clarify that no, Ladybug was not nearby as there is no emergency, no, it was only for a few short hours, and no again, the miraculous was technically not theirs but “belonged” to the Guardian for safekeeping unless they are permanent holders. They were only temporary holders who are called upon when their help were needed.
(Ladybug and Master Fu had them make sure they got it through their heads after getting irritated when some people kept begging for it again. And also to inform those whose identities were compromised that it was their last time using theirs.)
“Please read the letter before you do anything, Alya.”
“It contains some important information that you really must know before you call upon me, my queen.”
All holders read through the letter:
“Dear [Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. I’m to be officiated as the new Guardian of the Miraculous, and it would really make my happy if you could join me tonight. Along with your miraculous, you will find a small snack for your kwamis. It is to be consumed strictly before transforming, so do not waste it as I’ve only provided a small piece.
You will transform tonight at 4am, going going to the address listed below. Don’t worry, the kwami will be able to help you with that. I know it is late but this is to ensure no reporters or your parents will see you sneak out. Hawkmoth rarely comes out at night anyway, so that’s a bonus.
Chat Noir and I are greatful for your contributions as the heroes of Paris, so we would also like this to be a celebration of thanks. Hope to see you there!
Signed, Ladybug
Address: 53 Rue de Corentin, Petit Fortune Hôtel 3rd floor”
The letters dissolved with a flame of green sparkles, kwamis reaffirming the chosens that they know the address and will help them navigate.
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carrotsofavonlea · 5 years
You can’t thwart destiny
Chapter one: Call me Cordelia
Two powerful families ruled over neighbouring kingdoms. For decades there had been unrest between them. But when a prince and princess were born months apart, it appeared there may be hope for the future. That maybe they could unite the two kingdoms once and for all.
Anne studied her reflection in the mirror as the seamstress tugged and pulled at the fabric around her. She usually loved having a new dress made but this was no such occasion. She was having a dress made for the meeting of her future husband. Ever since she was little she knew one day she would be married off to the neighbouring prince to secure unity within the kingdoms. Her parents had died when she was just a baby, and as a result her mother's family Marilla and Matthew had taken over as almost acting king and queen until Anne came of age. Which would be soon after she was married.
It was unfair. She'd always dreamed of her wedding. She wanted it to be someone she fell in love with, not some unknown prince she'd never even met.
But she was a princess and royal duty came before everything else, no matter how much her heart hurts.
She looked away from the mirror and turned around to see Diana, her closest friend and advisor. Marilla didn't approve of the first name calling but let it slide after all these years.
"You have a busy day. Tutoring, the meeting with the foreign ministers, not to mention etiquette lessons, piano lessons, singing lessons-"
Diana's voiced faded away as Anne drifted off into her imagination. She imagined she was a commoner instead of a princess. She had no duties, no one to tell her what to do or say. She was just... Anne.
"Anne. Your highness. " Diana only ever referred to her so formally when she was in trouble.
"I'm sorry Diana. Can't we just skip today's lessons?"
Diana looked down at her list shaking her head. "There's far too much to be done today. We couldn't possibly-"
Anne grabbed the list from her hands and threw it over her shoulder. The seamstress tutted at the disruption of her dressmaking and put her hands on her hips.
"What list?" Anne shrugged. "Diana please. I'm getting married soon to a complete stranger. Don't I deserve one day of freedom? I've hardly been outside the castle walls in my almost 18 years of life. Please."
Diana sighed. "Fine. But just for a little while. If we get caught it's all your fault."
Anne wrapped her arms around Diana. "Thank you so much."
"I beg your pardon your highness but the dress isn't finished yet."
"We'll finish it later." Anne was too focused on her upcoming adventure and ran to go get changed.
Diana managed to convince the stable boy Jerry to take them into the village in the carriage. He was clearly sweet on Diana.
When they arrived, Anne pulled the hood up on her cloak to obscure her hair. The last thing she needed was her ghastly red hair to cause any sort of riot from people recognising the princess. She just wanted one day of being normal.
Diana lead her through the streets. Anne's eyes roamed all around her. Everywhere about her were children running and laughing, people stopping to talk, sellers yelling to passers by. The village was vibrant, far more exciting than the palace.
There were so many different smells. They passed a fruit stall and she could smell all the strawberries and apples for sale; then there was a fishmonger's stall and she turned her nose up at the powerful contrast.
Then the air was filled with the most amazing smell.
"Diana what is that most scrumptious smell?" Anne looked around to find the stall.
"The bakery?" Diana gestured to the little stall with fresh baked bread and cakes and cookies and all sorts. "How about I buy us a snack?"
"Please, let me pay for it." Anne handed Diana a small bag of coins. "This should be enough, right?"
Diana's eyes grew wide, laughing at Anne's clear misunderstanding of the value of money. "This will be more than enough."
There was a line, so Anne decided to explore a little more. Her feet were carrying her away before she even realised where she was going.
She made her way through the busy market square taking in all the sites. No one even noticed her. It was great.
Her hair was in two braids instead of the usual elaborate updos, and she wore her most simple dress to try and blend in as much as possible.
It was all so interesting seeing how people really lived. There were people performing on the streets, people carrying all sorts of interesting wares from the market. Anne wished she could live like this more.
Her eyes landed on a fountain in the middle of the square. No one was paying attention to it since it was such an everyday sight to them. Anne looked down into the water, seeing coins sunk to the bottom.
She felt around but forgot she had given Diana her bag of coins. Still, that didn't mean she couldn't make a wish anyway. If she firmly believed it would come true then why shouldn't it? Just being around the well would surely give her wish a little more authenticity.
She closed her eyes, holding her hands up to her chest before pretending to throw a coin in. She wished she wouldn't have to marry a stranger. She wished she could marry someone she loved. But there was no way that would ever come true.
"Pardon me miss,"
Anne jumped, turning around to the voice. Her hood fell down as she did so.
"I didn't mean to startle you." It was a boy about her age. His face was wrinkled with concern but he was handsome. Her heart stopped for a moment.
His brown curls were poking out under a flat cap and he was in a scruffy brown patterned sweater. Suddenly even her simple gown felt overdressed.
He was smiling at her, holding a coin in his hands. She thought he had very nice hands considering he was a commoner and they didn't have such easy lives as she did.
"I just thought maybe you'd like a penny to wish on. Wishes are special and I think you should take every chance to make them come true, don't you think?"
She couldn't help but return his contagious smile. It shocked her, that someone who didn't have as much as her was still willing to give her a coin to throw away.
"No, I couldn't possibly take it."
"Please," he insisted, "this coin was destined to be a wish. I don't have anything to wish for, it would be a shame to waste it."
She hesitated before taking the coin, ignoring the feeling passing between them as their hands briefly touched.
He watched as she closed her eyes and threw the coin into the fountain.
She wished she could see him again one day, but knew this was one wish that couldn't come true…
"I'm Gil," he held out his hand and she shook it. He didn't seem to know who she was.
"Uh, I'm…" she tried to think of a fake name just in case. "Cordelia."
He nodded, still holding her hand in his. "Nice to meet you Cordelia."
"Nice to meet you, Gil."
She wanted to treasure this moment. It seemed like something in a fairytale. He was polite and charming, and he liked her for her, not because she was a princess.
They walked around the town, Gil stopping to buy her a rose from the florist stall. Anne didn't want it to end knowing that once it was over, she'd have to return to her life of rules and restrictions and marrying a random prince.
"There you are!" Diana caught sight of Anne. She was holding two small cakes wrapped in paper.
"Diana." Anne stopped, Gil confusedly looking between them. "Uh, Gil this is my friend Diana."
"Pleasure to meet you." He shook her hand, bowing as he did so.
"The pleasure is all mine." Diana mouthed "he's cute" over the top of his head when he bowed.
"We should be going." Diana said, once Gil had released her hand.
"Already?" Anne sighed, looking up at Gil.
"I'm sorry."
"I hope I can see you again someday." Gil kissed Anne's hand, "It was a pleasure meeting you, Cordelia."
"Cordelia?" Diana whispered in Anne's ear.
"I'll explain on the carriage home." She whispered back. "Goodbye Gil."
He smiled and stepped backwards, giving them a little wave as he walked away.
She knew she was never going to see him again, and savoured every last second watching him before he got lost in the crowd.
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savvylark · 7 years
Not Your Mama’s Hallmark Christmas Part 3
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You can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here or read it all on Ao3 here
Katniss tends to be cynical about materialism, love, and marriage. Her friends have replaced the family she lost. So when Peeta needs help, her friends don’t need more than a strong arm to convince her. Katniss finds herself having a very different  Christmas this year with the Mellark family, posing as Peeta’s girlfriend. What will change when this starts to look like a strange Hallmark movie?
Thank you to the amazing @javistg being my beta and encouraging. Thank you @peetabreadgirl for giving me some of the ideas for these cute scenes that bring K & P closer. @everlarkingjoshifer made this banner for me. Isn’t it lovely?
Madge is unbelievable. The girl has connections and she knows how to get things done. Almost everyday after my work at the lab, I’m busy with something to prepare for the trip.
Madge and I are getting our nails done at a salon she frequents. I never do this kind of thing. I kept my nails shorter, square, and a dark red color, seasonal, but edgy enough to be myself. I’m pretending to be a wealthier version on myself I reason.
Madge is getting her baby pink French Tip frost with iridescence and sparkles. She couldn’t be happier that I begrudgingly accompanied her. I try to enjoy her company while she continues with her mission to prepare me. 
“I peppered in compliments about you while I was on the phone with Aunt Loretta, but you know how she is,” Madge admits with a grimace.
I roll my eyes. I do know how she is.
Mrs. Mellark was full of backhanded compliments and condescension when she met Gale. My best friend is a tall, dark, and handsome engineer with intense gray eyes, that could win over any woman.
Madge’s Aunt being the exception.
“When I mentioned that I met Gale through you, it all went downhill.” She rolls her eyes. I’m not surprised.
“Maybe I should have started with how much you make in the lab working for pharmaceutical companies.” Madge winks.
I huff.
I don’t how to handle someone so superficial.
Money was hard to come by growing up. The only reason I had the opportunity to attend college was the archery scholarship I received.
It was extremely lucky that my favorite professor, Dr. Beetee. Took an interest in me and explained that with my major, Biochemistry in Pharmaceutical Sciences, I was eligible for the program that enables undergraduate students to begin taking graduate courses in their senior year.
I received a Master of Science degree within a year of finishing my undergraduate degree.
Dr. Beetee helped me find a job with his connections, I was hired right out of college. With his encouragement, I’ve been taking a few night classes in pursuit of my doctorate.
My paygrade allows me to afford a good chunk of my sister’s college bills as she studies to become a pediatrician, while I continue to live with a roommate and a tight budget.
I guess Mrs. Mellark would like to know what I make and not where it goes.
Madge wrote out an itinerary based on what she knows after talking to her aunt, with what outfit to wear, the right shoes, makeup for each outfit, diagrams, and tips for what might happen.
The shopping she’s done for me is a welcome relief. She knows me so well. What I like, what I look good in, what fits, and most importantly, how much I hate shopping.
Peeta and I are heading out of town in his black SUV –I always refer to it as his secret service vehicle. Snow is lightly dusting our scenery on the open road.
It’s a 3 hour drive to Merchant, Peeta’s ritzy gated community hometown. Politicians, socialites, anyone with money, even a famous eccentric musician are all known to live in that area.
A 30 minute drive from there is the suburban town Madge, Gale, and I grew up in. Gale and I grew up on the poorer side of town. Madge growing up as the mayor’s daughter (and now senator elect) obviously being the nicest part of our area.
The first hour of our drive is filled with our usual banter and laughter. I’m genuinely relieved that this weird week will be with Peeta, he’s a blast.
We take turns playing new music we’ve found, and fall into our usual discussions, sharing thoughts on certain lyrics or a particular soul-stirring melody.
Peeta gets a thoughtful look on his face before he speaks. “Okay, this may seem weird to discuss, but I’m going to surprise you in the moment, when no one is looking. I don’t think our first kiss should be in front of everyone. It’s going to look forced and awkward.”
I quirk an eyebrow at him. “OUR. First. Kiss?” I lock eyes with him, but keep a teasing look on my face.
He raises his eyebrows realizing what he just said, remembering, his cheeks turn rosy.
“You were my first kiss,” I whisper, just barely loud enough for him to hear. Cherishing the memory.
I bite my lip in thought. Quick dart my eyes to Peeta as I catch him licking his lips, then snap my gaze back on the road.
“Really?” He seems surprised, but I can hear a smile and, is that pride, in his tone?
“Mhmm.” I feel 16 again and I’m floating, my skin tingles. I know I’m blushing so I just stare down at my boots.
After a few moments of thoughtful silence, I blurt out. “Our kisses couldn’t ever be forced or awkward, Peeta.” I leave that for him to chew in as I crank up some “Hipster Holidays Radio” on Pandora.
After all the stories Madge and Peeta have told me of the infamous Mrs. Loretta Mellark, I wasn’t expecting someone so beautiful, and well, perfect. Everything about her was “just so,” which, maybe I should have guessed, knowing how “just so” Madge is.
She’s dressed in classically styled name brand clothes, makeup that complements her icy blue eyes and lighter skin tone, elegantly styled updo, highlighted blond hair, nothing is out of place or inexpensive.
Loretta is the most beautiful middle aged woman I’ve ever seen. Her pores seep elegance.
An air of pretension and anxiety follows her everywhere.
Honestly, this explains some things.
“Mom, this is my girlfriend, Katniss. I told you she was coming. She grew up with Madge, remember?” Peeta introduces me, rushed and nervous.
With a weak smile, I offer my hand in greeting. Trying to relax my own nerves.
“It’s very nice to meet you, thank you for having me,” I tell Peeta’s mother.
Loretta purses her lips and looks me over, eyes narrow, ignoring my extended hand.
I stuff my hands into the pockets of my worn jeans, which I realize she’s judging right now.
“What an interesting name. Very Haight-Ashbury.”
I look at Peeta and we’re both trying to hide our amusement.
“Thanks?” I reply trying to keep a neutral expression.
“If my dear niece is fond of you, I’m sure you’ll find your place here. Peeta, can you show her to one of the upper guest rooms? We won’t have any cohabitation in my house, especially among so many family members, you understand?”
Peeta nods.
I try to hide my sigh of relief.
That is until I find that I’m being put in a room so far from the rest of the family.
Message received. My place here is not with the rest of the family. I can tell by Peeta’s grimace he’s also caught onto his mother’s condescending implication.  
“It’s okay, Peeta, I do like having a place to escape, so I don’t know if I really mind at all.”
“Yeah, but it’s just rude. You’re my girlfriend.” He clears his throat. “I mean, she shouldn’t treat you that way, and it’s disrespectful to both of us,” he says with frustration.
I put my hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, Peeta, let’s just get through this as smoothly as possible. We don’t play her games. We have our own antics,” I say with a smile and a wink.
He rolls his eyes and I know he’s thinking of the reference “antics.”
One year, Peeta stress baked enough Christmas cookies to open his own bakery. When I came over to his apartment to set up for movie night, we came up with the idea of having a cookie eating contest.
We got right to frosting in preparation for our Christmas party.
Later on, Jo and Finnick walked in to find 12 dozen frosted cookies and Peeta chasing me with a spatula, laughing with frosting all over his face, mine being equally frosted.
Johanna and Finnick went into a long list of our games we come up with, the chasing and teasing, referencing them as “antics.” It became a recurring joke Jo and Finnick go back to in reference to the competitions we come up with, or playful things we do together.
“Always with the antics” became a recurring joke.
“Ugh, now I really want some cookies!” I groan.
Peeta lights up at the reference, and chuckles to himself. “I know where to find some!” He takes my hand and leads me out of the secluded guest room.
I don’t really know what kind of awkwardness would have come from sharing a room with Peeta, so I put it out of my mind.
“Did your mom call my parents hippies?” I remind him.
Our eyes meet and we laugh.
“Pretty much.”
Peeta leads me to the kitchen. “You are kind of a flower child, yourself.” He pokes at my side.
I squirm and scowl at him.
As we eat frosted Christmas sugar cookies from Mellark’s bakery, Peeta brings up ways we should look and act like a couple. “We have to believable, right?”
“Yeah?” I roll my eyes.
“Let’s go over ‘couply things’ we should do,” Peeta suggests, always the project manager.
“Like hand-holding?” I deadpan, because this seems kind of silly. We’re adults. We’ve been in plenty of relationships. I do see his point, it is hard to think of Peeta as more than a friend.
Well, was, until Joanna opened that can of worms.
He reaches for my hand and nods.
I slowly grasp his large palm and interlace our fingers, ignoring the tingle that spreads with our touch.
“Or I’ll put my arm around you.” Peeta demonstrates and I try to relax in his embrace. My nerves are a little on edge.
“Loving gestures.” His arm travels down and he rubs my back affectionately.
Then he pulls on the end of my braid to turn me toward him.
Peeta stares into my eyes and smooths a strand of my hair behind my ear carefully.
I crinkle my nose.
He laughs.
Peeta kisses my nose.
I gasp, startled.
Then we both laugh.
He pulls me into a hug as we laugh, for no reason in particular. His face snuggles down in the crook of my neck.
I feel so…
We hear footsteps behind us and in walks William Mellark, beaming at the couple he’s found in the kitchen.
I push away with one hand on Peeta’s chest and look up at him for what to do.
His arms remains wrapped around me.
I’m momentarily distracted by the feel of his muscular solid chest under my fingertips.
Peeta’s attention is on the family patriarch. “Hey Dad! This is Katniss, my girlfriend,” he introduces me.
I try not to notice the huskiness Peeta’s voice took on when the said girlfriend, or the proud smile he gave.
It almost hurts to have to lie to his dad like that. I swallow my feelings.
As Peeta releases me from his embrace, I step forward.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Mellark!” I say, hoping to school my nerves.
With familiar Mellark deep blue eyes, I’m greeted with a smile. Peeta’s dad has prominent laugh lines and the wrinkles around his eyes seem to be from happiness. His blonde hair is cut short with gray sprinkled around his temples, but I’m sure it was exactly like Peeta’s in his youth.
He’s very handsome.
I know where Peeta gets his looks.
“It’s Will to you, please? Make yourself at home here, Katniss!”
I greet him with a handshake. “Thank you, Will!”
The first night, the Mellarks have planned a couples’ ice skating event in town. We meet up with Peeta’s brothers and their wives.
Dane Mellark is a lawyer and it shows with the way he carries himself, seems cold and serious.
His wife, Clara, is also blond; beautiful, perfectly manicured, and dressed like Princess Kate. I’m sure she’s everything his mother wanted in a daughter-in-law.
We make polite conversation, what I do, how we met, how Dane and Clara met. Clara’s favorite topic being their children.
I can’t shake the feeling that I don’t really belong.
Rye Mellark and his wife arrive a little later. The Middle Mellark son greets me with a warm hug and whispers, “try not to melt the ice there” with a wink.
Is he flirting with me?
Then, he pulls Peeta in a headlock and, mutters something that makes Peeta blush.
I don’t have time to wonder what kind of woman married him when a dark red haired bombshell smacks Rye’s arm. “Knock it off Ryen!”
Rye releases Peeta with a huff.
“I’m Lila, it’s nice to meet you, Katniss.” Lila pulls me into a side hug, she smells like an expensive perfume.
She’s clearly used to this kind of lifestyle, but from talking to her she’s approachable, and genuine.
The first time I make Rye and Lila laugh Peeta and I lock eyes. The look of pride and something else I’m not familiar with flashes in his eyes. I’m much more comfortable around them after that.
It’s a relief.
Rye makes a big show of his backwards skating abilities. He’s dressed in a black Red Wings starter jacket and hockey skates.
Lila makes a few jokes at her husband’s expense.
“Why the Red Wings didn’t want him…”
And something about How he dressed in,costume. She’s funny, and clearly Rye thinks so too.
He laughs along and his eyes twinkle with love for his wife.
There’s that feeling again.
What is it with me lately? I’m noticing that ‘love’ look everywhere.
I blame Gale.
The outdoor rink is beautiful, with lights, greenery and holly. It even smells of evergreen.
In the center, is a decorated 30 foot tree looking magical, the music playing makes my ears buzz with nostalgia.
I tighten my hand in Peeta’s unconsciously and feel the buzz travel from my ears to my whole body as I listen.
Taking in the scene as we make our first loop around on the glassy ice rink, I can’t help but sigh in contentment.
“I feel like a kid again!” I smile up at Peeta.
He squeezes my hand and smiles back in reply.
I briefly think of Madge saying “you have a calming effect on Peeta.” I wonder if he has the same effect on me, and if this feeling, similar to holiday cheer, has something to do with the man next to me.
As if he’s reading my thoughts, Peeta draws me into his arms. I’m met with his deep blue eyes and the reflection of lights dancing around us before Peeta plants a chaste kiss on my lips.
My heart is beating faster, and I can’t keep the stupid grin off my face.
The tingling sensation on my lips lingers.
I force myself to focus on one thought,
“This is fun. We’re having fun. Don’t over think.”
I glance behind Peeta and realize his brothers and parents were watching us.
Smiles and whispers are shared among them.
Oh right, this is for appearances.
I grin back at Peeta, as if to say “It’s working.”
A confusing tightness lingers in my gut.
I refuse to let my thoughts wander and analyze. Or think about my body’s reaction to the kiss.
The first thing Peeta says to me once we arrive back at his parents’ house is “Hey, you know what we need? Hot Cocoa!”
We walk with his arms wrapped around me, as if we are really a couple.
It really felt like a first date and it was, well, wonderful.
Peeta hands me a fresh cup of cocoa and I take my seat at the breakfast nook while he prepares his own cup.
On the wall are cute pictures of the Mellark  boys in various stages of life.
It’s funny to see Peeta as a chubby little grade-schooler, same friendly smirk, same bright blue eyes.
I try to think if I remember him like that at Madge’s birthday parties. I just wasn’t paying enough attention then. Maybe I do remember that sweet face, playing tag in Madge’s back yard.
I turn and collide with Peeta’s very full cup of steaming Hot Cocoa. It pours all down his shirt.
Peeta hisses. He sets his cup down, and whips his shirt off to rid himself of the scalding liquid.
I quickly reach for a napkin and attempt to dry his lap.
He has light red marks from the cocoa, but I can’t ignore his chiseled and muscular chest.
Wow. Just. Wow.
My movements still as we make eye contact.
My chest feels heavy, the air feels thick.
My whole body is very aware of this growing attraction.
Or recurring attraction?
This is HOT.
“What?” Peeta says, amusement on his face.
I must have said that out loud.
I try to shake away the magnetism he has.
Then I realize my hand is still in his lap, lingering precariously. Was I just rubbing his… lap?
I pull back, taking a sip of my cocoa to hide my reaction. “The cocoa is hot,” I blurt out in an attempt to recover. Looking anywhere but at Peeta.
We quietly finish our hot chocolate.
“Well, I think I’m ready to head to my room. I had a lot fun, Peeta, thank you,” I say.
Peeta catches my hand and pulls me in a warm hug.
My hands go around his back.
His bare muscular back.
He’s still shirtless.
I resist the urge to moan.
My whole body heats up again.
“Thank you for doing this, Katniss,” Peeta whispers.
I feel his warm breath and the brush of his lips on my neck.
I pull away and nod, mumbling some sort of affirmation.
I head up to my room before I do something stupid like shove him into the wall and kiss him senseless without the pretense of appearances.
That night, I dream of a shirtless Peeta, moaning and grunting as I stroke…
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