#genderfluid masterlist
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5sosfanfictioncatalogue · 2 years ago
Genderfluid Masterlist
Feeling Pretty (ao3) - namjins_moonchild Luke/Ashton NR, 637
Summary: This is basically just Lukey getting ready and Ashton trying to hurry him along so they're not late.
gender bender (ao3) - orphan_account Michael/Luke T, 1k
Summary: new schools and new genders don't always match well.
Helping Hand (ao3) - MonsterAmongCashton (IfWallsCouldMuke) Calum/Ashton E, 2k
Summary: Calum knew it was gonna be hard. Everyone told him it was going to be hard.
“Ashy—” Calum shakes himself out of his thoughts and turns towards his boyfriend to ask him to hand him his pack of cigarettes. But to no avail, he gets a kiss to his pouty lips instead.
“Yeah?” Ashton hums, their lips still touching.
“I want my—”
Just Another Day At The Office....Right? (ao3) - destiel_lemmings Michael/Luke, Michael/Luke/Ashton, Luke/Ashton E, 3k
Summary: Luke thinks that it's going to be just another day at work, the blonde couldn't have been more wrong.
Lilac. (ao3) - destiel_lemmings Luke/Ashton, Michael/Luke G, 10k
Summary: Ever since the day Luke went clothes shopping for school and decided to venture into a normally 'girly' store Luke knew it was time to come clean. And with a pair of lilac lacy panties and some other attire Luke did.
Or Luke has always wanted to feel pretty, he wanted to look how he mostly imagined himself. And he decided it was time to come clean. The only thing now was getting through high school.��
Sweaters (ao3) - felixandtae Luke/Ashton NR, 48k
Summary: Ashton makes sweaters, gives them to people as a present and wears them all the time. No one knew why, and maybe it was very interesting in Luke's eyes, who smoked and drank more than he should.
But, Ashton's sweater-making hobby isn't for what people expected and the reason could break anyone's heart.
that's me im confident (ao3) - harrygirl4 Luke/Ashton NR, 994
Summary: the one where Luke is genderfluid and comes out to his boyfriend, Ashton. He is very supportive and takes Luke shopping for new clothes.
the one where Ashton and Luke go shopping for a new wardrobe for Luke and Ashton gets a show when they get back home.
unforgiven (ao3) - IfWallsCouldMuke Michael/Luke E, 5k
Summary: N/A.
Venus in Furs (ao3) - FayeHunter Luke/Ashton M, 3k
Summary: Luke's having an iffy day. Ashton's there to help them.
Who Am I (When I Don't Know Myself) (ao3) - xanderthenerd Calum/Ashton M, 16k
Summary: “Bro, I keep telling you not to paint your nails on the couch. Someday it’ll spill and there’s going to be a big black spot that we won’t be able to get rid of,” Ashton says, carefully picking up the open bottle of nail polish and setting it gingerly on the coffee table. Ashton then heads into the kitchen, presumably fixing himself something for lunch.
Calum feels kind of weird being called bro, honestly. He’s not sure what about it bothers him; it doesn’t always feel wrong. And he is technically a guy. He has a dick and everything. Of course, he knows not all guys have dicks and not all girls have vaginas, but...he’s not a girl. He’d know if he was a girl, wouldn’t he? He’d have figured it out by now. Or at least, he thinks he would have. There would have been some indication, surely. Yeah, he’s always liked to look pretty and maybe he might have tried on Mali’s dresses a couple times when he was a little kid but it’s not like anything jumps out at him and screams girl.
In other words, Calum discovers that they're genderfluid.
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ttroubledwaters · 4 months ago
trans regulus and genderfluid sirius mean the world to me.
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themanirealityshifter · 10 months ago
Explaining My Labels And Pronouns/Full List Of My Labels (Cuz I Can)
I use GenderFluid GenderFlux Non-Binary TransGuy as my main gender label, because it’s simpler and allows me to have as much flexibility with the labels that I experience, and has no set limits for how I experience what, what I experience, and etc.
Here is the full list of Genders I experience that fall under the GenderFluid/Flux-ness of me:
TransGuy Non-Binary Non-Binary Man - A gender that is both 100% non-binary and 100% man at the same time. Masc Non-Binary - A gender that is both 100% non-binary and 100% masculine at the same time. Demiboy - A gender that is described as feeling partially male. Boycreature - A xenogender that is described as being a boy in a creature way or being a boy and a creature. Agender - A gender that is described as being genderless, without gender, having no gender, and/or feeling like gender is irrelevant to them. Blankgender - A gender that is described as feeling like someone’s gender cannot be described, but is a blank space that is confusing. Quoigender - A gender that is described as not knowing how to describe their gender, not knowing what gender is and therefore being confused on what they are, and/or not wanting to define their gender. Fairygender - A xenogender that is described as feeling their gender is like fairies or has a strong connection to fairies. Offboy - A gender that is described as feeling closely represented by a masculine gender, but is not said gender. Enboy - A gender that is described as feeling either like a masculine-aligned non-binary person, or like a boy and a non-binary person. Paraboy - A gender where one is paragender, and also has a connection to masculine and/or masculine-aligned identities. One’s masculine identity will take up 51%-99% of one’s gender, while the remaining can be any other gender or combination of genders. Genderqueer - A gender that is closely related to non-binary, and basically means being out of the binary, whether in gender or in expression, or both. Bigender - A gender that means being two genders at once. Trigender - A gender that means being three genders at once. Demimasculine - A gender where one feels partly masculine and partly another gender. Demimasc - A gender where one feels partially masculine/like a man, and also feels like they’re outside the binary. Libragender - A gender where one feels agender, but has a particular connection to another gender. Libramasculine - A gender where one feels agender, but has a connection to masculinity. Bigenderflux - A gender that means being two genders at once, and those two genders flux in how much you feel them. Trigenderflux - A gender that means being three genders at once, and those three genders flux in how much you feel them. Polygender - A gender that means being multiple genders at once. Polygenderflux - A gender that means being multiple genders at once, and those genders fluxing in how much you feel them. Nonboyic - A gender that feels masculine, but not exactly male. Like they’re outside of the binary, but close to it. Gendergender - A gender described as knowing you’re feeling a gender, but not being able to describe it/not knowing what it is other than a gender. Wolfboy - A gender described as being a boy and connected to wolves and wolves nature. Or being masculine and connected to wolves and wolves nature.
I will probably add to this as I find more and more labels for what I experience.
Now, onto explaining my Asexual Labels:
Myrsexual - An ace-spec identity where one experiences multiple ace-spec identities. These identities could be experienced fluctuating rapidly or all at the same time. (Mine are experienced at the same time.)
Labels that are felt within that label:
Neuroasexual - An ace-spec identity where one may experience sexual attraction or want to participate in sexual actions, but is scared of, repulsed by, or averse to, because they’re neurodivergent, mentally ill, or neuroatypical.
Nebulasexual - An ace-spec identity where one cannot tell if they experience sexual attraction or not, due to neurodivergence or intrusive thoughts/urges/images.
Merosexual - An ace-spec identity/term where one is repulsed by/averse to some sexual actions, but comfy with some others.
Placiosexual - An ace-spec identity/term where one is comfortable with performing sexual actions on someone else, but repulsed by/averse to/uncomfortable with someone else performing sexual actions on them. Placiosexual people may be sex-repulsed or sex-indifferent when it comes to someone performing sexual actions on them. This can be caused by having dysphoria or similar discomforts about one’s body, but it does not have to be.
Dreadsexual - An ace-spec identity where one fluctuates between not experiencing sexual attraction to experiencing sexual attraction, but whenever the sexual attraction is felt, it is accompanied by a strong feeling of dread or anxiety.
Here is my full pronoun sets and examples of how to use them:
He/Him/His/Himself - “He waved hello.” “This seat is his.” “He talked to himself.” “Say hello to him.”
It/Its/Itself - “It waved hello.” “This seat is it’s.” “It talked to itself.” “Say hello to it.”
They/Them/Their/Themself - “They waved hello.” “This seat is their’s.” “They talked to themself.” “Say hello to them.”
Xe/Xem/Xir/Xemself - “Xe waved hello.” “This seat is xir’s.” “Xe talked to xemself.” “Say hello to xem.” (Pronunciation: Xe = Zai, Xem = Zem, Xir = Zer, and Xemself = Zemself.)
Ne/Nim/Nis/Nimself - “Ne waved hello.” “This seat is nis.” “Ne talked to nimself.” “Say hello to nim.” (Pronunciation: Ne = Nee, Nim = how you pronounce him but with an N at the beginning instead, Nis = how you pronounce his but with an N at the beginning instead, Nimself = how you pronounce himself but with an N at the beginning instead.)
Love/Loves/Loveself - “Love waved hello.” “This seat is love’s.” “Love talked to loveself.” “Say hello to love.”
Star/Stars/Starself - “Star waved hello.” “This seat is star’s.” “Star talked to starself.” “Say hello to star.”
Wolf/Wolfs/Wolfself - “Wolf waved hello.” “This seat is wolf’s.” “Wolf talked to wolfself.” “Say hello to wolf.”
+ Any/All Neopronouns (emojiself and nounself pronouns included and welcome!)
Terms I’m Comfortable With:
Masculine Terms - i.e. boy/man, brother, king, etc.
Neutral Terms - i.e. person, sibling, ruler, etc.
Fae Terms - i.e. fae, a fae, etc.
Thing Terms - i.e. that, thing, etc.
Critter Terms - i.e. critter, a critter, creature, a creature, etc.
Dragon Terms - i.e. dragon, a dragon, etc.
Hylian Terms - i.e. hylian, a hylian, etc.
Wolf Terms - i.e. a wolf, wolf, etc.
Here are my attraction labels and what they mean:
Homoalterous - Feeling alterous attraction for only men, masculine-aligned people, non-binary people, and any non-women.
Omniqueerplatonic - There are two definitions; One is that you feel queerplatonic attraction towards all genders, but have a preference based on gender. Or two, you feel queerplatonic attraction towards all gender, but how you define the queerplatonic attraction/relationship is based on gender. (I experience it both ways.)
Panexteramo - Feeling exteramo attraction towards all genders, and any preferences you do have has nothing to do with gender ever.
Pansensual - Feeling sensual attraction towards all genders, and any preferences you do have has nothing to do with gender ever.
Panaesthetic - Feeling aesthetic attraction towards all genders, and any preferences you do have has nothing to do with gender ever.
Explaining those attractions:
Alterous Attraction - An attraction that is described as being in between platonic and romantic. Also, involves wanting a emotional connection with the person you’re feeling the alterous attraction for.
Queerplatonic Attraction - An attraction that is described as being whatever the fuck you want it to be. Being an attraction that is outside the norms. Having a queerplatonic relationship is to have a relationship that is outside any norms for relationships or any other names for relationships. Also, may or may not come along with wanting an emotional bond/connection with someone.
Exteramo Attraction - An attraction that is neither platonic nor romantic, nor anything in between them. It is outside of all of it.
Sensual Attraction - An attraction that is described as having the want to hug/touch/kiss/etc., without it being romantic or platonic or anything in particular, and without it being sexual.
Aesthetic Attraction - An attraction that is described as basically finding people pretty. The appreciation of someone’s looks, without being attracted to them sexually, romantically, or otherwise. Just finding someone aesthetically pleasing.
My other label:
Ambiamorous - Being comfortable with both monogamous relationships and polyamorous relationships. Ambiamorous is sometimes abbreviated to “Ambi”. Some Ambi people can have a preference. (I do not.)
(Didn’t feel the necessity to add my Aromantic label, because that one is pretty simple. But for those who don’t know what Aromantic means: An Aromantic person is someone who experiences little-to-no romantic attraction. Aromantic is sometimes shortened to “Aro”. I personally fall under the “no” in “little-to-no”.)
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river13245 · 1 year ago
"Its always been you" pt 4
Navigation / Marvel Masterlist
Warnings: NONE
(authors note: This one I feel is short. I will probably make this longer in the future but I have other things to write. So enjoy this, I rather love this one. Its a nice ending to this story)
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You watch as Wanda leaves to go talk to Natasha and once you take a deep breath you walk over to where Loki was sitting.
Loki was sitting with his brother at the table farthest across the room. Thor had a huge glass of whatever alcohol he was interested in at the moment filled to the brim of it. If it were anyone else on the team you would have told them to go easy on the drinking but since hes a literal god and it takes alot more than that to get him drunk you let it slide.
As you push through people and avoid some others you finally make it over to them. Thor looks over Loki's shoulder causing him to turn their head towards you. "is everything alright y/n?" they ask as if they don't already know what happened over there with Peter.
Laughing and rolling your eyes you speak "don't act as if you didn't listen into the conversation Loki" they shrug "I don't have any idea what you are talking about" You place your hand on his back lightly "of course you don't. Luckily that not what I came over to ask. What I came to ask was if you would like to dance"
Thor smiled brightly as if he was the one getting asked and before Loki could say anything Thor responds "of course they will." Loki turns to glare at his brother but then looks at you as you held out your hand. "of course I would" they place their hand into yours as the both of you walk to where the dance floor is.
As you walked past people and got to your spot people had glanced over at the both of you. People whether they were just normal citizens of earth or the team, some were still cautious of Loki and their past. There was whispers of "oh my god", and some of "what's an avenger doing dancing with him"
The both of you heard this and Loki almost said something but with your hand in his they couldn't care less. As if on cue a slow song began to play throughout the party and couples all got together. Loki has placed their hands on your shoulders while yours went to his waist. "This is the closest I think we have ever been together"
Smiling softly you shake your head "we have cuddled before and i think thats closer than this." He shrugs "I just meant that like outside of our own homes this is the closest we have been"
Nodding in agreement you pull them closer to you and their arms wrap around your neck now as you look down at them. At the close proximity you wouldn't be surprised if Loki could hear the way your heart is pounding. Or how you are having to take deep breaths in through your nose to push back your nerves.
Then as if Loki could read your mind, the second he noticed your eyes look at their lips he pulls you in close to him and presses his lips against yours. The kiss is rather soft but possessive, Their lips being soft from them taking care of them not letting them get chapped. Your hand goes to the side of their face holding them there for a few moments.
When you both begin to pull away to catch your breaths you lick your lips slightly. "Loki" you say breathlessly as your eyes are trying to let him know all the things you feel for them. He nods "Took you long enough darling"
There was no sadness or any hint of rudeness in what he said besides teasing a little. "I know I'm sorry it took me so long to realize all the ways i feel for you" They shake their head and looks at you "I'm a god y/n, I could have and would have waited as long as it took for you to realize that you're the one I've always wanted. Its always been you"
Leaning in again you captured his lips against your own. This time it was longer, their hands began to wander up and down your body and when you pull away the team and your friends clap as if this was a show and they had finally watched the ending. Little did they know this was only the beginning.
You both had spent the rest of the night dancing and having people come up to you congratulating you.
Natasha came up to you saying "Finally. I was growing tired of all of us having bets on which one would break first"
Thor came up to his brother clasping him on his shoulder "i told you that you would get the guy." Thor began to ramble about embarrassing stories which caused Loki to make a portal underneath him that lead to thor's place here on earth.
Peter even came up to the both of you. Loki had wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close. Peter looked at you and smiled "I'm glad you two finally found each other. There is no hard feelings. At least not with me" The both of you nodded and he walked off.
This was the end of a chapter but not the end of a book. The both of you still have lots of stories to tell and things to live through. But you will do them together and that's the beauty of it.
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sweetchildcloud · 1 year ago
Welcome Tenshi(Angel)✧⁺⸜(●′▾‵●)⸝⁺✧
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/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗ Welcome to my humble writing/art blog, i will start by saying this: I'm Italian. My English isn't horrible but, it isn't the best either. I am bound to make mistakes and there will be misunderstandings but, I am learning! If you are bothered by anything I might say please do tell me right away! Most of the times that happens I do not mean it! So I'm sorry in advance if I say something bad! i'm a writer as an hobby so my work will not be the best but i will hope it will entertain you!( ๑‾̀◡‾́)✨ I'm an adult, if you're uncomfortable with that you're free to ignore me. I'm also sorry if I make anyone uncomfortable by asking their age. I don't want any misunderstanding to happen. So, if you're an adult we can chill whatever it's fine. If you're a minor I will most likely not talk to you unless you need help with mental problems. I'm happy to help with that.٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و "By "misunderstandings" I mean people thinking I have bad intentions when I ask "what's your age" to someone. Unfortunately because of my lack of knowledge in English, (since it isn't my first language) people in the past thought I was something I'm not. It made me disgusted and very hurt. I just want to relax and not worry about problems like that again. I'm just trying to make friends not start drama. Thank you. ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀) i go by Von mostly but i have many other nickames too such as Hoen,Momoko and Minty you can choose wichever you like. i have adhd,autism and neurodivergent. (。- .•) i'm emo (kinda still doesn't have the clothing but ehh i will) pansexual and gender fluid (ฅ́˘ฅ̀)
ʚ(´꒳`)ɞ .。✧・゚:* ~♡ (。>﹏<)
i mostly wrote about Gojo (what a surpise uh?)(ugh,shut up not now)(ok angel *winks*)(*rolls eyes*) *ahem* as i was saying i mostly write about Gojo but i'm starting to love Choso too and many other jjk characters. wanna check out my more dark themes? check out: @rabbidbunwy (this account is jjk runt,writing and really REALLY dark themes,so minors DNI) —ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ — Request: My jjk master list: My Hazbin Hotel master list: fic challenge list: Daddy!au masterlist: Cowboy bebop masterlist:
HSR[honkai star rail] masterlist
check them out!:
one piece blog
i'm into fluff,comfort,drama,NSFW,SFW,gore,blood,angst and vent so my writing isn't for everyone (lol). ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) i love making suffer anime characters in my writing,especially Gojo,just for fun or own entertainment.( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ i'm into furry,cute stuff such as Sanrio characters and similar taste,urban legend,japanese lore,cartoons,cryptids and videogames. so if you dont like any of that stop following me and/or harassing me in my dm,it's not cool and i will block you ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ) i'm dealing with depressin,anxiety and many problems in my life so if you see me not replying and/or writing a lot of angst/vent i'm just probably venting. ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀)
but as i said i hope you will have a wonderful time here (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
ଘ(´•×•)⊃━☆.•° ✿ °•.
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 years ago
Marauders Era Masterlist
All marauders related fics and stuff I make goes here! You can find my general masterlist here, and you can also find all of my fics and more on ao3 and wattpad :)
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Every Moon Needs Its Star wolfstar angst - remus has loved sirius his whole life and longer - 8.5k
one shots:
Alright trans reggie and gender fluid sirius cut regulus' hair together after he gets kicked out by their parents - jegulus at the end
Love Letters sirius and remus are cleaning out regulus’ old room when they find some love letters signed by 'his sun'
Little Love second year jegulus meet cute + wolfstar fluff + codependent ultra besties sirius and james :)
Pasta! drunk james and sirius decide to make pasta + side wolfstar + side jeggy
You And Me Forever sirius nervously comes out to james and james confesses he’s the same + romantic prongsfoot
Love? lily finds james distraught on their bucks and henz nights confused with his polly feelings for sirius as well as lily + jilypad fluff
It Ain’t Called A Glory Hole For Nothin* sirius and james both use the campus glory hole without realising that sirius is blowing james aka his best friend aka the guy he’s into - porn with a plot
Why Won’t You Kiss Me? remus helplessly pining over sirius like a lovesick fool when tucking him into bed drunk - super fluffy wolfstar
Double Vision sirius’ makeover ends up looking exactly like barty which causes james to not realise sirius is there when his glasses break and needs his boyfriend to fix them - sirius finds out about jegulus fluff and drama
Kleptomaniac Regulus feels that he’ll never be enough for anyone after James chooses Sirius over himself until he finds out he’s always been Barty’s main priority - angsty bartylus
Chatterbox Sirius only gets spontaneously kissed when his flings are trying to shut up his annoying rambling until James comes along and changes everything - prongsfoot first kiss fluff with minor angst
Between The Lines Remus loves to read and Sirius loves to watch Remus read, they trade books back and forth and Sirius finds Remus leaves little stars in the margins of all the romance books - wolfstar fluff - getting together
Defiance & Desire* sirius is determined to do as many things as possible that he knows would piss off his parents if they ever happened to find out, and thanks to James’ very intentional suggestion, one of those things is Moony - wolfstar pwp + getting together
Fight & Make Up Marlene and Mary get into a massive fight over her and Sirius’ relationship, turns out, Marlene’s a very jealous person - light MARYLENE angst with a happy ending! - lowkey they’re a little toxic but we love them anyway
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likeysoob · 1 year ago
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༊*·˚ valen (I also go by miki) : she/they 🪽
: 16 yo ‘ genderfluid bisexual
-> recent update | masterlist | carrd | guide
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note: desktop/ipad layout - goth/rave color palette - artms themed
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lazerdash · 1 year ago
who is this sexy being? why they are so freaking awesome?
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photos from Pinterest - collage made by lazerdash
✏ - Hello darlings, I am LazerDash, the owner of this blog. I do hope to be posting several things as for I am a very complex person.
My sleep schedule is fucking terrible so don't be expecting content to be rolling out...
✏ - I go by all pronouns. You can't offend me, I am made of gay steel... muahaha!
I am gender-fluid.
✏ - Topics I am interested in or might be posting about!
Thoughts and rambling (get use to my yappin' ya'll)
Writing (fanfictions, fandoms, etc)
Art (my own personal art unless rebloged)
Witchcraft - i am a practitioner
Shifting (has not shifted yet)
Dungeons & Dragons <3
Offical nerd and hufflepuff
Lover of these Fandoms -> spn, hp, dr who, gilmore girls, tvd, twilight, caos, twd, merlin, good omens, dc, sherlock, criminal minds, black butler, potc, maze runner, and etc...
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For more click here!
dni if you are homophobic, transphobic, anti-shifter, or whatever negative... Those vibes ain't allowed here, fuck off.
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thickbihhwitdagapp · 2 years ago
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hi! i’m worstloserever, cuz i’m so bad at it lol. i’m also @thickathanasnicka00 on wattpad. i haven’t been on there in a min but yea, i used to write there. i’m 19, gemini ganggg !! i go by she/her and i’m pan! anyway welcome to my Masterlist!!
Requests: open
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warning: be 18+
My Works:
One shots:
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queeruscant · 2 years ago
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These Star Wars characters are canonically genderfluid! Links to each character profile will be added as they are posted.
Sannab Ro
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i-probably-ship-it · 3 months ago
My list I was just making (tbh it's more ideas than concrete)
Anyway, feel free to tell me what you think!
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Headcanon's & One-shot ideas
Ncis: Gibbs laughing about y/n staring at Ziva's a$$
Disney: Ursula ranting about hating men
Star trek: Archer comfort (Anxiety??), Age difference! insecurities (Scotty)
Stargate: Polyamorous reader (Secret relationships??)
Not entirely anime: Alastor's reaction to reader making him aroace craft items
Games: Wriothesley dealing with the reader's particularly bratty mood
General headcanon's: Reactions to nb/queer/fluid reader wearing a "masc" presenting outfit that gives them gender euphoria
Wattpad: CaffeinatedTrekkie, X: Omni.Raves, Quotev: huh, I think I have to relogin
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ttroubledwaters · 4 months ago
when it comes to the term "sex," Sirius would be the type of person to do anything in his power to use a different term. "canoodle" "tango" "dancing with the devil" ANYTHING but the actual term for it.
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2kiran · 2 years ago
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characters simon “ghost” riley. john “soap” mactavish. john “bravo six” price. könig. alejandro vargas. keegan p. russ genre fluff cw lowercase typing. slight hurt/comfort. suggestive dialogues. mentions of homophobia. implied violence. swearing. google translated language.
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simon riley
• he's really really confused
• he knows about the Igbtq+ community as he’s seen people of the same gender on the base giving romantic affection to each other
• he just doesn’t know what it means
• after you explain it to him, he blinks a few times and goes like “oh”
• he doesn’t mean it in a bad way, he just doesn’t care about that very much
• he’s supportive and protective of you, if anyone badmouths you he’s already beating their ass
• if you’re already dating him, he immediately accepts you
• “that’s fine with me as long as you’re comfortable with who you are.” he would tell you as he holds your hand
• if you’re crying while telling him, he would try his best in comforting you by giving you an awkward pat on the back
• he’d research more about your gender and the community
• he’d ask you which name or pronouns you’re identifying with almost everyday just to make sure he doesn’t offend you
• “that's my boy/girl/lover”, “atta boy/girl/love”, and “good boy/girl/love”
• he tries to refer to you neutrally, just in case
• “mmhf, you’re s’good to me.”
• “k-keep goin’, love.”
john mactavish
• he has probably heard about it at least once
• he’s curious, so he might’ve stumbled across some information about it
• “that’s nice.” he smiles at you
• he’s really supportive of you
• if you’re already dating him, he’ll tell you “you’re my lover and nothing’s gonna change that.” and pulls you closer to him
• if you’re crying while telling him, he tries to crack a joke to make you feel better and tells you that it’s completely okay with him
• “yer s’ cute!” he'll exclaim while squishing your cheeks once you’ve calmed down
• he’ll remember which name or pronouns you identified with last week and attempts to find a pattern like it’s some kind of mystery and he's trying to solve it
• “i can’t believe i’m your boyfriend!” you caught him speaking to himself, well, more like a picture of you on his phone
• definitely giggles when seeing a photo of you, in an appreciative way
• begins to be curious about his own identity
• “wait... so what’s my sexuality? pansexual? or–”
• has his own identity crisis
• he’d spend his time locked in his room trying to figure it out
• after thinking about his identity for so long, he starts to say the stupidest shit
• “wait... what if... i’m not soap? am i even john mactavish?! what is happening?!”
• he nearly gets a panic attack because of that
• he also says corny pick up lines
• “hey, are yer a cupcake? 'cause yer so sweet.” with a wink
• “can’t believe i didn’t make ya do this t’me sooner, hah.”
• “ya taste s'good, mmph.”
john price
• he’d also be confused at first
• “i’m proud of you.” he’d say while having a loving smile painted on his lips
• very supportive
• he’d attempt to help you be more comfortable with your gender
• immediately researches once he gets to his office
• frequently compliments you
• if you’re already dating him, he just accepts you with kisses pressed onto your face
• if you’re crying while telling him, he’ll immediately pull you into a hug and telling you that there’s nothing wrong with that and that it’s okay
• when you’re feeling masculine, he’d go “just me or you’re a lot handsome today?”
• when you’re feeling feminine, he’d go “i got you this. it's pretty, just like you.”
• when you’re feeling more neutral, he’d go “you look very amazing, as always.”
• protective of you, he’s already tasing the people who badmouthed you
• he shows you off, especially to laswell
• “that’s my lover right there.” he boasts proudly. laswell responds with, “i get it, price. go do your own work.”
• “fuck, love. right there.”
• ”ah, you're g-gonna be the– mm... death of me.”
• “huh?”
• poor könig is afraid that he’ll misgender you
• spends his entire night researching about it
• he’ll frequently ask you what you’re identifying with
• he’s trying his best
• you have the extremely tall scary dog privilege whenever you’re with him
• cusses people out in german when they shit talk you
• people are scared of him, so they’ll whisper to each other about you but könig still manages to hear them
• guess who’s got a bloody nose? neither you nor könig!
• bingo! it’s the shit talkers. they'll hide in the infirmary away from you and könig
• if you’re already dating him, he nods along and tells you “that’s nice, mein schatz. what are you.. uh, identifying with currently?” ( my darling )
• if you’re crying while telling him, he immediately tries to comfort you but he doesn’t know what to exactly do to help
• “w-what? it’s okay! that’s great!?” he waves his hands around in panic
• he’s baffled on what to say and do but he’s got the spirit
• he calls you pet names in german
• könig is a proud boyfriend
• he isn’t very poetic, but he tries his best to write poems for you
• he just wants to be romantic for you
• “you look very handsome... like you always are, i-i mean.”
• “beautiful... i mean! uh... you! yeah, i- you're very beautiful.”
• “woah- sorry, sorry! you're just very eye catching.”
• “ah, mein gott. s-slow down, bitte.” (my god) (please)
• “b..bitte! hör nicht auf.”(p..please! don’t stop.)
alejandro vargas
listens intently
definitely a sweetheart
he knows about it because some of the people at his base are also apart of the community
“thank you for telling me, mi corazón.” ( my heart )
he’s really proud of you for coming out
buys you your favorite food
if you’re already dating him, you most likely would’ve came out to him during a date with him or just a stroll near the base
if you’re crying while telling him, he immediately wraps his arm around your shoulders and shushes you, both of you end up just sitting down
he wipes your tears away with the back of his hand
you sobbed more because he was so sweet to you
hands you his handkerchief to wipe away your snot and tears
“you’re just as amazing as ever, mi amor. don’t let anybody say otherwise.” ( my love )
ensures that you’re comfortable
death glares anyone who seems to want to talk badly about you
feel free to use his rank as a way to scare people off because he uses it against them too
“if anyone talks bad about you, you tell them that you’ll tell colonel vargas about it and that he won’t be tolerative about the situation.”
he gets really curious about it sometimes so expect to be bombarded with questions every now and then
“tell me i’m doing good, please, mi vida?” ( my life )
“d-demasiado, cariño. ay dios mío. hng– se siente tan bien. mierda.” ( t-too much, sweetheart. oh my god. hng– feels so good. fuck. )
keegan p. russ
literally does not care
he’d say “good for you?” in a questioning tone because in his head you’re acting like he asked you
you most likely came out to him while he was cleaning his gun
“keegan, i’m genderfluid.” he glances at you, “ok.” then he focuses on whatever he was doing again, “that’s it?” you were confused, “i got something to do, kid.”
it wasn’t obvious at first that he supported you
you just thought that he was neutral about it
until a rookie on base looked at you in disgust when you corrected them about your gender and you’ve never seen keegan more pissed off
multiple people along with their comrades pried keegan off of the rookie who had offended you
“you look at ‘em like that again and i’ll fuckin’ blow your head off.”
you stood there frozen, brain only functioning again when he said that
you didn’t expect keegan to be protective of you like that
if you’re already dating him, he’ll genuinely listen to you while you explain what it means
if you’re crying while telling him, he’ll unintentionally gawk at you while trying to comprehend what you’re saying before he puts his hand on your back
he doesn’t mean to be rude, he just doesn’t know what he’s supposed to say
suddenly recalls that you came out to him one night then he started doing research
he would definitely surprise you with “hey, what’re your pronouns?” leaving you puzzled
bombards you with questions randomly
“sweetheart, please move.”
“please just touch me already.”
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universallynightduck · 2 years ago
Genderfluid-insomniac Masterlist
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ozzgin · 1 year ago
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Here's a complete list of all my original works to date.
Short: Double personality boyfriend (GN Reader) (Parody)
Short: Coming out as genderfluid
Short: Yandere with a blind Reader
Short: Sleepyhead Reader
Short: A yandere like Courage the Cowardly Dog
Short: Overconfident Yandere
Short: Dumbass!Reader
Short: Severance-inspired Yandere
Yandere!Tumblr Writer x Literal!GN!Reader (Parody)
Yandere!Male x Willing!GN!Reader (Parody)
Yandere!Gamer Boyfriend Scenarios (GN Reader) (Parody)
Yandere!Bad Guy x GN!Reader [Tig]
Cute!Twisted! Yandere x Fem!Reader
Yandere!Lawyer x Embroiderer!Fem!Reader
Yandere!Patient x Psychiatrist!Fem!Reader
Nerd!Loser!Yandere x Bully!Fem!Reader
Yandere!Host x GN!Reader
Yandere!Artist x GN!Reader
Yandere!Caretaker x GN!Reader
Yandere!Nun x Fem!Reader
Yandere!Hacker x GN!Reader
Yandere!Delinquent Siblings x GN!Reader
Yandere!Serial Killer x Fem!Reader
Yandere!Serial Killer Scenarios (+Character Design)
Yandere!Politician x Bratty!Fem!Reader
Yandere!Politician: Breaking up with him
Yandere!CEO x Fem!Reader
Yandere!CEO's wife [Doodle]
Yandere!ASMRtist x GN!Reader
Yandere!ASMRtist x GN!Reader 2
Yandere!Crime Boss x GN!Reader
Yandere!Crime Boss x GN!Reader 2
Yandere!Magical Boy x GN!Reader
Yandere!Senpai x GN!Reader
Magical Boy x Senpai Duo [Doodle]
Yandere!Con Artist x GN!Reader
Yandere!Con Artist in Mob Psycho 100 [Doodle]
Yandere!Mushroom Boy x GN!Reader
Yandere!Mushroom Boy: Chomping [Doodle]
Yandere!Cowboy x GN!Reader
Yan!Cowboy as a Cat!Hybrid [Doodle]
Yandere!Professor Preview [Doodle]
Yandere!Professor Nudes [Doodle]
Yandere!Characters [Series]
Masterlist here
Yan!Burger [Meme]
Yan!Gamer Boyfriend [Meme]
Types of Fairy!Readers [Doodle]
Fairy!Reader [Doodle]
Yandere!OCs as sharks
Cuddly OCs
Which OCs would let you bite them
OCs with menstruating Reader
Yandere!OCs with Y/N Plush
Platonic Yandere!OCs
Chat with them: Character.AI list for OCs
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lxkeee · 1 year ago
₊˚ෆ 𝗡𝗔𝗩𝗜𝗚𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 (author info & masterlist)
name: luke | age: 22 | pronouns: he/they | gender: genderfluid | sexuality: aroace (demisexual??? still questioning) | nationality: filipino | zodiac: taurus | mbti: intj-t
third year college student | education major | sleep deprived 24/7 | a bundle of depression & anxiety | has multiple tumblr accounts @lxkeeeeee [sideblog for repost] & @lxkeeeee [main account] @hoshxnaa [KAIJU NO. 8 side blog] | made this account to dedicate to lucifer from hazbin hotel | plays genshin impact and honkai star rail | would be writing for she/he readers but mostly fem aligned reader | cat luvr, has 7 cats actually | shit humor — inconsistent —has rizz(training order jk) — my english doesn't english sometimes | indecisive | lazy | self indulgent writer
animated lines used are made by cafekitsune
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐑 must be at least 15 years old to join!
— one | two | three | four | five
— one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | finale
• Lucifer comforting fallen angel! reader
• Lucifer eating reader out [nsfw]
• My GAYDAR is never wrong!
• The Devil has his own charms [Lucifer charming Adam's third wife headcanons]
• Obsession [Lucifer being obsessed with you headcanons]
• Lucifer taking care of his sick s/o
• What's it's like when the princess of hell walks in on her dad doing the devil's tango with his new lover?
• Lucifer with thigh worshipping both fem and male headcanons
• To-do List [Father Lucifer x Daughter! Reader] [Platonic] | MALE/SON VERSION
• Lucifer x overlord! fem! reader (part one | two)
• Chained by desires [oneshot | smut]
• Fly me to the moon [Lucifer x archangel raphael! fem! reader] [misc.]
—part one | part two | part three | four | five | six |
• I'm in the wind, you're in the water [Lucifer Morningstar x Mermaid! Reader]
—Part One | Part Two
• Two sides of the same coin [ex-husband! Lucifer Morningstar x ex-wife! Angel! Reader]
—one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen
—Alternate Universe: one | two | three
• IT'S BEEN SO LONG [Lucifer x Adopted angel daughter! Reader] [platonic]
— one | two | three | four
• Heaven and Back! [Alastor's mom! Angel! Reader x Lucifer]
—one | two | three | four
• Keeping up with The Seven Heavenly Virtues [A Two Sides of the Same Coin socmed side story]
—one | two | three | four | five
• CICATRIZE [FULL SERIES] | coming soon
• Can we become we? | coming soon
• Unconditionally [Lucifer x male! sinner! reader] | coming soon
• Enchanted to meet you [angst]
• ME AND THE DEVIL [Lucifer Morningstar x Azazel! Male! Reader]
• Pasilyo/Panalangin oneshot
• Lucifer x cupid! Reader
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