#So season 2 should stick to just a regular narrative visual novel^^
honeyspotpie · 11 days
Please correct me if I'm wrong I scrolled through the official dndads Twitter like once (I'm not getting on that app even if my life depends on it) but I remember them mentioning that they think it would be SO FUNNY if they did a dating sim... YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW BADLY I NEED THAT TO BE REAL. I'M NOT EVEN ATTRACTED TO ANY OF THE CHARACTERS BUT LIKE. HEAR ME OUT. I'm talking s1 dads specifically... A dating sim in the vain of that other dad dating sim (I forgot what it was called sorry) with the main 4. It's fully voice acted. There's a plethora of different paths and wacky scenarios to go through depending on who and what you choose. Do you see the vision (I mean that's how all dating sims work but shhh). They would treat the player as a party member and force them to go on unrelated, frankly dumb sidequests with them in Faerun. SCREW IT JUST A DNDADS VISUAL NOVEL IN GENERAL. THEY CAN ADD MULTIPLE DLCS FOR SEASONS 2 AND 3. IT WOULD WORK SO WELL BECAUSE THE PODCAST'S OUTLANDISH HUMOR REALLY COULD FIT INTO THE VISUAL NOVEL FORMAT. They should do a Kickstarter or a Patreon stretch goal and hire a few talented artists and game designers. IK THAT'S A LOT OF EFFORT FOR A SIDE PROJECT BUT. Please. I feel as though there's an audience for it. Anyways. Happy Father's day dndadders
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