#girls who podcast
when i picture carpenter silt verses i am picturing a woman in her late 40s with the same physique as jason voorhees and hair that she's been washing with motel bar soap since she was 18 btw. this woman looks like if a long haul trucker occasionally had to perform ritual self-flagellation. like if a man with a single bottle of dawn dishsoap in his shower was a middle-aged woman who feared neither pain nor death. we're talking dry skin, resting bitch face, and something of the classic slasher villain in her sheer size and resilience. someone who could break an ankle and still not stop trying to kill you with an ax, genuinely frightening.
i believe in scary, gruff, aging women's rights.
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obsob · 6 months
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one thing u can count on me for is being normal about Some Guy
process under cut where u can see me losing my mind trying 2 figure out what i was doing in real time! :3
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juha-art · 1 month
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"I don't know the right thing to do. If I know I'll do it. I'm so sorry."
@quiddie tell suvi I love her
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tiffanyachings · 1 year
nona the ninth but as a podcast consisting solely of cam and pal’s tape recordings
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beedreamscape · 1 month
I'm pretty much the worst person to even weigh in on this topic because I've been partial to Suvi since day one, but in my opinion there wasn't ever a need to explain or justify Suvi's choices/reactions.
Not because she's perfect, never wrong (though in my heart I know...) but because I'm very certain that the people that keep on hammering on her mistakes/shortcomings/tendencies are people that already dislike Suvi (or don't like Aabria very much, I wish this wasn't a topic of consideration but even 30+ eps in there's still people like that around) for whatever reason and gather excuses to justify their bias against her and no amount of explanation will turn their hearts in her favour.
It really feels like a parallel to the way Suvi herself tries to be understood by her friends and yet she fails time and time again.
And people insist on forgetting that Suvi is not the Citadel, she's just one young wizard of the Citadel.
And it's gut-wrenching how much I relate to that feeling of alienation before every corner she tries to fit in: amongst her citadel peers she's othered by her position and privilege, and now by her friendship to a witch and a spirit; between her friends she's the odd-one-out because of her Citadel connections and the nature of her power; and now amongst the witches she stands out by being the face of the "enemy".
I don't blame her for clinging to the little corner of the world that has not made her feel foreign despite the very nature of her presence: in Steel's family whom she's not related to by blood, yet completely by heart.
And it'll never be a fair game. The girls especially are very young and with new-found independence, they're given colossal decisions to make, and that before beings older than three generations of them combined and incomprehensively more powerful and less empathic.
As much as Mirara wants there to be a good witch and bad witch, there's no such thing as black and white, there are decisions and consequences, what one does with the power they're given. There is no right or wrong in a fight filled with so much heart, there was never a world where a fight between Ame and Suvi would be clean.
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druidposting · 4 months
To me Phineas and Jonas' relationship is like a schrödinger's box. Its like trying to observe quantum entanglement. Are they a familial bond? Are they romantic? Are they platonic? You fool, theyre all of it simultaneously. We thought Jonas and Phineas quantum particles were chilling in the paternal zone and then we looked at them and suddenly theyre kissing.
Their relationship is inobservable. Intangible. Fundamental. Its everything you think it could be.
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itswilliamleonard · 1 year
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today's youth have been brainwashed by radical media u_u
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automatonwithautonomy · 4 months
i love melanie king soooo much and its like. she's angry. all the time, constantly. because of fucking course she is?? she doesn't have another option. she's so angry and then suddenly there's something telling her it's okay. you deserve it. you get to be furious. you are justified in this. and!! she is!!!! she is right!!!!!! but of course she doesn't want to let it go. of course she can't give up the thing telling her that yeah. it isn't fair. and you can be mad about that.
ahhhgggg it's so!! it's horrible, being told that your anger is stupid, futile. it's just the way the world is. you can't change anything. why bother being outraged about it? BUT IT IS OUTRAGEOUS. maybe i can't change anything. but i'm mad. i'm mad about it and i fucking get to be. after i can try to make it better but right now i just get to be angry. just for a little. melanie king...
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honeyspotpie · 3 months
Please correct me if I'm wrong I scrolled through the official dndads Twitter like once (I'm not getting on that app even if my life depends on it) but I remember them mentioning that they think it would be SO FUNNY if they did a dating sim... YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW BADLY I NEED THAT TO BE REAL. I'M NOT EVEN ATTRACTED TO ANY OF THE CHARACTERS BUT LIKE. HEAR ME OUT. I'm talking s1 dads specifically... A dating sim in the vain of that other dad dating sim (I forgot what it was called sorry) with the main 4. It's fully voice acted. There's a plethora of different paths and wacky scenarios to go through depending on who and what you choose. Do you see the vision (I mean that's how all dating sims work but shhh). They would treat the player as a party member and force them to go on unrelated, frankly dumb sidequests with them in Faerun. SCREW IT JUST A DNDADS VISUAL NOVEL IN GENERAL. THEY CAN ADD MULTIPLE DLCS FOR SEASONS 2 AND 3. IT WOULD WORK SO WELL BECAUSE THE PODCAST'S OUTLANDISH HUMOR REALLY COULD FIT INTO THE VISUAL NOVEL FORMAT. They should do a Kickstarter or a Patreon stretch goal and hire a few talented artists and game designers. IK THAT'S A LOT OF EFFORT FOR A SIDE PROJECT BUT. Please. I feel as though there's an audience for it. Anyways. Happy Father's day dndadders
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Obviously the structure of an episodic series often requires characters to go from 'complete strangers' to 'close friends/family' in an unusually short amount of time. I get it.
Writers need a 'new guy' in the group to ask questions about the setting that the audience can't, but still (especially in comedy shows) want the fun dynamics that come from all the main cast knowing each other super well. It's one of those functional tropes like L-Shaped Blankets where you're required to suspend your sense of disbelief.
Having said that, I love when writers choose to take this trope and retroactively justify it by later on revealing that the Seemingly Normal Everyman Character is actually as unhinged as the rest of the group— it's just that their weirdness manifests specifically as an ability to form found family dynamics with literally any group they join, almost immediately after joining.
Like, you assumed that they just fit in so well because your group has a special vibe, but then you accidentally left them in the supermarket for like five minutes and by the time you realised and went back they were already Blood Brothers with the cashier.
Characters who are like friendly dogs in that you can put them essentially anywhere, with anyone, and they will just be like “welp! Guess this is my New Family now” and just go along with it.
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shsl-heck · 1 year
Thinking about the Chevalier interlude, specifically the inaugural team of Wards. Like in universe, they sell it to this first group of kids (and presumably the rest of the world) as a place for second chances, to find friends and mentors who understand what youre going through, where you can learn to use your powers safely while making good memories. The kids broadly seem to believe in these noble intentions of course, but what really gets me is that I've seen readers buy into it!
"Oh, it's such a tragedy that the Wards program became this awful thing that traumatizes kids even more, and expects them to die for the sake of civilians! It's fallen so short of what it was originally supposed to be!"
No it has not??? The fact that the triumvirate and Hero are saying it has this noble goal doesn't make it true. The Wards was pretty clearly always a way to increase the amount of bodies the prt could throw at threats, and we know this because it was started by the fucking Triumvirate as a part of the Protectorate! Alexandria literally came up with the idea of the Protectorate to legitimize the power of capes, and have a consistent source of heroes Cauldron could throw at problems. That is the whole reason for the PRT/Protectorate existing. So when we have this group of children brought in a subsidiary, there are 2 real options.
1). Cauldron and Alexandria decided they would be really niceys and created this program with no intentions other than helping these kids out.
Or 2). As things got worse, they realized the Protectorate didn't have enough manpower to do what they needed, and so they expanded it to include children (the demographic most prone to triggering). That way, they greatly increase the number of capes who they can send to fight and die as needed, and the ones who do survive their tenure in the Wards will be better trained when it comes time to join the actual Protectorate.
At the risk of sounding conceited, I think the second one is far more likely based on everything we know about Cauldron. Maybe it was originally a little nobler, and the goal was just to create more well trained heroes and cut back on young villains, but there's no way Alexandria, Doc Mom, and Contessa didn't factor in the ability to sacrifice the kid heroes if it improved their chances of success. That was absolutely a perk at minimum.
That's the real tragedy of the inaugural Wards. The kids were lured in with promises of safety, comraderie, and second chances like lambs to the slaughter. All the while, Alexandria and Cauldron knew that many (if not most) of these children would suffer abuse by the prt (like in the case of Reed), die, or face a fate worse than death like poor Mouse Protector. It's horrifying! The idea that they didn't know the danger these kids would be in is literally inconceivable. Especially when one of you is also the head of the prt! They knew, and they didn't care. It improved their chances at the end of the world, and so they did it no matter the cost.
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vernanonix · 1 year
I heard someone say recently that Forgive Me! crosses over with everything in existence but have you seen The Amelia Project’s rap sheet?
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izel-scribbles · 1 month
relistening to s3 on a picnic blanket in the middle of a picturesque park is such an interesting vibe tbh
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cream-and-tea · 2 months
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[ID in alt]
our paige.
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lesbian-magicsings · 7 days
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