#with admittedly varying success
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 1 year ago
Obviously the structure of an episodic series often requires characters to go from 'complete strangers' to 'close friends/family' in an unusually short amount of time. I get it.
Writers need a 'new guy' in the group to ask questions about the setting that the audience can't, but still (especially in comedy shows) want the fun dynamics that come from all the main cast knowing each other super well. It's one of those functional tropes like L-Shaped Blankets where you're required to suspend your sense of disbelief.
Having said that, I love when writers choose to take this trope and retroactively justify it by later on revealing that the Seemingly Normal Everyman Character is actually as unhinged as the rest of the group— it's just that their weirdness manifests specifically as an ability to form found family dynamics with literally any group they join, almost immediately after joining.
Like, you assumed that they just fit in so well because your group has a special vibe, but then you accidentally left them in the supermarket for like five minutes and by the time you realised and went back they were already Blood Brothers with the cashier.
Characters who are like friendly dogs in that you can put them essentially anywhere, with anyone, and they will just be like “welp! Guess this is my New Family now” and just go along with it.
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meanbossart · 9 months ago
So like healing isn't linear. Do you think there are times when Astarion is like "I can't do it tonight" in the middle od the deed? I do wonder what would be Drow's reaction? We know he can be overprotective. Would he, groundlessly, blame himself? I feel like in the latest chapters of ANE he made some progress with understanding Astarion.
On the other hand I feel like Astarion would be, unreasonably, angry at himself for not being able to move on and leave his past behind. "Cazador is gone, I gave myself time. Trauma, what else do you want?"
I would love to hear your opinion!
Oh yeah, absolutely there are times where he isn't feeling it. Admittedly I'm a little less interested in exploring the internal workings of healing from this kind of traumatic sexual fatigue than I am in exploring the way other people can accidentally make it about themselves, doubt your agency because of your past experiences, and continually focus on your trauma on your behalf under the guise of helping. Healing is a complex, personal experience that is practically impossible to document in a linear or clear fashion - the way other people react to it, on the other hand, is often painfully predictable.
Astarion is a grown man who wants to move on with his life. Sometimes, he probably feels overly sexual and privately needs to dwell on the guilt associated with that. Sometimes he isn't in the mood but he does it anyway for x and y reasons. Sometimes he stagnates and sometimes he tries new things that don't work, or that he regrets later. The important part is that these are decisions and "risks" he decides to take for himself. He knows that he can say no; he knows that if he says no, whatever is happening will stop. To him, that's the biggest perk about being with someone you trust - you can venture freely into the terrible and the painful and know nothing bad is actually going to happen, besides for maybe a weird-feeling type of week or a few nights of restless sleep.
Whether you think this is good or bad practice, it is what he wants to do as someone who is in a rush to enjoy things again.
DU drow is the one who is constantly concerning himself with his state of mind and his ability to make these kinds of choices. Getting into his head about whether or not Astarion feels pressured to fulfill his needs to the point where he avoids displaying any amount of sexuality around him for a time, where he himself turns Astarion's advances down not because he doesn't want to have sex - but because he doesn't trust him to make these choices in earnest. In this context, he is looking at Astarion and seeing a profoundly damaged man in need of rescue and guidance; while Astarion looks back at him wondering where this practically-weaned-yesterday doofus got the idea that he's got a radioactive dick. Once again, whether or not you believe that what Astarion is doing is healthy, the point is that DU drow has absolutely no authority in this area.
Like you pointed out, this is something that they slowly come to resolve. It will no doubt pop up as an issue again throughout their lives but the situation does improve. At the same time that Astarion will probably go through phases of dealing with his own business differently and communicate that to his partner to varying degrees of consistency or success - the important thing is that the other guy in the room stops acting like this is something he can do anything about but listen.
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A/N: why would you do this to me /j Thanks for the word!
Soft scritching of quill on parchment fills the momentary silence of the room covered ceiling to floor in an eclectic mix of past and present.
Papyrus rolls neatly stacked next to wire bound notebooks stuffed with sheafs of notes - post-its, paper scraps and bits of leaf.
Pots of ink precariously left open, hovering aloft in a nebulae of crayons, pencils (colored or otherwise) and glitter gel pens.
Dusty books in a range of languages helpfully circle the centre of the chaos:
3 children with varying writing implements squinting at a Waynepad.
"Okay, then what does skibidi mean?"
Freddy asks, his question garbling around the pencap in his mouth. His eyes haven't left the screen staring down the bug-eyed battling toilet heads and the inattention leaves a smear of blue glitter on his cheek.
"Toilets? I guess." Mary offers absently, tongue sticking out a little focused on her work.
"Toilet fights...?" Billy agrees uncertainly, and having finished his own version of the previous spell they had been working on, and stuck on translating the meme into a new useable one, he turns to peek over Mary's shoulder for inspiration.
A surprisingly accurate rendition of the character is coming to life under her deft fingers, only limited by the confines of the magic circle she is working in.
Her previous successes of unicorn sketches that heal small wounds and hipocammpi watercolors that produce (admittedly seaweed flavoured) water lay neatly besides her and the practice had served her well here as well, the unfinished picture glowing faintly as proof of her being on the right track.
"That's nice." He says, "What's it do?"
Mary shrugs.
"With luck, summon a toilet golem. If not?" She hesitates, pencil drumming on the paper. " ...Shoot toilet water at us."
Billy shares her grimace, shifting behind her a little just in case.
"What about yours?"
Billy obliging tilts his parchment her way. Lines of scribbled out text clash with glowing golden squiggles, translating whatever he's written in real time.
"When I break it up, I get something like snow movement, through, and then nonsense- but it's not really the spirit of the thing."
Freddy finally pulls himself away from the screen to add his two cents.
"That's so skibidi, bro." He says solemnly, sliging his arm round Billy's shoulders.
One of the books decides its the perfect moment to fall on his head.
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suzukiblu · 11 months ago
WIP excerpt from the one where Krypton lives and Kara did not sign up for this.
Only Kal would manage to get his DNA stolen on a planet called “Earth”, of all the godsdamned stupid places.
Might as well just be named “The Planet” or something, she swears. 
“All three it is,” Kara says, waving open her wall storage and grabbing her rice pot out of it. She only has the one because she's never had to cook for anyone else in her life, much less anyone who was staying with her, but she'll make it work. 
Can't be any worse than pulling off mission-critical military maneuvers in shit conditions with untried and under-trained new recruits, she figures. 
. . . though she is admittedly more prepared for that situation than this one, if it comes to it. 
Look, that’s just experience, alright? She’s been on a thousand maneuvers and missions she didn’t have the resources for, but Kal doesn’t get cloned every day. 
Well, at least not when he’s not on incredibly uncreatively named alien planets, anyway. 
Kara dumps three times the usual amount of rice into her rice pot while Thirteen hovers just outside the kitchen and Match stands very, very still beside him. Neither of them says anything else, though Thirteen looks like he might want to. He seems to be the talker, from what Kara can tell. 
Or at least, he’s the one they’ve designated to be the talker. He asks more questions, and sometimes Match looks at him like he’s expecting him to ask a question. Even if they don’t necessarily get along, they seem to be cooperating at least that much. 
Well, it makes sense. They’re the only other successful Kryptonian-human clones that anyone’s aware of existing, and they know cloning is illegal on Krypton, and Kal isn’t here right now. Who else are they going to rely on when meeting a total stranger? 
Even a total stranger who is, technically, family. 
Or at least arguably, anyway. 
Her house communicator plays a familiar identifying little melody as she’s juggling her spheres of katso sauce and dried spygin in one arm while trying to dig out the last couple of bly fruit she <i>knows</i> she had shoved in the back of her cold storage, which admittedly is a bit cluttered with premade meals right now. Or . . . always, pretty much. 
In her defense, she really doesn’t cook very much. Or very well. Or . . . at all, really, when she can avoid it. 
She’s a grown woman and a decorated general, alright? She doesn’t need to cook if she doesn’t want to. 
“Accept call,” she instructs briskly, and the communicator’s holoscreen materializes to her side. Thirteen startles slightly; Match doesn’t so much as twitch. Doesn’t so much as breathe either, though, so she’s pretty sure he was startled too. At least, that’s the impression she’s been getting from the way he’s reacted to things so far. 
Avoided reacting to things, more like. 
“Oh, look who’s finally calling,” she says, eyeing Kal’s image on her projected screen. He looks just barely harried and the slightest bit sheepish, and she can see a dark-haired woman who’s presumably his new wife sitting behind him in his home office wearing peculiar clothing that is definitely not Kryptonian, but also doesn’t look nearly as indecent as what Thirteen and Match both showed up wearing. She seems occupied with a reader, and keeps activating and deactivating it like she’s never seen anything like it before. 
So probably the wife, yes. Lois Kal-El, née Sam-Lane, according to Kal’s previous calls. Though he also says that humans have slightly different naming schemes than Krypton does. And apparently more varied ones than Krypton does, too. 
Why Kal apparently made sure his grown wife was more appropriately dressed than the children were is beyond her, though.
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italianbabydaddy · 3 months ago
hey there! question: do u think lulu had a gf at any point? it seems so odd that nothing has come out as of yet of him having one? and i don’t mean like a girl coming out and saying they were bf/gf but i mean like even in photos? i can’t imagine someone like him not having a gf like at least in college?
Hi, fren!
I’m sure, like someone myself who’s become disgustingly eager in learning everything about Luigi—from before the incident and now in the current state of things now, you’ve been wondering the same thing. Especially with how so many of us have been swooning and damn near have fallen in love with the guy over this past month.
I’m not gonna lie, upon the first few days that his name was in the news and more information was coming out about him, you couldn’t presumably not assume and stereotype about the kind of life he’s had: white, Italian, conventionally attractive, evidently socially outgoing personality, intelligent, successful Ivy League education, wealthy family, etc., And of course, with the parasocial infatuation growing as time has gone on, we all wish he was ours, but we also don’t want to think he has been with somebody, as we see in our minds that there is a sense of mutual feeling and want to believe it by knowing he’s experienced relationships. I mean, look at the collective response over that apparent Polaroid of him supposedly kissing that girl. My first reaction was that my Christmas was ruined because of it. (It’s been speculated that it’s fake, so I’m not going to say it’s confirmed.)
However, after reading up on a bunch of things throughout spaces like here and Reddit (the Free L thread, particularly) and diving into really the little bit of information we know about him, I wouldn’t be horrifically surprised if he never has had a girlfriend. And I will explain why:
I’m going to use myself as an example. I’m 23 years old, and admittedly, I’ve never had a boyfriend/significant other. I’ve never even been on a date, no less, had my first kiss nor found myself having true romantic crushes—but once I have a chance with Luigi, everything will change. Anyway. The best answer that I can give you as to why this is happened is because, in all honesty, I’ve never had much of an inkling for dating/romance in my life and there really hasn’t been a time and place where it’s just come along in my life so far. When I tell people this, a lot of them are in disbelief, and argue that since I’m an attractive person to them subjectively, that I have a great personality, and the mystery of that who wouldn’t want to be with me romantically is dumbfounding.
Now, I’ll briefly mention that I’ve wondered if I’m aromantic, but that’s another story, and then there’s times where I don’t think I am, as here I am now, feening down BAD for some Italian Ivy League frat boy from Maryland that I don’t even know and who allegedly shot a CEO and now I am affectionately considering him as my man from a parasocial view?
Maybe, the time for me to be a relationship hasn’t come yet, that is, if it ever will. I’ve just never had the dire urge to seek out romance, despite being in social spaces and environments where I could interact and potentially meet someone (similar to Luigi with Greek life, school, work, etc.,). However, I will affirm strongly that nobody could ever tell me that I have not lead a meaningful life because I’ve never dated anybody; maybe instead, my understanding of a meaningful life varies across other people’s understandings, but I can tell you, with certainty, on my behalf that my life is still meaningful and one worthwhile even if I’ve never dated somebody. I can proudly state that I enjoy my life as a single person.
That being said, I understand where you’re coming from when you say how you can’t imagine someone like him—a 26-year-old conventionally attractive, outgoing, sociable, smart grown man—not ever having a girlfriend while at least in college, as he attended an all-boys high school. It’s based in a phenomenon that we’ve been sort of conditioned to go along with, known as amatonormativity, which leads to the assumption that everyone desires romantic love and that not experiencing it means something is wrong with you, making it hard for people to understand or accept that someone might not feel or have experienced romantic attraction at all. In a sense, there is societal pressure to be in romantic relationships, heterosexual or not. And when somebody doesn’t conform to that pressure, we’re shell-shocked; we are even more bamboolzed to try and actualize this news when we hear about a person that we consider romantically attractive and suitable ourselves that has not been in a relationship.
Now, before I go any further, I am not saying that Luigi is aromantic and/or asexual nor am I alleging it. Perhaps, maybe Luigi has dated someone in the past, but for some reason, we just haven’t seen any photographic evidence of him and a girlfriend for the reason being that maybe she wants to protect their privacy, the general fear/apprehension of having association with his name in the news currently, or whatever the case may be—if there is a case pointing to this. Maybe he’s never dated really at all, but he just has had casual sexual relationships that weren’t significant to either person on an emotional connection.
Or, maybe, he’s never dated at all. I say maybe in each of these scenarios because we really don’t know the truth, and we won’t know until it is known. The only way that I could even conceivably come up with an answer for the last theory it’s because of what he values and considers important in his life, and how he chooses to pursues things in life. This takes me back to his concern about agency that he discussed with Gurwinder Bhogal, and the conversations they had about the lack of free will that Luigi noticed while on his trip to Japan this year. In short, perhaps Luigi has never dated because of all the other things that he has done in his life that makes his life great for him—traveling, reading, playing chess, surfing—and that he’s never found an outstanding reason to ever consider dating since there never really has been a time yet for it happen, for whatever chance may be. He may be just focused more on his career and individuality, and doesn’t have the urge to dive further into that route.
As a whole, to answer your question: I’m not sure if he’s ever had a girlfriend at any point. Would I like to know? Sure, why not. But will we ever know? I’m not so sure. It’s a whole another investigation in understanding this Luigi Lore that we may never get to know completely.
p.s. I did NOT mean to make this into an essay, I’ve just become enraptured when talking about him and it definitely shows. I’m open to hear anybody’s else thoughts on this!!!!
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cavegirlpoems · 8 months ago
Hey I found your blog through the animation post, and I've been having a lot of fun reading through your thoughts on ttrpgs. I played 3.5e in high school but I am admittedly very ignorant about the medium as a whole so it's really cool to see someone's much more knowledgeable takes. I've wanted to get into it more, but life seems to get it the way.
I will say I think there's one benefit of actual plays getting big that's worth taking about: the comparison to video games. Game breaking and exploiting design quirks is a major part of modern video games, see speedrunning or basically all of Minecraft, where the entire point is pushing the game past what it was meant for. Good (video) game design requires that to be accounted for, embraced or tactfully hidden, but regardless it's axiomatic that in a game involving free movement you *supposed* to dig through all the nooks and crannies, that's the point
Listening to some DND podcasts was what made me realize you're not actually supposed to play ttrpgs like that, that there's a fundamental principle of collaboration that exists within the medium that doesn't in video games. After all, you can have a successful tabletop session with the whole party trying to break the rules or find corners of the map that didn't get fill it. At a certain point they all have to buy in or the game doesn't work.
Or maybe I'm wrong, idk you're the expert. Anyway, I like your writing, keep it up
I think you're pretty spot on. A lot of toxic (or just sub-optimal) behaviours you see come from fundamentally forgetting that you're here to collaborate, or not buying into the basic premise of the game. Of course, the thing about ttrpgs are that there are a lot of different ways to have fun with them, and different players come to them for different reasons. Some people want an overarching story. Others like inhabiting a character in a more unstructured way. Others like exploring a setting. Others like the feeling of accomplishment from overcoming in-fiction challenges. Others want to be rewarded for using the game mechanics skillfully. Somebody who's here for a big epic story and somebody who's here to explore every space on a wilderness map are going to but heads every time "should we take a detour" comes up; this is why it's important to get that buy in for the game. And, I will say, I've played some games where mastering the game mechanics and playing tactically was the point! And had a lot of fun doing it, even. (I remain a big fan of D&D 4e). If everybody rocks up to a 4e table wanting to get into the minutiea of team synergies and character builds so they can beat really fucking hard encounters (and the GM enjoys running that sort of challenge game), you can have an absolute blast! But, the point is that even here everybody is collaborating for a particular experience, and a player who kept banging on about character arcs and refused to support their team-mates in combat because "it's what my character would do" is playing disruptively, and makes the game less fun for everybody else. It's a very varied medium, is the thing.
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the-marshals-wife · 3 months ago
Ugly Sweaters and Mistletoe (Sebastian Wilder x Reader)
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A/N: Merry Goosemas! 🎄 After all the comfort and joy he has brought me this year, I had to dedicate my holiday fic to another of his darling characters. I rewatched La La Land and endured the agony of the ending just so I could write this.
{Forgive me the mini chunk of exposition at the beginning, there's a ton of dialogue afterwards, I promise. I must give reader some set-up/backstory or I will perish.}
Description: Sebastian Wilder x waitress Fem!Reader, festive fluff | Warnings: suggestive themes, kissing, alcohol/drinking mentioned | Setting: a year or so after the epilogue | Word count: 2.6k
Imagine Sebastian surprising you with some holiday magic
Christmas had officially come to Seb's, and it was better than you'd ever imagined. As you tie your apron around your waist and make your way onto the floor to begin your shift, you try to take in all of the splendor. Garland was draped across the frames on every wall, each table had a cloth with festive print, and a beautiful tree decorated in blue and silver twinkled in the corner of the stage. Perhaps best of all, the club was absolutely brimming with guests wearing the flashiest, gaudiest holiday sweaters you'd ever seen.
You slip behind the bar, head buzzing with anticipation.
"Merry Christmas," you greet the mixologist.
"It most certainly is," he smiles, pausing to wipe his brow, "These sweaters are good for business. We got a lot of thirsty folks tonight."
"I better stay on my toes," you reply.
Even without the holiday trimmings, working at Seb's was the best job you'd ever had. The staff were some of the most easy-going people you'd ever met, the atmosphere was electric, and the music was sensational. Where else could you buss tables for a decent wage and hear a jazz concert every single night? The tips weren't too shabby either. It wasn't uncommon for you to bring drinks to studio execs and business moguls just as much as the working class jazz enthusiast. It'd taken a few years to get off the ground, but now, there was hardly a person left in LA who dared to call themselves "in the know" that hadn't at least heard of this place. By the time you'd sent in your application, Seb's was quite well-established on the scene. That was nearly a year ago now, and the club had only grown in popularity since. Even the odd movie star would visit from time to time. Some would sneak in and try to blend with the rest of the clientele, while others would leave a brigade of paparazzi out on the sidewalk, crowding around the door until said celebrity had to inevitably depart. Sebastian was quite irritable on those days, though he admitted to liking the publicity.
Oh, Sebastian. Admittedly, your favorite part of the gig was not the music or the money, but the owner himself. That was something you tried to keep to yourself, although perhaps to varying degrees of success. Like many of the nights that had come before, in the ocean of faces, you find yourself looking for one in particular. You see the band warming up on stage, but the charming, somewhat enigmatic pianist is missing.
Your fellow waitress for the evening bounces into the bar behind you, snapping you back to reality. She's decked out in a peppermint-striped sweater dress and fuzzy reindeer antler hairpieces.
"Oh my gosh, I love your outfit," you smile.
"Thank you! I love yours," she beams, "Look at this place! Cal said there was a line forming down the block two hours before opening."
"I know, this is insane," you agree, taking in the view again, "I can't believe so many people came."
"And I seriously can't believe you got Sebastian to do this," she chuckles, stacking drinks on her tray.
You pick up a cloth and start polishing a glass. "What do you mean?"
"He's super strict about the aesthetic of this place. Everything's gotta fit 'the jazz vibe', you know? He wouldn't even let people wear anything special for Halloween."
"Really? I wore a princess tiara and had glitter all in my hair on Halloween. He didn't say a word to me about it."
She stops long enough to shoot you a pointed look. You could instantly feel your cheeks turning red.
"My point exactly," she responds, smirking, "Boy, am I glad, too. I love working here, but around the holidays, it has been like a funeral home. No lights, no tree. Not even a shred of tinsel."
"You're kidding," you say, realization finally starting to sink in.
"Now it's like the mall at Christmas in here," she declares, "Whatever you're doing, honey, keep it up."
She winks. Before you can explain that her guess was as good as yours on what that might be, she's walked away and left you to your stunned thoughts.
Did Sebastian really do all this just because you asked? You try to think back to the moment that you suggested it to him. By all accounts, it had been a night like any other. You were cleaning up your tables, eagerly thinking about the upcoming holiday season, especially since it would be your first working at Seb's. At your last job, they talked about doing an ugly Christmas sweater night for the staff and guests, but you left before getting to participate. You always thought it would be fun. So, when Sebastian walked you to your car that night, like he always did when you worked the closing shift, you brought it up.
"Sounds...colorful," he'd remarked, nodding thoughtfully.
And that was it, until a week ago when you saw the pile of fliers on the bar for Seb's first ever ugly Christmas sweater party. You'd been too excited to realize how out of the ordinary it was. Thanks to your amused coworker, you now wonder how you could have missed it.
More anxious than ever to see him, you make yourself busy, going out to your tables and collecting orders. Yet by the time you deliver your third full tray of drinks, there was still no sign of Sebastian. From the back of the room, you can see the rest of the band up on stage shrugging and talking amongst themselves. Just as you're about to sneak into the back to look for him yourself, you hear a familiar voice.
Sebastian hurriedly walks up alongside you, surveying the full club.
"Oh good, they didn't start without me," he says, out of breath.
"I was starting to think you got lost, Wilder," you say, turning to face him.
"Just had to swing by the North Pole and grab a change of costume. I definitely didn't forget it in my car," he replies, slicking back his tousled hair, "So, what do you think?"
He peers down and holds out the bottom of his bright red sweater, a huge golden saxophone emblazoned on the front surrounded by tiny silver music notes.
Your hands fly up over your mouth, the sight filling you with instant joy.
"I freaking love it," you grin, "It's glorious."
"Think it's snazzy enough? Or, should I say, jazzy enough?"
"It's so jazzy," you answer, giggling in delight.
He chuckles, shaking his head. "You look pretty festive yourself."
You glance down at your green yuletide apparition, the two googly eyes of a fluffy white cat in an elf hat staring up at you.
"Thanks. It was between this and one that had Santa with a Hawaiian shirt and a margarita. This one spoke to me though."
"I think it's speaking to me too," he says, raising an eyebrow, "The eyes really follow you, don't they?
Just like always, Sebastian had you laughing and nearly forgetting the rest of the world.
"Speaking of eyes following you," you begin, gesturing, "Don't you have a show to start?"
"Indeed I do. Time to jingle some bells," he says, clapping his hands together, "See you after?"
Your heart skips at the suggestion. "I'll be here."
He starts to walk off, but then you're struck with sudden remembrance.
"Wait, Seb!" you call after him, reaching into your apron, "I almost forgot."
He spins on his heel and returns, his bright blue eyes wide with expectation.
"To complete your look," you say, holding out a Santa hat, "You're the boss, after all."
"Of course. How can I refuse?" he smiles, taking it from your grip and placing it on his head, "You don't have a long white beard for me too, do you?"
"No, no, you're good. I left that in my other apron," you snort, playfully shoving his arm, "You better get up there, Jazzy Claus."
"That's good. I'm gonna use that," he replies before dashing away.
Now remembering that you're on the clock, you quickly maneuver back to home base where more orders are surely waiting on you. Across the club, Sebastian finally makes his way onto the stage and up to the microphone.
"Happy Holidays," he greets after the boisterous applause, "I see a lot of folks who have donned their gay apparel. I know I have. And I've got just one question for you. Who here is feeling the Christmas spirit?"
The audience laughs and whoops in confirmation as you arrange a round of refills on your tray, stealing glances as you go.
"I think we've got at least a few," he smiles, scanning the crowd, "But if you're not feeling it yet, I believe you will before the night is over. I'd like to thank you all for attending our first ever 'Ugly Sweater Celebration.' We've got a great line up for you tonight that will hopefully put a spring in your step, and maybe even bring some cheer to your hearts."
"But before we start rocking around the Christmas tree, I want to take a moment to thank a very special someone."
You nearly drop the glass in your hand. Before you can move, the soft glow of one of the stage lights is pointing directly at you. Your pulse begins to race, and through your stupor, you hear Sebastian continue.
"The lovely Miss Y/N, without whom tonight's party, and much of the magic here at Seb's, would not have been possible."
As the audience claps in your honor, you look up to see Seb's gaze fixed on you. In that moment, the glitter and garland faded away. All that remained was you and he.
Only once he sat down at the piano and began to play did time start again.
The party was a complete success. People even cheered for an encore of ''Zat You, Santa Claus?', which Seb was all too happy to give. Meanwhile, you somehow managed to focus on your tables and get through the rest of your shift without busting from excitement, Seb's speech about you replaying in your mind. As much as you enjoyed the festivities, you couldn't keep your thoughts from wandering to what might await after the final carol was played.
Now that the last guest had left, and the rest of the staff had gone home, you and Sebastian were the only two left in the building. The suspense quickens your pace as you switch off the remaining lights and gather your things. Like clockwork, Sebastian stands by the door waiting for you.
"I'm about to sweat to death in this thing," he says as you approach, keys jingling in his hand, "You ready for some fresh air?"
"Don't have to ask me twice," you reply, pulling your purse over your shoulder.
He holds the door open for you, locking up once you're through. You wait for him at the top of the stairs like usual as he switches off the neon, going through the motions of the nightly routine in uncharacteristic silence. You figured he was exhausted from spreading holiday cheer, yet you couldn't help but wonder if anticipation was weighing on him as well. The damp night air brings little relief as you step onto the sidewalk, but it would take an arctic breeze to chill your nerves.
He locks the outer door and lets out a dramatic sigh.
"Much better," he exhales, "At least three degrees cooler. Maybe five."
You start off down the block side by side.
"I'd say about four and a half," you nod, "Why don't you take the sweater off?"
"And undo all that Christmas spirit? I think not," he scoffs.
"What was I thinking?" You roll your eyes, bouncing your palm off of your forehead.
"You didn't have one of those eggnog cocktails, did you? Which was not my idea, by the way," he adds, shuddering.
"Absolutely not, that was disgusting. Just the smell of it-," you gag, wishing you could dispel the memory entirely, "If I never have to serve another of those again, it'll be too soon."
Silence falls between you for a moment as you turn the corner and start down the alley towards the parking lot.
"I think my halls are officially decked," he says, a bit quieter than before.
"Same. I smiled so much, my cheeks hurt."
"You're not going to report that as a workplace injury, are you?" he teases, "Cause if you are, I'm gonna need to lawyer up."
Your expression turns sly. "Well, we might be able to come to some sort of arrangement."
"Uh oh, like what?" he asks, faking nervousness.
"Like...you agreeing to have a Christmas party every year from now on," you respond with confidence.
"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be. I give ya an inch, and you take a candy cane mile!" he throws up his hands in feigned exasperation.
You step ahead of him and begin to walk backwards, staring him down.
"We could always take it to court, Wilder. But I'm warning you, my lawyer has never lost a facial injury case. I think you should just accept the deal and walk while you still can," you say sternly, trying not to crack up.
He stops in his tracks and crosses his arms, frowning, "I didn't take you for a cutthroat."
"That was your mistake, Jazzy Claus," you smirk, "Never judge a woman by her ugly sweater."
Sebastian can keep up the charade no longer, breaking down into laughter. You swiftly follow suit.
"Alright, alright. Twist my arm, why don't ya," he concedes, rolling his eyes and starting to walk again.
"I knew you'd see it my way," you chuckle, pleased with your victory.
Your car comes into view, and with the playful moment passed, you determine to tell him what you'd actually intended to.
"I really enjoyed tonight. Everyone did. Thank you for doing all of this."
"It was a great idea. I'm glad you thought of it."
Your journey ends as you reach the front of your car, and you stand face to face.
"That's all I did. You're the one who brought it to life and pulled off a Christmas miracle," you remind.
"Because of you," he states, "I get stuck in my ways sometimes. But when you're around...not so much."
"Well, I'm glad I can help," you offer, glancing down at your shoes.
"I meant what I said up on stage, Y/N. This place is better with you," he pauses, inching closer to you, "So am I."
You're momentarily lost for words, captivated by his softened gaze.
"I also meant to hang this somewhere out here." He reaches into his pocket and produces a sprig of mistletoe tied with a thin red ribbon, "But there's really nothing to walk under. And then I thought, 'maybe that's a weird thing to do', even though it's a time-honored tradition. So you know, I just spiraled from there."
You grin and take the sprig from his open palm.
"Don't overthink it, Wilder," you say, holding it over your head.
He takes only seconds to accept your invitation. The space between you disappears as he leans in and captures your lips in a tender kiss. Time stops once more as you kiss him back beneath the winter stars. This too was better than you'd ever dreamed.
"Do you have any plans for New Years Eve?" you ask, awestruck.
He slips his hand into yours and smiles.
"I do now."
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trekkele · 3 months ago
Do you know if Bruce has a hebrew name? Or do you have a headcanon for him? :O
afaik Bruce doesnt have a canon hebrew name and tbh i dont see DC ever giving him one because that would require them to 1. Acknowledge his judaism on panel in a way thats much more blatant than the occasional Culturally Significant Background Action (do i love the panel of Bruce placing a stone on a grave? Yes. Do i think the average reader has any idea what that means? No.) 2. Would make it obvious and canonical that Marthas jewishness was important to her and therefore important to Bruce, and quiet frankly i see enough fans insist that he isnt “that kind of jew” (what does that mean?? What the fuck does that mean???) that i dont think its going to happen.
Personally i always think of him as Baruch which literally translates as “blessing”, and with Marthas canonical fertility troubles and the way he dedicates himself to improving the lives of those around him (with admittedly varying levels of success) its both appropriate and ironic. Think of it as Marthas last gift, the promise that she never viewed him as anything less then a gift, a blessing, no matter what he thinks of himself.
It also has the same “b” and “r” sounds as Bruce, which was often (anecdotally) how secular names were chosen.
Another appropriate name could be Dovid, because a big thing in the navi is how King Dovid would prepare for the building of the Bais Hamikdosh but never personally see it built. Kind of how Bruce is always working for a better Gotham, but has never expected to see it.
And Baruch Dovid is a common combination of names.
(Baruch is pronounced Booh-r-uch, with the r rolling and the ch being a guttural idk growl? Its not the ‘ch’ of ‘child’)
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🌮 < emoji for easy recognition
AITA for "bullying" someone out of a group chat for putting public health at risk?
This happened a while ago but I randomly remembered it happened and I'm super curious (and also still feel bad about it despite the incident happening probably around a year ago, but I also feel entirely justified). Additionally, I put "bullying" in quotes for a reason that will become clear later.
Some background: this group chat is a local/state Telegram group chat where everyone knows the approximate location of everyone; specifically, everyone knows either what region everyone else lives in or what town/city. One of the members of the chat (who was 19 at the time) worked at a fast food restaurant local to his area and is the "someone" this is ask is referring to. It's worth noting that a not insignificant chunk of the people in this group chat (which had around 150-175 people in it at the time of this happening iirc, most of the ones involved in this situation being older than him) found this guy annoying. I did too, but I was willing to talk to him because I don't think someone being annoying is a reason to be a dick to them (and I hold this stance with most people until they cross the boundary from annoying to toxic). Eventually I did block this guy because he was kinda a dick, but this isn't too relevant. What is relevant though is blocking someone on Telegram only blocks them from directly contacting you over direct messages; it doesn't block someone from replying to you in group chats or overall interacting normally in a group chat. Anyway, I had blocked this guy as of the events I'm going to get into and because of how Telegram works, we could still communicate in the group chat.
Now onto the actual event. Keep in mind that this guy works at a restaurant.
He came into the chat one morning mentioning that he was sick, like throwing up sort of sick, and said he was going to work anyway because his workplace was short on staff. Everyone active at the moment tried to talk him out of it -- he worked at a restaurant, and he was throwing up -- but we had no success in talking him out of going to work. All of us started trying to figure out what to do because this guy was risking the safety of literally everyone there. We even brought up the fact that if he went to work and got his coworkers sick, they'd be even shorter on staff, thus completely negating his point in going to work despite being sick.
One of the other members of the chat suggested we call his workplace and let them know he told us he was throwing up because it was a safety issue. I don't remember if anyone actually called his workplace, but it was something that was discussed.
Eventually (I don't remember if it was before or after he got off work) we started telling him our concerns and admittedly it did get heated, because this guy risked public safety (and his coworkers' health) and potentially his job and the restaurant by going to work after throwing up. NONE of us were happy about it. We were all varying levels of pissed, annoyed, irritated, anxious, etc.
Eventually he left the chat and he hasn't returned since then.
Why I think I might be TA:
I contributed to the discussion of "this guy is risking public safety and he really shouldn't be going to work if he's throwing up" which is the reason he left the chat.
I told my brother (who also worked in fast food at the time) and my aunt about it and they basically told me it was a dick move.
Why I think I might not be TA, or at the very least justified:
This guy was risking public safety
I didn't actively get heated until it was clear he wasn't taking what we were saying into consideration, at which point it felt like I needed to get more intense about it because he wasn't fucking listening
Additional bits of info:
To reiterate, Telegram doesn't block people from interacting with you or vice versa in group chats specifically if you've blocked them. It just means you can't communicate over direct messages. This is why I could still talk to this guy in the group chat despite blocking him.
I'm not entirely sure how relevant it is, but in case it's more relevant than if he worked at a McDonalds or Wendy's, this guy worked at a Mexican restaurant chain. I won't say specifically which one to respect privacy, but he worked at a Mexican fast food chain.
The reason I blocked him is completely irrelevant to this, and I don't feel like sharing why I blocked him anyway.
I don't remember what my thought on "call his manager" was, please don't ask about it.
He'd already been banned from or left the chat before (I don't remember which; if it was the latter I'm pretty sure it was because he knew people found him annoying but I don't remember any bannable offenses from him), then let in again by the chat's owner. He was actually let in again I think a day or two before all this went down. Because of him having just been let into the chat again less than 5 days before all this, the chat owner was trying to get us to calm down, which we obviously weren't doing since this guy had told us he was throwing up and still went to work his fast food job.
TL;DR: AITA for participating in making a guy feel so bad about going to work after telling us he threw up and therefore risking public safety and the health of his coworkers that he left the group chat?
What are these acronyms?
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the-morningstar-family · 3 months ago
Pregnancy still going okay?
Alastor has successfully survived through the first trimester of pregnancy.
But in the deer's opinion the ‘success’ is debatable. Not that anything abnormal happened, but he's simply exhausted by it. Now at 14, it is high time for another checkup. Last time Doctor Chaim had done more extensive tests, to make sure their children are developing at a normal rate.
Dr. Chaim: "I'm happy to let you know that we have the results back from the NT ultrasound and the NIPT blood test, and everything looks normal. The measurements for all three babies were within the expected range, and the blood test didn't show any signs of chromosomal abnormalities.
Lucifer, excited: “That's great!”
The king slings his arms around the demon who fondly rolls his eyes. Lucifer starts to play with his hair.
Alastor: “It is excellent”
Lucifer: “You know, you really should wear your hair like that more often”
Alastor: “Not a chance”
Hormonal changes made it harder to straighten, and to make matters worse, Alastor had overslept. So instead of having a half done job, the demon has simply put his hair into a little ponytail. Much to have s partners delight.
Dr. Chaim: “Okay, only a few things left. Please get in the scale”
Alastor, ears lowering: “It is rather obvious, that I put on weight”
Dr. Chaim: “Looks can be deceiving and I need the specific numbers”
Alastor: “Fine, fine!”
Reluctantly, he steps out of his shoes and on the scale, decidedly not looking down. His doctor, though, looks very closely.
Dr. Chaim: “Yes, all in order. You may step off”
Lucifer had been correct, the new set of clothes had been a welcomed change, and made him more comfortable in his own expanding skin. Well, as long as there isn't too much focus on it. But it is getting better with time. Especially since it now looks more  like pregnancy and not just like he put on some weight.
Dr. Chaim: “Okay, that leaves us with one last thing!”
He hands Alastor a small cup.
Dr. Chaim: “I need a urine sample”
Alastor, glaring at him: “You are testing my patience, Doctor”
Dr. Chaim: “Yes, but mainly I'm testing your children, so go on. I am checking for glucose, bacteria, Ketone and so much more.”
The glare gets redirected to Lucifer, who looks slightly amused.
Alastor: “I'm holding you accountable for this misery”
Lucifer, nervous laugh: “Yeah, sorry about that.”
He makes quick business of it, and gets the doctor the urine sample.
Dr. Chaim: “Thank you very much. I should have the results ready by next time”
Alastor, sarcastic: “Wonderful. Shall I bring an entire canister next time?”
Dr. Chaim: “One of those cups is more than enough”
Lucifer: “Al, common, he's just trying to help”
Dr. Chaim: “Don't worry your majesty. I get all kinds of patients, I have thicker skin than that”
The doctor waves it off dismissively and goes over his checklist one more time.
Dr. Chaim: “That would be all I am checking today. Do you have any questions?”
Alastor: “Yes, actually. Regarding the magical growths. I could hardly find anything”
Dr. Chaim: “It varies from person to person. Especially if the children build stronger capabilities, their needs might fluctuate intensely. You might go from next to nothing to pretty solid magic reserves within the day. Just listen to your body and don't overexert yourself.”
Alastor, tense: “Right. Thank you, that would be all.”
The two leave after bidding goodbye.
Lucifer: “Are you worried about the magic thing?”
Alastor: “... A tad, admittedly. I do not enjoy being more… ugh vulnerable. But I suppose we will handle it, as always”
Lucifer: “Yeah! You bet!”
The enthusiasm does calm the demon.
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shenanigans-and-imagines · 4 months ago
I’d love to know about how Lucy’s first oneshot with Hellfire went (sorry if you’ve answered this before 🫣)
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A/N: Oh God, I need to actually write this scene out. I've played a lot more D&D now, I can actually write it. Add it to my list of WIPs. Here's the basic run down though.
Pseudo sequel to "Welcome to Hellfire" for reference.
Okay, first things first, Eddie would warn the rest of Hellfire that a girl will be joining them, this is met by general confusion and suspicion
They all immediately think it's a gag until Eddie mentions it's Lucy Henderson
I doubt any of them know who she is immediately, but maybe one, lets say Jeff, remembers she was in one of the school plays; she was actually pretty good
Still their reaction has Eddie's guard back up; cute or not, he still can't fully trust Lucy
Lucy is blissfully unaware of any of this when she arrives after school with Tupperware full of cookies (she knows from Dustin that snacks are always necessary)
She's also been studying her sheet backwards and forwards so she is sure what she can do and how she can do it
The guys are a little unsure and look to Eddie for their cue on how to treat Lucy, but the cookies are certainly a step in the right direction (even if they want to be "macho" and pretend it doesn't)
I must also remind everyone that teenagers, especially teenage boys trying to be cool, are idiots
Eddie's mask is back on at this point and plays Lucy's arrival as no big deal while also emphasising to her that he's not putting kids gloves on just because she's new
The guys in turn try to play up the tough guy act to varying success
Lucy is a little put off, but figures everyone is just a little nervous; she is the new girl coming in after all, she's been the new girl before, it's always a little awkward
Eddie would have this be essentially session zero of the campaign; going over everyone's sheets/characters, going over anything people aren't cool with and just having all the characters properly meet each other
Admittedly Eddie kind of skips lines and veils since they've all been playing together for a while and Lucy isn't about to say anything that rocks the boat so doesn't bring up anything that would bother her on the first day
(Yes, I do have a WIP about Lucy getting triggered by a demogorgon, it is on the list)
Lucy pulls out her sheet and the guys are openly surprised so chose a halfing instead of like a pretty elf maiden or something; Lucy then points out that halfings are much better thieves and that gets a nod of appreciation from the table
Eddie doesn't immediately put Lucy on the spot, giving the spotlight to the guys first to introduce their characters and consequently get themselves locked up in the local jail
This isn't to ice her out, but rather give her a chance to see how everyone plays so when it gets to her turn, she has a better sense of the tone
Lucy is absorbing all of it like a sponge
Everyone is playing more serious characters as I got the impression Eddie likes running more serious/horror games with heavy combat
It's then Lucy's turn and she does try to be serious, up until she gets her first bad roll
Lucy: I'd like to pick-pocket the merchant. Eddie: Cool. Roll for stealth. Lucy: That's a 2? Jeff: With your modifier? Lucy: That's a 5? Eddie: The merchant immediately calls for the town guard. Lucy: Wait! Do I have a moment to say anything? Eddie: Sure. Lucy: I'm sorry, I thought these were my pants! The Table: ... Eddie: You want to convince the merchant he's wearing your pants. Lucy: ...Yes. Eddie: Roll deception. Lucy: 4. Eddie: The merchant immediately calls for the town guard.
Lucy feels pretty embarrassed, but the whole table loves it
Once Lucy's character is placed in one of the cells she's able to shine with good role play and everyone starts to loosen up
It's clear Lucy really does care about the game and is fully invested in everyone else's characters
Years of doing theater has trained her well at listening to her scene partners
Maybe it's cliche for the party heart to be the girl, but Lucy fills the role happily
She even redeems herself by actually rolling high on another sleight of hand and being able to get them out of the cell
Overall, a little rough, but fun and a general agreement that Lucy is welcome back at the table
Lucy even stays behind to help Eddie pack up rambling to him about some ideas she has about the campaign and her character and she's going to run it by Gareth, but maybe they had a run in some time in the past etc.
Eddie just kind of listens to her talk, jumping in when he has something to say, but mostly letting her ramble
He attributes the warm feeling in his chest to the gratification of a player clearly enjoying his world and not...other things
It ends up just being him and Lucy walking out into the cool September night air; the sun has been down for hours
Eddie then notices Lucy is going to the bike racks
He's not sure what comes over him, but before she can get to far he asks if he she wants a ride; there is plenty of room in the van for her bike
Lucy hesitates, but only out of politeness; she wasn't exactly looking forward to riding her bike so far at night
Eddie ends up learning a few more things about Lucy Henderson in those extra fifteen minutes; one, she likes country music, two, she has never heard of any of the bands in his cassette collection, and three, she turns a very cute shade of pink when she decides to get confrontational, clearly she hasn't had much practice
He also decides he wouldn't mind if she needs a ride next week
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normalbrothers · 7 months ago
Omg my discord server has discussed that exact “facilitating sexual violence” thread with tommy. Our running theory (literally what we call “The Theory”) is that Arthur Sr facilitated Tommy’s abuse for money, and that’s created a lot of his views on people being investments. The “everyone’s a whore” line and his whole complex about Lizzie’s past (side note, also the way they look suspiciously similar… the mirrors are mirroring) are probably the most obvious examples, but the fears he has about being seen as useless to his family and his tendency to Literally “sell them out” for their continued success read like a monstrous combination of soldier mentality and childhood trauma. On top of that, the other people who (imo) conduct themselves the most like him in the criminal underworld, such as Polly, Michael, Grace, Jack (heavily implied), and Alfie (if you’ve listened to TGOAS) have also all been SA/SH victims. AND, in one way or another, those people betray Tommy— or a stand-in for Tommy —while playing the role of someone who was supposed to protect him/the stand-in. It is sooo!!!! Sorry that was a massive amount of word vomit but I had to yappppp 😫
´mh. the dangers of posting a take that doesn't get into the nuances. i kind of see your point(s), but i think i only agree with half of it, and even then with caveats. looking at a thematic thread is important, because it obviously Says Something, but i think getting into individual situations and what causes them, and the specific motivations that underline them is somewhat more important here, because it Says Something Even More.
this is rather long so i'm putting it under a read more (i hope it's not typo-riddled and that the sentences are legible, i find it awfully diffcult to actually make post on tumblr hdhd somehow the lay out doesn't appeal to my brain)
i haven't seen a lot of meta that actually argues for this, but arthur sr prostituting tommy (though, there are also fics that do the same thing with arthur) seems to be a relatively commonplace trope on ao3 - at least it's more prevalent than, say, arthur sr sexually abusing tommy himself. i can see where this comes from - sr appears like an opportunist who is mostly driven by wanting to make a quick buck for his own gain and who apparently has little emotional attachment to his children - and we have tommy's scathing line about children working for men "in their various ways", clearly implying sexual exploitation, but my personal theory when it comes to tommy and his relationship to his father doesn't exactly involve this (though, to be fair my take on their father is in general a little different than what fandom tends to go for - and, admittedly, i'm sentimental about this, but i don't think it's entirely unfounded either). but both are theories in the end, with an equal amount of "validity"; it's not like the concluding movie will confirm anything in that regard.
however, the problem with this theory, or rather making it the source of tommy's view of the world and the people around him, is that it precedes the war trauma, but the way we are introduced to tommy, how he operates and how we are meant to look at his initial ruthlessness (which is not a permanent state, it dissolves more and more as the show goes on) is the result of that specifically. the tommy before the war is someone that largely remains elusive to us. but we know that most of his family's grievances with him in the first season in particular are about how different (see: inaccessible and emotionally detached) he is since he came back - polly, arthur, their father point this out, all with varying degrees of judgment and condemnation, and much to tommy's dismay: he knows he's different, but unable to change that. it begets an odd feedback loop where he is rejected and simultaneously unable and often unwilling to talk about anything. thus the entire 'tommy doesn't talk to his family, his family (sometimes justifiedly) calls him out on it, but seemingly doesn't actually want to know anything, so tommy says even less' Complex becomes kind of a chicken and egg situation that causes most of their strife. but it's not necessarily a dynamic where one is categorically wrong and the other right. the troubling thing about this, of course, is that he often jumps things on them without briefing them beforehand and this may have the result that someone gets hurt - it's a nasty habit he has, but also something that lessens as the show goes on, but it's ... not exactly coming from nowhere. indeed, his family doesn't listen to or is dismissive of him; they are quite a few instances where they against his orders or don't heed his requests or warnings (a huge point of contention in season 3). important here is also that he doesn't retaliate or punish for this - if he's sometimes displeased and huffy that he isn't given a lot of respect by the people closest to him (as one would respect a traditional patriarch), he does little to and is unable to actually enforce it, nor is he feared by them.
nevertheless, he's still, in a way, regarded as the family's emotional center (next to polly), and despite everything, is still entrusted to look after his family members, my assumption is that he had a sort of caretaker function before the war without being considered the head of the family (it's important to point out that he takes over in s1, in his late twenties, instead arthur (early thirties) is introduced to us as the head of the family, the script itself goes as far as calling him a 'king': and he still tries to act with authority towards tommy in the beginning, which makes me think that this is something that *did* work once upon a time (actually, you can still see glimpses of this throughout the show), but doesn't anymore: tommy only starts to challenge him at this point, where both of them are well into adulthood) - and what tommy says of himself is that he believed they deserved better and that he used to be impatient and angry at 'slowness'. the notion that he was a romantic and idealist seems plausible to me; in that sense i don't think he was born a businessman, that he was always able to strategize, and use people, with aim for profit - and even then this is not exactly what motivates him in the first place.
so this is evidently not something his father taught him, but rather a trait (the compartmentalization, using people as tools as he himself is a tool) he developed over the course of the war where at some point he served as sergeant major, with men under him that he was responsible for, but also had to command (always in the extremely stressful context that any of them could die, and that any mismanagement or misstep on tommy's part could be the reason for this - *that* is the root of tommy's ruthlessness/emotional "coldness", he has to compartmentalize: his friends and brothers become soldiers he commands, with the traumatic knowledge that he might be sending them to their deaths - that arthur and john survive, also because of him, informs their dynamic once they return. they very much trust him as their leader, that tommy will take care of things and that he knows what he's doing, but without the circumstance of a literal war, they become brothers (human) again and these pre-war relationships and the traumatic distribution of their roles during the war are a source of conflict - it's not just a terrible thing for arthur and john, it also has a bad impact on tommy. something of a side note: while wealth and status and the trappings that come with it are things he enjoys - as does the rest of the family! - his attempts to achieve legitimacy and assimilation have more to do with safety for himself and his family (and he brutally learns that this is not really possible). for example john and arthur - as "bad" as him - enjoy the life, even as they admire tommy for what he seems capable of, they don't really see a point in tommy's plans to go legitimate. both of them would have, likely, been "content" to remain gangsters and rule over their small corner of the world (though, of course, we are privy to arthur's ongoing dilemma of wanting two opposing things and that he buckles under his own guilt, as tommy does) - that is not a safer way of living, however. sooner or later someone like campbell would have shown up anyway, and any of them could have still been gunned down in a turf war or have been arrested and eventually faced legal punishment for their crimes. this is not a position that tommy put them in, but of course, through tommy, they face problems on a larger scale - but the entire family wouldn't have been safer either way - this is an incredibly important point - poor and marginalized and criminalized and criminal as they are.
so, my very longwinded first point here is that tommy's behaviour, as it starts out in the show and how we see it transform over the course of it, is not something his father taught him. i also think it's a mistake framing tommy as acting like his father in any way (their motivations and ambitions and personalities are almost completely diametrically opposed) - this isn't really something that the show makes a point of, and he is certainly not replicating something, according to this theory, that his father subjected him to with his family members. mostly he structures the business militaristically, with him as a commanding officer - that business and family are the same thing, in a sense, and that it doesn't work as neatly as it should in theory is big ongoing problem for all of them.
okay, now coming to the actual point around the subject of 'facilitating sexual violence'.
for this i actually have to make another point that i haven't gotten into yet, but something that is important about tommy is that he starts out with a very rigid "them vs us" mindset (@deadendtracks pointed out that this also is a result of the shelbys being particularly marginalized as romani/travelling people, even among their equally poor working class peers) - he actually makes a sharp distinction between family and not-family. it's a fairly fascist rationale and it's not an accident that once he enters politics, and comes up against mosley, he starts to expand his scope (though it is incomplete as of yet), to care for more than just his family's safety and success. non-family people are those he tends to use or exploit, often with little consideration or guilt (or the guilt is compartmentalized: there is a reason he sees the pile of anonymous dead bodies in his bathroom when he has the seizure in s6), those are who he sees as investments and who he would "sell out" if it benefits him and the family. this is not true for his family members, actually. my guess is that fandom conflates these two things, because there seems to be a lasting misunderstanding of what happened in s3 with the arrests - which didn't happen, because tommy "sold them out", but as a consequence of things tommy had a limited amount of control over (i'm not at all suggesting that tommy is blameless here, but it's a little more complex than that). and this actually starts in s2, after his mock execution (a form of torture) he is told that churchill/the government will make use of him when the time comes, the events of s3 are predicated upon this (actually the entirety of s1 and s2 are the building blocks for the s3 arc and fallout (tommy being arguably hubristic in the beginning plays a minor, rather than a major, part)): under the threat of his family being executed, they are coerced into the russian plot - this is not something tommy chose to do. what he does is demand payment for it, however, but you can see a logic in this: if he gets fucked, they should at least compensate him. (this is an aspect of tommy's "everyone's a whore" thesis as well). tommy repeatedly warns and cautions is family over the season: it's absolutely not in his interest that any of them get arrested, or that he "sells them out" or that he sacrifices them (i could also get into the fact that even if one makes the point that he doesn't care for his family beyond seeing their utility, sacrificing them would be dumb, economically, because tommy knows he can't do things on his own, he has to delegate, and willingly sacrificing people profoundly loyal to him through familial and love relations for some middle-term goal, that might not work out at all, is ... a silly thing to do - who could he possibly replace them with?)
i somewhat understand that the initial perception would be that tommy is capable of this, tommy is possibly somewhat opaque in the beginning - but it never actually happens in the show, certainly not in the way people talk about it, and at some point i think the distinction (family and not-family) tommy makes should become clear to the audience - because it's a thematic element that underlines tommy's arc from s1 to s6. i also think you have to make a difference between arthur and john as soldiers/gangsters and polly and ada (and finn) who are "civilians". they are all part of a criminal organization, voluntarily as far as it goes (ada, of course, makes a point of distancing herself from the family at first, which tommy doesn't really fight her on). john and arthur are soldiers like tommy, and they make up the "illegal" musclework of their business efforts; beyond the moral injury around killing (sustained in the war), they are also aware that what they do could end badly for them: they are not blue-eyed about it, and they agreed to this. it's not forced upon them by tommy, setting aside that tommy himself gets his hands dirty; he does not treat them as disposable goons who do all the bloody work while tommy sits back and keeps his hands clean. (tommy does have goons he doesn't care about, though). he is not exploiting his brothers - which is another aspect of "selling them out", i guess. i think that is diminishing the agency they have, and the fact that they act on their own and why they do so and they certainly don't always follow tommy's orders. and then of course, ada and polly (and the wives) are kept out of the line of fire (which tragically doesn't always work), both as women, but also because they don't have the experience of killing/war. finn is an different can of worms, and probably deserves it's own separate meta.
okay! i'm getting to the part about sexual violence. now.
sexual violence - the allusions to past trauma, the constant threat of it and the actual acts we see happen on the show - permeates the narrative fabric of the show. as another smart person once pointed out, it's not a mistake that the show's (powerful) antagonists, simultaneously representatives of institutions (the police, the clergy, the aristocracy) that shape and order society, tend to be perpetrators of sexual violence as well: campbell is a rapist, hughes is an abuser of children and while mosley and mitford are not shown to be either of these things, their depraved sexual predatoriness still stands out.
of course, tommy here, as a "middleman" or medium is a subject worthy of discussion, then, but i also think we have to look at these instances where it happens separately (because they are not the same, despite the connecting thread).
grace and kimber: this might be a subjective impression, but i think what tommy does here is the most calculating (and in that sense the worst if just going by his motivations) out of all these examples. he takes note of kimber's obvious interest in grace and at this point likely already plans to make her part of his deal at the race. a big point here, in fact, is that grace is not only not-family, but she's a complete outsider to small heath/birmingham as well, and tommy very quickly clocks her as an upperclass woman on top. while he doesn't suspect her of being a spy (instead he manufactures his own explanation for her presence that grace cleverly adopts), she's still suspicious to him. initially, while also being attracted to and intrigued by her, tommy sees her as an intruder still at the point of episode 3 (where the race happens). in a way, she means nothing to him here, and given kimber's visible attraction to her, it seems like an easy quick way to let him proceed in his efforts. that he changes his mind - perhaps his conscience kicking in after all, perhaps because he already likes her more than he thought - is important conclusion to all this. he can't go through with it. and this is the beginning of the show where i think he's still reeling from the war, in that sense is the most ruthless/shut off (barring s4 where he's deeply cynical and depressed), and simultaneously on a high, because things are generally going well for him and the family (besides campbell's pesky presence).
lizzie and the marshall: it's somewhat important to note tommy genuinely didn't want to her to get hurt - that he needed her to lure the marshall away, but not to actually engage in sexual activity, is true. and tommy acts on short notice - he's desperate to get the assassination done while fearing that at the end of it he will be executed (he doesn't get out of the situation through any scheme of his, but rather is "spared", but of course, that he's spared only means is continued exploitation by the government). all of that is pretty worthless to lizzie, to be sure, who gets assaulted anyway, and none of that would have happened if tommy hadn't wasted time to brag to campbell that grace loves him. this disregard, though not exactly cruelty, towards lizzie (instead of ensuring her safety, he opts to talk about the woman he's in love with) constitutes a tragic element of their relationship. he doesn't hate her, nor do i really think he as a "complex" around her being a prostitute, but he tends to spare her little thought, and this is certainly influenced by her class (and sex) most of all. connected to this is also a mindset that "she can take it", and in that way tommy does relate to her, because he can as well, but of course, it's not the same either; their relationship doesn't start out as a very equal one, and on top of this, lizzie is not-family as well. here it's important to note that this is not a fixed, but something that changes: he very much starts to see her as part of the family and which brings me to another point that underscores tommy's family/not-family delineation. in s5, mosley basically asks him to hand lizzie over - given what tommy's trying to do, complying with mosley's request would actually make things easier for him, but he very brusquely (and remarkably so, because tommy is afraid of this man and never really finds himself capable of saying 'no' to other things) tells him off, and eventually gives lizzie room to reject him herself.
arthur and tatiana: while i included them in my post, i think it's a bit different than these other two situations - not because arthur's violation here isn't awful, or to suggest the sentiment that women can't sexually assault men, but this is the contemporary assumption and it would be anachronistic for any of these characters to actually think along these lines. tommy knows that his brothers are going to have to strip in front of izabella and tatiana, and characteristically only tells them of it last minute; arthur is unwilling, but "obeys" in the end. at first, tommy's visibly amused by it - part of this is petty revenge, because both john and arthur prior made fun of him for "working" with tatiana - but when she goes too far and starts to molest arthur, tommy's entire demeanor shifts; he grows horrified and dissociates. tommy couldn't have predicted that the situation would get out of hand, but he did wrong by arthur to not try and tell him earlier (then again, this is all under the big context that tommy doesn't actually want to be there either (and all this in the aftermath of his assault and hughes breathing down his neck) and arthur himself has shown to be somewhat fickle and unreliable throughout the season so far; he doesn't want to take any risks here, but of course, that doesn't entirely justify it either).
another sidenote: arthur and sacrifice is also an interesting subject, because i know the fandom has a tendency to assign a vast power imbalance between tommy and arthur, where tommy has all the leverage, and poor, loyal, traumatized arthur has no choice but to obey his brother. arthur is expendable to tommy, arthur is too good-natured and naive to see it. this is non-sense, of course, but it seems like no amount of meta or attempts to even the scales here will ever change this misconception. i won't get into it too much right now, but what i'm going to get at - and this is actual an important aspect when it comes to this sexual violence continuum and tommy as "middleman" theme in the show - is arthur and linda. arthur's behaviour towards linda escalates into abuse from season 4 onward and while not explicit, it seems to be that part of this abuse is also sexual in nature (linda tries to appease arthur with sex in s4, he kisses her against her will and to her palpable fear and disgust while grabbing her throat in s5, and in s6 linda makes "not sleeping with arthur" a part of her deal with tommy, it's an attempt to insure herself as she accepts tommy's request to help him) - tommy likely doesn't know this, but he does enable arthur's abuse of her. mind you, "enabling" doesn't make him the culprit or the instigator, that is all arthur. while linda is technically family as well, there is a hierarchy at play, and her imposed role is that of arthur's caretaker, if linda leaves, so tommy fears, arthur might spin out of control and self-destruct (or go destructive on others). it's not only that he worries arthur can't be of use to him anymore, he genuinely cares for and loves him, and if it means he has to stuff linda into the meatgrinder he'll do it. the decision tommy makes when relaying the information of linda's whereabouts is not one he makes gladly - he's fiddling with his cyanide capsule during the conversation - but it's triage between arthur and linda/her friend (it doesn't help that arthur insistently and aggressively threatens tommy over the phone while using textbook abuser talk concerning linda ("i just want to talk")). he makes the choice and gives arthur the information, knowing that arthur will likely do as arthur does. it's another instance that illustrates tommy's family vs not-family mindset (or more intricately, that there's also a hierarchy within his family). i'm also bringing this up, because through arthur's threats he also makes use of tommy - tommy tries to bargain with arthur and arthur steamrolls tommy (it's not an accident that this conversation is sandwiched between tommy and lizzie's deal and his attempts at making a deal with mosley, who similarly steamrolls him ("it's not going to be that kind of relationship"),
now having written all that down, my tentative conclusion is a) tommy has a habit of sacrificing people, but those are not his family members and b) the middleman theme is important, but a lot of this ruthlessness has to do with his experience in the war rather than something he strictly learned in his childhood (at the hands of his father) c) the aspect of sexual violence - and sexual violence as an ongoing theme in the show - factors into this and tommy, around whom this theme is constructed, is not free of guilt here, but that he is not the perpetrator is an important qualitative distinction. there are also other points i made, but my brain is about to explode lol
i'm trying to keep the last part short re: characters people who conduct themselves like tommy. using experience of sexual violence as the lowest common denominator doesn't actually translate into a lot of shared behaviour among these characters in my eyes. polly shares tommy's sense of familial responsibility and has vested interest in their success and safety, but she doesn't operate the way tommy (and arthur and john) does, because she's lacking the war experience. michael's big tragedy is that he never comes home - he remains alienated within the family, due to the traumatic events of his adoption, but another part of this is also that, despite this, he was afforded a relatively privileged middle class upbringing with access to a good formal education. he doesn't understand the criminal world the way tommy and the rest of the family do (he's also a little audacious about it all) grace is a true believer in her cause - she is an agent of the crown and therefore someone who furthers the interests of her class. the law is on her side, that makes her the opposite of a criminal (of course, the thesis of the show is the hypocrisy of legitimacy: what's the difference between an upperclass person/aristocrat who sits on generational wealth and power, achieved through the subjugation of an impoverished and marginalized majority and colonialism, and the shelbys who commit violence in a very direct way in order to move up in the world, but the effects of their violence are on a much smaller scale and in the beginning not structural (that the peaky blinders become a sort of institution by the end of the show is Another point)) nelson ... is tommy if tommy was completely amoral and apolitical: he's the perfect business man in that sense and they may have a shared understanding of where they come from, but the trajectory of these people is vastly differently (nelson is probably an amalgation of both arthur and tommy's worst potential, he could be tommy if tommy was, as i said, actually amoral and apolitical and he has perfected, with his lack of conscience and guilt, arthur's sadistic streak) alfie also doesn't really operate like tommy in my eyes, and i think this is mostly due to him possessing no familial ties (i mean, he seems to have a family, but there's in implication of closeness, the mother he mentions is dead, if i remember correctly). it's fascinating to me that he attaches himself to tommy the way he does, to the point of wanting tommy to euthanize him.
all these characters have somewhat different motivations, philosophies and experiences - it makes the commonalities they share interesting, but i think little of it is actually built on experience of sexual abuse, especially as it seems that this is, amongst other things, what makes their points of view so varying.
as i've said, i can see your points, but my feelings are that a lot of it is being conflated and that it requires more nuance when looking at these details. working out the themes of something - which a story is built on - doesn't quite make up for looking what this concretely means or how exactly it plays out/what actually happens
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deskgirl · 3 months ago
Actually, I’m not done with my Everyone is a Time Traveler AU. To follow up, everyone being time travelers explains all the historical anachronisms. It’s all intertemporal pollution and debris. Crocs and studded belts and songs from the 1940s and buttercream and living in someone’s head rent free. This is what happens when too many time travelers converge on the same point in Spacetime.
And yes some of the crew still believe in curses and fairies and crystals and gremlins. So do real NASA scientists and plane pilots. Anyway, if time travel exists, who’s to say other things can’t? Best not to risk it. Some of the crew might also be from even earlier time periods, pulled into the 1700s by wormholes or the Bermuda Triangle.
By the way, I’m putting Buttons down for believing in the theory that all moments in Time, past, present, and future, are equally and simultaneously real, and we merely experience these moments in successive order, creating the sense of a passage of time(B-theory more or less). He describes Time as a “great sea.” The crew never knows, when he’s talking about his love of the sea, if he means the actual wet thing or Time.
I’m also putting Izzy down for believing Time is set in stone and can’t be changed. The details may vary, but the big things always happen. It’s why Stede Bonnet and then Ed going off-script disturbs him so much. It’s why he pushes Ed, why he’s resigned to the raids, why even when he tries to finally talk Ed down and change the direction things are headed, a part of him already knows he’s about to be shot. Finally, finally, finally, he figures it out. It takes turning everything he believed for the last several decades on its ear, shaking the foundation of everything he knows, but he finally gets that some things don’t change—can’t change—but some things can. Some things do. And you have to accept when it does.
Also, I’m going to double down on Ed and Stede having to become time travelers for Plot Convenient Reasons because then they can split up and each hit a different moment in time.
More about Ed and Stede’s Excellent Adventure under the Read More because this is getting wordy. I basically wrote a fic under here. Enjoy.
Picture Ed in a terrifying metal box as lights flash and things make scary noises, or perhaps being outfitted with a fancy time travel bracer with lots of fancy buttons and knobs he’s not to touch under any circumstance—and then suddenly he’s dropping into the ocean. He pulls himself up onto a ship to find himself witnessing the tail end of a raid. He sees Ivan on the deck unmoving amongst the bodies. He sees himself boarding the Revenge, back turned.
He thinks for a brief moment about ending it all right then and there. He could kill his past self. Change everything. Save everyone. It’s not like he exactly likes the guy, right? He’s had this exact dream before even.
But then what happens? Buttons—who was admittedly a seagull at the time but Ed is trying not to question it because he’s already half-convinced it was a dream—warned him about this. He can change certain events, but things might not work out the way he expects or wants. What if Izzy picks up the mantle of Blackbeard and dies for the legend? What if Stede never finds him and keeps searching until he ends up hung by the British or on a Chinese pirate ship with an ominously ticking clock? What if—
Ivan. What he can do is save Ivan. That’s why he’s here. The crew wasn’t sure exactly where or when Ivan died, the raids were all a blur after a while you know? But Ed knew. He remembered Ivan died on the 82nd day of consecutive raiding two hours after noon bell, and he remembered he made everyone get back on the Revenge because he couldn’t stand to let himself or any of the crew show weakness and he didn’t want to watch Ivan die. So he doesn’t know what’s about to happen next. He doesn’t know Ivan survives or that he’s disguised as the sole surviving sailor of the raided merchant ship which somehow miraculously limps its way to a village coastline. The folks say the ship sailed itself. Others say it was Calypso or spirits. Certainly couldn’t have been the half-dead man who apparently hauled himself down to the surgeon’s quarters and patched himself up in the nick of time.
Stede, meanwhile, is also unceremoniously dumped in the sea beside a vacant Revenge anchored in the bay of the currently besieged Republic of Pirates. He wants to charge in and save the day, but, well, he’s already doing that in a sense. For better or for worse. Instead, he hides down in the kitchen and waits. He waits until a harried and very familiar blond man in a naval uniform comes barreling in looking for medical supplies. He’s not looking for a rolling pin to the back of the head. Stun move.
When Stede comes back up, his clothes are rumpled, his hair is a mess and doesn’t quite look the right cut, he’s hauling a covered box, but no one notices. They do notice when he drags Roach over and tells him to save Izzy, interrupting him in the middle of his very important last words to a distraught Ed.
Stede tells a pale, sweating, dying Izzy that he hasn’t been given permission to retire yet, and if he’ll kindly recall, Stede is the captain now and he’ll follow his orders.
Roach tries to explain there’s nothing to be done, he doesn’t have the tools (because they don’t exist yet), only to have Stede start pulling out said tools to everyone’s confusion. A scalpel and forceps from a one-man spaceship escape pod, sunk off the coast of Jamaica. Sealed packets of gauze from an apocalypse survivor’s hidden bug-out bag. Vials of antibiotics, tetanus vaccine, and pain killers from a boat caught in a strange storm years ago. an IV drip from a one-man vessel built to test a spacefold engine. A glass tube with a plunger and a big, wicked-looking needle on it that really is quite awful but it was the best anyone could hope to fashion in 1720 based on provided sketches and descriptions. Stede asks if this will work. Roach lights up. It’s a little concerning. But a good sign. Hopefully.
Ivan finds Ed and Stede a few months later.
He’d heard about the inn. He tells Ed about how he remembers seeing two of him. He waves off any attempt at an explanation. He doesn’t need it. Probably for the best he doesn’t know. He’s just glad Ed got his shit sorted out.
He’s relieved to hear Izzy survived, too. He thinks it’s funny Izzy would go and give a big dramatic death speech only to survive. That’d just be his luck. No wonder he’s run off with the crew instead of sticking around.
Ed admits he doesn’t know what to do with his feelings. Izzy is alive, but for a while there he wasn’t and neither was Ivan. He bottled up so much of the pain, hung onto it. At the same time, he did grieve. They were gone. But now they’re alive and what’s he supposed to do with it all?
Ivan figures there’s probably a world where they did die, and it’s alright for Ed to hurt over that, but they’re alive here and now and so he can put that pain aside. In a parallel of the lesson Izzy learned, Ivan points out you have to recognize what you can change, accept what you can’t. That’s all anyone can do.
Meanwhile Stede has an idea he got from the crew for a big outdoor bath as an amenity for the inn. A pool, Lucius had called it. Very popular in the future. A must-have for any successful hotel. Big tiled thing like the Romans used, with reclining wooden lounges and umbrellas all around. It’ll need plenty of cleaning, though. Lucius made sure he knew it was the done thing in Rome and thus in the future as well to have attractive men in very little clothing attend to such duties. Well, when in Rome!
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subzerosongie · 1 year ago
Omnisexual and Demiromantic, Lucifer finds beauty in just about everyone. 
Struggles with affection, Lucifer's rank as an Angel wasn't known for being overly affectionate. Lucifer can come across as suffocating and controlling when he shows affection. 
Has deep tissue scars where his angel wings used to be, he did rip them clean off his body.
On the rare occasion he misses his old life but that's a rare feeling, usually when he's heavily intoxicated 
He's aware that he misses the memories and not the Celestial Realm himself
His feelings towards the Celestial Realm are mixed at best and negative at worst. 
He wishes he could goof off like the others, but understands his role
Struggles with emotions, both others and his own. 
Admittedly self indulgent, he makes no effort to hide his fondness for alcohol 
Knows how much he has to drink to get to the level of intoxicated he desires
Insists he's not addicted
Smokes when he's particularly stressed out.
Was a leading example of virtue while in the Celestial realm for most of his time there. 
Had a rebellious teen phase
Thinks about having kids more often than he'd even admit to
The idea of Romantic relationships with him makes him uneasy, he hasn't been in one in ages and the last one didn't end well. 
This is because despite all his good traits as a romantic partner his struggles with affection and general tendencies to be protective, even overprotective at times make him worry about chasing people away
This said, Lucifer loves simple pet names like Darling, My Sweet, Love, Babe/Baby, Honey. He does have a few special ones he's fond of using towards his lover.
Scars litter his body, most are superficial but aside from the wings one, other deep scars are on his chest, lower back, neck, face, arms and legs. 
Finds humans endlessly fascinating 
Fangs adorn his top and bottom jaws where human canines are located. 
Has a beastly demon form, he's rarely had to use it and are a mix of a demon and his symbolic animals of Peacock and Bat. He also hates this form.
Likes the harder musical genres outside cursed records. Metal and Rock are his favourites
Cat person, dogs can be too demanding for his tastes
Likes Salty foods
Winter is favourite season
Heat is actually hard for him to deal with
Devildom's natural climate is perfect for him
He regrets his fall, if he could do it again he'd make sure his brothers got to stay.
Had a decent singing voice, he doesn't sing very often though
Slightly an ambivert, heavily leaning introvert. 
He craves social interaction but it drains him pretty fast
Mammon is as much his favourite brother as Mammon is the bane of his existence 
Easily flustered when it comes to personal matters
One of his few fears are dying and being called back to the Celestial Realm and losing his family
Likes True Crime
Has PTSD the worst of his Brothers
Also has Depression, it presents through anger and bouts of despondency, he rarely cries or expresses his emotions any other way
He doesn't like this, but doesn't know any other way.
However one way to loosen him up to cry is again, make him intoxicated.
Pride, Lust, Wrath, Envy, Greed, Gluttony and Sloth are the sins ranked in order of intensity 
Rarely eats, when he does he eats larger portions to counteract the frequency 
Has a hard time sleeping, usually naps throughout the day or when everyone else is sleeping
Lucifer has fallen asleep at his desk more than once.
Gifted in Mathematics 
Actually doesn't like to use his powers outside of necessity 
Tries to get into or research his brother's hobbies to try and bond with them, with varying rates of success. Works out with Beel, Reads what Satan is reading, lets Asmo paint his nails, etc
More compassionate and caring than his demeanour shows 
Wishes to amend things with Satan but understands that to do that, it is on Satan's terms to do so and not a moment sooner
Lucifer's favourite holiday is Halloween
When not working, he's usually reading or corralling his brothers in someway
Takes comfort in Diavolo
Probably needs glasses 
Unhealthily relies on Coffee
One of the other brothers have to go in and give him food/drink or drag him from his desk from time to time
Bad at charging his phone
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spoodlebat · 5 days ago
Been working on 100%ing sonic unleashed and it's making me want to make an AU
There is just so much good stuff in this game held down by clunk and its late 2000's style of writing, as well as some of the voice work. I love the game as it is, don't get me wrong, but I keep seeing things that give me a spark of inspiration for how it could have been done better.
Thoughts on unleashed tho:
It's also so bizarre hearing and seeing the dna of what would become staples of what I consider the identity of the sonic games. The basslines, generally bombastic level music and eggman's whole theme that all feel right out of sonic colours and to an extent forces; you've got SA-55 as a precursor to orbot and cubot (as well as a first real attempt to give Eggman someone to just... talk to? During the game whilst he's not around Sonic?); and then there's the fantastic from the offset level design of the day stages that's still being used in Frontiers. Are they all perfect? God no, but a few runs through and I know what they want from me to get an S rank or all the medals. And honestly I love the werehog stages; I like exploring and finding stuff at a slower pace, seeking out little nooks and crannies and doing little challenges. Admittedly the option to not blare the combat theme from recompiled means I can appreciate the music a lot more, and the mod that removes the >freeze in place whilst the camera pans< is a BIG help (stop stopping me every ten seconds, please...) It's a shame they never tried stuff like this again because I love it ; w ;
There is a fantastic bit of worldbuilding and story in this thing; all the npcs have stories and the locations are just beautifully varied and interconnected. Some of the writing is a bit less than ideal these days, (quite a lot of surprisingly mean jokes in there) but that's just another thing I'd love to change.
Just off the top of my head for AU ideas:
Sonic having to fight with the dark gaia influence. It's a lovely point that he's strong enough to stay himself, but I think it'd give a lot more opportunity for interesting story beats if he struggled a bit more.
I'd give SA-55 a bigger role. It just kinda comes out of nowhere with no introduction, and the scenes with it can be very flat; I see exactly why they made Orbot instead, but I do like this guy. He's got something going on with Eggman's weird mech designs in this game, especially those weird hand units. I'd want to design him into more of the story, maybe even give him a few forms >:3c
Amy. She just kind of.. shows up to cling onto Sonic. This isn't an issue unique to Unleashed, of course, but seeing how they're handling her these days makes me yearn for better for her. I'd write her to have a bigger role in the story. She does Tarot and mysticism stuff; maybe she's studying at Spagonia University and doing a piece on the Gaia Manuscripts? Give her a reason to be here rather than just another 'oh whoops, sorry, you're not sonic' joke and then vague encouragment. I'm also absolutely on the 'Amy is part echidna' bandwagon so her being connected to prophecies feels incredibly right.
Eggman himself has the makings of a good plan in terms of execution, but I just never quite get why he wants to make a big ol theme park using eldritch monsters. It's obviously a big production center but what is he making exactly? And why? This is genuinely one of his more successful plans; he awakens Dark Gaia, he controls it, and he amplifies its power when it fails on him. He even successfully beats super sonic right at the damn start. He just needs a better motive.
Frontiers establishes the Chaos Emeralds are from somewhere other than mobius (fuck retcons it is NOT Earth), so there's no real reason for them to be connected to the Gaia Temples really. I like to think that, a la Sonic Adventure, they have positive and negative (light and dark) energy, thus they can form a connection with beings that are of those extremes, but they're not naturally linked. The temples are used to recharge the emeralds in the story but I do wish there was more lore there. I'd need to think on this more but it's a start.
Related; Super Werehog. Sonic chanelling the negative energies of the emeralds to turbo charge the influence of dark gaia inside of himself whilst retaining control??
anyway uh. those are my thoughts ;w; this game is genuinely full of so much heart and cool ideas, i wanna tear those out and make them into something of my own
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thegingerwrites · 2 months ago
the cure for everything is salt water? 🌊
Mermaid Obi-Wan, my love 🧜‍♂️🌊🧡💕 I've talked a little bit about this fic before but I haven't actually shared anything from it yet. It's one of the fics I'm scheduled to come back to after that poll a few weeks back but I have a bit from it that I've been meaning to share for a while.
This fic is very much the result of watching Aquamarine (the 2006 classic) through obikin goggles and then going on a run where I obsessed over how it would work. It is, admittedly, a little wild.
Enter Anakin Skywalker, widowed marine biologist and single father of two, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, member of the Supreme Council of Merfolk and new owner of a pair of nice legs. Obi-Wan washes ashore in a storm and decides to stay. He believes that humans and merfolk working together is the only way to protect the ocean from pollution and climate change while the rest of the Council wants them to remain separate as they have been for years. He sees Anakin and realizes he is the perfect liaison to the human world. He is smart, kind, handsome, and already does this kind of work for the humans. Not to mention handsome, did he say that already? If he can get Anakin to fall in love with him, the Council would have to declare his self-appointed mission a success.
Meanwhile, Luke and Leia are a week away from the end of their last summer at the Resolute Bay Beach Club. Anakin has accepted a job in Australia, uprooting their lives and moving them halfway around the world. They have one week to say goodbye to the place they've grown up in (they're about 13), to the people they know and love like their babysitter, Ahsoka, and to the memories they had of their mother here before she passed. When the twins and their babysitter, Ahsoka, find a mermaid in their swimming pool, they might have also discovered a way to keep things as they were and give Anakin something to smile about again. Because as everyone knows, if you help a mermaid, you get a free wish.
Below the cut is the snippet I've been meaning to share! It's from Ahsoka's POV, the fic would probably bounce around from a few different perspectives🧜‍♂️🧡
“Hello there!” says the merman. He is every bit as buoyant and… well, bubbly as the kids told her he would be. Maybe even more so. He is as bright as the sunshine and happy to see them, even trapped as he is inside a poolside bar turned storage shed.
Ahsoka spares a glance at the twins before keeping a close eye on the strange man in the shed. “Luke, Leia… what is this? Who is this man?”
“My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, a representative from the Supreme Council of Merfolk. Dear Luke and Leia found me last night after I washed ashore in the storm.”
He offers the twins a little wave and a warm smile, peering over the edge of the bar and a pile of pool inflatables.
Ahsoka tries her best to school her expression, caught somewhere between disbelief and the overwhelming impulse to get this insane man away from the children.
“And I’m so glad that they did,” the merman—Obi-Wan—continues. “I had no idea what I was going to do, trapped in a swimming pool like that. This morning, when those men came to drain it with that awful machine, I knew I had to escape but there was nowhere for me to go. I managed to climb out when they stepped away, thinking I could at least find a better place to hide, and suddenly I had these!” He gestures down in awe to the two legs he is currently standing on.
Obi-Wan beams up at the three of them, each one a varying degree of confused.
“My very own pair of legs! I knew that it was possible but I’ve never done it before. No one in living memory has. I’ve begged the Council to let me go ashore for years and now I finally have!”
“Are you naked under there?” Ahsoka asks, tentatively tilting her head to see above the bar top.
Obi-Wan looks down too. “Well, yes, I suppose I am. As I said, it was a narrow escape and I was short on options.”
Ahsoka closes her eyes, unable to believe she’s really about to say what is about to come out of her mouth. But she needs to get the kids away from this man if he really is delusional and getting him some clothes is a step in the right direction whether or not he really is some kind of mermaid. “Leia, go to the laundry and grab some of your dad’s clothes. A swimsuit or something.”
If possible, Obi-Wan brightens. “That would be most kind of you, thank you.”
Leia runs off, leaving just Ahsoka, Luke and Obi-Wan. Perhaps with fewer children around, she’ll be able to get a straight answer out of him.
“Look, Obi-Wan. It’s not that I don’t believe that you’re a mermaid—” She doesn’t but that’s beside the point. “—But I’m going to need some proof that you are who you say you are. It’s my job to look after Luke and Leia, I can’t just let them run around with strangers.”
Perhaps if she can talk him down, rationalize with him a bit, they can get Obi-Wan somewhere he can receive help.
Obi-Wan nods solemnly. “Of course, I understand perfectly. I seem to have misplaced my necklace somewhere in the storm last night—it identifies me as a member of the Council. But your concerns are simpler than that, aren’t they? The children saw my tail last night and you haven’t. I haven’t been on land before but supposedly, all I need to do is touch water again for my tail to appear. That or wait for the sun to go down. The unfettered moonlight should bring it back as well.”
He makes it sound so reasonable, is the thing. It shouldn’t be. Ahsoka studies marine biology, she knows there is no such thing as mermaids. And yet…
“Luke, go get him a glass of water.”
Luke runs off obediently while Ahsoka keeps her eyes on the man in the shed. There’s something…strange about him that’s for sure.
Ahsoka crosses her arms in front of her chest and sizes up Obi-Wan. She has her phone in her back pocket ready to go, prepared to call someone, anyone that might help. 9-1-1? Anakin?
“Alright, what do you want?” Ahsoka asks while the kids are occupied. “Say you are a mermaid and not some crazy naked person fresh off of the beach. What are you doing here?”
Obi-Wan’s expression goes solemn and sincere. “My people are struggling against environmental changes they have no control over. For so long, the Mermish Council has been content to keep our people separate for our own protection but I believe that if we are to have any hope of surviving, we have to work together. Being on land now is my chance to make a difference, to prove that we don’t have to hide from humans, that there are those who would help us in our fight to survive.”
He's just so… earnest. He doesn’t sound like someone confused into believing he is a mermaid. He is eloquent and genial, well-spoken and articulate. Listening to him, Ahsoka almost finds herself nodding along, understanding his plight and his duty to protect his people.
Until she remembers that this same man is still standing naked in a shed.
“I don’t believe in mermaids,” Ahsoka says. “And I don’t know what you said to the kids last night to get them to believe you either. But as soon as Leia gets back here with some clothes, you need to leave.”
Obi-Wan looks down at himself. “Ah—yes, I can see how this might be a bit awkward. I understand humans generally keep themselves covered up in public. Merfolk don’t necessarily have that problem, most of the time.” He peers around to look at his back. “Though I have to admit, this is quite cute.”
“Mermaid or not, you’ve got to keep your dick covered.”
Ahsoka is going to consider that a win.
Footsteps echo across the wooden deck as Luke races over with a glass of water, going so fast he nearly spills it. “I’ve got the water!”
“Excellent. Thank you, Luke.” Obi-Wan reaches out to take the glass from him. Ahsoka has an instinctive, protective urge to tell him to keep Luke’s name out of his mouth. They aren’t friends, they don’t know each other. He is still a stranger, and it is Ahsoka’s job to keep these kids safe.
Obi-Wan perches on a stack of boxes, careful to keep himself covered now that Ahsoka has told him off. He gives Ahsoka a look and nods before upending the glass over his bare thigh.
The transformation happens faster than Ahsoka’s eyes can track. There is no slow morphing of legs to tail, no growth of scales and fins. In the space of a blink, Obi-Wan goes from having two perfectly normal legs to having a long, iridescent blue tail. The curving fin at the end seems to wink at her, as the rest of the tail moves with vast power and strength, as though unused to keeping still. The scales along his thighs gleam in the light like sunlight on open water. They stop just above his waist, smoothly transitioning into his torso.
He flicks his fins, stretching his tail out to its full length before pulling it in, tucking it beneath him to balance better on the box.
“Satisfied?” he asks. There is more than likely some kind of smug grin gracing his features but Ahsoka can’t look away from his tail long enough to see it.
More feet pounding against the wooden deck. “I have some clothes!”
“Thank you very much, Leia,” Obi-Wan says. “If you could just leave them on the sill there, I’m sure my legs will return in a minute.”
Leia joins Luke at the edge of the bar, both of them peering up and over to get a look at Obi-Wan’s tail. “It’s even prettier in the daytime,” she murmurs.
“It’s beautiful,” Luke agrees.
“You’re both very kind.”
Ahsoka tries and fails to gather herself together. He… is a mermaid. The reality of that statement never really occurred to her but it is impossible to deny the fins and scales flashing before her. Every plan she wracked her brains for as to what she could possibly do with a strange man hiding in the storage shed has been dashed to the rocks.
“Right.” Ahsoka takes a deep breath. “Get some clothes on, we’ll talk more then.”
She grabs the two doors that cover the shed’s window and slams them shut. If she takes a moment to close her eyes, rest her head against the shutters and process, that’s between her and the shed.
“What are you three doing out here?”
Ahsoka’s eyes snap open and she turns to face Anakin. He’s sweating and breathless, clearly just back from a run along the shore. Instantly, she is filled with a desire to keep him out of this until she has the situation under control. How does she explain a strange man in the shed? Or the fact that his children know more about him than she does at the moment?
Luke and Leia’s face brighten in tandem, eager to explain everything in overlapping voices. That’s no good either. “We wanted to check out the pool after the storm, see what washed up.”
It’s a weak excuse but it works in a pinch. She catches Luke and Leia’s eyes and gives them both a look. They seem to understand better than she does the necessity of keeping Obi-Wan a secret, at least until they learn more about him. After all, he said himself that mermaids have worked hard to keep their existence a secret from humans. They shouldn’t go around exposing him without his permission.
“Hopefully not much,” Anakin says. “If all goes well, it should be filled, cleaned, and opened again by the end of the week.”
Leia opens her mouth to speak but Ahsoka still isn’t ready to risk whatever might come out of her mouth just yet. "Yeah, there wasn't much to see by the pool so the three of us were going to head down to the beach.”
Anakin nods. “I was just down there. The storm opened up a breach about a mile down near the marsh if you want to see something interesting. I have to get on the phone with Bail about securing the area for conservation.”
There’s a loud thump from the shed behind them. Ahsoka spares a glance behind her and catches a glimpse of Obi-Wan peering between the slim gap in the shed’s storm shutters. She quickly turns away and schools her expression, steadfastly ignores whatever is going on in there.
The beach, the entire bay really, is Anakin’s baby, in addition to his two human babies, that is. His training in marine biology led to an interest in ecology and a desire to help preserve the organisms and habitats he studied. Ahsoka connected with him when he taught as a TA in one of her marine biology classes. They’ve been more or less side by side for the last four years, into her own graduate work.
Never one to sit idle behind a desk, he took to the beach to help rehabilitate Resolute Bay. Bail Organa, a politician and friend of Anakin’s wife helped smooth things like environmental regulation over from the standpoint of state government. Ahsoka knew it was hard for him to talk to Padmé’s former colleagues and friends. He would need her to help out with the twins today even more than she usually did.
“We’ll check it out, right guys?”
Luke and Leia agree and Anakin offers Ahsoka a grateful smile.
She thinks they might have managed it. Anakin has things to do and people he doesn’t want to talk to surely, he is about to head off to leave them to it. Another thump, this one from right behind the window, rattling the wooden doors that cover it. This time Anakin tilts his head a little and Ahsoka is proud of their uniformly innocent expressions.
Anakin frowns for a moment at the three of them but a call from the main house ultimately pulls his attention away. “You know where to find me if you need me. I’ll meet you guys for lunch.”
The three of them watch him go before turning their attention back to the shed. Ahsoka hauls the window open to ask Obi-Wan what the hell he thought he was doing making all of that noise only to find no one standing amidst the pool supplies and maintenance equipment.
The door to the shed at the far end opens and out steps Obi-Wan, fully dressed in tiny board shorts and a buttoned-down shirt. He pays them absolutely no mind.
“Who was that?” he asks, sounding slightly dazed. His eyes are fixed on Anakin, climbing up the steps to the main house to talk to Motti.
“That’s our dad,” Luke supplies.
“Your father? You mean you could introduce me to him?”
Leia frowns, clearly put out by the fact that Obi-Wan seems more interested in their boring old dad than hanging out with them. “If you want, I guess.”
“What do you want with Anakin?” Ahsoka asks.
“He’s the one who dove in to rescue Luke in the pool yesterday, isn’t he? And he cares about the environment, seems well-connected in his field, not to mention gorgeous. He’s perfect.”
“Perfect?” The twins echo each other.
Only when Anakin disappears, off to his office to get to work saving horseshoe crabs and piping plovers does Obi-Wan return his attention back to them. The smile he graces them with his incandescent.
“He’s going to help me save my people,” Obi-Wan says, like it is a fact. “I can get to know him, prove to the Council that not all humans are monsters, and start saving the ocean.”
Like it’s that easy.
“You said his name is Anakin?” Obi-Wan asks, testing the name in his mouth.
Ahsoka nods. “Anakin Skywalker.”
“Anakin Skywalker,” Obi-Wan murmurs. “Absolutely perfect.”
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